Tuesday, April 12, 2016

In 83% Black Detroit, Minority-Owned Contractors (to remove the blight black people caused) are still Classified as Black...

The ultimate symbol of white power is the American flag (regardless of its condition) on the moon. 

The ultimate symbol of black dysfunction is the Joe Louis Statue in 83 percent black Detroit, a black power fist standing amidst the decaying reminders of the city white people long ago abandoned.

Now comes this reminder of the type of community individual black people collectively create.[Minority-owned contractors in Detroit wanted for blight removal: City to host first contractor fair on May 13, ClickOnDetroit.com, 4-12-16]:
Minority-owned and city-based contractors in Detroit are being sought for the city's blight removal program.
Mayor Mike Duggan, the Rev. Jesse Jackson and members of the city's faith-based community on Tuesday announced upcoming contractor opportunity fairs.

The first of the events is scheduled May 13 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Northwest Activities Center, 18100 Meyers.
Duggan says the city is "about to ramp up the work that's already taking place" in Detroit neighborhoods.
The city's blight removal efforts include demolitions and home rehabilitation.
More than 8,000 vacant houses have been demolished over the past two years.
The city is to receive $42 million in federal blight removal funds which could allow for 5,000 demolitions this year and 6,000 in 2017.
 Without a black population, would Detroit be in need of federal blight removal funds?

Do you get why white people long ago passed laws designed to protect their civilization? 


MrGJG said...

Just have a white cop shoot some coon, sit back and give them their space. The blighted buildings will be demolished in no time.

Anonymous said...

If they were serious about it they would hire whitey. 30+ years in the contracting business I can say without a doubt, and saying it politely, diferent races have different work ethics

Anonymous said...

Gee, every time they tear down one black destroyed house, blacks destroy 5 more. Kinda like being stuck in a big ole mud rut. Keep spinning your wheels Detroit. I'd be happy if they could just pick up their litter and mow the lawns. As for the big black fist that says welcome to Detroit, it really does say it all..... duck!

Blue Eyes Matter said...

There are videos on the net of packs of feral blacks stalking utility trucks around town, waiting till the workers are out of sight, or up a pole, to rush in and run off with coils of copper wiring. One video shows a group of blacks hiding in a grove of trees and bushes, which have sprung up on the untended lawns, looking for all the world like Africans in the jungle ready to rush out and raid a party of explorers. This is the labor force they will draw upon I suppose? I'm sure they'll get $15.00 an hour for their unskilled labor.

42 million for 5000 houses demolished? That's over eight grand per house! You know nothing of value has been overlooked by the scavengers. These houses are ruined shells, walls ripped apart for wiring, and copper plumbing, open to the elements with broken windows and busted down doors.

It would be better to use them for training purposes. Let the fire departments around the tri-state area use them for training. Odds are fires will be a problem in the future. Let the guard, and the police use them for urban training. Those of you able to think more than one move ahead will understand.

Realistically, there's nothing to rehabilitate, it is, as you are so fond of saying, irredeemable. All the jobs have left with the white population. The schools operate on the level of a cargo cult, with millions of dollars of funds stolen by the black administrators. I'm thinking drop leaflets warning the population, then initiate Arc Light. Ya mean?

proudyt said...

The common thought is that 10% of them have some degree of intelligence. I wonder what percentage of them see something like this and are embarrassed and ashamed.

Anonymous said...

The real question is, who profits from all this blight?

Anonymous said...

Federal Blight Removal?? Give credit where credit is due, but Obama is frankly the last person I expected to repatriate our Blight back to Africa. Is it too late to nominate him for a third term?

Anonymous said...

In 83% black Detroit, wouldn't 'minority' contractors be white?

Anonymous said...

Were it not for "anti-discrimination" laws, my family's historical property in Detroit would still exist and be inhabited by humans.

Instead, it is an empty lot.

Anonymous said...

Spent a horrible and depressing several hours on taxes today. The fruits of my labor, hard labor, is being taken at the point of a gun to pay for 1.) Negroes 2.) Illegals 3.) war in places that does nothing but enrich the ruling class and "protect" Israel.

This U.S.A. is an irredeemable corrupt cesspool.

Ryu238 said...

Yeah I mean it's not like white flight from detroit left Blacks with NOTHING and further political sheniagans kept them there: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/marilyn-salenger-white-flight-and-detroits-decline/2013/07/21/7903e888-f24a-11e2-bdae-0d1f78989e8a_story.html

John Thomas said...

