Thursday, February 14, 2013

Great Moments in Black History: The Black Experience in Chicago, 1790-2013

The White Footprint in Chicago
In “Bashing Chicago Traditions: Harold Washington’s Last Campaign by Melvin G. Holli and Paul M. Green, we learn the extraordinary levels the Washington Administration went to supply black people with public jobs within the city of Chicago government. After all, the with election of the city’s first black mayor, Washington was correct with his campaign promise of -- “It’s our turn now.”: 
… because hiring polices that disproportionately favor blacks were implicit in Washington’s campaign promise, “It’s our turn now, “ Washington’s pledge to make the public work force a mirror reflection of the city’s racial make-up also suggested that merit would not be the leading criterion used in city hiring. 
 Another plausible interpretation lies in the hypothetical world of what did not happen. Washington did not bring about what whites feared he would: “Papa Doc” policies, a wholesale sacking of whites, and purges that might have changed the complexion of the City Hall labor force overnight. 
Yet there is little doubt that Washington dramatically and drastically altered hiring for new jobs in Chicago’s public work force and massively changed hiring priorities. Blacks have benefited the most… and white males and white females have borne the brunt of the loss of job opportunities in this racial and gender shift in hiring. (p. 132) As the 1983 and 1987 election returns showed, about 85 percent of whites voted against Harold Washington and about 98 percent of blacks voted for him. 
Add the fact that the overwhelming recipients of administrative preferences, including affirmative action, quote promotions, and contract set-asides, were blacks. This translates into a situation where Washington could reward his friends, and punish his enemies when he followed the body of decrees, court actions, and federal, city, and state guidelines loosely called affirmative action.  
Harold Washington, in pursuing and pushing such policies, was behaving like an intelligent Bayesian (after Sir Thomas Bayes, the father of statistics); for he was obtaining what is very often complex information at a very low cost. By merely knowing the race of the voter or seeker of a city  job or a contract, Washington could be 98 percent certain that he had rewarded a “friend” and punished an “enemy” by giving preferential consideration to blacks over whites. 
As the election returns show, when he awarded a job or a contract to any black registered voter, he was 98 or 99 percent sure of rewarding a friend; conversely, when a qualified white was bypassed in a promotion procedure, or a white contractor or vendor was dropped from city business, the mayor was about 85 percent sure of punishing a political enemy – and abiding by the letter of the law at the same time. That is the political equivalence of alchemy in that it turns base metals into gold, or, at the very least the best thing since sliced bread for the black poltico.
Thus, although the intent of affirmative action and its train of protections, preferences, and racial incentives may be called ‘reform,’ the effect could be very different. It is eminently clear that a mayor who is so inclined could use the system to punish his political enemies and reward his political friend by turning reform into redistributionism. As we have shown in Chapter Six, Washington gave nearly two-thirds of all the newly award top jobs in 1985 (officials and administrators) to blacks and only 24 percent to whites. In city contracts and purchases Mayor Washington set aside 25 percent of all business exclusively for blacks and minorities and 5 percent women; zealous application of such quotas had pushed that figure to nearly 35 percent by December 1986. Affirmative action was thereby turned into a friend of the mayor in power. (p. 157 – 158)
What was it Conservatism Inc., the GOP, Christian Evangelists, and Republicans are fighting for again? Blacks understand what universal suffrage represents: Racial Democracy. Conservatism Inc., the GOP, Christian Evangelists, and Republicans are pathetically wedded to Black-Run America (BRA), with each group promoting the one competent, clean-cut black individual who has succeeded in some realm of assimilating to white culture and mouthing one or two conservative platitudes. Case in point: Ben Carson, the current face of Black-Run Conservatism (BRC).

The black middle class is a creation of a racial spoils system in government hiring and in awarding lucrative – virtual no-bid - city contracts to “friends” of the black mayor, just as we saw in Washington’s Chicago; Maynard Jackson, Andrew Young, Bill Campbell, and Kasim Reed’s Atlanta; Richard Arrington’s Birmingham; and Coleman Young’s Detroit.

But why do these government jobs for black people matter?

In Doug Gills chapter, ‘Chicago Politics and Community Development: A Social Movement Perspective,’ found in the book “Harold Washington and the Neighborhoods: Progressive City Government in Chicago, 1983-1987” we are treated to a quantified account of the black middle-classes reliance on public jobs:
But even at the beginning of the 1980s black integration into the mainstream of the urban political economy remained tediously incomplete. It was slowed by the new conservatism in U.S. politics ushered in by the Reagan administration, and by the precarious position of the vast majority of the black middle class whose income, status, and occupations were overwhelmingly tied to the welfare state and to public employment (i.e., teachers, public administrators, civil servants, government-regulated affirmative action contracts, and employment in social service programs). 
As recently as 1985 a survey found that more than 67 percent of black middle-class income earners were dependent on public sector jobs. Moreover, the heavy dependence of poor black families on public assistance had become a cause for national alarm, if not action. 
 In contrast, a smaller percentage of the white middle-class and poor whites in Chicago were tied to the public sector for employment and/or transfer payments. A higher percentage of whites derived income from the production side of the economy. This accounts for a significant amount of the conservatism on the part of whites who perceive their taxes as supporting black welfare recipients. (p. 38-39)

And why wouldn’t whites be upset about a racial spoils system being created by an almost exclusively black elected official (you can have Barack Obama stand in for Harold Washington in this case too, or any black mayor of a major city where white people provide the bulk of the taxes)? More importantly, why should white people pay for the proliferation of black dysfunction through TANF/Welfare, Section 8 Housing Vouchers, EBT/Food Stamps, Obama Phones, subprime mortgage loans, free/reduced school lunches for K-12 public school students, etc.?

Conservatism Inc.: that combination of Beltway non-profits and think tanks, the GOP, Christian Evangelists, and Republicans have been a consistent black hole for those who oppose Black-Run America. No, that’s wrong. They’ve been a wonderful ally of the Democrats in aiding and abetting white dispossession, a fleecing of the white middle-class taxpayer via confiscatory taxes and ultimately, a redistribution of wealth to create permanently black controlled cities like Detroit in 2013.
The Black Footprint in Chicago (note the White Footprint in the background) -- the Chicago Housing Authority has torn these public housing units down
Racial Democracy in a nutshell.

Now comes my favorite part. 

Paul L. Street wrote a book called “Racial Oppression in the Global Metropolis: A Living Black Chicago History.” It’s an angry screed against white supremacy, white civilization, white oppression and the inability of the government to confiscate white wealth and redistribute to the black poor. Here’s a sample of his vitriol, which reminds me of what black civil rights activists thought about the Apollo Space Program to the moon. Blasting a 2005 Time article which praised Mayor Daley’s ability to rally corporations into turning Chicago into a world-class city (after a couple decades of neglect courtesy of white flight, eroding white tax-base, and Mayor Washington’s black public servants), he writes:
Missing from this laudatory appraisal was the steep racial inequity experienced by hundreds of thousands of black Chicagoans living on the outskirts and in the shadows of Daley’s “vibrant downtown.” As Time might have noted, endemic black poverty across the city’s vast stretch of conspicuously non-beautified black neighborhoods did not strike the wealthy, the city’s leading corporations, or the mayor as a “big ticket” item requiring concentrated public investment. The $475 million spent on Millennium Park would have been more than welcome in those neighborhoods as an investment in job training, child welfare, after school programs, “green space” expansion , drug treatment… the list of unmet neighborhood needs goes on and on. (p. 48)

But the large majority of the black population in Chicago already exists courtesy of the white taxpayer through a transfer of wealth (confiscatory levels of taxation) that pay for TANF/Welfare, Section 8 Housing Vouchers, EBT/Food Stamps, Obama Phones, free/reduced school lunches for K-12 public school students, midnight basketball leagues, in-school daycare for high school students with children, etc., Mr. Street.

Is not the blight in those black neighborhoods a product of the black people who live there? If white supremacy is to blame for the creation of stable communities, couldn’t black ineptitude be to blame for their community’s conditions? Worse though… it’s taxpayer supported. Paul L. Street is the kind of guy who would have liked Harold Washington to enact a “Papa Doc” style firing of all whites; even better, he would have loved for Mayor Washington to have simply confiscated all white property in Chicago and redistributed it to blacks and forced companies into hiring blacks to positions they weren’t qualified for in the private sector.

Especially to C-level positions of immense authority.

But what exactly is the black contribution to Chicago, save for importing high poverty rates, high out-of-wedlock birth rates, making public schools and entire communities unsafe for whites, relying on white taxpayer funds for their very existence, and making Chicago one of the world’s most dangerous cities?

Well, Paul L. Street has that answer, and it’s… a fitting tribute to black history month celebrations nationwide. After attacking the 1893 and 1933-1934 Chicago World Fairs as “Industrial Chicago’s two white-supremacist world’s fairs” we get this quick lesson about blacks in Chicago:
Black history and Chicago history intersected from the beginning. The city’s first official settler (Jean Baptiste Pointe- Du Sable) was of African ancestry. The early and arguably “global” Chicago of the pre-Civil War era… was a key stop on the Underground Railroad. 
 Despite this unusually black-friendly history, however, blacks maintained only a slight presence at the time of the Columbian Exposition [1893]. There were just less than 15,000 African Americans in Chicago in 1890, when Chicago was home to 161,000 German-born immigrants, 70,000 Irish-born immigrants, 43,000 Swedish-born, 38,000 British-born, 25,000 Czechs, 24,000 Poles, and 22,000 Norwegians. 
 By 1910, the city’s black population had risen to just “40,000 Negroes among the heterogeneous two million inhabitants of Midwest Metropolis.” Blacks composed just 2 percent of the population of the nation’s leading industrial and population growth metropolis, whose spectacular economic and demographic expansion during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was fueled by massive European immigration, primarily Eastern and South-Central European after 1880. 
Employed mainly in light and menial work (as porters, butlers, maids, janitors, and the like), few among the city’s small black populace worked in the heavy industries (meatpacking, steel, farm equipment manufacturing, lumber warehousing, electrical wire, etc..) for which Chicago was so famous at the time. (p.76-77)

Street goes on to blame “whiteness” and “white privilege” for all of black people’s inability to contribute to civilization in vocational positions other than “porters, butlers, maids, janitors, and the like.”

Of course, the Great Migration of blacks from South – attracted by the bountiful jobs and explosive growth white people in Chicago had created - overwhelmed the civilization of the Second City.

These were the primary jobs blacks were qualified for, before the advent of affirmative action hiring in both public and private sector, and the abandonment of merit hiring for city of Chicago public jobs.

Which brings us to Chicago in 2013.

Robert J. Sampson just published a book on Chicago that is taking the academic world by storm. “Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood Effect,” argues that ‘communities still matter because life is decisively shaped by where you live.’
Not one majority black community in Chicago in 1960 attracted whites by 2000, as white communities did for blacks (Source: Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood Effect)
No truer words have ever been spoken about Chicago, a city with some of the greatest levels of segregation still in the country. And for good reason, as Sampson let’s slip this brutal admission about the quality of community black people have created in Chicago:
To further elaborate the persistence of racial segregation I examine changes in racial composition across the same four-decade period, plotting the percentage of a neighborhood’s population that was black in 2000 against percent black in 1960, before the major urban transformations [William Julius] Wilson described. 
This graph shows that where racial change is abundant it is structured in an asymmetric way, yielding for types of neighborhoods. The first two reflect durable segregation – those that are stably black (upper right) and those that are stably white (lower left). The third type reflects transitional neighborhoods that went either from all white to black (“white flight”) or partially black to segregated black (up the left side and across the top). The fourth type is the small number of integrated communities that have remained so, such as Hyde Park and the Near West Side. 
 What is startling is the missing type – in the third largest city in America, not one neighborhood transitioned from predominantly black to predominantly white. The lack of observations in the lower right quadrant of the graph indicated that none of the areas that had large percentages of black population in 1960 lost significant shares. In fact, there appears to be a threshold effect of around 50 percent black, above which all neighborhoods either maintained or increased their share of black population. 
 Figure 5.2 thus tells a story of change within a relatively stable social-ecological structure: there were great shifts in neighborhood racial composition from 1960-2000, but neighborhoods that were initially black stated that way over time, while at the same time many areas of the city remained off limits to blacks. (p. 107-108)

Sampson’s has just described something devastating – the conditions black people create in their own communities in Chicago are unable to attract anyone except black people; in most cases, black people end up migrating to white communities where the conditions for positive social capital flourish.

