Glory days well they'll pass you by
Glory days in the wink of a young girl's eye
Glory days, glory days
Bruce Springsteen’s song about constantly living off of past achievements in the present comes to mind when the story of Julious Threatts is considered:
A 21-year-old man impersonated a 14-year-old by playing in a youth football league and attempted to enroll at a Hillsborough County Middle School, according to league and school district officials.
Julious Threatts, 21, used the name Chad Jordan to register and play for the Town N’ Country Packers on Aug. 21, said Packers athletic director Ray McCloud. The Packers are made up of 13- and 14-year-olds and play in the Tampa Bay Youth Football League on Aug. 21.On Tuesday, he attempted to enroll at Webb Middle School at 6305 Hanley Road, again under the alias, Chad Jordan.
Steve Hegarty, Hillsborough County School District spokesman, said Threatts showed up alone and without the proper paperwork at Webb. Threatts told administrators he was homeless.
Hegarty said the Department of Child and Families was called in, while Threatts waited in the cafeteria where he was given a snack.
According to Hegarty, Webb Principal Marcos Murillo walked through the cafeteria at that point and saw Threatts. Hegarty said Murillo told him, “He looks too old to be in middle school.”
It has been argued here that sports offer the only positive image of Black people in America and that it was sports which allowed the construction and erection of Black Run America (BRA). Without the need to constantly appease Black athletes by keeping them happy and content for the fear that they might boycott an academic institution and fail to provide entertainment and winning teams, BRA would never, ever have become the law of the land.
One Southern school can't run away from its heritage fast enough, for fear that no Black athletes will grace the Oxford campus if they don't stamp out all memories of the past.
It’s too late to stop BRA now, much too late. Every institution and entity in America is under the power and omnipotent influence of BRA, whether it is the conservative movement, the financial industry, the fast food franchises, the airlines, education and, of course, the government.
Interesting that on a day the story broke of a 21-year-old trying to prolong his football career by impersonating a middle schooler, St. Louis announced incentives to keep kids in school by paying them money:
Stacey Wright had more than a dozen choices when it came to enrolling three of her children in an elementary school, from charters to magnets to traditional public schools in every corner of the city.
She chose Jefferson Elementary School, the brick St. Louis public school across the street. And for that, she may get $900.
For the first time, a local organization is offering parents a cash incentive to enroll their children at Jefferson. The money is limited to students who didn't attend the school last year. To get it, the kids must finish this semester with near-perfect attendance and receive no out-of-school suspensions; the parent must attend three PTO meetings. The program is being offered to families in three mixed-income housing complexes surrounding the school, where most of the students live.
We pointed out before that a career in professional sports is the dream vocation for most young Black males and how few of these individuals have any other dreams to fall back upon. This must explain why Julious Threatts went back to school in the first place:
"I brought him into this room with seven of our board members and coaches and said, Come on now, tell us the truth, who are you?" Ray McCloud, one of the youth coaches, told MSNBC. "He looked me right in the eye and said, 'I swear I am who I say I am. I'm Chad Jordan.'
"This guy had us all fooled. I mean this guy acted just like a little kid. Everything about him was a little kid. He's a total scam artist."
Not only did Threatts' story include his own acting ability, it came with documentation. According to media reports, Threatts had a falsified birth certificate as well as a detailed scouting report from a high school recruiting scout alleged to be from Rivals.com. The report analyzed Chad Jordan and said that he is "a very special prospect" who "hasn't signed" but has "offers from USC (University of Southern California), Texas and Florida."
It seems that Julious Threatts doesn't need prison as much as he needs a good psychologist. Some people will go to dramatic lengths to re-create their youth, and I am curious as to whether or not Threatts truly accepts or realizes that he is no longer a 14-year-old.
I once recall speaking to a young black male who was 20 years old and still in high school. He was dropping out soon, since he'd failed so many grades that the school no longer desired his presence on campus. He was completely illiterate and unemployed. I asked the young man what he wanted to do with his life, and he said, "I want to be a football player."
