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The Fear... [Congressman Thompson concerned that if Trump loses, civil or race war could start, WJTV.com, 10-21-16]: |
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... the reality. [SHOCK VIDEO: BLACK MOB VICIOUSLY BEATS WHITE TRUMP VOTER: "You voted Trump? You gonna pay for that shit!", Infowars.com, 11-10-16] |
Immediate bullet to the head. I am beyond sick at the viciousness of nogs. The GIBS ME DAT gravy train is about to derail, they know it, whites know it. Lock and load, shoot 1st, ask questions later.
What's he worried about does he think his mud tribe wouldn't win?
P.K., why did you cut out them actually driving off with his car. That was the worst part.
The mobs of uncilized brutes assualting people needs to end put under HATE CRIMES and the thugs need to get 50 years or more and life without parole or death sentence if their victim dies no more fooling around
This video will haunt me for weeks. I just don't understand how the guy acted, like he had no adrenaline or will to survive- in a situation like that you're going to lose some possessions- where was his inner psychopath? It is a clear example of someone who has an excuse for not having a gun to defend himself though, this is Chicago after all.
I've already dreamed of a little clown car which when provoked opens up to some scary looking dudes with hand ready weapons to defend themselves and reset the situation. Self defense can often become very brutal in the heat of the moment.
The guy didn't scream for help and no one helped him!
Statistics classes will now have clear examples of poll manipulation and integrity to discuss while psychology classes can compare this one to the black man who murdered Kitty Genovese. Why did no one assist?
I'm torn on a sarcastic or a literal description for that horror movie that I just saw:
"This is what democracy looks like!"
"Who's streets? Our streets!"
How dare that man express an opinion or preference that African-Americans don't approve of? It's 2016, for crying out loud! Bow to Black Run America!
Of course the negroes aren't happy:
-Their benefactor is departing 1-20-2017 and the new occupant of the White House has made noises to the effect of disassembling about all Barry did.
-Many figured Mdm Hillary was going to be a continuation of the old regime. Well, there goes that!
-Said benefactor gone, any more rioting will be put down swift and hard. This thing within the black community of being a career criminal being acceptable just became an unacceptable thing...again. Also, a good bet: AA, EEOC, Diversity will be tossed for reality and commerce, education and nose to the grindstone.
-And as for the Latino commies? There days are now numbered. The wall will be built. Amnesty go bye-bye. You don't have a green card? Adios!
I love it!
-Carolina Cicero
Blacks know that the gravy train has stopped running for them.
The biggest thing I ever heard about anti-Trump voters was that he would probably start a war. It's not a war between nations that I'm worried about (Obama and his dramatic cuts to our military has ensured that). It's the war between blacks and whites.
Blacks see on the horizon a government that holds people more accountable for their actions. Blacks see a government that is going to cut government spending, including welfare. Blacks see a government that tells them to get a job. Blacks see a government where their ghettos will be torn down or refurbished for better living. Blacks see a government that does away with Obamacare, and makes them pay for their own. Blacks see a future where liberal politicians, journalists, and Hollywood elites won't make any difference compared to the core of middle America.
Trump is the greatest thing to happen to our government since Reagan. May he reverse all of Obama's bad decisions. May he begin the reversal of LBJ's Great Society. May he rebuild our military back to a force to be reckoned with. May he bring back jobs from oversees. May he give us tax cuts. May he stop illegal immigration.
Blacks know they will suffer for all of this.
It has begun...
It will only get worse...
Make sure it gets worse for the violent savage groids, and not you.
Your move Whitey.
Blame your enemy for the things you do....
All I have to say is that Trump better send out a clear message from the DOJ to the lowliest police chief that arrests and prosecutions with jail time better start happening now. No more blocked highways, no more gangs beating up lone whites, etc. That's what we put Trump in office for and he needs to tell law enforcement to restore order now.
The black congress-critter from Mississippi is a bit right in his backward, 80 IQ "thinking". Blacks have engaged in an 8-year long race war against whites and whites have been prevented from fighting back by law enforcement and the judicial system. That better stop inauguration day so blacks will get the race war they all yammer about. I predict it'll be short-lived because they are nature's cowards when confronted with even halfway decent force.
