The story appeared in local press for a day, then disappeared.
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How many blacks desire the same outcome as Clark Calloway? |
Another story now appears of a black male who desired starting a race war and killing white people (aiding ISIS in the process), which will inevitably disappear without explanation or a coherent denouement.
But you'll never see the name "Clark Calloway" mentioned by national media, because his story won't produce sympathy among white liberals -- just provide proof why those nasty, untouchable whites are right. [Feds: DC ISIS Sympathizer Bought AK-47 to Start 'Race War', NBC Washington, 5-5-17]
Much like the story out of Birmingham, abandoned by reporters and buried in the courts, the tale of a black man prepared to kill whites to start a race war will quickly be forgotten. [Ex-Marine charged with illegally purchasing AK-47 rifle, threatening to attack police station, Fox 5, 5-5-17]:
A former U.S. Marine Corps member who a court document says pledged support to the Islamic State and expressed a desire to "conduct a violent revolution against whites" is facing federal weapons charges after allegedly illegally purchasing an AK-47 from an FBI informant.
Clark Calloway of Washington, D.C., made his first appearance in federal court on Friday where the 38-year-old construction worker was ordered jailed until a hearing Wednesday. He's charged with possession of a firearm or ammunition by a felon and transportation of a firearm with the intent to commit a felony.
Each charge carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.
Prosecutors say Calloway paid $250 for the firearm, which had been disabled by law enforcement, and was arrested when he took possession of it Thursday. According to a court document, the FBI began investigating Calloway in 2016.
The document says he posted "numerous violent and threatening statements," ''friended" several hundred Islamic State fighters and sympathizers, joined IS Facebook groups and posted pro-IS propaganda.
An investigation revealed he maintains at least two active Facebook accounts, "one related to his extremist racial views and one related to his pro-ISIS views," the court document said, referring to the IS. In 2016 Calloway, who is black, posted about "his desire to conduct a violent revolution against whites and conducting a race war," writing: "Let's put bullets in them."
The document shows that over the course of the investigation, Calloway came into contact with three FBI sources. In response to a question, he told the informant from whom he purchased the AK-47 that the best way to "do something" was to have simultaneous attacks on police stations "all over the country."
Later, he told the same informant that he was purchasing the AK-47 "to be ready to do something here."
He named a police station in Washington as a potential target, the court document suggests. But after Calloway was arrested, he characterized his Facebook posts as "propaganda" and "talking trash" and "denied that he planned to carry out an attack," the document says.
He acknowledged talking about attacking police stations, but denied referencing a specific police station. He told FBI agents that he was aware he couldn't have a weapon because he's a felon but wanted the AK-47 for "a rainy day" and needed it "for the race war."For a brief moment before Thanksgiving 2016, the local Birmingham media made mention of a plot by two blacks to murder white school children as the start of a perverse race war.
For a brief moment in early May of 2017, local media in Washington D.C. mention a plot by a black ISIS sympathizer to target police and kill white people as the start of a perverse race war.
But they disappear, fading away almost entirely, save for the memory of a few white people who notice all is not right in the egalitarian nightmare known as the United States of America.
He was framed. He dindu nuffin. Well except admit to illegally buying a gun to start a race war. Plea it down to misdemeanor TNB, time served.
I bet I'm not as wrong with my guess of an outcome as we all wish I was.
Oh, that rascally Facebook. At it again, I see. Blacks and their penchant for Facebook, and all things stupid. Technology in the hands of idiots. One of the worst inventions ever to come down the pike. Used to be that the village idiots were confined to the village, now they spread their vile stupidity to the world.
The caption on the police drawing said 'i wonder how my Blacks wish to do Whites harm. All if them. If the adults want to do this and are actively plotting what are the young kids the five year olds learning in school.
Resist, hate, protest everything kill them they owe you and this is being taught by liberals everywhere. Common Core just think even the immigrants feel this so I really hope that the nation is waking up.
That we as a people and I'm talking everyone that want freedom need to stand up for this and stop it. Now.
What else is new. Muh turrrrrrble, trrrrble slabery!
Off topic / not really
Crime in Dallas =. Almost exclusively black and latrino
Looks too much like an Osama Bin Laden caricature. Just uglier.
