He, as all white liberals must, finds no fault in black criminality.
Obviously, something must have been a catalyst for this life of criminality, with the usual culprit being some form of "white person," or "legacy of slavery/Jim Crow/white supremacy."
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Michael E. Miller, a writer for the Washington Post: Questions the morality of homeowner who dared use a gun to kill a black male who was trying to burglarize her private property |
In the case of Trevon Johnson, a black criminal, Miller blames the homeowner for daring to defend her property. [A Miami woman killed a teen burglar as he fled her home, police say. Should she be charged?, Washington Post, 3-15-16]:
Gwendolyn Jenrette can be forgiven for putting security cameras around her modest Miami home. She lives in Liberty City, a high-crime neighborhood in a high-crime town. Her low-slung duplex backs onto the railroad tracks and has been targeted in the past.
She can also be forgiven for racing home when, on Thursday afternoon, her security system alerted her to another break-in at the property.
But can she be forgiven for, according to police, fatally shooting a teenager as he fled her house, even as officers were on their way to help?
That is the question now facing the state’s attorney’s office.
Seventeen-year-old Trevon Johnson died Thursday night after Jenrette shot him once as he allegedly fled the scene of the home invasion, according to Miami-Dade police. There have been no indications that Johnson was armed.
The slaying of the teenage burglary suspect was reported triumphantly by local television station WSVN, which said Jenrette had “turned the tables” on Johnson.
“Police say this would-be robber chose the wrong home because this homeowner did more than just call the cops,” reported WSVN’s Brandon Beyer. “She had a gun.”
But Johnson’s family said the young man didn’t deserve to die over mere property, which they said he hadn’t even taken.Trevon Johnson's family had something quite interesting to say about their dead family member: how else will he procure currency to exchange for accouterments if he can't be afforded the right to steal? [Homeowner Shoots, Kills Teen Burglary Suspect, CBS Miami, 3-11-16]:
Relatives of a 17-year-old are angry the teenager was shot and killed by a homeowner who police say was protecting her property.
The sister of the teen who died identified him as Trevon Johnson. She said he was a student at D. A. Dorsey Technical College.
“I don’t care if she have her gun license or any of that. That is way beyond the law… way beyond,” said Johnson’s cousin Nautika Harris.
“He was not supposed to die like this. He had a future ahead of him.
Trevon had goals… he was a funny guy, very big on education, loved learning.”
On Thursday, police say Johnson burglarized a home south of 79th Street near I-95 — just blocks away from where he lives.
The 54-year-old woman told police her surveillance system alerted her to the break-in of her home. She said she rushed home and found the teen climbing out of a window.
“She observed a subject leaving the home through the rear,” said police Det. Dan Ferrin.
Miami-Dade police said there was a confrontation and shots were fired. Police said they were on scene seconds after the shooting and gave CPR to the teen. Johnson was rushed to the hospital where he was pronounced dead.
“What’s wrong with her,” asked Johnson’s sister Nisha Johnson. “She did not have to shoot him.”
“It’s no reason she should have waited until I think he walked out the yard to try to shoot him,” said Harris. “If she called the police already why would she shoot him?”
Relatives said they don’t believe Johnson stole anything from the home but detectives would not confirm that.
“You have to look at it from every child’s point of view that was raised in the hood,” said Harris. “You have to understand… how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point-of-view.”Strangely, Miller left the last quote out of his piece canonizing the recently deceased Trevon.
America is irredeemable.
Nautika Harris', Johnson's cousin, attempt to rationalize Johnson's burglarizing of private property is just one example in an ever-growing list detailing not only how freedom failed, but ultimately describing America's future.
Saw this Dindu on dailly kenn, for the 50,000th time we can't live with these creatures. At all.
"How he sposed to git his money?" I think the fact that the WaPo reporter left that out just shows that this speaks for itself. And WaPo and the rest of BRA really don't want you to hear that.
Gun Control is about making crime (aka "reparations") easier for blacks. There's really no simpler explanation.
"She already call da' police. Why she gotta shoot him?" Was cuz'n Trayvon planning to stick around and wait? I'm guessing "no."
She's pretending not to understand, but "I never saw a (black woman) yet who didn't understand a good slap in the mouth or a slug from a .45."
She did the world a favor by removing the degenerate thief from the Earth and also ending his bloodline. Treyvon will not reproduce thanks to the bravery and skillful shooting of this middle aged woman.
She may also have saved the lives of other people that Treyvon would have ended up victimizing had she not let loose and shot the feral beast dead on her property.
One thing is for certain: Treyvon will not break in to another dwelling and steal other people's items ever again.
I guess I'll be able to buy a nice TREVON JOHNSON memorial tee shirt for my "memorial tee shirt" collection. I am kind of running out of room for the shirt collection so I have to be very selective. I will only buy the shirt if it has a photo of Trevon at the age of eight or nine.
I suppose now the UN will declare that burglary is a human right.
A few posts back a person using the handle Gracey or something similar indicated that he might be associated with a group in Florida that helps people such as Gwendolyn Jenrette who are persecuted for appropriate responses to TNB. As I recall, the commenter implied that they assisted Zimmerman. Jenrette might need help if BRA decides to persecute her. Does anyone know about this organization or if they have have a website?
We live in such a sick backwards society.
Africans-In-America indeed.
I will keep searching to see if anyone sets up a fundraiser page for her, so I can help.
The hoodrat viewpoint is that no matter what crime is being committed, it's justified. It's all just another way of "earning" money to get what you need. That's one reason they hate the police so much- the cops are interfering in their "bidness" and "messin' wid dey lives." It's also known as "keepin' da black man down" and "disrespectin" them and their culture as well as being "insensitive." Ditto for any rule that prevents or punishes them for acting like rampaging monkeys in schools, businesses or in public places.
It's hard for intelligent and civilized people to understand the depth of depravity and stupidity that is a constant feature in the black community but videos such as the one of the retarded sow ooking and eeking her BS is helpful in showcasing it for all to see. The worst thing is that the sow is too incomprehensibly stupid to ever understand why anyone would have contempt for her viewpoint. To her, it's valid and she'll use all ten of her functioning brain cells to defend it.
The messed up thing about it is if someone breaks into her house and steals her stuff, it would instantly be a different story. She's like the thief who thinks there's nothing wrong with stealing but will go ballistic if anyone steals from her. At the same time, if someone was stealing from her and a confrontation ensued and she felt threatened, she'd probably shoot them and applaud herself for doing so. It's only "different" when she or one of her relatives or "homies" is on the receiving end. The story and perspective changes according to convenience and who is doing what to whom. That's the standard operating procedure for the Dindu Nuffin tribe.
I'd love for the homeowner to use one of the hoodrats own sayings against them- "Don't start nothin', won't be nothin'!" You'd see how quickly that "rule" magically and conveniently wouldn't apply as the shrieks of "aw hell no, hell no!" echoed up and down the street. A chimpout would definitely ensue.
Same answer every time a similar situation happens. It isn't the home/property owner who decided that their property was more valuable then life, the CRIMINAL decided that THEIR life was worth less the value of said property. The thief CHOOSE to put their life at risk and made a poor value judgement in choosing to do a home invasion.
All us reasonable people know that if more criminals/thugs know that there is a significant chance that their lives will be lost if they commit a specific crime, they will be less likely to do so. You know those animals cutting people at random in New York wouldn't even dream of doing the same in a place like Houston, Texas. They do it in New York because they know that a law abiding white person are not allowed to carry/defend themselves.
