The comical atmosphere of 65 percent black Baltimore and the city's black elected/appointed officials continues to provide the ultimate punchline for those willing to laugh at the state of America in 2015.
And if you can't laugh, you'll never, ever get the joke.
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The same day as Prince's "Rally 4 Peace" concert in 65% black Baltimore, 10 people were shot (three fatally) |
Prince made a visit to Baltimore for a special concert he dubbed a "Rally 4 Peace." He debuted his new song "Baltimore," an ode to Freddie Gray, which includes this lyric (repeated multiple times): “If there ain’t no justice / then there ain’t no peace.”
The "Rally 4 Peace" happened to fall on a day in Baltimore when the violence of individual black people collectively served as a reminder the community is only united in their hatred of white people, western civilization, and law and order. [Wave of Baltimore shootings, killings continue, Baltimore Sun, 5-11-15]:
Ten people were reported shot in Baltimore on Sunday, including three fatal shootings that occurred within a span of about two blocks in Northwest Baltimore.
The shootings continued a recent wave of violence. The 10 shootings were the second such occurrence in four days, after 10 people were also shot Thursday.
Another homicide was reported Monday, as police said a man was fatally shot in the head in the 3400 block of Clifton Ave. in Southwest Baltimore. At least 87 people have been killed in Baltimore this year, 22 more than this time last year, while non-fatal shootings are up nearly 50 percent across the city. The homicides also come as the city prepares for the Preakness Stakes on Saturday at Pimlico Race Course.Though the May 2 "Victory Celebration" in Baltimore (held to celebrate black State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby sacrificial indictment of six Baltimore Police Department officers to the black mob threatening to burn down the city) heard such boasts of "Malik Shabazz in #Baltimore: "those kids throwing rocks & bottles are the greatest youth of our generation... they are revolutionaries!" and Shabazz brings Bloods & Crips up on stage, calls them "the new generation of defenders and protectors" of community. We "don't need police.", the reality is 65 percent black Baltimore is quickly headed to a situation where the lyrics of Prince's song "1999" come true. [Violence surges as Baltimore police officers feel hesitant, Baltimore Sun, 5-8-15]:
As the number of shootings and homicides has surged in Baltimore, some police officers say they feel hesitant on the job under intense public scrutiny and in the wake of criminal charges against six officers in the Freddie Gray case.
State's Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby's decision last week to charge the officers has stoked strong opinions across the country — including praise from those who want accountability and derision from some legal experts. But perhaps the most jarring effect has been on the Baltimore Police Department.
"In 29 years, I've gone through some bad times, but I've never seen it this bad," said Lt. Kenneth Butler, president of the Vanguard Justice Society, a group for black Baltimore police officers. Officers "feel as though the state's attorney will hang them out to dry."
Several officers said in interviews they are concerned crime could spike as officers are hesitant to do their jobs, and criminals sense opportunity.
Butler, a shift commander in the Southern District, said his officers are expressing reluctance to go after crime.
"I'm hearing it from guys who were go-getters, who would go out here and get the guns and the bad guys and drugs. They're hands-off now," Butler said. "I've never seen so many dejected faces. "Policing, as we once knew it, has changed."
Lt. Victor Gearhart, a 33-year veteran who works in the Southern District, said residents with complaints about police "are going to get the police force they want, and God help them."White police officers within the Baltimore Police Department should just resign en masse, knowing full well the pensions they work to earn will not be there when they retire (because tax-producing businesses are leaving the every demographically darkening city).
Let Malik Shabazz's Blood and Crips members (don't forget the Black Guerrilla Family!) be the protectors of the city, because he's correct: the black people of Baltimore don't need the police.
Jack Young, the black Baltimore City Council President, has already stood side-by-side with these "protectors of the city," apologized for calling them thugs and instead dubbed those responsible for violence merely "misdirected" youths.
And Marilyn Mosby just happened to attend the "Rally 4 Peace" concert in Baltimore on the same 10 people were shot (three fatally)... [arilyn Mosby Appeared On Stage With Prince During Ode To Freddie Gray, Daily Caller, 5-11-15]:
Marilyn Mosby and her husband Nick Mosby, a Baltimore city councilman, sat on a couch on stage during Prince’s “Rally 4 Peace” benefit concert, according to the Baltimore Sun.
Prince performed “Baltimore,” a social justice anthem he released earlier this month in response to Gray’s death and to riots and social unrest in Baltimore.
“Nobody got in nobody’s way, so I guess you could say it was a good day, at least a little better than the day in Baltimore. Does anybody hear us pray, for Michael Brown or Freddie Gray? Peace is more than the absence of a war,” the song goes. “If there ain’t no justice than there ain’t no peace,” it continues.
“The system is broken,” Prince told the audience, according to the Sun. “It’s going to take the young people to fix it this time. We need new ideas, new life.”
While Mosby did not speak to the audience during the concert, her appearance comes just two days after the cops in the case filed motions of dismissal and recusal.
The officers claim that Mosby has several personal, political and professional conflicts of interest and that she should remove herself from the case and allow a special prosecutor to take over. According to the Sun, Mosby’s husband gave her the tickets for the concert as a Mother’s Day gift.
Even before appearing on stage with Prince Sunday, Mosby has been accused of making statements that were seen as prejudiced against the criminal justice system.“I heard your call for ‘no justice, no peace,'” Mosby said when she announced charges against the officers.
Another example of Mosby’s alleged bias came two days before she announced charges — and as the case was still being investigated. The 35-year-old prosecutor told a group of church leaders, “[the criminal justice system] has historically and disproportionately affected so many communities of color, and what we’re seeing right now when we turn on the news and we open up the newspaper is that frustration.”
The anthem for the black insurrection in 65 percent black Baltimore is not Prince's new song, "Baltimore," but the apocalyptic rock-song "1999."
When you understand this joke, you'll truly realize our job was never to reform America, create an American renaissance or some American instauration, but to simply survive.
"...Prince made a visit to Baltimore for a special concert he dubbed a 'Rally 4 Peace.' He debuted his new song "Baltimore," an ode to Freddie Gray, which includes this lyric (repeated multiple times): 'If there ain’t no justice / then there ain’t no peace...'" (Emphasis added)
Well, in their case there is "just us," and there still is no peace.
Fattie Michael Moore agrees with the scabrous Mosby. Like her he wants no police in the hoodie hood hood. Just disarm them, he says. Whitie already has millions of guns. Interesting guy, that Fattie.
Hey Baltimorons (aka Negroes). Fuck with the Preakness horse race if you REALLY want to get under Whitey's skin!
Seriously. That will really make them regret being slaveowners and Jim Crow'ers.
Teach em y'all!
Michale Brown had moments ealier committed strong arm robbery. Freddi Gray was a heroin dealer, a Heroin Dealer and these people make mayrtyrs of them. Has there ever been a more despicable people in the history of mankind? Nazis? Communists? Radical Islamics? Well, they didn't tolerate heroin dealers did they?
Here's how it's heading, Detroit, Baltimore, Ferguson, all the rest will become black enclave no go zones, any whgites caught there will be in effect slaves, police will avoid and they will police themselves. Good, blacks are well known for their competence and compassion, yes?
For the rest of us, the time is at hand to destroy the social justice warriors, the disingenious white liberals, all the rest, who would enslave the good to enrich the wicked.
Leave the blacks to themselves, in the workplace and in the community. Stand up against the wicked.
Black people are doomed, if they know it or not. A Hispanic majority America will extract every last centavo from White middle/working class Americans to benefit ... Latinos. That's how spoils politics works. A Chinese oligarchy will cleanse Blacks from Baltimore, NYC, Philly, Chicago, Miami, Atlanta, every desirable city to live. Already I bet half the Chinese oligarchy is drooling over getting rid of Blacks in South Central and turning it into (lucratively) a Chinese enclave for the lower Chinese elites.
Moore's Law posits a doubling of information processing every 18 months or so; which means actual robotics for low skilled labor replacement is arriving just as a mass of Third World Mexican/Central American labor is arriving. As noted above, no more welfare for Blacks or AA preferences either.
Prince? He's still alive? He hasn't had a hit since Michael J. Fox was playing Alex Keaton on Family Ties. Yeah I'm sure the Hood will embrace a gender-bending guy with Christian apocalpytic beliefs.
Oh please, dindus, fork with The Preakness. Make sure no white can ever safely attend a baseball game at Camden Yards ever again. Make sure the entire world sees what you are and what happens to schools, businesses, counties, cities and societies when you metastasize into them.
just looked at the game playing on the tellie, at most 50% packed. the did do nuffins ruined it.
Seems it's safer to join the military and spend your days in a war zone than living in Bmore, Detroit, etc. At least you can shoot back.
I wonder if PK has stats on loss of soldiers vs. loss of civilians at the hands of the nog. I'm betting the nogs kill more here than the Arabs kill abroad. I would research it but I'm too tired.
At some point white America needs to accept the fact that urban areas have reached the point of no return and are lost causes. The only realistic solution is for true white Americans to give up on these cesspools and focus our attention on keeping the wealthy suburban, and rural areas, under white control. Let the apes and the white liberals have the cities. We all know how the cities will turn out.
The liberals can bitch and moan all they want about white privilege and all that crap, but as long as we hold strong in our areas we'll always have the better life.
Let Baltimore, Detroit, Atlanta, St. Louis, and every other black city collapse. At the end of the day its not our problem. Any whites dumb enough to stay in those places with the writing on the wall deserve whatever comes their way.
I listened to Rush Limbaugh say today that the number of Black Fetuses aborted every week is more than the amount of adult Negros who were lynched in the entire 80 years after the Civil War. The Black Abortion rate is around 38%. I can't imagine it being 38% worse than it is now by not having Abortion available.
Let them have the police force they demand. The sooner the better. And Obama should sign blanket pardons for ALL blacks currently incarcerated! Why? Because they will mostly return home to the projects and pick back up killing other residents of those hellholes. Anything that expedites the end of more black lives is a bonus. Plus the fact they would feel like they got a vindication over whites makes it even sweeter!
