Every street and school must be renamed.
It must all go, even the mural of Lee, Jackson, and Davis on Stone Mountain.
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Dare take the challenge? |
But the question one must ask is this: if Confederate symbols/flags/memorials must go, shouldn't we reevaluate the more than 900 streets/drives/boulevards/trails/highways named after Martin Luther King?
Indeed, how many fatal and nonfatal shootings are there a week on streets named after Martin Luther King? [City streets named for Martin Luther King Jr. struggle across U.S., NJ.com, 1-20-14]:
A walk down the 6-mile city street named for the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. yields plenty of images that would surely unsettle the civil rights leader: shuttered storefronts, open-air drug markets and a glut of pawn shops, quickie check-cashing providers and liquor stores.
The urban decay along Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive in St. Louis can be found in other major American cities, from Houston and Milwaukee to the nation’s capital.
"It’s a national problem," said Melvin White, a 46-year-old postal worker in St. Louis and founder of a 3-year-old nonprofit group that is trying to restore King’s legacy on asphalt. "Dr. King would be turning over in his grave."
Nearly three decades into the observance of Monday’s federal holiday, the continuing decline of the most visible symbols of King’s work has White and others calling for a renewed commitment to the more than 900 streets nationwide named in the Atlanta native’s honor. The effort centers in St. Louis, where the small nonprofit is working to reclaim MLK roadways as a source of pride and inspiration, not disappointment over a dream derailed.
White’s goals are ambitious, his resources admittedly modest. A neighborhood park is planned across the street from the group’s headquarters. An urban agriculture project to encourage residents to eat healthy and grow their own food has preliminary support from nearby Washington University, one of the country’s wealthiest private colleges. Above all, Beloved Streets of America wants to build community from the ashes of what was once a thriving retail corridor when White was a child.
The template can be found just a mile away. Delmar Boulevard, which saw a similar decline, is now a vibrant retail corridor packed with restaurants, nightclubs, a renovated movie theater and a boutique hotel. The renaissance earned Delmar recognition in 2007 as one of "10 Great Streets in America" by the American Planning Association.
Journalist Jonathan Tilove, who wrote a 2003 book based on visits to 650 King streets nationwide, called the King byways "black America’s Main Street.""Map them and you map a nation within a nation, a place where white America seldom goes and black America can be itself," he wrote. "It is a parallel universe with a different center of gravity and distinctive sensibilities. ... There is no other street like it."Martin Luther King Drive/Street/Boulevard/Trail/Highway reprint a place where black America can be itself, and in turn create "shuttered storefronts, open-air drug markets and a glut of pawn shops, quickie check-cashing providers and liquor stores," from sea to shining sea...
So the Martin Luther King Drive/Street/Boulevard/Trail/Highway Challenge begins: can any ascertain the number of fatal/non-fatal shootings on streets named after King in a day; a week; a month?
If the number far outpaces the aggregate of fatal/nonfatal shootings for a similarly named drive/street/boulevard/trail/highway found nationwide (George Washington, perhaps?), then perhaps it's time we rename every drive/street/boulevard/trail/highway named after Martin Luther King.
For it seems a drive/street/boulevard/trail/highway named in his honor is the greatest harbinger of destruction, desolation, destitution, and degradation imaginable; then again, it's just a place where black America can be itself...
Let's not challenge a good thing. All of those streets and boulevards named after MLK are like a warning sign glaring out to all non-blacks, "Beware, enter at your own risk".
In the days of old, the sailor relied on the beacons of the light houses to guide them safely through to land at night time. Now, in the post-European USA, we rely on street names to guide us away from danger.
The "Home of the Brave" has taken on a whole new meaning.
Philadelphia Mike
"Map them and you map a nation within a nation, a place where white America seldom goes and black America can be itself," he wrote. "It is a parallel universe with a different center of gravity and distinctive sensibilities. ... There is no other street like it."
Distinctive sensibilities? No sensibilities is more apropos.
Philadelphia Mike
Ex New Yorker here.....Sometime last year I left a comment about how many people were shot during MLK DAY PARADES and also shootings during RAP CONCERTS. It was quite a good list with locations, time and body counts. I did an internet search under MLK PARADE SHOOTINGS. The list was very long. I only searched a few years back because after awhile it was starting to get pretty boring. Same with Rap Concert shootings and stabbings. Yawn.
About 15 years ago I was waiting for a plane in Denver and the newspaper headline was about 5 shootings (3 dead...2 wounded) during the local parade in Denver. This guy had a really cool dream one night that has now turned into a nightmare. I have come to the conclusion in my old age that a vast majority of the people in America have become totally fucking insane. I can't say I see it around me because I managed to have escaped the madding crowd. I only see it when I visit the local China-Mart. As this insanity increases on a daily bases I have no really clear picture about how it will all end. It has become like some kind of circus freak show.
OT....Some years ago a group of LIBERAL PENCIL NECK GEEKS had found out the shocking truth that the American Indian word for SQUAW actually meant vagina. All those years they thought it meant WOMAN. Now they went on the warpath to change the names of any place called SQUAW. Like SQUAW LAKE, SQUAW VALLEY, SQUAW CREEK etc..etc..etc. I don't know how all that ended but I do know that these geeks are BREEDING and someday we will be dealing with HI-BRED PENCIL NECK GEEKS in the near future. Be prepared.
