The apocalypse already happened.
We're living in the aftermath of the end times.
Get out of the way Jena Six.
This has it all wrong: White America's hands are up, as we are the racial group held hostage... |
Make room for the Ferguson Adolescent Six. [Black kids from the Ferguson block where Mike Brown lived star in a powerful video calling for 'white people to own up and face racism', Daily Mail, 9-10-14]
- A T-shirt company promoting
race equality released a video on Tuesday with children from Ferguson,
Missouri aimed at calling attention to racism
- is a 'for-profit T-shirt
company with an activist heart' that donates $5 out of every $13 dollars
spent on T-shirts to charity
- recruited six
children who lived on the same block where
teenager Michael Brown, 18, was shot in the face by police officers
I don't think the guy on the right will ever be over racism... |
A T-shirt
company promoting race equality released a video on Tuesday with
children from Ferguson, Missouri aimed at calling attention to the
racism that still exists in America today.
is a 'for-profit T-shirt company with an activist heart' that donates
$5 out of every $13 dollars spent on T-shirts to charities working to
fight racism.
The Blaze reports
that the T-shirt company recruited six children from Ferguson, Missouri
who lived on the same block where teenager Michael Brown, 18, was shot
in the face by police officers.
The video begins by saying that Ferguson is the place, 'where white police shot an unarmed black teen in the face.'
shooting spawned a nationwide discussion about the prevalence of racism
in the modern day despite having a black president in office and
supposedly living in more accepting times.
In the background a kid can be heard yelling that the incident is, 'a national disgrace.'
The video goes on to point out things that white people allegedly say about racism and their belief that it no longer exists.
'But is racism still a thing?,' a a kid asks pretending as though they were ignorant.
'All this focus on race makes me uncomfortable.'
'Try being black,' pipes an adorable little boy.
'It’s you people who are making this about race,' say one kid,
'I don’t see color,' mocked another.
'You people are just playing the race card,' said a kid pretending to be a jaded white person.
'Some of my best friends are black.'
Later in the video a white man appears in the video and talks about how fighting racism is about joining together.
is not over but I’m over racism,' says the T-shirt and the message the
the children are trying to send to racist America.
It's hard to imagine eternal damnation being any worse than life in Black-Run America (BRA), where the FCKH8 video is basically a microcosm for 24/7/365 white guilt drip that is the modern entertainment/corporate/military/academic/government mission.
"It’s you people who are making this about race,' say one kid,
'I don’t see color,' mocked another."
As if we are not aware. I watched this piece of crap. I bet sales are sky rocketing. Ha!
Scot Irish
Ughh. I am a a racist so I will just come out and say it; juvenile ghetto goblins are just repugnant, vile things. They quite literally make my skin crawl. Somehow, they are even worse than the fully matured specimens of their species.
Every time some (usually white female) liberal remarks at how cute they are, I immediately recoil in disgust.
I must not be alone, for this video has over 1000 more thumbs down votes than up as of this posting. The Youtube comments are a virtual war zone. Some comments are too uncivil for PK to reproduce here.
I think the left as overreached here, and I hope they continue to do so.
Don M
OT- but we are not alone. I read this during lunch today. Read the comments from this drudge linked article. Some commemorators use terms often repeated here. IE negro fatigue.
Equality is a social construct. Race is a genetically hard wired fact.
@#*&$! And I mean that. Just, @#*&@!.
Ok, this is admittedly a very prepped group. I didn't know a niglet could pronounce "National Disgrace" even if obviously coached.
The point is I have more in common with a Canadian, Frenchmen, Englishmen and a Dane than these negros. Their thinking processes are "off". A three hundred pound buck tried to murder a police officer by making a gun grab and then charged him in the course of leaving a felony robbery, all recorded on video. The officer responded by shooting and saving his life.
These negros and agitators believe we "owe" them something for attempting to destroy the officers career and the livelihood of most people in the town.
This is a schism that goes far beyond "culture". This is one group of fanatics (parasites if you will) bleeding out another. For 400 years we have lived together and our two people are mentally further apart than when we were under slavery.
White Homeland, Northwest Front!
as Colonel John M. Chivington of the Colorado militia said after the massacre of Cheyennes at Sand Creek (wrongly so as regards the Indians) "Nits make lice". You are looking at future rapists,murderers and drug dealers here.hey black people..we've had enough of your crap!
FCKH8 are the gang of HIV-spreading cultural marxist homos who promote homosexuality and transsexualism among schoolchildren. No big surprise that they also promote white guilt and the ascendancy of BRA
The Mayor of Newark will probably tax the white homeowners to ensure that all of the chillun' get a shirt.
I think a white male leftist is the owner of said company. I could be wrong.
Okay - hypothetical thought experiment. Everyone becomes honest and participates in a dialogue regarding race. The whites admit that they don't like blacks, that they don't want to support or be around blacks, that they believe that blacks are a criminally inclined race, that blacks as a race are stupid and a drag on modern society, and that they would be happier if all blacks were gone.
Then the blacks admit that they hate all whites, that they believe that whites cause all of their problems, that they believe that whites throw them in jail for no reason, that they believe that things would be better if whites would just do what ever the blacks want, and that whites should surrender all of their property and work product in perpetuity to blacks to help offset the evil legacy of slavery.
What would be better after this dialogue? Would we all have an epiphany and be able to get along? Would blacks say wow, if that's all whitey wants we'll just change our DNA? Would whites suddenly develop a desire to live and work solely to support blacks? I'm just not seeing the angle.
T-Shirts gone bad
And some of you don't want to live in a White Homeland?
(P.S. I promise you don't have to be pure...just fail an Affirmative Action interview or be denied a Minority Contract.......)
I'm listening to sport radio as I do paper work and drink.
It appears the negro pathology is finally wrecking the NFL (Negro Football League). It seems another negro affleet is in trouble for beating another person....this time a 4 year old child.
Hey, NFL, when you lie down with rats you are going to get bites all over. With over 80% of the NFL consisting of africans, well, you are going to get more and more of this. And, you intend to have zero tolerance? What be closed minded and not permit multi-cutlure? Well, you will be kicking out many of your pets.
The culture of the african is violence and disregard for life. The NFL realizes it is stupid white fans who pay the bucks for the bucks. You piss them off and you loose money, so they are trying to be moral and have 0% tolerance for wife/girl friend beatings but it won't work. Negroes can not not beat things so whats the NFL to do?
It is going to get interesting. All of this is no surprise to us since we have eyes to see. We have been "raised from the dead" and Paul Kersey is our saviour. The Kingdom of God (White God) will be upon us before this generation shall pass, so sell your garments and buy a sword.....(where have I heard that before?......) for he has not come in peace but to turn father against son and brother against brother............
Like hell they're "over racism".
Racism is as important to blacks as food, shelter, and water, because banging the racism drum is how they get all three for free.
A black thug attacked a cop, right after he robbed a store, and white people get a lecture on racism.
Things have gotten so far away from reality that you really have to wonder much farther we can go. Once you have disconnected from reality, there really is no limit to the insanity that can come from it.
I don't have to tell you things are bad.
Everybody knows things are bad.
It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth; banks are going bust; shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter; punks are running wild in the street, and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it.
We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat. And we sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be!
We all know things are bad -- worse than bad -- they're crazy.
It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out any more. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, "Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials, and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone."
Well, I'm not going to leave you alone.
I want you to get mad!
I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot. I don't want you to write to your Congressman, because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street.
All I know is that first, you've got to get mad.
You've gotta say, "I'm a human being, goddammit! My life has value!"
So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell,
"I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!!"
Those little black kids are so cute. They're sassy, but lovable.
Negroes and their dedicated enablers are actually creating a parallel reality. The constant repetition of this story of a white cop shooting an unarmed black teen in the face, will become reality in the minds of many dimwitted whites.
If this Brown story doesn't work, they'll find something else slightly more believable. And after that, they'll find another one. There's no organized response to it. Can you get the kind of acceptance this t-shirt might receive with a similar video explaining statistical black violence and IQ? Course not.
f%$# hate dot com. what a wonderful and nice name for a website promoting unity. LOL
i like what some commentor said previously: white privilege is code for black failure. someone ought to put that on a t-shirt.
'I think the left as overreached here, and I hope they continue to do so.'
The left is tightrope walking over fire with only one their pinky toe on the rope while hugging an anvil.
the "national disgrace" would be the "enlightened" white people who participate (near the end of the video -- btw, it's not worth watching all of it just to see them)
San Franciscan here
Hey kids! I really like what you're doing, educating white people about white racism. That's really cool of you to do that. But you know what would really fight racism? It would be nice if people who look like you didn't keep trying to mug old white guys like me.
I know that we white people did all kinda really really bad things to you black folk years and years ago, but when I was almost mugged four times in the last year by young people who looked just like you, well, it's kinda hard not to feel a little , you know, threatened.
I mean slavery ended 150 years ago and segregation ended 50 years ago, so I just don't see why young people such as yourselves feel it's necessary to try to do me bodily harm just because I'm white. So if you're really interested in fighting racism, maybe you should consider talking to youths such as yourselves and convince them that mugging old white guys like me doesn't help your cause any. After all, the stuff that makes you want to hurt or kill me (slavery, segregation, Ozzie and Harriet) didn't happen to you, and by the way, I didn't do it.
Now take your bullshit and stick it where the sun don't shine.
Centurion, I thought NFL stands for Negro Felony League.
This is why Bull Connor was Bull Connor!
Why do they want to live among us, then? Let Ferguson become 100% black, and it will be paradise, right? No more whitey, no more racism. I have noooo problem with that...
Great post.
Blacks get a lot of perks by keeping racism alive. And they know it.
I think it was Osama Obama that said we need to have a conversation about race and Pat Buchanan said yea and next time let's have a 2 sided conversation.
This beasts just don't understand that we don't give a rats ass.
