Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Have You Forgotten When Those (Row) Towers Fell?


This is not about 9/11. 

It's about Baltimore. 

A city where the "shoe of power" is now firmly on a black foot. 

Beneath the weight of this boot, the civilization whites abandoned when black criminality became untenable as a neighborhood reality has been all but demolished. [Last houses standing: The beautiful row houses once part of sprawling tenements that illustrate Baltimore's urban decay, Daily Mail, September 3, 2013]:
The ruins of a civilization, in a city where 'stricter curfews' for teens (blacks) is now on being debated as a stop-gap effort to end crime
One of the architectural quirks of certain cities on the eastern seaboard of the U.S. is the solo row house. 

Standing alone, in some of the worst neighborhoods, these nineteenth century structures were once attached to similar row houses that made up entire city blocks. 

Time and major demographic changes have resulted in the decay and demolition of many such blocks. 

Occasionally, one house is spared - literally cut off from its neighbors and left to the elements with whatever time it has left.
Still retaining traces of its former glory, the last house standing is often still occupied.
To view more of the photo's by Ben Marcin, you can visit  C. Grimaldis Gallery in Baltimore.
The Daily Mail teased the reason those 'row towers' fell: demographic change. But we'll make it explicit: white people, the engine that kept civilization powered in Baltimore, was extinguished with a demographic Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP) when the black population reached a point where democracy smiled upon their majority numbers.

Well, the late Ron Smith - a long-time radio personality in Baltimore - identified why those row towers fell. Thanks to Lawrence Auster for archiving this column [The Column the Baltimore Sun Would Not Publish,
Friday, June 05, 2009,]:
Here is the column that was submitted by Ron Smith, a weekly Baltimore Sun columnist, to the newspaper. However, The Sun decided not to run the piece today for various reasons. Decide for yourself whether the decision makers at The Sun made the right decision.
Because of all the reports I’ve read and conversations I’ve had on the radio this week about Baltimore’s notorious violence being directed these days randomly at people going about their daily business even in the supposedly safe “touristy” areas of the city, I reached for my copy of Anthropologist Jack Weatherford’s book, “Savages and Civilization: Who Will Survive?”
Weatherford has traveled just about everywhere in his long and distinguished career and during his research began to perceive that the modern world was near its end. He argues that cities, the centers of civilization, are inherently destructive.
“They consume the areas around themselves,” he writes, “and if they cannot find new materials, they die.” Think of it this way: the discipline of archeology arose from what? From the study of dead cities, strewn about the landscape of the world.
What kills them? He says the cause is the extravagant habits of consumption and destruction that are at the heart of civilization. Everything is eventually consumed.
The forests are denuded. Water, plants, stone, metal, animals, even the land itself is used up. It took thousands of years to consume and destroy the birthplace of civilization in Mesopotamia, and then the pattern continued in the Mediterranean and Europe, with the eventual need to find vast new areas, the Americas and Australia, in order to obtain the resources to replace that which had been consumed.
That game is now over. What can be civilized has been. How, you might wonder, does this tie into the increasing violence in our big cities? I’ll tell you. Jack Weatherford is an expert on tribal cultures.
He has written books about the epic clash between the Native American and European cultures during the 300 years of warfare between the two. Civilized people have defeated the tribal peoples of the world, who have been killed or scattered. But the tribal people who survived have been moving en masse into the worlds’ major urban areas.
And as he notes, “Neither the classless society of communism nor the global village of capitalism managed to homogenize the world during the twentieth century.” Group conflict, far from being eradicated, has been heightened in modern times.
The nation-state swallowed the remaining tribal people but could not digest them.
And that brings us to this startling observation from Mr. Weatherford after spending some time doing field research in Washington, D.C.: “Nowhere in the world had I witnessed as much savagery, brutality, crime and cruelty as I did on the streets of the capital city of the United States.”
He worked at a bookstore.
The clerk who worked at it before him was shot in the head and killed. The clerk who replaced him was beaten with a metal pipe and left for dead. “On the streets of Washington,” he writes, “I saw forms of social organization and culture that I had never seen among any tribal people. Everywhere in the world, tribal life centers on the family and family units, but in the center cities of America, the family has broken down.” The welfare state put the finishing touches on the destruction of the family.
In the fifteen years since his book was published, we can safely assume things have degenerated even more. Young males in the inner cities pursue their lives and interests separate from the females with whom they beget children.
“Much of the male activity,” Weatherford observes, “varies between idle boredom and fierce violence.” The males coalesce into gangs that operate with warrior bravado. This is the reality: “Aside from a few exclusive and heavily guarded enclaves, the central city is home to the lost.” And the lost are lashing out at the rest of us. Wherever uncontrolled crime appears, vigilantism soon follows.
“Soon,” writes Weatherford, “it becomes difficult to distinguish one group from the other as the criminals and vigilantes both operate outside the law…in their struggle for control of the streets and the neighborhoods.”
Strange things are happening. Unease is widespread. With good reason.
Unease is widespread.


Anonymous said...

So, logically, if we send all the displaced person-apes back to the jungle, that's a good thing. For them, but mostly for us.

Anonymous said...

There's an undeclared war against whites by stupid, hate-filled young blacks. It's a nation-wide phenomenon: it's happening from coast-to-coast.