Where was all the media on this white man being beaten for supposedly voting for Trump? How about the black man that thought there would be revolution? Blacks are their own worst enemies. With all the work that Trump did for the black vote, he only got 2% better than Romney. What have the democrats done for blacks? Blacks are dumb people!
Talk about "Blaxit":
I can say that Americans (meaning, White people) could not possibly be happier than if they got the gift of a Blaxit.
Snow fakers get all they want. Go back to your basement or safe zone. God Almighty. What a bunch of wimps idiots. All agitated by outside forces. (Sorrows, Occupy, BLM) So now, people will have to adjust to things that aren't their way. Boo hoo.
If Hillary had won, it would have been "we won (blink-blink.) You didn't. "Too bad, so sad."
Hate to say this but this shit will not end. It will get worse. Unless Trump actually starts to uphold the law. The groids never pay for thier crimes,so why stop. They get paid tax dollars to do this. Burn a city,good job,here's your check,another welfare breeder,thug,here's your check. Need more free shit whitey owes you. I truly hope Trump is our GREAT WHITE HOPE.
I agree with him in one aspect,I believe a race war is inevitable. Even with a Trump win we won't be able to recreate the America we want.
START a race war? What a joke...there already IS a race war. Blacks declared war on whites back in 2008 when Obama was elected. You should know that, Congressman, you are part of the reason it exists.
This is why everyone should have a conceal carry permit and know how to use their weapon.
Of course if he did that the media would be screaming "White Trump Supporter Shoots 3 Unarmed Black Teens", and we'd have even more riots on our hands.
The bigots and racists of this country are the blacks and immigrant minority's. The target of their hate are white Christian men and women. I have liberal relatives that berate and besmirch Christians at every turn. Remarks such as 'the problem with Florida are the native Floridians'. My head spins at some of their rhetoric. An incident in royal oak mi. where middle school students chanted ' build that wall', was recorded by an Hispanic student, and was posted to social media. If it was my child's image posted on social media without permission, I would be suing the school and the videographer. Getting out of hand friends.
It is pretty clear from Bennie's letter that he was attempting to get things in place for a post Clinton victory roundup of opposition groups. People like him won't rest until all resistance to BRA has been crushed. As is common among members of Bennie's race he lacks foresight and the capacity for logical reasoning which lead to his failure to plan for the contingency of a Trump win.
I read an article where the owner of an analytic group in the UK that was hired by the Trump team stated that they were able to identify a voting group that became mobilized and made the difference. He admitted that this group is a little more rural, white, and male than the average Republican. Someone should probably explain to Bennie that it wasn't the militias that ruined his parade and that this rather large and troublesome group hasn't gone away.
I wonder if Bennie feels better because we avoided that worrisome Trump loss.
Same dictum after the election as before the election:
Stay Armed
Stay Alert
I was curious to see how blacks would vote for Trump after the outreach to them. Being a hard core race realist it bothered me to see the Trump do this although I did understand why he did it. Votes and maybe the possibility that he could do something to make them less dangerous to our society as a whole. I thought perhaps he could pull as much as 11-13 % rather than the 8%-9% he got. So he got 2-3% more than Romney even though black unemployment is sky high and lots of violence in their own communities. Plus the strong support of Carson and Clarke to name a few.
I think this proves once and for all it is futile for Conservatives to ask for the black vote. They are too stupid to understand the Dems make things worse for them and consequently for all of us. They like being on the liberal plantation. They like being on welfare.
As many have said blacks as a whole are a failed race, they will soon have no place in this
world as it will require a different skill set to prosper in the future. Trump I think will actually try to help them, but the vast majority will reject it. Once we have proof of that, then I would hope any conservative running for office will finally and totally just ignore them when it comes to elections. It is a waste of time, money, and resources. They are way too stupid to actually help themselves. If we can stop the overbreeding of blacks eventually they will go away, leaving just a relative handful to deal with. Perhaps the Mexicans can take care of the rest.
One of the reasons we have the 2nd AMENDMENT the same amendment that some narrow minded pinheads says should be repealed what realy needs to be repealed is our nations membership in the Useless Nations which has failed its job in bringing about world peace
Anonymous said ” . . . With all the work that Trump did for the black vote, he only got 2% better than Romney. What have the democrats done for blacks? Blacks are dumb people!”
