Tuesday, December 29, 2015

First Responders in Heavily Black Baltimore have a Front Row Seat to the Carnage Unleashed by Equality

As of December 26, 2015, there have been 626 nonfatal shootings in Baltimore (a 72 percent increase from last year). As this story below notes, the cost of fixing a bullet wound is roughly $14,000, and the blacks who show up at trauma hospitals have no insurance. 

Thus, because black people can't stop shooting one another in Baltimore, roughly $8.7 million has been coughed up by the Maryland taxpayer to pay for theses hospital visits. [Victims of gun violence become larger share of emergency visits in Baltimore, Baltimore Sun, 12-29-15]:
Every time it happens a chorus of alarms sounds — through overhead speakers, cell phones, pagers, and other electronic devices hanging from the necks of emergency room staff at Sinai Hospital. 
The "delta code" means another serious trauma is about to arrive at the North Baltimore hospital. Since April, when a spate of violence began in the city, there is a heightened chance it's someone grievously wounded by a gunshot. 
"You hear them go off," says Dr. William P. Jaquis, chief of emergency medicine at Sinai, one of three designated trauma hospitals in Baltimore. "A team of 15 to 20 people come running. We know we'll be working harder, with more intensity." 
The emergency rooms at Sinai, Johns Hopkins Hospital and the University of Maryland Medical Center are some of the busiest in the city, each tending to 6,000 to 8,000 patients a month. They see ankle twists and broken bones, chest pains and stomach aches, people severely injured in car crashes – and this year in particular, a soaring number of shooting victims. The gunplay has led to a record number of deaths and turned local hospital emergency rooms into revolving door care centers for victims, and possibly perpetrators, of gun violence. 
The number of homicides in Baltimore reached 343 this week, surpassing 300 for the first time since 1999. Murders were 50 percent higher in the first nine months of this year than last. Shootings were up more than 70 percent. Experts aren't sure why, though much of the violence began in April in the wake of the unrest and riots related to the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray while in police custody. 
While the overall number of people going to emergency departments in the same nine-month time period in those hospitals and eight others in the city was down slightly compared with last year, the number of gun-related injuries has grown. Although the hospitals and staff are equipped to handle technical aspects related to the increased volume, the emotional impact of tending to such daily carnage is a different matter. 
Close to two shooting victims a day need emergency care, predominantly at the city's trauma hospitals, or about 200 more patients than last year. They make up a small fraction of patients overall, but Jaquis says they require far more attention from doctors and nurses than those without such devastating injuries and illnesses. 
They also can sap medical providers' mental energy in a way other patients don't because of the intensity of their injuries and the senselessness of the violence that landed them in emergency rooms. 
The victims are most often young black males, and Jaquis said they frequently have mothers, grandmothers, siblings and friends anxiously standing by in ER waiting rooms hoping to hear that they will survive. 
Emergency room doctors and nurses say stress comes with the job, but this year has been tougher. In addition to tending to broken and bloody young bodies, hospital staff had to navigate through protesters and National Guardsmen called to the streets last April, and a barrage of media coverage of the unrest after they got home. 
Nurse Ellen Chacon said going home to her more rural community in Carroll County helped her tolerate the past months. Dr. Lisa Kirkland, another Sinai emergency doctor, agreed living outside the city helped, but she felt anxiety driving to work from Harford, another northern county. 
"I'd wonder how my day would go," she says. "The people who got shot, they come in cursing and screaming. They were just kids." 
Researchers and observers say burnout among emergency caregivers can be high, and the victims of violence can weigh more heavily on them. Recent crime spikes in other cities aren't reaching 1990 levels, said criminologist Sam Bieler. 
Baltimore, however, has reached its highest level of homicides per capita. 
Bieler, a research associate for the Urban Institute, found in 2010 that Marylanders suffered firearm-related injuries at a rate of 15.5 people out of every 100,000. That's above the national average of 14.4. Almost 42 percent were males aged 15 to 24. Most were black and 15.6 percent died in the hospital, more than twice the national rate. 
The violence cost $12.2 million in care in Maryland; about 84 percent of the victims were uninsured, leaving the hospitals and others in the state to pay the bill. Bieler couldn't say how many victims have gained insurance since federal health reform largely rolled out in 2014. 
Modern shooting victims also are tougher to treat as weapons have gotten more destructive, he said. They tend to cost $14,000 more per patient. 
Immediate emotional support for first responders also is being discussed, says Dr. Ben Lawner, deputy EMS medical director for the Baltimore City Fire Department and an emergency physician at the University of Maryland Medical Center. 
He says the unrest brought new risks to first responders already used to violence in Baltimore, and protocols aimed at minimizing those risks sometimes added to their burden. Ambulances were given police escorts and assistance in navigating around protesters. Patients were loaded aboard as quickly as possible rather than stabilized at the scene. 
"Feeling unsafe in their own city was particularly stressful for them," he says. "It was a lot of uncharted territory." 

A zombie apocalypse would be easier to contain than the nightmarish blackness descending upon Baltimore. Our ancestors warned us, passing laws to protect the civilization they created and - more importantly - to safeguard their posterity. In fact, restrictive covenants originated in Baltimore as a legal form of residential segregation in Baltimore back in the second decade of the 20th century.

One hundred years later, their attempts to preserve western civilization are proven correct in the food desert that is 65 percent black Baltimore (where the black-run city government actually has created Baltimarket, a food justice program headed by the Baltimore City Health Department).

In a zeal to legalize equality, we overturned these safeguards (now, plexiglas protects the few commercial merchants from the black population they do business with...)

The nightmare of 2015 Baltimore is exactly what they tried to protect us from.



Racoon said...

"Most were black and 15.6 percent died in the hospital, more than twice the national rate.

TWICE the national rate of deaths in hospital?

That be raaaacist! How can so many trauma victims of color "die" in hospital, for Pete's sake?

Obviously, YT is again playing God in hospital ERs, determining who should live or die - bottom line, it's not looking good for black folk.


Anonymous said...

338 murders so far in a city of 620,000. With the same per capita murder rate, New York City (pop. 8.5 million) would have 4631 homicides. Bodymo' bruthas be keepin' it real. An' deadly. By the way, NYC has about 338 murders for all of 2015.

PaintJob Theory said...

"A team of 15 to 20 people come running."

Average hourly wage of a surgeon 200$, anesthesiologist 55$, x-ray tech 18$, RN 31$. Lowball at 15$ an hour for even the donkey who mops the floor or washes the utensils. Now that's just in the envelope pay. Add federal, state, medicare, medicaid, SS tax paid by employer on that, workers comp and unemployment (state and federal) plus benefits, pension, etc. The cost of employing any of these workers to the hospital must be double their envelope pay.

Calling bullshit on 14,000$ per perforated coon that shows up to the hospital. Even if this were true by some miracle of modern accounting, what about the rehabilitation, free wheelchairs/crutches/colostomy bags, and a lifetime of "disability" checks?

