One year ago, six friends gathered in a house to discuss amongst other things, Black people. As many people are painfully aware, public discourse hardly reflects the private conversations that take place throughout the nation among the safety of ones friends.
After a few jokes were tossed around, the conversations turned in another direction: white people. More jokes followed.
After discussing the pros and cons of the popular website, Stuff White People Like, an idea was floated to do a website devoted to the Stuff Black People Like. Soon, a eureka moment occurred and with the the magical addition of simple word, Stuff Black People Don't Like was born.
Strange that a year has past since that moment, which seems frozen in time now. The idea tossed around by six people became an avocation of one person who continues to dutifully write a new blog entry at a regular pace.
Ideas have come from a variety of directions: old friends made aware of the websites existence; emails from new friends who find the website a fun diversion from the endless insanity that seems to stream across the television; movies viewed with family, friends and girl friends that spark some memory deep within the recess of my mind; and most importantly, news stories that seem to flow forth with ever increasing candor.
Stuff Black People Don't Like was started as a joke. Read the first few entries to judge for yourself. Swimming, fried chicken and a Maury Povich reference within the first week.
Somewhere though, something happened. Emails started coming in from strangers who found the words written here enjoyable. Many wondered what the impetus behind the site was and at first, no answer could be given.
Now, looking back across the past year of writing Stuff Black People Don't Like one is forced to take stock of all that has happened and come to stirring conclusion: it has been a blast.
This writer has received touching emails from people that they might never meet, but in reading them learn more about that person then they might ever know about a long-time friend.
There is the reason Stuff Black People Don't Like continues and grew a sizable audience over the past year: honesty. What is written isn't vetted (normally having no editor, to the chagrin of many readers) and comes from the mind in a delirious fashion, fast and furious and unrestrained
People might not agree with everything that is written and may adamantly oppose many of the ideas floated around this website, but in the end they cause reflection and pause. The agenda at SBPDL is pretty obvious: to help educate people about Black people.
Many might find this site an oddity: is it a Black person or perhaps some evil intentioned white person behind the website? Could it even be a Jew, which might cause more heads to explode if it were true than the aforementioned potential identities.
Regardless, a year has past now since the day this website was founded. It has been a great honor to exchange ideas through the comment sections and through many emails with readers. We are all busy people, with jobs and families, duties and obligations. But to have people take time out of their schedules to visit (tell your friends!) means a lot. Thank you.
At first, it was hoped a reprieve from that might be offered here, along with the occasional laugh. Perhaps delusions of grandeur set in and other goals were created, but we never wavered from the original impetus behind the site.
As you read this, the writer behind SBPDL thanks you for taking the time out of your busy life to visit this admittedly goofy website. It has been a fun journey over the past year and an experience that has taught one important lesson: perseverance.
People can accomplish things they might deem trivial or insignificant, but it all begins with that first step. SBDPL started with one-step and a year later, we caused a company worth $472 dollars-a-share to change its search algorithms to exclude any mention of this site when people inquire about Black people there.
One year is but 365 days of memory. Some of those days might pass insignificantly into the future with hardly a moments hesitation, causing a temporary desire to relive that moment differently, more vigorously.
SBPDL no longer worries about the past, for it is the one judge whose verdict we can't supplicate.
We move forward into year two of SBPDL and will continue mixing humor with seriousness. Irreverent entries will be more frequent, plus some more serious commentary.
As SBPDL turns one, this writer sincerely thanks all of the readers and those who have commented here. The emails of encouragement are appreciated, the emails of disdain and venom more so.
Obviously, something right is being done at this URL ( A billion-dollar company wouldn't have declared war on us otherwise.
Thank you for reading. The writer of SBPDL is going to have a celebratory glass of Rombauer, toast old memories and prepare for an exciting year of new ones.
So, thanks again to all readers. If you have suggestions for new entries or how you would recommend changing the website for the better (a new format is being worked on now that will take us off of blogspot), email us at
And now, a moment of levity. The writer behind this site might have been born in the 1980s, but a song written BEFORE they were born perfectly encapsulates the mood for year two at SBPDL.
Year Two at SBPDL: Combing the Desert for Truth, starts tomorrow. See you then.
Thank you for all your hard work. I read a lot of blogs but this one is far and away in a class of its own most days.... and your well written/well researched content really stands out.
I hope you deserve it
Thanks for providing such a fun and informative site for the discussion of race issues in America. Whites who rely on their TV for news and information can only conclude that there are two choices for whites, grovel and worship blacks or join the Klan and start burning churches. That is why most "white devils' are resigned to keeping their mouths shut and voting with their feet. Sites like this show how contrived and controlled the race non-discussions are in this nation.
Your approach to discussing the race catastrophe in America makes facing reality much more palatable to a wider audience of whites who are concerned about the descent into black run America. Most whites, just like every other race on the planet, just want to live their lives among their own kind, with people that share their values and heritage. Whites long to be free from the guilt trips, race huckstering, third world attitudes and crime that come with living among blacks. We don't want a return to slavery or to hurt anyone. We've grown tired of the whole race game. Its clear that the end game for the racial utopians is the elimination of white people and culture.
Make sure your new site has a method for donations. You certainly deserve support.
'Six friends...'
I'm sorry. I am completely disgusted.
But that is what I'd say, right?
I am glad you are successful at your blog (really; everyone wants people to read their stuff) but inquiring black minds (ie, *mine*) would like to know why you targeted black people. And don't give a half-assed, flippant reason.
Do you know black people? Are you friends with any of us? Have you dated any of us?
I mean, I don't get the hate, no matter how much you think it is 'lighthearted'. Lighthearted is a word afforded to those in privilege; how easy it is to be the brunt of jokes yet it does not stick so insidiously as it does to PoC.
What is up with the hate, kid?
Racism is a mental illness, you know. I think you should get that checked out! Sane people don't spend inordinate amounts of time obsessing over the behaviors or perceived behaviors of a group of people to which they have no contact.
I pity you, and I am afraid that many whites think like you, even if only on the inside. It is scary!
I will say, however, I admire the way you have been able to rally your drones. If PoC weren't so busy surviving and trying to live in a racial caste system predicated upon and maintained by lies, maybe *I* would be able get them together.
Because, you know, we *are* a significantly larger segment of the world...90% strong and growing... We are just in a state of disunity and self-hating madness. Gotta fix that!
Its people like you that make me wary of blacks. Though I live alongside many Asians, Indians, and Hispanics, non of them continually talk about race and demand I respect a backwards and anti-social welfare culture. Only blacks do that, and they do it often and loudly.
A science degree, if nothing else, taught me to question everything. I began to question the notions of racial equality. Equality among races was something I had no reason to doubt until I began University and was surrounded by a culture of failure. I began to examine the world around me and more and more I realized that blacks were not equal to the other races. My University is the top public university in the nation and we currently enroll about 3% blacks. I have never seen one in my upper div science classes, they seem to only exist in subjects that have "studies" in them. They are loud race bating assholes, they are like you, Disiree.