Robert in Arabia said...

There's an undeclared war against whites by stupid, hate-filled young and not so young whites. It's a nation-wide phenomenon: it's happening from coast-to-coast.

Anonymous said...

Now that sounds like a book worth reading.

Anonymous said...



O yes, make no mistake bout him.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There's an undeclared war against whites by stupid, hate-filled young blacks. It's a nation-wide phenomenon: it's happening from coast-to-coast.

AND YTs Tax $ funded them, the bastard spawn. Schools, etc etc etc. AFDC.

PioneerPreppy said...

Yet after 15 years we still see no vigilantism. The Whites who remain in the cities are beaten, killed and raped with no response. In fact they ridicule any Whites who talk of responding in any way and constantly promote their own destruction.

Liberalism and it's allies of Feminism, progressives, etc. are nothing more than a death cult of their own destruction.

So CAL Snowman said...

This is a profoundly interesting column. My interest is particularly piqued by Mr. Weatherford's insights into our nation's capital. This man has traveled the world exploring almost every type of culture, society, and government in existence and yet it was in Washington D.C. that he witnessed the most savage, brutal, and cruel behavior. It's undeniable that blacks have a greater genetic propensity for violence, but why is the violence and brutality in Washington D.C. so intense compared to the rest of the world? How would Mr. Weatherford rationalize the violence in D.C. compared to that in say Darfur or South Africa?

"On the streets of Washington,” he writes, “I saw forms of social organization and culture that I had never seen among any tribal people. Everywhere in the world, tribal life centers on the family and family units, but in the center cities of America, the family has broken down.”

Rather than the family breaking down, it has been systematically dismantled by the welfare state, as PK wryly notes. This is yet another incredible feat accomplished by our Globalist Overlords. The planning and foresight to accomplish this goal is mind boggling. It has to planned out; I cannot imagine a scenario in which the destruction of the black family in america by the introduction of the welfare state could be an organic, natural process. The controllers KNEW (or correctly predicted) that by hooking american blacks up to the government teat it would essentially cause the chaos and destruction we see today. In-fucking-credible.

It's very interesting to note how Mr. Weatherford compares urban dwelling and tribal life. He says that tribal people have been moving en masse to the urban areas. He says that tribal life revolves around the family. It makes sense when there is no central provider that every member in the tribal family must contribute in some way in order to ensure their survival. This way of life for primitive people means that the family unit is an absolute necessity. When tribal people are free from the constraints of having to provide for themselves, the absolute necessity of the family becomes an obsolete concept. This is why reliance on welfare is so destructive to the black family unit. Mr. Weatherford then goes on to note the effects of the destruction of the black family unit:

"“Much of the male activity,” Weatherford observes, “varies between idle boredom and fierce violence.” The males coalesce into gangs that operate with warrior bravado. This is the reality: “Aside from a few exclusive and heavily guarded enclaves, the central city is home to the lost.” And the lost are lashing out at the rest of us. Wherever uncontrolled crime appears, vigilantism soon follows."

When the male specimens of tribal people are freed (by the state) from the burden of caring for their babies and "baby mommas" they quickly revert to savage tribal violence. If they do not have to form family units as a prerequisite for survival, it seems they will not form them at all. It just makes absolute perfect sense, and I have no idea how our Globalist Overlords figured this out. It's the long run planning that has me so completely stunned. In the 1950s and earlier they were planning for the eventual chaos and destruction we see today in America. How insane is that? The same people that planned the destruction will never really reap the "benefits" of the system they helped create. I have a lot to think about here.

10mm AUTO said...

This is how Rwanda started. First individual attacks, then groups then large groups then finally the radio stated to coordinating the attacks.

negros believe that they are "too strong" now to be stopped. (It's a black world!). They play with police, move over one block and then take out the next White person. They cowardly shoot each other, then scream "Racist" and "coward" when a White blows one of them away. In fact they are Outraged! My God, a White man protected his Life against a black Brother! We must march for Justice!

Black politicians cover for them, deny that there is a problem and cover for their tribe. Black police officers don't report it or report it as a "fight" by "knuckleheads" that was a random event, this despite the fact that other police are saying that this is the 11th incident in that area that night! Black and PC DA's file lessened charges, simple assault for a broken eye socket or 2 degree assault if the person is placed in the hospital.

All of this under the dark cloud of Political Correctness.

The comments about vigilante justice are interesting, but little has appeared on the White side. If anything, the "vigilantism" is on the negro side; the entire "community" using Jury Nullification, no snitch codes, witness intimidation, Evidence tampering, negro political strength and mass murder to keep out of the arms of the Law. A perfect example is the Jena 6, who got marches in honor of their crimes, intimidated witnesses, got the MSM to make a link to a incident that happened three months prior to justify a savage beating. After "getting out" they were received as heros, put on TV and got college scholarships and cash. All for kicking an unconscious White kid in the head. How about Zimmerman, who got an entire political party (The Black Panther Party) AND the Federal Government to go after him! For What? Defending himself. The pattern is the same, if the aggressor is black, sympathy. If the aggressor (or Winner!) is White, every possible charge is brought to bear and crimes committed to demonize the White are excused.

We are at war, but we act like if we just make nice and don't move to fast, the hyena won't bite.

