Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn "Mrs. Ringmaster" Mosby is seeking a protective order to block the release of Freddie Gray's autopsy and other sensitive documents being used for the prosecution of six Baltimore Police officers.
An attorney representing one of the six officers who were involved in the arrest of the known heroin dealer (who had spent two years in jail) said:
"...there is something in that autopsy report that they are trying to hide."The League of Shadows, the fictional group of terrorists in the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy who wanted to restore order to the world by destroying Gotham City, had in all wrong when it came to their tactics of bringing the world's greatest city.
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They will stand down next time... |
The organization - whose only mission was: "Every time a civilization reaches the pinnacle of its decadence, we return to restore the balance" - failed to understand human biodiversity and the negative consequences associated with the demographic displacement of whites by black criminality.
For this demographic displacement of whites means black politicians will be elected to represent the city, who will thereafter be entrusted with protecting the interests of their criminally-inclined constituents.
Or, as one SBPDL reader astutely noted:
The black leaders [of Baltimore] are invested in dysfunction, because dysfunction and the fog of war (in this case, civil unrest) allows them to perpetuate their rule.
Gentrification would bring White standards back to the area, resulting in a new batch of power-brokers.
Everyone should be aware of the black status-quo of civil dysfunction. It explains a lot of otherwise confusing issues like how no one is really to blame for murders; "space to destroy" zones; "it's only property" responses to destruction (talk about a formula to run off Whites- saying it's only property while a city burns is guaranteed to chill or kill White interest in investment and belonging); and of course, the branding of the word "thug" as a racist thought-crime in a city crawling with thug-like behavior.
All of the black responses to the crisis in Baltimore have been counter-intuitive, from a common-sense viewpoint. But there is no mystery here. The black leaders are acting quite sensibly, if you see their goal as consolidating power over the city by driving out critical thinking, and establishing destructive mob-rule.
A higher level of citizenry would be demanding a better class of leadership.The League of Shadows merely needed to flood Gotham City with black people, who would inevitably breed black criminals (as they have in every city across the country cursed with the seed of the so-called Great Migration); more to the point, how could Bruce Wayne dress up as The Batman when the media would instantly brand the caped-crusader a racist for trying to clean up Gotham City by targeting blacks?
Okay, the League of Shadows stuff is just a thought-experiement, but the reality of black leaders ignoring black criminality - because black crime is the source of their staying in power - is not a joke.
It's a reality powerfully on display in 65 percent black Baltimore.
With Baltimore's black Police Commissioner blaming looted drug stores (and the flooding of Baltimore with narcotics) for the uptick in violence, it's important to remember it was Councilman Nick "Mr. Ringmaster" Mosby admitted on April 28 he had talked Baltimore Police into standing down and allowing blacks to riot/loot/burn/steal the very narcotics Commissioner Batts is now blaming the violence on:
"We talked to the police. We told them we would kind of be able to talk to the young guys out here and we asked them to back up, and they did..."Liberalism may be a mental disorder, but conservatives die-hard belief in being racially blind dooms the country to falling off a cliff (as they search in vain to an answer behind Baltimore's tragic demise).
But the collapse of black-run Baltimore and the long-term dysfunction bred by black-elected leaders who allowed blacks to loot/burn/riot/steal narcotics does have consequences. [Baltimore FOP investigating city's handling of riots, ABC 2 Baltimore, June 3, 2015]:
The leadership of Baltimore’s police union is seeking all communications between the department’s command staff and City Hall executives as they investigate the handling of the recent riots and unrest.
Lt. Gene Ryan, president of FOP Lodge #3, said the union filed a Freedom of Information Act for all departmental communication tapes, command staff text messages and emails from April 27 to May 4. That request was made on May 29, Ryan said, and he has not received any response as of Wednesday.
Ryan added that these moves are part of the union conducting an “After Action Review” of the riots, which he said has the full cooperation of many of his members who were deployed to the front lines during the crisis.
"Everyone is pointing fingers as to what happened," Ryan said. "I've decided that we are the ones that need to take action so no more men and women in the Baltimore City Police Department get hurt if anything like this ever happens again."
In all, Ryan said, more than 160 police officers and scores of firefighters were injured in the recent riots in Baltimore City. Ryan said this action was taken after waiting for the police department to establish its own after action review. Once that didn't occur, Ryan said, the union moved forward to help ensure the safety of their officers.
“We urge that City Hall immediately release this information to the public; however, once our review is completed we will release the findings to the Baltimore Police Department, City Hall, and the public with the hope that there will be many lessons learned, misconceptions resolved, and future planning improved,” said Ryan in a statement.For those blessed with reading comprehension skills, the significant line from Lt. Ryan's statement should be obvious. For those not, let's highlight the key quote:
"I've decided that we are the ones that need to take action so no more men and women in the Baltimore City Police Department get hurt if anything like this ever happens again."The writing is on the wall for those willing to connect the dots.
Hollywood wants to give theatergoers happy endings, as only celluloid can; thus, the League of Shadows plan for restoring balance to the fictional world in Batman Begins and the Dark Knight Rises must be defeated.
But in our world, civilization can be destroyed (though balance and harmony aren't the goal); those dedicated to the proposition that every private and public sector action must be solely for the betterment of blacks have controlled America for more than half a century.
And with this control, city after city has collapsed as whites flee black criminality (with the latter forever ensuring black elected officials dominate city government).
Baltimore is no different.
But Lt. Ryan's admission he is personally working to make sure no more men or women of the Baltimore City Police Department get hurt "if anything like this ever happens again" means the police know something like "space to destroy" black violence is going to happen again.
It's no longer a question of if, but when the six Baltimore City Police officers - indicted over the death of the convicted heroin dealer Gray - walk.
And it should be obvious from Lt. Ryan's comments that the Baltimore City Police have been talking about who ordered them to stand down (Nick Mosby, for one), and who allowed them to be canon fodder for marauding black looters/rioters/arsonists/narcotics thieves.
It should also be obvious they have no intention of seeing fellow officers be injured again, all because black elected officials of Baltimore refuse to allow law enforcement to act with force against their most prized constituents.
In the case of the next black riot in Baltimore, the Baltimore City Police will stand down.
I really, really wish police, nationwide, would strike. Then the orcs can really get busy murdering one another.
We've already seen a few groids fighting for ISIS. Get ready for many more. And they will use riots as cover to strike us and recruit more fighters.
This unholy union will accelerate the violence negroes are visiting upon us this Summer.
