Sunday, February 25, 2018

Blacks in Brazil, Inspired by 'Black Panther', March on Elite White Mall to Engage in a "Black Stroll"

"It is an army bred for a single purpose: to destroy the world of men." 


“HOW DIFFERENT. EXOTIC,” commented one women as she watched a group of almost 50 people — mostly young and black, many wearing bright fabrics with African designs — stroll through the Shopping Leblon mall. They came this Monday to participate in a rolezinho pretoi, roughly translated to “black stroll,” and watch the film “Black Panther” in Rio de Janeiro’s most exclusive shopping center, a place where black Brazilians are commonly employed, but are rarely seen as customers. Amid suspicious looks and a VIP escort of security guards, I accompanied the group that went to see the film. 
Much of the hype around “Black Panther” focuses on black professionals occupying positions in Hollywood that are usually dominated by whites, from heroic lead to producer to director. As tribute to that fact, the organizers of the rolezinho preto, the Black Collective (Coletivo Preto) and the Grupo Emú, chose the whitest and most elitist spaces in one of Rio’s toniest neighborhoods to stage a group viewing of the movie. The event also protested the lack of black professionals in Brazil’s entertainment industry. A survey by the National Cinema Agency, Ancine, revealed that only 7 percent of professionals in the field are black in a nation in which the majority of citizens have African ancestry. 
Rolezinho as Protest 
Rolezinhos are not new to Brazil. They began as a way for fans to meet internet celebrities in 2012 and evolved into a form of protest in São Paulo in 2013 and 2014, quickly spreading to other cities. Organizers would start an event on Facebook and call for everyone to meet at a certain mall at a certain time. Young, mostly dark-skinned residents of the city’s poor and working class neighborhoods on the urban periphery would take a sometimes one- or two- hour train or bus ride to shopping centers in the bougiest enclaves and just go for a walkabout. In some cases, thousands showed up, much to the horror of Brazil’s white elite, whose ever-present racial and class-based fears were palpable. Malls, including Shopping Leblon, closed down in anticipation of these protests. Others were broken up with tear gas and rubber bullets. 
Across Latin America, the wealthy, hyper-segregated segments societiesflock to shopping malls for respite from the crime, grit, and disorder that they either benefit from or directly perpetuate. These sparkling sanctuaries of consumerism have become quasi-religious shrines to Brazilian racial and class divides. Many Brazilians claim that the society is not racist, but reactions to the rolezinhos, the attempt to impede young, dark-skinned boys and men from enjoying Rio de Janeiro’s beaches in wealthy neighborhoods back in 2015 and other daily offenses are evidence of how that claim rings hollow.
Chaser. From the concluding chapter (What Am I Doing Here?) of Paul Theroux's The Last Train to Zone Verde: My Ultimate African Safari - a white liberal, perhaps the most well known travel writer alive - we get the most honest assessment of the Malthusian nightmare brewing in Africa:

