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Abortion? Try Black-on-Black crime |
As Memphis City Schools leaders discuss the best way to deal with the crisis at Frayser High School, one young student is dealing with parenthood.One can only imagine how many potential Michael Oher's have been or are on the cusp of being brought into this world. Memphis is a city where crime is of a monochromatic color (view this excellent article from Atlantic magazine on the migratory patterns of crime, Section 8 housing and Black people) and where one can gauge where the Black underclass is heading.
The Action News 5 Investigators recently discovered 90 girls who attend Frayser High School are now pregnant or have already had a baby this school year.
Frayser is in Memphis City School Board member Stephanie Gatewood's district. She said a former principal of the school first sounded the alarm about the issue about a year ago.
Sources told Action News 5 there is a massive initiative in the works dedicated to preventing teen pregnancy in the Frayser community. The initiative will include after-school and in-school programs funded with grant money and run by a local nonprofit that already does some work for city schools.
Gatewood said there are programs right now to help students.
"Noting that our young ladies absolutely did not get pregnant in the hallways of our schools," said Gatewood. "So while everything that happens in our communities, it just spills over into our schools. Now we as a community have to deal with them."
Greenwood said the school board has implemented some plans to help children who are already parents or are about to become parents.
Meanwhile, Terrika Sutton is getting used to the challenges of being a teen mom.
Sutton's two-month-old daughter, Camiya, keeps the 16-year-old Frayser High School student busy.
"In the morning time, she'll wake me up about 5:00, and I'll get up and find me something to wear to school," said Sutton. "I'll get her dressed, and if she has to go somewhere, her daddy keeps her sometimes and I'll get ready for school."
Sutton said she was five months along when she found out she was pregnant. Her parents and classmates were stunned.
"They were like, 'Terrika, I never knew you would get pregnant,'" she said. "I was like, 'well, it happened.'"
72 percent of Black babies are born out of wedlock. That number will only rise in the coming years, but it would be much higher were it not for the dramatically high rate of abortions Black people have in America.
In New York City, 41 percent of all pregnancies end in abortion and Black comprise 59.8 percent of those aborted.
Take a look at who is committing crimes in that city:
Check out these statistics from the “Crime and Enforcement Activity in New York City” report for the first six months of 2010.We draw no conclusions from this data - though others have - but it would be wise to look upon the campaign underway across America that brings attention to most dangerous place for Black people, the womb:
Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter victims are most frequently Black (67.0%) or Hispanic (28.1%). White victims account for (3.2%) of all Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter victims while Asian/Pacific Islanders account for (1.8%) of all Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter victims.
The Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter arrest population is similarly distributed. Black arrestees (53.8%) and Hispanic arrestees (36.4%) account for the majority of Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter arrestees while White arrestees (7.1%) and Asian/Pacific Islander (2.2%) arrestees account for the remaining portions of the Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter arrest population.
Shooting victims are most frequently Black (73.8%) or Hispanic (22.1 %). White victims account for an additional (2.6%) of all Shooting victims while Asian/Pacific Islanders victims account for (1.2%) of all Shooting Victims.
The Shooting arrest population is similarly distributed. Black arrestees (70.9%) and Hispanic arrestees (25.8%) account for the majority of Shooting arrest population. White arrestees (2.5%) and Asian/Pacific Islander (0.9%) account for the remaining portion of the Shooting arrest population.
"The most dangerous place for African-American children is the womb."According to Heroic Media, the purpose of the billboard is to draw attention to the disproportionate targeting of Planned Parenthood in minority communities:These statistics are sad, but we must remember that it is (normally) the consensual decision by two people to engage in sexual relations and the result of this hook-up can be one of three things: 1) an encounter to brag to friends about, 2) a sexually transmitted disease (STD), or 3) pregnancy.
"The overwhelming majority of abortion facilities are in minority neighborhoods. We think they need to know that," said Kim Speirs, Heroic Media's director of communications.
Marissa Gabrysch , a representative from Heroic, elaborated with even more unsettling statistics:
"While African Americans make up 13 percent of the population in America, they represent 36 percent of the abortions in the United States. In the African-American community, twice as many deaths have occurred due to abortions than the combined totals of violent crime, cancer, heart disease and AIDS."
According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, black women are more than 5 times as likely as white women to have an abortion.
