Memorial Day Weekend 2015 in the city where Francis Scott Key found the motivation to write in 1814 what would become our National Anthem (the Star Spangled Banner).
The regression to the mean, courtesy of black individuals collectively working to chase away what remains of western civilization there, is occurring before our eyes in 65 percent black Baltimore.
Once the black riots/looting/anarchy ended in Baltimore, the REAL fun was just beginning. [Baltimore crime surging: Police investigating 25 killings, 43 non-fatal shootings since riots, ABC 2 Baltimore, 5-14-15]
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Courtesy of black individuals, the black community of Baltimore has collectively made the birthplace of the national anthem of the United States of America the equivalent of the Heart of Darkness |
On a Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, the violence in Baltimore resembled a horror or slasher flick. [2 dead overnight, 14 shot in 24 hours as Baltimore violence continues, Baltimore Sun, 5-20-15]
It took until July of 2014 for Baltimore to tally up 100 homicides; in 2015, it only 46 days fewer. [Baltimore reaches 100 homicides for year with overnight shootings, Baltimore Sun, 5-21-15]
One of those include a double shooting in which a 9-year-old boy was found shot in the leg and a man who suffered a grazed wound to his head.
“It’s disturbing because you have the kids playing here and you know, bullets don’t have any names on them,” one man said.
Neighbors who spoke to WJZ didn’t want to be identified for fear of retaliation.“If you say something to these young people they’re ready to take your head off,” one person said.Twenty-nine shot, nine dead over Memorial Day weekend in the city that gave birth to the same Star-Spangled Banner playing at funerals and memorials for the U.S. Military Veterans who gave their lives to defend a country vastly different than the one found in 2015 Baltimore.
The Baltimore of 2015 is a city in name only, when it fact the incredible levels of black violence there long ago convinced those white people capable of keeping alive the flame of western civilization to seek new territory to safeguard the fire.
Darkness is now the reality in 65 percent black Baltimore, with police no longer the respected authority. [Batts: Police having trouble policing West Baltimore, Baltimore Sun, May 20, 2015]
Police are struggling to stop violence in West Baltimore, where officers have been routinely surrounded by dozens of people, video cameras and hostility while doing basic police work since the death of Freddie Gray, Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts said Wednesday.
The Western District, the site of Gray’s arrest and the epicenter of the protests and rioting that followed his death, has seen the majority of the city’s recent shootings and homicides, which are coming faster than they have in eight years.
In response, Batts said, police are taking measures to re-establish relationships with West Baltimore neighborhoods still angry over Gray’s death April 19, Batts said.
Police have sent in commanders from other districts with experience and contacts in West Baltimore. Backup officers are being sent to routine calls to help protect officers.
“Officers tell me and their supervisors, any time they pull up to respond to a call, they have 30 to 50 people surrounding them,” Batts said. “We have to send in multiple units just to do basic police work, which says we have to work on community engagement.”Remember: Jack Young, the president of the Baltimore City Council, already publicly sided with black gangs and apologized for calling them "thugs" and instead branded them "misdirected... because they see hopelessness."
The hopeless is a creation of individual black people collectively incapable of sustaining a civilization whites abandoned after the 1968 black riots in Baltimore.
Councilman Nick Mosby, husband to woefully incompetent State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby, admitted to a Fox News interviewer he had worked to get police to back off arresting black rioters/looters during the April 27th insurrection, but:
Asked if the grievances stem from police treatment or poverty, Mosby said it's "a lot of different things."
"You know, decades-old of failed policies, you know, decades old of lack of development for these communities. I mean, it's a lot that pours into it and these young boys are speaking tonight unfortunately in a very wrong way."
Mosby said he and other men in the community came together, talked to police and asked them to back off: "We told them would be able to kind of talk to the young guys out here. And we asked them to back up, and they did it. It worked out," he said, even as television footage showed people looting a liquor store.The majority non-white Baltimore Police Department did back off, and allowed the combined forces of the Nation of Islam and the various black gangs in the city (Bloods, Crips, and Black Guerrilla Family) to take control of Baltimore.
Malik Shabazz did call the Bloods and Crips the "new generation of defenders and protectors" of Baltimore, saying, we "don't need police."
During the evil days of segregation, when Baltimore was still a part of Western Civilization and an American city, what was life like for blacks?
When residential segregation, restrictive covenants, and Jim Crow reigned in still-majority white Baltimore (the city was 86 percent white in 1915), were Memorial Day weekends in the city a bloodbath as was witnessed - courtesy of blacks - in 2015?
Just remember life in nearly 100 percent black sections of Baltimore are compared to being New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina everyday. [In Baltimore’s Sandtown-Winchester, ‘every day is Katrina’, Baltimore Sun, 5-19-15]:
The brightly painted cart, with its singing custodian, is a vestige of the city’s old “arabber” merchant tradition. The wagons look quaint when they’re spotted near the gleaming new developments of Baltimore’s downtown. Here in Sandtown, though, where there are no real grocery stores, the people who emerge from crumbling row houses for a few tomatoes or bananas are buying out of need rather than nostalgia.
A “farmer’s market for the ‘hood,” one longtime resident cracked.
Life here is a study in the juxtaposition of rich history and impoverished reality.
Teachers remind their students that Thurgood Marshall, the first black Supreme Court justice, graduated from a high school in Sandtown, which now leads all of Maryland in the number of residents who are in prison. A nearby statue of the jazz great Billie Holiday, who grew up around here, is etched with a crow to honor the struggle under Jim Crow laws; studies show that Baltimore remains one of the nation’s most segregated cities.
Given the grim statistics people in Sandtown will make less money and die younger than residents anywhere else in Maryland it didn’t sound hyperbolic when a resident, gesturing toward the condemned buildings that serve as the backdrop for daily life, invoked a national tragedy when he yelled, “Every day is Katrina! Every day is a Katrina here!”
The West Baltimore that 80-year-old Helena Hicks knew as a girl was a lively enclave of black homeowners forced to live together because of segregation. Even then, before anyone called it Sandtown-Winchester, Hicks said, the area was so overcrowded and under-served that children went to high school in shifts. Hers was 12:30 to 5 p.m.
Despite the indignities of segregation, she said, there was a strong sense of community. Some of the police lived in the neighborhood; Hicks doesn’t remember seeing them carry guns. Everything residents needed was within walking distance, she recalled: dry cleaners, a library, a funeral home, a pediatrician, the Jewish butcher who accepted ration cards.
At the site of the CVS that was torched and looted during the Freddie Gray riots, she said, there stood a movie theater that blacks in her day had to picket for entrance. Hicks became a local civil rights icon herself when, in 1955, she and six other college students staged an impromptu sit-in at Read’s Drug Store, a move that would help pave the way for the official desegregation of Baltimore.
But there was an unforeseen drawback to desegregation. Under the more permissive housing rules of the civil rights era, Hicks said, black families who could afford to leave Sandtown did, en masse. In the years that followed, she recalled, homeowners turned into renters, whites disappeared, businesses closed, the words “food desert” entered the local lexicon, drug kingpins took control of the streets and the cops were outsiders whose response was to treat everyone as a potential security threat.
“It’s a humiliating atmosphere,” Hicks said of the heavy surveillance and bulletproof barriers of today’s Sandtown. “It assumes everyone is a criminal and has to be watched.”With apologizes to Helena Hicks, the Baltimore of 2015 is 100 percent the fault of individual blacks collectively converting the civilization they inherited via white flight into an African-level community/society.
It was once safe to go to Baltimore and visit Fort McHenry, and see the very spot where Key saw the American still flying... but this was during the days of segregation, Jim Crow, before the first black insurrection of 1968 in Charm City.
Now, 65 percent black Baltimore isn't safe for anyone.
The entire police force of a major city needs to walk off the job on a Friday afternoon and return on Monday morning. At that time they can help clean up the broken glass and remove the corpses from the sidewalks. Then the stark facts of what the urban black is capable of, and not capable of, will be mainstream discussions.
I like to think of it as the opposite of a sit-in; it would be a sit-out and show everyone that when you remove the last line of civilization's defense (law enforcement) you have Africa right here in our devastated inner cities. Poor impulse control and conflict resolution through violence cannot be blamed on white privilege when there are no whites around.
This summer and rest of the year in Shitamore is going to be interesting indeed. Begging questions to be answered: will they grab murder capital of the U.S.A?; will there be more riots this summer?
What a miserable ass craphole city they have there. You can bet the crime there will continue to go thru the roof.
Can you imagine being a cop answering a routine call to be swarmed by a village of Orcs will "sail foams" recording you? The outcome of this city is not going to turn out well.
I will make bold predictions right here and now. Baltimore will have an officer or two die from this shit and crime will soar!!!!
PK. home run. Focus like a laser beam on the problem... BLACKS!!
Holy God... it's not my first rodeo folks, I've watched this country evolve over decades; the Negro has utterly DESTROYED it! Why are you new folks sitting by and letting them increase their territory?! They're animals they are wrecking your country before your very eyes... and you sit.... you stare... you watch the chaos... and you let the brainwashing destroy your souls.
If you don't end this now, like 2015-now, you're done, they've won. Cancer doesn't need to achieve 100% to kill you; negroes don't either. You'll drop and wither with just the wrong percentage. And it's now.
Focus, examine, realize, act...
Negroes, or you... that's the choice..
Good luck...
Seeya on the streets...
Anyone know what happened to Chimpout?
Should have kept the King. At least you'd still have an authoritarian white power structure.