After all, that is the ultimate lesson of a city like Chicago or Detroit – both of which were flourishing 100 years ago. Of course, 100 years ago, both cities were nearly 98 percent white.


City resident said...

Most of these welfare programs were put together as a form of anti-riot measure. It accelerated in the '60's to quiet down blacks by handing out free money to gain some level of social peace. It's worked for awhile but problems have emerged. It's gotten bigger and bigger with more blacks staying on it permanently; it's gotten more expensive as a result; the kids growing up on it have become more and more stupid and criminal with each passing generation; people on it have become an entire class of unemployables; it no longer placates people because they now see it as expected and not as a gift; and so on. It's expanded whereby schools have become part of the welfare system.
Nobody is against helping people who are sick, disabled or temporarily while they are down on their luck. However, the whole system has transformed into something else whereby those whites who need help get elbowed aside by hordes of moochers and deadbeats. Section 8 is monopolized by blacks and all other social services spend most of their time and resources on blacks, an ungrateful group that's a bottomless money pit.
I doubt if the EBT cards will ever be allowed to run out. The powers that be are scared of what might happen. They'll just keep extorting more money out of the middle classes and transfer it to blacks in one way or another, openly or covertly.

Bogolyubski said...

White Mom (from previous thread):
We whites need to disengage. Let it burn, Amurkistan. Let the elites be kings of the turd heap, they will eventually die out from their own greed and sloth or sexual deviancy.

WM nails it here. Not only should we let it burn, we need to think of ways to douse the fires with gasoline. The case-study offered in Shitcongo is an interesting example of ABRA's naturally destructive power being blunted by whites. Shitcongo needs to be destroyed even faster and more completely - so having a 'Papa Doc' type figure in charge is actually beneficial in the long term. Because Washington was somewhat prevented from turning the place into Port-au-Prince North, Daley Jr. was able to pick up the pieces afterwards and kick the can down the road. Most whites continue to believe in the system - few have come to realize that the system is essentially a massive looting scheme sucking them dry to pay squids and their nomenklatura to "help the downtrodden". Worse is better. Chaos and economic ruin are our friends. The sooner Shitcongo turns into Detroit version 2.0, the sooner the dumbass legions of whites who support BRA there will think about opposing it directly.

Mr. Rational said...

Most of these welfare programs were put together as a form of anti-riot measure.

In retrospect, isn't it amazing how much cheaper it would have been to take the money and buy ammunition?

Anonymous said...

And not just Chicago: I would love to hear Mr. Kersey's take on this:

Anonymous said...

off topic.....

The 23-year-old University of Maryland graduate student who killed one of his roommates, wounded another and then killed himself early Tuesday briefly worked for the campus police, the Associated Press reported Wednesday night.

Dayvon Maurice Green worked as a police auxiliary officer for two weeks in the fall, according to the AP, and he was fired after twice failing to show up for work.

Auxiliary officers do not carry badges or guns.

A law enforcement source familiar with the case told The Washington Examiner that Green suffered from schizophrenia. His family told police that Green had suffered from mental illness for at least a year and that he had been prescribed medication.

Anonymous said...

A sociology prof told me this is true..and he was a 'hostage crisis specialist'

Rational said...

Most of these welfare programs were put together as a form of anti-riot measure.

Anonymous said...

blak histry munth is a joke

a professor at California State University, East Bay, in the Department of Sociology and Social Services. His lecture is called “Gangsta Rap vs Hip Hop: The Immense and Lasting Impact of American Society,” and will also be held in lecture hall HSS 165, on Thursday, Feb. 28.

most recent publications are: “Gangster Rap and Its Social Cost: Exploiting Hip Hop and Using Racial Stereotypes to Entertain America,”

This will be profs second visit to SMC for Black History Month.

Anonymous said...

More black history month 2013.

Why would Muslim oil billionaires finance and develop controlling relationships with black college students? Well, like anyone else, they would do it for self-interest. And what would their self-interest be? We all know the top two answers to that question...

RedMoonProject said...

The nice areas are all on the north side, (where I live). The segregation in the city is not a matter of law, but of economics. To live in the nice areas you have to have a real income. Welfare and food stamps are not enough to pay the rent in places like Lincoln Park or Bucktown. And to own, you have to be able to pay the taxes.

Lionel said...

Was there any end to "welfare as we know it?" Probably "as we know it" is the key phrase. Nothing ever ended; if anything transfer payments increased but they labeled some small segment "welfare" and put a time limit on that. The other transfer payments have no time limit.

Clinton and Congressional Republicans love to pat themselves on the back for "welfare reform." It never happened.

Jim said...

The Welfare System was initially for anti-riot measures.

It has since evolved into back-door reparations.

countenance said...


That welfare reform bill in 1996 was phony. The reason is that between the day it was passed and 9/11, SSI was the fastest growing line item in the Federal budget. What this obviously means is that many households that were on AFDC and would have been transitioned to the time limited TANF made the lateral move to SSI. I contend that's the only reason Clinton signed the (Fake) "Welfare" (Not) "Reform" bill, because he knew that SSI was there to "save the day," and that through back channels, the Feds could advertise SSI. Too, TANF, the AFDC replacement, was the only welfare program time limited under the bill -- None others. The only way SNAP/Food Stamps were affected by the (Fake) Welfare (Not) Reform bill was that you could not get them if you committed a food stamp trafficking or drug trafficking felony after a certain date in calendar year 1996. Which I'm sure is enforced about as well as immigration law.

While at the same time, it would be assumed that people leaving TANF would be "off the welfare rolls and going to work," which politicians could brag about, when they boasted about people moving from welfare to "work." (We weren't supposed to notice the increase in SSI cases.) Yes, Newt Gingrich, I'm looking at you.

countenance said...

City Resident:

The institution of almost all of these welfare programs predated most of the urban riots. The institution of most civil and voting rights legislation predated most of the urban riots. The urban riots didn't beg the civil rights and welfare legislation. I think it's the other way around -- The civil rights and welfare legislation cued blacks into the fact that they were "winning," and that the urban riots that came later were "victory riots," so to speak.

Pat Boyle said...

I did some calculations on Chicago after reading this posting. I think you may be interested in my results.

Actually I used Detroit but Chicago is similar. Detroit is 82.7% black and only 7.8% Non-Hispanic white. Again like the FBI crime statistics Wikipedia lumps Hispanics in amongst the whites. But Wikipedia provides enough detail that you can separate out the Mexicans and other Latins from the whites.

If you assume that the white IQ is 100 and the black average IQ is 85 then you can compute a average IQ of about 86.6 for the city of Detroit.

Lynn and Vanhanen have shown that there is a correlation of about .60 to .73 between national IQ and that nation's GDP. If you add in three other factors: democracy, economic freedom and oil production the correlation rises to .91. This means that national poverty and prosperity is almost wholly determined by the intellectual characteristics of the population and economic liberty. The only real exception is striking oil. Even a stupid people can get rich if they live on top of enough oil.

So by this calculation the City of Detroit is about as smart as Mexico which has a national IQ of 87. That doesn't seem so bad. Or does it?

But this is certainly an over estimate. Largely white countries like Sweden, Germany and Italy have national IQs around 102. The only countries with higher IQs are a couple of the pure East Asian nations like Japan and South Korea. The US national IQ is 98. That's composite result of whites with an IQ of 101-102 and blacks with an IQ of 83.5 to 85.

Hong Kong has an IQ of 107 but of course it is a city not a nation. Cities are different.

La Griffe du Lion estimates from NEAP scores the IQ of central Baltimore after white flight as around 76. People with resources got out. Presumably this is the kind of figure we should expect in Detroit or Chicago. That would put the city IQ of Detroit at about 76-77. That would be in the same range as Namibia.

Detroit has developed into a area that has a very economically untalented population. Even their blacks are the worst blacks. The only places on earth that are this intellectually impeded are in sub-Saharan Africa.


10mm AUTO said...

The Death of the American Dream or Real Estate in Avalon Park

A 10mm AUTO TWO Parter!

“What is startling is the missing type – in the third largest city in America, not one neighborhood transitioned from predominantly black to predominantly white. The lack of observations in the lower right quadrant of the graph indicated that none of the areas that had large percentages of black population in 1960 lost significant shares. In fact, there appears to be a threshold effect of around 50 percent black, above which all neighborhoods either maintained or increased their share of black population. “

So I spent 20 mins running the numbers that Paul laid out and the effect is enough to make you want to vomit!

Purchased home in white family neighborhood 1970 at age 25, expecting to retire age 65 with home paid off..
Down payment: $14,000 (Combination of wedding present from Parents and 5 years hard saving while working two jobs
Time to retire = 40 years (year 2010)
Major vehicle of retirement = Real Estate (Home) / Pension/ Social Security / Savings

So in my hypothetical we have a young couple, let’s call them the Brady’s (I’m a traditionalist) and they come to Illinois with their dreams and buy this house which in 1970 cost a lot, a whopping $36,000. But Brad Brady has been saving hard and he has an engineering degree and some money as a wedding present and he is going to make his way in the world. He has a job working for the city as a assistant structural engineer so he expects to really be part of the building Chicago up. He is ready to make waves and make babies!

So the years go by and by 1980 Brenda and Brad Brady have 5 little rug runners, 3 boys and two girls. Brad has a good salary and saves as much as he can while supporting his family. He cuts the lawn, fixes up his own car, including rebuilding the engine and his house is appreciating in value. Life is Ok, though in the back of his mind, Brad is concerned. Blacks have been moving into the neighborhood and some of his White neighbors have been leaving. Brad prides himself on not being “racist” so he tries to befriend his new neighbors. They seem nice enough, though distant and barely literate. The “tone” of the neighborhood becomes more garish, less inviting.

Anonymous said...

good stats, pat/albertosaurus.
sadly, DWL's believe in lamarckianism (tho they profess to be scientists!) & therefore they think throwing money & education at black environments makes blacks smarter (+ DWL's think blacks have high crime due to poverty - when really it's due to stupidity & impulsivity) panjoomby

10mm AUTO said...


By 1990, things are not good. Brad had to sell his older car and drives a car he can’t repair on his on BY LAW. Around the area, crime has been rising and his oldest son (now 15) came home beaten by several blacks, several times he has lost tools to burglary and the neighbors have been talking about the negros that have been moving in being the cause. But Brad is a stanch White American and thinks blacks historically got the short end of the stick, so he ignores this and keeps going, paying his mortgage payment and insurance and raising his kids. Brenda finds that she is the subject of stares and catcalls and she has to quit her morning runs because she was attacked. His daughter, age 13, was sexually harassed in school by a 19 year old black who has been held back in school.

By 2000, Brad is sick to see what ahs happened to his area. Blacks have moved in droves and crime is unbelievable. The local high school (now 98% black) has had black shootings and stabbings and Brad helped install metal detectors and security cameras in the school, but the violence problem only got worst. Brad has had to put his children in private schools which cost a lot, but has to be done. He has barred the windows as last year a blacks tried to burglarize the house. At night gunshots are heard and just down the street, old Mrs Hendricks, aged 78, was raped (Raped!) in her home and killed. In 2006 he bought a gun just to walk from the curb to his front door. At work, he finds that black are promoted above him despite his superior qualifications and that Senior Engineering management position just never seems to be in reach. The new black mayor promises that the new “crime programs” will fix everything. He pays off the mortgage and is glad of the loss of the payment every month..

10mm AUTO said...

Year 2008. He is a few years from retirement when he is fired for being White as the new Mayor replaced White city planners with outside black contactor firms. On the day of his firing, Brad takes stock. He calls a real estate agent to assess his house. Brad has been reading about all the huge increases in Real Estate and he needs to cash in as he is low on funds due to the Private schools he sent his children to necessary to keep them away from blacks (in his mind he uses the term “crime” but the truth statistically is “black”) hoping his children would have a better life, like he expected. He wants to move out to the Country and go back to a small town. He figures with all the years and improvements he put into the house and based on what he has read, why it should be worth 1.2 million at least!

