Monday, September 29, 2014

Most Iconic Photo from the Black Insurrection in Ferguson: Yelling "who's streets?!" To #ferguson police...




In the animal kingdom, a display of these traits - to a predator - represent grounds for immediate, unrelenting attack. 

Easy prey. [In a Video, Police Chief of Ferguson Apologizes, New York Times, 9-25-14]:

Chief Thomas Jackson of the police force in Ferguson, Mo., issued a stark apology to the family of Michael Brown on Thursday, saying in a videotaped statement that he was sorry for the death of their son and for the four hours that the body of the unarmed 18-year-old lay in the street after he was fatally shot by a police officer. 
In the video, released by a public relations firm nearly seven weeks after the shooting, Chief Jackson spoke for about two and a half minutes, occasionally glancing down at notes in his hand. He was not in police uniform but rather a reddish-pink polo shirt. 
“I want to say this to the Brown family. No one who has not experienced the loss of a child can understand what you’re feeling,” he said, facing the camera and standing in front of an American flag. “I am truly sorry for the loss of your son. I’m also sorry that it took so long to remove Michael from the street. The time that it took involved very important work on the part of investigators who were trying to collect evidence and gain a true picture of what happened that day. But it was just too long, and I’m truly sorry for that.” 
He also extended his apology to African-Americans in Ferguson, who have accused the police department of racial profiling and mistreatment. 
“I’m also aware of the pain and the feeling of mistrust felt in some of the African-American community toward the police department,” Chief Jackson said. “The city belongs to all of us, and we’re all part of this community. It is clear that we have much work to do. As a community, a city and a nation, we have real problems to solve.”
Michael Brown's parents, the odd couple of Michael Brown Sr. and Lesley McSpadden, were "unmoved" by this public display of cowardice and capitulation to the black mob.  They want Officer Darren Wilson "in handcuffs."
The most iconic image to come out of the black insurrection in 67 percent black Ferguson. A white police officer,  left behind by white flighters fleeing the growing black population, stands guard to protect civilization from the coming of Detroit... [ September 28, 2014]




The results? 

A black population holding all the cards on the monopoly on violence. [Shots fired at off-duty officer on I-70; suspects on the loose, FOX2Now, 9-28-14]:
An off-duty St. Louis city police officer was shot at early Sunday morning on Interstate 70.   
Around 12:20 a.m., the officer was on I-70 near I-170  when three black male suspects fired shots into his personal car. 
The officer was hit by glass and suffered an injury to his arm.  Police say the officer did not shoot back.  The three suspects fled the scene in a black sedan.
"... the officer did not shoot back."

In St. Louis, with the rate of black crime and black hatred of police, the odds are high a white officer of the law will fire back on a black suspect.  

And it might be much, much sooner than anyone wants to admit. [8 protesters arrested outside of Ferguson Police Dept.,, 9-29-14]:

Moments became tense in Ferguson Sunday night as several people were arrested outside of the Ferguson Police Department. The arrests were a part of the latest round of protests over the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown. 
Authorities say a total of eight people were taken into custody. They were charged with failing to disperse and resisting arrest. 
Nearly 150 people were protesting. According to a Ferguson police official, that crowd would not leave South Florissant Road. 
Ferguson police put out a call for back up around 10 p.m. after bottles and rocks were reportedly thrown at officers. County police, highway patrol, and officers from other municipalities responded. 
About an hour or so later, the arrests took place.



The results? 

Rocks and bottles being thrown at police, and gunshots being fired in their direction, all because the monopoly on violence is no longer in the hands of the state; the black insurrectionists have usurped this vise on violence.

At this Sept. 28 black display of power in Ferguson, a Washington Post writer/contributor named Robert Samuels "tweeted" a picture of menacing, thuggish, brutish blacks taunting a white police officer. It includes a caption that tragically captures the reality of life in 67 percent black Ferguson, where white police officers were left behind (by white flight) to try and keep alive/protect the civilization whites abandoned:
Yelling "who's streets?!" To police  



The results? 

Detroit in 2014, the same situation Ferguson will find itself in by 2016 at the earliest.


Max Renn said...

This must have been what Birmingham was in the 60's. The exception is that now with virtually all individuals have the ability to record video, so the unedited reality can now be seen. No marxist whitewashing. I wish I could go spend a few days recording this live to show the world

- Mr Renn

Unknown said...

I don't have to tell you things are bad.

Everybody knows things are bad.

It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth; banks are going bust; shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter; punks are running wild in the street, and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it.

We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat. And we sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be!

We all know things are bad -- worse than bad -- they're crazy.

It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out any more. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, "Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials, and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone."

Well, I'm not going to leave you alone.

I want you to get mad!

I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot. I don't want you to write to your Congressman, because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street.

All I know is that first, you've got to get mad.

You've gotta say, "I'm a human being, goddammit! My life has value!"

So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell,

"I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!!"

D-FENS said...

Pants Up - Don't loot!

Baron Münchhausen said...

The reality of total lawlessness is rabidly apparent. The governor should call in the national guard and erect a police state immediately to restore law and order.

Oh yeah that's right, he tried that already.

I think that when one considers all things, there is a deliberate attempt to incite full scale rioting. Those new videos that were faked, the misreporting of facts, the burning of the memorial, various high profile leaders speaking about it. Such as an UN. Meeting. Etc etc etc

They want this I spread.

And of course, the willfully ignorant will be repeating the oh so fashionable slogan "hands up, don't shoot" as they hasten this return to nature.