You've actually had sharia declared in the city that birthed the US.
Something wrong with Germanics who lack a Konig. Instead you're now ruled by a Kongoid.
Hi guys. Love this site. Question: are blacks like genetically f&cked or something? Seems like wherever they are, a shitstorm of chaos follows; no way that first world civilizations can exist?
Is this racistm? Or negroes are just closer to beasts of the earth? Around here they act like total animals.
- Wondering in L.A.
"Cassandra"... look it up...
That's what it feels like...
Has the power of prophecy, and the curse of not being believed...
PK, sound familiar??
ps, a few of us do believe, but the masses believe the lovable noble groid is the one that will move in next door (courtesy of AFFH).
The Wrong Side Won the Civil War said:
PK, the brutal truth is that from the point of view of whites back then who had to live around blacks and protect their lives, families and property, Jim Crow and segregation back then were simply matters of survival. Certainly there were blatant, hardcore racists who truly hated blacks indiscriminately, but this was not the actual intent of segregation and Jim Crow laws in the main. You'll note that there was almost NO black crime back then, and very, very few rapes or assaults on white women.
Under the circumstances of the utter deterioration of the culture from top to bottom owing largely to the ever-growing negro problem, one could make a very convincing argument that during those days life was infinitely more pleasant for both whites AND blacks, and that people in general back then knew the Negro's intellectual limitations and inherent character flaws (from a point of view of OUR culture) far better than most white, useful idiot nog lover today. But then again, whites in the 50s didn't have a death wish and didn't slavishly worship black music, black athletes and astonishingly obscene rappers and race baiters like Jackson and Sharpton.
“It’s a humiliating atmosphere,” Hicks said of the heavy surveillance and bulletproof barriers of today’s Sandtown. “It assumes everyone is a criminal and has to be watched.”
In a city with a predominately black population there's always an abundance of criminal behavior and an overworked police force, that is reality.
History has proven over and again that blacks refuse to police themselves or regulate their own actions while continually pushing to see just how far they can go.
Its obnoxious and juvenile.
We pay our politicians handsomely to govern our affairs and they refuse to do their jobs, allowing a segment of our citizenry to destroy us one city at a time.
"Every day is Katrina! Every day is a Katrina up in here!"
Ten bucks says he never wonders, "Why?"
Ten thousand bucks says he never wonders how he can improve it.
" Hey fellow Americans!...
...Careful, I didn't mean let them move in with you and mate with your daughters.... just free them and send them home to Africa.... what the HELL have you people done...??!!"
Abraham Lincoln's Ghost
Groids are literally demons let loose amongst us... how do we excorcise them?
Challenge: someone shoot a POV video tour of a trip to Fort McHenry. The whole way there. At night too.
How the blacks behave?
Face it... the negroes (and their enablers have won) just pop a beer, pop a pill, and wait for the attack/rape/home invasion. That's your future...
-- B Obama
I remember seeing a reporter push back Nick Mosley about the fact that these "kids" that he told the police to back up from were robbing a liquor store as they were standing there. Mosley made a quick exit
One of the problems Mr. Mosby laid out could be repaired if blacks would vote for good leaders instead of the democrats. I find this quote interesting:
"You know, decades-old of failed policies, you know, decades old of lack of development for these communities. I mean, it's a lot that pours into it and these young boys are speaking tonight unfortunately in a very wrong way."
Decades of failed policies, Mr. Mosby…don’t you think the democrats have been in charge long enough? Are the blacks so stupid they keep electing the same failed policies and bad people over and over? In answer to my own question which is obvious: yes!
As Helena Hicks said, when she was a girl the police did not carry guns. During Jim Crow there was law and order versus today where anarchy reigns. Ochlocracy rules now in Baltimore, Helena. Your people have taken what white people built by the sweat of their brow and destroyed it, and to add insult to injury, many claim that blacks built Baltimore.
Helena, your people are like a plague of locusts swarming down on a windswept field of grains; they destroy everything in their path.
So…you noticed when whites left, nothing got done and the city became a ghetto! Why is that, Helena, could it be your people simply don’t care and want things handed to them on a silver platter? Are they not filthy beasts for littering their own neighborhoods with trash?
Why should any sane white person want anything to do with your kind when they rape, kill, and torture us on a daily basis? Are we not justified in asking for a separation? How many years have we suffered trying to bring your kind up to white standards…and what have we to show for all our efforts? Your kind has not changed for thousands of years, why should white people spend one more dime on your people? Please…go away and leave us in peace! I believe the peaceful solution is rapidly fading away, Helena! You and your kind MUST go!
I know I won't be the only person to point this out:
"But there was an unforeseen drawback to desegregation. Under the more permissive housing rules of the civil rights era, Hicks said, black families who could afford to leave Sandtown did, en masse. In the years that followed, she recalled, homeowners turned into renters, whites disappeared, businesses closed, the words “food desert” entered the local lexicon, drug kingpins took control of the streets and the cops were outsiders whose response was to treat everyone as a potential security threat. "
Those two words: "whites disappeared".
To the blacks who are so busy hating us Whites, I ask, 'why would that be a problem?'. Shouldn't that be pretty wonderful, leaving the entire neighborhood to flower and prosper under the non-racist benevolence of Negro homogeneity?
No, that Star Spangled Banner no longer waves, o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Blacks' penchant for destruction in Baltimore made the Battle of Fort McHenry look like a pinochle game.
This makes me wonder if some of the older Africans in America realize they were better off before Cybil Wrights?
Somehow I doubt it but plenty of YT would love to turn back the clock. It might not seem that way to those of you in cities with overexposure to SJW's but it's a different story in the hinterland. I've heard a number of people old enough to remember the mistake and those of us born after say it's time to bring it back. That gives me hope and I hope it does to those on here as well.
I just don't know how long it's going to take for a majority of YT to wake up, the indoctrination has been severe. One thing one thing I have noticed is where it was forced on us in the south it's never been viewed as legal. To us it's just another stone thrown from the Capitol. It's my hope that people in other parts of the country start to think the same way.
O/T I had to post this.
Here we have a mainstream liberal site (listed as one of the top 1000 sites on the internet) and here is a $aturday person happily discussing the death of White people. Not just talking about it, but cheering it along!
It's now out in the open folks. Doesn't matter if your father single-handedly killed Himmler and opened the gates to Auschwitz and then destroyed every Panzer division from France to Berlin.
These are the little $aturday people spending Soros money, throwing gas on the fire, impatiently jabbing the stick at their pets to get them to attack.
Some Choice quotes:
“White People are a cancer”
“I’m extremely glad that the white race is dying, and you should be too.”
“White people do not have a right to exist.”
“Whiteness is racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, and heteropatriarchal capitalism.”
“that the only way to really eliminate racism is to eliminate whiteness.”
“Thankfully, white birthrates are indeed very low, while the birthrates of minorities are much, MUCH higher.”
“Whites are finally getting their just desserts – and it’s about time.”
And my favorite:
“When I teach my students about human rights, critical race theory, and the role of whites in worldwide oppression, my white students often ask me how they can “atone” for the evils of whiteness and how they can make up for centuries of white oppression. And I tell them: you can do that by not having any children and ensuring that the white race does not live to oppress anyone ever again in the future.”
Don't take my word for it, read Emily's Goldstein's whole screed, if you can stomach it. Remember, she has a duel passport, so when the killing starts, Air Israel takes her home.
Source Article:
Just came here from youtube. I watched the Munich Philharmonic perform Wagner's "Tannenhauser Overture". It brought me to tears.
All things are equal? Not!
Remember who you are! And remember your progeny! Don't you ever fail!
Johnny Tax Base said.
When the top of the pyramid of political power is set up in such a way that the criminal element at the street level is allowed to run the city you end up with a place called BLOODY BALTIMORE. The city wants to build a 30 million dollar facility to house 60 teenage street thugs and the citizens protest it's construction. What does that say about the people living inside this shit hole. The city is ruled by street scum and criminals. The people live in fear of the dope dealing gangs that rule the neighborhoods. The hand wringing politicians are even worse than the gang bangers. They are the ones that sign off on all this madness with all their lame excuses. Pure fucking insanity.
The cops are considered intruders and the drug dealers, killers, rapist, pimps and punks are the holy crusaders carrying the sacred torch of freedom and justice. What can you expect from this type of ass backwards way of living. The streets are killing fields and free fire zones that show no mercy for who gets shot, killed or maimed. DEATH BECOMES A WAY OF LIFE as this city wide blood bath continues. Blackie's problem is in his own back yard but all we get are speeches and finger pointing. The race hustlers are always shaking the PITY POT can for more money. All these jive ass parasites do is bitch and moan about those evil blue eyed white devils who are the cause for their miserable putrid lives.
The excuse for black failure is called white privilege and these dumb fuck honkie liberals will spend thousands of dollars going to seminars where some Communist bastard will shove the WHITE GUILT BULLSHIT down their throats. These paleface lefties will actually pay money for this crap. So you end up with dumb guilty white people and victim bound black people who are so damn screwed up that when they have to take a shit they stick their head in the toilet.
10 mm I've seen Melinda Gates make similar statements and Teddy Kennedy too. Your uniform is your skin color as Emiky will find out. No matter how much she hates rednecs and her uncool cousins in Israel she's White.
Meanwhile Heartste detects some White patriotc stirrings among SWPL.
The Gates Foundation accepts no Whites for scholarships.
