At a time when Black unemployment is rising to unprecedented levels, one is hard-pressed to come up with any viable vocational alternatives for those out-of-work or underemployed. Levels of Black unemployment were reaching 25-year highs back in January, now they approach a critical stage that might require the involvement of the United Nations to decide if this represents a Human Rights violation:
Well, the nation-wide suffering for African Americans has just intensified with the recent unemployment data delivered by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It's most recent report showed that while white unemployment only went up from 8.6 percent to 8.7 percent, black unemployment went up from 15.6 percent to 16.3 percent. This increase is at a rate that is 700 percent higher than the increase for white Americans.
The numbers tell an interesting and sad story about the forgotten economic hardships being felt by black people all across America. First, black unemployment is nearly double that of white Americans. While the rest of America finds itself screaming in pain over unemployment rates between eight and nine percent, black America is asked to remain silent about unemployment rates as high as 15 - 16 percent. While U.S. government officials are not acknowledging African American economic hardship, the United Nations is. As of April, the UN announced that it is investigating whether consistent black unemployment in America is a human rights violation…The worst group of all are black teenagers. Their unemployment rate already stood at a startling 40.6 percent last month. This month, it rose to 45.4 percent, which is not only the highest unemployment figure of any group, it is also 90 percent higher than the unemployment rate for white teenagers, which held steady with a modest increase from 23.5 percent to 23.8 percent.
One can look at the rate of Black teenage unemployment as a distressing sign for the future job prospects of Black people once they reach adulthood. The truth of Black unemployment is probably far worse than anyone could imagine considering the high rates of incarceration and dependence on the government to subsist through the deft redistribution of tax-funds and, more importantly, job creation.
Job creation under the auspices Black Run America (BRA) comes in many forms, most importantly in the overrepresentation of Black people in the public sector. In spite of the existence of BRA, Black unemployment continues to lurch upward; shocking when one considers the inherent value proposition that a diverse workforce provides, according to a multitude of major corporations and colleges that promote – above all else – the unremitting importance of both a Black presence and Black involvement in every aspect of 21st century life.
Why do Black people find employment so difficult to maintain when a position with the government (Federal, State or Local) is all but assured and guaranteed in BRA? The answer might be available in the US Department of Labor’s recent Labor Force Characteristics by Race and Ethnicity 2009 report:
In general, the labor market problems experienced by Blacks and Hispanics are associated with many factors, not all of which are measurable. Some of these factors include a tendency to be employed in occupations with high levels of unemployment, lower average levels of schooling, greater concentration in the central cities of urban areas where job opportunities may be relatively limited, and the likelihood of discrimination in the workplace. These factors and others may help explain the acute labor market difficulties Blacks and Hispanics encounter, especially during economic downturns.
From this report, we learn the top 10 occupations in America with the largest percentage of Black employment (for those wondering, the lowest is here):
1. Barbers—35.0%
2. Nursing, psychiatric, and home health aides—34.0%
3. Residential advisors—29.6%
4. Security guards and gaming surveillance officers—28.6%
5. Postal service clerks-28.3%
6. Baggage porters, bellhops, and concierges—27.1%
7. Postal service mail sorters, processors, and processing machine operators—26.4%
8. Taxi drivers and chauffeurs—25.7%
9. Bus drivers—24.9%
10. Parking lot attendants—24.4%
Outside of the United States Postal Service, all of these private-sector fields of employment yield high growth potential and an obvious financial windfall befalling those Black people who pursue these illustrious vocations. Better still, the performance requirement for none of these jobs require an overabundance of education.
The US Postal Service (a virtual jobs program for Black people) continues to lose billions, though the outstanding contributions of the Black employees are routinely highlighted as a source of great pride, despite the looming threat of insolvency and the potential displacement of those Black employees:
“We view diversity as a winning business strategy and use it as a tool to deliver results,” said Susan LaChance, vice president, Employee Development and Diversity. “It makes good business sense.”
Forty percent of postal employees are minorities as compared to 32.8 percent in other federal agencies. Fifteen percent of executives are African-Americans. The Postal Service employs approximately 124,000 African-Americans, 52,000 Hispanics, 50,000 Asians, 1,300 native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islanders and nearly 4,000 American Indian/Alaska Natives.
One can only laugh at a company that continues to trumpet its racially diverse workforce at a time when it posts billion dollars losses; all on the tax payer’s dime.
It appears that any stimulus plan to benefit Black people and create sorely needed jobs must start in the one industry that is already a vocational path for many Black people and a constant source of community pride and entrepreneurial activity –the barbershop.
Though they might not like their own hair, Black people find a trip to the barbershop or hair salon a necessity of life and important monthly ritual:
Barbershops are a pulse of black America — a place where the frankness of what the men and women who frequent them say is exceeded only by the passion with which they speak. They are one of the places white politicians should go to gauge the thinking of black America. And they ought to be the sounding board for any black politician who wants to do more than just pay lip service to the idea of representative government.
"When you leave the barbershop, you look better, but you also want to feel better," the elderly owner of Randolph-Wright's fictional barbershop says. I know what he means.
In France, the bourgeois once spent their time in salons debating important issues of the day. Black people gather in the local hair salon to discuss these issues:
“To fully appreciate the political thought and action of African Americans, it is imperative to understand that these interactions are more than social. They are the spaces where African Americans jointly develop understandings of their collective interests and create strategies to navigate the complex political world,” wrote Harris-Lacewell in her forthcoming book, Barbershops, Bibles, and BET: Everyday Talk and Black Political Thought, to be published in March by Princeton University Press.
The conversations reveal ideologies, which are tied to black intellectual traditions and linked to African-American public opinion, she said.
Harris-Lacewell was joined in her work by graduate student Quincy Mills, a black male doctoral candidate in History, who spent four months hanging out in an African-American barbershop on Chicago’s South Side to listen to the patrons’ conversations.
“They talked about white power structures and the relationship of African Americans to the state and to capitalism. They critiqued black leaders, discussed the political power of the black church, argued about reparations and cheered on African-American Olympic athletes,” Harris-Lacewell said.
The 2002 film Barbershop inadvertently showed why high unemployment rates are found in the Black community, conversely showing the importance of the barbershop – both culturally and economically – to the Black community:
On a cold winter Saturday in Chicago, Calvin Palmer, Jr. (Ice Cube) decides he's had enough of trying to keep open the barbershop his father handed down to him. He can't borrow enough money to keep the place open, it's not bringing in enough revenue, and he's more interested in coming up with get-rich-quick schemes to bring in easy money. Without telling his employees or the customers, Calvin sells his barbershop to a greedy loan shark named Lester Wallace (Keith David), who lies about keeping the place the same and suddenly makes plans to turn the place into a strip club.