Just more reasons we dont need these ISIS radicls in america and why we need torestrict travel from these nations and why we dont want the Useless Nations who only wan to disarm law abiding americans open our nations borders and us all part of the North American(Soviet)Union and the New World Ourder(NWO)Under the Useless Nations
If negroes killing whites could start a race war, it would have happened long ago. There will be no race war per se, only a war for survival which will naturally form along racial lines based on local demographics. Negroes never plan ahead and will be the first to starve once the gibs stop flowing. Like their African brethren, they can deep fry dey cuzzuns in transformer oil or crash a cattle truck and cut meat off of live cows.
I've never understood why YT has been feeding hawngry negroes here and abroad for decades only to have more hawngry negroes to show for it. It seems to me if we hadn't been feeding them, they would mostly be gone. It's like feeding the rats in your house and wondering why you have more rats.
An investigation revealed he maintains at least two active Facebook accounts, "one related to his extremist racial views and one related to his pro-ISIS views," Hey its all good. Your good friend and fellow white hater extremist mark suck-a-turd loves you and forgives you. And his daddy george soros will continue to pay the liberal press and tv stations to keep your horrible demise hush hush.
I was in Huntsville AL, last week to visit a friend. Huntsville has about a 30% negro population similar to that of Indianapolis. However, it seemed to be a well-ordered, prosperous area. The major reason for this is the presence of Federal research installations and the numerous aerospace/defense and technology support firms. Have we an apparent paradox of negro dysfunction overcome by economic development?
Alas, no. Huntsville has a crime rate about double the national average which is what would be expected for a negro population that is double the national average.
I doubt you could escape the dysfunction by moving to the suburbs. The federal government and it's contractors are heavily into AA. So there is probably an extensive "black middle class" that can afford to move their as well.
Note that many of the jobs provided in such an environment are "good jobs" not "MacJobs". Yet negro dysfunction prevails.
O/T: This one will infuriate you. A real African spook from Guinea-Bissau (a dump in West Africa) here on a green card, out on probation from the second robbery of the same bank in Boston, somehow got into a high security building to rob two wealthy doctors, who he tied up and killed by slashing their throats. One of them managed to get a message out for help and the police showed up before he could leave and shot his ass three times, but not fatally. He was arraigned in a hospital bed.
Somehow this POS was employed as a security guard, which enabled him to find some way into this building - they think, the details of that haven't been released yet, but it's covered in cameras.
And somehow this POS is able to keep a green card despite not being employed, spending time in prison twice... I mean if anyone should be hanged in the street this is a textbook example.
Why the MSM will not honestly report these disastrous “diverse” situations is uncertain. The silence reflects three PC Principles: First, “Thou Shall Not Criticize Black and Hispanic, no matter how bad their actions or behavior;”
Second, one way or another, the life deficiencies of blacks and Hispanics are all traceable to whites, so if whites would give their free time and money to minorities, results for everybody would soar.
Third, calling attention to the black and Hispanic themselves as the source of all their shortcomings, stigmatizes them, lowers their self-esteem and unfairly blames them for conditions over which they have no control, for example, institutional racism, under representation, low expectations, and on and on.
It’s all a big barrel of “Negro Fatigue” for everyone!
OT – Negro Fatigue with a badge! - Dekalb county Georgia: Sheriff Jeffery Man, out on bond as investigation continues for charges of exposure. He was seen by a officer exposing himself in a park! “Where da white wimmens at?”
This guy got caught because he is a complete fucking moron.
Posting his terrorist sympathies, terrorist intentions, and "I need an AK for the race war I`m going to start" on Facebook was brilliant! Low hanging fruit for the Feds.
A nice easy one, right over the plate.
How many are out there, just like this asshole, that the Feds wont touch because of the PC "optics" of arresting hundreds or even thousands of blacks?
Food, water, firearms and ammunition.
Stay alert, stay alive.
"Prosecutors say Calloway paid $250 for the firearm, which had been disabled by law enforcement"
Or in other words, just another 60IQ monkey that Feds talked into saying something stupid to justify their existence 'fighting terrorism'. Meanwhile border is still wide open and there is no effort to remove third world invaders.