Since king was a typical phony preacher doctor,prostitute chasing,plagiarist,scumbag piece of shit it seems fitting that all the streets bearing his name are places no decent white person would ever want to go.Rot in hell michael king, his real name.
You could spend billions on all the MLK drives in America and, on the surface, make them look first class. However, the streets will still be filled with thugs, rapists, murderers, crack whores, drug dealers, deadbeats and all the other ever present flotsam of black culture. And, in a few years, it would all be trashed again anyway. No substantial business venture can survive in a black area- that's why you have nothing but liquor stores, check cashing/payday loan shops and other such establishments as they're the only ones that can survive. Oh yeah, and weave shops and rim shops.
The fool who wants to build a park across from his place- LOL- I can just imagine how safe a place that park will be! Might has well go ahead and name it Murderland Park or some other realistic name. After all, it's going to be featured in the news quite often with negroes complaining about how unsafe it is and why doesn't sumbody do sumthin', why don't sumbody heps us!
As per the black community, you have to remember the old saying related to computers: Garbage In, Garbage Out. Or more prosaically, you can't sew a silk purse from a sow's ear.
I swear, PK ought to be advising Major League baseball because once again SBPDL hits it right out of the park.
Martin Luther King Drive/Street/Boulevard/Trail/Highway reprint a place where black America can be itself, and in turn create "shuttered storefronts, open-air drug markets and a glut of pawn shops, quickie check-cashing providers and liquor stores," from sea to shining sea...
Yes, someone needs to do an interactive map of all this, with crime stats and all. And not just a map, but tours of MLK-Land, from sea to burned out sea. Perhaps run buses for tourists, 8 drug markets in 7 days, pawn shops rising from the ashes of formerly productive factories, and photo ops at liquor stores where the true spirit of the Civil Rights Era lives on.
This liberal bitch should join the cause http://www.wsbtv.com/news/news/local/some-pine-lake-residents-worry-name-their-road-rac/nm7bD/
Formerly Miss Greenbaum here,
Zero Hedge has a great article about the mess that is Philadelphia. As a girl who lived on the Main Line many years, I can tell you it's been a mess for a very, very long time. Read some of the comments. It's enough to even make one of us blush. My family goes back to Overbrook Park, Philadelphia since around the early 1900s. They built mansions and fine row homes throughout West Philly. My great, great grandfather built a neighborhood called "Carroll Park" which still stands to this day. It's been completely infested since around 1940. Yeah. They're like termites. They move in quickly and devastate their host's body rapidly, leaving only the shell.
After the war, almost all of my family had moved out of Philly. My grandmother was the last to leave, vacating a beautiful 2 bedroom apartment in a grand Mount Airy apartment house, bidding a fast retreat into my aunt's tacky, '70s era garden apartment in Jersey. We keep ceding territory and they keep coming for what we're left standing on. Somebody shoot me because sometimes this all doesn't seem real.
What a joke.....this guys "non-profit" is a cheap front that shakes down guilt ridden, PC companies and organizations. I bet that for for every $100 raised.... $99 goes on salary and fake expenses. The $1 remaining gets to buy a plant or shrub that will last 1 week before a groid takes a shit on it.
Anything and everything named for Martin Luther King must be removed. Now. Yesterday. This Martin Luther King was an awful racist. Martin Luther King was a negro rapist, though possibly not at the level of a Bill Cosby. Martin Luther King was a communist. Martin Luther King was a plagiarist. Martin Luther King worked with the Nation of Islam to murder hundreds of innocent white folks during the early 1970's, most notably during the "Zebra killings" in the San Francisco bay area. Martin Luther King was a black supremacist, who called for the killing of people of other races. All Martin Luther King memorials MUST be removed from this nation, NOW.
8 year old white female found dead in a dumpster..."unidentified" 15 year old male arrested
Shocked I tell you!
White 15 year old boys don't murder little girls for their toys. Black 15 years olds are physically mature, dangerous predators who will kill you over being "disrespekted". You'd better damn well teach your offspring this lesson early. If this turns out not to be a negro murderer- I'll eat my hat.
Rest in peace little angel, a time and place is coming where this won't be tolerated any longer.
The comedian Chris Rock famously advised, 'If a friend calls you on the telephone and says they're lost on Martin Luther King Boulevard and they want to know what they should do, the best response is ‘Run!’
A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet...
Apparently not. Just name it after a whore-beating cibil rights leader and it will not only smell terrible, but it will probably rob you as well.
When they talk about a "dream derailed", who derailed it? The more opportunities and leg-ups that these people receive the more that they prove that they are incapable. It's crazy to think of the progress that could have been made had the money squandered on these people been spent on any other group or cause. There always is an excuse, an external person or institution to blame. And yet within this system it is always the negro that is having problems and complaining about it, blaming others. When they realized that they couldn't ever realistically compete they introduced white-alienating terms like 'white privilege. Wonder how Asians do so well without white privilege. Particularly the dark skinned Indians (patchouli, not peace-pipe) as they are basically black-skinned but still excel and flourish under the white-man's "evil" empire.
