Saturday, May 4, 2013

Iron Man to the Black Community: "Dads leave. No need to be such a pussy about it."

 "Iron Man 3" has one of the great lines in movie history. Robert Downey Jr.'s character Tony Stark/Iron Man is engaging in a conversation with a kid who laments that his father walked out on his family six years earlier. 
Iron Man 3: The script has one of the more illiberal lines of modern film in it

To which, Stark deadpans:
  "Dads leave. No need to be such a pussy about it."
I've always felt that those who place the blame for collective black dysfunction on the lack of fathers in individual black households to be a huge cop out. 

The next time you read about black crime, black incarceration rates, black high school dropout rates, or income disparities between the races, and someone tries to place the blame on 'the lack of fathers in the black community', well, just remember what your old friend Tony Stark said -- "Dads leave. No need to be such a pussy about it."

Or, to paraphrase Tony: "Racial differences exist. No need to be such a pussy about it."


Anonymous said...

"just remember what your old friend Tony Stark said -- "Dads leave. No need to be such a pussy about it.""

Kersey, you completely missed the point.

This is just another example of Hollywood telling traditional white families to fuck off, and stop judging blacks for being irresponsible and immoral.

For fuck's sake, if you fathered a child and then abandoned it, do you honestly believe that child would not be harmed by your absence in its life??????????????

Anonymous said...

I'll have to a degree. Black kids with a strict father to answer to are much less likely to join gangs, drop out of school and cause mischief.

I doubt it's a co-incidence that urban America started going to hell at the same time the black illegitimacy rate started going through the roof.

PDK / Kelto-Scandic secessionist said...

“If you build it, they will come”, a would be cryptic message from the old Kevin Costner film “A Field of dreams”, about the building of a baseball field in the middle of a corn field. After building the baseball field, they came.

When the Mormons sent out their message of building their own nation in the American West, circa 1840s, the nation of Deseret, a Biblical name, those of the spirit, from far and wide the world over, came; answering the call for all those of the spirit.

Should American, non-liberal whites find both their courage and moxie to forge a new, white nationalist, free enterprise Republic with limited enfranchisement, and limited federal power, the type of absolute power that corrupts absolutely, and the message is sent out far and wide, all those whites of the spirit will come.

Whites can be divided into 2 groups, the mature and the immature. It is for those who accept their personal responsibility of nature’s charge to mature, the non-liberals, that this new nation-state would be built. It would not be built for the immature whites, liberals, and their personal possessions of the immature character traits such as cowardice, selfishness, sloth, envy and others of the “Seven deadly sins” kind. In the very least, immigration should be discouraged by particular laws in a new Constitution that specifically disallows them access to power, democracy, a fully enfranchised democracy, their most necessary means to their end of ruination for all whites and the white gene pool via imposing the liberal ideology of the white man’s burden as the means to their cherished dream of a new world, one world order of globalism, socialism and democracy.

Liberals, foolishly believe this new world order will materialize their long hoped for Utopia, in reality however, it will materialize a Dystopia and further will, along the path to their false Utopia, meld our precious white gene pool to gene pools of inferior, lower IQed, more animalistic gene pools, such as the Negro sub-species gene pool.

Contrary to both liberal and Amerindian revisionist history, white Europeans, the Solutreans, were the first humans to both set foot on and conquer this new continent, and further our white relatives were here many 1,000s of years before the Mongol Amerindians of today. Today’s Amerindian ancestors came after the old world invention of the bow and arrow, arming their ancestors with the new Mesolithic technology our white relatives were not armed with as they emigrated from the Paleolithic old world, and the invention of the bow and arrow is the hallmark feature of the birth of the Mesolithic time period, circa 15,000 to 10,000 years ago.

The archeological record has found no evidence of Mongol Amerindians further back than 9,000 years ago while the archeological record for Solutreans is at least as far back as 16,900 years ago. Radio carbon dating is one of the means for dating.

Therefore, by the white liberals and Amerindians own position of the land belonging to those who arrived first, this land belongs to whites of European decent. Further, should a new nation state, conceived in white, free enterprise nationalism, and further Canadian whites being near identical to American whites, and also being relatives of the Solutreans, the new nation should be carved out of both countries.

As far as those of other gene pools are concerned, being denied enfranchisement, denied access to white tax dollars, imposed harsh penalties for transgressions of the law, miscegenation laws and other Constitutional realities, they might be more inclined to emigrate of their own free will. They can lump it or leave it, their choice, but they will understand this is our white land, our white culture, our white gene pool and we intend to protect and defend what is ours for evermore.

For our white posterity, this is our challenge to accept and triumph. Godspeed we, in this, our endeavor. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

This is not one of your better efforts, PK.

How instead of dismissing this fact, why don't you ask why so many black males abandon their children?

PioneerPreppy said...

I find it rather funny that the Liberal/Feminist pull the "absent father" card out on Blacks so often. A traditional Father/Mother and children household setup is more a Christian and European cultural norm than any other and therefore something they should attack from all angles, except when it comes to Blacks. For some reason it is not an important factor with Whites but is with Blacks.