On BlackGenocide.com, Michael Novak calculates that "since the number of current living blacks (in the United States) is 36 million, the missing 16 million represents an enormous loss, for without abortion, America's black community would now number 52-million persons. It would be 36 percent larger than it is. Abortion has swept through the black community like a scythe, cutting down every fourth member."
The New York Times published interesting data from the CDC which brought a few facts to light:
¶Babies born to black women are up to three times as likely to die in infancy as those born to women of other races.
¶American Indians and Alaska Natives are twice as likely to die in car crashes as any other group.
¶Blacks die of heart disease much more commonly than whites, and die younger, despite the availability of cheap prevention measures like weight loss, exercise, blood-pressure and cholesterol drugs, and aspirin. The same is true for strokes.
¶High blood pressure is twice as common among blacks as whites, but the group with the least success in controlling it is Mexican-Americans.
¶Teenage pregnancy is holding steady or falling for all ethnic groups, but is still three times as common among Hispanic girls as among white girls, and more than twice as common among black girls as among whites.
We already know Black people don't listen to the CDC and thanks to Boise State we know that one of the primary ways to get an STD is by having sex with a Black person.
It has been said that abortion is basically Black genocide and that this is a huge drain on the Black community overall, but where is the proof of this? The dead have no voice, but the living do and a cursory glance at Thug Report, crime statistics, dropout rates, prison statistics, discipline rates in school or virtually anything that requires statistics and quantifiable data (save points per game in basketball and yards rushing in football) show a horrible plight for Black people.
The misery of the Black community is well documented, with even the No. 1 Black county in America, Prince Georges County, the home to 13 killings already in 2011.
Every city that has gone from majority white to majority Black is a failure (tomorrow a story on Birmingham and the once vaunted Legion Field will be published), along with every county or governmental agency.
The most dangerous place for Black people might be the womb, but what comes out of that womb is just as dangerous to the rest of us in America. Don't forget that Black-on-Black crime is just as big a problem as abortion, though addressing Black-on-Black crime garners no points from Civil Rights hucksters or Christian groups hoping to place babies for white Hollywood stars to adopt or for white parents to adopt.
Perhaps the neglected Black child spared from abortion can grow up to be another Blind Side story? Knowing that Black men don't like to pay child support, we quickly understand the severity of the problem that will soon befall the 90 Black girls pregnant in Memphis.
That is the sound of an underclass in America that will explode soon, their existence paid for primarily by tax dollars provided by white people.
Not that many people will infer this from the article, but SBPDL takes a pro-life stance. This is why it is imperative we finally have that debate on race that Mr. Eric Holder seems afraid of starting.
It is the opinion of Stuff Black People Don't Like that the haunting images of Detroit courtesy of Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre presents to us in vivid detail the reality that the most dangerous place for the majority of Black people isn't the womb, but it is when the majority of them are introduced to running and maintaining Western Civilization once white people have departed the scene and fled to the suburbs.
New Orleans in 2005 showed us a day without white people. The Black community is incredibly fragile and could be de-stabilized in a manner of moments if social media was used to spread rumors of Section 8 free housing, Obama stimulus checks, flash mobs forming or free chicken at Popeye's or KFC.
Remember this: social media could be used to spread false stories a la Orson Welles with his War of the Worlds broadcast.
The womb? No, womb over. Just look at the most dangerous neighborhoods in America and how quickly property values plummet in areas that turn majority Black - contrary to popular belief, Detroit isn't the only major American city where $8,000 homes can be found - and no amount of fence building can keep the real-life crazies out.
Data breaking down abortions in the 50 states of America is available here.
At some point we will publish a SBPDL that was written about Planned Parenthood. It is not an endorsement of that organization, but a realistic look at where America might be were abortion still illegal.
I'm pro-life, but I don't oppose aborting future black criminals.
And yet, if there was a 'STOP white genocide' campaign the leftists, blacks, Mexicans, politicians, businesses, media outlets, and DWLs would be screaming from the highest sky-rises in SWPL cities all across the country.
Wake up white man. The soon to be mantra of the century.
Excellent article, Stuff. A couple of points I wanted to make:
"The most dangerous place for African-American children is the womb."According to Heroic Media, the purpose of the billboard is to draw attention to the disproportionate targeting of Planned Parenthood in minority communities:
"The overwhelming majority of abortion facilities are in minority neighborhoods. We think they need to know that," said Kim Speirs, Heroic Media's director of communications.