This isn’t the first time that a Black person has pretended to be younger than they really are so that they could extend their high school days, reliving glory days long passed. It happened just three months ago in Texas. Interestingly, Dallas recent passed a law that would not allow high school students over the age of 21 to attend classes, citing the gross disparity in age that represents.
Taking off the SBPDL hat for a second, I must state something that many might find shocking: the South must be abandoned. It took the integration of sports to topple the last holdouts to the Civil Rights era legislation and as this Web site has shown, once that wall came down Black Run America was built in its place.
We have shown that the future of the South is one where more than 50 percent of the young people come from families dependent on the government for sustenance; where the major cities are in shambles economically and harboring a large percentage of criminals that disqualify them from as areas worthy of putting down roots and raising a family; and how one major disaster spells doom for those unlucky enough to be in a geographic area that contains 54 percent of the nations Black population. Plus, Black people are moving back to the South from areas they helped make inhospitable and unattractive to outside capital and investments:
Discouraged by the avalanche of foreclosures around them in Detriot, Mona Ramsey and her husband started looking at states where they would move.
They considered North Carolina, Florida, Texas — and finally tacked Tennessee to the end of their list. In 2007, they moved to Nashville.
"I was even doing eeny, meeny on whether to pick San Antonio or Austin," she said. "I had a friend call, and I had an interview with the state of Tennessee. As God would have it, we moved here."
Ramsey represents not only continuing strong black migration to the South but also the trend's economic and cultural impact. Ramsey started an online business, Sole Sista Shoes, to appeal to a black clientele, and continued running the makeup company she launched in Michigan, Phenom Cosmetics.
Demographers noted a growing trend of black families resettling in Southern states, reflected in the 2000 census. The region had gained about 3 million black residents since the 1990 count. It added nearly 2 million more from 2000 to 2008, U.S. Census Bureau figures released this month show, by far the largest gain in black population of any region.
In the 1990s, many black, college-educated professionals wanted to leave the worsening economic conditions in the urban North while some wanted to move closer to family, a report by the New York-based Schomberg Center for Research in Black Culture shows. Others moved with companies relocating in the South.
It was a reversal of the decades-long flow of Southern black residents leaving for opportunities in Northern urban centers.
Here is a PDF that shows the Black population by regions in the United States.
The South is held captive by a morbid fascination with sports. College football is king in the South, and the majority of the stars and starters for these schools are Black. Thus, the South – though colleges and universities are majority white – is held captive by Black college football players.
This won’t change. See here for a video explaining this captivity.
Once, the Republicans took power by utilizing The Southern Strategy, an idea they have abandoned and even apologized for, since it meant pandering to a logical constituency.
Now it is time for a 21st Century version of The Southern Strategy: leave it behind.
Bruce Springsteen's song Glory Days fits the bill for the South. Demographically speaking, its glory days are long gone and the South is unlikely to rise again anytime soon.
A new Southern Strategy: move away.
We have shown here that no peace will ever be made; no amount of groveling will ever be enough to make up for the original sin of the 21st century (being born white) and put an end to the question And then?; so it is time that those clinging to the glory days of the South leave it behind permanently.
And don't look back.
"Once, the Republicans took power by utilizing The Southern Strategy, an idea they have abandoned and even apologized for, since it meant pandering to a logical constituency."
What "logical" constituency would fall for such nonsense?
-Black guy
I have lived in Atlanta since 1982 and can tell you with all assurance that it has gone steadily downhill since then. I remember a time where you could go to the movies, the mall, a nice restaurant, etc...and not have to deal with the horrors and aberrant behavior of certain segments of the population. I too have come to the conclusion that the South must be abandoned...at least the large cities. Life here has descended into a constant (and fruitless) search for some oasis of civilization that still might be uninfected with BRA culture. This city is now a total loss...areas which used to be livable are no longer so. The capstone was the recent havoc caused by black teenagers at our beloved Piedmont Park. There is no place to live your life in a peaceful and enriching manner anymore. I plan to escape soon!