Sadly, the barbershop cannot supply an unlimited number of jobs and careers to an increasingly beleaguered segment of the Black community, who find themselves separated from their former vocations.
The undue stress on barbershop owners to shoulder the job creations burden for jobless Black people when a multitude of other vocations apparently lack the alacrity for diversity that the public sector maintains is worrying and a major cause for concern when considering their future job prospects.
Of course, one look at the jobs that Hispanics perform with the highest percentages should provide enough fodder for an immigration reform movement to arise among Black people. A direct correlation should be obvious between high Black unemployment and high levels of illegal and legal immigration, though those bemoaning the continued proliferation of out-of-work Black people steadfastly refuse to acknowledge or even discuss.
Thus, the onus is on Barbershops to continue to support the dreams and aspirations of Black people everywhere. They must continue to the bedrock of Black employment, a place where a haircut is only one facet of the job performed, and the center of cultural vitality of the community.
If not, what industry will pick up the slack?
Stuff Black People Don’t Like includes the onus on barbershops, the primary industry that must continue to off-set the high rates of Black unemployment. Without barbershops, one can only shudder at the high rates of Black people who would be considered not economically viable and worsening the bleak economic outlook for Black employment.
But barbershops cannot shoulder the load forever. The United Nations already questions the potential human rights violation inherent in the high unemployment rates for Black people now, so another industry must step up to the plate.
Other traditional black fields of employment
1. Survival Advisor Cabrini Green
3. DNC Sexual Harassment Coordinator
4. Director of Loud Voices in Public
5. Vice President for Running in WalMart Aisles
6. Community Disorganizer, Firearms Division.
7. Headmaster, Barrack Obama School of Empty Rhetoric
8. Cadillac Escalade Crash Test Dummy
9. Wardrobe Malfunction Specialist, Droopy Pants Response Team
10. Freebase Cocaine Self Immolation Prevention Leader
"so another industry must step up to the plate."
HHHMMMMM...lets see now. I got it! The airline industry. I would like to refer youze all to the lead photo for the SBPDL blog entry:
Soul Plane : The Reality of the Airline Industry. Friday Sept 3,2010
God wrote race prejudice onto our hearts with his own finger.
Keep 'em coming SBPDL!. Interesting that this report is virtual guide for the lack of black intellectual ability!. The post office is a "works" project for blacks, as are bus drivers (city goverments). Go to ANY airport in the US & one can clearly see that the TSA is one as well (many times have I had to deal with surly & incompetant black TSA workers at the Atlanta airport!).....Outside of these government provided jobs, blacks in the private sector as you stated are way over-represented as barbers, fast food workers & other intellectually stimulating careers!!.
If this republic folds from our insane goverment largess & the dollar collapses, be prepaired for our cities to burn!.
The illustrious UN is in itself a DWL project to make stupid black and brown people feel good about themselves. Third world retards be they Mooslems or hut dwelling cannibals can wield their power over white nations through counsels on human rights and global warming.
The UN laments Arizona's anti-illegal immigration law and at the same time they cry over high black unemployment. SBPDL is correct that there is a direct correlation between these two situations but blacks will not win in an argument with America's new favored minority. Not that an argument will happen because everyone knows solidarity of "people of color" against the white man is DWL priority number one.
Good post. Back to basics, the stories of black murder and mayhem have been depressing me lately.
i would just like to comment that i clicked the link and was nauseated by the musings of "dr." boyce watkins.
"What's so interesting about having a black president is that the presidency has made us feel uncomfortable as a community about asking that our specific issues be addressed."
wow, that IS interesting!
Blacks used to engage in real work, productive work, when they lived in the South. It was just about all agricultural work. Nothing wrong with that. After WW2 Blacks started their great migration North and the employment magnet was factory jobs. My family had a factory (light industry) in a Northern city and all races worked there. In other cities Blacks came north to work in automobile related industries and steel. Most of that is gone now. We have a lot of (bullshit)pretend jobs in the service sector. Black men aren't so well suited for sitting in some office cubicle or working retail jobs. They get ridiculed by friends if they work at McDonald's. So what kind of work will black men do in today's modern economy? A lot of it seems to be criminal in nature, scamming, hustling or living off of girl friends....
White men have problems too. Law is becoming more and more female dominated and women are outdoing men in college. In attending college and in what they achieve there. Plenty of white men can't stand working a service sector job. Just look at how popular "Deadliest Catch" and "Swamp Loggers" is
"White men have problems too. Law is becoming more and more female dominated and women are outdoing men in college. In attending college and in what they achieve there. Plenty of white men can't stand working a service sector job. Just look at how popular "Deadliest Catch" and "Swamp Loggers" is"
What this proves is what many have known for decades and that is most white males are slackers. When they were the majority of the workforce, they didnt have to do crap and were still getting raises and promotions. Cracks me up because I would rather work with women because I know they will get things done and I wont have to go behind them and clean-up. There are exceptions of course. Come on whining white dudes get with the program. You want jobs based on merit but I think you know that if that was the case, most of YOU wouldnt have jobs either! LMAO!
"Forty percent of postal employees are minorities as compared to 32.8 percent in other federal agencies."
My God. 40%? No wonder last time I went to the post office it took so long to get a single damned stamp. I was so hacked off at the -- um, gentleman behind the counter that I bought all the Forever stamps I could just so I wouldn't have to go back for a long time.
It's a useless waste of time to go to the post office and be waited on by one of the USPS's "Talented 40" on the day the peoples they be gettin' they crazy check.
This may be off-topic, but will you ever run out of bullshit 'stuff' black people don't like? I don't know; it just seems kind of sick!
Also, would you like to reveal the success of your handout scheme? Just curious...
One last thing: on 10/10/10, can you show us your picture? That'd be fab! ;-)
"This may be off-topic, but will you ever run out of bullshit 'stuff' black people don't like? I don't know; it just seems kind of sick!"
Will black people ever run out of shit to call racist and bitch about.
"This may be off-topic, but will you ever run out of bullshit 'stuff' black people don't like? I don't know; it just seems kind of sick!"
How could it possibly be off topic? Are you confused about the subject of this blog yet again?
There, there. It will be okay.
P.S. Congratulations on your med school admission!
You will never run out of "Stuff Black People Don't Like."
Desereah the black lesbian is back!