And I suspect that that the 2% improvement had more do do with a lack of black enthusiasm for the white hag than it had to do with Trump's efforts to attract blacks. The value of publicly coddling blacks probably had more to do with attracting white voters who sympathize with blacks and leftist policies. LBJ stated during the cibil rites push - “I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for 200 years.” If he is correct, we still have about 140 years to go so we can probably formulate plans with the assumption that Republicans will receive no black votes. Yes, blacks are dumb people, but because they are consistently and predictably dumb it reduces the number of unknowns that must be considered.
I worked as a fireman for 20 years in that area. Its roosevelt and kedzie...the land of the saggy pants retarded monkey. Magic johnson had a "sucessful" theatre in the stripmall you see on the right that ended up being an abysmal failure after the dumbasses kept ruining the screen by shootinb and throwing shit at it. In the same stripmall the now bankrupt dominicks grocery chain opened a store to combat the dreaded "food desert" total fail. Starbucks in the same stripmall...fail..now a tacobell more in line with the tastes o da hood. Go drive around there on google earf to experience the vibrant diversity...they effortlessly turned the formerly beautiful westside into a fuckin shithole...its what they do.
The best we can do is to continue relentless casting doubt on paint job theory. A race war is unlikely. Stupid our primate compatriots may be but even they know they're horribly outnumbered. They lack what Tolkien termed "northern courage" When faced with certain defeat(or equal force) the average orc will flee rather than stage a "last stand" or hope for a turning of the tide.
Sick n' Tired said ”This is why everyone should have a conceal carry permit and know how to use their weapon. . .
Very good advice. Some whites, for reasons beyond their control, live in areas where firearms cannot be legally carried. When deciding whether to carry a firearm in violation of the law it is extremely important to understand the ramifications of this decision. In some areas it is a minor misdemeanor crime, but in some areas it might be a felony. In areas where possession of a firearm is a felony the act of killing someone while committing the felony of possession of an illegal firearm might result in charges of felony murder. Know the law and weigh the risks and benefits when carrying a weapon.
An option that shouldn't be overlooked is carrying a blade. At arm's length distances a blade in the hands of a person with some training is as dangerous as a pistol. I almost always carry a fixed blade horizontally at about 11:00 on my belt. It conceals easily, and I can quickly reach it with my right or left hand under almost any conditions in almost any position. Training with a blade, as with any weapon, is extremely important. When the decision to use the weapon has been made the work must be done quickly.
I recommend carrying a blade and a pistol, and if you are in a groid zone where you cannot carry either, you should should probably leave.
Center mass... if you are adept, between the eyes. Repeat.
There's a rumor on the internet that Hillary could convert the electoral votes in the states of Michigan, New Hampshire and Wisconsin, which causes a virtue tie. Hillary could claim the presidency based on popular votes!
I agree with Sick n' Tired people who have to go through the inner cities should have a conceal and carry permit to protect themselves.
Willie from Naperville
No, We are not in the middle of a race war. Maybe we will some day be in a race war but not now. That is a simple matter of fact.
Some people here are letting their imaginations run away with them.
How to tell if you are in a real war - you shoot the enemy on sight. We may be approaching a 'faction street war' but that is something different.
The first well documented faction war was probably the conflict between Clodius and Milo in late Republican Rome. You may not have heard of it but every member of The Constitutional Convention knew about it and worked hard to develop a governmental structure that would avoid it ever happening in America. The Roman Republic was the model for our government and it was an excellent model - the Roman Republic lasted much longer than the American Republic has. But the Roman Republic came apart with the Clodius-Milo riots. For more than five hundred years the Romans had had political parties, campaigns by candidates, divided powers and periodic elections. But then it quickly fell apart and was supplanted by The Empire where one man - the Emperor - held absolute power.
More recently Germany was tortured by factions in the Weimar Republic. The Communists and the Nazis fought each other in the streets. Like in Rome this period of street politics ended with a dictatorship.
So it is wise to worry about street violence. So far in America almost all of the violence has been from blacks, but whites may join in soon. If and when that happens it will probably mark the end of the American republican democracy.
Without American institutions to protect them, blacks will quickly lose, but the rest of us will probably be left with some sort of communist or fascist form of government. This is all at least a decade away, so I won't live to see it. I'm glad of that.
CARRY &use it if you have to.....better to be THE LAST MAN standing ,too bad he didn't drop those animals
Call the Guard out next "Ferguson" & FIX BAYONNETS !!