"Anonymous said...
"Once, the Republicans took power by utilizing The Southern Strategy, an idea they have abandoned and even apologized for, since it meant pandering to a logical constituency."
What "logical" constituency would fall for such nonsense?
-Black guy
September 1, 2010 5:12 PM"
I didn't read it as saying the constituency was logical; I read it as the strategy was logical. Although it is presumptuous of me to say so here, I might have written the sentence thusly:
"Once upon a time, the Republicans took power by utilizing what seemed to them a logical course of action that came to be known as "the Southern Strategy," an idea they have abandoned and even apologized for since it meant pandering to a constituency."
Before we abandon the South I think we'd be well advised to logically evaluate the (American) alternatives. If Whites are to ultimately separate--as I believe is the only means to ensure our survival--we must seek three key elements in whatever land we call our own: 1) Wide access to the sea, 2) A significant square mileage of highly arable soil, and 3) A large, concentrated cohort of non pod-person whites.
Last first. Using the 2008 election results as a functional proxy we would want to focus attention on the areas most brightly colored red on this map.
Next, we would overlay the political map against the soil topography on display in fig 3.2 here.
You will immediately note a felicitous convergence in the mid-west and mid-south. The results of which would lead one to conclude that our necessary maritime outlet would be the Gulf of Mexico.
To peel the onion a little further, Atlanta and everything East is lost to the africans and their white multi-cult prey. Similarly, the Southwest is gone to Mexico. Not will be--is.
Within the landmass I envision, this would leave only the Mississippi delta as an area to be resolved. Though I'm willing to address that problem once we arrive at it.
Within the landmass I envision, this would leave only the Mississippi delta as an area to be resolved. Though I'm willing to address that problem once we arrive at it.
Easy. Tell the inhabitants there is free chicken and gubment ATM cards to be had in NYC, and if they stay they will be considered looters.
I would just like to thank Mona Ramsey, formerly of Detroit, for not moving down here to San Antonio. And quite an exhibit of chimp behavior at the football game. I already quit watching the Negro Football League and now I have an excuse to not watch college ball. Not that I waste my time watching it anyway. Our poor country, once the current regime is out of power, I just hope there will be a strong enough disinfectant to clean up after them. I just wish I could have a N..... free day once in awhile.
Hey Porter you must have read that Brussels Journal piece "From Atlantis to Meccania", I believe. Every white person in the western world should read it. It's too bad that an analysis like that is relegated to fringe realm of thinking.
Re: the "dancing" clip. See those two white ass clowns in full negro worship mode. It's douche bags like this that are greasing the wheels of European cultural decline. Dance monkey on a string, dance! Two perfect candidates for tarring and feathering. I stopped watching football and most sports for that matter for just such behavior. I have even seen some negro worship creep into MMA bouts via the announcer. The funniest was when gigantic Brett Rogers, a hulking black fighter(6'5") fought the toughest man on the planet Fedor Emilienenko (white and 6') and the announcer went into his one sided spiel really talking up Rogers ability (you know, cause he's black he MUST have superior skills) while downplaying or disregarding Emilienenkos' strikes/game. Of course we had to hear of Rogers' poor life in the "projects" song and dance, etc. This ended quite abruptly however while in the middle of some serious black ass-kissing, Rogers got knocked out. This finally shut the announcers mouth. Being PC during a bout is ridiculous as it's obvious who's getting beaten up. Akin to lying in someones' face. Or to use a quote from the excellent film "The Outlaw Josey Wales": "Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining".
I live in Texas. This state is roughly half Latino, and they are shamelessly and openly racist against blacks. Say what you want against the Latinos, but they still have a pecking order that they adhere to and coincidentally the ones at the top are blonde hair blue eyed people with the last name Rodriguez. I remember huge fights in high school that came as a result of black guys making unwanted advances on the Mexican girls, and never vice versa. To the Anon from 7:13, hopefully you saw the Couture/Toney fight. There's a reason they did that fight as the co main event on the inaugural MMA card in Boston.