My university is also in a city with a large black population. I have had friends robbed at gunpoint in their own dormitories, friends mugged, beaten, stabbed, all by black people without a single exception. Yours is a culture of crime and victimization. I will never respect black culture and I will never respect any individual, regardless of race, who does.
Where is the hate coming from you ask. Its coming from blatant disregard for racial truths my media and academia outside the area of the inherent evil of white males, it comes from being the victims of violent crime, it comes from not being able to express displeasure at having to live next to worthless jokers with no sense of community.
This is a long winded way of saying, whites have a lot of reasons to hate blacks. Anyone with eyes can see the inherent inferiority of black culture.
Congrats and many more....
but dang who lit Lesirea's tampon?
More fun facts from desiree the human encyclopedia.
"Racism is a mental illness, you know."
First of all you have to define what racism is. Then you must show me where racism is defined as a mental illness. Because if that is true, then you boo are mentally ill.
You live in la la land desiree. You say things that are not true, and are obviously upset about not being white. Like Obama, who is filled with hate for the white man because he himself was born a half breed.
You talk out of your big black ass. POC as you call them can't get anything together, just crime. White people always do it better. Why wouldn't this white site be better? History shows us that white is always better, why would anything change suddenly?
Blacks can only do well on the backs of the white man, and his ingenuity and money. Blacks are incapable of doing anything. Period.
Love the site. Keep up the good work!
Oh and, Desiree? Keep it. We are truly fed up with you and yours. The TV and movies and commercials and voice-overs, and on and on, can portray blacks as true heroes, and the model citizens whites need to live up to. But we know.
We are through with you and yours...
Congrats!!! The site is fun and helps me figure out the oddities of your average negro.
would you mind disclosing how many visitors this site gets in a given day?
Anonymous at 11:46am:
Well, as a science major (microbiology) myself, I do not see many blacks in science classes. They like the Liberal Arts, as do many people. So what? That doesn't make anyone inherently worse.
Anyway, I have to laugh when individuals such as yourself bitch and moan about 'race-baiting' when that is the history of your people in this country.
Yes, whites are the race-baiters. Do you at all remember the run up to the 2008 election?
So, when you suddenly want to shrink back and say 'Let's be colorblind!' without addressing or even *fixing* the wrongs made to my people, naturally, I'm going to be livid at the completely one-sided convenience.
But that is the culture we live in. You don't have the right to be pissed off when black people or any PoC bring up discrimination.
No, we are not going to be silent. Period.
And, seriously, get over the whole white victim thing. It is patently ridiculous to use experiences with INDIVIDUAL blacks and say all blacks are similar to those when you don't even venture out to *see* the differences.
Let go of the security blanket. It is a barricade against real healing and the eradication of insanity. Because you sound insane.
Living in fear is not healthy. I don't care if you dislike black culture; couldn't care less. I just believe you are happy with stereotyping people because the fear of being wrong is uniquely human; you don't want to be wrong because it will obliterate your worldview. Stereotypical notions of black inferiority are mental 'safe places' for whites, thus, they cling onto them voraciously.
Unfortunately, minorities like myself are eternally indebted to 'taking the high road' when it comes to our beliefs/perceptions of whites. Yes, there are many, many reasons to dislike/hate the white collective as a PoC. I have no choice but to view you as an individual, and, really, I don't have problem with it. I've been well-conditioned.
Although I feel most whites hold some level of prejudiced views and my own experiences make me distrustful of the white collective, I remember the kind whites I've encountered, those who've demonstrated humanity and true colorblindness. Like my science teacher in 11th grade. She was a gun-toting, Christian, conservative Republican and was ferociously compassionate.
You'd encounter black counterparts to her if you'd abandon your bigotry. But I'm not here to convince you, honestly. You're a horse at a stream but I can't make you drink!
Please, do become nuanced. How uncomfortable it must feel to be so myopic! Good God!
By the way, what is this inferior black culture? You explain it to me.
Really, US black culture was created by whites.
When you rape someone psychologically from birth; tell his children they are nothing and will never be anything besides criminals, whores, and fuck-ups; relegate him to the bottom of the racial caste system; force him to live in dirty, impoverished slums or destitute farmland; tell him he's stupid; deny his humanity; deny him his rights, all the while he attempts to be better only to be shut out because of the color of his skin? Hello! Of course it can breed a kind of culture predisposed to sociopathy! A culture in which the people turn to vices to alleviate the suffering!
Don't you get it? WHITES CREATED UNITED STATES BLACK CULTURE! The same exploitation by Europeans in Africa creates a similar cultural misery! HELLO! And you have the *nerve* to blame us for it?
Ugh. You are truly perverted. I imagine those blinders who've got on are mighty thick...
SBPDL, you were born in the 1980s? doesn't surprise me that you are young, to be honest. Young people are the way you are; they like to date themselves in order to show how 'smart' they seem. *rolls eyes*
I hope you grow out of all this. I have faith you will, despite the apparent know-it-all, smart-ass, privileged white boy-isms marring your site.
Because I'm sure you know: there's nothing worse than an old fool.
Are you for real?
" doesn't surprise me that you are young, to be honest. Young people are the way you are; they like to date themselves in order to show how 'smart' they seem. *rolls eyes*"
You are only 20 years old!
"Yes, whites are the race-baiters. Do you at all remember the run up to the 2008 election?"
Yeah I remember the 2008 election, and you have not given any examples of white race baiting. I do how ever know that Obama was race baiting. It is all his typical white grandmother's fault.
"So, when you suddenly want to shrink back and say 'Let's be colorblind!' without addressing or even *fixing* the wrongs made to my people, naturally, I'm going to be livid at the completely one-sided convenience."
What wrongs have been made to your people, that have not been fixed or addressed? You don't give examples or how they can be fixed.
Before Google declared war on this site and removed all searches about Black people that took you to this website through search algorithms, we were averaging 4,000 people a people a day and double that for page views.
Now, it is roughly 1800 - 2000 people a day. Google removing this site from random searches about Black people will hurt for the time being.
If you like this website, post links on facebook, twitter, reddit, digg or other social networking sites.
If you read a story in on your local news' website, consider posting a link to here with corresponds with an article written.
Post stories on message boards and other sites.
Or, sit back and just keep reading. I have been story boarding a Youtube video that a couple friends are going to help me film next weekend.
SBPDL will finally go the route of The Young Turks, which is now the goal for Year Two: a news show.
First I would like to congratulate the creator of SBPDL on the success of your very entertaining and educational blog.
Hello Disiree,
Lets break this down part by part.
"Well, as a science major (microbiology) myself, I do not see many blacks in science classes. They like the Liberal Arts, as do many people. So what? That doesn't make anyone inherently worse."