Herr Obama's Groidshirts Are On The Move said:
An above poster said, "Groids are literally demons let loose amongst us... how do we excorcise them?"
The same way you take care of rabid animals. Next question?
There was a link on Farcebook on the 2 Million Bikers To DC page about how some schools are trying out racial segregation again...the page admin was appalled by such backward raycissm,of course...and every damn comment on there,from so-called "conservatives",not DWLs,acting all shocked and offended that such a thing would be brought back,not what "Dr" King wanted,we're going backward,"I marched with Mlk back in 1969",blah blah someone tell me please...if the people involved in the biker demonstrations are AGAINST segregation,what's their frigging mission again??They can actually get that many whites together,yet are still hung up on the neo-con Mlk-loving we're-not-rayciss BS?
I can't tell a con from a lib anymore.Honestly I can't.
~Hopeless In Craplanta
On Instagram there was a video on Memorial Weekend with two 300 lb sows dancing with 4 chitlen around them outside at a ghetto picnic. The youngest Niglet was in the middle, he was probably 5 years old and he was flailing his arms around as the center of attention and they put a hat backwards on him. The rap music was cussing left and right, one of the sows had a beer in her hand, the other sow had orange hair and all the Niglets were jammin to the gangsta rap.
Of course, any civilized person could look at the video and see every stereotype imaginable. No respect for themselves, the young bucks will grow up to be senseless murderers while the Negresses will grow up to be welfare whores and as disgusted as I was, I went to the comments.
The comments were 315 comments, probably about 95% of them from Negros and all you read was:
You guys are all having a great time
Look at little man jam
That's right baby keep shakin it
Awwww I wish I was der wit ya'll
Memorial Day goin off with the kids
So on and so forth
To all of the Negros they saw nothin wrong with this ratchet ass family drinking with children and twerkin to gangster rap. And I'm talkin about HARDCORE GANGSTER RAP, every word was a cuss word. These shit stains of society will grow up a dredge to civilization and they will always wonder why people look at them the way they do. It all starts young for them
"You know, decades-old of failed policies, you know, decades-old of lack of development for these communities." -- "Decades-old of.."..? Jesus H. Christ these people aren't even capable of expressing a thought articulately. OT; I've been thinking allot lately about the inbreeding idea; maybe not so much for these silverbacks, but these young negroes; it just stands to reason if you're in an isolated area for 30-40 years and don't know who your father is/was, then you can't know who you're muhdiking etc.; how many half-siblings and quarter-siblings are mating in a place like Baltimore. There's just a *look* in the eyes (reference any mugshot).. that just don't look right to me..
But there was an unforeseen drawback to desegregation. Under the more permissive housing rules of the civil rights era, Hicks said, black families who could afford to leave Sandtown did, en masse. In the years that followed, she recalled, homeowners turned into renters, whites disappeared, businesses closed, the words “food desert” entered the local lexicon, drug kingpins took control of the streets and the cops were outsiders whose response was to treat everyone as a potential security threat.
Yeah, that's the beginning of the end. When homeowners turn into renters. You look around and they are no longer owners but renters. They start off as white, then slowly at first, then rapidly, you start to see black faces. Next thing you know, they're boogying on the front lawn in the middle of the afternoon. Colt 45 cans collect on the front porches. Newport butts appear on your front walkway and you don't even smoke. Parties seem to last beyond the weekend and well into the week. Children are mostly unsupervised and when questioned don't hesitate to give you the finger and call you "Bitch". At first you go to the parents to tell them, "Look, your five year old just called me a bitch for telling her to stop letting her dog crap on my lawn."
Your first clue that the neighborhood is lost is when the parent (black) says something to the effect of "Well, maybe she thought you wuz bein' a beeyatch, gnome sane?"
At that point, the argument is lost. You need to leave as soon as possible. Get the realtor on speed dial and whatever you think your house is worth, deduct around $20-40K to get rid of it. You won't be sorry. Okay you will be sorry, but you WILL still be alive and your kids will ultimately thank you for it.
It's called the "Black Plague". No realtor will admit there is such a thing, but there is. Realtors call them "Areas of opportunity for investors", but it's anything but. Run, don't walk, to your nearest listing agent, because your entire life is about to become a literal hell on earth.
Dan: "Should have kept the King. At least you'd still have an authoritarian white power structure. You've actually had sharia declared in the city that birthed the US."
That's funny. The country that kept their king is closer to sharia than we'll ever be.
"Doesn't matter if your father single-handedly killed Himmler and opened the gates to Auschwitz and then destroyed every Panzer division from France to Berlin."
Oh, but it does matter. If that hadn't been the mindset of so many good white Christian men (and it still is, btw), WWII would have had quite a different outcome. They thought defeating white supremacy was the moral thing to do, and they still think so. Why blame anyone but whites for white suicide? The idea that whites are only helpless puppets, completely controlled by non-whites, eliminates their responsibility for their own actions. But if they deserve no blame for what happens to them, then they can likewise take no credit for anything they've done.
I saw this too, quite bold since it's clearly hate speech. Another site is tracing the source to see where this monster is employed as a teacher.
Let's see what happens, the nog that had her class send cards to a cop killer was removed from her position, perhaps the same thing will happen to this high priestess of cultural marxism.
Sometimes I wonder if all of the beasts that think like this are coming out of the woodwork since they know BRA is on life support.
The difference between Jim Crow and now Is welfare. Prior the 60's blacks were marrying at higher rates than whites. Then welfare broke up the black family better than slavery ever could. Smh now because of welfare black children are in a cycle of no daddies. Why do they keep voting for welfare??
Anonymous said...
Anyone know what happened to Chimpout?
The Obama administration shut it down. The DOJ came in with full auto weapons and massacred four of the people in the main office. Bill, Steve, Arnold and another guy all died. You won't hear about because of TWNMNBM.
Asked if the grievances stem from police treatment or poverty, Mosby said it's "a lot of different things."
"You know, decades-old of failed policies...
Failed policies:
* School de-segregation
* Court ordered busing
* Affirmative action
* Minorities-only contracts
* Section 8 housing
* School lunch, breakfast and probably dinner programs
* EO bureaucracies up the wazoo
* Black studies programs
* Black "history" month
* MLK Day
* MLK Boulevards
* Oprah worship
* Banning Confederate battle flags
* Importing Africans from Congo and Somalia
* Putting a black man (sorta) in the Oval Office teleprompter reader chair
Yes, we have had decades of these policies fail.
Is anyone going to learn a lesson here?
Heard a Baltimore cop on talk radio. Says now when there's fights, the cops give it time so when they arrive, they take the loser to the hospital (or morgue) and the winner to jail.
You just described my longtime neighborhood. A neighborhood. "Gone bad". Youfs. Teens. And I wondered where the white people had gone. One day they are there. Next day they're Mia with a black family porching. All day every day. Do they bury them in back and simply appropriate the house ? I'm baffled.
The race riots of the 1960s.
As a lib I never heard about any of these riots, in depth. It was only after becoming a realist that I really heard about them, and they seemed contrary to what I had been told about black protesting and behavior in the past.
I had been given the BRA version of St. MLK Jr. and how he followed in the peaceful footsteps of Ghandi to overcome his oppressors with pure unbridled love and peace. Turns out the minute he's out of the picture everyone throws all of his teaching (and peaceful progress) out the window and deviates to the black mean. More and more of us can see that these behaviors and destruction are not unique to the 21st century. An unequal demographic clamoring for equality and all of the benefits that it provides- but all the while avoiding any and all responsibilities that come with these equal rights. He wants the white man's house (and wife) in the white man's neighborhood but he doesn't want to pay for the house, wife, kids, or be anything that resembles being a responsible and friendly neighbor.
Hearing Ex-New Yorker talk about the power outage riots really opened my eyes even further to watching what they do, not what they say. When no reason for chaos and rioting was given other than the lights going out across the city... well, at that point you can see a narrative (reason) is not needed to explain the black population's tendency to loot and destroy when given the chance to do so unrestrained.
Maybe we can hear some stories about black power movements of the past and present, and how many of their values and actions fit completely at odds with Hippy love culture and feminist values. I would love to see the image of the magical pleasant and helpful negro of the past shattered into the million pieces that it deserves to be in. Black holes of need that will never be satisfied or thankful- find away to limit the damage they do and avoid them.
Platinum EBT Cardholder:
Courtesy. Shame.
The glue that holds the 1st World together.
If you are respectful, maintain your property, and obey the law, you are an upstanding citizen. That's all it takes.
I don't care what you do in the privacy of your own home. I don't care what you do for a living (legally). I don't. I have enough on my mind thinking about my business. Hank Williams wrote a song about it.
When you begin pushing your lifestyle onto me, thug, homo, feminist, etc... it becomes my business. I do not hate you. I am ambivalent toward you, and if you are respectful, maintain your property, and obey the law, I'm happy to call you neighbor.
When you force yourself into my attention, I will react in a way that may seem rude and discriminatory towards you. That's because it is, and you brought it upon yourself by getting "in my face" about whatever you are.
You have rights. I have rights. We're free to pursue happiness inside a system of laws that, when enforced, makes the playing field as level as humanly possible. For the life of me, I can't find the part where it says my rights are worth less than someone else's. I did find the part that states majority rule minority rights. Maybe it was a typo. Sigh...
I live in Seattle, where the Democrats have been in charge for a long time. It's a lovely city. The Dems are not running the place into the ground.
