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McDonald's has become a warzone |
Just like in the Jena 6 case, all Black people will rally around Danroy's family pouring more gasoline on a situation that is only one spark away from turning into a mighty conflagration.
But before we can move on and enjoy Easter weekend and finish Hollywood in Blackface, 365Black behavior popped up again at McDonald's. Just a few days removed from the aborted attempt to hire 50,000 new employees nationwide, McDonald's announced that inflation is about to hit their value meal, which helped drive up profits and the company's stock price a few years ago.
Will these rising prices cause more violence? Yes.
Newsone.com reports this story:
A video has appeared on Worldstarhipop.com of four teenagers beating up another teenager to the point that she eventually suffered an alleged seizure in a McDonald’s.
The video shows the manager and employees of the McDonald’s trying to stop the fight, but the group of girls continued pounding on the teenager.Not to be outdone, but another Black patron of McDonald's had a 365Black moment:
The girl began twitching on the floor a few minutes after the girls left the McDonald’s.
It seems that McDonald’s is becoming the new favorite place to find crazy videos of people going insane.If an intrepid graphic designer reading this wants to win a free copy of both SBPDL Year One and Hollywood in Blackface, create a quick logo using McDonald's 365Black branding material; though it might be hokey, we at Stuff Black People Don't Like think it's time to boycott McDonald's. Send it to SBPDL1@gmail.com
In this video, a woman accuses a McDonald’s employee of throwing something at her. She then does the same thing and takes a few pylons and throws them behind the counter. She also took the registers and threw them on the floor.
The manager of the McDonald’s was heard telling the customer to please calm down, but she refused to.
McDonald's is not only unhealthy for the body, providing no nutritional value, but it provides a venue for behavior that can only be labeled as 365Black. Go to Chick-fil-A instead.
Not to be outdone, the show Survivor on CBS provided a moment of clarity for all to see. More on this later, but thanks to a loyal reader who sent this story in, one can see that any criticism of a Black person will be construed as immediately racial in tone.
The full episode of the racial moment on Survivor is available courtesy of Hulu.com (season 22, episode 10). Watch it here. Also, a quick run down of the episode is here.
Funny, McDonald's continues to provide moments of clarity as well.
The collapse of Black Run America (should it be Black-Run America?) is coming. To borrow McDonald's marketing phraseology, "I'm loving it."
Overstating the case by claiming McDonald's has NO nutritional value make you little different from the nanny-state socialists who want to ban or unconstitutionally tax fast-food. We all know there are better ways to get nutrition without the concomitant junk to be found in most of McDonald's products.
I'm not a libertarian. I'd have no problem closing every McDonald's tomorrow.
Read my article on "The Founding Documents" and you'll realize I rarely quote the Constitution or other documents of that nature here.
Told ya: "crazy= ni**er"
"We all know there are better ways to get nutrition without the concomitant junk to be found in most of McDonald's products."
Who is we? Every McDonaldd's I see is packed.
You're a cuckolded nation:
"Households with children with the highest welfare use rates are those headed by immigrants from the Dominican Republic (82%), Mexico and Guatemala (75%), and Ecuador (70%) "
Poor Americans. You pay taxes and get nothing in return. You have to avoid huge swaths of the city. You can't use public schools.
Move home to Europe. We're waking up. Look at the support for anti-immigrant political organizations in Hungary, France (Le Pen will kick Sarkozy's ass), Finland, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Austria. The best selling book in Germany is (still) Germany Abolishes Itself.
Europe will survive just fine.
Fast food is for low-IQ minorities. Idiots. Don't eat that shit. Didn't your mothers tell you that you are what you eat?
Good rule of thumb: if you go into a restaurant and there are blacks there, leave. Go to a better restaurant (or, and I'm being bold here, cook for yourself?).
White people are the scourge of the erath.
War, genocide, slavery.
Read Lies My Teacher Told ME by James Loewen.
Where fucking Al Sharptoung on this one
This is why Jim Crow laws were enacted; not to irrationally discriminate against black people, but to protect decent White citizens from violence, theft and other crimes.
Granted, not all blacks are criminals nor all criminals black. But one would be hard pressed to find similar videos of Whites behaving in a similar manner.
I've said it before, I will say it again: when black women can no longer conduct themselves in a civil fashion, the black race is doomed.
Black women bear the blame for most of the ills: they produce these uncivil mongs, teach them nothing, and repeat the process over and over all the while garnering a 'prize' for their behavior in the form of government subsidies. All of the video is testament to the fabric of black society not being only torn, but shredded.
Law abiding citizens have to shoulder the brunt of this and 'tolerate' it due to 'racial sensitivty'. It is all fastly coming to a boiling point and people will get enough, it just hasn't happened yet. The tipping point is coming and it won't be pretty either.
We had better get a handle on this country and right it while we can still do so.
After the steady stream of videos showing black people terrorizing people on MARTA (Soulja Girl), International House of Pancakes, Denny's, McDonalds, etc...one has to wonder why Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, the NAACP, and President Obama constantly talk about "bridging the digital divide" (i.e. making more Internet access available, and at broadband speeds) for black people. Personally, I think the Internet is going to be the downfall of BRA because:
#1 The Internet was supposed to be the great equalizer; people of all races could open businesses or feel free to exchange ideas or goods without the prejudice of skin color being involved; yet, like in all other areas of commerce and education, black Americans failed to capitalize and continue to need government underwriting initiatives to get access to the Internet and broadband services.
#2 The Internet continues to marginalize the old, dinosaur media (i.e. CBS News, New York Times, etc...) that never would have reported on these outbursts to begin with unless there was some human interest/sob-story in place to balance out the actions of the black people that were featured in a negative light because of their own conduct.
YouTube and other social media outlets keep showcasing the real, true behavior of the imploding black culture that people such as Soledad O'Brien and Don Lemon are loathe to admit is occurring.
"White people are the scourge of the erath. War, genocide, slavery. Read Lies My Teacher Told ME by James Loewen."
White people are the least nasty people on earth (that can still be pretty nasty but a lot less than the rest).
White people (historically) became the most powerful people on earth.
victims = nastiness x power
White people: nastiness 4, power 10 (40)
Yellow people: nastiness 5, power 4 (20)
Brown people: nastiness 6, power 3 (18)
Black people: nastiness 7, power 2 (14)
Now we're losing power almost entirely because we let ourselves get made to feel guilty by people like Mr Loewen, which in itself disproves the scourge argument, because if it was true we'd be saying yay us for stomping all those ****ers instead of feeling guilty about it.
The more White people relinquish power the larger the number of total victims there will be.
Anon 9:53 am:
White people might be the scourge of the "Erath" (is that like the wrath of the internet?) but blacks are the scourge of wherever they reside. Subsaharan Africans would have loved to bring their brand of violence to the world, but unfortunately they were a millenium or so behind the Chinese in discovering gunpowder and were about 1500 years behind Norse culture in terms of seafaring.
Regarding that second video with the white girl being stomped out, it reminds me of the title of an old Bukowski poem: "If You Let Them Kill You, They Will."
For those curious about how the other half blogs, here are some comments from WSHH:
"Thats what happens when WHITE PEOPLE say racial slur in REAL LIFE!!!! LOL."
"white ppl are on ever dark persons***list now of days, i feel sorry if u white and open ur mouth about any dam thang to a hispanic, black, whateva that aint white.. u gettin ur ass beat.. blame it on your government, ppl are mad!"
"That's for what your boy Christopher Columbus did to Native Americans. Give Thanks to THAT, muh-f***A!!"
The last comment is particularly relevant because it ties into the anon's comment about "Lies My Teacher Told Me." Any negro who can buck the bell curve and manages to finish the DWL primer now has a justification to physically attack whites. Nevermind that even the biblical concept of revenge says that sins of the father should be visited unto the fourth generation. "Beat dat wite bitchez ass bekause of Christopher Columbus kilt dem indians, mang!"
"White people are the scourge of the erath."
So why do negroes risk their lives to LEAVE black countries, and MOVE TO white countries?
And why do YOU live in a white country?
I'm guessing 365White would be considered "racist."
"Anon 9:53 am:"
Also known as Dishonest Crusader, a typical low-IQ negro.
Every time he tries to debate he gets destroyed, so now he's been reduced to these dumb "hit & run" posts.
Why is Diarrhea back?
And why is she crediting negroes with PEACE, when in fact negroes are the most violent people on the planet?
SBPDL, you have said repeatedly that you will block comments unrelated to the topic, so why are you allowing Dishonest Crusader's "white people are nasty" comments?
Please block this idiot.
Why is this bitch Diahreah still allowed to post comments?
I guess it's true when they say idiots don't know when they aren't wanted.
Fuck off bitch.
"Your argument makes no sense. Saying white people are a scourge and have conducted war, genocide, and slavery is not disproved by someone like Loewen. Are you kidding me? White people conducted genocide, war, and slavery so they could change the way the world IS so it works for the benefits of white people."
In the meantime thousands of video showcasing black behavior have been posted online.
"That we have peace (or relative peace) in a country like the US is because of WHITE LIBERALS and the black, minority, and female radicals who DEMANDED it!"
Has the meaning of the word peace been changed recently? We only have "peace" as you put it because whites and blacks live so far apart. If it weren't for suburbs race relations in this country would be far worse.
"When we have no more peace, we can all blame the REPUBLICANS and the Tea Party!"
No, we can blame reality. This "peace" as you put it is maintained by a state of denial on behalf of whites, eventually whites are going to wake up...
My heart goes out to that poor girl - it's amazing how none of those African employees could manage to thwart three feral Negresses.
Those savages wanted to see her suffer.
That poor girl should sue the dog-shit out of McDonalds.
"White people are the scourge of the erath."
For every one tear White people have caused, we have dried one-thousand, one-thousand times over, with our modern medicine, technology, agriculture and the list can go on ad infinitum.
The world is infinitely better because of White people - it's regrettable our kindness, generosity and goodwill has been taken advantage of, in the extreme.
Anonymous wrote: "So why do negroes risk their lives to LEAVE black countries, and MOVE TO white countries?"