(Hey, maybe if we give them more shiny gold medals, they will stop.)

If you are reading this blog and don't carry every day...well the evidence speaks for itself.

Southron said...

"Wherever uncontrolled crime appears, vigilantism soon follows. “Soon,” writes Weatherford, “it becomes difficult to distinguish one group from the other as the criminals and vigilantes both operate outside the law…in their struggle for control of the streets and the neighborhoods.”

We've had uncontrolled crime for some time now, and aside from the occasional Zimmerman, have yet to see any real pushback by whites.

Why? Nobody wants the Zimmerman treatment.

Lorraine said...

The people if whom you speak are sociopaths. You cannot relate to or understand one because you are not one.

The sociopath is reptilian and has no conscience- lacks empathy. They get a thrill, a biochemical sort of self stimulation from killing. Those who will not be named and the groids are generally sociopathic, the former being high functioning and the latter being low functioning.

The 'gain' is in the arousal that they get from killing. Ultimately, they destroy themselves.

Sociopaths lead parasitical lifestyles.

Best we can do is the hell away from them and if they come after us, kill them. There is no other way.

White Mom in VA

Lorraine said...

Big problem is that much of the black on white crime goes unreported. Cops are paid off thugs. The politicians are trying to rid us of the ability to defend ourselves via gun control.

Pushback won't happen when people are uninformed. I got informed by hitting the blogs because I started to notice things weren't right in DC despite reports of 'crime decreasing'

Lorraine said...

We are at war with everyone. No one in the world will help whites except ourselves. Time to say eff everyone else and opt out of the Empire

No thanks mang!

White Mom in VA

Anonymous said...

I would say the reason the prediction of vigilantism hasn't happened yet is because BRA have chosen soft white targets who they know won't fight back. Trayvon profiled Zimmerman and thought he saw a smaller white man instead of a guy with Hispanic heritage. The real fighting will begin if blacks start invading redneck's territory and blacks are already losing to Mexicans in Compton.

Anonymous said...

And it is fueled by ignorance and greed.

Anonymous said...

They hate whites because they ate not doing enough for them! Free breakfast and breakfast in the classroom, walking the kuds to the school on Safe Passage, free lunch, free dinner, free housing, food, jackets in the winter, school supplies, free backpacks, free dental care at school, free medical care, free eye glasses, free after school activities like girl scounts, musuem free days, zoo free days, free clothing. It never ends and it's never enough! They hate whites!

Anonymous said...

I forgot, reduced bus rides, CPS kids ride free. The list is endless. Yet ChIraq parents can't even feed their kids or get them to school when they have all dam day...

Wednesday said...

The Negro is a biological weapon aimed at the heart of White Civilization.

Their propensity for over breeding has overwhelmed social services like welfare and medicine. Their propensity for stupidity has overwhelmed public education. Their propensity for violence has overwhelmed the judicial system. Their propensity for short-term gratification has overwhelmed municipal authority, resulting in corruption and bankruptcy.

Paul Kersey calls these manifest destructive propensities The Black Undertow, and he is absolutely correct. Through their own mindless, savage behaviors the Negroes will undermine and overwhelm the institutions of civil society. Thus, the negroid biological weapon is perfect for the execution of the Cloward-Piven strategy for destroying the West, which is why they are protected and promoted by the Illuminati-affiliated groups which control the universities, corporate boards, churches, international media and national governments of all Western Nations. The Long March through the Institutions is complete, and our own civic institutions have been turned against White Civilization. The Enemy is here-- in your school, your boardroom, your pulpits, your television, and your high elected offices. Once you understand this fact, you can truly see.

In short, the negro is a savage unfit for civilization, unleashed by those who wish it destroyed.

They are the Lootarchy Below. Their enablers are the Kleptocracy Above. These parasites have infested the body politic and they are rapidly bringing about the demise of their host--the productive, creative people of the West. Whites will either muster the proper immune response or be overwhelmed. Some may act as Helper-T cells, identifying and informing others of the nature of the pathogen. Others may act as Leukocytes, attacking and destroying it. Still others may serve to retake those institutions necessary for proper function.

Identify them. Destroy them. Those who can see are the immune system of White Civilization. Spread the word. Innoculate yourself and others against the pathogen. Then act in whatever way you can to eliminate it.

Or see your sons turned into Hugo Schwyzer, your daughters to Miley Cyrus, and your cities to Detroit.

The choice is ours. Act or go under.

Anonymous said...

The same people that planned the destruction will never really reap the "benefits" of the system they helped create.

How do you figure? I would argue that financiers who pull down $50 million+ per year, who are essentially above the law, who wield enormous influence over government policy, who have access to top-flight medical care, etc are indeed already reaping the benefits of this system.

The end goal is a kind of neo-feudalism ruled over by a new oligarchy/aristocracy. Dismantling the family is key to this plan. Each individual will rely on the state, rather than on family or community.

Feminism is a key part of this. The disconnect between males and females that Weatherford points out is already taking major root in White communities. Of the women in college currently, over half will never marry or have children, according to some statistical projections. Women are taught that the family unit is inherently oppressive and non-committed sexual and "romantic" relationships represent the path to liberation or personal fulfillment. That propaganda is going on full-tilt in the media and academia.

The future belongs to those who can resist the cultural programming and keep the family/community intact.

