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Vulcan has stood tall over Birmingham's collapse |
It is sports that provide -simultaneously - the best and worst examples of Black people for the inhabitants of Black Run America (BRA) to digest. For the past forty years, hearty helpings of the former have been all that those who watch sports decided to feast upon, though the spectacular talents of Black athletes is without question the only positive example one can find from the Black community.
The state of Mississippi hopes to introduce a required Civil Rights course for every grade level, K-12, in the next year. Nothing is more virtuous then learning about where 21st Century man has evolved from, the antiquated racism of the past replaced with a tolerant understanding for all races.
We once joked about the movie Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure and the lack of any historical Black figures that the two members of Wyld Stallions went back in time to retrieve. If this movie were made today, it would only be Civil Rights figures that these two figures went back in time to see and bring to the future so they could pass history.
Kids today learn only of fictional Black heroes in school, the rest of history littered with the exploits of oppressive white males who dared retard the inevitable creation of Black Run America (BRA). Every Black person who faced adversity in this long march to joyous extra-equality has become a martyr in some capacity, with a number of them enjoying virtual sainthood.
On Monday we celebrate the ultimate hero for BRA, Martin Luther King Jr. Those who fail to sufficiently grovel before this deity dare to incur the wrath of BRA's most vigilante enforces of civility.
Civil Rights ushered in a new era for the United States, the most vivid representation of this being the complete abandonment of major United States cities to Black people. The train stations that once deemed Black people second class citizens were the first to go, white flight sealing their fate to demolition.
We could discuss for hours the decline of a variety of cities across the nation, but today we focus on one that represented a South Africa for Black people. Nelson Mandela's ex-wife even compared this city to South Africa and the fate of both nations under Black rule are inextricably linked.
In a sane society, Birmingham would be a thriving metropolis. In the world governed by BRA, it is a crumbling city whose sky scrapers stand resolute as monuments to a people who once lived, died and thrived there.
You will hear a lot about martyrs of the Civil Rights movement, of those who died to make this country a better place. But the people you will never, ever hear about are those whites who were the victims of this extra-equal class that Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) strenuously protect today.
Birmingham is a city that once had a thriving business sector, though almost all Fortune 500 companies have moved their company headquarters out of the town. The city school system, nearly 100 percent Black, faces a $30 million budget shortfall.
Like DeKalb County in Georgia, the city will be forced to close many schools. Those Black people capable of fleeing the dying city are forcing the lily-white suburbs of Birmingham to move even farther out, though the poor credit scores keep many of these families from affording homes in these thriving cities.
Perhaps no better building or structure in the country serves as a metaphor for all that is wrong with BRA then the once magnificent Legion Field. Situated in an area of Birmingham that the Marines who battled in Mogadishu would be fearful of, the stadium was once the home of legendary Iron Bowl between the University of Alabama and Auburn University.
Both schools have since stopped playing the annual game there, with the stadium antiquated and falling into disrepair. But once, it resembled those edifices built at the World of Tomorrow fairs, heralding a new era of unimaginable prosperity.
The Civil Rights victory signaled the abandonment of Birmingham to the victors. The spoils were short lived.
Legion Field has a become a deadly joke, with one writer at The Birmingham News wondering if the city deserved a college football bowl game. Comments from those who attended the game failed to mention the Black aspect of the situation:
The city did a good job of moving the traffic to the stadium but once you get there you have to deal with the people that live around the stadium screaming at you and almost jumping in front of your car to get you to park in their yard. After I parked, I stopped and talked to 4-5 kentucky fans that were still outside the stadium sitting in chairs in the same yard I was parked in. Two were staying with the cars because they did not expect the game to be in this type of area. Like I said, I support the bowl each year but it is getting harder and harder to do so." -- bamamac2112
• "John: "Brusque and unapologetic" describes most service-type workers in Birmingham. Go to any food establishment and you can see it.Having attended an event at Legion Field, we at SBPDL can tell you the area around Legion Field is all-Black, save for the gated campus of Birmingham Southern. A veritable fortress, Birmingham Southern once had a libertarian attitude to the Black people who encircled the campus in their domiciles. This was until the rape and murder of a white coed there named Quenttee Shehane:
On a cold evening in Birmingham 30 years ago, a recent college graduate volunteered to go buy salad dressing for a party on campus. Leaving the nearby convenience store, she was abducted.
Her nude, frozen, bullet-riddled body was found the next evening.