They want a race war, really? If even 25% of non blacks in this country went out to shoot one black each, there wouldn't be enough blacks to go around. Think about it.
Help is at hand.
Trump Releases His Plan for 2nd Amendment.
“The Second Amendment to our Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period,” the position paper began.
Trump also proposed strengthening and expanding laws allowing law-abiding gun owners to defend themselves from criminals using their own guns, without fear of repercussion from the government.
There's a new sheriff in town.
Every single one. Should be unemployed, ineligible, and banned. Just as anti Globalists patriots have been systematically attacked, assaulted, and financially and professionally smeared by the statist freaks, we should give
no quarter to these criminals, they should die. Every offense these statist have committed was harm to someone else. I don't let that go. Time for vengeance. We are NOT all "one America" you are our ENEMIES, the enemies of all free people and you need to be exterminated
Seriously, guys, we've got to fight this, spread it far and wide and warn EVERYONE about what a great natural resource we will lose if this actually happens!
I can assure you all this is a briar patch we don't want to be thrown into.
Projection. Nothing but.
You know, after a few fake and shallow confessions, the media are still just as upitty as ever. They don't seem to be learning their lesson. How many of you were denied a front page news story proclaiming a Trump victory? I live in the conservative eastern part of Washington and you know what was on the front page of my local paper after Trump's election? A father and his daughter lighting candles in a ceremony saying "Love Trumps Hate".
Many Americans have begun to smell the hypocrisy that is coming from the left from the corporate shills to the triggered snowflakes assaulting people in the street. The Week magazine had as one of its last covers a bunch of white people with pitch forks with the caption- will Trump supporters accept a Hillary win?
People are starting to realize what "diversity" really means. It doesn't mean fair play or empathy, it means guilt, extortion, and assaulting and firing people because of who they voted for.
Grubhub's white male CEO is telling people who voted Trump that they are not welcome at the company while people in Portland smash random people's cars on the street as they paint up businesses and also assault people in the street.
I don't take too much satisfaction in the tears of Clinton's followers- my satisfaction comes from the realization that we pulled off one of the biggest f@ck yous in our nation's history and it was well deserved. So much for the will of the people, huh liberals?
Negroids and their supporters must exit back to Africa.
In theory, no one is invincible. Thomas Jefferson said as much. It would not be impossible for a highly motivated, aggressive 13% to overrun and subdue a docile, morally bankrupt, confused 63%. In theory. The Spanish did it to the Mayans and Aztecs at even crazier odds. Our greatest weakness is negro worship and sissyfying of white male youths. We live in a violent and brutal planet and universe. Earthquakes, volcanoes, tornados, meteor showers, super novas etc. Even childbirth is unpredictable and tumultous. We must not forget this. Human existence is inherently unpredictable and unfair. More so for those not endowed by nature to endure, survive and prosper.
I am so disgusted with the basement-dwelling, negro-loving protesters who are behaving like angry babies with wet diapers and colic. And on Veterans Day, no less. Those spoiled, self-centered entitled little bastards don't deserve to live in this country (or at all). It's very windy and cold here in NJ today, and going down into the 20's tonight. I wonder how long they'll last on the streets of NYC tonight. I know the poor police can't shoot them (damn) but why can't they firehose them? They do not have the right to block entire streets and sidewalks and prevent citizens from access to stores, restaurants and hotels as they've been doing. That impotent big bird mayor is less than worthless. His days are numbered, thank God.
P.S. Morgan Freeman should volunteer to chauffeur Babs and Cher to Canada. He's colored and has the experience. Perfect fit.
I read the letter mentioned. He basically outlines everything Obama/Clinton have already done in regards to their Black Lives Matter terrorist group, and the resulting violence, riots and deaths inspired by their actions, AND THEN CONTRIBUTES THIS TO TRUMP AND HIS SUPPORTERS WHILE DENYING THE ATTACKS THAT HAVE ALREADY TAKEN PLACE.
To HORNADYXTP - Not to worry. Unlike negroes, White people would share.
P.S. I've got dibs on Donna Bobo Brazile, the PERSECUTED CHRISTISAN WOMAN. Oh, and big fat lier and cheat.
Electoral college would be tied and Congress is the tie breaker. Still Trump... besides do you think many voters for T would take that shit?? It would get ugly quickly!! The left protestors are aimless moronic idiots. Piss people off badly enough and get them past the point of breaking there would be a 2nd amendment mess out on the left. I don't see the election changing not without serious consequences.
