Black people are an extremely proud race of people. They look at each other with solidarity and have an intense structural endogamy that helps to create an intense brotherhood, which helps them traverse the polluted waters of American race relations in post-Obama America. Take for instance the recent decision to welcome the whitened Michael Jackson back into the tent of Blackness and universal brotherhood, most eloquently defined by Jamie Foxx at the BET awards:
"We want to celebrate this black man - he belongs to us - and we shared him with everybody else....It don't matter what he looked like ... what his nose looked like ... it was what he sounded like,....Who was the best?" [the audience]"Michael!"Regardless of how strange or bizarre Black people might behave, the principle of Black unity will always outweigh the criminal wrongdoing of an individual Black person, when the sanctity of the race is at stake.
"You think I've got 3 guns in my house 'cause the media outside? When I go to the money machine tonight, alright, I ain't looking over my back for the media: I'm looking for niggas!"
Kevin: Basically, there are two types of black people. And black people are actually more racist, because they hate the other type of black people. See, every time the one type wants to have a good time, then the other type comes in and makes a real mess...Michael: (unable to remain sitting and quiet) I'm, okay, I'm, I'm sorry, (looks at Mr. Brown) I'm sorry, he's ruin.., he's butchering it. I, I'm, could you just let me, every time, (starts impression) EVERY TIME BLACK PEOPLE WANNA HAVE A GOOD TIME, SOME IDIOT ASS...(BLEEP)
Mr. Brown: Whoa, whoa, whoa now.
Mr. Brown: Wait, wait, wait a second, you don't need to go there. Okay? Please stop it, stop it, stop it, please stop...
Mr. Brown: STOP IT!!!!
Jokes about anything that would resemble a negative stereotype of Black people is forbidden by anyone, even by someone in the Black community. Take for instance the horrible thought Black people can't swim. The CDC reports that:
"The Centers for Disease Control lists blacks as an at-risk group for drowning. A CDC study found that blacks drown at a rate 1.25 times higher than whites. Black children between the ages of five and 19 drown at a rate 2.3 times higher than white children in the same age bracket do."Despite facts that back up "jokes" and create stereotypes in the first place, Black people find any attack on one, an attack on them all. Black people are extremely monolithic in thought and the best advice when dealing with Black people is to refrain from any type of jocular speech, which can be misconstrued as hate, when you are in their company. Stuff Black People Don't Like will always include jokes at their expense.
The only comment I have is that we as black people "don't like" OJ Simpson. He is a sell out and belongs to the white race. YOu guys can have him.
Right Eve. That's why all across America the media showed every single BLACK person cheering when OJ got off on the murder charge. So, Eve, what is it? You and the rest of your kind just really enjoy seeing WHITE people murdered by blacks and they get away with it? Well, you did say it wasn't because blacks LIKE OJ. Must have been some other reason for all the cheering, eh?
Dear anonymous,
Are you also anonymously racist or someone who just uses stereotypes? So, anonymous, what is it? I mean, by your standards, every single WHITE person was at all of the McCain/Palin rallies. I'll remain anonymous, just for effect.
you and whoever else you lie about are the only black people who don't like OJ simpson.
Want to know what really hurt the black man about OJ Simpson?
The black man was hurt because Nicole Brown Showed that once you go black, you WILL go back.
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