I've heard it here in Austin.

Country/Rockabilly band (total YT music btw) with a lesbian lead singer.

She just spouts it out towards the end of her set. I stopped dancing after that.

I'll never attend another one of their shows
Not too much of a loss I know.

The Baron

Anonymous said...


The source article.

10mm AUTO said...

These are the faces that kids see just before they are beaten.

These are the faces people see just before they are knocked out.

These are the faces the elderly see as their home is invaded and they are murdered.

These are the faces young White women see as they are raped.

These are the faces men see as they find themselves on the ground being kicked into a coma or death.

Take a good look at those faces White America, because they are spreading out to every White enclave with the force of law and Government behind them. The only answer is separation. The other races have their own concerns.

White Homeland, Northwest Front.

eah said...

"who's streets?!"

It should be whose, not "who's".

Those Blacks are geniuses at communication -- even when they're not trying, they tell you something about themselves. For example, what dumbshits they are.

Yes, please publicize this wide and far.

James Bondo said...

"Listen to this Negress defend her son, the Negro who cut a woman's head off and tried to kill another...seriously, what is wrong with these people?"

If you like your head, you can keep your head!.......Period!

(hat tip to vox commentariat)

Anonymous said...

P.K. this police chief is a coward, when you as a law officer yield to the scum who burned & looted your town ,you have lost not just the rule of law ,you turned your back and deserted those in town that are decent and need your help, thats wrong and cowardly,when this first went down they should have brought out dogs,water cannons & rubber bullets then teargas ,FORCE IS ALL THESE SAVAGES UNDERSTAND,SHEER BRUTE FORCE IS THE ONLY WAY TO DEAL WITH THEM,talking pleading ,begging & apologies will be taken as weakness and embolden then further,this is why white america will continue to be beaten ,raped and killed until we strike back with unrelenting force.. royal oak dude .

Mr. Rational said...

They want Officer Darren Wilson "in handcuffs."

In other words, they want revenge.  Law and order is what got St. Swisher of Sweets his just deserts.  What they want has nothing to do with justice.  Real justice would be billing the cost of the mess against the EBT accounts of St. Swisher's parents and Dorian Johnson's mother.

This is why the South didn't let Blacks vote or hold office.  They knew that the Blacks would kill anything resembling justice and civilization if they were allowed to; they'd seen, with their own eyes, just how tragi-comic a Black-run government inevitably became (Reconstruction).  If you allowed them to hold office or even vote, you'd get pols pandering to them and letting them run things, with the same disastrous results all over again.  Jim Crow and the Black codes were defenses against a repeat.

But those things have been editted out of our history.  The Marxists have forcibly removed those things from our cultural memory.  And Santayana's adage comes home to us again.  Or is it the Gods of the Copybook Headings?  It's hard to tell, they share a wardrobe.

Anonymous said...

One way to calculate the dollar value of a police officer is to pose this problem: it is 3AM, on a dark street in a bad part of town. You see a vehicle with dark tinted windows run a stop sign. You flash your lights on, the car sort-of stops, and you walk towards the car. There have been police shootings in the past around here. At that point in time, how much would you pay NOT to have to walk up to the door of the car...then multiply by a thousand and you have your salary.

Anonymous said...

For two weeks I've read apologists make one BS excuse after another for UVA/ Hannah Graham abduction (no doubt murder ) suspect Jesse Matthew. "It's racist to say that...The white guy is creepy, he did it...Jesse ran because a black man in the South can't get fair treatment... Blacks are justified in distrusting cops, look at Ferguson". They even referred to Matthew as a "gentle giant" echoing the Ferguson perp's misnomer.

Well, now that rayciss DNA has linked him to not only Graham, but to the 2009 rape and murder of Morgan Harrington in Charlottesville. Probably linked to a 2005 rape in Fairfax, VA. There may well be others.

I suppose the next set of excuses will be head injuries from football or effects of steroid use.

Billy said...

Jim Crow understood all of this.

Michigan Jim said...

I read every column that PK writes. I thought I was getting numb to the never ending antics of the negroes. But this photo just got to me- just look at those faces. They truly are nothing but sub human savages. I don't know how this will end, but it won't be pretty. Prepare, prepare, prepare.

Anonymous said...

More Bull Conner. Less Otto Kerberos.

Wallace Schoolhouse said...

Another permutation of the same old story. These niggardly, revolting chimps do not, and most likely cannot, comprehend what a civil society even remotely looks like.

And America could theoretically be split up... Monkeys and white liberal trash on one side, and humans on the other. But tragically, the powers that be won't allow that to happen b/ c they know that these retarded excuses for brain-dead Cromags cannot exist w/o its benevolent white benefactor and sponsor feeding the wild beast and its never-ending sprog of future suspects .

Anonymous said...

White Liberals are the most psychopathic examples of narcissism in existence. They sicken me to my very core. I just love their surprise when one of the chosen pet victims bashes in their skulls during the knockout game.

Bogolyubski said...

The Kipling poem is truly a gem. Whenever I read these stanzas, somehow all the Repukes, those nice Freepers at Rim-Job's joint, Tea-Party Patriotards, "Conservatives" and the like just spring to mind:

As it will be in the future,
            it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain
            since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit
            and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger
            goes wabbling back to the Fire;

And that after this is accomplished,
            and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing
            and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us,
            as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings
            with terror and slaughter return!