I worked at Logan Airport for about half a year in 2002 and we used to while away the slow hours thinking of ways that a ner-do-well could smuggle anything the size of a backpack through 'security' into a plane. We would watch the actual pilots have to put their hat and clam chowder through the scanner but brown fuckers in turbans wouldn't even get a sideways look. Surly and illiterate non-whites in TSA uniforms working just enough to inconvenience YT.
Moral of the story, the only reason no terrorist attack has happened here is solely because nobody really wants to do it. When it becomes politically expedient one will be manufactured as needed to fit a predetermined agenda.
Little press coverage of the stories related in this article, yet there is daily MSM coverage on the so-called racist tendencies of Trump, Steve Bannon, the "Alt-Right," etc. It's puzzling how such blatant double standards go unnoticed by left-leaning educated white people.
Gee.. except for here not a word. I guess BLACK guy wants to kill WHITES, start a race war doesn't fit the narrative. (Also because "black guy buys illegal gun" is as common as "fish swim".)
We know had this been a white man, ex service member, pro-isis or not, that this would be 24-7, with various witch doctors speaking out against racism, and the SJW crowd condemning the rest of us. All I can say is,
Stay alert, stay armed.
There is virtually no mention of this anywhere on the liberal media or internet, none. It's been said on here lately that the liberal media is your WORST enemy. How VERY true that is.
Either the media does no fact checking, or black terrorists are even more stupid than previously supposed.
When someone offers to sell you a $100 bill for $10, something is wrong.
AK-47 for $250? No, more like $2,500.
Negroes are 12% of th population.
Whites are 65% of the population.
They want to start a race war?
Silly negroes. The war would be over in a few days.
Feel good stat of the day: Bodymo' murda toll now at 122!!
Anonymous said...
Negroes are 12% of the population.
Whites are 65% of the population.
They want to start a race war?
Silly negroes. The war would be over in a few days.
May 9, 2017 at 7:27 AM
I think they're assuming we won't fight back.
New SBPDL term of the day : noble negro. A negro that turns himself in to authorities knowing that he has been identified in one way or another and has ran out of options. example : The noble negro willingly turned himself in after being identified as the suspect on video in hopes of receiving a lighter sentence.
What do we have here?
The Muslim contempt for infidel/crusader is merging with the black undertow's hatred for cracker/honky.
I'm thinking of that Lothrop Stoddard book.
"Anonymous said...
O/T: This one will infuriate you. A real African spook from Guinea-Bissau (a dump in West Africa) here on a green card, out on probation from the second robbery of the same bank in Boston, somehow got into a high security building to rob two wealthy doctors, who he tied up and killed by slashing their throats. One of them managed to get a message out for help and the police showed up before he could leave and shot his ass three times, but not fatally. He was arraigned in a hospital bed."
The Boston police initially said that the black guy "must have" been acquaintances with the two doctors he killed, because how else would he be able to get into a locked building? The police didn't consider that perhaps this guy who had been in and out of prison for robbery may have broken in or that (more likely) some DWL living in the luxury apartment let the black guy in behind them rather than be accused of racism if he asked him to prove he lived there.
Of course, now the police have admitted there is no proof the victims knew the attacker but add that they "do not know why Teixeira would attack them so viciously in their home".
Of course now lawyers are spinning this as a police brutality case because the murderer did not shoot at police and was shot (non-fatally) three times by police with only a "BB gun or replica gun" on his person.
I'd love to see BLM get involved in this one and try to ignore the fact that there were two people tied up with their throats slashed and a bag full of the victim's jewelry on the floor. Though they might not protest in the streets, I guarantee you that this guy's name gets entered into their list (and the SPLC's list) of blacks murdered by racist cops, just like the Ohio State terrorist's name was.
Paul you are going to love this one.
A 100% WHITE Zionsville IN cuck church donates $32,000 to the Reverend Charles Harrison of his Indy Ten Point Coalition of black pimp preachers.
Zionsvills is a 99% WHITE suburb of Indianapolis. I know a few residents who fled from the knickers and their crime in Indianapolis. Will the Ten Point clown posse expand to Zionsivlle? Let's hope so.