Also the 670 shootings for 341 murders seems way out of line. I've been visiting the Baltimore news website daily since the springtime African street festival there and it seems there are far more shootings that don't end with a good negro.

Chicago shot:kill ratio is typically 5:1, I'd be shocked if Baltimore negroes are pushing 2:1

I'll comment more on the rest of this mess later if I can, but these reported numbers seem fishy to me.

Also, if PK has a PO Box address for donations can someone please post it or point me in the right direction.

Fat baby said...

Although the medical cost of a gunshot wound may be 14,000.00 (which I believe is a low ball number)the associated cost of police,EMS workers,courts,social services and lost man hours administering care to patients that could be used elsewhere are staggering.
The idea of sharing a waiting room while a loved one is undergoing life threatening treatment with a room full of the thugs family and fellow gang members "grieving" is disconcerting on many different levels and is something you cannot put a price on.
I wouldn't be surprised if their waiting rooms were not enclosed with plexiglass and several layers of security.

Anonymous said...

PK great article...but I just don't see any problems here.

More, better, faster blacks killing, disabling each other. Hell...hand out boxes of old ready to blow apart guns and over loaded ammo on the street corners for them to grind each other up...along with DWL and Eskimos .

As to the supposed money...it's all printed bullshit anyway...the sooner the Eskimo money system collapses...the better.

Hey...remember there are great deals on guns and ammo....load up!

North Florida Native said...

How is it that the dindu arrives to the hospital without insurance after the passing of the ACA? YT basically subsidizes its cost. Time for some more vigorous means testing for medicaid eligibility. Case by case basis: if you're a ghetto dwelling gang banger YOU pay for the costs when you get bullets lodged into YOUR body.

I was watching a video on youtube a few days ago watching a guy jet ski off of a waterfall (don't ask). Multiple injuries, one of the injuries included a collapsed lung. Imagine the cost of the medical bills that the public had to cover over a stupid, personal decision. Means testing is in place to prove that you've experienced market failure that is beyond your control. Getting yourself shot because you and fellow dindus can't control their temper does not prove that the markets have failed to distribute resources to you.

It's no secret that Obama's 13 percenters are inherently more violent than everyone else, yet they are never held accountable for their actions. We are continuously there to bail them out. Remember when DWLs arrived in Baltimore to clean up their neighborhoods after the rioting? On top of that FEMA funds were used to pay for the $30 million in damages.

If it were up to me, I'd grant Baltimore a little enclave of John Jaques Rousseau's concept of "natural liberty". Where no laws exist and you're at the mercy of people that are stronger than you (The PC term is the "Ferguson Effect", but "natural liberty" is better because the political philosopher Rousseau implied that natural liberty is for animals). We are well on the way. If New York had the same portion of murders as Baltimore, New York would have over 3,000 murders this year.

How many US forces have been killed in Afghanistan since the start of OEF? iCasulities.org reports: 3512
If you're driving through Baltimore, make sure you have kevlar and AR15s with you. It IS a war zone.

They are not like us.

Californian said...

Experts aren't sure why, though much of the violence began in April in the wake of the unrest and riots related to the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray while in police custody.

Well, ghee wiz golly.

Experts aren't sure why the violence began in the wake of the Freddie Gray Runamok. Could the violence have something to do with:
* A national media which is agitating for a racial revolution?
* The cops getting fed up with being made the scapegoat?
* The Baltimore city "government" pulling back the police to give rioters room to pillage?
* Gangbangers smelling blood as the restraints of civilization are removed?

Nah...because if it did, wouldn't the experts say something? I guess the experts will need more grant$ to determine the "causes" of the violence.

Seriously, the experts probably understand what the real causes are, i.e., the institutions of BRA accommodating if not promoting black violence. But they are not going to come out and say it, not likely, since it flies in the face of the dominant ideological delusions. Better to let a city be destroyed than face the cold hard light of racial reality.

Anonymous said...

Lmfao!!!! Just lmfao. .....

TAS said...

"they frequently have mothers, grandmothers, siblings and friends anxiously standing by in ER waiting rooms hoping to hear that they will survive."

Obviously, their fathers are at work helping to provide for their future and arrive at the hospital after they get off.

Anonymous said...

Whites paying for savage n*gger dysfunction once again - Black Privilege!

Endless carnage in the street is the precise opposite of a civilized country; negroes are the precise opposite of a civilized human being. I guess we're learning you can't live with a separate violent ignorant species in your midst and expect the resulting combination not to be utter sh&t.

Wake up America; it's almost too late to even do anything about the infection.

Eddie in St. Louis said...

The Hospital should be allowed to swipe the EBT Card for payment. Even though it's not really the Vibrant's money, it should be deducted from their Lobster, Steak and Newport Funding.

Anonymous said...

PK, this court case is fascinating! Check it out; maybe worth a write-up?

Basically, negroes were being classified as retarded according to the current mental evaluation methods used at the time; orcs no likey that so they sued. They won, and now orcs are destroying our education system when they should be in special ed retard classes.

Check it out; very interesting:


Anonymous said...

Interesting to hear from voices of the past. Sound familiar?







It's time we send them back! It's time we take our cities and country back! There are no ways to defend the negroe population. Everything they touch turns to shit. Fellow SBPDL'ers what would our country look like now without the negro hoard pulling us down? At this point in American evolution we would be taking trips to the moon if not for the handout race! Imagine leave it to beaver but with all the social media electronics. That's a country that we should be living in right now! Damn it!


Anonymous said...

Baltimore has succumbed to the black undertow. Now just sit back and watch...

OT: I support using our higher IQs as a way to combat the invasion of savage orcs in our country. First we have to make the laws tougher and the judges need to send violent criminals away for a long time; no more catch and release. Second, we have to catch all the crimin*ggers and lock them up with no conjugal visits; have to stop the breeding cycle of the worst of our inhabitants.

How about some sort of app that uses the gps location of your phone to send a police done with a camera when it is activated?

Say you're walking along and a group of orcs is seen approaching you. The animals are about to attack you so you activate the app which triggers the locally circling drone to come to your location. You turn and walk briskly away to put space between you and the pack of groids and give the drone time to reach you. The orcs start to run after you with their guns out but they then see the drone's flashing lights and cameras pointing at the area and they cease their attack. The drone hovers over you while you speak with the police and tell them what happened. Cops review footage of negroes with guns and sends out field units to round them up.

OK, what you folks think? Can we use our brains and our tech to stop these animals?

Anonymous said...

"Researchers and observers say burnout among emergency caregivers can be high"...because of the enormous amount of emotional stress involved in dealing with these patients? Because of the great technical difficulty involved in dealing with such devastating injuries? Because of the state of American Healthcare and how heartbreaking it is that not everyone that they encounter is adequately covered? Or because, deep down inside, in the realm of pure observation effectively conquering propaganda, the realm of intuitive truth, the area of the intellectually verboten, they realize that they sacrificed all the years of their lives learning this trade in order that it be applied to a grand hoax: the illusion that they are somehow doing society a benefit while salving the wounds of an existential threat?

Anonymous said...