How about a post on Decollecter - mother of the murderer of Haruka Weiser?

Apparently she's a 'big booty' porn star, who's set up a 'go fund me' account to publish a book on 'personal genital hygiene' - a subject she claims to be an expert on due to her 'profession'.

The Daily Mail is obsessed with the story, and has a big write-up.

A lot of good, amusing Kersey material there, methinks. Or, at least read the story and have a giggle.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering how Detroit was going to pay for all this blight removal, since they've been broke since forever. And sure enough, it's coming out of our pocket. Again.

First they force us out of our homes, and then we have to pay to demolish the ruins they created after ethnically cleansing us.

White flight = ethnic cleaning.

Over the past 50 years, millions of white Americans have been ETHNICALLY CLEANSED from the communities they and their families built. These communities were then quickly destroyed by the invaders. Nobody cares. It's a joke, people laugh about it. I guess facing the truth about the Civil Rights Movement is too scary.

Eddie in St. Louis said...

I thought of a better way to solve the problem. Make Devils Night a month long holiday, say the Month of May and you can burn as many empty buildings as you want. Hell, you might even get some crazed YT's to help and foreigners, too!

Anonymous said...

That'll be the slowest, most inept demo work ever. Some matches and gas wouldn't be half the work or cost.

I wonder if cotton grows that far north? There should be plenty of vacant land for it.

Awake said...

So let me get this straight. Detroit was a primarily a white working class city. (Notice how the words "working class blacks" has never been used together?) Blacks infest the city, financially strain the government and drive out almost all the white people due to crime.

In our absence, they literally reduce this city to rubble and we are supposed to "reinvest" our white tax dollars to rebuild their destruction ? And then on top of that, we are to use black only contractors ? Contractors that will surely exploit any hole in the system to suck more money out of our pockets ?

Have we truly lost our minds ?

Next, you'll be telling me that we'll be paying thugs not to kill each other....wtf

Brian in Ohio said...

Minority owned contractors? So they`re INVITING graft and corruption?!

This is just another BRA hustle. I guarantee about 100 new "minority owned" contractors just formed in Michigan. Not to mention all of this work will go way over budget, be outside of code, and never be completed.

Don't tear down a god damn thing. They made this mess, now they should have to live in it.

Stay alert, stay alive.

Anonymous said...

EEK OOK said...

If I was black I'd be mad too...

It must suck that all black beauty is fake -- fake hair, fake nails, fake eyelashes, fake nose jobs.

It must suck to be unable to understand a book of any depth, or music of any complexity and live such a shallow, meaningless life.

It must suck that every slight in your "community" ends in a Chimpout that sends weaves flying, maybe multiple dead.

It must suck to wear un-washable fake hair until it stinks like shit.

It must suck that your race has contributed nothing to mankind except brawl videos for white people to laugh at. In fact, if you never existed mankind would be better off.

It must suck not knowing who your father is, or having five shitlets by five different inmates.

It must suck to be so genetically maladapted to first world civilization that you're dependent on charity your whole life. Government handouts, unnecessary government jobs, crime and Nigger University for a place to lay your head.

It must suck that half your women have herpes and almost as many men have HIV.

It must suck to be unable to organize a functioning city without widespread violence, corruption and malfunction.

It must suck that no matter how much money you waste trying to imitate the white women you despise, you're not fooling anyone and you know any man would take a white girl over your black ass any day.

It must suck that your entire gold-plated turd "culture" boils down to jungle bunny mating rituals and bravado.

Most of all, it must suck to know that despite all the propaganda about how wonderful blackie is and how evil whitey is, you know deep down that if it weren't for whitey and his charitable nature which you take full advantage of, you'd be living in a mud hut, shitting in the street and eating one another. Just like your relatives in Africa still do.

Be thankful you're white. Every. Damn. Day.

Anonymous said...

Remove the negroes and you won't have blight.

Ever think about that America?

Do something soon or it's over...

Anonymous said...

Wow.... not only do we give them houses and food and everything else, we pay to clean up after them.

When can we be free of this parasitic torture? I'm sure this diversity costs the average middle-class taxpayer $5,000plus per year.

I want it over.

Anonymous said...

Government playing favorites among its citizens based on race again... never ends well.

ot: you see the Colored People Time Hillary DeBlasio joke? They ADMIT negroes are future time orientation hampered via their genetics! Idiots! :)

VariedSort said...