"This may be off-topic" Isn't everything you post?! Just attack and bitch about the racist people on this site - whatever you do never address the failed race and what they have "accomplished". Here's a thought why don't you get your peeps to not do anything that "Stuff Black People Don't Like." would need to write about. I know personal responsibility and hate facts be racist. What a pathetic people
"Will black people ever run out of shit to call racist and bitch about."
It seems like Whitey is the main person bitching and moaning as of late. Like that crazy woman Sharron Angle of my good state of Nevada.
I can think of things to bitch about since you asked. Um... can anyone tell me why someone from Italy or Sweden or other whitewashed European nations need to 'know' about stuff we blacks allegedly don't like? How about someone from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept? Why would our good officers here in my city, who are so NOT 'racist', need to know about SBPDL?
I mean, I know all of this from my statcounter.
Jeez, someone explain that to me; what's going on in the head-spaces of white people who'd be on here?
And, SBPDL, you should really not allow people to comment unless they provide a name. What's so hard about typing 'Grand Wizard' or 'Nazi guy' into the comment as field? All of these anonymous commenters is just silly. And cowardly.
But if I got back on topic: couldn't this have been called the onus on healthcare aides, psychiatric nurses, etc.? Wasn't it 35 to 34 percent? I think you just wanted to be derisive. Black hairstyling is an artform; the texture of black hair is perfect for manipulation. You may think it's stupid or trivial but it goes back millennia. White hair is not made for artistry in that regard. Before you say it, black folks perm and weave to achieve straight textures because of a long history of brainwashing. I am more a proponent of the natural look. Anything else is just psychological oppression.
"Desereah the black lesbian is back!"
I am not a lesbian. How old are you? I know it's been a while but I could've swore we all decided name calling was ridiculous.
But really, SBPDL, a name and pic on that most longed for day 10-10-10 will be nice. Unless you're chicken. ;-)
"black folks perm and weave to achieve straight textures because of a long history of brainwashing"
Same old negro song and dance.
"It's not OUR fault, it's because of white people!!!".
So Deziree, are black people so stupid that they don't realize they've been brainwashed???
Why don't you just explain it to them...then they will all stop straightening their hair.
It's good to see that you're still the same excuse-making pathetic piece of shit.
"It seems like Whitey is the main person bitching and moaning as of late."
Yes, Whitey is continually bitching about the inability of black people to behave like civilized human beings, instead of animals.
"I can think of things to bitch about since you asked. Um... can anyone tell me why someone from Italy or Sweden or other whitewashed European nations need to 'know' about stuff we blacks allegedly don't like? How about someone from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept? Why would our good officers here in my city, who are so NOT 'racist', need to know about SBPDL?"
There are black people in "whitewashed" Europe.SBPDL is the one stop shop of all things black dislike.SBPDL are often accused of being "racists" full of "hate towards niggers" and nothing could be further from the truth. The webmassas of SBPDL don't hate blacks we understand blacks.IF we all could just admit
That we are racist a little bit,
And everyone stopped being
So PC Maybe we could live in -
"Jeez, someone explain that to me; what's going on in the head-spaces of white people who'd be on here?"
How do you know it's only "white people who'd be on here"?Huh.Do you really want to know what's going on in most people's head-spaces not just racist YTS.
We woke up one day and realized the truth. We realized that blacks are violent. We realized that blacks are mysogenistic and hypersexual. We realized that blacks are leeches who will take anything offered to them with no remorse, and still beg for more. We realized that wherever the blacks are, misfortune for himself and all around him will follow.
This is why we hate blacks. Not because of their skin colour, but because they have proven time and again that no matter how much effort is made to assimilate them into society, they fail time and again.
The colour of their skin is simply a very handy way of easily spotting them. I honestly believe it's nature's form of a warning system, much like the yellow and black strips on a wasp.
"And, SBPDL, you should really not allow people to comment unless they provide a name. What's so hard about typing 'Grand Wizard' or 'Nazi guy' into the comment as field? All of these anonymous commenters is just silly. And cowardly."
What's in a name?Since when is it a requirement to post your real name and address with every web site message or email?The argument that "anonymous commenters" are "cowardly" is ridiculous and used by people who have no argument other than to attempt to censor the truth.
"But if I got back on topic: couldn't this have been called the onus on healthcare aides, psychiatric nurses, etc.? Wasn't it 35 to 34 percent? I think you just wanted to be derisive. Black hairstyling is an artform; the texture of black hair is perfect for manipulation. You may think it's stupid or trivial but it goes back millennia. White hair is not made for artistry in that regard. Before you say it, black folks perm and weave to achieve straight textures because of a long history of brainwashing. I am more a proponent of the natural look. Anything else is just psychological oppression."
Poor, pathetic black women spend millions (collectively) every year for products to straighten their hair, EVEN DYEING IT BLOND IN SOME CASES, in an effort to look like a "White woman" so that they can attract and maintain a relationship with a black man.
"It seems like Whitey is the main person bitching and moaning as of late. Like that crazy woman Sharron Angle of my good state of Nevada."
Cry me a river bitch.IT's obviously that you can't handle the truth even when it's right in front of you in a website called SBPDL.You must have a grudge against whites since you assume everyone who post here is white.
"So Deziree, are black people so stupid that they don't realize they've been brainwashed???
Why don't you just explain it to them...then they will all stop straightening their hair."
Well, you cannot argue with the brainwashed, as my favorite black radical thinker Brother Del Jones says. I can't tell them because they'll go into denial mode about the hair being prettier straight (which is not true); they have to wake up and realize the System. Just like in 'The Matrix'. Actually I have the lectures (9 videos) of Bro. Del Jones on my site; it would be good if you guys learned a thing or two about what you've done with regards to brainwashing the masses of blacks in America:
Del always brings it on a real tip. or you can come by and read male homoerotic fanfiction. You're choice, although Del's lecture would be best...
"It's good to see that you're still the same excuse-making pathetic piece of shit."
Really? Is that how to greet someone whose returned from a 2 month hiatus? Or maybe that's your way of saying you've missed me a helluva bunch? Because it isn't 'Deziree' or 'Desirrhea' or whatever the hell you idiots like to call me, bringing the sources and websites with the Knowledge. That was those other blacks, to whom I am proud. I'm too lazy for links.
Yeah, you've missed me. And yet with all of that practice with the other contenders, you still resort to your own 'Deziree's blaming-whitey-blaming-whitey' BS. So, doesn't it cut both ways, hypocrite?