Or lie to authorities about where they really live so they can send their children to predominantly or all-white school districts, which I'm assuming is the case here:
Assuming this story's details are consistent with similar stories in the news lately, it continues to show a trend that only goes one way. You never hear of white parents (even trailer trash and rednecks) lying about where they live so they can get their kids into predominantly black school districts. And you never see or hear of black families lying about where they live so that they can get their kids into an all-black or predominantly black school district.
In the above referenced story, the woman was black...and homeless...and listed her residence as the public housing apartment of a friend. Now the mother has been arrested and is being prosecuted, and the friend has been kicked out of her public housing unit, and yet advocates for the mother and child are claiming "the system failed" them (even though the child is being given an education in Bridgeport, just not in Norwalk).
Clearly black Americans are on to something that they are loathe to admit publicly. They know white students and districts (and Asians and Jewish as well) value education more and have better self-discipline and learning cultures; we're not allowed to say that out loud because our P.C. media tells us not to, but black American's actions are speaking louder than our unspoken words.
"So... when you have blacks acting a fool at a McDonald's, it's McDonald's fault."
Um, no. This game of shifting blame from participants is very typical-the fault lies at the uncivilized blacks who do these types of things. McDonalds has been serving the same crap for years, and this rarely if ever happens with whites in a Mcdonalds.
If blacks are susceptible to anything, it's stupidity and their own aggressive nature, which has shit to do with Mcdonalds or any other fast food outlet.
Black culture is cannibalizing itself and those few hapless whites who are in the vicinity when it happens.
You should try to say less sensational things and start spouting some facts for a change, Desiree. But then denial aint' just a river in Egypt, now is it? ;)
Diseree, here are the facts regarding black crime . . .
Crime Rates
•Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
•When blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely than non-blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.
•Hispanics commit violent crimes at roughly three times the white rate, and Asians commit violent crimes at about one quarter the white rate.
•The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic.
Interracial Crime
•Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.
•Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty-five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black.
•Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a white than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.
•Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes against whites than vice versa.
These wild animals need to be hung in the town square for all wild blacks to see. I bet you crime rates go down.
White liberals can suck my fucking pasty dick.
"Diseree, here are the facts regarding black crime"
Keep in mind, this fact is almost always ignored when discussing crime by race:
Imagine, just for a moment, what the crime stats would be if they were equal in number to Whites.
PLEASE, no more Desiree. This is just fucking repulsive.
Hey Snape,
Go ahead and watch that McDonald's video and then immediately post afterward about how we're all equal. I DARE YOU.
Just in case no one's seen this...attack in a McDonald's in Britain...another savage murder, and no description of the assailants beyond "they had gold teeth." Hmm...
Comments on the story apparently not enabled.
"So... when you have blacks acting a fool at a McDonald's, it's McDonald's fault."
Dear Desiree,
Go fuck yourself.
Collective Humanity
"Greying Wanderer = senior citizen with dementia??"
Very agist, tsk.
"What is this? Something you created?"
Yes, i made it all my own self.
"Your argument makes no sense."
@White Guy, I think she was seizing, and if I'm right, it was a very long seizure. I don't know that she'd still be all here mentally after an attack like that. The 'men' are just as guilty as the females for not stopping it, and the one behind the camera should be treated as such, too.
That was a heartbreaking video, I was crying about four seconds into it. Does anyone know anything about it? Is that girl still alive?
WTF?! Those black employees made a half-hearted attempt to stop them, and then the wild sheboons just started stomping her again! This is f*cking disgusting, enough is enough. It's one thing when blacks brawl w/ each other (I find it pure entertainment actually), but 3 against 1 is just outrageous.
They deserve to be put in a jail cell, given 3 baseball bats, one piece of fried chicken, and one giant dildo, and then let the fun begin.
Left Coast Dude
This story made the lead on Drudge. I see progress everybody, and by that I mean the internet is showing everything that they won't show on main stream media. Just as Percy said above, the old media are dinosaurs.
I guarantee that a steady deluge of black criminality via videos and other real media, ironically submitted by blacks themselves, will eventually result in the disuse of racial euphemisms in the media. That will in pull the wool off the eyes of the public, and allow the police to do what they need to slam down these criminals.
If you want to accelerate this process, and accelerate the downfall of BRA, then create an internet doppelganger and start commenting in your local paper about the truth of the crime stats. Link back to this website and similar sites that discuss the truth of black criminality.
This, just before Easter, is what causes me to question my faith - not in Jesus, but in my ability to follow His commandments. I don't love people in general, and I hate blacks. I know not each and every one has done these sorts of things, but the vast majority have, and those who haven't done have endorsed the doers. I hate Desiree who blithely labels this savage beating blacks "acting the fool" and blames it on McDonalds' food. Sure, and the CIA invented AIDS and enticed the blacks to use crack. She's our resident black expert, part of the "talented tenth," who goes to college. She tells us she reads. We're to be amazed by her sagacity.
What do the rest of you do with the rage that videos like this entail? Posting does nothing but leave me feeling like a puling child, when White children like that girl are suffering at black hands.
I hate blacks.
Maybe this is why our wise ancestors lynched these quasi-humans? In Disarrays's polluted and diseased African Erectus mind these primitives are simply "actin' the fool" and it is somehow McDonald's fault. Disarray, you shrill harridan, your "people" are a withered and diseased branch on the human evolutionary tree, stunted in growth and spirit. They are incapable of logical thought and emotions such as love and empathy. A race war is imminent and should you survive, your future will be back in Africa. Hope, not really, you escape the cooking pot and Mohammed's slave raid.
I’m wondering why this racist attack has garnered so much attention while other black-on-White attacks are ignored.
Here’s a more violent attack in which a White girl is dragged by her hair out of a fast-food restaurant:
Here are a few other videos of black-on-White assaults caught on video:
Here’s the story of a Haitian refugee who shot a White woman in the head for refusing his sexual advances:
Here’s a video of a black thug snatching a purse from an elderly White woman:
Here’s a video of two White women bike riders who were attacked by a swarm of blacks:
How can whites NOT despise Negro behavior??? It's, hands-down, the lowest, vilest, most detestable "human" behavior displayed by anyone, anywhere on the globe. And blacks have a problem with "racism" when whites look down on this kind of animalistic carrying-on??????? THAT'S the mystery to me... Again, how any ANY race on the globe not find such loud, violent, obnoxious Negro behavior sickening?
Seeing that white girl brutalized at McDonalds made me ill, and I could not watch all of it. The actions of the both the perpetrators and the onlookers who did nothing but stand around trying to analyze it with their tiny little excuse for minds made me unbelievably angry. And now I am filled with disgust by every vile, immoral black apologist who comments here in an attempt to dismiss it all by spewing the banal disingenuous strawman of “whites do it too”.
The entrenched black underclass in BRA has predictably adopted the assertiveness of white culture and then taken it to violent extremes, all without the underlying pursuit of excellence that forms the real basis of white meritocracy. Blacks sense that white culture involves competition, but they are too stupid to understand that this involves a core striving for excellence coupled with an outer shell of assertiveness. The genetically high impulsivity and low IQ of a statistically significant majority of blacks makes them think they are outdoing whitey in cultural competition, when actually all they are doing is putting their mindlessly feral, bestial natures on display.
This whole situation is beyond belief. As every year goes by in BRA, it gets worse and worse. I can come to no other conclusion but that the controlling oligarchy of DWL's in this country are deliberately fomenting a race war. What they fail to understand is that, if such a thing actually occurs, they will be among its first victims.
@Svend Svenderson: Some of what you say is true. Americans do have to avoid large swarths of cities because of black crime. Most public schools are shit because of the high numbers of uneducable blacks they have to babysit. But I question whether moving back to Europe is the answer...you guys are pretty fucked yourselves with high Muslim populations and northern Africa landing on your doorstep everyday.
Hat tip to SBPDL for allowing Desiree to post.
It's important for White people to know that blacks could care less about black-on-White assaults.
Does this thing masquerading as a human called Desiree understand that she is vile, that she is immoral, that she has no character? With her minimal and minimally-engaged intelligence, she repeatedly urges us to judge blacks by their character and thus more than just low intelligence, but meanwhile she exhibits absolutely no character of her own when she inevitably acts the apologist replete with absurd rationalizations for every bestial black activity under the sun.
Apparently the victim was either trans-gendered or a transvestite and there may have been an argument about whether he/she was entitled to use the women's restroom, none of which excuses the brutality of the attack.
Where it gets really, really interesting (upon repeated viewing) is that:
#1 An older (perhaps elderly) black woman has to go over and physically separate the 14 and 18-year old assailants from the victim while at least 3, maybe 4, black, male McDonald's employees just stand around laughing, encouraging the attack, and even videotaping it.
#2 You can see the hourly, male employees dressed in red. One of them, named "Charm", apparently videotaped the whole thing and uploaded it to his YouTube account. He's heard telling the attackers to hurry up and leave because the police have been called.
#3 It takes an elderly black woman to do a man's job. I *get* that McDonald's policy probably has some sort of prohibition on getting involved in domestic disturbances for fear of liability, but honestly, if you can't help defend a person being kicked in the head, then what kind of message are you, as a corporation, trying to send?
#4 Authorities are looking into the possibility of upgrading the charges against the two attackers to "hate crime" status if the investigation reveals that it was racially motivated. However, it's possible that it's not racially motivated, but instead a "gender/sexual orientation" "hate crime", if such a thing even exists in Baltimore, which could complicate matters.
For the purposes of full disclosure, I should state that I despise all "hate crime" legislation and would not be in favor of charging these two thugs with such; a charge of "attempted murder" more than adequately covers the crime here, and we don't need to punish thought or intent by elevating some people's motivations over others.
#5 I'm thinking of boycotting McDonalds. It's healthier not to eat there, it's more safe not to go there, and I find 365Black.com patronizing and silly.
#6 If the victim was indeed transgendered or a transvestite, let's see if GLAAD has the courage to criticize the behavior and the culture of the attackers, or buckle under pressure from other p.c. groups like the NAACP.
"you guys are pretty fucked yourselves with high Muslim populations and northern Africa landing on your doorstep everyday."
I agree, definitely rather live under a brown tsunami (and I do here in Tx) than live under a Muslim tsunami.