Trump has to much of what is promised and the Right need to ram their agenda home. Otherwise the will appear weak. Let the democrats cry, bitch and moan. We suffered Thru Obuma mostly without resorting to violence. If the left continue pushing they are not going to like what they get!!
To PaintJob Theory - thanks for that link. So droll! LOVED the photo of the boatful of black bounty. I'm imagining one-way sunset cruises to any number of delightful African nations where black folk thrive and prosper. The grape drink would be flowing and reggae music blaring as they gaily sail off into the sunset with the black panther flag proudly billowing from the mast.
To PaintJob Theory - thanks for that link. So droll! LOVED the photo of the boatful of black bounty. I'm imagining one-way sunset cruises to any number of delightful African nations where black folk thrive and prosper. The grape drink would be flowing and reggae music blaring as they gaily sail off into the sunset with the black panther flag proudly billowing from the mast.
I got the flu right after voting Friday, so bear with me- lots to say. When I arrived at the polls, there must have been 100 people in front of me. A few minutes later I looked back, and, after casually counting again, there seemed to be about 100 more behind me. Bored, I started counting white people, (7, including 1 of the poll workers), Hispanics, (8), NO Asians, and the rest (185) black. I didn't want to leave and go somewhere else, fearing the lines might be worse. Oh, the things I had to hear while waiting 2 hours. "She betta be win, cos it gots to stay fair" is the most common thing I heard. Holy heck- do people really think the last 8 years have been "fair"? I kinda think Unfair SUMS up the last 8. I didn't dare speak up with those kind of numbers against me, though, and thank heavens I brought my noise cancelling headphones and a book to read. When I finally got near the door, a black man volunteering gave me a dirty look and told me to turn off my phone. I wasn't even on it, and quickly turned it off. I looked around and 3 black people sitting on either side of me were pecking at or talking on their phones. I just calmly got up and told the white poll worker, who took care of the problem, bless him. I was asked for id, which was surprising, as I thought was not law yet. Heck, I even brought my birth certificate so that I would not miss my chance. After I turned in my card, not much bigger than a credit card, to a black lady, something told me to turn around, and she was fiddling with my vote card. She saw me looking, and quickly put it into the stack. Not much else I could do, as no law was broken YET, so I left.
I watched the news all night, flipping around back and forth between 4 or 5 channels. Poor Gayle King, Oprahs friend, on CBS this morning, was staying on with Charlie Rose through the night. When the winner was finally announced, she looked like a deer in the headlights. I think she stayed late fully expecting to announce HRC as the winner, and wanted to take her glove and ball and go home after the loss. And on EVERY channel, there was a black talking head insisting Trump ran a "rayciss and bigoted" campaign. (Guess it is taking BOTH words together now to have any shock value".
Protesting all over, of course in Atlanta. What are they protesting?? These are much the same people who, 8 years ago, insisted that we accept Obama as the President.
Such wonderful comments the last couple of days- made me think, laugh, and proud to be an American. Bless all you wonderful folk for having the courage to stand up and have your own opinions. More later.
L in Atl hell
Trump received more votes from hispanics (29%) than Jews (24%).
I'm always aware of my surroundings and, if blacks are nearby, I'm especially vigilant and watch my back. I was in a store yesterday, turned my head slightly to the right and noticed (out of the corner of my eye) that a black guy I'd already noticed had zeroed in on me, had a hostile look on his face and was moving swiftly in my direction from the 4 o'clock position. I turned to face him as he was coming fast in an aggressive manner and immediately lifted up my shirt and placed my hand on my knife in a casual off hand way. I was non threatening in my demeanor and expression but he got the message. He turned and went in the opposite direction so fast it was like watching a rubber ball bounce off a wall. The look of surprise and shock on his face clearly said, "Oh sh*t!" That being said, I think he was attracted by the silver rings I wear on both hands and my watch band that is solid silver (more like a cuff bracelet)and expensive looking.
Afterwards, I kept an eye on him lest he try to sneak up on me from around the corner of another aisle. I wasn't following him or anything- I was staying alert and he knew it. He was pissed and kept glaring at me but knew I was awake and aware as to his intentions. He looked to be about 30 years old. I hit 60 this month and there's no way I'm allowing some rotten black to sucker punch me or attack from the rear. If he had continued and actually attacked me, I would have stabbed him to death with no remorse rather than be severely injured and perhaps turned into an invalid.