... and so they do. It's way past time to start thinking out of the little box you were so carefully taught to think in while attending public edumacation, fellow YT. We are in sore need of some new ideas. Five solid decades of failure - and here we are. As PK reminds now and again, YT was on the moon, once. If we keep following the advice of folks like some who trolls here, we won't even be on the earth (which is likely how they want it).

Anonymous said...

It's straight out of "Mau-Mauing the Flakcatchers", a Tom Wolfe story from over 40 years ago. Wolfe was astute enough to see that the ritual humiliation of low-level civil servants was just a sop to the protesters and activists. And as he noted, the civil servants had surrendered their manhood on becoming government lifers, so nothing was actually lost at all.

The only difference now is the civil service lifers are police officers and officials. White people tend to think of the police as dignified defenders of order and right, but they are just diversity-trained bureaucrats like all other government employees.

Anonymous said...

@ 8mm: thanks for the link on our need for a new constitution based on a model even the USSR couldn't achieve. It is good when the DWLs open up their playbook.

Oh, and look at the authors' names- Irish? Lithuanian? Italian? Maybe just a little ESE of Italy...

"Andrew Burstein and Nancy Isenberg are professors of History at Louisiana State University."
General Ripper

Shefali said...

James Bondo - Yeah, I saw that clip too, and I find it UNBELIEVEABLE.

What is wrong with these people???

I used to think the stereotypes of blacks as childish, illogical, violent, over-sexed were wrong.

But, looking over my experiences with blacks...

When I was single I dated men of different races. I don't believe in sex before marriage and I was upfront about that. The whites, Asians and Hispanics I dated respected this. A few times when I needed to spend the night(because it got too late and I didn't feel safe driving home) they always either gave me their own bed (and slept on the couch) or made up a bed for me on the couch. I never felt unsafe.

The ONLY exception was the ONE time I went on ONE date with a black guy - something I never did again. A friend had set me up with him, he was a doctor so I thought he would be intellectual and bright, like the other doctors I dated. Instead, he was just disgusting. He was obviously very sexual and even though he claimed to be religious he didn't understand the concept of waiting for marriage. His tastes were, for want of another word, low brow.

I've since discovered how sexual African society is - talking to relatives who have lived there.

One thing I've noticed is the correlation between early sexualization and sexual promiscuity and lack of civilization or intelligence. I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed this.

Anonymous said...

Just so I understand it -- in this picture is part of the diversity that enriches everyone and makes for a strong country.

How ladylike, the fat woman in the shadows. She certainly must be very wise.

What a shame it is that the two in the middle have so obviously suffered cruel oppression their whole young lives - that pain must distract them from their studies.

Oh how I'll benefit from a close friendship with the guy on the right, so interesting he must be.

The bullshit in Ferguson would never have happened if it weren't for national network TV crews descending on the town, turning on their cameras and waiting for the performance.

It is all performance -- the arrival of Sharpton, of Holder and his squad of FBI marking it meaningful. The world is watching, cameras are everywhere, at the city council meeting, at the 'Michael Brown Memorial.' The Ferguson blacks are important! Record them, record it all, remind them they're making history!

...... A Michael Brown incident will happen again a few months from now. Law of averages. There are 300+ million people in this country, so yeah, once in a while a white cop is going to shoot a black person, ALTHOUGH IT IS HIGHLY UNUSUAL.

One news reporter, two TV news teams, three public figures, six national reporters, 20 front page stories.... the media snowball rolls and rolls, getting bigger and bigger, until it is TRAYVON-SIZED.

Pea-sized incidents. Someone waves a wand and says "RACE." Look at it grow! Are you kidding me??

- Man in Florida

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking massive tear gas pumped in to disperse crowds followed by that weird armored car thing with that super loud ear piercing speaker I've seen somewhere on the net.

Plus full national guard in riot gear.

That's just for starters.

This is blatant domestic terrorism after all.

Either take it back or just pull all services. Otherwise you're just setting yourself up for failure and further emboldenment by the savages.

Anonymous said...

Tear gas canisters, police dogs, fire hoses, police battons,tasers.... Where is a man like Bull Connor when we need him.
Violent rioting negroes need to be brutally supressed, and shown that they are of no value what so ever.

Anonymous said...

They unleashed the wild negroes and any attempt to keep them in check leads to shouts of "racism!" It will get worse and worse.

Even white victims find themselves investigated for "racism" if the negro perp cites this as the reason. The FBI and other parts of Stasi 2.0 and the "private-sector Stasi" (ADL, SPLC) are happy to oblige.

Don M said...

I am still enjoying the spectacle of two groups of the Empire's most privileged subjects, LEOs and Negroes duking it out on the streets of Ferguson.

Who will win? I'm not betting on the boys in blue.

But who really cares? I guarantee the Ferguson PD rode herd on the white middle class of that city for years, extracting every shekel of wealth it could from the populace.

Not unlike the loathsome negro who relies on federal goons with guns to extract his supper from the hides of working whites.

And in the end, did the Ferguson PD save the city? Did it maintain law and order for the working whites to survive and thrive?


So go ahead Tom Jackson, supplicate yourself to the black mob. Grovel in Dhimmitude to the Sultan of political correctness. Your paychex and pension depend on it.

I will be interested in seeing how long you can keep it. For your replacement is waiting in the wings... black, grinning, and dressed in full Idi Amin regalia.

After you have been deposed, he will address HIS people of Ferguson:

"Who's {sic} streets?" he will ask?

"OUR STREETS!" will come the exuberant reply.