Stand down! Great call. In fact, the best call that can be made. Police officers across the country know the truth, even the ones who themselves are DWL's. They can't be police officers and not know. It's called giving a dose of tough love to the voters who put the anti-white politicians in office and we are all going to get a dose before this is all over with.
One doesn’t have to be a clairvoyant, or read tea leaves to see what the future holds for many cities like Baltimore. I predict it will burn. In the end, it will be what the people of Baltimore deserve. They chose the leaders who encouraged the thugs to burn down and loot the city. The people of Baltimore deserve all the evil that has come upon them. When they turn a blind eye to the criminality of their own people, they deserve to fall.
As for the officers, I would not risk my health to protect a people who would stab you in the back with a butcher’s knife at the first opportunity.
Black leaders in power desire to keep the status quo. They don’t want change because that would mean their job. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are in it for the money. They want a permanent underclass to be subservient to them. The reason Obama allows thugs like Al Sharpton into the White House is because they are brothers in arms.
I predict that this year will be Baltimore’s worse year for murder. The mayor and attorney general have opened Pandora’s Box. Black crime will spike like never before; untold thousands of black men could be murdered this year. This violence will spread into white communities as well. One can only hope that whites come to their senses in time.
Dick and Failyrin Negroesbee are just representations of the people who voted them into power. I grew up outside Baltimore. The whole damn area is full of deranged masochist DWL's. You wouldn't possibly believe the amount of Progressive brainwashing you endure as a child growing up there. It took many years and experiences for to remove the filters and stop making excuses for these animals. Like someone once told me, "They MAKE you hate them."
If ordered to stand down, they should completely stand down, and just walk away, rather than stand there as passive targets for the Negro Brick Throwing League.
negros know that the "ebil White Devil" will make the black man look bad in any "after Action" report, even while they party over the riots and go to Circuses. They will never cooperate with the police Union in copying their communications, never.
If they are forced to they will:
1. Denounce the investigation as "racist".
2. State that "mistakes were made but only because of the concern for citizens getting hurt".
3. Take responsibility by saying the words, but never resign or reduce their power (al la Janet Reno).
4. Critical communications will be erased, corrupted or "lost" because negros have the cargo cult mentality that if you don't have the video, they will deny everything. Example is the Atlanta School board cheating scandal where they ALL pled innocent and had to be dragged through a trial.
negros are like salt in the iron wheels of civilization. While sand is bad enough, negros corrode society to the core.
Fed up:
Again you hit the nail perfect ! Went to eat with a couple of LIBS . And They asked me about Baltimore . I'm on the left coast now. Said They removed a lot of white
guilt. The lady said , why, why do they do that. I said there animals, and its in there nature. For the first time. I saw in them a look. I think I made some progress...
Groid rioters should be corralled into areas where they can destroy their own. Plus send them to Mosby's street, and the Mayor's. Cops, have a plan to selectively block streets so you funnel the charging grids into areas you want them.
Roland Park in NW Baltimore is one of the most pleasant places in the USA, I went there two years ago, and was impressed with the architecture and comprehensive feel of the place, La Wik says:
Roland Park is the first planned "suburban" community in North America, located in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. It was developed between 1890 and 1920 as an upper-class streetcar suburb. The early phases of the neighborhood were designed by Edward Bouton and Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr.
Roland Park Elementary/Middle School, a K-8 school,[2] earned the Blue Ribbon for Academic Excellence from the state department of education. The two yearly musicals at the school are said to be the best school musicals in the city.
It's probably populated with the sort of sincere white liberals who do not know any better. I suggest you see it soon. In checking a recent demographic map of Baltimore, the percentage of Caucasians dropped a bit. Turn that into a flood and there will be no more whites living in Charm City.
Apart from the negative effects towards the few white owned businesses still in Baltimore, this would be a positive situation for everyone. The police won't be exposed to the violent negroes. The body count will rise as the looting thugs fight over valuable items like economy sized packs of toilet paper and 99 cent cans of malt likka. No matter how carefully the MSM tries to cover the violent and destructive nature of the negro, only the most devout white liberal will defend their precious pets. Hopefully this will bring us closer to the return of the Sundown and Jim Crow laws that kept whites safe before the "cibil rites" movement.
Don't know about nationwide. But locally they are not allowed to strike per their union.
Don't know about nationwide. But locally they are not allowed to strike. Per their union.
Sorry this is OT but worth mentioning--one of the local news channels had a segment the other day about a black male wanted in the beating of his girlfriend. He was from Muncie or Marion. At first they were only playing audio, then cut to video. Guess what? It was a white girl. Sustained broken nose and other bones in her face and a broken vertebrae. Very hard to watch. She stated she had kids (hopefully not by the seed of this ape.) I can only hope she learned her lesson and the story reached some white girls or their parents before they become victims of these heartless, no account apes.
To Earl Turner,
I pray you are prescient and LEOs "stand down". By all means, report for duty only to find your squad car has three flat tires or the ignition is inoperable. When you do, finally, get on the street, respond to being "flagged down" by a citizen (who refuses to identify him / herself) and spend an inordinate amount of time "checking things out", only to find that your car has broken windows and the radio is damaged. C'mon creative and let the orcs slaughter each other.
Liberalism is not just a mental disorder, it's outright treason to everything set forth by Nature. I will have no pity for the DWLs when their pets turn on them. I wonder how liberals, many of them being atheists, can possibly come to the conclusions they hold so dearly. As an atheist, I can't help but come to the conclusions of race-realism based on all the evidence available. There is simply no persuading me that the race that never even figured out the wheel without outside help is equal to the race that landed on the moon and sent a probe beyond the reaches of our solar system.
But isn't that a big joke? The race that has done by far the most in terms of advancing civilization is going extinct because they felt guilty for being so successful, and had the sheer arrogance to assume they were immune to Nature and could manufacture equality.
I can't think of any belief, no matter how well-intentioned, to be more toxic to the vitality of a nation than the belief in universal equality.
At this time, we ought to consider the wisdom of Bull Conner and many more Southerners re the relationship between law enforcement and blacks. Could it be that they saw this day coming, when a city's black political leaders (I use the term "leaders" loosely) would turn the place over to the mob? The irony of course is that Baltimore's black demographic has done so much to destroy the city prior to the riot that it was just the icing on the cake, so to speak.
Thing is, the civil rights struggle was not about "equality." Free your mind from liberal ideological delusions. The civil rights movement was a seizure of power. Bull Conner and the Alabama cops who made their stand at the Edmund Pettus Bridge way back were holding the line for white civilization against black chaos. And we are seeing this struggle going on today as Baltimore is staked out for Africa in America.
