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Valkyrie on right; Zulu on left |
Thor: Ragnarok not only introduces a new female villain, Hela (Cate Blanchett), into the franchise but also a fresh female warrior, Valkyrie (Creed‘s Tessa Thompson). In the comics, Valkyrie is a blonde Norse goddess, but director Taika Waititi (What We Do in the Shadows) said he had more in mind than just adding diversity to the franchise when casting Thompson. “I’m not obsessed with the idea that you have to cast someone just to tick a box,” he says. “You should cast people because they’re talented. [With Valkyrie] I wanted to make sure we weren’t making a female character that was boring and pretty. What I wanted was someone who was going to play the opposite and be even more of the ‘guy’ character than the guys. Ultimately I thought Tessa was the best person we found.”EW talked to Thompson about reimagining the role, training like Linda Hamilton, and finding the right sized cape.
(EW) Valkyrie is blonde in the comics — that must have made this even cooler.
(Thompson) Yeah, it’s really great. We have so many conversations particularly now about representation in film. I think the unfortunate thing about a lot of these fantasy movies is when they’re based on source material a lot of these comics were written in a time when that wasn’t a part of the conversation as far as having representation. Not just having characters that reflect the world we live in but how we represent the characters. If we were also dedicated to the source material, Valkyrie would potentially be a female Thor but she’s fighting in basically a bathing suit, which is also absurd. So we had a conversation of, what is a strong look? Like, she should probably be in pants. That probably makes more sense for the kind of work she’s doing. And we had conversations about her sort of feeling like a tomboy and having a certain masculinity about her while still being very much a woman.
A Valkyrie were not mulatto.It’s such an exciting time to be part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, like you look at a cast like Black Panther. I think it’s really important for little boys and little girls to go to these movies and see themselves reflected on screen. I’m really excited about this generation of young women that can look at a screen and see some brown people in space. I’m happy to join Idris Elba so he doesn’t have to be the only one. He’s lonely!
This is a far bigger slap in the face than Heimdall ever was.
It's just a (((movie))). Who cares about this stuff?
I wanted to make sure we weren’t making a female character that was boring and pretty. What I wanted was someone who was going to play the opposite and be even more of the ‘guy’ character than the guys. Ultimately I thought Tessa was the best person we found.”
Ah, it all makes sense now. If you really want a female who looks manly, pick a "black" one.
"Thompson. “I’m not obsessed with the idea that you have to cast someone just to tick a box,"
Any chance he actually believes this utter bullshit that he's spouting out?
Her first task will be to defeat a half-breed Viking/African called "Now Loki Here".
Hey....That ain't nothing. Hollywood is making a 50 million dollar remake of PATTON. In the original General Patten was played by George C. Scott. In the remake General Patton will be played by Will Smith. There will also be a huge toy line. There are hopes that the General Patton action figures will be a big seller.
Another movie I won't waste my time or money on. Hollyweird sure ain't making money off of me...
Comic book geeks are a bunch of cucked little f*gs. Always were. They're mad at all the pretty (white) girls that never talked to them, and at all the alpha males that made their lives hell growing up. Naturally, they eat this SJW stuff up. It makes them feel like they have a place in the world, like they're part of something Really Important.
I hope they make Superman and The Hulk black, too. Let the geeks choke on this crap.
"I'm not obsessed with the idea that you have to cast someone just to tick a box," says the director
Yes you are. You're ticking the "Tick Off Whitey" box. Boycott Disney.
I'd like to think people will boycott because of this, and the 800 other offenses they've committed, but I have my doubts. A couple weeks ago, a friend told me -- to my face -- how sick and tired he's gotten over all the miscengenating ads and entertainment. Not 24 hours later, he sends me a link to an awesome new movie trailer for the awesome new Aliens movie. Not 16 seconds into it, the White girl narrator says "This crew is made up of couples...", just as a pair of black arms hug a white woman from behind. In Outer Space, mind you -- Whitey's Last Refuge. Stopped the video to immediately point it out to him. He's still definitely going to see it on opening weekend.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't stop him from eating shit.