“You have to look at it from every child’s point of view that was raised in the hood,” said Harris. “You have to understand… how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point-of-view.”
What an incredibly stupid thing for his sister to say. That's HIS problem, not his neighbors or the people whos' homes he burglarized. The sheer arrogance of it-trying to rationalize criminal behaviour. Paying for clothes to go to school in?? I'll bet that he had the most expensive pair of Nike's and gold bling in his mouth. Does anyone wonder what this Trevon Johnson would have done if he had found someone robbing his house? Multiple choice answer:
a) let the robber go with his blessings and tips where to buy clothes
b) unload an entire clip at the perp then go after perp's family too
All these stories show up local first (duh) so by the time the story goes national (or even posted here), a lot of stuff has been white washed. I know that this site has visitors from pretty much every city in the country. What I would like to see is an semi-organized effort where if you read about an incident like this happening in your local area and as soon as you hear names, immediately go to sites like Facebook and screen shoot everything that you can belonging to the dead thug. All those pictures of them flashing gang signs, using drugs, racist speech. Get a nice record of it all so that when it gets scrubbed cleaned, we have the proof that this was not a Do Nuffin little kid that the media will report as such. Bonus points for flooding a reporters (or news editors) email box with the truth.
As far as I know, Trevon is actually the Swahili word for "work ethic".
Paul, you have been on fire for the last couple of weeks! The last few articles alone have made it clear for anyone willing to open their eyes- they are not like us.
"I am sorry, I thought I raised my keeds better than that" is a phrase you will NEVER hear a black mammy utter.
But that is the theme of BLM and all related b.s. isn't it? Were any of the dindus that they are constantly blabbering about NOT committing serious crimes when they were made good? Woman beater? No problem. Rapist- hey, just because he raped someone at gunpoint doesn't mean he needs to die.
Everyone is beyond sick of them, and every day (thanks to people like P.K.) more people are getting on the same page. The evidence of how blacks destroy civilized societies is everywhere and is beyond dispute.
Which means we need to press even harder. Just because P.K. is kicking their @ss around the internet doesn't mean your efforts aren't needed. Brilliant writers here, my favorite blog on the net bar none!
I HAVE TO? Have to look at it through the hood's point of view? Is it the hood that said "hands up don't shoot"? Is it the hood that rioted over a drug dealer? Is it the hood that doesn't seem to care about black fathers abandoning their children? Is it the hood that calls education a "white thing". Is it the hood that lacks all ability to support themselves?
Why don't I ask anyone who is non-black instead. What ARE you supposed to do to come up with money for clothes? WORK.
I love how blacks are always legal experts. They always just seem to know when someone breaks a law. But none of that pseudo expertise can be practiced when it comes to education, child rearing, being a decent citizen, or community building. All of those concepts (and many more) just seem to elude them.
This sheboon is upset because blacks hate it when people defend their property:
"How he gonna get HIS money?"
Yes, because all of this person's property had "Trevon" written all over it. He was just there to pick it up.
The home owner had to agree: "Hey don't forget your bulletts!"
Blacks simply cannot grasp private ownership, they are all communists at heart. They cannot compete in free markets so they need government to step in and support them. Because of this they are poor. Most of them can't afford guns (when they do have guns they are of terrible quality). Because they cannot afford guns it's hard for them to steal working people's property, this is why they need democrats to survive. They love the anti-gunners and socialists. So funny how that all just comes together, no wonder why they never wander off the democratic plantation.
Off topic: but I have plenty of ammo for any future Trevon's out there. Come on over and pick it up. I cleaned my AR15 today after shooting 1000 rounds and it looks fresh out of the box.
It never ceases to amaze me how people who supposedly believe in evolution are blind to modern selective pressures. It really doesn't matter why that thug broke into a home. What matters is that he did, and he won't have any (more?) children.
I think I said it before that Jared Diamond's Germs Guns and Steel convinced me that white people culturally dominated the world because we got a lucky roll of the dice with environment and resources 15,000 years ago. I've also said that I think what he left out is how we were changed by civilization. We are good by nature because we've removed people like Trevon from our gene-pool.
Murderers, thieves, and rapists getting killed off is the very essence of White Privilage. If the left had any understanding of the evolution they claim to believe, they would be shouting this story as A Triumph of the Negro Race! Every one of these criminals dead young puts the average of the survivors closer to compatability with white civilization.
In fact, we should have a Ghetto Darwin Award, just for criminals like Trevon who will bring peace to the future by dying now. The prize being a free sterilization to his next of kin, of course.
You'll notice getting an honest job to buy ones' bling apparently isn't in the mindset of one raised in the hood, according to the deceased's cousin. How twisted is that? How honest an expose about black criminal thinking, though. The homeowner needs a medal for saving the taxpayers a couple million over this jig's life in prison, court, community costs for the violence and theft he'd commit, and lastly for all the illegitimate kids he'd spawn over a lifetime.
The article says there was a confrontation. Did the dindu nuffin try to attack the homeowner and get shot for his efforts? Of course, the standard black narrative will be he was running away, holding a sandwich in his hand, just trying to clean her windows when she launched an unprovoked attack etc.
The idea that he was just trying to steal stuff so he could get money so he could have clothes for school is utterly unbelievable. Now, if his relative had said he was stealing so he could buy the latest pair of Air Jordan's, that would have been believable but not for school clothes. She's just trying to put lipstick on a pig.
If only 10,000 Trevons were shot a day. Then we might get a handle on crime in a few years.
So is she white or black? That's the 64 trillion Zimbabwe dollar question ...
The crime of illegally entering a home used to be a capitol offense. It should be made so again, then all such crimes: burglary, home invasion, rape, arson, etc would have the death penalty on the table should it fit the circumstances.
I like how the libtard author says the homeowner can be FORGIVEN for installing security cameras and that she can be FORGIVEN for rushing to her home when the security alarm went off, as if her doing those things require justification or forgiveness to begin with. Why would you need to FORGIVE someone for doing nothing wrong?
And if this was a black woman who shot the burglar, the libtard would not have made a peep. In fact, it would not even be newsworthy enough for anyone to write about it because it doesn't fit the MSM narrative.
Of course the MSN headlines are misleading. "Daniel Ferrin, a spokesman for Miami-Dade police...
“She is checking her home and she is confronted by a subject,” Ferrin said. “At some point she produces a firearm and shoots the burglar.”
He confronted her. Not "fleeing".
Also, Gwen Jenrette of Miami is black.
"where he gone get his money"...
"his money" ... like he's entitled to money because he exists.
This is the biggest problem with black culture today. It thinks it's entitled to your money and property and whatever else pops into it's little mind to want.
Since this story came out most of the discussion I've seen has been in favor of the homeowner, at least.
Yea yo WTF is wrong with white people yo ,what is wrong with people defending their homes and property that they WORKED HARD for yo.You just don't understand,yo.
“You have to look at it from every child’s point of view that was raised in the hood,” said Harris. “You have to understand… how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point-of-view.”
And he was soooo in "edumacation" and shheeeeeit ,yo.He was going to help us get to MARS yo yo yo.
"“Police say this would-be robber chose the wrong home because this homeowner did more than just call the cops,” reported WSVN’s Brandon Beyer. “She had a gun.”
This time the thug was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
When you realize that criminality is so ingrained into their culture, his families comments make more sense. After all, it was ONLY burglary. Its not like he raped her...this time.
