Paul Kersey had a big story at today. Tim Tebow: Bucking the NFL's Anti-White Bias allowed me to express a number of things, and I think those who saw Tebow lead the Broncos to an 18-15 overtime victory saw something special.
A Mahogany Rob in action |
The Wall Street Journal published a story on October 21 that illustrates the power of Black-Run America (BRA). Across the country, retailers are forced to pay for extra security measures (video surveillance, rent-a-cops, security detectors on clothing that go off if procured without payment at the door) because of increasing rates of
smash and grab or what is being termed
Flash Robs.
High rates of criminality force law-abiding consumers to pay higher rates for goods as businesses must make up for lost profits (and for increased security, which negatively impact profit margins).
Calling them Flash Robs is wrong, just as calling the phenomenon of teenagers utilizing social media or just spontaneously organizing to attack people (primarily white people) 'Flash Mobs'. No, those are Mahogany Mobs.
In the
Wall Street Journal article, the authors delineate a list of cities that have seen private businesses ravaged by these s
mash and grabs Flash Robs 'Black and grabs' or Mahogany Robs. Sadly, the authors completely fail to identify the one unifying theme that connects each and every of these incidents; Black people organizing to procure
free clothes, food, accessories, electronics, etc.:
Retailers this holiday season are preparing to protect themselves against a new group of unwanted visitors: swarms of teenagers and young adults who plot via Twitter, phone texts and Facebook to descend on stores and steal merchandise.
Law enforcement officials call them "flash robs," a criminal incarnation of the "flash mob" phenomenon in which participants use social media to organize impromptu gatherings, from dances in shopping malls to uprisings in the Middle East.
In Philadelphia, about 40 boys swarmed into a suburban Sears in June and made off with thousands of dollars in merchandise including sneakers, socks and pretty much anything else they could snatch, police said.
Mahogany Robs in Sin City |
Several retail chains including Filene's Basement, Armani Exchange and The North Face were victimized by similar incidents in Chicago this spring in which teens ran inside stores in Michigan Avenue's Magnificent Mile shopping district, screamed, knocked over displays and fled with jeans, sweaters and shirts.
In Washington, D.C., surveillance cameras caught a group of 10 young women streaming into a convenience store in August and making off with bags of snacks. Similar incidents have broken out in Cleveland, Las Vegas and St. Paul, Minn., among other places.
The National Retail Federation says that flash-mob attacks were reported by 10% of the 106 retailers it surveyed in July, a group that included department stores and big-box chains, as well as grocery and drug-store operators. Security personnel or police nabbed suspects in about half the cases, according to the survey, which examined crimes involving more than one perpetrator. Several incidents resulted in injuries, the survey found.
For the first time the trade association included advice for handling flash mobs in its recommendations to its members about controlling crowds during big events. Among other things, the NRF is urging retailers and police to monitor social networks and websites for indications that groups will be descending on a store. In addition, workers should alert managers or loss-prevention workers when they see unusually large gatherings of people inside or directly outside the stores.
In Chicago, the Greater North Michigan Avenue Association, a local merchants group, organized meetings between retailers and police, who pointed out ways that stores could shield themselves from trouble, such as avoiding putting merchandise by the door. Surveillance videos showed that most of the items stolen in flash robs were folded rather than on hangers, said association president John Chikow.
The NRF also says retailers, to discourage thefts, should position workers near key areas of the store and valuable merchandise.
Figuring out how to prevent criminal flash mobs is hard, in part because they are a new and little-studied phenomenon, said Read Hayes, a University of Florida research scientist who serves as director of the Loss Prevention Research Council, a group of more than 60 companies that examines theft trends.
"It is mob behavior but it has some pre-meditation which is a new thing," Mr. Hayes said. "It's still a sporadic thing when you consider the thousands of retail locations some of these chains have. But it's pretty scary for employees, or any customers who happen to be in stores when this happens."
Mahogany Robs, courtesy of Mahogany Mobs (or 'Black and Grabs') are one of the primary reasons that
Mall Envy exist; once the Black Undertow overwhelms a formerly white mall, economically the stores can't survive from the combined nefarious forces of high Black crime and low Black credit and purchasing power. It's a death sentence.
This is the primary reason you have seen commercial developers create the outdoor mall, which cuts down on high rates of loitering that is present in so many of the dying malls. Of course, the constant playing of classical music in many fine stores cuts down on the presence of
loiters the Black Undertow as well.
Many stores and businesses cannot afford to take extra security precautions to protect their products and merchandise, meaning that continued assault by Mahogany Mobs engaging in 'Black and Rob' (Mahogany Robs) will inevitably force them to shutter their doors.
Such is life in BRA, where
The Wall Street Journal publishes a story that dares to discuss a disturbing trend that threatens to choke economic life in many cities without once mentioning that it is Black people engaging in the Flash Robs. That it is the children of the Black Undertow brazenly entering businesses and participating in Mahogany Robs.
Do you want to bet it will be an immigrant continuing to do the job Americans won't do when one finally puts down one of these
Flash Robs Mahogany Robs?
This is good for Whites: instruction in racial realism, but the damage limited to property, hopefully.
mandatory parenting classes? give me a break. do you really think this will give sheneequa the tools she needs to become a human mother...instead of a knuckle-dragging come dumpster, popping out niglets one after the other.
Get the prints off the door.
I'm sure they're on file...
# # #
The advent of black rob mobs underscores the validity of Jim Crow laws. They were designed to protect White business owners from black crime and violence.
This behavior is disgusting and I don't know why it keeps continuing. Personally, I have gotten to a sad point. I am Black and I would never engage in such barbaric and nasty behavior. It is morally wrong. On the other hand, I am more cynical these days because I can't do much about it. It is also doing nothing to improve race relations. This will only damage race relations even more.
On the other hand, I am quite cynical because the more I live, the more I learn race relations have never really improved at all. I don't know why these thugs are acting this way or who is encouraging these persons. I can call these persons out, but the fact is I can't do much more. I don't live near them, nor would I associate with such persons. These persons are an embarrassment to the God-fearing, law-abiding Black people who are trying to live decent lives. However, these persons who acted like barbarians, they don't care. The Black people who do care are the ones who will behave. The Black people who don't care how much they are embarrassing their race.
Pattern anyone?
Discard: This is good for Whites: instruction in racial realism, but the damage limited to property, hopefully.
I'd like to agree with you save for the fact that far too many Whites see corporate losses as simple write-offs instead of the actual theft that such crimes really are. Case in point, OWS, no matter how misguided they might be.