You see an academic preference, I see a culture incapable of grasping abstract thinking. History supports this. In over 5,000 years of civilization the sub-Saharan race has never independently produced a written language, scientific advancement, irrigation, a plow, a woven cloth, medical understanding, nothing. Theirs is a civilization equal to that of the homo-erectus, hardly worth mentioning. Their greatest architectural monuments are overshadowed by the beaver's dam or a spider's web in terms of complexity and form to function.
“Anyway, I have to laugh when individuals such as yourself bitch and moan about 'race-baiting' when that is the history of your people in this country.”
The history of white people in America is not bitching and moaning. I will not dignify this statement with a response. Please understand you cannot make me angry, show some respect and stop with comments like this.
“So, when you suddenly want to shrink back and say 'Let's be colorblind!' without addressing or even *fixing* the wrongs made to my people, naturally, I'm going to be livid at the completely one-sided convenience. But that is the culture we live in. You don't have the right to be pissed off when black people or any PoC bring up discrimination.”
So are you telling me that in the United States of America I do not have the right to voice my opinion. I not only have the right, I will exercise my rights. I will also respect your right to be “livid” at my opinion. I will never support censorship, just encourage honest debate. In a honest discussion on race, there is only one logical conclusion, cultural equality does not exist. Western culture which emphasizes individual achievement over social welfare has outproduced every other culture in nearly every conceivable discipline. Yes this culture was created by whites of western European dissent, culture that have adopted its principles have also succeeded such as those in South and Southeastern Asian.
“Although I feel most whites hold some level of prejudiced views and my own experiences make me distrustful of the white collective, I remember the kind whites I've encountered, those who've demonstrated humanity and true colorblindness. Like my science teacher in 11th grade. She was a gun-toting, Christian, conservative Republican and was ferociously compassionate. You'd encounter black counterparts to her if you'd abandon your bigotry. But I'm not here to convince you, honestly. You're a horse at a stream but I can't make you drink!”
That is called an anecdotal fallacy, it proves nothing and is completely inconsequential. I have taken classes with the title “Ethnology and Urban Poverty” with a very intelligent black professor with a doctorate from Harvard. Anyway, we read Bourgois, Stake, Anderson, Du Bois, and Newman, it was a very informative class which I learned basically, that white people through the flawed welfare system were at fault for the suffering of urban blacks and our economic system perpetuated the need for a permanent underclass to fill menial positions. Unfortunately, the class's thesis was violated every single day by the ethnic makeup of the students. Most of the class were Asian students whose history was full of persecution at the hands of the white devil. However, theirs is a culture which demanded academic excellence and a strong family unite. Asians now are overrepresented at every top school in the country. They could do it, why cant blacks? That is a question every brilliant ethnographer was unable to answer, why can't blacks rise above adversity and succeed in a land where every single other culture was able to have a modicum of success?
“Please, do become nuanced. How uncomfortable it must feel to be so myopic! Good God!”
Please, I am intelligent, educated, and very nuanced as are many other readers of this site. Petty name calling will not work with us. Please, take the high road, we have heard every argument your side has fabricated and we remain unimpressed. Logic can only be stretched so far before sounding too outlandish to be taken seriously. It must be painful to cling so tightly to beliefs that, deep down, you know are untrue.
“By the way, what is this inferior black culture? You explain it to me.”
You are baiting me, again, please show me at least a modicum of respect. We may be ideological opponents on this subject, but at least try to remain civil.
“Really, US black culture was created by whites.
When you rape someone psychologically from birth; tell his children they are nothing and will never be anything besides criminals, whores, and fuck-ups; relegate him to the bottom of the racial caste system; force him to live in dirty, impoverished slums or destitute farmland; tell him he's stupid; deny his humanity; deny him his rights, all the while he attempts to be better only to be shut out because of the color of his skin? Hello! Of course it can breed a kind of culture predisposed to sociopathy! A culture in which the people turn to vices to alleviate the suffering!
Don't you get it? WHITES CREATED UNITED STATES BLACK CULTURE! The same exploitation by Europeans in Africa creates a similar cultural misery! HELLO! And you have the *nerve* to blame us for it?”
Yes, I have the nerve to suggest that blacks are at fault for maintaining a culture predisposed to sociopathy. If, as you mentioned prior, regarded blacks as a collective of individuals. Their violent and anti-social actions are entirely theirs to blame. The psychological “rape” you described has taken place against every racial minority in every civilization in recorded history. In America the Irish, Italians, Hispanics, and Asians all suffered the same discrimination in varying degrees. This form of discrimination has been perpetuated by blacks at a higher level than other peoples. Whites very well may have created the black culture in the United States, but blacks have maintained it.
“No, we are not going to be silent. Period. And, seriously, get over the whole white victim thing. It is patently ridiculous to use experiences with INDIVIDUAL blacks and say all blacks are similar to those when you don't even venture out to *see* the differences.”
If blacks wished to be judged as individuals their culture would be destroyed, SBPDL has done an excellent job providing arguments and evidence that supports this.
“Let go of the security blanket. It is a barricade against real healing and the eradication of insanity. Because you sound insane.”
There will never be any healing or reconciliation so long as black culture propagates monolithic victim and entitlement status. Also, good for you to dismantle the notion that blacks can have a formal debate of ideas without reverting to base ad hominem. That may work to rally those with no understanding of debate, but you lose the respect of any educated person.
“Living in fear is not healthy. I don't care if you dislike black culture; couldn't care less. I just believe you are happy with stereotyping people because the fear of being wrong is uniquely human; you don't want to be wrong because it will obliterate your worldview. Stereotypical notions of black inferiority are mental 'safe places' for whites, thus, they cling onto them voraciously.”
By this logic, we are both guilty of the same close mindedness. The side of black inferiority is supported by scientific study and large scale historical anecdotal evidence. Keep in mind black studies support these notions, theirs is an academic discipline dedicated to fabricating excuses for black's shortcomings. Outright denial, as per aspects of your argument, are easily disprovable.
“Unfortunately, minorities like myself are eternally indebted to 'taking the high road' when it comes to our beliefs/perceptions of whites. Yes, there are many, many reasons to dislike/hate the white collective as a PoC. I have no choice but to view you as an individual, and, really, I don't have problem with it. I've been well-conditioned.”
There is no such thing as the white collective. In one sentence you referred to viewing the white collective and the individual. Please elaborate, because I am beginning to believe I am debating someone incapable of reason.
Good luck SBPDL with the news show. I would certainly watch it. That's too bad about google, but if you keep writing this greatness, the people will come.
Keep up the good work.
Yes, congratulations are in order!
I discovered this site, pretty much in it's infancy and have been a follower since. I also throw my 2 cents in from time to time.