I mean, what if every white victim shot and killed EVERY negro who tried to rob, rape, assault, murder them? Where would this country be?.....Indeed.
Stay alert, stay alive.
“You have to look at it from every child’s point of view that was raised in the hood,” said Harris. “You have to understand… how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point-of-view.”
Well, he could've started by getting a job. I swear, these fucking niggers get more pathetic all the time. I've had it with all their bullshit excuses. If that thieving bastard had been at work instead of out robbing people he'd still be alive. Sucks to be him. Gwendolyn Jenrette did the world a huge favor.
The black community knows no shame.
Gotta love 'em. They'd rather lie than tell the truth but they're so damned stupid that most of the time they can't help but just blurt out some of the most brutally honest truths about their own species.
For most blacks, "education" and "learning" are anathemas. They are raised to hate the white man, and by extension, raised to eschew any "white behavior", which to them includes "education" and "learning". Doing well in school is frowned upon, as it is essentially "acting white", one of the greatest crimes there is to blacks.
But look what they say when actively seeking sympathy from the white man. They are quick to point out young, angelic Travon was "very big on education" and "loved learning". It seems they know exactly what stock phrases to say to get DWLs to throw their support behind them.
Notice how quick Miller was to identify the homeowner by name and where she lives. This way black lives matter knows where to find her. She's in for a black shit storm that may cost her life as she knows it.
how he gonna get his money for clothes to go to school....you have to look at it from his point of veiw. Most negros think this is a logical question.
We really don't know how long our nation will last under the circumstances we exist in today. Only time will tell.
Mich Mike
Unemployable and dangerous. They should all live on a reservation.
If the polls tighten,don't be surprised to see Hillary exploit this- as did Obama in 2012 with Trayvon-because Trump cannot win without Florida.
we should have a Ghetto Darwin Award, just for criminals like Trevon who will bring peace to the future by dying now. The prize being a free sterilization to his next of kin,
This. I was going to suggest removing the children of all of his relatives who excused his burglary because they are obviously unfit to be parents, but sterilizing the bunch is even better.
Of course, if Trevon's fambly had been rated as academic underperformers and offered incentives for long-term contraception in their teens, and big bonuses for sterilization if they were still underperforming at age 18, then it's likely that Trevon wouldn't have been born in the first place.
The black community knows no shame.
Indeed, it doesn't. You can throw their hypocrisy right in their faces and it passes right through, as if their minds are made of fog.
They should all live on a reservation.
We can call it... Africa.
This editorial, and others like it, is awesome! Look at the comments section. Real whites are getting a look at real Negro thinking, and are waking up.
The question haunting science for decades: "how can we prevent a monkey from stealing things?", with inadequate results to date.
However, a new technique has been developed: render its arms and legs rigid and incapable of motion, so that "feets don' do they stuff".
Ah, but what to call it?
Nigger mortis.
In his pic, the recently deceased young thug has a shirt with the image of Pablo Escobar on it. Yeah, the same Pablo Escobar that was responsible for thousands of murders in Colombia and the USA while he was a cocaine drug lord. Such are the heros of these feral 70 IQ niggers. Drug lords, basketball stars, rap "artists", and race pimp "Reverends".
They are a plague.
re: "“You have to look at it from every child’s point of view that was raised in the hood,” said Harris. “You have to understand… how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point-of-view.”" -- Not. Compatible. With. Western. Civilization..
Call me cynical, but methinks what this former aspiring rapper/basketball player's family is most upset about is that it was not a white person who pulled the trigger. That's a winning Ghetto Lottery ticket in this day and age.
I always find it interesting how blacks referr to "their money" like it is just out there waiting for them to take possession of it.
Make sure to get the matching dollar store candle that comes with it.
These people are the gift that keeps on giving:
Well, what do you know = The Easter Bunny is black!
Could they have come up with more ironic name for a shopping mall in Jersey City, NJ, than "Newport Centre?" I guess "Grape Soda Promenade" and "The Shoppes at St. Ides" were already taken.
So here we have yet another Trevon who very likely could have been Obama's son - if Obama were truly heterosexual. But that's a story for another day, white chillen. What to make of all this?
Little Trevon was passionate about education. He absolutely loved learning. Indeed, in college at the age of 17. He's got me beat there. So what was this budding rocket scientist doing rifling through the belongings of Miss Jenrett? Had he left something there previously and was simply there to pick it up? Was he in the middle of writing a "Thank You" note for his likely repeated visits to Miss Jenrett's home? The woman had already suffered repeated home invasions and went to the trouble of: buying and installing a home security system, purchasing a gun and learning how to use it (go, sister fren!), and feeding the little rascal a big ole lead sammich - here, bitch, you look hungry-eat some lead!
And what, if anything, do the hood rats in the area learn about this incident? Why it's "Oh, hay-all no! She din haf shoot him! He was tryin' turn he life roun!" For those of you who are uninitiated, this is what negroes do. In between the welfare, disability checks and EBT payouts, they wait and watch for you to go to work. They're smart enough to know that most people who work have this strange thing called a..........schedule. They've learned to tell time just well enough to know when that person leaves and when they return. In between it's feeding time at the zoo. They're not smart enough to understand that these days security cameras are EVERYWHERE. It just doesn't resonate with them that their crimes are now constantly being recorded. They may well never put this concept together. For someone in college, Trevon didn't know too much about the way the world operates.
Tragic, indeed. It's so often the case that these hood rats are always one rape, robbery, drive by, murder, away from turnin' dey life roun. So tragic. Society now has one less n*gger and his limitless offspring to feed, clothe, "educate", medicate, and shower with endless liberal love.
If this weren't so expensive and exhausting, it'd make a great comedy. Transport all of them back to Africa and install close circuit tvs, and microphones. It'd make great entertainment to enjoy with the family. Heck, I'd pay for that programming.
Of course, Obama and the other Soros minions would like to take law abiding citizens' guns away because everyone knows that in BRA, shooting someone who is threatening your life, liberty, and happiness is morally reprehensible. Our founding fathers must be spinning in their graves.
She is obviously black, since I would not have known about this story if not for SBPDL.
OT, blacks ruin Key West. 3 bystanders shot, 1 in custody. Is there anywhere I can go on vacation without them fucking it up?
This time the thug was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Good one!
“You have to look at it from every child’s point of view that was raised in the hood,” said Harris. “You have to understand… how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point-of-view.”
Hmmmm..."every child’s point of view that was raised in the hood"....hmmmm...
So this is how the "hood" raises its collective children. To commit crimes. i.e., Hood Culture is the Culture of Crime. So every last child in the hood will be breaking into people's houses, assaulting people on the streets, hijacking cars, et alia. Well, I suppose that is a fitting enough description of what is going on. In the hood.
But then you have to ask, what about the massive amounts of welfare, "free" school meals, AA programs and all the rest which are dumped on the hood? Why aren't these children taking advantage of all this? Perhaps EBT is not enough. Perhaps the government can issue the children of the hood electronic cards with which they can buy stylish clothing to go to school. I mean, white children have all those fancy blazers you see them wearing in their private schools. Perhaps that is the secret of YT's success.
-- Not. Compatible. With. Western. Civilization.
So is she white or black? That's the 64 trillion Zimbabwe dollar question ...
Well, Liberty City is a well-known (around here) negro infested shithole that is part of Miami. In South Florida, one quickly learns where it is best to not go if you're white. Her house was next to the railroad tracks, in Liberty City, and there was no MSM uproar... dimes to dollars and 99.999% chance she is black.