Stories like this one hit the hardest Paul- you are burning down their excuses and places to hide from responsibility and accountability. Paul keeps narrowing things down to the point where any rational person observing can't come to any other conclusion. Something is not right with blacks. We all know this on some level, but through the efforts of people like Paul we can realize that we were right all along, and that we aren't just crazy people attending tin-foil hat parties.
Keep it up Paul, you are bringing into focus things that have been deliberately obfuscated, and what has been seen cannot be unseen.
Student researches U.S. streets named for Martin Luther King Jr.
In one of his popular television specials, comedian Chris Rock points to the irony of streets and roads named after civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., left, — they’re located in some of the most violent neighborhoods in the U.S., even though King stood for non-violence.
“If a friend calls you on the telephone and says they’re lost on Martin Luther King Boulevard and they want to know what they should do, the best response is ‘Run!’” Rock famously advised.
UNT graduate student Eric Katzenberger, below, decided to prove or disprove the stereotype held by Rock and others by identifying the location of all streets or roads specifically named for the civil rights leader and demographic information of the neighborhood in which the streets and roads are located, using geographic information systems and data from a past U.S. census.
Katzenberger says he discovered that most MLK neighborhoods — U.S. Census blockgroups through which streets named after Martin Luther King Jr. run — are predominantly African-American. However, the residents have average lower incomes compared to residents in other blockgroups with the same percentage of African-American residents.
In addition, Katzenberger learned that, in the MLK neighborhoods, the women-to-men ratio is unbalanced. Fourteen percent of households within MLK blockgroups consist of single mothers with children, twice the national percentage of 7 percent, he said.
“These empirical patterns represent a puzzle in need of further investigation concerning the mechanisms by which city managers, mayors and city councils make decisions about the names of roads and, in particular, the local political dynamics and roles of naming decisions within a broader, political-economic context,” he says.
Katzenberger’s research also concluded that:
• Neighborhoods with MLK streets are 39 percent more African-American than similarly poor neighborhoods without MLK streets.
• Residents of neighborhoods with MLK streets are roughly $6,000 poorer than residents of neighborhoods without MLK streets, as Katzenberger discovered while comparing neighborhoods with the same racial makeup of residents.
• Surprisingly, hundreds of MLK streets exist in predominantly white neighborhoods, and around 20 to 30 of these streets are located in wealthy, exclusively white neighborhoods, Katzenberger says. In one California city, a street was renamed for King in the aftermath of a hate crime that occurred in a white neighborhood, he said.
Ok, what more proof do we need. Avoid the groid.
Here is how Urban Dictionary defines it:
A street in every major American city, commonly inhabited with large amounts of unemployed African Americans. In most cities among the top ten streets involved in gang shootings, drug busts, car thefts, and older white women and blacks of all ages, "gettin' dey neclaces jacked". The average age for school dropouts on MLK boulevard is approximately 13 years of age, and the average income of the inhabitants here varies greatly depending on when Miguel last was able to supply DuQuaan with the "goods." Many fried chicken restaurants are typically located here, the significance of which being the food's strong appeal to the native population.
As the article indicated, almost all streets which bear Martin Luther King’s name are some of the most violent, crime ridden and devoid of economic activity in the world. King was a “typical” black preacher. No one special, but the black community and DWLs decided to make a god of him; just as they did Michael Brown and Freddie Gray who were made saints. His name is revered in the liberal media, and sadly even among many conservatives who quote his words which were probably plagiarized.
King once said he had “been to the mountaintop,” These are an interesting choice of words! I think he may have been referring to Moses climbing to the top of Mount Nebo and looking down upon the Promised Land.
The view of America must have been grand from up there in King’s day; shining with economic activity, great schools and very low crime. Detroit was a grand city; a cosmopolitan center with culture, theaters, arts and science. Look it today after years of black rule starting primarily with Coleman Young; what would King see? Blight, crime, illiteracy, rape and mayhem!
This is the legacy of King and the black population. No matter where they go, the outcome is always the same. They destroy everything in their path! Just as Coleman Young destroyed Detroit, Obama is destroying America. Obama has his henchmen in the form of Attorney General Lynch and Homeland Security Director Jeh Johnson. They deliberately only prosecute white people in hate crimes. They are subversive Communists and only want our downfall. They admit illegal aliens in their on-going battle against anything white.
Is there any hope? I like to think there is still a scintilla of fight left beating in the heart of white America.
Some of you may have seen the movie “Return of the Jedi”: a part of the Stars Wars Trilogy. At the end of the movie there was an epic battle of Luke Skywalker (white realists) against his own father (Darth Vader or DWLs). Luke did not want to battle his own father and threw down his light saber, but was compelled to pick it up and battle in self-defense. BRA and blacks are symbolic of the evil emperor who caused this battle between good and evil, or between father and son.
Anyway, Luke beat his father down to the point he could have killed him, and was ordered to do so by the evil emperor, but threw down his light saber and refused to follow the emperor. At this point, some facet of humanity that was left in Vader started to materialize again. He saw Luke as his son; as his flesh and blood.
As many may know, the emperor and Luke battled and the emperor prevailed and was just about to kill Luke when all of the sudden something happened to Vader and he awakened from his deep delusion. He finally saw the emperor for what he was and saved Luke from his clutches. Although Vader died, he saved his son so he could live on!