Anonymous said...

Platinum EBT Cardholder:

Whose streets? I believe they are financed by taxpayers.

The guy in the front of the picture must be mortified to have been caught on film with his pants falling down. No shirt either, how embarrassing. Somebody (YT) please donate belts that work and shirts to this poverty stricken cesspit.

If I understand the grievances voiced, it must be horrible to live in a place where a) there is an unrelenting force that perpetuates failure b) clothing accessories do not work as advertised and c) streets belong to Dr. Who

Anonymous said...

More crime and destruction courtesy the local negroe population. Thanks to the negroe we have world wide problems.
AIDS came from Africa via negroes eating their cousins such as monkeys, how many billions have been spent world wide to combat this? Now again thanks to the negroe we have Ebola,(nothing like fruit bat for dinner).
No matter what the negroe is an agent of destruction,decline and death.



OFF-TOPIC but as usual ON POINT!!!

As of early 9/30/14 There are reports of a black/colored man in quarantine in a Texas hospital showing signs of Ebola!!! The radio station said this colored just came back from west africa.

GREATWHITES, why on earth is the gov't of the United States of America letting people fly/boat back into the U.S.A. from the infected zone?
Shouldn't this area be a no-go zone? And if blacks are coming home(go figure)why shouldn't they be put into some off-shore facility until the safe time has been reached. Or would that be "RACIST"?


Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, cops are petty ticketing and harassing Whites while allowing blacks to get away with felonious behavior in order to equal out crime statistics.

Chief Jackson's career is finished, he should give the order for all local officers to wear those black wristbands supporting Darren Wilson and arrest that entire town if necessary to keep the streets clear of those black vermin. TB FL

Anonymous said...

Missing from that photo?

Two words: Firehose; Alsatian.

Anonymous said...

Remember all the old 80's movies where the city streets of the future were overrun with green-haired punk rockers? This is much, much more disturbing. (Punk rockers almost always grow up.)

Anonymous said...

Between the rioting and the police chief's craven "apology," Ferguson should become 95% black within the next 5 years! All the whites and the top 10% most capable of the black population are already surfing Zillow. Excellent strategy rioters. You'll get your black mayor and legislators soon enough.

Anonymous said...

Got preps yet?

If you think for one minute that there isn't going to be armed conflict on American soil in the next decade you're willfully ignorant.

The blacks want blood.

My family & my network of friends & neighbors are ready in our rural enclave. Are you?

Anonymous said...

Bogolyubski said…

Five solid decades of failure - and here we are.

In the past I have criticized you, saying you were a one trick pony and just repeat the same gibberish over and over.

We need leadership and you can lead us to victory!. Rallying behind you we can vanquish our Tea Party and Conservatard enemies!

Anonymous said...

I would hate to be a police officer and look forward to this every day!

Gary,IN, Detroit, Birmingham...
common thread?

Anonymous said...

I have a cousin, who lives in the "south". He started preping 10 years ago, and was very vocal about the impending collapse of America. We always thought he was a bit "nutty" about guns and the whole survivalist schtick. I have a hard time admiting this but, he may have been right all along. I now find myself possibley loookin"nutty" for my preping ways. Funny how things work.

Anonymous said...

One thing I've noticed is the correlation between early sexualization and sexual promiscuity and lack of civilization or intelligence. I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed this.

Lothrop Stoddard.

Madison Grant.

And quite a few more scientists who, a century ago, pointed out that unrestricted breeding by the underclass would lead to the low-IQ demographic overwhelming society.

In the past, the numbers of the underclass were kept in check by disease and hunger. Today, the breeding is subsidized by welfare, humanitarian NGOs, food aid (EBT, We Are the World), the importation of the third world into the first, and your tax dollars.

We can see this experiment playing out in every black majority entity in the world: in Africa, in Haiti, in Detroit, in London post riot, in Ferguson, and coming to a neighborhood near you.

Something to think about, YT.

Anonymous said...

What the DWLs don't get is that the DWL position is, at its core, racist.

For example, the other day my (DWL) mom mentioned that she was surprised at the amount of child abuse that happens in the black community, but then she hastened to add, "Though you know it's the white slaveowners who taught them that. They didn't beat their kids like that in Africa."

Making excuses for the blacks is racist!

All the other races are held accountable for their own behavior, but the blacks have a generational legacy of whatever so they can commit any atrocity and it's totally excusable?

Most people I know have terrible family histories of violence, drugs, poverty, and oppression that they've DECIDED to overcome, but 6 generations after slavery ended, blacks are still tearing each other apart and we're supposed to sadly accept that and feel terrible about being white?

People are waking up, even the DWLs. The baby boomer generation is lost, but the younger generations have seen black depravity firsthand, and younger people aren't as willing to accept the "blame YT" narrative as easily. There are just too many facts that don't work.

For example, the other day in the SF Chronicle there was an article about the truancy rate in the Oakland schools, and how black kids just can't be bothered to show up half the time. What, are we supposed to believe that this is because slaveowners used to prevent their slaves from learning to read? Or is it because their poor, oppressed black parents are so worn down from a life of microaggressions that they can't get up the energy to get their kids off to school? Or is it because a lot of black people are lazy, indifferent parents?