Miami is a tourist city and a magnet for South American business people. Places like Liberty City are thorns in the side of anyone productive or trying to be. Its like a cancer being managed, they rather not speak of it but know they have to deal with it. There is a regular local news feed of crap like this that comes out of our zoo-zones, but it is so normal and mundane it is generally ignored. I'm surprised this one made it to a national level. You really can be forgiven for thinking the shooter might have been white or at least not black.
Meanwhile in other news from the "just like us" department, the Jungle Bunny (nog Easter Bunny) gets into a fight at a mall.
Blacks ruin everything.
Is Gwendolyn Jenrette black?
Has no one here seen The Book Thief?? I'm certain this studious young negro thirsted for knowledge and was merely borrowing from the homeowner's book collection at the time he was laid low. If only an elder in his village had told him about the public library. Such a senseless loss.
NJ Woman
P.S. Love the Jersey City mall comment. And the dollar store candle.
By day, a mild mannered clerk in a hood designer athletic shoes store who goes by the name of I. Noah Goodwon. But by night, he dons his mighty hoodie of social justice and becomes Dindu Nuffins.
Flying over the hood, he spots a child who has been denied equal education because of his wearing hand-me-down clothing, Dindu quickly goes into action. Using his bling vision, he identifies a house with closets full of athletic jerseys and so empowered, the child attempts to redistribute the wealth. But wait! A security camera goes wrong! Shots ring out! An aspiring scholar is gunned down!
Fear not, Dindu's ally, DWL-Person, arrives in his Media-mobile and uses his mighty voice of rationalization, explaining that the real criminal is a villain known with trepidation throughout the hood as Mere Property. Yes, Mere Property, responsible for destroying the academic careers of thousands of hood children.
Will DWL-Person expose the crimes of Mere Property? Will Dindu liberate houses everywhere for hood children?
Stay tuned for the next episode of Dindu Nuffins!
(cue heroic rap music)
So is she white or black? That's the 64 trillion Zimbabwe dollar question ...
LMAO!!! Absolutely brilliant comment!!! I would assume that she must be a fellow orc, since she hasn't been called wayciss.
"You have to look at it from every child’s point of view that was raised in the hood,” said Harris. “You have to understand… how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point-of-view.” "
How about his parents get a job to pay for his school clothes like everyone else's parents. How about he get a job? When I was 17, I worked.
They said there was a confrontation.Did the young scholar use his educated mind to try to persuade the woman that he was only trying to get clothes for school and he should be on his way,no hurt feelings? Or did he see the gun and think about taking it?
So, his "College" started out as a high school, but renamed itself when it became an adult education center, teaching reading, writing and other skills (mastered in elementary school by non dindus) , specializing in GED prep classes. Yeah, ol Treyvon was big on education, alright. I'm not sure what is worse, that the standards have been so dumbed down, (and egos inflated so much) that calling a remedial school for those who couldn't handle high school a college is acceptable, or the reporters obvious apologetic writing. Ah well, one less loser to breed more. A win in my book!
I'm not a salesman for these people, but I signed up for the Missouri (Texas) Law Shield protection. I pay a small fee per month and they will defend me with all fees paid if I should have a firearm encounter with diversity. I recommend this to any responsible White Firearms Owner, it could save your ass. Nomesayin?
Glad this story had a happy ending.
Soon one of his kin will say he had his hands up. As for this white reporter,he needs to be included in the massive cleansing this country desperately needs. Although I guess I should thank him and the bleeding heart liberals like him in the media. Their bullshit woke me up.
Fortunately this lady should be protected from prosecution by Florida Statute 776.013, which deals with using deadly force against an intruder who forcibly and unlawfully entered a dwelling / residence. The law creates two presumptions. The first presumption is that if an unauthorized person has entered or is in the process of unlawfully entering a dwelling/residence, then a person is presumed to have a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily harm.
The second presumption is that a person who unlawfully and by force enters or attempts to enter a persons dwelling/residence, is presumed to be doing so with the intent to commit an unlawful act involving force or violence. Based on the statutes, it will be quite difficult to prosecute this women, though the media can certainly make her life a living hell, which they are apparently already doing, and the dead criminal's relatives could certainly seek "street justice". http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0700-0799/0776/0776.html
I think this story is pretty much settled, I live down here and haven't heard a peep about it on the news since. If there was anyway to spin the story differently I think they would have gone down that path by now.
C. Unload entire clip at perp, missing perp but hitting 4 innocent bystanders in the street. When police show up, nobody seen nuffin.
There's no comment from Trevon's mother or father? Could his parents provided for him and encouraged him to find work? Trevon's sister and cousin stated that he needed to rob people's home to get money for his clothes. "You have to look at it from every child’s point of view that was raised in the hood,” said Harris. “You have to understand… how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point-of-view" This is an idiotic statement! Could our black youth be so stupid? As a contrast, yesterday on 60 minutes they did a piece on St. Benedict school, where you seen black and Hispanic kids have success in school. They seem to be well grounded, this give you hope that all black kids are not like Trevon.
Off topic, 60 minutes also did a piece on Mauricio Macri, a business man like Donald Trump, who was elected as Argentina's president and what he did in his first 60 days as president. This give us some insight what a businessman can do for a nation, like America, a two party system. He took over after a leftest government who practically destroy the economy of the nation and lied about the economy numbers. Doesn't this sound a bit like our nation?
Willie from Naperville
"...they wait and watch for you to go to work."
They redefined "Neighborhood Watch" around here. As soon as a house went empty, the copper vanished. One Dindu broke into a working man's house and met up with a Great Dane and cut himself badly going out the broken window he entered through. He couldn't go out the door because around here we use deadbolts that can only be operated with a key on both sides, this keeps the Dindus from breaking the window in the door and working a thumb latch.
He was hit with one shot in the center of his chest, so they can't use the "he was running away/hands up don't shoot" excuse. Given the area it happened in, and the lack of media/dindus screaming rayciss, I think the woman who shot him was black or Latino, because I haven't seen a picture of her in any of the news stories. Had it been a white person or police officer who did the shooting, Obama would have canceled his trip to Cuba to attend the funeral.
Homes gone wrong.
I always find it interesting how blacks referr to "their money" like it is just out there waiting for them to take possession of it.
that is called 'the world owes me a living' [hence ebt, sec8, disability etc].
"Is there anywhere I can go on vacation without them fucking it up?"
Only places I know of are national parks. Dindu nuffin's hate the great outdoors, wild country and wide open spaces. They prefer the streets of the city where they feel comfortable, know the area, have lots of available victims and know they can disappear into the crowd and "blend in" after committing their crimes. The concrete jungle is their new jungle environment. Plus they don't like getting too far away from the sources of all their gibsmedats.
I would be willing to wager big money on this. I have yet to see a picture of the female homeowner. If one was to wager with me, I would give 10 to 1 odds the she is not White. If she would be White, I would say this story, and her picture, would be all over national and possibly international news.
Off topic, but it looks like Google is throwing more unnecessary black b.s. in our face. "My Afrocentric Life" Google Doodle- is there any point to all this or is it just to throw random blacks in our face just for the hell of it?
Notice how so many blacks are utterly consumed with race that they have to make it a centerpiece of EVERYTHING in their life.
While being born black isn't a choice, it sure isn't something to be proud about either. If a race modifying machine was created by whitey, blacks would be lining up for miles around the block for a chance to be white. You're not kidding anybody. Cultures the world over favor their lighter-skinned brethren as more attractive and desirable and blacks are ALWAYS at the bottom of the heap with everyone else running circles around them wherever they go. Black is not beautiful.