I also understand why SBPDL doesn't ban certain folks from the comment section, as this would be kin to what Google is attempting to do to *this* site..
(BTW, a 'Yahoo' search, even just typing in 'Black People'.. This site still is listed at #5 )
I'm sure there is plenty of just plain ol' vulgar stuff that gets tossed into the cyber round-file every day.
And I look forward to the 'comments' section almost as much as I do the actual article itself.
That being said, the comments section is becoming rather boring, tedious, and rarely stays on topic after the first 2-3 posts. I'm still trying to figure out WHY the people who hate this site with a passion, elect to spend what must be a lot of time, writing long-winded essays that stray from topic after the first sentence.
I come here for entertainment.. Others seem to be on a 'mission' of sorts. If I were to pursue the various media entities that joke about all Irish being drunks or all Germans being Nazis, I'd have time for nothing else. Hell, aside from being Irish/German, just being a white hetero male is target enough these days.
Maybe a ...dress code... To weed out some of the comments, NOT for what opinion they have about the topic or who they're from, but just to spare the rest from having to scroll down half a page to the comments that are on topic.
Keep up the good work!
Correction, CWN: I am 21 years old! As a young person develops from year to year, there are distinct psychological and physiological differences that make each of his transitions from age to age a 'milestone'.
Just because I, too, am young and, perhaps, much younger than SBPDL, does not mean I cannot have the opinion (probably justifiably) that his youngness and lack of experience color his thinking processes. I mean, really now, only a young person would have a blog in which he bitches and moans about 'black people' *rolls eyes* and 'BRA' *harder eye roll* and, yet, claims to not want to 'save' America or free it from what he deems as a negative cultural takeover. In a nutshell: he burns energy complaining but he will not lift a finger to try and change anything. What is the point, then?!
I think good ol' Porter had had an argument with him under one of these posts about that whole issue and I was agreeing with Porter, an egregious racist. Seriously, it's just stupid to waste time bitching and moaning about blacks but with no follow through.
That goes with anyone, really...
Wrongs to my people that have not been addressed and how?
Please don't make me list them, CWN. I'm not being coy; it is just tedious, especially in a comment. There are a multitude of things. I'd say slavery, for one. It is not the institution of the past but the psychological damage it has caused to blacks. Really though, after the abolition of slavery, whites went apeshit. Clearly, the act of possessing slaves for slaveowners and their legal subjugation for those not able to own them was of significantly more psychological importance than anything else. Hence the truly horrific lengths Southern whites went to keep blacks down following emancipation.
You probably cannot comprehend the legacy of slavery, CWN. Blacks cannot comprehend the legacy of slavery as well. If they did, we'd have toppled white supremacy already. As you can see, this has not happened. The legacy is so much of an afterthought; it has thoroughly shaped our collective consciousness as a society. Whites benefit from privilege (it doesn't have to be physically tangible, you know) and blacks struggle to free themselves of the black skin that carries implicit associations with inferiority and less-than statuses. I mean, think about it: it doesn't matter how 'white' we conduct and hold ourselves; at the end of the day, it is our *color* that keeps us back, our physical, unchangeable skin color. This is a result of slavery and its legacy.
I suspect we can *begin* healing by having a real, uncensored dialogue on race, one that does not allow whites to escape their sins or to feign victimization because the water is getting too hot.
Like it or not, you benefit from society's soft expectations of blacks. I, on the other hand, suffer immeasurably because if I fail, I'm just another statistic, another 'example'; if I succeed, someone will call it an anomaly.
Everything I say is true, but I know you'll just brush it off as just another stupid comment from Desiree. It is because of my color, no?
The college of the sciences and mathematics is not the only form of abstract thinking. Really, the sciences are quite concrete and black-or-white, if you ask me! Whether or not *you* consider the Liberal Arts an arena for thinking, it is. Were not the great philosophers in the Liberal Arts? I mean, really. Blacks want to be thinkers and social theorists, they crave a particular ideational stimuli. Many people do not see this in the sciences. There is no ability to just *think* and there are also stifling limitations on research. You are clearly ignorant of the amount of reading, writing, researching and critical thinking within the Liberal Atrs; sucks for you, man! It *is* merely an academic choice to be in the sciences or not; I made the choice to be in the sciences and so did you. I am not going to piss on someone else's major just because I may disagree with it's 'usefulness'; I cannot see the usefulness for society as a whole of the business degree. That is a personal opinion at the end of the day, though. By the way, how can you measure black lack of achievement by your own college experiences if your school only has 3% black alumni? I'm just saying your sample pool might be a tad shallow...
I didn't say whites' history in the US is that of bitching/moaning. I never said that. I said there is historical evidence of white *race-baiting*. Nor was I trying to make you angry. Contrary to popular belief, my goal is to educate, not to induce ire. It is, however, *your* choice to react in whatever way you'd wish...
No, you do not have the right to be angry when we speak of discrimination and physical and psychological brutality at the hands of governing white supremacy. This is not a matter of constitutionality; abandon that jerryrigged document for one damned second! It is a matter of humanity and common sense. I don't understand why you have to see it as you (whites) losing when we (blacks/PoC) gain. But that is the result of capitalistic mindsets. Instead of equal sharing of power, there always has to be a sort of seesaw. It isn't taking away power or advantage, it is merely providing more of it to equalize other groups.
Lastly, an honest dialogue on race is not honest if it ends with some sort of synthesis proclaiming white supremacy. If that is what you want, have we not done that already? Have we not already been bludgeoned with the notions of white superiority?
The key is to become culturally relative. The key is to not measure others' cultures through western lenses. *Of course* no one else will come out on 'top' if the standard was, 'Have they made something akin to the (insert some Western fortification)?' That is just silly. Necessity is the mother of invention, my friend; it is an old saying, yes, but it has never failed to show it's simple truth. Survival is the ultimate goal of human existence; what is the point of expending *energy* in building something one does not need? From a survival standpoint, it is suicide.
Really, what is the highest form of cultural efficiency? Is it the ability to make technology and use it? Or is it the ability of the human to suppress his animalistic predispostion for violence and competition in order to create societal peace and harmony? I am of the opinion the latter is both harder to achieve and of higher importance. So far, white western civilizations have failed to accomplish this; small tribes in the South Pacific have.
Yeah from 20 to 21, I am sure you changed a whole hell of alot. Please forgive me for missing a year.
"have the opinion (probably justifiably) that his youngness and lack of experience color his thinking processes. I mean, really now, only a young person would have a blog in which he bitches and moans about 'black people' *rolls eyes* and 'BRA' *harder eye roll* and, yet, claims to not want to 'save' America or free it from what he deems as a negative cultural takeover."
Actually, now adays in PC land USA; it would be less likely that a young person would write a blog like this. Since most young people have been brainwashed from get go to love "diversity" and blame whitey for everything. And the ones who are not brainwashed, are too scared to question the status quo, for fear of being labeled a racist. And that doesn't just happen with race. It happens with alot of things. Like with questioning evolution for instance. You never question the assumed truth and status quo. Especially if it might hurt your reputation or job, or schooling.
