
The Omar Thornton shooting has shown what Disingenuous White Liberals in the media, academia and positions of power in the United States have in store for those white people who remain skeptical of Black Run America (BRA) and incongruously opposed to their objectives.
A mass-murdering, thieving former employee admits to killing white people (and regrets he couldn't have killed more) and yet the media and law enforcement agencies spend time investigating the claims of potential racism on the part of the eight dead white individuals, as purported by unsubstantiated claims made by the mass-murdering Black dude.
Not to defend the actions of John William King (who dragged James Byrd to his death in a crime routinely used by DWL's to demonstrate pervasive, unilateral white racism in America), but King was the victim of multiple gang-raping incidents in prison perpetrated by Black men:
King was accused of beating Byrd with a bat and then dragging him behind a truck until he died. King had previously claimed that he had been gang-raped in prison by black inmates.[11] Although he had no previous record of racism, King had joined a white supremacist prison gang, allegedly for self-protection.[12] He was found guilty and sentenced to death for his role in Byrd's kidnapping and murder.[13] He is in the death row at the Polunsky Unit.[7]In the case of Omar Thornton, the slaughter of eight people becomes secondary thanks to the accusations of racism put forth by a mass murderer. The burden-of-proof falling to the families of those dead white males who are forced to defend their loved ones memories (already dead at the hands of a malicious individual) against the claim of racist.
Yet, in the story of John William King few media outlets decided to investigate the motive behind the tragic death of James Byrd. Instead, Byrd became a symbol used to demonize all white people and King just another example of white-on-black crime (DWL's look for these types of crime everywhere, deciding that Black-on-white crime is boring to report on and fails to serve any role in promoting their agenda). Salon.com did report this:
Victims of prison rape often turn their anger against innocents when they are set free. John William King -- the young white supremacist who dragged African-American James Byrd to death in Jasper, Texas, in 1998 -- is one such case. King was an ex-con; he'd served 21 months for burglary in the Beto Unit, the toughest joint in Texas. Shortly after arriving in prison, King -- then 5-foot-7 and 140 pounds -- was attacked by black prisoners and raped, according to his attorneys. He emerged from the dungeon transformed.Rape, as we have learned in a past entry, is a tool of warfare employed to demonize and humiliate a population.
It pains me to write this, but what the Omar Thornton story has shown can best be summed up by dialogue from the 1996 movie Independence Day. With humanity on the verge of extinction, a downed alien pilot is questioned as to the motives of the extraterrestrial invaders:
- President:I know there is much to learn from each other if we can make a truce. We can find a way to Co-exist. can there be a peace between us?
- Alien: Peace? NO PEACE!
- President: What is it you want us to do?
- Alien: Die... Die.
This shows how the central belief of modern America, and the keystone of the modern liberal order, remains what it has always been: the belief in white guilt. The ultimate though unspoken premise of modern America is that whites deserve to be killed by blacks. What else can explain the fact that it is the white victims of the black mass murderer whose moral character is being questioned, not that of the black mass murderer?Peace? There can be no peace.
It is now clear what those in power want to have transpire, as the news coverage of the Omar Thornton story shows where their true priorities rest.
If there is one thing I've learned is that the only way to fight hate.Is with more hate.
I've read countless blogs on the MSN comments section, the Grio, CNN, LA Times, NY times etc., etc... Countless comments have I read from blacks praising this vile maniac!. Saying they need more events like this!...Blacks saying these murdered souls "deserved it" because they were "racist"!...Nevermind that Thornton NEVER filed a complaint with the company for these alleged "incidents" (that in itself proves to me that these claims were fabricated!)...But I digress!, do blacks HONESTLY think that whites will continue to tolerate this??!!...You have black panthers talking of murdering "cracker babies"..You have blacks OPENLY calling for white genocide on mainstream web-sites..You have nearly 40,000 white women being raped per-annum by black males! (I won't EVEN mention the countless wrecked schools, cities & neighborhoods, etc., etc., etc.!!!)...Whites are a tolerant & fair minded breed, but if pushed to far we WILL fight back!!... My God, we out number them 6 to 1!.. We are a hell of a lot smarter & a huge number of white households have firearms (& we know how to use them!!)...Surely they do not want this "sword of Damacles" to fall upon their heads...It appears though that, that is what they want!!.