I'm pro-life and I'd like to think that taking such an angle as Ms. Speirs would work, but it won't. That sort of information (that abortion facilities are more prevalent in minority communities) would be, and is, lost on black communities. Based upon the crime statistics listed, black Americans have a far lower esteem of human life outside the womb than any other racial or ethnic minority group, so it stands to reason that they would have even less appreciation for human life in a society where feminists tell women that an unborn baby is nothing more than a wad of cells or tissue.
You could stand outside an abortion clinic in Compton with free literature about Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood and the early, deliberate attempts by Planned Parenthood to systematically reduce the black population through abortion and sterilization, and you'd still get a collective "Huh?" from the very women who need to hear this information. It is a NON-STARTER. They won't care.
In fact, crime statistics listed are probably the strongest argument and validation for pro-abortion activists, even though they would probably not dare come out and explicitly admit that. The counter-argument to "Maybe the next aborted child was the one who cured cancer" has always been "Maybe the next aborted child was going to be a new Hitler", and if you're of that frame of mind, the crime statistics listed above will leave you breathless if you stop to think about how much worse crime COULD BE had all those abortions not taken place.
I'm pro-life. Period. I won't argue numbers or alternate time-lines with people. It's a moral issue for me. It's not realistic to be believe Heroic Media's line of attack on this issue is going to pay off. It would be naive. Ms. Speirs has some great information to put out there, but it's the equivalent of 'casting your pearls before swine' because the people who NEED to hear this and read this and know this the most are fundamentally, constitutionally incapable of discerning why it is important that they not have an abortion.
But it goes further than that. Addressing abortion is only part of the problem. You have to address the root causes of social behavior that leads to so many young girls getting pregnant, and so many black men not being fathers to their children.
Have to give credit where credit is due...on ESPN's IMAGE OF THE BLACK ATHLETE last night (January 14th, 2011), Spike Lee actually said one thing I agree with and pulled no punches. When discussing the problems facing young black athletes, he admitted that '3 out of 4 black children grow up in homes without a father'. He then went on to mention that that doesn't happen in the homes of white children (not true, actually; 3 out of 10 children born out of wedlock in white homes). And until some of those social problems are fixed at the root level, abortion will continue to be as prevalent, if not more so, as it is today.
This reminds me of a short story written by the great Harlan Ellison, "Croatoan."
The story's narrator, Gabe, is forced by a hysterical girlfriend to descend into New York City's sewers, into which he has just flushed her aborted baby. Arriving there, he finds that fetuses populate the sewers, astride similarly disposed-of crocodiles, and the word "Croatoan", crudely lettered on a wall near the entrance to the sewer. The story ends with the narrator's hysterical realization: "I am the one they have been looking for all along....They call me father."
I'm pro-life, but I don't oppose aborting future black criminals.
So you aren't exactly pro-life, are you? You don't know if a black child will be a criminal before an abortion, for your view is that black criminality is innate. You have to let the little guy live for a few years to truly tell.
However, if you believe it's environmental, as in poverty, lack of opportunities, etc., you could be fairly accurate on deciding who will be a criminal or not. It would be something akin to eugenics, though, which would be a black genocide (or a trailer trash or a barrio trash genocide).
I am pro-choice and, while I don't think I'd ever have an abortion myself, I support ill-equip women eviscerating a few cells.
Who cares? As long as the education is there to prevent it from being a birth control measure.
As a biology student, I know it really isn't a 'life'; when it becomes humanoid, with fingers and toes and a spine, that's where the problem in policy exists. But I care more about animals and their habitats; there are way too many people on this planet. And we've dominated it for long enough.
Some of us just have to go, rather they be black, white, Asian, Latino, etc.
Abortion, and its low-tech cousin infanticide, have been practised in every pre-modern civilization, small or large, primitive or advanced. All this hand-wringing about it is a strictly modern phenomenon. I attribute it to the wave of feminization and sentimentalism that swept over the West in the 19th century.
Only in absurdly wealthy societies such as ours could an idea such as "every life is precious" take hold. Where resources are scarce, every life is not precious, and adults must think carefully about how to deal with the often unwanted side effect of sexual intercourse that is a pregnancy.
Hypocrisy is insufferable, and the hypocrisy to be found among the ranks of the anti-abortionists is particulary galling. The first comment in this thread is one example. Here is another:
["The only moral abortion is my abortion."]