White people must fight for power.
Johnny Tax Base said.
OT.....Can you imagine what would happened in this county if Russia or China were to hack into the EBT food stamp computers. Even if Russia were to shut the system down for one week these black run cities would become a shambles. Why are those Army guys training in the cities.
The big corporations like Disney are bringing in workers from the third world to replace white workers. Does that mean they may also be planning on replacing the useless AA workers who spend most of the time screwing up any kind of job they were hired to do. Always follow the money.
It seems to me these third world types are being moved into the larger cities populated by blacks. Is there a covert replacement program slowly taking place. The corporations are the government and maybe the HIGH COST of doing business with a population of leeches and moochers may be having an effect on the bottom line. Will the day finally come when the fat cat money boys get tired of the Al and Jesse con jobs and kick back scams. As America becomes a third world country how much longer do you think the elite ruling class will keep spending money on a bunch of dead beat blood suckers who over breed, steal, loot, burn and butcher each other on a massive scale. Is there a plan to replace Tyrone with Pedro and Avasha. Maybe there might be a hidden reason why George Soros is paying them to BURN THIS BITCH DOWN.
I can't think of any belief, no matter how well-intentioned, to be more toxic to the vitality of a nation than the belief in universal equality.
Very true. To have an insight into the mind of the SWL, read the short story The Clinic Seed. Implicit in it is the notion that all living specimens of genus Homo must be made part of the World of Man... presumably with everyone somehow "enlightened" by Western egalitarian standards, forsaking all of their own nature and culture that opposes it (and never, ever trying to take over with superior numbers).
In that future, everyone is made equal by enhancing the laggards. In our present, equality is pursued by crippling the more-able. The only way such a future can possibly come about is if we escape the trap of the present.
White people must fight for power.
Power and freedom. Freedom from the destroyers, freedom from the "equalizers", freedom to simply be left alone. In peace.
Ex New Yorker here....I am not sure if it was Socrates or Confucius that said something related to what is happening in Baltimore. "If you don't want bird shit on your car, don't park it under a tree."
Regarding that picture of the teens up on the police car. I recommend the following for context:
It's well worth the copy, paste and click. It's eerie.
A racist Batman...not in the Nolan movies. All of the small time thugs that the Bat beats up are white - just like in real life. Gnome sane?
Off topic (somewhat), a new way to make Tenderized Ghetto Lobsta has been invented in Dallas Texas!
Family Beat Teen Until Miscarriage, Put Baby On BBQ Grill
DALLAS TEXAS – Police in Dallas arrested four people who they believe beat a pregnant teenaged relative so that she would have a miscarriage. A fifth person was also arrested for the sexual assault of the minor.
Two men and two women, all also related to the victim, are facing first-degree felony, organized criminal activity charges. They have been identified as Cedric Jones Junior, 27; Sharon Jones, 45; Lonnell McDonald, 27; and 25-year-old Cecilia McDonald.
The girl told authorities that it wasn’t until 2013, when she was approximately eight months pregnant, when the family realized she was expecting. Given the girl was underage and allegedly assaulted by a relative, the family feared Child Protective Services (CPS) would be called. The family members accused of organized crime then, according to police, “took matters into their own hands” to try and end the pregnancy.
In the first attempt to abort the baby, the teen was given multiple doses of birth control pills, Plan B morning after pills and cinnamon tablets. When that didn’t work the group collaborated and Garza said they began, “physically assaulting the victim to the point where the victim gave birth.”
According to a police affidavit the teen’s arms were pinned to the floor while suspect Lonnell McDonald sat on her stomach “repeatedly bouncing up and down.” Others kicked and punched the girl in the stomach. At one point the assault was so vicious and the teen was crying so loudly that suspect Sharon Jones allegedly gave the girl a cushion from the couch and told her to “shut up” and cry into the pillow so a relative in another part of the house wouldn’t hear.
During the assault suspect Cecilia McDonald allegedly yelled at the teen, “Bitch, you ain’t about to get my kids taken away from me,” while suspect Lonnell McDonald was laughing. According to the affidavit, the group began beating the teen at approximately 5:00 p.m. and didn’t stop until approximately 11:00 p.m. — when the group saw blood seeping through the teen’s pants.
After the assault the victim started throwing up and having severe cramps. When she went to the restroom, around 1 a.m., she said she had an overwhelming urge to “poop” and then began pushing uncontrollably. It was then she said she delivered what she believed to be a stillborn baby. Suspect Cecilia McDonald allegedly entered and took the baby from the bathroom in a plastic mop bucket.
At no point did anyone seek medical assistance for the teenager who said she passed out after being forced to get into the bathtub. The girl said when she regained consciousness she was only given iron pills, because she had lost massive amounts of blood.
The suspects then allegedly took the aborted baby and put it on a “metal charcoal grill and attempted to burn it,” but the attempt failed. Two days after the assault suspect Sharon Jones allegedly contacted suspect Cedric Jones Jr. and offered to pay him $25 to “take care of the rest of it.” Jones allegedly put the child’s remains in a green plastic bag, placed it in the trunk of his car and “stashed” the baby in an unknown location. Dallas police say they are still searching for the remains of the stillborn child. “We are looking… we’re still trying to gather evidence. We’re still looking for additional evidence in the case,” Garza said.
I want any DWL or lefty to explain to me how any homo species - or anything resembling a human being - could and would do something like this.
Absolutely amazing in it's heinous evil.
They ARE NOT human. They ARE NOT the same as us.
You don't have to be an atheist to understand why blacks are the way they are. God created tigers who will kill humans and eat them. Similarly blacks are just behaving in their " natural" way. Look at Africa for the "normal" black behavior patterns.
Unfortunately our welfare system is like a feeding and breeding program for our "tigers" aka blacks. It only stands to reason the problems are going to get worse until the animals are caged.
Begin with one simple reform: stop attaching monthly income to any infant born to an unmarried mother (of any race). The problem of illegitimacy would be over in a minute.
( Part 2 )
Here in Austin, the idiots of this city elected 7 antiwhite women to our city council. The city manager's office, headed by a black AA hire, gives a training seminar on how to deal with women since they are more emotional than men. Of course, and no disrespect to the women here, women started responding emotionally to this, forming a proverbial lynch mob. So, was Marc Ott, the corrupt, incompetent, black city manager who makes $280k a year, held accountable for the office's actions?