Lorraine said...

Communism and Capitalism are the same sides of the shite sandwich. Both forms of governance end up with very rich 1% ers and the 99 percent bring serfs.

America is a big lie. It's a multicultural clusterf$@k of a fiefdom that has everyone else working while the elite max and relax on their saunas. America was a place that at one time was racially homogenous such that socialism could work as everyone was on the same page. Well that green eyed monster called envy popped up and the gluttonous squids and white elites had to make sure that they were on top so they flooded our borders with turd worlders and integrated whites and blacks together. And now America sucks. It really does.

I live in the wealthiest county in the USA outside of DC. Little stores are starting to close. Things are gonna get bad.

Whites need to forge ahead and unite in one area of the country and form their own communities. We need to get back to the land and grow our own food. We need to get close to nature again. We need to cut ties with the churches that are betraying us - our Christianity is betraying us. We need to cut ties with government that is betraying us.

Remember anger is good when it is righteous. Jesus got angry at the money changers and flung over their tables topped with money.

We have to turn the tables

White Mom in VA

Anonymous said...

The lack of white vigilantism that Weatherford predicted can possibly be explained away. In the mid-90's, when he wrote the book, there were no such things as smartphones with video/cameras, or surveillance cameras in almost every public location. It ties into that future-time orientation thing....most whites are smart enough not to want to spend time in prison.

Anonymous said...

The youth are rising up. All over the world, the youth are turning to nationalism and populism and rejecting the moral relativism, multiculturalism, and feminism of the Baby Boomer generation.

This is emphatically NOT a rebirth or resurgence of conservatism. This is a movement that valorizes the intellect, education, community, family, and honor. Beer-swilling, aflete-worshipping, consumerist Bubbas that revel in their ignorance are just as much the enemy as the detached liberal nomenklatura that run Western countries.

Dispatches from the Identity Generation in France ...

A Declaration of War

We are the Identity Generation.
We are the generation of ethnic fracture, total failure of coexistence, and forced mixing of the races.
We have stopped believing in a "Global Village" and the "Family of Man".
We discovered that we have roots, ancestry, and therefore a future.
Our generation is our land, our blood, our identity.
We are the heirs to our own future.

We are the generation doubly punished.
Condemned to pay into a social system so generous with strangers it becomes unsustainable to our own people.
Our generation is the victim of the Baby Boomers who wanted to liberate themselves.

Anonymous said...

@SoCal: Another sign that is was all planned: It would be simple to correct the problem -- cutting off the funding (welfare, ebt, housing) would force them to self-correct their family structure and behavior, to the extent that is possible. But instead of rolling back the handouts, they just get bigger and bigger, and they hire staff to find more "clients" to receive the handouts.
Oh, it was planned, alright.
"In the 1950s and earlier they were planning for the eventual chaos and destruction we see today in America. How insane is that? The same people that planned the destruction will never really reap the "benefits" of the system they helped create. I have a lot to think about here."
It's not that mysterious. Squids plan ahead for their childrens' and grandchildrens' future, just like everyone else does.

Anonymous said...

I remember those Baltimore row house communities well. When I was in college in the early '70s, I worked a summer job as a Good Humor ice cream driver in the Baltimore area. Many of the routes I worked had these communities as integral parts of the route and they were desirable and lucrative business stops.

Of course then, they were overwhelmingly white, lower and mid middle class. Chock full of nice, polite, well mannered kids and friendly adults. The real estate was well maintained and the neighborhoods orderly. Typical of white communities in other words.
I left that area of the country 40 years ago but have casually followed it demise into blackness over the years. Now it's another sad example of why blacks aren't worth a shit and we need segregation back again more than ever.

Earl Turner said...

September 11, 2013 at 4:01 PM wrote:

There's an undeclared war against whites by stupid, hate-filled young blacks.


There is a declared war against whites that is being waged by other whites along with the Khazar banksters and that war is being waged using 'weaponized diversity', the bulk of which is stupid and hate-filled young blacks.

Anonymous said...

There is a N-S crosstown road in my urban city that I travel daily, one of several, but this one is along a formerly rural residential area. There are only a few stop lights, so it is a 50mph straight shot north. A nice Whiteyville, ranch homes, big yards, no sidewalks, long driveways, big garages, retirees, barn-shaped mailboxes.

There are a few strip malls, beauty shops, and dentist's offices sprinkled in with the homes, and several nice apartment complexes in the woods. In the past 6 months, I have noticed lone young blacks walking along the side of the road. The shirtless black males are on high alert, always have full backpacks, thug clothes saggy pants. The women are always wearing fast food uniforms. I see at least 9 per day now.

Never have seen this before. There are a few bus stops along the way, and I see ghetto black women standing at them, but there are only homes around.

Where are they coming from???
Homes are going up for sale along this strip.

The blacks walk opposite to traffic, on the new "bike lanes" that our mayor just installed on all busy roads. I have almost hit a few of them because they are hard to see. They cut through the large manicured lawns. On trash day, vans full of blacks stop at each house, picking through recycle bins and trash cans along the road.

Blacks don't respect borders, barriers, or private property.

Something is definitely going on. This is manufactured. These underclass blacks must be living on vouchers in the nice white apartments. I have never see this before. They don't belong around here.