The trip to the store on Dec. 20, 1976, ended with the murder of Quenette Shehane, but it would mark the start of the victims' rights movement in Alabama, a crusade led by her mother, Miriam Shehane of Clio.
Easing the pain
Victims of Crime and Leniency, or VOCAL, was organized in 1982 after Miriam Shehane had begun to find that the overwhelming pain of her daughter's killing was compounded by her experience as the three men charged in her abduction, rape and murder were tried in court — twice each for two of the men, three times for the third.
During the five years after the murder, she had to relieve the agonizing testimony in seven trials. She didn't want others to endure the same and began tirelessly lobbying for laws aimed at helping the families of victims of crimes.
Despite all her success in easing the pain of others, three decades have not lessened her loss.
"It's not worth it," she told The Dothan Eagle in a recent interview. "I'd rather have my daughter back."
Quenette Shehane, 21, had graduated from Birmingham-Southern College with a degree in elementary education. She had visited her family in Clio and was back on campus for a party with friends. She would soon be enrolling in graduate school at Auburn University and looked forward to a career teaching.
Justice served?
But around 5 p.m., with darkness falling, she was abducted in the parking lot of the convenience store, her car loaded with Christmas presents was stolen, and her life was taken.
After the seven trials, the man believed to have pulled the trigger, Wallace Norell Thomas, was sentenced to death and executed in 1990. Eddie Bernard Neal was sentenced to life in prison without parole. Jerry Lee Jones, convicted three times, had his death sentence commuted and is eligible for parole again in 2008.All three men mentioned above are Black. The only memory of Quenette Shehane is her mothers continue crusade on her behalf, and the fence erected around Birmingham Southern to keep out the population.
No school system discusses her death in text books, no college devotes hours of lecture time discussing what her death represents. Only a silent fence surrounding Birmingham Southern is a reminder to those that she once lived.
Thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of other people like Quenette Shehane have had their stories censored, because it doesn't conform with the world view as advanced by DWLs, Crusading White Pedagogues and the adherents of BRA.
Birmingham is now the killing fields, where Black-on-Black crime is an every day occurrence. Worse, it operates a school where only 52 percent graduate high school and few dare discipline students:
Something is very wrong when:
-- Students in Birmingham schools are being arrested at a rate that far exceeds the arrests in similar- or larger-sized school systems like Jefferson County.
-- Principals and teachers are calling on police officers -- known as school resource officers -- to break up schoolyard skirmishes or calm down angry students.
-- A 16-year-old boy is pushed to the ground, sprayed with Mace and handcuffed for yelling a curse word in a school hallway.
-- Young kids -- 11-, 12- and 13-year-olds -- face criminal charges for behavior that would not be considered illegal outside the school building.
Yes, something is terribly wrong. But, as News reporters Marie Leech and Carol Robinson reported last week, city and school officials know the current city schools disciplinary system is broken, and they're trying to fix it.
How serious is the problem? Consider that Birmingham, with about 25 percent of the public school population in Jefferson County, accounts for 82 percent of the arrests that are referred to the Jefferson County Family Court. And if an 18-year-old is arrested at school, even for a minor infraction, he ends up in jail, not at Family Court.
The reality check comes from Brian Huff, the presiding judge at Jefferson County Family Court: "(W)e're arresting children for offenses no one should be arrested for."
Police records show that more than 250 arrests have been made in Birmingham schools from August through February. During the same period in the larger Jefferson County school system, there were only 54 arrests.
The solution starts with simple common sense. As Huff points out, the school system's zero-tolerance policy "is a horrible idea. It should be judged on a case-by-case basis."Birmingham is a Black city. It's problems are based on that Black population. A fence around Birmingham Southern is because of the actions of three Black people who preyed upon a white girl whose name is scarcely remembered today.
She played for the losing team in the struggle team in the Civil Rights struggle, only because she was seen as collateral damage.
During the media bombardment of Civil Rights talk, we at Stuff Black People Don't Like remember Quenette Shehane. Like countless others, she has no voice to represent her in BRA. She is just another uncounted statistic.
Birmingham is another statistic, lost in the struggle as BRA was created. Legion Field, the home to memories still fresh in many peoples mind, will be torn down one day since it is obsolete and in an area of Birmingham few dare travel into with armed guard.
The dead have no voice, unless they were killed by venomous white racists. Then and only then do they become an asset to the continued propaganda used to maintain BRA's hegemony. Everything else is liability.