Still Haven't Seen Star Wars VII.
This is getting rediculous it eas bad enough they remade some classical movies FLIGHT OF THE PHOENIX,THE NUTTY PROFESSOR,WALKING TALL Etc and place blacks in the roles once done by whites but this is going too far just more reasons to boycott this movie and just wait until they remake THE TEN COMMANDMENTS which stared CHARELTON HESTON(RIP)and have moses as a black guy leading blacks out of bondage from white egyptians
Negress Thompson said - I think the unfortunate thing about a lot of these fantasy movies is when they’re based on source material a lot of these comics were written in a time when that wasn’t a part of the conversation as far as having representation.
The affirmative action substitute for a Norse Goddess believes that the source material for an ancient Norse Goddess is the comics. I wonder how she would feel about casting Tom Cruise as Shaka Zulu. Shaka is probably the closest thing blacks have to a hero other than the locally known MLK or the Peanut Butter guy. I believe that one of Shaka's trainees was the general who led 20,000 Zulu warriors to defeat against less than 500 stubborn white pioneers in the battle of Blood River. I can't explain the apparent of lack of mythical black goddesses. Perhaps there were black goddesses, but they couldn't be recorded because blacks were unable to develop a written language.
We wuz vikangs.
Just bear in mind, nogs aren't buying comic books or supporting these movies. They're not the ones with disposable income to buy all the merchandise. These things aren't trying to sell comic books to negroes, but trying to sell negroes to whites, many of whom have only ever really see the ones that media and Madison Avenue shows them.
As negro fatigue approaches critical mass, largely due to so many outrageous displays of TNB filmed and shared with the world by negroes themselves, the (((communists))) appear to be doubling down on their marketing campaign to convince us that black Africans are our greatest natural resource.
Also I've said it before, but it bears repeating, they don't even care if these movies lose money or if NOBODY goes to see them because EVERYONE will still see posters, billboards, trailers, and merchandise. Some fast food joint will have these characters plastered all over their cups, and toy store shelves will be chock full of golliwog toys.
I doubt that there are too many homes there under 2 million dollars and not too many
The mexicans are there to garden and clean.
"...look at a screen and see some brown people in space" This makes me so effing angry. I accept that these people are fantasy peddlers and what we see on screens is not a reflection of reality but young impressionable minds are being "massaged" and "moulded" (((by people who do not have our best interests at heart))) to think "diversity is strength" and all that bullshit. Ugh! And why always blacks and mulattoes? Why not orientals? Could it be that because orientals and "yellow men" do not pose as serious a biological and existential threat as black Africans, the (((social engineers))) see no reason to bombard us with nordic chinks and scandanavian gooks? This makes my blood boil.
N.B I do realise that "asiatic" and mongoloid peoples do exist and have always existed on the far north of Europe. But these people are oriental and cultural aliens. They are nomads and reindeer herders not "white" Europeans.
I remember my surprise when I realized they made Nick Fury black with Samuel L. Jackson. There was was tv series awhile back that cast David Hasselhoff as Nick Fury. He was perfect for the role, straight out of the comic book.
I cut my cable and I'm done with movie theatres, have been for awhile, I highly recommend it.
If they weren't shoving "diversity" in our faces 24/7, (((Hollywood))) wouldn't being doing its job. Honestly surprised Samuel L Jackson isn't playing Thor.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Directed by (((Taiki Cohen))), produced by (((Marvel Studios))) and (((Disney))).
Nothing new here PK the first and second Thor movies has black actor them
While marvel movies and DC movies and DC TV shows been doing divesity for the last couple years nothing here to talking about
This is Valkrie
While flyting with Atli, Hrímgerðr says that she had seen 27 valkyries around Helgi, yet one particularly fair valkyrie led the band:
Three times nine girls, but one girl rode ahead,
white-skinned under her helmet;
the horses were trembling, from their manes
dew fell into the deep valleys,
hail in the high woods;
good fortune comes to men from there;
all that I saw was hateful to me.[12]
That is the literal description of a Valkyrie leader.