Generally speaking the head of Black African families are the women and the men come and go. The children stay with the mothers exclusively until they reach a certain age. Often times the men really have no idea who the father of the various children really are within the group. At the proper age they become men and live apart from the women.

Historically the further South you go from Europe the less geared towards monogamy and fathers the cultures became. These days of course even the temperate societies live almost like historically tropical societies did a few 100 years ago at least in marriage and family life. Yet the DWL's try and use an almost exclusively European cultural norm to explain the dysfunction of an African race.

countenance said...

No father in my day to day childhood life. And I turned out functional.

PK is mostly right. "No father" is a cop out. We should look at no father and black dysfunction not as cause and effect, respectively, but as two effects of a common underlying cause, that is, the default African mode of life.

Humorous aside: A number of years black, a local black talk radio host here in St. Louis was telling black men to go back to their children and marry their kids' mother. One man called him and asked him: "Which of my babysmammas should I marry? And why should I be the daddy to all her kids that didn't come from me?" He made a good point: So many black men have children by different women, and so many black women have children by different men, that traditional monogamy is a lost cause now.

Anonymous said...

this is a really complicated issue to which you've only given a little bit of thought.

I agree that blacks make a lot of excuses for their problems. I also think that the fatherhood-black success paradigm has been misinterpreted: fathers abandoning their families don't automatically produce low-functioning blacks...high-functioning black men are more likely to stick with their family and raise other high-functioning blacks.

However, the contribution of fathers is important, and the inability of black men to contribute ANYTHING to black society is a major reason black culture is so effed up. Only one half of their culture is doing anything at all. I'm by no means saying black women are equivalent to white women in terms of intelligence or work ethic, of course, but it's obvious that black women try harder than black men, and have gotten further in America because of it. And, in Africa, black women are basically the source of everything produced in a community. they do the vast majority of the agriculture, fetch the water, work odd jobs, etc. In the meantime the men sit around, drink, hire prostitutes, etc.

As a white women observing all makes me deeply appreciate white men. 90% of them are reliable, honorable, hard-working, and caring, whereas for black men, 90% are the opposite.

Anonymous said...

r/k selection theory.

an r-selective environment favours faster breeding over good breeding, quantity over quality.

a k selective environment favours investing time in each offspring to maximize their potential. quality over quantity.

Africa, where it is summer all year round, and where the natural resources are plentiful, is an r-selective environment. Europe, with its winters and lighter resources, is a k-selective environment.

Negros' "fuck 'em and leave 'em" attitude evolved from the African environment, just as Caucasoid monogamy evolved from the European environment.

America used to be a k-selective environment, but now that it is a welfare/nanny state it favours the negro style of procreation: a matriarchy where the father's only role in the family is to serve as sperm donor.

"Fathers leave" is the new normal and America is the new Africa.

City resident said...

It's not just that they leave that's bad. It's also who the kids are left with when they do leave, and that's black women. The mothers are a bad influence.

Anonymous said...

How instead of dismissing this fact, why don't you ask why so many black males abandon their children?

This was not so pre 1970.

So it is IQ [low] plus
welfare [empowers females who get AFDC]
prison / crack
decline in USA overall, w blacks leading the downhill race.

others care to comment?

Anonymous said...

'I doubt it's a co-incidence that urban America started going to hell at the same time the black illegitimacy rate started going through the roof.'

Actaully it was the black population...
1960...10? million
50 years later...43 million in USA

and we keep importing africans and haitians.

Anonymous said...

"Yet the DWL's try and use an almost exclusively European cultural norm to explain the dysfunction of an African race."

I completely disagree, DWLs are the first to defend black immorality. It is conservatives who point to fatherlessness as a significant source of black dysfunction.

DWLs love to attack anyone who dares criticize illegitimacy, often even calling such criticism "racist".

Anonymous said...

"No father in my day to day childhood life. And I turned out functional."

Anecdotal and irrelevant.

Scientific/empirical data overwhelmingly links fatherlessness to psychological and emotional trauma in children.

Anonymous said...

"I agree that blacks make a lot of excuses for their problems."

Yes, but this is NOT an example.

Blacks love to defend their own atrocious behavior, they will tell you that there's nothing wrong with out-of-wedlock birth, and DWLs will rush to defend them.

Anonymous said...

"America used to be a k-selective environment, but now that it is a welfare/nanny state it favours the negro style of procreation: a matriarchy where the father's only role in the family is to serve as sperm donor.

"Fathers leave" is the new normal and America is the new Africa."


Anonymous said...

"How instead of dismissing this fact, why don't you ask why so many black males abandon their children?"

THIS is the question that needs to be asked.
(Although asking will almost certainly bring accusations of "racism".)

For some reason (presumably genetics), black males do not have the same instinctive devotion to their offspring that white and Asian males exhibit.

Anonymous said...

The image posted at the beginning of the post is gone.

Anonymous said...

I agree that blacks make a lot of excuses for their problems. I also think that the fatherhood-black success paradigm has been misinterpreted: fathers abandoning their families don't automatically produce low-functioning blacks...high-functioning black men are more likely to stick with their family and raise other high-functioning blacks.

This assertion is probably true-or true enough for purposes of discussion-as far as it goes.