On Martin Luther King Day we honor the memory of Quenette Shehane. We remember those that BRA deems collateral damage.
I just plain don't like Martin Luther King. He was an adultery, communist, America hating douche bag. IF you think that's bad wait til February. The month were black people are the center of the world.
Thank God for sports or black people would never be cast in a positive light. It is in black people's interest to have white's in Birmingham. But they essentially shot themselves in the foot and are going broke as a joke.
And now the end of Birmingham is near. Will the blacks ever learn a lesson they won't soon forget? Safe to say his dream will never come true.
The murder of Martin Luther King was the worst thing ever to happen in America. Had he lived, his obscene personal life would have knocked the halo from his head. His reputation would be somewhere to the north of OJ Simpson and somewhat to the south of Jesse Jackson.
Having died a martyr's death by an assasin's bullet, Mr. King is now for all practical purposes a god. Like the ancient Jews worshipping the golden calf, the golden-negroKing is now the centerpiece of a heretic-guilt-and-self-hate-propelled cult.
The funny thing is that truth about the golden-negroKing is fairly easy to discern. Critical biographies exist. Lots of good sources on the internet exist. Yet the worshippers continue to ignore them and go on slurping their god's kool-aid. A famous Russian offers a good explenation why this is so:
"We do not err because truth is difficult to see. It is visible at a glance. We err because the lie is more comfortable." — Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Happy MLK day!
Martin Luther King left us with this priceless pearl of wisdom,"judge a man not by the color of his skin but by the contents of his character". Alrighty then. So if we do utilize the above mentioned criteria and come to a less than desired outcome, what then? Nevermind, we already know. The DWL's take care to scrub the negative aspects away with polished sermons and the ever present usage of the term "That be rayciss."
It's a wonder blacks haven't called the month of February rayciss as well, seeing that it has less days than any other month. I'm glad it's the shortest month of the calendar year. :)
Speaking of crumbling black cities in the era of BRA, has anyone seen the Palladium video series about Detroit starring Johnny Knoxville?
I do not know what to make of these eager young whites who appear to be colonizing Detroit, and at the same time, rebelling against their parents. I would be interested in other viewpoints:
@ Anon 7.18
Free market perhaps?
Spending 350,000 bucks on an inner city apartment where your at risk of attack from the underclass? no thanks.
But a whole house for $1? Suddenly a few people are prepared to take the risk.
But a whole house for $1? Suddenly a few people are prepared to take the risk.
Yeah,at those prices,temptation does sort of set in,doesn't it???
I'm not at all sure if I'd care to live there myself,but a while back,I did have a kind of an idea regarding property in Detroit.
Since the stuff is so cheap right now,it might not be a bad speculative move to buy up a couple of blocks and then just sit on it and wait for the implosion. If the place never implodes,or doesn't in our lifetimes,you've lost a small amount of money. If the place does implode,after the dust all settles,you have a block of real estate that you might be able to sell at a profit.
Or heck,given how large chunks of Detroit are returning to nature,you could always build a hunting cabin on the place. Another few years and who knows? You might be able to book guided deer hunts in what used to be the city.
Ex Gladio Libertas
It's disgusting to no my home state is overrun with ignorant blacks.
I saw a most horrible sight today while out for lunch. A beautiful white girl came into the place to eat bringing her young all white boy behind her with a negro holding her other hand. I couldn't eat after that. That poor white kid.
Oh well. Happy Negro Day! Stay away from the all weekend TV propaganda.
Classes on civil rights? How about classes on The US Constitution and the Bill of Rights? Too much conflicting data I suppose.
@ Cry me a river:
I just plain don't like Martin Luther King. He was an adultery, communist, America hating douche bag.
That's not exactly a valid critique, Cry me a river bitch. A (more) valid critique would be, "I dislike King because he advocated integration instead of separatism, when every black person knows we cannot trust white people. I prefer the ideologies of pre-Hajj Malcolm X instead."
King's personal life is overshadowed by his successes.
What has been your contribution to society, Paco Nacho, besides being a self-hating Latino*? Martin Luther King is not my favorite black leader--I much prefer Malcolm X--but he's done a hell of a lot for this country in terms of race relations.
Only the idiots on this site would think his works were disastrous.
*by the way, I noticed in an old comment you said, and I quote, "Laughing my white as off." The Latino charade is up, Paco. Unless you are more delusional than any of us could've ever imagined and you believe you are white. Is it sort of like believing you can fly, like in Peter Pan?