And yet another passtime befouled and ruined. No money of mine will be spent on this trash.
Really. This (pardon me here) fucking douchebag wants to reimagine the whole thing? It's important to show kids today themselves in these movies? I'm so glad there are brown people in space? Etc. First, yes these comics were written when race wasn't part of the "conversation" . Perhaps that is why they do so well among paying audiences?(notwithstanding those who are bussed in to be force fed hidden negros in an attempt to bolster its numbers). Seriously, a valkrie has always been a Nordic female. So to say that you wanted to (insert bullshit here) as opposed to finding someone who fits the role simply shows a racist bias against whites. Let me guess, instead of a winged horse she slides up in a Cadillac with gold rims?
Jesus wept.
Assuming that you want to confine your definition of a Valkyrie to that which is depicted in the opera of the same name (Die Walkure - the Valkyrie) the mulatto actress is wrong in so many ways.
Wagner glamorized the Valkyries. After all they had to be portrayed by normal women on the Bayreuth stage. The function of the Valkyries was as undertakers. They were supposed to be creatures who cleaned up the battlefield. In some of the early legends they were hideous ghouls rather like the characters in horror comics. Only with Wagner were the Valkyries made into attractive women.
But it is clear the Marvel comic book spinoff was created by people who knew nothing of Norse/Germanic mythology much less Wagner's operas. Wagner wasn't really a Nazi but he certainly wouldn't have expected a negress in the Nibelungenlied. He would probably considered it profane if not obscene.
BTW Wagner was not - contrary to popular legend - Hitler's favorite composer. That was Bruchner. And the Valkyries are not some kind of Wonder Women heroines. They live in fear of their father's wrath. They cower before Wotan. The drama comes from one Valkyrie - Brunhilda - daring to defy Wotan and being punished. The Valkyries are not flying feminists. They have normal nineteenth century politics - they are subordinate to men.
I should probably not bother with comic books, but it is another case where the cultural Marxists have tried to interject negroes into every part of Western civilization.
This is getting so out of control and tiring. The fact alone the actress stated 'little black girls' want to see black women on movies goes to show this chick has no knowledge what character she is playing. And I agree, you want to have a manly woman to play a strong female character just pick a black one.
Apparently afros and dark skin are advantages when trying to survive the Nordic winters... what color weave do you think the character will be sporting?
Just don't watch TV or movies made by Hollywood trust me
I'm honestly surprised they haven't made some SuperBlack genius character that helps weak White male characters. Maybe I shouldn't give them any ideas.
I get that some people have a nostalgic attachment to comics but Hollywood fiction is always going to be slanted towards the ideology of liberalism. In a purely fictional context such as superhero comics they are inevitably going to promote liberal egalitarian ideals. Liberalism dictates that all racial inequality is artificial which means that changing the culture will bring liberation and equality. Of course this is naive but of all groups artists are some of the least receptive towards facing reality.
In other news
We are being erased.
they do this to movies & TV shows, but the worst are ads/commercials: pozzed with race replacement.
i've been sick of it for 2 dozen years, & stopped watching TV a dozen years ago because of it. if i hear a radio ad with a black voice - off goes the radio. mainly i just listen to podcasts & peruse the internet.
i hope others are as tired as i am of constantly having race replacement shover down our throats - it's everywhere: catalogs, commercials, ncaa tournaments & ads, etc.
"I’m not obsessed with the idea that you have to cast someone just to tick a box"
Marvel had already gone out of their way to show that black Norsemen existed in the Thor universe (Idris Elba was already in the movies), but how isn't this just ticking a box to add a second black person playing a Nordic character.
The point is if this wasn't about ticking boxes, why would you even consider a black actor or actress to play characters based on people who were historically all white? Would Marvel ever consider a white actor to play Black Panther, a character from a country in central sub-saharan africa?
I went to go see Logan. Thought to myself that here was a storyline that was nearly impossible to propagandise with underlining themes of Hatred towards Whites, but I was sadly mistaken.