You can push something till it falls off a cliff and I've noticed that this seems to be happening with the negro problem. I just wonder when it's going to go public so to speak. So keep pushing the dead carcass of that filthy rotten thug and when it goes off the cliff it's going to take you too. If Ebola only infected negros and nobody else.....
A woman in Detroit thinks one of the victims who was thrown from a car and died at the scene might be her cousin. No witnesses are talking (duh) and police have limited information. Mothers can't see their loved ones in the hospital or nuttin.
"Our rights are being tooken (sic)" says this woman.
If we asked this little "miss grammar" exactly what rights were tooken, wonder what the response would be?
If she didn't pass 3rd grade English, she probably didn't pass 11th grade civics either.
Ex New Yorker here.....Went into the big city (it has a traffic light) today for more cat food and other stuff. This is my report on Negro sightings....This time I only saw one....End of report.
There is a town North of me in South Dakota that has three traffic lights and I like to drive up there when the weather is nice. In the last 20 years I have NEVER seen a black person in that town. NEVER.
Your white homeland is right in front of you but you can't see it. There are no signs around here saying "White Homeland next exit". The people I live around came out here in covered wagons or the railroads when the tracks were laid. They didn't bring any slaves with them. They did all the hard work themselves.
If you really understand how the negro mind works you will know why they don't live here. The folks around here are not EASY PREY. I am living in an armed camp. Blacks like cities where there is an easy array of weak victims. Do you think a guy that likes riding a bull in a rodeo is going to put up with any shit from some street ape. I went into a bar one night and saw a cowboy sitting on a horse drinking shots of whiskey. Do you think a black street thug would like living around somebody like that. No way.
The nearest ghettos are in Lincoln, Omaha and Denver. It is so nice and quiet here and there is nobody crawling into my window at night like the old days in New York.
I think a white male leftist is the owner of said company. I could be wrong.
Not wrong.
It's owned by a gay left-wing activist.
What a joke. Black people are way more raycist than whites. I have lived in Georiga my entire life, grew up 20 min from downtown Atlanta, I am sort of a negro expert. They hate White people and do not kid yourself.
Where is the video of all the monkey-ass attacks these nogs do to us?
Ok, so here is how they think. At my office I am maybe 1 of 6 white people out of 70 employees. The rest are the dreaded negro. Our breakroom is always a pig pen and these dumb fuck's come in there and act repulsed over the disgusting mess. Well, finally I had enough, I asked them who the hell they think is making this mess! Of course the room falls silent when the lone crazed white guy goes nuts due to the black norm of trashing everything. I asked them who the heck do they actually think is making the mess cause it sure is hell isn't me. You could hear a pen drop.
I am so tired of stupid spooks! Can I get an Amen!
MY COMMENT posted at the YOU TUBE web site:
First of all, I could only understand a very few words of what those kids were saying in that video recording.
If you want to get ahead in life, learn to speak the English language intelligibly.
Secondly, "stereotypes" are called that because they are indeed, "TYPICAL".
Finally, any currently existing racial prejudice is the direct result of "the content of their character", and NOT solely due to "the color of their skin".
Southron said...
Like hell they're "over racism".
I think most Blacks would agree.
But then they're just posing in those t-shirts because a self-loathing gay white male is paying them.
Just our of curiosity, what's the ethnicity of that little shop clerk who was being throttled by St. Swishah da Sweet, the Gentle Giant of Ferguson? Indian? Paki? Arab? (Perhaps the Ferguson city council there can vote to install a 200-foot basalt statute of St. Swishah that can be seen from I-270 so YT can genuflect from his car while commuting).
My, I have this funny 'Deja-Vu' feeling all over again! Where are all the Indian or Middle-Eastern advocacy groups? They must be hiding behind the very same curtains La Raza, Lulac, and MeCHa were hanging out back when the New York Times' favorite white Peruvian Octaroon, Señor Jorge Zimmerman, was being portrayed by the Ministry of Truth as a white cross-burning Klansman straight out of central casting for Birth of a Nation.
As I mentioned on an earlier thread where we were arguing about other non-whites, Asians are frequently targeted by the Sons of D'Won for their KO-Keehng games. Not as often as YT of course, but not exempt by any means (in contrast to Italian-Eskimos, who only rarely fall prey). There was a very ugly case in St. Louis just a couple of years ago involving an elderly Vietnamese couple - one beaten to death. Not a peep of complaint from the professional Asians, locally or nationally. Funny how that works. Interesting how only YT can be rayciss, no? I'm not against having alliances, but alliances are not one-way streets, either.
To paraphrase an urbin yute mob of entropenoors "Pant's Up! Don't Loot!"
When "they" bring out the kids as a naked means of influence, we are then affirmed that we are doing many things right.
It appears the negro pathology is finally wrecking the NFL (Negro Football League). It seems another negro affleet is in trouble for beating another person....this time a 4 year old child.
Hey, NFL, when you lie down with rats you are going to get bites all over. With over 80% of the NFL consisting of africans, well, you are going to get more and more of this. And, you intend to have zero tolerance? What be closed minded and not permit multi-cutlure? Well, you will be kicking out many of your pets.
The culture of the african is violence and disregard for life. The NFL realizes it is stupid white fans who pay the bucks for the bucks. You piss them off and you loose money, so they are trying to be moral and have 0% tolerance for wife/girl friend beatings but it won't work. Negroes can not not beat things so whats the NFL to do?
The sooner the National Felons' League goes belly-up, the better. I do wonder what the average clueless YT Repuke Christian Tea-Party Patriotard would do if it actually went off the air. Slit their wrists? Cry out to their black-plastic god? Start seeing reality, just maybe a little? Who knows?
I don't think our 'concerned' friends here have to worry though. The Ministry of Truth will find a way to blame the violent behavior of the negro playahs on YT. These gentle giants are all like the saintly figure in the movie where the nice YT Christian family took in the suffering negro yoot who became a big star afleete. It has to be part of the turribul, turribul legacy - imposed upon the poor suffering darkies by YT rayciss, the most evilest of evil who evaaahh eviled (who wantstokillsixmillionjews just for fun!!!). Not to worry, team MinTru is on it.
""The point is I have more in common with a Canadian, Frenchmen, Englishmen and a Dane than these negroes.""
The truth of the matter is, we have more in common with the horse herders of the Mongolian steppe than we do with the vast majority of the negroes.
We, as a ethnic group, owe it to our ancestors and to our future generations to preserve our White European heritage.
""This is a schism that goes far beyond "culture".""
You bet it goes far beyond culture. It's genetic. It's a divide that separated the primates millions of years ago.
Our race/subspecies has had its ugly moments in history. There's no denying that. But has this negroid race/subspecies had anything else BUT ugly moments? Where are their achievements throughout the millennia? Where are their flowering civilizations? Where is their glory? Their future, the way things are going, will be as bleak as their past.
As a previous person posted, "Equality is a social construct. Race is a genetically hard wired fact."
No truer words have spoken.
The negroes are the biggest racists around.
Might be interesting to find out who owns (name should be Betcha they aren't negroes.
Here's their "mission statement" is a for-profit T-shirt company with an activist heart and a passionate social change mission: arming thousands of people with pro-LGBT equality, anti-racism and anti-sexism T-shirts that act as “mini-billboards” for change. Started in 2010 with comedic viral videos that captured millions of views on YouTube, has shipped almost 200,000 equality tees, tanks and hoodies to supporters in over 100 countries. T-shirts emblazoned with bold messages like “Some Chicks Marry Chicks, Get Over It,” “Straight Against Hate,” and ”Legalize Love” have been publicly talked about by celebrities including Jane Lynch, Adam Lambert, Perez Hilton, and Zac Efron - who’s raved about his own “Some Dudes Marry Dudes, Get Over It” shirt in the press. Ellen DeGeneres and wife Portia de Rossi even have their own pink “Some Chicks Marry Chicks, Get Over It” buttons. With over 305,000 followers on Facebook and 43,000 on Twitter, has given over $250,000 to the equality cause through directly funded projects and donations to LGBT charities. In 2014 expanded it's anti-hate message with campaigns and tees focused on fighting sexism and racism and supporting those important causes. In a effort to get tees to supporters even faster, the brand recently became owned and managed by Synergy Media's team of passionate people with a vision to make an even bigger positive impact with the activist brand. FCKH8!
Synergy Media (new owners) appears to be either a PR racket in Irvine, CA - perhaps a graphic-design type outfit in Dearbornistan, MI. My bet would be on the Irvine outfit, as the Musloids in Dearbornistan might not be so very keen on all the LGBT agit-prop.
Philadelphia Mike here.
I miss the old days.
I miss the way my French great grandmother communicated with my Swiss great grandfather who spoke German.
I miss the old spinster Italian and Sicilian great aunts who would bake biscotti and little round puff balls covered with honey for Christmas.
The days of my childhood were days of happiness in a loving extended family who were the last vestiges of European immigrants who came here to not only better their lives...but to better the lives of their children as well.
And to me THAT was diversity. Embracing what each of the different groups had to offer.
But today...things are very different. Today's definition of diversity indicates nothing more than defeat...surrender...succumbing to a less advanced, more violent, less intelligent race.
Nothing will ever bring back the old days. But we have to try our hardest to keep the future bright. Remember, no plague lasts forever. And that includes the black plague that has descended upon our cities...our suburbs...our schools...our nation.
I really do hope that many of you heed my words. Talk the talk. Be vocal. Be bold. Be fearless. It's now OUR turn to have OUR civil rights.
Philadelphia Mike
negro pathology is finally wrecking the NFL (Negro Football League).
You mis-spelled Negro Felon League.
The n****r scum stole the last gift I got from my deceased family. I am beyond hate for them. I want them out of my city, out of my state, out of my COUNTRY, OUT OF MY LIFE! I don't care WHAT it takes to get them out, so long as they're GONE!