My horror interest in the futureless, dystopian, world-gone-wrong, Mad Max Africa of child soldiers, street gangs, reeking slums, refuse heaps, utter despair, misplaced belief, new-age cargo cults, and bungled rescue attempts — this horror interest is rooted in detachment. It is unworthy, no more than idle, slightly sickening curiosity over modernity in its most odious form, the sort that technology worsens by making people lazier and greedier, tantalizing them with visions of the unattainable, driving many of them to be refugees and bludgers in Europe and America. We have bestowed on Africa just enough of the disposable junk of the modern world to create in African cities a junkyard replica of the West, a mirror image of our own failures — but no better than that. Writing about it, choosing the urban landscape and urban misery as a subject, is something for an obituarist. Such a vision, or a visit, represents everything in travel I have always wished to escape. 
I am not an Afro-pessimist, though. Apart from the obvious unchecked proliferation of people and the inevitable disappearance or extinction of wild animals, it is not certain what Africa’s future will be. But what is happening in Africa now is also happening with greater subtlety in the rest of the world: the diminution of resources, the vanishing of work, the growth of urban areas. The difference is that Africa’s population is growing much faster than that of any other continent. There are estimated to be a billion Africans now. Within four decades it will be two billion people — most of them living in cities, in countries without industry, without sufficient food or water or energy, countries that are poorly governed and insecure. It is projected that in a few years Nigeria will grow to a population of three hundred million, in an area the size of Arizona and New Mexico. Donor aid can take some credit for what little infrastructure exists. But donor aid and self-interested foreign governments and “rogue aid” from China and North Korea — money proffered with no questions about human rights — all these are largely responsible for the persistence of bad governments, too. 
The murderous, self-elected, megalomaniacal head of state with the morals of a fruit fly, with his decades in power, along with his vain, flitting shopaholic wife, his hangers-on, and his goon squad, is an obscene feature of African life that is not likely to disappear. When I complained to a bureaucrat from Burkina Faso (because that country, too, was on my proposed route) about the persistence of tyrants, she raised her voice and said in a froggy accent, “It is the réalité!” — because her own country was governed by a longstanding (twenty-five years and counting) clinger to office. It is not a reality at all, but a fantasy of power promoted by the tyrant. 
Most politicians believe their own lies, but the foreign-aid givers make them worse. Take the corrupting forms of foreign aid away and popular desperation might become productive, rebellion leading to elections that might improve matters in the long term. A better alternative to the endless gift-giving is investment. Yet investment is more trouble than the grandstanding presentation of donor aid, requiring more accountability, more humility, more patience, and greater risks — and, of course, less colorful mythologizing of the effort, the photo ops with destitute children. 
Colonialism oppressed and subverted Africans and remade them as scavengers, pleaders, and servants — and turned some of them into rebels. The colonial-mimicry of post-independence Africa has been a continuation of this — more scavengers, more pleaders and panhandlers. And the consequence of each new civil war or outbreak of religious strife or warlordism is that there is more willful damage to repair — more land mines left behind, more burned-out villages, more amputees, refugees, and orphans. (p. 347-348)


Anonymous said...

Inspired enough to ditch voodoo for the scientific method?

Blacks complete lack of work ethic, future-time orientation, cooperativeness, and honesty would make building a nation like Wakanda completely impossible, let alone maintaining it. Did I mention their complete lack of intellectual curiosity? It is this trait, along with imagination that allows the white man to literally soar to new heights. But blackie doesn't like the work or the thought that is required, he just likes to have the finished result.

The "Wakandans" who performed the looks-at-muh parade didn't even make an effort to look futuristic. Even a seven year old would take the time to wrap themselves in tinfoil as part of the costume.

Anonymous said...

"Across Latin America, the
wealthy, hyper-segregated segments
societies flock to shopping malls for
respite from the crime, grit, and disorder
that they either benefit from or directly

How? How do whites "directly benefit" from " crime, grit and disorder"?

Anonymous said...

Ugh. The Black Stroll isnt going to be a thing now, is it?

D-FENS said...

Do not ask for whom the bell curve strolls. It strolls for thee.

Westminster Dragoon said...

Black Stroll?

Black Shuffle is more like it.

Anonymous said...

If they weren't a danger they'd be really good comedy.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Ugh. The Black Stroll isnt going to be a thing now, is it?"

I don't think ours here in the States could keep it to a simple "looks at me" exercise. They would need to get more in people's faces and start accusing them of this or that like the BLM groups who show up and disturb people's brunches.

Anonymous said...

They are, collectively, a virus. All they know is to replicate and take.

It sounds harsh, maybe even a little (golly gee!) racist, but it's the truth. Whether it becomes evident to the majority of humanity in time remains to be seen.

Anonymous said...

"Take the corrupting forms of foreign aid away and popular desperation might become productive, rebellion leading to elections that might improve matters in the long term. A better alternative to the endless gift-giving is investment. "

Investment only works when there is a functioning government to secure the integrity of trade. Free-market fanatics think that "The Market" is the primal, underlying reality of the human condition. They are wrong - force is. Prisons and guns and burly men who will tackle you to the ground and clap you in chains if you resist. That is the prime mover of human interaction. The Market only exists and can function where it is secured by the exercise of force.

Theroux is probably right about the cure. Wall it off from charity. No aid. None. Let 'em die of starvation and cholera: it's horrifying, but it's a mathematical inevitability. Leave the minerals in the ground - they'll still be there in a century or two, never fear.

No refugees, needless to say. What they flee from is created entirely by themselves, and - as Melbourne is discovering - importing them is importing those very problems. The poverty, the violence, the strife are in the people, they are not some external miasma that they can escape.