I strongly suspect that the main reason for this is that these politicians are not black, and neither are most of their constituents. There is no need for them to waste time and money pandering to the negro ego, so they can actually govern effectively.
Work on total community engagement. Total BS.
All the cops need to strike all across the country, especially in predominantly Black cities. Then let the Black blowhard politicians see how bad the cops really are when the cops are no where to be found. Let the damn orcs kill each other off.
I had a discussion with a DWL the other day. They brought up Baltimore. I simply dropped stats I learned here. The only reply the person had was "you know how to spell?" I apparently made a mistake with disingenuous as I was walking--face to face followed by texting.
Then this DWL asked if I knew her son in law was cape verdian--the people that captured Africans and sold them.
I said "should have guessed he was black when he lived rent free and wouldn't marry your daughter."
This person was a colleague.
The most dangerous type of DWL. White, with money, and shunned by normal society. Her and her ape-loving daughter will be brought through the ringer I am sure.
Blacks run Baltimore.
Blacks run St. Louis.
Blacks run Atlanta.
Blacks run Birmingham.
Blacks run Gary, Indiana.
Blacks run Detroit.
Somehow the inability to act like human beings, and the resulting failures of these communities is a white person's fault.
Except race doesn't exist.
Special treatment required.
Except race doesn't exist.
"Safe" spaces that forcibly exclude Asians and Whites are required
Except race doesn't exist, and exclusion/like-association is wrong.
Special standards for jobs, education, finances, and law enforcement are needed.
Except race doesn't exist.
Bad choices and behaviors results in bad/negative outcomes.
Must be White Peoples' prejudice to blame for Blacks' negative outcomes.
Other racial minorities succeed, doing well for their families and communities despite obstacles like language, education, and poverty.
Blacks' failures are everyone else's fault.
Black fatigue is rampant, the old cries of racism and bigotry fall flat in a multi-plurality of peoples that makes up the country.
Unless you're Black, must be someone else's fault.
Blacks kill each other at rates not seen outside of hellholes like Angola.
No other group in America does this, despite drugs, crime, poverty, or discrimination.
The lies are being exposed.
No one cares about the self-righteous indignation of the corrupt left.
Nick Mosby said...
"You know, decades-old of failed policies, you know, decades old of lack of development for these communities. I mean, it's a lot that pours into it and these young boys are speaking tonight unfortunately in a very wrong way."
Yeah sure, I read this all the time. It sure gets old. The "decades-old" mantra of black failure. How about all the money, welfare programs, set asides and affirmative action sponsored by the government (taxpayer) with no return on investment? "Pours" is an understatement, more like "floods". Sure, go ahead and "flood" more money doing the same thing. It's worked great so far.
"You know" or more appropriately "gnome sayin"?
O/T, I hope everyone is aware where all of the current buzzwords come from? Examples: white privilege, structural racism, etc. These come from a fabricated thought process know as "Critical Race Theory". It started back in the late eighties. I bring this up because "people" actually get "degrees" in this "discipline". It has all sorts of Orwellian ideas that are the basis for explaining/excusing black dysfunction. It's your fault whitey and don't you forget it! The creator of this farce actually made a movie about it titled "Space Traders". Maybe you've heard of it? It won numerous awards and is the pinnacle of "filmmaking". Not really, it's a HOOT!
Scot Irish
" Dan said...
Should have kept the King. At least you'd still have an authoritarian white power structure".
Having a monarch is no guarantee that a nation will be free of the nation-wrecking plague that is Cultural Marxism. See the UK for concrete proof of this undeniable fact.
PK, have you seen this news story about an air force airman in 93% White, Grand Forks, ND who opened fire at Walmart?
Anon @ 5:35pm said, "Decades of failed policies, Mr. Mosby…don’t you think the democrats have been in charge long enough?"
Yo, anon, the Democrats have been in charge of Portland, ME and Burlington, VT for a long time, too, and those places are pretty sweet. Are you sure the problem is Democrats?
"Anonymous said...
Face it... the negroes (and their enablers have won) just pop a beer, pop a pill, and wait for the attack/rape/home invasion. That's your future..."
Come on, no patriots should ever concede their Homeland to anti-White colonizers & a White-hating Political Elite without putting up some good stiff resistance. Ferguson/Baltimore overall has backfired on Black Run America (BRA) & Obummer & his SJW Black activists & race hustlers disguised as 'freedom fighters'. Nothing could be further from the Truth, these blind idiots are being driven by Cultural Marxism but are not even aware of it. Events in F/B have only convinced Whites that feral Blacks can never fit into a White civilization no matter how many concession are made to them by Whites. The present simmering situation in the US in which the cops are holding back & the feral Blacks are shooting each other up, will again boil over & the choices will be stark. Whites will then have no choice but to realize that it's a simple case of, 'defend yourselves or perish'. There can be no more concessions to the out-of-control forces who wish to continue to destroy our people and our nation.
If black people openly want and ask for it, we can start the segregation process with them. Just as they are allowed exclusive racial identity-based groups (e.g. NAACP), when they ask for something and bitch and whine long enough they seem to get (at least part) of what they want.
If they hate whitey so much and want to control where he goes and cannot go, tell them that they can have their own enclave of black-only owned businesses and black-only churches, etc. Take that whitey!!!
Probably have to use distance and terrain to keep them from easily bleeding out into the surrounding communities. Let them have pride and pure black on black everything.
Then next logical step is to have other groups follow suit, as it is only fair. Soon you have a structure that groups can follow to have their own ethnic enclaves. While this seems like a bad idea when thinking about Muslims and the like, it seems to be the only short-term way to allow for white-only enclaves to exist and thrive. Realists and segregationists would flock to these areas, adding strength and resolve to keep out the riffraff and black undertow.
On a side note, anyone know anything about Liberland, the new country between Serbia and Croatia? A new homeland?
To Johnny Tax Base
Your excellent comment describes perfectly how the US & other Western nations are being covertly destroyed by the political Establishment/controlled media cabal using deceit & the dregs of society to accomplish this White genocide. This nation-wrecking ideology has a name and it is Cultural Marxism.
Awake in Seattle said...
I live in Seattle, where the Democrats have been in charge for a long time. It's a lovely city. The Dems are not running the place into the ground.
Seattle, the nogs are running out of cities to milk dry and burn to the ground. Give them a bit more time to check out the digs up there. Trust me, they'll be there, and when they arrive the first ting on the agenda of your local leftist black arse-kissing government will be to give them the key to the city, along with some matches and gasoline.
While I do not live there, I know Seattle well and how your local brand of leftist useful idiots all think up there. Why Seatlle doesn't right now have about 3 million pavement apes mystifies me, come to think of it. Might be all thaty rain and the really nice climate down in Los Angeles. But beware, the Mexican and Columbian gangs are killing them in South Central and taking their turf - and that's a literal fact, so they're very likely to re-loacate their roach-infested crack ouse to Portland and Seattle. Cheers.
Anyway, the socialist "herd-think" up there rivals that of Boston, Massachusetts and New York City. It won't be much longer trust me, and your socialist brethren will convince you Nirvana is right around the corner once it starts happening. Just remember - don't be racist about it, OK?
Went out walking this morning and I was thinking: there could never truly be a *race war* (anytime soon) for several reasons: 1) they're too dumb; they completely lack (what I like to call) *engineering IQ*; which means they lack any great military IQ; 2) 90% of them are just too lazy, fat and out of shape; 3) The Denzel Washington-IKAGOs who have their mind/body shit together and are too intelligent etc., and just aren't the dysfunctional TNBs to even think to engage in TNB shenanigans; 4) there are too few of them (thank God; it could be allot worse).. The future will be weekly chimpouts of various categories, and with that will come more realist-awakenings (at least unless BRA shuts down the Internet (unlikely)). A continued increase in realists out there is the only thing which can begin to have any hope to solve (or make less destructive) the problem (assuming it isn't already "irredeemable." Don't despair yet friends.. Sure things have to get worse before they get better; but that's just the abysmal godforsaken hole.. that our founding fathers have dug for us. Too damn greedy, lazy, and power-hungry to pick their own damn cotton, most unfortunately.. Thanks guys. Thanks for the burgeoning Negro Plaque from Hell.. Ugh.
"Malik Shabazz did call the Bloods and Crips the "new generation of defenders and protectors" of Baltimore, saying, we "don't need police.""
and, if I were the police in Baltimore, I would leave them to it. after all, they have now passed laws where , if the perpetrator runs, the police really can't do anything about it, so I'd let them run, say " oh well" and let the gang "protectors" protect the neighborhood.
Emily Goldstein's entire screed can be summed up as: "Wah! I HATE HATE HATE those shiksa godesses that my affluent tribesmen pass me over for!!"
LOL. Poor Emily. #Duckface
It looks like Democrats are fixing the problem they created. Leave Black Baltimore to the Crips, Bloods and Nation of Islam. The blood is flowing. Blacks are dying and getting shot in greater numbers.
Bullets, knives and fists; for us. Blacks have what they want; a feral culture where life is nasty, brutal and short. I say let the Blacks have their city, kill each other off. We can watch it with a mixture of disgust and relief. DWLs can use this opportunity to practice wringing their hands and offering more tax money.
In the end, Blacks are being killed off and more Whites wake up to the African reality every day.
Airman suspect in ND shooting identified as Marcel Willis.
When the story broke I knew the suspect had to be a boon, even before they released his name. But I held back making any such comments at Huffpo or Yahoo, and here I was right all along.