What caused the change in Vader: he saw with his eyes! He saw the evil of the emperor beating Luke to a pulp and seeking to kill him. For once he saw the emperor with his eyes!
We see the same analogy here: white people are being beaten, robbed, and killed by these barbaric animals. Just as Darth Vader woke up, I think DWLs will wake up as they view the carnage of their own kind being reduced to nothing. I hope there is a scintilla of humanity, pride and courage left in them.
Negro article on where negroes can move to once they've had enough of America. Not one African country listed. Even some of the negro commenters caught the irony.
"It is a parallel universe with a different center of gravity and distinctive sensibilities. ... "
Insensibilities would be more accurate.
I am grateful for those efforts to rename streets after the good doctor as indicators of areas to avoid.
The statue of him MUST be removed from federal property in Washington.... NOW!
Separation of church and state, and all that, right? MLK Jr was a man of the cloth, correct?
Demolish that eyesore NOW!!
MLK Jr was a fraud; a race hustler who should have been deported back to Africa.
OT, I know this site is about the negro plague, but the illegals in America are a close second. With the same clear thinking on display here, can't we come up with a plan to reverse the flow of illegals by logically examining what it is that is drawing them here and just reverse it? Welfare law, employment law, etc.
If a piece of old pizza on the floor is attracting roaches you throw it out... what is the pizza on the floor in our situation? How do we remove it?
There is another place where white Americans seldom go AND a black people can be themselves, it is called AFRICA!!! Please all blacks go there and PLEASE be yourselves! Also take the bones of Martin Luther King, Jr. with you along with his ugly monument that looks like a gorilla!
Do NOT rename the MLKJ Boulevards! There is no easier way to tell if you are in a war zone than that particular street sign.
Google search of "shooting MLK ave" turns up about half a million hits, MLK blvd turns up 550K, MLK highway gets just over 700,000.
We all know that this is the equivalent of posting a sign that says "Abandon all hope ye who enter here" or "Keep out, Whitey!", or "Warning, feral negroes at large" to warn off any sane humans all while making the blacks think they gained something. Or it's like billboards for illicit drugs. For example, a highway sign that says "gas/lodging/food" tells drivers that they can turn off at that exit to fill their gas tank, get a bite to eat, or find a room for the night. A sign saying "MLK parkway this exit" tells a driver that they can find heroin, cocaine, or a 10$ toothless prostitute if they pull off the highway there.
I see it as a public service to name streets after negroes if there's a dangerous negro population nearby.
Isn't that nice. A brand new park on MLK Drive. Colored folks can always use another spot to turn tricks and sling dope. That mailman certainly is a thoughtful fellow.
Minor art history point, Paul:
The work on Stone Mountain is actually a bas relief and not a mural.
Beyond that, good post.
Anonymous said...
You could spend billions on all the MLK drives in America and, on the surface, make them look first class. However, the streets will still be filled with thugs, rapists, murderers, crack whores, drug dealers, deadbeats and all the other ever present flotsam of black culture. And, in a few years, it would all be trashed again anyway. No substantial business venture can survive in a black area- that's why you have nothing but liquor stores, check cashing/payday loan shops and other such establishments as they're the only ones that can survive. Oh yeah, and weave shops and rim shops.
What You Reference Has Been Done
New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina decided to literally attempt what you are speaking of. A massive re-development plan (that costs billions) was instituted where the old big brick highrise projects were torn down, and smaller, modern cleaned up townhouse units were erected. These things were beautiful, even designed to look like and reflect the unique local architecture and flavor of the city. Fully furnished, all brand new fixtures, cabinets, and appliances, excellent lighting, gorgeous landscaping, parks, expertly paved parking lots and tree lined streets. Every type of social service imaginable on site from job training to "community centers." No more "food desserts" - easy access to the nice shopping centers and public transit lines. Charter schools for the youths... What could go wrong?
Feel Good Video for DWL used to market this catastrophic failure
These units looked like something you'd expect along a golf course or in a country club setting. ....aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnddddddddd, Then they moved in the tenants.
So here we are 5 years after the construction of these things and guess what? They are defaced and full of litter, problems, violence, unemployment, vice, disease - the same as any place that has concentrated African populations. Every single one of these complexes requires non-stop policing.
This by the way is what "the AFFH" looks like, coming soon to a neighborhood near you.
The environment does not create the people, the people create the environment. No amount of superficial fixes, bribes, and attempts to disguise it will ever prove fruitful. They will continue to re-create the conditions wherever they go.
Here's a link to what I believe is the Zero Hedge story "Formerly Miss Greenbaum" mentioned:
Thirty Blocks of Squalor
Truth Corps said:
""8 year old white female found dead in a dumpster..."unidentified" 15 year old male arrested
Shocked I tell you!
White 15 year old boys don't murder little girls for their toys. Black 15 years olds are physically mature, dangerous predators who will kill you over being "disrespekted". You'd better damn well teach your offspring this lesson early. If this turns out not to be a negro murderer- I'll eat my hat.
Exactly. This is the same pattern we see in many of the "young negros on little White children" cases like the Autumn Pasquale case.
Exceptional White proudly riding new and shiny piece of equipment (In Autumn's case it was a improved BMX bicycle) but it could be a cell phone or just physical beauty) and was killed by very underage negros (in Autumn's case they were 12 and 16 I think).