An old experiment placed two dolls in front of a Dindu yoot, one black doll and one white. The researcher would then ask one of two questions: "Which doll is the good one?" or "Which doll is the bad one?" The Dindu invariably chose the white doll as the good, and the black as the bad. At the time, it was interpreted to mean that the young Dindu had low self esteem.

In reality, the experiment showed that THEY know what they are, even if it's only at some primitive, childish level. The only ones fooled by the charade are well-meaning YTs, who occasionally pick the black doll against all better instincts, and in furtherance of some vain, altruistic hope that merely labeling something good will lead to actual goodness.

To those whose eyes are open, none of the continuous news about Dindu depravity comes as a surprise. To those who are newly sighted, you are one of the good dolls. Welcome to the real world.


Anonymous said...

It's funny when reality proves wrong decades of PC policies.

Anonymous said...

BRA also contains movie theater deserts, book store deserts, and shopping mall deserts. But liberals of course want to blame YT for all these deserts.

Liberal logic has gone mad on this one. They tell us that Wal-mart is an evil corp for existing AND for not existing in Black areas.

Retail analysts on numerous occasions have stated the reasons why grocery chains are uninterested in "urban" areas. But these reasons are ignored because they are politically incorrect. Liberals are again trying to deny reality and pretend there is some raysiss conspiracy against Blacks.

Detroit News actually did the unthinkable and covered this issue honestly. The article is no longer on their website but I dug it up.

ejit said...

weapons have gotten more destructive

9mm and .45 bullets are both over 100 years old.

Mike Miller said...

I don't know whether to spit up my coffee and laugh or laugh then spit up my coffee.

N.Ga said...

What the Baltimore Sun should say, “Delta Code” means incoming TNB at its best, raw & in your face.

How about these two sentences? “We know we'll be working harder, with more intensity." & “They make up a small fraction of patients overall, but they require far more attention from doctors and nurses.” Just about says it all. Same shit, different article.

It’s sad we here at SBPDL know those nice sanctuary communities the lucky ones get to retreat too are being seeded with the very negro fatigue that stresses an entire Hospital.

Anonymous said...

Formerly Miss Greenbaum said....

OT -
Last night my husband and I got together for our annual get together with two other couples at a pizza joint. This pizza place is an all white enterprise, all white, polite, efficient employees, and customers. In other words, a big ole slice of Heaven right here on Earth. No negroes anywhere....absolute Heaven. We've been going there for almost 20 years.

Anyways, the college age son of one couple was with us, and he had his phone on which he was watching a bakka ball game where his team, NC State was playing. I casually noted that there sure were a lot of negroes on that team. (I insert that word into conversations every now and again. When challenged I innocently state that "negro" simply means black, and shouldn't be offensive. I wouldn't be offended if someone called me "blanca", so why the fuss?) Anyhow, the older couple who are in their late 70s, early 80s, went on in detail about their IKAGO neighbor who hailed from Jamaica, and how wonderful he is. This couple is very comfortably off, by the way. They could live anywhere they wanted. I simply shut my mouth and listened to their magic negro story.

Was the white pizza joint a subconscious effort on their part, not realizing the place we've been frequenting for almost 20 years is devoid of negroes? Are libs really THAT filled with cognitive disodence? Just axin!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps they chose the white doll as "good" because they associated it with kind Caucasion teachers and social workers. The may have labeled the black doll as "bad" because it reminded them of momma, who regularly slapped them upside the head with a board.

Anonymous said...

As a nurse in Chicago I can tell you I make a lot more than $31/hr in the jungle. My base rate is $51/hr with a night shift diff of $10. My overtime rate is around $95/hr. Let the dindus act out. I learned to turn off the emotions many years ago. Sounds harsh? Not really. It's called mental survival. Does it mean I do my job any less? No, I am ethical. I will do my job to the best of my ability. However, I don't take it home with me, don't even think about it. I'm more concerned about getting someone's body fluids splashed on me then worrying about how the scene in front of me occurred. When I see brain matter I turn my eyes away so I don't have that scene running as torture to me as a continuous feedback loop in my head. I've learned to cope with the insanity. When the famdambly starts their "clowning" and hysterics security is called. Enough said.

Anonymous said...

TAS said...
"they frequently have mothers, grandmothers, siblings and friends anxiously standing by in ER waiting rooms hoping to hear that they will survive."

Obviously, their fathers are at work helping to provide for their future and arrive at the hospital after they get off.

There are so many things wrong with this article/reality that it will take multiple posts to address them all. As a man, the line TAS pointed out pisses me off the most. Why? Because I would LOVE to be a dad- I can confidently say that I would be good at it because I see no other options. But guess what? Since I don't have the financial means to raise a child responsibly without having others pay for it I haven't had children yet. If I am unable to have my own I will eventually adopt, and it won't be a Dindu.

The fact that these "Daddies" can't even show up to shed some crocodile tears in chance of some sort of handout says a lot for how they value even "they" own offspring. When something is so off at such a basic level, you know everything they touch will turn to sht.

I would bet the little money I have that P.K. would sacrifice this site and anything else he held dear if his kid's life was on the line. I would assume the same for most if not all readers here. Why? Because white lives matter, and we don't need to say it when our actions readily show it.

As for the trauma room? Why not just put up a big sign written in kindergarten style letters proclaiming "Black Lives Matter", to which someone could affix "to white medical personnel".

Once again Paul shows us a glimpse of blacks not valuing black "libes". Unfortunately, facts, evidence, and experience don't go along in changing DWL minds or altering black behavior.

I'll be back later, this article screams for more "discussion".

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for a nurse to have an "aha" moment where she/he quits her job to go into the inner city to teach anatomy and how to shoot better. If negroes would only learn to finish each other off better, there would be so much less stress and wasted time/resources tending to feral proto-humans.

When up close, teach Dindu's to go for the brain stem or the carotid artery on the side of the neck. Also teach them about which injuries will cause the most pain both short and long term. Due to their sadistic nature, I'm sure that would be one lesson they would be interested in knowing.

Michigan Jim said...

"You hear them go off," says Dr. William P. Jaquis, chief of emergency medicine at Sinai, one of three designated trauma hospitals in Baltimore. "A team of 15 to 20 people come running. We know we'll be working harder, with more intensity."

Hey Doc, couldn't you guys work just a little less had, with just a little less intensity? Every little bit helps, gnomsayin?

Anonymous said...

While searching for more info I stumbled upon another thread that is a good read for those wanting to read more on this black phenomenon:


Pat Boyle said...

Its the holidays. I am relaxing. I don't have the energy to make some weighty sociological or biological point. I'll content myself to just tell a story.

I live in Oakland and Oakland isn't all like what you think it is. I was at a dinner party a few years ago at the home of one of my wife's friends. This was a pretty fancy dinner party. Our host had two buildings on his lot one was the house for the humans. the other was a large house devoted to hunting trophies. He was a big game hunter. He had two floors of lions, and tigers and bears. All the floors were granite - no stinky wooden floors for him. He had a private elevator too. I'm no good at real estate values but it was obviously a multi-million dollar estate. I've known several multi millionaires and billionaires from my time in music. I once knew Gordon Getty who was supposedly the richest American at the time. This doctor's house was comparable to theirs.