I walked up to the checkout counter but kept myself turned in such a way that I could see anyone approaching and had my hand still casually placed on my knife. To anyone not aware, it would just look like I had my hand near my front pants pocket. The black guy walked by me about ten feet away and was leaving the store without buying anything. As he walked by me he was still glaring at me and I just stared back at him with an attitude that said, "Try it, bitch, and see what you get!" I was blessed with the designation of "motherfucker!" as he walked out.
I'm such a racist.
OT...Back in the early 60's I hitchhiked old highway 30 because it took me straight into Frisco. Because of a strange twist of fate I ended up walking down the same highway 25 years later carrying a POW flag. I was with 25 Nam vets on a 700 mile cross country POW march. As we marched through Colorado on I-25 an old 82nd Airborne trooper came out and invited us to his house for food and drink and a place to stay.
We got him talking about what happened when he night jumped into France on D-Day. Horror stories that boggled the mind. He was glad someone wanted to listen to him. Miles and miles of troopers hanging from poles, trees and church steeples. All dead in their harnesses. The bodies of dead glider troops and their crashed planes. Piles of bodies covered up with parachutes. I sat their with hard core grunts, door gunners and medics and we cried like babies. All we could say was "We didn't know how bad it was."
Then they told him their stories and he stated crying. They were also glad someone wanted to listen. All he could say was "I didn't know how bad it really was". It was a long night and one by one we fell asleep.
A year before that my friend Rick (Green Beret...Mike Force) and I flew to Washington and joined a POW march that had started in Texas. We met them in Virginia and marched with them into Washington. That first night the marchers ate and stayed at a DAV post. During the meal there were 6 or 7 Gold Star Mothers eating with us. About 30 Nam vets told them how honored they were that they could join us. Everybody lined up and hugged the mothers. One mother said "My son was killed in Vietnam but I now have all of you as my sons." Rick and I were not ready for this. We stepped outside once we started crying.
The marchers (Last Patrol) walked for 66 days from Texas. They brought along a list of KIA in the areas they marched thought. Sheriff's deputies took them to the Gold Star Parents house and invited them to join them for the night. This went on for 66 days along the march. Rick and I were only there for day 64. It was one of those nights that is etched into my mind. Something I will never forget.
I am old enough to remember when WW2 ended. I was raised on a war widows pension. In the early 1950's driving around with my mother she would stop when ever there was a flag hanging a half mast by the cemetery. She would cry for awhile and explain to me that another soldier died today.
I cannot explain how outraged I get when I see some asshole burning the American flag. The thing about this country is we can still bitch and moan about how things are turning to shit but burning the flag is a complete different trip. I am not a veteran. My military career ended in ROTC. For any Nam vets on this site I would like to say "Welcome back to the world". The same for all you other warriors. WELCOME HOME.
I live in Florida and while I will acknowledge we have a ton of crazy weirdos down here, we also have more than our share of east coast liberals, (proof being that Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach county voted blue) it is basically NY/NJ/MA/CT light. On the west coast it's mostly retired people from Ohio and the midwest, they voted red.
There is still a lot of freedoms in Florida that alot of other states don't have or have given up. We have lax gun laws, good airports, nice roads and is still pretty compartmentalized, with orcs living in orc areas, Spanish speakers in their area, liberals in their places and rednecks/religious Christians in theirs. Plus it's a state full of realists, and the fishing is good which is one of the reasons I still live down here.
That few? Would it be possible to reserve one?
Non American here, I shed a tear of joy when Trump won. Not my country to voice an opinion, but to see all those spoiled parents basement dwelling sjw's, deviants and mooches at the government's tit was worth it alone. I am very happy for you brothers south of the border. May the USA I once admired come back again.
Got 556??
That White man is was beaten up in that video was on the local news this afternoon.
He said that he did not have any signs or stickers indicating his support of Trump.
This kind of behavior is typical of the locals around that area.
Can you imagine what they would do to him if he did have a Trump hat, sticker or Trump button. He should have known better than to stop and engage for a traffic incident.
Drive straight to the police. Do not stop for any reason when you drive thru African neighborhoods.