Well, whaddya know? All those hip, cool, groovy black musicians we've all been bippin' and boppin' to all these years hate us just as much as the street rats do.
And I thought they just wanted to make us happy with their funky music! I'm SO disillusioned!
When you understand this joke, you'll truly realize our job was never to reform America, create an American renaissance or some American instauration, but to simply survive.
"Our job is to simply survive." That's become my mantra these days as I grow ever more despondent watching these negroes and their handlers dismantle what's remaining of white America.
Today I got a letter from my sister whose been in rehab for the past month down in Florida. She used a couple of phrases which showed me that she's really trying to hold it together, like "one day at a time". It is important that we remember that we cannot save the United States. It's too far gone. At some point it will crash and burn under its own weight. Once the ashes and cinders have settled, we can then go forth and determine a better way forward. Peace and good will to all.
About the post yesterday;
My first baseball game was in 1990, it was at Dodgers stadium in L.A. they were playing the Atlanta Braves in a double header, back when they had such a thing.
Neil Patrick Harris sang the national anthem. That was when he was Doogie Howser M.D. He ended up sitting a few rows in front of me. I had a Polaroid camera, got his photo, and he signed it for me.
Tommy LaSorda was still the manager of the Dodgers. Some pitch call wasn't to his liking, and he stormed out to the box and kicked dirt on the Umpire, getting ejected from the game. Funny how at that time, being 10 yrs old, I never realized just how special that day was, that slice of Americana that no longer exists.
About today's:
Yet another example of Negro insurrection to be pointed out to my liberal "friends." I have noticed that for as "educated and enlightened" they claim they are, they are entirely ignorant of such things as this, like they were/are of the evidence in Trayvon, Michael, and Freddies' cases.
But I guess it kinda falls into the Black Paradox: Claim you want a certain reality; Blame everything on Some outside force, regardless of any evidence to the contrary; and then promptly do exactly the opposite of what you claim to want, or be the very thing that you decry.
Prince sings for peace by performing a song promoting domestic terrorism.
Blacks like the Wookie in the WH. denounce Racial profiling then promptly racially profile White people.
Blacks like Shabazz Complain about the number of Black people in jail, yet go out and commit crimes and/or turn a blind eye to those that do.
How many black people do they think are innocent? How does all this evidence magically manifest itself?
Must be a copse of Evidence trees, where YT grows and picks the evidence to convict innocent blacks of crimes, which is right next to the grove of Job Trees that Yt keeps all to himself as well. Just think, if Africans had any semblance of horticulture, their problems would be solved! Hell, the only time they seemed to be happy was picking & singing in the cotton fields.
oh the Baltimore Prosecutor appeared on stage with Prince during that song too. Yeah, she's unbiased, in the Black Paradox kind of way. Funny how that wasn't mentioned in a lot of articles about this event
And don't forget about the participation of the Soulful Symphony Paul! They played a free concert after all!
According to their website:
"Founded in 2000 by composer and artistic director Darin Atwater, Soulful Symphony is an assemblage of some of the finest instrumentalist and vocalist committed to the highest artistic values.
Our name comes from the combination of Soulful, which means, “expressing deep feeling,” and Symphony which means “harmony of sounds.” It is both our name and our nature. We use the word symphony loosely, for it is our mission to redefine the traditional symphonic experience. Like a musical Lego set, we expand and contract, pushing the limits of creativity."
Oh the Black Paradox, if you can't be something, redefine it or burn it down.
The Baron
Torontonian here, just watching the baseball game on TV , man that stadium is empty, I feel for you white brothers, those chimp brigades there are sure masters of their own demise and antagonists of decent humans.
Haha, that's beautiful, let the O's enjoy the petard upon which they've been hoisted. It's beautiful, where is the Ravens stadium? I hope it's close enough to the war zone to feel the effects. Pray for a long, hot summer. Let's get it started. burn this bitch down.
Frankly having been to a couple of notable horse races, I almost hope that Sir Dindu of Baltimorgue and the whole Moon Cricket Brigade fock that event up (without hurting the horses, of course). With relatively few exceptions (& there definitely are some), two types of people animate and dominate the crowd at these "prestigious" events: pretentious, wealthy pricks and the overtly pretentious bitches who accompany them.
I love equestrians, but I loathe the Crown fan base. Screw the hat trick, I'm hoping for a hat trample.
There ARE blacks who get it...and who are hated by other blacks. He says things whites can only say in private. Here we have rants about "negroes" and Baltimore. Entertaining to say the least...
I don't understand why there are no political figures pointing out that law enforcement cannot be defeated and humiliated like some group of misbehaving children. Why is there no respect for the sheer force of the police if not their moral standing? If indeed the police withdraw to their " bunkers" the black community will quickly implode. Incredibly everyone seems to know this fact except the black so-called community itself.
A bit off topic but I resent the corruption of English due to the mindless use of the word " community " to describe collections of people who are obviously not united around any common morality, except possibly incoherent hatred of whites. I cannot understand the use of mollycoddling " nice " terms to describe people with murder on their minds.
Eddie in St Louis said, (quoting Rush Limbaugh) "The Black Abortion rate is around 38%"
"Leave the blacks to themselves, in the workplace and in the community. Stand up against the wicked."
This sounds great! The problem is they won't leave Whites alone.
Please remember when Barry the Kenyan said he was going to "fundamentally transform America"? He was not kidding. His goal is to displace Whites through massive immigration and miscegenation. And NO, voting republican won't do anything about it. They are onboard with the whole pogrom.
As PK frequently states "We just need to survive". This is not a metaphorical statement. It's the truth.
Scot Irish
re: black abortion
Just because a black baby is aborted, does not mean their population is permanently reduced by one. The mother will proceed to get knocked up again (the abortion does not keep her sterile for 9 months or a year) and then Sopheequa's Choice is made all over again. Eventually, the coin will land on "Tails", and she'll go full-term to deliver the kid.
Maybe, over the course of her fertile years, the accumulated abortions will reduce the size of her litter by a nog or two, but she will still crank them out. Biology mandates it of all creatures, at least those whose "higher intellect" doesn't convince themselves to opt out of the game.
What was Rush's point about the 38% anyway? Is he telling blacks (as if they're listening to him) how Evil Liberal Democrats have committed genocide against them, and now they should vote for Family Values Republicans who hate abortion and would love to have more black people around? I wish he would just talk about football and golf, and leave politics to the rest of us who live in the real world.
Eddie in St Louis said, (quoting Rush Limbaugh) "The Black Abortion rate is around 38%"
There is no way. No fucking way that black females are aborting 38% of their meal tickets. Find out who is pushing that info & you'll find someone who has you at the top of their shit list.
If I had to wager a guess, I'd say they are aborting 2% tops, and that is if they are getting PAID to do so.
About this:
"The Black Abortion rate is around 38%. I can't imagine it being 38% worse than it is now by not having Abortion available."
Don't forget, abortion is Dysgenic, NOT eugenic, meaning basically that the MOST RESPONSIBLE BLACK WOMEN are the one's getting the abortions, leaving the less responsible of the lot to have more children.
I read 'Prince' [prince of where n what?]
is 3/4 WHITE.
clearly identified w his 1/4 black heritage.
Johnnie Tax Base said..
I agree 100 percent with Mr Shabazz. Fire the cops and bring in the Crips and Bloods. I can't think of anything better for the people of Baltimore. Their cries FOR JUSTICE will then turn into cries FOR MERCY. These people are really amazing.
"Interesting guy, that Fattie."
Wonder if he still has that Squid manager telling what to tell the world to believe?
The more people I talk to, the more they are fed up with black violence. And these are people who've never brought any of this up before. Had someone mention that Chicago more dangerous than Iraq. People are getting tired, and fast. Bring on the summer heat.
Here is a hilarious story and picture. Of course in Fayettenam. Enjoy and spread please, my friends and awesome posters out there.
NC Guy
I thought that sissy changed his name to a upside down j with a half a t stuck in there sideways with a couple of dots.
Mich Mike
This is hopefully the beginning of the end to the dimdu's. Since they don't know real history, let me refresh their memory. Nothing lasts forever, the Greeks fell, Ottman's fell, & so did the Roman's. The USSA is bankrupt & these city orgs are running wild. We also are being invaded by illegal browns. And these Afrikan rejects want to cry foul, ha, let th kill, stab, rape & rob each other till the end. YT's rise & arm yourselves & let the nogs police themselves!
These old American cities, in many cases built by men who are frankly better than us, are gone. NYC, Chicago, Detroit, Birmingham, Memphis, the list goes on. They are gone and will not return. They will not be recolonized first by gay people, or artists or single white couples. It's not going to happen.
Negro youth in particular are a scourge and they will destroy everything they touch and there is no end in sight. Get away from the cities. What made them useful, technology is making unnecessary.
I listened to Rush Limbaugh say today that the number of Black Fetuses aborted every week is more than the amount of adult Negros who were lynched in the entire 80 years after the Civil War.
You know what gets me when conservatives make such arguments? They get nothing in return from blacks. Nothing! No votes, no mass registration for the Republican Party, no blacks in the streets marching for conservative causes. But it's this obeisance too many Americans believe they must pay to blacks.
Of course, blacks see such obeisance as a sign of weakness by conservatives. Even when blacks burn down a city, Americans still kowtow in their direction.
The thing about segregation was not just the physical separation of the races. It was that white people had a justifiable sense of their own superiority, a cultural separation if you like. As a result, blacks towed the line and even with abortion illegal, never were much of a threat to white civilization.
Torontonian here, just watching the baseball game on TV , man that stadium is empty, I feel for you white brothers...
The significance of this event (the playing to an empty stadium) can not be underestimated. Black radicalism has shut down the All-American sport. Do the tens of millions of American "sportsmen" who watch these games on their telescreens even stop to think about this?
I wonder what would happen if all games were shut down by massive rioting. Would that be enough to wake up whites?
Fattie owns nine homes. Or did before his divorce.
I've heard that illegal aliens alone have killed more Americans than have died in war since Iraq I.