Excellent post, and a sobering call to arms.
There will be peace when the following criteria are met: blacks and whites separate into their own respective countries, the border between the two countries is sealed, and illegal aliens (who would naturally flow one-way, from the black country to the white country) are dealt with brutally as a matter of course. Then we'll have peace, but not until then.
But in the meantime, whites will continue to die by black hands, often in the most horrible ways imaginable. Warning: NSFW
When a black tells you you're being racist, or that we can all get along if only whites would deal with them fairly, remember these images.
Being a labeled a racist is a fate worse than being labeled a murderer or pedophile in our twisted backasswards society. A black man murders 8 Whites, and the media comes running to his defense, painting him as the victim because his victims were allegedly racists, and therefore deserved to die. Kill a White person? Well just say they were a racist and it will all be ok. I appreciate Silent Running providing the link to images of murdered, raped, and tortured White children, women, and elderly folks in South Africa. Where is the outrage over these heinous acts? Oh, that's right, black on White (or black on Asian, black on Hispanic, etc...) crimes are swept under the rug because the media and DWL do not dare to portray their heavily melanated pets in a negative light, unless, of course, they are doing a story on how Whitey is to blame for black uncivilized behavior. If your average White sheep could turn off the TV, put down the beer, stop worshiping negros who chase balls around a court/field, and stop allowing themselves to be indoctrinated by a system hellbent on the destruction of Western culture and the White race, which permeates just about every facet of our lives like academia and the media long enough to pay attention to what is really happening out there, the outcry and backlash would be so massive.
I think it's important to note, the guy in your picture over on the side is not a black person. That's a white person pretending to be a black person.
do blacks HONESTLY think that whites will continue to tolerate this??!!
I am beginning to wonder. We are a very sick people.
Just because oppressed minorities were victimize by whites, doesn't give them the right to treat their great grandchildren like shit.
Awesome post Silent Running
"I think it's important to note, the guy in your picture over on the side is not a black person. That's a white person pretending to be a black person."
I admit I can not figure out whether you intended this to be amusing or whether you honestly believe that SBPDL doesn't recognize Al Jolson and didn't specifically select the photo for oh-so-obvious reasons.
You smell like a negro but you might just be a Human with no sense of humor.
Please, enlighten me.
@ Anonymous 3:36AM..Alas you are correct. A deep sickness HAS befallen our people since say the 1960's....It is bewildering to behold?!. To look at what we have become since then one would think that not only are we a different race but a different species from our grand parents generation!..Many of our young men behave like effette, brain dead cowards..Many of our young women behave like common street whores with not a shred of racial pride. I've often felt that our greatest enemy is ourselves... The negro is what it is but our inability to see the "writing on the wall" is what is most distressing!. Because if WE ALLOW ourselves to end up in the ash bin of history the world will enter a dark age that it will NEVER be able to crawl out of!.
Truely bewildering?!, for no race has the right to more justifiably proud of the accomplishments of it's kinsmen & women!...Our peoples footprints are on the surface of another world!..Our robots have sifted the sands of Mars & Venus & have plied the solar system!. We are the race of Beethoven , Mozart, Micheangelo, Da Vinci, Rembrandt,Kepler, Galileo, Copernicus, Curie, Edison, & Tesla! (among COUNTLESS others!!). Ours is the race that gave the world the Automoble, the airplane, rocketry, radio, the telephone, television, the computer, the electrical & water sytems that have improved the lives of billions!..Our race gave the world democracy & the rule of law & the very concept of "human rights"!!...Someday I hope that my children & their children will look back from these evil times that we have been fated to live in & be in a better place!... A better world!.
Tell you the truth. I don't think the whites who will move to colonize to their own country will be missed. Since they'll most likely be the ones on this site, or who are like them, which are the racist whites and supremacists, for they are the ones who start the racial problems and continue it. With them gone, there won't be so many problems. So I support the colonization for those particular whites I just dicussed. You won't be missed, and America will be better without you anyway!
