Saturday, December 19, 2015

Blacks in Atlanta Vote to Empower Black Criminals: It Will Soon Be Illegal to Arrest a Black Person

The more our society spirals out of control, with leaders putting the rights of criminals ahead of the law abiding, the more I realize we head inevitably to total collapse. 

Civilization cannot suffer fools for long, especially fools whose primary motivation is making life easier for the criminal element to avoid any punishment for their wrongdoing. 

The invaluable "History and Moral Philosophy" lesson from Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers is a must read after you read of what's about to happen in black-run Atlanta, where black criminality is about to get even less than a slap on the wrist. [
Crime diversion program approved in Fulton County, WSB-TV Atlanta, 12-18-15]:
The way police do their jobs in Fulton County could drastically change. Local leaders approved a program that would keep some suspects out of jail. Police can now decide whether a suspect should be locked up in jail or be sent to social services.  
Racial Justice Action Center Director Xochitl Bervera has advocated for pre-arrest diversion for three years.  
"So pre-arrest diversion diverts people out of the criminal justice system, not just jail and prison but out of the system as a whole and gets people into life-changing quality services," Bervera said.  
The Atlanta City Council and Fulton County Commission unanimously voted to create a program that aims to alleviate jail overcrowding and crime.  
The program will give police and prosecutors the power to let people who commit non-violent crimes get help instead of going to jail.  
"Many people are arrested that should not be arrested," Atlanta City Councilman Kwanza Hall said. "They need another type of support and another type of service."  
The suspects would meet with a caseworker and could receive mental health, drug addiction or job placement services.  
Not everyone Channel 2's Rikki Klaus spoke with agreed the program will work for repeat offenders.  
"It becomes spooky if they can't take the hint and discontinue the unacceptable conduct," Atlanta resident Bob Brown said.  
Pre-arrest diversion exists in just a few other cities, including Seattle and Santa Fe, New Mexico.  
"It has reduced recidivism by up to 60 percent. That means it reduces crime," Bervera said.  
Supporters say the program takes the focus off small crimes like failure to show up to court and allows officers to focus more on dangerous criminals. 
So you commit a crime in Atlanta, and you get the choice of a mental health evaluation services, drug addiction services, or the right to a quick and speedy job placement program... 

In Dante's Inferno, Satan chewed upon the worst sinners: Judas, Brutus, and Cassius. 

As a white person living in Black-Run America (BRA), the fate of these three sinners is a far better outcome then what our rulers have in store for us. 

We are approaching the day where it will be official state policy not to arrest black people for any crime they commit. 

Be it murder, rape, a home invasion, flash mobs of a high-end store, or a nonfatal shooting, BRA is reaching a point where black people who break the law will become a protected class. Punishment must be unusual or it serves no purpose, Heinlein wrote.

We are fast approaching a day where it will illegal to arrest a black person.


Formerly Miss Greenbaum... said...

An early Christmas present to YT in Atlanta from BRA - Dindus will no longer be prosecuted or jailed for robbery, theft, embezzlement, racketeering, running numbers, prostitution, and drug deals. Police, as if they haven't learned already, must look the other way when the dindu does his dirty deeds.

Of course, they're just driving the behavior underground. Sure, recidivism is down. The negro learns that he is above the law, the law realizes that the dindu cannot be prosecuted, so they are no longer going to waste time chasing the dindus. It would be an event if recidivism DIDN'T decline dramatically. Am I the only one to question the logic of the stupid SJW bitch in this story?

Anonymous said...

from last thread,

Back in Minneapolis we have to put up with the endless disinformation BS about the useless Jamar Clark the wife beater who got offed when he tried to disarm a cop. The media make it appear the dead guy was on his way to a Nobel Peace Prize until America the monstrous stole it from him.
I used to think there was a bottom to the perversity of black behavior. There is no bottom.
What is worse, the non stop leftist demonstrations continually put such a gloss on the pig the shine is blinding.


Anonymous said...

Can anyone make a list of black criminals who were given a "second chance" and promptly began robbing and killing after they were released?

Racoon said...

Good God.

How "white" is Xochitl Bervera?

Is this yet another Rachael Dolezal?

How intrinsically stupid are their dusky cheer-leaders?

The entire Western World is screwed. Completely and unequivocally.



Sherman should of burned Atlanta to the ground. But only after the Whites escaped. Then again none of this can really happen if not for those same Whites that allowed and felt guilty enough to put those negroes in charge of the society that the White man built. Thinking that if we just give them the society then and only then will we be relieved of our guilty White past. It doesn't work like that. And the sad thing is more Whites are still being duped into believing that if you let some negroes out of jail that they will get jobs and become tax paying Americans. Just what the hell will the historians think what happened in this time period. Well that's if there are any sane White historians left.

Just a small observation. I was walking to the store the other day and I came across a negro Santa clause in a window! If that's not racist then nothing is. Because negroes don't go to house and leave gifts like the real St. Nicholas did. They are the ones taking the gifts out of the home. Holy shit a negro Santa clause plastic cutout! That racist bitch! I thought they were into that hoax called Kwasna or something of that name? You know the one where two negro convicts made up that African Christmas lie while they were sitting in a jail cell.

Anonymous said...

Contain, isolate.... and wait.

The orcs left to their own devices will devour themselves; think Hutu vs Tutsi. Our job is to remove ourselves physically, and sever ourselves financially. Then sit back wait for Nature to take care of the problem.

Fight the Dems, HUD, AFFH, Section Ape, welfare, etc. These are their tools used to connect you to the groid and allow the ground apes access to your life.

Fight. Back.

GrimmTale said...

Hmmm....Off-topic observation of the news video, shown at the bottom of PK's story:
Action New's Jovita Moore is a handsome-woman (cough)transvestite(cough).

Anonymous said...

Well, this kicks "Broken Windows" right in the ass. As mentioned here, you can give no quarter to the feral primitives, it's just another system to game. Hopefully this will apply to BoB crime only, which is fine, as long as they kill each other.

I can just imagine the crowd at the "Employment Center". They'll probably deal drugs there and call it "Job Creation". You have to sort of give them credit, they are sort of amateur chemists. Can you cook up a batch of meth or crack? Ha! Didn't think so. How many grams in an ounce? Gotcha! They got the metric system down pat, dawg. They also handle tens of thousands of dollars and pay zero taxes. Now who's the dummy?

Note: Even with the drug money, they still live in shitholes because it would throw red flags if they made a major cash purchase. Damn whitey hoadun a bruva down, yo.

Anonymous said...

This program was featured on drugs inc.

The Seattle police took a heroin dealer and just referred him to a social worker. No punishment for selling poison that kills people.

I don't think liberals are considering the other side which is that you are telling heroin and meth dealers that they might not see any jail time if they are carrying a small amount.

Seattle is becoming the heroin capital of the NW. Atlanta can copy their programs at their own risk.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised Coca Cola remains in that negro infested hellhole.

Anonymous said...


New Orleans Mardi Gras chief and his pregnant wife are gunned down and killed in their car as police say they suspect a 'targeted hit'

"...Breon Stewart, 23, and Lionel Delpit, 25, shot multiple times December 16
Child was due December 29 and police don't think shooting was random..."

Brian in Ohio said...

So the police get to make a judgment call on whether or not to arrest? I`m willing to bet one of the deciding factors will be how much cash one has on them at the time. This is ripe for corruption.

This sounds exactly like the police and court system you would get in a third world country. Got a high crime rate? Stop arresting. See, crime went down! Magic!! Blacks have truly drug Atlanta down to the African mean.

Stay alert, stay alive....and out of Atlanta.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't work at all if there is no punishment. Put them to work. That's a totally alien concept to them. Make prisons a place to be feared, a place no one wants to go. Not a frigging family reunion.


Anonymous said...

Jacob said, "Actually incarceration doesn't work as well as you think."

Yeppers, he actually said that, the point being we can only assume that a few days at Disneyland would cure what ails these murderous mofos.

Jacob, I think I speak for millions of people when I suggest that if incarceration doesn't work so well for hard-core offenders, of any stripe, that firing squads are absolutely 100% effective and very inexpensive to boot. Moreover, like the Chinese we could bill the family for the cost of the ammunition used to bring the cost down even further.