Sigh. It won't happen, of course. 

Anonymous said...

Yup, always "colonialism" that turned them into scavengers and thieves and murderers...riiiiiiight! The one thing I love to say to people that believe that BS is I tell them "go watch Apocalypto"...that pretty much sums up what so-called "indigenous" peoples were doing before evil colonial White Christians showed up. Yup,all those giant megalithic temples and giant sprawling cities they built.All this great advanced peaceful beautiful culture. And what do they do.They went around exterminating the Mayan and other 1000's of tribes and peoples.But not to share or improve these other peoples .But to conquer and colonize and absorb.Yes,all those giant temples ,the sun temple,the moon temple,the temple of grass and trees,whatever,then proceed to cut out their enemies hearts and chop off their heads and let it roll down these great steps that lead to heaven.And to kick those heads around for sport.Well,I guess maybe they did help people advance ,right.We learned about heart surgery and soccer. Awesome. This is basically what all these Black and Brown people along with idiot White liberal buffoons want to go back to. Ok ,send them all back to Africa and the South American jungles. We Wuz Kangz and Queenz and Black Pantherzzzz and shit!

Anonymous said...

Blacks are the termites in the floorboards of civilization.

Anonymous said...

10 or 15 years ago, some blacks in Boston, which is a majority white city, noticed that in one affluent part of downtown's business district, with financial companies, law firms etc--the area, and the bars and restaurants in those areas were overwhelmingly white.

The organizing groid, an ally of Deval Patrick, hadn't been mistreated whenever he went to those places-he said that he just didn't feel comfortable with so few blacks.

So he organized what he called "Friendly Takeovers" He got a bunch of groids to get to one of these upscale bars-a different one each week-early for happy hour. The groids filled up 90% of the seats-and when the whites came in later after work, it was their turn to feel uncomfortable.

They hate white people--they especially hate to see white people being happy.

Pat Boyle said...

It doesn't look good for Africans.

We seem to be on a death march toward global race war. I sit here in my comfortable Californian white enclave observing the coming apocalypse. North Korea can't feed its own people. North Koreans are growing shorter each generation than their countrymen to the South. The lights are on in South Korea but they are off in the North. Yet North Korea which is barely able to maintain its domestic economy finds enough funds to send foreign aid to Africa.

What kind of mischief is this?

Africa is the only large place on earth that has a population problem. The US population (at least for native whites) is under control. We have too many immigrants from Mexico and Central America but otherwise we have achieved demographic stability.

But Africa is completely out of control. The population of blacks from Africa threaten to dominate world politics for the rest of the twenty first century. What will we do?

We will reduce their populations. No one wants to face this issue but if the Africans in Africa, South America and North America fail to control themselves and keep their breeding moderated - the advanced (Caucasian and Asian) nations will do it for them. I don't particularly welcome that prospect, but it has the look of inevitability. If the blacks from the bush are coming into Rio to cause trouble - there will be a counter reaction. If blacks were coming into Brazilian cities to work and add to the economy - that would be different. But blacks who just stroll around the shopping districts disrupting commerce will be driven back.

It's hard foe Americans to imagine the inevitable future of race relations because since the sixties we have had a whole series of liberalizations on racial issues. But these social changes can be reversed and will be under the pressure of demographics. There were only about two and a half billion people on earth during the Civil Rights Movement. There are now seven billion and the these unneeded and unwanted excess peoples are mostly dark skinned.

This sort of thing - as the environmentalists like to say - is unsustainable.


Mr. Clean said...

Westminster Dragoon said... Black Shuffle is more like it.

I'm betting it was a black strut. Yes, yes, I know, but we are talking "negro logic" here....

Anonymous said...

A perfect A1 example of the mind set among "people of complaints" is their champian model Jeremy Meeks, aka, the "hot Felon" They & their cucks fell all over themselves over a mugshot foto. All dreamy eyed and hearts throbbing, they make this clown a super model. He's now walking the floor for Tommy hillfiger. His character means nothing, he's just HOT!

With this exibit in mind. We are still pressed to "GIVE" these "people of confusion" anything & everything they want. {GIVE mind you} Turn it all over to them. Step aside, it's their turn!

This joke is squarely on YT. Oh, how different, exotic. Really?

Mr. Clean said...