Logically, seeking minority companies to do the work is in the spirit of diversity. To even out the races. So Detroilet should be seeking out asian, hispanic, and white contractors, and NOT black ones. Right????

Anonymous said...

Negroes are really no laughing matter but I can't help but chuckle thinking about the fact that these imbeciles don't even realize what the true blight is.

Anonymous said...

So we paid for their housing. Then after they've destroyed it we must pay for the demolition. Then we must pay for them to rebuild. Spend, rinse, repeat.

Plaga Negra said...

If I ever start a real estate development company I will call it "Here Comes the Neighborhood LLC" and would specialize in (what else) gentrification.

Constitutionalist56 said...

In New York state, they make contractors use MWBE contractors so there is "minority" content in all state projects.

Trouble is, that just raises the price of the work needlessly, makes it difficult to get paid, and is impossible to achieve because there aren't enough MWBE contractors in the first place.

Not to mention that it is reverse discrimination against white contractors.

Anonymous said...

"The city is to receive $42 million in federal blight removal funds which could allow for 5,000 demolitions this year and 6,000 in 2017."

Damn, whitey even has to pay to help them turn a city into a pile of bricks. They should plant cotton on the empty tracts of land where "blight" was once thrived.

Southron said...

One day, in the near future, I imagine a scene in Detroit similar to the one in 2001: A Space Odyssey. The chimp-like residents of what was once Detroit will be gathered around that black power fist, shrieking and throwing stones at each other. One alpha may even sit by the fist to indicate his status as leader of the pack.

The only upside to the destruction of western civilization is that there will be no one left to remember what had been lost, and to realize we traded the stars and secrets of the universe for a black power fist.

Anonymous said...

It's been a while since I last posted my list of VIBRANT names that I came across in different news stories. I haven't been as active in collecting names this year as I was in 2015 as I am trying to cut down on my "bad news porn" intake as Ram Z. Paul would put it.
Anyway... enjoy!

Qurann Hamm (26) likes sucker punching Cincinnati cops and call them cracker devils (OH)
Elshabazz Weatherly (24) arrested for larceny and B&E (NC)
Laquai Barrett beat a young white woman riding on MARTA with a skateboard (GA)
Darshawn Turner (17) beat up a student for actually wanting to learn and get good grades (MN)
Quindarius Slade (16) part of home invasion where he shot a man (GA)
Deontea Mackey killed Greenville Police Officer and war hero Allen Jacobs (SC)
Janicholas Scott arrested as part of Panola County Alabama’s “Operation Bite Back” (AL)
Mondarious Armsted arrested as part of Panola County Alabama’s “Operation Bite Back” (AL)
Nashaun Hunter (17) murdered a white Oakland Athletics minor league player (NY)
Ramarley Graham (18) slain by NYC officer in 2012, officer then fired and indicted (NY)
Nautika Harris upset that her cousin Trevon was killed by a home owner during a burglary (FL)
Miktu Williams (22) arrested for assault (NC)
Rondarius Spicer (21) shot up crowd at Austin’s SXSW festival (TX)
Quintae Dayrelle Edwards of SC murdered a trucker with his partner Kwame Fernanders in Mayberry-esque town of Columbus (NC)
Zarriel Trotter (13) was featured in a “stop the violence” PSA and later shot in the back (IL)
Dabrentise Overstreet (19) part of group that murdered a lottery winner (GA)
Anjavell Johnson (21) part of group that murdered a lottery winner (GA)
Jakeel Mason (21) killed by Korean store-after shoplifting (WA)


Anonymous said...

Hey Detroit, purchase some lions and giraffes and call it a day. Welcome to the jungle. Now they can blight the suburbs. That should give the social engineers something to do for the next 50 years. $8,000 per house and some of these contractors don't even haul away all the debris. If you took all of the people who have been in charge of Detroit for the last fifty years you would have a collective I.Q. of 10.

...Formerly Miss Greenbaum... said...

Let´s see if I understand this. First we pay to build them Section 8 housing, which they then destroy. We build our own housing. They move into our neighborhoods and they then destroy them. We move. They follow. Rinse, repeat.

We pay them to breed. They breed with wild abandon. They destroy schools which we can no longer send our (white) children to, yet still have to pay taxes to support. Is there no end to the havoc and destruction negroes generate? A greater pox on civilization God never created. Historical evidence shows that cities can be rebuilt, even after a nuclear bomb has been detonated. Survival after a negro occupation? Not so much. In a cost/benefit analysis, I´m having trouble understanding the positive aspects of having negroes among us. I´ll gladly forgo jazz and the NFL/Bakka ball in return for no negroes. Joyfully, in fact.