Or, for many HBD-ers, the only moral abortion is a black person's abortion.
From our perch in this historical oasis of prosperity, security, and abundance, it is easy to make proclamations about what others should and shouldn't do about one more mouth to feed, even if there is nothing with which to feed it. Racial realists, of all people, should encourage abortion for those whose progeny will become effective wards of the state. Just as the Chinese mandate. It is they, moreover, who are likely to clean our clocks in the coming century.
Outstanding piece SBPDL!
Wake up white man. The soon to be mantra of the century.
Indeed, it IS coming.
I think a mandatory Depo Provera shot in the arm is a much cheaper solution for the taxpayer.
We should pay any black girl or woman $100 and a crack pipe to have an abortion, and another $1000 if they permit an irreversible sterilization.
Perhaps the government should pay each woman who gets an abortion 500 Dollars. In the long term -- hell, even the short term -- the taxpayer would save massive money.
Seems a bit twisted to be against abortion when this would cause an explosion in the black population. I am personally shocked that they do this.
"We already know Black people don't listen to the CDC and thanks to Boise State we know that one of the primary ways to get an STD is by having sex with a Black person."
This is the most redundant statement I saw throughout this whole article. For all those who paid attention in health class or in the particular field of STDs you would know that the primary way, and there's only one primary SBPDL, to get STDs is to have sex with one who has had sex multiple times before.
Race doesn't matter in this field. I find it ridiculous that you will trash blacks on how many pregnant babies produce when whites aren't too good themselves! Both blacks and whites produce babies out of wetlock, and I don't care who does it more.
This is beginning to become a pathetic game of yours. All you do is write articles containing info about bad things blacks do, when yet whites do it to, but to justify it, you do the childish, "Well He Does It More!". Which is just like, "Well He Did It First!"
I think you need to quit with these articles because there's no way you can justify your actions. You ridicule blacks for things your race does also. It's sad and futile. Let's go back down memory lane...
You're in school and let's say you and a friend were beating up a kid. You hit the kid once and your friend hit the kid three times. You and your friend get sent to the principal's office. Principal tells you two are in trouble and will receieve suspension. You say, "Well he did it more than me!", principal says, "It doesn't matter who did it more, what matters is that you still did it."
Now that easy example of what I mean should make your simple minds understand my point. What you guys need to start doing is realizing that no one is perfect and ever will be. You will never truly understand blacks by doing what you guys do. Your eyes only see what the public sees, and we all know that the media is not always right.
Stop believing everything your getting fed for once. Start looking at the whole story.
You Get What You Get
The US Congress need to immediately institute bold and logical legislation stating:
A. Mandatory Norplant (birth control implanted subdermally in the upper arm and effective for five years) applications for all fertile women seeking public financial subsidies. Once off the welfare roll, the implant is removed (after a 3 month monitored term proving STD and pregnancy free).
B. Men receiving public financial assistance for more than 3 months must be enforced to wear a suit and tie from 9am-5pm Monday through Friday.
C. Proposed gay marriages will be recognized as official "marriages" in non-complying states if they adopt at least one inner-city black.
D. Billboards posted in high-crime areas that state the following: "Calm Down", "Brush Your Teeth", "Don't Dress Like A Toddler If You Are An Adult", "Take Care of Your Children First, Then Weave & Nails", "Keep Your Voice Down", "Normal People Laugh At You When You Rap To Yourself In Public", "Leave a Good Tip", "Articulate Clearly" and "Spit Don't Make No Babies".
Within 5 years, if followed closely, there will certainly be some hope of redemption in what is perilously close to a totaled culture. Therein above lies a high probability that civility will increase.
Think about it.
The US Congress need to immediately institute bold and logical legislation stating:
A. Mandatory Norplant (birth control implanted subdermally in the upper arm and effective for five years) applications for all women seeking public financial subsidies. Once off the welfare roll, the implant is removed (after a 3 month monitored term STD and pregnancy free).
B. Men receiving public financial assistance for more than 3 months must be enforced to wear a suit and tie from 9am-5pm Monday through Friday.
C. Proposed gay marriages will be recognized as official "marriages" in non-complying states if they adopt at least one inner-city black.
D. Billboards posted in high-crime areas that state the following: "Calm Down", "Brush Your Teeth", "Don't Dress Like A Toddler If You Are An Adult", "Keep Your Voice Down", "Normal People Laugh At You When You Rap To Yourself In Public", "Leave a Good Tip", "Articulate Clearly" and "Spit Don't Make No Babies".