But the doc wasn't at dinner. He was a vascular surgeon and he had been called away by the Oakland police to perform emergency surgery on a black gang member who had been shot in the shoulder. The guy sitting next to me at the table was a plastic surgeon who kept complaining about how much more our host made in vascular surgery than he did for all his titty augmentations. So I don't know what our host's fee for services was, but it must have been a lot more than the estimates others have suggested for a surgeon's pay.

My point is when blacks get themselves shot up it probably costs a lot more than you think.


Anonymous said...

Homicides jump in Black cities, where is the liberal press?



Anonymous said...

How is it that the dindu arrives to the hospital without insurance after the passing of the ACA? YT basically subsidizes its cost.

Contrary to media myth the ACA doesn't cover everyone.

Even if they have medicaid it doesn't cover the full cost. Medicaid tells the hospital "we are going to pay X% below market rate" and the hospital has to accept it.

So the hospital has to spread the costs around. Either way YT is subsidizing it.

I suspect the national hospitals spread their costs over various locations (charge extra for an MRI in Ann Arbor to help pay for a gunshot wound in Detroit) but have no proof of this. But my guess is that they play a shell game just like corporations. There is no way a hospital in Baltimore is just getting by with Medicaid. They have figured out how to pass the costs to the burbs.

D-FENS said...

While on a brief family vacation, we stopped at the Musical Instrument Museum in Scottsdale AZ. The museum is broken up according to region - Asia, Africa, Middle East, Latin America, Oceana, Europe and North America.

In each region, the instruments are displayed according to the nation ehere it originated. Sample musical clips are presented representing various instruments.

When I heard the African music, I imagined I was in a cannibals pot or about to be "necklaced". Hearing music from the middle east made me think I was a hostage about to be beheaded.

The Asian music showed some kind of structure and even included orchestras playing classical music.

Unfortunately, the North American music presented also included negro music.

The contrasts vividly illustrated what is discussed on SPDL every day. If you get a chsnce, I would recommend a visit as a forum to present realism to those who still don't "see it".

D-FENS said...

"When challenged I innocently state that "negro" simply means black, and shouldn't be offensive. I wouldn't be offended if someone called me "blanca", so why the fuss?) "

When I get raised eyebrows for using negro, I mention that it was good enough for MLK, JFK and RFK. Are you saying these guys were rayciss?

Anonymous said...

I say it's time to rotate in mostly foreign doctors and nurses into inner city hospitals - the really hardcore ghetto hospitals that nobody else goes to. We bring in illegals and visa workers to take American's jobs so why not the same for these traumatized, overworked medical staff? I especially suggest African medical personnel so the mammies and their "teens" feel cultural kinship. I bet we could get that death rate to at least quadruple the national average.

I know a nurse who works in a ghetto hospital and she lives 50 miles outside the city. She makes enough money from the dindu hospital to make the drive worthwhile and has enough sense to keep her family far, far away. She works a second nursing job in a very white place for less money so she can nurse in a fulfilling setting where her skill is recognized and appreciated.

North Florida Native said...

Ok thanks for the correction.

"There is no way a hospital in Baltimore is just getting by with Medicaid. They have figured out how to pass the costs to the burbs."

Excellent point. I think your suspicions are spot on.

Anonymous said...

So a bunch of women make serious sex accusations about an orc comedian named Cosby and the groid goes down; he's sued, he's finished.

A bunch of women make serious sex allegations about a White cracka and the redneck is considered as hero to the Democrats and worthy of another stay in the White House with his enabling wife.

Yes, negroes, there IS White privilege. Shut down the Hillary campaign over it. Teach them crackas a lesson, yo!!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why anyone would want to waste time, effort, money, and resources on unemployable, violent and ignorant negro thugs who get themselves shot. It's not like they're ever going to be anything of consequence or make even the tiniest contribution to the country (or the world) much less to their own communities. Saving them only allows them to consume more resources, create more dysfunction and, worse yet, breed more of their kind. The only positive in the entire scenario is that doctors in trauma centers gain valuable experience in treating severe injuries which can be used to help people who do have value and are worth something. However, it seems the cost of gaining that knowledge outweighs the value by several orders of magnitude since, in a civilized environment, there won't be that much call for such knowledge and experience.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that these negro thugs are suffering from the disease of negrocity and it would be fatal if people would stop interfering and allow nature to take its course. Just as doctors dealing with the end stage of fatal illnesses will essentially "pull the plug" and say there's nothing more they can do. However, the negroes themselves aren't suffering from the disease of negrocity- they are the disease itself. Why keep the disease organism alive at great expense so it continues to consume resources and can replicate and create more destruction? What sense does that make? It makes more sense to simply let it bleed out and die considering the benefit that would bestow upon the world. Black thug lives don't matter. Can you imagine being so worthless that your death would actually be a benefit to the world? That's the negro thug in a nutshell. Even bacteria that consume and break down waste have more value than a negro thug.

Yes, it's harsh but it reminds me of what Robert Heinlein said in one of his books- something to the effect that the cure for hemophilia is to let the hemophiliacs bleed out so they don't breed more hemophiliacs. Ditto for the negro thugs.

Anonymous said...

OFF TOPIC BUT RELEVANT: Emory Prof's letter to white people.It's a must read.http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/dec/28/george-yancy-emory-professor-pens-letter

Anonymous said...


While crime is a concern, Matt Allen, press secretary for Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, said the issue should not be used as an excuse by the big chains to avoid Detroit.

"In certain areas where the socioeconomic is probably at the lowest end of our society, there are a lot of desperate people," Allen said.

But, he added, businesses can take measures to prevent theft.

"(Businesses) have added lighting, changed the heights of the counters, put the registers in certain places -- security by environmental design. It all helps," he said.


Ahhh. Hey, Matt Allen, if it's so easy for a grocery chain store to operate 'n da
hood, why don't you show us how it's done, big man !!!

Why should ANY business have to take extra measures to prevent theft in order to
operate 'n da hood?

Hire incompetent AA's, DWL's and SJW's in gub'ment facilities. They all think alike.

They're only fooling themselves if they think they're going to woo a supermarket
into the city of Detoilet. LMFAO......... seriously, LMFAO !!! Those "folks" don't
deserve a fking thing. Let the cannibals eat each other or go hunt bush meat.
It would be nothing different than what their tribal members do in afreaka daily.

F'kin negroes. The absolute most pathetic life form that exists on earth, I swear!

Anonymous said...

To believe government is the ultimate guarantor of freedom & prosperity in any nation, with individual or private sector enterprise and ingenuity as the oppressor, is to also believe the 'mirror on the wall' will tell you 'who is the fairest one of all'.

Anonymous said...

"Political Correctness is a doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical, liberal minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."

Anonymous said...

The tutorials could be presented in way that (on the surface) shows the youf the "tragedies" of gun violence. The savage beasts will use the knowledge to inflict maximum damage.