Anonymous said...

Great idea. Very cost effective.

Anonymous said...

Look up johnny "detroit" george president and founder of motor city blight busters. They have torn down slum houses in detroit for years. What i find amazing is his crew really can't fix anything other than clean a house that has been infested for years. Aside from that Mr "detroit" george lives in the grosse pointes i guess he can't find suitable habitation in the city of his birth place.

...Formerly Miss Greenbaum... said...

OOK, EEK, say.....

Most of all, it must suck to know that despite all the propaganda about how wonderful blackie is and how evil whitey is, you know deep down that if it weren't for whitey and his charitable nature which you take full advantage of, you'd be living in a mud hut, shitting in the street and eating one another. Just like your relatives in Africa still do.

Be thankful you're white. Every. Damn. Day.


My dad used to tell me the same thing. I will tell you what I told him back then. I still f´ing resent having to pay for them and constantly getting my hand bit when I am forced to feed them. God, I hate them.

Anonymous said...

The average demo cost is more like $14,000. Favored contractors and corruption. the guy in charge of the blight campaign----charlie beckham----did prison time for corruption back under mayor coalman young. He's still on board with his hands in the till, go figure.
All the bad things you've ever heard about detriot-----well, they're all true. And then some.

Anonymous said...

Detroit should be preserved exactly as it is today. Make it a monument to what blacks can accomplish when left to their own devices. To raise money, enclosed tram buses can give tours to paying customers so they can observe the African in America in a natural habitat.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Awake said...Next, you'll be telling me that we'll be paying thugs not to kill each other....wtf

April 13, 2016 at 3:32 AM

Well a story has been posted awhile back about PAYING THUGS NOT TO SHOOT EACH OTHER! LMFAO!

Anonymous said...

Full Definition of "blight"
1a: a disease or injury of plants marked by the formation of lesions, withering, and death of parts (as leaves and tubers)
b: an organism (as an insect or a fungus) that causes blight

2: something that frustrates plans or hopes
3: something that impairs or destroys
4: a deteriorated condition

Blight, black. Tomato, to-mah-to.

NJ Woman

P.S. It would be much cheaper to bomb and incinerate the entire city. Like a black 4th of July.

Anonymous said...

You sir, deserve a Nobel Prize.

AZ Ray said...

Spot on EEK OOK!

How much I wish those "white gods" of the Annunaki would beam all whites off this stinking rock & let us start anew on our own world & allow us to fulfill our destiny.

How much fun it would be the watch this world (if we had magical aerial video feeds!)collapse into UTTER squalor & degeneracy. To see what we KNOW would happen if we where gone!. The money was gone. The food was gone. The medicines where gone. The power goes out, forever!.. Trade ground to a halt. Innovation dried up. No money for EBT, food stamps, EVERYTHING!. And the few that would still be alive after a few years?, well, the Chinese would take care of them. If we where gone, China would inherit the Earth.. And they don't play nice..

What an interesting thought experiment it would be..

Detroit Refugee said...

This will create as much corruption as DPS.

Anonymous said...

"I´ll gladly forgo jazz and the NFL/Bakka ball in return for no negroes."

You could still have the above and have no kneegrows. Most supposed jazz lovers could not tell the difference between black, white or yellow musicians.

Pat Boyle said...

One of my jobs when I was in government was as the financial officer for my agency. I defended against audits. My job was to explain our financial records and defend against the auditors who came in to question them. I supervised all the financial staff and was responsible for financial rules and procedures. We were audited a lot. The average California county was seldom audited.

You might think that being audited a lot was some mark of failure. If so you don't understand government. The feds were sick of all the rotten programs that made headlines for corruption and fraud. They had to audit a certain number of localities but they were afraid. So many of the counties in the Central Valley were filled with 'phantom employees' and phony equipment purchases that they became gun shy. Their solution was to simply audit us again. We were honest and always got a clean audit. And the Bay Area was a hell of a lot more pleasant place that the Central Valley for a couple weeks.

In government the best often get punished and the worst skate.

That's how I got my experience with minority contractors. Shortly after a Big Eight firm had audited us, and we got a clean bill of health, we were told we would again be audited by a black firm.