"Not true! I've said it a million times: watch TruTV on Wednesday and Thursday nights. There was a video that was all over the news and even in People magazine of a white girl getting jumped by other white girls in a house. It was a few years back. Please, whites do this, too."
Yeah, one every once in a while vs a couple hundred just this year. You can't argue with stats.
Please, please, please provide examples (in numbers like we see these black videos) to back up your claims. You can't use TruTV and other crime shows as they usually showcase violent crimes, and we all know who commits the most violent crimes. You have to provide specific examples as have been posted here.
Anonymous at 3:10PM said:
Hey Snape,
Go ahead and watch that McDonald's video and then immediately post afterward about how we're all equal. I DARE YOU.
For the individual not afflicted with the mental illness of racism, this is a much simpler task than you'd realize.
Yes, I can watch the video and state unequivocally that all people are equal. And, no, there are no Orwellian conditions of "some are more equal than others". I believe, regardless of color, all human beings are capable of the same emotions, the same fears, the same dreams, the same intelligences. It is a part of being human. Only in our culture do we differ, and in that, everything is relative.
Because that young girl was the same color as you, you identify with her. If there had been a video of white girls beating a black girl, blacks' own animus would be inflamed due to the victim being black. And because her attackers are not white - and you also find their conduct repulsive - it is easy for you rationalize unfettered hatred for this generalized Other. Many blacks would respond the same way in the event of the inverse occurring.
Our country is mentally segregated; all colors see each other - in varying degrees, of course - as "foe" over "friend".
Violence is violence to me; I see no color in this attack, but bullies and a victim. I wonder what did the girl do to deserve the attack; I am sure this seems like justifying it to you but you all did the same thing (well, worse; I am simply asking a question) at the Rodney King tape.
I am afraid that had these been all white girls - or even the reverse or all black girls - you'd feel less outrage.
In that, I fear your problem may be immutable.
For everyone getting angry at Desiree, her post read to me like sarcasm. She seemed to be joking. Lighten up. I am in agreement with "Foxsnooze.com": I feel she should be allowed to post as unrestricted as anyone else; the lack of black point of views on this site is disheartening. Without them, there is no rational discourse, only assumptions made.
I hope to see Desiree posting again more regularly.
Here's some more proof that this country is absolutely broken. The 16 year old black murderer that killed the two English guys was arrested for shooting into a car just a week before the murders.
The judge and prosecutor wanted him to remain in jail, but get this, the presumably black juvenile justice officer wanted him released to his mother. The officer found another judge that agreed and thus the 16 year old was released to his mother to serve house arrest. This reeks of black favor-ism. They're keeping this real quiet as to not scare tourists but this situation needs to be exposed.
To Desiree and all blacks who read this blog:
The only response you are allowed is to repeatedly say "I'm sorry" to every single non-black person you see. Your race is responsible for almost all the ills that bedevil us.
Other than apology and reparation you have nothing to say or to contribute.
You know I hate black dysfunction but on this case it WAS justified. That "white girl" was a crazed liberal boy dressed as a woman going into the woman's bathroom and refusing to leave. He was making a scene and the black girls got angry. SBPDL please listen to me. That was a transvestite. They beat him up because he was a weird SWPL.
You said, "This, just before Easter, is what causes me to question my faith - not in Jesus, but in my ability to follow His commandments."
That's a problem for me too: How do I reconcile my Christianity with my feelings about blacks? I will not go out of my way to hurt them, but I also don't want any contact with them. If it should come to a race war - and, believe me, I hope it doesn't - I'll side with my people. Christianity is not a suicide pact, in spite of what most mainline churches teach.
Hey guys, totally disregard all the Depart of Justice and FBI stats that show that blacks make up an astronomically disproportionate amount of violent crime in this country, TruTV has some videos of White criminals and fools.
A+ logic, Desiree.
"Because that young girl was the same color as you, you identify with her. If there had been a video of white girls beating a black girl, blacks' own animus would be inflamed due to the victim being black. And because her attackers are not white - and you also find their conduct repulsive - it is easy for you rationalize unfettered hatred for this generalized Other. Many blacks would respond the same way in the event of the inverse occurring."
Of course people would empathize like you say. If it had been whites beating a black I, for one, would still empathize with the person being attacked. BUT, whites beating a black is so rare compared to the inverse your point was already moot before you tried to make it.
BTW: You don't have to use $2 words in every sentence. I know it makes you feel superior to everyone else but, in reality it just makes you sound snobby. The avatar name of Frazier would probably be more fitting for you.
@ Snape aka Frazier:
I'm going to post this in every comments section until you answer it. The more you ignore this the more your ignorance is exposed.
"As to genetics: Care to explain why blacks in every area of the world are at the bottom of the barrel in IQ, self-restraint, etc. and highest in crime, out-of-wedlock births, etc? It can't be cultural because they're not all living in the same culture."
@ SBPDL: Sorry about the multiple posts.
Snape's last post is beyond appalling -- it rises to the level of evil. Paul, if it was my blog I'd lose him in a heartbeat. Take a close look at what he just wrote.
@Snape: "Only in our culture do we differ, and in that, everything is relative."
In SOME cultures, murderous beat-downs are perfectly acceptable. Lighten up, silly goys.
First Desiree, then Snape reveals their true character. Very educational and all, but can they leave now?
Snape wrote:
"Yes, I can watch the video and state unequivocally that all people are equal."
All people ARE NOT EQUAL. How can you say something so stupid? Are the kids in special education equal with the kids who get straight A's?
"I wonder what did the girl do to deserve the attack;"
Nothing she did would make her deserving of that kind of assault, you degenerate swine.
"the lack of black point of views on this site is disheartening. Without them, there is no rational discourse, only assumptions made."
We get the black point of view in black-run America every day; we don't need it here.
And the only one making assumptions seems to be you. You assume things about us, then whine about it. Intellectual dishonesty much?
Looks like this incident with the lady getting assaulted is snowballing! I am glad to see it. I took to twitter and the word is spreading for ALL WHITES to boycott Mcdonalds. I support this and encourage you to spread the word!
"You know I hate black dysfunction but on this case it WAS justified. That "white girl" was a crazed liberal boy dressed as a woman going into the woman's bathroom and refusing to leave. He was making a scene and the black girls got angry. SBPDL please listen to me. That was a transvestite. They beat him up because he was a weird SWPL."
I'll believe it when the police release a report confirming it. I'm not gonna believe a black who egged on the beating and then told the perpetrators. If I had a nickel for every time a black lied to get another black off the hook I'd be in the top 2% earners of the country.
Desiree, thugs at McDonalds, et al . . .
Were it not for White people you would be living in a grass hut sporting a lip plate and bathing your babies in cow urine.
Where's the gratitude?
Regarding Judeo-Christianity, I think blacks are a large part of why I am an agnostic, careening toward atheism. If blacks love Jesus so much, and the church is such a large part of their culture, how could it be a good thing?
Christianity seems incompatable with human nature. If you're in McDonald's and and a negro smacks you on the cheek, should you turn the other cheek, you can rest assured the negro will smack you on that one as well. Seems suicidal.
Europe, particularly Scandanavia and Celtic Scotland and Ireland, have pagan roots that go back much further and deeper than Christianity. Asatru, Odinism, etc. might be worth looking into.
"For the individual not afflicted with the mental illness of racism, this is a much simpler task than you'd realize."
Racism....racism...racism...you are so fucking boring. Do you actually type these comments, or just copy and paste?
"I am afraid that had these been all white girls - or even the reverse or all black girls - you'd feel less outrage."
No doubt, and vice versa for every other ethnic group. However...
If this had been a gang of white girls attacking a black girl (or even worse a black homosexual man for double-hate points) while all the white MacDonalds employees stood around filming it, the media would have made a four ring media circus out of the incident with Al Sharpton and all the rest.
The media covers up violent racist attacks against white people and they've been doing it for decades.
"Violence is violence to me; I see no color in this attack, but bullies and a victim."
Once gain, your wisdom is only surpassed by your ignorance.
"but on this case it WAS justified."
Sub-human animal behavior is never justified.
"Snape's last post is beyond appalling -- it rises to the level of evil. Paul, if it was my blog I'd lose him in a heartbeat."
Snape is a despicable piece of shit. Every time I read his posts I become more convinced that negroes do not belong among the civilized.
"So the story is that that transvestite went into the bathroom and the black girls told him to leave and he got smart?!?!?!"
The story is that a bunch of negro animals behaved like animals, and gratuitously assaulted and beat someone who was not fighting back.
No matter how much you try to justify it, this is a violent crime.
Why is Diarrhea back??
I'm going to get a lot of heat for letting Desiree's last comment through, but people need to read it.
Simple as that.
From what I've read at Black Web sites (theroot.com, thegrio.com, etc.) she speaks the majority opinion of Black people, particularly college-educated Black females, who are being shunned by Black males.
College-educated Black Females (CEBF) are the biggest losers in 21st Century American Life. Sure, they might get cushy jobs as a diversity enforcer at a major college or corporation, but they have few prospects of marriage and their hate is palpable.
So called "hood-rat" girls get all the attention of Black guys and the majority of other successful Black athletes and actors find the company of Black women undesirable.
In my research for Hollywood in Blackface, I found that test audiences for big Hollywood films sour upon leading Black males having any scenes that are the least bit sexual with a white female.
Because it doesn't well with Black females, who helped remove a number of sexual scenes with Denzel Washington and his white co-stars over the years.
Black women want to see Black men stay away from white women in both film and reality. CEBF especially want to see this, which is why Tyler Perry movies deliever such huge returns, despite being absolutely cinematic crap.
Regardless of the outcome in this Baltimore 365Black event, it's time people realize CEBF for what they truly are: the personification of hate and jealousy.
Thanks Desiree for pointing this out.
Now finish your degree, land a job as a diversity enforcer at a major Fortune 500 company or university (try http://diversityinc.com/ for open positions) and bugger off.
"From what I've read at Black Web sites (theroot.com, thegrio.com, etc.) she speaks the majority opinion of Black people, particularly college-educated Black females, who are being shunned by Black males."
Paul, with all due respect...this is common knowledge.
Black people not only defend and justify black violence against whites...they CHEER and CELEBRATE it.