Nope. They blamed the assistant city manager. Sure, he was black too, and it's one less Negro to fuck up my city, but it is a reminder that Austin, for as charming as the New Moscow on the Colorado river is, suffers disproportionately from black culture too. There is nothing more frightening when you call emergency services here and almost always get a Negro on the phone. They're about 5-7% of the population here yet are over represented in ALL areas of city government. Austin also has the distinction for other area blacks to come to town to rape pillage and rob. Not only do we deal with our Negro plague, but we deal with other cities too.
But back on topic, The kicker here is that the program was apparently promoted by the "National Forum for Black Public Administrators." who have been "achieving excellence since 1983". Wow. I think I need to use Algebra once more to convey the exact amount of excellence they have produced. (That's twice now I've needed algebra. Wow. That has to be some kind of record).
Let's let X equal the number of years they have been in existence, and lets have Y equal the amount of excellence produced.
I'm starting to see a mathematical formula here. Blacks multiplied by anything always equals zero, or some imaginary number. There must be an equation representing BRA. By Jove! I think I got it!
x^2 = −1
Maybe I can successfully lobby to have the bottom left of the Cartesian plane changed to Black Paradoxical numbers. I can use the excuse that the Cartesian plane is too white, too male, is systematically racist, diversity is our strength blah blah blah.
A commentator mentioned me a few days ago about advice during "Juneteenth" celebrations. Juneteenth is nonsensical fake holiday perpetrated by white liberals and race hustling blacks. (Think Cinco de Mayo for blacks) My advice during this time is the same common sense approach I take daily: Stay away from black gatherings. Stay away from your entertainment districts that day.
Why you may ask? Well, just for fun, type in "Juneteenth Crime Reports" and learn more about what we already knew, like:
54 arrested in Milwaukee in 2012
"Teen" shoots a "boy" in 2013
People being pulled from their cars and beaten, while police say that there is no connection between juneteenth celebration and black violent crime that day in 2007.
As a practitioner of ontological empiricism, there is unequivocal support to show that any gathering of blacks will ultimately resort in violence. Kinda like a Godwin's Law for black behavior. There is no denying this, unless you're a DWL of course.
(Part 3)
As for Baltimore, there is only one reason I can think of in my racist hatred as to why the autopsy report is being suppressed, and that's because it will show that Mr. Heroin Dealer had inadvertently committed suicide in an attempt to win the ghetto lottery. I.e. the cause of death was his own Damn fault. He inflicted injuries to himself, exacerbating the preexisting injury he already had. The powers that be have learnt their lessons when it comes to autopsy reports. They aren't going to make the same mistakes again. They want another riot and in multiple cities. Why? As an attempt to take over all police departments. Just imagine when your local police is fully diversified, and they start reclassification of crimes like physical assault as "simple aggression" and rape as a "lovers' quarrels." It'll be like when "children" run out of classroom and hide from and disobey school faculty because they know no punishment will come their way, like they do in Minnesota. But that's just my opinion.
Beam me up
The Baron
Fambly values negro style, I wonder how many times something like this has happened in "teen" areas? Just when I think think they can't do something more revolting and monstrous I see something like this. Savages.
FSR said
June 4, 2015 at 8:37 PM
This is what Whites in the early 1800's meant in the book "Negros in Negroland" when they used the words "Depraved", "ghastly" and "Horrible".
Too awful for words.
"Don't know about nationwide. But locally they are not allowed to strike per their union."
And "citizens" aren't allowed to riot, loot, rob, burn, rape and pillage! lol
"I am an aristocrat. I love liberty, I hate equality." John Randolph of Roanoke
I saw above where some folks were talking about cybil wights and southerners. I use this quote on DWL's when I have to and the reaction is priceless.
LE should just walk away, after the way they were treated during the first chimpout. Considering how massive the bongo party will be the next time it's common sense. I would be willing to bet that riot will make the St martin looter king riot look like a minor disturbance, if they don't burn a good part of the city down I'll be disappointed.
Next you'll be hearing about all of the "racism" over large companies leaving Bantumore for greener whiter pastures. Of course those whiter pastures are becoming a very small list where large cities are concerned for obvious reasons.
Touching on consolidation of political power I agree 100%, this is the root cause of much written by PK. Of course the nogs are consolidating power by destruction, can a negro do anything without destruction? If they can I'm not aware it exists outside of Afrocentrism. Politicians have been doing this for a while now on both the "left" and the "right". Clitler is courting the black vote hard with the usual fear over losing rights or whatever and I'm sure one of the 40-50 RINO candidates are doing some kind of fear mongering that has the same effect with their target audience.
Will it ever end, I have hope it will but when?
If you want to upset a lib church type talk to them about Calvinism. It gets them more upset than atheism because it's not equal or for everybody.
If you're reading this blog and have been for a while, and if you haven't done (at minimum) two things on this list, you are part of the problem;
1. Cancel your cable/satellite
2. Stockpile copious amounts of ammunition and firearms.
3. Get out of the taxpaying GRID that supports BRA.
4. Engaged in non-violent resistance to BRA via the internet via FB,Twitter, etc. through either genuine or anonymous profiles.
5. Modified your spending to starve BRA.
6. Networked with like minded race realists in your area. ( I meet an average of one or two per month after vetting).
Stop watching your world crumble. Help bring about total destruction so that a phoenix may arise from the ashes.
I'd say black-run Baltimore had become the planet of the apes but POTA would be a big step up from negro "leadership".
What would be the precipitating event of the next set of riots? Failure to get a conviction on the 6?
When might that happen? Months from now? Soon?
During the next riot, put up signs on Mosby's house & da Mayor's house that say, "White-owned"
Calling in sick is allowed, and should be carried out. A write up is better than being suspended. Sick calls to allow room to destroy, as long as it's joe's room.
Baltimore cops got punked. They looked like total pussies creeping towards the rioting orcs in their masks and gear. They should have charged the f%ck out of the blacks and cracked groid skulls left and right; no mercy, no surrender. Groids totally won that battle; and the ones they caught were let free without charges. A big game for the ebonicans.
I know, cops were under orders to act like pussies; but they gotta now realize what's up. Next time have a plan.
Either crush orc rebellions, or walk away and let the Mosbys of the world handle it.
The big news in chicago this morning is the school kids are doing a March For Peace this morning.
Interesting they're doing the march at 6 a.m. When the "people" who commit the violence are all still passed out.
I haven't read it in awhile but I believe the book (and film) The Island of Dr Calgari is a good prophecy for us about meddling with orcs. In it the mad doctor experiments with animal/human hybrids that eventually turn on him. Our history of importing savage Africans, then mating with them, has created the nightmare world of freaks that now roam amongst us.