As another example, the other day the Chronicle had a story about two blacks who were sentenced for killing a Hispanic man. The narrative was that one of the blacks was angry at the Hispanic guy for dating his ex-girlfriend. I went to the murderer's Facebook page, and lo and behold! He had a new wife and a baby daughter at home when he committed this crime. Did he kill the guy because during slave times, black people were not in control of their own sexuality or reproductive output? Or was it because the sight of a white police officer threw him into a rage at how many opportunities he had been denied as a person of color (TM) in the United States? Or was it because a lot of black people are ridiculously touchy and egotistical and any perceived threat to the pride of a black man is likely to end in blood?

For both of these cases, I gave three explanations, two of which are officially PC (TM) and one of which is officially racist. However, the PC (TM) explanations are racist too, because they're all about making excuses.

Making excuses for the blacks is racist!

It's racist because it denies blacks any individual responsibility for their own behavior, and it puts black people in a position where they can't be expected to act civilized.

If a white person can't be bothered to get his kids off to school but can be bothered to hunt down and shoot his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend, other white people are like "What a piece of shit."

Ironically, a lot of "racism" will end when the DWLs can look at the behavior of a black person in that situation, and instead of shedding a tear for a life wasted in the racist, YT-run USA, they can all just say "What a piece of shit."

Dundu Nuffins said...

Re: "Between the rioting and the police chief's craven "apology," Ferguson should become 95% black within the next 5 years! All the whites and the top 10% most capable of the black population are already surfing Zillow. Excellent strategy rioters. You'll get your black mayor and legislators soon enough."

I'll add "And more white tax dollars" to that list.


And many of us are realizing it's all the enabling liberals fault. At least blacks are just acting like blacks. What's your excuse, oh "wiser than thou" liberals??
You are an even bigger disgrace.

You are the true enablers that support, sustain, excuse, and embolden these animals. They are an absolute blight, drain, and scourge on what was once civilized society.

I hate you just as much if not more because you SHOULD know better--being so smart and all.

Anonymous said...

This is why the South didn't let Blacks vote or hold office. 

It is also why whites had apartheid in South Africa. And why the US restricted third world immigration until the 1960s.

OK, you trolls who are reading this. Here's your chance. Please identify any white country or white city which has been improved by the presence of large numbers of blacks. Name some country or city which, after large numbers of blacks moved in, saw dramatic improvements in its economy, or experienced a drop in crime rates. Or which became so economically successful that large numbers of people from other races moved there. And whose food production so expanded that it could feed poverty stricken neighbors.

It is a hard reality that a black majority does increase crime, poverty, dependency, rioting, and etc. This is true globally.

It is also a reality that blacks refuse to understand how they collectively can not maintain a modern civilization. Instead, they blame YT for everything, the magical forces of "poverty" and "crime" which descend upon blacks no matter where they migrate. In this, they are abetted by the DWL agitprop machine which perversely rationalizes away any amount of black dysfunction, criminality and barbarism.

And this is a reason you have the Ferguson riots. The agitprop machine has got blacks blaming YT for their own failures. And from there it is a short step to violence in the streets.

More Bull Conner. Less Otto Kerberos.


Anonymous said...

That police chief is a disgrace.
I'm surprised the entire force hasn't resigned.

Dindu Nuffins said...

Notice how Ferguson Police Chief wears a pink shirt instead off his uniform.
Yeah, that will soothe the savage beast.
Nice try.

Anonymous said...

Hello. I'm new here. I'm so glad to find a site which tells it like it is.
Thank you.
I wonder why the police officer didn't mace those maniacs shouting at him....they are disgusting creatures.

Californian said...

The photo presents a picture of "demonstrators" which could have been taken in Monrovia, Port au Prince, Kinshasha, or whatever remains of Johannesburg. Note that the "demonstrators" do not even attempt to look like respectable citizens concerned over police abuse of power. It's straight out of the 'hood, a step or two removed from panga wielding ANC minions or child soldiers in the bush.

In the past, I have observed protests against police brutality in which the demonstrators dressed decently, marched peacefully, and raised no havoc.

But things in Ferguson have escalated to a new level:

1) Brown was not a peaceful citizen gunned down in his home by a SWAT team on a warrantless search. He (allegedly) was a thug assaulting a LEO.

2) The demonstrators are calling for blood (literally) as well as conducting acts of violence.

3) The DWL media, which generally ignores actual law enforcement abuses, has focused in on Ferguson, making it the civil rights revolution for the 21st century, thereby fanning the fires.

Look at the politics. This case if being promoted precisely because Brown was a thug assaulting a cop. He is a "warrior" for many blacks and, more importantly, a martyr for the system which uses blacks as a front against white civilization. It is the very danger presented by Brown which make him useful as a symbol and rallying point.

Now they got the police chief of Ferguson to back down. The cops on the street know they have no one behind them. Next time, they look the other way while John Q. Thug marches down the boulevard after committing a violent crime. They don't respond when a 911 call comes in over a flashmob. They fall back to their stations when gangbangers march into white suburbia. And when rioters are storming the redoubts, the cops hesitate in pulling the triggers.

It's about psychologically disarming the foe.

There is an irony here. All the "militarization" of police has rendered the cops useless in a real confrontation. The assault rifles, the flak jackets, the APCs, the drones...what good are they if no one is going to use them?

It comes back to the politics.

There was a time when a small number of cops could maintain order without all the ordnance. That was in a civilization which understood the reality of race.

Race realists today have to formulate the politics which will give white civilization a reason to fight.

Californian said...

If I understand the grievances voiced, it must be horrible to live in a place where a) there is an unrelenting force that perpetuates failure b) clothing accessories do not work as advertised ......and c) streets belong to Dr. Who.