The background message to this movie was that illegal immigration is good, that they, the illegals, are nothing more than talented children yearning to breathe free, and White males are just big ol' meanies trying to oppress everyone.
The "Good guys" are this multiracial team of non-white children, save one White girl & a White boy who, out of ALL of the other mutants, has a reptilian appearance and does NOT look human.(projecting the image that white males are not human but really monsters) ALL of the children were created from White Superhero DNA yet only two of the children are white and to reiterate, the White male child does not look human but as a monster and both are barely seen and do nothing to help the situation.
ALL of the bad guys are White males. Every single one.
There is even a scene with a Black Farmer family battling against White males trying to shut off their water. At least it didn't include the obligatory scene were they had to overcome white racism.
99% of the people who were killed in this movie were White males in "Justified" actions.
This is a repeated theme is nearly every single movie made: Bad guys are White males and violence is justified against them.
This movie, this "Thor" will be no different. It will just go a step further and dilute the racial dynamics of the Nordic race and culture.
This is genocide
The Baron
As a life-long comics fan, I can't even put into words the amount of sadness and disappointment the actual Marvel Comics have been since (((Disney))) bought them.
Shatterstar and Iceman were made into gays. Angela, Quasar and Jennifer Kale were made into lesbians. Spider-Man is now a black kid with a white girl-friend. The Hulk is an Asian guy.
Thor is a woman and is romantically involved with a black Captain America. Iron Man was briefly a teen-age black girl who was a genius no less! Nove the Human Rocket is now a half-Mexican kid. Ms. Marvel is now a Muslim. Captain Marvel and Mockingbird are both feminists.
and on, and on, and on, and on.
--- Jefferson
Wait for the next disappointment: "Black actress furious over being replaced by transgendered Somali".
"" I’m really excited about this generation of young women that can look at a screen and see some brown people in space. ""
I just threw up a little in my mouth.
The rumors keep swirling that Idris Elba is supposed to replace Daniel Craig as 007, but so far, nothing confirmed.
Will Smith was cast as James West in the absofuckinglutely god-awful Wild Wild West - but for a while in the mid-to-late '90's, there was talk of Will Smith being cast as . . . Superman.
There was a Honeymooners movie were Ralph Kramden and Norton were black, but there would be a Cat 5 chimpout if the leads for a movie version of "The Jeffersons" were white actors.
Hollywood is pretty much creatively bankrupt, on film and on television. I DON'T watch TV, but I do have to pass through parts of the house where my room-mates are staring at the screen, looking as if they have been partially lobotomized.
Recent TV shows based on movies include Taken, Training Day, and Lethal Weapon. There can't be too many old TV shows left to be made into movies, but you know there's a group of studio types working on it. Adam-12 with Reed being replaced by a pre-op trans-sexual? How about Emergency! being re-done as an animated gay-porno musical? All in the Family "re-imagined" so that the "Meathead" is Gloria's Asian bull-dyke?
Why do I feel as if I've just caused a train-wreck?
It might be a pain for those of us that see, but it’s still just the beginning. It will never be enough, they’ll never be satisfied even when they take over “all’ the entertainment industries ( or we’ll just hand them over like we do everything else ) then, they’ll want all the rewards.
By then, YT won’t say a word when all entertainment & the emmys are 90% black. They’ll just stay memorized and fascinated with black entertainment, always and forever pushing to assimilate to the black mean, to be cool and hip.