The groids have the savage nature of their original orc ancestors, and some of the higher IQ, future time orientation, impulse control etc that have been banged into their DNA via idiotic Whites. This makes for a very dangerous creature; a hybrid that has the animal-like behavior of the orc, but the cunning and ability to survive in a White world without being ejected completely. They are just Human enough to get the DWLs to fight for them and keep them on breeding programs.
We are truly living in a dystopic nightmare sci-fi movie!
Freaky, huh?
I wanted to respond to a previous comment about Nashville being a decent place for having a black minority.
You can't use Nashville as a model for anything since it has some very unique factors that can't be replicated in every city. A key factor is that the downtown is packed with country music bars which keeps away blacks like pepper spray. The downtown also attracts a type of tourist that is not going to put up with lookatmeez or other black shenanigans. This has a multiplier effect that keeps the downtown healthy for all local Whites regardless of whether or not they like country music.
Then there is nearby Memphis for blacks that need a space to destroy. So if a black person that works in Nashville wants some ghetto entertainment he can always visit the relatives in Memphis.
The success of Nashville has nothing to do with politics. If you replaced the country downtown with hip hop bars the entire city would fall apart. No mainstream party would be able to save it.
It seems to me these third world types are being moved into the larger cities populated by blacks. Is there a covert replacement program slowly taking place.
That seems to have happened in Detroit. I find it hard to believe that a large population of Arabs just decided to pick Detroit as the ideal place to relocate. Arabs are the ones running the place and I guess we are supposed to not notice? Ironically a lot of the businesses were owned by Jews before the riot, especially 12th street.
My guess is that there has been a backroom plan to fill the black areas with foreigners to not just keep the lights running but also to encourage miscegenation. But our Feds must be pretty stupid if they think Arabs are going to breed with them. Both Asians and Arabs don't want to breed with blacks. Only a subset of Americanized (indoctrinated) Whites and Hispanics are willing to do it.
Sorryto be so blunt but these tramps should damn well know better than to sleep with the enemy of civilization. There are plenty of horror stories to serve as deterrents. Wake up, white girls.
Hmmmmm, I wonder if that's where Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce was invented?
A human life means nothing to most of these orcs, gnome sane?
Liberalism is not just a mental disorder, it's outright treason to everything set forth by Nature.
It takes a while to wrap your head around the fact that it is a war against nature and reality, especially when liberals present themselves as being about science and environmentalism. But at the core they oppose the natural inequality that exists, even if it just as natural and established as photosynthesis.
I will have no pity for the DWLs when their pets turn on them. I wonder how liberals, many of them being atheists, can possibly come to the conclusions they hold so dearly. As an atheist, I can't help but come to the conclusions of race-realism based on all the evidence available
And that is why you will be hated by atheists.
Atheism is hopelessly entangled in liberalism and egalitarian/anti-Western narratives. This goes all the way back to the enlightenment period where it became popular to believe that secularism would end all inequality. The typical atheist or agnostic carries this belief without realizing it. Just go to an atheist/agnostic hang out and ask aloud why you should believe in the equality of races or man. They won't have an answer but will never want you around again and will likely try to ostracize you in other social circles. Then they will go back to their discussions on "empirical data" and such.
I believe the book (and film) The Island of Dr Calgari is a good prophecy for us about meddling with orcs
It's "The Island of Dr. Moreau", and "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" (which is an orc-free 1920 horror film whose ending I won't ruin for you if you haven't seen it; watch it as one of your efforts to imbibe and preserve Western culture this week).
They did go out like suckers! You would think that agency would be losing a multitude of officers now because of how they were treated by the mayor and police commissioner more specifically. The prosecutor really is not in that chain of command per se, but is part of the blame.
I do realize it takes time to relocate and change jobs. Especially in any public safety position. If officers are not actively trying to leave they are fools!
Haha!! Fairly good points!! I guess dumbshit Mosby did not learn in her sub standard law class that suppression of evidence from the defense will not happen.
Of course you never know in BRA land, anything is possible and the Constitution does not matter anymore unless it solely benefits the Orc.
It will be interesting how all of this unfolds in the future and it will be a show of ages.
"Black dysfunction shall be the whole of the law."
all 1st responder's need to stop responding to calls emanating from our conquered, lost & occupied cities.
if forced to respond, they should response with a 3rd World sense of urgency....plenty late so shootee's can bleed out
What if a shootee is an innocent victim, you ask ? There are no innocents in the hood only those who have yet to be convicted (& released) of a serious, heinous felonious crime
/H hypie out H\
OT: Ah, darn for him, a black loses the ghetto lottery because of police body camera.
Brother 1 shot by police dead. Brother two IMMEDIATELY, convincingly, declares "His brother, Ibrahim Rahim, originally posted to social media that police had gunned down Usaamah Rahim for no reason, shooting him in the back while he spoke on the phone with their father.".
When shown the body cam photos of brother 1 attacking the police brother two says "never mind".
Could we please get some perjury charges, inciting to riot charges, etc, against brother number 2?
I mean, these blacks are primed and trained lying actors just praying their relatives will get hurt by the police to win the ghetto lottery.
Read the COMMENTS here friends and bask in all the race-realism.. The tide very much looks to be turning I think..
Even black leaders know, at moments of great candor, that negroes are basically hairless chimps.
The first step toward solving a problem is to recognize you have one. That first step here is to recognize that blacks are a drain on society.
@Baron Munchausen: negroes are far, far too represented in gub'mint jobs. Gub'mint employment has become another make-work program for negroes, most of whom could never have made it in the private sector, where performance and accountability still matter for white and Asian employees.
I live in a city that's no more than 15% black, but there days seldom see a white person holding a job at any level of government. As I was rushing to catch the bus home yesterday evening, I saw one boon steam cleaning the pavement and two other 'boons picking their butts and supervising.
The negro race will be the death of civilization.
I also noticed the quote that Paul pointed out here, reading it multiple times after I realized how poignant it was.
It is kind of like the time that I asked a white liberal friend why blacks all have to talk in some uniform dumbed down idiotic-sounding way. I illustrate this point in how you can always tell a black person over the phone- any other ethnicity can be almost impossible to judge, even when English is not their first language. This always puzzled me. He said they did it on purpose as a way not to conform. Throwing away most financial prospects, social opportunities, and chances for advancement so you can "be keepin' it real" is another nutshell explanation for why they make people's skin crawl. That and their aggressive, often predatory and dishonest behaviors.