Anonymous February 26, 2018 at 4:01 AM said...So he organized what he called "Friendly Takeovers" He got a bunch of groids to get to one of these upscale bars-a different one each week-early for happy hour. The groids filled up 90% of the seats-and when the whites came in later after work, it was their turn to feel uncomfortable.

...sez the negros and their lickers. It was probably revulsion, not discomfort.

Mr. Clean said...

Pat Boyle said...The US population (at least for native whites) is under control. We have too many immigrants from Mexico and Central America but otherwise we have achieved demographic stability.

The whole problem with US YT birth rate is that it is "under control" and has "stability". You need growth. That is why we are turning to brown people for what amounts to population replacement.

YT needs to reproduce. Due to time constraints, I don't read SBPDL as much right now, but I wish PK would address this.

When you have a money need, you seek to earn more AND spend less. Same thing here... it isn't just less negros, but also more YTs.

Paintjob Theory said...

"Organizers would start an event on Facebook and call for everyone to meet at a certain mall at a certain time. Young, mostly dark-skinned residents of the city’s poor and working class neighborhoods on the urban periphery would take a sometimes one- or two- hour train or bus ride to shopping centers in the bougiest enclaves and just go for a walkabout."

10 gets you 20 that this is newspeak for "flash mobs".

".... the wealthy, hyper-segregated segments societiesflock to shopping malls for respite from the crime, grit, and disorder that they either benefit from or directly perpetuate. "

You see, the crime, blight and dysfunction in the majority black areas isn't created by the black inhabitants but white "elites" who sneak in when nobody is looking and bring mayhem and ruin. The benefit to them I'm sure is that they don't destroy their own nice communities by committing all their crime and vandalism in the black areas.

And such is life when viewed through the lenses of an 80IQ and inability to weigh events outside of the present. The negro who pisses in the elevator of his public housing building every day and blames whitey for the smell.

I'll relate again the tale of the retarded kid who used to go to my high school. This poor guy had 2 adults minding him at all times, wore a helmet and just basically made noises and threw things on a good day yet due to "equality" they'd tow him around to normal classes with the rest of us. I'm sure he learned nothing, but it sufficed to lower the standards for everybody else. Anyway, a few times a week this little guy would have a seizure and make this God awful noise and void his bowels and wet his pants after which he would immediately start pointing his finger at everyone around them saying "you stink", "you smell". Paint him black, make him violent and multiply that by a couple billion and you have the state of the world today in their relationship with black Africans.

Anonymous said...

"I am not an Afro-pessimist, though".

- Paul Theroux

"I am an Afro-pessimist".

- Racist Weird Al

P.S. And I think I speak for the rest of us!

Anonymous said...

It allows them to be scandalized when a whole troop of rape apes is on parade at the local mall?

Racist Weird Al

Anonymous said...


So he organized what he called "Friendly Takeovers" He got a bunch of groids to get to one of these upscale bars-a different one each week-early for happy hour. The groids filled up 90% of the seats-and when the whites came in later after work, it was their turn to feel uncomfortable.


Californian said...

My horror interest in the futureless, dystopian, world-gone-wrong, Mad Max Africa of child soldiers, street gangs, reeking slums, refuse heaps, utter despair, misplaced belief, new-age cargo cults, and bungled rescue attempts — this horror interest is rooted in detachment.

It's pretty much the same situation wherever you have a large black demographic: Detroit, Newark, Baltimore, etc., etc.

Re the reference to "cargo cults:" this phenomenon among blacks has been noted here on SBPDL. It's the tendency of blacks to believe that by repeating rituals, they can overcome inherent racial differences: marches against "shots ringing out" to recreate the civil right era, whatever.

Wakanda is a symptom of this cult mentality. All blacks need do is believe in some CGI they saw on a movie screen, and they can create a civilization of shining towers and high technology. The reality of the slums of Luanda or Kinshasha (or Detroit) can not interfere with the delusion.

We might also ask, how easy is it to manipulate black perceptions just by making a movie? This is something to consider for aspiring race realist film makers, video game designers, and other creative artists.

Anonymous said...


Do not ask for whom the bell curve strolls. It strolls for thee.

And true...

Anonymous said...