The real estate agent informs him that his 30 years of depending on his house, the valuable down payment and the insurance, repairs, improvements etc has been an utter waste. He would have been better of renting at a lower cost and saving the additional money in gold. His house after 30 years is now worth $70,000, a doubling to be sure, but with inflation, he has LOST money, the house is worth the equivalent of the down payment he made on the house. She patiently explains that his house in 1970 was worth in today’s (2012) dollars ($207,000) when it was purchased, but now it is worth $70,000, or about $12,000 dollars in 1970 dollars. White sections the price of Real Estate the prices have gone up 20 times in value, however his is now known as “less desirable” neighborhood. “Please don’t say I said that to anyone!” the real estate agent says fearfully, “It’s against the law for me to make comments like that or to make any comments about race. I could be fined or jailed.” Brad assures her that it is all right and after she leaves, begins to look for a cheap retirement home.

Shirt Sleeves to Shirt Sleeves, forever

Anonymous said...

DWL's also believe that merely by seeing a black person as a "role model" it suddenly makes black kids smart enough to actually grow up to have that job.
conversely, DWL's DON'T believe if someone's told "you can't do that" a person could actually be motivated to rebel (as in "oh yeah? I'll show them!") & then go on to do it.

Bogolyubski said...

The Welfare System was initially for anti-riot measures.

It has since evolved into back-door reparations.

Very true. Note also who has enabled all of this to happen - the alleged "opposition" consisting of the Gay Old Pedophile Party, Con-servatism, Inc. and Amurikan Churchianity. Anyone remember how the Repuke congress supposedly abolished welfare back in the reign of Beelzebubba, Lord Hee-Haw of Arksansas? Not only is welfare back, it's bigger and more parasitical than ever before. As VDARE's James Kirkpatrick points out, the supposed "oppostion" to BRA has now become BRC, or Black Run Conservatism. All of the usual whores, shills and con-men are busy fainting and enjoying leg tingles over the latest couple of prospective Magic Negro "conservatives" to surface - Ben Carson and Tim Scott.

As Kirkpatrick points out, the so-called opposition to BRA and the entire Marxist-utopian agenda has degenerated into a bad joke, namely: What do you call a black person at a conservative conference?the keynote speaker. The squids must be laughing their arses off by now. This type of thing calls in to question all of the HBD folks who chirp about superior white intelligence. Not even blacks are so stupid that they actively endorse policies and ideologies which directly lead to their own extinction.

Bogolyubski said...

That welfare reform bill in 1996 was phony. The reason is that between the day it was passed and 9/11, SSI was the fastest growing line item in the Federal budget. What this obviously means is that many households that were on AFDC and would have been transitioned to the time limited TANF made the lateral move to SSI. I contend that's the only reason Clinton signed the (Fake) "Welfare" (Not) "Reform" bill, because he knew that SSI was there to "save the day," and that through back channels, the Feds could advertise SSI. Too, TANF, the AFDC replacement, was the only welfare program time limited under the bill -- None others. The only way SNAP/Food Stamps were affected by the (Fake) Welfare (Not) Reform bill was that you could not get them if you committed a food stamp trafficking or drug trafficking felony after a certain date in calendar year 1996. Which I'm sure is enforced about as well as immigration law.

While at the same time, it would be assumed that people leaving TANF would be "off the welfare rolls and going to work," which politicians could brag about, when they boasted about people moving from welfare to "work." (We weren't supposed to notice the increase in SSI cases.) Yes, Newt Gingrich, I'm looking at you.

Thank you very much for pointing this out. There's even more to the story of course - like how government employment serves as a type of shadow welfare, the role of Section 8 - a program which literally has no opposition, not even the fake opposition Repukes have made into an art form.

This just proves the case (yet again) for my first post on this thread. There is no means of changing or peacefully reforming a rigged system like the one in place. All avenues of doing so are quite closed off, and have been so for a long time. The only way things will change for the better in the long run will be if the whole thing goes up in flames. Götterdämmerung is our goal. Burn it. All of it. Worse is better.

Anonymous said...

Otis is or was D school supervisor..
Rmaz Paul has a youtube....


Anonymous said...

American citizens have been sold out. The goal of the elite is to bankrupt states and their respective citizens such that outside interests ( ex: Muslim oil billionaires) can buy up pieces of Amurkustan, as well as the slaves that reside there (us, those who can see and those white idiots who can't). The decline in housing values was calculated. The bankstas were betting that most of us would be idiots and keep paying out the nose for a property that ain't worth a turd. Well screw them. Then once they bankrupt the middle class, they will sell us out to the highest bidder. Screw them again.

Amurkistan is a colony. Hell noncitizens have more rights than citizens. Let it burn.

The faster things go to the turd heap, the better. They all know it on the Hill, but won't let it happen because then they will lose. What good is it to be king of the turd heap? Obamma keeps holding off on the budget. They want to break the white middle class but we have proved stronger than expected. Just google the wall street journal article on strategic defaults from December 2009. The rebellion is in progress.

Bring on the reset!

White Mom in Turdburg aka WDC

Bogolyubski said...

Kudos to 10MM auto for the saga of the Bradys.

If anyone thinks this sorry saga is the result of an accident, the Bradys' bad choices, or simple unfortunate circumstances from life's lottery, they are utterly deluded. It might be useful to add another chapter contrasting the financial saga of the Bradys with that of the Banksteins - movahs and shakahs in Banksta Banana Republick. There you'll have a real "Tale of Two Cities" for your readership - more like a tale of two universes.

As our host has pointed out on occasion, BRA is a looting program. That has always been its chief purpose. Once you've accepted that (very hideous) reality, the question becomes one of determining who the looters are and whom have they looted. Old Mr. Lenin even had a phrase to describe it: Who? Whom?

Anonymous said...

A Mugabe-connected Zimbabwean I know, "clap hands for the white man, now we enjoy his fruits."

They do not CARE who built it; all that matters is it is theirs now to plunder.

The statistics of white flight were central to some public housing discrimination cases in the 70s. The tipping point of % black that leads to total ruin is well-studied actually, but you obviously can't talk about that sort of thing, especially if you are a "racist-american." There are african-americans, asian-americans, latino-americans, and racist-americans. Yes, the label only applies to you and you're the only group that gives it any weight or credence. The others laugh at it.

Apparently, home loans are still sign n' drive for the "right" demographic (aka those who won't pay back), and Cabrini Green didn't look like "Cabrini Green" when it was constructed. It was state of the art.

Anonymous said...

Who remembers Harold Washington's quest to scrap Chicago's city seal because it contained an image of a masted schooner, which was reminiscent of European domination?
One just can't make this stuff up.

Mr. Rational said...

They do not CARE who built it; all that matters is it is theirs now to plunder.

Another example of White virtue:  Whites will build something of benefit to all.  Blacks will not only fail to appreciate the gesture, they will take it and feel no guilt when they destroy it... though they will complain when they feel its lack.

Jim said...

Any of you old enough to remember the term " block busting"? In the 1950's & 60's, unscrupulous realtors would go into an urban white neighborhood and spread the word that colored people were moving in. They would tell the whites that the sooner they would put their home on the market, the better price they would get for their property. Well, we know what happened.

This entire evolution made many, many people wealthy and, forever, changed our economy in the following areas:

Mortgage banking, real estate business, home construction, road building, two-car families, shopping malls, gasoline consumption, criminal justice system, Prison Industrial Complex, security industry, bigger government, Welfare Industrial Complex, private schools, etc., etc.

One life changing result of this outrage: When cities were safe, newly weds would purchase an affordable "starter home", typically a row house. The new family would send their kids to the public school system, utilizing public transit. One parent, usually the mother, would stay at home. The family only required one car.

Fast forward to now. White newly weds would not dream of a starter home in a big city. They are forced to purchase a more expensive shack in the suburbs and a second car. In order to make the payments, both must know the rest of the story.

In my opinion, if not for the above, most of us would consider the US a utopia. Now, some of us consider this...the very rich and certain others on the dole.

Anonymous said...

That was a great narrative but it's worse than described . Interest rates alone would make it an even more raw deal and damage to the property likely would have nearly put him in debt.

Sadly, you're not speaking fiction.

Anonymous said...

Ex New Yorker here....The TWO BEST comments tonight were from 10mm AUTO for his tale of the Brady Bunch and Bogolyubski and his word for Billary Clinton....BEELZEBUBBA. Thank you Bogo. I needed the laugh.

Anonymous said...

La Griffe du Lion estimates from NEAP scores the IQ of central Baltimore after white flight as around 76. People with resources got out. Presumably this is the kind of figure we should expect in Detroit or Chicago. That would put the city IQ of Detroit at about 76-77. That would be in the same range as Namibia."

Does La Griffe du Lion control for teenage male drug use? Heavy marijuana usage combined with binge drinking is increasing linked to drops in IQ of 5 points or more. Total stagnation of academic development during high school years is not uncommon.

Heavy crunking is producing young black males completely unsuitable for the workforce. Completely wiping out previously anticipated improvements in IQ due to improvements in early childhood nutrition and healthcare.

So CAL Snowman said...

Those housing projects look like prisons when contrasted with the distant Chiraq skyline. They seem like perfect little ghetto warehouses. I was wondering if those housing projects (with their distance from the city) kept black crime down in the downtown Chicongo area (presumably where the skyscrapers are located)? Also where did the Bundy's live in "Married With Children?" (I recognized that iconic fountain from the show's introduction) Where did Ferris Bueller live?

"Washington’s pledge to make the public work force a mirror reflection of the city’s racial make-up also suggested that merit would not be the leading criterion used in city hiring."

It would seem that blacks and DWLs think that the Former United States (FUSA) is so advanced and sophisticated that any asshole can just step behind the controls and run the show without any negative consequences. This cargo cult mentality that everything will just continue to flourish despite any semblance of competency in the highest positions of leadership is something out of the "Twilight Zone."

I believe that the differences between liberals and (true) Conservatives can be summarized in a single sentence :

Conservatives believe what they see, liberals see what they believe.

OT - I was inspired by PDK to do some reading on r/K selection theory and I stumbled onto this wonderful website that takes r/K selection and applies it to political theory. It is a very interesting read, as the site author rips the liberal assholes a new one.

The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics

countenance said...

Jim asked:

Any of you old enough to remember the term " block busting"?

I've read enough history about it, and I think the whole thing (at least in terms of "unscrupulous retailers") is more an urban myth than reality.

Try this on for size: There was no "conspiracy" to do fake "rumors of blacks moving in" block busting just to make industries rich.

There WAS the reality of the black undertow moving into an area, (the black undertow was protected by Federal and state civil rights laws and unfair housing laws), whites seeing what it resulted in, using the OODA feedback loop, then being driven out by the black crime. And in earnest, some industries grew.

"Block busting" seems to me just another fancy term to try to excuse or deflect the blame for black crime away from blacks, or to make us think there isn't really any black crime.

Jim said...

Regarding the above about Block Busting, this explains it better than I can.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Been doing more research. An article from Huff Post dated Decembet 2012 discusses the morality behind strategic defaulting on mortgages. Interestingly, the article is written by a Bankstein, a Mitchell Weiss. An estimated 32% of homeowners in the US are doing strategic defaults, which is tanking the banks. Yeah buddy! I am betting that as more Ameticans wake up, more will engage in defaulting. Why? I say why not? The comments in the article are interesting. In summation, some comments noted that the market and the American Dream is a big lie. One couple stated why the hell should they hand over hundreds of thousands to a bank that can be used for their kids' college funds. Um yeah...

Look stop paying your debts. Credit be damned. You are just lining a bankstein's pockets so he can feed his spoiled spawn. We have been lied to over and over again. Get even, take your money, and run.

Don't be afraid. We can do this. We can win. Just do the reset in your mind. Google strategic default. Get savvy and get wise. We can tank the banks. They should have tanked in 08 but they were saved by our tax dollars to save BRA, not YT. Get mad, then get even.

Where is the morality in letting your offspring starve or be debt slaves to BRA, a regime that hates whites?

White Mom

Anonymous said...

"Dollard has argued that there were more important reasons for the Iraq war other than Weapons of Mass Destruction. He believes that "The root causes of terrorism are the lack of capitalism, the lack of democracy, and the lack of modern education."[5] Dollard contends that the Iraq war has successfully removed some of the barriers to these in the Middle East."