This disregard for generic white collar crime ― typically 10X to 100X (if not more), over average street (read: Black), crime ― is a contributing factor to the overall success of Wall Street's rape of the American economy.
"The advent of black rob mobs underscores the validity of Jim Crow laws. They were designed to protect White business owners from black crime and violence."
And during the days of Jim Crow, what would have protected Blacks from White violence?
I'm not happy about the mob violence either. I want it to stop. Bringing back Jim Crow laws is something I don't want. It is exchanging one form of violence for another.
Niggers act on two principles, basically:
-gibs muh dat
-muh dik
We've all seen the flash mobs by now; just wait until the flash rapes start.
Personally, I have gotten to a sad point. I am Black and I would never engage in such barbaric and nasty behavior. It is morally wrong. On the other hand, I am more cynical these days because I can't do much about it. It is also doing nothing to improve race relations. This will only damage race relations even more.
Sad but true.
mr_evergreen, why do you capitalize "black"? SBPDL does it as a sign of respect. But surely you don't consider "black" to be an ethnicity, in the same way that Irish or Italian is an ethnicity?
Discard said...
This is good for Whites: instruction in racial realism, but the damage limited to property, hopefully.
unfortunately, it's gone way past 'damaging property' .. do your research on the internet for countless news stories you won't see on your local news
Mr. Evergreen. It's good to see your back again.
You lament,"I don't know why these thugs are acting this way or who is encouraging these persons. "
It's really simple. These retail terrorists are trying to get back at the man. They perceive ordinary, hardworking, whites, Asians, Indians, etc. to be their enemy. This is because they've ingested a steady diet of hate and anti-white propaganda from all the rap music that they've listened too.
Blacks are conditioned to behave like jungle tribesmen and these videos are evidence of that tribalism in action. Some on here will say it's in their genetic make-up, I can't say for certain, but I do wonder at times.
You say that you're incapable at doing anything to stop this? I think you should start a blog exposing black racism, or start posting on the many black forums that are listed on this blog. That is certainly something that you can do. You see, as white people we're automatically dismissed as Racists (TM) when we say anything contrary to the gospel according to PC dogma, but you as a black man should be able to tell it like it is.
The only question though, is are you willing to tell the truth. or are you as a Christian man going to hide behind the PC subterfuge of the black-dysfunction enablers?
The ball is in your court, what are you going to do to improve race relations? Are you going to Mars Hill like the apostle did, Mr Evergreen?
"On the other hand, I am quite cynical because the more I live, the more I learn race relations have never really improved at all."
You are right about that. It was and is all a facade. Generally speaking race relations only 'improved' as long as whites where willing to kowtow, as long as whites mea culpa and grovel. As long as we had/have affirmative action, the Black Caucus & AA groups of every kind. As long as whites become apologist for black pathologies and as long as we allow for our own dispossession. Otherwise race relations ain't so good and have been 'set back 100 years'.
It keeps happening because the black community is a matriarchy. The men who should be leading a household, acting as primary income earner, and doing what a patriarch can do what a woman cannot nearly as well... disciplining (to the point of putting the fear of God in them) adolescent / teenage kids.
Instead the men still lead, but in the form of gangs, pimps, and hustlers.
This sorry state of affairs is kept alive by welfare and pretense. The former is going to run out soon. Its going to be an ugly unfolding of events when it does.
Herman Cain was head of the Kansas City Federal Reserve. He is a bankster that was all for TARP and theft of Americans for his Bankster friends. He also denied there was a housing bubble and economic collapse until 2008, so on top of being a theiving bankster, he is an idiot as well.
See for yourself:
Cain is an idiot.
"And during the days of Jim Crow, what would have protected Blacks from White violence?"
Mr Evergreen, you continue to faithfully repeat your indoctrination narratives...
White-on-black violence committed during Jim Crow was a direct response to negro criminality. It wasn't random, and innocent negroes were not targeted. Even during Jim Crow, black-on-white violence was significantly higher than white-on-black violence, just as it is today.
mr_evergreen said...
"And during the days of Jim Crow, what would have protected Blacks from White violence?"
Today is the day of Jim Crow.
This summer several communities enacted stricter curfews in response to black crime and violence. Tougher curfews were not enacted in White communities; only black communities.
Likewise many shopping malls have established Jim Crow policies to prevent black teens from terrorizing shoppers, destroying property and stealing. These policies, which typically require teens to be accompanied by adult supervision, are enacted by malls frequented by blacks. Malls in White communities have no need for such rules.
Again, Jim Crow laws -- yesterday and today -- are designed protect us from black crime and violence.
I wonder why this behavior is referred to as "obtaininga detroit discount"?
"White-on-black violence committed during Jim Crow was a direct response to negro criminality. It wasn't random, and innocent negroes were not targeted. Even during Jim Crow, black-on-white violence was significantly higher than white-on-black violence, just as it is today"
Do you have any statistical evidence to back it up? Last time I checked, this was the opposite case.
"Blacks are conditioned to behave like jungle tribesmen and these videos are evidence of that tribalism in action."...They arent conditioned! American blacks are maybe 10-20 generations removed from the ones you see burning their neighbors for witchcraft, eating albinos, & raping infants to get the 'virgin cure' for HIV in Africa. An eyeblink in evolutionary time!...Kid Clorox
Greetings all. I recently stumbled upon this site. Disclaimer: I'm a middle aged white guy who lives in the suburbs. Truth be told I never interacted w/blacks until college. A few black coworkers but never any black friends. I remember having a discussion with coworkers (white) about attending a school where whites/minorites were close to 50/50 or whites where the minority. This was at the time that Howard Stern's "Private Parts" book came out in the '90's and his stories about suffering in high school because his parents refused to move to Long Island. Getting back to the discussion, I was asking the group how much of the beatings that Howard took were embellished, i.e. true stories or not? One coworker, Andy, then started to rant that I had no idea what I was talking about since I had no interactions w/blacks as a child and that my liberal attitude was swayed by that basis and if I grew up w/blacks, as he did, I would feel the same as him. I conceded the point but said that I did experience a form of racism "lite" growing up a working class Catholic in an upper class, WASP, town. Normally people were segregated together by social class, but at the time of my schooling, testing was all the rage, and since I scored high, I was put in advanced track. Naturally some of children parroted their parents bigotness and expressed to me their displeasure w/me being in their sphere. But I was never beat or really discriminated against since this was a public (not prep) school and the teachers, were on average, from the same social class as me. Anyway, Andy's anger always made a big impression on me since he was a pretty low key guy.