Nick A. Pinny

Anonymous said...

Same shit, different stinky pile = same TNB, different city...

How do I say that I don't like negroes in a politically correct fashion ?

%$(@@# %@$(@&$@ &@(&$@ $@&(@$& @%(& !!!!

Anonymous said...

There's an old expression "sea change" that is useful here. A "sea change", derived from a phrase from that "old dead white male" Shakespeare, means a total or profound and lasting change or transformation.

More than 50 years ago, negroes were not much of an issue for most normal Americans. They were as bad as they are now, but they were not enabled in their dysfunctional behavior, and any transgressions against normal people were handled swiftly and appropriately-severe transgressions were handled severely.

People living in say Minnesota or Vermont or some other groid free zone lived blissfully unaware of them. Others in cities or down South where groids lived made sure their dysfunction didn't become an issue. Those who did come into contact with them judged them on the content of their character, found it lacking, and acted accordingly.

By the 60s and 70s-even into the 80s, whites were guilt tripped and propagandized into trying to accept and help groids. The media helped by covering up/minimalizing stories that went against the fairy tale they were shoving down whites' throats.

It worked to an extent because many whites in America had little/no exposure to them. Those who did were marginalized as Archie Bunkers or rednecks. The fact that those people were experienced with groids--and right--didn't matter. They had no voice.

Whites were, as mentioned, prevented from hearing any truth, and instead were lulled by the TV, basking in the glow of Sidney Poitier, the Pudding Pop raper, and that clean cut young feetsball player/actor/commercial spokesman O J Simpson.

Back then the powers that be could BS YT by saying blacks were wonderful people who didn't do anything bad or wrong. Any illustration of the many transgressions disproving this was explained away that they've suffered so much--that the slavery of their great great grandpa was the reason for the gang rape and murder of the 90 year old Polish immigrant.

Now-thanks to continued and much wider exposure to and contact with negroes, the Internet breaking the stranglehold of lies and omissions of the media, the history of failure after failure after failure of trying to help these people, the sea change is, instead of pretending they are good people, now they pretty much have given that up, and bluntly demand that we accept how they are, and moreover submit, and allow them to do whatever they want, and remove the consequences.

Anonymous said...

The only thing Jesse ever said that makes any sense today is "No Justice, No Peace". Of course he was talking about letting blacks slide on crimes committed because of the racist society they have found themselves in but us civilized White people realize without fast and certain punishment there will be no peace where the two races cohabitate. The legal system needs to be overhauled because the swinging door of the judicial system is such a cash cow to the lawyers, judges, bail bond people and police. Twenty years ago I was calling on a client in a small town in Florida and I asked how many police officers were in this small suburban town. The lady replied that there were fifty. I remarked that that was seemed like a large number for such a small town and she said, "if we didn't have any blacks we would only have half that number. So, blacks are definitely job producers even though they are a scourge on the society they inhabit. Remember No Justice, No Peace.


riptapart said...

Who can afford all that ink and paper?

Anonymous said...

Good comments.
Minnesota was groid free 60 years ago. Then immigration act 1965, UN sends in 'refugees' and chicongoans move up into the cold zone for freebees.

and Actually incarceration doesn't work as well as you think. DUH, ever hear the term, 'club fed?' [admittedly many are in state prison].

Anonymous Anonymous said...Can anyone make a list of black criminals who were given a "second chance" and promptly began robbing and killing after they were released?
That would be raycist.

PaintJob Theory said...

"It has reduced recidivism by up to 60 percent. That means it reduces crime,"

In other words, by not locking them up the first time, you reduce the number that are locked up for the second, third, fourth, and fifth time.

Another example of negroes not being able to achieve the most basic standards of civilized behavior so we must lower the bar to accommodate them.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said on December 20, 2015 at 12:09 AM:

"Can anyone make a list of black criminals who were given a "second chance" and promptly began robbing and killing after they were released?"

Sir, we all could with a bit of research, but even the Library of Congress could not hold all the names which, at last count if we include the deceased going back to about 1850, comes to about 68,876,008 violent felons and murderers - give or take maybe 13 or so who allowed their prey to walk away without serious bodily harm.

Anonymous said...

A heroin dealer is a multiple murderer, torturer, extorter, child abuser. They should face the death sentence (within a week of capture)

Anonymous said...

Off topic... just got back to the UK. TV adverts are full of blacks and muslims. It's beyond a joke. Always an intelligent well dress nog in glasses + plus a beautiful young coalburner.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps black suspects can be instead diverted to acting jobs in the next Star Wars film: The Cucksters Strike Back!

Fatigued in Minneapolis said...

The Atlanta Braves after years near downtown in Fulton County chose to build their new Major League Baseball stadium far far away in the suburbs; an area not served by public transit. Anyone who cares to notice, knows the score there.. even though we don't care to talk about it in PC polite society. We're living in the Land of Make-Believe friends.. in the World of Let's Pretend..

Mutant Swarm said...

Anonymous said...

Can anyone make a list of black criminals who were given a "second chance" and promptly began robbing and killing after they were released?

December 20, 2015 at 12:09 AM

Only if I get a 300 terabyte backup hard drive to store it on.

Illisheet said...

You could use a computer. But then again you'd create the world's largest Word document and 500,000 pages you'd crash your entire computer. Not to mention the world's worst case of Carpal-Tunnel Syndrome!

Anonymous said...

"Actually incarceration doesn't work as well as you think."

Actually, yeah if you lock negroes up in prison they cant commit any more crimes against humans that are outside of prison, so it works really well. The problem is these feral demons get arrested for....oh say carrying an illegal handgun, and they only get locked up for a year or 2 then they get released. We need mandatory 30 yr sentences for every negroe that is arrested for a felony of any type with no hope for parole or probation.

The electric chair actually works even better.

Unknown said...

They may as well make a Law that says if a negroe is arrested for a crime the cop has to give him a blowjob and $100

Anonymous said...

Jacob said ”Actually incarceration doesn't work as well as you think.”

It depends on which aspect of prison we're talking about. I don't claim to be a sociologist, but I've heard that prison serves three purposes. These are punishment, rehabilitation, and protection of the public. I would say that prison gets a C for punishment, a D for rehabilitation, and an A for protection of the public.

I've known many people who have been in prison and none of them would willingly return. It is a shitty place to be so from the standpoint of punishing criminals it works reasonably well. The problem is that blacks don't learn from the levels of punishment that we as a society are willing to administer. It is analogous to striking a chicken killing dog a couple of times with a belt with the hope that the dog will quit killing chickens. It won't work. The dog will keep killing chickens, and it will continue to dread each whipping. Until the dog is beaten to the point that it believes that it will die, it will not change its chicken killing habits. This is why I rate punishment at C.

Prison is also supposed to rehabilitate criminals so they won't return to their criminal ways upon release from prison. Unlike punishment where the idea is to make criminals afraid to commit new crimes upon release, rehabilitation is supposed to fix the problems that caused the criminal to commit crimes. The thinking is that once rehabilitated, the criminal will simply not have the urge or motivation to commit new crimes. Few criminals come out of prison well prepared to function in society. However, the combination of punishment along with a marginal level of rehabilitation in the form of dealing with drug and alcohol problems will occasionally result in a lower propensity for committing crimes upon release. Because rehabilitation alone accomplishes little more than temporarily drying out the criminal, or help him understand that he can't continue to blame his mother and father for his criminal behavior, or that killing people isn't the proper outlet for anger, I give rehabilitation a D.

Where prison excels by almost every measure is its ability to protect the public while the criminal is incarcerated. Incarcerated criminals almost never engage in crimes against the public. I don't have the statistics, but I would guess that crime rates would drop to 15-20 percent or even less of the current level if every criminal who committed a serious crime actually went to prison and remained there indefinitely. Prison gets an A for protecting the public.

Anonymous said...

Actually incarceration doesn't work as well as you think.

No it actually works great at preventing them from committing crimes while they are incarcerated.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said above at 8:00 AM "A heroin dealer is a multiple murderer, torturer, extorter, child abuser. They should face the death sentence (within a week of capture)"

Geez, that would be heaven on earth for America if such a policy were actually implemented, say, next week!