Here is a news flash, Desiree. You can be Latino AND white. In fact 63% of all Latinos in America in 2009 were white.
Here is a news flash, Desiree. You can be Latino AND white. In fact 63% of all Latinos in America in 2009 were white.
Well, Paco Nacho has made the distinction between his being Latino and his white friends. He doesn't say, 'I'm white right along with them.'
But he is just plain white, not Latino. He is a damned liar.
I also think that high percentage is due to the fact it is advantageous to the Latino to declare that they are white instead of 'Latino, not of black/white origin' or 'Latino of black origin' on forms.
No one wants to be a regular beaner anymore...
"No school system discusses her death in text books, no college devotes hours of lecture time discussing what her death represents. Only a silent fence surrounding Birmingham Southern is a reminder to those that she once lived."
If Martin Luther King were a bus driver who got stabbed on a subway platform he wouldn't have made the history books either.
-Black guy
I could never be in favor of segregation. Deportation is much more favorable situation.
Dezzies moronic comments are always sure to get at least a chuckle. Told you she was just a big ol' raving masochist. She just comes here for the beatings (by massa) she craves to assuage her self-loathing. No matter how much she screams at herself in the mirror, her jealousy as a white-wannabe just won't go away. Seek help. Sooner better than later.
"It's a wonder blacks haven't called the month of February rayciss as well, seeing that it has less days than any other month."
Too late. One of the apes in my class said it Friday.
"Spending 350,000 bucks on an inner city apartment where your at risk of attack from the underclass? no thanks.
But a whole house for $1? Suddenly a few people are prepared to take the risk."
Sounds very tempting. It all depends on the gun laws in that state. I prefer to live where I can gun you down if you come in my house or on my property. Here in Texas they're required to confiscate the firearm and do an investigation but, it's very rare for charges to be filed (and you get the gun back).
"Classes on civil rights? How about classes on The US Constitution and the Bill of Rights? Too much conflicting data I suppose.
Give me at least one example of "conflicting data." I could use the laugh.
-Black guy
I have to finely admit that the south I love my have to be abandoned just as you have so often written. It's sad to know the cities are being destroyed. It is no longer safe for whites in many southern areas. The daily carnage is appalling. Making matters even worse, the media is completely against white men. The only recourse seems to be civil war. Even that seems unlikely. I do not see any groups of whites banning together for their protection. Only a few places such as your site and Lawrence Auster even discuss these matters honestly, and then you are labeled haters. Also as you have pointed out, it is only a matter of time before the internet is censored. There are already web site news comment sections being completely turned off when the crime being discussed is perpetrated by a black. I saw one just this week from England where the site actually said, “comments have been blocked to protect us from legal problems.” In other words, they were afraid people would point out the truth, and the paper would be accused of hate crimes.
How far will we be pushed? Will it be like it was when I was in school and a group of blacks attacked the white boy and every other white boy scattered?
Imagine all these cities when the dollar collapses and welfare stops coming...
Birmingham Southern will be overrun; it will look like zulu dawn or the fall of Saigon, as will all 'black' cities.
If you are caught in one, no amount of ammo will save you from the rampaging hordes. You will be burned out and your families smoking corpses will add to the pyre of your city, a testimony to BRA visible for miles around.
The plaintive, soft understanding words of the DWLs will be ignored as they are pulled from their BMWs and fortified neighborhoods, raped and killed.
Hopefully there will be many CCTV cameras around so this entertainment can be viewed, and enjoyed by the rest of America and the world.
"Give me at least one example of "conflicting data." I could use the laugh."
Black guy, you are a joke. You hate America, like all of the black victicrats you like to defend. You are unable to comprehend the the founding documents, the Bill of Rights and the concept of personal responsibility and accountability that YOUR forefathers introduced. All you do is make excuse after excuse after excuse.
You blast out comments without even thinking about the topic at hand. Victim, victim, victim. Why do you laugh and find so much humor in your ignorance? You are like most slap happy blacks, always having a good chuckle or "giggle" at everyone else's expense.
Blacks helped by so called "civil rights" legislation do NOT practice personal responsibility because they are naturally lazy and lack intellect. This is anti-American. You are a traitor, as are most of your people. You have no place here and the mother land does not want you back.
Your hatred of America does not serve you and your people well.
"Dezzies moronic comments are always sure to get at least a chuckle. Told you she was just a big ol' raving masochist. She just comes here for the beatings (by massa) she craves to assuage her self-loathing."