Its another example of the insidious push to reinvent & get the public to accept the wholly contrived, mudding up & dumbing down of the world as 'reality'. Its due to the rampant self-serving, often sociopathic narcissism that pervades the arts/film industry where serving so many perversely warped ego needs comes first and foremost..Case in point, note that the director Taika Waititi is himself a mud (father is moari and mom a russian jew) and as I have often posted on SBPDL before on how mulattos are generally very conflicted and psychologically damaged entities ( I have several as relatives that I avoid like one would a plague which in fact they are), this jackass maoribased mud is using another mud (thompson) to externalize his 'backwards' psych issues onto the general public to get over on the world he knows will never accept him as 'legit' part of the most esteemed race (the very one that invented all the industry & technology that allows him to ply his foolish cinematic 'denouements') The POS is seeking to subversively tear down that which he is deeply envious of (they all are) to address his own mother's stupidity on choice of who to mate with. Im so tired of this pervasiveness of this crap - the sick narcissism of this POS to take on distorting a myth from a culture that he has NO CLAIM TO & use it to suit his screwed agenda and then BOAST ABOUT IT doing so in what he believes are palatable terms?!?! Anything to do with mud culture is anathema to our Europe based 1st world cultures...AVOID ALL MUDS AS MUCH AS YOU CAN - THIS INCLUDES ASIANS SINCE THEY ARE IN THE PROCESS OF BUYING UP HOLLYWEIRD. Having grown up in a major Northeastern city that is on the tipping point of turning 'majority' minority and having been submerged in multi-cult BS for most of my life, I have seen first hand how muds are all deeply envious of whites on every level and want to overtake us and steal for themselves what we have created. Whites are the ONLY impediment to a world full of dumbed-down, easily controlled, rapid consumers of anything sans questioning it muds & the international corps are deeply invested in creating a mud world that will throw their monies away in a buying, stupefying frenzy.
I'm just curious and wanted to ask the people here, is there a single town, city, municipality etc., in America that in any way IMPROVED after the addition of a sizable (more than a token Negro) Black population?
In fact, is there even one that just stayed the same (i.e. didn't get poorer, more violent, etc)?
Seriously, one...?
And if not, then WHY THE F*CK are so many people saying the Negroes are so great, need them in our schools, businesses, communities etc??!!
Erased by diversity?
Believe or it not Hollywood been doing this for sometime now by making things different to make money. For the rest of the bloggers just don't watch
Anonymous said ”I'm just curious and wanted to ask the people here, is there a single town, city, municipality etc., in America that in any way IMPROVED after the addition of a sizable (more than a token Negro) Black population?”
Various forms of this question are occasionally asked here at SBPDL. As far as I know no one has ever offered the name of any place on Earth at any time in history that was improved by the introduction of blacks.
Actually a superman spin off call steel film in 1990s
Nick Fury TV movie almost is lost to history. I think you the only one that remembers
I heard diversity came in the right time for Hollywood film
The only thing I can tell you is that don't read the comics or comic book movies
Last night I caught a little bit of the remake of the Fantastic Four. This was not from the 2005 version which had an almost all white cast, but from the 2015 remake with improbable black characters interjected to make the story more 'diverse'.
It is notable that the public largely rejected the version with the gratuitous negroes. If the producers thought that they would improve the box office by making characters originally conceived of as white, now appearing as negroes. The producers apparently lost a lot of money changing the race of the eponymous cast.
I saw both versions - probably because I had loved the comic books when I was a kid. But making Johnny Torch a negro was jarring. It also raise genetic issues. Sue Storm in the 2015 version is still white but her brother Johnny is now black. The new 'Africanized' version has an old black scientist who is the real brains behind the group. This guy looks like a homeless bum. He is a very improbable genius.
This reminded me of the Dwayne Johnson earthquake film in which he saves his daughter. But the girl is white and Johnson (The Rock) is half African and half Polynesian. He has been made to look Caucasian by plastic surgery and makeup but his gametes are not white. He has been a 'created' or 'honorary' white man. Look at some time at pictures of him before he had all the face and body work done. I like Johnson in action oriented films but pretending that he is white is just a distraction. Does Hollywood think no one understands genetic anymore?
It's common to claim that they have made some characters into blacks so as to appeal to the black ticket buying public. But I don't think that's it. As far as I can tell adding black characters usually hurts the films box office. If you take a typical white character and gratuitously remake him as a black - it hurts the storyline and weakens the movie.
Do all those black teenagers who have dropped out of school or have flunked out of Algebra class really feel better when they see a black character who is some mathematical or computer genius? You can make any character any race, but do blacks identify with black characters who are shown in improbable roles?