But the real problem is that it doesn't go far enough.

A black that can be fairly evaluated as "high functioning" in a society that's based on Northern European norms and standards is damned near equivalent to a unicorn.

Yes,there are a few. But these few are such outliers that they should certainly not be used as examples when it comes time for legislatures to go divvying up tax money and deciding on what adjustments need to be made to the legal and law enforcement systems that are already in place. That practice,and the lip service paid to that practice,has been an unmitigated disaster.

What I see as the basic problem is that Blacks and Caucasians are-plainly and simply-incapable of peaceful coexistence in the same geographical space. The two populations are just too different to get along with each other without one or both being forced to do so at gunpoint.

The Jim Crow era was,as near as I can tell,a reasonably successful attempt to force respectable behavior ( "respectable" by Caucasian standards ) on a population that didn't want it,but pretty much had to comply.

The tables have been turned,and now it's us Blue Eyed Devils that are forced at gunpoint to comply with integration,and boy howdy,it sure is a lot of fun,isn't it?

No one really enjoys being forced to do things at gunpoint,and sooner or later,the dislike builds to the level where Things Begin To Happen. I believe that we're closer to that point than anyone really wants to think about,and it isn't going to be very pretty or very pleasant.

Anonymous said...

I'll have to a degree. Black kids with a strict father to answer to are much less likely to join gangs, drop out of school and cause mischief.

Treyvon Martin had a strict would be father who valued education and hard work because it got him where he is today and Treyvon turned out to be a chemist who refined purple drank.

Anonymous said...

I have always observed that black woman are tradionally the bread winners in black culture, a role reversal from traditional white culture.

Anonymous said...

My father left, my mom drank, we lived off and on w grandma, moved alot, etc. Was it my white priviledge that saved me as an adult? No, someone in my life supported education as a way to change my lot in life. Wow and it worked

Anonymous said...

My father died when I was a kid. My mom lost her mind.

I decided not to be a pussy.

You have two shots at fatherhood... the one with your father and the one with your sons and daughters..

Dont be a pussy


Anonymous said...

Do blacks really use that excuse? I think it's used mostly by liberals to excuse black crime.

Mr. Clean said...

Anonymous 5:06 PM said: I'll have to a degree. Black kids with a strict father to answer to are much less likely to join gangs, drop out of school and cause mischief.

This is also evident to a lesser degree with the Hispanics, and I have no doubt that it also affects some white populations as well.

I disagree with SBPDL here as well. Children/chirruns need proper gender role models. Not having these available is a real problem, and if it is not addressed, has lifelong consequences for the individual and society. But this mode of negro dysfunction is a negro problem. Let THEM deal with it, on their own. Preferably, somewhere far away from me.

The fatherless boy here or there in a healthy community can be "absorbed", if you will, by the presence of other older male family members, neighbors, teachers, clergy, coaches, etc.. The blacks are doomed by the lack of these resources in their communities, and the sheer number of bastards in their species.

Anonymous 5:06 PM said: I doubt it's a co-incidence that urban America started going to hell at the same time the black illegitimacy rate started going through the roof.

I agree, and it isn't a coincidence that this all occurred with the onslaught of government "help".

Whiskey said...

Even in the Ghetto, there are guys around who will stick around. Black women just don't want them. They'd rather have a guy who is sexy: dominant, aggressive, lower IQ, more impulsive, violent. That last is the key.

The key to the violent, dysfunctional nature of the Black ghetto is the desire of Black women to have violent, sexy men over stable providers. Male sexiness is incompatible with wealth creation and stability.

Its not just Blacks, the White working class illegitimacy rate is now 40%, among the White middle class, Charles Murray reckons it is 20%. Only among the White Upper class is it the 1950s: 4% or so. With barely concealed affairs and the like, but marriage remains stable for wealth preservation and creation.

The evidence is pretty strong. White upper class women will almost universally put up with unsexy husbands so that Summer is a verb not a season. Implying houses in the Hamptons. For other classes and races, women will do that to lesser degrees. Black women least of all.

Anonymous said...

"Which of my babysmammas should I marry? And why should I be the daddy to all her kids that didn't come from me?" That's so awesomely fucked up. Seriously.

There's no good answer to that question. They would need a new religion to answer that question. Then the answer could be "the first, because if you don't, the tribe will shun you, and your other children will be sacrificed to the sky spirits." But you can't get there from here.

make it rain TRUTH said...

Not having a father figure in the life of a child causes devastating effects. While plenty of people do manage to survive it and go on to productive lives; that does not mean it is recommended. There are people that survive gun shot wounds to the head; but that does not mean it is recommended.

Young boys in particular need the firmer hand of a father in their lives. Women tend to be dominant nurturers, and men tend to be dominant disciplinarians. But the lack of a father figure also wreaks havoc on the young girls. They never learn what a solid, adult relationship between a healthy male and healthy female looks like. Couple that with never feeling first hand a healthy loving relationship with a male (their father), they are incapable of recognizing/demanding it in their relationships with the opposite sex.

There is a great book "Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters" by Meg Meeker chronicling this circumstance. As well as myriad writings about the damage fatherless child-raising causes not just on the individuals directly involved, but the rest of society as the fatherless progeny visit their dysfunctional fallout upon them as crime and low morals.