It was in a way funny. The 'black' firm had just one black person, whom we met at the opening meeting and never saw again. All the senior auditors were white and the droves of junior auditors were all Orientals. You would see a lot of this in those days. These nominal 'black' firms would be hired contractors but they only had a handful of blacks in suits who were there to qualify the firm for minority status. The real workers were whites or Asians.

A lot of my financial colleagues were hunting for a black partner to front for them so they could get in on some of this minority preference business. The trick was to get a black stooge who would just take the money but wouldn't try to interfere in the real operations.


Anonymous said...

I love the way they call what happened to that city 'Blight', like it's some sort of naturally occurring disease.

The decay was caused by the people who built and properly maintained the city being chased out by the delightfully enriching activities of the American Urban Black fraternity, with their gleefully laissez-faire attitude to noise levels alone being enough of a driver for decent people to get away.

Their replacements are far more prone to destruction than building or maintaining anything. Blacks are the Blight. If only contractors were allowed to remove them.

Anonymous said...

My prediction is that within 100 years EVERY american city looks like detroit.

We are living in the final days of amerucan greatness that peaked in the early 1960's. White Americans were living such wealthy fantastic lifestyles that White Guilt was created, which gave us political correctness, which has snowballed into a giant deadly cancer that is destroying our society. There's no turning back at this point, this sickness WILL progress rapidly to the end. Unemployment at 50% or worse, the vast majority of the population on welfare at every level, terror attacks daily, complete government control that moniters everything and everyone, every city looks like detroit, Whites are at best 5% of the population and at risk for being murdered daily everywhere they go, just complete and total misery and failure and destruction of everything our White ancestors worked so hard to create for us.

And ALL because we are afraid to be called "racist"

John Thomas said...

You simply MUST do a DeCollecter/Meechial Criner post.

It's vintage Kersey - all your favorite topics are there in one shot!

I haven't stopped giggling all day reading DeCollecter's twitter posts - the account is Decollecterxxx, by the way.

'This a pity that the heartbreakingly cute Haruka Weiner had to die though, but somehow the whole story - including the foul murder of Haruka encapsulates the SICK state of modern America.

Mr. Rational said...

Most supposed jazz lovers could not tell the difference between black, white or yellow musicians.

I can't recall a White musician who plays bebop (which grates on my ears as badly as rap).

BTW, Beethoven founded ragtime and set the stage for jazz.  It's ALL White.

Anonymous said...

They are paying $8k per house to demolish them, but you can buy a house in Detroit on Ebay for $4k. That tells you everything.

proudyt said...

Love it. Very entertaining.

Paintjob Theory said...

"The city is to receive $42 million in federal blight removal funds"

Keep working and paying taxes, goyim. Our masters' precious pets require a lot of food and mess removal.

Best case scenario a handful of negro cronies will pocket 50% then sub-contract to whites who will pay illegals to do the work, more likely all the money will be spent on frivolous displays of TNB with nothing to show for it 2 years from now.

Also, can anyone point out in the constitution where the federal government is charged with demolishing homes that negroes have neglected and destroyed beyond repair?

Anonymous said...

Destroit is what it is thanks to Negro genetics. Just like we want animals on the Serengeti to live as they are so too should we allow the Negro to graze and run wild in Destroit. We need to isolate them and their dysfunction and allow only intermittent visits from the Jane Goodall types. Destroit is ruined thanks to the Negro, and we should encourage as much black behavior as possible be unleashed on everyone. Without any Whites around to blame fo' dey predikkamint it will be pure hilarity to observe them doing what comes naturally.

Anonymous said...

B black
L leeches
I inhabiting
G good
H homes
T too long

Anonymous said...

White volunteers have been stupidly tearing delapidated homes down for years. Contractors have been signed up as well, been getting paid and never fulfilling their contracts, negro contractors. They've been getting the contracts all along and recently, the media has painted a story that coloreds contractors will now be taking over. After nothing continues to gets done, the media will say nothing, only infer that Whites have tripped up the process, with their volunteers. Watched it for the past 15 years, mudshark Duggan should of signed up contractors that actually work.

Anonymous said...

Texas here:

So that's $42 million for 11,000 houses, if I read that right.

But wait—there's more!

A LOT more. One in three properties in Detroit have been foreclosed on for not paying the mortgage and/or taxes. One third! That's 140,000 properties.

There's already 84,000 properties on the city's "blight list." That's 84,000 houses that need to be torn down. Think about that. Say there are four people in a house—that's the equivalent of 336,000 people—a decent-sized city.