I carry both, and travel for work to a lot of states where I cannot legally carry my pistol, but I always have a knife for that reason. I carry a Benchmade witha 3.5" quick open blade that I keep oiled and operating. If I'm out late and end up in a shady area by myself I open it and keep it in my pocket. Twice it has kept me from getting robbed by orcs. Every few months I get it professionally sharpened at a place that sells restaurant supplies, costs about $10. It is a tool like anything else, but it is also an equalizer in the event of a robbery/beating like the old man in the video got.
"People think twice when they see their own blood" ~ My Father
Growing up in my household one of our mottos was "Don't be a victim" the others were "Use what's available" whether that meant breaking off a car antenna or garbage can lid to use as a weapon, or burning furniture to stay warm. "Always be prepared" was the other one, which is why I always have a knife, a lighter/matches even though I don't smoke, and keep jumper cables and chains in my car. Being present and aware of your surroundings is another survival skill that unfortunately the old man in the video didn't follow. He didn't have his doors locked, allowing the groids to drag him out and kick his ass. As soon as someone reached in thru his window he should have grabbed their arm and floored it, or avoided driving thru a groid neighborhood in general.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember being hectored eight years ago. You must accept BHO as the "preezy of the united steezy", no questions allowed.
Willie from Naperville said ”There's a rumor on the internet that Hillary could convert the electoral votes in the states of Michigan, New Hampshire and Wisconsin, which causes a virtue tie. Hillary could claim the presidency based on popular votes!”
For the purpose of conducting a thought experiment lets assume that Willie did read this rumor and that Hillary managed to convert a sufficient number of electoral votes to win the election. This would trigger a response among the Trump supporters that would make the pissant anti-Trump protests appear like recess at pre-school. Her presidency would probably be deemed as illegitimate by multiple States and those States would probably deem any law created by the illegitimate administration as a nullity. States would simply ignore the Federal government.
he needs to google situational awareness
Again, projection. The loony left, the bought and paid for serfs to YKW, and of course, their pets, the dindu, are worried that a race war might start.... because of Trump. (Not to be mentioned is the ongoing race war that started in earnest when Barry O bummer decided to stack the deck against us, and allow widespread rioting, looting, coddling of.. well you all know) What they mean though, is a REAL war, something the White race has become proficient at over the centuries. What they mean is, are the White people going to wake up, decide this has gone on long enough and just set up wood chippers and ovens, and solve that whole pesky "reparation" problem once and for all? While I seriously doubt Donald will herald in the age of all white=all right, I do forsee a return to law and order, and a distinct lack of non-response to riots.
To Sick 'n' Tired...
I am also living in your area... Broward is now known as Brownward (and downward). Remember when 'little Debbie' Wasserman Schultz was on our county commission? Yikes what a bitch... figures she ended up in DC helping 'Crooked Cankles' the hag from hell.
I come from Paint Job Theory's area, where we are known to be liberally conservative and conservatively liberal. True moderates but realistic to the core. Always ready to help a good neighbor, we "Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without."
I remember a columnist from the Miami Herald/ fish wrapper, who was very well liked and read, and he referred to South Florida as "a sunny place for shady people". I like to call it 'Douchebagistan'. The weather is great but good people are hard to find. I'm lucky to know a few 'good old boys', and believe me there is a solid red undercurrent to the blue most people see. Plenty of us, both born here and transplanted, truly love the freedoms we have in this state.
Fortunately, it looks like we will have another four years to work on protecting them, and it even looks like Trump would like to normalize some of them throughout the country. CCW reciprocity is one of my favorites. By the way, I completely agree with you on the 3.5" folding blade; I have one like it for the same reason you do.
Good luck and thanks to all of you who make this forum what it is. Last but not least Thank You to all Veterans!
There will never be a race war so stop being keyboard warriors. First of all whites are soft as marshmallows.They have for decades been fearful of the iron hand of black violence. Southern whites have always been fiercely proud of their heritage but when the beloved Rebel flag was banned, what did we see? Seventy year old men waving the Stars and Bars and meekly singing Dixie. We saw truckers quickly drive with their flags through black areas looking scared to death. Secondly there are millions of young whites whose minds are poisoned with Liberalism. The vast majority of whites have no racial consciousness. After Trump won I went on Twitter and a Kanye for President 2020 was trending. Most of the people saying hell yeah I will vote for him were whites. Whites have been the whipping post of blacks for years and I see no anger among whites. You cannot have a war if one side does not want to fight so stop your fantasies.