Good one...especially point "c)."

rex freeway said...

Police chief said, “I want to say this to the Brown family. No one who has not experienced the loss of a child can understand what you’re feeling".

What should have been said....

“I want to say this to the Brown family. You cannot let your child roam the streets with zero Adult supervision. And it is not the Police of Ferguson Missouri's job to babysit your undisciplined adult child. We took an oath to protect and serve this community. Not turn our heads and look the other way every time your son broke the law. His complete lack of respect for business owners and the police of this community falls directly back on both of you. And ultimately his death is a result of your poor parenting skills. Officer Wilson followed strict dept. protocol when he fatally shot your son. And after he is cleared of any wrong doing by the Grand jury, Im going to nominate him for officer of the year.

And beginning tonight, Anyone protesting past 10:00 PM will be arrested on the spot.

Anonymous said...

To anon at 10:39:

I'll add to your list of questions:

What would happen if all this supposed white racism vanished tomorrow? Would poor black communities magically transform into The Cosby Show, or would they continue on, unchanged?

What has gotten better for blacks in the last 50 years? What has gotten worse?

Do you think that black people should be held to the same standards and expectations as white people? Why or why not?

What's the difference between equality of opportunity and equality of outcome? Do poor black Americans IN GENERAL have the same opportunities as poor white Americans for self-improvement and self-advancement? Why don't they take advantage of these opportunities?

Your challenge is to answer these questions without resorting to "because white racism."

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This is why the South didn't let Blacks vote or hold office.

It is also why whites had apartheid in South Africa. And why the US restricted third world immigration until the 1960s.

OK, you trolls who are reading this.

What trolls are you talking about? The Compassionate Oregonian character is satire. Stale satire, but that's what it is. Are the trolls those who don't automatically ramble on and on about the universal evil of Asians, Jews, Eskimos and Serbians? The site is not for that, there are other places where you can do that. The author here chronicles issues with blacks. Why is that so hard to grasp?

Anonymous said...

I just relocated from the east coast to the northwest. I drove 2750 miles with my 12-year-old cat in the backseat. Before we hit the road, I took her to a veterinarian for a check-up and to get a state-issued travel health certificate that listed where she leaving from and where she was going to and the date and serial number of her latest vaccination. I was advised to do this because, if I were stopped by a cop and didn't have it, the cops could take her. (In which case there would have been dead pig meat on the pavement). All this for a domestic pet ... but 50K unwashed, unwiped, unexamined, illiterate frijolero squat monsters get free passes and free rides to anywhere in the country.

Anonymous said...

Off Topic:

1. Blacks with HIV positive children let them play with your children without telling you.

2. The financial burden to the taxpayer to support these parasites is ENORMOUS. This particular one was BROUGHT here from Africa when she was eleven. WHAT. THE. FUCK???

To deny a coming collapse is to deny reality. This shit cannot & will not go on.

Anonymous said...

Just after announcing his resignation as U.S. attorney general, Eric Holder has accepted a top job with Wall Street finance giant JPMorgan Chase.

Starting in early November, Holder will serve as JPMorgan Chase’s chief compliance officer, where his responsibilities will include lobbying Congress on the company’s behalf and ensuring it “gets the best deal possible” from any new proposed financial regulations. Holder will also fetch morning coffee and breakfast orders for CEO Jamie Dimon and board members.

For his efforts, Holder will earn an annual salary of $77 million plus bonuses for a job well done.

In a statement, Holder said taking a job at JPMorgan Chase was the logical next step in his career, given the revolving door between financial companies and the government officials who are supposed to regulate these companies.

“By joining JPMorgan Chase, I’m simply cutting out the middleman -- the U.S. Justice Department -- and going to work directly for the great Jamie Dimon,” he said. “Plus, when Jamie Dimon calls you, or one of his many secretaries calls you, you pick up the phone immediately. Seriously, that’s what we do here in Washington.”

“We are extremely pleased to have Eric Holder, a dear friend and and tireless advocate for the interests of Wall Street, join our prestigious financial services firm where he belongs,” Dimon said in a press release. “Considering the awful s**t we did -- and boy did we do a lot of sleazy, ugly, ethically insidious s**t -- Mr. Holder always stood in our corner

Bogolyubski said...

Don M:
I am still enjoying the spectacle of two groups of the Empire's most privileged subjects, LEOs and Negroes duking it out on the streets of Ferguson.

Who will win? I'm not betting on the boys in blue.

But who really cares? I guarantee the Ferguson PD rode herd on the white middle class of that city for years, extracting every shekel of wealth it could from the populace.

Not unlike the loathsome negro who relies on federal goons with guns to extract his supper from the hides of working whites.

And in the end, did the Ferguson PD save the city? Did it maintain law and order for the working whites to survive and thrive?


So go ahead Tom Jackson, supplicate yourself to the black mob. Grovel in Dhimmitude to the Sultan of political correctness. Your paychex and pension depend on it.

I will be interested in seeing how long you can keep it. For your replacement is waiting in the wings... black, grinning, and dressed in full Idi Amin regalia.

After you have been deposed, he will address HIS people of Ferguson:

"Who's {sic} streets?" he will ask?

"OUR STREETS!" will come the exuberant reply.