I will go out on a limb here and guess that Madyson was strangled, as young negros enjoy the killing process as they are new to it; they like to watch the little White girl kick and fight for life till she is gone. A rock or a gun or knife is too quick.
Negros are an incompatible primate species utterly different from the White (or the Asian) and must be separated from us.
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
Rid ALL public schools, Gov. buildings, sites, etc of all the pictures, statues, etc. of the REVEREND Martin Luther King Jr. "Separation of Church and State".
Let us re-name every MLK street. That will change everything. Let us re-name them:
Rodeo Drive
Wilshire Blvd.
Worth Avenue
5th Avenue
I'm sure that will change them. No more "mean streets" to attack young black youts.
Another idea, to really make this work, is to also change the ZIP codes where these street exist. Get the top 10 ZIP CODES in the US and use them. Now we are talking. Since they have the wrong ZIP CODES (that hold them down) we need to give them the ZIP CODES that will lift them up. Praise the LORD !!!!!
Also notice that in the negro parts of town they are always "planning". They plan a park. Plan a vegetable garden (ever see a negro farm? Yeah, right).
Conclusions? Naming a street MLK causes blacks to fail. That means it is a racist thing to do!!!! Disparate Impact and all that !!!!
enough people have already said it, but I agree, Don't rename these mlk streets, they help warn me where not to go in an unfamiliar neighborhood. Hell, I wish they would throw in a few Sharpton sts, and jesse Jackson aves, so I could more easily gauge just how WIDE an area to be avoided stretches.
By the way, have any of you read Colin Flaherty's books on black violence? very informative. He, too, has mentioned the MLK streets connection to crimes.
A kid growing up in the south I didn't learn the dangers of MLK's until I was able to drive. The first one I came across was in Daytona Beach, FL. The next one in Jacksonville, FL. After seeing the blight I knew to stay the hell out. But now I often wonder all of the risks presented to blacks as they went though our neighborhoods where Confederate and American flags were flying, do they feel endangered as I did, 16 years old, unarmed driving down MLK? Or do they think it's an area full of sitting ducks. I'd say the latter.
Thank you for the Colin Flaherty mention. Thanks to the mentions of him from you and many others here I checked him out. Like Paul he is doing the great work that maybe, just maybe will reverse this Black Plague. I urge others to learn about him.
Formerly Miss Greenbaum here,
Thanks, Mutant Swarm, for posting the Zero Hedge link. Paul, your blog is mentioned in the article. My friends, word is getting around. The commenters on Zero Hedge concern themselves with all things financial. Many have been severely burned by investing in negro communities. There is a lot of race realism in the comments.
Think I'll put off housework for a bit longer and do a google search of the streets in New Orleans of those fine, uplifted neighborhoods that YT built for da black folk. They take such loving care of things and so deeply appreciate whatever's given to them.
Change the name to Dindu Nuffins Drive.
Saw an article today about Ferguson- they're planning a march and civil disobedience to commemorate the "uprising" that took place after St. Swisher Brown got killed. A one year anniversary chimp out. Accompanying the article were photos noting how the streets were being cleaned of litter and other debris prior to the incipient chimpout. And, you can guess who the majority of those doing the cleaning were- that's right- delusional white people with a sprinkling of negroes!
The organizers were asked what they meant by civil disobedience and no answer was given. The article also made no mention that the officer who shot BRown was vindicated by the forensic evidence and that many of the witnesses who gave testimony were lying and changed their "stories" multiple times. Also no mention of Brown's strong arm robbery of the store clerk. Instead, the unspoken implication was that something was wrong with the local investigation from start to finish and people resigned after the glorious DOJ intervention and investigation.
Yep. St. Swisher was an abused angel.
MSM journalism is a stinking corpse walking around fouling the air while pretending to be a fragrant floral arrangement.
Ever wonder why that burned out CVS was even in a neighborhood like that in Baltimore? Or any National chain in any black area? The local and State tax authorities waive property taxes and defer sales taxes for years. Probably Grant money to an extent as well. Without your tax dollars being thrown at these corporate whores, there's no way in hell they'd set up shop in the ghetto.
Don't have a problem with the MLK branding. Where you see it, you go the other way.
It's like a warning sign like deer crossing or falling rock zone.
Lot of big city northeasterners here - myself originated in Brooklyn. Left to join the military and made a career of it. Now retired and nestled on Staten Island. Soon to make the final move to my version of paradise - West Virginia.
Dr. Martin Luther King.
What kind of a doctor was he? Every street that bears his name is a wasteland of hopelessness.
Perhaps he was a doctor of speechifying. Surgically stringing the right words together to stimulate his patients.
My Grandmother told me when I came of age to start dating "Stay away from those awful Negroes", a woman who was respected for her lovely ways then added "They have a line of shit that just won't quit".
She was right, nonstop caterwauling does seem to be their strength.
Exactly. This is the same pattern we see in many of the "young negros on little White children" cases like the Autumn Pasquale case.
Exceptional White proudly riding new and shiny piece of equipment (In Autumn's case it was a improved BMX bicycle) but it could be a cell phone or just physical beauty) and was killed by very underage negros (in Autumn's case they were 12 and 16 I think).