That says all we need to know about Dullard, a fitting example of Conservatism, Inc.Doesn't Conservatism, Inc. say the same thing about the negroes?

MuayTyson said...

Thank you 10mm Auto.

Your story reminds me why I have resolved to live my life as an expatriot.

Anonymous said...

Those housing projects look like prisons when contrasted with the distant Chiraq skyline.


Public housing was originally scientifically planned to provide an environment to inhabitants which would encourage them to become productive members of society. Public housing was supposed to be a temporary step for residents as they moved into the working/middle class.

But it did not turn out that way. They became reservations for the underclass, and we can ask how much of that was due to the usual underclass pathologies. You might call them self-made prisons.

SKIP said...

"Welfare and food stamps are not enough to pay the rent in places like Lincoln Park or Bucktown. And to own, you have to be able to pay the taxes.

SO you think you are immune to black invasions! Like the monsters of the ID and the Krell in "Forbidden Planet" the machine will provide whatever power is needed to break through any defenses and destroy the resistors.

Anonymous said...

TPTB can load all the zeroes and ones they want onto the cards, but they can't load up corn, rice, or chicken. Those have to be created through consistent exercise of thought and action. Rhodesia/Zimbabwe and all that.

Anonymous said...

blacks believing "family is sacred"???
75% of their children are born out of wedlock!
They have higher rates of incest, adultery, domestic violence, abortion and STDs than whites do.

Anonymous said...

Through all the exceptions and excuses, one thing is undeniable. Whenever BRA takes over the local civilization collapses.

President Obongo is trying to fill the nations technical schools with negroes. The national technical education system will collapse.

bubo said...

Anonymous said...
"Dollard has argued that there were more important reasons for the Iraq war other than Weapons of Mass Destruction. He believes that "The root causes of terrorism are the lack of capitalism, the lack of democracy, and the lack of modern education."[5] Dollard contends that the Iraq war has successfully removed some of the barriers to these in the Middle East."

Um. But...the terrorists didn't come from Iraq, and they were all well educated and well off. So there's that.

Conservative Inc.'s inability to be truthful about Islam is only rivaled by that same inability to be truthful about blacks.

AnalogMan said...

Bogolyubski said:

Worse is better. Chaos and economic ruin are our friends.

Not just bogolyubski - several others have said something equivalent, in this thread and others.

I just wish I could be as sure of ... well, anything. My problem is this: the people who are driving this out-of-control locomotive are doing it because they think it will be good for them, not us. It's called the Cloward-Piven strategy. Overload the system until it crashes.

So, both sides think that a crash will advance their agenda. One of them (at least) is wrong. Will it be the side that presently controls all the money, the power, the guns, or us? The side that planned it, or the side that hoped for it?

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]we learn the extraordinary levels the Washington Administration went to supply black people with public jobs within the city of Chicago government.[/quote]

Get out of town Paul Kersey.
A politician doling out jobs to his supporters who also just happen to be of his same RACE.

I am astonished that Harold Washington was the first American politician to do this.

George Washington indeed had a DIVERSE staff.
That is IF you consider the "Black servants" that were all about him as "staff".

Here is what I see by interacting with you "Kind White Folks":

With so much in kind with the Black Progressive bigots that I debate - you see "The other guy" using the same FRAUD that you are good for - that we are really only talking about your desire to return back into the seat of exclusive power so that you can return to doing the very same thing that you are calling your enemy out for.

Paul Kersey - resident of Georgia - didn't you recently see the blow up over Chip Rogers getting sent to Georgia Public Broadcasting as a producer as he exited the legislature despite having no production experience?

If I find a Black ancestor in Mr Roger's family would you at least treat him with the "One Drop Rule" as a "Shady Negro"?
Work with me Paul Kersey. I like you "brother".

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]hristian Evangelists, and Republicans are pathetically wedded to Black-Run America (BRA), with each group promoting the one competent, clean-cut black individual who has succeeded in some realm of assimilating to white culture and mouthing one or two conservative platitudes. Case in point: Ben Carson, the current face of Black-Run Conservatism (BRC).[/quote]


If you posted this statement, Mr Kersey - My level of respect for you would increase even more

"No Negro, no matter how clean cut or educated that he thinks he is WILL EVER be as good as the lowest White man who presence has graced this Earth.

For you see - even though that Negro has bent to the finest academies and some White folks have been tricked into allowing the Negro to work on the brains of their loved ones - it was only out of the duress of the presence of the tumor inside of their brains - that they were compelled to entrust such a man with their life.

I don't trust humans with a certain amount of melanin in their skin. While the glorious White brain was opened on the operating table - this Black surgeon who obviously paid someone in the state medical board some money to 'hook him up' with a medical license - will STEAL some 'White Brain Cells' - putting them into his lab coat so that he can later work on Black people, transplanting our superior cells into their feral bodies in order to assume more traits of 'Whiteness'.

My friends - we need to guard against Negroification - BOTH from the exchange of genetic material carried on the head of sperm calls that crawl into the birth canals of our White women- the vessels of our future - as well as from extraction through surgical openings in our bodies through which the clean cut Negro surgeon might take our body parts and feel up our women while they are under anesthesia.

Please sign my petition to stop "interracial blood transfusions". According to the VDARE medical board - when a holy White man receives blood from anonymous sources that they have traced back to Black people - our White kids begin to show signs of VIOLENCE.
We now mandate that every VDARE member, prior to receiving a blood transfusion - even on his death bed demand that the physician stick a thermometer into the bag of blood to sample the temperature.

IF the blood is above 107 degrees Fahrenheit then it is the "Hot Blood Of The Negro" and should be REJECTED.

Paul Kersey - VDARE/SBPDL For Life
"Segregation Forever" - George Wallace was a traitor to his race when he started to cavort with Negroes.

Anonymous said...

As the whole world can see. There should be no confusion. Somalia an home groids get cought on tape going at it. "Minneapolis South High lunch room brawl". Black history in the making!

Anonymous said...

Much is said about the need for immigrants to assimilate into society. The interesting thing is that blacks have never assimilated into being Americans. It's always been assumed that since blacks have been in residence in the US for generations, that they have an American heart.

Truth is that black slaves were kept in line by the whip and all was fine. When they were freed, they stayed in their own neighborhoods, and as long as they didn't get out of hand, they were left to their own devices. Whatever education they received from DWL educators, were geared toward white children. These teachers didn't (or wouldn't) understand that these black kids had no understanding of America or the founding. Nor did their parents share American values.

Fast forward to today, and people act surprised that Barry the HNIC would want to "fundamentally transform" America? Of course he would! You just voted for a man that is at the very least a cultural foreigner as President!

BHO may not have a direct bloodline to slavery, but his education was forged in a parallel America. His wife and his spiritual father (Frank Marshall Davis) were born of it.

We've allowed this rot to fester too long...maybe to our own demise.

10mm AUTO said...

CF Said "For you see - even though that Negro has bent to the finest academies and some White folks have been tricked into allowing the Negro to work on the brains of their loved ones - it was only out of the duress of the presence of the tumor inside of their brains - that they were compelled to entrust such a man with their life."

This is so badly out of kilter, using words in non-sentences that meaning nothing, that I had to comment. CF, negros "are not bent to academies". This phrase is nonsensical. Are you saying that Negros go to medical school? Come on Toby, you can do better.

No one is "tricked" into having a negro do brain surgery. You would have to be very stupid to have an Affirmative Action doctor get anywhere near your skull, as you are risking permanent injury, or like the negro "doctor" in St. Louis, maybe he will just steal your Rolex. I would rather die of the tumor that have a monkey play with my head. Just because we can teach a negro to act like a doctor doesn't mean we should set him loose in a hospital.

"It was only out of the duress of the presence of a brain tumor" This is childish but readable. What you are saying here is that the presence of a brain tumor is forcing a person to accept a groid as a doctor. Please use singular. A person only has one brain. You used the plural possessive then switched back to the singular for life. You could use "Lives" or restructure the sentence but I give a well trained negro a fully opposable thumbs up for that part. Good Toby!

"Such a man" Sorry Toby, groids are not Men. They are a subspecies of upright primate designated "Homo Africanus". People shaped animals.

Melanie said...

@Bogolyubski February 14, 2013 at 2:02 PM-

I was extremely frustrated to see people at a "conservative" site calling for "Carson for President" based on his one speech at a prayer breakfast at which the HNIC was present. Aside from the fact that of their knee-jerk reaction to any black person who could possibly fill the role of their longed-for "great black hope of conservatives", they don't even yet know his stances on many conservative issues, such as the 2A! For all they know, he could be a gun-grabber, or at the least support yet more stringent infringements of our 2A rights. They don't know his stances on many issues-yet because conservatives in general are as indoctrinated as the left, perhaps worse because they feel even more pressure to prove their "non-racist" bona fides, they were already genuflecting at the altar of the new great black hope! It's so frustrating-here we are in the midst of fighting the latest attempts of the gun-grabbers to disarm law-abiding (specifically white) gun owners, but because proving that they're not "racist" trumps all else, they're ready to jump on the bandwagon of the latest black "conservative" hope before even checking his credentials as a "conservative".

Political parties are not going to be the route to go, as both parties are anxious to out-do each other in proving their "anti-racism" (anti-white-ism). The political process as a route to effect change, the rights to self-determination and self-defense for whites is a dead end.

As I said in the previous thread, my plan is to practice "civil disobedience" when laws are put into place to abrogate my 2A rights. Taking away our right to defend our lives and our families' lives is the line drawn in the sand, especially now that Hussein and Holder have made it clear that the negros can attack whites with impunity. Black gun violence is off the charts, so how does our government respond? By enacting more stringent laws against law-abidng whites, so that we'll be even less able to defend ourselves? Well, not this white person!

Tired in Ohio said...

Bubo and White Mom are correct. You cannot continue to operate in a system (and survive) that is rigged totally against you from top to bottom. Whites, you are the slaves of modern times. Instead of toiling in the fields, you toil in your office, workshop, truck, tractor, etc, to support a completely ungrateful useles under class, who not only doesn't care, but that HATES YOU with evry fiber of their being. Stop feeding the beast. It's hard, but begin making plans to withdraw. Find others that think as you do. Take a small step. Prepare.

Bless you all.

Tired in Ohio.

Silent Running said...

Kudos to 10MM auto for the saga of the Bradys.

I second that.

Once you've accepted that (very hideous) reality, the question becomes one of determining who the looters are and whom have they looted. Old Mr. Lenin even had a phrase to describe it: Who? Whom?

Lenin himself was one of the greatest looters in human history. And the political philosophy he sold to the Russian people (often at the barrel of a gun) was based on the hoariest of lies. The fact that this is lost on otherwise intelligent people is fascinating.

Napoleon famously asked "What is history but a fable agreed upon?" This is, of course, far too sweeping, but it does contain an important element of truth. Mr. Brady's early liberalism was the product of many fables that society has come to agree upon: a house is guaranteed to increase in value no matter what, a college degree automatically confers success, and blacks are simply whites with dark skin. In other words, Magical Thinking.

Conspiracy theorists often posit that the cabal behind the death of the West will be safe in their gated communities while the rest of us boil in a multicultural shit stew. But a couple of years ago Mark Richardson of Oz Conservative showed us that this is not the case ("The Choppers of Sao Paulo"). Apparently the elites in the most multicultural city on the planet need helicopters to avoid violent crime, particularly the kidnapping racket. Sao Paulo also boasts a murder rate of 60 per 100k.

If a cabal of elites conspired to turn the entire West into Brazil, they failed to see the end result of their own conspiracy. A conspiracy so flawed would have crumbled under its own weight by now. What we're left with is an elite no more guided by reality than the masses they purport to rule, an elite whose thinking is every bit as magical as John Brady.

Melanie said...

@ White Mom February 14, 2013 at 2:22 PM-

WM, they bring it all right up to the edge, but stop just short of going over. Thy can't afford to go off the edge, because if the white engine which powers this machine run for the benefit of BRA is killed dead, then BRA dies, and they know it as well as we do. Look at South Africa-that government foments hatred of whites, but has just enough semblence of a legitimate government to not run all the whites off(and incredibly, there are still whites in SA who carry "white guilt" and contribute to keeping things going).