SBPDL, I agree you should allow Diarrhea's posts. It reveals the way these ersatz-humans think...a a self-described intelligent one at that. As with most creatures of her species, violence is the only solution to disagreements and all such events warrant escalation to outright assault. Her primitive mind is capable of no better nor should we expect any higher level of evolution. They have incapable of living in a civilized society and will eventually have to be relocated back to their Motherland where they can rape, murder and cannibalize to their hearts content.
Last anon,
It's not common knowledge. It is becoming common knowledge.
Most white people have nothing to do with Black people in every day life. DWL's insulate themselves in all-white enclaves; conservative whites flee to one suburb to the next in an all-out bid to find a suitable Whitopia to raise kids.
That latter group then cheers on the children of the communities they fled from in football and basketball once they wear the colors of their alma mater.
"It's not common knowledge. It is becoming common knowledge."
If you are white, and you weren't convinced by the negro celebration of OJ Simpson's kill-whitey acquittal, then nothing should come as a surprise after the Jena 6.
Negroes came from all over the country (organized by black talk radio) to march IN SUPPORT of six black thugs who senselessly beat and hospitalized an innocent white teen.
There was ZERO black condemnation of this racially-motivated beating. Blacks supported the six thugs and treated them like heroes.
It was possibly the most disgraceful and disgusting thing I've ever witnessed in my life. That's why the cheering from Diarrhea and the rest of the animals is not at all surprising, in fact it is completely expected.
"That's just the way it works, folks. The Apostle Paul spoke on there being no arbitrary delineations within the Church, or Christ's body."
God is a segregationist.
God made from one blood all nations and DETERMINED THE BOUNDS OF THEIR HABITATION.
Acts 17:26
These cell phone images, while disgusting, are helping many people see the light. The amount of MSM brainwashing/disinformation has been powerful but a new medium is on the rise!
Drudge, SBPDL, AmRen, and the Blaze etc. shine light on this pathetic behavior.
A young man complained to me a few years back about the amount of coverage black crime received in the local paper. A sheltered Obamabot (one of millions), he actually believed that our liberal media was discriminating against blacks!
In fact, our paper disproportionately pictures white criminals (scumbags) at DOUBLE the rates of blacks (my personal study).--the Man
Ret'd LAPD here. I would advise people not to get all riled up at Mr Snape or Desiree; they're out there in more ways than one. You know they will downplay, excuse, cover for and deflect blame and criticism of behavior that we see so prevalent in blacks. One act of violence by a white person will negate the astronomical crime rates of blacks. I witnessed it for over 20 years as a street cop in Los Angeles. Black on white beat downs were a daily occurrence and most went unreported because of a fear by the victim of being labeled a racist. White victims just sucked it up and became wary of blacks.
This leads to my view on the phrase "those who can see". Believe me, everyone can see the self created miasma that is called black culture. Everyone knows it, everyone sees it, but many just refuse to admit it. This is where the disingenuous part comes in because those who refuse to admit the obvious certainly do not live among those they defend. Sadly these people become victims of blacks before they admit what they've championed was all wrong. Deadly wrong.
I met many new cops, fresh out of the academy and beginning field training, who started off as liberal in their social views. Basically seeing good people terrorized by a few bad apples. It was only after a year on the job did it become painfully apparent to them that it was more of a conspiracy than anything else: blacks looking out for blacks no matter how heinous the crime. Blacks priding themselves on how violent they were, how much time they did in prison, yearning to be called an OG, and making money in every illegitimate way they could. Their supporters say they are like this because they are disenfranchised or something, and have the nerve to call them "at risk" while living these "challenged" lives in "tough" neighborhoods. These ghettos were created by the people who live there.
The recent double murder in Sarasota was yet another atrocity committed by a vile monster, grown in a social Petrie dish called public housing. These are predator factories that for some odd reason always attracted whites from the valley who wanted to sympathize with their "plight" and help in some way. One project in particular had its playground equipment donated by a rock band, and within a year it was burned down. Who in God's name would want to burn down a playground? I guess the same kind who shoot at rescue helicopters. There were quite a few times when well meaning whites were beaten and robbed in black neighborhoods, and sometimes they ended up like the poor chaps in Sarasota.
As low intelligence blacks procreate their bad genetics are being passed on to their progeny. What we end up with are more and more murder machines, humans whose sole purpose is to kill whenever they can. There are whites who do this too but their numbers are small in comparison yet they get the most attention.
I did my part to help black kids as part of the Police Activities League, or PAL. We all tried to get these kids away from crime, to give them options. But crime was too appealing. Smashing a guy in his jaw and robbing him was more appealing than getting a job or joining the military. Riding around in a car four deep while smoking a sherm (PCP soaked marijuana joint) was more appealing than doing something productive. I remember taking a bunch of kids (all races) to the planetarium, which my young son marveled at. I figured other kids, once exposed to something positive they probably never considered, would be equally amazed. Well, all the black kids who attended were simply uninterested. There were no black parents present, only white, Asian and Hispanic parents accompanied their kids. The only black involvement that day was the show's prerecorded narration by James Earl Jones.
I didn't mean to rant or go on a tangent, but do try not to get so angered at those who will try and dissuade you from believing what you see. They see it too but have yet to admit the truth.
Yes, please keep the posts from D up. I like to have a good laugh.
Desiree wrote:
So the story is that that transvestite went into the bathroom and the black girls told him to leave and he got smart?!?!?!
Just as I suspected. I knew the person was deserving the ass-beating. The VAST MAJORITY of people who get their asses beat DESERVE THE ASS-BEATING! And, according to the police report, HE was not even that badly injured. And HE is a criminal with a long rap sheet!
Assuming the "facts" Desiree has entered into the case are true, what she's essentially saying is that for the crime of a person with questionable gender walking into a disputed bathroom, people of any and all color should feel free to hit, kick, stomp, punch, and drag a person into unconsciousness, rather than simply using the phone they are videotaping the incident with to dial 9-1-1 and let the police sort it out...or even McDonald's management (who may actually have some culpability in this matter).
That sounds about right, because that's how "young" black males and females (under 35) seem to be handling their problems these days (hence the high rate of incarceration). To Desiree, that's just a young, Afro-proud, girlfriend "handling her business". No need to go snitch to the Popo when 2 or 3 on 1 is a better way to resolve the situation.
Because violence is the default conflict resolution position of several generations of black males and females, we're now witnessing the complete implosion of black America, with the complete cratering to take place soon after the government goes bankrupt and the wealthy continue to move themselves and their money to other countries.
It came out that the woman being beaten was trans-gender.
As someone who's been in the 'hood far too many times, uneducated Blacks are extremely homophobic, and that will be their downfall in the court of public opinion.
"College-educated Black Females (CEBF) are the biggest losers in 21st Century American Life."
At least Michelle found a man who was half black.
I wonder if Al Sharpton will pull a Jena stunt and rally 20,000 blacks in support of the McDonalds beat down?
I wonder if BET will honor these she-thugs to present at their next awards banquet?
I wonder if "Black Barry" Obama will give them a presidential pardon?
"As someone who's been in the 'hood far too many times, uneducated Blacks are extremely homophobic, and that will be their downfall in the court of public opinion."
I'm a race realist (no to the hood) and don't approve of liberal sexual and moral standards. What about people like me huh? I despise both of those savages. Personally I would have thrown all of them in prison (the dysfunctional blacks and the tranvestite).
It doesn't matter if he was a transgendered person. All of you are getting upset at a fight. That was no hate crime; that was a fight.
Chill out.
I don't condone violence, regardless of what you simpletons believe. I imagine this comment won't even be published because I am defending myself.
What I am telling you is the hard truth: fights happen all the time. That the victim and the perpetrators were of different races matters not. That he was a transexual matters not. The reality of the situation is that when some people run their mouths, bad things can happen. I am telling you, you are all hypocrites.
Are we in so much of a nanny state that people cannot duke it out? Really? This seems not to be the case; UFC and boxing and wrestling--professional and backyard and tournament-style--are still popular. Movies are filled with violence to the point that we have all become desensitized. YES, they should have stopped; I mean, hello? He was down.
I don't like when people fight. I cannot stomach most of these videos, I can't stand MMA or boxing because it seems brutal. I don't search out videos of white girls or black girls, etc. fighting each other. Men like that stuff. I don't!
But I will NOT sit here and lie and tell you what you want to hear: IF YOU ARE A PROVOCATEUR OR AN INSTIGATOR YOU MAY GET BEAT UP. This is Common Sense 101.
Get a life!
You can't extrapolate from videos that all blacks behave in a manner; none of you even bother to use qualifiers. All of this is intellectual cowardice and morally unscrupulous. I would never lay my hands on anyone. That is not in my character.
Wake up. Stop being hypocrites. Obviously the only violence you people care about is when colors collide, so to speak. If a white tranny is beaten by white girls for coming into the female restroom and talking shit, YOU WOULD NOT CARE!
Liars if you say differently.
GLAAD and all of the victim groups should seriously sit the hell down. By custom, if you're a man, you cannot go into a female restroom. You still have a penis. Snape pointed out about Rodney King: all of you say he was a criminal and we didn't see the whole tape. Christopher Lee Polis was a criminal and we didn't see the whole tape.
A new acronym, huh? CEBFs are on your shit list, too? What did we do? We are educated, don't break the law. Isn't that what you people want?
This is proof of your ignorance in delineating: you see ALL BLACKS are worthless. It's amazing you don't want any of your minions talking about race wars; this is what YOU WANT!
"Paul, with all due respect...this is common knowledge."
It's not common knowledge *enough* or we wouldn't be in this situation.
(Desiree shows how they see this. It's better to get it straight from the horse's mouth than filtered through people like Snape imo.)
I wonder what Snape and Desiree would think of this nigger's attack on a white disabled man?
I suspect the nigger was dealing out some "justice"?
Developmentally Disabled Man Beaten on City Bus
A passenger with autism was attacked on a San Bernardino bus and the assault was caught on tape. It happened near 15th Street and Medical Center Drive on April 10. Police are asking for the public's help finding the suspect.
Surveillance video from onboard an Omnitrans bus on Sunday, April 10, just after 5 p.m. The suspect can be seen walking up and boarding the bus.