Another movie the wife and I will cross off our list. This compulsive need by libtards that suffer from "white guilt" is appalling. The perverted need to kiss the negro's a#s is a complete disgrace. Hollywood continues to rewrite classics to appease the sick fantasies of the elite. It is one thing to have a negro in a movie, play, or TV show. It is quite another to completely change the race of a standard character to make it more PC. The butchering of the Founding Fathers in the disgusting "Hamilton" is a prime example. Hell, these animals don't even go to these movies or plays because the can't use a EBT card.
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events was just re done for Netflix with a black male playing the legal guardian. WTF? At least he's playing a buffoon. I will not watch it as I am aware of the push to put blacks in positions of authority. They call it Leadership and have endless black church programs on Leadership. It's really how to push YT out of any job, any volunteer position and put blacks over whites, Asians and anyone else.
In the remake, PATTON will get slapped by the private, a racist from Alabama.
Re: the comments on the movie "Logan"
We know that blacks can't be cast in the role of bad guys in these popcorn movies unless they are "surprise bad guys" (like the guy in Dr Strange) or super-duper genius bad guys (and even then only rarely).
I figured since none of the leads in Logan that I knew of were black, the tokens would only be seen among the child "lab rat" mutants (which they were).
However, Marvel/Fox felt the need to pigeonhole in some tangent involving an intact family of black horse farmers (?!). While black scandinavians are obviously complete fabrications, a black family of farmers in oklahoma is almost as ridiculous a fantasy.
They have no problem changing the race of characters to some "victim race", even if the character is known to be from an exclusively white part of the world (Scandinavia).
Meanwhile, suggesting that a character from an exclusively black part of the world (Black Panther) be played by someone of another race would be akin to screaming the n-word in public. Hell, some would have had a problem if Black Panther was played by a light-skinned black.
"Anonymous said...
Believe or it not Hollywood been doing this for sometime now by making things different to make money."
But these comics with gay, muslim, and white-to-black superheroes have consistently been shown not to sell. These altered characters aren't profitable.
In the cases of DC and Marvel, they make so much money off their movies (where they have been rightly reluctant to make radical changes in their major characters), that they can afford to have their actual comic book division operate at a loss in order to show that they are "good people" and on "the right side of history". They make money hand over fist on their movies, but show everyone that they are good little SJWs with their comic books (which incidentally don't sell).
Do you think Muslims as a whole are praising Marvel for remaking Miss Marvel as a Muslim, or is it just white liberal Muslim apologists? The average Muslim would find a hundred things blasphemous and outrageous in the most recent edition of "Miss Marvel" before praising it for featuring a Muslim hero.
So Marvel isn't even pandering to be in the good graces of the victim groups it is purporting to "uplift". They are just pandering to white SJWs with all this.
Not one. I live near a disgusting black city and many of those diversity lovers are moving out here to my rural all white farming area. They are ruining this lovely place and it is sickening. More hideous housing developments and unnecessary shopping centers are springing up on former farm land. Yet when I posted on a local forum about opposing refugee resettlement in the area, I was called every name in the book and one person even stated that they donated money to that charity to help those refugees. Remember these are the same types that sneer at poor whites in Appalachia l, yet they can't help falling all over themselves for violent and stupid foreigners. But they won't live around them! Nope, they'd rather move here and sneer and mock the farmers as hicks and bumpkins. I swear I sometimes loathe my "fellow white people" more than the other races. The mental illness these people display is destroying society and I am sick of it.
In regard to the potential for a black James Bond, I think the studios would love to do this, but I think they haven't yet and would hesitate to in the future because of the money they'd lose.
Sure, they'd be guaranteed to every critic in the country lined up to give the movie "4 stars" no matter its quality and to have them all declare the black actor playing Bond to be the "best Bond ever".
The movie could make less money domestically, though it would probably not drop that much because of the "must see" hype around the movie the media would create. But where our media would not have any effect, namely China, this movie would make a lot less than its predecessors. Whereas movies with blacks in supporting roles like in Star Wars or the Avengers won't suffer in China, a movie franchise like Bond, where a black plays the dominant character, would.