" It would not be impossible for a highly motivated, aggressive 13% to overrun.."
Well, consider the term "motivated" as applied to negroes, also you left out the word "ORGANIZED" now line that up with what you know of sub Saharans. Pretty much every great victory against staggering odds through all of history has been by whites against mud races. Even if the mobs of orcs could overwhelm the cuckolded and unarmed whites in cities, this is an awful big country. Out here in the free zones you could expect at least 100:1 casualties of muds vs. humans.
Sure, there's a possibility in a quantum anything will happen that can sort of sense, but outside of opposite-world it just is flat out impossible. Absolute best case scenario they kill the whites that have been feeding them and then starve to death or die of diseases when the toilets no longer flush or exposure when they can no longer turn up the central heating to 90 in their section ape nests.
Also I've said it before and I'll say it again, that while ascribing these attacks to some special anti-white or political sentiment makes for good Alex Jones click-bait or agitprop to spoonfeed those who are fence sitters but it simply isn't true. We're talking about the same species that mugged Rosa Parks. The same savages that will kill their own family members over a scrap of shitty fried food. Chalk up "Trump" to an already endless list of grievances/excuses for bad behavior (rooted in envy) they have against whites, against brown and yellow, against each other, against a civilization which they cannot comprehend and in which they will never succeed, and most of all blind rage against God and Nature who have left them as living relics of pre-history, stone age creatures as fit for the modern world as the dodo, the mammoth, or saber tooth tiger.... and destined for the same fate.
In short, you can't take the bark out of the dog, the jump out of the frog, or the nig out of the nog. When they attack it's nothing personal or even done on a conscious level, it's just their nature, an expressing of their DNA.
"Willie from Naperville said ”There's a rumor on the internet that Hillary could convert the electoral votes in the states of Michigan, New Hampshire and Wisconsin, "
She can't because Michigan and Wisconsin went for Trump by a small margin. New Hampshire went for Hillary so she'd only get New Hampshire's electoral vote and that wouldn't put her anywhere close enough.
"Do not stop for any reason when you drive thru African neighborhoods. "
Better yet, just don't drive thru any African hoods if at all possible.
Mr Turner
I suspect their numbers may be quite higher than represented by the Fed.
It's the oddest thing, but 3 or 4 times during the past week or so, as I've been walking along in downtown Chicago or in the northside neighborhood where I live, minding my own business, a black male has loudly hawked and spat on the sidewalk near me as we passed. Is that a thing now? I am a middle-aged white woman of no particular description, and I keep to myself. There's nothing at all aggressive about me and I don't give people nasty looks or anything like that. Is it any wonder we prefer to steer well clear of them?
A good dog would have prevented this.
Get a damned dog!!!!
Take it with you.
Be safe.
No, but more than enough 223
bennie Thompson is one of the most racist people you'll ever meant. he's also one of the dumbest.
Anonymous said...
You know, after a few fake and shallow confessions, the media are still just as upitty as ever. They don't seem to be learning their lesson.
Nonsense. Look at this gracious apology and repentance from the New York Times:
New York Times publisher vows to 'rededicate' paper to reporting honestly
Oh, wait; what's this?
We believe we reported on both candidates fairly during the presidential campaign. You can rely on the New York Times to bring the same fairness, the same level of scrutiny, the same independence to our coverage of the new president and his team.
Sorry, as you were. Can't say we weren't warned, can we?
This, ladies and gentlemen, is what they call chutzpah.
L in Atl hell said
I got the flu right after voting Friday, so bear with me- lots to say. When I arrived at the polls, there must have been 100 people in front of me.
From your description, it's no wonder you were sick. But I doubt it was flu. Sounds like a mild negro allergy. Hope you're feeling better now.
No, but plenty of 223
As we all know, there is a certain group some call the Desert People, or Sand People, that is the puppet master behind the screens pulling the strings that make the orcs dance. They run the media, banking etc.
President Trump must now battle them as they know he is going to expose their influence and run them out of town. One smart way for him to do it on the public stage, is to really show support for Israel while picking off the stateside tribe members with domestic moves. Get the USA group vs the Israel group. This will focus them on each other and loosen their group on the matrix.
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