Regarding this being a transsexual/transgendered person, I'm reminded of an episode of Donahue where Jared Taylor was speaking of defending the coming white minority. A caller said he agreed with everything that Taylor said, but that he was gay. Of course the immature crowd cackled, but Taylor calmly nodded and said that ours was an ethnic struggle and that he didn't care about his sexuality, and was in fact happy to have him.
If I am in McDonald's and something like this happens, and I do not have my CCW on my person, I will back a transsexual, DWL to the grave against a feral negro hippopatamus. Because all except the most Disingenuous WLs will begin to see if they're attacked by a black and a fellow white comes to their aid.
Desiree said:The VAST MAJORITY of people who get their asses beat DESERVE THE ASS-BEATING!
Ok. I'll go along with that if you go along with this. The vast majority of blacks that were lynched, deserved the lynching. Almost all were guilty of rape or murder and deserving of "rough justice." Those are the facts.
As for this woman actually being a man, well this is an excellent development. Another wedge in the leftist, black, gay, radical feminist, open-border, hate-whitey coalition. You can't watch 15 minutes of network tv without some plea for tolerance on behalf oh the LBGT sect. Just a few months earlier the libs were calling for a boycott of Chik fil a because the owner gives to a pro-family group. Some whiny college students got Chik fil a thrown off of a couple of liberal campuses because of "hatred." Now they have Mickey D's employees laughing at a transvestite being beaten into convulsions by blacks. What you gonna do now libs? Ban Mickey D's from your colleges?
I strongly believe the Democrat/everybody against the white middle class alliance is on the verge of breaking apart. What will they have then? The black party, the hispanic party, the gay party, the DWL party, none of them have anything in common when it comes down to it, even the hatred for Whitey can't hold them together forever.
I have young children and am hellbent in my determination that neither ever lies convulsing in a pool of their own blood while being towered over by creatures that personify the banality of evil.
Shunning 365blackMcdonald’s is a logical though insufficient first step.
Gee, what happened to Desiree's post? Reveal a little bit too much there, Desiree? Wouldn't want to give the whole game away.
If the victim really was a transgendered homosexual, that should further "improve" relations between the black and urban gay communities. I remember when Prop 8 passed in California and it came out that this was largely due to the black community...liberals searched desperately for a way to explain this conundrum, and finally came up with one: the poor blacks were unfairly and abusively manipulated from Mormons from out of state.
However, I'd guess that no one seriously bought this; protests in California revealed a simmering anti-black consciousness in the homosexual community that couldn't quite be restrained.
I find it shameful that you feel it is necessary to vomit strawmans and attack me for simply stating that violence is violence, no matter who the person is, and that all people are equal, something I believe in my heart and know in my mind.
It is terribly shameful.
If someone can point to an area in my post wherein I stated this young woman - she has chosen her sex out of her own volition - deserved to be beaten, please enlighten me.
Violence is one of the despicable predilections of man; try as we might to subdue our nature, we can be inflamed and it resorts in an attack or simply engaging in conduct we know is unbefitting of us after we cool down.
I did not state violence is okay. I did not.
What you have done is label the entire black community - all blacks - as "savages", as "wild" because of the lone actions of individuals. Do you sincerely believe all blacks would behave as these two young girls?
Is it that you all are banking on propensity? We all have the propensity to behave in such a manner!
Is it probability? Most of you fall into the Gambler's Fallacy! If a black is "well-behaved" - what an ugly term only befitting of animals - you simply assume that they will eventually misbehave because you feel it is in their nature to do so.
This is insane!
These comments are just awful. You only see skin color, nothing else.
And it seems that Desiree has deleted her own comments; I don't blame her. I suspect it is because she was being attacked without any regard to her context. What is so vile about her giving an opinion? Why can she not express herself? How does her ignorance supersede your own?
Is it any worse to state that one can "get an ass-beating" for "running their mouth" than state that all blacks - with no regard to the individual - are "nigger beasts"?
I see the Minutemen, the Tea Party, the Council of Conservative Citizens, these rabidly hateful comments and it makes me ashamed of being a white man; thank God I can arbitrarily separate myself because I am a Jew. It is not so much of what America has done in the past; of course, that got the ball rolling... it is more that this cancer of hate is still in existence. All we do is categorize things based on race. It is savage to balkanize this great country.
How mentally diseased you all are. These young girls should most certainly be prosecuted, but do not mar the entire black race because of their actions. That is irrational. Stop seeing color.
Laz spewed:
As to genetics: Care to explain why blacks in every area of the world are at the bottom of the barrel in IQ, self-restraint, etc. and highest in crime, out-of-wedlock births, etc? It can't be cultural because they're not all living in the same culture.
The onus is not on me to provide information as to whether what you describe as "black behavior" is genetic. The current consensus is that there are no genetic predispositions to anything of that nature. This is only compounded upon by the fact all people's do it, even when they are isolated from one another.
In SBPDL's "Donald Trump" thread, Hirsch mentioned the MAOA-L gene as perhaps a genetic trigger. I disputed him. Feel free to look at that post. Hirsch has yet to refute me, either out of his own cowardice or inability. Only he can answer that question.
If it is your belief that there is a genetic basis for the antisocial behavior some blacks exhibit, by all means, put your money where your mouth is and prove that your assumptions are based upon more than gut and more than anecdotal evidence. Anecdotes are meaningless, aren't they? I could tell you I've met many blacks who were decent people, as decent as you could imagine any white, and you'd disbelieve me. I can only tell you what I know and what I can extrapolate based upon the available data: there is no genetic basis to your beliefs, as of now, that is...
As to the fact that they live in different cultures, African women are some of the most loving women I've ever seen. I believe all black children - hell, any child - should be loved in the way an African mother loves. Blacks are separated from their ancestral traditions; even Africans are separated from their traditions due to conflict. These African dictatorships are anti-African.
The proper context must be employed. What we see on the African continent is the result of colonialism. Killing one's brother, shaming one's women, these rapes, these marches, they are not of the African culture. Please, I encourage you to look into their traditions.
As for American blacks, the antisocial behavior the minority of them display is uniquely American. I've quoted the Kerner Commission report on this site before; it was under Johnson that the obvious was delineated: white society is deeply implicated in the ghetto; not only that, white society cannot exist without it and, therefore, it saw no qualms in maintaining it.
I can wax on all day about this subject with you, "Laz", but what would be the point of it? I can only hope that, by my words, the Seed of Knowledge will be planted within your mind, watered by Clarity, and beamed down upon by the rays of Love.
If that is hokey to you, "Laz", then you have a lot of work to do.
@Snape: "I did not state violence is okay. I did not."
But you did write:
"Only in our culture do we differ, and in that, everything is relative."
Which clearly states that there's no basis for saying that violence ISN'T ok. In fact, it removes the possibility that anything you're saying is meaningful at all. If "everything is relative," there's no possibility of speaking the truth about anything...it's merely a question of "disputing
But of course what you're saying IS meaningful. We understand exactly what you're saying.
You pave the way for violence and the rationalization of violence.
You're scum.
Snape wrote:
"These comments are just awful. You only see skin color, nothing else."
"What is so vile about [Disarray] giving an opinion? Why can she not express herself?"
"All we do is categorize things based on race. It is savage to balkanize this great country."
This country is not great. And you can almost see, but you've got it bass-ackwards. Whites welcome blacks into white society with open arms; but blacks are tribal and racist, and they refuse to tolerate whites. Blacks balkanize society, and whites need to wake up to this fact.
"These African dictatorships are anti-African. "
It is not your place to decide what is and what is not African.
"What we see on the African continent is the result of colonialism. Killing one's brother, shaming one's women, these rapes, these marches, they are not of the African culture."
Are you insane? Read up on Zululand, even if only on wikipedia.
"As for American blacks, the antisocial behavior the minority of them display is uniquely American."
And what about the antisocial behavior of all the other blacks in the world?
How does colonialism explain cannibalism? Or the ever present low IQ? Shouldn't at least some of the good in Whites have rubbed off on these savages? They learned violence, and anti-social behavior, and bad "mothering", but nothing good? You keep arguing yourself into a corner.
Every time I read Snape's pathetic efforts to justify sub-human negro behavior, my hatred of black people increases.
"If it is your belief that there is a genetic basis for the antisocial behavior some blacks exhibit"
Snape, you fucking moron, after the earthquake in Haiti there was widespread RAPE.
Of course you'll excuse it with some moronic rationalization such as "well, they're poor, and they have nothing else to do", which only illustrates what a fucking asshole you are.
I firmly believe if a group of negroes was beating the shit out of you, and I tried to intervene...
You'd call me a racist.
BTW, fuck you.
@ Snape aka Frazier:
I'm not "describing" anything. I'm stating facts supported by real-world stats.
I truly feel sorry for you. There will come a time when you're gonna have to give up the Beemer and Prius, quit sniffing your own farts, and protect you and yours or suffer at the hands of the mindless hoards.
Yes, the victim was trans-gender.
But having lived on this Earth for around 40 years, I can tell you this: it's always something with black and always will be. Anyone who looks a little bit out of the norm will be on the receiving end of black violence because blacks are too intellectually stunted to talk out their differences or accept that people are different.
So while today it was someone who was trans-gender, tomorrow it might be your punk rock kid, your preppie neighbor, or your Goth cousin...or your mom in curlers.
The news here is that it never would have occurred to the black girls to say "Um, could you please leave the rest room?" It went straight to violence, which is why it's impossible to have a civil society with blacks around.
@Snape: "These African dictatorships are anti-African."
Then I guess Africa is anti-African too.
Smart thinking there, Snape.
Snape masturbates to Oprah.
How does colonialism explain cannibalism?"
Um...I'll take a guess. "Criticizing cannibalism as 'bad' only shows what a racist colonialist you are."
"What we see on the African continent is the result of colonialism."
How do explain Somalia, then, professor?
I suppose you'll conveniently ignore this question or vomit one of your anti-nature lectures devoid of logic, reason and intellectual honesty.
Drop Snape, keep Diarrhea. Snape is every news report, every day; The D is real. It is what blacks really feel.