Think about it for a moment. Conservatively, that would take about 15 million blacks, 30 million Mexicans and assorted south American drug dealers, and maybe a couple thousand or so white guys off the street permanently and taking a very long, peaceful nap. It would be like Nirvana almost overnight!

Oh, dear God, you owe America at least THIS!

Anonymous said...

Liberals forget that this has been tried before with a Black population.

NYC at one point decided that criminals shouldn't be punished harshly, especially for 'non-violent' crimes like dealing. That's what created the NYC of Taxi Driver.

Seattle is also only 8% Black. It should be common sense (but isn't) that White criminals are easier to reform. Dogs breeds can differ in their ability to control themselves (see pointers vs pitbulls) but both liberals and conservatives have bought into the fantasy that Africans and Europeans are working from the same base of mental characteristics.

But I really don't care if Atlanta wants to go down this path. Many of these experimental programs end up being the best evidence against liberal "feel-good" theories.

Tobias Benjamin Goode said...

The next step in negro "logic" will of course be never arresting a criminal and proudly boasting, "By ignoring crime, we've reduced crime!"

As long as these are NHI situations, no harm, no foul. Give the pachycephalic savages "space to chimp" in their own areas that they've already reduced to piles of rubble and feces, but keep them far away from civilization. Liberia sounds far enough.

Gwoobus Harmon said...

It never dawns on blacks that one of the reasons the white man and asian man have generally peaceful and orderly societies whereas blacks do not (aside from the biological reasons from thousands of generations of evolution away from each other group) is that there is an effectively zero tolerance policy for anti-social, criminal behavior in white and asian nations.

The white and asian man settled upon legal code based society for the administration of justice and penalty. Bad actors are supposed to be isolated and removed from society, and the worst among them killed with no chance for redemption by the State.

The African tribal system of justice is arbitrary, and completely subjective. Justice does not come from a set of written laws and the weight of arguments are not evaluated by jurors in a structured format of Roman style logic based trial arguments, which is the hallmark of western (high average IQ) society.

African justice is delivered by a tribal elder or a council of elders who oversee the screaming and ooking of different bands proclaiming "he wuh a goot boy" until they measure out a minimal punishment to the Dindu Nuffin before his release back into general society. The proceedings are more or less a primitive untelevised version of Jerry Springer, which may be why that show appeals so much to the africans in america, it is a reconnection to the homeland.

At any rate, having a stern justice system that delivers harsh punishment to violators is one of the white man's secrets to his magical, coherent and functional societies. It allows social capital to form when everyone is not scheming how to screw each other over, steal, kill, and seek their own revenge. The zip codes, and schools end up nice as a result and for some reason shots don't "ring out" on their own there. It is if it is a repellent to crime for it to have consequences.

Of course, this kind of justice "disproportionately" ends up with many "goot boys" in jail, which is why it is hated by blacks, DWLs, and Rand Paul/Mike Huckabee type "conservatives." As the United States begins to adopt the African approach to justice while purging the Latin/British Common Law origins of its own, the society will also begin to reflect its African values and manifest it as performance and quality of life. It already does this in education and technology, why not day to day life with fully integrated criminals who suffer no consequences as well?

Now do we understand what the segregationists tried to prevent?

Anonymous said...

The Atlanta Braves after years near downtown in Fulton County chose to build their new Major League Baseball stadium far far away in the suburbs; an area not served by public transit. Anyone who cares to notice, knows the score there.. even though we don't care to talk about it in PC polite society. We're living in the Land of Make-Believe friends.. in the World of Let's Pretend.

Our Age of Delusion.

The Giants pulled the same thing and no one in the liberal media noticed. Their stadium is now in the burbs of San Jose and you can't get there by BART.

Sports team owners know that Whites pay the bills. Remember that minor league basketball owner that talked about how too many Blacks in the stadium will sink their profits? It's White people that not only go but buy their kids caps and shirts. It isn't Blacks that buy the $10 micro brews or $15 gourmet hot dog. White people spread the cash around and everyone knows it including Black business owners.

Any business that doesn't recognize their best customers is putting itself at a competitive disadvantage. These sports teams are just following other businesses that open in the burbs and not on urban rail lines. I live out in the hills and we have more Wal-marts than Detroit. Figure that one out.

Anonymous said...

And so it begins.

Anonymous said...

Two items in the news:

1st- Obama pardons 95 prisoners who were charged on drug and GUN charges. I would love to see a list with names and pictures of all those Obama has pardoned so far- I wonder if you will be able to count the white ones on your fingers and if it will require both hands.

2nd- Two BLACK women steal an old vet's wallet and phone when he puts them on a counter to save a woman from choking. (earlier stories last night mentioned race, but this morning that detail is left out of all the articles)

Bogolyubski said...

You think you're reading something from The Onion and you realize it's reality. If any YT's remain on the squad of pohleece-goondas in Atlanta, they are either SJW traitors, worthless careerists or cucks who still believe in fairy-tales. The thing is, a state can't wall-up or fence off these disaster areas of ABRA. You already saw what they've been doing in Maryland - and the so-called "opposition" party (which needs to be utterly destroyed) just handed these criminals 1.8 trillion in counterfeit money to spend on this crap.

Note also how Detroilet, which has been an utter economic failure since the 1970s, is never allowed to fully collapse. There's always another infusion of counterfeit cash borrowed from the squid for the next redevelopment scam - leaving YT with the bill for the interest. Most whites pay no attention at all. If they notice anything they'll vote for Repukes - and we all just witnessed how very effective that is...

Meanwhile, up in ABRA Flint….

Anonymous said...

They were probably killed for "acting white", good grades in school, married, knew his father, worked 2 jobs, he was making the rest of his coonmunity look bad, he was dis respektin them.


This might be a little difficult in deciding what is a non-violent crime. What about armed robbery. Is it non-violent if the robber doesn't pistol whip or shot the victim.

I think there should be a shut off point for the program. As we all know there are three major groups of TEENS. TEENS under 18. Then OLDER TEENS 18 to 40. Then ADULT TEENS over 40. Any ADULT TEEN over 40 who does not have a job and is still out committing non-violent crimes such as drug dealing, purse snatching and auto theft should not be allowed in the program. Instead they should be hired as advisers for the TEENS and OLDER TEENS who are in the program. This way they can teach these younger TEENAGERS about crimes they can commit and not do any jail time. Learning these things would be of great value in their criminal careers.

Once a TEEN learns which crimes are allowed without punishment they can apply for a CRIMINAL PERMIT or license. Any drug dealer caught without a permit or license should be made to pay a small fine. If after being caught two or three times and they still don't have a permit they should be forced to go back to CRIME SCHOOL until they learn their lesson. There is nothing worse than criminals committing crimes without a permit.

Anonymous said...

Good post, PK. And Merry Christmas from your friends in Northern Utah!

This is just one more reason why we uprooted our family from suburban Atlanta a few months ago and moved to the Great White North, home of John Derbyshire's Magic Dirt. Sure, there's Mormons, but who cares? Mormons know how to maintain a beautiful, clean, mostly-safe city (minus the white panhandlers), and the areas closest to the ski resorts (Sundance, Park City, etc.) are pretty much devoid of blacks. Apparently, snow skiing is one of the sports that Negroes don't enjoy. (Hence the reason I promptly became a ski instructor.)

Atlanta has been a lost cause for a long time now, and the Dindu population doesn't even try to hide it's ultimate strategy: to follow whites wherever we go. Had it not been for PK and this site, I wouldn't have even known about the speech former mayor Andy Young gave to a black college commencement audience, in which he openly admitted that "there is nowhere [whites] can go that we won't follow. They can't escape us."

Nothing about creating their own opportunity, being independent from "oppressive, racist" whites. Instead, they flat-out declare that they not only need whites, but that whites have no right to separate ourselves from blacks (allegedly because we "take" all the economic opportunity with us when we withdraw from them). He actually had the gall to openly encourage new black college "graduates" with worthless degrees to chase whites all over the suburbs and infiltrate every new white community in their endless quest to "take what's rightfully theirs".

Disgusting. To hell with Atlanta. They can keep it. Let's see these primitive Dindus try to chase us into the snow-covered Rocky Mountains.