White people in Zionsville seem to only like diversity from a distance. Let's hope they get some close, vibrant enrichment when the Red Line transit expand north. You can run, whitey, but you can't hide.
A black male just killed someone in Zionsville last week. 5th murder on record of the city in history. A black male killed a white man in his driveway last year. There are no blacks living in Zionsville. The schools are lily white.
I think they're assuming we won't fight back.
I think you're right. It would not surprise me, based on attitudes where I troll the vibrants, if they think that they'll have the police and courts and every respectable institution backing them up with every bit of moral and physical compulsion that they do today.
But the moral authority of those anti-White institutions is corroding by the day, and the corrosion is accelerating. Shortly all that will be left is naked force, and even that will corrode as the agents of the state stand themselves down, lose evidence, sabotage their political minders with leaks and disinformation, and covertly side with the alt-right and anti-BRA.
The death squads that clean off street corners in the 'hood with hails of lead and haul away SJW academics and officials in the night will be full of moonlighting cops and military, taking their country back.
As a communist, Anti-White Democrat once said: Never let a good opportunity go to waste.
Thus, other than how sick this thought is, I almost wish this negro would have acted out his anti-White Hate.......
The more dumb Whites that are exposed to the truth of this "multi-cultural" toilet, we call "America", the better it will be in our future.
This guy apparently was trying to start a race war. He wasn't the first. The question that occurs to me is - since the activity of 'starting a race war' is so common - will someone sooner or later succeed?
Nat Turner, I read in Wikipedia, killed 55 to 65 white people. When I first came west in the late sixties we had the 'Zebra' killings. Black Muslims had a campaign of murdering whites in the San Francisco Bay Area. No one knows exactly how many they killed because the media suppressed the story. Some credible estimates are over a hundred murders.
Charles Manson killed far fewer, but he got a lot attention. He had a plan which he called 'Helter Skelter' which was aimed at igniting a full scale race war. That was at least part of the motivation for the Tate-LaBianca murders.
There have been others. The Black Lives matter rioters have expressed the desire to set off some kind of racial chain reaction.
So what are the odds that someone will eventually succeed? Success in this means a period and place where members of one race systematically eliminate members of another race as a matter of policy and without any kind of police or judicial action. For example - you are in the French Resistance and you see a Nazi alone in the woods. You simply kill him or kill and bury him. Some think that sort of thing is happening now. Blacks seem to kill a lot of whites now.
It is socially acceptable for some blacks now to kill a white person. So far it is not considered appropriate for a white person to kill a black person at random. But that is the logic of a lot of BLM ideas and those of the Black Muslims and Black Panthers.
Blacks aren't very worried. If for example a white group were to start to shoot black teenagers on the streets of Chicago - would anyone even notice? Blacks probably should worry about the next step - the genocide step. But that seems distant.
"I think they're assuming we won't fight back."
unfortunately, they have been quite right to assume that so far. Hey P.K., can you do a story on whites winning for once just to lift my budding depression?
That black sheriff that was arrested for exposing himself in DeKalb co. Georgia was exposing himself to a MALE undercover not a female. Like I've said before,'dey laaaa dem White boys' as much as White girls. If you've got a White son (especially if he's blond - dey laaaa dem BLOND White boys da besss) that has a black "friend" that seems to "hang around" him a lot - beware!
Bird of Paradise said...
Just more reasons we dont need these ISIS radicls in america and why we need torestrict travel from these nations and why we dont want the Useless Nations who only wan to disarm law abiding americans open our nations borders and us all part of the North American(Soviet)Union and the New World Ourder(NWO)Under the Useless Nations
It's all by design. The only people that notice are the few who pay attention. France just voted itself into being Europe's 2 dollar whore for the next one hundred years. They're almost fully in control now. While our leaders are flooding us with irate Muslim (redundant, I know), sewing more seeds of contempt for yt among our negro brethren, and stirring the pot for WW 3 with the only two nations that have any respect for nationality and race, we fall into disrepair and chaos. If this is allowed to continue, the shiite going on in France today is what most of urban America will look like in a scant ten or fifteen years. A lot of it is already here. With or without a Donald Trump, this will come to a head eventually.
It's always a good time to buy more ammo. Just a friendly reminder.