I heard the two girls may be charged with a hate crime against the transgender person...bet me five buck that if they are, Sharpton and the NAACP will be on it like stink on shit.
So what if the white victim was a member of the LGBT community? So what?
Once again we have wild rabid dog sheebons exerting their will and their physical body against whitey. In BRA this is what we'll continue to get until white people say enough is enough and fights back.
There should be massive demonstrations all across the country by whites. Whites should for once and all, I never owned slaves and don't own slaves now. Your ancestors have been oppressed in the past, GET OVER IT, MOVE ON.
The one hog had a gut that spilled out like a errant biscuit coming out of the pillsbury dough boy can. How anyone could leave the house looking like that is beyond belief. She's truly a legend in her own mind.
Places like Denny's, IHOP, McDonalds and other low level food joints are places I avoid like the plague. In essence, I usually avoid most if not all blacks when I see them. If I see a pack of young black men or women, I go out of my way and avoid them if at all possible.
If that beat-down would have happened to a Mexican, those black bitches would have been beaten within an inch of their lives. Mexicans don't apologize for being Mexican and defending themselves.
This white gal/girl needs to get on a physical fitness program or karate. So in case this ever happens to him/her again she can drop kick the shit out of anyone who tries to harm him/her.
SBDL - I understand that the young black educated women have a lot of rage. But maybe, just maybe they need to look internally and find out or actually get it that their "tude" is going to leave them single and manless for a long time.
"Whites should for once and all, I never owned slaves and don't own slaves now. Your ancestors have been oppressed in the past, GET OVER IT, MOVE ON."
No. They should put a total price on it. And then put a price on every anti-white assault, mugging, rape, stabbing, shooting and killing that's happened over the last 50 years.
"This white gal/girl needs to get on a physical fitness program or karate. So in case this ever happens to him/her again she can drop kick the shit out of anyone who tries to harm him/her."
Yes, he does. I agree; it'll protect him from the inevitable: getting beat up by intolerant white dudes.
By the way, are we all conveniently forgetting that that seizure was faked?
I mean, that guy is a criminal. With a long rap sheet. Maybe I'm overemphasizing the propensity of the criminal mind but such hysterics seems like a plausible diversion. If he had a long history of getting harassed, it could be a defense mechanism on his part to get his bullies of his back.
I don't know; it's possible.
They were pretty effed up to him, not going to sugarcoat it--that was messed up--but I think at least that part was totally faked.
Oh, and you people are ignorant to the max if you think a transsexual would simply be beaten up for being a dude in girls' clothes. I mean, really? People who think LGBTs are 'weird' would just stay away from them; these black girls beat him up because of something else, I guarantee it. Most little ghetto girls got ghetto gay boys as BFFs; come to the hood--you'll see. These girls are not conservatives! At least manage some intellectual honesty, sheesh.
It's ALL ABOUT PIGMENT with you yahoos. You miss the forest for the trees because of this black bloodlust. Get a clue.
ALL ABOUT PIGMENT...you conveniently omit the fact that not only are blacks the most hate and rage filled racists around, they are also amongst the most homophobic. As for your clueless statement about "if you think a transsexual would simply be beaten up for being a dude in girls' clothes"...It takes almost nothing for blacks to fly into homicidal rage. Looking at them in a perceived "disrespectful" manner, using any word that in their grammatically challenged minds feels is a racial epithet (think niggardly or black hole) or accidentally stepping on their shoe. Yes, it is all about pigment. Blacks can never behave in a civilized society, they are simply genetically incapable of this.
"It's ALL ABOUT PIGMENT with you yahoos."
Like a broken record..repeat...repeat...repeat...
"protect him from the inevitable: getting beat up by intolerant white dudes."
Please post some current evidence that there is an inevitable wave of gay-beatings perpetrated by intolerant white dudes.
If you are incapable of doing so, please be honest enough to admit it.
Thank you.
Oh, and in your response, don't forget to add some variation of "it's all about skin color to you yahoos".
@ pigment
"...these black girls beat him up because of something else, I guarantee it..."
Well as long as YOU guarantee it...
It is impossible to try to reason with these subhuman, feral creatures. Gold teefs, or suit and tie, they are savages at heart. It is what they ARE. It can not be "trained" or reasoned out of them anymore than one could domesticate a lion or grizzly bear.
To Northlander:
You imbecile. It is ALL ABOUT PIGMENT, all day, every day with you people. If that was not the case, the Tea Party would not exist in the WAY it does. If that was not the case, Alan Keyes and Allen West would be able to have REAL presidential aspirations. Hell, even Jindall would.
You take isolated events and paint with a broad, broad brush because you live in a cloistered little bubble of ignorance.
I guess you conspicuously ignored where I mentioned ghetto black girls invariably have ghetto gay black boys as BFFs. Young blacks are not conservative. The criminal Chris Polis with his long rap sheet was not beaten up because he was white or because he was a gay transsexual. He was beaten up because of something that video did not catch.
Same with Rodney King, I'm guessing? LOL!
Dipshit, black people don't advocate race wars. That is the sign of a hate/rage-filled racist. Black people don't try to usurp political rights from minorities. That is the sign of a hate/rage-filled racist.
You have INDISPUTABLE proof that blacks are less-than genetically. None. Nothing that has withstood peer-review and scrutiny. Nada, zippo, zilch.
Yes, rage/hate-filled racist of the Northland, it is ALL ABOUT PIGMENT with you; you even hate college-educated blacks. OMFG! Nothing will ever be good enough. A black could cure cancer, fly, and shit gold bricks and will just be another PIGMENTED NIGGER.
Get a clue.
To Northlander:
You imbecile. It is ALL ABOUT PIGMENT, all day, every day with you people. If that was not the case, the Tea Party would not exist in the WAY it does. If that was not the case, Alan Keyes and Allen West would be able to have REAL presidential aspirations. Hell, even Jindall would.
You take isolated events and paint with a broad, broad brush because you live in a cloistered little bubble of ignorance.
I guess you conspicuously ignored where I mentioned ghetto black girls invariably have ghetto gay black boys as BFFs. Young blacks are not conservative. The criminal Chris Polis with his long rap sheet was not beaten up because he was white or because he was a gay transsexual. He was beaten up because of something that video did not catch.
Same with Rodney King, I'm guessing? LOL!
Dipshit, black people don't advocate race wars. That is the sign of a hate/rage-filled racist. Black people don't try to usurp political rights from minorities. That is the sign of a hate/rage-filled racist.
You have don't have INDISPUTABLE proof that blacks are less-than genetically. None. Nothing that has withstood peer-review and scrutiny. Nada, zippo, zilch.
Yes, rage/hate-filled racist of the Northland, it is ALL ABOUT PIGMENT with you; you even hate college-educated blacks. OMFG! Nothing will ever be good enough. A black could cure cancer, fly, and shit gold bricks and will just be another PIGMENTED NIGGER.
Get a clue.
"You have INDISPUTABLE proof that blacks are less-than genetically. None. Nothing that has withstood peer-review and scrutiny. Nada, zippo, zilch."
That meant to say,
"You have INDISPUTABLE proof that blacks are less-than genetically? No. None. Nothing that has withstood peer-review and scrutiny. Nada, zippo, zilch."
A player can't catch a break when one's delivering a murdering rant.
Post correction.
"...A black could cure cancer,"
Right. The world is STILL waiting for any black to do ANYTHING at all for the greater good.
Thousands of years on their continent, and they have mud huts, and cannibalism.
Hundreds of years HERE, and we have MickyD's "episodes" and Eric Holders, who support the same.
"It is ALL ABOUT PIGMENT, all day, every day with you people."
LOL Negroes love repeating things.
They love rhymes too.
Maybe next the negro will rhyme.
Re: Pigment
Oh my God, who let in the idiot?
"You take isolated events"
More than 50% of the murders in this country are committed by negroes?
Is this "isolated"?
More than half of black males do not finish high school?
Is this "isolated"?
One out of three black men between the ages of 20-29 is in prison or jail, on probation or parole.
Is this "isolated"?
Blacks represent 13% of the U.S. population but account for more than half of all new HIV diagnoses.
Is this "isolated"?
More than 70% of black children are born out-of-wedlock.
Is this "isolated"?
You are doing nothing but recycling silly arguments that have already been dismissed long before you arrived here.
Try to be more original, otherwise you're a bore.
"You have INDISPUTABLE proof that blacks are less-than genetically?"
Fine, then please continue believing that we're all racially equivalent.
You see, I have no interest in changing your mind, because I do not care what you believe.
You, however, cannot say the same.
Professor Snape is Desiree's sock puppet. I think this should be obvious. This quote was the giveaway:
"As to the fact that they live in different cultures, African women are some of the most loving women I've ever seen. I believe all black children - hell, any child - should be loved in the way an African mother loves. Blacks are separated from their ancestral traditions; even Africans are separated from their traditions due to conflict. These African dictatorships are anti-African."
Desiree has posted things almost identical to this.
ALL ABOUT PIGMENT croaked "A black could cure cancer, fly, and shit gold bricks and will just be another PIGMENTED NIGGER".
Come now, you know that will never happen. The intellectual capacities simply are not there. And, I have never used the n-word although I do wish I lived in a "cloistered bubble of ignorance" and not having to rub elbows daily with low IQ non-whites.
But anyway, enough about me, how are you, Desiree? Is this your latest sock puppet that your sister warned us about? The name changes but the song remains the same, almost verbatim. Stop embarrassing your poor twin and give this all a rest. You should simply agree to disagree, there are no hearts and minds to be won here, on any side. I share your sister's concern for your mental health.
""Anon 9:53 am:"
Also known as Dishonest Crusader, a typical low-IQ negro.
Every time he tries to debate he gets destroyed, so now he's been reduced to these dumb "hit & run" posts."
You know, the people on this blog sure are stupid. For someone to say I have such a low IQ, you sure know how to make stupid identity assumptions.
"SBPDL, you have said repeatedly that you will block comments unrelated to the topic, so why are you allowing Dishonest Crusader's "white people are nasty" comments?
Please block this idiot."
The real idiot is you for believing that I'm that poster who made those insults against whites. What is with you stupid people and claiming that I'm someone who I'm not? I never state insults against whites without a thorough reason or explanation, and besides, I always leave my name after each post!