Californian said...

I doubt it's a co-incidence that urban America started going to hell at the same time the black illegitimacy rate started going through the roof.

Again, something which bears more analysis. Let's note that all this parallels two major DWL projects: the welfare state and the sexual revolution. And again, DWLs do not recognize their own responsibility in creating the general havoc.

Now, since the genie has been let out of the metaphorical bottle, can the situation ever be restored? If you have situations with multiple females having children with multiple males, can marriage ever be restored? Are things going to continue the downward spiral until everything collapses or some new conqueror comes in and restores order at bayonet point?

Well, cheer up, if the administration can push through gun control, all the teenage gangbangers will turn in their weapons and start singing "I'd like to buy the world a Coke!"


Discarded Host said...

Dads don't leave. My dad never did. Niggers, of all colors, leave.

My sister dumped her useless husband, so her boy grew up without a dad. But he had an involved grandfather and two uncles, one living across the street. How many fatherless Blacks have got a decent surrogate father, let alone three?
Black kids desperately need attentive fathers if they are to ever function in a civilized society. OTOH, Black bastards do just fine in an African society.

Leah said...

"I'll have to a degree. Black kids with a strict father to answer to are much less likely to join gangs, drop out of school and cause mischief."

Could it be because the son of a responsible father inherits his father's good traites genetically?

My grandfather was from a nice intact family, not the type of a man who'd ever leave his wife and kid. He was a physics professor grading papers at home when two low lifes broke into his appartment and stabbed him to death. My father was 2 at the time, so he never experienced having a father. My grandma never remarried, so there was no male role model in the house to show dad how to be a man. And you know what? He had no trouble doing well in school, becoming an engineer, getting married and being an awesome father to 3 kids of his own.

Now, don't get me wrong. Having grown up with a great dad, I think that fathers are very important. I think my dad missed out on alot. But the animals don't act like animals because their fathers abandoned them. It's more likely because those absent fathers are animals themselves and their kids take after them.

Anonymous said...

Tony Stark be rayciss and wants to return to da ebil slabery!

Anonymous said...

My dad left when I was in second grade because he preferred South East Asia to the rainbow collective Amerika. He felt more at home there. I don't hate him for that as he did come around a few times to visit the glorious rainbow utopia and we went on road trips and out to sports games. Stark is right build a bridge and get over it.

Jim said...

Ever try to buy a Fathers Day card in the hood? Good luck.

Ileyne said...

aka Ileyne:

Had a black patient who puffed up his chest, and in stereotypical TNB mode, boasted about having fathered 11 niglets from 11 different women. Of course, not one was supported financially because he couldn't stay out of prison long enough to have a job.
I asked "why and how did you do such a thing as that?"
He inflated his prison iron pumped chest even more, answered in proud, World Hip Hop ebonic lingo:
"I gots me some strong sperm."
That's how it is in black culture; I've observed it over and over.
Several hundred years exposed to a civilized society that has handed them everything, but you would swear they just emerged from the the jungles of West Africa.
Thanks, PK, and fellow SBPDLers, for being here. I can't imagine not having this blog to read every day of my life.

S_McCoy said...

There's a point here, my old man left and after 30 years I started getting over it but stangely enough I never considered that as justifiable reason to hurt another person.

Anonymous said...

First comment here. I have to agree with previous posters. Poor post Paul.

Of course the lack of a paternal figure is a factor in the ongoing deterioration of black communities.

There are legions of studies showing that the lack of a father-figure in a child's life increases - greatly increases many studies show - the likelihood of delinquency, future incarceration, high school dropout, etc. The lack of father is such a large factor that it exists across races, income groups, educational attainment of the parent.

Blacks, of course, have taken the lack of fathers to an extreme (the "sperm donor" model of fatherhood the commenter mentions above is an unfortunate truth in the black community). Without a doubt, this is a major contributing factor to the sorry state many black communities are in today.

Perhaps a follow-up post exploring the issue in more detail is warranted?


I think you missed this one too. the black women in the country prior to the great lie of civil rights days in the mid 60's had husbands more than not. then the mid 60's came and destroyed the black community cause mr. Leroy was no longer needed. sasawna didn't have to pick up after the welfare check. she didn't have to fight with mr. welfare check to go to work. help out with the children, dare I say YARD WORK and BLACK MALE in the same sentence? so now the federal gov't gave mr. Leroy more free-time to go out and hustle drugs and play pimping games with women of ill repute!(whores)so now shasawna tells mr. Leroy to get the fuck out and then the circle of black dysfunction starts times millions. yea ain't we so lucky to have had a democrat pres. Lyndon baines "fucked whites over" Johnson and the great society project. before I die people and I swear i'm gonna do it too-PISS ON LBJ's GRAVE and post it on you-tube!! check on you elderly white neighbors &GODSPEED/ SEGREGATION NOW!!!

Dissident said...

It's perhaps not the determining factor for success in life, but having an intact family is certainly a strong factor.

The traditional nuclear family is under assault like never before. The only good thing that will come from this is catastrophe and society will not continue in its current incarnation.