So White Flight and Silent Running...good luck with the colonization! I'd like to donate to the cause if able!
As another poster pointed out above, the comments in the comments sections of black web sites like black planet et al. are indeed extremely revealing, IMO for two main reasons :
1) These comments by blacks confirm the OJ Factor: Blacks support blacks no matter what ;
2) The quality of the writing in the huge majority of these comments by blacks is so low, that it makes it pretty obvious that we are dealing with a very low-IQ group here, by and large: note the misuse of large words and the misappropriation of such phrases as "That being said."
Very interesting.
If there's one thing about blacks that is becoming increasingly obvious to me, it's that they are too stupid to even realize how stupid they are. Inflated sense of self importance + low IQ = your garden variety clueless African American.
"2) The quality of the writing in the huge majority of these comments by blacks is so low, that it makes it pretty obvious that we are dealing with a very low-IQ group here, by and large: note the misuse of large words and the misappropriation of such phrases as "That being said."
You're pathetic. You choose to target those with "low" intelligence so you can build on your own self-esteem issues. People on the internet (both black and white) 95% of the time don't use proper writing skills in responses or comments. This is due to the fact that it's not important enough to perfect every thing you do. Seeing how most Americans do this, it makes it very common among everyone, not just blacks.
So for you to target black individuals who commit something that is very popular and common amongst Americans is utterly absurd. You're so lifeless and low that you have to resort to targeting individuals with writting errors.
News Flash: The internet is a place where anyone can make writting mistakes. As long as you're able to get the message intended there's no problem.
For once in your pathetic life be reasonable and logical. It shows how high your IQ is that you would base such on a theory like that.
P.S Since you want to get so technical,I'll let you know that the sentence, "Very Interesting." isn't a proper sentence. If I were an english teacher I'd deduct a point off your essay. It's also funny how you used the sentence, "That being said" as an example of low black IQ when you did the same thing with the sentence I just showed. You are quite the hypocrite.
"You're pathetic."
Pick up a thesaurus. Learn some new adjectives.
You're giving the impression that your mental capacities are limited.
And make sure you use the word "pathetic" in your response, several times if possible.
"The internet is a place where anyone can make writting mistakes"
LOLOLOLOL @ "writting"
"Pick up a thesaurus. Learn some new adjectives.
You're giving the impression that your mental capacities are limited.
And make sure you use the word "pathetic" in your response, several times if possible."
People say black people can't handle the truth, when yet proof of the same amongst whites is in front of us. A fellow anon stated the truth about an anon, and others decided to do what is common amongst fellow whites on this site, gang up on the black anon.
This activity is repeated everyday and yet whites ridicule blacks for ganging in numbers. They have proven their own hypocrisy. Anyway, the anon whose post I stated, stated that the black anon uses the word "pathetic" several times in his or her post. When yet the word "pathetic" was used twice. When did "several" mean "twice"?
This again marks the low IQ of whites that you guys try to hide so much by antagonizing and ridiculing blacks. And if anyone is over using anything, it's the fellow white anons. They always target the black anon with writing errors because it's their way of building their self-esteem issues as one anon stated. They also do so because they believe that if you make one writing error you are a complete idiot and have low mental capacities.
This is another form of their hypocrisy.
"You are a dumbass, your writing and grammer suck. At least use a dictionary if you continue to post!
Sorry everyone, I had to say something."
Dumbass and grammer are spelled incorrectly. This comment was done by a white anon. So for you to constantly jump on every black anon with spelling errors is utterly hypocritical and absurd.
""The internet is a place where anyone can make writting mistakes"
LOLOLOLOL @ "writting""
White anons also have a tendency of using insults concerning mental capacities. It's very old and out worn, but before I get there I want to point this comment out to you all. The mental capacity of this white must not have been large seeing how the white anon laughs at the error in the anonymous post. When yet that sentence in the post pointed out that the internet was a place that accepted writing errors.
Ever think of the possibility that the anon was making an example? I guess not. This is due to the mental capacities of one, as white anons for so long have put it.
Back to the insult: mental capacities...