In the case of Mosby, I have a hunch that not only is she being helped by a cadre of much more experienced and competent players, but that her husband is using his black dominance and privilege as a black man in his relationship to tell his wife exactly how to charge the officers for the residents in his district.
I can only imagine the bedroom conversation where he tells her how it all is going to go down, how to go about her job charging the 6 officers without even looking through all the evidence first. Her favorited tweets about being the kind of person that pisses off white people are spot on, that is why she favorited them. She relishes in the fact that she likes to disparage whitey and gets away with it, as if it is some kind of end-goal to help her black community. All she is doing is pissing off much more advanced minds than hers, and people have enough material now to solidly make her one of the biggest public embarrassments that we have had the misfortune of seeing.
Lack of future-time orientation and outright hubris will be their downfall, it seems inevitable. Having people of Paul's caliber notating all of the Mosbys' exploits doesn't help matters for them either. Add to that a passionate readership that dutifully spreads the word to other corners of the web and you have an almost hilarious embarrassment for all of the players involved in this very public display of cronyism.
True that fellow man!! The orcs are playing the DWL like a shiny set of bongo's!!
Well, if you remember in BB, the black commissioner wanted to bring Batman down for cleaning up the streets, thereby accepting the status quo in the Narrows(Ellwood Park). Didn't Robin lose his parents at the UniverSoul Circus when Two Face was the guest ringmaster? Uh sorry, thinking of another Batman film!
"How could Bruce Wayne dress up as The Batman when the media would instantly brand the caped-crusader a racist for trying to clean up Gotham City by targeting blacks?"
Now THAT would make a good story-line/episode. A black criminal enterprise shielding itself and its actions through claims of racism that are enforced by strict law against officers, often resulting in capital punishment for the thought crime offenders. Our hero must find a way of navagating the PC system that hates him in order to gain the upper hand and pull off the wool from all of these wolves. They could have a fake black boy scouts organization, only in this front they will all wear little red bow-ties. Our hero saves the day and overcomes the black undertow with his incredible powers of foresight and time-future-orientation.
I'll be giving up NFL tickets this year, although it's probably the only venue where I'm not surrounded by blacks due to insane ticket prices. I'm sure they'll find a way to fuck that up too!
So when Mayor Hyphen made the infamous words, "It's only property" was she referring to the police and firefighters as well?
What kind of asshole would ever dream of hurting a firefighter in the line of duty?
"The success of Nashville has nothing to do with politics. If you replaced the country downtown with hip hop bars the entire city would fall apart. No mainstream party would be able to save it."
Thanks for restating what I already posted.
Also, the question I was answering was about white towns/cities.
Try to keep up, thanks in advance.
Anyone care to share an odds chart on the next cities to go orc-wild this Summer?
Where will vibrant diversity be most likely to strike when the temps soar and the malt likka flows?
If you are not black, and you vote for a black who will now have power over you, or in any way be capable of deciding any facet of your life's outcome, you are a complete idiot.
Actually, if you are black and vote for a black, you're an idiot too. Look at all the nightmare hellholes run by blacks, for blacks.
USA - very much a country full of idiots...
Atheism is hopelessly entangled in liberalism and egalitarian/anti-Western narratives.
Hogwash. Atheism is the absence of religion; it can't be entangled in anything, because there is nothing to entangle. Other philosophies followed by atheists may or may not be.
This goes all the way back to the enlightenment period where it became popular to believe that secularism would end all inequality.
Yeah, right. Read any one Rand book (I suggest "The Fountainhead", it's reasonably short) and tell me that the ATHEIST philosophy of Objectivism has any truck with egalitarianism whatsoever.
You'd think someone willing to say "racist" things would be more careful with his definitions, but there you are. Oh, "Anonymous". Explains all.
Implicit in it is the notion that all living specimens of genus Homo must be made part of the World of Man... presumably with everyone somehow "enlightened" by Western egalitarian standards, forsaking all of their own nature and culture that opposes it (and never, ever trying to take over with superior numbers).
I would recommend reading up on Alexander Dugin, a Russian who has worked out political theory to oppose this tend. He has considerable influence in Europe. He calls for a global alliance to fight for traditional cultures against globalization. And there are various political parties moving in this direction.
For details you can get Dugin's book "Eurasian Mission: An Introduction to Neo-Eurasianism."
I sure hope Laura Ingraham doesn't read that story about the "fambly" that tried charcoaling the unwanted baby- she already cries every time a black baby is aborted by normal means- this story could give her a nervous breakdown.
Definition of Narcissistic personality disorder from the Mayo Clinic:
Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. You may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you're not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve. Others may not enjoy being around you, and you may find your relationships unfulfilling.
Narcissistic personality disorder treatment is centered around talk therapy (psychotherapy).
Did one of you guys hack their site? This seems a little unreal...
Lost in the horrendous details of the charcoal baby incident is the fact that the teen "girl" was impregnated by a fambly member.
The saddest thing about this story is that if you try to use it as proof to a DWL that "blacks aren't like us", the DWL will point out some White couple from the rural South who are cooking meth in their trailer, thereby exposing a child to deadly chemicals, and claim equivalency.
DWL's may be cowards in their own hearts, but they have a very high threshold for forgiveness of their noble savages. I guess a DWL in this ironic way is tougher than a racist: we racists cringe at charcoaling babies; DWL's can take it in stride.
Some contenders for best riot of the Summer, 2015 Black Achievement Award:
New Orleans
St. Louis
Kansas City
Most of these I just plucked from internet lists of the most violent cities in America in 2015.
Additional spots that couldn't compete with the top spots for violence but still have significant black populations:
Washington D.C.
There was an awful lot of overlap and correlation with dangerous cities and black populations, as evidenced in the first list. Paul as well as many of the posters to this blog have a lot more information and details on these matters, particularly as to what events and numbers precipitate a major breakdown in civility and order. Trigger issues and tipping points that spell absolute disaster for a locality. I only hope Paul or one of you can give the rest of us a heads up on which cities/areas to avoid like the plague this summer.
"What kind of asshole would ever dream of hurting a firefighter in the line of duty?"
I'll go out on a limb here and say NEGROS!
Read a story today about Hilldog slamming Republican efforts to restrict voting. If only, Hillary, if only...
If the Republican party was as determined to keep black votes down as you think they are, I might even start voting for them again.
Here's a goody from black-loving Hilldog:
“What part of democracy are they afraid of? I believe every citizen has the right to vote and I believe we should do everything we can to make it easier for every citizen to vote,” Clinton said at the historically black university.