Black kids need role models the same as everyone else; yet they get fools and knaves like Jay Z and any number of (c)Rap "artists" and Socialist dictators like Hussein Obama.

I contend that if blacks would step it up and demonstrate responsibility, then black children would follow suit. I'm not holding my breath.

Whites are becoming just as bad unfortunately, though? How many white births are out of wedlock?

This society is doomed. Mainly because of a lack of morality and a subversion of our democratic process through coercion, corruption, graft, and outright treason. Once again, I think we're on the precipice of major change.

Anonymous said...

"Treyvon Martin had a strict would be father who valued education and hard work because it got him where he is today and Treyvon turned out to be a chemist who refined purple drank."

I've seen no evidence that Martin's father possessed any particular character traits, but either way, he lived with his mother full-time, and only occasionally visited his father.

Anonymous said...

"It's not just that they leave that's bad. It's also who the kids are left with when they do leave, and that's black women. The mothers are a bad influence."

Black women raise children that disproportionately grow to be felons, rapists and murderers.

Black women are apparently the least capable of being good mothers.

Anonymous said...

Mel here,
Anonymous at 6:35 said: How instead of dismissing this fact, why don't you ask why so many black males abandon their children? This was not so pre 1970.
I disagree with that assertion. Black men have never been a stable influence in a family setting whether they are married or not. Their degree of cheating was/is a function of their DNA. It was noted in the 60’s by songs from Dianah Ross – Love Child – I started my life in an old cold run down tenement slum, my father left, he never even married mom….
The Temptations – Papa Was A Rolling Stone – where he laid his hat was his home and when he died, all he left us was alone. Hey Momma! Is it true what they say that PaPa never worked a day, in his life. And Momma, some bad talk goin’ round town sayin’ that Papa had three outside children. And another wife, and that ain’t right…… Folks say PaPa never was much on thinking, spent most of his time chasing women and drinking.
How about Elvis – In the Ghetto – cause if there’s one thing that she don’t need, it’s another hungry mouth to feed, in the ghetto. Look Ma no dad.
Black groups were singing about strong family values back in the 60’s and the songs did well because there was truth in the lyrics.

Dissident said...

My father's father was killed in Germany during WW2. He grew up dirt poor in the middle of Appalachia without the advantage of a dad, but he did have some good role models and he had the basic instinct of right and wrong.

He did not achieve "great things" in this life by the worlds standards, but he did raise two children and set an excellent example of what a man should be and he treated his wife with the utmost respect. He was diligent and honest.

I witnessed him on more than one occasion come to the aid of others in physical trouble. He was no coward and would stand up to people that were twice his physical size and they'd back down.

Dad lived his life on a creed and people knew it. He wasn't easily shaken and while not college educated, he was a renaissance man in every sense of the word.

Sorry, to ramble, but fathers are immensely important. The chaos crowd wants us to think that they're not, because they are statists and statists want the state to be your parent, ie. Hillary's, "it takes a village" nonsense.

They will promote the degradation of the family at every turn, as this fits into their plans of a radical paradigm change. The family is squarely in the sights of the NWO. Euphemistically, world Socialism.

Whether we want to believe this or not. We're all in this thing together.

Anonymous said...

It isn't as though these absentee negro fathers left stable monogamous relationships. This is a sexual lottery that is being played. That is indicative of the culture, mindset and mores at work even before the chirrun wuz born. Given these types of "fathers", it's unlikely that the outcome would have been significantly better had they stayed. One could easily make a convincing case that the chilrrun were better off WITHOUT baby daddy sticking around.

Hell_Is_Like_Newark said...

But the lack of a father figure also wreaks havoc on the young girls. They never learn what a solid, adult relationship between a healthy male and healthy female looks like. Couple that with never feeling first hand a healthy loving relationship with a male (their father), they are incapable of recognizing/demanding it in their relationships with the opposite sex.


In my 20's, I became very discouraged with the dating scene and in general with women in my age range. A type of relationship that my parents have (pushing 60 years of marriage) was alien to them. Their behavior (i.e. a high attraction for thugs and being completely devoid of any future orientation / planning, a certain nastiness when referencing men in general) was repellant to me.

I noticed a pattern for women like I described above: All came from divorced households and were raised by their moms.

I ended up marrying a woman from a very traditional (albeit foreign) family.

PDK said...

NC; I call LBJ the staggeringly stupid because he fought a war in Vietnam to prevent the spread of socialism there, while advancing his great society program that furthered the spread of socialism here in America.

For those old enough to remember, the Vietnam war dominated the news in the late 60s early 70s, and further gave cause to young, liberals, therefore immature dolts, like Bill Ayers and their underground subversive movements such as Bill's weather underground project.

RMNixon got stigmatized by liberal whites, not because of Watergate, but because he gave America a resolution to LBJs war with peace and honor just as he promised.

I just missed Vietnam, signing up for the draft in 7/72 on my 18th birthday. 4 months later Richard ended the draft, 2 more months later Richard ended the war, 2 more months later he brought home America's last combat troops, 8 years to the month LBJ landed the first American combat troops in Vietnam.

LBJ died 1 week before the war he started ended. Apparently he died an alcoholic.