No doubt, ideally the SA government would like to see the rear end of the last white person leaving SA, but they have just enough survival instinct to know that if they rid SA of every white, it would be suicidal. That's undoubtedly why they have stringent laws as to how much currency people can take with them when emigrating from SA. Also, just as in the US, they need the white scapegoat to blame for their eternal failure.

Melanie said...

@CF February 15, 2013 at 2:10 AM-

Make note of this difference-even with the fact of white corruption and nepotism, whites still create the functioning, thriving cities, economies, societies-negros still destroy them. Negros do not know how practice moderation, and as a whole do not have the qualities required for creation, discovery, maintenance of civilisation. They are more than qualified to destroy that which whites create-again, see Detroit, South Africa, Haiti, Birmingham, etc. If you want to make comparisons, stop being disingenuous and ignoring the fact scale matters (re corruption), and that negro corruption is completely unmitigated by positive creation.

Again, name the black cities/nations/regions which blacks have created to which whites are flocking because blacks have made them into flourishing, attractive places to live and raise families. PK has written of the many white-created areas to which negros have flocked, settng off the "white flight" process as negros turn them into areas of high crime, vandalism, violence, lowered academic standards, etc. Name one area where this process happened in reverse.

Silent Running said...

Whites will build something of benefit to all.

A modern example of this is freeware. How many blacks, mestizos, and Asians are writing freeware?

So, both sides think that a crash will advance their agenda. One of them (at least) is wrong. Will it be the side that presently controls all the money, the power, the guns, or us?

In America, we have more guns than those who control the money. But many on our side seem hell bent on psyching themselves out over "They have tanks! They have planes!!!" See the First Chechen War.

Much is said about the need for immigrants to assimilate into society. The interesting thing is that blacks have never assimilated into being Americans. It's always been assumed that since blacks have been in residence in the US for generations, that they have an American heart.

This is very well stated. This is why the "nation of immigrants" argument is self-defeating: Irish, Germans, Italians, and Poles came to this country in droves little more than a century ago, yet all of these groups have almost completely assimilated. Blacks and mestizos have been here for centuries, and in all that time they've assimilated not an inch. If anything, non-whites become more tribal and chauvinistic with each passing generation.

Anonymous said...

@ constructive feedback:
dude, just b/c somebody said something doesn't make it true. all sayings are not true just b/c they are sayings! duh! -- panjoomby

Anonymous said...

Could we, as a nation, PLEASE import more Somolis into our country? They assimilate so well and contribute so much...

Ileyne said...

@10MM Auto: Just because we can teach a negro to act like a doctor doesn't mean we should set him loose in a hospital.

Too true. Do NOT allow a negro doctor to touch your body. Most just don't have the "right stuff," except on TV and in films.
The few who cycled through our department were disproportionately Affirmative Action graduates, or products of offshore or sub-par med. schools. Lowered admission standards were very much evidenced in the lackadaisical, undisciplined approach to the practice of sound medicine.
We had to maneuver around the problem of not allowing negro interns/residents primary access to highly complex cases, which pissed them off mightily. As CF demonstrates here on SBPDL, an egoistic, inflated sense of self-importance completely blocks insight. They had no idea they were in over their heads. Nor could they admit making bad judgment calls that other staff had to undo. Confrontation about errors were met with the usual TN defensive hostility and compensatory arrogance, making serving a shift or supervising one hard work.
We had one very disciplined, skilled, black doctor cycle through the residency program; a polished, refined gentleman from Nigeria with an Oxonian accent. He was a pleasure.

Anonymous said...

off topic............

diversity at work or

Somalis riot again…black on black riots
Some members of the South High School community said that the violent incident was the culmination of ongoing tensions between the eight per cent of Muslim students of Somali decent and the 20 per cent who are African American
I don't feel safe here,' senior Guled Omar told the Minneapolis Star Tribune. 'This is something that has been going on [for at least two years].'
In a statement posted on the school's website, district spokesperson Stan Alleyne wrote: 'South is a very diverse high school.
'It is a microcosm of the city. Students function together at a high level every day. That is the strength of this school. Our students live diversity every day.'

What started out as a lunchtime food fight in a Minneapolis high school ended in a massive brawl involving hundreds of students and police officers wielding canisters of Mace.
Minneapolis South High School was placed on lockdown shortly before 1pm Thursday after violence broke out during third-period lunch inside the cafeteria between Muslim and black students.
The fight involved 200-300 students and lasted about 15 minutes, leaving four people injured. Teaching continued as usual during the lockdown, but students had to remain in their classrooms.

Read more:

Anonymous said...


riot in Ohio
Democrats bussed 20000 somalis who are not citizens to polls in ohio

somalis rioted in ohio
somalis causing problems in maine and minnesota...

nonymous said...

Could we, as a nation, PLEASE import more Somolis into our country? They assimilate so well and contribute so much...

Mr. Ken said...

redistributionism. Now there is a word you do not hear everyday. I was injured in a motor vehicle accident in 1991. I was out of work with a broken arm for five months. I was told right to my face (by a big fat sheboon) that I was not eligible for free medical care because I was a White Man who owned property (my home which I have worked all my life for). In order to be able to get assistance, I could not have any assets.
Or pride, apparently.

Melanie said...

Our students live diversity every day.'


Anonymous said...

Those who will win and survive and thrive are those who can see. Those who cast aside the judgement of others and past conditioning and stop paying their debts to a system out to screw. Chaos comes from the Greek word meaning choice. By letting everything crash, we are freeing ourselves from BRA. We have a CHOICE. Over the past few decades we have not. The present meltdown to chaos is giving us a choice, a freedom. The elites do not have the control you think they do, only what we, those who can see, allow them to have. As I said, the white middle class on the US is proving to be resilient, more resilient and savvy and fed up than what the squids expected. Google strategic default... People are doing paradigm shifts and are waking up. Those petitions for secession were unexpected yet poo hooed by arrogant commentator. The elites are resting on their laurels.

White Mom

Melanie said...

I don't employ negro Drs, as I don't employ negros in any other capacity. Why would I bet on the odds that this one might be one of the rare non-AA useless tokens, when I have better odds that the white Dr won't be? Not to mention, I don't go out of my way to have negros in my life, considering that the government does all it can to force me to do so. It's my own small way of fighting back for the principle of the thing. As I see it-if negros can go out of their way to employ other negros, so can I do the same with my fellow whites. Not to mention, my odds are better that the white actually earned his job, certification, etc, and knows what he's doing, and won't have an attitude or be looking for the main chance to come back on me with some negro lotto accusation of "raycism". I want my world to be as white as I can make it.

Anonymous said...

We/ they are not even near the edge. They are using all this banks being broke hype to intimidate people. It is all a mirage this system.

It needs to be pushed closer to the brink, much closer. That is done by people striking on paying their debt so to speak. The middle class, white working class, and other professionals must cash out, go liquid, hide their money, and stop paying on their debts in greater numbers. Organize. Mentor. Starve the beast. Disengage. Get savvy, research. Take the risk. It only takes as small percentage. 32% of homeowners not paying is making the banks shake and they are swimming in trillions of debt. Good! Screw the Banksteins! We need more to disengage. More disengagement, more bank failure, end of corporations, end of BRA, end of Conservative Inc.

We are the first ones to see. We can pull out if the system now without loss because we have been blessed with courage and foresight. Thank God.

White Mom

Sheila said...

As much as I have criticized "White Mom" on her cultural stance (single mother by choice), I've given a lot of thought to her economic advice. Both my husband and I have surprised ourselves by . . . agreeing with her! My husband is the type who will never default on a debt, even if he has to deny himself to make a payment. That may change one day, but at present he continues to work hard to pay our mortgage (while our home has not appreciated as much as we'd have liked, we fortunately live in an area that was minimally affected by the mortgage meltdown and we have never been upside down).

However, he noted the other day that whereas he used to obsess about not having enough savings, or not being able to afford college for our kids (the reason we limited our children to two, which he now deeply regrets - should have had three or four), now he doesn't give a damn. College is an enormous waste of money for most, who haven't the intellectual ability to truly benefit from it. The minority that do merely end up culturally and economically brainwashed. Our older one (one of the minority with the ability to do great things, should he so choose) is working - and at 21, with a high school diploma, earning far more than most recent college graduates. Hell, for many years my husband was the only one in his office (aside from the owner and top manager) who had a college degree, and it had nothing to do with his job or his success.

Anyhow, I wholeheartedly endorse White Mom's stance. I hereby withdraw my previous criticism for her debt defaulting (but not my cultural criticism, for what it's worth). Stop wasting your time and effort propping up BRA. Spend what you earn on yourself and your family. Buy metal, food, and ammo, take trips, and do whatever you can to deny the fruits of your labor to the dusky parasites of our society.

Sheila said...

Silent Running -
One criticism/disagreement with your comment on how previous immigrants "assimilated" to American society. I've been doing a lot of genealogical research of late (for no reason other than curiosity, to begin with; it's a puzzle to solve) and I've been struck by how much my and my husband's ancestors remind me of today's immigrant hordes. They all came here almost penniless, they all claimed to be staying with an Uncle, or a friend, or a sibling. As my husband said, they had too many children, their sanitary habits left much to be desired, they created their own ethnic ghettos, and they overwhelmed the locals. We've both agreed that had we been border authorities at the time, we'd have kept our ancestors OUT. We both put in our requisite time as consular officers with the State Department, and we both enjoyed saying "No" to visa applicants. No, we're not hypocrites - we're dead serious. However, since authorities 100-150 years ago did let our ancestors in (and while most of his and my relatives are standard DWLs, we are not) - we remained proud and grateful to be Americans until recently. Now, we've both disengaged - as much as possible economically, and almost entirely socially and politically - from BRA and what remains of dysfunctional White Amurrika.

Anyhow, it's seriously questionable just how much earlier generations of White immigrants truly assimilated. There was a post recently (7 Feb, at Gucci Little Piggy) on earlier "waves" of immigration to America. Up until 1889, 89% of immigrants were from Europe - and 82% were from Northern Europe. From 1890 - 1919, 88% were from Europe, but only 26% were from Northern Europe. BIG difference. The degree to which any of them assimilated depended on a number of factors - not least of which was that American society at the time DEMANDED a certain level of assimilation. That's why the modern public school/slave factory was structured as it is - to teach the foreign scum to become factory cogs, with at least a minimal competency in English, a rudimentary amount of logic and learning, and some minimal standards of sanitation and decorum.

Anyhow, I've come to agree with Vox Dei re all those supposedly assimilated immigrants. Only a tiny minority - even of the Northern Europeans - had any intrinsic understanding of and appreciation for the "traditional rights of Englishmen" - which was why the Founders established this society in the first place. Just because someone wears jeans and eats pizza doesn't mean they're an American in any sense - just ask all those thick neighbors who idiotically parrot "He seemed just like everybody else!" when asked about the neighboring Pakistani or Mexican who bombed or cheated or otherwise harmed a legitimate American citizen. All those nice Scandinavian-descended Minnesotans who vote for socialist politicians and welcome their Somali neighbors were NOT truly assimilated, and have not proven "good" for the original Americans. Yes, White Europeans of any stripe can assimilate far better than any of today's alien species, but in general, most of them had/have no comprehension of what a republic is or a citizen is or what limited government truly means. Immigration - of all stripes - has been a disaster to the initial population (primarily British and German) of this nation.

Charles E. Winchester, III said...

Constructive Feedback (February 15, 2013 at 2:23 AM):

"No Negro, no matter how clean cut or educated that he thinks he is WILL EVER be as good as the lowest White man who presence has graced this Earth.

For you see - even though that Negro has bent to the finest academies and some White folks have been tricked into allowing the Negro to work on the brains of their loved ones - it was only out of the duress of the presence of the tumor inside of their brains - that they were compelled to entrust such a man with their life."

Wonderful words indeed!

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]The interesting thing is that blacks have never assimilated into being Americans. It's always been assumed that since blacks have been in residence in the US for generations, that they have an American heart. [/quote]

OK I'll bite.


1) Can you lay out a rock solid definition of what an "American Heart" is? (Do you mind if I cut and paste his response Mr Kersey and then write a blog post from it? I am willing to share copyright ownership with Anon's response for use in your next book. But only if you teach me how to self-publish on

2) What SPECIFICALLY about the Negro prevents him from obtaining an "American Heart"?