I will go out on a limb here and guess that Madyson was strangled, as young negros enjoy the killing process as they are new to it; they like to watch the little White girl kick and fight for life till she is gone. A rock or a gun or knife is too quick.
I am very familir with the Autumn Pasquale case because it happened very near where I live in New Jersey. The Autumn Pasquale case also happened in a part of New Jersey where a massive police task force was formed by the county prosecutor after a 16-year-old white male played a prank at a local Walmart store by using the store's PA system to tell all the black people to leave the premises. I don't know what happened to that white male after the police in New Jersey figured out who he was. I think they charged him with "bias intimidation" in juvenile court.
12-year-old white female Autumn Pasquale was murdered by strangulation inside the New Jersey home of two male negro siblings - Justin and Dante Robinson. This was after one of the Robinson negro siblings used Facebook to lure Autumn Pasquale to their home on the pretense of trading BMX bicycle parts. (She only lived about a mile away from them in the same New Jersey town.) Justin Robinson was 15 and Dante Robinson was 17 at the time of the murder. Although both of these negro siblings were charged with the 2012 murder of Autumn Pasquale, the younger of these two negro siblings made a guilty plea deal to get the elder off the hook. (The prosecutors in this case said they lacked the physical evidence to prove which one of the two negro siblings actually strangled Autumn Pasquale.) Justin Robinson was sentenced in 2013 to 17 years for aggravated manslaughter, but he could be paroled after just serving 14 years. (Justin Robinson was never required to reveal his motive for murdering Autumn Pasquale, nor have any of the authorities in New Jersey ever publicly stated their own theory on his motive.) So this means that a 30-year-old Justin Robinson could be a free male negro in New Jersey to kill all over again by the year 2027. Justin Robinson would very likely be in his negro male prime by that time. His elder brother Dante could have already been in and out of the New Jersey DOC system a few times by this time also.
New Jersey is quite the negro-loving libtard state, with all of the high taxes on whitey and his small businesses necessary to sustain all of the negro-loving gibsmuhdat programs that come as a result such libtarded-ness. Good thing for me that I will be moving out of New Jersey by the end of this year. I just cannot take this anymore, and I was born and raised here, by the way. I want to be able to get a CCW permit like people in normal states can. (Only the politically connected ever get CCW permits in New Jersey. They are usually high ranking Democrats too.) I want to live in an area where the negro-loving DWL types are far less in number. Goals such as these are mere pipe dreams in New Jersey. Elsewhere they are facts of everyday life.
The organizers were asked what they meant by civil disobedience and no answer was given. The article also made no mention that the officer who shot BRown was vindicated by the forensic evidence and that many of the witnesses who gave testimony were lying and changed their "stories" multiple times. Also no mention of Brown's strong arm robbery of the store clerk. Instead, the unspoken implication was that something was wrong with the local investigation from start to finish and people resigned after the glorious DOJ intervention and investigation.
Yep. St. Swisher was an abused angel.
MSM journalism is a stinking corpse walking around fouling the air while pretending to be a fragrant floral arrangement.
I have been meaning to bring up this topic in the past, because I don't think that anybody here on SBPDL has yet, but has anybody in the media ever tried to track down and interview that store clerk in Ferguson who was roughed up Saint Swisher Sweets Brown? This store clerk looked in the videos that I have seen to be either Indian or Pakistani, about five feet tall, and maybe 120 lbs at the most. Maybe I missed it, but it would have been nice if just one reporter or blogger could have located that store clerk. They could have just talked to that store clerk guy and got him to look at a picture of Saint Swisher Sweets Brown. He could have just said something like, "Yes, that is the person who took the box of cigars from my store and then pushed me into the display rack as I was trying to get the cigars back." Then that would have probably settled it right there. The "gentle giant" would have been publicly identified as a strong arm robbery suspect instead of just being the object of a debate.
There was a photo of him from behind. It appears he is non white, but not Black either. Hard to tell from the picture.
The environment does not create the people, the people create the environment. No amount of superficial fixes, bribes, and attempts to disguise it will ever prove fruitful. They will continue to re-create the conditions wherever they go.
This is one of the foundations of race realism.
And is demonstrated on several continents by Africans.
Exactly. This is the same pattern we see in many of the "young negros on little White children" cases like the Autumn Pasquale case.
Which, by the way, is one more reason they had de jure and de facto segregation in the USA until the Civil Rights Revolution. And why white South Africans imposed apartheid. And etc.
Just wait for "Michael Brown Boulevard" and "Saint Skittles Street". And soon we will have to contend with Barry Obama Freeways.
Are there any street names that have an overwhelmingly positive reputation? Whitebread lane? Noblackslivehere avenue? Bull Conner Blvd? I think Paul may be on to something here.
But now I often wonder all of the risks presented to blacks as they went though our neighborhoods where Confederate and American flags were flying, do they feel endangered as I did, 16 years old, unarmed driving down MLK?
Good point.
How many black people have been killed by Confederate Flags Gone Wrong in the last 50 years? Compare that to the number of black people killed by MLK Streets Gone Wrong in the same period.
Once again, "Stuff Black People Don't Like" posts a so-called article that is soooooo ignorant.