Anonymous said...

Minnesota was groid free 60 years ago. Then immigration act 1965, UN sends in 'refugees' and chicongoans move up into the cold zone for freebees.

Anyone who thinks race is a "social construct" hasn't seen Blacks in a cold area. They'll stand around shaking in North Face parkas while a White guy in shorts jogs by. They will have their cold weather gear on in the 40s as if a snowstorm is coming. They are built for a hot and humid environment which is why their skin gets ashy in northern climates. White people generate more oils in their skin for a colder and dryer climate. Africans are also more vulnerable to frostbite.

You can watch this phenomenon in the NFL. During a snow game you will see Black players shaking on the sidelines while the Whites will be just standing there like it is normal.

If you cut off welfare in places like Detroit and shut off water/electricity to all delinquent accounts then I bet half of them would leave within a few years. The deep freezes would drive them back to the south.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I wholeheartedly agree with your statements.
The more we feed the beast that has, as its ultimate goal the elimination of Whites, the faster we hasten our own demise.
I refuse to have anything to do with the negro; avoiding it at all cost. No more Negro Felon League, or any other sport where it is over represented. No more fast foods; ever since Jesse Jackscoon himself admitted to spitting in white people's food. There was a time whenever I passed a negro on the street, I would say hello to it lest I be thought a racist. Now, knowing full well the danger it represents, I keep a distance, but always an eye on it, until it is far enough away from me.
In addition, I have had to educate my children to the truth of these creatures' violent nature.

Anonymous said...

He was recently released for dealing heroine, so no loss there. Not sure why they targeted a pregnant woman, but seeing how dindus have no regard for white pregnant woman, a black one would be easy peesy.

Anonymous said...

By the 60s and 70s-even into the 80s, whites were guilt tripped and propagandized into trying to accept and help groids. The media helped by covering up/minimalizing stories that went against the fairy tale they were shoving down whites' throats.

I don't doubt that the media and schools took part in brainwashing the majority of Whites.

But here is my question for anyone that was around then or has studied that time in depth:

Why did conservatives turn their backs on racial realists? Even in the 60s I have read articles from racial realists that absolutely destroyed liberal lies. Sure the majority of Whites may have been duped through pop culture but it is the job of intellectuals to sift through whatever may be popular and seek the truth. From everything I have read it appears that conservatives in the 60s just decided to adopt liberal make-believe but with their own version (race isn't real and it's the government that causes inequality).

William Shockley was said to have been completely ostracized by all political groups. Why? Even today a conservative like Jeb Bush or Rush Limbaugh wouldn't be able to invalidate his arguments and yet these types of characters profess to have all the answers.

It seems to me that the truth was staring the conservatives in the face and yet they decided to bury it and align with liberals. If anything the conservatives betrayed their own constituents and with the liberals created the establishment of racial lies we have today. Maybe their leaders chose lies over truth for seemingly altruistic reasons at the time but this doesn't excuse their betrayal. The other problem is that racial lies only feed liberalism and everything they don't like (large government, gun control, Federal expansion).

Liberalism is stomped in the ground through racial realism, not dopey talk shows hosted by millionaires that repeat the same tripe on how Blacks just need private schools and more capitalism. Liberalism absolutely falls apart under racial realism. The conservative fantasy of capitalism solving all our problems is just a distraction and waste of time.

FlowerBell said...

For several generations now we've decided to ignore everything our ancestors already knew.
White people can ignore centuries of common knowledge for only so long.

Anonymous said...

To Fatigued in Minneapolis:

You're right. Until very recently, I lived in the NE Atlanta suburbs since 1979 (DeKalb and later Gwinnett County), back when only South DeKalb was black. We occasionally went to see a Braves game, but it became more and more dangerous, especially because Turner Field isn't located along the rail lines like the Georgia Dome or Phillips Arena. Whites got tired of risking their lives to see a baseball game, as feral blacks prowled around the stadium hoping to intercept whites on their way back to their cars. (At last count, whites had a 1 in 11 chance of being a victim of violent crime on their way to/from a Braves game.) Then, when the Braves farm team moved their stadium to Gwinnett, a bunch of white fans realized it was just as much fun to go to a minor-league game and not risk their lives in the process. So the Atlanta Braves saw ticket sales decrease even more as suburbanites went to watch the Gwinnett Braves instead.

The Atlanta Braves warned the city that if they didn't allow Turner Field to expand and create a safe, year-round event center in the nearby ghetto neighborhoods, that they would move to Cobb County.

The city refused, claiming they didn't want to "ruin" the crappy Summerhill neighborhood, but also because they wanted the revenue that the Braves brought to the area in terms of charging Braves fans for the privilege of parking in their surrounding dirt parking lots (not to mention the opportunity to rob them). So the Braves chose to move to Cobb County instead. Even though that part of Cobb is the equivalent of Traffic Hell already, white folks would rather endure hellacious traffic than risk their lives driving to the Summerhill ghetto, annually listed as one of America's top 20 most dangerous neighborhoods.

So now the Negro leadership is crying "racism!" because white Braves fans have the audacity to not want to be victims of Negro violent crime.

Anonymous said...

next time you pop the top on a can of Coke think about how it was that Coke corporate HQ in Atlanta pretty much IMPOSED da'cibil rites on Atlanta politicians 50 years ago....kind of of a do it or else deal

Stuff Black People Don't Like said...

Coca Cola is the most evil company on the planet. As a son of Atlanta, I look forward to the day when their assets are seized, the company is dissolved, and the "secret ingredient" becomes public knowledge.

Bob Woodruff is the most evil Southerner of all-time.

Make America White Again !! said...

Blogger Mutant Swarm said...
Anonymous said...

Can anyone make a list of black criminals who were given a "second chance" and promptly began robbing and killing after they were released?

December 20, 2015 at 12:09 AM

Only if I get a 300 terabyte backup hard drive to store it on.

December 20, 2015 at 8:17 AM
Anonymous Illisheet said...
You could use a computer. But then again you'd create the world's largest Word document and 500,000 pages you'd crash your entire computer. Not to mention the world's worst case of Carpal-Tunnel Syndrome!

December 20, 2015 at 8:18 AM

Or get lock jaw if you were using a speech-to-text recognition program instead
of typing it all out.

O/T: Can't remember what programming it was, COPS once again or something like that,
but there was a negro by the name of.....wait for it.... Dacjrd Clayton, in which,
obviously he went by his last name first, Clayton Dacjrd. But kidding you not, his
first name actually was Dacjrd. He even stated that his first name wasn't an actual
name at all. All it took was his parents combined IQ of 130, (easily no more than 65
a piece) where they took the first letter of each of his 6 siblings and they made
it into a name. True story because I saw it on TeeVee !!

But really though, negro with the first name of Dacjrd. Ahhh, how do I say it in
simplest terms. As obvious as it all is to the racial realist, these "folks" don't
continue to have children because they actually want them or want to raise them,
they have them simply because they lack a major cognitive component that is required
to live and raise children in a moral civilized manner. It's called a conscience,
to which these folks know absolutely nothing about. They are not only NOT like us,
but quite the contrary indeed! This is Satan at work, playing his hand... all against whitey!

Not to be a conspiracy theorist myself, but I've said it once and I'll say it again.
History has a way of repeating itself. TPTB are most definitely hellbent on turning
this vibrant DIE-versetised country into one big plantation all over again. Negroes
will always eat from the hands that feed them. The only bill we're footing here is
our 1 way ticket to as much of a living hell that they can make it for ALL of us.
Seems like their succeeding pretty well, aren't they? But hey, I'm free to choose
anything I want to be in life, but only as long as you agree to your own extermination. Let's add in a dose of insult to injury YT. You get to fund your own
demise, fully and unequivocally. Oh the perversity. GD them all. FK this country !

You got a cure for cancer yet? As long as we let Satan's children spread in this
country like an out of control wildfire, I guess YT is going to just sit around and
wait for them to burn everything to the ground. Nice cure, eh? We're on full tilt
mode. I believe we're headed for a full economic collapse. At this point of the
game, there is no other alternative, is there ?

Make America White Again !! said...