"There are black people in "whitewashed" Europe.SBPDL is the one stop shop of all things black dislike.SBPDL are often accused of being "racists" full of "hate towards niggers" and nothing could be further from the truth."
Okay... whatever! This guy, SBPDL, is like Glenn Beck. He's a megolomaniacal little git who has gained tons of popularity (congrats) for being a clever racist. He has feigned neutrality and a 'I'm just reporting the facts' attitude for too long. It's complete BS. HE ONLY WANTS YOUR CASH! Hello? He put in a handout button! He's like those infomercial preachers that say "send 49.99 and I'll give you a prayer cloth that will guarantee you riches and success!" He's making money off spewing racist, hateful trash. Why would you trust some white guy behind a laptop about what black people don't like? Is your goal to understand blacks, as you say, or is it to absord hate-filled 'info' which will allow you to remain isolated in your bigotry?
If it's the former, read some books by black authors while keeping an open mind. If it's the latter, yum yum eat it up! Silly goon...
SBPDL, please, in a move of full disclosure to your precious readers, reveal where the money is going. If it's to your education, a grad program, I think they'd be happy to know their donations are going to a good cause. Why do I have the odd feeling it's funding your videogame collection or hot tub savings? Or maybe to the new room you're building for the unborn mulatto baby you're having with your black girlfriend?
Tell'em the truth! ;-)
"Well, you cannot argue with the brainwashed"
I didn't say "argue". I said "explain".
Are you so much smarter than other black people, that they can't understand the things that you can??
"Is that how to greet someone whose returned from a 2 month hiatus?"
It wasn't a greeting. It was a reminder to you that your predictable blame-whitey mentality is still boring, and still unwelcome here.
Desiree do you really want to stir up the hornet's nest.
"Okay... whatever! This guy, SBPDL, is like Glenn Beck. He's a megolomaniacal little git who has gained tons of popularity (congrats) for being a clever racist. He has feigned neutrality and a 'I'm just reporting the facts' attitude for too long. It's complete BS. HE ONLY WANTS YOUR CASH! Hello? He put in a handout button! He's like those infomercial preachers that say "send 49.99 and I'll give you a prayer cloth that will guarantee you riches and success!" He's making money off spewing racist, hateful trash. Why would you trust some white guy behind a laptop about what black people don't like? Is your goal to understand blacks, as you say, or is it to absord hate-filled 'info' which will allow you to remain isolated in your bigotry?"
IF you're gonna call bullshit post a link to prove it.I guess the hundred or so links throughout this web site is just a figment of my imagination huh?It's not racist if it's true.What is it with you and white guys.How do you know the person behind SBPDL is white.They could be black for all you know.
"Okay... whatever! This guy, SBPDL, is like Glenn Beck. He's a megolomaniacal little git who has gained tons of popularity (congrats) for being a clever racist. He has feigned neutrality and a 'I'm just reporting the facts' attitude for too long. It's complete BS."
I love how you just brush aside facts and sources and completely ignore reality. SBPDL has gotten this a lot over the years. SBPDL could painstakenly list source after source and link after link to verifiable sources and facts totally backing up what they write and liberals and their pet blacks will just completely brush it aside either pretending that it doesn't exist or just simply saying, "It's wrong."
"If it's the former, read some books by black authors while keeping an open mind. If it's the latter, yum yum eat it up! Silly goon... "
You mean like White Guilt by Shelby Steele.
"Tell'em the truth! ;-)"
You can't handle the truth!
"SBPDL, please, in a move of full disclosure to your precious readers, reveal where the money is going. If it's to your education, a grad program, I think they'd be happy to know their donations are going to a good cause. Why do I have the odd feeling it's funding your videogame collection or hot tub savings? Or maybe to the new room you're building for the unborn mulatto baby you're having with your black girlfriend?"
And you made all these sweeping generalizations about SBPDL on the basis of reading this web site and without meeting SBPDL at all? Wow ! Where did you get your psychology degree from?
If you don't mind, I'll just consider your opinion bullshit.
Well, by your syntax and usage errors, Anonymous, I'm assuming you are a foreigner?
Also, as a minority, it is hard for me to think that there are other minorities or people of color (PoC) who'd frequent a site like this and stay because they agree with SBPDL's blog posts. I assume that other minorities, also knowing the sting of discrimination, would not go out of there way to beat up on another group of color.
Sue me if I assumed that the majority of those on SBPDL are white! Big fucking deal!
If you are a PoC than you'd just be proving my point of a global racial hierarchy system, predicated upon centuries of brainwashing and imperialism.
If you think black skin is akin to wasps' coloring, you need to read a book. Dark skin color is advantageous in hot climates where the sun is in excess, and blacks are not the only people who are black skinned. Check the Indian subcontinent and tropical Southeast Asia; there are very dark people in those parts. As a science major, I come into contact with many Indians from the Chemistry department at my university and some of them look black! It has nothing to do with a warning signal; if you believe that, you are disregarding the sociological factors that make someone dangerous, such as poverty and discrimination, none of which are entirely the fault of the black. Mark Twain thought the black skin of the African was superior to the white skin of the European; the former was healthy and vivacious, the latter sickly. Personal preference.
As for hair, Anonymous, you show your complete ignorance to black people. Apparently SBPDL ain't that good of an educator! Black women are not trying to look like white women. They are trying to achieve smooth, so-called 'more manageable' hair, not a white look. There are many non-whites with naturally occurring blond hair, like the Melanesians of the South Pacific, as well, so dyeing of hair is completely unimportant.
You don't have to give your real name either, Einstein. Call yourself John Doe or He-Man; it's better than being Anonymous like everyone else...
And who are you calling a bitch? Sexist and racist all in one comment! How efficient!
I wonder when "Desiree" will ever "run out of" stuff to detract from the conversation. Have you ever used your "mind" to think about what a disgrace you are to all civilization.
Why not read up on the jews??? They are your buddies in this whose the biggest "victim" of them all "game" right? NOT!
Dave (the original)
SBPDL, please, in a move of full disclosure to your precious readers, reveal where the money is going.
Bitch are you stupid.It's goin' towards a book.You should know you left a comment on 10/10/10 article.
"He's making money off spewing racist, hateful trash. Why would you trust some white guy behind a laptop about what black people don't like? Is your goal to understand blacks, as you say, or is it to absord hate-filled 'info' which will allow you to remain isolated in your bigotry?"
Stopped reading right after that. If you want your personal opinions to be of any worth to anybody else apart from you and your closest siblings, you should first drop the personal attacks and stick to argumentation.