Yes, we want every piece of sentient slime that ooze its way into a booth to pull the lever for someone...let's make this easy folks!
Tell ya what, Hill: let's just record the names of ALL people over 18 years of age in the US- inmates, illegals, EVERYBODY- and just put them down for a default Democratic vote. Then if you want to vote Repub, just actually show up at the poll and have them change your vote. That way, everybody gets a "voice" in this "important decision". You need do nothing-we will vote as your proxy if we don't hear from you personally. Would that work for you?
City council member Carl Stokes of "Why don't you just call them niggers" fame is blaming all the violence on the city's police. Whatever you have to do councilman, whatever it takes to let your residents off the hook of responsibility and personal improvement.
Stokes said he's troubled by stories he's heard from residents who he said have told him in the past few days that police in their neighborhoods are doing less.
"Unfortunately and crazily, police officers are actually telling average citizens, 'We're not doing all of the extra things that we used to do, we're not doing it and we're not doing it because we're upset with our leadership.'"
You've been collectively literally and figuratively giving law enforcement the finger for years, and are now doing so at a fever pitch. You pissed on them and blamed them for your troubles long enough, they walked away. They can't do you wrong if they're not around, right? They can give you the respect that you deserve to build and strengthen your own communities without the harsh overlook of the law. What seems to be the problem? You got lock stock and barrel what you asked for and things seem to be going the way any rational observer would expect.
Is it just because you like complaining, or because you can't admit that your initial demands were rather stupid?
Not per the union, per se. It is per the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the union and agency/ employer. If the CBA is not agreed upon and open then officers can strike. Calling out sick has to be proven it is not.
In response to Hillary, with all the black antics and sickness people have for the Obama administration and its negro agenda I don't see how she will pull it off.
Blacks will talk a big game but not even half those that voted for Obama will even bother to vote, even if she were to tattoo her face black and get lip injections.
You will get to see the end results of when one's hopes for success rely on black people. She could give them all the lip service and promise to gibs she wants; she has the wrong skin color so the point is moot. For blacks you can depend on their blind racial solidarity and endless whining, but if you want something substantial that results in some kind of group effort to build something, you are out of your mind.
The photo says it all. Black filth at work (play). A dindu summer camp complete with crotch-grabber on hood of car, filthy hats, hoods and rags on their heads and garbage and destruction wherever you look. Who in their right mind could look at this and not see blacks for what they are? Love the backdrop of typical black storefronts. Where's the blood donation sign?
You have to love it when a group of people (I use the word loosely) blame the police for violence; "ask" them to back-off; arrest them for doing their jobs; vilify them in every way possible; and then when the local thugs move into the vacuum created by a police retreat, you blame the cops *again* for this new wave of trouble.
"What do we want?" DEAD Cops!"
a week or two later:
"Where are the police at? They're supposed to be protecting us!"
Marilyn Mosby is pathetic. Did she actually graduate from a legitimate law school like White people do or did she "graduate"? How could the autopsy not be shared with the defendants?? Can't wait for that and all the data being requested by the FOP rep to be released. Will be watching every second of those trials if they ever make it to court, which is doubtful. Till then, I'll be following the "unrest" in Baltimore and watching the numbers soar. Keep it up.
P.S. I remember a black girl at work who had "graduated" from law school and was an AA hire. She was so unbelievably dumb she could not pronounce simple words and could not write a simple letter. Was always asking me for copies of my letters to copy. Never gave them to her. She did have a nice suit, had all her teeth and was not obese, so I assume that made her a real prize hire.
“What part of democracy are they afraid of? I believe every citizen has the right to vote and I believe we should do everything we can to make it easier for every citizen to vote,” Clinton said at the historically black university.
it's absurd for liberals to talk about democracy when liberals use the courts to overturn the will of the people when it comes to initiatives such as banning affirmative action or cracking down on illegal aliens. Come to think of it, wasn't integration imposed on the South in the face of the opposition of the majority of white voters?
For liberals, it's "whatever works."
Re: Anon at 5:24. How true that "they MAKE you hate them". I don't like being angry or hating or confrontation. I wasn't brought up like that, as I'm sure most of us weren't. These feelings are upsetting and unpleasant. So, blacks are a DOUBLE curse. They consistently behave in a horrible way, making you feel disgust, anger and hatred. Then you have to deal with thise disturbing feelings which normal White people avoid at all costs, preferring instead to live a happy, upbeat, positive productive life.
I realized that I haven't heard anything about Sharpnot anytime recently. Is he in Baltimore?
Found him!
HARTFORD — The Rev. Al Sharpton will come to Hartford on Saturday to be part of a daylong event aimed at stopping violence in the city.
Concerned Pastors of Greater Hartford will host the event, billed as a "Movement To Stop The Violence & Cease the Killing!"
The event will begin at 3 p.m. Saturday, with a community walk through the city's North End, starting at the Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, 222 Barbour St., and ending at the Shiloh Baptist Church, 350 Albany Ave.
Sharpton will speak at an action rally immediately following the march, around 4 p.m. The event is open to the public.
Well guys, it looks like the gig is up, and our goose is cooked. I wanted to stop him, but it looks like the march against violence is going as planned- and all of their problems will begin to fade away. We will all be greeted with chants of "I told you so" because we just didn't listen. We didn't realize that they were just one march away from stopping all this madness. It's cumulative, don't you know. And you don't understand how it works, it just does. Kind of like dumping more and more money on any majority black city.
And Oboingo currently in residence at the WHITE HOUSE bemoaned the fact that as a "teen" he heard the sound if car doors clicking shut when he walked by. Here's why. Numbskull. Who wouldn't ? I do.
Negro infested cities could be run solely by negroes for 100 years with no white presence (just white money) and the negroes would still be blaming the white man for all their social pathologies and be screaming for help.
Face it- with negroes, no matter what anyone does or does not do, all negro problems are all yo' fault. You to blame!
Don't expect that to ever change because it won't. The only thing that can change is the response of the non negro majority in this country to all the whining and blaming and demands for support and coddling from negroes.
The last time a negro whined to me it was, "I needs money. My chilluns be hongry-dey aint' got nothin' to eat." My response was, "That's your problem- you created it. Goodbye." I could have said a lot more but even what I did say was rather pointless as it no doubt had zero effect on the groid. It just moved on to the next person looking for a gibsmedat handout since the "rayciss" wouldn't cough up any cash. If it had said anything to bitch at me, I'd have just told it to shut the F up and go away. And that's really the response the entire nation needs to have to all negro whine and blame- just tell them, "That's your problem. Goodbye and shut the f up."