The fatigue is waxing quickly these days. Comments like "I even prefer yes PREFER Mexicans to liberal Whites." Show you are an enemy to whites.
Because a liberal White professor, journalist or television writer does far more damage to Whites than a thousand Mexicans. That's why I prefer Mexicans to them.
You are blind to your own enemies. The war against the South was ordered by WHITE MALES. The voting rights act was signed by WHITE MALES. Brown vs Board was passed by WHITE MALES.
Maybe you hate DWLs but you further the erasure of white people instead?
I further the erasure of Whites by putting DWLs below Mexicans? That's some bizarre logic. So I have to love everyone that is White? Like the White felon that almost killed me? What kind of stupid logic is that?
I put Mexicans above White junkies, felons, and liberals. The latter are not my kin or brothers. Joseph Biden is not my brother and yes I would rather hang out with the guy that cuts my neighbor's lawn. Maybe you don't like my attitude? Oh well, for the 1000th time this is not Stormfront.
Shame on you. The dwl will be taken care of when the time comes as will other traitors.
Right, you let me know when the 4th Reich is going to fix everything. In the meantime the rest of the grown-ups will try to find a solution to this mess.
The only realistic solution is for true white Americans to give up on these cesspools...
The liberals can bitch and moan all they want about white privilege and all that crap, but as long as we hold strong in our areas we'll always have the better life.
That's not enough. Our government is headed for a collapse because these black cities are subsidized by deficit spending and the bleeding never stops. We can't just hold out in places like Idaho or Montana. We all depend on the dollar and we all pay taxes. Do you realize what will happen if they crash our currency? Our whole system is built around oil and we need a stable currency to pay for imports. The Feds have chosen to print money rather than admit to Black genetics and we will see a bigger crash if nothing changes. The only answer is for White people to wake up and drop paint theory. Once political will exists then we won't have to worry about the details. Getting there is the hard part.
I want to ask you all something:
What is the lowest piece of human scum? Honestly. A child molester? Or how about someone that doesn't fondle children but rapes them instead? Is that the definition of a monster or is there worse than that? Maybe a child serial killer?
I mean, right now you have a thief and a heroin dealer that have shrines and riots going on for them as martyrs. I want to know what on earth is the possible lowest of lows so that when that person is celebrated and glorified in the Negro community that I can say "I've seen it all" before I die.
You wouldn't be surprised would you? Nothing shocks me anymore now...
The choice is simple. You can have two of the three selections below:
a. Peace
b. Prosperity
c. Blacks
Dont stay up late thinking this through.
May I offer up a new word for a new phase of the eternal Human/Black conflict?
Segregation of the negro via technological advances (made by non-black Humans).
e.g. After a second felony is committed, a radio microchip is implanted in the dindus' neck skin and used to keep it in its own hood, away from non-blacks. A series of satellites keep track of the orc's movements and alerts authorities if it stays from its native habitat. If it is tampered with the orc faces a death penalty.
The current use of the tracking anklet for home arrests is an early example of techregation. Our scientists need to keep focusing on this soon-to-be major market.
Is it worth examining further the roles played by TWMNBN in the current state of negro promotion and protection in America? They do have an inordinate degree of control of our media, and the media does its best to act as a PR agency for orcs; so, is there a secret Saturday People plan to use the orc as shock troops in a concerted effort to increase their control of America, and advance their own tribal interests?
I truly believe where there's smoke, there's fire; this would be a very interesting angle to fully research.
I wonder if I have any idea what is really going on? America seems on the brink of some great change but will I see it coming? Can I see it coming?
I remember as a newly wed living in San Francisco in the sixties. The sirens were going off. Fire engines or cop cars were wailing outside. I thought everything was coming apart.
But only a decade ago in the middle of George W. Bush's second term I thought America has on a permanent plateau of peace and prosperity. I thought macro-economics was 'cured' rather like polio. The nation had destroyed communism and the nuclear threat and would elect moderate republicans into the foreseeable future.
Then the economy collapsed and Barack Obama was elected.
These Ferguson and Baltimore riots are clearly a result of the re-emergence of radical leftism with Obama but does that mean they will disappear when he leaves office? I'd like to say yes, but I've been wrong before.
When I was little kid we used to say that America had never lost a war. But of course lately even with the biggest military in world history we lose every war. We avoided nuclear war - or did we? Only a few years ago everyone - left and right - assumed that the Iraq invasion would be self financing. We won that war - at least for a while - but it ended up bankrupting us. Only World War II cost more.
I fear we may turn toward nuclear and biological warfare because they are cost effective. America is too broke to fight conventionally anymore.
America seems headed towards major readjustment rather like the end of the British Empire at the time of the Boer War.
The Muslims seem poised to invade. We have no allies in that fight. We will need to go it alone and without money.
This looks like a scenario where we will need all Americans to pull together. Blacks are likely to elicit very little sympathy in a newer, poorer America. It's easy to imagine America turning against blacks the same way we turned against the Amerindians or the internment of the Japanese.
Maybe I'm wrong but a new Sheridan could emerge and those EBT machines would be turned off.
A dominant and very rich America could afford AFDC, Section 8, and Affirmative Action. But soon maybe no more.
Completely off topic my apologies. Years ago I was reading some article and then scrolled down to the comments and read the greatest thesis ever. I couldn't believe it came from a comment writer. Essentially the argument was about the cradle of civilization was Africa and then all the other races took risks and left that hell hole for opportunities to the north and east. The negro was left behind. Never taking an risks. Content to wallow in his animalistic environment until being forced into white civization. It went on to say they cannot function in this environment except in sports or music. Finally it spent a great deal arguing how women (especially white) were the vessels of civilization and they are being infected by the negro and accounting for a debased society. If anyone has seen this before (and I know I'm prob searching for a needle in a haystack) or knows where it came from please post a link as a reply. I would love to copy it and commit it to memory.
" Anonymous said...
Hey Baltimorons (aka Negroes). Fuck with the Preakness horse race if you REALLY want to get under Whitey's skin!
Seriously. That will really make them regret being slaveowners and Jim Crow'ers.
Teach em y'all!
May 11, 2015 at 5:16 PM"
Really and what would happen? the same thing that always happens? tough talking on forums maybe.
"I listened to Rush Limbaugh say today that the number of Black Fetuses aborted every week is more than the amount of adult Negros who were lynched in the entire 80 years after the Civil War."
Was he lamenting this? If not, does he really believe that these negroes would grow up to be conservative, Christian Republicans?
Or is he just playing to his audience of delusional conservatives?
All white officers in Baltimore should either resign, or just sit in their cars and surf SBPDL and read any of PK's books.
Hell with it: Let the Negroes just be Negroes.
Just protect the White areas of the city.
Hit the ball out if the park with that one!!!
Michael Moore, should put his money where his mouth is. Does he live in a dark city, hell no. A couple of years ago he built a apartment building in Traverse City Mi. He lives on the top floor, in a 96% white city.
Michael, invest money in Detroit, Baltimore, Atlanta, etc, etc, etc.
These uber liberals, are nothing but lies and hot air.
Saw this today.
"Just protect the White areas of the city"
and that's what it all boils down to. the dindus want to have areas where no whites, even white police, are allowed to go. then they come to our neighborhoods, rob us, and scurry back to their " protectorates" untouchable.I have no problem leaving them to wallow in their disfunction in their cities as long as we come down on them like a hammer when they come in ours.
This concert for monkeyshines has a very African feel, the "big orcs" on stage on a couch. The witch doctor "prince or that symbol" doing wherever it is the little sissy does and the crowd ooking and eeking.
These savages never see how they live the stereotype every day and then wonder where they come from as if they act civilized.
I agree with Pat, things can change overnight, the negro will continue to over play it's paw. America after a currency collapse will be hell on the negro and anybody near them, that's something to think about. Get out of the cities if you can.
Whatever the future holds it doesn't look good for the negroes and it never has. All of de gibs n sheet hasn't helped and 100 times the amount won't either. They are what they are and in positions of power they can break an anvil. I hope this country is learning that lesson.
Is there any other group in the world that requires so much intense investment and re-investment?
Do white or Asian children need community centers? Midnight basketball? Brother's keeper? Vigils? Stop and Frisk? Marches? any of it? .... just to have the potential to possibly be redeemable and functional?
What is the return on this investment? Do we see ANY improvement or hope for the future by pouring so many resources into this demographic?
All I see is dismal returns with broken city after city, ruined school district after school district, and upside down budget after budget. But that is not the real story, the real story is the opportunity costs lost by this malinvestment. This ranges from the space program to withering infrastructure, to schools being dumbed down to reach the black level of achievement.
Just let Africans achieve what Africans can achieve, away from everyone else! If "waves of killings and shootings" is how they see fit to live, stop policing them.
The friction that exists is from trying to integrate Africans into European social standards. Everyone loses!
I want to know what on earth is the possible lowest of lows so that when that person is celebrated and glorified in the Negro community that I can say "I've seen it all" before I die.
Well they defended Michael Jackson who was raping the young male siblings of patients that were staying at his neverland ranch.
But I'm sure they will take it lower than that. They always go to new lows when it comes to defending their own.
My fondest wish is that every last white police officer in every city in this country taken over by thesevicious Mau Maus and their gang-affiliated homeies just fucking resigns, no matter what the cost, and moves the *uck out of those black shitholes.
Leave these worthless black monsters totally on their own. They'll last about as long as any parasite once its host is devoured, which is to say about a day.
Once the "governing apes" in these city halls and PO leeeece stations realize their predominately white-subsidized tax base has suddenly disappeared, and there is no money left to steal from the white debil, then they can all "drink" a toast to their great new freedoms at the bottom of giant outhouse of their own making and wipe their bloated lips with "pre-owned" urine & shit-soaked toilet paper.
A lot of liberals seem amazed that their parents locked up the Japanese in internment camps. It has become fashionable to attribute this 'perversion' to 'racism'.