The use of defamation is typical of people not having the maturity to debate intelligently the important questions of our society.
I thought the black lesbian troll problem was over with. Didn't we agree that if she had nothing relevant to say about the topic and progresses to her name calling and "shooting the messenger" BS the post would be banned.
I can't wait to see your book and can imagine you are busy, but please monitor the site for the afro trolls!
DEs wants your picture,name, address, tea party ID card so she can tell Obama on you.
Will someone please go verbally shit on her site. That would probably make her yearly traffic count to two
Desiree you should check out chimpout.com they could use some enlightenment from a superior, highly intelligent, thought provoking, proud nubian queen with nappy hurr.
thank you,
anony mouse
I don't think I'm generalizing or defaming SBPDL whatsoever (how is having a black girlfriend and a mulatto baby defamation?). I'm just calling it as I sees it. He put his blog out here and the moment you enter into the public domain, you open yourself up to criticism. Save me your crocodile tears by proxy, pal.
@Anonymous who keeps calling me 'bitch':
No, are you stupid? Just because someone says that monies are being deposited towards something doesn't mean it is so! Are you completely naive?
First of all, if SBPDL: Year One, or whatever it's called, is a collection of blog posts, then save you're money. It's actually like 15 bucks or so to get your blog turned into a book. You'd be dumb to buy it because you'd get it for free by just looking at the blog.
Unless it's a manifesto of completely new material but I doubt it. He's just like Glenn Beck, who has a forked tongue and an ego. Scary guy! *shivers*
By the way, I'm pretty sure all of these Anonymouses are the same people, same usage errors. Reveal yourself, comrade!
I responded to the article at hand. I'm sorry if you feel that I am not adding to the conversation. Why do I have that odd feeling you'd say that even if I had never mentioned SBPDL's 'Glenn Beck'-ness?
"DEs wants your picture,name, address, tea party ID card so she can tell Obama on you.
Will someone please go verbally shit on her site. That would probably make her yearly traffic count to two"
No, it's just out of curiosity that I want to know what boyfriend looks like. And good luck trying to shit over on my site because someone from here tried it and their comments were never posted. But if they are funny, I might post them.
'Black lesbian'? WTF? Why is a woman immediately labeled a lesbian if she has something to say? The de-facto caricature of a feminist is a lesbian who's hairy and unattractive. What is with that? Talk about a fabulous way to dismiss someone's viewpoints!
You all have a lot of questions to answer... Lots of 'splaining to do, as Ricky Ricardo would say.
"No, it's just out of curiosity that I want to know what boyfriend looks like."
To be fair, I don't give a fuck what you look like.
"Also, as a minority, it is hard for me to think that there are other minorities or people of color (PoC) who'd frequent a site like this and stay because they agree with SBPDL's blog posts. I assume that other minorities, also knowing the sting of discrimination, would not go out of there way to beat up on another group of color."
Oh yes they would.
Sue me if I assumed that the majority of those on SBPDL are white! Big fucking deal!
Don't you think that's a little racist.
"If you are a PoC than you'd just be proving my point of a global racial hierarchy system, predicated upon centuries of brainwashing and imperialism."
Cry me a river bitch.
One topic that has fascinated me for a while is that in America, immigrant shopkeepers who due to their financial situation are forced to live near blacks seem to hate them far more than the average "racist whitey" does. I heard many stories about how Korean, Indian, Middle Eastern, and other immigrant shopkeepers despise the blacks who live near them and have no problem shooting any black that decides to get uppity in their store.
"I don't think I'm generalizing or defaming SBPDL whatsoever (how is having a black girlfriend and a mulatto baby defamation?). I'm just calling it as I sees it. He put his blog out here and the moment you enter into the public domain, you open yourself up to criticism. Save me your crocodile tears by proxy, pal."
After all, SBPDL back's up their claims on this web site, now it's your turn.Let's see your proof. Do you have scientific studies at hand?
Or were you just talking out your ass?
let me guess......
"No, are you stupid? Just because someone says that monies are being deposited towards something doesn't mean it is so! Are you completely naive?"
Cry me a river bitch.
I wouldn't talk if I were you.Al sharpton and Jesse Jackson live off of black donations.
"It seems like Whitey is the main person bitching and moaning as of late"
"Why would you trust some white guy behind a laptop about what black people don't like?"
What is it with you and racist whitey.Not everyone who post here is white.Hispanics hate black people with every tired muscle and their bodies.And it's not just hispanics.
Has anything bad ever happened to any black people anywhere in the world that was not the fault of white people?
"And, SBPDL, you should really not allow people to comment unless they provide a name. What's so hard about typing 'Grand Wizard' or 'Nazi guy' into the comment as field? All of these anonymous commenters is just silly. And cowardly."
I have to agree with this one. Kind of like when negro anons come in. They could type in DAN, boot lip, shine, spook, blue gum, or any of another myriad of names there are to choose from. It's not that hard.
"global racial hierarchy system, predicated upon centuries of brainwashing and imperialism."
The excuse-making never ends. Pathetic.
If blacks are so easily brainwashed...just like infant children...
Why is it...that blacks can't be brainwashed into learning to speak proper English...or brainwashed into staying in school and emphasizing education...or brainwashed into getting married before having children...or brainwashed into not committing crimes???
After centuries of trying to brainwash blacks into behaving like civilized human beings...why can't blacks learn to be civilized??
"Hispanics hate black people with every tired muscle and their bodies.And it's not just hispanics."
Blacks destroy everything they touch, and spread misery and poverty everywhere they live.
They are despised by all ethnicities.
"If you are a PoC than you'd just be proving my point of a global racial hierarchy system, predicated upon centuries of brainwashing and imperialism."
Think about it: What are racist thoughts? What are thoughts of ‘hate’ and in judging someone or something based upon the overall actions of the group they are in? It is the masculine trait of aggression and protectiveness. The assertion of will: the assertion of one’s opinions and in learned experiences. It is a particularly masculine trait. People from non white countries mentioned do not come from a society that has been affected by feminism and in the suppression of masculinity. Therefore, they feel no remorse or self-consciousness in expressing masculine traits, behaviors, or thoughts. And one of those thoughts is to bash a black over the head with a baseball bat if he tries to pull a knife on you and rob you. It is a protective, masculine response.
"I assume that other minorities, also knowing the sting of discrimination, would not go out of there way to beat up on another group of color."
I don't have to read any more of your message to stop you right there. You can not 'assume' you have to be factually accurate.
"If you are a PoC than you'd just be proving my point of a global racial hierarchy system, predicated upon centuries of brainwashing and imperialism."