3) When you see the (majority White) Occupiers, damning the American economic foundations - and who engage in anarchical behavior - do YOU ever want to reach in to the television and "Snatch their 'American Hearts' away from them" - as you are motivated to do with riotous Negroes?

Come on Any-Ole-Mouse!! YOU ARE SMARTER THAN THIS!! You are WHITE!!

After being associated with the "genetic body" who has successfully measured objects down to the "nanometer" - don't you think that you can come up with a pronouncement that is more accurate - that can at least hit the side of a barn?

One that is replicable via experimentation?

If you want to be deemed "Better Than 'The Blacks'" you must do better than this.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]ABRA's naturally destructive power being blunted by whites[/quote]

Help me out here on the code word.


America's Black Run Area?

Please translate so my notes that I am taking about you "kind White folks" are accurate.

Thank you in advance.

josh said...

A)Harold Washington,a DL buck,died almost instantly as he reached for a pencil,pushed into cardiac arrest.Thank God! Luckiest break Chicago ever got. When he was brought into the emergency roon and his shirt stripped it was discovered he was wearing a bra. This eventually got out and a lot of hilarity resulted,most notably a painting by an Art Inst student of Harold in drag.The painting was "liberated" by a bunch of black aldermen;tho later the owner got it back. B)Re "blockbusting",the author of Catch-22,Joseph Heller,tells of his local rabbi approaching the real estate hustlers--who,by some crazy twist,shared his religion,whaddya know!!- and begging them to stop the busting of his (jewish) hood. They promise to go a little easier on the jews.I always wondered what if a Catholic priest had tried that trick? He'd be flogged and crucified! C)Rahm,whose dad,btw,tortured Brits and Arabs with as much glee as ANY "Naaaaazzzzeeeeeeeeee" camp guard,lives in the Ravenswood section,on the NW side. That will eb a nice area as long as he lives there.

Anonymous said...

If you do , could you import the Somalis we have in England? They don't integrate here ,refuse work and for some reason hate British Jamaicans,who have integrated relatively well .

Atlanta Admirer said...

10mmAuto , thank you for your story, I am “Brenda” now living in a northern suburb of Atlanta some 20 years later and have been in the mortgage industry. I have the game figured out how Real Estate was heavily promoted beginning in the 1990’s, 2000’s, and up to today which prompts White America to leave their properties when things started to turn blacker.
The deal is simply Cash Flow. Blacks don’t have savings, 401k’s, etc…. they have cash flow and to make yourself rise above, you have to deal in their currency. Case in point, you move notice that your area is getting darker and you have to get out because of safety so you do talk to the realtor and find out that your home has been devalued. You cash in your chips? Heck no, here is how to work the system using Cash Flow. You get your property approved by Atlanta Housing Authority (AHA) or Chicago Housing Authority to provide Section 8 (they call this something else- HAP in Atlanta). Instead of dealing with blackie directly, the Housing Authority markets your home to HAP applicants. The Housing Authority makes a contract with you (and please get an atty to check over this) agreeing to the marketing of your property and when a person moves in, the Housing Authority pays you let’s say $1200 a month. Blackie can’t afford this, so the Authority makes a deal with Blackie providing a subsidy for $600 a month. Blackie pays the Housing Authority $600 a month , the Housing Authority cuts you a check for $1200, and this is the monthly cash flow you are earning . This is a guaranty cash flow for at least a year because in the contract, the term is stated and the Housing Authority owes you this irregardless if Blackie pays subsidized rent or not. Don’t start doing this in the black area, because rents are established by market conditions and you would only get $500 month and a headache. The only headache about the HAP program are repairs. Blackie’s like to play with their shit, mess up the plumbing by flushing dice and lego’s down the toilets…. Just make sure you have a good plumber on payroll.
So, you now have a monthly cash flow of $1200 to take to the bank and look for your next property when the neighborhood turns again. We white people have to adapt. This is the way to go for rents to blacks, you don’t have to deal with them directly, you don’t have to go to court. This is the way to make money off their back. You have no idea how many mortgage applications I look through for a black to buy property, looking at their bank statements for the required two months and they are all the same: Kentucky fried chicken, liquor store, popeyes, liquor store, churches, liquor store, back to KFC again…. It’s predictable as heck.
Black Comedy at it’s finest and they are too stupid to realize it.

10mm AUTO said...

Cf (Toby)

It is difficult to explain to a groid who has no concept of these things, but I will use regular words and person names that you can look up and see if anything gets through.

American Heart:
Order, elegance, artistry, self-sufficiency, logic, confidence, humility, intelligence, honor, self sacrifice, Duty, strength, Loyalty, vision.

Men or characters who epitomize these values:

Neil Armstrong
John Glenn
John Wayne
Humphrey Bogart
Clark Gable
Errol Flynn
Grace Kelly
Thomas Edison
Henry Ford
John Browning
George S. Patton
Chester Nimitz
Ad. Rickover
Ronald Reagan
Teddy Roosevelt

And on and on the list goes, miners, explorers, thinkers, Military men, actors, a word Producers OR THE PEOPLE WHO LOOK UP TO THEM. Common folk who work everyday bringing up decent children who don't rape, Rap or rip off others, who willingly work and achieve everyday at their job and have in them the spark of wonder at the world and this Universe.

Americans never need to "keep it real" which is an obsession with groids. They don't worry about acting like an Oreo, because those traits that make up an Oreo are Good. They don't have a record, which 1 in four groids do or cause destruction and harm where ever they go. They don't "Ghetto Lobster" their children or willingly leave them in the car for an hour so they die of heat exhaustion or squeeze out a child into the toilet and then go back to the dance.

Are you beginning to see?

By the way, you never commented on your hideous mangling of logic and the English language in your comment about the groid "brain Surgeon".

Please enlighten.

Anonymous said...

True story about black doctors. My mom was visiting from out of town and became violently ill, throwing up and in extreme pain. I took her to the emergency room where they gave enough meds and admitted her. They ran tests and a black gastroenterologist came in and told her he was releasing her because her tests were negative, the scans showed nothing and to make an appointment with his office for more tests. A nurse came in and quietly told my mom she'd had a gallbladder attack and to immediately see a doctor when she got home. So her home doctor requested the tests and found out the black doctor's report said he couldn't find a reason for her problem since she'd had her gallbladder removed at some point in the past. Her doctor couldn't believe it because there was her gallbladder plain as day on the scan. Blacks aren't smart, they're dangerous. I'm still not sure whether he was just stupid or if he wanted to kill a white woman. And my mom is fine in her white town with her white doctors and nurses.

Kylie said...

@ Melanie,

Your comment on February 15, 2013 at 6:19 AM is spot on, as usual.

I am so glad you are one who can see.

Bogolyubski said...

TPTB can load all the zeroes and ones they want onto the cards, but they can't load up corn, rice, or chicken. Those have to be created through consistent exercise of thought and action. Rhodesia/Zimbabwe and all that.

Very important statement here. This is absolutely true. One very important objective of our cause is to get white folks to see and understand that all those zeroes and ones being being borrowed to fund the EBT cards, etc. are counterfeit - there are actually representative of nothing. The primary purpose of BRA is to pay for these loans by using the implied threat of violent force (law) to extort real money from the productive segment of the populace to pay BRA's lenders. The key to the squids' vast power lies in the high percentile of people who accept their counterfeit money as legitimate. This is why crashing the system is so important - it will open more eyes to what has been going on for decades on end. If the the squids had to pay for BRA with their own money BRA would come to and end in a year or less.

Some accuse those of us who speak of the squids - also known as the slave power - as "conspiracy theorists." That's a false characterization - unless you take the position that Calvinism is also a conspiracy (a very distorted definition of the term). Their vast power stems from their legal carte blanche to create money from thin air, which was once-upon-a-time referred to as counterfeiting. If you had the legally-sanctioned ability to simple add zeroes to your bank account, there's really no limit to what you can buy (including the souls of men) and who you can lend this manufactured money to. The borrower is the slave to the lender. A group of folks who have access to such literally unlimited funds can easily enslave entire countries through debt. This is why Jefferson declared that a central bank is a greater threat to a nation's security than an invading army. The man knew what he was talking about!

We need to declare a massive jubilee (in the original definition of that term). This jubilee needn't even be limited to white folks - though they're largely the ones who are being looted. This has been a very encouraging thread. Eyes are opening one by one.

10mm AUTO said...

Atlanta Admirer,

You are right, but I prefer working with my own people. That is why I went investment commercial. I buy and sell land that SBR/NNN (single box retail/Net, Net, Net) stores are sitting on, nationally. For example, if you got a small lump of cash, I find you a Jiffy Lube in a no income tax state sitting on a quarter of an acre with a 20 year lease or a Burger King right on the highway and the financing to buy it; with NNN payments more than enough to pay the financing after down. After 20 years, the payments go to you instead of the bank, plus if you have a sharp agent like me, you renegotiate the lease so as to never kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, yet has a inflation clause to keep your income constant. Once you are paid off, even if the business closes, you have a choice piece of land in a high traffic area to market to another firm. The trick is to make sure the value and stability of the business and of the land is solid, otherwise you auger-in.

Bogolyubski said...

Silent Running;
Lenin himself was one of the greatest looters in human history. And the political philosophy he sold to the Russian people (often at the barrel of a gun) was based on the hoariest of lies. The fact that this is lost on otherwise intelligent people is fascinating.

Indeed he was. In some respects he was even more wicked than Stalin, the monster who ultimately took his place. Here's a little puzzle for you: Stalin (a Georgian whose real name was Yusif Dzhugashvili) is greatly admired to this very day in Russia by Russians - even with the knowledge that his regime slaughtered tens of millions. Why would this be?

To begin to get a handle on this, you must understand something of the connection between Lenin, Trotsky (his right-hand man whose actual name was Lev Bornstein) and the squids (slave power) of the era - including J.P. Morgan and the Warburgs, who actually funded the Bolshevik revolution. Lenin and Trotsky's sudden return to the post-Cazarist Russia of 1917 was no accident. Those two were looters extraordinaire first and foremost.

Bogolyubski said...

10MM Auto (in a Feedbag reaction)
"Such a man" Sorry Toby, groids are not Men. They are a subspecies of upright primate designated "Homo Africanus". People shaped animals.

Why insult animals? Obsolete farm equipment is a better characterization. I'd much prefer a mule to pull a plow, wouldn't you?

Melanie said...

@Kylie February 15, 2013 at 11:56 AM-

Thanks, and back at ya :). I feel like there's an extra burden on myself, WM, you, and other white women "who can see" to speak up and make it clear that we exist, as white women, unfortunately, are the "weakest link" in the chain in letting our race down. I know that plenty of such men exist, but the women, through victimisation politics such as "feminism" have joined hands with the other "victim" groups to gain unearned shares of the spoils on the backs of white men, who are at the bottom of the hierarchy when it comes to "who's been done wrong the most". Well, that's because white men never waited on anyone to get ahead, they took pride in achievement rather than whining to be given what they weren't capable of earning fairly for themselves. They can well take pride, considering the history of human achievement is practically the history of white males.

I also agree with you and WM in disengaging from the system and letting the chips fall where they may. They have counted on the white sense of honor and pride in paying our own way, being responsible for ourselves and our own, and paying our debts. Under normal circumstances, this is the correct and honorable way to live. But when it's being used against you to make a host of you for the benefit of the parasites, it's time to opt out.

And I'm gratified to see that you understand that having conservative principles doesn't automatically make me a blind adherent to the Republican party, which hasn't been conservative for a long time, if they ever really were. The latest shenanigans of the Republican party have convinced me that political apathy, in America, is not unpatriotic, as the two parties are truly two sides of the same coin. No political party is going to fix this mess, that's not what modern politicians get into the game to do.

Whatever ends up being the effective method to bring about change, it won't be politics as we know them.

Anonymous said...

Stalin (a Georgian whose real name was Yusif Dzhugashvili) is greatly admired to this very day in Russia by Russians - even with the knowledge that his regime slaughtered tens of millions. Why would this be?

Probably because Stalin was seen as a strong leader. He did oversee the industrialization of the USSR and the defeat of the Third Reich. Granted, all this accomplished at great cost in lives and rights. I have a sneaking suspicion it's also because Stalin purged the old line Bolsheviks who were anti-national radicals. Who else but Stalin had the mojo to pick off Trotsky?