But that's bad history. We did the same thing to the completely Caucasian Italians here in the San Francisco Bay Area. One of the most beloved Italians of all time was Joe DiMaggio. But the government feared that the Italian fishermen were going to sail out under the Golden Gate and give war secrets to the Nazi submarines. They confiscated the DiMaggio fishing boats.
So modern liberals ask, "Why did the government lock up the Japanese?"
Wrong question. The question should be, "Why did we let them loose"?
After all we never let the Indians loose. At VJ Day America controlled about one third of the entire planet's wealth. Japan hadn't just been fire bombed and atomic bombed, we had sunk all it's shipping. The population was starving.
We let the Japanese go because they were no threat whereas Indians still were.
So if during a national crisis we lock up the black population, is it likely that we would soon release them again?
America is filled with vast empty spaces. We put the Indians in them in the late nineteenth century and the Japanese in the twentieth century. It seems to me that when America has its twenty first century 'readjustment' and can no longer afford to keep blacks in our most valuable real estate, we may likewise relocate them to marginal areas.
Right. Let them dumb bastards try to grow corn, beans, tomatoes, whatever in a parking lot. Or catch fish in a gutter after a rainstorm. I'll wager not a single ghetto ape has ever shot, gutted, skinned and quartered a four legged buck. Let'em have those cities, but don't ever let'em out. It won't take long.
For a bit of comic relief and to keep your sanity, for a moment look past the criminality and crude thuggishness of the dindus and see the laugh-out-loud absurdity of their behavior. The leaders of the troop claim their juvenile members riot, loot, rob and commit arson because they're angry at the po-po for locking up so many of them. They complain there's no pharmacy and that they live in food deserts yet see no connection between torching the CVS and burning down mom-and-pop grocery stores. They complain that DaLooshus and Shanaynay can't read but see no connection between the disrespect for learning they foster and their children's illiteracy?
So when you're not busy wondering if the Good Lord ever created a stupider race than blacks, perhaps you can take away a chuckle or two watching their absurd antics.
My negro fatigue is simple. I'm to old with twist of knowledge. I know better when being spoon fed diversity. I know something is wrong. If it's our strength, why does it not include me or mine? Why is it so inlightening to only people of color?. When they bitch and complian as much or more than I do it's alright, but when I do, It's double wrong and racist.
The race card "racism" is power + privilege in today's society for people of color, I'm just a hater.
I for one don't want to call it hate, I truly don't want to waste my time hating something or someone. For me it's "FATIGUE" I'm fatigued for these reasons...
The application of the sweeping generalizations of "structural discrimination" to explain away black peoples problems : like, whites as a group are beneficiaries of "privilege" and perpetrators of "structural racism," with or without their knowledge or intent.
How about, anything accomplished by a white person can be explained away with this generalization: that he or she would not have accomplished such a thing without privilege, or that he or she accomplished the thing at the expense of others through structural discrimination.
Anything involving human beings is a complex system. That is why such generalizations as "structural racism" and "privilege" are utterly useless as tools of social justice: they attempt to simplify incredibly complex behaviors in a way that is hurtful to an entire group of people, my people, white people.
I'm still amazed that the more & more people ( of all colors ) believe that social progress can be achieved based on these unjust assertions.
( I don't know the auther, but he wrote this)---If you want to say to white people "consider whether or not this thing you are doing may be racist," I will consider joining the exercise. But if you insist on saying to white people "[all] these things you are doing are racist" then we will not find common ground.
The lowest pieces of human scum are those that build monuments to scum.
Michael Moore, just got divorced and his ex got that home, located on the south end of Torch Lake in Mi. That one house alone is over 12,000 sq ft. It has a theatre and a central control system for all rooms of the house.
Hey Michael, and his ex cause she is just like him ,with all that room why not move some poor section 8 negroes in with plenty of kids. Walk the walk, just talking is easy .
PNW, great comments. BTW, as someone who dabbles in anthropology and evolution a bit, no reputable scioentist that I have ever read, heard of or know of has ever even attempted to explain why it is and was - that the negro never really evolved, culturally, socially and intellectually in tandem with their Caucasion and Asian "cousins."
Have you ever noticed that NO ONE in the field even dares touch this question? Many have offered bogus climate "theories (no ipetus to change, innovate or invent because of the warm, agreeable climate). What total horseshit.
Wa again we want to thank you for your tireless work in keeping up this it, I forgot. They built flying saucers and invented great mysterious machines long before homo sapiens came on the scene. My bad.
PK,very important forum for the rest of us. I have immense respect for you.
38% of what control number? Are you talking about 38% of pregnancies? If so without knowing the number of pregnancies it is impossible to find the final effect on population growth. Whatever the total t isn't enough, their population seems to be growing at a very healthy rate.
The Only True muscle is economic Muscle. Maintain & keep your motor Vehicles(s)as long as a Cuban. Keep cash&valuables in your Own safe (access 24/7). Don't use credit cards. These 3 Simple things will get the Attention of the 'Elites'. Soon 'They' will be BEGGING for your 'patronage'. Just say No to as many things that are being 'Marketed' to you{aided by the research of Behaviorialists such as the late John Watson and B.F. Skinner}. Nothing personal just business approach seems to grease the cogs better than Logic_IMHO
Pat Boyle, let me correct something.........."Then the economy collapsed and Barack Obama was elected." No, it's "Then the economy WAS collapsed and Barack Obama was INSTALLED twice."
All the marches, speeches and rallies by blacks to end the violence are meaningless. They're nothing more than "looksatme!" opportunities where blacks can stroke their own ego's. Nothing changes, nothing ever has and nothing ever will.
How many more decades of marches, speeches and rallies have to occur before the majority of people wake up and realize it's all for display and nothing but tiresome and meaningless negro bullshit on repeat mode?
It means nothing, affects nothing, changes nothing. It is merely for the sake of appearences and the illusion of doing something.
If the MSM were honest, headlines would read, "Another Meaningless Stop The Violence Rally Held By Negroes Today." Instead, they fawn over such events as if they had significance and were going to accomplish something.
I don't know but the MSM kind of reminds me of this lady I lived next to one time who had a retarded son who would draw pictures. As children, we saw the pictures and said, "That ain't nothing!" much to the mother's outrage. She truly believed his chicken scratches and doodles were "art" and worthy of note and he'd one day be well known for them.
Maybe the MSM is crazy and delusional too as per negroes.
After Katrina, members of the black community in NOLA shot at National Guard helicopters because they didn't want law and order to be restored.
Investing is blacks is for the little people.
Ok so we can all agree when dealing with or discussing the darkies the word 'logic' never fits. So I pose a question.....
How long have we subsidized this group of people? Epic fail right? What if during this same span of time the blicks were a corporation and the stock just continued to sink lower & lower. When would investors pull the plug?
Facts are facts, except, when in reverse by thug embracing nogs and their pet owning DWL's!
Here in Detroit, not only do they have stop the violence bull shit marches, I've seen them have media and block parties over tearing down houses. They call it fighting blight and have local TV stations come out and they cheer in the street as a backhoe tears down a vacant house.
They literally celebrate the DESTRUCTION of their own neighborhoods.
Who does this ?
"e.g. After a second felony is committed, a radio microchip is implanted in the dindus' neck skin and used to keep it in its own hood, away from non-blacks. A series of satellites keep track of the orc's movements and alerts authorities if it stays from its native habitat. If it is tampered with the orc faces a death penalty.
The current use of the tracking anklet for home arrests is an early example of techregation. Our scientists need to keep focusing on this soon-to-be major market.
May 12, 2015 at 1:17 AM"
Another difficulty Whites have is that they are natural problem solvers. In other words we take responsibility for the negro and seek to enforce it to live to our standards (or at least keep it technologically penned) while trying to live our lives and pay for it, but at the same time, acknowledging its an animal and can never live to those standards, hence the technological solution.
It is not the Whites responsibility to "make" the black anything or to "provide jobs" for illegals or whatever. It is not Whites man's burden. Strict Segregation and a Homeland is the only answer, but that involves ONLY Whites making a decision about Whites. Whatever the future holds, the negro and the AmerIndian are not the future of the White. Their future is with themselves. Ours is on our own. We have had a negro problem for so long that we forget that there are entire Countries that are negro free, where there is no burden of trying to figure out what to do about "them" all the time.
I don't understand why there are no political figures pointing out that law enforcement cannot be defeated and humiliated like some group of misbehaving children.
It says something about mainstream conservatives that they have not turned Baltimore, Ferguson, et alia into some kind of cause. Especially since they have been screaming about "law and order" for decades. But to support law enforcement would mean taking on BRA, and conservatives ain't gonna do that.
And yes, the fact that the mayor could turn her city over to pillaging mobs ought to be a wakeup call for conservatives, if not all Americans. On the other hand, even though the stadium seats were empty, the game was still played and enjoyed by millions of sportsmen on telescreens throughout the Homeland.
An empty stadium where the game goes on...a fitting metaphor for the New America.
Is there any other group in the world [i.e., blacks] that requires so much intense investment and re-investment?
And to take this a step further: is there any other group in the world which can have so much investment made in it...and there never is any payoff?
What is the return on this investment? Do we see ANY improvement or hope for the future by pouring so many resources into this demographic?
We've seen two or so centuries of black majority rule in Haiti, Liberia, Detroit, Baltimore, post-colonial Africa and things continue to disintegrate: infrastructure, education, civil order, politics, human rights...
Anonymous said:
"...Even when blacks burn down a city, Americans still kowtow in their direction..."
Correction: *especially* when blacks burn down a city.
Those pesky "teens" are at it again:
Poor devil confronted Baltimore HS "students" fighting in his front yard. Attacked by fifty (50!) "teens".
Typical of "teens", they were using the guy's yard as a shortcut to the bus. Then a "TTB" -typical teen behavior- fight broke out.
I do feel sorry for this poor battered and beaten White man, facing plastic surgery and with hundreds of thousands in med bills.
Have to say this though- it was a bad decision to go (I presume) unarmed into the middle of a "teen" fight, with scores more "teens" watching.
America is just going to have to come to terms with it's problem...."teens".