"the announcer went into his one sided spiel really talking up Rogers ability (you know, cause he's black he MUST have superior skills) while downplaying or disregarding Emilienenkos' strikes/game."
The announcer was Gus Johnson, a black man who knows virtually nothing about mma, and whose commentary is overtly pro-black. This idiot was even calling for an immediate re-match right after Rogers got knocked out, what a buffoon.
11:08: Well put. If negroes were forced into self-sufficiency from self-indulgence, and violent savages were rapidly converted into lamppost ornaments, we would see quite the voluntary migration.
The thought reminds me of my first boss upon graduating from college who, justifiably, found the youthful work ethic of myself and a colleague wanting and scolded: "You two are like a couple of Georgia niggers. Only interested in sundown and payday."
Dave: I had never heard of the piece you mentioned. Though I just located it and will read it tonight.
You will immediately note a felicitous convergence in the mid-west and mid-south. The results of which would lead one to conclude that our necessary maritime outlet would be the Gulf of Mexico.
Exactly my thinking, Porter. One of the largest ports in the country is Galveston, TX. Keep Texas (turning attention to the Mestizos after the blacks have fled) and let the Negro have the South from Louisiana to Florida. The new republic might stretch from the Cascade Range to Wisconsin, and from Texas to North Dakota. The ongoing phenomenon of "white flight" will do much of the logistical work for us. I'm planning on moving to Utah this time next year.
Say what you want against the Latinos, but they still have a pecking order that they adhere to and coincidentally the ones at the top are blonde hair blue eyed people with the last name Rodriguez.
The people who run Mexico are largely Caucasian holdovers from the old Spanish Empire who refused to intermix with the lower classes. There may be some correlation there between this ruling class and your blue-eyed Rodriguez.
I'll offer the slightly expanded version of my thoughts on what I pray will one day be a homeland for our people. I'd be interested in hearing your opinion.
First, I think many states will not, and should not, remain intact. There are simply too many deep fissures within each. Rather, selection by county would be most logical--and feasible.
With that in mind, and with many over generalizations, here's what we should strive for:
*All of Texas other than the south and west spurs; these are gone.
*A line running from Midland to the Canadian border. Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas are ours.
*All of New Mexico and Arizona, half of Colorado, and quite possibly all of California are gone to the Mexicans.
*Of course Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada (outside Vegas), and Idaho are ours obviously to the Cascades as you mentioned. But even though coastal Oregon and Washington are absolutely bursting with white pod people, it is critical that we secure these areas for their harbors and access to the Pacific. So I include the whole of both states.
*From the Dakotas, we run into more white pods in Minnesota and Wisconsin. I'd give the citizens of both a choice. Something tells me if forced to decide they'd find friendly, law abiding white "racists" slightly more palatable than murdered sons and raped daughters.
*Iowa, Missouri, and Arkansas would be ours. Though of course St. Louis would have to be fumigated.
* Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio would lose their top thirds and of course Michigan with Detroit would remain the continent's preeminent negro game preserve (soon to be eclipsed by Chicago).
* Southwestern Pennsylvania would be ours along with West Virginia (and western Virginia), Kentucky, and Tennessee.
*Finally, we would get the Florida panhandle, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. The large african population in these last three would pose a major problem, though having this sea access is critical and worthy of addressing a large problem for. Inducements to leave--friendly and otherwise--can be offered.
This arrangement would seem to satisfy most people. The Mexicans would get their reconquista in full. The multi-cults would have the entire eastern seaboard from Key West to Bangor along with all of New England, (most) Pennsylvania, Michigan, and possibly Wisconsin and Minnesota to serve as their bread basket.
And we...to borrow from the original race hustler: we would be free at last, free at last, thank God almighty we'd be free at last.
A very interesting scenario, Porter. Here are my thoughts:
But even though coastal Oregon and Washington are absolutely bursting with white pod people, it is critical that we secure these areas for their harbors and access to the Pacific.