Naturally. Just as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The funny thing his how a palefaced bureaucrat like Tom Jackson reacts - like a deer in headlights. He will lose his job and never get another - unless Jay Nixon has something already set up for him in Jeff City on the side. He'll never understand that it was always and forever about race. Negroes put race forever first. They vote as a block. While the most dramatic example, they are by no means alone. Only YT thinks that race does not exist, that it's a "social construct". Jackson probably never thought about it in any significant way in his life. He's the very model of a modern white man - empty and worthless. The Crystal Methodist ideal.

He no doubt holds on to Boasian fairy tales he was taught in either public edumacation or in Sunday school (not really any difference between the two 'cause Jeezus luvs da lil' chilren, red and yellow, brown-n-black). If Jackson doesn't have a deal worked out with Nixon's lawn-chair gang in Jeff City, he'd best cash out as fast as he can on that nice tax-funded pension and go find some quiet place to retire. Maybe he can join the Tea-Party express and campaign for his Holiness Ben Carson. I'm sure our anon troll will be thrilled and be happy to hold him up as a shining example of our salvation. Let's all go to Disneyland!

PB said...

"Just after announcing his resignation as U.S. attorney general, Eric Holder has accepted a top job with Wall Street finance giant JPMorgan Chase."

Perhpas we'll just let that statement stand as a monument to the collapse of America, after being hollowed out from within by you-know-who with their Court Jesters and Useful Idiots.

Anonymous said...

Californian said:

"It comes back to the politics."

Sure, but I agree with bogo. "We are not voting our way out of this." I also agree with PK. "We just have to survive." Both quotes paraphrased.

I'll vote in the next two elections. I'm not sure what good it will do.

Scot Irish

Jim Crow said...

I'm wondering about those blacks in the photo. Do any of them file a 1040 Income Tax form? Do they? Do they have Obamacare coverage? How? Do they have EBT cards which require you prove your "income"?

Do they? I am wondering how many residents of Ferguson file taxes? Imagine what happens to each and every one of us white people if we don't. We get a new ahole ripped into us. Do these blacks deal with that? If anybody here has any inside info with the IRS I would like to know if the IRS audits these blacks. Or is it only selective enforcement and only white people get audited and get their FHA homes foreclosed on? Where do these blacks live? What happens when they don't pay their rent?

I can see this as an excellent research project for somebody who really wants to get depressed.

Anonymous said...

@ anon 1:32
I thought it was illegal to allow persons with a deadly disease to enter this country. I remember that from my 5th grade civics class.
This woman and her children should be deported at once since they entered our country illegally and she seems proud of the fact that her children play with white children whose parents are unaware of the danger. this is absolutely wrong and measures should be taken by our government, or rather the posers in D.C., sickening.

10mm AUTO said...

"The site is not for that, there are other places where you can do that. The author here chronicles issues with blacks. Why is that so hard to grasp?

September 30, 2014 at 11:32 AM"

Your the troll...duh. Anon, pick a handle so we can "love you long time".

10mm AUTO said...

"I can see this as an excellent research project for somebody who really wants to get depressed.

September 30, 2014 at 3:22 PM"

Paul did a series on the average welfare negress is worth about $2.

Seriously, $2.00

Black males deal in stolen property, drugs, gambling (street level) and fencing gens. I would guess that the black market in guns alone is well into the billions.

As for taxes, see Paul's entry on "Registered Mail".

Californian said...

"It comes back to the politics."

Sure, but I agree with bogo. "We are not voting our way out of this."

I meant the meta-politics: the bigger situation of the struggle for power.

Voting is one small part of politics. There are tactical reasons to vote for certain candidates.

In the big picture, whites need a political consciousness.

Anonymous said...

None of the undertow of any color ever files taxes. They have short term jobs now and then, petty crime and benefit checks. When they start getting sick from too many years of drink, drugs and unprotected sex, they don't qualify for anything.

Social workers step in and get them qualified for SSD (Social Security Disability). Even if nothing is paid in, they get $400 per month minus about $160 for taxes they never paid.

At age 65, it reverts to SSR (SS Retirement) and they continue collecting about the same amount; usually around $250 per month. It's not enough to live on, but DWLs do Meals-on-Wheels, outreach, and most city and county governments have programs to help them.

As long as government helps, they can spend their lives high and drunk.

Anonymous said...

"Whose streets?"


D'Ontavious, Jamal, and Shaniqua, these are your streets.

And then all whites leave, and move to outlying incorporated communities.

These gentle giants, aspiring rappers, mathletes, future NBA forwards and good boys who dindu nuffin will never be victimized by white patriarchal society again.

Moron Hunter said...

10mm AUTO said...
"The site is not for that, there are other places where you can do that. The author here chronicles issues with blacks. Why is that so hard to grasp?

September 30, 2014 at 11:32 AM"

Your the troll...duh. Anon, pick a handle so we can "love you long time".

There's my handle tough guy. One of the many commenters against the moronization of PK's comment section. A voice of sanity against the relentless, repetitive onslaught of stupidity from 10MM.

Anonymous said...

Great discussion of Kipling's "The Gods of Copybook Headings"

Ivan Shatov

Anonymous said...

10mm is my fave poster.
He knows his stuff.
Take the whining elsewhere, Moran.

Atl Admirer

Anonymous said...

2 thoughts on,
have a cousin, who lives in the "south". He started preping 10 years ago, and was very vocal about the impending collapse of America. We always thought he was a bit "nutty" about guns and the whole survivalist schtick. I have a hard time admiting this but, he may have been right all along. I now find myself possibley loookin"nutty" for my preping ways. Funny how things work.