As it turned out, needing a place to live after having my apartment building torn down, I was offered a sweet deal on a new house with the catch that it was on the fringe of one of the city's hoods. I figured why not buy it since I was divorced and didn't have any children to worry about sending to school, I could most likely sell it for a profit as I was buying it for wholesale and in '03 the real estate boom was just getting started. I also got to experience a bit of what Andy talked about, since for every white in the neighborhood, there were 10 blacks. I lived there for 4 years, did sell for a profit, and moved back to the suburbs. Why? Well, I just felt like a fish out of water. My house was broken into twice, graffitied several times, and I couldn't even leave the handles on the outside water spigots because the neighbor kids would turn them on and leave them running. I also witnessed many of the same behaviors mentioned on this sight, mainly among the young. The older black residences (esp. the women) were almost always nice to me. The one exception was the across the street neighbor: he refused to even acknowledge my presence. All in all, it was an interesting experience and I came through it no worst for wear, but it's not one I'd like to experience again.
Part 2
My great fear is once the welfare state goes bankrupt, we're going to see violence in this country that hasn't been since since the Civil War. Young, poor, and un/poorly educated young people are going to become increasingly violent, and that violence is going to be expressed racially as well as on the weak and old. And nothing I read on this site dissuades me of that position. Back in the 1910's & '20's when my father was growing up in a midwestern steel town, he would tell me stories about how each ethnic group - Italians, Irish, Poles, Jews, Africans, etc. all had their own turfs and how he and his brothers/friends, had to run a gaunlet between them. It was different back then as there were no guns and very few knifes, mostly one on one fights with the occasional rumble.
All that being said, I see a lot of NAZI leanings on this site and that scares me. I grew up with the expectation of personal liberty and freedom which will be lost, I'm afraid, in the not so distant future. There's also a lot of genetic jibber jabber. Please remember, most of the African American community is more Caucasian than Negro genetically speaking. Genetically, Negro traits are dominant for two reasons: First of all pigment producing traits dominate non pigment producing ones, e.g. brown eyes dominate blue because brown requires pigmentation. Secondly, older traits are less "buggy" for want of a better word so they dominate. A good example would be which genotype is better adapted to living in equatorial Africa (human life didn't being in the cold climates, so tropical genes are older), Caucasin or Negro? Inuit have dark hair and skin, black eyes and broad features yet survive quite well in the Artic. My point, an African would have an easier time surviving in Sweden than a Swede in Uganda. In my opinion it's more of a cultural difference than a racial or intelligence one that divides us Americans. And the fault of that is our country's government which is controlled by white America. The question we have to ask ourselves as white Americans, is why do we condone this type of government, election after election?
"Please remember, most of the African American community is more Caucasian than Negro genetically speaking."
It is around 85% African, 15% European.
"In my opinion it's more of a cultural difference than a racial or intelligence one that divides us Americans."
And yet those cultural differences are just as intractable. Pretty much all blacks would balk at going back to the police state regime that enforced our culture on them, and that is pretty much the only way to stop the "be alpha at any cost" mindset.
mr. evergreen wanted to know what WSHH is? WSHH in a nutshell.
WSHH offers those who have escaped the Black Undertow and live in peaceful Whitopias the opportunity to glimpse at every day life that occurs in cities they have abandoned.
Again, it is a site that is scrubbed clean of DWLs attempts to create a false-paradigm of the Black community and instead is an unvarnished look at the reality of Black America.
It offers a real-glimpse into what CNN should be doing when they manufacture a cheery, DWL "Black in America" documentary.
It is the real "Black in America"... and Black people celebrate it and desire having their videos uploaded on it.
To the anon with the 2 part story:
Thank you for sharing your story, but still you have managed to draw the wrong conclusion, and I will explain why. (Discalimer, I'm a 23 year old White male)
You first talk about your fear of Nazi leanings on this site. Why does that scare you? The big bad evil Nazis are on YOUR side.
It doesn't matter how much a negro has been white-washed, it's still a negro. Sewage + Water = Sewage
A Ugandan would survive in Sweden because Sweden is a peaceful country with generous welfare programs (courtesy of the Swedes). Uganda is a dangerous, violent shithole courtesy of the Ugandans. If you replaced the entire population of Sweden with Ugandans and vice versa, Sweden would be a shithole (if the cold didn't kill all of them) and Uganda would be a paradise.
Culture is a by-product of race. A negro is only going to behave in an acceptable manner to Whites as long as White authority strong arms him into submission. Once there is no more Whitey, there will be no more magic negro, you're on safari.
America is not controlled by Whites. While Whites might be in most of the seats of power, they are funded by Jewish money and in no conceivable manner act in the best interest of Whites. Paul Kersey has gone into exhaustive detail on this site on the state of Black Run America (BRA). Stick around, read, and learn.
SBPDL says:
"...those who have escaped the Black Undertow and live in peaceful Whitopias the opportunity to glimpse at every day life that occurs in cities they have abandoned."
This is funny, but I am not sure why anyone who had escaped from the ghetto would WANT to witness this atrocious and uncivilized black population.
Paul, you were right. Two black-buck drug dealers threw cinder blocks at my house Saturday night WHILE WE WERE HOME with lights on and completely smashed my three kitchen windows. I found the blocks on the floor in the next room.
My husband has been sleeping with our pistol the past few nights. They are cowards and probably will not return, but they are still two doors down and they are breeding like MAD.
Had my family been seated for a meal, one or more of us would have been killed instantly. The police said that they could do nothing because there was no "evidence", and suggested that we move instead.
This is in a 60% white neighborhood. I guess this city does not want decent tax-paying people populating and cleaning up the inner-city. I'm gone before I have to kill someone.
I am taking your advice, putting my family home on the market and moving to a white community (at a huge financial loss to my family).
It is sad that the dysfunctional blacks are so coddled by the authorities.
Anon parts 1 and 2: At Caltech, they have lectures open to the public. Researchers in different fields present their findings to interested laymen. At the last one I went to, the speaker explained the biological apparatus of decision making. Yes, our decisions can be influenced by external stimuli, but our brain structure puts limits on our choices. And, as he made clear in side comment, our heredity largely determines our brain structure.
The scientific world knows that Blacks are, by and large, a good deal less intelligent than Whites. So does the political world, but they are afraid of the consequences of letting that fact out.