"Things have gotten so far away from reality that you really have to wonder much farther we can go. Once you have disconnected from reality, there really is no limit to the insanity that can come from it."
Yes, it's looking like the current RSA everyday.
Scot Irish
'where white police shot an unarmed black teen in the face.'
oh well, there goes "shot in the back" at least.
The point is I have more in common with a Canadian, Frenchmen, Englishmen and a Dane than these negros.
Maybe there was a time when African-Americans aspired to be fellow Americans with whites.
But now the mask is off. We can see African-Americans emphasizing the "African" and not the "American." It's like a tribal revolt against YT, something out of the colonial African era. Ferguson is one big battle in this uprising, with YT standing down instead of crushing them with overwhelming force. The USA is not quite as gone as Rhodesia or South Africa. Whites still have the numbers versus blacks. But they lack the political will.
In the long run, BRA self-destructs in the same way that every black dominated polity self-destructs. Blacks can riot, march and throw all the tantrums they want. They can not overcome the genetic disposition towards dysfunction. And I suspect this is what is ultimately behind the black rage.
Stay alert, prep, and keep your powder drive.
I want to return to this point:
The point is I have more in common with a Canadian, Frenchmen, Englishmen and a Dane than these negros.
It's high time that white activists form a global network. Use the Internet and other technologies to link up with embattled white South Africans/Rhodesians, with nationalist movements in Europe, with anti-third world movements globally. There is a lot of material out there on neworking and information warfare which is useful.
Blacks will NEVER be 'over' racism. It's literally all they have. The entire race worldwide is engaged in some form or another of the same racial con game. They just aren't able to cope with living in Western style society. They are a lost cause...except to the Democrats, because they can vote. That is the only reason why blacks enjoy such gvt subsidy largess - their votes are bought with all our tax dollars.
Still waiting for the rap song to help drive the Tshirt sales. So they can wear this Tshirt underneath Trayvon's hoodie.
Perhaps the Tshirt will come in alternate color white with black script.
Also, FCKH8 is quite the practical slogan. FCK, is of course one of their favorite words of all ages (what they tend to do whether indoors or outdoors to people that they don't like) and H8, of which they also tend to do regarding YT as well as other blacks such as themselves.
The biggest irony is that they DONT FcK H8; in fact, they tend to LOVE to H8 (all races including their fellow hommies).
Let's take this at its face value.
Let's assume that blacks literally mean that for a white cop to shoot a black thug attacking him is "racism."
i.e., for blacks, any act of white self defense is "racism."
This assumption is demonstrated by the experience of recent decades. "Racism" has come to include:
* Black students being disciplined in schools in large numbers (owing to their high rates of indiscipline).
* Blacks being jailed in large numbers (owing to their high rates of violent crime).
* A white (or "white-hispanic," per minitru proclamation) shooting a youth in a street altercation.
* White people maintaining professional qualifications for police recruits.
* White people fleeing black criminality by moving to the suburbs.
* White people in South Africa keeping the lid on black dysfunctions via enforcing apartheid.
* White people wanting to defend their countries' borders from mass migrations of Africans.
Taken to its logical conclusion, "racism" means any act of white resistance to blacks. What makes this all the more insidious are the numerous whites who buy into this mantra.
This is one reason, of course, white white Southerners resisted integration. Integration was never about equality. It was about black dominance. This has proven so whether in the USA, post-colonial Africa, and increasingly Europa.
Look at the Orwellian redefinition of words here. "Racism" might once have meant discrimination on the basis of the fabled color of skin. If the "youth" in the t-shirt were to be asked, would he be against affirmative action, minorities-only contracts, Bill Gates scholarships, historical black colleges & universities, black studies programs, and etc? After all, these discriminate on the basis of color of skin. Would he be willing to take it to the streets against these policies?
I doubt it.
"Racism" has become some magical force. The magical force which prevents "good schools" from working in the 'hood. The magical force which causes "gun violence" to mysteriously single out black people. The magical force which causes the inner city to become a "food desert." The magical force which causes water to be turned off and electric lights to go out in black majority cities.
In this world view, you do not need to hit the books to graduate school, nor obey the law to stay out of jail, nor control your impulses and think long term to make it into the middle class. None of this figures into the equation any more than paying the utilities bill is related to water coming out of the faucet.
You see, it's all magic.
Hey black people: Stop robbing, raping and killing so many people, and stop being so loud and combative and stop turning every area you inhabit into a puddle of jenkum, and we'll stop being so wary of you.
Curiously, the "Racism is not over. And I'm not over it either. That's why I paid for this t-shirt with the word 'racism' featured prominently. Also I don't really care about black teenagers shot in the face by other black teenagers, because that doesn't promote the correct image of victimhood, and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton can't make money on that." t-shirts aren't selling well in Ferguson.
Something to cringe about. Imagine the kids in this clearly Anti-White video being in the same school or worse yet your children's classmates! Do you think these kids will treat your beautiful White children with any respect? Hell no! Is the answer to that question.
These are the future community organizer's of the new Chicago way! do you think these black racist's make bertha lewis smile at night? You know damn well she does.
As far as the ring leader in that video(liberal beta male White fag)Just give me 10 minutes to debate that race traitor. Or better yet throw him in a prison cell with that black panther party ring leader. You guys & girls know the one I mean. The nappy headed fuck with the kill Whitey face tattoo. I wonder if the liberal beta male White fag will change his mind about so-called White only racism after that experience?
Those black kids are ugly and obnoxious. They are not going to win over anyone who has a brain cell working in his head to their way of thinking.
We all know this.
The T-shirt and video are both nothing more than pandering to the ignorant mobs of hopeless fools who see it as a way to gain attention for themselves and possibly to somehow profit from it all.
I can't imagine anyone with even two functioning brain cells being influenced by it.
However, it will play well among ghetto negroes- they'll eat it up and use it as a manipulative tactic (on the weak minded) to target them for more "gibsmedat."
Too bad they couldn't be honest and have a t-shirt printed that said, "You Owes Me, Cracka! Now Gibsmedat!"
This is TNB in its purest form. Pay attention all you white people that are STILL sitting on the fence. By the way...they still haven't spelled it right..I'm a "Realist* not racist.
As per the hypothetical thought experiment, the question has been soundly answered- the negro is a parasite and whitey is the host.
You don't have a dialogue with a parasite that wants to feed off of you and demands the right to do so. Everything the negro bleats about is oriented towards furthering that agenda and securing its meal ticket as it sinks its fangs into the throat of whitey.
Someone please remind me- who was the black official that said that whitey could never get away from the darkies and that they'd follow us everywhere we went?
We don't need a dialogue. What we need is one of those pills (such as are given to dogs) that kills any blood sucking parasite that makes the mistake of latching onto it.
For whitey, that's the negro and just like fleas and ticks will follow dogs, feed off them and use the "nourishment" to breed more parasites, so too the negro. The "fleas" and "ticks" have told us that no matter where we go, they will follow us and we aren't getting away from them.
We don't need a dialogue- we need a pesticide.
Just announced : the black lady in the white house has said that the FDA has approved these shirts are eligible to be purchased with your EBT card. Eat that YT.
BTW, first, thanks for the two replies I got last time from some Anons. I do appreciate. & I did once, in fact, have a relationship with an Italian girl, LOL.
Here's the thing: groups like "FCKH8" and other leftist activists are resorting to more and more 'meme generation.' None of this is even an argument but it is a collection of (half-)witticisms. So little of anything encourages any amount of 'dialog,' but rather the war is about winning with cheap laughs & punch lines. This is ironically something the left wing always considers the ebil Fox News of doing: simple, stupid catch phrases meant to scare people and beat them back into their little positions.
The real message here, and that you should spread around, is tat they will go after you now, even if you are a well intended, good little DWL. They are going to hammer at you even if you TRY to be 'color blind,' because that is not good enough. Now they want you to get on your knees, go before them, kiss their ring & "Check Your White Privilege."
(& Your heterosexual privilege; and your male privilege; and your able-bodied privilege; and for having two parents, if you had that, and for having spending cash in your household, if you had that.)
If this ever comes up, you should casually observe this point and let your liberal white friends know, "Hey, did you hear? It's not good enough to be 'color blind' now, now you have to actually check that white privilege. Tell me, have you done that? Can you show me how you check it?"
Let the ratchet up their propaganda & we will help them get the word out.
There is a saying about this: Never interfere with your enemy when he is busy destroying himself.
I'm tired of this too but I'm also tired of race realists coming to the defense of the officer. The officer brought this on himself and we shouldn't have to waste our time defending him. Policing a 67% black community is impossible. Every race realist knows it. Every white victim of crime in that community is responsible for it. Race realists know that whites are a target of the groid. Whites defending themselves in bra is not a defense as we have seen in this case. Screw officer Wilson and any other white person who tries to maintain civilization in a 67% black town. Why don't you try to jump to the moon?
Their ad campaign is "... I'm over racism" yet i'm still going to buy a shirt proving i'm not.
And just to let you guys know, but FCKH8 is a massive scam where they take your money but never send you a shirt:
Just to be fair...on the back of that lil niglets' should read DOMESTIC TERRORIST IN THE MAKING.
Pants up, Don't loot!
-Fireforce- here,
Don M, it's not just on that Youtube channel. Look at the comments section of just about any news feed that was covering the recent Michael "Six Holes" Brown shooting. With the exceptions of leftist meccas like HuffPo in places were comments were permitted the comments condemning the acttions of the rioting orcs and in favor of shooting. The usual racial paranoid and White hating posts by blacks and the hand wringing posts by the leftists are outnumbered by a huge amount. This is especially the case at Yahoo, which is my news feed.
The same can be said of other stories with a racial angle in recent years. It's a sign that many people are waking up to the problem, or at the very least the general "negro fatigue" has got to the point that many normal Whites are sick of the whining, hand wringig, and excuses. I'm hopeful that it will all come to head in a few short years.