Planned Parenthood does report very high abortion rates for Black women. A typical Sheboon with abort 2 or 3, then have 2-4 children after that.
The poor ones will have lots of kids. With a little education, the Sheboons will like the status and spending of a government job and birth rates drop to one or two.
Only White secular women have decided to have no children, or just one as they turn 40. Religious White women (Mormons, Orthodox Jews) are having multiple kids.
Legal abortion has definitely kept the numbers of Blacks and Whites down. It's just sad it's kept the White population lower.
11:52pm- "Because a liberal White professor, journalist or television writer does far more damage to Whites than a thousand Mexicans. That's why I prefer Mexicans to them."
Those thousand mexicans that you love so much, are part of the destruction from your hated DWL professors. Hate them both.
Anonymous said...
After Katrina, members of the black community in NOLA shot at National Guard helicopters because they didn't want law and order to be restored.
May 12, 2015 at 8:04 AM
And I stopped listening to Rush Gasbag the day he got on the air and said it wasn't happening. I had a friend at work who was there, and watched it happen.
I was just now wondering. Could it be we Caucasions have all died, don't know it, and that the black savages now tormenting us day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade, century after century and millenia asfter millenia is our punishment for being kind, caring, intelligent, accomplished, moral and spiritual human beings?
Could it be that maybe God is punishing us all for our foolish, imbecilic belief in the other life that they are no different than us? Could this be the hell the Bible talks about?
You know, I think I'm on to something here.
An observation I have made is Black lives only matter to so called black leaders Al Sharpton, Malik Shabazz, Shaun King etc. under 2 situations.
1. The black person who lost their life is a criminal.
2. The black person is killed by a white and/or cop.
Look at the last 2 big incidents with endless protest's Mike Brown a thief, Freddie Gray a longtime drug dealer.
look at all the protests for them, yet when a TRULY INNOCENT black victim dies like 6 year old Angel Hooper shot while in a store with her father buying her bubblegum, some car just opened fire on the store, the article said the store was crowded, the parking lot was crowded, of course everyone told the cops they saw nothing, it was an all black area, so clearly the no snitch code is working no one wants to turn in someone who just blows the head off of a 6 year old girl in front of her father, no riots, no protest's in the paper for 1-2 days, luckily there was surveillance video and the police caught the criminals a couple of months later, no thanks to the witmesses, Thousands of REALLY INNOCENT black kids get killed while doing things like selling girl scout cookies (shia Miller Indianapolis) no riots, no protest's most don't even want to turn them in as the criminal is almost certainly black (the No Snitch code does not apply to whites and/or cops, they have no problem snitching on a white and/or cop).
When a POS like Mike Brown or Freddie Gray gets killed, I look at it as being like a virus or a cancer removed from society, If a cop killed a drug dealer, I would say good regardless of the color of the dealer or cop.
It is bizarre, but it sure seems that black lives only matter to black leaders under the 2 reasons given.
read the daily kos writer Shaun King he has written about 300 articles all that I have seen are expressing his anger about a black criminal who was killed by a white and/or cop, I have yet to see him write about a TRULY INNOCENT/NON CRIMINAL who was killed like Hooper, Miller and thousands of others, I guess he figures since they were almost certainly killed by a black it does not matter, and even on the rare occasion these so called leaders do talk about an INNOCENT black person being killed, they seem not to have anger towards the criminal, but empathy/sympathy, example this is sad he (the criminal) had it tough growing up he was called names in middle school, he came from a poor background, and that hurt him psychologically, basically saying things to show sympathy for him etc.
And I thought they just wanted to make us happy with their funky music!
I am getting rid of all my music by Blacks. Even the really good ones. I don't want anything by them in my house.
This may be a thing, I found that lots of Black stuff has zero resale value.
Yeah right. That will work great until the next O or DWL comes into power and uses it on the people who are against black crime.
Black people also have zero value
Prince is still around? Well that's a bummer. I had just assumed he was too white and faggoty for blacks to accept anyways...I guess not. "No justice, no peace." What a f#cking joke. I'd like to see this girbil smuggling c#ck sucker go for a nice stroll through the "coonmunity" some night and see what these sub-human turds call justice. They'd just assume he was some gay white dude, easy pickins. When will enough be ENOUGH!?!?!?!
And you can't have any two of them because one of them will make the other two impossible.
Mich Mike
Interesting that Prince according to the Internet, chooses to live in Chanhassan, MN-which is 1.1% black according to the 2010 census.
Looks like he also was spending time in Beverly Park-the mega exclusive gated community in Beverly Hills.
Maybe his effeminate, 5 foot 1 inch, diarrhea colored ass can "kick it" for a year or so in da hood in Baltimore, living among all the beautiful vibrant ghetto rats he loves so much-I'm sure he'll have a few more songs written in no time.
He should sue the school district.
Blacks are important because they form the core of Democratic voters. They are urban, bloc vote, and often multiple vote. If you wonder why Obama won twice easily look no further than Blacks.
UKIP won 4 million votes, more than the SNP, yet the SNP dominates Scotland with about 55 seats and UKIP has only one? Why?
American/British first-past-the-post voting means that any candidate/party that gets the most votes in a geographic area gets the victory. Thus UKIP voters about 13% of the population but distributed widely have no representation. While cities filled with enough Blacks insure Democratic domination.
We are unlikely to see another White President in our lifetimes. The Obama formula -- massive Black turnout, along with voting fraud; trumping White middle/working class turnout, seems pretty effective. Cities having more of the population (and more concentrated voters easier to get out to vote) mean a State like say, Illinois can be dominated entirely by Black voters in Chicago, delivering its Electoral College votes to an Obama figure even though most of the rest of the State votes against him.
This was the blind spot of the Founding Fathers -- they did not foresee that Blacks would concentrate in cities, deliver that population center to a faction hostile to the White working/middle class population; and continue that dominance.
No conspiracy needed (or existing), simply the structural weakness to avoiding the tyrnanny of what Sam Francis called the Managerial Elite. Democrats edged around this strategy since FDR in 1944, coming to fruition in JFK's election; abandoned by Carter (why he lost) and embraced by Clinton then Obama. Now we are seeing elements of civil war between the Managerial Elite factions but thats another story.
Anonymous 5/12/15 @ 8:00 AM said...
All the marches, speeches and rallies by blacks to end the violence are meaningless. They're nothing more than "looksatme!" opportunities where blacks can stroke their own ego's. Nothing changes, nothing ever has and nothing ever will.
Well said--this description can also be used to describe negroes and church--all that's about for them is putting on garish clothes, strutting around, and hootin' and hollerin' attention getting behavior. No thought, no introspection or soul searching. All bombastic bullshit-but a bunch of dumbass whites including many conservitards lap it up.
Just wanted to post this picture and context. White man has a bunch of Orcs fighting on his lawn (!). He goes out to drive them away and is "beaten" for it.
We tend to put White values on verbs like "beaten", thinking in our mind a swollen face, maybe a split lip or a bruise or two.
No. With negros it is more like the aftermath of a traffic accident (See: ).
I saw a lot of fights in my life between Whites and have never seen the kind of damage negros inflict merely in the course of their acting out. We see this in the stabbings where a woman is stabbed 30, 50, 100 times or a person is shot till the magazine is empty ("riddled" is the word the media uses). When using their feet and hands, negros punch, kick and stomp over and over again, far beyond what is necessary for compliance.
It is sick. Look at that photo again and try to tell me that they are "normal" humans.
Anonymous typed:
"An observation I have made is Black lives only matter to so called black leaders Al Sharpton, Malik Shabazz, Shaun King etc. under 2 situations.
1. The black person who lost their life is a criminal.
2. The black person is killed by a white and/or cop."
Anon goes on to point out black victims of black crime are never written about.
Of course, the reason black lives of robbers and drug-dealers are so important, especially if a White LE was anywhere nearby, is that the professional agitators have something to gain by harping endlessly on those. Talking and writing about victims of black on black violence is like shouting into an empty void.
But the agitation-worthy lives of Brown and Grey, et al, are like sticks they can use to swat the big piñata of White guilt.
What sort of goodies fall out of the piñata of White guilt? Gibs, more promotions of unqualified blacks; less policing of black neighborhoods; Gibs; White apologies and initiatives for social justice; some more Gibs; movements to incarcerate fewer blacks; Attorney General calls for justice; Liberal tears; TeeVee coverage (a bigger an bigger addiction for blacks); and yet more Gibs.
An observation I have made is Black lives only matter to so called black leaders Al Sharpton, Malik Shabazz, Shaun King etc. under 2 situations.
1. The black person who lost their life is a criminal.
2. The black person is killed by a white and/or cop.
This is because black "leaders" understand the value of racial solidarity. If they protested against black-on-black crime, they would divide blacks among themselves. But a white-on-black killing -- no matter how justified -- can be exploited to mobilize blacks for a race war against YT.
Also, by glorifying thugs, black "leaders" create an streetfighing army which they use as muscle and get politicians to kowtow. The result? They were given free run in Baltimore. And now they are moving to consolidate their power.
Bear in mind that blacks wold not get very far were it not for DWLs who can be counted to grovel before them and provide them with full media agitprop support.
Scientists are smart people, they know better than to make any truthful statement about the "negroes" or they'll lose their funding.
Dey don't wan't no damn PO-LEECE! Laws are a White mans' way of life, and we hates/fear/are jealous of dat white man! Sho nuff.
2015 the year of the teens.
Lmao. Teens replace thug as describing TNB.
The media is brainwashed. The one boot lip in. The video looks inbread as hell.
You're 100% correct. Not one single riot, looting or burning because an innocent bystander was killed in a drive by, not a single word from black activists when a police officer is killed just doing his job.
Being a victim all the damn time gets real old real fast. Being right just because you're black is choking a lot of non-black people. And yeah, sometimes the DWL's are worse than the scum doing the looting and burning.
I wonder if it's occurred to anyone that blacks are in fact the core, fundqamental cause of disgust on the part of most whites. IOW, they now label as "racist" an understandable and totally justified revulsion towards savage beasts who routinely kill, rape, rob, assault, riot and otherwise act like vicious beasts.