"Do you have any statistical evidence to back it up? Last time I checked, this was the opposite case."
Last time you checked??? LOLOL
When was that???
Stop lying. You never "checked".
That's because you are a gullible fool who continues to drink up the monstrous lie that you've been told.
BTW Mr Evergreen, if you're going to support your own argument by saying "last time I checked", then you fail.
We need to just bring back Jim Crow already. We gave them rights they didn't deserve and it turned out to be a colossal clusterfuck. Non-feral blacks could apply for a license granting them slightly more rights as long as they paid a ton of money for the privilege.
Mr. Evergreen sure is an intriguing creature. He acts like he is so much better than all those "other" [problematic] blacks, but I'd bet money he looks, talks, and acts just like them. I really don't know why he bothers with this site, especially if he's on the level about not being a useless moolie asshole. It would have to be maddening as a black to know full well that we "racists" have good reason to dislike and ridicule negroes and that even their DWL champions fear and distrust them.
Irish and Italian are nationalities, not ethnicities. However, there is a Celtic ethnicity and Sicilians are clearly glorified groids, as Dennis Hopper hilariously pointed out to Christopher Walken in "True Romance." I love that scene.
If the crime stats were reversed, DbL like "Mr Evergreen" would be screaming "Genocide" and "Ethnic Cleansing" and would be right to do so. White gangs ripping off black owned businesses on camera and 37,000 rapes of negroid females to zero rapes of White Women would be a national Disgrace.
It is BRA that is the only cover that the negroid has that protects them from vigilante justice and National Expulsion. 37,000 rapes represent daughters, sisters, mothers, Aunts, and grandmothers of Someone. Each instance is carefully declared to be an isolated incidence, is covered only in the local media and dropped as quickly as possible so as to not connect the dots. Not ONCE have I ever heard the national media mention the overall rape rate for negroids or any of the other pathologies. Even "Mr. Evergreen" did not believe the stats until it is forced into his face and then he immediately says that "it is not him". These stats are only in academic journals that "racists" like us uncover and expose. On day very soon, a national media outlet will blow the lid off this story and the negro will be exposed. The Wisconsin State Fair was almost the incidence, but it was covered up just in time, but books like "White Girl Bleeds A Lot" opened the door. All that is needed is another Knoxville Horror and it is going to bust wide open. The Swiss National party wins in Europe are another crack. A great realignment is coming and it is not going to be pretty. Welfare required work camps? Maybe. Deportation? Perhaps.
"Mr. Evergreen", as you pull away from our shores, I will shed a dry tear but will be comforted in the knowledge that your efforts will forevermore help your dark brothars.
I'm really surprised somebody hasn't been shot.
Mr. Evergreen wonders why this thuggery continues, and who to blame for it.
In the 1960s, the idea of integration and civil rights had great currency among well-meaning whites. It might have worked - but the liberals couldn't allow blacks to be held to the same standards as whites. So you got affirmative action in the job market (and as a result substandard employees), and in the schools, blacks being allowed to do things that would never have been tolerated from whites. Everything from disrupting class to outright violence was tolerated in the name of 'civil rights,' and later, 'diversity.'
Unfortunately, hate-speech and zero-tolerance rules made it impossible to even state the problem, much less do anything about it. You couldn't suspend a black kid, or fire a black employee, no matter how bad they were.
Meanwhile, ALL children were being taught that whites were monsters, especially white males. The damage this has done to whites is incalculable; the damage shows up in DWLs, and in black kids who think of white people as Prey Animals. Seriously, the seem to think that it is GREAT to beat, rape and murder whites just for fun. And as for robbery, which at least has the underlying reason of getting stuff, if they don't think they got enough from you, they get really angry, as though you OWE them everything that's yours and then some. Because they are the predator and you are the prey.
That's the way it is today. Those of us who saw the dream start and then unravel, and then turn into a nightmare for all whites no matter how well-meaning - well, we have just had enough of it.
I hope this clarifies things for you a bit.
"Mr. Evergreen sure is an intriguing creature. He acts like he is so much better than all those "other" [problematic] blacks, but I'd bet money he looks, talks, and acts just like them."
In my opinion, Mr Evergreen is likely a law-abiding, well-behaved black...raised in a two-parent household... who naively believes that most blacks are just like him.
His mindset is fundamentally the same as that of a DWL. He believes that black thugs and miscreants are only a small minority, not representative of blacks as a whole.
He has bought completely into the myth that "we're all alike", and that black failure is a result of "racism". He has been successfully indoctrinated by liberal culture, education, and media.
I'm troubled by posters who think Nazis and jew haters are ok. They kind of sneak their random anti-jewish comments in the topic of conversation. I don't like blacks because they contribute pretty much nothing and are generally a danger to society. Jewish people contribute to society. I have never understood hatred towards the Jewish people.
"These persons are an embarrassment to the God-fearing, law-abiding Black people who are trying to live decent lives."
The saskwatch that ride skittle-shitting unicorns down the lolipop lane are equally embarrassed.
And during the days of Jim Crow, what would have protected Blacks from White violence?"
The smell.
I have a generally positive opinion of Jews. Like any topic, I'm open to discussion and would acknowledge evidence to the contrary. But so far, all I've seen is unsupported conspiracy theories.
As for Nazis, even if one does agree with their views on race (including Jews), its good to keep in mind their prevailing political and economic ideology. Central planning, big government, quasi-socialist. No allies to American conservatives.
""Mr. Evergreen", as you pull away from our shores, I will shed a dry tear but will be comforted in the knowledge that your efforts will forevermore help your dark brothars."
There's a song for that
Mr. Evergreen,
Here are the stats.
Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
When blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely than non-blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.
Hispanics commit violent crimes at roughly three times the white rate, and Asians commit violent crimes at about one quarter the white rate.
The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic.
Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.
Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty-five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black.
Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a white than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.
Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes against whites than vice versa.
Only 10 percent of youth gang members are white.
Hispanics are 19 times more likely than whites to be members of youth gangs. Blacks are 15 times more likely, and Asians are nine times more likely.
Between 1980 and 2003 the US incarceration rate more than tripled, from 139 to 482 per 100,000, and the number of prisoners increased from 320,000 to 1.39 million.
Blacks are seven times more likely to be in prison than whites. Hispanics are three times more likely.
Note to other posters:
mr evergreen appears to have an open mind and willingness to acknowledge certain problems within the black community.