I can only imagine what black people feel when the witness failure after failure in their community. High unemployment, drugs, gangs and next to zero academic achievement. Heck even with all the AA programs they still manage to goof up. They try and try to blame ole YT, slavery, one parent families and so on. They blame their failures on everything but themselves. I for one would like to see a black person speak the english language properly. How do they speak when going for a job interview?
How, specifically is White America being held hostage, and by whom exactly?
I read somewhere that a new witness has come forward in the Michael Brown saga. He says they met on the street, just before the shooting, and spent half an hour discussing their religious views. The following is a reenactment.
Guy on street: "What are the greatest commandments?"
Brown: 1 - "Love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and might."
2 - "Love your neighbor as yourself. Unless he is some Pakistani guy. You can push him into a rack of potato chips."
T-shirt ideas for our side:
A white shirt with the word "Privileged" (only if you have your CCW)
(Front) "O.R.I.O.N." (Our Race Is Our Nation) with a graphic of the constellation "The Hunter" (back) "If you have to ask, you don't need to know"
The aforementioned "Pants Up! Don't Loot!"
"I got over racism, and all I got was this T-shirt."
These would be fun, but they would be a tactical error (that the other side is committing): Target identification.
That's it for now, I'm off to the Crossroads Of The West show.
This is what Covington calls "the disintegration of symbols". Where fear of losing one's employment causes you to be silent as your heritage is eliminated from your daily life.
Now the flag of the Union is "racist". It is to be replaced by the bloody "New Africa" Flag which is green (for the land, black (for the rightful people) and red (for the blood spilled to get their "nation").
Remeber, White Nationalists are "insane" for wanting a White Homeland by waging war of a type America just lost in Iraqi, Syria, Libya, etc. but La Raza, MEChA and related groups have 300 chapters in most of the Southwest Universities and colleges and the "New Africa" movement has supporters all they way to the White house.
La Raza is perfectly happy to engage in "clandestine operations" to remove negros from an area, like LA County and advance their agenda, while the negros are perfectly willing to engage in overt violent operations like Ferguson to remove Whites, "plant their flag" and advance their agenda, but Whites are "insane" for even talking about gathering their people together to advance their agenda.
Every race sees the hesitation of the White race, the scent of death brought on by TWMNBN and their Marxism and looting schemes. The other races hurry to strip us of our scientific and cultural advances in every field from Thorium Reactor tech (Chinese) to medical advances to cure Ebola (negro).
But White Nationalists are "insane" for wanting a single place where they can live separate and at peace without the fangs of the "others" in their throat.
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
Someone here could make a fortune.
Open an internet retail site to sell T-Shirts that have a "secret" logo or word that White Racist Realist will identify with.
Maybe all the shirts can be blue, as in our unique blue eyes. Then the letter R embossed. Just that. We would all know what it means and it would be subtle.
If I was younger and had the computer skill, I could make a fortune selling pro-white things to help build the movement.
I think I'll talk my son into it. I've got the money, he has the age and computer skill and there are millions of Racist cracka-white-ass-rednecks who are desperate for leadership.
Negroes and their stupid t-shirts, their "marches" against their own violence, their "prayer vigils" to stop their violence....
Give up, Negroes~ just go ahead and have that voodoo priestess from New Orleans come and dance around idiotically on your street while casting spells- that will be just as effective and meaningful.
If the idiocy of negroes did not have such horrifically damaging effects upon the country, I'd laugh myself into a coma at their antics.
Oh well. It must be nice for them to have the white man and "racism" to blame for everything. Otherwise, they'd have to engage in black on black tribal slaughters ala the Hutu vs the Tutsi. There's a t-shirt for you- "Tribalism Ain't Over But I Is Over Tribalism." Maybe American negroes could use that to protest the Crips vs the Bloods. Just change it to "Gangs Ain't Over But I Is Over Gangs."
The only effect such efforts have is that 1.)T-shirt companies make some money and 2.) Negroes get to engage in their attention seeking behaviors and put on a display and 3.) I get to snicker at them.
Oops! Does the word "snicker" sound too much like the N word? Better not use it at work lest some giant brained negro get offended and declare it racist. Or some sheboon get curious and ax why I like dem candy bars so much and how he gonna snicker? Dat don't make no sense!
Anonymous Liz M said...
How, specifically is White America being held hostage, and by whom exactly?
Well, Liz, I'm surprised that you can't see this without anyone explaining it to you.
We Whites are held hostage by the injustices implemented against us by the government and the black community.
Affirmative action. No longer being a merit based system, in schools and employment people are selected by their skin color and not by their qualifications. White applicants are denied while much less qualified (and often unqualified) blacks are given the jobs or the acceptance into schools.
Black on White violence. The murders and the brutal beatings occur plentifully on a daily basis. I used to post a list of the black on White murder victims. It was a shocking eye opener which the media keeps under wraps.
Media bias. When a White on black incident occurs where the black is hurt or killed it makes national news. Sometimes international news. And the White is always portrayed is evil and privileged where the black is portrayed as an angel (ie. Michael Brown the preposterously named "gentle giant"). But when a black up White atrocity occurs, it is often given very little (if any) media attention.
White Privilege. Because we Whites value education and hard work we are labeled as being privileged. Yes, as a group we are by far more financially secure than the blacks but we've work hard for it. Often in the black community the people purposefully don't work and yet expect hand outs from the taxpayers and the charities. And yes, Whites are more welcomed in stores and restaurants because more often than not WE are not the ones robbing and killing the store owners.
Neighborhood blight. Whites more often take pride in their homes and their neighborhoods. They understand responsibility. Too often neighborhoods are taken over by the blacks and the blight ensues. Although we are not actually held hostage to stay in these neighborhoods, economics/finances dictate and the White homeowner is stranded in a declining area.
Schools. There is now a double standard in the public schools for punishment and discipline for black students...recently implemented by Eric Holder. The White students are held to a higher standard of behavior and disciplined as such while the blacks are held less accountable. Additionally there is government enforced bussing of black students (often disruptive) into white neighborhoods. Finally, our public education system has been dumbed down to accommodate the blacks. Even in NYC the programs for intellectually gifted students were discontinued because the White students were overrepresented.
Ethnicity. White Pride. We Whites are ridiculed when we hold our ethnicity and race in pride. We are denounced as racists. Yet the Blacks do it all time. Again, another double standard.
Forced immigration....The forced destruction of our traditions and culture. In Europe, the ethnic White homeland, mass immigration from sub Saharan Africa is being forced upon the people even though they do NOT want these immigrants coming to their shores. And to challenge immigration publicly is a crime in some nations (Sweden, for instance). And in the USA communities of sub Saharan Africans are purposefully introduced into formerly quiet White towns and small cities.
Liz, there's a whole lot more than this. But I'm glad you asked the question. I see that you are looking for hard facts and evidence....And that is good. Keep your eyes open and you will begin to see.
Be vocal. Be bold. Be fearless.
Philadelphia Mike.
Here is the "copy" for the New York Times to "explain" the latest savage (to us) behavior (normal to them) of NFL playahs.
Mr.Rice and Mr. Peterson are reacting to the rage created in them by institutional WHITE RACISM. Imagine being born in America into hostile violent neighborhoods due to the racist housing patterns of America. These two young men are just the visible examples of damaged lives and destroyed futures due to the legacy of racism which reaches from the past, into the present, and into the homes and families of today's young impressionable black children.
Mr. Rice and Mr. Peterson show how much more we need to do. We need to give back to the community and open out-reach centers and provide jobs for the community. We need to spend the money we waste on rockets and narrow-minded trips to Mars on our future, the young black man. SO, let us spend what it takes in new and better outreach programs to meet the needs of America's neglected and abandoned sons. It is the least we can do.
As a Judeo-Christian nation it is the least we can do. All of us must teach in our schools and churches that "Jesus loves the little children" and so should we. Begin collecting money next time you worship the Lord and use this money to help those in need, the boys that are our future. Talk to your pastor tomorrow and make sure he puts in his sermon that it is our religious duty to help the poor, provide for the poor, protect the poor and serve the poor just as "you-know-who" fed the poor.
We are all responsible but only a few can look into their hearts and give, give, give. It is a Privilege to give and those with the most Privilege among us must give the most since it is a sin not to, sayeth the Lord.
Remember, it is better to give to the community than greedily take and keep from the community.
Remember, if you don't you will go to HELL.
Do we need a Kersey scale for chimp-outs?
Category 0: Ranting and raving. Almost always an individual, because groups would work themselves up to a higher category event.
Category 1: Minor destruction of property by 1-3 individuals.
Category 2: Assault and battery by Black mob. Example: Steve Utash attack.
Category 3: Flash mob with multiple assaults. Example: "Beat Whitey night".
Category 4: Small riot. Example: Ferguson, MO.
Category 5: Major riot. Example: Rodney King verdict riot.
Suggestions for improvement cheerfully accepted.
I am so tired of stupid spooks! Can I get an Amen!
I'm an atheist of several decades' standing, but I'll give you a "hear, hear!".
And speaking of Michael Brown... he liked Swisher Sweets so much, they thought they were to die for!
Take the "Gentle Giant", put him in a football uniform, stick a helmet on his hominid skull and what do you have?:
Adrian Peterson.
Yet, the stupid as shit white sports fan can't get that through his head. The vast majority of african football players are just ghetto hoods who can catch or run. That is all. There is no difference. Take away what "talent" they have and they would be another corpse on a emergency room marble slab.
Yet, there is shock, SHOCK, and surprise when even the NFL playahs follow the Negression to the Mean. We put a shiny uniform on, gaudy vomit-green & yellow shoes, and we think we have someone with character.
Who is more stupid? They or Us?
Mr. Rational.
Your list is perfect, but I have one suggestion: Don't call them Cat 2 or Cat 3. Rather, call them CHIMP 2 or CHIMP 3.