White anons for so long have concluded that the level of mental capacities are based upon the use of a word you use. I've seen the word "crybaby" used repeatedly by white anons on the Aug. 6th article. But yet no white anon points that out. This is due to the white brother association. On this site whites ridicule blacks for always standing by what a black says no matter the stupidity of the statement.
When yet this happens here. As I stated, the word "crybaby" was used four times. Two different anons posted a comment using crybaby two times. I believe the anons were the same based upon the similar writing format.
Back to the topic...
White anons also over use the insult of mental capacities, and when a black anon over uses an insult, they point it out and ridicule him or her. Whenever a writing error is made on this blog, a white anon uses this insult. You can see for yourself, and begin with the naked white guy article.
For too long you whites have insulted with hypocrisy. It's time you've actually looked at yourself before you judge. I have made my point and am ready for the idiotic retorts the fellow white anons will have to say about this.
And to the anon who constantly posts, "Step One is admitting you have an addiction". Don't reply to this comment, your intellectual capacities aren't needed in this response. You'll only ruin the intelligence of the argument.
What happened to the first part of my comment?
"White anons for so long have concluded"
Black anons for so long have lacked cognitive skills.
SBDL : Fantastic Blog, yes indeed. It's getting better, too. Congrats, and please keep up the good work.
I am the one who commented about the poor quality of negro writing.
I urge you and your readers to keep this in mind next time you are reading an article written by a black "journalist" - such as that Newton fellow from the New York Examiner ("Possibility That Thornton Did Not Act Alone" - http://www.amren.com/mtnews/archives/2010/08/possibility_tha.php) - or by black commenters in the comments section.
It is often very easy to tell that a writer is black by the very strange, convoluted reasoning that emerges from their "writings." One can almost hear the primitive negro brain as it struggles to communicate a point or a concept in a cogent, reasoned manner.
It is quite amusing, actually.
"People say black people can't handle the truth, when yet proof of the same amongst whites is in front of us. A fellow anon stated the truth about an anon, and others decided to do what is common amongst fellow whites on this site, gang up on the black anon."
Black people gang up on whites all the time and not just on the internet.
"This activity is repeated everyday and yet whites ridicule blacks for ganging in numbers. They have proven their own hypocrisy. Anyway, the anon whose post I stated, stated that the black anon uses the word "pathetic" several times in his or her post. When yet the word "pathetic" was used twice. When did "several" mean "twice"?"
Don't blame racist whitey every time whites gang up on blacks.Blame yourself.IF black people got their act together their wouldn't be sites like niggermania,chimpout,or SBPDL.
How do you know all those anons are white.Huh.You've said "white anon" like 7 times.You obviously dislike like white people since your assuming all those anon's are white.Your shoe shine box awaits.
I might have to read this book. Surprised Amazon sells it:
Negrophilia: From Slave Block to Pedestal - America's Racial Obsession
I've read countless blogs on the MSN comments section, the Grio, CNN, LA Times, NY times etc., etc... Countless comments have I read from blacks praising this vile maniac!. Saying they need more events like this!...Blacks saying these murdered souls "deserved it" because they were "racist"!...Nevermind that Thornton NEVER filed a complaint with the company for these alleged "incidents" (that in itself proves to me that these claims were fabricated!)...But I digress!, do blacks HONESTLY think that whites will continue to tolerate this??!!...You have black panthers talking of murdering "cracker babies"..You have blacks OPENLY calling for white genocide on mainstream web-sites..You have nearly 40,000 white women being raped per-annum by black males! (I won't EVEN mention the countless wrecked schools, cities & neighborhoods, etc., etc., etc.!!!)...Whites are a tolerant & fair minded breed, but if pushed to far we WILL fight back!!... My God, we out number them 6 to 1!.. We are a hell of a lot smarter & a huge number of white households have firearms (& we know how to use them!!)...Surely they do not want this "sword of Damacles" to fall upon their heads...It appears though that, that is what they want!!.
Don you make the mistake thinking that the militarized police will not execute you on sight. The Feds will use all power to bomb and strafe any white groups that dares to defy BRA.
For of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.
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