Anonymous said...

Not mine, but worth repeating:

"You can find out who rules over you by examining WHO YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CRITICIZE."

Reassert your freedom of speech and damn their "non-PC" LABELS!

Anonymous said...

"Why should we have to go elsewhere to find a trustworthy store?" asked Joe Lanier, a longtime shopper of the Livernois Farmer Jack who owns a nearby business. "It's ridiculous you can't buy all the groceries you need in Detroit."

Maybe because the shoppers in detoilet aren't "trustworthy".

Anonymous said...

Seems the black population has been enpowered by the statement " give them space to destroy " which includes other blacks. They have been approved, that its ok if blacks kill blacks but not po po. They demanded the right to act feral and got it. Only problem is they should be patching up thugs and paying for it. Black bills matter.

Ebernezer Scrooge said...

"As this story below notes, the cost of fixing a bullet wound is roughly $14,000, and the blacks who show up at trauma hospitals have no insurance."

No, they doesn't cost "only" $14,000, but $14,000 more today (2014?) than it dit at some earlier point of time.

From your article:

"Modern shooting victims also are tougher to treat as weapons have gotten more destructive, he said. They tend to cost $14,000 more per patient."

Further, from your article at stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.no/2012/10/shot-through-heart-and-youre-to-blame.html:

"The cost to treat a gunshot victim, without insurance, is pegged at $52,000, Summers said. And 70 percent of gunshot victims don’t have health insurance, he says."

Meaning than today, "the cost of fixing a bullet wound" might be $60.000 or more, while the share of "the blacks who show up at trauma hospitals" that are insured ought to be larger than 0 % (after rolling out "Obamacare").

Any thoughts?

Anonymous said...

First responders in ALL negro areas need to SLOW DOWN! Don't risk your ives rushing to save an orc who would kill you for a quarter. Let them lie there for awhile and think about what they've done. Oh, and somebody hand out hollow point bullets in the hood so the bleed-out is fast and the gunshot victims die fast, saving the taxpayers money.

OT: I live outside the USA but am thinking of coming back because I'm sure Trump will win. What he'll do with the orc problem will be epic; I just know it.

So, here I come, back to the "United States Of Trumperica!!!!!"

Anonymous said...

Reality show idea: Open up a fake grocery store in an orc area that is completely riddled with hidden cameras and microphones. Make it a lovely Whole Foods-type place that one would find in the Whitest of Whitopias. No visible security. Then have a grand opening and let the cameras roll. See how fast the orcs descend on it and strip it to the bone.

The video coming out of that will be amazing; huge ratings. Just try and run the store normally until it is actually fully looted and burned to the ground by the savage n*gger beasts. Have disguised ex-special forces play the employees so they can protect themselves.

Guaranteed this will be an amazing show. Kinda like "Bait Car" but with a grocery store.

You're welcome, Hollywood!

Brian in Ohio said...

If we were to put an honest number on what negro dysfunction cost the US annually, I mean factor in everything, it would be in the trillions. There is not a pubic or private enterprise that does not spread the extra expenses they incur because of blacks onto the white taxpayer/customer.

They are a drain on society in every sense of the word.

Altho, they have done wonders for gun sales....

Stay alert, stay alive.

Ebernezer Scrooge said...

Fat baby said... (December 29, 2015 at 10:08 PM)

"Although the medical cost of a gunshot wound may be 14,000.00 (which I believe is a low ball number)"

More like $60,000 today, I'd say.

From stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.no/2012/10/shot-through-heart-and-youre-to-blame.html:

"The cost to treat a gunshot victim, without insurance, is pegged at $52,000, Summers said."

"The idea of sharing a waiting room while a loved one is undergoing life threatening treatment"

Well, let's hope the treatment is way less life threatening than the injury.

"I wouldn't be surprised if their waiting rooms were not enclosed with plexiglass and several layers of security."

Wouldn't you? I sure as heck would!

Anonymous said...

They should stay out of the rayciss YT hospitals and import some of those genius witch doctors from their African homeland. They can heal their gunshot wounds by sacrificing a few albinos and drinking their blood. They taught YTs about medicine while flying them in their spaceships around the pyramids anyway, of course this was before the evil YTs enslaved them and stole all their technology & knowledge from the utopian sky cites that were in Africa 5000 years ago.

Ebernezer Scrooge said...

Eddie in St. Louis said... (December 30, 2015 at 3:21 AM)

"The Hospital should be allowed to swipe the EBT Card for payment. Even though it's not really the Vibrant's money, it should be deducted from their Lobster, Steak and Newport Funding."

Those deductions would probably be "reimbursed" through SNAP or TANF. Or by the help of charity or through criminal means. Or a combination thereof. You just can't win, now, can you?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Why should we have to go elsewhere to find a trustworthy store?" asked Joe Lanier, a longtime shopper of the Livernois Farmer Jack who owns a nearby business. "It's ridiculous you can't buy all the groceries you need in Detroit."

Maybe because the shoppers in detoilet aren't "trustworthy".

December 30, 2015 at 12:56 PM

And just to add a thought to that. They're ALL negroes !!

It's not stereotyping, it's the bare naked truth they don't want you to know, eh.

But we DO know! Just as "they" try to silence us now, what goes around comes around!

So THEY will ALL be G'Damned in the long run.
Good outcome of it? Most definitely. They're "just us" won't mean a damn thing,
nor not a single grievance questioned will be listened to or go answered.

Also, today, Wednesday, 12-30-2015 500pm live... negroes are at it again....

Cleveland, day 3 of protesters protessin' in downtown Cleveland over the shooting
of 12 year old tamir rice. There they go, marching down the main streets, again,
while working class DWL's are on their way home from work. LOL, the irony.
I egg them on all the time to do what they do. It's one of the few ways we have
to show them DWL's that yep, they're just like us. Irony can be so ironic sometimes.
Hope all them DWL's have a long ride home from work tonight! If that don't wake em
up, what will?

Bet they won't be out there tomorrow night, but then again no bets are off.
What else would this filthy species have to do on an evening like New Year's Eve?
Sounds like something else I read about what they used to do the night before
Halloween. They dubbed it "devils' night". Yeah, I can easily see how it got that
name. Ex Detroiters know exactly what they are. Cleveland is just getting another
good taste of their own medicine. I'd rather them take some "space to destroy",
what's the difference versus the space that's actually given to them? Not much, eh?

D-FENS said...

"I don't understand why anyone would want to waste time, effort, money, and resources on unemployable, violent and ignorant negro thugs who get themselves shot."

In some urban trauma centers, military medics are assigned to give them experience with gunshot wounds. This helps them when our armed forces are fighting threats to Israel's security. That's the purpose of our military, right?

AnalogMan said...

O/T: December 30th is Rudyard Kipling's sesquicentennial (150th anniversary).

One hundred and fifty years after his birth in Bombay, the first British writer to win the Nobel prize hovers on the edge of acceptability. To some he will always be a shameless apologist for colonialism;

Thass rayciss!