My campus has a Martin Luther King Drive running right from the Student Co-Op Vegan Fair Trade Coffee House to the Multicultural Center. And it is one of the nicest 100 feet of pavement on campus where you can ride a bicycle or listen to a rainbow of speakers from the New Black Panthers to the International Socialist Organization. True, it is right next to the campus police department who oppress Beautiful Black People, and the gates at either end of the Drive are a form of microagression against Beautiful Black People. We need to remove those apartheid gates and get rid of the campus Gestapo. That way, I am sure Beautiful Black People will be welcomed and bring all the joys of diversity to campus.
I.M. Klewless, MFA
Cultural Relativism And Peace Studies
Not a good idea to remove the MLK signs as they warn out of town motorists to avoid those areas. You come through a city and see MLK Blvd and you know not to take that exit or any one near it.
Why is is that luminaries like George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Abraham Lincoln get by with just their last names -- Washington Street, Franklin Road, Lincoln Avenue -- but we don't see King Boulevard? It's always "Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard". Are the DWLs rubbing it in by making us write all that out every time? Shouldn't King be a significant enough historical figure that he doesn't need all that extra verbiage?
When I was a kid, MLK Drive in St. Louis was called Easton Avenue. I remember going to the Central Hardware store in Wellston with my dad. Wellston was where St. Louis County and City met and back then it was a thriving business area. After King was shot and the city fathers changed the name of Easton to MLK in less than 5 years it was uninhabitable. I'm talking about blocks and blocks of decay with Africa like conditions and it's now much worse. Use Google Earth and follow MLK Drive from Wellston, Missouri to Downtown St. Louis. It's a real education!
Off topic but I was hoping that Paul was wrong about Cincinnati- but it looks like he was dead on. Right now police are preparing for riots as soon as the footage is released:
“It’s not a good situation, I think that’s clear, and it will become evident once that video is shown,” said Chief Jeffrey Blackwell, of Cincinnati police. “We’re just trying to do our best to be prepared for whatever might come out of it.”
I'm still dumbfounded why blacks (and only blacks) have the right to riot, loot, and destroy communities with impunity every time they get mad. No other race in this day and age constantly feels the need to riot in this country. Just blacks. And someone else is always left holding the bag, fixing the mess blacks created, and made to take a loss.
The only good thing about this is that black behavior, not realist arguments, is what turns DWLs etc. into realists. Once blacks have shocked/disgusted these people out of their slumber, then and only then are they receptive to the information and viewpoints presented at places like SBPDL. I know because I'm a living case in point.
" a stinking corpse walking around fouling the air while pretending to be a fragrant floral arrangement." Fantastic description and you nailed it!
There was a woman next to my mother in laws house in nigtown. She bought these beautiful, tall hedges to block out the blight, 6'-8' tall. She planted all of them and her yard looked fantastic. She went to home depot for more supplies; when she returned ......you guessed it.
"The boy was an enthusiastic yo-yoer, and taught a yo-yo lesson to kids at the arts center as recently as July 13."
So so many stupid white women sign their children up for "camps" without checking who exactly is running them. I have seen white women letting black men work with their 8 year olds who are at a "camp" for soccer, tennis...white men have to keep these stupid women under control. Women sign up for any camp. They do not think.
Of course the city will promote a camp run by black men. How stupid are these women?
The game Monopoly has every theme imaginable. There is a Star Wars, Sponge Bob, Avengers, Angry Birds and many other assorted versions of Monopoly games. In keeping with the #BLACKLIVES narrative, the time has come for a MLK Boulevard Monopoly. The play pieces would be a pistol, crack pipe, 'Olde English 40 bottle, pack of Newports, Bucket of KFC etc. Instead of play money each gamer receives an EBT card. Chance and Community cards would include an inordinate amount of Get Out Of Jail ones. Instead of Park Place on the playing board there is a Buy Rite Liquor while also featuring gang turf. Unlike the traditional game, the player who destroys the Boulevard instead of building it first, wins the game.
Canadians lol
Many have mentioned that streets named after MLK serves as a warning of areas to avoid.
In the spirit of warning YT of dangerous places where blacks live, we should encourage blacks to agitate for renaming other streets in their 'hood after their new martyrs/heros: Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Freddie Gray.
My GPS (garmin 760 dezl) will allow me to avoid certain streets by name. I thought that it would be wise to set it to avoid all "MLK" named roads in the cities I run through. Not a good idea. It would route me down a parallel street that was not as wide, preventing me from getting the Hell out of Dodge fast.
- Phantom 309
I don't know la all that well. But they have an mlk jr blvd nearby?
"As the 100 days loom, the neighborhood has taken several calls to action. A civil rights group has planned a community meeting to ask rival gangs to call an immediate ceasefire."
I don't know what's more absurd. The 100 dead in 100 days or that a civil rights group is going to call a ceasefire? I mean a freakin ceasefire.
They are not like us.
North Floridian.
Dixie here. Wonder how many shootings have occurred on the Jefferson Davis Highway? I'd be willing to bet that the country nog residents have no idea of the real name of the road, and there are almost no markers in the city.
Sadly, Atlanta's Confederate Avenue hasn't been safe for many years. The invasion of the paramecia has ruined it.
Thanks, Mutant Swarm, for posting the Zero Hedge link. Paul, your blog is mentioned in the article. My friends, word is getting around.