Not unlike labeling as "cruelty to animals" someone who shoots a rabid dog attacking his child.
it's those pesky "teens" again. Nearly killed this white man.
So sick of this shit.
I heard rumblings about the "let's replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill." before, and they were just annoying.
Just as before they chose 4 women, only 1 of which who is white (Elanor Roosevelt). Notice how white women (our mothers/sisters/daughters) now get skipped right over in our PC oppression Olympics contest- too many white men- well fix it all, we need black women (regardless of competency or friendliness) STAT!!
The fact that black men were given the vote before white women is the true crime that we should be atoning for.
Andrew Jackson has a unique history with the Bank of the U.S., unfortunately he didn't refuse to give up his seat on a bus so I guess he isn't worthy of being on modern U.S. currency.
Not that any sane person would allow any of this to happen...
Or that out of 4 choices, this contest is more rigged than the Oscars with half of the potential candidates being black women with incredibly short resumes.
To make things worse, the picture Huff Post looks like it is of Harold, not Harriet, Tubman.
The only time black lives matter is when Al does not have to pay his 5 million in back taxes, you know, cause it is racist for him to owe that much. Or that Jessie is out shacking down the tech and entertainment industries for whatever he can get. I had thought they were both ministers but I guess they minister to themselves and not people in need, like a real minister does.
May I offer up a new word for a new phase of the eternal Human/Black conflict?
Segregation of the negro via technological advances (made by non-black Humans).
e.g. After a second felony is committed, a radio microchip is implanted in the dindus' neck skin and used to keep it in its own hood, away from non-blacks. A series of satellites keep track of the orc's movements and alerts authorities if it stays from its native habitat. If it is tampered with the orc faces a death penalty.
That sounds a little severe, how about a perimeter wire buried 6 inches below the pavement that triggers a shock when the vibrant diversity gets within 10 feet of it ? It could work like those dog collars that shock the beast when it tries to leave the yard. Amazing how quickly an animal learns what is off limits. Wasn't that a Star Trek episode ?
Bonjour, In fact you have to give up the urban big cities as you lkost the south. Black colonization will destroy all what you've built...The economic collapse who is coming from europe will put chaos and civil wars in USA. Europe is on the same way, big cities are invaded. Live in dakota, wyoming in USA, VEndée and Limousin wait you in France if you want. Don't try to understand anymore, act.
The truth about poor Freddie's demise is that he killed himself. Dwl will say well that's just crazy, nobody would do that to themselves! Yeah he was crazy, like a fox.
It's common knowledge to people who know the common ghetto ape that they are inclined to have the beat them up or do it to themselves when being arrested. They know that if they are injured the jail won't take them so they go to the hospital. This phenomenon really began to take off after the Rodney King beating. A black eye and a fewer lumps on the head will go a long way in a civil suit. The parents even advise their own children of this. I would bet that some of the parents hope they don't survive. There was an article the MSN put out prove how violent the Baltimore police are. It said that over the past couple of years thousands of arrestees required hospital treatment "Really " thousands? Adds creedense to the theory.
Mich Mike
Is there any culture in the world or in the worlds history, that is a majority, yet they are constantly the victim of a small minority who does the overwhelming amount of crimes and they don't retaliate or fight back with any regularity, meaning whites the overwhelming majority rarely retaliate against the crimes of blacks.
I mean like the white guy who was attacked by dozens of blacks, I would think 100 years ago whites would have hunted down most if not all the attackers and attacked some blacks who were not involved as a way to say don't try that again, yet nowadays whites are docile, let the cops handle it and the cops may catch a few and most will get away and something similar will happen in a few days, a Mexican co worker who said he was in a gang said when a black would attack a Mexican the Mexicans would get 2-3 blacks he called it revenge with interest, if a dozen blacks attacked a Mexican then 2-3 dozen blacks would get it back worse, the Mexicans have created black flight in once all back areas like Compton, California, yet the whites are so passive on average like the kid that gets picked on in school, if a bully sees they can pick on a person they will do it over and over, if the person puts up a fight the bully will look to pick on someone else, I don't understand why the whites don't hunt these attackers down, blacks get scared, the Mexicans chase them out of places and intimidate them, heck the whites used to have them so scared did"nt PK say whites were the aggressors in all riots before 1950, I don't know why whites don't take the attitude we can be peaceful, but if you start something, you will forever regret it?
I'm sick of the race realists here denigrating the humble, brilliant negro's many accomplishments. I heard Rev Farrakhan regaling his minions with stories of how ancient negroes built the pyramids then flew them around with their secret technology. Admittedly they only flew them for a couple of miles and just a few feet off the ground but still, what an inspiration! They received instructions from the mothership orbiting a couple of thousand miles above via microwave radio link, admittedly analog, not digital. They weren't that advanced.
I guess the nogs are really like the ones I see on TV, scientists, doctors, engineers, inventors etc.
non-DWL from NE
Michelle the Tranny says hello
I spent 3 hours after work yesterday cutting and raking my grass while my young son played in the yard. There are 3 things here that a black man is unlikely to do:
(1) Go to work
(2) Spend time effort and money to make his house look better
(3) Spend time with his son/teach him how to be a man
They won't do any of these 3 things and then they blame everyone else for their inferiority. I remember during the Baltimore riots state senators got on TV saying the riots were about "quality of life disparity, economic opportunity" blah blah blah... so the solution is obviously to burn down the local CVS (where the local elderly need the pharmacy). Well these state senators have been in charge for a long time, and their districts are still third world shit holes. Inferior blacks electing inferior blacks to public office. Segregation is the only answer.
Is there any race blacks really get along with group wise? I know individually it happens
1. whites not really hence white flight.
2. Asians only set up stores in black neighborhoods when they can't afford elsewhere, blacks regularly rob and shoplift from Asian stores.
3. Arabs same as Asians
4. Spanish blacks and Mexican gangs are always at war, Media does not cover it so much.
5. Other Spanish groups try to avoid blacks.
6. Other blacks NO WAY blacks kill other blacks at insane levels.
7. Indians tend to be on reservations or live in white areas.
Any groups that get along with blacks? I can't think of any including blacks.
Another question is there any group that would prefer to live alongside many blacks OVER wanting to live with whites?
I can't think of any including blacks as almost all blacks that have money live in White areas, apparently they prefer living among those horrible racist whites, probably because the whites are peaceful to blacks and won't bother them, in fact whites will try to be friendly to anyone, black areas are hostile to seemingly everyone including blacks.
When blacks become overnight millionaires through for example the NBA draft, first thing they will do is move to a white neighborhood, how many will say I may be rich, but I am going to continue to live in the black part of Detroit, Chicago,Philadelphia, Atlanta etc. because I don't want to live with Whites their racist.
To us white folks these stupid negro political leaders are a joke, a bit of comedy for the race realists out here.
In my career, I would never want to be accused by anyone on my level of not being competent at the position I hold. Since I'm yt, that's never been a problem, because I've never claimed to be an expert on anything out of my scope. I would not dare speak about a subject that I did not feel like an expert on.
Negro leaders are different. The incompetence the ignorance and the down right stupidity of the so called "leaders" is on constant display for the least educated among us.
Anybody with three brain cells know that negroes cause the majority of the problems, where ever they "stay".
That being said, the legal business and the lawyers have many sophisticated members. You know, the kind of lawyer that can navigate the courtroom and the legal system. These negro legal officials from the affirmative action colleges have to know that their peers must think they are total incompetents.
I would be ashamed and embarrassed if my fellow professionals thought that of me.
This Marilyn Mosby chick, is bringing charges that many legal minds including liberal ones, say will never stick. She wont be embarrassed if the charges are dropped or if these cops walk or no mater the outcome. Her adoring negro public will just blame racism. In a black run town in a black run country. They still have a "long road ahead of them in search for equality".
I'm tired of negroes in charge of things that they can't handle and making a mockery of time tested actions with projected results.
They deserve everything they get, the violence, the crime, the neighborhoods, the abuse, the drug selling and consuming, the lack of grocery stores and pharmacies and all the pawn shops, liquor stores and check cashing joints that they can fit in the area.
Affirmative action leadership, medicine, engineering, etc, are not like normal versions of these professions.
The "soft bigotry of low expectations". We don't expect much from you negroes, we know your just not capable of achieving at our level.
But they get to vote on our level, probably multiple times.
Early voting only exists because of negro laziness, punctuality and there ability to cheat at things.
If voting is so f$%king important, we should return to voting on one day for elections. Go stand in line on a day that you know is gonna be busy and wait to cast your vote.
Baltimore and every other city like it, deserve the situations they have. It called the "negro plague".
Busy Hating in the ATL
Madison, Wisconsin cop will not be charged with dropping ground ape on drugs who attacked him. News is breaking now.
I hope we get some massive chimp outs over there tonight. TV has been boring since Baltimore.
Go Groids! You done been disrespected! Show Whitey who da boss!!
Paul you are right about the pensions of police. I am a white City of Detroit retiree and saw my once great city looted by former mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. Kilpatrick, his father Bernard Kilpatrick and his college buddies looted our pension funds and used our water department as a ATM.(His mother is former congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks-Kilpatrick) These useless, outdated agricultural implements do nothing but steal and destroy. I saw area by area in Detroit as the whites moved out, those that built and maintained Detroit, these useless animals were able to get Civil Service jobs by having 40 points given too them because they were black. The ineptness and thievery of these less than humans killed Detroit. Why is it every where the Negro goes theft and destruction and the loss of property values follow. How did white America let these 12-13% of the population do this to us? I read about skinheads in Florida that were arrested and saw a thread about new black panthers at SXSW Festival chanting kill the police and yet nothing was done to them or about them. They were advocating killing not just police but all white people. Detroits population in now 600k but there are about 900k-1million negros in southeast Michigan and about 3.5 million whites. Where ever you live, if a negro moves near you, you are screwed.