It depends on what sort of country you are striving for: an economic powerhouse or a white homeland. Those two may or may not be mutually exclusive. While I don't think this was your intention, the notion of the country as a multinational corporation rather than a nation, by and for a specific people, must be answered before any progress is made. The Proposition Nation pushed by Republicans and their corporate masters is just as destructive as multiculturalism. There exist vibrant and strong countries which have no access to deep water ports whatsoever (Switzerland), so I view these as desirable but not critical.
The Mexicans would get their reconquista in full.
The Mexicans will never be satisfied. This goes for all other NAM's. A white homeland in North America will be officially despised by all its neighbors. It will have to become a fortress nation (Switzerland, again, and Israel come to mind). If we can survive long enough, I think we can expect to see a more or less steady influx of formerly-leftist Caucasians from the East coast, tired of overwhelming taxation and brutalized family members. When our hostile neighbors finally fall into complete 3rd-world decrepitude (which is inevitable), perhaps five years from secession, perhaps twenty years, the goal should be the re-annexation of all lost territories.
I can't find much on which to disagree other than the criticality of sea access. My concern here is more military than mercantile, though the latter is not to be dismissed entirely. As you noted, we will have enemies, we will need sea trade routes, and a navy to protect them--preferrably dual-homed. If we shrink too much into a land-locked shell it would make us susceptible to blockade and will make the strategic goal mentioned in your closing more difficult to attain. Though I doubt we're even in disagreement here as this is simply a discussion between what is desired and what is required. In regard to the latter the true answer is simply a few million white men possessing the will to live having a nation of their own.
But we must find that will. First and foremost we must survive, maintain our civilization and identity, and build the political will for separation. Then we must retrench into a homeland. Finally within our own borders we must regain our cultural confidence and relearn the pleasures and purpose of procreation. Once a vibrant, healthy, and growing white population is established within our base, then we can seek to reclaim our land from the crumbling, anarchic, barbarisms which will border us.
This last phase is one that the white nation builders will only speak of sotto voce and certainly one that neither you nor I will live to see. But as our fathers live within us, so will we live within our sons.
I agree with your critique of the risible Proposition Nation. Such a concept will never survive so long as reality is ruled by human nature and not civics text books. What we have presently is a proposition nation with no proponents.
"where the major cities are in shambles economically"
Nearly ALL American cities are in shambles economically and are near the racial tipping point; see - http://linhdinhphotos.blogspot.com/
I would say that Whites should keep all land as far south as about the 32nd parallel north latitude - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/32nd_parallel_north
Anything south of that has very strong semi-tropical solar radiation from about May-October which Whites are not equipped to handle physiologically. Anything south of that latitude line is just too hot to handle except in the winter - it would be a good region for Whites to have winter homes.
But it would be insane to hand over The South entirely to the hordes of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc because that part of the country has much fertile soil, the longest growing season, many important ports, and so on.
If anything the Africans should be methodically and humanely shipped back to Africa - gradually and teaching them the necessary skills first - with the full assistance of a future pro-White government.
"All of New Mexico and Arizona, half of Colorado, and quite possibly all of California are gone to the Mexicans."
Arizona is still salvageable. Many illegals fled along with their jackpot babies after the passage of the employer sanctions law, and many more are fleeing after the passage of SB 1070.
If all or most of SB 1070 is upheld by SCOTUS--which I think it probably will be--then Arizona is definitely still salvageable. In fact, I'd wager that the white population here is growing faster than the Hispanic population, due to so many whites moving here after being displaced in Commiefornia and New Mexico. I'm seeing tons of vehicles driven by white people with NM and CA licenses plates all over the place here.
Yes, Arizona can still be saved. The rest of the border states? Not likely except for parts of northern and eastern Texas and maybe Northern California. You can kiss all of NM goodbye.
We will never give up the South, just wait, we shall rise again! Deo Vindice!
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