Gwoobus, your comment, ahh, this is exactly what I was just trying to explain to
someone this past week. Wow, crazy that you should mention it here, but yet this
is the writing on the wall. Writings I've already read and have proclaimed.

It's no wonder why the definite brilliance is deafening to most people out here.

The true reality of what is happening in this country as we speak is mind blowing.

It's as if you almost HAVE to live in your own fantasy land just to protect your
own soul from losing it.

And as Brian would say, Stay alert, Stay alive. I've learned this lesson already...

joshrandall said...

Such stupidiy! It has reduced recidivism by 60% somewhere. And you can believe me because I wouldn't make this shit up,would I? The irony here(and I do hope I am using he word irony correctly,heh heh heh)is that this horseshit might actually WORK,if used on whites! I am sure there are white "youths" who do stupid crimes that would benefit from help;some might actually become normal productive citizens.But blacks? Blacks are a whole different kettle of fried chicken! You gonna stop a black mayne fum bein BLACK? Aw hail no! They want to focus on the non-violent,so as to allow the PoPo to focus on the more violent criminal? That assumes the absurd proposition that they are two separate groups! The non-violent guy is sometimes a violent criminal who just aint been caught;and a NV offender often will commit extreme violence if he feels the need. (Look at all the mayhem documented here involving young blacks.) I wish this idiot Xitichol or whatever her name is would go back o the 3d world crap hole she came from and try this there!

Anonymous said...

310 Barrys list--List_of_people_pardoned_by Obama

Anonymous said...

Bob Woodruff is the most evil Southerner of all-time.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous above said, "The conservative fantasy of capitalism solving all our problems is just a distraction and waste of time."

Sir, we no longer have a two party system in America, and both parties are now feeding off the dead carcass of this once democratic republic. It is far worse for ANY people when they are duped into thinking they have options when in fact EVERYONE they elect is fucking them right up the ass. They all run like conservative mom and apple pie goodie-two-shoes and then proceed to govern like Bolsheviks the minute they are sworn into office. I offer as exhibits A, B and C, McConnell, Boehner and Ryan.

As it stands now, after a very long life I am convinced it's better to live under an all-white dictatorship in an all-white country than any "democracy" in ANY country with other violent races mixed in such as Mexicans and blacks and creating a virtual shit hole of the entire society.

Yeppers, I will now take that option any day of the week after what I have seen happen in the last 50 years. Even Russia and China are beginning to look like better options than this Country of the Apes.

The only light at the end of the tunnel for me is that I am not 20 years old and have to experience the absolute social chaos coming down the road. There's now no light at the end of the tunnel except that of an oncoming freight train. Someone like me in my youth, but living today, would be in jail for sedition or dead at 23 for rebellion or something. Whites today seem not to have any gonads or testosterone.


Nick A. Pinny

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.” Sir winston Churchill


Let's use PC logic.

Rape is a non-Violent crime. Rape is undocumented dating.

Robbery is only undocumented, victimless, non-violent, product sharing.

Car-Jacking is only Share-Ridding.

I get it.

Anonymous said...

Ya know, there is literally NOTHING too freakin' dumb or stupid that a useful idiot DWL won't believe once some Marxist "teacher" has jammed it into his mushy little pea brain.

To suggest that incarceration does not work is on the order of saying that the death penalty does not guarantee that Dashawn will never rape and disembowel another white woman.

No what they REAL want to do here is to get you to buy into the unstated premise that jailing people should have as its primary focus, rehabilitation. BTW, the religious do-gooders started this crap a hundred years ago, which is where we got the term penitentiary. Rehabilitation was NEVER the purpose of jails and prisons - PUNISHMENT was!

The rate of recidivism in Russian and Chinese jails is almost zero, and for the obvious reason that they NEVER want to go back, ever. They will kill themselves first, which in the case of the American pavement ape would be a great thing for the rest of us. They either remain in jail, behave when they get out, or commit suicide rather than go back in. It's a win-win for everyone but Willie and Jose.

N.Ga said...

Well. It’s just one more nail in the coffin. One step closer to compete chaos. Make sure to remember all who bend over backwards to promote, indorse, and champion these rules of engagement. Accountability will be bitter sweet for all involved.

At least, I’d like to think so. I’m not so sure any more.

Anonymous said...

I live in the south and we don't need any more of them here.

Bill in St Louis said...

As a way to reduce overcrowded jails and prisons.

Not a word about WHY the jails and prisons are overcrowded, or by who. Instead, another way to coddle those who can't fit into normal society. Commit a crime? It wasn't your fault, you need job placement, etc. How about a new program, along with this one, where police get to decide if you are a violent, repeat offender, you can just be shot on the spot? Caught red handed with the murder weapon? Bang. Swing at the officer when he attempts to arrest you for whatever it was you did? Bang. THAT would sort out the overcrowded prisons filled by family reunion seeking orcs.

Anonymous said...

Fave new term from above for groids?

Satan's Children.

Thanks! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Nordic Caucasoid typed...

"Sherman should of burned Atlanta to the ground. But only after the Whites escaped. Then again none of this can really happen if not for those same Whites that allowed and felt guilty enough to put those negroes in charge of the society that the White man built."

Sherman did burn it to the ground. He burned Columbia, S.C. to the ground as well.

"same Whites" ??? WTH?

I've never read about Southerners "allowing" the negroes to be put in charge of White Southern Society. Please read up on Reconstruction.

Scot Irish

Bill in St Louis said...

"Yeppers, he actually said that, the point being we can only assume that a few days at Disneyland would cure what ails these murderous mofos.

Jacob, I think I speak for millions of people when I suggest that if incarceration doesn't work so well for hard-core offenders, of any stripe, that firing squads are absolutely 100% effective and very inexpensive to boot. Moreover, like the Chinese we could bill the family for the cost of the ammunition used to bring the cost down even further.


Nick A. Pinny

December 20, 2015 at 6:40 AM"
You know Nick, I have to disagree with you . I would be happy to pay for the ammunition used in this scenario. It would be more than offset by the lowered taxes when I no longer have to fund various other entitlement programs.

Anonymous said...

Just left a suburban Detroit shopping mall. Rarely do I shop on weekends and certainly not the Sunday before Christmas, but I needed a Christmas gift. What a rude awakening. It looked like someone picked up the African continent and shook all the occupants into the mall. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I've heard of BLACK Friday , but BLACK Sunday was new to me. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

Dixie here -

Nice to see I'm among friends here - for the obvious reasons, of course, but to find several former Atlantans here. We made our escape to the Georgia country last year and couldn't be happier. We do still have to travel into Atlanta and the northern suburbs a couple of times a week, but at least we don't have to hang around there too long.

I once traveled the southern line of MARTA (that stands for Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta) to avoid paying the high parking fees downtown and wasting gas sitting in traffic, but after one trip, that was enough for me. I'll pay the price for a parking space. The trains stink from all the ghetto rats, the train station elevators are sprayed with urine, and the very few white people aboard were traveling to or from the airport. Now why would any reasonable, self-respecting person not want to have that type of public transportation coming through their neighborhood? According to the Fulton County government and MARTA's nogs, we are SUPPOSED to be doing happy dances on a daily basis that the trains might be coming to alleviate traffic in our area. Riiiight.

The arrangement to move the Braves to Cobb County had to have been a closed-door deal that was made a long time ago. The rate at which the roads at that interchange are being constructed is not something that was cooked up in a couple of weeks. That area isn't exactly all white, though. Nearby Cumberland Mall has become downright scary. It's full of marauding blacks. There are a lot of Indians and Mexicans in the immediate area, and lots of apartment buildings that are undoubtedly subsidized. It's not a particularly high-class area, in spite of several high-profile companies nearby in large buildings, including the Weather Channel.

So, if y'all do decide to go to a Braves game when they make the move, you still need to be very careful! It is NOT a safe area!

Grant Park and its surrounding area is changing. White people are moving back in. It's not at a high enough rate to displace all the nogs, but they are fixing up those old houses. Apartments, lofts, and condos are being constructed all around at a staggering pace. Why in the world would any white person in their right mind want to live smack in the middle of all that traffic, noise, and crime? It's surrounded by housing projects and old run-down darky quarters, which means they're sending their kids to public schools filled with black trash.