Yes they honor criminals, that proves their brains are wired differently, not same species as white people. I had to live and work amongst them, they are in no way like us.
Negroes do not assimilate into First World Civilizations. This is a fact. Stop trying to fit a round peg into a square hole.
Or a negro genome into a Human society.
Only friction and chaos will result.
Zero examples to the contrary.
Anonymous at 12:39 said...
So sick of this shit.
I heard rumblings about the "let's replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill." before, and they were just annoying.
Just as before they chose 4 women, only 1 of which who is white (Elanor Roosevelt). Notice how white women (our mothers/sisters/daughters) now get skipped right over in our PC oppression Olympics contest- too many white men- well fix it all, we need black women (regardless of competency or friendliness) STAT!!
Here's a newsflash. Although many on this site would already be aware of it:
Blacks HATE white women-far more than they do white men.
Black men interact with them for 3 reasons:
1. Sperm receptacles.
2. A way of "getting back" at whites in general by defiling their women, impregnating them with black kids.
3. As two-legged punching bags, ATMs etc Using them for money, food, drugs, a place to stay, a chauffeur etc
That's black men-Black women hate white women with a ( no pun intended) white hot hatred. In fact most women "of color" hate white women. Much of it is jealousy--but it's amazing how clueless many whites are about it.
If you dare, hold the gaze of a black negro man. Stare into his eyes for more than the usual microsecond. You will see the demon within.
If you free the negro slaves they will destroy your civilization. Said by pro slave advocates in 1850.
Paging Wisconsin Negroes, paging Wisconsin negroes.. your presence is requested on the streets of Madison to loot and act like violent monkeys tonight since they just let a guilty White cop free after murdering a noble young black man of African American color blahblahblah...
Hit the CVS branch first; nice tie in with Baltimore monkey show.
Wisconsin cops are pussies, too, so don't worry about being stopped or caught.
PK, grab a nap; you'll be busy tonight.
Let's also not forget that the rioting dindus burned down a nursing home.
For pity's sake what sort of mindless warthogs burn down a GD nursing home? Sh-e-e-e-t-t-t, if nursing homes aren't safe from nog violence, how soon before they begin torching kindergartens and daycare centers, also?
What does anything mean anymore? I'm way above room temperature IQ, but along comes Chimpy Kanye West...who gets a...PHD? But then again, I though about Loltimore's own primate, Mosby...truly fatigued in New York
Cue Hornsby's 'That's just the way it is'...
I have just a couple of points. If conservatism is the panacea for all races, then why do whites do well in white run liberal cities? Scandinavian countries do well under socialism, but they don’t have the blight, crime, and misery that prevail in black liberal cities and towns. What do we have that the Europeans in Sweden not have? I think people like Rush would be stumped on this one! What is the big difference between Stockholm and Baltimore? Some compassionate realist sister needs to take Rush by the hand and say:
Rush…the reason for the failure in America is called the black undertow!
Rush speaks of entrepreneurship! Is he kidding me, we are talking about a subspecies of human that are best intellectually retarded. If they are functionally illiterate, then how pray tell will they run the said business? Who would do the books, pay the taxes, do the inventory and reorder? Businessmen have what 95% of blacks don’t have: BRAINS!
To you who woke me up to Rush I say thanks! I don’t think he means any harm, but he has to be deluded to believe t hat blacks can achieve anything. He seems to be a fairly well read man; surely even he has to ask the question: Is IQ the reason for black dysfunction? One poster said he was cut off by the screener by even broaching the issue of black dysfunction and its root causes.
As far as black growth, I would say most big gains are in the form of black immigration from Africa. It has accelerated in recent years in Obama’s hope for a New Africa in America and whites as the slaves of blacks. These blacks have LOTS of kids! To accept them is suicide for a white nation like the US! White people who cling to the idea that blacks are like us had better wake up soon!
Always worth repeating:
The differing negro genome. Allele frequency differences.
Results in lower average IQs, lower impulse control, poor future time orientation, lower threshold for violence, etc.
They are hardwired to destroy Human First World civilizations! They can't control it. Only way out for them is to breed with higher life forms.
Don't forget that. It, and only it, explains EVERYTHING!
"Mainstream" conservatives know the truth but are afraid to admit it. No one wants their job taken away or their lives destroyed. But the difference between mainstream conservatives and DWLs is that when push comes to shove, probably over 90% of them will side with us.
Another question is there any group that would prefer to live alongside many blacks OVER wanting to live with whites?
No, even blacks don't want to live with them.
Detroit is pretty much managed by Arabs.
And the police White or Black along with White taxpayers are responsible for every bad that Blacks face. Stupid Chiggers. You really do have to laugh. Watch Obama when he speaks now. Even he doesn't believe himself. Truly pathetic.
10mm Auto said:
"I saw a lot of fights in my life between Whites and have never seen the kind of damage negros inflict merely in the course of their acting out."
So true. When I was a young man and my peers and I fought, if someone hit the ground you usually *stopped*. That is, it was considered bad form (though I'm not sure we would have termed it that) to hit (or kick!) someone when they were down.
To the blacks, someone hits the ground, you shift into high-gear and do as much damage as you can while they are defenseless.
What a fine, fine group of folks are so-precious blacks are!
The rash of beatings of whites in NYC Central Park seems inspired by a lovely reverse "back of the bus" syndrome.
YT is no longer permitted to sit on a bench (or anywhere else) in Central Park.
U kint sit there no'mo honky.
After a few 100 "sitting on a bench in da'Parque" beat-downs yt will learn his lesson - y'all ain't allowed to sit anywheres in Central Park
Park/public space banishments of yt coming to a town near u....real soon
Just stating the obvious....
oh, 'n doan be specting the po-po to protect yer white ass, they'll end up charged with something against a dindu & suffer severe career/financial damage if'n they protect any yt who b gettin' their ass whipped by a gang of chimplets...
ya'sir, ya'sir, amen almighty already....allreetus, allriteus
/H hypie out H\
Stay outta'yer city parques fools :)
If you can look at the situation from an arm's length, you can really see that what we are living with here in the USA is precisely a plot out of some twisted science fiction movie.
We have a subhuman breed of mixed race violent animals masquerading as Humans amongst us as they slowly gather force and numbers to utterly destroy us with their savage behaviors. No joke folks; that's what's actually happening on the streets of America.
Retreat to a White area. Become self-sufficient. Arm yourselves. The negroes and their enablers are beating a path to your door...
We have the greatest chance of seeing the greatest cohesion politically and culturally with a homogenous society, not to mention the greatest true expression of our people. Who said anything about 4th Reich, Storm front and or anything of the like. Creating strawman arguments will not get you anywhere on this blog Mr. grown up.
We need "self determination" in North America...Every politician since Woodrow Wilson has supported a peoples right to "self determination"
Course, now that the "self determination" chicken has come home to roost in good ol'social fascist USA, the politico's will be changing their minds about a peoples right to "self determination"
Nonetheless, we need to raise issue of "self determination" whenever possible....If some morons raise the question "but, but wouldn't that mean the end of the USA", smile & tell'em "YUP" but nuttin' unites the united states for past 50 - 75 years.
USA is already a corpse. It needs put down like a zombie
/H hypie out H\
Speaking of the $aturday People. They're having their own little Baltimore's break out in their backyard.
"After Katrina, members of the black community in NOLA shot at National Guard helicopters because they didn't want law and order to be restored."
The reason the 9th ward in NO was flooded was in fact the shutting down of an armed, Black insurrection. The ward had been taken over by assault rifle toting resisters. Another episode in the war you never heard about.
To us white folks these stupid negro political leaders are a joke, a bit of comedy for the race realists out here.
D.W. Griffith received flak over his negative portrayal of blacks in "Birth of a Nation." There's a scene where you see black politicos trashing the state legislature. And other scenes where freed blacks are running amok and attacking white people.
Well, here we are a century later and how are blacks behaving?
Interesting that Prince according to the Internet, chooses to live in Chanhassan, MN-which is 1.1% black according to the 2010 census.
No doubt his Baltimore concert was motivated by the desire to cash in on the current political clime. (The artist formerly known as) Prince realized that with all that looting going on, the 'hood would have plenty of cash to spend on overpriced concert tickets and stadium concessions.
Look at the science. It's all there.
Ignore it, and you're just spouting hot air.
Negroes, literally, can't assimilate into a First World Civilization. Their genome prevents it. Keep trying to throw dollars and pepper spray at the problem; you're doomed to failure.
Think about it...
Separation the only answer.
Blacks want; Whites want.
Make it so, Number One...
Negroes are a net deficit to any civilization.
You want a war?!
OK, let's start by doing something very sensible and OUTLAW GANGS!!
Shut down the Bloods and Crips, to begin with. Cops know who they are and where they Iive/meet.
Shut these animals down! It's not civilized. Reclaim your land.
End Gangs now!!
Our Founding Fathers would never have believed anyone would be so stupid as to allow negroes to vote or hold political office.
Any savage can get a PHD with 3 UPC's from the Grab 'n Go snack size Pringles cans.
In addition, any savage can obtain a Masters by mailing in one blunt wrap foil, one Colt 45 bottle cap or one used crack vial to the college of their choice.
Regarding the man in Maryland who was beaten by 50 teens - one shotgun blast to the sky would have made those roaches scatter.
What was he thinking - that he was The Incredible Hulk or something?
Get off my lawn!
Would YOU run into the jungle if you saw 50 hyenas and tell them to get away from your picnic basket?
I didn't think so!
The Lord DID NOT make blacks - ALIENS did.
Aliens + monkeys + evolution = a lot of talking monkeys.
Russia and China already know that this formula is true.
(A + M + E = ook eek, I can speak)
If I had a time machine, I would stop the Aliens from having sex with monkeys.
*Gerbil Smuggler = thread winner.
(*That's the title of Prince's next album!)
Wondering why your dear kids are 'down with the swirl'?
Look no further than the poisonous filth being pumped into their impressionable brains...
Just what is it with conservatives/neocons and their crying about all the aborted groid fetuses?Please tell me they don't actually want MORE of them being born just for votes.Or is it just the whole religion/"we're all god's children" drivel?