Not to challenge you, Miss Greenbaum, but, well, maybe I'm no longer able to read. But no where in the article did I see PK's name or anything about SBPDL. Could you please specify the paragraph?
'white girl bleed alot' should be compulsory reading in US highschools.
In Black Monopoly, every property says Go To Jail
To Eddie in St. Louis:
Wow, I just took a "drive" down mlk using google earth as you said. Not sure what else to say but i'm sorry man. Just like my dad's hometown (and practically every major city in this country), but that was in small rural NC. I live in a smaller area myself and to see just miles of waste like that makes me angry. All these places used to be thriving, and now look. Thank God for PK who is actually trying to shine some light on this. In a sane world, the destruction caused by the undertow would be on the news every night with actual solutions being discussed, no matter how un-politically correct they are.
NC Guy
You hear all the stories about how the Good Doctor like beating up hookers. He did not beat on them as a normal practice. As I understood it he only beat the shit out of them when they had the nerve to ask for the money he owed them. I hope this clears up that vicious rumor.
Not to challenge you, Miss Greenbaum, but, well, maybe I'm no longer able to read. But no where in the article did I see PK's name or anything about SBPDL. Could you please specify the paragraph?
July 28, 2015 at 7:04 PM
No offense taken. It might have even been one of the comments. I don' remember. I was really glad to see Paul's name there. I read the comments at Zero Hedge almost as religiously as I read the comments here. I love that the word is spreading.
Some years ago a group of LIBERAL PENCIL NECK GEEKS had found out the shocking truth that the American Indian word for SQUAW actually meant vagina. All those years they thought it meant WOMAN. Now they went on the warpath to change the names of any place called SQUAW.
Twat were they thinking?!
Seriously, if they thought that one word meant the same thing across all Native American languages, they should berate themselves for gross insensitivity and racism. And once they realize that those two terms are Marxist nonsense, they should berate themselves for gross linguistic ignorance.
'white girl bleed alot' should be compulsory reading in US high schools.'
Id want it as reading in grade 6. Age 10-13 folks.
In keeping with the #BLACKLIVES narrative, the time has come for a MLK Boulevard Monopoly. The play pieces would be a pistol, crack pipe, 'Olde English 40 bottle, pack of Newports, Bucket of KFC etc. Instead of play money each gamer receives an EBT card. Chance and Community cards would include an inordinate amount of Get Out Of Jail ones. Instead of Park Place on the playing board there is a Buy Rite Liquor while also featuring gang turf. Unlike the traditional game, the player who destroys the Boulevard instead of building it first, wins the game.
If you land on the Water Works or Electric Company, you do not have to pay anything because YT Taxpayer gets the bill.
Perhaps someone in the 'hood thought this was meant by "investing in a hedge fund?"
The story of Wellston is textbook on how negroes inherited a once thriving city and ran it completely into the ground. The schools are all closed there, crimes, drugs and gangs run rampant, and the negroes who run what is left of the place are so corrupt that local news there continues to have a field day with it's city officials and their bad behavior which is caught on tape. I would call it mini-Detroit, but it is more like mini-Haiti based on research I have done.
The Delmar referenced in the article by PK.
Anonymous Truth Corps said...
8 year old white female found dead in a dumpster..."unidentified" 15 year old male arrested
Shocked I tell you!
White 15 year old boys don't murder little girls for their toys. Black 15 years olds are physically mature, dangerous predators who will kill you over being "disrespekted". You'd better damn well teach your offspring this lesson early. If this turns out not to be a negro murderer- I'll eat my hat.
Rest in peace little angel, a time and place is coming where this won't be tolerated any longer.
I just looked at the story about this case on the dailymail.co.uk website. There is a picture from the rear of the 15 year old male suspect in handcuffs being escorted by police on there. A picture of the suspect's mother with her panicked face is on the same web page too. I would say the suspect and his mother are both beaners rather than negros from the look of these pictures. Definitely not white folks though.
I also read some other news accounts of this case where details were given about the apartment complex where this murder happened in California. The place is some kind of artsy-fartsy DWL "paradise" that was built by a nonprofit organization and has 100 "affordable" loft apartments. Exactly the type of place that I would never want to live in.
I followed MLK from Wellston all the way to downtown St. Louis. I am just blown away by how it goes from green lawns and live trees to brown lawns and dead trees. It's too close to lunchtime to think about the reason why.
Let's not challenge a good thing. All of those streets and boulevards named after MLK are like a warning sign glaring out to all non-blacks, "Beware, enter at your own risk".
Too right. We need to start a black pride movement to name every street and school in a majority black area after blacks to make it easier for the rest of us. MLK drive, Malcom X Jr. High, L'Quacious street, etc.
Shame on you people! Martin Luther King was a great American! Even his name is magic. Wherever streets are named after him real estate prices magically drop!
Blacks in the US, just like Whites, consume copious amounts of prescription drugs. The difference being that blacks usually aren't paying for them, Uncle Sugar is. As far as CVS is concerned, they don't care where the money is coming from, as long as it keeps rolling in.
Very important that we keep all roads marked MLK Jr Blvd as they serve as a warning to travelers where NOT to get off the highway.
MLK blvd serves as a clear warning to white travelers. It's the only positive contribution from the Honorable Reverend Dr MLK Jr.
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