Note how this somewhat apologetic tribute to Kipling makes no mention of the works that make him, well, unmentionable in polite society today. The White Man's Burden; The Gods of the Copybook Headings; The Beginnings (a.k.a. The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon). But the pendulum swings both ways. We will survive, we will wake up from this nightmare, and Kipling will be recognised as a prophet.

Anonymous said...

Formerly Miss Greenbaum says......

Cue Twilight Zone theme music....negroes keepin' it real....courtesy of Daily Mail, where I have to go to hear of negro shenanigans....submitted to you without comment....



Anonymous said...


Cleveland.com website decides to close comments section on every story posted
pertaining to the Tamir Rice incident. This is harmonious to my ears.....

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- The aftermath of the killing of Tamir Rice by Cleveland police has been at the top of the news for most of 2015, with a steady pulse of stories about the investigation, protests and demands for justice by Tamir's family.

A lot of you have relied on cleveland.com for the updates, and we've added a good bit of perspective as well with opinion and enterprise to help advance the conversation about the controversial story.

This would seem, then, to be an ideal subject for us to meet one of our chief goals at cleveland.com, hosting community conversations on topics of widespread interest. So why, a lot of you have asked, have we chosen to turn off all comments on stories about Tamir Rice?

The simple answer is that we don't fancy our website as a place of hate, and the Tamir Rice story has been a magnet for haters.

We tried to maintain the conversation. The Tamir Rice case offers lessons for Greater Cleveland, and hashing out those lessons in an online community forum could be a healthy exercise. A lot of people firmly believe the police broke the law when they shot Tamir, but others feel just as strongly that the shooting was justified. Passions are strong, and because our comments section could provide a place for venting, we allowed comments on Tamir stories for months. We enlisted a small army on our staff to monitor the comments and delete any that violated our standards.

The trouble was that we couldn't keep up. Just about every piece we published about Tamir immediately became a cesspool of hateful, inflammatory or hostile comments. Rather than discuss the facts of the case, many commenters debased the conversation with racist invective. Or they made absurd statements about the clothing and appearance of people involved in the story. Or they attacked each other for having contrasting viewpoints. In many cases, well over half of the comments on Tamir stories broke our rules and had to be deleted.

We ultimately decided that the comments sections of Tamir stories, overrun as they were by wickedness, were not contributing to the needed conversation. In early October, we reluctantly and finally decided to close down the comments on any news story about Tamir.

Some have tried to continue their odious comments by moving their conversations to comments on stories that have nothing to do with Tamir, and in those cases, because the commenters so clearly intend to violate our rules, we have closed down the accounts of those involved.

Because the vast majority of those who comment on our site actually seek to share and offer differing perspectives, we have kept the conversation about Tamir going in one area of our website: Opinion.

We have published quite a few guest columns about the case, along with our own editorials, and the comments on those pieces have been much more enlightened than the comments on the news pieces. The conversation often is no less polarized than it was with news stories, but the commenters on the opinion pieces are more respectful of each other and try to add thoughtful viewpoints.

If you would like to join a meaningful conversation about Tamir, please add your thoughts as we continue to publish editorials and columns about developments in the case.

This conversation is currently closed to new comments. Zero comments.

I have just one comment for Cleveland.com. I hope your SJW journalists are the
first ones getting caught up by those pesky worthless jobless protessors marchin'
in dem streetz gone bad as you're on your way home to the 'burbs. Fking idiots !!

Oh the irony that Cleveland.com had to "enlist a small army on our staff to monitor the comments and delete any that violated our standards". F'king hilarious !!
Keep them DWL and SJW types working overtime to delete the truth from the comments
section. You're all evil and deserve to die, hard !!!

AnalogMan said...

Anonymous said...

So, here I come, back to the "United States Of Trumperica!!!!!"

Hold that thought. We've been fooled before.

Anonymous said...

Ha haaaaaa hahaha drink the koolaid a little more why don't ya? You can't just "read the news", you need to look behind the curtain.

Anonymous said...

Hey fellow realists!

Check out the comments in the rant and raves section of Craigslist in Cleveland.


If not any of our current, these are our future members.....

They're all on top of this Tamir Rice BS here in Cleveland.

Craigslist is about the only place you can post comments pertaining to Cleveland
and the atrocities we witness right here in our own backyards. Eh, jungle.....

Anonymous said...

AnalogMan said...
Anonymous said...

So, here I come, back to the "United States Of Trumperica!!!!!"

Hold that thought. We've been fooled before.


Umm, yeah. A very intelligent friend of mine has suggested that Trump's latest escapade into the presidency might be nothing more than a monumental publicity stunt. This friend is remarkably skeptical to things, just like me, so he emphatically stated that it's uncertain - just speculation. Just something to look at a bit more critically. Hope he's wrong.

Anonymous said...


One key point about all the police shootings that no one seems to want to address is all the dead people were doing "something" wrong !! Now their crimes probably didn't warrant the death penalty but had they been at the library studying, working late at the office .....or tucked in bed with sugar plums in their heads they wouldn't have had ANY contact with police and that's a fact !!

Tamir Rice ...wasn't waving a toy gun ....he was waving a MODIFIED toy gun. Modified in such a way to resemble a real gun !!

Mike Brown .....thug robber walking down the middle of the road who got in a fight with a cop and tried to take his gun.

Laquan McDonald.....punk vandal with a knife slashing tires with a knife.

Freddie Gray.....street criminal with a knife who ran from police and resisted arrest.

Sure all these CRIMINALS died at the hands of police but the easiest way to end this TODAY is stop committing crimes and cops will ignore you !!

Anonymous said...

The Presidential candidates have not talked much about how they will deal with crime other than, Clinton, Sanders and Rand Paul have said they want to reduce Mass Incarceration?Lower the amount of people in prion.

The way I see it less criminals in prison = more crime in the street, even with so called non violent drug offenders, because they will do anything if addicted to get their fix, including property crimes, which include home invasion and if someone invades your home it is safe to say they will kill you or anyone else in the home if necessary.

I want to have a law and order society with mandatory minimums to give activist judges less power to give light sentences (each person already has power to give themselves ZERO prison time simply by NOT committing crimes, how hard is it to NOT do something?) as criminals take advantage of this, thus the high recidivism rate, I would like to see more prisons built so we can live peacefully, the goal should be to have everyone be safe in pursuing their lawful ambitions and should get priority over criminal rights, The black neighborhoods should be as safe as any other place, what percentage of blacks would need to be arrested and in jail in order to achieve this 30%? 40%? more? whatever it takes remove the bad apples from society, EVERYONE including blacks in the worst part of Detroit, Chicago etc. deserve to be safe from criminals, I actually see this as a good thing/ being pro black in the sense it gives law abiding black people freedom to go about their legal pursuits and not worry about drug dealers, without worrying about having every car that comes by potentially doing a drive by, getting rid of the bad apples/criminals.
Of course white and every other criminal should be removed from society as well as law abiding people should be prioritized over criminals.

I wish the candidates would talk more about this.