Marcel Willis? With a name like that why not just call him Quantavious DuWayne Greene or some other such nonsense name?
He was in the USAF. That's the service that requires brains. But you can bet the farm he was an affirmative a action enlistee.
Obama will throw them a couple Billion Dollars of tax payer money for reparations.. I mean because Whites have held them down. They will blow that before he leaves office. But the stage is set. Want free money? just riot for anything. The dumber the better. Hell, just the word "no" or "not guilty" is good enough to destroy a town. Then BRA steps in an rebuilds it so they can destroy it again.
It's funny that the segregation and "racism" of the past protected everyone in the community, even blacks.
"No other group in America does this, despite drugs, crime, poverty, or discrimination."
Actually Native Americans on Reservations in America have Violent Crime Rates twice the national average, highest rates of poverty, highest rates of Suicide, High rates of Alcoholism.. So what is it that blacks and natives have in common??
The Denzel Washington-IKAGOs who have their mind/body shit together and are too intelligent etc., and just aren't the dysfunctional
If a race war broke out most the IKAGOs wouldn't stick around. They'd try to hide out until it was over. I'm not convinced that most IKAGOs even believe in paint theory. They've grown up around blacks after all. It's just in their best political interest to side with blacks and DWLs.
A race war could only happen in a place like Baltimore or NYC. Blacks in the South don't want to get into sniper wars with the good old boys. It could only happen where Whites are liberal and unarmed. A race war in the South wouldn't last a week.
""They thought defeating white supremacy was the moral thing to do, and they still think so. Why blame anyone but whites for white suicide? The idea that whites are only helpless puppets, completely controlled by non-whites, eliminates their responsibility for their own actions. But if they deserve no blame for what happens to them, then they can likewise take no credit for anything they've done.""
Gee Thanks for the lesson in Cultural Marxism Dialectic and blame the victim, Rabbi!
Whites are the only ones holding their own. I don't see ships from Japan offing food and medicine trying to help the White get their birthrate up.
We are on our own.
As the "Saturday philosophy" floods our Universities and Schools, Whites are the ones constantly on the defensive, attempting to hold the moral ground based on reality. The other races are attacking physically (negro) or financially (Indian (dot not feather), Hispanic).
As to the argument that Whites are helpless puppets, the fact is Whites are a rule-following species. Once a philosophy takes hold like the divine right of Kings or the idea that "negros are human, just like me" or "Socialism will one day Rule the World!" entire Countries are brought down over it. We fought the Civil War over just such a stupid philosophy, the Cold War over just such a philosophy.
But the internal war over socialism and the negro (and the jewish) question we are fighting over is just as damaging to our Culture as a real war. Entire populations are being uprooted and are fleeing just as though their city had been bombed. Baltimore just got "Bombed by Blackness" and will never recover. Financial limits in debt and the economy is being broken as through we were in a sustained conflict to support a large segment of the population that has no connection to America other than "Gibs me Dat.".
I agree that Whites are asleep at the switch, that in every country now being overrun they should have hung their leaders and taken the idea of invasion seriously. The should have set the African back.
But I am not going to blame the South African for the death of South Africa. I am not going to blame the Death of Rhodesia on regular Whites. Or the Browning of Europe and America on Whites. The blame goes squarely on the Marxists and the Saturday people holding the hands on negros singing "Kill the Farmer, Kill the Boer" or Shabezz screaming into the Microphone "You want to be free, you gonna have to kill some crackers, you gonna have to kill some of their babies".
Baltimore will continue it's slide into typical African barbarism over the course of this coming summer courtesy of typical negro behavior (TNB). The only thing guaranteed besides that is that the MSM, libtards and negroes will blame it all on the white man. They'll demand "answers" supporting their blame whitey narrative and demand tons of cash be infused into groid areas. Prepare yourself for videos of fat negresses with 8 chilluns wailing, "Sumbody gots to hep! Sumbody gots to do something!" It's sickening.
Ot but I saw a video of groids in India. They'd attempted to molest women on a train. Mobs of people chased them, surrounded them and the groids had to climb on top of a vacant police station on the train station platform. People were attacking them and trying to drag them down while others were bashing them with long poles. The groids were only saved by the intervention of police. Otherwise, they'd have been beaten to a pulp and most likely killed.
As an Indian friend said, negro b.s. will not be tolerated in India. They'll face the same enraged mobs as muslims have from Hindu's (especially the hard core Hindu factions) and they'll wind up having their neighborhoods burnt to the ground and their "famblies" killed. All it takes is one spark to set it off.
In America, there hasn't been one spark but a veritable firestorm of negro bullshit and yet it is allowed to continue.
I look forward to the day when this nation grows some balls and puts an end to it.
"So what is it that blacks and natives have in common??"
1. Non-White.
2. Socialism.
There might be minor chimp outs in the south, but I do believe your assessment is correct. In shitholes like Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis and cities alike it could happen. The key ingredients being: Orcs; High gun control; low white population.
In the south, Orcs acting out would simply be met with force. Where you see the riots it is low white population.
There are plenty of good ole boys hoping the chimp out starts in the south.
good post. when you see all these poor poor me black movies, like The Help, the first thing I noticed was that they were working, they had husbands and no gunshots were being fired regularly. but they are better off now?
Negroes Are A Social Pathology, Not A Race said:
PNW Realist said in part, " Marcel Willis? With a name like that why not just call him Quantavious DuWayne Greene or some other such nonsense name?
He was in the USAF. That's the service that requires brains. But you can bet the farm he was an affirmative a action enlistee."
Respectfully, PNW, without very aggressive affirmative action, we would have almost no blacks in the military. Likewise, neither would we have more than a literal handful of truly qualified blacks knocking down monster salaries for doing absolutely nothing in cushy civil service jobs at the local, state and federal levels. This is perhaps the principal reason why government, particularly in urban areas, is now totally dysfunctional and corrupt from top to bottom.
To take it one step further, since affirmative action hiring is now so prevalent in the private sector owing to company shakedowns by Jackson, Sharpton and the NAACP, the vast majority of blacks holding mid-level and high management positions are for the most part token "house niggas" to make the corporation look "good" - a protection racket, pure and simple.
I personally know and interact with blacks holding very high management positions whose sole "function" is that of corporate window dressing so to speak, and who can barely spell their middle initial. I mean this quite literally. What usually happens is the subordinate whites have to cover for the clueless moron or lose THEIR jobs! IOW, they wind up actually doing his/her work plus that of their own.
An even worse scenario that often plays out with lower level "line" jobs is whites training blacks and Mexicans to do their jobs and then losiing their own jobs. Happens all the time all over the country now, and effectively whites are now being deliberately pauperized and also for all intents and purposes disenfranchised as well.
Fatigued in Minneapolis said...
"...Sure things have to get worse before they get better; but that's just the abysmal godforsaken hole.. that our founding fathers have dug for us. Too damn greedy, lazy, and power-hungry to pick their own damn cotton, most unfortunately.. Thanks guys. Thanks for the burgeoning Negro Plaque from Hell.. Ugh."
I too wish the plantation-farming implement technology had taken another path. But before you blame the whole situation on our fore-fathers, please look at South Africa and Europe. The Black Plague is no respecter of history or borders.
Two of the biggest mistakes America ever made, post-Abolition (the Mother of All Errors, the way it was handled, without repatriation) was allowing and encouraging blacks to bear arms in both World Wars.
Especially after WWll, the blacks came back with a strong sense of entitlement, and the Whites in Washington felt blacks had done their share to earn a full measure of the American Dream. We could have "won" both Wars without the enlistment of blacks, and still held the high ground back home after the Wars were over.
I am waiting until the Shabazz person has to call those fine protectors to ask other fine protectors to leave his home because they are robbing him. I am also waiting until the farmers in South Africa and the power engineers to leave. What will happen after that will make Cambodia during Pol Pot look like a loving kiss.
Folks, the next time you're at a family barbeque, be careful not to take the last chicken leg or rib. Gawd forbid, one member of the fambly had the nerve to get in the way of this orc who clearly did not cotton to anyone getting between her and her food.
hahah I love it. the Chosen ones website has a warning before you visit it. YT must be getting fed up.
on mine its says:
The article you are trying to read has been reported by the community as hateful or abusive content. For more information about our reporting system head to our about page. Return to homepage. Or Continue. btw. it has over 1,000 comments.
keep speak out fellow YT's!
As an Indian friend said, negro b.s. will not be tolerated in India.
Negro b.s. is not tolerated in much of Africa, either. Criminals are frequently hacked to pieces by citizens wielding pangas, or "necklaced." It's only YT who lets black criminality wreck a neighborhood.
Who didn't see this coming? OH YEAH a bunch of naive white-guilt "progressives".
Distrust and Disorder: A Racial Equity Policy Summons Chaos in the St. Paul Schools
Relocated from Maryland - Balti-moron
After growing up as an Army Brat and living, schooling with NAPAs, I became a realist rather quickly. This was after it was drilled into my head, equal equal, equal. My best friend in Jr High was one. Ended up, he stabbed me in the back. TNB. I did a stint in the Army myself, and worked and housed with them. Forced to see their behavior and hear their "music" on a daily and nightly basis. Later, after applying for some sweet Gov and corporate jobs, scoring high, great feedback from interviews, only to be told they were hiring a minority with much lower overall scores. "Sorry boy, you too white !!"