Another thing that gets to me is how most so-called "conservatives" nowadays have no problem whatsoever with race mixing(especially if its a White male/Asian female pairing).They're as terrified of being labeled rayciss as liberals are.
Someone above mentioned that groids hate white women more than they hate white men.You are right about how non-white women hate white women,but I would say that white males are more despised by groid males,because they(groids) seem to see white women as being easily swayed to their side,whereas white men are not so easily led.I'm a white woman who has spent much of her life fending off aggressive groids,believe me I know how they assume we are easy prey.But I would say their strongest hatred is toward white males since they are the groid's biggest obstacle.Just my own theory.
As for soon before he converts to izzlam and changes his name to Shabba Doo Al-Shazbat?
Like most ways of the white man, the negro makes a feeble effort to copy. Not understanding our white ways, the negro becomes frustrated. They retain the title "Minister" but twist everything to their way of thinking. Even in the jungle, they believed in spirits.
Law enforcement did not exist in the jungle, it is a totally alien concept. Therefore they don't want to be subject to any laws except the law of the jungle. Let them police themselves, it won't be long before they cry for more cops. May their crys fall on deaf ears.
The Jig Is Up! said:
Question: If whites are such mofo debils, why is it these "highly competent" first cousins to the African Orangutans keep following the white man wherever he goes?
I mean, wouldn't you think these *ucking geniuses would just get the hell out of the white man's lives and maybe form their own giant shithole of a country somewhere else? What's wrong with this picture, boys and girls?
They could use their great intelligence to maybe conquer some African swampland from the crocs and Rhinos and just name it New Groidland or something and justleave us alone and in peace, not to mention a whole lot wealthier.
I heard that report. Was very convenient of the media not to investigate too much and find out how many people were beat to hell before the police even arrived on the scene.
As someone else has already posted, look at the video of negroes beating someone up. They don't stop when someone falls to the ground, they start kicking their victims.
The white people expect the police to take care of everything. They don't want to get into trouble with the police. The state says you cannot carry a weapon to protect yourself and if you do you will get in trouble. But on the other hand the state has no duty to protect you.
The state, federal and local, has taken too many of our rights away.
The constitution says I have a right to keep AND bear arms, (for the time being anyhow) so I think I will. A lot of yts better start exercising their rights before Obama Bin Laden does away with them.
Hopeless In Craplanta said...
"Just what is it with conservatives/neocons and their crying about all the aborted groid fetuses?"
I've mentioned this before but I once saw Laura Ingraham wailing about one million aborted black babies a year, and she actually said "I want those babies born!"
I guess nothing shows the dead-end of conservative Republican-ism like that does. Crazy thing is, if Laura had her way and not one more black baby ever got aborted, who the hell is going to vote for her Republican candidates a few years down the road!?! How much of a landslide does she want the Dems to win by?
Talk about dysfunction with the turbo kicked-in. She and other Repubs are lucky the blacks don't pay her any mind. Whatsoever.
"But only a decade ago in the middle of George W. Bush's second term I thought America has on a permanent plateau of peace and prosperity. "
"Only a few years ago everyone - left and right - assumed that the Iraq invasion would be self financing. "
Pat, only Republicans who drank, no went swimming in the Kool-Ade believed this.
I still enjoy your posts.
Pure evil
Life of a thug
1. Sleep til noon
2. Gets up and chill
3. Sell dope & chase ho's til 5
The club is growing!!! Gotta love it.
Chimpout will increase numbers to greater proportions.
There will be vindication.
First prize champion tonight fella!
For the life of me, I don't see how anyone with a ounce of common sense could watch, buy, or listen to any of that crap, total brain dead pieces of crap I guess.
I think in twenty years the Hispanic presence in the USA will be so enormous the AA population will have to retreat from California and the southwest in general. The AA's have a certain desperation about themselves that the larger population of whites, Asians, or Hispanics simply don't have. In my opinion the federal government seems to be the friend of blacks, but the immigration policies enacted by it are profoundly anti-black but blacks are not sophisticated enough to realize it. Similarly,the welfare and the drug - illegalization policies are destroying black lives by the millions. I understand the anger many whites feel toward blacks but considering their likely fate I think pity is more appropriate. The ultra-powerful federal government is eyeing white nationalists, also. It appears to me maybe the latest wave of immigration, including the Asian influx, is designed to produce a certain resignation , if not despair, in the country's native middle and working classes. Perhaps the working class whites will escape the abyss being dug for them.
Be nice to hear the details on that NO 9th ward flooding deal.
Savage tonight says he's tired of the whole White Privilege crap and he's going to do a show all about things invented by white people.
Throwaway like most media today.Has anyone touched on the 'Daquan' memes going around ? He be under da bed an sheeit..brought to you by that wonderfully hate filled twitter crowd. Daquan under my daughters bed-he be ded cause a led. Liberal cucks will drool at this one...Still Fatigued in New York
This post is extremely accurate and foretells the future. The future Hispanic rulers of Third World America will not tolerate the Dindu tribe of Africa for a minute. They lack the empathy and alturistic views of whitey. In fact, there are parts of Cali in which the Mexicans have already racially cleanse the Zulu from their hoods.
Similarly, the Chinese also lack the emotions that would allow them to put up with typical black behavior. They will find an interesting solution to the Bantu problem in what ever states they rule over.
A future split of this once great Union is inevitable. My hope is that whatever states white people do fall back into to make a stand and create a more traditional America-light country; do not make the same mistake our ancestors did and allow the African to be a citizen of it.
100% would be acceptable.
That's the 1 drop rule! Whites made him rich and famous and in return he promotes our genocide. Without young white teen females these black entertainers would still be a dindu aspiring crapper holding a gun sideways shooting up the ghetto.
A $500 investment in a decent firearm would have saved him the huge medical bill, as well as all that pain and trauma. It also would have saved his self-respect, which is priceless.
Prince in a state prison would make for some very interesting reality TV.
Great comment.
Why isn't the killing of law-abiding blacks by police ever a media event? Oh, wait...
I once read a well-written and well-reasoned article by a black woman praising white police for being the only thing that kept their black "brothers" in the hood from raping them.
A 30-second police beating can reap millions. I'd be amazed if blacks didn't take advantage of that. Probably one of the best rates of return on a ghetto investment that exists.
Move to a white neighborhood, aquire a white wife, and send his offspring to a white school.
Normal people are ashamed and embarrassed to receive things — jobs, awards, respect, etc. — they haven't earned and don't deserve. Blacks thrive on it.
Sadly, your vision of Scandinavia is 30 years out of date. There are African and Arab ghettos now in any Scandinavian city of size. In larger cities, white flight of the formerly oh-so-tolerant natives from immigrant neighborhoods is endemic. As elsewhere, most Nordic politicians are doing the best they can to ignore the trend (and the resulting horrific explosion of crime in formerly peaceful societies) and force even more "diversity" down the public's throat.
Just as an example, about half of public schools in Oslo are now majority immigrant. A couple of immigrant politicians are now demanding — wait for it — forced busing of immigrant kids to Norwegian-majority schools to even out the disparity.
Exactly! The behavior of the combatants after one guy is left defenseless is one of the most telling indicators there are of the difference between black "culture" and ours. For us, the other guy going down is usually the end of the fight. For blacks, that's when the fight becomes really interesting.
They constantly blather about "justice" while having no concept of what justice actually is.
Whites aren't people, and thus have no right to self-determination. /sarc
Bullets, clubs, electric chairs, welfare, trillions of dollars... nothing works.
The irony is that flooding the US with latinos in the name of 'social justice' and democratic votes will make blacks even more marginal than they are now. Latinos hate blacks, and have no compunction against taking action to express this fact. Between promoting institutionalized dependence and welcoming millions of latino immigrants, Obama is the worst enemy that blacks have.
Between promoting institutionalized dependence and welcoming millions of latino immigrants, Obama is the worst enemy that blacks have.
Between promoting institutionalized dependence and welcoming millions of latino immigrants, BLACKS are the worst enemy that blacks have.
Fixed it for ya.
The choice is simple. You can have two of the three selections below:
a. Peace
b. Prosperity
c. Blacks
You can have peace with blacks, but no prosperity as your wealth will be siphoned away to appease the blacks.
You can have prosperity with blacks, but no peace as you will constantly be attacked and robbed by blacks.
If you want peace AND prosperity, then you cannot include blacks in that equation.
Its really just that simple.
Hope that helps...
Both of Prince Rogers Nelson's parents are black; grandparents, I don't know. But his family is from Louisiana and all four of his GPs are from there.
If there's any white at all in him, it's from his great-grandparents' generation.
His father was a piano player with the stage name of Prince Rogers, which is the name he gave his runty epileptic son at his birth in 1958.
John Lewis Nelson (dad) had 7 kids by two different women and didn't hang around for any of them. He abandoned Prince and his mom when the former was 10. Prince ended up living with whoever would take him. Sometimes dad, sometimes mom and stepfather, sometimes a friend's family.
Prince the son apparently sired only one kid, with a Puerto Rican mate. It died after a week of Pfeiffer Syndrome. He's been married for a short time, a couple of times, but mostly hooks up with famous women, many of them white.
Despite knowing he's a mess as a human, I always thought he was a skilled musician and admired him for steering clear of politics. Sad to see him trying to hop on the Melanin Train. Guess he has to stay in the public eye somehow.
the one true cause of the rise and fall of the world’s greatest empires—that all civilizations rise and fall according to their racial homogeneity and nothing else—a nation can survive wars, defeats, natural catastrophes, but not racial dissolution.
Do an image search for "prince rogers nelson high school". Let's just say, he and Michael Jackson knew the same doctors.
Here, here... One of our clever commenters need to make a drinking game out of SBPDL, lol
after reading the comments I need to say the following:
1. Bring on the latinos...!
2. Lets aim for 100% AA abortion rate.
3. Lets try segregation again on a limited basis and see how it goes
Great posts...keem em comin'
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