Only us, who have eyes to see and ears to hear will understand when a
"CHIMP 4 level event is happening in some urban area".
Fuck Hate! Riiiiiight. And when they are beating you to death, you can say 'but I helped you! I was on your side!' Just like the progressive liberal woman that got raped all night over in Haiti. She was like 'I'm your friend, I marched for your people against the oppression of the system.'
Hey black people, the most racist group on earth. Yeah, now that your future thugs and she-boons are over racism I guess there will be no more white on black crime of epidemic proportions and sequestered by the Mainstream Media right? Right!? Yeah, whites know all about you racist violent apes. All we have to do is watch tv or walk through a predominantly black area to find out. Blacks hate/fear/are jealous of whites but need our hard earned money so they can get a free ride. A lazier race could not be conceived of. Blacks are truly a scourge upon the land.
I'm becoming convinced that a nuclear war or solar flare is our only hope.
Collapse the grid, shut off the machines. Life resumes on a local level without the System. Liberals would die, many at the hands of their black pets. Their credit score and college mouth would not save them. The blacks would die off as there is no longer a system to support them. Those that survived would revert to the African mean, foraging in small tribal encampments.
Blacks and liberals would not be welcome in rural America, which would survive something like this while the rotted cities became charnel houses. Liberals are the product of a lazy age run by machines. Their skill set as button-pushers and chatterers would be useless in a post-apocalypse scenario.
From my home in the Redoubt, I have come to view the book One Second After as a hopeful tale.
Anon asks an interesting question:
I'm tired of this too but I'm also tired of race realists coming to the defense of the officer. The officer brought this on himself and we shouldn't have to waste our time defending him. Policing a 67% black community is impossible. Every race realist knows it. Every white victim of crime in that community is responsible for it. Race realists know that whites are a target of the groid. Whites defending themselves in bra is not a defense as we have seen in this case. Screw officer Wilson and any other white person who tries to maintain civilization in a 67% black town. Why don't you try to jump to the moon?
I supported Wilson because I know he is being railroaded by BRA for being white. Police shootings of whites that are wholly unjustified - actual premeditated murder - are routinely ruled as "justified" by the Banana Empire's "just-us" system. As I stated at the time, I'm one of the very last people here to support the badge gang, who - after all - have voluntarily elected to enforce the dictates of a lawless, illegitimate regime. It does not matter if they are unaware of this or not. As we've seen in Rotherham, South Africa, and New Orleans (not to mention Waco and Ruby Ridge), whites who wear the Banana Empire's uniform will carry out literally any order - even machine-gunning fleeing white children from a fire (Waco) issued by their squid paymasters via their nomenklatura kommissars. Not a single criminal badge-gang member involved in any of the incidents mentioned above has faced any charges whatsoever. Another hallmark of a completely rigged, totalitarian regime. Laws only apply to zeks, helots and proles.
The BRA regime has some conflict of interest in the case of St. Swishah's martyrdom. On the one hand, ruling a police killing unjustified carries risks that those done against whites might conceivably be challenged in the kangaroo courts, which even if all defeated increases the risk that more whites will realize that the courts are rigged. On the other hand, the Ministry of Truth agit-prop machine and the negroes are in full riot mode demanding Wilson's head - for defending himself from attack. Looks to me like they decided to toss Wilson under the bus. Your essential point is an excellent one however. White officers attempting to enforce law and order in negroville are either stupidly naive (believing myths taught in publick sschul) or DWLs wanting to advance in the ranks of the Stasi. They should spend more time in the donut palace and pay no attention to negro lawlessness except to protect other whites or themselves. All of your points about race realists are correct, but how many whites are race-realists? 5-percent? Places like Ferguson should be allowed to revert to their African mean - devil's night 24 x 7 x 365. It's what negroes want. Let them experience "democracy' in its one true color - black. They'll burn down all the stores then whine about having no place to shop.
Suggested revision to the Kersey scale:
K-0: Ranting and raving. Almost always an individual, because groups would work themselves up to a higher category event.
K-1: Minor destruction of property by 1-3 individuals.
K-2: Assault and battery by Black mob. Example: Steve Utash attack.
K-3: Flash mob with multiple assaults. Example: "Beat Whitey night".
K-4: Small riot. Example: Ferguson, MO.
K-5: Major riot. Example: Rodney King verdict riot.
K-6: Nationwide chimpout. Example: 1968 after the martyrdom of St. Martin the Adulterer.
Centurion (you could have a real career in the Ministry of Truth or in any large "Christian" organization from the Romans to the Pentecostals with writing like this):
Here is the "copy" for the New York Times to "explain" the latest savage (to us) behavior (normal to them) of NFL playahs.
Mr.Rice and Mr. Peterson are reacting to the rage created in them by institutional WHITE RACISM. Imagine being born in America into hostile violent neighborhoods due to the racist housing patterns of America. These two young men are just the visible examples of damaged lives and destroyed futures due to the legacy of racism which reaches from the past, into the present, and into the homes and families of today's young impressionable black children.
Mr. Rice and Mr. Peterson show how much more we need to do. We need to give back to the community and open out-reach centers and provide jobs for the community. We need to spend the money we waste on rockets and narrow-minded trips to Mars on our future, the young black man. SO, let us spend what it takes in new and better outreach programs to meet the needs of America's neglected and abandoned sons. It is the least we can do.
As a Judeo-Christian nation it is the least we can do. All of us must teach in our schools and churches that "Jesus loves the little children" and so should we. Begin collecting money next time you worship the Lord and use this money to help those in need, the boys that are our future. Talk to your pastor tomorrow and make sure he puts in his sermon that it is our religious duty to help the poor, provide for the poor, protect the poor and serve the poor just as "you-know-who" fed the poor.
We are all responsible but only a few can look into their hearts and give, give, give. It is a Privilege to give and those with the most Privilege among us must give the most since it is a sin not to, sayeth the Lord.
Remember, it is better to give to the community than greedily take and keep from the community.
Remember, if you don't you will go to HELL.
Deliver that sermon and you'll be rich beyond your wildest dreams! You might even have white females throwing themselves at you if they were last in line to service the negro gods! You should post this over at Repukin' RimJob's site to see how many "conservatives" shout "AMEN".
There's a couple ideas for you for free (I don't have the resources to do this). Notice the message is entirely positive- any argument from a DWL or non-White would highlight their absurdity and their anti-White, racist hatred. There exist similar T-shirts and bumper stickers for other groups, for example "I [Heart] Jews" is available online.
Open an internet retail site to sell T-Shirts that have a "secret" logo or word that White Racist Realist will identify with.
If I was younger and had the computer skill, I could make a fortune selling pro-white things to help build the movement.
I think I'll talk my son into it. I've got the money, he has the age and computer skill and there are millions of Racist cracka-white-ass-rednecks who are desperate for leadership. September 13, 2014 at 8:56 AM
- Beyond Hatred
Bogolyubski said...
The BRA regime has some conflict of interest in the case of St. Swishah's martyrdom. On the one hand, ruling a police killing unjustified carries risks that those done against whites might conceivably be challenged in the kangaroo courts, which even if all defeated increases the risk that more whites will realize that the courts are rigged. On the other hand, the Ministry of Truth agit-prop machine and the negroes are in full riot mode demanding Wilson's head - for defending himself from attack. Looks to me like they decided to toss Wilson under the bus.
This is a point which law enforcement officers need to consider: no matter how loyally you serve the system, that system will not hesitate to toss you to the wolves should it suit their interests. Look around you. Can you openly state the truth about black crime without repercussions to your career? Do you think it's a good idea that police recruiting standards are lowered to accommodate affirmative action hires? Do you think that the situation in the inner cities is going to get any better in the foreseeable future?
Consider Donald Sterling, with all his position and money. The system made him into an unperson simply for using a racial epithet in private. The system won't hesitate going after you.
Consider the politics of Ferguson. It's a shoddy attempt by the system to enhance its power by sacrificing Officer Wilson. The immediate goal is to break down the thin blue line holding back the criminals. It's long term goal is to make it impossible for civilized society to maintain itself. And this has played out in too many cities: Detroit, Newark, Camden, New Orleans, etc., etc., as duly recorded.
Do you want your children to grow up in a world of flashmobs, gangbangers, trashed neighborhoods, and race hustling politicos?
Race realists are, generally, opposing the system's attempt to railroad Wilson. Why? Because they see those politics. Ferguson is one battle in a bigger war.
Think about who has your back. It's not Obama. It's not Holder. It's not the "protesters" or "unarmed teens." It's people who see the truth about the system in America today.
Philadelphia Mike nicely states the case:
Well, Liz, I'm surprised that you can't see this without anyone explaining it to you.
We Whites are held hostage by the injustices implemented against us by the government and the black community.
His points ought to be required reading for all white people.
@10 MM Auto (8:45 A)
Excellent defense. I'll borrow something from Auster to raise a point, which was also brought up in Philadelphia Miike's fine answer to Liz's amazingly naive question. It's not actually a double standard. It's a single standard. Those engaging in the so-called "double-standard" seldom openly state the single-standard, but now and again the mask slips, as with Tim Wise. The single standard these folks all operate under is this: YT must die. One cannot make 'alliances' with such people. It's war, whether we choose to believe it or not.
Fuck Hate! Riiiiiight. And when they are beating you to death, you can say 'but I helped you! I was on your side!' Just like the progressive liberal woman that got raped all night over in Haiti. She was like 'I'm your friend, I marched for your people against the oppression of the system.'