I have seen the "Hood" or Ghettos of Baltimore. Worked in them. Witnessed the decline of the culture and real estate. There used to be a White neighborhood with Beautiful White Marble stoops. Women (white) would wash them and sweep the streets out front. Now, the marble is cracked, chipped, broken and black with soot and grime, the streets are littered with fast food containers, tumble-weaves , burnt-out wreckage of cars and needles. Junkies sleep next to stoops and beg for coinage, then scream obscenities and raise the flag of "Racist" when declined or if you dont give enough. The same goes for the "Squeegee Bums" at the red lights, descending like locusts to smear your windshield with grimy rags and demand payment.
The Cops in Baltimore (The City that Bleeds), basically chase the radio, call after call. They see the dealers and the crews who work for them. All they can do is roll up and tell them to take a walk. That stops the drug flow for a few minutes. When the crew slowly walks away and circle the block, the cops have rolled off to another call and the dealing begins anew. If the cops started jacking up the crews, it would take all shift, and someone else will start selling on the corner. Its a never ending story. One black cop even said, "Wall off east Baltimore with 20 foot walls, and flood it. Shoot anyone who swims or floats".
"Decades of failed policies, Mr. Mosby…don’t you think the democrats have been in charge long enough?"
Here are two questions for any Republican who might read this website:
1: You have claimed that Democratic policies are responsible for the decline of cities like Baltimore, Detroit, etc; what policies would you have the GOP implement that would turn these cities around?
Lower taxes? Ending the minimum wage? Deregulation?
2: Can you show me anywhere in the USA where conservative economic policies have taken a black majority city and restored it to a level of civic order, educational achievement and economic prosperity equal to that when it was white ruled?
In the real world, there is no evidence that any policies can "uplift" blacks to the level of the white. It's all been tried: war on poverty; enterprise zones; one-man-one-vote; Ujaama (African socialism). The result has been epic fail.
Check that. There was one system which maintained a certain level of civic, educational and economic standards in cities with large numbers of blacks.
It was called "segregation."
Something to think about in the coming chaos ahead.
Simple steps for a more livable country:
Orc curfew.
Dramatically increase punishments for orcs; they are not deterred by current corrective measures.
Chip them after first felony then track them via drones and satellites to keep them from interacting with Humans.
No weight rooms in prison; don't need to make them stronger for their release. Drugs to tire them out, if necessary for control.
Other ideas...?
Ok, any betting men out there? What will the summer shoot total be for violent orc concentrations like Chicago, NYC, Baltimore, New Orleans etc?
Let's use the official start and end dates of Summer, and write your bet as # shot & wounded, and # killed.
This could be one for the record books so don't be shy in your estimates...
That's a good response, pookie by daid oh law! We're de poolize be?
Lots of good comments on this topic. PK brings out the best in race realists!
The Cops in Baltimore (The City that Bleeds), basically chase the radio, call after call. They see the dealers and the crews who work for them. All they can do is roll up and tell them to take a walk. That stops the drug flow for a few minutes. When the crew slowly walks away and circle the block, the cops have rolled off to another call and the dealing begins anew.
This is something to be considered by those claiming that the drug laws "disproportionately impact" blacks. Actually, the level of black drug dealing is at such a high level that it is difficult to enforce the laws realistically in the 'hood. If anything, black drug dealing is tolerated by the cops to a degree that would be unthinkable in a white suburb. If a white person were to deal drugs openly in a picket fence community, they'd be going down in a New York minute.
Another point to be considered is that a lot of blacks who are convicted for drug possession were actually dealing at the time of the arrest. The D.A. knocked the charges down to possession because of the high caseload volume.
Poor impulse control and conflict resolution through violence cannot be blamed on white privilege when there are no whites around.
How naive are you?
I agree, we have to look at the big picture. Sure it would be bad in the cities but in the rural south it would be put down brutally and quickly. The same goes for the rural mid west and western states.
I think we have to take this all in context, even with help a pavement ape couldn't pull off a revolution because the numbers only exist in small pockets ie inner city slums. The rural blacks in the south would have none of it for the most part, they've heard stories. The few in rural Midwestern and western states would simply hide.
Yo, anon, the Democrats have been in charge of Portland, ME and Burlington, VT for a long time, too, and those places are pretty sweet. Are you sure the problem is Democrats?
May 27, 2015 at 3:54 AM
I don't think that the problem is just Democrats per se. It's more like any number of these cities or towns that have had Democrats running them for a long time AND a majority black population for a long time. That's the "double whammy" right there for you: a large number of blacks being governed for many years by either black Democrats, or just any type of Democrats.
White libtards typically vote for just Democrats, but I have yet to ever see a large crowd of white libtards "chimp out" over anything, or do anything else negative that large groups of blacks have been known to do.
Have there ever been numerous shootings or stabbings at Phish concerts, or at Grateful Dead concerts? I've never heard about that happening, but rap music concerts over the last 20-30 years have been a different story altogether.
I'm also still convinced that all of those bikers in Texas who were shot dead earlier this month were shot by the SWAT team in the parking lot. I have yet to see any video footage from that incident and I doubt that we ever will at this point, because it would probably not make the cops look so good.
Unfortunately, that's pretty much has to happen in order for the rest of the sleeping white folks in this country to WTFU!!!! One can only hope that even the most fervent DWL connects the dots each and every time a black representative from a BRA city, comments on the disproportional amount of black violence. Yeah, more like a pipe dream!
Sorry, but have to chuckle when I see Whites talking about getting their country "back"...
Way too late fellas; game over. Sure, a few of you have balls of steel and would fight to protect your country, but the enemy has slowly crept up on you and is now in charge; it has it's dagger to your jugular. The infection has taken root so deeply in your country's system that the intensive treatment to remove it would kill the host itself.
Now, just sit back and watch the fireworks; they'll win the next election and keep spreading the disease more widely than ever. Just look at programs carried out by your government specifically using its power to find White neighborhoods, and forcibly move negroes in (to ruin it). Imagine if the Department of Heath was making injections of cancer cells into your heart mandatory? That's what it is doing on a social engineering level. Research the AFFH program. Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing.
Right there in black and white; the floodwaters are under your door now...
Question: are blacks like genetically f&cked or something? Seems like wherever they are, a shitstorm of chaos follows; no way that first world civilizations can exist?
The usual interpretation among race realists is that there are inherent, genetic differences between the races. Blacks are characterized by low IQ, poor impulse control, and lack of future time orientation. We are talking about the median, and obviously there are a small number of black outliers who can live up to white standards. But collectively, virtually every black society on this planet is characterized by high rates of crime, economic decline and a failure of education; plus they can not take responsibility for their own actions and instead play the race hustle game of blaming YT.
What acerbates black pathologies is the dysgenic effects of the welfare state. This breaks up families and rewards the lowest common denominator of the demographic to breed unchecked. Meantime, the higher end of the demographic is pushed aside. There may be similar effects among whites, but the general lack among blacks of impulse control, etc., makes it catastrophic.
Then you add to this the pathology of white liberal guilt, which provides the ideological justifications for blacks running amok. Thus, blacks can pillage a city like Baltimore with the full compliance of the mayor, and there is scarcely liberal cluck from the backbench.
PK, the brutal truth is that from the point of view of whites back then who had to live around blacks and protect their lives, families and property, Jim Crow and segregation back then were simply matters of survival. Certainly there were blatant, hardcore racists who truly hated blacks indiscriminately, but this was not the actual intent of segregation and Jim Crow laws in the main.
And it requires an Orwellian rewriting of history to reframe the issue as one of eeeeevil YT oppressing innocent widdle blacks. SBPDL and other websites have provided some of the true history of segregation, showing that it was a defensive measure by whites to preserve their civilization. We can see what has happened since the USA was de-segregated.
For that matter, look at Britain. A small minority of black immigrants commit crimes all out of proportion to their numbers. And when the police crack down, the result is rioting which burns out much of the ancient city, all to the background music of liberal breast beating. And this in a country with a full-on welfare state and severe "anti-racist" laws. The reality is that blacks bring with them their pathologies into any polity which they settle.
Again, if I am wrong, can someone show me those black polities which are up to white standards of civic order, economic progress, and educational achievement?
No offence, but if a guy/gal from L.A has to come to a website like this to find out that answer, I doubt the answer would make any sense to you.
Likewise, neither would we have more than a literal handful of truly qualified blacks knocking down monster salaries for doing absolutely nothing in cushy civil service jobs at the local, state and federal levels. This is perhaps the principal reason why government, particularly in urban areas, is now totally dysfunctional and corrupt from top to bottom.
Right, and this is something to be considered about the effects of large numbers of blacks in a society. Sooner or later, they are going to demand equal "representation" in the cushy jobs. But those jobs require things like high IQ and future time orientation. With AA, you end up with too many unqualified blacks, which means the civil service, business, academia, even the military will become inefficient, corrupt and ultimately injurious to the interests of the citizenry.
One example is the Pentagon's increased use of private military contractors to conduct warfare. The regular Department of Defense procedures for logistic support of the troops is breaking down. Increasingly, contractors are being used for special operations--with most ex-special forces being white guys. A small number of special operators can pull off some spectacular raids, but not fight a major war. A military which is controlled by political considerations to promote AA recruits, and which is under liberal ideological delusion, can not fight a war.
Then you ask why it is that ISIS can run amok in Iraq, unchecked. Well, why not? The Bloods & Crips are running amok in Baltimore, unchecked.
Of course, the growing inefficiency of the US system can be leveraged by race realists. Since the system is against white people, the more inefficient that system becomes, the less able it will be to defend BRA.