Anonymous said...

If you're young enough to start over, please do so! If you are currently working for the city of Baltimore get out. Having gone through the shit show of Detroits bankruptcy I can tell you that Baltimore is headed that way. Once a city becomes black run, it's on it's way to insolvency. Don't chance it and don't say you weren't warned.

Anonymous said...

Add 5 more to the bodycount I posted yesterday. According to the Baltimore Sun's homicide map they're up to 343 murders. I'd like to see a solid 350 by December 31st; Yes We Can!

Anonymous said...

"I'd wonder how my day would go," she says. "The people who got shot, they come in cursing and screaming. They were just kids"

Yeah, i've seen those "kids"- 6 feet tall, goatee beards, earrings, tattooes, weed-smokers, cuss nonstop, have cell phones, many have guns.

Back when i was a kid, "kid" meant actual kids, not armed stoned felons. A major part of the reason so many negroe "kids" are shooting each other is that apologists call them "kids" and refuse to acknowledge that what they are is dangerous. Dangerous thugs. If they got locked in prison when they were busted for selling dope or stealing or fighting or destroying property they wouldn't be on the street shooting other "kids".

joshrandall said...

It is truly sickening to think of these doctors,nurses and techs racing frantically to save the life of some ghetto rat,all the while fearing that if they don't take goot care uh Quantavious,his gaggle of fambly membazz out in the waiting room may attack THEM."We've gotta save this young black male,Nurse Shmidlap,he is the FUTURE!!" "Oh Dr.Docter you are so inspiring! Perhaps when this is over...I could get out of these scrubs.." Incidentally may I present a report from Chicago: The Sun-Times,a paper I buy knowing I am going to be assaulted with liberal idiocy yet bravely buying anyway,carried a bizarre story on the Page 1 about Quintonio. He is the dear youth whose father called the CPD cuz he was swinging a baseball bat in his,the dad's,direction. With a hint of malice. (Who says blacks don't like baseball??) He was described as a youth who could "beat the odds." He was a student at NIU. The paper has reported that he was a student in Electrical Engineering. Come on! He was NOT!! Anyway the story described a couple of violent attacks he was involved in:A dispute with a cafeteria lady where he yelled and punched her in the chest. A fight in a dorm where he resisted arrest. A girl on a bike screaming for help from a school cop as Quin was chasing her. This stuff is not normal. I've bought junk from the most rude and unfriendly cafeteria ladies there are,and yet I have not punched one out. And of course he met his early demise while running down the stairs to greet the police wielding a bat. This goof ball was never destined to "beat the odds." The only thing he was gonna beat was...us.

Anonymous said...

I live in Oakland and Oakland isn't all like what you think it is.

Gangs, graffiti, warehouses, garbage...what am I missing?

Anonymous said...

3/4 of the $14,000 goes towards their law firm retainer and malpractice insurance, seeing how these boons not only get free treatment, they also bring forth lawsuits against the very people who saved their lives(ghetto lottery). These dindus aren't worth the bleach, cleaners use to wash the blood off the street!

Anonymous said...

What the hell could a drone do when attacked by a Orc pack, record you as you're savagely beaten to death, only to end up on World Star HH videos? There's an easier solution, it's just that our cucked politicians don't have the fortitude to implement it. Hopefully one day.

Anonymous said...

So who might be more anti-groid than Trump?


Anonymous said...

It is truly sickening to think of these doctors,nurses and techs racing frantically to save the life of some ghetto rat,all the while fearing that if they don't take goot care uh Quantavious,his gaggle of fambly membazz out in the waiting room may attack THEM."We've gotta save this young black male,Nurse Shmidlap,he is the FUTURE!!" "Oh Dr.Docter you are so inspiring!

LOL funny but that's not the way it is.

Doctors are some of the most politically incorrect people in the country. They only patch up dindus because the hospital pays them big bucks. They will do their best but only because it is their job. The TV doctor that screams "HE IS MY PATIENT" at the cops is a Hollywood fantasy. The doctors like the cops because they often depend on them to carry off angry dindus.

Trauma surgery in the hood pays well because no one wants to do it. Half of the doctors in those areas are going to be foreign. They can come to America, patch dindus for a few years and then buy a mcmansion or business with cash. The ones that do it for decades are probably sociopaths that find the whole thing to be an amusing circus.

Anonymous said...

I'm also curious as to how much revenue the Ferguson Starbucks is generating? The owner seems to be quiet on the subject.

Unknown said...

"Cleveland.com website decides to close comments section on every story posted
pertaining to the Tamir Rice incident"

This is how liberals operate, they really are like Nazis. There will be NO disagreement, ANY AND ALL disagreement is labeled as "racism" and "hate speech". The fact that there is anyone that doesn't laugh out loud when these idiots have the audacity to call themselves journalists is a miracle.

A rational person would expect the "racist hate speech" to be comments like "ahaha! A dead nigger! God job, cops!" But the reality is the comments are usually more like "where was this boy's Father when he was running around the park pointing a modified toy pistol that looks like a real gun at people?" Or "ever notice that when the Police say things like 'hands up' or 'dont move' to blacks the blacks just ignore the Police? Why do blacks think they can just ignore the Police?"

ANY suggestion that black people cause their own problems in life is RACIST HATE SPEECH to them.

Anonymous said...

$14,000.00 seems very low. We charge $3500.00 a day for just a ventilator (life support). Factor in surgery, drugs, round the clock care, and anesthesia, and 14K is a hell of a bargain. The real cost is the physical therapy/rehabilitation. I would venture to say that the average "youth" that visits the ER/OR/ICU for bullet extraction alone costs at least 25-50K with another 100-200K for follow up maintenance. Oh, and don't forget the "amber lamps" ride with advanced life support, another $1200-$2200. Small price to pay for diversity.

Anonymous said...

A very intelligent friend of mine has suggested that Trump's latest escapade into the presidency might be nothing more than a monumental publicity stunt. This friend is remarkably skeptical to things, just like me, so he emphatically stated that it's uncertain - just speculation. Just something to look at a bit more critically. Hope he's wrong.

I think Trump is genuinely annoyed with the current situation and especially political correctness. Atlantic City has supposedly become a zombieland even though the media keeps trying to pin the blame on Indian casinos.

Look at this review I found:
Went to AC this past weekend. I had a good time but the city is disgusting. Trash everywhere, homeless, hookers, and a lot of sketchy looking people (mostly blacks). I had a good time in the casinos but getting from one to other was awful because of all the filth one had to look at. We didn't stray from the boardwalk because a block off resembles a DC ghetto. It was my first trip there and I probably will not return. If you are going to spend money then just go to Vegas, its cleaner and the police force actually does their job in keeping societal degenerates off the strip. AC, like all of Jersey, is trashy and displaces absolutely no class at all!

Trump Plaza closed and I have a hard time believing it was because of Indian casinos. I doubt Trump believes that either.

Anonymous said...

They should stay out of the rayciss YT hospitals and import some of those genius witch doctors from their African homeland.