So let's say it's $40 million per 10,000 houses demolished. You do that, and you still have 74,000 more houses to tear down. So that's another $300 million about—JUST TO CREATE TENS OF THOUSANDS OF WEEDY, TRASH-FILLED VACANT LOTS.

What the hell? What the f'cking hell?

source: http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/special-reports/2015/05/14/detroit-abandoned-homes-volume-terrifying/27237787/

Check out the interview with "Talise." (the video). Hilariously, a Blackmobile missing a hubcap runs the stop sign behind her and then drives on the wrong side of the road. You can't point a camera in black neighborhoods for 10 seconds without witnessing TNB.

TNB: Typical Negro Behavior.

Y'all have a good day.

Anonymous said...

Officer Mathew Camman saved a black kids life last year and this is how blacks repay him: http://www.tennessean.com/story/news/crime/2016/04/13/police-officer-attacked-while-making-arrest-east-nashville/82968844/

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous/EEK OOK (love that as much as I love "jigaboo" - onomatopoeia at its funniest)

Yes. I am. And I used to feel guilty for that. And now I don't. I feel happy and fortunate to be White, living in Whitopia. But, you don't have to be around them to dislike them. I'm a raging testament to that. I just wish the blight could be eradicated so no Whites have to experience blacks in person anywhere in this country. I'm hoping for a lot of restless natives and tribal warfare this summer to help in that regard. Just don't want any Whites or innocent animals to be hurt in the process.

NJ Woman

Anonymous said...

To Jefferson - would you please send a copy of your most entertaining list to Mr. Morgan Freeman, the negro actor shilling for big Hillary? I'm sure he'd like to incorporate those uniquely black names and touching vignettes into his impassioned ramblings. After all, these good folks are his brothers and sisters too and deserve a shout-out along with Trevon, etc.

NJ Woman

joshrandall said...

Heads up guys and gals! News from Chicago,where a 16 y'old black male,who was,literally,an aspirin' rappa,has been shot.Tho a gang member,tho posing on Shitebook with guns,and tho he decried the gang shooting of one of his homies,nomesayne,his mom assures us he was a goot boy.The family wants ansuzz.The mom.doesn't want another mother to go through this.We have lost Pierre Loury.Another ybm (young black male) lost to the police who just enjoy killing innocent ybms!

Anonymous said...

Yep. I lived in Nagasaki. If you visited and never opened a history book you would've never known a bomb was dropped on it. Beautiful city.

Anonymous said...

OK, that's IT!

EVERY. SINGLE. WHITE COP... in Chicago must from today onwards NEVER set foot in a n*gger neighborhood to stop their killing sprees. Never.


Anonymous said...

310--like WOW --them girl guys are rough;

I doubt that the SJW white-guilt libs at Salon and Gawker will cover this story.

"HOUSTON — Sadness surrounded a Midtown street corner on Monday where less than 24 hours earlier, an angry mob savagely beat and fatally shot two people, including a transgendered woman."
"Other witnesses said some of the attackers were also transgendered and believed they targeted Chante out of jealousy.

“We need to come together and get past this black on black and black hating on black,” said another transgendered woman."

Mike Miller said...

NJ Woman.

Trevon is spelled Terh'rAyh-vuagH'n&.

The ampersand is silent.

Brian in Ohio said...

Blogger Pat Boyle said...

In government the best often get punished and the worst skate.

This was exactly my experience in the Marines. Anyone who was a fuck up or discipline problem got sent to a cushy job at the gym, pool or some warehouse doing menial crap just so the company office didn't have to deal with them. Meanwhile, anyone with half a brain who stayed out of trouble got the workload.

We had a saying. Your only reward for hard work is more hard work.

A lot of my financial colleagues were hunting for a black partner to front for them so they could get in on some of this minority preference business. The trick was to get a black stooge who would just take the money but wouldn't try to interfere in the real operations.


Had a local company here in Cincinnati get busted for this exact thing recently. Evans Landscaping/Demolition got caught having one of their negro employees pose as a minority owned small business to land millions in city contracts.

They even named the front company Ergon....Negro?! Cant make this shit up.

Stay alert, stay alive.

Brian in Ohio said...

Blogger Constitutionalist56 said...

In New York state, they make contractors use MWBE contractors so there is "minority" content in all state projects.

In Ohio we have EDGE. Encouraging Diversity, Growth and Equity. Which means we end up with blacks as CEO`s in name only.