Direct contact with black people is always edifying.Oj helped educate many whites.
"Direct contact with black people is always edifying.Oj helped educate many whites."
Perhaps, but, in this case, the law of diminishing returns has definitely been reached. Please, SBPDL, return to the previous posting policy.
Saying that all Hispanics hate black people is like saying all Hispanics are illegal immigrants. That's a blanket statement and completely unverifiable, not to mention it makes you look like a myopic idiot. Have you talked to all Hispanics? If you have, you may speak; if not, STFU. Although the Hispanics I have encountered are in no way indicative of the group as a whole, none of them hated black people. Their existence is a hole in your ad hominem attack.
Here's the thing about non-white minorities disliking black people: it's stupid. That's the short of it, it's fucking stupid. The long of it is that those minorities (Latinos, Asians, East Indians, Arabs, etc.) are just participants in the giant game of racial tag that has persisted tirelessly for centuries. Basically, blacks are it (although whites all over are attacking Muslims under the guise of it just being about 'religion' *bullshit*). The others are fearful of their day in the white hot sun, so as long as they go ahead and continue to play along, they will never have to feel (as bad of a) stigma.
I don't understand it, really. The sooner all so-called minorities will wake up and realize we have a collective power in our great numbers, we will be able to overthrow the global white supremacy (and this is not by any means eliminating white people; no, it is eliminating race-based oppression and creating colorblind harmony). But, most people are brainwashed and it takes time to open eyes and awaken minds. It seems as if the more PoC de-programmed, there is twice as many new brainwashed PoC. 'tis an uphill battle.
"Blacks destroy everything they touch, and spread misery and poverty everywhere they live."
Unfortunately for you, history proves that this has been the doing of whites. Tough break, kid, but you'll live.
@Anonymous 5:10PM:
While I agree with the point of being able to defend oneself in the face of an attack (duh), masculinity and aggression is the reason for global strife, war, and suffering. That will also be the revolution I am waiting for, when women awaken to our majority and overtake the Patriarchy. Men, although good in moderation and for other things unnamed, are fucking idiots.
Policy is back. Been very busy as of late and have to get new posts up.
Try and stay on-topic. The post is pretty straight forward and deals with an important issue: jobs and Black people.
Disiree really knows how to direct a narrative haha.
Anyway, blacks and job opportunities in America is a very interesting and telling case study into race. I purpose undergoing a thought experiment. Begin with a homogeneous and complex society of bipedal (Two legged) individuals and introduce (at a 1-10 ratio) a group of individuals with sub-average intelligence with all its extenuating factors. These newly introduced bipedals also have a distinguishing feature, reversed joints at the knees for instance, an arbitrary feature that makes them easy to identify but would not practically differ them from the greater bipedal society.
These lower intelligent bipedals with reversed knees begin life at an intellectual disadvantage. Disadvantaged groups commonly group together in concentrated pockets for security. Pockets of concentrated populations of them begin to form. Lower relative intelligence leads to inabilities to advance through the normal bipedals traditional education system. Retarded educational status becomes the norm, especially in the concentrated centers of of their societies. Lower education leads to limited job opportunities which leads to lack of resources. Government steps in to rectify symptoms of problem without addressing the roots.
Anyway, I think you all get the point. The end result of this is the TSA.
"Saying that all Hispanics hate black people is like saying all Hispanics are illegal immigrants. That's a blanket statement and completely unverifiable, not to mention it makes you look like a myopic idiot. Have you talked to all Hispanics? If you have, you may speak; if not, STFU. Although the Hispanics I have encountered are in no way indicative of the group as a whole, none of them hated black people. Their existence is a hole in your ad hominem attack."
Cry me a river bitch didn't you go to any of the links.
Black and Mexican conflict in Compton and LA
Mexican Americans, Ethnic Cleansing of Blacks
Blacks vs Mexicans at pelican bay prison
"Here's the thing about non-white minorities disliking black people: it's stupid. That's the short of it, it's fucking stupid. The long of it is that those minorities (Latinos, Asians, East Indians, Arabs, etc.) are just participants in the giant game of racial tag that has persisted tirelessly for centuries. Basically, blacks are it (although whites all over are attacking Muslims under the guise of it just being about 'religion' *bullshit*). The others are fearful of their day in the white hot sun, so as long as they go ahead and continue to play along, they will never have to feel (as bad of a) stigma."
Black people will always be it.I suggest black people change their attitude or no one's gonna want to be around them.How is that stupid.Huh.
"I don't understand it, really. The sooner all so-called minorities will wake up and realize we have a collective power in our great numbers, we will be able to overthrow the global white supremacy (and this is not by any means eliminating white people; no, it is eliminating race-based oppression and creating colorblind harmony). But, most people are brainwashed and it takes time to open eyes and awaken minds. It seems as if the more PoC de-programmed, there is twice as many new brainwashed PoC. 'tis an uphill battle."
You're starting to sound like Glenn Beck.You want every non white race to gain up on racist YT.And for the last time no one's colorblind.
"Unfortunately for you, history proves that this has been the doing of whites. Tough break, kid, but you'll live."
The White race has crossed seas, harnessed rivers, carved mountains, tamed deserts, and colonized the most barren icefields. It has been responsible for the invention of the printing press, cement, the harnessing of electricity, flight, rocketry, astronomy, the telescope, space travel, firearms, the transistor, radio, television, the telephone, the lightbulb, photography, motion pictures, the phonograph, the electric battery, the automobile, the steam engine, railroad transportation, the microscope, computers, and millions of other technological miracles. It has discovered countless medical advances, incredible applications, scientific progress, etc. Its members have included such greats as Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Homer, Tacitus, Julius Ceaser, Napoleon, William the Conqueror, Marco Polo, Washington, Jefferson, Hitler, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Magellan, Columbus, Cabot, Edison, Graham Bell, Pasteur, Leeuwenhoek, Mendel, Darwin, Newton, Galileo, Watt, Ford, Luther, Devinci, Poe, Tennyson, and thousands upon thousands of other notable achievers.
Throughout 6,000 years of recorded history, the Black African Negro has invented nothing. Not a written language, weaved cloth, a calendar, a plow, a road, a bridge, a railway, a ship, a system of measurement, or even the wheel. (Note: This is in reference to the pure‑blooded Negro.) He is not known to have ever cultivated a single crop or domesticated a single animal for his own use (although many powerful and docile beasts abounded around him.) His only known means of transporting goods was on the top of his hard burry head. For shelter he never progressed beyond the common mud hut, the construction of which a beaver or muskrat is capable.