I think they're assuming we won't fight back.
Negroes? Assuming? As in future time orientation? Yeah, cuz their other actions are so clear and well thought out.
I've never understood why YT has been feeding hawngry negroes here and abroad for decades only to have more hawngry negroes to show for it. It seems to me if we hadn't been feeding them, they would mostly be gone. It's like feeding the rats in your house and wondering why you have more rats.
You're almost there. Now, focus on (((WHO))) .....hint....the answer rhymes with this DEMANDING that we feed the rats. Get back to me when you figure that one out. I'll be around. I hang out here a lot.
Judge Lisa Grant has blood on her hands for this one. She also let a rapist out to rape again.
The female doc had an impeach Trump message on her FB. At least it was a SJW who had her throat slit.
Female in FL
Randy, I hope white DO fight back. Right now, a lot of us seem to have no will to fight in us.
I don't know how I am expected to have any respect for a race of people, where most of the women can't even be bothered to pick up their feet when they walk, who snap gum in a disgusting manner, and breed indiscriminately with anyone they choose, knowing the gubmint will fill in any blanks if the "baby daddy" doesn't step up.
And the men walk around with sagging pants, most with no (legal) job, perfectly content to let the gubmint support their children.
And make no mistake- the ONLY reason the blacks go on and on about "white privilege" is so that whites won't notice the black entitlements going on all around them.
FMG commented a few days ago, how many blacks seem to have unlimited free time.
I go to 3 local parks , and whether it is 12 noon, 2 pm, etc. there is ALWAYS more than a few black healthy looking men, hanging around , shuffling around, as if there is nothing better to do, staring at everybody. I am constantly having to move to the OTHER side of the park, crossing the street, having to avoid them while walking my dog. I don't worry about hurting feelings. My goal is to stay alive and healthy.
L in Atl hell
600 up to 1200 is more realistic... I've not heard of an AK going for 2500. Anyway, the point is made :)
This is just another mouthy negro with delusions of grandeur. I'd imagine that a certain percentage of negroes would react to the idea of an imminent race war with anger at those who were trying to cause it to erupt since it would mean all their gibsmedats would be coming to a sudden end. No electricity, no water, no EBT, no jobs and no way to get food once they'd consumed everything that was available and stolen everything they could get their hands on. Of course, there'd be an even larger percentage who couldn't see past the excitement of rioting, looting, burning and killing and would get a severe shock once the truth hit home- that they'd royally screwed themselves. Their celebration would be very short lived. Then you'd see hordes of desperate negroes trying to flee the areas they'd destroyed and whining and crying for refuge in white areas while claiming they didn't do nuffin.
If such a scenario ever did erupt, I'd want to see all the "refugees" turned back at the point of a gun and sent "home" to starve in their temporarily controlled negro paradise. Any who refused would simply be shot on sight. A complete blockade allowing no one in and no one out and no UN "humanitarian" aid to aid and abet the negroes. Give it six months or less and most would be dead of starvation and disease or from being killed by other negroes for whatever they had. A disaster for negroes but an absolute blessing for the country.
Be careful what you ask for, negroes. You just might get it and there'll be not one drop of sympathy for any of you.
"Hey P.K., can you do a story on whites winning for once just to lift my budding depression?"
Here is a (partial) victory. Gardendale AL was allowed to form it's own school system separate from the dysfunctional Birmingham AL district. It came with numerous restrictions which is why it is a partial victory.
"Charles Manson killed far fewer, but he got a lot attention. He had a plan which he called 'Helter Skelter' which was aimed at igniting a full scale race war. That was at least part of the motivation for the Tate-LaBianca murders."
There is some credible evidence that the Manson killings were actually about drug deals (Tate) and loansharking (LaBianca) gone wrong. Bugliosi spun the race war thesis to boost his career. Never trust a prosecutor. What's worse than a lawyer? A lawyer who works for the government.
In my opinion this Clark Holloway clown and Obama have the same goal - Obama is just doing it a different way while wearing a tie and a smile and,unlike Holloway, massive support from White liberals/elites!
Know your true enemy. Know the liberal.