I can't wait for the day that someone uploads a video to WSHH showing a bloodied, bashed enabler like Tim Wise or Mark Potok laying on the ground, with a group of black males standing over them, wailing on them with bricks. They plead with their attackers that they're on their side and to please stop, but the blacks are just whipping themselves into a bloodlust-filled frenzy attracting more blacks into the fray. Blacks are screaming racial epithets as well as commands to die as they unleash their rage. The camera(s) zoom in on the bloodied faces, where their last words are "Yes. . . I feel your anger. . . I am guilty. . . I don't blame you. . ." followed by gurgling, indicating severe brain trauma. Blacks can be heard and seen in the background screeching with laughter and making simian-like sounds akin to whooping and hollering, with a lot of jumping and theatrics. When the cops come, the crowd flees like roaches and those that stay get physical with the cops, calling them racists of course. The media reports that this was a "fight" and what followed was "disturbing", showing only video of cops making arrests. The usual hand wringing and refusal to admit that it was a racial attack, and instead focusing on and blaming the cops for alleged harshness. It writes itself.
RE the cute black kid in the video with his hands in the air. I've seen the same cute kid elsewhere:
* Hands in air holding a begging bowl in sub-Saharan Africa
* Hands in air while designer athletic shoes are stomping someone into the pavement
* Hands in air holding an AK-47
* Hands in air in despair after the diagnosis of AIDS was pronounced
Cute kid, though...
I think a white male leftist is the owner of said company. I could be wrong.
Compassionate Oregonian, perhaps?
Donald M Epstein?
Jerks. All of them. Go hang out with your pets, assholes.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think a white male leftist is the owner of said company. I could be wrong.
Not wrong.
It's owned by a gay left-wing activist.
September 12, 2014 at 8:14 PM
I knew it. Compassionate Oregonian!
Anonymous CENTURION said...
"loose" as opposed to "Lose?"
C'mon, now.
Has anyone noticed the online trend of promoting white women with black men? It seems there is some sort of activism behind it. I've seen hashtags such as "say no to white boys." Why would people actually promote this, what would they have to gain?
"How, specifically is White America being held hostage, and by whom exactly?"
Wow just wow. I'm guessing you don't live near too many of God's Greatest and Most Wonderful Gifts to the Universe. Do you pay taxes, by chance? Well over half of that money confiscated from you by Uncle Samantha gets sent directly to the relatives of St. Swisher the Sweet, Gentle Giant of Ferguson, along with the rest of Obama's Sons and Daughters. If that's not a hostage situation, I don't know what is.
Anonymous Mr. Rational said...
Do we need a Kersey scale for chimp-outs?
Category 0: Ranting and raving. Almost always an individual, because groups would work themselves up to a higher category event.
Category 1: Minor destruction of property by 1-3 individuals.
Category 2: Assault and battery by Black mob. Example: Steve Utash attack.
Category 3: Flash mob with multiple assaults. Example: "Beat Whitey night".
Category 4: Small riot. Example: Ferguson, MO.
Category 5: Major riot. Example: Rodney King verdict riot.
Suggestions for improvement cheerfully accepted.
September 13, 2014 at 10:11 AM
I live in the hurricane zone. We know the Saffir-Simpson scale by heart. With our dusky neighbors, we use the Kaffir-Chimpson scale. Pligga Knees....
YT has a major case of Negro fatigue in general. In my case I am fed up with being lectured about morality by some of the most immoral, hateful, destructive beings to walk the earth. In my day to day whenever I encounter one and they start "preaching" about how things should be my eyes glass over and I tune out. Blacks are assholes when you disagree with them but are bigger assholes if you agree with them. I choose to ignore.
Delaware Dude here. back in the '80's my nephew was sent to U of Iowa for a bone marrow transplant. my mother was the donor and stayed out there for about 6-7 months. she got to be close friends with the nurse/office manager of the main dr. while discussing things the black issue arose and my mother was severely rebuked only because there were few if any in the city. they were clustered over in cedar rapids. when they were overrun in the university town, it wasn't long before my mother received an honest apology. seems things went to hell in a hand basket with rocket assist.
Good morning, fellow citizens of white privilege. I saw this wonderful example of alternate reality, egalitarian propaganda last evening, but by the time I got to SBPDL, PK already had it posted. He's like an anti-alternate-reality (AAR) counterbalance, working tirelessly to lead others to the ranks of those who can see.
So I don't have anything specific to report, but I thought I would give an update on my living arrangements, now two years post abandoning my prior home to the Undertow via a short sale. If you'll recall, an African negro bought my beautiful, 3/2.5 townhome w/ 2-car garage and hardwood floors for 46% of the price I paid for it only 4.5 years earlier. I could easily afford it, was perfectly happy there, but having been overrun by the Undertow, it was a lost cause and time to get out.
Fast forward two years to today, being hyper-aware of the tiniest signs of Undertow encroachment, I am now watching my current neighborhood, consisting of very nice homes that are selling for approx. $220K succumb to the undertow. The houses have been here for about 15 years, people's children are grown, and empty-nesters are moving on. Although predominantly Korean, many houses are now rentals, which invites them like flies to feces. Awwwww, look a dat D'Undreay – those is reeeeeal nizze.
The schools are on a slide, and the white people are contracting into a smaller and smaller area of fortification in N. Fulton. It's great there and all, but I can't quite swing a $450K house. Nor would I even want to, because Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing will inevitably just deposit LaShantay and her brood next door to me. Thus, I don't own anything, and don't want to own anything.
This makes a great impact on the wealth generation of white people, as I've said before, and I am aware of no economic modeling or statistics that attempt to quantify this phenomenon. It must be billions. Except in very rare circumstances, it is no longer possible for a white family to buy a home that they can pay off and then safely reside in until retirement or death. It doesn't exist. Everything turns to shit long before the term of a mortgage could ever be reached.
White people CAN stay, but their quality of life will be vastly diminished, such that short of an overwhelmingly-compelling reason to stay in spite of the danger the Undertow represents, virtually no one does. "Oh, well, the neighborhood isn't what it used to be," or "Well, we just want to be closer to our kids in [insert name of city here]." Like the guy at the end of the street I'm on, with two lovely, blond haired, blue eyed daughters, he got the F- out. I can't help but note the correlation between his actions and the sprouting of nig nest one house away from him. "Oh, well, we're just looking for 'better schools.'"
As I'm driving into the neighborhood from work last night, I saw a vibrant youff sauntering up the street in a manner I have never observed in any other race – even with children. If you can just imagine the most absurd, obnoxious, multi-colored bakkaball getup imaginable, you would be correct. My favorite part? That POS stared me down with the most "yeah, I'm looking atchu whitey, and you betta watch it or I whoop up on yo azz." The youff couldn't have been more than 14, but we here at SBPDL already know what is possible from Erectus even before that age. Thus, most of us are prepared to administer hot lead injections, but only on an as-needed basis.
In light of all that, the "political solution" that I began my stating as seeming impossible sure seems like a better route to pursue. It also further demonstrates that those "backward, racist rednecks" that crafted segregation as a solution may have known a thing or two in spite of the modern-day implication that the current population is inherently more intelligent and better informed than all generations past.
I don't have any suggestions or answers, but I wanted to take a minute and try to lay out a possible, alternate scenario that may not be as rosy as we would like to think. But we're white people, and we've been solving difficult problems for millennia, and might just have to reach really deep and do so again. Our survival may depend on it.
Gwinnett Gladiator
I'm Grateful: Because I've found this site. I wish I could put my feelings on paper. The way you all can. All you words pump me up. From the despair I feel over the shape of our world. Thank you all for the giggles I get. 65 Yrs. old and as you, worry about my Grandkids, I need help ! Is there any where on this site to explain the abbreviations ? Thank you spellcheck .
Philadelphia Mike.
September 13, 2014 at 9:18 AM
Nice summation! Bogo and Centurion are in fine form as well.
Californian hit it also with the point about the "thin blue line". Cops are protected by other Cops, right up until the the Liberal Elite decide that the political wind is blowing in favor of the negro, in which case it is "over the side you go". Why would Cops defend a system that destroys THEM, the supposed Guardians? The Praetorian Guard?
In this case the political wind is the firestorm draft blowing toward the burning buildings in Ferguson, sucking in all evidence and sensibility. Just this morning CNN has identified two unidentified negros as "New Witnesses" who say that Michael Browns hands were "up". (The report about him being shot in the back is now Down the Memory Hole). This after repeated Autopsy reports show this was not the case. CNN is treating them like they are the saviors of the situation, bringing the light of truth to an otherwise complicated situation.
The political winds have spoken.
1. YOU will not shoot a negro if it is unarmed even if it is beating down your door at 2am and you are defending your family.
2. YOU will not shoot an unarmed negro even if it is bashing your head into the concrete.
3. You will not shoot an unarmed negro even if it beats you and attempts to snatch your gun to kill you.
So far these all have been tested in tested in the Courts or public opinion. Let's look at the score:
Sure, Zimmerman won, but now he is being harassed by every negro out there and has a Fatwa on his head. Someone else just accused him of being in a "road rage" incident (of course the accuser was black). They will hammer at him till he breaks.
The man who was defending his family from the negress pounding on his door at 2am got 17 years,
Officer Wilson will never work again in any job where he is in contact with negros.
So we are 0-3.
BoGo is right, the directive is singular, shrill and repetitive with no appeal or deviance allowed. DIE YT...just DIE!
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
Meanwhile in Baltimore -
A man running for Baltimore County sheriff on an “anti-police brutality platform” raised some eyebrows with his recent comments, saying, “white people should just shut the f*ck up” because they’re “the most violent people on the planet.”
The comments were made while he ranted about the Ray Rice case, arguing that the running back’s wife was the one at fault.
He went on to rant about Jews, too.
Normally I'd think a moron like this unelectable but in 63% black Baltimore? Who knows.
Would somebody please sign me up for the institutional white racism club. It seems to drive these people crazy so it MUST exist.
Ferguson FD's future.
Its worth scrolling thru the comments.
'Meanwhile in Baltimore '
If there is one admirable trait one could praise about blacks, it could be that they name those who would prefer to play political chess from the shadows.