Not to mention that she has plainly stated elsewhere (twice) that she considers ANY negative attention to be better than no attention at all.
Humans already know that all groids are attention whores because they are empty of content and soul and thus, prone to trolling for the wrong kinds of attention. That's just TNB.
However, it is rare for a groid to openly acknowledge such neediness.
I imagine that abandonment by her mammy's baby daddy has also contributed to her lack of self esteem but basically it's built upon the fact that there is no there, there.
(Apologies to G. Stein.)
I agree with you that she is good for a laugh. I would never laugh at a Human (or even an animal) with such deep seeded emotional defects but groids are fair game.
"No one wants to be a regular beaner anymore..."
And the truth comes out. This is a perfect example of a liberal who is really a racist.
@Desiree: If you want everyone to get along or aren't racist why are you slinging ethnic slurs?
"Give me at least one example of "conflicting data.""
In case you're unfamiliar with a landmark piece of legislation known as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it guarantees federal protection TO ALL from discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, or color.
Yet in direct contradiction of this law, whites are openly discriminated against by affirmative action policies that require the forced hiring (or forced college admission) of blacks and other minorites.
Where is (and what is going on with) the book?
"Here is a news flash, Desiree. You can be Latino AND white. In fact 63% of all Latinos in America in 2009 were white."
I appreciate you and everyone else who stuck up for me.
I'm going to do what Sierra Nevada and Percy Kittens Reloaded do. Don't respond to Desiree. I remember trying really hard to get her attention in the "A Request - Compiling the Ultimate List of Movies for SBPDL Readers " article. Now looking back, it was fucking pathetic. She can say whatever she wants cause I've heard it all before. YT this self hating minority that.
Just pretend she doesn't exist.
"In case you're unfamiliar with a landmark piece of legislation known as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it guarantees federal protection TO ALL from discrimination based on race, gender, religion, nationality, or color.
Yet in direct contradiction of this law, whites are openly discriminated against by affirmative action policies that require the forced hiring (or forced college admission) of blacks and other minorites."
Yeah, it was such a landmark bill that there was a need for another one in 1968.
Affirmative action is a sham that doesn't benefit blacks at all. It only creates more racism and vitriol. Its primary beneficiaries are veterans and white women. Despite all of the crying the majority of police officers and firefighters are white. So, if you are to stupid to pass a civil service test don't blame me.
Thanks for the laugh.
-Black guy
"Yeah, it was such a landmark bill that there was a need for another one in 1968."
If you are arguing that it was not a landmark bill, you're a fucking idiot.
"Affirmative action is a sham that doesn't benefit blacks at all."
It benefits the unqualified blacks who are given jobs that they don't deserve, but that's not the point.
The point is it actively discriminates against white people based on their race, which was stated in response to your request "Give me at least one example of "conflicting data."
"So, if you are to stupid to pass a civil service test don't blame me."
In keeping with general guidelines of internet protocol, anytime you suggest/allege/accuse someone of possibly being "stupid"...it's always a good idea to spell all words correctly, particularly the word "too".
Thanks for the laugh.
"If we had serious and significant drug reform, to include legalization, it's my opinion we'd see a serious drop in the crime rates and an improvement in the perceived quality of life of people in these communities."
Speaking of black criminality, how will drug legalization keep blacks from making the WRONG choice always when given a choice between right or wrong? Blacks make bad choices, which land them into all kinds of trouble, legal, financial, etc. Blacks do not have the skills and intellect that is required to make the right choices. So if a black person sees that you have dropped your wallet while helping them tow their car out of a ditch, the brain says, "bend, grab, hide the wallet and there will be money and a shopping spree in my future." at the expense of Mr. Liberal Good Citizen.
Blacks are opportunists to the core and this will not change if you legalize drugs or even if you bring back public hangings.
I am white..... and I am sick and tired of listening to all these white rednecks saying racist remarks towards black people. It is because of people like you that some black people still to this day dont like us white people. But who can blame them when we have idiots like you in society showing hate toward the black community. I once had a black friend who saved my life. we should talk about more positive things like this.
Last anonymous poster, why don't you join the current thread so we can discuss this matter further. I'm sure everyone would love to repent for their rayciss ways and atone for their sin. People like you make me sick. If you love them so much why don't you try living in downtown Detroit and see how long you can make it. I'm sure they'd all treat you with the utmost kindness and make you stay very enjoyable.
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