"I'd say slavery, for one. It is not the institution of the past but the psychological damage it has caused to blacks."
Not only has the white man bent over backwards to apologize for slavery. But it was whites who freed the blacks anyway with the marxist , unconstitutional civil war. And slavery has happened to all races over time. Plus, when will blacks take their responsibility for enslaving each other? Remember that the blacks in Africa hunted one another and sold each other off to slave traders. There were also black people who owned slaves in America. Also, not many whites owned slaves in the country.
According to federal census reports, on June 1, 1860 there were nearly 4.5 million Negroes in the United States, with fewer than four million of them living in the southern slaveholding states. Of the blacks residing in the South, 261,988 were not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. The country's leading African American historian, Duke University professor John Hope Franklin, records that in New Orleans over 3,000 free Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free Negroes in that city.
This 28 percent is certainly impressive when compared to less than 1.4 percent of all American whites and less than 4.8 percent of southern whites. The statistics show that, when free, blacks disproportionately became slave masters.
The majority of slaveholders, white and black, owned only one to five slaves. More often than not, and contrary to a century and a half of bullwhips-on-tortured-backs propaganda, black and white masters worked and ate alongside their charges; be it in house, field or workshop. The few individuals who owned 50 or more slaves were confined to the top one percent, and have been defined as slave magnates.
So as you can see, slavery is largely propoganda used against whites.
"I suspect we can *begin* healing by having a real, uncensored dialogue on race, one that does not allow whites to escape their sins or to feign victimization because the water is getting too hot."
Does this apply to blacks as well, or just the evil whites? Are the blacks allowed to ignore their sins?
"Like it or not, you benefit from society's soft expectations of blacks. I, on the other hand, suffer immeasurably because if I fail, I'm just another statistic, another 'example'; if I succeed, someone will call it an anomaly."
You don't suffer shit desiree. You do what you want to do. No white man is holding you back. I wonder tho, how the statistics go for poor white trash? Do they suffer immeasurably? Are they ever mocked? Do people look down on white southerners?
I usually brush what you say off, because you are usually wrong, just as a white would be if they said the things that you say. Some liberal whites do.
Science has never been and never will be about concrete black and white thinking. Science can be used as a politcal tool, an anti religion tool, full of biased opinion and assumptions. These can and do change with the wind. Science is about presupposition and bias. It does require outside of the box thinking. But most people assume and accept what is fed to them, so they do not question assumed and accepted science. But, think God that there are some that do , who do not care if they are mocked. But as usual, all the great scientific discoveries have come from white people.
Equal sharing of power sounds like socialist, communist speak. Capitalism is the only thing that works in a free society. We don't live in a utopia, no matter how liberals might want to try to forge one. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Liberals are full of good intentions, none of which work. Most of which take away freedom.
"This is not a matter of constitutionality; abandon that jerryrigged document for one damned second!"
Whatever that means. You gave no examples as usual. The constitution protects blacks just as much as it does whites. But, then again, it was written by whitey, so you find fault with it. Yeah, Barry doesn't like the constitution either.
"Lastly, an honest dialogue on race is not honest if it ends with some sort of synthesis proclaiming white supremacy."
In other words, it is not honest, even if the truth might point to white supremacy. You must come up with a "truth" that actually hides the real truth. Call this the "black truth".
"The key is to become culturally relative. The key is to not measure others' cultures through western lenses. *Of course* no one else will come out on 'top' if the standard was, 'Have they made something akin to the (insert some Western fortification)?' That is just silly. Necessity is the mother of invention, my friend; it is an old saying, yes, but it has never failed to show it's simple truth. Survival is the ultimate goal of human existence; what is the point of expending *energy* in building something one does not need? From a survival standpoint, it is suicide."
More nonsense. There is a thing called American exceptionalism. Which means that America is superior to lesser governments and peoples. Because of our way of life we are better than those who live in shit and have less freedoms. We have fought and died for this, and it is not something to wantonly ignore. America is better than those sess pools in those third world hell holes. Don't be so ignorant.
"Or is it the ability of the human to suppress his animalistic predispostion for violence and competition in order to create societal peace and harmony?"
As humans are not animals, there is nothing to suppress. Humans are fallen and sinful tho, and must fight that. But I see that you like to spin and shit talk alot. Small tribes of non whites, who love to cannibalize, torture, rape, war with each other, have multiple wives, incest, pedophilia, Godless paganism , human sacrifice. Those peaceful people?
Examples of race-baiting? Jeremiah Wright! Hello?! Obama tried his hardest not to even discuss his race until Hillary and McCain brought up Wright. Obama then had to push a friend under the bus in order to free himself of the stigma of the whole 'Goddam America' crap. (Wright was on point, though; 'goddam America when she thinks she is greater than God')
Also, what about the constant bringing up that Obama could have been a Muslim? I mean, idiots still believe this! That conservative guy came up saying 'Barack HUSSEIN Obama'. If you didn't get the implicit associations of all of that, you may be a little slow.
I was a registered republican before they went crazy and started race-baiting Obama. I was *disgusted* by these people appealing to that NASCAR segment of reactionaries (aka white house negroes who vote against their own interests) and I promptly switched parties (I'm a registered nonpartisan).
Desiree says: Blame-Whitey-Blame-Whitey-Blame-Whitey-Blame-Whitey-Blame-Whitey-Blame-Whitey...
Blacks are helpless infants incapable of anything other than committing crime and having out-of-wedlock children, and it's all Whitey's fault.
Slavery blah blah blah...white supremacy blah blah blah...negative images blah blah blah...
Blacks commit half the murders in this country, but WE CAN'T HELP IT, IT'S NOT OUR FAULT, IT'S WHITEY'S FAULT!!
You talk about 'anecdotal fallacy' after you mention your friends having been 'brutalized' or 'victimized' by blacks? Is that not hypocrisy? Isn't that something that cannot be proven?
No, I was not disrespecting or 'baiting' you when I asked you to describe what your notion of black inferiority is; it was a question. You refusal to answer it speaks volumes! Your people invented the notion to which you subscribe yet you cannot or are completely unwilling to describe it in detail!
Also, don't make me laugh, comrade. Your 'ethnology' class' thesis was not violated if all you saw were Asians. Being of privilege, you cannot begin to understand the racial caste system in this country. Do you not realize Asians have been made 'honorary whites' in this country? At the risk of pushing fellow PoC under the bus, Asians are the biggest white ass kissers around. Through assimilation (psychologically, physically, and sexually) into white culture, they have made themselves into the 'model minority'. This has nothing to do with their hardwork or ethics (this existed before white contact) but everything to do with a willingness to supplicate. So, it does not matter whether blacks act like the so-called 'model minority'; it only matters if they are willing to openly concede to white superiority. That we will not do.