Plus, in addition to the potential Chinese money you'd lose with the first black Bond movie, think of that loss getting expounded with the subsequent movies starring that actor. And the studio would have to stick with the actor for multiple films--to end the franchise run would be "racist", to replace an actor that just got ridiculous praise would be "racist", and to say that a lot of money was lost on this otherwise "4 star" film because the Chinese are racist would be "racist".
Yeah I know both movies were diversity with upcoming actor
So when (((they))) make the blockbuster movie "The George Washington Carver Story" the lead will be played by a White man...right????
herfsi said...
they do this to movies & TV shows, but the worst are ads/commercials: pozzed with race replacement.
i've been sick of it for 2 dozen years, & stopped watching TV a dozen years ago because of it. if i hear a radio ad with a black voice - off goes the radio. mainly i just listen to podcasts & peruse the internet.
i hope others are as tired as i am of constantly having race replacement shover down our throats - it's everywhere: catalogs, commercials, ncaa tournaments & ads, etc.
March 21, 2017 at 7:17 AM
Like this?^^^ I hear this same McDonalds commercial constantly in this area on the radio, and I think "Who do they want eating there? Cause it sure as hell doesn`t sound like me!"
If this is McD`s target audience, best of luck to them. I haven't eaten there in years since they pulled that "365 Black" ad campaign.
The only vote that really matters is in my wallet.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Funny article here!
And how about we teach our kids also that it was the African negroes themselves who captured their enemy tribespeople and sold them into slavery. Every slave was turned from free to slave at the hand of a fellow negro. Whites didn't charge into the jungles with nets!! That's the (((media))) making shit up like Roots.
Teach that niggas in Africa today practice slavery; White people abolished it long ago.
PK, got a hot story for you.
Chicago Police found a girl who had been missing since Sunday and who was gangraped on Facebook Live. None of the dozens of people who saw the livestream made any effort to contact police.
This is the second episode of Chicago criminality to be broadcast on Facebook this year that we know about. Maybe Chicago should just be nuked, and the ground should be seeded with salt after the firestorm.
There have also been some VERY interesting shootings happening lately as well. About a week or so ago, a dude was released from Cook County Jail because the States Attorney's Office violated the "speedy trial statute" by not proceeding with a murder trial, even though the bad guy had been in custody for TWO YEARS. He was already on parole for other violent crimes when the murder and two seperate robberies occurred. Was released from Cook County - and gunned down less than a half mile away.
Just yesterday, another perennial problem child was gunned down a stone's throw from the County Courthouse at 26th and California. SIX SHOTS fired from a moving vehicle. All 6 shots connected with the moving target, striking in the groin area. Will HeyJackass count this as one or six episodes on their "Shot-in-the-junk-o-meter"?
Sounds like some people are paying very close attention to the court calendar and taking matters into their own hands.
@Brian in Ohio, from Herfsi (Brian in Kansas) re: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56ruOgbS9do
those commercials are definitely not for US. after watching a 5-second commercial to get to the actual commercial (someone's making money off the goyim) the comments under the commercial were surprisingly good - white people were mad, blacks were mad, & as usual black women were maddest - there's no making blacks happy. but the idiot liberal companies keep trying. pandering & appeasing is a slow route to epic failure...
We know that blacks can't be cast in the role of bad guys in these popcorn movies unless they are "surprise bad guys" (like the guy in Dr Strange) or super-duper genius bad guys (and even then only rarely).
And the movies aren't as bad as TV shows.
Crime investigation shows like Law and Order are the worst. They will depict a NYC crackhead murderer as White and the helpful citizen witness as Black.
Dick Wolf admitted a while back that they do this because they are liberal. Well duh but I doubt his fellow liberals were happy that he acknowledged it.
'darn bill, and I was under the impression you could'nt afford to go see a movie!!!No What I'm saying😄😄😄!!!
This ZULU character is just another way the left is trying to push blacks into our lives, literature, and History when they were not there and did not deserve to be there. I am sick of this crap. Just like the play "Hamilton". It was a lie since most of out founding fathers were not negro and would raise up a kill someone if they knew of this travesty. I hope no one goes and sees "THOR'. The Hollywood types are race mixing liars and will lose their money and position in their craft. We have had enough of Negroes....we are tired of seeing them.