That's typical of MARTA to whine raycism. They've done that ever since the very beginning. Yawn. The northern suburbs don't want more of the rail line invasion, but MARTA is determined to shove it down everyone's throats. Two other malls on the line have turned into dangerous darkylands. There is no rail line into Cobb (at least not yet), but the Cobb Transit buses were forced by the usual threats into a contract with MARTA so that the routes would join. Same for the Gwinnett buses. There is no escape.

OT - I learned something very dismaying over the weekend. A well-established French restaurant in an Atlanta neighborhood was forced to change their Chicken Cordon Bleu. They now have to substitute thin slices of turkey that have the approximate color of ham. Authentic CCB is made with Parma ham. Why? The heebs in the area whined that they couldn't eat that dish, so the restaurant cowed and gave in to their demands. Well, they've lost my business. If you don't like something on the menu, don't eat it or don't dine there at all! Gimme, gimme, gimme. It's MY way or you're rayciss. Nowadays, all demands from non-whites are immediately granted.

This country isn't going to make it through this next year unless something drastic happens to put the Dark Lord and his minions in prison - and that's just for starters.

Californian said...

Why did conservatives turn their backs on racial realists? Even in the 60s I have read articles from racial realists that absolutely destroyed liberal lies. ... Liberalism absolutely falls apart under racial realism. The conservative fantasy of capitalism solving all our problems is just a distraction and waste of time.

Several reasons:

In part, conservatives did not view the race issue as critical back in the 1950s and 1960s. The main threats were seen as communism abroad and big government at home. Whites were 85+% of the US population. Minorities were not organized as they were today (other than the NAACP), nor were they subsidized by massive government-academic-corporate bureaucracies. It was easy enough for conservatives to believe that blacks could be shut up by ending segregation and perhaps naming a thoroughfare or two after MLK. Then conservatives could get on with the real business of cutting taxes, defeating the USSR and rolling back the New Deal.

In part, conservatives were unwilling to face up to the race issue as it would have required a certain amount of unpleasantness. You really would have to turn water hoses and cops against "civil rights" demonstrators. You would have had to support other white peoples in South Africa and Rhodesia in a global race war. This would have meant a loss of respectability in trendy circles in DC and New York City where conservatives were trying to make headway.

Bear in mind that conservatism back then was a small movement trying to gain headway against both the Democrats and the Rockefeller wing of the Republican Party. It was not until the Reagan election of 1980 that conservatism came into its own, for better or worse.

Many conservatives really wanted to believe that small government and capitalism were universal solutions. Like liberals, they allowed ideology to trump reality. Unlike liberals, conservatives were never able to win over many blacks--probably because liberals are better at handing out other people's money to black clients.

PaintJob Theory said...

"Why did conservatives turn their backs on racial realists?"

Because they're communists and are complicit with the slightly more openly socialist "party" in using the negro as a weapon to destroy our civilization.

Speaking of negroes as a weapon of communism has anybody else seen "Negroes in Soviet America"? Among other pearls of insight it promises negroes that 'any act of discrimination or prejudice against a Negro will become a crime under the revolutionary law'.

McCarthy was right, and we have been virtually completely conquered.

also I'd really like to see a copy of "A Racial Program for the 20th Century".

Anonymous said...

The law (a collection of rules for a civilization) is like an immune system that defends a host from illnesses and parasites. Treating self-righteous, parasitic criminals (Dindus) with the same regard under the law as their victimized hosts (YTs) - by demanding the hosts voluntarily remain continued victims, submitting and staying instead of fighting and fleeing - is that immune system's suicide. There will be no law.

When the human body reacts to an infection by inducing a fever, it is actually inhibiting the growth of infectious agents (bacteria, viruses) that reproduce best around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (human core body temperature). Sick people don't care about the biology of it - to them, a fever is a sign of infection.

For the next two or three summers, major cities across the country will likely experience repeated Baltimores and Fergusons, and some of them will literally burn. People who are (or become) realists will likely survive, if they react appropriately when the fever goes up. Those who refuse to face reality and pretend nothing is happening will suffer the quasi-suicidal consequences (although some DWLs will believe they deserve it due to some self-hating YT guilt).

Keep your powder dry.


Pat Boyle said...

Social Work is like Philosophy. They are 'residual' professions. I was originally a philosophy major in college and when I graduated I became a social worker. Both big mistakes for a young lad. I must have been a slow learner.

Philosophy sounds great until you learn something about the history of philosophy. The men with the best reputations as philosophers were Greeks a long time ago. As human knowledge grew there became fields like chemistry and physics. Formerly if someone could handle chemicals they were called a philosopher. Then they were called a Natural Philosopher to distinguish them from all the others. Finally when they actually knew something they were called Chemists.

The same thing happened with all the other scientific disciplines. One of the last fields where the practitioners were still referred to as philosophers was 'Logical Positivism'. This was my interest in school. Bertrand Russell was called a philosopher but his work and Sentential Calculus these days are more likely to be taught in the math department.

Everything that evolved or developed into real knowledge was taken out of philosophy. About the only kind of philosopher we have left today is the 'cracker barrel philosopher' who shoots his mouth off about subjects of which he is ignorant. The Internet has allowed these guys to blossom and proliferate.

Social Work has had a very similar history. Today's poverty in developed nations is nothing like that of London of the late nineteenth century. This was the period of tremendous class differences. It was before Bismarck invented the welfare state. It was the period of 'Jack the Ripper'.

Social Work arose as a profession for Christian women from good families. In those days these well off women would go down to the tenement areas and live among the poor. If the poor people needed medical treatment the Social Worker would do the doctoring. They delivered babies and they treated wounds and infectious diseases. If the poor family got in legal trouble the Social Worker acted as their attorney. Social Workers dis everything the poor needed directly.

But with the rise of government bureaucracies the state slowly gave the poor a real doctor and a real lawyer and the Social Worker was released for other tasks. By the time I became a public Social Worker in the seventies it wasn't clear just what we were supposed to be doing. We weren't suppose to give legal advice and we couldn't write prescriptions.

For example earlier Social Workers had helped the poor get jobs but by the sixties that was the bailiwick of the employment department and soon there were whole agencies and programs that specialized in getting jobs for the poor. They always seemed to fail but that wasn't the point. The specialists had taken over whether they were any good at their jobs or not.

The same was true for a variety of services. In the old days your Social Worker helped you find a place to live. By the sixties there was HUD and the local Housing Authority. Social Workers at best referred poor people to other bureaucrats.

It was like Philosophy. The generalists were run out of business by the specialists. The media always gets this wrong. In any number of police or legal dramas the hero will stop practicing his profession and become a 'TV Social Worker' who resolves all problems through 'caring'. The TV Social Worker is basically a guardian angels who swoops in and straightens everything out.

Any real intelligent poor person is likely to have the deepest contempt for anyone calling himself a Social Worker. Social Workers have no techniques to help anyone with anything. If they did, some other profession would soon take them away from them. Social Workers simply don't know how to do anything useful.

The idea promoted in Paul's article today that Social Workers will fix everything up as an alternative to incarceration is just too funny.


Anonymous said...

" Justice does not come from a set of written laws and the weight of arguments are not evaluated by jurors in a structured format of Roman style logic based trial arguments, which is the hallmark of western (high average IQ) society. "

A pretty ironic endorsement of Western "justice", considering such abominations as Affirmative Action, AFFH, compulsory school and workplace integration, forced submission to feminist and other similar absurd causes, racial redistribution of wealth through taxes and welfare, etc., have all been upheld as legal, and sometimes were outright creations of the courts.

"As the United States begins to adopt the African approach to justice while purging the Latin/British Common Law origins of its own, the society will also begin to reflect its African values and manifest it as performance and quality of life."

Begins? Then we have to admit that YT laid the groundwork all by himself.

Of course, the law has always been unfair, except to those who make it. When we look back, it's like the sun going down; a progression. There's no clear point at which day changed into night. America was a revolutionary nation from the start, built on the false premise of human equality, and the careful observer can see the flaws in its foundation which have ineluctably led to this ongoing collapse.

Anonymous said...

Some developments in the murder of 19-year-old white girl Jessica Chambers down in Mississippi last year. You will recall she was set on fire.