Within 5 years, if followed closely, there will certainly be some hope of redemption in what is perilously close to a totaled culture. Therein lies a high probability that civility will increase.
Think about it.
You Get What You Get,
White people try to prevent pregnancy, especially teen pregnancies. Even if they produce babies out of wedlock, they are far more likely to jointly support the child, give the child up for adoption, or marry later and have a stepparent for the child. There is a fundamental difference between blacks and almost every other race in regards to their wanton cruelty, violence, aggressive sexuality, and basic lack of understanding of consequences. That, coupled with the complete failure of the black community to do anything about it or even recognize that it is there is what makes me angry. You can see this in every population that is majority-Black in the world.
Thank you, mish, for injecting some perspective.
Also, on the subject of "black genocide": If those pregnancies had never occurred, the net would be the same as ending them. Is not getting pregnant out of wedlock "black genocide"?
I've never had a child out of "wetlock". It sounds dangerous.
"You don't know if a black child will be a criminal before an abortion"
The statistical likelihood that he'll be a criminal is good enough for me.
And that's not even taking into account all the illegitimate future criminals he'll father.
"Race doesn't matter in this field."
The rate of HIV infection is significantly higher among blacks that among other races, therefore this statement is idiotic.
"Both blacks and whites produce babies out of wetlock, and I don't care who does it more."
Then you do not understand the catastrophic effects of illegitimacy, and how it has destroyed the social fabric within the black community.
This is common among blacks.
"Now that easy example of what I mean should make your simple minds understand my point."
Hello Hillary. Welcome back!
"...lack of opportunities"
So, O wise black woman, I have a question.
Blacks have simple opportunities each day, only they do not make the most of them. For example, the opportunity to be helpful, pleasant, responsible, clean, orderly, punctual, financially conservative, law-abiding, civil, fair, considerate of others, generous, loving, spiritual, and quietly observing the world. All are free to everyone, by the way.
Why are most blacks, especially the underclass blacks, not even willing make the most of the free opportunities that are available to all citizens? Do you honestly thing that giving blacks more "opportunities" will help them?? Are you talking about tangible things like more education money and slavery reparations, free jobs, free training, free rent, free everything?
Which opportunities do you suppose that we should provide that we have not already given to blacks?? Are you saying that blacks will forever need a boost AND a safety net in order to function?
I don't understand your point. Black people have no respect for basic opportunities. They have no respect for the universal law that what goes around comes around. When you are filthy, rude, disrespectful and nasty, that is what comes back to you. Blacks will never have the riches of the universe because they are greedy by nature.
"...lack of opportunities"
And another thing. In our industrialized society, a good credit score means everything. How many blacks do not even understand the basics of economics? Do you think that blacks are unable to grasp the most basic concepts that whites understand easily?
You can not get the "opportunity" of a low rate loan if you have declared bankruptcy twice and have defaulted on several auto loans. You will not have a good credit score if you purchase designer clothing instead of paying the water company. You will not be able to get an auto loan if you have been arrested for forging checks. Why are blacks not willing to do the hard work required to be successful? What is with the laziness and unwillingness to know and understand simple concepts.
I know the answers to my questions, by the way. I am just amazed that you think we are all so clueless. My credit score is 830. I have worked hard on that. I have no debt, have never been bankrupt, live a very simple life, do not live outside my means, and make smart financial decisions. I was not taught these things, I just do them.
"But I care more about animals and their habitats; there are way too many people on this planet. And we've dominated it for long enough."
This is the most ridiculous thing I have even heard. What a moron!
Let's be honest: STD rates are much, much higher among Black people, particularly Black women.
Here's more data:
And more Data on AIDS and Black people:
These are hardly unreliable sources. The primary way to get an STD is to sleep with someone who has slept with a Black person.
Just ask the lost kids of Rockdale County.
"You don't know if a black child will be a criminal before an abortion.."
Even if this was possible, I don't want to pay for this kids food, rent, education and incarceration for the rest of my life. Remember, blacks need handouts and safety nets in order to survive in a western society.
"You ridicule blacks for things your race does also."
To be more precise, blacks are ridiculed for not only embracing, but celebrating and glorifying atrocious, irresponsible, self-destructive, anti-social and even criminal behavior.