You talk of subjugation of other groups but there needs to be an acknowledgment of monumental differences (outside the whole 'scale' thing, which blacks have suffered disproportionally more): the distinction is that blacks were truly the first group in which race was a factor in their subjugation. Not language, not 'culture'. Race--skin color. At the end of the day, other groups (oh God, don't you dare mention Italians, Irish, or Ashkenazi [white] jews! I'll puke!) were able to escape the stigma of dark skin, regardless of behavior, whereas black were not afforded the same luxury. I mean, you people make it seem as if we can change our behavior, conforming to white 'ideals', but when that *is* achieved, we are still shut out. It is color, not attitude; don't you dare deny it. If it were attitude that makes a black man free in white society, none of us would bitch and moan!
"If blacks wished to be judged as individuals their culture would be destroyed, SBPDL has done an excellent job providing arguments and evidence that supports this."
What are piss poor rebuttal to what I said! Admit it instead of being a liar (and an unintelligent one at that): you refuse to see blacks individually because it shatters the facade of white superiority. And SBPDL has not done a good job of anything but perpetuate tired stereotypes of people he most likely has little contact with... I'm guessing you are the same way...
"There will never be any healing or reconciliation so long as black culture propagates monolithic victim and entitlement status."
You refuse to see us as individuals and, yet, you blame us for being monolithic? Are you kidding me, comrade? Also, why is healing on the white man's terms? Why can't healing be altruistic? The reality is whites do not want to admit their past wrongs; there is an unwillingness to release notions of superiority because privilege is good.
"There is no such thing as the white collective. In one sentence you referred to viewing the white collective and the individual. Please elaborate, because I am beginning to believe I am debating someone incapable of reason."
And now you are baiting and disrespecting me by your logic...LOL! But I won't be chickenshit and not answer. The white collective is a psychology that all whites share in common. To deny this is tantamount to stupidity. The majority of America's white population is generations removed from their ancestral origins (because as you know, America is a colored country, not white) and have been socialized into ideas of white supremacy over other groups. Because of this association, many whites act the same or have similar modes of thinking about the world around them. (This is the same with blacks, who are all socialized in a familiar black culture.) Of course, their is the white individual who makes his own decisions and has his own feelings; likewise with the black. But whites en masse? The vast majority are similar enough for me to proclaim a white collective. (If you didn't all act similarly, why immediately socialize with other whites? The same goes for blacks.)
"Please, I am intelligent, educated, and very nuanced as are many other readers of this site. Petty name calling will not work with us. "
You are the one name-calling, comrade; your inability to NOT be a hypocrite is completely astounding. Yes, you probably are educated and intelligent but you are not nuanced and neither are many of the other readers of SBPDL's website. If you were nuanced you wouldn't be on here gathering talking points for your little rahowa...
"Whites very well may have created the black culture in the United States, but blacks have maintained it."
I'm glad you are at least conceding to reason. Unfortunately, you have not reasoned to see the rest of the point. MLK said something to the effect: 'you cannot tell a man to lift himself up by his bootstraps if he has no boots.' Likewise, you cannot expect disaffected blacks socialized into a culture of failure and hardship to know any better without help. If I was raised in a slum and my mother and her mother and so on, I would fully expect to continue a cycle of similar despair. You call it an entitlement mindset but I call it common sense. It's like expecting a dog to meow. It won't happen unless there is some sort of intermediary step from A to B. There has never been any willingness to actually alleviate the suffering of blacks in this country. You cannot throw money at people who don't know how to use it.
"The side of black inferiority is supported by scientific study and large scale historical anecdotal evidence. Keep in mind black studies support these notions, theirs is an academic discipline dedicated to fabricating excuses for black's shortcomings. Outright denial, as per aspects of your argument, are easily disprovable."
I am not in denial, friend. The problem lies in that black acheivement has been erased from history. I didn't hear about the Great Zimbabwe fortification until last semester in school. Neither does academia attempt to put Egypt with black historical achievements despite the fact Egypt is in Africa and Arabs did not arrive in the area until much, much later. Egypt was one of the ancient world's most stunning civilizations and, yet, it being in Africa somehow gets lost in the fray. I mean it is typical that whites want to hijack any sort of achievement they deem brilliant. As per historical record...
There is no such thing as black inferiority. I cannot understand the insistance of whites' wanting to quantify such a thing! But the reality is there is a balance: you cannot have good without evil because without evil good is nothing, it's intangible. Likewise with the notions of white superiority. Your people cannot be on top with having someone beneath, hence, the constant effort to assert white superiority in absolutely everything and minimizing black superiority (such as in sports) by saying there is some sort of cover up. What a damned shame to be *that* disingenuous...
I'm done. You are stubborn to reason.
"Racism is a mental illness, you know."
Isn't that funny. After reading the black lesbian's hateful rants against white people, she calls racism. Isn't that calling the kettle black?
I hope you grow out of all this. I have faith you will, despite the apparent know-it-all, smart-ass, privileged white boy-isms marring your site.
No most of us grow up and wake up - its called maturity. You can't have years of experience with "white made black culture"(LOL I had to call my friend over to read that one - and he's black - rolls eyes) and not open your eyes to many of things SBDL point out about your "culture" or social desease as its better know as.
"You talk about 'anecdotal fallacy' after you mention your friends having been 'brutalized' or 'victimized' by blacks? Is that not hypocrisy? Isn't that something that cannot be proven?"
Wrong person.
CWN, I encourage you to stop wasting your time explaining facts to Desiree, she exists in la-la land, and is absolutely COMMITTED to her "blame-whitey" rhetoric.
After all, her only alternative is to face the fact that her race is largely incapable of living like civilized human beings.
"Examples of race-baiting? Jeremiah Wright! Hello?! Obama tried his hardest not to even discuss his race until Hillary and McCain brought up Wright."
Oh, I see. Barry can go to a racist, black theology church for 20 years. Where the Pastor is obviously another race baiting charlaton. But nobody can call him out on it because he is black. Because we all know, that if a white politician went to a similar church, he would be left alone. No, he would be called a racist, and never become president.
"(Wright was on point, though; 'goddam America when she thinks she is greater than God')"
Wright, I doubt, knows too much about what the bible actually says. Since he is just a left wing mouth piece. I wonder if wright ever spoke out against homosexuality, abortion, feminism, evolution, catholicism, mormonism, islam? No, because he is not a true Pastor, he is a political jack ass.
"Also, what about the constant bringing up that Obama could have been a Muslim? I mean, idiots still believe this! That conservative guy came up saying 'Barack HUSSEIN Obama'. If you didn't get the implicit associations of all of that, you may be a little slow."
Barry soetoro WAS a muslim growing up. His middle name is infact Hussein. Altho, I don't see how that has to do with race.