Why not just have the 'bangers be treated by all those wise black surgeons and ER physicians who you see on the telescreen? I mean, if it works on TV, then it's gotta work in the real world, right?

Anonymous said...

If you're young enough to start over, please do so! If you are currently working for the city of Baltimore get out. Having gone through the shit show of Detroits bankruptcy I can tell you that Baltimore is headed that way. Once a city becomes black run, it's on it's way to insolvency. Don't chance it and don't say you weren't warned

I would get out of Chicago as well. The place is turning into a battle between moderate Democrats (Rahm & Co) and fuzzy headed liberal Democrats (teacher's unions). The city is broke and has the same pension problem as Detroit. One sizable riot could put that city into bankruptcy.

10mm AUTO said...

""I should point out that the cops in Baltimore are as racist as shit: http://thoughtcatalog.com/kovie-biakolo/2015/08/ex-baltimore-police-officer-pushing-for-police-reform/
So let's put the blame on the people you put us here in the first place: http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/05/11/city-life-what-racism-has-done-to-baltimore

December 30, 2015 at 11:47 AM""

Another negro who can't write. No one "put you there(sic)", Jacob. Your sow and buck met and had you there. We keep offering to move the negro out to wherever they want to go, preferably Africa, but anywhere is fine as long as it is away from us.

But I want to make this Very Clear, Jacob. We are not responsible for negros behavior. Not their "no-snitching", not their violence, not their criminal activity, not their smell, not their loud voices and anger and most certainly not for them shooting each other. "Racists" cops are merely aware that race exists and that negros commit the majority of it.

We have judged the negro by the content of its character and frankly, it sucks.

rent slave said...

Don't forget Newark:A fight broke out on the steps of City Hall today during an anti-violence rally.

Anonymous said...

I thought the same thing, I had a motorcycle accident a few years back (nothing broken, no surgery, stiches, or blood transfusions, overnight stay, ect), and my bill was $12k, with no follow ups, casts, rehabilitation, or anything. So I can't imagine treatment for a gunshot wound would only cost a little more.

PaintJob Theory said...

"I should point out that the cops in Baltimore are as racist as shit"

Of course the cops are the problem, and as we all know "racist" is newspeak for someone who notices black dysfunction.

I would like to take this time to point out that there are no racist police in Liberia or the Sudan. I would encourage you to renounce your American citizenship and make the journey to your ancestral homeland where you will feel more comfortable.

Perhaps you could even start a crowd funding account to raise enough money for a one-way ticket to the sub-Saharan African country of your choice. I'm sure we'll all kick in a little.

Oh, and many of us are fully aware of who imported you savages and after we deal with removing you from our civilization they're next on deck.... at this point they're pretty used to being kicked out of countries so they'll probably fare better than your kind.

Anonymous said...

My GF works in a hospital and was telling me that the hospitals in bad areas are usually staffed by foreign Drs and nurses from India & the Philippines. They recruit them to come over here for X-amount of years, or they are recruited directly out of med school. Most of them think all of America is a great country, until they are given housing in Baltimore or some other cesspool and are dealing with Dindus 90% of the time.

Anonymous said...

Make sure all the shelves are stocked with foods they don't like as well. Lots of tofu, quinoa, polenta, water (no Kool-aid), whole grain cereals with no added sugar, etc. Just to really piss them off.

Anonymous said...

"Unrest" = TNB

"The people who got shot, they come in cursing and screaming" = More TNB

In the wake of the Freddie Gray protests against police brutality, blacks shoot and kill each other in record numbers = "Go figure" or again, TNB.

- Man in Florida

Mac said...

It's good to know that thanks to ObamaCare if I get shot my deductible will cover half of the $14k

Xbowjoe said...

A spat of violence.
Spats gone wrong.

Anonymous said...

A relative of mine was a Marine Officer candidate at Quantico a few years ago. The Marines too a group of them over to a Baltimore emergency room to let them see gunshot wounds up close, and the efforts necessary to save the wounded. It was good preparation for when he spent a year in Iraq, and had to deal with many wounds of all sorts.

Brian in Ohio said...

"Cleveland.com website decides to close comments section on every story posted
pertaining to the Tamir Rice incident"

"We enlisted a small army on our staff to monitor the comments and delete any that violated our standards."

So when the people spoke the truth and they didn't like it, the suppressed it and shouted it down as racist. And this is Journalism??

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but "comments disabled" tells a whole story.

Stay alert, stay alive.

chattanooga gal said...

good point Emily Anderson. they really have expanded what is considered hate speech, haven't they? You would think a respectably said observation or difference of opinion would be allowed in any comments section but, sadly, that will get you banned every time.

Anonymous said...

My favorite part of "Bait Car" is when they break in and cannot work the stick shift. If they just looked in "An opening in a wall, door, roof or vehicle that allows the passage of light" they would see that the car is stick shift.

I guess they cannot help acting on chimpulse.

PaintJob Theory said...


From this story over 200,000$ to patch up one perforated nog, and estimated 2 MILLION for one that becomes paraplegic.

It's a small price to pay for college football and basketball though.

Bill in St Louis said...

"Anonymous said..

How about some sort of app that uses the gps location of your phone to send a police done with a camera when it is activated?

Say you're walking along and a group of orcs is seen approaching you. The animals are about to attack you so you activate the app which triggers the locally circling drone to come to your location. You turn and walk briskly away to put space between you and the pack of groids and give the drone time to reach you. The orcs start to run after you with their guns out but they then see the drone's flashing lights and cameras pointing at the area and they cease their attack. The drone hovers over you while you speak with the police and tell them what happened. Cops review footage of negroes with guns and sends out field units to round them up.

OK, what you folks think? Can we use our brains and our tech to stop these animals?

December 30, 2015 at 5:27 AM"

How about we just arm the drones, and when a weapon is detected, have it whoot the bearer in the head?

Brian in Ohio said...

@Bill in St. Louis-

Your on the right track, Bill. But I think the GPS needs to be on the orc`s. Specifically, a sub dermal GPS tracker implanted on every negro upon their first arrest. Then, with a phone app, you could be warned with a text alert when one is in close proximity, or they are beginning to mass somewhere. Like black radar.

This would also be great for law enforcement, who in such incidents as the St. Matthews Mall, would have had ample warning that the concentration of blacks in the mall had exceeded safety margins.

Stay alert, stay alive.

Mr. Rational said...

I think the GPS needs to be on the orc`s.

It is.  Every Obamaphone is an RFID and tracking device, we just have to set up to follow them.  For instance, if the mall has a policy "no groups of more than 6 except families" and the tracker sees a dozen clustered, security is notified and when they're in position the orcs are captured with drop-nets, hauled off to be ID'ed, placed on the blacklist and sent off when the parent arrives.

Anonymous said...

I really hope the police in and around B-More continue to 'back off' and 'look the other way' when confronted with black crimes. If the blacks want their neighborhoods to be free of outside intervention and law enforcement - then please allow them to have their cake and eat it too...or have their bucket of KFC and wash it down with some malt liquor - which would be a more appropriate metaphor.