I could be wrong. I've misjudged others before. I may be disappointed. But meanwhile I intend to treat him with courtesy and respect as a black man who seriously desires to improve his race.
Three questions:
If the manager/clerk opened fire on these slimeballs and killed 50 people he would be prosecuted. Would you vote guilty?
If the slimeballs fought back in self-defense, and they were prosecuted, would you acquit?
If a mob started a riot because hundreds of "their people" had been killed by the store owner, should the authorities answer with capitualtion instead of a bloodbath?
If you answer YES to any of these questions, you are part of the problem.
Eventually some loony white kids will try to imitate black mob robs.
When they do, the media will be awash with declarations that such crime and violence transcends racial bounds.
I like Mr. Evergreen's view point. I wonder if Paul would interview him for a pod cast?
Although Evergreen is not a typical black seemingly far from it his insight would be appreciated.
I also wonder if Paul could interview a DWL a Tim Wise character.
Nigger shoots down a cop in cold blood:
"mr evergreen appears to have an open mind and willingness to acknowledge certain problems within the black community."
His knee-jerk habit of resorting to cliched talking points, combined with his irritating use of "last time I checked" or "I don't recall" in lieu of actual facts is fucking annoying.
Re: the Jewish issue:
I am Jewish, and I think that a legitimate criticism of Jews is that far too many of us are on the left and far left, and manage to occupy places of influence (academia, media, politics) which allow leftist ideology to spread throughout the culture. People like my husband and myself are slightly to the right of the Sheriff of Nottingham politically, and don't appreciate what our co-ethnics have done.
However, there seems to be a divide in the HBD/Race Realist blogosphere. There are those that permit posts on Jews, and those who do not . Unfortunately those that do soon degenerate into an anti-Semitic slugfest, blaming Jews for every ill in the world (much like black sites blame whitey for every failure). In order to keep a civil discourse, most race realist blog owners have to tamp down the analysis of Jews' place in American and international political life lest the blog degenerate swiftly.
I wish there could be room to discuss these things rationally, but the reality is that there seems to be no middle ground available.
Hey, Everblack or Dr. Swuft or whatever edumacated negro you wish to be today:
Not that it is a legitimate source but Wikipedia says that between 1882 and 1968, 3,446 blacks and 1,297 Whites were lynched. I saw another source that said 1307 were whites and 3445 black. To hear your people moan about it, you would think there was one a day and 2 on Sunday. In fact, I saw a negrocentric site that said 3 blacks a week were lynched. If that were the case, over 13 thousand would have been lynched. You also notice how there were Whites lynched as well, don't you? That's how you keep discipline among lawless people.
Now, negro, why don't you tell us how many Whites are killed by blacks a year in the US? Since it will make your people look like the animals you are, I will do it for you.
According to FBI Crime Stats:
More than 1,600 Whites are murdered by blacks each year, which means that blacks murder Whites at 18 times the rate that Whites murder blacks. About 1 million Whites were murdered robbed, raped, or assaulted by blacks in 1992 alone. In the last 30 years, 170 million violent and non-violent crimes were committed by blacks against Whites in the U.S. In crimes of Racial bias, otherwise known as "hate-crimes," over 90% of the victims are Whites. Although they only comprise one-seventh of the population, blacks commit 7.5 times more violent interracial crimes than Whites. On a per-capita basis, blacks commit 50 times more violent crimes than Whites. In the past 20 years, violent crimes increased four times faster than the population. Between 1964 and 1994, more than 45,000 people were killed in interracial murders, of which blacks commit 18 times more than Whites. Compare this to the death toll of the Vietnam War (58,000 Americans killed) and the Korean War (38,000 Americans killed).
Now, black person, tell us how the "horrible evils" of segregation (i.e., not wanting to be around you people) is a justification for rape and murder. That's what you're trying to do, so go for it. I'd love to see the response you get.
Hey, Everblack or Dr. Swuft or whatever edumacated negro you wish to be today:
Not that it is a legitimate source but Wikipedia says that between 1882 and 1968, 3,446 blacks and 1,297 Whites were lynched. I saw another source that said 1307 were whites and 3445 black. To hear your people moan about it, you would think there was one a day and 2 on Sunday. In fact, I saw a negrocentric site that said 3 blacks a week were lynched. If that were the case, over 13 thousand would have been lynched. You also notice how there were Whites lynched as well, don't you? That's how you keep discipline among lawless people.
Now, negro, why don't you tell us how many Whites are killed by blacks a year in the US? Since it will make your people look like the animals you are, I will do it for you.
According to FBI Crime Stats:
More than 1,600 Whites are murdered by blacks each year, which means that blacks murder Whites at 18 times the rate that Whites murder blacks. About 1 million Whites were murdered robbed, raped, or assaulted by blacks in 1992 alone. In the last 30 years, 170 million violent and non-violent crimes were committed by blacks against Whites in the U.S. In crimes of Racial bias, otherwise known as "hate-crimes," over 90% of the victims are Whites. Although they only comprise one-seventh of the population, blacks commit 7.5 times more violent interracial crimes than Whites. On a per-capita basis, blacks commit 50 times more violent crimes than Whites. In the past 20 years, violent crimes increased four times faster than the population. Between 1964 and 1994, more than 45,000 people were killed in interracial murders, of which blacks commit 18 times more than Whites. Compare this to the death toll of the Vietnam War (58,000 Americans killed) and the Korean War (38,000 Americans killed).
Now, black person, tell us how the "horrible evils" of segregation (i.e., not wanting to be around you people) is a justification for rape and murder. That's what you're trying to do, so go for it. I'd love to see the response you get.
@Ignorant anonymous that can't use the post button:
How dare you accuse me, the Right Rev. Dr. Swift of being the same person as Mr. Evergreen. I would theorize that if you can't tell the difference simply by reading then you are neither as intelligent, nor as educated, nor as white, as you pretend to be.
I would suggest educating yourself by reading my blog. It will educate you, make you smarter, and whiter.
Whatever you say, Doctor/Reverend/Bishop/Field Marshal/Grand Poobah. What is it with you niggers and your self-important styling?
From your comment it would seem that the mildest criticism of jews causes the gerbil wheel in your mind to lock tight, sending the reeling rodent rebounding into the interior walls of your skull. You find the subsequent impact to be unsettling and thus reject any input which triggers it.
You are probably a white gentile, and you would probably react less negatively to criticism of your own people than to that of jews. And you have probably never examined the fundamental insanity of this mindset.