Better luck next life, negress.
It's pretty clear that the homeowner was a negro.
Had the homeowner been white, this would be the top story on cable news until Memorial Day.
The other clues are: Trevon lived only blocks away, and the house has been robbed repeatedly.
I feel bad for reporters. It always ruins a good "black teen student rapper killed" story when the shooter turns out to be a fellow Homo-Rapian.
Of late, they've taken to including the "black victim" part and leaving out the race of the shooter, hoping you'll just assume that Rodney the Redneck Racist was the "murderer".
A recent story had a Dindu shot by a cop in Austin. They mentioned in the headline that the corpse was non-light reflective, because, you know, that's imoirtant.
However, most stories left out the fact that the cop was also a negro. When this is brought up, we're told it doesn't matter, because the shooter was a self-loathing Uncle Tom, so he might has well been white.
I wonder how vibrant the authors neighborhood is.
"Notice how quick Miller was to identify the homeowner by name and where she lives. This way black lives matter knows where to find her. She's in for a black shit storm that may cost her life as she knows it."
and compare that with how much they leave out as " irrelevant" when a black perpetrator commits some heinous crime. they wouldn't even tell people the color of the perp who killed that poor little 4 year old white child a while back ON THE AMBER ALERT.
"Call me cynical, but methinks what this former aspiring rapper/basketball player's family is most upset about is that it was not a white person who pulled the trigger. That's a winning Ghetto Lottery ticket in this day and age. "
spot on with that one. not only have they lost their" poor little angel" but they won't even get a big payoff for it. well, they might: Obama seems to just love to award dindus' millions of dollars of taxpayer funds.
I remember back in the 80's reading a study in which they polled the worst sort of criminals about gun control. almost all of them said that the thing they feared most when committing a crime was that the would-be victim might have a gun, and almost all of them were strongly in favor of strict gun controls. tells you something, doesn't it?
"They're not smart enough to understand that these days security cameras are EVERYWHERE. It just doesn't resonate with them that their crimes are now constantly being recorded."
it could be that they just know nothing will come of it despite the film footage. how many of them were recorded looting shops in Ferguson? Baltimore? any of them get arrested for it?
I suspect that the homeowner pointed the gun at him and told him to stand there until the cops arrived. He then probably told her he would " take that gun away and shove it up your ..." or something to that effect, made a move toward her, and was surprised to run across someone who actually COULD fire accurately for a change.
Liberty City is one hundred percent vibrant diversity. The shooter was black, there are no others in Liberty City. Judging by the name I'd bet she is Haitian, an even less civilized breed of hominid.
Lack of mention of the shooter's race, nor picture, tells you that "she" is a dindu herself.
She dindu nuffin. This story is already down the memory hole.
Live like a thug, die like a thug. I cringe at the quote "she always a good girl, she just afraid uh da poh leece"
"because the shooter was a self-loathing Uncle Tom, so he might as well been white"
Hoodrat rules- you have to support the tribe and all its dysfunctions, lies and BS or you're a traitor and the "community" will turn on you in a flash. Right and wrong don't even enter into the equation. All that matters is the tribe is presenting a wall of tribal solidarity. Black cops are seen as traitors and "servants of da man" and "tools of de oppressor." I mean, why would a black man want to be a policeman and stop black criminals from committing crimes? The nerve! How else they gonna get their money?
You can't fix stupid.
Property wasn't taken because the criminal dindu thug was rightfully killed. "OMG I'm sorry officer I was in fear for mah lyyyfe from that evil man I was sooooo scared". That's the appropriate response and she should be praised not indicted.
Just by the picture I can tell he is "gay" and gays will always vote for the Party that defends their perversions.
Some of "us" are all over the comments under the story originally linked above by Anonymous 11:48 AM. Specifically this:
William Hudson
Shouldn't they change part of the story to read, "an expiring rapper known as 'Dafuzzgotcha',"?. Just askin' here.
I wouldn't worry too much about the legal fate of Gwendolyn Jenrette the homeowner who shot the 17 year old black burglar. I could get her off if I were her lawyer.
Consider the facts.
1. Jenrette is almost certainly black. This means unlike the other Trayvon who was shot in Florida, this case is unlikely to attract the political personalities like Obama, Holder and Sharpton.
2. Florida has a strong 'Castle' law. Home invaders are not treated sympathetically. Everyone knows that that area is a cesspool of crime.
3. The 'confrontation' was not witnessed. Jenrette can tell any story she wants.
If I were her lawyer I would coach her to tell this story. 'I found this large black man coming out of my house. I yelled at him and he became belligerent. He threatened me and seemed about to attack me. I pulled my pistol and defended myself.'
She won't be charged. The police might not believe her but there are no disconfirming witnesses. The only problem would be if he were shot in the back. That would take a more creative story. Almost all of the cases in the media where a homeowner gets in legal jeopardy is when the crook was shot in the back.
I had an incident like this in San Francisco many years ago. A guy was trying to come in my bedroom window. I went outside with my revolver in hand. I yelled around the corner that I was coming around with my gun. He took off over the fence. I could have shot him easily in his keester but I didn't. That was a wise move for me. In liberal San Francisco I would probably have been prosecuted.
BTW the 'college' Trayvon attended and where he fulfilled the love of education that his cousin testified to, is not a regular college. It seems to be a college that helps you prepare for your High School equivalency test (GED). It provides classes in tile setting and phlebotomy (blood drawing).
I learned phlebotomy in the Army. As I remember I was just told to do it - no real instruction. I have also managed to lay tile in half my house without any training whatsoever. I did watch some YouTube videos.
I also went to college when I was 17 but I took rather different subjects.
Why don't these so called reporters ever challenge the blacks who tell these preposterous stories on camera at the scene of the crime?
Bless her heart. Dead criminals are the quickest, most cost effective improvement in society. Let us all work for steady improvement.
What america can do without are these families of leeches like them suckling off the life blood of america and if ms harris is so upset well then Cry Me a River you annoying whining liberal you reletive was a thief and he broke into someones home and gets shot dead and you whine that he had his life ahead of him well its too darn bad he turned to a life of crime and so he has paid the price now stop your whining and Go Away and the Washington Compost Screw You
“You have to look at it from every child’s point of view that was raised in the hood,” said Harris. “You have to understand… how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point-of-view.”
Aybah poda hep.
"Off topic, but it looks like Google is throwing more unnecessary black b.s. in our face. "My Afrocentric Life" "
Just the usual anti-white bullshit from the usual suspects. Whenever you find anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-male, anti-family propaganda or Marxism/communism you will find a certain unmentionable tribe is always grossly over-represented.
Let me offer another lesson for the SBPDL class:
"Turning he life around". True, the yout IS turning his life around, but the dumb Sambo don't realize that turning yo' life around 360 degrees gets yo' back where you started.....a loser. So, when a fambly member says the yout was "durning him life arounds" they are too stupid to realize nothing has changed, thus the bullet in the ass.
Next: "He be a good boy". This is a bit more complicated. I realize the Whites reading this will understand my theory, but the majority of negroes won't be able to follow this awesome logic: Here goes:
Back in the old days, when Toby and Tyron were running from lions in Africa, the mama was proud when her boys done bring home the stuff they lifted/stole from neighboring tribes. African history is one of pillage, rape, and taking what one finds. They didn't have the wheel, written language, nor a numbering system, thus survival was picking things off the ground. There was no such thing as "private property" since this concept had no meaning to the 900 cc brain case of Toby.