Take one of these deserted eyesore malls that used to be a great place to go before the bus stop went up at the entrance and turn it over to the vibrants.
Call it Wakanda Acres or Wakanda Heights something that ties in to the local landscape.
Put in hair weave/style salons, payday loan advance, sail phone stores, "soul food" restaurants, shoe outlets, sportsball afflete HQ with every named jersey for a grown man to wear another man's jersey, liquor store, rib shack, porno/sex toy shop and more.
Every store will have to accept EBT. It might last what 2-4 months.

Anonymous White Male said...

"Colonialism oppressed and subverted Africans and remade them as scavengers, pleaders, and servants — and turned some of them into rebels. The colonial-mimicry of post-independence Africa has been a continuation of this — more scavengers, more pleaders and panhandlers."

Maybe, just maybe, that's because that's the only thing they are and have always been?

Anonymous said...



Sobama era rules to reduce expelling vibrant diverse students may have lead to (((Parkland))) "shooter" to pass background checks:

(h/t to El Rushbo)

Blue Eyes Matter said...

You can't fix low IQ on this large a scale. Blackness should be recognized as the birth defect it is.

Anonymous said...

Can the 'stroll' end in Africa?

Anonymous said...

Oh, it WILL become evident. But, by then, it WILL be too late.

Bobby PGH said...

Brazil is our future and in some American cities our present.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised this hasn't happened here in the US more often yet; like the brunch invasions mentioned above, except 10X. I've been warning my friends in the white urban enclaves to look out for this (most are pretty wise to the real deal, some are DWLs, part of me hates them.)

I mean a bunch of blacks organizing on social media to go to upper/upper middle class generally white public places and businesses just to fu** sh** up. It's what they love. Like someone said above, there's nothing blacks in America hate more than a bunch of whites in our own places having a good old normal safe white time, particularly families. I expect this to catch on here and in Europe, and I encourage it. The more this is shoved in DWLs faces the better. The truth DOES get harder to deny the more you are face to face with it. I've converted many so called "lost causes" to the light. Most have a breaking point, and it gets easier as more and more around you stand up and state the obvious truth.

I know that because I was on the other side not long ago. God speed Mr. Kersey.


Another thought about WAKANDA, it's ticket sales, attendance, lack of violence and bulk Ticket purchases:

Did the number of tickets sold equal the number of people attending?

Think of that. We all know that (((THEY))) are willing to lose money in this Anti-White War since they own the World's currency printing presses, through their ownership of the PRIVATE Central Banks.

(((THEY))) issue the "currency", as "notes", to whom ever they want (since the Privately Owned Central Banks may NOT be audited). So, if your friend Soros needs 100 million? Simply credit his account with 100 million Euros.....(WTF is an EURO?). Think about that.

So, (((THEY))) have their agencies, organizations, clubs, Trusts, Christian Churches, etc. etc. purchase entire Theater blocks of tickets with this paper-note currency and VOILA: You have your record sales.

Now, not many people actually get the tickets, but who cares. The fewer that go, the less chance of violence and that protects the image of the negro.

I wonder if there is any way to compare tickets sales to attendance......

Dangela said...

"Colonialism oppressed and subverted Africans and remade them as scavengers, pleaders, and servants. . ." There is no evidence that they were anything but from their humble origins!! It takes intelligence to act like what we deem as human, and the more pure a black gets, the lower their IQ!

Anonymous said...

It’s been my experience that when blacks start “strolling” through malls, the malls are trashed and close shortly after. I’ve watched se many shopping districts and malls destroyed by the black tide. I can remember when they “strolled“ five abreast through the downtown Detroit Hudson’s store. Had one of the little cretins run his hand up the back of my dress on one of the escalators. Blacks equal failure, on every level.

Anonymous said...

FFS, why do they have to ruin absolutely everything?

Anonymous said...

OT - Popcorn Alert!

In my former home town of Charlotte, the end of February is the CIAA playoffs, an excuse for 100k NAPAs to descend on Charlotte and literally party all day and night. I kid you not, there are parties starting early in the morning and emergency sirens all night long.

Recently they have been building a new light rail line through the very worst neighborhood in the city (Hidden Valley). They were so worried about the impact on the CIAA playoffs that they rescheduled the opening of the line from last August to next month, LOL.

But now there is a new wrinkle that promises to add to the normal Dindu Mayhem. Billy Graham's funeral is on Friday. All sorts of dignitaries will be in town, including Trump. I'm sure the cops will be doing their level best to keep the peace. However, the CIAA people have been very quick to scream about any perceived racism, so this will be a hard line to walk.