Sadly, the white liberal will disregard the naming of twmnbn and accept everything else the ever-oppressed brutha 'be speaking on.'
Anonymous September 13, 2014 at 1:45 PM said... Has anyone noticed the online trend of promoting white women with black men? It seems there is some sort of activism behind it.
That effort has been underway in various other media (TV, movies, advertising, etc.) for quite some time. If it has intensified in "social media", then that would be expected.
As has been noted here repeatedly... much real-world mudsharkery might be gold-digging, but is usually desperation on the part of white females with major issues of one type or another. In other words, there is no loss to decent white males.
"I can only imagine what black people feel when the witness failure after failure in their community...They try and try to blame ole YT, slavery, one parent families and so on. They blame their failures on everything but themselves."
In fairness, you see similar among race realists. Even on AmRen, Taylor waxes frequently upon black dysfunction but never delves into causes other than a slight IQ deficiency between the averages of the two races.
Everyone enjoys the ruin porn of Detroit and Baltimore, decries the crime rate, the hostility towards whites both legally and culturally. I don't argue those aren't true and tragic.
Blacks didn't ship jobs overseas collapsing the Detroit economy.
Blacks didn't gut the port industry on the East coast.
Blacks didn't pass welfare legislation that incentivizes fatherless homes.
Blacks aren't the big players, never have been, in the drug game.
Blacks didn't create the Fed that has devalued our currency and perpetrated the largest theft in world history.
Millions of whites are on welfare and headed down the same path. Blacks, because of their nearness to being children in mind, are the canary in the coal mine.
I see them as a symptom, formerly a manageable millstone, just as the waves of southern border invaders are.
I don't argue that we have a serious diversity problem, probably a fatal one, but the laser focus on what is clearly a Balkanization tactic is missing the forest for the trees.
I enjoy this site, but I would very much like to see the focus expanded. Put more analysis into the bigger picture.
Why has black illegitimacy risen so? (it wasn't always this way)
Why are there no jobs?
Why are whites in every country being assaulted culturally and demographically?
Blaming blacks entirely(no matter how apt it is on the small scale) is like blaming the McDonalds employee that gives you bad service, for there being poisonous chemicals in the food.
Expand your scope Mr.Kersey, and I think you'll find larger issues to address than annoying kids and a leftist T-shirt campaign. You'll also draw an even wider audience.
I'm Grateful: Because I've found this site. I wish I could put my feelings on paper. The way you all can. All you words pump me up. From the despair I feel over the shape of our world. Thank you all for the giggles I get. 65 Yrs. old and as you, worry about my Grandkids, I need help ! Is there any where on this site to explain the abbreviations ?
Welcome aboard!
Our numbers are growing.
BRA: Black Run America
DWL: Disingenuous White Liberal
PK: Paul Kersey (the nom de guerre of the author of this blog)
SBPDL: Stuff Black People Don't Like
YT: Whitey (i.e., a white person)
irrc it was. Maynard Jackson while serving as the mayor of Atlanta, when the suburbs grew and the downtown region went dark. They ed up and saw the tax base fleeing, that was when he issued the proclamation about not being able to run far or fast enough to escape BRA/RGI.
@Gwinnett Gladiator:
The schools are on a slide, and the white people are contracting into a smaller and smaller area of fortification in N. Fulton. It's great there and all, but I can't quite swing a $450K house. Nor would I even want to, because Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing will inevitably just deposit LaShantay and her brood next door to me. Thus, I don't own anything, and don't want to own anything.
This makes a great impact on the wealth generation of white people, as I've said before, and I am aware of no economic modeling or statistics that attempt to quantify this phenomenon. It must be billions. Except in very rare circumstances, it is no longer possible for a white family to buy a home that they can pay off and then safely reside in until retirement or death. It doesn't exist. Everything turns to shit long before the term of a mortgage could ever be reached.
If you have to buy using a mortgage, you do not own. You've made a leveraged bet on the increase in house prices, or the depreciation of the currency. This was a GREAT bet to make every year until 2005, but since peak oil hit that year, not so much.
How to explain this? Anyone who worries about schools deserves what he gets. You want to be able to afford to live somewhere? Get a bunch of white people to move into a majority black area. You need to observe certain rules: no white is permitted out on the street by himself. No white woman is permitted to walk by herself. EVERY white male is on call to defend the community, armed if permitted, in large, peaceful gangs if arms are forbidden. You need to go somewhere, you do it in packs for safety.
Most of all, you do NOT send your children to public schools. They take BRA's dime, they play its tune. Your children are educated at home by the women (and unemployable men) who no longer need to work to pay for housing whose prices are meant to exclude blacks.
This is all doable, NOW, but requires coordination and cooperation. Whites used to be good at that. You wanna live like some mythical lone wolf, move to the mountains. You want to survive a collapsed economy, you build untaxable social capital, and find a use for all those lower-IQ whites who are shut out in a hyper-technical economy. Large gangs of white men, walking the streets peaceably, can do this, and it will give a mission to our young who lack one.
Once again, I would like to thank PK for the insight into the latest Fold of Ferguson Folly - Haven't watched the youtube video yet since my speakers are missing a power cord, but from the comments - it sounds like the usual staged blackspeak...coached by some agitator since original thought somehow never made it into any nog's so-called "grey cells".
The more comments and thoughts I read from this forum, the more I realize that there is so much more to learn...still not quite sure what a shit sandwich refers to, nor squids and cephalopods; but I'm sure this will come in time!
Not much to report from good old MEM today, except while at work someone tried to make it out of the store with two new 32" TVs {race withheld} but was met by a "loss prevention" specialist at the front door who clotheslined the gibbyfreak. I heard a lot of commotion but was engaged in a phone call, so I didn't actually witness the events. The perp got away unfortunately, since there's a standard "No concealed weapons on premises" sign on the front door; however the TVs didn't go with him. The store manager decided to give the loss prevention person a pot-metal pin for doing his job. Huh?!
How about a week's worth of paid vacation for foiling a gibsmedat moment? Wouldn't that say more to the employee that gets paid a pittance to perform a dangerous task in an almost 2/3rds groid-populated city??? Oh wait, I forget - both him and I work for the enemy - so that answer would be NO!
I've lived here for more than 30 years, and watched plenty of areas of the city go down the tubes - will never forget that in high school the city "mayoral race" was such a "cliffhanger"...but guess which candidate won (this was 1992)...yep, you guessed it - slick willie herenton himself! He went on to "run" the city into the ground for almost 20 years and was NEVER OPPOSED at subsequent "elections". I knew event while going to high school that elections are rigged on both so-called "sides" and the act of voting is as effective as seeking shelter from an F5 tornado while squatting in a cardboard box...
Over the years, I've voiced this opinion of our system with friends, colleagues, and family; and the usual sentiment I receive in return is to "vote the OTHER guy out" if I am not to vote FOR someone. Again, I may as well seek shelter from a tornado in a box - what's the fuckin' point? VERY few people share my sentiment, and upon reading a few paragraphs from some well-awakened folks here, it seems I've found some like-minded people (FINALLY!)
Keep up the good work everyone - I am admittedly new to the forum, but everyday a perspective comes out that I can relate to, and agree with, without having to apologize to someone else because this may offend them. Keep pushing and resisting - the time will come when the mindset will separate the dead from the living...just hope I'm not a MEM resident at that flashpoint
Worse = better.
The sooner it crashes, the sooner we can get on with the culling & rebuild. I'd rater do it myself than leave it to my kids.
In related events, my "network" grew by four today when we finished vetting a neighbor and invited his family into our group. He isn't what I'd term a race realist yet, but his wheels are definitely turning in the right direction. His skill set(s) will be a tremendous asset in the coming storm.
My group managed to do all that today without turning on a television once.
Got preps?
Red Lights and Sirens
Anonymous said...
"Has anyone noticed the online trend of promoting white women with black men? It seems there is some sort of activism behind it. I've seen hashtags such as "say no to white boys." Why would people actually promote this, what would they have to gain?"
That trend has already 'jumped the couch' . Black males have astounding levels of STDs and white girls talk to each other. Word is out on the street. I have seen commentary from black guys asking where all the white girls have disappeared to.
You little bastards can keep your cookie and do one of two things.
Shove it up your ass sideways or
go back to Africa.
I'd prefer the later but if number one is your thing then please proceed.
Scot Irish
Liz M said ”How, specifically is White America being held hostage, and by whom exactly?”
Liz, I assume that you have read a few posts on this blog and have a feel for the position of the posters as well as their reasons. This makes me wonder if you are actually asking a question or if this merely your way of saying that you don't believe that White America is being held hostage by anyone? If it is a challenge, please state it as one with your reasoning so we can appropriately respond. If it is an honest quest for knowledge, I'm sure that people will provide you with some answers.
Is there any where on this site to explain the abbreviations ?
Here you go.
Welcome to the club.
"James Bondo said...
Anonymous said...
"Has anyone noticed the online trend of promoting white women with black men? It seems there is some sort of activism behind it. I've seen hashtags such as "say no to white boys." Why would people actually promote this, what would they have to gain?"
That trend has already 'jumped the couch' . Black males have astounding levels of STDs and white girls talk to each other. Word is out on the street. I have seen commentary from black guys asking where all the white girls have disappeared to."
James, this is a relevant observation but its time to finish the sentence.
FACT: About 73% of blacks are born out of wedlock.
FACT: Regarding domestic violence, well, black men lead every other single race almost combined in this category.
FACT: Murder and rape, again, black males lead in this category bar none. Actually, they have for nearly a full century but that's a side issue.
FACT: Education. Again, with a full standard deviation in IQ, the pickings are quite slim, so to speak.
This leaves only a few possibilities for where these white girls are being hustled and picked up by black males. And, to be fair, its mostly the groids going for the….stuff, since most of the time, its the male who pursues.