Therefore, a "good boy" brought home a lot of stolen items. The more he ripped off from neighboring tribes, the better or gooder he was. Therefore, when Toby/Sambo/Tyron steals from Wal-Mart or K-Mart, and bring is home to the Krall, the happier his mama be. "HE BE A GOOD BOY!!!!" He bring mama Colt-45, Kools, Cheetos, etc. "He be good boy".
That's what Jeff Bezo's pays him the big f'n money for! tTo write sob stories about young spooks who get ventilated by angry homeowners who just had their houses robbed by these vermin. His relative said something to the effect of "how else was he supposed to get money?" Geesh! Well, I guess if you write for the WaPO, you have all the right liberal credentials and working there gives you status among the liberal "elite" who dictate today's "PC" conversation. So much crap. Let's see what would happen if his mother or sister or daughter would be raped and killed by one of these savages, would he be shilling for them then? The bastard!
310 --I went to the link to the WaPo authors other tale.
there is even a picture of a toddler.
I didnt read the story.I went for the comments--like
The author is correct. T
he murderous motives of this devilishly handsome, sweet, sweet young man of whom the author is so thunderstruck, should have little relevance in determining whether muslim refugees should be accepted.[!!!!!!!!!!]
After all, the nice young man was only acting out of frustration, and he is christian. [is he really christian?]
The real issue here pertains to the culture and religion of the rest of the refugees.
How ironic that so-called liberals want to push back human rights about 1,000 years in western countries. But then, we're only talking about putting women and children at risk, so maybe misogyny is the issue. Progressives, on the other hand, want to preserve the rights of women and children and keep our progress.
Progressive chistianity and islam are good things. However, the type of islam practiced in the Middle East is regressive, unchanged for 1,000 years before the Reformation. It should not be tolerated in any western culture. As Churchill said in the 2 volume set of the River Wars, slavery will never end so long as Sharia law is around.
Once wonderful Sweden now has the second highest rate of rape in the world. Male liberals who want to do that to the US should consider chemical castration.
Another apt slogan might be: "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."
What's interesting here is that the homeowner had been robbed before.
It reminds me of the story in Minnesota (maybe Wisconsin) of the geezer who set a trap for the same two white crackheads who kept robbing his house even after being caught.
He moved his car down the street and sat in his basement with a gun until they came again, and he executed them.
Of course, he's in jail now. It seems his proper course of action was to live his life in constant fear, knowing they would return again and again, and never be jailed for any period of time.
First he was denied peace. Then he was denied justice.
One on one, you and me you fucking racist!!!
OT - 92-year-old stroke victim (beautiful little Irish lady) died at Richmond Hill Medical Center in NY. Her wedding ring was wrenched from her finger as she lay dying. Any guesses as to race of as yet unknown perp?? Hmmm. What kind of creature believes other people's things are theirs for the taking? Dollars to doughnuts it was a negress. If you've spent any time in a nursing home or hospital, you know how vicious, lazy and dishonest the negro employees are. I've had plenty of experience with this, having cared for 4 elderly or gravely ill relatives. Besides inflicting physical and psychological abuse with glee, they are rampant thieves and liers.
NJ Woman
"Just by the picture I can tell he is "gay" and gays will always vote for the Party that defends their perversions."
Perhaps. Here is a short bio of SJW Michael E. Miller:
Going to both NYU AND University of Chicago he could be from the tribe. It says that before the Washington Compost, he worked at the Miami New Times which is one of those free alternative weeklies that feature ads for DWI legal defense, tattoos, drug paraphernalia, massage/escort services and other cultural highlights.
Excuse me, but I have to go ad hominem on this one; mainly because the logic is so flawed, it's killing brain cells just reading it! Michel E. Miller, foreign affairs journalist, when did Florida become a foreign country? I know, I know, it's the Wapo, right? Every states a foreign country to these puppets, they're so out of touch with traditional American values.
Check out his publicity photo, carefully messed up hair, groomed beard stubble, plaid shirt, collar unbuttoned, all against a rugged, stoney back ground. Head cocked with an arrogant smirk.The perfect hipster, with a degree in journalism, guarantying he knows more than you, right? I call B.S., he looks as phony as a three dollar bill. What do you want to bet he has a black husband? Well, good on him for the iniative, but there's something about that attitude that makes me want to reach out and smack him one alongside the head. Here you go buddy, earn that shit.
I apologize gentle readers for losing my restraint, but this story pushes all my buttons simultaneously. Gwendolyn Genrette doesn't need to be forgiven for a damn thing. Not for installing security on her previously burgled home, not for rushing to defend said home, and not for turning Travons thermostat to room temperature. His mugshot makes me want to smack him a good one too. If I saw photos of his ignorant relatives, I'd probably want to kick their asses also.
Miller is definitley gay--he wrote a weepy tale of a gay ball player.
as far as Google goes, its best avoided.
Today's winning Google Doodle invoking Black Lives Matter was designed by high school sophomore
Washington Post - 3 hours ago
2013: Wisconsin teenager wins 'Doodle 4 Google' contest with poignant military reunion.
Akilah's “Afrocentric life” doodle wins Doodle 4 Google 2016
Official Google Blog - 5 hours ago
Teen's Google doodle honors black heritage
USA TODAY - 4 hours ago
Stefan Molyneux did a great video on just this issue on YOutube:
'Are you the next George Zimmerman or Darren Wilson?'
Wake up people. Even self-defence is being criminalized. It must stop.
If he needed clothes for school why didn't he just do what the rest of these scumbag little thugs do ? Just go to the local mall or retail store and grab whatever they need. Most retailers will let them just walk right out cause their afraid the little fuckers will cause a scene and cry raciss.
Although the fact that the race of the homeowner wasn't mentioned certainly suggests that she is black, I think that it is likely that she isn't. This woman seems to have a job, she has property worth protecting, she was motivated and had the money to install a reasonably advanced security system that sent her notifications of a break-in, she apparently has a driver's license and automobile, and she had the initiative to protect her own property rather than merely wait for someone else to do it. She is either a talented 1% black or she isn't black.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
OT, blacks ruin Key West. 3 bystanders shot, 1 in custody. Is there anywhere I can go on vacation without them fucking it up?
March 21, 2016 at 7:55 AM
Anywhere in the mountains or an expensive/exclusive resort. I live near Myrtle Beach SC. In the past 20 years it has gone from being called the "Redneck Riviera" to "Murder Beach". I will give you a guess what changed during that time frame. Dindu's run a muck. That is what changed. They run in big packs, on mopeds, and just walking in the street.
During Harley Week crime is a little elevated. Mostly DUI's.
Google Black Bike Week and see how those shaved primates act. It is Mogadishu. Monkeys screwing in the streets. Shootings. It is utter chaos. It is not safe for anyone, much less an actual human. It is on Memorial Day Weekend. What should be the traditional kick off of the summer season is now a black hole. They have considered activating the National Guard to patrol the streets. A lot of the mom and pops used to close down to avoid the Black Plague, but the NAACP sued. Now they hire armed security guards at restaurants.
We are not the same species.
I just saw Trump's speech to AIPAC. It went far beyond tactical overtures intended to reduce the outright hatred of Trump so that he might have a shot at getting a fair hearing in the media. It was a pure grovel fest. Just earlier this afternoon, Trump stated that any nation that the US defends should be expected to pay the US and he included Israel. So he is not so different from the politicians as I (naively) hoped. I sensed it was too good to be true.