1.. who finds no honor in their own land? huh? not ask 'if' ask...[finish that w one word, starts w a 'w'].

Anonymous said...

Moron Hunter Compassionate Oregonian......ppffttt.....all the same. Please don't respond to these Libtards anymore.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
10mm is my fave poster.
He knows his stuff.
Take the whining elsewhere, Moran.

I agree with the moron hunter overall but I don't think that 10 mm is the worst. There are people who comment constantly and just seem to want to split us up.

I mean if some of these commenters have so much to say why not have their own web blog. They don't talk about what PK just wrote about and just go off on tangents and stuff. Theres a bunch that are pissed off at other white people and not the black criminals. Thats weird.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure there is a correlation there and not just coincidence. Being lesser advanced will cause them to reach maturity faster yet never reach a very developed maturity. Their dioxide on sex is part of their savage instinctual batiste which drives them rather than intellect.

Anonymous said...

As one man once said, the only thing that will wake YT up, get him mad, is a solid oak table leg to the head.

Anonymous said...

1. In the last 50 years there has been more harm done to the black community than good. The killing of all black leaders, welfare, crack, war on drugs, crack mysteriously found its way into the ghetto hm.

The ghetto, was created by The same ppl who created the slave plantations. The government created a cycle, if all "white racism" disappeared then no the problems of the ghetto would not disappear because a cycle that has been in affect for the past 300 yrs does not simply disappear in one day. Next you will say... But the civil rights movement was established in 1965. Since then welfare has destroyed the black family unit, plus the war on drugs destroyed the black family as well, a 50 yr cycle created by the government will not disappear in one day or one yr. White poverty is different from black poverty. White families did not have their fathers removed out of the house by welfare. In the 1960s a cycle was created. Black families that were in poverty, were given government assistance only if the fathers were removed from the household, thus creating a cycle that discourages marriage and promotion, absent fathers, promotion of teen pregnancy, out of wedlock etc, before welfare blacks married at a higher rate than whites, thanks to our US government the cycle continues. Povert, Absent, Fathers, teen pregnancy ,= unhealthy communities. It's not rocket science.

Independent Accountant said...

Jim Crow:

You wrote, "I would like to know if the IRS audits these blacks".
I became a CPA in 1975. In all those years I have only once had a Negro client's tax return audited. The Negro took a $1.4 million charitable contribution for donating his papers to a university.
I have never had the IRS enforce a collection action against a Negro.
That's my experience.


Anonymous said...

@anon 9:04AM
You really believe that stuff?
Blacks killed MalcomX because he had seen the light, and was trying to set blacks on a course which would have been greatly beneficial.
If male negros had cared enough to get jobs there wouldn't be the welfare problems you cite.
Don't give me that old lame and completely worn out excuse about nobody hiring blacks, because there is a job waiting for anybody willing to work.
Too good to flip burgers for minimum wage?
The available jobs are beneath you?
Hey pal,I was married with a kid at 17.
I worked two jobs, and did three hours at college every day except weekends, we didn't live high, but we didn't live off welfare either.
What you claim is welfare causing the absentee black father is B.S., and you know it.
The absentee sperm donor is helping Shequeefa game the system and you damned well know it.
Quit blaming others.
Catch a flight back to africa and live like a king among your own kind.
Whites don't need or want you among our kind.
We are good Hearted, we have been gentle with you when you truly deserved to feel the cat o nine.
Take a real pill and look at what you have wrought.
You turn decent places into ghettos, ever hear of picking up after yourself?
I'm sorry to have to inform you that you are as full of it as a Christmas turkey (which some white do-gooders will deliver to your door, along with presents for the sprogs.
Fool, you live in a negro paradise, and still whine like a 6 year old that can't have ice cream for supper.
Do the world a favor....DIAF.

James Bondo said...

"It's not rocket science."

No it's not. The irony is that there is a very high percentage of high IQ whites that have no idea who is responsible for all that. And a high percentage of 85 IQ blacks that do.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous at 9:04 AM..............what a load of crap!

AnalogMan said...

To Moron Hunter, a note on the choice of a nom de plume:

You may want to reconsider that. It's common practice, all over the web, for posters to abbreviate names. I am often referred to simply as Analog, for example. Sometimes, some people will capitalize the first four letters, because simply abbreviating it further is too subtle for that kind. The odd thing is that, usually, they seem to think that they've been clever, original or funny, when of course all they've done is show the world the state of their own minds.

I think, with a little reflection, you'll conclude that your handle is simply asking for abuse, especially since your purpose here is apparently to be a thorn in some regular posters' sides.

Left Coast White Guy said...


Moron Hunter said...

AnalogMan said...
To Moron Hunter, a note on the choice of a nom de plume:
since your purpose here is apparently to be a thorn in some regular posters' sides.

Not wishing to be a thorn in your side, especially. Because you know what we are dealing with and it's not the Tea Party, the first meaningful political movement in a while and it's not the Korean guy running a dry cleaner. But you know what the problem is and PK obviously knows and I do and I'm sick of the distractions offered by idiots.

Anonymous said...

Platinum EBT Cardholder:

9:04AM-Explain the Irish then. From the Norman invasion in the late 12th century until 1920 Ireland was England's bitch. Big time. Do a little research on exporting grain during the potato famine and then get back to us.

The white man has shod you, covered your nakedness, and filled your belly. Not to mention cured many of your diseases. Show a little fucking gratitude boy.

Anonymous said...

What does the Irish have to do with anything.. Irish had it easy compared to blacks