I have noticed that jews are particularly prone to finding any criticism to be "uncivil." And most take your apparent position that, as such, it's probably best to allow no criticism of them at all. I find myself somewhat less than surprised at this formulation.
Also, this "blaming jews for every ill" is a false dichotomy routinely deployed. Jewish culpability for our plight is neither 100 nor zero. Though once the comment needle budges past the latter, jewish defenders begin dishonestly citing the former. You say you wish you could discuss these things rationally. I am certain there are some here capable of doing so. And if Paul doesn't want his blog to linger on this issue, then the erudite crew at Mangan's will be more than happy to accomodate.
I love outdoor malls...few niggers, and in the winter time when it's cold niggers will stay inside the other malls while I can shop in safety.
Outside malls are great...niggers hate the cold weather, best time to shop and feel safe.
Lawrence Auster at VFR blog has a good theory about black violence. Blacks are increasingly violent due to mindless anger, to which they are already prone. The leftist oligarchy in charge of the USSA has endlessly told blacks that they are just as good as whites in their inherent abilities to perform in any aspect of society. In truth, blacks are statistically less intelligent with higher impulsivity. As they go through life they see themselves unable to perform according to what remains of a meritocracy in US society. But since the left assures blacks that this is not their fault, that instead it is all due to some fantasy called white privilege, then blacks increasingly become frustrated and ever more angry about their failings. They ultimately conclude that they are being duped and cheated, and that everything in "white" society is set up to trick the black man. Anger and hostility grows unabated, erupting in the kind of feral mindless violence we are now seeing. Note that all this has markedly increased with the advent of the Obamamessiah coming into office, further raising black expectations, thereby only setting them up to fall harder when reality inevitably intrudes. There are only two solutions to all this:
1) affirmative action must be razed to the ground and trumped by the traditional higher right of free association, including bringing back Jim Crow laws
2) kill the monstrous inhuman ideology called progressivism
The Jewish problem:
Consider the obnoxious Jew haters among us to be on the gov't payroll. Their objective is to destroy the credibility of the pro-Western movement; to portray us as loons and extremists.
Think Hal Turner.
My great fear is once the welfare state goes bankrupt, we're going to see violence in this country that hasn't been since since the Civil War.
It's very likely that your great fear will come to pass. What are you doing to prepare yourself?
All that being said, I see a lot of NAZI leanings on this site and that scares me.
I doubt that. Even though a few posts from the JOO-obsessed are allowed through, Paul does a good job of separating the wheat from the chaff, and for exactly the reasons that LBD mentioned: they hijack threads. Anti-Semitism (meaning real anti-Semitism, not the honest critique of the many liberal Jews who deserve it) is a closed circle. Those who adopt it will get exactly nowhere.
Now, if by "NAZI" you mean Caucasian people who embrace their heritage, who talk seriously about long-term solutions (enough to make a good liberal faint, but historically, not all that radical), who use epithets without guilt, and who discuss tactics and weapons use, then you are still a liberal. Liberals will suffer greatly in the coming cataclysm that 10mm AUTO mentioned and which is visible on the horizon to all Those Who Can See. The clock is ticking.
In my opinion it's more of a cultural difference than a racial or intelligence one that divides us Americans.
Ah, then a liberal you remain. Alas.
As Old White Jim said to me a few weeks ago, "Shotguns are our friends." I hope you all have a heavier arsenal than just a handgun or two.
What you describe is getting more and more common as the Negro further encroaches into territory that was once ours. I hope that you're able to leave that area immediately rather than waiting around for the sale.
15 yo negroid serial rapist....
Read the comments at the article's site....
I agree with cutting Evergreen some slack as he seems to be wanting to at least discuss some of these issues, albeit in typical disjointed, knee-jerk fashion.
Trying to give the benefit of a doubt to him as a black man that wants to improve his lot in life is worthy, and coming on here to try and defend his race is also to be expected, however, here's where he loses cred.
I've not seen him really come out and say guilty, but he seems to always want to blame black pathology on past "racial transgression"-real or imaginary.
He's to much of a black apologist to have much validity in my eyes, but I am glad that he posts here. We do need to have seemingly rational blacks coming here to post, I'd just wish for once that they'd (blacks) admit some culpability for their races own actions?
"Mr. Evergreen sure is an intriguing creature. He acts like he is so much better than all those "other" [problematic] blacks, but I'd bet money he looks, talks, and acts just like them."
Somehow, I doubt that. Mr Evergreen -if genuine and not a perfected Desiré alter ego - comes across as being about two steps behind a young man who works for me.
The young man in question is black. But when I interviewed him, I caught on to the intense level of curiosity, the technical literacy, and his generally quite good use of the English language. Oh, and he DOES say "ax" for "ask" but he is getting FAR better since both his mother and I ride him about it in a good-natured way. He also has a real name, married parents who both work, and a brother who makes his own living.
I knew I was taking one hell of a chance, but I decided he should be hired. My decision has proved a good one; he has been exceptional in every respect. He also does not carry on with any of the racial B.S.
The difference between him and Mr Evergreen is the level of naïveté. My worker sees what goes on in his community and wants no part of it whatsoever, and condemns a lot of "black behavior". Mr. Evergreen seems not to see it, or wonders at it.
Many of you jump quite hard on virtually everything Mr Evergreen has to say, or how he says it. That nigger can't be right about anything because he's a nigger, right?
Let the man have his say; so far he has expressed himself in a courteous manner. I do not agree with everything he has to say. But at the same time he is not being a Dessie, or cynical like Black Guy.
Denise, here,
To 3 Questions Anon - WRONG. You ARE the problem. May the Mahogany Mob find you fast.
"Mr Evergreen -if genuine and not a perfected Desiré alter ego"
He sounds nothing like her...
It is kinda strange that she hasn't been around much lately...
To AV.
I went to that link and found many of the comments to be quite amusing.
These are two dandy's. "Remember – “A Liberal Education provides a Liberal with a politically correct view of Minorities, and an income to live as far away from them as possible.”
“The modern definition of a ‘racist’ is a conservative straight white male, who is winning an argument with a liberal.”
Off-topic, but facts that everyone should know!
—Of all the slaves shipped from Africa to the New World, only a small fraction, about 7 percent, came to the United States. 93% of the slaves went to Latin America and South America. Enslaved by ‘people of color’ and sold by ‘people of color.’