AIPAC - Where the only time America comes first is in our name.
"So he is not so different from the politicians as I (naively) hoped. I sensed it was too good to be true."
Sorry to hear that, but not overly surprised. The AIPAC job interview is in the end the acid-test of who they really are.
One tactical compromise leads to another...and another...
Newsflash liberals and crinimals Florid has a Castle Doctrine/Stand your grounds law that alows citizens to use deadly force if someones trespassing on your property and is looting your home GET OVER IT
Wow. That ginger is sporting quite the "punchable face". Stupid nieve DWL needs to spend some up-close quality time with our genetically differing ground apes. Perhaps he should go hang with da homies and see how long it takes to get his ass robbed, raped, and then shot.
Cull the herd.
Think I was the originator of that phrase, but did catch that story. Anyway Paul, dealing,with a broken wrist right now, but will donate when I can.
Blue eyes matter :no need to apologize. Even if he wasn't so obviously a Turd Burglar just his picture makes me want to kick his ass.
Amazing! Well done Señorita Dindu! Congrats!!
So, a black sow elderly orc blasts to death a young buck groid... so?
That's life in da hood.
How can we get more guns into the hands of the orc elderly? They seem to be a great resource. They live in the breeding areas of the orcs and are frequent targets. The NRA should give free guns and lessons to orc elderly; they will cull the herd of dindus themselves.
Well, his family said the young man valued education and the homeowner taught him a valuable lesson. Sounds like a win - win to me.
Yep, this "journalist" is gay. Look at his hair, the "sweet" smile and the "open" shirt. Disgusting. And he things he is "normal" and the rest of us want to be around him.
When it gets right down to it, he hates himself, he hates being alive and he hates us. He will always side with the enemy since he can never live with us. Poor genetic mutant.
“You have to look at it from every child’s point of view that was raised in the hood,” said Harris. “You have to understand… how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point-of-view.”
Absolutely bone-nosed plate-lipped degenerate STOOPID!!!!!!!
So he steals money from someone for his "needs"?
What about the needs of the person he stole from? Where was she supposed to get hers?
Oh yeah, right, the white privilege of going to work and earning them.
Bunch of cargo cult savages.
D-FENS: "I just saw Trump's speech to AIPAC...It was a pure grovel fest."
Please tell me you weren't expecting anything better? The fact that he would even address them, was a clear indicator of what the tone would be. Not even The Donald has balls big enough to walk up to their podium with a single 3x5 card, and say "The days of the American People pandering and placating your country are over."
If you've spent any time in a nursing home or hospital, you know how vicious, lazy and dishonest the negro employees are. Besides inflicting physical and psychological abuse with glee, they are rampant thieves and liers.
NJ Woman
March 21, 2016 at 2:46 PM
You speak the truth. I may have mentioned before, but I have a friend who is the sole white nurse at a nursing home in Dayton. Its rare that she makes it through a week without crying at work. Its that bad. State inspectors are there constantly and its a revolving door of negro staff because of abuse. Its sickening.
Stay alert, stay alive.
WTF!!! Wolf blitzer just ask Trump about 50 questions about Israel. Who gives a flying fuck about Israel. Trump should tell Israel to be multicultural and grant all Palestinians citizenship.
Pat Boyle said...
BTW the 'college' Trayvon attended and where he fulfilled the love of education that his cousin testified to, is not a regular college. It seems to be a college that helps you prepare for your High School equivalency test (GED). It provides classes in tile setting and phlebotomy (blood drawing).
This whole calling Elementary School level classes "college" reminds me of how dictators like Idi Amin would give themselves made up titles and ranks. (King of Scotland) Trayvon`s "college" diploma would be about as real as "Colonel" Muammar Gaddafi`s ridiculous uniforms. Looked flashy, but zero substance.
Stay alert, stay alive.
"WTF!!! Wolf blitzer just ask Trump about 50 questions about Israel. Who gives a flying fuck about Israel. Trump should tell Israel to be multicultural and grant all Palestinians citizenship."
Wolf is a former editor of an AIPAC newsletter. He decided he could be a more effective spokesman for the cause as an "objective" journalist.
You may not care about Israel, but Israel cares about you. Or at least your tax dollars. And probably your military age son or daughter.
White paternalism. Promote, support and defend pathological behavior among blacks so that whites can come in as saviors. That is why whites should look in the mirror. Black people behave exactly how white people want them to behave.
I just forced myself to watch the video. The dialogue, the grammar, the diction, the "hair", the outfits - are we sure this isn't an SNL skit?
NJ Woman
P.S. If TREEvon really be dead, NawTEEKA and KEEsha are in line for some bangin threads.
This is the perfect example of the "criminal as the victim." Whole cities have been set on fire because of this strange belief. Careers have been built by "racial pimps" who have become wealthy based on the lies told by criminals and their families. An entire new "black revolution" is now based on the death of a few vicious criminals that were killed in self defense. All of these protesters calling for justice because of DEAD CRIMINALS.
The victim persona is worshiped by the radical left and it reaches all levels of society. A multi-billionaire black TV star became a victim when buying a $40,000.00 purse she wanted to have for a wedding for another billionaire black entertainer. How many white people do you know can buy a forty thousand dollar purses. Millionaire black actors living in luxury mansions are victims based on today's standard of victimhood.
Thousands of bodies of victims litter the streets of major cities. The dead pile up like bags of garbage and if not removed within a few hours they become food for the rats and stray dogs. The prisons are filled with cold blooded "victims" who are being incarcerated by a racist judicial system for such minor crimes as rape and murder. Boo hoo....cry me a river.
White paternalism. Promote, support and defend pathological behavior among blacks so that whites can come in as saviors.
Which is why all of us here condemn Black pathological behavior and decry the crime of our occupation government extracting money from us at gunpoint to subsidize the behavior we despise.
We don't care how Black people behave, nor want to save them; they are beyond saving. We just want to be apart from them, not suffer their predations nor pay for their failure.
Anonymous (earlier) said:
"The worst thing is that the sow is too incomprehensibly stupid to ever understand why anyone would have contempt for her viewpoint. To her, it's valid and she'll use all ten of her functioning brain cells to defend it."
I laughed so loud, I spit out my gum and it landed on my keyboard.
With the untimely passing of Bankroll Fresh last week, and now this, I just don't see how the nation can go on.
How can an NAACP law suit prevent all the mom and pops from closing? I don't see how they can.
Try arguing against anonymous'post instead of threatening violence.
Anywhere in the mountains or an expensive/exclusive resort. I live near Myrtle Beach SC. In the past 20 years it has gone from being called the "Redneck Riviera" to "Murder Beach". I will give you a guess what changed during that time frame. Dindu's run a muck. That is what changed. They run in big packs, on mopeds, and just walking in the street.
During Harley Week crime is a little elevated. Mostly DUI's.
Google Black Bike Week and see how those shaved primates act. It is Mogadishu. Monkeys screwing in the streets. Shootings. It is utter chaos. It is not safe for anyone, much less an actual human. It is on Memorial Day Weekend. What should be the traditional kick off of the summer season is now a black hole. They have considered activating the National Guard to patrol the streets. A lot of the mom and pops used to close down to avoid the Black Plague, but the NAACP sued. Now they hire armed security guards at restaurants.
We are not the same species.