If there isn't one, there should be an entry on Condoms. The reason why illegitimate births/STDs are so high with Blacks is because they refuse to wear condoms. I've mentioned this to Black people and they makes excuses saying, "Condoms break" or "White girls don't get pregnant because they suck dick and take it in the ass" (Which is Black people projecting their promiscuity onto White people). This isn't limited to socioeconomic status and It's not just the Black men that don't want to wear them, the women don't want them to wear them either. Two to tango.
Objective Black Man
"Abortion, and its low-tech cousin infanticide, have been practised in every pre-modern civilization"
So has lynching.
Does that make it OK??
"If those pregnancies had never occurred, the net would be the same as ending them."
Only if you consider the killing of an innocent unborn child to be a "non-event", and only if you ignore the blatant devaluation of human life (which seems to be epidemic in the black community).
Black mothers should legally have 87 trimesters to abort their children.
"Anonymous said...
I'm pro-life, but I don't oppose aborting future black criminals."
You're a piece of shit. And you're definitely not pro-life.
"You're a piece of shit. And you're definitely not pro-life."
LOLOL Okay. I still don't oppose aborting future black criminals.
Feel better?
A comment got approved that I inadvertently let get through. Try and keep comments from going to far into the sewer and maintain a modicum of decency in your responses.
Okay, usually I have a strong stomach for gore since I live in Detroit. But, what I just saw on one of the liberal news channels actually made me want to vomit and I had to change the channel. Apparently there is this afro doctor in Philadelphia (probably a graduate of a HBC – but definitely no a board certified gynecologist) who is now being convicted of performing late term abortions. What is disgusting is what this “doctor” did. This wasn’t just pregnant women far along in their trimester – these were women on the verge of giving birth. He actually induced labor and killed the child by sticking scissors in its …… I had to turn the channel. But police described the scene as a chamber of horrors. There were not just fully developed fetuses, but actual dead babies and baby’s parts. The room where they dumped the dead babies and fetuses was the same room the staff was using for a lunch room. The “doctors” anesthesiologist was a high school student that was giving the patient drug cocktails. I know white people do it all the time………. NOT
Here is the link
interesting stuff
"We should pay any black girl or woman $100 and a crack pipe to have an abortion, and another $1000 if they permit an irreversible sterilization."
"Black mothers should legally have 87 trimesters to abort their children."
"I'm pro-life, but I don't oppose aborting future black criminals."
This is the most ugliest thing I've ever laid eyes on. As human beings, beings who have been made to be superior above all other beings on Earth, and humans with hearts, personalities, and characters, I am disgusted with the behavior from adults as ourselves.
This is absurd and you should all be ashamed of yourselves. Those of you who support the inhumane beliefs above should be disgusted with yourselves. You have taken racism to a whole different level. All of you who support these beliefs are MURDERERS in my eyes.
How dare you, and those of you who are mothers especially, how dare you not shed a thought of remorse about killing an innocnet, helpless baby! You might as well become a baby murderer for all I care if you think this way! You're disgusting human beings, and I'm sickened to even know individuals such as yourselves live on Earth.
It's one thing to be racist and despise a race, but it's another thing to let your hatred for that race get to the point to where you want to legalize mass-murdering of INFANTS just so you can be happy. They had nothing to do with this! They don't even know what's going on.
This is just sick and I'm done arguing with this. All I know is that you people aren't humans. I refuse to believe you're a human. You are subhuman in my eyes.
Last anon,
And that's why I never wanted to even bring up abortion.
Though this story is quite interesting.
Seriously SBPDL, and the anon who first talked of that horrible doctor?! You're seriously going to start the game of..."they're worse than us"?! And after the fact that you stated that you didn't want to get into the issue of abortion. You know how serious of an issue this is, but yet you still try to squeeze in your abhorrent propaganda?!
Give me a break. Not only are you disgusting for trying to even give me the slightest tease of how horrible this black guy is for performing abortion, when you know many of us believe abortion is wrong period. I'm disappointed in you SBPDL.
Abortion is wrong period. Who does it is wrong regardless of who they are. You can be the president, celebrity, or the person who saved my life, if you do it, you are wrong and disgusting in my eyes.
"only if you ignore the blatant devaluation of human life (which seems to be epidemic in the black community)"
They'll make more. They're like some sort of contagious virus, destroying everything in their path, while reproducing wildly at the same time.
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