1. College. No seriously! That's about the only place before age 21 where blacks will ever meet a white girl. Of course, since there aren't as many of them in college and those who are got thru via Affirmative Action, we have to surmise that the groids getting down with the girls are the athletes and not the nerds. For the most part, athletes, no matter the color get their pick of girls in college and in life as well.
2. Church. As most groids attend some form of gospel baptist born againesque like church, the few whites that are there are generally going to want to show how tolerant and progressive they are in these interracial matters.
Sorry, Melanie, but this is a fact. The churches have dropped the ball, so to speak, on this issue long ago cause they fear being called racist. No disrespect to those who are Christians here, but facts are facts. Used to see this all the time.
3. Urban clubs. Quite a few girls like hip hop style dance music. So they meet up and hook up. Not that one nighter leads to a relationship, but,….thats a start and is planted in their mind to try it, and experiment a bit.
But definitely #'s 1 and 2.
After age 21? Sometimes at the workplace.
Here's the thing. FOR THE MOST PART, and unless white girls didn't grow up in the ghetto (and most of them dont) they tend to form their opinion about the magic negro's goodness and wholesomeness via TV, music, culture, etc. They dont tend to see all the social problems that the evening news will show on a daily basis, until its too late.
FACT: These interracial relationships, they dont actually have a proven track record of lasting long when compared to intra-racial relationships.
Anyone remember OJ Simpson? Except for the murder part, the way they met fits the profile. Nicole was very young, innocent, naive about such things. He was a big pro athlete, NFLer, well known. In that case, it would've been the same as if he'd have been a white athlete; he'd have gotten her kind either way.
The problems came when he started beating her up. THAT should've told her to get the hell out.
But I do think that our churches have some responsibility to bear, no one ever wants to talk about that and whenever you do bring it up, you're accused of being racist.
Hell, most of BRA already think that Jesus was black anyway (funny how all the great white heroes have to be turned into black folks, isn't it?) so they've got the churches conned hook, line, and sinker regarding this point.
Get lost!
(This is a family-friendly site.)
"Sollnvictus said"
Before you finish, I respect what you're saying. Yes, these issues are interconnected at some point. BUT, not every single race is experiencing the societal problems the way that BRA has for several decades and counting.
It's not really PK's job to highlight what many, many traditional conservative (Paleos in particular) have spent documenting and their efforts are very much appreciated. But those are different issues although at some point they are connected.
VDare for instance directly tackles some of these issues of which you speak. That is not really the point of this site. Groids do have a part to play, no matter how small, and it is not insignificant by a long sight, especially how it directly impacts white Americans.
But you state:
"Why has black illegitimacy risen so? (it wasn't always this way)"
Actually, this is simply not true whatsoever. It HAS ALWAYS BEEN HIGH. Granted, it wasn't AS high half a century ago but black illegitimacy rates have always out paced whites and other groups. Daniel Patrick Moynihan first warned of this trend in '65, half a century ago! Who took him seriously? And much to our own peril.
In fact, Thomas Sowell made this observation regarding black shiftlessness (and his parents didn't raise him either) they would tend to get married often after a kid was born, or they'd simply drop off a couple of kids to relatives because they couldn't afford to keep them due to poverty.
I grant that at least a century ago, many groids did attempt to raise their kids OR find someone who could. We really can't say that now.
But the problem was ALREADY along and rising BEFORE the Great Society legislation (including expanded welfare benefits) were even passed.
See, standard ConIncs. tend to want to blame liberalism and welfare programs for all the problems.
Based on stats facts and history, they're simply wrong; it's not the programs its the race that is causing the problems. The programs are merely exacerbating the problems that were already farther along.
"Why are there no jobs?"
Yes, yes, yes, Nafta, free trade and now illegal immigration and H1B Visas. We all know that. And there are starting to be more sites to discuss this issue, as well they should be. Who can say how that is ultimately going to pan and play out.
"Blaming blacks entirely(no matter how apt it is on the small scale) is like blaming the McDonalds employee that gives you bad service, for there being poisonous chemicals in the food."
Blacks do, however, have a significant role to play. Ordinary folks may not fully grasp why our jobs have been outsourced or this and that, but they can understand crime on a visceral gut wrenching level. Especially when the MSM continually drags it up and rubs our faces in it.
"Expand your scope Mr.Kersey, and I think you'll find larger issues to address than annoying kids and a leftist T-shirt campaign. You'll also draw an even wider audience."
I tend to agree with you, up to a point. These issues, painful as they may appear, do need to be discussed openly, calmly. Immigration is very much tied to BRA, for example. BRA tends to think that they alone can act as kingmakers and bring in the other races, figuring that they'll follow after their lead. What they don't get is that once they're in, the other races won't just lie down and roll over for BRA; why should they, since they owe nothing to BRA.
Big Bear said...
I'm becoming convinced that a nuclear war or solar flare is our only hope.
Ebola could decimate Africa, I truly enjoy seeing the negroe death totals climb each day. When ebola reaches America there will be a silver lining as our nations demigraphics could be reset to those of the 1950's.
Without the excuse of "racism", Negroes have nothing except their own inferiority.
Many different peoples have come to America, and though they haven't demonstrated the ability of Whites to build a country out of nothing, they have done reasonably well.
Negroes have only been able to achieve African standards of living, except where subsidized by the production of everybody else.
They are inferior. Subprime. Nothing will change this. Racism is just their most marketable excuse. The good news is more Americans are seeing right through it.
I like the nationwide addition to the top of the list, but I suggest we call it the Kersey scale and omit the word "chimp"; we should say "event" (e.g. "Kersey-3 event at Kroger store in Memphis"). This lets us use it as code, both for plausible deniability and to recognize others.
Segregation was the only affordable method of keeping civilization. I actually bothered to go back and watch the video.
Yeaaaaah, so always a spectacular way win over your audience by overtly mocking them and being obnoxious.
This reminded me of so many kids I avoided in elementary school.
'The good news is more Americans are seeing right through it.
I am not sure about that.
I deplore USA immigration laws.
the yellows and browns inundating USA are not so brainwashed.
they are more likely to identify w their own group.
remember when Clinton spoke at a college in Oregon and said 'in a few more decades whites will be a minority here' and the brainwashed white college folk applauded?
I doubt yellows and browns would applaud 'ceding power'.
I must not be alone, for this video has over 1000 more thumbs down votes than up as of this posting. The Youtube comments are a virtual war zone. Some comments are too uncivil for PK to reproduce here.
youtube, google, facebook are all tribe owned.
yelp too.
I just visited 'Hey White People: A Kinda Awkward Note to America by #Ferguson Kids by'
One more word on the 'youtube crosby kids'..
a comment there claims they paid for the up votes. [maybe]
Excellent post. You covered all the bases of BRA. Save it to use again on any other uninformed and/or DWL.
Anonymous said...
Ebola could decimate Africa, I truly enjoy seeing the negroe death totals climb each day. When ebola reaches America there will be a silver lining as our nations demigraphics could be reset to those of the 1950's.
September 13, 2014 at 10:08 PM
I know people are desperate for any ray of hope, but I'm afraid this isn't it.
I had similar high hopes for AIDS. It seemed perfect. Easily avoided, for the most part, keyed to African behaviour, irresistible to them, slow acting so one agent could infect many before it is even suspected. At the height of the epidemic in South Africa, they were dying at the rate of 1000 a day.
Not nearly enough. Hardly a dent in the natural increase of a population of about fifty million.
Ebola's score: some 2000 since February. A mere flash in the pan. Fast, but that makes it less effective in the long term. Indiscriminate; kills the just and the unjust equally. If we could quarantine Africa, it could make a contribution (along with AIDS, malaria, TB, starvation, every little bit helps), but that would be racist, so of course it can't be allowed.
It will come to America. It will not improve your situation.
In the meantime, be aware that you have millions of third-worlders in your country who have never been medically screened. You could already have the seeds of every exotic epidemic known. Practise good hygiene. Avoid crowds. Don't eat anything prepared or served by anybody you don't know. Avoid touching directly, outside of your own home, surfaces like door handles (especially in public restrooms), light switches, counters. You don't live in America any more.
How come all these overpaid players have to have the NFL pay for their concussions? Can they not afford obamacare with a 6 or 7 figure income?
Now are the families of these little niglets, that are over racism, going to send $20 to Officer Darren Wilson?
Ebola, another tropical disease from
I tried to 'do the math' on Ebola
and if it continues to double every 2 months in 3-5? years everyone on earth will be a survivor of it or dead.
I kid u not.
Amen! Its not a ghetto til the nogs move in.
Re white women with black men -
For about six months I noticed at the club I go to once a week to relax, a black guy would show up around 1:30-ish each night (last call at 2:00). He'd just go around to every girl that looked like she was single and hit on her. I guess he figured they'd be desperate if they hadn't found anyone by closing time.
Eventually this strategy worked, he picked up a white girl and they were a couple for a while. I've seen neither in a long time, I presume she dropped out a zebra and he's headed for parts unknown to work his game someplace else.
It may simply be how bold they are that gets them the golden ticket, I don't know. I made a joke about it, it gives me mixed feelings because on the one hand if that chick will do a black guy, she'll do anybody, so even I have a shot, but on the other hand she's been with a buck, and I don't want to touch her with someone else's junk let alone mine.
"Ok, this is admittedly a very prepped group. I didn't know a niglet could pronounce "National Disgrace" even if obviously coached."
If you hold a pair of Air Jordans in front of 'em, you can get them to sit, stay, and roll over. You cannot, however, get them to "go home."
Welcome home MEMprospecter.
Please feel free and encouraged to contribute, especially from your experiences in memfrica.
Shit sandwich..... Products sold to you via taldmudvision such as "we are all pink on the inside" and "diversity is our strength".
Squid ... Also vampire squid.... And cephalopod ... The entity (ies) that control the banks, judiciary, academia and such through their control of the media and currency. Hope this helps catch you up.
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