All in all, could make for an eye opening event for many. Stay tuned and keep that salt shaker handy.

Anonymous said...

Blacks are the same non-recyclable trash wherever they go, whatever part of the world they inhabit.

Anonymous said...

Prisons in Brazil are difficult places, as is anyplace with Wakandans.

A former Northview Heights man who is serving life in prison for first-degree murder has been charged in connection with the death of a corrections officer at the State Correctional Institution in Somerset.

Paul Kendrick, 22, is accused in the slaying of Sgt. Mark Baserman. Sgt. Baserman died Monday of injuries he suffered in the attack Feb. 15, the state Department of Corrections said in a news release.

About 7 p.m. Feb. 15, Sgt. Baserman was at the officers' desk in a housing unit when Kendrick approached him and began assaulting him. The inmate punched the officer, and continued beating him once he was on the ground, the release said.

Kendrick was convicted in 2015 in the death Aug. 1, 2014, of 21-year-old Maurice Freeman, who was shot while he was playing basketball.

Mr. Freeman, of Arlington, was asked by a group of men, including Kendrick, where he was from. Someone in Kendrick's group said that if he wasn't from Northview Heights, he would die. As Mr. Freeman left the court to buy cigarettes, witnesses said Kendrick and the others followed him and he was shot.

Boy the way Glenn Miller played said...

Do africans and caribbeans immigrate to Brazil? No? Why only to the United States?

Anonymous said...

If negroes weren't inferior they wouldn't require so much special attention from YT. You don't see Asians marching in the streets "demanding" anything. Yeah, it's always a "demand", never a "request" and never a "thank you". They are constantly reinforcing their own inferiority with every "nobody don't care 'bout the po' black folk" bullshit. Last I checked it isn't my responsibility to care about primitive savages who are genetically unable to help themselves. Sending "aid" to Africa makes as much sense as sending "aid" to Amazonian tribesmen.

Anonymous said...

I'll try to keep this brief, please bear with me. At risk of sounding like I’m patting myself on the back, I was just reading an article about a cop trying to stop an African in America suspect, and ending up hanging on to the car for a mile in fear of his life. Some smartass in the comments with some ridiculous pseudo African sounding name made a comment about how basically the cop was just looking for a reason to shoot an “innocent” negro. Someone else replied with “what kind of drugs are you on?” My off the cuff reply was “Wakandinium.” Then it occurred to me that we really need to make Wakanda and variations on it (wakanditis?) synonymous with delusional fantasies of the Africans in America. It may conflict somewhat with the campaign to encourage an support the exodus to Wakanda, but in the long run I don’t think most Africans in America will understand the incongruity, as they will continue to believe that Wakanda is a real place, or at least a real goal to strive for (to whatever extent homo africanus is capable of striving.)

Anonymous said...

How is the welfare situation in Brazil, where do black people find the TIME to do stuff like this?

Brian in Ohio said...

Where ever we go, they will follow. This is why we cant have nice things.

Stay alert, stay alive.

Sick n Tired said...

Well Centurian, it finally happened!

Anonymous said...

Instead of wasting $10.00 seeing a fictional movie about blacks just turn on your evening news. That will get you updated on the black experience.

Anonymous said...

Years ago the city of St. Louis had a Stroll, it was Washington Ave. where all the prostitutes were.

D is for depressing said...

But donor aid and self-interested foreign governments and “rogue aid” from China and North Korea — money proffered with no questions about human rights — all these are largely responsible for the persistence of bad governments, too.

Therein lies the problem. If we keep interfering in the affairs of the African, suffering is perpetuated. The exponential growth of the African populations is due to the humans continuously interfering with a much needed correction by Mother Nature via plague or famine what should have never been.

Colonialism oppressed...

Colonialism did not oppress the Africans. Colonialism enabled the Africans to live a higher quality of life they otherwise could have never provided for themselves. After Zimbabwe forcibly confiscated the lands from Whites, mass starvation happened. Mass starvation happened in a continent that has 60% of the world's arable land

Explain Hongkong, Singapore, or Indonesia, the Haiti/Dominican Republic border.

Anonymous said...

Explain Hongkong, Singapore, or Indonesia, the Haiti/Dominican Republic border.