—Whites too, were enslaved in large numbers. The term “slave” actually is derived from the term “Slav,” a reference to the large number of white slaves captured from Central Europe. But whites don’t wallow in this history.
—The United States and England were among the first large powers to abolish slavery, and the U.S. was instrumental in abolishing slavery around the world. Not Africa, not Latin America, but America and England led the abolition of slavery.
—The U.S. abolished slavery over the objections of some African countries that were profiting from the slave trade.
—Many African and Arab nations have been and still are among the worst offenders when it comes to engaging in slavery.
— Slavery existed in the Northern states of America for fewer than 20 years (1787-1804). By 1804, every state north of Maryland had abolished slavery.
—Most whites during the time of slavery never owned a slave. Ninety percent of white American families never owned a slave during the time when slavery was legal.
—The ten percent of white families that did own a slave were the wealthiest ten percent. Slaves, on average, ate better than most whites. Most whites were poor, and many arrived to the United States as indentured servants.
—African history is replete with brutality, wars and massacres.
—Latin America and the Indians not only engaged in slavery, but they engaged in human sacrifices on a mammoth scale.
—Blacks in America have it better today than blacks anywhere around the world.
—Blacks and other minorities have been handed trillions of dollars in welfare, quotas, set-asides, contracts, scholarships, jobs, Medicaid, food stamps, college grants, special programs, subsidies and tax breaks. You’ve received your ‘reparations’ already.
—The compromise whereby each slave was counted as three-fifths of a person for the purposes of determining representation in the House of Representatives and Electoral College was done for a reason. Had slaves been counted as whole people, slaveholding states would have had much greater political power.
The cops suggested YOU move? This is exactly the mentality that isn't fair to Whites in this country who want to live peaceful, productive lives and raise their children in a good environment.
It is They who should be REmoved from the streets, society, and if possible life on this earth. Yes, they are breeding like mad, and if every White person in your neighborhood sold (often at a loss, which enables other savages to swoop the property up) and moved it would turn into a micro-Liberia instantly. No Whites watching, no one to tell the cops what happened or even to call when something does happen? Well that's recipe for a shithole, and also the reason why I believe black crimes (especially minor to moderate ones) are vastly underreported; there's simply no one left willing to report them.
then you are neither as intelligent, nor as educated, nor as white, as you pretend to be.
Person of color using person of color as an insult.
Nobel Prize for Literature!
Had slaves been counted as whole people, slaveholding states would have had much greater political power.
Interesting point, and one which I have not seen made before. Had slaves been counted as full human beings, then the slave holding states would have had that much more pull. Be interesting to see how that would have worked out in the election of 1860.
"Had slaves been counted as whole people, slaveholding states would have had much greater political power.
Interesting point..."
During the drafting of the Constitution, it was the Southern slave-holding states who wanted slaves to be counted and Northern abolitionists who didn't want them counted at all. Its amusing to explain this to a black person, watch him furrow his brow in a futile attempt to understand, then proclaim, "they thought a black person was only 3/5 of a white person!!!"
Anon from the two postings above back again...
@Stephen. Yes, I know how the world works and I fear NAZI's as there were several bonafides in my family ancestory. I also fear globalists, collectivists, fabians, socialists, communists, bankers, and most U.S. democratic and republican party members, i.e. anyone who tells me he's from the government and is here to help me.
@Silentrunning. Check this out: globalguerrillas.typepad dot com/globalguerrillas/2011/10/journal-us-military-gangs dot html. For the record, I’m well armed, not crazy, just handguns and a close quarter 12 gauge.
It's funny to me how blacks are demonized as being sub human on this site due to their hoodrat members' antics. Europeans who don't have large black communities in their cities but do have Muslim ones say the same things about Arabs. And the last time I checked, Arabs are Caucasian. But race be damned, a nigger's a nigger, whether he's black or sand, right? That being said, I'm not arguing with the majority here: people who can't act civilized have no place in a civilized society but...
This name calling does no good. There is, after all, only one race, the human race. It's a small group of Zionist, NOT Jewish, puppet masters who are pulling our strings and the sooner we the people realize it, the sooner we can be rid of them instead of looking for scapegoats. We're witnessing the fall of the worldwide middle class within our lifetimes not because niggers are running amok, but because technology has made us obsolete to the controlling class. If you want to learn more about the Zionist agenda, I suggest this primer, globalistagenda dot org, and general sites like cryptogon dot com, zerohedge dot com, and maxkeiser dot com.
"I knew I was taking one hell of a chance, but I decided he should be hired. My decision has proved a good one; he has been exceptional in every respect. He also does not carry on with any of the racial B.S."
Same with the persons who have hired me. I am working and making my way.
"The difference between him and Mr Evergreen is the level of naïveté. My worker sees what goes on in his community and wants no part of it whatsoever, and condemns a lot of "black behavior". Mr. Evergreen seems not to see it, or wonders at it."
I do condemn the bad behavior, and I laud and praise the good things that Blacks do. I know there are bad things going on in the Black community. That said, most of where I see it is on the news, in the ghetto, and in the prisons. I know it's there. I've even been victimized by African-American criminals. I am also exposed to African-American professionals and college students everyday. I see the good and the bad. In my university I see Black college students doing well and studying. I see Black professors. The Black people I am in contact with and associate with every day do not fit the description of the Black people who are living out dysfunctional behavior. I'm not denying that there are problems in the Black community. I am also keeping in mind the Black people I see each day who are decent, law abiding, and God-fearing. I worry sometimes because the Black people I interact with every day do behave like civilized people, and the "mob violence" perps do alot to be an embarrassment. I often wonder why those criminals do what they do, and why they don't care what they do their race.
Indianapolis, I checked the sources. There are no sources cited for this website. How do you know if that is really true?
"Indianapolis, I checked the sources. There are no sources cited for this website. How do you know if that is really true?"
They used FBI/DOJ data. Its available on their websites - takes a little digging (and patience) to find it all. But its there.
How do I know you are black?
Across the country, retailers are forced to pay for extra security measures (video surveillance, rent-a-cops, security detectors on clothing that go off if procured without payment at the door) because of increasing rates of smash and grab or what is being termed Flash Robs.
High rates of criminality force law-abiding consumers to pay higher rates for goods as businesses must make up for lost profits (and for increased security, which negatively impact profit margins).
Calling them Flash Robs is wrong, just as calling the phenomenon of teenagers utilizing social media or just spontaneously organizing to attack people (primarily white people) 'Flash Mobs'. No, those are Mahogany Mobs.