Poor impulse control and conflict resolution through violence cannot be blamed on white privilege when there are no whites around.
How naive are you?
Blacks see "racism" as some magical force which keeps them down. Their view of "racism" goes beyond any rational discussion of the term. Remember, you are dealing with a demographic which in its natural state (in Africa) believes in any number superstitions, can not construct as much as a two storied stone building, and seems to be incapable of digging so much as a well for water without NGO assistance.
Hardly surprising considering that most billionaire DWL's live in the area. They too want a safe and clean city, which is why they promote diversity in every other city than their own. Speaks volumes, doesn't it?
It usually doesn't sink in until one of their own dies at the hands of these animals. I wonder how many rich white folks in DC(including Biden) who now think of their favourite pets after that family of three and their housekeeper were tortured, murdered and burned weeks ago? Think they'll be hiring those 'poor' blacks after it was revealed that one of the masterminds was an ex employee of the victim? It will be interesting to find out given the heinous and brutal nature on a crime committed to one of their own. Looks like sympathy may see a fissure on this open sore in Capital Hill.
I had been given the BRA version of St. MLK Jr. and how he followed in the peaceful footsteps of Ghandi to overcome his oppressors with pure unbridled love and peace. Turns out the minute he's out of the picture everyone throws all of his teaching (and peaceful progress) out the window and deviates to the black mean.
"Non-violence" was a tactic. It was a temporary expediency used by the civil rights movement (CRM) during the 1950s and early 1960s to gain political ground. Had the CRM openly called for violence at that time, whites might have woken up and crushed it at the inception.
Once the CRM had seized some power (mid-1960s), it was in a position to launch the next phase of the revolution: open violence. The CRM used riots and crime to ethnically cleanse white people from their cities. The decades following were marked by black street gangs and then flashmobs engaging in guerrilla warfare to stake out territory.
In 2015 we are seeing the next stage of the CRM: black politicos aligning with black street gangs to take over US cities and turn them into insurgent centers. Sort of like ISIS in Iraq.
Blacks do not want equality. They want power. And they will use any means necessary to gain it.
The dilemma is that there are too many white people who refuse to recognize this reality. They still believe in the hallucination called "equality."
...Maybe we can hear some stories about black power movements of the past and present, and how many of their values and actions fit completely at odds with Hippy love culture and feminist values.
Look at post-colonial Africa.
African leaders claimed to be fighting for "liberation," "one-man-one-vote" and egalitarianism. Once in power, they set up one-party dictatorships, crushed the opposition, and wrecked the economy. Then they went on international TV, begging bowl in one hand and AK-47 in the other. At this point, DWLs started shipping out foreign aid and the not occasional human sacrifice (see Amy Biehl).
Not surprising considering how many 'duel citizens' occupy the WH and Congress.
Anyone know what happened to Chimpout?
The Obama administration shut it down. The DOJ came in with full auto weapons and massacred four of the people in the main office. Bill, Steve, Arnold and another guy all died. You won't hear about because of TWNMNBM.
And let's not forget the Pink Palmetto Pony who took time off from the greatest looting scheme in history to emerge from behind the curtain with the kool-ade(tm) as the DOJ doesn't have the brains to pull off such an operation!
(With apologies to Bogoluyski!)
Simple: they make libs feel better about themselves for coddling them, while the cons think it gets them VIP tickets to heaven for helping them. Two headed snake.
Dramatically increase punishments for orcs; they are not deterred by current corrective measures.
This is not a bad idea, but who is going to enforce these laws? Cops who have been ordered to pull back from riots? Mayors who turn over cities to street gangs for looting? DWL who will grovel before any person of color? The NAACP?
The real issue here is not law and order. It is political. Until racially conscious white people retake control of their own cities and countries, they will never be in a position to deal with blacks realistically.
What king would that be? Oh yeah, the clowns who run Saudi Arabia backed by the US government. The same country that produced 17 out of the 19 911 highjackers? Good thing we provided air transport and political cover for one of their wealthiest families. Who needs enemies when you have good friends?
Not so.
The Monarch isn't the Queen. It's Cameron.
America's little experiment with Republicanism is a bust. Go on admit it.
Several reasons. For the most part it's vote pandering for Liberal based constituents. Then there's all the kickbacks from social programs that lead to nowhere and finally, keep the crime element high in order to boost funding for LEO, private prison sector, public court system, think tanks, charities, black grievance industry etc. Despite the money to be had by all, I honestly believe the reason is much more sinister and scarier. After Ferguson, less and less people noticed the militarized version of our police force. After Baltimore, nobody even questioned it. The more these contrived and paid for riots happen, the more we're conditioned to accept the fact that we're under occupation of a unofficial police state. There's a reason why they don't teach '1984' in HS anymore.
The UK became Airstrip One dear boy.
And you have a President with a name like Barack Hussein Obama now.
The UK still holds back the day.
Ever Black City is effectively Sharia.
She'll learn, either the easy way or the hard way. Regardless, one day you'll get an apology.
Another great article. Baltimore is gearing up for 100 Days of Summer, negro style. I believe more and more Whites will be unable to deny that negroes are the one and only source of their failure to live like humans. 150 years and billions of dollars and programs have not changed a thing. They really ARE different. Let's see what happens in NYC with DiBlasio in charge. With profiling and stop & frisk banned, let the negroes rein! Hope the NYC cops move at a snail's pace in response to crimes - especially in the high rent DWL and negro neighborhoods. I almost wish there could be another massive power failure so we could be treated to video after video of darkies looting.
P.S. Poor Emily Goldsteinbergbaumowitz. It's a hard life for homely, charmless girls. Can't she even get a colored boy to look twice at her? She should move to Baltimore to increase her chances. With a bottle of Ripple and a brown paper bag, she might get lucky if she waits until it's dark enough.
Questions to DWL friends and relatives:
Why do you live in a White town when you could live amongst Diversity??
Do you frequent restaurants or other public venues with a large Black presence??
Would you mind if your son/daughter married a Black??
Would you mind having Black grandchildren??
Would you welcome a large Black family moving in next door??
You have plenty of money and time. Why don't you adopt some Black orphans and bring them to the country club with you.
Why do you vacation in Cape Cod or on tropical islands when you could vacation in a Vibrant, Diverse city and celebrate Black culture for an entire week?? Suggested cities in my state: Newark, Paterson, Camden, Trenton. Take advantage of Summer Specials and make sure to bring the kids!! Experience the glory of Blackness up close and personal.
The answers will all be lies. They want to live a segregated lifestyle just like we do but won't own up to it.
"Whites are the ones constantly on the defensive, attempting to hold the moral ground based on reality."
Holding the moral ground is the problem, not the solution. White supremacy is considered immoral by YT. It's this fucked-up morality that causes him to commit suicide. Blaming others for white actions only misidentifies the cause and obscures this truth; it's entirely counter-productive. To misidentify the cause only guarantees continued failure.
To those who post comments calling people to "action" - Seriously? What are any of you actually going to do other than sit at home and post comments on a blog? Do you really think you're going to raise some sort of army to march on the ghetto? Do you think white people are going to suddenly rally together and vote the black politicians out? No. It's not going to happen. The sabre rattling sounds more like Uncle Rico whining about winning a football game decades in the past. You're a fucking joke.
Enjoy this blog for what it's worth. Educate yourself and those you care about. But, don't come on here and post comments along the lines of, "we gotta git together and do somethin bout it! Now's the time, blah, blah, blah." Shut up already. Unless you're mentally ill, you know damn well you're talking out of your asses with that bullshit. If anything, you're guaranteeing the Feds will track your IP and potentially harass your dumbass if you're even located in the US.
fatigued in Minneapolis said...
"Sure things have to get worse before they get better; but that's just the abysmal godforsaken hole.. that our founding fathers have dug for us. Too damn greedy, lazy, and power-hungry to pick their own damn cotton, most unfortunately.. Thanks guys. Thanks for the burgeoning Negro Plaque from Hell.. Ugh."
I don't believe the Founding Father of the United States had anything to do with "digging a hole".
I believe you mean the Confederacy. You need to read some history. Southern soldiers referred to the War of Northern Aggression as "a rich man's war but a poor man's fight". Exactly how many of those "lazy" people actually owned slaves? The plantation owners may have been greedy, but there was a HELL of a lot more greed in the North (read about Northerner civilians following Union armies so they could steal Southern cotton and sell it for a handsome price up north). That's just one example. There are thousands if you care to read about it. Lastly, the South wanted to be left alone. There were many Southern politicians that wanted to seek a peaceful solution and avoid a war...even after Lincoln was elected. They even proposed gradual Emancipation for the slaves. I believe the Radical Republicans epitomize "Power Hungry" more than any Southern politician at the time.
"Picking our own cotton" sounds easy and it is a catchy phrase but it is far from the truth. I assume you know what an Agrarian Economy means. The Martial spirit of the Southern man is well documented. Not just in the Civil War but throughout American history. Please crack a book and read about the South before blaming BRA on us. A single Southern man who fought in the Civil War had more knowledge about negro proclivities than all the abolitionist in the north combined. Look to the those Yankee criminals if you need someone to blame. Thanks for waging a completely unnecessary War for the negro.
Scot Irish
If PK will allow, let me give a personal story of how we Whites can unintentionally further a completely false social paradigm:
A few years ago, I went to work for my local City government. It was a quasi-low level job, but I needed the work, had bills to pay, etc. If you don't secretly enjoy working in a dysfunctional environment, don't take a job with the Gov.