Between LBJ and his fellow comrade Ted Kennedy, that's right, Mr. Chappaquiddick himself, the seeds for the ruination of America's Founding Fathers free enterprise Republic were sowed.

Now just 50 years since, those 2 anti-American liberal democrat, cowardly dolts, did their stuff, America now teeters on the precipice, and todays liberals and liberal democrats are about to push us over into the abyss.

Blacks and other low IQed third worlders rejoiced, our Founding Fathers weep in their grave and our white gene pool is in great peril.

Thanks Mr. staggeringly stupid, thanks Mr. Chappaquiddick, thanks liberal democrats.

Mr. Clean said...

Jim said: Ever try to buy a Fathers Day card in the hood? Good luck.

That shouldn't be. They certainly wouldn't be sold out.

PDK said...

As far as black papys go, it is more what the IQ their sperm, and also of the mama's egg, engenders unto their offspring than parental tutelage that determines the future of their black offspring.

In America the mean for black IQ is 85, for black Africans the mean is 70, the difference was pilfered from the white gene pool.

Studies show, by the onset of adolescence, nurturing recedes and genetics proceeds as the dominating cause of personality development.

Even with white, normal, higher IQed parents of adopted black children, the black becomes less like his adopted parents and more like his genetic predisposition at onset of puberty.

For blacks born of the more r selective, aka, animalistic gene pool, their future behavior will reflect their nature more than their nurture.

Ultimately few blacks will be "civilized" by nurture, and most will be "tribal" by their nature.

This reality will be a rude awakening for the Chelsea Clinton's who have decided to do the liberal thing and adopt a black African baby. Thanks.

Pat Boyle said...

Homosexuality is not a very important issue. A lot of good people get upset about it - mostly on esthetic grounds - but gays in your neighborhood don't cause much trouble. For example when was the last time you read a headline about a gay drive-by shooting?

But gay marriage is troublesome because of its effect on real traditional marriage.

Marriage is an institution that stabilizes society. It makes inter-generational property transfer much easier and it ties the resources of the father to the dependent child. In the Rape of the Sabines the Romans wanted wives and citizens not just an hour of sex.

Blacks need marriage even more than whites. They suffer from the corrosive effect of the gay marriage movement. They are the victims. Anyone who wants to help blacks should encourage them to go back to religion and get married. They should be encouraged to lead old fashion virtuous lives. But that, I'm afraid isn't going to happen.

Fatherlessness in the black community is not an independent variable (a cause) so much as it is a dependent variable (an effect). Black people are the products of fewer generations of civilization. As others have commented they behave in the modern world in a manner more suited to a Paleolithic world. They need social institutions like marriage more, but in the absence of strong societal encouragements they marry less. Failure reinforces failure.

There is an end game looming. It isn't some street based race war fought with a smattering of small arms. It is nothing less than a governmental program to eliminate all black people. That seems impossible now. The government has its finger squarely on the black side of the justice balance beam today. But these things can change. The reason the Germans had so many Jews to kill was that they and the Poles had been a refuge for Jews. The French were the real anti-Semites. But the comparatively tolerant Germans reversed their position over night and voted the Nazis into power.

Paul writes daily of the crazy preferences given to blacks today by the government. I think it's safe to say that government's race ideology is whacko. It makes no scientific sense or any other kind of sense. That means it is subject to a fairly rapid reversal.

If governmental race policies were based on reason and experience then we should expect them to endure indefinitely. But exactly the opposite is true.

I live in an earthquake zone. So I prepare. Not much, because I'm cheap, but a little. For example I seem to buy a lot of flashlights so I can read when the lights go out. I have two tubs of water to drink when the water mains rupture. I have some guns for the ensuing civil unrest.

I'm ready - at least a little - for when the ground shifts out from under me. The readers of this blog should likewise prepare for when the ground shifts in the racial debate.

The fundamental black problem is that they are obsolete. The modern world doesn't need them, and being a democracy with a government that is responsive to the will of the people - there will arise a governmental program to eliminate the obsolete. That's hard to imagine now, but it's inevitable.


Jim said...

About 40 years ago I asked a black co-worker how many children he had. He responded "Five inside, three outside".

He had to explain to me what that meant.

That stuff was normal 4 decades ago.

homophobe said...


apparently u've not heard of Jerry Sandusky, John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer?

But gay marriage is troublesome because of its effect on real traditional marriage."

One problem I have with gay marriage and homosexuality is I just don't want to sacrifice my adult life on lesbian daughters or gay sons.

It also seems to me that at least lesbianism is somehow also the result of propaganda. It seems that if women have the idea that lesbianism is ok, they will experiment with it.

all over YT there are clips of young teen girls kissing other teen girls and experimenting with lesbianism.

I want to pull a black dad and just simply leave than watch my daughter grow up to be a feminazi lesbian activist.

black men are obviously not interested in sticking around for their kids. i'm not interested in sticking around and raising homosexual kids with gay activist values and concerns. and i believe the homosexual propaganda can entice girls into lesbianism.

Anonymous said...