"I was a registered republican before they went crazy and started race-baiting Obama. I was *disgusted* by these people appealing to that NASCAR segment of reactionaries (aka white house negroes who vote against their own interests) and I promptly switched parties (I'm a registered nonpartisan). "
There wasn't a socialist, communist, or liberal option to register under? You could easily fall under those categories. Nonpartisan tho, not hardly. I am not sure how voting for Obama protected anybodies interests. He has not done anything good for anybody. He is not much different than Bush. So what were blacks voting for? A color? A face? Propoganda? Yes.
See? SEE what I mean?
A dress code is in order...
Or perhaps a no-loitering sign...?
Jumping in on this a little late. First of all Congratulations SBPDL! Dont let the Google issue get you down, Ill pass your link on to some other sites to help with the traffic.
To everyone else don't bother fencing with Desiree, shes a simple minded black nationalist and no amount of logic or historical references will change her mind. Don't feed the trolls. Eventually she will go away and spew her crap on another site, she gets treated very well here let her try over at Stormfront or Detroit is Crap.
These may be my last comments on here since the people clearly want me to leave; I will ruffle no more petticoats:
Everything you said was typical white supremacist garbage spewed wearing the thickest of privilege blinders. Mentioning black slaveowners does not solve the problem of slavery's legacy; it is slavery's legacy that is the most damaging to American black psyches. Black slaveowners did not have the psychological power over black slaves that white slaveowners had. This is what makes American slavery distinctive in that *race* became a key reason governing the subjugation of the enslaved people.
"cannibalize, torture, rape, war with each other, have multiple wives, incest, pedophilia, Godless paganism , human sacrifice. Those peaceful people?"
All of this, CWN, has taken place in white societies, such as ancient Rome and Greece and modern day America and Europe. Please do not be so willfully dense. As I've said before, pedophilia is a title whites created for a sickness. It was formerly called pederasty from the Greek 'paiderastēs' meaning 'lover' of boys. As for cannibalism, I have researched this topic extensively and it is misunderstood. Most colored people who cannibalize do it not out of malice but out of ritual, such as eating a loved one in remembrance or eating organs of warriors to engulf their cunning and skill. It's symbolism expressed literally. Cases of cannibalism in the west, however, were done out of malice, cruelty, or pure psychotic sadism.
'American expectionalism' sounds as if it is some sort of justification for American imperialism and terrorism. Just because we view our ways of doing things as more important or better put together does not give us the right to abuse and rape other lands. If you think that that is okay, I feel sorry for you because it is not.
Do yourself a favor, CWN, and stop mentioning your Christianity. It is laughable. Every time your bring it up you remind everyone with a fuctioning brain and an extensive knowledge of the Good Book (ie, *me*) that you continually violate its tenants. Please stop. I doubt in Heaven you will be able to tell a black counterpart to 'go back to shining my shoes, boy!' without swift and dire consequences...
Also, man is an animal, he just has reason. You say he's sinful and fallen, I refer to that as animality, give or take certain behaviors. If you'd like to kick it into the realm of Christianity, evolution was most certainly the method to which God created the world. Big Bang for how he made the Universe. Scientific law is not incompatible with religion. You would understand that if you didn't just hear about evolution through Christian websites of with the readiness to pounce upon it in order to discredit it.
Yes, a white politician going to a church with a Minister CWN would be considered a racist. And rightfully so. Maybe Obama wasn't telling the complete truth when he said he didn't go there all the time. I don't know. However, it is clear that whatever radical messages Wright spoke Obama has not taken them to heart. Obama might as well be another all-white liberal Democrat. He's no Malcolm X by any stretch of the imagination... If he were, he'd put another black person on the Supreme Court instead of another white woman. Because Clarence Thomas is not and does not see himself as black.
"After reading the black lesbian's hateful rants against white people, she calls racism. Isn't that calling the kettle black?"
You totally need to quit with the lesbian stuff; it just makes you sound idiotic and uneducated. I am straight, but, you know, that diss only works with hetero men. Calling me a lesbian is ineffective, dude, and it isn't the worse thing in the world. Seriously, get it together with your homophobia.
No, I am not at all racist and I'm not being a hypocrite. Are you kidding me? You can't just call me a racist just because I'm calling out the white collective's historical and current wrongdoings. I've lived in diverse society long enough to befriend all colors and I have had many, many white friends (no, not 'wiggers') throughout my brief life. I don't distinguish between colors in my interpersonal relationships because I judge people on an individual basis. My intellectual side realizes and yearns for a synthesis regarding the past physical and the past/current psychological abuses done by white supremacy but I don't judge individuals on that. I doubt the same is for *any* of you...
I don't like, nor do I understand, racist whites and they suffer from a mental illness called racism. Anyone who obsessively and irrationally hates another person because of the color of their skin and create implicit associations that go along with the skin color is clearly unstable, unbalanced, and living in a fearful, reactionary state. I understand generalizations based on personal experience. PLEASE don't get me wrong on that. But the point is to not let emotion guide belief. Let reason guide belief.
You all say I just 'blame whitey' but that is a typical derailment technique. Why don't you put yourself into the place of a PoC and try to understand why we always point to the overarching white supremacy; remove your privilege blinders and just think. Have you ever considered such radical methods? Also, I think it's hypocritical to lump PoC into collectives and at the same time demand an end to what you consider monolithic groupthink. It's nonsense! Treat us like individuals because that is what we are.
What is 'blame whitey' anyway? I just see it as calling a spade a spade. The fact whites immediately become offended at the mention of white supremacy's abuses showcases the extent the white collective will go to lie to themselves! Why don't you gain some 'clarity' and see the world for what it is? You cannot ignore abuses and systematic brainwashing and epect us to do the same.
"You can't have years of experience with "white made black culture"(LOL I had to call my friend over to read that one - and he's black - rolls eyes) and not open your eyes to many of things SBDL point out about your "culture" or social desease as its better know as."
Do you think I am really stupid enough to believe you have a black friend with all of that hate you just spoke regarding his race? Or is he an Uncle Ruckus type like on 'the Boondocks'? Anyone want to call out that 'anecdotal fallacy'? 'White made black culture' is a fact. Inummerable suffering will create a culture of despair. Blacks have been victimized and we re-enact the reactions to the victimizations over and over again. It's not that difficult to understand, guy; it's Psychology 101 stuff!
"her only alternative is to face the fact that her race is largely incapable of living like civilized human beings."
I'm not going to be on the defensive with this. Accomplished black people have proliferated for centuries and this statement is just too ridiculous to debate. However, I would like to give you the opportunity to explain to me how I'm inferior and uncivilized knowing that when you see me among a group of people you immediately have expectations of worthlessness. Fuck the qualifier. Explain it; all I ever hear is 'blacks are inferior'--it is the thesis of this site! What about me?