The White Man stole the wealth from Africa and sent it to Hongkong and those other places?

Anonymous said...

Good idea:

My off the cuff reply was “Wakandinium.” Then it occurred to me that we really need to make Wakanda and variations on it (wakanditis?) synonymous with delusional fantasies of the Africans in America.

If your car is hijacked, it's been Wakandized.

If your school is trashed, it's been Wakandized.

If a city has been reduced to rubble, it's been Wakandized.

Anonymous said...

because they cannot create.

Anonymous said...

''Had one of the little cretins run his hand up the back of my dress on one of the escalators.'' -- If he did that here in Singapore, even once, he would be subject to years of Jail time, CANING, and a hefty Fine. Why do you embarrass yourself, America?

Anonymous said...

Several have called it, and here we go. And a female to boot! Keep an eye on the news for Charlotte this weekend, it's CIAA tourney time. God Bless all of you, and have plenty of defense.

Anonymous said...

Hidden Valley? Perhaps this is where the legendary "Hidden Figures" come from? Well with new public transportation options I'm guessing town itself will be that much worse.

Anonymous said...

I hope to hell a bar that doesn't have their prices listed decides to have a little fun with the pricing if a troop of rape apes does this in their joint.

Unknown said...

Every article I read here leaves me more and more disgusted with white liberals.

Unknown said...

Soul is White southern food, negros stole the recipes when they moved north during the great migration. Culturally appropriated the cuisine and some time in the 60's it turned into soul food. The first recipe for fried chicken is from Scotland from sometime in the 1600's.

Mr. Rational said...

10 gets you 20 that this is newspeak for "flash mobs".

"Walkabout" is an Australian term, IIUC.  How it got to Brazil is anybody's guess.

Google ngram viewer says that "flash mob" appeared ~1954, re-appeared in 1960 and fell off to zero until about 2002.  For some reason I can't get it to display up to 2018; it cuts me off at 2008 now.

Regarding the flash-mob actions, it wouldn't be hard to fix the problem if you had advance notice.  Close the doors for "cleanup" with an opening time a few minutes after the normal clientele starts to appear; the high time-preference chimps will go elsewhere.  Or put up a sign saying you have a private function that day and only let in regulars.  If the chimps kept running into frustrations like that, they'd either quit coming or act out criminally in ways justifying a crackdown.  Either way, you win.

You can't fix low IQ on this large a scale.

Seriously.  Supposedly IQ of children reverts something like 50% toward the mean.  This means that Black parents would need to have ~115 IQ just to have kids averaging around White normal.  115 is 2+ standard deviations above the Black mean, so AT MOST 2% of Blacks are capable of breeding kids who perform at White levels.  How much this would move the mean of the 3rd generation I don't know, but probably not +1 SD.

If you wanted to get rid of the high time preference and violent tendencies, you'd have to select on those traits also.  Going out even 1 SD on 2 more traits reduces the breeding pool by another 84% each.

We can't fix them.  We can only replace them.

Dangela said...

So true!!

Dangela said...

Sadly most people don't know that but with social media some people are brave enough to speak the truth even if they are demonized for it. I am one of those people who used to blog on it and I have been called a hateful racist and crazy and over partially that have lost my 5 children. Yes it may seem like I am encouraging overpopulation but in fact women of breeding age who are white are only 2% of the world and we whites are facing a genocide!! We need to do everything we can to encourage white women to have more children. . . By supporting them that is!😅

Dangela said...

We definitely need a lot more white people if that's what you were trying to say. . . I did my part with 5 kids.

Dangela said...

Because when a civilization starts mixing and turning Brown it is considered a lost cause and undesirable place for living in which even blacks agree with. . . They just don't admit to what causes it to be a trashed civilization! You can use history to see that let it infiltration from a dark nation happen is what causes the collapse of every great white nation dealt through history!!

Anonymous said...

I don't believe the statistics for this movie. How can we trust anything being reported about it? When Farcebook, Twatter, Rancid Tomatoes and IMDB have been working to bury any reviews that are not glowing positive, why would we trust ANY review? It's a damned comic book movie, there is absolutely no need (or precedent) for such a thing to be a "record setting blockbuster" of any kind, delusions of Wakanda notwithstanding.

Anonymous said...