Since we seem to be making alot of analogies between movies and the present state of our country here is one that comes to mind, "All of the major cities had become battlegrounds, rife with desease and decay. The citizens remained hunkered down in their homes, afraid to come out, virtual prisoners. I saw that they were ready for change and would allow me to do whatever it took for them to feel safe again, so I siezed on the moment." Nigel Hawthorne from "Demolition Man" 1993. Sound familiar? Although the movie was just another Stalone action bomb, it does make a profound statement of the society we live in today and what tommorow may bring.It is worth watching just for this reason.

Mich Mike

Anonymous said...

This is why the dems pushing the idea that the family doesnt raise the kids, society does it as a joint effort.

Mich Mike

Anonymous said...

Good God. We ARE doomed...

Gwinnett Gladiator

homophobe said...

btw PK, on this topic, have you noticed the deluge of gay news on yahoo? including black gays?

ie magic johnson's son is gay, jason collins and Brittney Griner all black all gay.

Why is Jason Collins coming out a bigger deal than Brittney Griner?

So one reason of no black dads is a lot of blacks are homosexual

Pat Boyle said...

Dear homophobe, trust me I know more about homosexuality than you do. Gacy and Dahmer were real enough and its may be that gay men have a greater incidence of murder than normals. But that's not the point. The much bigger issue is gay suicide. Gay men tend to kill themselves whereas black men kill others.

You can't get all alarmed and hysterical about everything. Serial killers are relatively rare. No one's in favor of serial killers but they are hardly a major problem.

You seem to make the fundamental mistake of many others including many gay activists that people acquire a homosexual from other homosexuals . Homosexuality is not contagious. If a kid sees a gay porno film he is likely to just be nauseated. Hollywood and TV are nowadays filled with gay advocacy but there is zero evidence that anyone is converted by any of this.

The best evidence about homosexuality has been known for about twenty years. Simon LeVay found differences in the INAH3 nucleus of the hypothalamus. These differences arise in the second trimester. Gays are born gay even if all not the signs are present until adolescence.

I think that the change is a result of the toxoplasma gondii parasite. But that's a discussion for elsewhere.

The main reason I don't pay much attention to gays and gay issues is because they are likely to be phasing out. If I'm right about T. gondii, there are tests and treatments. If I'm wrong and it's something else, it will still be cured and there will be no gays much longer.

I was writing about blacks who are a much bigger problem.

BTW homophobe is an odd term. Who is really afraid of gays? Islamophobia makes perfect sense because Muslims will actually kill you. But gays at worst hold political demonstrations.


Anonymous said...

Young men who don't have fathers in their lives have a tendency to be angry & destructive.

Dan said...


An adopted black in with a white set of adopted parents is not much better off than a feral black.

Civilization is a long term group evolutionary strategy. Blacks have only been in real civilizations since 1650s. The white have been euthanized and bred for it for 3,000 millennia.

Dan said...

An adoption study would settle this.

Black kids adopted to white families. Are they substantially more sociable or do they just go feral around 16 either way?

Dan said...

Father's used to die at 35 in the mines, factory, field.

Orphans were common enough. I don't think it lead to the disintegration of the nations though.

MuayTyson said...

Watch some Tommy Sotomayor videos on Youtube. He has some very good insight. I doubt he is completely on our side but he does breakdown some of the dysfunction in the black community.

bluffcreek1967 said...

I disagree. Fathers are necessary not only for the children, but for the stability of the entire family and its dynamics. I won't blame all black problems on the absence of fathers, but it's certainly one of the major factors of modern black dysfunction.

PDK said...

Dan 2:06; read PDK 8:23 I address that very point Thanks.

Anonymous said...

"Watch some Tommy Sotomayor videos on Youtube. He has some very good insight. I doubt he is completely on our side but he does breakdown some of the dysfunction in the black community."

I watch his vids all the time, he is possibly the most politically incorrect negro I've ever seen. He's definitely not completely on our side, but he calls out blacks constantly for their atrocious behavioral habits.

By the way, at one time he worked in radio for Herman Cain.

Anonymous said...

With all the promiscuity and bastardy in the hood, Ta'Niqua and her sista's are probably having babies with their own grandfathers, uncles, half brothers and cuzzes and just don't know it or care.
The genetic damage being done will have horrific consequences. If they keep it up, their "offspring" will be even more retarded and obsolete than the "parents" already are themselves.
It's kind of late in the day for them to worry about marriage and having fathers around. They'd have to have an influx of uncontaminated and uncorrupted DNA from an outside population. However, given their promiscuity, that would only be a stop gap measure and delay the inevitable descent into becoming colonies of feral retards. oh....wait. Nevermind.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. I've seen the same dysfunction in white families where Dad high-tailed it out of there and White Trash Mama was no damn good at setting limits on her teenage boys.

Methinks Kersey abandoned his own kids in favor of Hot Wife #2 or glorious solitude, and does not want to be reminded of what he has in common with 70% of Black families.

Anonymous said...

They don't "abandon their children," per se.

They abandon their children's mothers.

They don't see fathers as necessary to child-rearing, since typically they don't do the things that fathers should, namely financially providing for their offspring and installing discipline in them. And unfortunately, they are correct in that regard.

Anonymous said...

You forgot the /sarc tag.