The elderly whites are in for a surprise very soon.

Anonymous said...

Ann Barnhardt "On Poland and Detroit, Not For the Faint of Heart"

The Automatic Earth "Promises, Promises..Detroit, Pensions, Bond-Holders, and Super-Priority Derivatives"


greatwhites, this all comes down to one thing! NGR's just being NGR's! and nothing less and nothing more!


Anonymous said...

there is no way i'd visit baltimore, philly, detroit, birmingham, etc. those cities are dead to me.

Anonymous said...

I have been trying to inform you for several days that the 'comment' and ' reply to comment' option on the mobile site is not working.At all.If I am having trouble,others are also.I am on they 'desktop' site now,which permits 'comments' but no 'reply to comment'.Fixing this would be the White thing to do ! Thank You,Richard Cranium

Anonymous said...¬e-in-science-2013-8

D-FENS said...

"These underclass blacks must be living on vouchers in the nice white apartments. I have never see this before. They don't belong around here."

You're seeing the first bubbles form in the pot that was placed on the stove.

Anonymous said...


re; Blogger panjoomby said...there is no way i'd visit baltimore, philly, detroit, birmingham, etc. those cities are dead to me.

I recall the shock a young man spoke with, back in LA, after visiting Philly and NYC.

East coast slums are a lot older than LA slums.
He used the term 'sh--hole'.
Yet I heard on NPR? y'day the mayor or candidate talking about
NYC, the greatest city, where 50%
are in poverty [yeah, immigrants and noon whites].

Anonymous said...

It's always sad to read stories of areas destroyed by the black plague.
I can recall overhearing blacks talking about being "blockbusters" and wanting to be the first black to move into a white neighborhood. The purpose was never to improve themselves or their lot in life but to destroy by starting the conversion of the white neigborhood into a black one. To take over what others had created and drive them out. A war of attrition based on racial animosity, hatred and envy. To destroy all that others had created was considered a victory and something to gloat about. Nevermind that once the area is seized, it becomes just another negro pesthole due to their own behavior. Once that happens, it's time to start coveting the next nice, clean, healthy, safe and thriving white community for "enrichment" while resenting the fact that those evil whitey's have a nice, clean, safe and wholesome neighborhood.
Of course, it's all whitey's fault they don't habs dat too.
Did I mention that niggers suck?

Anonymous said...

I want to thank you,Paul,for a great site that is long overdue.The material is endless and writes itself! I also want to thank all posters for taking the time to present your opinions.This blog is a great tool to inform and educate concerned White people about the social/ political side of nig disfunction.This mess did not come about overnight or by accident,it is the result of many factors.Paying people to breed,not work,and doing everything and anything we can dream up for them has been a disaster.In my opinion,all these unearned,undeserved,and unappreciated giveaways to nigs must stop.A limit on family size,holding nig sperm donors financially responsible for their kids,(no more aid for bastard kids),paying for and incentivizing vasectomies and tubal ligations for welfare recipients,having tough monthly surprise inspections of all public housing and section 8 houses (with real penalties and evictions )...There are many solutions.Getting these solutions in motion (without their being diluted to meaninglessness) should be a goal.Somehow,some way,it must start.It can be done,it must be done.Whites must go out of their way to get beyond cliques,vanity,and all the other nonsense that divides us.That is a key point,somehow we must stick to facts and numbers(things White people understand) and tell everyone we know about statistics such as black/White rapes,other violent crime,etc.I really think we can turn this mess around if we stick to basics and don't waste our time splitting hairs,argueing over minutiae.Thank You Paul and all other White posters and readers! Richard Cranium

Jay in DC said...

It is a worthwhile endeavor to document our crumbling metropolises if for no other reason, then to preserve for our posterity what happens when you allow the "biological weapon" to breed unchecked.

I agree that was a fascinating column but the author was off on two points.

1) I've lived in DC most of my life and worked "the other side of the tracks / mean streets" for many of those years. Savagery here in the 80s and 90s was quite high, true. But I cannot THINK it compares to a Dafur, Rwanda, etc. I have to think the author was speaking of 1st world nations only in which case his argument has some merit.

2)As others astutely pointed out. No vigilantism. That is not going to happen because of the odd combination of the police state we now live in, and the fact that these beasts are endorsed by said police state.

But, honestly, all of that is ok. Remember what I've said before. Acceptance is the key. The nation most of you were born in, is effectively lost, and it isn't coming back. Losers whine and weep, and gnash their teeth. Winners move on, regroup, plan, strategize. If need be they hunt, kill, terrorize, and destroy.

For all the charges levied against Whites from the Other in spite of us, quite literally, inventing every single modern luxury and convenience of the 20th and 21st centuries that allows these parasites to live and breed, they do have one thing right. When group solidarity kicks in, and Whites find identity we are absolutely masterful at destruction and subjugation of our enemies.

This, you see, is one of the primary drivers behind keeping us weak, seperated, fat, and happy. That whole "when the Saxon hates" thing has a historical record that is quite long and true.

So what next? It will be a low slow slide for our cities, some of you here won't be alive near the end of it. Your children will. In the interim, Whites will move into clustered areas. South Africa would be similar except for one thing. Though SA Whites were armed, it was NOTHING like here. AND we have a precedent now in the fate of South Africa to know what inaction produces.