"While I agree with the point of being able to defend oneself in the face of an attack (duh), masculinity and aggression is the reason for global strife, war, and suffering. That will also be the revolution I am waiting for, when women awaken to our majority and overtake the Patriarchy. Men, although good in moderation and for other things unnamed, are fucking idiots."
Men are different from women. To maintain that they are the same in aptitude, skill or behaviour is to build a society based on a biological and scientific lie.
It is in the face, not only of millennia of human history but of overwhelming scientific data that feminists and liberals insist on the essential equivalence of men and women. If “sexism” is eliminated, they argue, women will assume the same levels of power and achievement as men. If women can be liberated from the tyranny of child care, they will take their place beside men as bank presidents and astronauts.
Dr. Moir and Mr. Jessel argue in the clearest possible terms that this is folly. Women will never be as powerful or successful as men because their brains drive them in different directions: “Men will make the most extraordinary sacrifices of personal happiness, health, time, friendships and relationships in the pursuit and maintenance of power, status and success. Women won’t; most of them are simply not made that way.”
Brain Sex, Anne Moir, & David Jessel
Anonymous who keeps calling me 'bitch':
Don't you understand that a question is supposed to end with a question mark? <-- Now it's starting to get on my nerves... I'm not trying to play Internet grammar police but that's 3rd grade level parts of speech!
Anyway, your 'links' are incidents; they are not representative of Latinos feelings towards blacks as a whole. The sooner you learn that, the better. Is your brain made of brick?
You know, no one here but SBPDL is like Glenn Beck (clearly, by calling me Beck-like, you have no idea who that dude even is; I know who he is; I used to watch the SOB). A call for an end to global white supremacy so everyone can be equal is not megalomaniacal. I mean, dude, you aren't even reading what I write; you aren't even thinking. Why bother even responding to me, dummy?
But why should I expect good reading comprehension from someone who can press the 'space' bar between their words but not between their sentences.
Low expectations indeed.
You saying black people will always be 'it' just shows how impermeable to reason your grape-sized grey matter is. Thank you for agreeing with me, friend; I knew I was right.
@Anonymous 8:19PM:
I am fully aware of the neurological differences between men and women. For example, the vast majority of men are emotionally retarded in the most disgusting way, while most women are empathetic and caring. Does our genius level of emotional intelligence mean that our emotions will get in the way of success? I don't agree!
Regardless the scholar and their so-called research, it is absolutely ridiculous to even think women would not be as successful as men if we were alleviated from the obstacle of motherhood. Absolutely we would succeed!
Many women want families (I don't know if that is biological or environmental, that drive) and the vast majority of professions are set up so women would have to sacrifice a career for a family. We have no choice. For instance, I plan to become a psychiatrist and I know that the med school, the training, etc. will leave me with only a few years--if I am lucky--to have children without risking their health or my own. Everything is set up to go against a woman's biological clock, all the while ensuring success for a man.
You quote the scholars who say women are just made to give up in the face of losing a family but it seems like it is more like we have to!
I know that if I could ensure viable offspring, I would forgo the kids and family and focus on my career but, alas, I cannot do that. I think it is brainwashing, an entire system set up to guarantee women do not develop their full potential. We are the only ones who have to sacrifice.
Besides, women are stigmatized (even by other women) if they reject the idea of being a mother. Men are threatened by a woman of equality.
But there is one thing we have over men: no matter how successful the man, he will risk everything or throw away everything for pussy. Again, I will reiterate: men are fucking idiots, emotionally (violent brutes and uncaring, heartless jerks who enjoy destroying things) and sexually (well, I already mentioned that).
Women are the more enlightened and more evolved sex. Truth hurts!
@Anonymous 8:13PM:
Great list, although it does nothing to refute my point: in this country (at least; possibly every colored country whites have reached!), poverty is the fault of those in charge and they happen to be white. Sorry, pal.
"I don't understand it, really. The sooner all so-called minorities will wake up and realize we have a collective power in our great numbers, we will be able to overthrow the global white supremacy (and this is not by any means eliminating white people; no, it is eliminating race-based oppression and creating colorblind harmony). But, most people are brainwashed and it takes time to open eyes and awaken minds. It seems as if the more PoC de-programmed, there is twice as many new brainwashed PoC. 'tis an uphill battle."
-I'm a minority and I'd rather not close ranks with the majority of blacks. Its not white racism thats keeping you all down, its yourselves. Drag yourselves down, leave the rest of us out of it.
You accuse us of being brainwashed PoC for not lining up to participate in your little harebrained scheme while the irony of who the one who is truly brainwashed is on full display. Sorry desiree, I don't think your degree in womens/ethnic studies is going to get you very far. Maybe ask for a refund? At the very least, curb your enthusiasm for passing judgment on those of us who choose to not to engage in meaningless pan-minority victim politics.
Black women love me as I am a handsome white guy. Last week I banged two of them at the same time. They were telling me at the bar that they were sick of the way black men treated them so I brought them home and showed them the best time of their life. Educated women of all races love white men because we are good looking and are a symbol of power. They were screaming my name while I was banging them and the only thing that would have been better would be if a black dude was watching as I did it.
Um, how the hell did:
"Black women love me as I am a handsome white guy. Last week I banged two of them at the same time. They were telling me at the bar that they were sick of the way black men treated them so I brought them home and showed them the best time of their life. Educated women of all races love white men because we are good looking and are a symbol of power. They were screaming my name while I was banging them and the only thing that would have been better would be if a black dude was watching as I did it."
that get posted and none of my comments were posted?? The above is revoltingly fetishistic (yes, we are all aware white men love black women *yawns* who gives a fuck?) and outrageously sexist, if not representative of full-on misogyny!!
Of course, he is only relating one of his fantasies, not real life because the vast majority of black women like black men; honestly (and I hope this gets through moderation) many black women think white men have small penises. For a tryst (if the above vomit is a relation of that variety), I will forgo a small member. When black women are with white men, it's because they are 'trying something new', which is a disgusting behavior in itself but besides the point.
"Educated women of all races love white men because we are good looking and are a symbol of power."
Good-looking in comparison to what? Usually, an educated anyone would not focus on physical attractiveness when seeking out a partner, so maybe that's where you are going? Symbol of power? Well, I'll give it to you there: may PoC have been programmed to parade their 'white partner' around like a show dog because it bumps up their status. Unfortunately, you are right...