Trayvon had a sperm donor who had a roof put over his head by his latest squeeze, decided to go out partying rather than supervise his truant son, and couldn't be bothered calling the morgue for his whereabouts until three days after the fact.


AnalogMan said...

Pat said:

But gay marriage is troublesome because of its effect on real traditional marriage.

And that was always the whole point. Homosexuals don't really want to marry; they just want to destroy marriage for the rest of us. It's just one prong of the Frankfurt School strategy to destroy Western (White) civilization by degrading its institutions and morals.

In New Zealand they have just legalized "gay" marriage. I don't think they meant "happy" marriage, which I wholeheartedly support. You would think the agitators who fought for this would be happy now, wouldn't you? You would be sadly mistaken. These people are relentless, and each victory is just a new position from which to pursue new "compromises".

So, they're already launching a new attack on marriage. Their government is now deregistering the charity Family First NZ on the grounds that its views ar "not in the public interest".

Pat, your prognostications are like music. I wish I could believe them. This weekend I was reading Race and Reason the 1961 book by Carleton Putnam, and he quotes an unnamed scientist as saying

“About 25 years ago it seemed to be proved beyond a doubt that man is a cultural animal, solely a creature of the environment, and that there is no inheritance of instinct, intelligence or any other capacity. Everything had to be learned and the man or race that had the best opportunity for learning made the best record. The tide is turning. Heredity is coming back, not primarily through anthropologists but through the zoologists. It is the zoologists, the animal behavior men, who are doing it, and the anthropologists are beginning to learn from them. It will take time, but the pendulum will swing.

That was in 1961. Fifty years later, we're pinning our hopes on the geneticists, and still waiting for that pendulum to swing. And our situation grows more desperate, because we're running out of time, may already be out of time.

But I have to believe that you're right. And if I can't believe it, I have to act as if I believe it, because the alternative is to give up. That, we must never do. So, roll on the revolution.

AnalogMan said...

PDK @ 6:09, I think the studies you refer to (I can only think of the Minnesota twin study off the top of my head) studied intelligence. Dan asked whether such children are more or less feral than their adopted siblings. I don't think any psychologist has yet had the nerve to go there.

Of course, we know the answer.

A friend of mine, a South African immigrant to the USA, told me of another South African couple he knew who also moved to the USA, and settled in Seattle. In packing for the move, they also picked up a Zulu infant. Memento of home, maybe. This Babuntu is now an adult, and despite his parents' righteousness and progressive parenting, I believe the lad is somewhat of a disappointment to his adoptive parents. Breaks one's heart. Still, stupidity must have consequences - as Angelina Jolie, Charlise Theron, Sandra Bullock, Madonna and Chelsea Clinton will all discover, to their despair and my great satisfaction.

Anonymous said...

Dad's don't leave

Assholes do.

A Dad NEVER leaves and he loves and protects his White children.

Baltimore Watcher said...

I have seen the fatherless women and its not pretty. They date thugs, are gang bang type promiscuous and do anything for the wrong male attention.

I dated one who I fell for, but turned out she had weird intimacy issues such as needing to be hit or choked during sex. Fortunately it ended before that request came about. I remember being horrified hearing it, and hearing how she was basically raped while on cocaine her first time. Fatherless negro culture spread to whites.

Baltimore Watcher

PDK said...

AM;thanks for the mention;

Liberalism is immaturity. Immaturity denies reality and substitutes a preferred illusion in said reality's stead.

One big illusion shared by liberals is that the only difference between a black and a white is the color of the skin. Liberals deny the reality that blacks and whites are different human sub-species and that further, we are the product of different gene pools, the white being more K selective, quality over quantity, the black being more r selective, quantity over quality.

As liberals started acting out their illusions, still in denial of reality, still pretending they think their illusion is real, problems begin to manifest.

Because the Chelsea Clintons of the white world prefer to do this liberal thing, their genes go into extinction, but the genes of the different sub-species of black people is propagated.

This may in part be their right, however their action has consequences for both our gene pool and our culture. We will tend toward extinction, and we will end up with more Detroits, and we cannot afford the Detroits we have already.

Glad to hear some white SAs made it here, the smell out and about in today's world of liberal ideological ambience is no whites allowed, but blacks, browns and Islamics are welcome. Thanks.

sondjata said...

Except of course all the research shows the correlation to be spot on. But you are entitled to your opinion.

Anonymous said...

Fatherhood doesn't necessarily make blacks better. Take the case of Nicholas Lindsey, who murdered St. Pete police officer David Crawford a few years ago. He had a father at home, yet there he was, 16 years old, breaking into buildings and carrying a loaded gun in the middle of the night.

(Put 'Nicholas Lindsey' into Google Images ... LOLZ)

FransSusan said...

Negroes are what they are and have been the way they are for centuries. Take a look at sub-Saharan African countries. Nothing is going to change them. Primarily it's an I. Q. issue, but because of political correctness,no one wants to face that fact. This sub-human species has been forced on us productive white citizens, and there's really not much we can do about it because the government wants their votes.

Brandon said...

Dads "leave"? More like they're pushed out by entitled women who would rather have a child support check than a husband.