These enclaves of Whiteness will be the future and the Squid overlords are WELL aware of this which is why Homeland security primarily trains for action against "patriots and militias" and the disarming of Whites is now 100% the priority.

It will take ONE aggressive police state action against such an enclave and it is then that I think you will see the wheels come off in a big way as others rise up.

Jay Santos said...

Jack Weatherford’s book, “Savages and Civilization: Who Will Survive?”

Excellent piece PK. I think I'll like this J. Weatherford's work. Just got the Kindle edition.

Anonymous said...

Living next door to a series of trashy, inconsiderate black neighbors has been the primary driver of my resentment toward them.

You have no idea how bad they are until you have experienced them as neighbors.

Anonymous said...

Anon. 8:58..Right on ! No television show,stories from those who have seen firsthand,news article,etc. can begin to describe the absolute shock,revulsion,and disgust that any White person will experience living anywhere near nigs.It is truly surreal,unbelievable.Loud,dirty,rude,dishonest,spiteful,angry(?),vain,inconsiderate,stupid people.One nig family ruins the whole dynamic of any neighborhood.These fucks will keep you up all night,not giving the slightest thought of you having to work the next day.Your stuff will come up missing.Creeps will peep in your windows.God help you if you have young daughters.Soon your once-clean street will be littered with malt liquor bottles,empty cigarette packs,cigarette butts,half-eaten fast food and wrappers,you name it.Stuff that can be directly traced to them.They will laugh at you as you clean it up.Every other word you hear will be 'M-F' and 'nigga'.Used condoms will start appearing.They won't cut their lawn,or if they do they will not bag the clippings,(if they are feeling energetic they will rake them into the street for 'someone else' to deal with).They won't paint,trim bushes,sweep sidewalks,or do anything to improve their surroundings in any way.The disfunction,laziness,sense of entitlement,etc.has no limit-they have no shame.As I said earlier,most people will not believe this,or dismiss it as exaggeration.That is the problem.We,the White people who know better,want to prevent the rest if the country from becoming Detroit.A lot of needless disaster could be avoided if every nigger lover had to spend a week housing and feeding a nig family in their own house.Unfortunately,(at this rate) by the time the majority of Whites wake up,it may be too late.Somehow,some way,average Whites need to learn the truth.It is plain as day,almost impossible to avoid to me.Thanks,Richard Cranium

Anonymous said...

we need to just keep publicizing black hate crimes against whites (and Asians also too) little by little the moral authority will swing hard back to us, no matter what the MSM says
amazing on how quick CNN was to run lynching stories after public opinion was outraged by the latest NYC black on white killing of Mr Babbit, the battle is not on the street it is in the mind, if we can make YT see reality we can win but what is the endgame? separation? divide the country? why not give blacks Georgia as their homeland, but they won't want to go will they?

Vicio Malo said...

Why give 'em a nice place like Georgia...They already have detoilet Newark, Buffalo, Indianapolis, Gary Chitcago...give them the upper northeast 1/4 of the country. The weather is horrible the white people are just rude Yankee f*cksticks anyway. They can turn it into a "shovel ready" project in a couple years.

Anonymous said...

Give the negros the south east portion of the nation.
That's where they first arrived here and southerners are the ones that wanted them here in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Feminism is a key part of this. The disconnect between males and females that Weatherford points out is already taking major root in White communities. Of the women in college currently, over half will never marry or have children, according to some statistical projections. Women are taught that the family unit is inherently oppressive and non-committed sexual and "romantic" relationships represent the path to liberation or personal fulfillment."

This is utter nonsense. The majority of women want kids and commitment. It's the men who don't want to commit and have kids and run at the idea of marriage. Also the boys will be boys mentality that was created by men stating that we guys can and should sleep around because well we're guys. This has had a very negative consequence on society. Stop wrongly blaming feminism and start blaming yourselves.

Jay in DC said...

"This is utter nonsense. The majority of women want kids and commitment. It's the men who don't want to commit and have kids and run at the idea of marriage. Also the boys will be boys mentality that was created by men stating that we guys can and should sleep around because well we're guys. This has had a very negative consequence on society. Stop wrongly blaming feminism and start blaming yourselves."

Uninformed libtard bullshit. Feminism marches in lockstep with all other victim classes; gays, minorities, et. al. You are one... for now...

There are manifold websites explaining this interlocking Fist of Destruction to the West.

Start with, and google this, Chateau Heartiste.

You are phony and a FRAUD. American women have been told they can have it all. YES they want kids and commitment, at age 35-40. After establishing a FABULOUS career, with AMAZING, INDEPENDENT, SASSY, AND SMART female friends. Who, boo-hoo, simply can't find a good man.

Your fucking liberal white ass, (I can spot you SEVERAL miles away) will be up against the wall too Chekist style, like all your other minority, victim class pet projects. Of this... have no doubt.

You cannot blend in when the wheels come off. Your words will betray you utterly and it will be your downfall like all DWLs. You simply don't know how to speak motherfucking RealTalk™ and those of us with bullshit detectors will spot you in seconds. Be afraid for your future, not in the short term, but in the long term.

10mm AUTO said...