I don't mean to beat this metaphor to death before everybody but does anyone else see a similarity to Islamic terrorism?
(Caveat: In the last ten years I’ve written millions of words about Islamic terrorism and often view things through that prism.)
My article, “When Will it End?”, has some cocktail napkin math that demonstrates the inordinate financial burden imposed upon the civilized world by Islam. The trillions spent per year presage how ― due to sheer scale of economy in dealing with 1.6 billion hostiles ― the West may well be forced to resolve this issue with nuclear weapons.
Dissident's comment cements this:
It's really simple. These retail terrorists are trying to get back at the man. [emphasis added]
A few word-substitution thought problems will reveal the truth of this.
Across the country, taxpayers are forced to pay for extra security measures (video surveillance, TSA, security detectors at boarding gates that go off due to liquids, metal objects and high-nitrogen foodstuffs) because of increasing rates of terrorist atrocities or what is being termed man-caused disasters.
Please rest assured that my comment will return to the post's central topic.
Calling them insurgents is wrong, just as calling the phenomenon of Muslims utilizing social media or just spontaneously undergoing SJS (Sudden Jihad Syndrome) to attack people (primarily white people) 'isolated incidents'. No, those are terrorist attacks.
I employ these word substitution experiments ― not just to emphasize the manifest dangers of Islam but also ― to highlight how overwhelmingly predatory Black criminality is mimicking the supremacist and genocidal aspects of Islam.
Is it any wonder that there are so many jailhouse conversions to Islam by Blacks? It is no coincidence that Black criminality and Islamic shari'a law ― with its two tier social structure (i.e., dhimmitude) ― share a substantial number of aspects regarding appropriation of wealth, collective punishment and overall subjugation imposed upon those of differing views.
These "flash robs" are nothing short of terrorist attacks. By virtue of their numbers and known propensity for violent behavior, these hastily assembled gangs subdue the otherwise perfectly legitimate reprisals that they have coming.
Make no mistake, just as terrorism is an almost exclusive Islamic activity, so are these "flash" crimes a predominantly Black activity. Both invite "nuclear" options.
Finally, those who perpetrate these vile crimes share one last commonality. They are coddled, shielded and totally under-reported by the MainStream Media (MSM).
The MSM's increasing culpability with respect to de-emphasizing both of these threats that face Western Civilization must, eventually, earn these journalistic traitors a comeuppance of the harshest sort.
Stephen: Sewage + Water = Sewage
I applaud your equation. However, a better analogy is this:
It's a given that ice cream is something which appeals to almost everyone.
However, if you take a quart of it and stir in a cup of shit, is it still ice cream?
How about if you only stir in a tablespoon?
What if you stir in just a pinch?
Is it still ice cream?
Would anyone knowingly want to eat it?
I invite other readers to draw their own parallels with respect to mixing Black or Muslim populations into Western cultures.
I think a good solution to these "rob mobs" might be a device that turns OFF the lights and turns ON a high-frequency audio device (Mosquito, Sonic Screen, etc.that can only be heard by teens.
For the record, I’m well armed, not crazy, just handguns and a close quarter 12 gauge.
An interesting read, though I disagree with many of the comments re: militias. Lil' Boy Brin's Tale of Woe is hamfisted statist propaganda.
And the last time I checked, Arabs are Caucasian.
I've seen many conflicting arguments about this. My take: if Arabs are Caucasian, the distinction is purely academic. There will be no alliance between Whites and Arabs, for the reasons Zenster laid out. We see them as the Other, and that is how they see us. Ideally, they should all be pushed out of Europe and back to Araby.
There is, after all, only one race, the human race.
With all due respect, that's dangerous nonsense. There is no such animal as the human race. There is the human species, but like all species, there are distinct subsets (races) which are very different from each other.
"How do I know you are black?"
How do I know you are white?
Best thing you can do is trust me.
Indianapolis at 5:15 PM on Oct 24: A large number of police agencies, presumably at the direction of politicians, count many Hispanic criminals as White, thereby increasing the White crime rate and decreasing the Hispanic rate. Hispanics are actually over five times as likely as Whites to commit murder, not three times. That ratio has been unchanged for decades, even as overall homicide rates fluctuated, until it became necessary to hide the facts about immigration. (BTW, this also, by inflating the White homicide rate, make Blacks look not quite so bad.) For evidence of this, check the FBI hate crime stats. There is a category for Hispanic victims of hate crimes, but no Hispanic perpetrators. Also check the Texas Ten most wanted. When I last looked, all of the seven Whites had Spanish names, and at least two were members of Mexican gangs. Things are worse than you think.
Silent Running: My take: if Arabs are Caucasian, the distinction is purely academic. There will be no alliance between Whites and Arabs, for the reasons Zenster laid out. We see them as the Other, and that is how they see us. Ideally, they should all be pushed out of Europe and back to Araby. [emphasis added]
Thank you for taking away the exact message I was attempting to get across. We are in total agreement. American and Islamic (Arabic) cultures are immiscible. Thinking otherwise is not just foolish but suicidal.
Silent Running: Arabs are Semites, not Caucasians.
Silent Running: Arabs are Semites, not Caucasians.
They're still caucasoids, as one glance at them quickly reveals.
That doesn't really mean much politically or socially, but it does serve to blur distinctions. Like most political racialists you want to insist on nice, easy, clear-cut lines of demarcation where none actually exist. That you'd want to is only to be expected; what's surprising is your unfounded but insistent belief that it garners rather than drives away support.
Anon at 9:43 AM, Oct 30:
How does making distinctions between Arabs and Whites not mean much politically or socially? And how does making distinctions blur distinctions? The failure to make such distinctions has done a lot of damage to Europe, creating a new racial problem over there equal to our own.
I don't know if it's my failure to grasp or your failure to explain, but you're not making sense to me.
Arabs would utterly destroy Western Civilisation, actually they're doing that quite handily along with the Blacks as cohorts, legions and armies. Whites would preserve and further Western Civilisation, look to the past when the forces of the crescent moon have clashed with European fighting men. Look at the present and see none of the same stalwart defense from those White countries, rage against the dying of the light. Pvt keeping an eye on things
The skin colour is irelevant the real issue is you have groups of people be they black or white who realise the society they are living in is dog eat dog.
You already have the highest incarceration rate in the civilised world so being tough on crime isnt working. Offshoring of jobs, moral hazard in business This is the culture America has built for itself, enjoy it.
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