Leroy Marcus Jenkins said...

AS long as site like exist we blacks have a right to yell racism.

YT's are all racists and a black man can't be racist.

Anonymous said...

About the Somalis and the guy who says British Jamaicans have assimilated pretty well.

I'd take a 100,000 Somalis over 1000 black Americans any day or 100,000 Jamaicans. I guarantee that this school brawl was the doing of black Americans as it has been for a decade in Minneapolis. There were articles from the beginning of the arrival of the 1st wave of Somalis which talked about them being attacked by blacks in the schools on a regular basis.I actually sympathized with them a bit because they didn't come here on their own at the beginning,DWL's brought them here. They shouldn't be getting killed and beat by a bunch of bushmen. Somalis,though not desirable,are at least SOMEWHAT cultured and absolutely preferable to black Americans.They work and start businesses like crazy.Many of them actually value education as well. Black Americans do fuck-all.Nada.Zilch. Black Americans rob,steal,kill and muh dik.

As for Jamaicans in Britain. I can only speculate based on a few examples,but the scariest neighborhoods I was in in Birmingham,and the ones which were also described by in-laws in the law enforcement field in UK,were majority Jamaican. They closely resembled American ghettos and this included Somalis mostly being the victims of their violence and malevolence.

I'm not defending Somali immigration but on the scale of monkeyshines,Somalis are far lower than most other blacks. Somali neighborhoods are dirty and they make traffic chaotic, but one can walk around safely and even speak to them on friendly terms. This is not the case around other blacks.

Don M said...

Bogo: "Stalin (a Georgian whose real name was Yusif Dzhugashvili) is greatly admired to this very day in Russia by Russians - even with the knowledge that his regime slaughtered tens of millions. Why would this be?"

Don M: STALIN CHISTIL!! (Stalin "cleaned")

Atlanta Admirer: "The deal is simply Cash Flow. Blacks don’t have savings, 401k’s, etc…."

Don M: Whites ain't gonna have 401k's much longer either... for the reasons Bogolyubski cites.

Charles E. Winchester, III said...

Constructive Feedback (February 15, 2013 at 10:38 AM):

Help me out here on the code word.


America's Black Run Area?

Please translate so my notes that I am taking about you "kind White folks" are accurate.

Thank you in advance."

It's not a code word but an abbrevation. A is short for Actual. BRA is short for Banana Republic America, or, on this site; most likely Black Run America.

Silent Running said...

Up until 1889, 89% of immigrants were from Europe - and 82% were from Northern Europe. From 1890 - 1919, 88% were from Europe, but only 26% were from Northern Europe. BIG difference.

As far as I'm concerned, BRA was born in 1865. But I take your point. It's often said that Sweden is one of the most viciously suicidal countries on the planet, so we shouldn't be surprised that American Swedes are up to the same shenanigans in Minnesota. That being said, the staunchest immigration restrictionists I've ever met tend to be Italian. When I wore the uniform and had conversations about revolution with my fellow soldiers, there were almost as many Italian and Polish names as British. Frank Rizzo is an old friend of ours.

Some of the most violent protests against forced bussing occurred in South Boston. Whitey Bulger harbored some of the protesters who were wanted by the police.

And it can't be denied that there's many a limp-wristed WASP in the halls of the Senate and in your average middle American neighborhood. Some of Lena Dunham's people came over on the Mayflower. Contra GLP, what I see is a more or less even split among Caucasians of all ethnicities. I'm generally a Nature Crushes Nurture guy, but Nurture certainly has its place.

For this reason, I don't favor an immigration policy based on Northern vs Southern Europeans, or English & German vs Everyone Else (especially since I'm an Ulster Scot who has always found WASPs anemic and effete). Rather, I think citizenship should be conditional for immigrants for a period of ten years. Fail to live up to our standards, we ship you home.

Melanie said...

@Leroy Marcus Jenkins February 15, 2013 at 1:37 PM-

With a name like that, there's no way that you're not a troll, but simce you've provided me the platform-

-As long as negros are murdering whites at disproportionate rates, raping whites at a comparative rate of statistically app 115-0 (literally 0 when it's elderly rape-that's all on the negro side of the scoreboard), living as parasites using whites as the host, expecting equal outcomes in spite of unequal abilities, expecting lower standards in order to reap the same rewards as whites, and on top of all this-

utilising the force of law to enforce thought crimes, and infringe upon freedom of speech and freedom of association, so that whites must gather privately and anonymously to whisper truths for which they would be socially ostracised, if not worse, there will be a need for that website, sites such as SBPDL, and every "race realist" site on the spectrum, just so whites can find each other. They also serve the purpose of disseminating the "hate facts" which are suppressed in the public square, especially the government indoctrination centers, which no longer exist for the purpose of actual education, but for the promotion of "white guilt" and the revision of history.

What really bothers your type (assuming you're not a troll), is that for now, whites finally have a way to know that we're not the only ones who see what's happening-the lies, the indoctrination, the scapegoating, the "myths" of the sainted negros. That bothers you no end, because the enforced silence and separation of whites has been one of your most potent weapons. You can't control the internet public square, and it's frustraing you no end. Your frustration tells me how much you've counted on your lies being the only source of information, and your need to keep whites from being able to see the truth and pass it on to other whites.

I bet it really bugs you that even whites who aren't fully "awake" see the joke of the term "teen" having become the media's PC euphemism for "black".

Pat Boyle said...

An anonymous wrote in reponse to my posting

Does La Griffe du Lion control for teenage male drug use? Heavy marijuana usage combined with binge drinking is increasing linked to drops in IQ of 5 points or more. Total stagnation of academic development during high school years is not uncommon.

I don't believe the marijuana studies that show IQ loss. What I have seen of them is not convincing. Marijuana advocates claim it's a "wonder drug" that cures everything. Marijuana critics now claim it rots your brain. There is a lot of propaganda floating about.

For example your doctor won't tell yiu that alcohol is good for your heart. Teetotlers have higher cardiac rates than moderate drinkers. The studies for this are large, excelent and well known. The problem is that heavy drinking kills you. The other problem is that moderate drinking leads many into heavy drinking.

The real drug problem in this country was in the nineties when crack hit the black ghettos. Murder rates were sky high then. Police attribute the drop in killings to the blacks switching to marijuana.

But my real onjection to this line of argumant is that it supports the myth that lower black IQ is caused by some environmental problem. It isn't. Black IQs are lower in Africa, in Europe, and in the Americas. It simply isnt the case that only pot head blacks are less intelligent.

Basically claiming that black teens are stupid because of drug use is a liberal apology. If that were true Detroit and Chicago would be easy to turn around.

Anyway if every black kid smoked dope and lost 5 points of IQ thereby, what caused the rest? Blacks routinely score 15 points lower than whites. La Griffe's figures for the blacks left in the deepest of the black ghettos is an average IQ of 76. That'sd much too low to have been caused by a little reefer.


Anonymous said...

I really pray that this was sarcasm. The logical fallacy presented by your argument can only be justified in a mentality of someone 13 yrs or younger, but perhaps this is as far as your mind has progressed.

Ileyne said...

anon@11:54 who wrote: "Blacks aren't smart, they're dangerous. I'm still not sure whether he was just stupid or if he wanted to kill a white woman."

I'm sorry that happened to your mother, and pleased that you sought an accurate diagnosis. It's a familiar story when a black doctor's work is not double checked by another. Don't be timid about requesting a white or Asian clinician in an ER or Urgent Care situation. Non-black staff understands.
We've talked about this as a group and come to the conclusion that it is a combination of factors, all of which hearken back to the genetic traits PDK discusses. Low to dull normal IQs, ineptitude, laziness, inattention to detail, soulless, heartless lack of compassionate connection, and the most dangerous element, an innate homicidal hatred for whites. What better opportunity to get one over on YT than failure to deliver accurate, skillful hands on care in an emergency room where diagnostic decisions are a matter of life and death?
As those of us life experienced, seeing ones know, Sub-Saharan blacks are impervious to education and Western cultural values, no matter how many billions of dollars are thrown at the effort of creating a quality, functioning human being. Painting lipstick on a pig doesn't change the pig's nature.
You are wise to avoid blacks whenever possible. I share your thinking. If in a store where the only choice is a mute, surly black clerk working check out, I will leave without making a purchase rather than endure the contact. I wonder if stores realize how many potential customers are suffering negro fatigue and do the same thing?

Silent Running said...

Here's a little puzzle for you: Stalin (a Georgian whose real name was Yusif Dzhugashvili) is greatly admired to this very day in Russia by Russians - even with the knowledge that his regime slaughtered tens of millions. Why would this be?

Probably for essentially the same reason Africans love their Big Man: Africans are African, and Russians are Asiatic. Even Solzhenitsyn thought so. This is why I dismiss those who insist Russia is some bastion of whiteness. Russians will always require a Tsar, regardless of what political trappings he wears. Occam's Razor at it's best.

Anonymous said...

"AS long as site like exist we blacks have a right to yell racism.

YT's are all racists and a black man can't be racist."

You have a "right" to yell racism insofar as people actually give a damn about anything you say, a period of time which is rapidly drawing to a close.

... but since you're clearly not black and probably just trying to promote your website, I tip my hat to you sir.

So CAL Snowman said...

Melanie said :

"Thanks, and back at ya :). I feel like there's an extra burden on myself, WM, you, and other white women "who can see" to speak up and make it clear that we exist, as white women, unfortunately, are the "weakest link" in the chain in letting our race down."

I'm not sure I fully agree with that statement, as I feel BOTH White men and White women share the blame equally in letting our society and civilization fall. I feel like putting the onus of blame on White women seeks to further divide us. White men were supposed to be the gatekeepers of our civilization and yet White men allowed the pernicious evil of liberalism and feminism to creep into our society. Besides, look at how many White men (even White nationalists) take Asian wives. Saying that White women are the "weak link" in the chain of defiance is to discredit yourselves and your gender, just as the overlords desire. Instead of focusing on the White women that are feminists, I choose to focus on the White women that are not.

Oh yes on another note I completely agree with White Mom about defaulting and sticking the squids with their own debts. They do it to us all the time; turnabout is fair play, no? I was sort of shocked to see all of the verbal vitriol lobbed at White Mom. She was merely giving voice to what we have all been thinking. The concepts of honor and integrity go right out the window when dealing with an enemy as cunning, ruthless, and depraved as the Globalist Banker Elite. Society is already fractured at this point, reneging (giggity) on a federally owned debt at this point is an act of economic warfare.

* Inconclusive Feedback is freaking comedy gold. I love watching him flail and squeal, completely unable to understand our world. He can't even grasp the concept of what it means to have an American heart - Protip: It's the exact opposite of the Zimbabwean heart.

Anonymous said...

Melanie said...

Our students live diversity every day.'


February 15, 2013 at 8:59 AM

Melanie...why should American citizens of any color have to
[gulp] live a turd world muslime

im the guy who posted the original
article..may have found thru Drudge...

Melanie said...

Re Somalis, I don't know-I remember reading about a clan of Somalis living in Atlanta GA who didn't care for it and began scouting a new place to fuxxate. They settled on the small community of Lewiston Maine, because it had generous benefits (as they were seldom ised). IIRC, Lewiston was a small former logging town with a lot of older retirees. Well, the Atlanta Somalis descended en masse into Lewiston and in short prder, overwhelmed its benefits system. When the mayor protested that the town just couldn't handle that many people all at once applying for benefits, he was called a "racist" and the town was sued to provide more bemefits, which meant more federal money, which meant more bureaucracy. New housing was built for our new "Americans", who "assimilated" by cooking goats in the courtyards of the spanking new housing, which no longer appeared spanking new in a matter of months-trash thrown into the streets and courtyards, goat-cooking in the outside spaces, plumbing destroyed, tubs used for washing clothes or dishes (but not bodies). Lewiston didn't ask for this-this group of Somalis deliberately targeted the town because of their generous benefits (generous because not abised). This formerly almost crime-free town now had Somali gang activity and the violence which always accompanies it.

Anonymous said...

Did somebody mention Somalis? Apparently, Somalis were involved in a food fight at a Minneapolis high school that resulted in a brawl requiring police response with mace. The conflict was between Somalis and our good old Merkin born negroes.