You think that you "smart" and "intellectual" people would use common sense and comprehension skills to realize this, but it appears you're lacking the necessary skills to do so, which is pathetic. And you guys call me an idiot.
Also, the name-calling is so immature. Please grow up and act like your age for once in your lives. And what I mean by name-calling, is the "Dishonest Crusader" crap. If you don't like the original name, then don't address me as it. All you're showing me is that you're a direspectful and lousy excuse for an adult.
At least I know how to keep my dignity and not sink to using childish antics to insult a person. It just goes to show how mature adults are today.
Honest Crusader
What do the rest of you do with the rage that videos like this entail? Posting does nothing but leave me feeling like a puling child, when White children like that girl are suffering at black hands.
I immediately do pushups. Otherwise my anger will have me punching holes in the walls, and no one wants to be that guy.
Long-term, I've found that the range is good for steam ventilation. There's something about the sweet sulfuric smell of gunpowder that puts a smile on my face.
In my experience, anything short of physical activity will fail. Hope this helps.
The fact is, buffoons like Desiree represent almost 95% of blacks. They combine racism, low IQ, hatred, ignorance and anger into one specimen.
Take a page from what the Mexicans do. They don't debate blacks about why blacks rob, rape and murder. They run them out of their neighborhoods by any means necessary.
"And you guys call me an idiot."
Sometimes "fucking idiot".
You've earned it.
This well could be a tipping point.
For a couple of years now the rage has been building toward MSM and negros. The Jena 6 on BET getting awards was a real pressure increase, but also the Knoxville Horror which never penetrated the MSM, or the terrible rape and murder of Ann Pressly which was dismissed by the MSM as (in their favorite term for negro crime) "an isolated incident". Video after video of negro crime, negro irresponsibility (See: Ghetto Lobster) negro violence such as "Beat Whitey Night" or "Wilding" or "Flash Mobs" or the night attacks in Denver or the Ohio attacks or the dead White police officers in Seattle. On and on the list goes, with negros jumping on newspaper blogs and websites excusing the behavior and DWL MSM covering up any pattern.
Want to see the pattern? It is there in COLOR (See: http://projects.nytimes.com/crime/homicides/map ) Click on Race of Perp.
Returning negros to their homeland and controlling our borders would usher in a era of peace unknown since the 1900-1920's. Imagine a New York with 30 murders a year on a bad year instead of 300 to 500!
This is not speculation, it is fact. Other Countries have risen up and expelled those who destroy their culture and lives when even farther along the road to ruin than we are. (See: Battle of Tours). "Integration" is a failure that even the negros acknowledge. What is left is expulsion or worse. Expel them and Tax heavily those who stay (As Islamic Countries do infidels.). Mandatory implant Birth Control for those on ANY public assistance. End African immigration today, as Africans are not happy here, because according to Snape, this is a Evil White Country. Let negros pick from the many African countries to emigrate to find their paradise amongst their own people.
"It just goes to show how mature adults are today."
"Please grow up and act like your age for once in your lives."
"...it appears you're lacking the necessary skills to do so, which is pathetic."
"...you're a direspectful and lousy excuse for an adult."
"You know, the people on this blog sure are stupid."
Your posts rally crack me up. You writing style sounds like the sassy black mammy, putting us all in our places. Hilarious! I thought you had previously claimed to be a born-again Christian, but apparently you have not followed Jesus' teachings very closely.
Thank you for making me laugh again and again.
"All about His Pigment" said
"black people don't advocate race wars. That is the sign of a hate/rage-filled racist.
Rwanda. A pure race war (Genocide) systematically carried out in recent history and watched in real time. A race war distinctive in its extreme speed and horrible use of a common tools (rope and machete) to speed the murder to a level of killing that was faster than even the Nazi's could contrive. Whole families were hacked to death or, in the case of rope being available, roped together and thrown into streams to drowned while the Perps hoot and laugh on the bank. No Whites were involved.
"Black people don't try to usurp political rights from minorities. That is the sign of a hate/rage-filled racist."
South Africa and Rhodesia: Two White countries that quite literally sacrificed themselves on the alter of Political Correctness. Both gave over their Sovereignty to Africans to the cheering of DWL and African "leaders". Within 10 years the minority White farmers of Rhodesia nearly gone and the Country slipped from Food exporting land to starving. South Africa, once a nuclear nation, is now an ungovernable cesspool that can not even host a World Cup Soccer match without the Africans trying to destroy the rights of the White Minority by using a cheap plastic horn to disrupt the games. As several stations carried the africans saying, "First we will drown out his Game, then we will push the Boer (White) to the Sea and Drowned him."
Sorry PIGment, but this board is awake and as "Retired LAPD" so eloquently said, We can SEE.
"I thought you had previously claimed to be a born-again Christian, but apparently you have not followed Jesus' teachings very closely."
I am a proud saved chritian, but how does my behavior show that I haven't followed Jesus's teachings closely? I'm standing up for myself by pointing out how hypocritical and idiotic these adults on here can be, but have the audacity to criticize others for being stupid, when they're not so bright themselves.
I'm just being frank and if it comes off tough, deal with it. Nobody on this blog considers the nasty comments they post. If they did, then we wouldn't have racism, supremacy, profanity, prejudice, discrimination, and hypocrisy in the comments that are posted today. I realize that this is a part of life, and that not everyone is going to change, but that doesn't stop me from trying.
Honest Crusader
"Nothing will ever be good enough. A black could cure cancer, fly, and shit gold bricks and will just be another PIGMENTED NIGGER."
After all that happens, then we'll talk. Heck, I'd settle for the black crime rate going down to white levels, anywhere on planet earth. We'd all be pretty impressed by that, you know.
This site has more emotion than I care for -- I aim for "race realism," which means simply seeing things the way they are. I don't need to hate blacks or anyone else. It's enough for me to understand that race is not skin-deep, & that avoiding blacks whenever possible improves the quality of my life. To me, there's nothing hateful in that at all.
Oh, & Boycott McDonalds Forever.
Boycott McDonald's forever! seriously I already lost 15 lbs since i stopped eating that crap food and since they love those savage black bastards I will never give those jigaboo lovers any of my money!
do mickeyD take food stamps cuz i shos got a cravin fo a McRib.
That "fight" in McDonald's was no fight. That transgender person was on the ground, covering up. That's called Surrendering. And honorable people end the fight. Those whores who continued to beat her up are scum and should be hung. I highly doubt she instigated the fight. One of the most disturbing videos I have seen in a while. But it's not in the news? Why? The victim is transgender. Hate crime right there. But since the aggressors were black and their behavior so deplorable, it would be racist to speak on this story. This country has done a complete flip. The statistics and videos like this speak for themselves.
McDonald's food is just crap! Make your own hamburgers and don't give those jerks any business!
A good ten years ago in the Louisville/Jeffersonville area we had a White pizza deliveryman carved up by two young negress, at the trial he showed his scars and testified what did the perps get? Not Death as they should have but a slap on the wrist, look it up sometime.
Snape "As for American blacks, the antisocial behavior the minority of them display is uniquely American." Well professor you have that wrong but as a typical red you rely on lies. In the UK most racially motivated crime is committed by blacks most of the victims of Black violent crime are White - they hunt in packs just like they do in the States. In fact there is no difference in the two groups behaviour from what I can see. Most violent crime , most muggings, most violent crime full stop is committed by a massive percentage of teh black community..despite getting full on PC support for their community and the law changed in their favour - 1965 Race Relations act, The MacPherson report, The 2011 'Equality' act ( Illegal not to hire a black ovber white if a black turns up for interview) - discriminating against us in our country which our forefather have built over Millennia.
Further more as another blow to the liberal belief system , thanks to our government we are disarmed - only the State and criminals are armed - But we still have have gun crime and who do you think commits the greatest number of gun crimes? The Black community, followed by almost every other imported set off foreign invaders. Yes we have white crime , which has got worse since we allowed the left influence over our society.
Socialism is a cancer and the black community is one of its worse symptoms in white societies.
I'm not saying there are no decent blacks but as group you do yourselves and us no favours and thats down to your group not us.
What you call racism is whites quite rightly and naturally wanting to protect what they have built , their families and themselves from violent hate filled outsiders that take far far more then they have the ability or inclination to contribute.
We don't want to be around you, we don't want to share the fruits of our labour with you , we dont want to support you, we don't need you. Our societies would be better off without you as a group in them. You say you believe we are all equal - you reject history , lie about the consensus that race has no grounding in biology and by extension evolution - why the resistance to white only nations/ communities then?
"You imbecile. It is ALL ABOUT PIGMENT, all day, every day with you people".. Blacks voted as a block for obummbles because he's black, blacks in the US rape 38,000 + white women a year because they're white. Black's have the race card numerous black organisations because they're, black will support any piece of filth from 'da community' because they're black...it's all about pigment with you fuckers ..retard
. I highly doubt she instigated the fight.
Anon 4:06 One of those involved had previously been in a fight in thta very same McD's and was let off because she learned her lesson and would never never do it again. Can you guess which one?
The time is a coming. They are only 12 percent of the population. Why the hell do we put up with it? Wall them into their ghettos and let them devour each other. Enough is enough.
I can't believe how ignorant you all sound... much of he crime rate in this country can be attributed to blacks because they make up the majority of the population in underprivileged, impoverished, poorly educated neighborhoods where they learn from the immoral behaviors of others and taught that lying, thieving, and taking advantage of others is the only way of life for them. Hating an entire race because of the pitfalls that such circumstances has played on a select few of that race is stupid. I wish someone would tell me how showing hatred and violence towards in response to theses actions is helping. If anything, the racism exhibited here today is precisely why o many blacks have adopted nasty attitudes, in order to defend themselves. You want to do something about it? Set an example for the youth and reach out to mentor them before they reach a point of no return. Be a role model and show them that they can be productive members of society and good people no matter what their background, family, or race. I'm so sick of hypocritical ignorant pricks saying such heinous things about blacks, thinking that somehow makes them better. And for your information, there are people of all races who act like the trash in that video. It has nothing to do with race but how they were raised. I have never seen a black from a middle or high income family act like that. Do me a favor and stop throwing fire in the coal and try something that might actually help.