This killing has negro all over it. Feds have arrested 17 negro gang bangers on drug and weapons charges as a result of the continuing investigation. One of them will give up something. Conjecture has been that Jessica was gang raped shortly before they drove her out to an isolated area and set her on fire. The (presumably) negroes poured lighter fluid down her throat. Wonder why? Negroes believe two things remove all DNA evidence; bleach and fire.

IZZY WHITE said...

This proves it:
Build it idiot proof
and they'll just build a better idiot.

Anonymous said...

I think there should be a similar program to A Clockwork Orange. My idea is that a criminal that is convicted and sentenced to jail time can sign a consent form that commutes his sentence from years down to three months of psychological conditioning.

The conditioning is as follows. Strap the criminal to a chair. Eyes, like a clockwork orange, forced open. Criminal watches a few hours of filmstrips of people WORKING, Doing manual labor, HELPING OTHERS, filling out job applications, conducting interviews, etc... While he watches the videos, a nice IV pain killer/opiate is fed into his blood. So he enjoys the experience and associates working, helping others, with pleasure.

Now the next day, you strap him in, show him videos of fighting, robbing, raping, drug dealing, laying around, eating junk, doing drugs, hurting others, and every time one of these acts is displayed on the screen, an electric shock is pumped through his body...

Do this cycle - day 1, day 2, day 1, day 2, day 1, day 2, etc... For three months...

I'm pretty sure the behavior will change.

Mr. Rational said...

America was a revolutionary nation from the start, built on the false premise of human equality

Nonsense.  America was founded on the Rights of Englishmen, and for "ourselves and our posterity".  The only "equality" it held up was equality before the law, that there was no privilege for nobility... and that excluded women, slaves and "Indians not taxed".

How far (downward) we've come.

Anonymous said...

It's racist to build the ballpark in the burbs. A lack of public transportation makes it difficult for the Vibrants to rob tourists and inebriated locals, post-Game.

Anonymous said...

Coca Cola was mentioned above. The best thing you could do for yourself and your health is quit drinking any form of pop or soda, regular or diet. JUST QUIT! You will drop the weight, You will not look like the pillsbury doughboy like so many White people these days, and your health will improve every day. Sure, you will crave it for a while, but that will pass. Just drink unsweetened coffee and tea, like an adult, instead of being a fat slob in cargo shorts and a too-tight T-shirt, sucking on a 48oz Big Gulp. Hard times are coming soon. Harden the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

Off topic, but I came across some info that explains the overtly pro-black thug bias in the news over the past few years:

BC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, National Security Adviser.

CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.

ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former Whitehouse Press Secretary Jay Carney.

ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary.

ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood.

CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary Tom Nides


Anonymous said...

PK, son kills mother.

Anonymous said...

" I'd really like to see a copy of "A Racial Program for the 20th Century". "

Yeah, me too. Unfortunately, there is only a single "quote" that has ever been produced from that otherwise non-existent document, which appears almost certainly to have been dreamed up by known hoaxer Eustace Mullins.

Annie Oakley said...

If my comments can convince just one white person to move out of the shitties, then my commenting and my concern for the white race will not be in vain.

Ex New Yorker said it best. Nogs don't like small boring towns. They don't. My town has a Walmart, a few other dollar stores and that's it! No movie theatres, no bars, no hangout places, nothing. You'll see the occasional white kids in their trucks in the parking lot of Walmart talking, but that's it. There is no fighting, no mess, no smell of weed, just white boys and girls (many with the battle flag on their trucks) just talking and hanging out.

Occasionally my husband will get restless and ask me, what is there to do? I gently remind him how bad things were in FL. I remind him about how the police helicopters hovered over our neighborhoods every night looking for violent nogs. I remind him of the orcs playing their stupid Mexican music (which sounds like monkeys on meth) in their rice burner cars.

I lived in the cities 30 years. NYC, Honolulu, Los Angeles and South FL. I know how bad things are. I lived it. Cities have a dark depressing demonic energy that zaps you of your spirit and your soul. Non-whites in the cities hate whites and are quite open about it, especially in Hawaii. If an EMP, a massive solar flare or the night of the comet scenario vaporized the people of those cities, that would be a good start.

Look I miss nice restaurants, broadway shows, opera, cosmopolitans, frappucinos, Anne Taylor stores, Calvin Klein dresses, but those things are a million miles away from me now. The cities belong to the dark lords. The cities are not conducive to white survival. We've lost the cities for now, admit it and move on.

I HATE the cities. Hate them.I equally hate the white race traitors that mate and boink non-whites. I hate the white celebrities who adopt nog kids and parade them around like an expensive Berkin bag. I have more disdain for the white traitors than nogs or orcs.

Come to small white towns where you can leave a peaceful life. With gas being so cheap now, you can travel to a larger town maybe once a month and go during the day. When I go to a larger town to do some shopping or eat at a nice restaurant, I go on the white side. I go during the day and only in states where I can conceal carry.I leave before sundown. I make sure and top off my tank before I leave town. My husband does the maintenance on our cars to make sure we do not break down in bad areas. I'm hoping to meet some more white women around where I live so we can go to a larger town for the day. Safety in numbers.

Team white.

Anonymous said...

It was easy enough for conservatives to believe that blacks could be shut up by ending segregation and perhaps naming a thoroughfare or two after MLK. Then conservatives could get on with the real business of cutting taxes, defeating the USSR and rolling back the New Deal.

I appreciate your reply and though it was well written I'm not convinced the conservatives of that time had good intentions for the White majority.

I think the class based explanations make more sense. Conservatives and liberal members of the ruling class decided that a White-led working class was too much of a threat to their precious profits. So they basically unleashed the hordes even if it meant turning huge swaths of the US into the third world. They'd rather have a banana republic than deal with organized labor led by Anglos. It had nothing to do with equality or liberal fantasies. It was all about diluting Whites for the sake of profits.

I'm open to alternative explanations but that is the best I have heard. I have a hard time believing the heads of the GOP during the 60s really believed in paint theory.

PB said...

This already happens in parts of Australia with Aboriginals and Islanders. For most of them jail serves as proof of manhood, given that they will never work for a living and school is like the US where SJWs (great term that) applaud them just for showing up (although there are some places where babymomma's pension...we have EBT too... can be affected if dem kids don' get tordat dere shkool eh?).

Anonymous said...

"America was founded on the Rights of Englishmen, and for "ourselves and our posterity". The only "equality" it held up was equality before the law, that there was no privilege for nobility... and that excluded women, slaves and "Indians not taxed"."

In that case, you'd have to explain why there were free blacks who were citizens of some of the states and who were probably among those who voted to adopt the Constitution. The embarrassing contradiction between the existence of chattel slavery among men who prattled on grandly about a human equality that was "self-evident" is pretty easy to spot if you read the writings of that time, giving every indication that nobody back then thought that negroes were not entitled to their full share of human rights. This contradiction tore the young republic apart less than a century after its birth in a small affair called the Civil War. Perhaps you've heard of it.

Make America White Again !! said...

PK, son kills mother.

( North St. Louis, Mizzoree – Police are investigating a homicide after a woman was found killed after being shot multiple times in north St. Louis.

The shooting happened in the 5000 block of Alcott around 6:45 p.m.

Investigators say the victim was involved in a domestic dispute with her son, identified as Travon Tyrel Fields, 21, before he allegedly shot her inside their car. Fields and his mother began arguing inside the vehicle when he allegedly shot her multiple times in the head with a .380 hi-point pistol.

The suspect fled on foot to a gas station near Interstate 70 and Union, but was detained by bystanders until police arrived. Immediately after the shooting, he made multiple statements saying he had just shot his mother.

Fields was charged with murder in the first degree and armed criminal action.

The investigation is ongoing.

Travon Tyrel Fields did good on giving his mama some "precious" metal for Christmas!

I count this as a point for the home team! Go Travon! Now you'z bee a gud boi !!!

We'll tell the authorities dat "you wuz a good boi" and that you Dindu Nuffins in behalf of your mama, since she cain't be hurr to do it for herself now, but we know that's what she would have wanted say :)) Well I'll look at the REAL downside of it
all that there more than likely won't be any gunshots that ring out at the funeral.
Then again I wouldn't bet on it.

HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa, good shit!

No crime committed. Slap lil' Tra'von'tavious on his lil black hand and tell him
that was a no-no and not to do it again, then set it free....this IS tribal justice!

I can just hear the both of them now in the car after they just scored their next
"high". No mama, that's my rock! No it ain't, boi! I got dis shit! No you didn't, ma! Then all you hear is BAM BAM !!! Satan's Son goes ham in an (easy) fit of rage, pulls out his gat and pops his mama in the head wit some "precious" metal. Both suffered from a drug addiction, strung out on crack (that YT put there) that'll then be the reason (defense) for his ill fated mental condition, where then he'll soon be "rehabilitated" by the system let's say for a year or so, then set "free reign" on
society yet once again, all for this vicious cycle to inevitably repeat itself....

I said it once and I'll repeat myself till the cows come home.

Let's here it Barry, if I had a (Satanistic) son, he'd be just like TRAVON, eh ?!?!
Now that's something where I'd be willing to put my money where my mouth is, you
know, somewhere where the odds are most definitely in my favor. It's like betting
AGAINST the Cleveland Browns. Guaranteed win win situation! Go Browns !!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

“Xochitl is a queer, Chicana/Latina organizer, lawyer, educator and movement builder. She is the director of the Racial Justice Action Center, a vibrant, multiracial organizing and training institute working to build the grassroots leadership and power of communities of color, and low-income communities in order to fight for – and win – political and social transformation in Georgia and the South." Hmmm...that about says all I need to know.

Bogolyubski said...

Flower Bell knocks one out of the park….

For several generations now we've decided to ignore everything our ancestors already knew. White people can ignore centuries of common knowledge for only so long.

Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. Even the corrupt old railroad lawyer from Illinoise who engaged in a utterly lawless invasion of states who had taken the extreme response of secession understood they were not like us. He wanted to send them all back to Africa once 'de ebil slabery' was abolished before it's 'turribul, turribul legacy' could take root, but an actor who was the son of another actor who sent death threats to Andrew Jackson because he dismantled a central bank (one of the ten pillars of communism, by the way) killed him after the rebels were already thoroughly defeated. Here's a remark from my fellow conspiracy-theorist Thomas Jefferson about central banking (which idiots like Limbaugh & Co. refer to as "free enterprise") which has been completely ignored and forgotten:

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. – Thomas Jefferson

That which we refer to here as BRA is one of the means by which those mentioned by my fellow conspiracy theorist have indeed hijacked the continent conquered by the whites who came here. They had overcome the resistance to their strategy less than a century after old YT's death (July 4, 1826). Coca-Cola is one of the corporations predicted by Jefferson in his statement. The die was cast by 1914. It's been a march towards our dispossession and extermination ever since - supported in full by both "liberals" (open communists and socialists) and "conservatives" (corporate communists and socialists) alike. What we have in play now is the final stage - racial "capitalism" (Coca-Cola, Wall Street, Soros, Wal-Mart, R-jerseys, Cuckservatives, Cuckstains, etc.) and racial "socialism" (BLM, ACLU, $PLC, ADL, NAACP, D-Jerseys, Cuckstains) working hand-in-glove toward a common objective: the extermination of whites.

Anonymous said...

No arrests. Instead, immediate exile to Liberia.

Anonymous said...


Your Jefferson quote appears to be spurious.

As for Lincoln, who can say what the shyster "really" wanted? He also said he wanted to make citizens and voters out of them, which, according to some historians, was what enraged John Wilkes Booth enough to assassinate him:

"The amount of constituency, so to speak, on which the new Louisiana government rests, would be more satisfactory to all, if it contained fifty, thirty, or even twenty thousand, instead of only about twelve thousand, as it does. It is also unsatisfactory to some that the elective franchise is not given to the colored man. I would myself prefer that it were now conferred on the very intelligent, and on those who serve our cause as soldiers. ... The colored man too, in seeing all united for him, is inspired with vigilance, and energy, and daring, to the same end. Grant that he desires the elective franchise, will he not attain it sooner by saving the already advanced steps toward it, than by running backward over them?"
- Abraham Lincoln, last public address, Washington, D.C., April 11, 1865

Anonymous said...

If we gave them each $50k and exiled them to Liberia, the US benefit would be 1000x the initial cost.

oogabooga said...

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. – Thomas Jefferson"

Is that the same Thomas Jefferson who wrote

"We hold these truths to be sacred and un-deniable, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."

Which, of course Ben Franklin turned into "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."

They seem to think we are all the same. We invoke the Founding Fathers quite often, but I think they, like all those involved in making Star Wars movies, would HATE us.

Anonymous said...

I am past fatigued hearing stupid people justify black criminal behavior. Here in metro Atlanta, every single news station has a story on the 5 and 11 o'clock news most days, of how racist white people are, about how we are hogging the money and jobs and holding black people back, and meanwhile the blacks are scrutinizing every single thing a white person, especially one in power, says and does, for the tiniest whiff that there might be something "rayciss" said there, for them to jackpot off of and report on , while in the exact same broadcast, there is ALWAYS a report of multiple crimes- car jacking, robberies, murders- with pictures of mostly black suspects. They show this without a HINT of irony. Fair and balanced, indeed.
L in Atl hell

Anonymous said...

P.s. "Many people are arrested that should not be arrested," Atlanta City Councilman Kwanza Hall said. "They need another type of support and another type of service." This is just another way of saying, funnel more money into the black community, from the white taxpayers. And job placement- what smart business person wants to hire a felon?? And if felons can't find jobs, boohoohoo- which came first, the felony, or the failure to get a job??
L in Atl hell

Virginian said...

To anon @ 10:31 pm.
Your snarky tone and lack of factually based statements is worrisome. Are you a young SJW, or really that foolish? Negroes voting on the Constitution? Jefferson like his peers did not believe the negro to be "men", 3/5 at best. They didn't need to qualify "men" as white because that went without needing to be said. See also the Naturalization Act of 1790. Also I don't believe Negroes were given the vote until 1868 or so.

Anonymous said...

Get armed and protect yourself. Stay out of black areas and they will engage in their own population control.

Ragno said...

I dunno what Kodak-captures the clusterfuck of Modern America with sharper clarity: that Atlanta has a Racial Justice Action Center Director (with the name of a Mayan soft drink).....or that the Atlanta branch of Leviathan's Action News Team's best effort is to spell it "jaiul". Either way, the drapes have caught fire, the support beams are buckling, and Congress has declared yelling "FIRE!" to be an act of Domestic Terrorism - and a doubleplusbad Hate Crime, besides.

Merry Christmas, one and all! Let's hope we all find a better country to emigrate to in 2016, as this one only requires the first shovelful of dirt in the face to make its demise official.

Anonymous said...

"Negroes voting on the Constitution?"

This was shown in the Dred Scott case. Here's Justice Curtis, who wrote a dissent:

"That Constitution was ordained and established by the people of the United States, through the action, in each State, or those persons who were qualified by its laws to act thereon, in behalf of themselves and all other citizens of that State. In some of the States, as we have seen, colored persons were among those qualified by law to act on this subject. These colored persons were not only included in the body of 'the people of the United States,' by whom the Constitution was ordained and established, but in at least five of the States they had the power to act, and doubtless did act, by their suffrages, upon the question of its adoption. It would be strange, if we were to find in that instrument anything which deprived of their citizenship any part of the people of the United States who were among those by whom it was established."

The Naturalization Act of 1790 referred only to the federal requirements for citizenship. The individual states could make negroes citizens if they so desired, but only within their own boundaries.

"They didn't need to qualify "men" as white because that went without needing to be said."

It's certainly true the Founding Fathers were hypocritical and unwilling to explore the question of whether non-whites were fully human. But that they were made citizens and given the vote in some states shows that popular opinion often regarded them as equals, even if the opinion wasn't consistent or univeral.

"Jefferson like his peers did not believe the negro to be "men", 3/5 at best."

As DNA evidence has shown, either Thomas Jefferson or his brother found the negro Sally Hemings human enough to have sex with and impregnate, and she lived with old Tom in the main house at Monticello. Was it bestiality? Apparently he didn't think so.

The "3/5's" rule only had to do with apportionment.