The school in question is known for having a "die-verse" student body. Our negroes can't even get along with brothers from the home continent.

Anonymous said...

black folks can be racist & usually are racist. & not well-informed. they tend to be the kind of racists who believe white governments created AIDS to keep da black man down, etc. cheers (yo)! panjoomby

Anonymous said...

off father lie jackson

Jesse Jackson Jr. charged with misusing $750000 in campaign funds - ‎1 hour ago‎

On Friday federal prosecutors charged the former congressman with misusing $750,000 in campaign funds. He is accused of purchasing several personal items including Michael Jackson memorabili

JB said...


You just keep topping yourself with these posts. Each one is even better than the last, which was great...

But I write now to comment that the superb quality of your commentators has reached an all-time high with this thread. So many great, insightful, and hilarious people in one place is something to be proud of.

I believe I've read almost everything you've written, and almost all the comments.

So, I ought to know.

Best to you and yours.

Keep up the good work, and thanks again for doing the heavy lifting.

SKIP said...

"Melanie said...
@Kylie February 15, 2013 at 11:56 AM-

I am pleased to see so many women beginning to post on these sites and making clear the fact that they are awakening. Women are different and slower than the male Saxon to hate but they ARE beginning to hate and hate deeply. If things happen as many of us fear they are going to happen, White women and our children will bear the brunt of the misery if we fail to correct the course of Amurkistan. Let muslims and blacks get total control and women will suffer badly for it. I choose to see that it doesn't happen and I do not believe in Live Free or Die, I believe in Live Free or start killing those that would deny our freedoms. I am deployed in Afghanistan but will make every effort to be home before shit falls apart so bad that I can't get home which is a real fear I, and many troops here, have.

SKIP said...

"even with the knowledge that his regime slaughtered tens of millions. Why would this be?

John Lithgow explained this best in the movie "Cliffhanger" when he said "kill a person and you are a murderer, kill a million and you are a conqueror, go figure" He is correct.

Melanie said...

@Anonymous February 15, 2013 at 4:20 PM

I believe that you may have misunderstood my derisive laughter at the idea of the school spokesperson parroting the tired mantra about "diversity is our strength" in light of the violence occurring at that school. It's as if a serial killer could be on a rampage (as long as his victims were non-black), and these idiots would repeat like zombies "diversity is our strength", because we all know as long as there's diversity, everything's okey-dokey. But don't misunderstand them, they only mean diversity of skin color or sexual preference, not diversity of thought. Perish the thought that some students might have ideas of their own outside the acceptable politically corrrect box!

whitney5158 said...

Regarding Somalians - I saw this last week an article describing how Somalian piracy has declined lately (can't remember the source offhand), and my first thought was that one possible reason is that they are being imported into Sweden, Maine and Ohio (among other locations) in ever increasing numbers.

Melanie said...

@So CAL Snowman-

I mean white women have been the "weakest link" in the regard that white females joined forces with negros through radical feminism-by making themselves members of the "victim group" who claim to have been "done wrong" by white males and therefore oppose themselves to white men, and thereby whites in general, just like all the self-described "victim" groups who do so based on race. There haven't been any straight white male groups banding together to practice "group victimisation" politics, as they are the group everyone points the finger at as their "oppressors". Straight white males are the only group for whom it's taken for granted that they're responsible for their own destinies. Which, though all the "victim" groups seem not to realise it, is a great compliment to white males.

Johnny See said...

White Mom said:
We/ they are not even near the edge. They are using all this banks being broke hype to intimidate people. It is all a mirage this system.

It needs to be pushed closer to the brink, much closer. That is done by people striking on paying their debt so to speak. The middle class, white working class, and other professionals must cash out, go liquid, hide their money, and stop paying on their debts in greater numbers. Organize. Mentor. Starve the beast. Disengage. Get savvy, research. Take the risk. It only takes as small percentage. 32% of homeowners not paying is making the banks shake and they are swimming in trillions of debt. Good! Screw the Banksteins! We need more to disengage. More disengagement, more bank failure, end of corporations, end of BRA, end of Conservative Inc.

We are the first ones to see. We can pull out if the system now without loss because we have been blessed with courage and foresight. Thank God.

Well, I once wondered if you were real, but no more. You are correct. I have studied politics a looong time and gave up on it over a decade ago, preferring to study economics instead. Now I know why nothing gets done, I just had to follow the money!
The banksteins need to get pilloried on their own bullshit system. I DO mentor, guide, and consult against them. I am glad that you do, too, and I wish you well in your move west. Someday I hope I find a woman as well grounded and straight thinking as you.
Good luck and God bless...

Johnny See said...

Melanie said...
Re Somalis, I don't know-I remember reading about a clan of Somalis living in Atlanta GA who didn't care for it and began scouting a new place to fuxxate. They settled on the small community of Lewiston Maine, because it had generous benefits (as they were seldom ised). IIRC, Lewiston was a small former logging town with a lot of older retirees. Well, the Atlanta Somalis descended en masse into Lewiston and in short prder, overwhelmed its benefits system. When the mayor protested that the town just couldn't handle that many people all at once applying for benefits, he was called a "racist" and the town was sued to provide more bemefits, which meant more federal money, which meant more bureaucracy. New housing was built for our new "Americans", who "assimilated" by cooking goats in the courtyards of the spanking new housing, which no longer appeared spanking new in a matter of months-trash thrown into the streets and courtyards, goat-cooking in the outside spaces, plumbing destroyed, tubs used for washing clothes or dishes (but not bodies). Lewiston didn't ask for this-this group of Somalis deliberately targeted the town because of their generous benefits (generous because not abised). This formerly almost crime-free town now had Somali gang activity and the violence which always accompanies it.

I once lived in Maine, close to Lewiston. It was a run-down former textile mill town, full of white ne'er-do-well offspring of the once prosperous forebears. The population was mostly descended from French-Canadians, and while poor, were largely self-reliant. I remember going to Knox Street to score weed in my younger days.
It is sad that 4000 Somalis decided to infest the place and abuse the under-abused welfare system. Parasites indeed. I would like to kick the do-gooder churchies right square in the nuts for supporting this bullshit!

Anonymous said...

As a white child of 8 years in the 80's my family had no car and needed to apply for welfare. The only offices to apply was in Roseland and we took a bus from blue island to get there. I still remember the harassment, the unkind words and torment from every black adult and child on the several busses it took to get there. We waited for hours once there and were basically told we were lying by the blacks running the office. On the way home my mom was assaulted by a group og guys at the corner bus stop. We went into a store to call cops for help and the owner told us fuck off whitey. Only the Asian gas station owner we approached helped us and gave us cab fare home. I will never forget it.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Beverly is still nice west of Longwood Dr. Lincoln Park and Lake View have much higher crime rates than Beverly and Mt. Greenwood. Even Garfield Ridge has lower crime rates than Lincoln Park.

Anonymous said...

Really? Section 8 is spread all over the North Side. Every north side community has it's section 8 pocket and it's schools service those kids too. The High Schools on the north side while coveted are full of sec 8 kids and gangbangers. On the south side kuds go to catholic schools to avoid COS Magnet or not

Anonymous said...

I remember this! I also attended Loop College, which of course had to be renamed Harold Washington College.
I remember the night he won my Grandma who grew up on E. 63rd and had moved every decade from 50 to 80 to flee the unertow said "now the coloreds will march thru the streets and we will all have to hide or be raped, no one goes out after dark anymore in this house"

Anonymous said...

When it's they turn they want everything they touch and look at to be "black". I picture the seal now with chicken and waffles

Anonymous said...

Remember the Block Clubs? Each white family who "were staying" put up a black coach light in thier front yard and they had them on all might to see them and all thier white neighbors at home who would not be driven out! Many blacks still have those coach lights, especially in Greshem, Brainard and East Beverly, which are now all black areas

Anonymous said...

Robert Taylor Homes residents could easily acces downtown from the Red Line which runs up the Dan Ryan. Also IIT was sanwhiched by Robert Taylor. rT residents could also take the RedLine south to 79th for shoping and crime and to 95th to tranfer to the bus west to western to takeover Evergreen Plaza. Chicago's first shopping mall changed forever by CTA access. A mall in a white neighborhood that in 1980 was no longer a place white's could safely shop and only foot locker, jewelry, and urban stores remained.

Anonymous said...

Blacks were moving in as eldery residents died. Realtors were steering, the BAPA was formed in Beverly Morgan Park area to keep the area stable. Morgan Park east of the tracks is gone to the undertow as it slowly creeps up The Ridge and beyond.

Anonymous said...

When people were required to pay a portion of thier rent they were stable. Once sec8 took over CHA it became Lord of The Flies

Anonymous said...

Lincoln Park and Bucktown schools service black residents in bordering communities. There are mire beggars in Lincoln Park than most communities. Residential Hotels and 25% afforadable housing requirements keep the North Side "real"., even though north siders don't like to admit it

Anonymous said...

You are obviously not from Chicago. Harold Washington and Jesses Jackson were very vocal about it being thier turn in Chicago and a great number of white city workers were retired after HW election, thier positions filled with blacks. Most Chicago City Workers in clerk offices, paper pushers, garbage men, maintence and the like are black and the tide turned very datk at CPS and CCC then too.

Silent Running said...

I see neither of my responses to Sheila and Bogo respectively made it past whatever filters run this place. Bizarre.

Bogolyubski said...

SKIP (in reply to my Stalin question):
John Lithgow explained this best in the movie "Cliffhanger" when he said "kill a person and you are a murderer, kill a million and you are a conqueror, go figure" He is correct.

That explains part of it, but some previous replies have actually hit upon some other important aspects. Make no mistake: 'Uncle Yusif' was a bloodthirsty thug and gangster whose cunning and savagery would scare Al Capone. His great accomplishment was in double-crossing the squids, even to the point where he had their boy Trotsky dispatched in Mexico City. That event marked the birth of the Orwellian named "Neo-Conservative" movement, by the way - you know, all those flag-waving patriots over at the Wall Street Journal and National Review who have you and your fellow combat soldiers over there to (officially) make the ummah safe for feminism while they loot the place back home.

The Russians admire Stalin because he ultimately gave them their country back (even if unintentionally). There is also a false narrative constructed by the usual suspects about how things from 1918-1928 were wonderful, with flourishing freedom of expression, etc. That's a load of crap. The Cheka was bloodthirsty from day one, and the Lenin/Trotsky regime has mountains of corpses and rivers of blood to its credit nearly as much as Stalin's. Note also the Ministry of Truth's constant drumbeat about how "oppressive" Putin is. The Banksteins don't like Putin, so he's portrayed as an evil dictator. I'm not saying he's a friend, but don't believe anything coming from the Ministry of Truth.

Charles E. Winchester, III said...

Anonymous (February 16, 2013 at 7:58 AM):

"Remember the Block Clubs? Each white family who "were staying" put up a black coach light in thier front yard and they had them on all might to see them and all thier white neighbors at home who would not be driven out!"

What is "Block Clubs" and "black coach light"?

Anonymous said...

Thank you

White Mom

Jordan Appleyard said...

Does anybody else see Constructive Feedback's scribblings in a format composed that only a lunatic would use and his avatar of a souless gray human head a good compliment thereto?

Jordan Appleyard said...

So CAL Snowman said...

Conservatives believe what they see, liberals see what they believe.

I'll take yours to replace this one other quote I saw years ago. It goes: "If you're young and not liberal, you have no heart. If you're old and not conservative, you have no brain." Yours is concise and better to the point.

Jordan Appleyard said...

Silent Running said...

Napoleon famously asked "What is history but a fable agreed upon?" This is, of course, far too sweeping, but it does contain an important element of truth. Mr. Brady's early liberalism was the product of many fables that society has come to agree upon: a house is guaranteed to increase in value no matter what, a college degree automatically confers success, and blacks are simply whites with dark skin. In other words, Magical Thinking.

Another addition we need to add in Magical Thinking. Believing that the Christian scripture of eternal forgiveness never fails to heal those after any tradgety. You know, the Amish take this to the very last word in real life practice and it's why they became extinct in Europe 400 years ago. Only the American branch survives because of US gov't protection.

Anonymous said...

But a black woman sure can be racist!