And you closed with the real point, didn't you, Anonymous? As with all men engaged in interracial hook-ups (not unions, mind you), the woman never matters, only what she represents in terms of sticking it to her male counterpart of said race. I'll be real with you, the black male population (the ones you'd want to watch you) wouldn't give two squirrel shits about your conquest. I reckon that the reverse would garner a little more rage, no? LOL.
Women are not objects.
lol, its funny that you took that serious desiree, its obvious he/she/it was trolling you.
"Anyway, your 'links' are incidents; they are not representative of Latinos feelings towards blacks as a whole. The sooner you learn that, the better. Is your brain made of brick?"
Cry me a river bitch
The biggest black fantasy of all is that “hispanics” and Asians will help them overthrow white rule. Almost every hispanic that I’ve ever interacted with had a great disdain for American blacks and weren’t shy in letting you know it. Needless to say that Asians and blacks certainly didn’t feel any special kinship. Look no further than the attacks on Asians in Philadelphia schools for further proof.
Ad hominem, if you can be bothered is a logical fallacy that butthurt pseudointellectuals will accuse you of using if you disagree with them on the internet.The sooner black people get their act together the better shit for brains.
"You know, no one here but SBPDL is like Glenn Beck (clearly, by calling me Beck-like, you have no idea who that dude even is; I know who he is; I used to watch the SOB). A call for an end to global white supremacy so everyone can be equal is not megalomaniacal. I mean, dude, you aren't even reading what I write; you aren't even thinking. Why bother even responding to me, dummy?"
None of you're opinions make even the slightest shred of sense or even come across as anything other than Moonspeak.You want to overthrow the global white supremacy.You sound just like him.
"Women are the more enlightened and more evolved sex. Truth hurts!"
Whereas I posted facts that clearly state: "Men are different from women" It says that in the Brain Sex book. It's absolutely ludicrous for me to take your 'beliefs' over "scholars and their so-called research". You look like a damn fool for trying to pass off your guess as a fact. But that is typical of black people, you feel that you are so right that you feel justified in 'adjusting' and 'modifying' information to make it fit into your unrealistic opinions about blacks and girls.
When you can't win with facts, you simply present your 'opinions' as facts.
"Great list, although it does nothing to refute my point: in this country (at least; possibly every colored country whites have reached!), poverty is the fault of those in charge and they happen to be white. Sorry, pal."
If whitey is the root of all problems for blacks and keeping nonwhites down, why is their lowest living standard in Africa, a place abundant in natural resources with NO WHITEY?
Why are blacks living there living in absolute shit and sqaulor if there's no racism and certainly no other race around to oppress them and keep them down?Huh.
I accidentally found this site. I can't put it down. I am not sheltered. I work as a police officer. I'm a white, over 30, college educated, southern oklahoma rural married man who makes about 50k a year. And like I said I can hardly put it down. Not because it's good or has any societal WORTH but because I didn't realize there were still so many Red neck, racist, ignorant, bigotted, Jack asses out there. in one blog. That could read. I mean I know there are the racist red necks here and there but so many in one spot. It's like an online kkk rally. I didn't know there was enough intelligence in these kind of people to work a computer. I figured you all were still hanging out in the back woods together talking about how "you got a pretty mouth" and how you would make each other squeal like a pig. Well, at least on here you aren't actually bothering anyone important because except for accidental readings and other spineless, worthless, pigs no one is reading this. I'll bid you all a good night and pray for your forgiveness because you will need it. Make sure the hate filled speech you use about me is interesting because you don't want to be shown up by a "deluded, leftist, liberal, blah blah blah" that I'm sure you will call me.
"I accidentally found this site. I can't put it down. I am not sheltered. I work as a police officer. I'm a white, over 30, college educated, southern oklahoma rural married man who makes about 50k a year. And like I said I can hardly put it down. Not because it's good or has any societal WORTH but because I didn't realize there were still so many Red neck, racist, ignorant, bigotted, Jack asses out there. in one blog. That could read. I mean I know there are the racist red necks here and there but so many in one spot. It's like an online kkk rally. I didn't know there was enough intelligence in these kind of people to work a computer. I figured you all were still hanging out in the back woods together talking about how "you got a pretty mouth" and how you would make each other squeal like a pig. Well, at least on here you aren't actually bothering anyone important because except for accidental readings and other spineless, worthless, pigs no one is reading this. I'll bid you all a good night and pray for your forgiveness because you will need it. Make sure the hate filled speech you use about me is interesting because you don't want to be shown up by a "deluded, leftist, liberal, blah blah blah" that I'm sure you will call me."
Cry me a river bitch.
How do I know everything you wrote isn't made up.Huh.How do you know everyone here is a "Red neck, racist, ignorant, bigotted Jack ass.You sound like a pissed off black guy who can't handle the truth.Your little rant is nothing more than ignorant name calling without a hint of truth.This site bothered Google so much they censored it.You'd be surprised how many closet racist there are.I'm not going to call you a "deluded, leftist, liberal, blah blah blah".You already did it for me.
I shall bid you a shitty day.You can't forgive someone who hasn't done anything wrong.
Desiree, I love the way you bitch about "white oppression" forcing black women to straighten their hair. You screech about racial stereotyping and then you indulge in gender stereotyping.
First, of all, I'm a fellow woman, so let's not "kid a kidder." Women in power have NOT improved the world. There is nothing to say that they don't abuse it as much if not more than men do. They still haven't built great civilizations like men have; they maintain them at best. Often the best man for the job of building/defending civilization is still a man.
Second of all, I have sat in shock watching black women rip up their men in front of their sons and then they are beside themselves when their sons avoid the most beautiful black women to seek out the dumpiest white women for wives.
As an older white woman, I am not surprised to see feminism imposing this self-defeating black paradigm on my race. White women who have bought the okie-dokie only to find themselves working all day to cook and clean all night get on their own anti-male rants and end up shocked when junior brings home some flat-faced, flat assed Asian girl who looks like a 12 year old boy for a bride.
It's not your looks; it's your attitude. You need to change it, because it's not only hurting your sons, but your daughters (who are wired to be attracted to men of their own race), as well. Stop behaving like a castrating shrew and display a little more respect and common courtesy. Stop acting like it would blister your mouth to pay your men an honest compliment. Admit that you want to be mothers and do what it is necessary to attract and keep a husband. Then focus on raising confident sons and gracious daughters, so you can have grandchildren.
The Postal Service does not get any taxpayer money and hasn't for decades.
Don't feel bad, though - it's a common misconception among conservatives that think they see a socialist program everywhere they look.
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