Stay alert, stay alive.

...Formerly Miss Greenbaum... said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
My prediction is that within 100 years EVERY american city looks like detroit.

We are living in the final days of amerucan greatness that peaked in the early 1960's. White Americans were living such wealthy fantastic lifestyles that White Guilt was created, which gave us political correctness, which has snowballed into a giant deadly cancer that is destroying our society. There's no turning back at this point, this sickness WILL progress rapidly to the end. Unemployment at 50% or worse, the vast majority of the population on welfare at every level, terror attacks daily, complete government control that moniters everything and everyone, every city looks like detroit, Whites are at best 5% of the population and at risk for being murdered daily everywhere they go, just complete and total misery and failure and destruction of everything our White ancestors worked so hard to create for us.

And ALL because we are afraid to be called "racist"


Thank you, Anonymous. I fear and suspect you are correct. I was born in that era and have watched the economy head in a straight downward trajectory for the last 50 years. Funny thing is, back in the 70´s both my parents and I knew we were all experiencing the death of the middle class and we were certainly not afraid to talk about it. That´s all changed. Everybody today likes to make pretend that the nonsense unemployment rate, Russia is evil, etc. are very real and true things. Back then we knew the forever printing of dollars was a highway to hell. Not today. The ¨no inflation, low unemployment: memes are swallowed hook, line, and sinker. Back in the ´70s, we knew it was all crap. Never in our wildest dreams would it last another forty years. It´s funny how we find ourselves revisiting the same crappy places we were back fifty plus years ago. One of the things you notice as you get older, I suppose....

Anonymous said...

Only in backwards twilight-zone america can you be 83% of the population and a minority.

Anonymous said...

True, but then how would the black city council and "church leadership" get their kick backs? Plus, considering that Detroit is 83% black, chances are those white contractors would have to come in from out of town, meaning the money would leave the city. They couldn't tax it twice to get non-ear marked federal money through taxes.

Anonymous said...

Blacks have been riding rough shod all over that city for 50 years. Unless you have seen it, you really can't believe it was allowed to happen. They burned, looted, stripped, scrapped, and destroyed. They lived in filthy, rodent infected, cockroach infested, bed bug infested hell holes. A slow crawl from the lower east side that eventually invaded the entire 144 square miles. Hey blackie, grab a broom and a lawn mower and get to work. As for the heavy lifting, let whitey take care of that. Mayor Duggan, haven't you had enough black dysfunction?

Anonymous said...


another Dindu gets his justice.


Anonymous said...

Faces Of The Beast:


Run, hide... they're coming for you very soon... just let it warm up a bit.

Ricky Tucker said...

*golf clapping* comment of the decade right there.

Anonymous said...

Black housing projects reflect the African-village culture.

Few African men work. Rather, they go hunting. In America's African villages the males hunt with guns, finding their prey through muggings, robbing liquor stores, invading homes, etc.

Few African men are interested in domestic relationships. They father children with multiple mates both in African and American villages.

Few African children are raised by a mom and dad. They are raised by the village. They are free to roam in feral packs. Biological mothers are largely disinterested in the welfare of their children.

After multiple generations of exposure to Western culture, most Africans in American have failed to assimilate or adapt. That points to a genetic cause.

Euro American said...

OT: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/hundreds-british-mums-breast-ironing-7726899

Genital mutilation not being enough sex-deterring mutilation for black parents, blacks (Muslims I guess?) in England sear their daughters' breasts off. Breast burning is a thing.

They could use birth control, but mutilating girls is a habit they can't break.

Of course the Mirror does not identify the evil doers as either blacks or Muslims. They call them "parents".

Anonymous said...

It must suck that half your women have herpes and almost as many men have HIV.

It must suck to be unable to organize a functioning city without widespread violence, corruption and malfunction.

It must suck....

And the crazy thing is that they don't seem to care.

Anonymous said...

We are living in the final days of amerucan greatness that peaked in the early 1960's. White Americans were living such wealthy fantastic lifestyles that White Guilt was created, which gave us political correctness, which has snowballed into a giant deadly cancer that is destroying our society.

The destruction started right after WWII. Brown VS Board was 1954.

As much as I hate boomers it was their parents that let the Marxists out of the cage. Maybe they had White guilt over WWII but there is no excuse. The so-called Greatest Generation did not want to stand up to the Marxists.

But of course that doesn't matter now. The mess is here.

Anonymous said...

White people need to starting fighting back by playing their own games.