"shes a simple minded black nationalist and no amount of logic or historical references will change her mind."
Simple-minded? Suuure! *rolls eyes* Logic? What is logical about the absolute proclamation of 'blacks are an inferior race'? It is an illogical statement that is simply opinion at the end of the day, and an invalid one at that. History? History is written by victors. Cortes said Monteczuma was hit in the head with a rock by his own people and died after receiving his Last Rites. The real story was Monteczuma was stabbed in the back by Cortes. I mean, I wonder how many other cover-ups are in the historical record...
The fact of the matter is, above all, whites attack black EVERYTHING. I have a nose for conspiracies and bullshit is intolerable to me. There has to be a reason behind the *need* to keep blacks underfoot, even allowing other races to go ahead. We must be THAT threatening to you people because, clearly, intelligent blacks (such as King, Malcolm X, Du Bois, to name a Obama) have the ability to turn the world upside down. All PoC revolutionaries have turned the world on it's head by challenging white supremacy. Hopefully and God-willing, my day too will come...
I won't bother going to Stormfront, Steve; I had a plan of going undercover as a sociological experiment but it would be too much work. In the future perhaps...time willing... But they are a bunch of stupid, paranoid, under-exposed losers who fear impending, genetic annihilation...
This has been fun, all. Thank you, SBPDL for not deleting my comments. Good luck in life. Good luck in life to you all...
You will not be banned here. You are welcome to post anytime.
I reserve the right to not post any comment I deem superfluous.
I enjoy your comments, as I do everyone's (even comments that I do not publish - some of those are hilarious - are enjoyable).
Just stay on topic, is all I ask. Deconstruct the post that is written. People will respect your mental abilities more if you stay on topic and discuss the post at hand!
Stick Desiree, as I feel we have much to learn from each other.
"Stick Desiree, as I feel we have much to learn from each other."
Umm...SBPDL...Desiree spews the same mindless, worn-out, tired "blame-whitey" rhetoric that every other racist black crybaby spews...what exactly do we have to learn from her???
I'm curious.
Desiree, although I will not be heartbroken if you leave...I do not take your "threat" seriously, because I think you seriously have a thing for white guys...but if you're going to stay...
For fuck's sake, would you please learn to ABRIDGE???
"However, I would like to give you the opportunity to explain to me how I'm inferior and uncivilized"
Desiree, of your many annoying attributes, your lack of reading comprehension is one of your worst.
Here is my quote:
"her race is largely incapable of living like civilized human beings."
As you can see, there is nothing in my plain language that accuses YOU personally of being inferior or uncivilized. Therefore, your allegations are blatantly false.
However, my general comments about black people are true. While I recognize that there is a segment of the black community that refuses to follow black trends in illegitimacy and criminality (I assume that both you and BG are in this group), it is simply impossible to ignore that fact that most blacks are a burden to society because of their predilection for rejecting civilized behavior, and embracing anti-social behavior.
Well, let me get back to correcting you again.
As far as my facts about slavery. You have shown clearly what blacks do with facts that put them in a bad light. You ignore them, go back to blaming whitey, and then become a vicitm again. This is all you have, you must play the victim, for you know that blacks cannot stand on their own two feet. It is very sad. You walk through facts with blinders on.
"All of this, CWN, has taken place in white societies, such as ancient Rome and Greece and modern day America and Europe. Please do not be so willfully dense. "
I never said that those things have not taken place in white society. That was never the point. You said that these wonderful, peaceful, enlighteded tribesman, were better than western society is. Which is ignorance. Plus you showed me you know a greek word, that's nice. It still doesn't show me how whites invented pedophilia as you claim tho. Also, I love you explaining away cannibalism, saying that they were cannibals because they were warriors, or because they wanted to remember someone. How sweet. That makes it less creepy and backwards. Yeah, okie dokie. Whatever.
"'American expectionalism' sounds as if it is some sort of justification for American imperialism and terrorism."
American imperialism and terror? Did Fidel Castro write that line for you? Perhaps Hugo Chavez? Who said anything about terrorism or imperialism? I said exceptionalism. If you want to go by the liberal leaning wikipedia, it is "the theory that the United States occupies a special niche among the nations of the world in terms of its national credo, historical evolution, political and religious institutions, and its being built by immigrants." And that idea came from a French guy, back before the French turned into leftist homosexuals. Altho, if you prefer a better country, you should feel free to move and live there. I hear that South Africa is quite beautiful this time of year, what with the raping and murdering. North Korea is fun, not that I know personally, but because they forced me to say that. Middle east is a blast, literally. The world is your nubian oyster.
"Do yourself a favor, CWN, and stop mentioning your Christianity. It is laughable. Every time your bring it up you remind everyone with a fuctioning brain and an extensive knowledge of the Good Book (ie, *me*) that you continually violate its tenants. Please stop. I doubt in Heaven you will be able to tell a black counterpart to 'go back to shining my shoes, boy!' without swift and dire consequences..."
I doubt that in heaven blacks are trying to murder or rape me. I have also never had my shoes shined by anyone. Are you good at shining? If you think that Rev. Wright was a good "pastor" then I doubt that you know much about the bible. The Nation of islam might be more up your alley.
to be continued......
Part 2 , Desiree,
"Also, man is an animal, he just has reason. You say he's sinful and fallen, I refer to that as animality, give or take certain behaviors. "
Wow, in the previous paragraph you said how well that you knew the bible, then you spew this nonsense. Showing me how you do not know a damn thing about the bible. For the love of Nelson Mandella! Clearly in Genesis we see that man is not an animal, we see a clear distinction. Man is made in the image of God, animals are not. Unless you think that God is an animal, you might, for all the knowledge you have. Infact, we see that man has complete control over all of the animals of the earth. Man also sacrifices and eats animals, does that mean we are eating our own? It is a sin to murder man, but not an animal.
You also say that evolution was the method God used to create the world. I don't know which God you are talking about. Because the one true biblical God did not use evolution or the big bang. The big bang is based on naturalism. Not to mention that the big bang is not only bad theology but also bad science. You have the missing monopoles issue. You have the baryon number problem( where is the anti matter?). Missing population 3 stars. The big bang isn’t testable, repeatable laboratory science. It doesn’t make specific predictions that are confirmed by observation and experimentation. In fact, the big bang is at odds with a number of principles of real operational science. So spare me.
And you are right, science is not incompatable with christianity. Bad science is, like evolution( another atheistic belief, brought about by a God hating racist who thought that blacks were less evolved.). Most modern science was created by bible believing christians.
As far as Obama is concerned. He is another liberal democrat. And he has already put a racist hispanic into the supreme court. Altho I don't remember clarence Thomas ever denying being black. You must have a quote I am sure.
Congratulations on your anniversary. This is one of the smartest and funniest sites I've seen for a while.
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