Anyways-I was put into a data entry/customer service type job at a permitting facility. Work arrived via phone calls and faxes. Work itself was processing Permits requiring computer input.
I was teamed up with a black lady, a bit older than myself. She wasn't my boss, just my co-worker. I'm the kind of person who likes to stay busy, so almost from the outset, I was doing most of the work - work that should theoretically have been split 50/50.
As time went on, this job became very, very dull. Boring and repetitive data-entry. But I found that by working hard/fast, the day actually went by faster and more bearably. Soon I was doing (seriously) about 90 to 95% of the work. My "partner" spent her time mostly on the phone with relatives and charitable organizations, taking care of fambly chit-chat, organizing her grandkids activities, setting the males in the fambly straight on a hundred different topics, and getting a whole panoply of relatives bills paid by GOV and non-Gov organizations. If you haven't seen a pro like this work the phones to get gibs, you would have a real education believe me.
What *should* I have done? Complain? I actually preferred staying busy! Nothing made the day drag like down-time. Plus, staying busy kept me out of idiotic conversations with the people around that office, mostly black women.
When I got a chance to leave, I did. I wondered what would happen to my spoiled-rotten co-worker when she had to kick it in. But guess what? They put another White person at my chair, and from what I heard later, the same exact thing happened again, with YT doing all the work.
The point is, because I like to stay busy, and don't enjoy confrontation, and also know how the City will always protect the "minority" employee, I ended up giving my black "co-worker" a walk-in-the-park ride. I wonder how many times every day all over this country, that same damn scenario plays out?
Ya ok, fair enough..
When I got a chance to leave, I did. I wondered what would happen to my spoiled-rotten [black] co-worker when she had to kick it in. But guess what? They put another White person at my chair, and from what I heard later, the same exact thing happened again, with YT doing all the work.
What happened to all that black "work" which supposedly built this country? Why is it mysteriously absent in workplaces such as this?
By the way, conservatives frequently claim that liberals keep blacks on the government "plantation" but this is not correct. If they were on the plantation, blacks might actually get some real work done. It is YT who is on the plantation, supporting an increasingly dysfunctional BRA.
Anonymous said:
"Please crack a book and read about the South before blaming BRA on us. A single Southern man who fought in the Civil War had more knowledge about negro proclivities than all the abolitionist in the north combined. Look to the those Yankee criminals if you need someone to blame. Thanks for waging a completely unnecessary War for the negro."
Not to re-fight the War of Northern Aggression here all over again, but there is a lot of truth in this. You have to ask yourself if the North was so firmly on God's side as many Abolitionists believed, why the sins of the Southern fathers have been visited so heavily on the Northern children's cities by The Black Plague.
Here's what Walt Whitman said: "the great tragedy of the Civil War is that so many fine boys, North and South, died for the (I'll say "negro", but that's not the word Walt used).
Negroes = Violence.
Why do you keep trying to pretend that isn't the case??!
There is not a single exemption.
They are savage niqqa animals...
Engage them at your peril....
Anonymous said...
PK, have you seen this news story about an air force airman in 93% White, Grand Forks, ND who opened fire at Walmart?
Hilarious, thanks.
PoC (Piece of Crap) walks into Walmart, shoots two, tops itself.
Best of all, the comment by old friend:
Carter said when he heard what happened, "I was distraught."
But he said he believes Willis "didn't do it."
"Marcell wasn't crazy. He was a great, young guy," Carter said. "I think he was in the wrong place at the wrong time."
Dindo nuffin.
Wrong place, wrong time.
Shopping gone wrong.
The (presumably White) bereaved sweetheart needs to be branded "Shopsoiled - half price".
It's not democrats who ruin cities. It's negroes, or is it the combination of a city having a large negro population and a city government controlled by democrats? Are there any large cities with a high population of negroes and controlled by republicans? I can't think of any.j
Anonymous said...
The sabre rattling sounds more like Uncle Rico whining about winning a football game decades in the past. You're a fucking joke.
Well I'd be shocked if 10% of the readership knows your Uncle Rico reference. He was a hell of a funny character though.
Anonymous said...
Who didn't see this coming? OH YEAH a bunch of naive white-guilt "progressives".
Distrust and Disorder: A Racial Equity Policy Summons Chaos in the St. Paul Schools
May 27, 2015 at 9:58 AM
Along read, but well worthwhile. And mind-boggling.
TL;DR version: Homeschool!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Poor impulse control and conflict resolution through violence cannot be blamed on white privilege when there are no whites around.
How naive are you?
He said "can't" not "won't".
It's quite simple really. If the woman's comments were about non-whites, she'd be in jail. If a white person ever said the things these trash throw around, they'd find themselves ostracized, fired, and publicly punished, but these "special" folks can openly call for the deaths/ethnic cleansing of an entire population and not suffer any adverse consequences.
It's time we took such threats as legitimate, and acted accordingly.
I think everyone on SBPDL agrees that Blacks (most of them) are a huge problem. I think we agree on their collective negative traits and the myriad ways they wreak destruction. I don't think Whites are responsible for their behavior, failure, unhappiness, anger, etc. at all. No group of Whites - North,, South, Midwest, Southwest, etc. - are responsible. I'm angry enough about Black crime and destruction. I don't attribute Black dysfunction to any geographical group of Whites and I don't feel like being angry at fellow Whites. Anger at Blacks is enough. Regardless of what happened 150 years ago or 50 years ago, wherever it happened, Blacks are responsible for thir lot in life and their crimes.
"I remember seeing a reporter push back Nick Mosley about the fact that these "kids" that he told the police to back up from were robbing a liquor store as they were standing there. Mosley made a quick exit"
You realize that when DWL's refer to perps as being "kids" they are actually calling them "boy", a racist term. That is, blacks do not want to be seen as the children the DWL's dismiss them as.
Here here
"The point is, because I like to stay busy, and don't enjoy confrontation, and also know how the City will always protect the "minority" employee, I ended up giving my black "co-worker" a walk-in-the-park ride. I wonder how many times every day all over this country, that same damn scenario plays out?"
All the time. I have heard similar stories over and over, and lived some of them myself.they always keep at least one token white person in these government jobs to do all the work.
The People's Republic of Portland is another largely negro-free left-of-centre city that runs well, with far fewer millionaire DWLs than Seattle claims. But I take your point.
Nothing can be blamed on "white privilege" because the term is bullwhip invented by Jews and bolsheviks to destroy our race. It's has no meaning beyond "die you White bastard". Don't use the term in a serious manner..just like "racist" a term invented by the same people for the same reason. Rob
It's not decades of failed policies to blame for black dysfunction, it's centuries of evolution.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Simple steps for a more livable country:
Orc curfew. Dramatically increase punishments for orcs; they are not deterred by current corrective measures.Chip them after first felony then track them via drones and satellites to keep them from interacting with Humans.No weight rooms in prison; don't need to make them stronger for their release. Drugs to tire them out, if necessary for control.
Other ideas...?
#1. Frontal lobotomy for any negroe with a history of crime.
#2. Convulsive electro shock therapy for violent negroes.
#3. Irreversible surgical sterilization of any negroe in prison.
#4. Terminate all EBT cards, if you don't work you don't eat.
#5. Norplant contraceptives to be implanted in any negress being released from prison.
#6. Implementation of a South African Apartite program.
#7. Expulsion of all American negroes.
#8. All negroes must do free labor for the US tax Payers in order to repay the generations of negroes who have lived and died while mooching off the working class.
#9. Free train rides to resettlement centers.......
Saw a link showing Baltimore DA Mosby's appearance on Judge Judy, of all things.
So I checked it out. Here she is at like 20, in college, suing the nog who opened a cigar shop downstairs from her apartment because while she was home for the summer this nog broke in and they used her place as a party pad. Nothing too remarkable, she hardly had to speak to win the case.
But the eye opener was the comments after the case. She complained that she'd called the police and DA and no one would do anything for her until she came to Judge Judy.
Could the whole problem with this moron be she has a chip on her shoulder going back to 2000 because cops couldn't help her very much in what was for all intents and purposes a civil lawsuit?
RE: "Chaos in the St. Paul Schools", yes, homeschool. It is not perfect. Not ending up with high yaller grandchildren...priceless.
(Nonworkable idea coming...) After fourth grade, end bricks and mortar school. Buy each school-aged child an ipad, wifi, year's pass to zoo and rec center and 24 hour Skype/email tutoring with teachers(in Ireland or wherever)voted off by pupil rankings. No more school buses or buildings or AA-$100,000 management salaries. Meals on wheels can deliver food.
If the parents complain that they need free babysitting for 18 years offer them free spaying and neutering.
Remember to spay and neuter your pets!
New blog that many of you will like.
Anon at 11:26, I'm guessing that the country is England, not Saudi Arabia. Technically they kept their monarchy, not their king, but they are just about overrun with Muslims.
The truth is that negroes aren't like any other race on earth and every other race on earth knows this is true after observing them, listening to them and especially after living near them.
They're the same wherever they are no matter where they go and the more there are of them the uglier it gets.
Negroes are obviously a more primitive race than the rest of us and there are biological differences other than skin color that sets them apart from other races.
The best thing for them and the rest of humanity is to either put them all back in Africa or to put them on reservations.
Yep and they'll just look at you blankly and think things are as they should be. A colleague gave up on his negro secretary, she was more trouble than she was worth, and she just looked mystified that he didn't give her any work.
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