Hire some Mexicans and give them non-voting 51% share in a company. There you go, minority owned.

There are probably a hundred ways of doing this.

Anonymous said...

Let´s see if I understand this. First we pay to build them Section 8 housing, which they then destroy. We build our own housing. They move into our neighborhoods and they then destroy them. We move. They follow. Rinse, repeat.

Yea that is the cycle.

And this is after the failed liberal plans of building giant housing projects for them.

Then the libs and cons came up with Section 8. Libs supported it for obvious reasons and cons liked how Fed money was going to landlords. Sickening.

Anonymous said...

Here's a Detroit story for you-someone attacked these ponies, and cut off their manes, to use for negro "weaves"


Anonymous said...

To Anon at 12:53 am re pony story

Yet another story of TNB that makes me despise them. They'll stop at nothing. It would never occur to an actual human to do something like this. Actual humans would want to pet the ponies, take pictures of them, and ask their owners if it was OK to feed them an appropriate horse treat.

Ponies' lives matter to me. Black ones, not at all. They disgust me.

NJ Woman

Bill in St Louis said...

Anonymous said.
In 83% black Detroit, wouldn't 'minority' contractors be white?
April 12, 2016 at 9:50 PM

This also was my thought, but then I realized that to the Dindu, since they know they are an inferior species, they will always see themselves as the "minority".

Californian said...

After multiple generations of exposure to Western culture, most Africans in American have failed to assimilate or adapt. That points to a genetic cause.


African assimilation into America was at its highpoint during segregation. Back then, blacks could (mostly) form families, hold down jobs (within their IQ range), and obey the law (in the white part of town). Since "integration," blacks have been on a downward spiral. And this is with every piece of civil rights and war on poverty legislation trying to bring them up to YT's standards.

The trend of recent years is to lower white standards down to the level which blacks can function. Thus, graduation requirements in schools are reduced, while blacks are not prosecuted for crimes under "disparate impact" policies. The result? Blacks revert to the African mean. And drag down everyone else with them.

AZ Ray said...

From anon: "The destruction started right after WWII. Brown VS Board was 1954.
As much as I hate boomers it was their parents that let the Marxists out of the cage. Maybe they had White guilt over WWII but there is no excuse. The so-called Greatest Generation did not want to stand up to the Marxists. But of course that doesn't matter now. The mess is here".

Spot on. Hell the "greatest generation" actually allied themselves to the Marxists. The USSR was an American ally in the war. That ally that was the most murderous regime in history. VASTLY worse than NS Germany.

But that ally was the creation of "ahem" a certain middle eastern "tribe". Lets see. Karl Marx. Josef Engels. Vladimir Ulyanov. Levrenti Beria. Lev Bronstein (aka:Trotsky)Lev Mekhlis.. The "Frankfurt school". The Rothschild's..On & on it goes. The gods are punishing us by allying ourselves to the beast.

But since that certain tribe controls the media, the banks & Hollywood. The sheep like Goyim go about bleating about their predicament, completely unaware of the disaster among them?. Caesar has given the plebeians their "bread & circuses". Our bellies are full, negro ball is on the idiot box & hardly ANYONE asks WHY!..

The future belongs to the brave & the AWARE..

Anonymous said...

Took s semi load of car parts to s company that was operating out of what was left of the original Ford plant in Detroit years ago. The place was so bad then you had to ride armed and locked&loaded and then only in broad daylight.
Trucks had to be backed against the walls to prevent breakins. The "Crews" would jump on your vehicle or trailers at intersections and star boosting or try to hijack you. Now I understand the whole area is abandoned; except for whatever folks could not escape, and the predators that run the place. Yet we are expected to pay for this crap. F&$)! America

Anonymous said...

The destruction of the cities continues unabated yet we are still subjected to the "liberal politics" explanation from talk radio.


AnalogMan said...

AZ Ray said...

The future belongs to the brave & the AWARE..

... and the lucky. Well said; I couldn't have gotten away with that comment.

Anonymous said...

Just tell them that every night is Halloween.

Anonymous said...

14 former and current public school principles indicted. All black. Kickbacks will ruin this program.

Anonymous said...

It didn't take long for me to find the comments I was looking for. Kickbacks and AA hires based on who pays back the most to the people handing out the contracts.
There will be no accountability. The blight for the most part will lay their until the next federal funds come through and the scam will reset itself. It's nothing more than a system for making a few rich negros in Detroit.

Mich Mike