"This is utter nonsense. The majority of women want kids and commitment. It's the men who don't want to commit and have kids and run at the idea of marriage. Also the boys will be boys mentality that was created by men stating that we guys can and should sleep around because well we're guys. This has had a very negative consequence on society. Stop wrongly blaming feminism and start blaming yourselves.

September 12, 2013 at 4:12 PM"

I am very sorry, but you are utterly wrong. The Marxist attack on the family centered on the women, both to "get them out of the house" and to make them a viable vote/activist base. This was accomplished by:

1. Giving the woman the vote. This caused dissension in the house and strife in the family by adding a division between men and women that heretofore had never existed in that the man was always considered the "face" of the family outside of the home, while the woman was the homemaker. That is why the woman traditionally took the man's name.

2. Feminism, with its barely disguised male hatred, drove couples apart. The idiocy of it as we look back at feminists who declared sex as rape, even between husband and wife, the hatred of men who acted with chivalry (holding doors, opening doors, carrying lard loads, i.e. simple courtesy) as somehow making women objects or "less than" men.

3. The pushing of women into the workforce even in positions where the danger is obvious, like Police officer and Infantry. Do we really want a war where women come back from a distant land delimbed or brain damaged because she could not carry enough ammo for that MG240? Men have always excelled at war because they are inherently expendable. Women, the breeders of the next generation, are not.

4. The complete loss of Men's rights in divorce. Where before it was considered a social stigma to be divorced (usually only in cases of violent behavior or "public excesses of the flesh") divorce is now loaded for the woman. She gets the house, the car, an income and the kids. If the man fights, she says he is "abusive" and takes his guns, his rights and gives him a criminal record, which can harm his career.

But now women wonder "Where are the Knights in Shining Armor?" "Where is my Champion?" Knights are brought up by intact families, believing in the delicacy of women and the need to protect them. Champions are brought up to believe in a "Lady Fair" and be willing to die for them. Feminism destroyed all that.

What you got was an equal wage, all the horrors that men shield women from in war, poverty and an empty bed. Men (always the wanderer) can stand such a life, (though a woman can "civilize him" by committing to him and raising his children) because a man expects pain in life. For women such a rootless life is filled with abuse by serial men, empty cradles and bitter loneliness in old age. This is what feminism has brought you. Trying to sugar coat it now is just silly.

Bogolyubski said...

So CAL Snowman:
When the male specimens of tribal people are freed (by the state) from the burden of caring for their babies and "baby mommas" they quickly revert to savage tribal violence. If they do not have to form family units as a prerequisite for survival, it seems they will not form them at all. It just makes absolute perfect sense, and I have no idea how our Globalist Overlords figured this out. It's the long run planning that has me so completely stunned. In the 1950s and earlier they were planning for the eventual chaos and destruction we see today in America. How insane is that? The same people that planned the destruction will never really reap the "benefits" of the system they helped create. I have a lot to think about here.

The welfare system - which was indeed planned just as you say - actually got under way in the 1930s, the administration of Banksta Ho FDR. The same decade saw a couple of other interesting things (just two among a wide assortment):

1. The confiscation of private gold holding via executive order. Millions of clueless fools voluntarily handed in all sorts of gold in the wake of FDR's completely lawless decree;

2. The enactment of the National Firearms Act (1934), which effectively abolished private ownership of military-grade weaponry (machine guns, artillery, silencers, etc.).

The vast amount of gold - literally the greatest tonnage assembled in the world at the time - was "deposited" in Fort Knox. Not even sitting members of Congress have been allowed to visually inspect the alleged holdings since the 1960s, and even that one was a very cursory affair. The cast trove of gold most likely was long ago shipped to the shadowy owners of the private banking cartel known as the "Federal Reserve", or to their associates.

While one can obtain a machine gun through a BATFE anal exam, the signed blessing of the "Chief Law Enforcement Officer" of the applicant's locale, and payment of a tax in those state which have not outlawed them, only weapons made before 1986 are allowed (thanks to the great "conservative" Reagan). This limitation has made them unaffordable to most. (Starting price for a used-grade WW II vintage weapon is 3-5 K). Of course, if you're one of the folks connected to those who add zeros to the accounts to fund the racket, cost is no problem.

So, yes, the plan has been in force for a long, long time. The squids know how to be patient and work their plan step by step, decade by decade. None of this is new, and warnings about it were present and available in print even in the 1930s. But, as usual, it's all dismissed as "conspiracy theory" and so discussion and further investigation is stopped. After all, there's a new game of niggaball on the Teevee!

Bogolyubski said...

Excellent responses from Jay in DC and 10 MM Auto to the boneheaded defense of feminism - a doctrine which should have been laughed onto Trotsky's 'rubbish heap of history' the minute Gloria Steinem (TWMNBN) responded to Beelzebubba Clinton's depravity with the "entitled to one grope" defense. It's still here though, cutting its swath of ruin to new generations.

Ever notice the sisterhood protesting about the pandemic of black-on-white rape? How about their EUSSR sisters and Musloid rape gangs? What's that - the sound of chirping crickets? There's a reason for this. Like all associated Marxist-based ideologies, feminism's supposed objectives (better treatment of women) are largely ignored as the primary objective (genocide) is pursued. The chief object and goal of feminism is the destruction of marriage, family and children. Like the welfare system, it has been funded, bolstered and implemented by the ruling squid oligarchy for many decades now. Did you see where the average life-span of lower class white females has actually fallen in recent years? Feminism is yet another variant of the world-famous shit-sandwich, brought to you by Merdegeld & Scheissdor delicatessens and served with a tall sparkling glass of the Rev. Jones' finest grape-drank. They made it just for the ladies.