"If anything, the racism exhibited here today is precisely why o many blacks have adopted nasty attitudes, in order to defend themselves."
There is not a single place on the entire globe where the black crime rate is low.
Your "blame-whitey" routine is tiresome. Grow up, and take responsibility for your own sorry behavior.
At the start of World War 2, Germany invaded a small town in Holland. When they first arrived, they began to police the population. After about a day, a lone gunman from a window fired at the German's although none were killed. In return, that afternoon, the German Army gathered ten men at random. With everyone crowded around, and hung them in the middle of the town for everyone to see... after doing this they were not meet with any more violence. Just imagine if this same type of "policing" were to be enforced upon the black ghettos in our country...
GO TO WHITE WATCH ....All crackers talk about is how other racing are raping, killing, etc. When they've raped and killed more people than anyone else. Funny, when I read about the countries with the highest rape there were a lot of European countries. Add that to the list of things the white media doesn't want you to see...
Had to stop and address the cliches:
...much of he crime rate in this country can be attributed to blacks because they make up the majority of the population in underprivileged, impoverished, poorly educated neighborhoods ...
Has it occurred to you that one reason these neighborhoods are "underprivileged, impoverished," and "poorly educated" is because of the people who live in them? That is the people who create these dysfunctions? And this may be due to genetic factors such as median IQ and predisposition towards impulsive and violent behaviors?
...where they learn from the immoral behaviors of others ...is the only way of life for them.
"Only way of life?" Has no one informed them of affirmative action? Of Section 8 housing? Of minority grants? Of the millions of white liberals who are just aching to open their arms and neighborhoods to them?
Hating an entire race because of the pitfalls that such circumstances has played on a select few of that race is stupid.
So then it is "stupid" to hate white people today because a century or two ago some whites engaged in slavery or segregation?
As for a "select few," why not look at countries such as South Africa, now that it is black majority rule, and see what the black violent crime rate totals? Or Rwanda or Somalia? Or Detroit? Can you explain why, when the dreaded white racist overlords are removed from a society, and when black majority rule flourishes, you end up with epic rates of violence?
I wish someone would tell me how showing hatred and violence towards in response to theses actions is helping.
Your wish is granted:
First of all, you need to stop repeating that word "hate" like a 4 year old who has just learned a new scatological term.
Second, as this and many other websites demonstrate, it is blacks who commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime in the USA: murders, armed robberies, flash mobs, urban rioting. Moreover, blacks commit a much higher proportion of inter-racial crime against whites than do whites against blacks.
How do you feel about black flash mobs selecting white people for victimization? Google "Polar bear punching" or "Get Whitey night" to see what I am talking about.
As for how any of this is helping, it is very simple: by raising public awareness of such basic facts as black crime rates, median black IQ, black illegitimacy and drop-out rates, et alia.
If anything, the racism exhibited here today is precisely why o many blacks have adopted nasty attitudes, in order to defend themselves.
Except, of course, the USA has bent over backwards in the last half century to give blacks everything they have demanded: desegregation, voting rights, affirmative action, minority grants, black studies programs, war on poverty, minority business grants, pro-diversity agitprop, campus speech codes, "hate crime" laws, positive black role models in movies and TV shows, the destruction of white rule in Rhodesia-South Africa...
And what have blacks done in return? An epic violent crime rate, with much of it against whites; an illegitimacy rate which is three times that of whites; massive school drop outs; and endless demands for more, more, more...
You want to do something about it? Set an example for the youth and reach out to mentor them before they reach a point of no return.
You mean like Amy Biehl tried in South Africa? Google her to see what happened when she walked that path.
I will note that many people came to race realism precisely because they tried to do the liberal thang, living with, working with, educating with blacks--only to be rewarded with crime and dysfunction.
I'm so sick of hypocritical ignorant pricks ...
Ah, so we are supposed to be against "hate," yet here you are, launching into a hate-filled tirade against people you do not even know personally.
Ever stop to consider your own hypocrisy?
Laz said...
Who is we? Every McDonaldd's I see is packed.
Packed? About six of McDonald's grossly obese customers would pack anyplace.
I laugh at the McDonalds ads showing thin, hip urbanites enjoying their slop. In reality, cow-eyed fatties in sweats with snot-nose kids in tow.
Is this what is meant by gorilla marketing?
i've been all over the world and it's only american blacks that behave this way.
Ya, McDonalds is a happy place.
Every place I go into that has a lot of blacks, everyone is walking around on edge; bristling like gunfighters...
Well, I guess they ARE gunfighters.
Before you order another meal from BlckDonalds or any other fast-food joint, visit the restroom; look how filthy it is; notice there are no paper towels, only those stupid blow-dryers. Now watch the kids that work there come in, take a dump or a leak, and leave to go back to the food-line. No washing; just wipe hands on pants; pick your nose, and go back to handling food.
Watch the You Tube vids of blacks licking the food; spitting in the food; picking their nose while handling the food.
Now, do you still want to eat there?
I get the feeling after reading some comments on here that some believe that the race of a person or people affects that person or people. I just want to clarify that the problem with American black people has nothing to do with race. It's about culture. Many black people of America have embraced a culture of violence, dependence, and sexual promiscuity. Not very long ago, you would have never such outrageous acts of violence in the black community. The black family unit used to be a shining example of what a family should be like. Faith and Christian principles used to be the cornerstones of the black community. But now many have accepted a different culture and that is why there has been such a decline in social behavior. It was just irritating me to read a lot of comments with people inferring that there is a problem with the black RACE itself rather than with the black CULTURE, which is the true problem.
Should sue McDonalds, should sue employees who stood around and did nothing and everyone else who stood there and watched this happen. Especially the "person" for lack of a better word, who was telling the 'feral negresses' to "run get out of here before the cops come."
Svend Svenderson (April 22, 2011 9:21 AM):
"You're a cuckolded nation:"
"Poor Americans. You pay taxes and get nothing in return. You have to avoid huge swaths of the city. You can't use public schools."
Sounds somewhat like us (Western) Europeans...
"Move home to Europe. We're waking up. Look at the support for anti-immigrant political organizations in Hungary, France (Le Pen will kick Sarkozy's ass), Finland, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Austria. The best selling book in Germany is (still) Germany Abolishes Itself."
Too little and too late, I'm afraid.
"Europe will survive just fine."
I'm not that optimistic!
Anonymous (March 2, 2012 12:32 AM):
"I get the feeling after reading some comments on here that some believe that the race of a person or people affects that person or people."
Yes, of couse it does... Why shouldn't it?
"I just want to clarify that the problem with American black people has nothing to do with race."
I wish it was true.
"It was just irritating me to read a lot of comments with people inferring that there is a problem with the black RACE itself rather than with the black CULTURE, which is the true problem."
BOTH are problematic! We can't stand either of them and we need neither of them.
That woman having a seizure was hard to watch. If I was there I would have put the attackers down, regardless of race or sex. That was depraved, just kicking her in the head while she tries to cover up. I don't think she was faking convulsions like that...
If I recall it was that blacks that sold blacks to Christopher Columbus so we can forget that and as for the slavery issue I don't know anyone alive that has had a slave black ,Hispanic or white for that matter so we can move on from the slave issue. Let's talk about America the land of the free and free meaning government funding. Blacks have more help from the government than any other race now why is this ? Could it be because of the past ? Well the only way to the future is to get out of the past! I find all u idiots to be stupid if you bring up the race card if you think your being held down due to your race then you will never become a person of concern you will only be a racist!
I don't know if what i saw on the videos was acted, a joke or happened in the real life, although violence never justify something. There is a big difference in use "violence" and in use "aggression" to defend yourself from other persons.
McDonalds food is 100% crap. It is loaded with just as much chemicals, flavoriants, artificial coloring and other crap too scary to mention. White people should NOT patronize McDee's for any reason. Period. Leave that garbage crap to the niggers and other brown-skin mongrels to eat, choke and die on. White man if you want to eat out with your family then ONLY eat at Chik-fil-A. They are the only fast food company out there with any sense of traditional values and sound busniess practices.
LOL I just stumbled across this site an hour or so ago and have been pretty amused reading these. (not amused at the violence though)
I wouldn't normally comment here and actually disagree with most of you have about race, but damn if that "Professor Snape" dude was not one of the most pretentious douchebags I've ever seen on all the Internets. I almost want to believe he was trolling you all. Like I said I don't agree with a lot of stuff here but I'd rather be associated with a bunch of crazy old racists than such a deluded self-righteous egotistical twerp. People like him make me ashamed to be white.
Stuff black people don't like:
3)working a job
McDonald's openly discriminates against whites in the commercials and other public-facing material. See our comparison of fast food brands. Right now, Burger King is graded the best in terms of their favorable portrayal of us. We recommend you adjust your purchasing decisions accordingly.
Someone wrote a post saying that 'whites were the scourge of the earth' but they could not be more wrong. Blacks are the scourge of the earth. They are hated everywhere they go. They bring filth, criminal activity, and violence when they get enough of them in one area. In the US they blame whitey and slavery for their pitiful showing as supposedly a civilized being. Go to other nations and see how they live,...the exact same way. Portugal had colonies in Africa and if you go to Lisbon, Portugal you will discover ghettos where blacks live. They are a catalyst for everything bad. Except for the language they live and act the same way the do in American ghettos. Go to Italy,,....same thing. Go to France and you will see the results of negroes. They make ghettos in Paris and many just live in little shacks made of cardboard under overpasses where the rob people and defecate on the sidewalks. If you go to Africa you will see them living like monkeys or living in grass huts outside of unworkable big cities. Their cities have broken sewers and sewer pumps; most elevators do not work, nor bathrooms. In the 'bush' there is still slavery among tribes. Why do we white people put up with these blacks who are obviously unable to understand civilization and never will. Whites are makers of civilization. Leftist trash in the US and other places have taken the side of the killer and criminal to the detriment of white society. White people! Stick together, boycott places like McDonalds (and others) who celebrate the sickening lives of blacks and black culture. While you are at it begin boycotting television since all it has become is a vehicle to push race mixing and anti-white racism. God bless the white race and let it flourish without the interference and insult of have blacks around.
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