Brian in Ohio said... If this is McD`s target audience, best of luck to them. I haven't eaten there in years since they pulled that "365 Black" ad campaign.
As much as some of these companies engage in negro-licking, I wonder if they really want their product/brand to actually become identified as the one preferred by negros.
Anonymous March 20, 2017 at 9:43 PM said...Still Haven't Seen Star Wars VII.
I had some idle time and watched it recently, much against my better judgement. Barely watchable even if it wasn't africanized. They simply recycled past plots and characters without shame and set up for future episodes.
Now I understand why they hyped the return of the original characters. That bit of nostalgia was all it had going for it.
Lucky if I go to one movie a year. The next two I have planned are TCM special runs of North By Northwest and Smokey & The Bandit. "What in the Hell is the world coming to?" - Beauford T. Justice, upon discovering the Georgia Sheriff he'd been talking to on the radio was a black guy.
Movies are just like TV, the same agenda. Save your money.
It's even spread to Japanese oriented films, an Americanized live-action remake of Death Note the super smart special cop tracking the strange deaths is now a black actor. And a live-action Ghost In The Shell has at least one black where he doesn't belong, either.
Blogger Standup Broad said...
"So when (((they))) make the blockbuster movie "The George Washington Carver Story" the lead will be played by a White man...right????"
This scenario recently played out. White actor Joseph Fiennes played Michael Jackson in an episode of the British show "Urban Myths", and people (and media) around the world went apopleptic until the episode was forbidden from being aired. And mind you this was over a white man depicting Jackson in a time in his life where he was actually lighter skinned than said actor.
Paintjob Theory said...
'...These things aren't trying to sell comic books to negroes, but trying to sell negroes to whites...'
Quite obviously, that's not all, i.e., the entire 'hip-hop' culture, etc. that has been selling them to whites for years now. Kids these days have only known this 'culture' as 'normal' for their entire lives.
Yes, indeed, kiddies, slavery is still alive and well and prospering!
To the follow bloggers know allure magazine cover and article has diversity talk that all the diversity
Watched a movie on Netflix last night called "Pandora". It's a subtitled South Korean film. Was really a good flick. What is immediately noticeable is the lack of "vibrant diversity" lol. Another poster here mentioned the Norwegian film "The Wave", which similarly lacked "diversity". It's nice to see that at least some of the foreign filmmakers aren't buying into this bs concept of putting people into roles JUST TO PLEASE A MINORITY DEMOGRAPHIC!! I swear if a remake of Saving Private Ryan was made today there'd be at least one Mexican and one groid in the main group now. Sickening and utterly not realistic or true to history.
AR in Illinois
No it's insulting to this who doe hundreds of years ago, to keep their culture, then people like this come along and misinform people about a culture that is reviving.
I am so sick of "Blackitude" and "White Guilt". The media and Hollywood seems to love it. It feels like America has lost most of it's common sense when it comes to morals and especially how we're how perceived by other countries. Liberals have almost made our country a joke by the way we've let minorities dictate our social agenda and political policies. Now Disney has a negro playing the role of the blue-eyed, blonde-haired Norsewoman "Valkyrie" in the new "Thor" movie? It's just more of the same BS.
I'm not sure the movie going audience is crying out for more mystery meat ugloids in female lead roles.
We might have reached peack Michelle Obama back in 2015 or so.
As for perverting a cultural icon like a valkyrie into some classless mulatto- it's sad and hilarious.
This Thor film will tank, and the mulatto factor will be the undeclared reason why.
Heimdall (epithet: "The White God") gets played by the talentless Idris Elba, and now this.
Sad stuff.
Marvel movies were pure middle of the road no-brainers when they started, with a tolerable level of SJW bullshit, but as usual once they think they've hooked an audience the (((producers))) go all in.
They can't force people to watch their propaganda, and they'll learn that soon enough.
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