O/T but the usual linkage being TNB: And there goes another one to add to the reams upon reams of evidence the 'unfitness the NAPAs...Nothing but throwbacks - in EVERY way that underscores why its utterly detrimental to allow them within any 1st world civilization...(Worse thing that ever happened to the 'new' world was bringing in the shit-stained SUB SPECIES!)....
So sick of it -finally have rid myself of all the BS social engineering that I got brainwashed with as a kid - Ive stopped supporting them in very way I can - no teaching, no medical care, no selling, no building, no services period across the board...they do not merit our time or resources...Do we really need the $ that badly to continue to 'cater' to them in any way? Circumvent the AA / un'Civil' rights BS any way you can....Don't be complicit in this 'diversity' insanity!
"600 up to 1200 is more realistic... I've not heard of an AK going for 2500. Anyway, the point is made :)"
Might be going under the assumption it's a legit selective fire version, in which case 2500 may be low by comparison to what my local store gets for class 3 stuff. Still though, the kind of mope that will agree to some terror "conspiracy" spoonfed to him by a federal agent and then be dumb enough to accept guns/explosives from the feds isn't really game for critical thinking.
Oh, and to elaborate on my earlier post, we came up with half a dozen ways to get anything you could carry through airport security, and many variations on those themes. The "war on terror" was a farce from day one and seeing that shit at the airport and the insanity of not securing our borders started me on the path to realizing that EVERYTHING I've been told is probably a lie.
To reprise an old joke:
Q: Did you hear about the African terrorist who tried to blow up a school bus?
A: He gave up after he burned his lips on the tail pipe.
Elderly white lady thrown onto the ground and then into a swimming pool, by guess who??
Incredible film footage, if this doesn't get you pissed off well then you are.....
Not only are we surrounded and fully infested with n*ggers whose genetics makes them unassimilable into a First World Society, we have a so-called Justice system that catches the n*ggers after their inevitable crimes, then just lets them go!! It's INSANE!!
Stop this now!! Lock the n*ggers (and all criminals) up for long, long times - offshore when possible.
Check this specimen out!
bottom line is, its against the law for us to defend ourselves against the sub human. thats why we cant act, for now
O.T.-On his internet radio show tonight,Jeff Rense,called upon Trump to bring all of the Afrikaners here before they're all slaughtered.He said that the natives never built a 2 story building,can't make it without us,etc.This is our version of woke.
Check this specimen out!
That's nothing. Cincinnati`s own Sam Dubose, who you may remember dindu nuffin when he dragged a UC campus cop with his car, had racked up 90 arrests! The 91st being the last...ever.
Unfortunately he was able to sire 12, yes, one dozen, bastards with 11 different women before he was finally made good.
And the family and "cousins" all came out of the woodwork to say what a nice guy he was. What fucking nice guy do you know that gets arrested 90 times?! He wasn't. He was a piece of shit.
Stay alert, stay alive.
I had a Facebook account years ago, under an alias because I don't like people being able to find out anything about me just by typing my name into Google. Facebook threatened to delete my account because they said the name I used didn't exist, and if I wanted to keep my account open, I would have to provide them a copy of my driver's license or an offical piece of mail with my account name on it (it wasn't an absurd name). That was the point when I deleted all social media and refuse to get involved in any of the new crap either.
Nice to know they let this guy skate by with 2 accounts, each linked to some type of extremism. Shows you where their priorities lie.
I worked at Miami International and saw the same thing. We were doing the expansion of the American Airlines terminal and would have to go thru a metal detector in the morning, then had access to the entire terminals from under the airport where all the baggage conveyors were. The funniest thing was they would make us put all our tools, knives, lighters, and belts on the xray scanner, go back thru the metal detectors if we forgot to empty the change from our pockets. Then once we were metal free, they would give us all our knives, tools, lighters and sharp objects back, and give us access to the terminals. It made no sense except to them, but gave the illusion that they were doing something, so TSA could get another couple billion $$ for operating costs.
The only AKs worth anything more than $1500 are the earlier Kalashnikovs. Otherwise they run around $600-1500 if they are really kitted out with accessories and optics.
Of the 65% population, there's a huge amount of SJWs/DWLs/women/groid sympathisers. So realistically it would probably be closer to 15-25% realists vs an underreported 12%.
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