This renaming game sounds like fun. Here's a few off the top of my head . . .

Wakandanalysis - the attempt to reframe all political, ethical and moral dilemmas in terms of "What if YT had never gone to Africa?"

Wakandanitis - a recently discovered medical condition that causes rapid elevation of blood pressure and heart rate, similar to the "fight or flight" response.

Wakandanomics - EBT and other forms of wealth transfer, usually from the taxpayers (YT's) pocket.

Wakandaholic / Wakandaholism - the delusional and irrational belief of black competency or superiority, ie, a Wakandaholic is suffering from the disease of Wakandaholism.

Wakandanetics - the disingenuous media narrative that seeks to rationalize and excuse all the dysfunctional behavior.

Wakandanosis - the terminal stage of Wakandaholism. Once things have progressed to this point, there is no known treatment or cure. Euthanasia is the only humane alternative.

Auntie Daca said...

My neighborhood has been Wakandized - The building I live in has been Wakandized.

OT - last night on the subway, a black beggar woman was crying for money because of gentrification and the white people taking over and taking all our shit. She didn't want to see white people. Beggar claims she posted somewhere online. I wish I had written down the website.

Anonymous said...

"To impede young dark-skinned boys and men from enjoying Rio de Janeiro's beaches...'
Do you mean keeping them from rape, intimidation, violent physical assault,vandalism, public drunkenness, and emptying their bowels in the water?
That's what they do. It cannot be "wished away" by being 'colorblind'. If you think it can, take a walk in the favelas after midnight, armed only with your warm and fuzzy liberal delusions. How far do you think you'd get?

Anonymous said...

Ugh. The Black Stroll isnt going to be a thing now, is it?

Nah. The Black Stroll ls for lightweights. They surpassed that years ago here with The Knockout Game.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately you are correct. As I said before...demographics is destiny.

Another Guy in Florida

White Trash Hillbilly said...

Once again Pat cuts right to the heart of the matter...

"We seem to be on a death march toward global race war...We will reduce their populations. No one wants to face this issue but if the Africans in Africa, South America and North America fail to control themselves and keep their breeding moderated - the advanced (Caucasian and Asian) nations will do it for them."

This is exactly whats happening and whats coming.

This will not end well.

Mr. Rational said...

This will not end well.

Won't end well for whom?  The greater the reduction, the better it ends for us.

White Trash Hillbilly said...

I reckon I should have specified that it won't end well for the negroes.

That said, when TSHTF it won't be a picnic for us either, but at least it can be the beginning of a new era.

Unknown said...

I'm from Brazil, unfortunately.
We've been flooded by a mass migration of Haitians. Massive!
Our radical leftist government imported Haitians by the thousands.

They give also scholarship programs for Africans of various origins. We, the taxpayers, must pay one of the world's highest taxes to keep Africans (pretending to) studying for free.

We're also being flooded by a MASSIVE influx of Venezuelans, running from starvation and violence by their socialist regime.

The UN made our Congress approve a new migration law that practically have extinguished our borders. A migrant probably has more rights than us citizens.

So, fellow Americans, please beware! Learn from our (bad) example and don't commit the same mistakes!

Awakened Brazilian said...

As a Brazilian, I can tell you with confidence that you're totally right when you say "Brazil is our future".

As well as I'm sure that the Communists and globalists are striving to build in Brazil what they achieved to build in South Africa and Rodhesia: chaos, random violence, misery and mass stupidity.

Egalitarianism has only one way to deliver what it promises: to make everybody equal in their lowest standards.
So, as we march onward to our egalitarian black future, those who are still in good mental health condition might be able to see clearly the savagery and barbarism rising and reaching unexpected levels each day.

By now, something close to 50% of the world's homicides are perpetrated in Brazil. It's a bloodshed second to none other war in modern history. And, as it happens in America, the crime have a gruesome, spooky color: it's black!

Our prisons are populated mostly - guess by whom - by blacks. And, although there are affirmative actions granting blacks 20% of universities' enrollment and civil servants' jobs, it just doesn't seem to lower down their grievances.

Please, fellow Americans, look at us. Look at our abundant mistakes. The Portuguese have imported blacks by the millions and even though they live a much better life here in Brazil than their Congolese counterparts, they keep attacking whites just for fun. So, please look at our mistakes and don't commit the same!

God bless America!