March 21, 2016 at 4:31 PM
Me too! I'm in the same area. OMG, the stories we could tell others here about black bike weekend. It's truly awful. Even some of the black people around here can't stand them-that should tell you something. I always just stay inside and avoid the strip.
They damage property, cause problems everywhere they go, and you guys should see the obese she-boons on bikes wearing barely there bathing suits and mini skirts. It's enough to make you want to lose your lunch. They really have no shame, and you know them bitches think they look fine and shit!
The vibrants love to talk about college. I think they just like to say the word college. Every vibrant that gets offed, someone talks about them "turnin they life around and dey was gonna go to collitch." They just don't know anything about actually attending and working towards a meaningful college degree. And those historically black colleges are basically 10th grade all over again. Maybe 8th grade.
Not too far from where I live there is a middle school called..."Martin Luther King Early College."
I can see it now at the AA job interview.
"So D'kwanjerkius, tell me about your education."
"Man, I wents to Martin Lufer Kin early collitch."
They have very few interests outside of rap music (they left off the C when they named it), basketball, football and black culture - whatever that is.
I once taught an interview class at a broadcasting school. As an exercise, I asked the class to write down five people, past or present, that they would like to interview and what would they ask them.
The white kids would list historical figures, writers, astronauts, musicians and such. Most of them had listed interesting and accomplished people from an array of occupations. One kid wanted to interview his dad who passed away when he was a baby. I felt that was thoughtful.
When it came to the black kids, they would list Michael Jordan and four rappers whom I never even heard of. No interest in interviewing anybody else. They would also sit in class and stare into their sail foams and just nod off. Never took notes or participated in class...except for verbal outbursts. Their attendance was always spotty and I was glad when they didn't show up. They have the natural curiosity of a waffle iron. Nothing meaningful interests them. But lawdy, lawdy they wants to go to collitch.
I got out of there. Didn't need the aggrivation of dealing with jerkoffs in the classroom and the even bigger douchebags who ran the school. By the way, broadcasting schools are major ripoffs.
I've finally discovered a negro related subject that is off limits for PK.
That reporter, Michael E. Miller should be more careful or he might get the same fate as Kevin Joseph Sutherland who was killed in Washington last year.
There is no doubt the groid got what it deserved. A person's home is sacred ground. that has been the rule of common law for centuries. The homeowner has a right to defend life AND property. It is another example of the n###ers uncivilized and immoral behavior. This is an established fact in human history. That's the reason they were watched so carefully when they were first imported here and why segregation was so important. Too lazy and too stupid to do anything else "to get dare money" it resorts to crime As far as my wife and I are concerned, we agree with several posters who said it is once less to take care of and dozens less of illegitimate offspring on the welfare rolls.
Wayne and his wife
Does nobody appreciate the sacrifices this child had to make for his education? He clearly exhausted all legitimate sources of funding for his future and was forced to lower himself to petty theft for the purpose of buying schoolbooks. This type of initiative, while controversial, is clearly endorsed by his family and peers. Unfortunately for Trayvon he paid the ultimate sacrifice for his enterprising methods of fundraising. I suggest the establishment of a scholarship in Trayvon's memory. It can help foster budding students like Trayvon, and help commemorate a student whose uncompromising commitment to further education in the African American community is unparalleled.
First saw this story on Daily Wire, cannot BELIEVE how many news sources picked it up! Maybe people are starting to notice?
Also, dumb question, but if he was robbing to get "clothes for skool," why didn't he just shoplift from a Hot Topic or something?
Notice his liberal journalists look a total blank expression like zombies give
Disney will come out with a movie about him. They will call it "Dindu and the evil Whitey".
Good riddance, another one of them gone. No more benefits for this one and no hospital expenses either (can you imagine the hundreds of millions of dollars in medical expenses these sponges incur, for us to pay for, each year - a point never discussed by the media) so I'm always a little relieved when I hear the perp was capped.
But the real problem is not irredeemable blacks, per se.
All roads lead to the controllers of the national media and the entertainment industry. The few powerful people who have but to pick up the phone to influence national viewpoints. That's the most frustrating part, and until it changes, the low information folks and the would be do-gooders who are killing this country will continue to be bobble heads. I don't include the far left, because most of them refuse to accept reality even if it means a black carrying their couch away with them on it.
I'm very thankful to have such an outlet as this website, but it's a shame that courageous people such as Paul have to stick their necks out to provide - can you believe it - the truth.
I'm sick and tired of all the mainstream bs. I never listen to it anymore.
And movies that I watch are usually the pre pc type. I cannot stand seeing another black mathematical genius, military mastermind, and the dumb and cowardly white people who need to be "straightened out,"
etc, etc.
And our local paper falls in line with the current credo: protect blacks at all costs, and try to ruin anyone who disagrees or brings the real facts to light.
But they're sitting on a rattling pot cover, the steam hissing around the rim. Something has to give.
I know I'm stating the obvious, but doesn't it feel great to vent!
Go Trump.
To S.C. Girl:
I lived in Myrtle Beach and loved it for 36 years up till the last Sunday of Memorial week end (black bike week) I had JUST THAT DAY ended an 11 year total deployment in Iraq and Afghanistan. I didn't recognize the place and heard more fuckin gunfire than I did in Afghanistan (not really) but in an American city it was more than I wanted to suffer through. I moved a couple of weeks later to a place that is 97+ white! I plan to visit this summer to visit Calabash and my long time Harley friends (I have 2 of them)won't stay long though, gotta beat the didndus out. Be safe.
Any sentence beginning with "Seventeen-year-old Trevon Johnson..." cannot possibly bode well for the once-great nation of America...
Any sentence beginning with "Seventeen-year-old Trevon Johnson..." cannot possibly bode well for the once-great nation of America
Even if it includes "departed for Monrovia on..."?
See this post at Ambrose Kane relate to this story, very revealing. Gives you the backstory. Oh yeah, the WaPo writer worked at Miami New Times Before he landed in DC. Here's the link...,
Might i suggest that these two families move back to Chicago where the stuffed shirts dont allow self defense in their crime ridden city of thieves
The best comment on the article invited the author to list his address since obviously he would have more property than anybody who might choose to burglarize his home...and since he doesn't seem to mind break-ins in general.
TNB. Even though Libs probably control much of the net, they can't control stupid, idiotic statements by their most protected people. I haven't heard such utter stupidity spoken, since I had the pleasure of watching Rachel Gentile, on the witness stand during the St. skittles trial.
We need Trump more than ever!
We are watching the creation of a solid third party.
The democrats, the republicans and the Realists!
I think many people from the other two parties are sick and tired of all the bullshit. The amount of denying by our leaders, of the true origin of our problems and by dividing us into as many little grevience groups as possible, is causing eyes to finally open.
A few posters here have great suggestions that are truly possible to accomplish.
Here's another one. I think if you get govt assistance of any kind other than earned Social Security and certain disabilities, you should not be allowed to vote. These people have shown the inability to take care of their own life, so why in the hell should they have a voice in mine!
With a man like Trump, it's a plausible possibility.
Busy Hating in the ATL
So this is how the "hood" raises its collective children. To commit crimes. i.e., Hood Culture is the Culture of Crime. So every last child in the hood will be breaking into people's houses, assaulting people on the streets, hijacking cars, et alia.
Can you find a better argument for the proposition that "the 'hood" should be a baby-free zone? If they're raising their children that way, they shouldn't have children period.
NB: "et alii" means "and others", as in people. You meant "et cetera", "and so forth".
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