Anonymous said...

10 mm@6:37-Right on! I live in SF,Ca. Many women are lesbian,most of which seem miserable when they aren't angry. Other women are unable to have a simple,generic,pleasant exchange with anyone they have not known for at least 10 years.They are needlessly rude to people they do not know,then go home to 6 cats and complain they are lonely.Hilarious.Sure,a lot of men are jerks.These guys never have lady troubles.Women claim to want a decent guy but quickly get bored without a toxic level of drama.These are the same women who are appalled when a man cuts through the bullshit and just pays for sex with a woman.Most women are crazy,bottom line.Any disaggreement,anyone ? Red Sector A

Californian said...

There is something really surreal about that single house standing in the middle of a desolate field. Like something out of a Dada event. But such is the nature of BRA that the surreal becomes the commonplace.

This is the reality: “Aside from a few exclusive and heavily guarded enclaves, the central city is home to the lost.” And the lost are lashing out at the rest of us. Wherever uncontrolled crime appears, vigilantism soon follows.

“Soon,” writes Weatherford, “it becomes difficult to distinguish one group from the other as the criminals and vigilantes both operate outside the law…in their struggle for control of the streets and the neighborhoods.”

i.e., once proud American cities have become battlegrounds for urban insurgents. Well, a kudo or two to the vigilantes who are trying to restore a modicum of civilization to an urban warzone.

Californian said...

The comments by So CAL Snowman and 10mm Auto brought up some good points. My thoughts:

* The destruction of the family has long been a radical objective. The family is claimed to be the "central institution of oppression" and by destroying it, radicals will liberate humanity. Well, the family has been largely obliterated in much of the USA, but we are no freer. We do see the immense pathologies of the black underclass, and the frustration of much of the middle class. Marriage, given the nature of the divorce-industrial complex, is an increasingly self-destructive choice.

* Mainstream conservatives used to make the point about the liberal welfare state leading to the destruction of the family and with that, the dragging down of society. Funny thing is, right at the moment when the conservatives have been proven right, they run in terror from their own conclusions. Why? Well, I imagine it would mean having to face some mighty unpleasant reality, as well as daring to criticize blacks. What would Saint MLK think of them?

* The USA has been practicing de facto dysgenics for half a century via the welfare state, affirmative action, the importation of low-IQ populaces, the destruction of the family. The results are entirely within the predictions of the eugenicists of a century ago: the disintegration of civilization in general, and the decline of the middle class in particular.

* We have to look at the political component to the black violence. How much of it is motivated by DWL agitprop which claims that whites are "oppressing" blacks, and thus the violence becomes acts of rebellion against The Man? How much of it is pre-tribal attacks by the have-nots against the haves...i.e., akin to a barbarian invasion?

* What's so amazing is that the destruction of entire cities can be ignored by the mainstream. Or rather, rationalized away as "problems" which can be solved by the right combination of education, wealth redistribution, and ritual denunciations of "racism." The fact that the USA has been doing all this for half a century and the situation keeps getting worse goes by the boards.

* Was all this planned? Or was it the result of ideologues pushing through policies without any connection to reality? Regardless, the result has been as Anonymous points out: "... a kind of neo-feudalism ruled over by a new oligarchy/aristocracy. Dismantling the family is key to this plan. Each individual will rely on the state, rather than on family or community."

Californian said...

The youth are rising up. All over the world, the youth are turning to nationalism and populism and rejecting the moral relativism, multiculturalism, and feminism of the Baby Boomer generation.

Let's hope so. One thing we can do via websites like SBPDL is create a global front to support Western Civilization against both the treasonable elites and the barbarians at the gates.

Anonymous said...

You are so correct. After the beating death of the WWII vetran and the shooting of the Aussie baseball player, I looked up crime statistics and was shocked by the lop-side black on white violence. The major networks fail to show anything but white on black crimes. It's all propaganda.

I've never owned a weapon before but I'll be getting one soon. The area I live in is 50% black. It's just a matter of time before this new form of entertainment (random whitey beatings/killings) comes to my neighborhood. I'll be ready.

Is there a way to reverse this blight upon humanity?

Doktor_Kuhn said...

Memory eternal, Ron Smith. Your conservative insight is missed.

Mr.Ken said...

These row houses were built with care and love and craftsmanship all over the USA in the early years. They were constructed by white, eastern european carpenters, masons and craftsmen using many of the shipbuilding skills brought from the old world. They were built to last 100 years or more with hand hewn beams, designed to support much more than the load they were expected to carry. The workmanship was remarkable. Sadly, It is just another example of how you cannot hand a classic painting to a gorilla, all he will do is tear it apart and eventually fling his shit at it.

Anonymous said...

The obvious truth is that blacks are to some degree lesser evolved than we are, this is why they're primitive and tribal! This is why they're so prone to violence, and why they attack like a pack of feral animals, and why they're So uncivilized! and why they over breed and have lower iq's, they're less evolved! this is why they're incapable of maintaining a modern civilization.