In all honesty, I think if a vote were held with everyone being required to vote on the issue, most of the nation would vote to end most (if not all) of the gibsmedat coddling of negroes and vote to reinstitute segregation/sundown towns. Liberals & democrats would be pitching fits and negroes would be mass rioting everywhere but once the dust settled, negro pathologies would be confined once again to their own areas exclusively. A reboot of civilization in America. Once all the gibsmedat stopped, the negro population would begin to plummet and in a few generations, the nation would be far better off.
Or the nation can keep listening to all the negro whine and blame and keep feeding and breeding them until they render entire sectors of the country uninhabitable by civilized humans.
There's an important historical choice that needs to be made and ignoring the issue isn't going to have any positive results whatsoever nor is conducting business as usual.
In today's society, which is worse: to be a rapist or a racist?
I bet the answers fall along racial lines.
"Anyone care to share an odds chart on the next cities to go orc-wild this Summer? "
In the next few weeks, Oakland and Cleveland have the best odds, with their respective NBA teams playing in the finals. Win or lose, there should be riots in both cities.
"In today's society, which is worse: to be a rapist or a racist?"
That's a tough call. With Hillary running for president, the anti-rape/#WaronWomen rhetoric has already started getting racheted up this year.
One thing is for certain, rape and racism are now both worse crimes in this country than murder.
Anonymous said...
Anyone care to share an odds chart on the next cities to go orc-wild this Summer?
Where will vibrant diversity be most likely to strike when the temps soar and the malt likka flows?
June 5, 2015 at 8:34 AM
I take Bantumore and Oakland and maybe Chicongo for 500 Alex, that's my bet.
And to you Anon at 11:06,
Can you imagine having them laying and swarming about in a country with a culture that is much more formal, a la Singapore?
Some of their harsher laws dealing with social misfits:
Fines run up to $1000 for littering, trash pick up shaming in public
It is illegal to pee in elevators (for some reason I think this will inconvenience a lot of black people more than non-black people)
No pornography of any kind is allowed. I'm not sure as to their laws on obese farmer-tanned black "women" going topless to raise awareness and make their point. If we have a Jane Goodall among us, maybe she can inform us onto the finer cultural details and phenomena that are at work here and how what these "women" are doing is truly brilliant. The untrained eye might just view them as another contender in the great negro street game known as 'Looks at muh'. Thanks in advance.
Gay sex is illegal and comes with a two-year jail term. Not sure how many brothers are on the down-low, I assume this goes for sista's as well... and those are easy to spot, as they could easily overpower a full grown man of another race and they are a combo almost on par with a black Muslim.
You can get fined for not flushing public toilets. Better keep the dead babies in the grill outside.
It is illegal to walk around your house naked. No matter how proud you are of your big uncircumsized and thoroughly-diseased and smelly shlong, it sounds like you just won't be able to help yourself on this one. What if you actually get an attractive white woman into your lair? Oh wait, you'll be living in her parent's basement with her, not working.
Do not spit anywhere. What about using expletives every other word at 150 decibels? Do you get penalized for murdering the local language?
If you graffiti you will get caned. I wonder if you can sue the government about this just as you can in the good old and fair U S of A?
And this isn't even going into laws on rape and drug use, as well as burglary and theft with a deadly weapon.
Whites (and other non-black races) have a much easier time following these rules and seeing things through honestly than blacks do, but would resent having to further restrict freedom on any level. Having standards (clothing policy at certain restaurants, for example) makes many occasions more enjoyable and special to people. Places where no one yells, and if you were to have a family emergency of some sort you would handle it quietly and responsibly so as not to make a scene and bother anyone. Not really complaining about it, just talking myself through how it is on my path to acceptance and avoidance. Surviving is short term. Whitey likes to dream and I am no different, it's probably how we collectively survived while the negro was still loitering about in the lust jungles of Africa.
I'm not sure how they will end up doing themselves in, but when opinion begins to tire of all the destruction, profanity, deception, and exceptional incivility, changes will be felt like an earthquake. At that point you can just watch it like an avalanche from afar, provided that you are not in its wake. Stay safe my friends and keep chipping away at this monster. It really will be death by 1000 cuts from 2000 opened eyes at the rate blacks are doing themselves in. Keep sending Paul material, I think hes always done a particularly excellent job in setting up articles and their related actors for thorough discussion. Thanks all.
To Anon at 12:24 - Obviously worse to be a racist. Case in point: Bill Cosby, serial racist and pervert of the first degree vs poor Paula Deen who was mugged by a negro whom she had the audacity to accurately call a nig***. Racist also worse than murderers, child molesters, arsonists, etc. I have a young cousin who was carjacked at knife-point in Phily by a nig***. No other word to describe that piece of filth. Of course, we all understand that negroes can never be considered racist (I.e., Marilyn Mossback Ape favorited tweets).
May I add that I agree wholeheartedly that there is no scourge upon this earth greater than blacks except for the DWLs who coddle them. Hope they all get a taste of the true black experience.
Re: bad cities - East Orange is a hellhole of negro depravity and Jersey City, while somewhat gentrified, has some appreciable hellhole pockets. Just read the murder story from yesterday. Surely another black-black crime (diversion/hobby/sport/ game).
Regarding the pathology of Black urban underclasses, Black people spend a LOT of time and energy, far more than Whites or other ethnic/racial groups, in policing Black separateness. Charles Barkley touched on that in his complaints about being called an Oreo for his love of golf and other White pursuits. Being "Black enough" was a primary concern for Obama following his only electoral loss for Chicago's House of Representatives seat, where he lost to an old School barely Ebonics speaking Black pol (Steve Sailer has the details).
Revealed preference: Black people fear the most disappearing into a larger White community through intermarriage and adoption of White cultural values. See the "comedy" Black-ish where the older parents are dismayed at their kids White cultural leanings.
My own view is that this is because there is not much there there regarding Black culture and society. Just like Oakland. Mexicans at least have their own distinct nation and culture, even if most of it is nothing more than Black oil velvet paintings of Elvis with the Virgin Mary, or Luche Libre. It at least exists. Black culture such as it is seems to be a mixture of remnant West African, Indian Tribes (mixing with escaped slaves in the old South), and degenerate Game of Thrones Border Country backwoods superstition. Attempts by the Harlem Renaissance people like Langston Hughes and Duke Ellington failed.
Mexicans at least have Mariachi music which is hundreds of years old. Black people have ... crunk. Which is ten years old. Or Purple Drank. Chinese of course have a civilization and culture as old as Homer's heroic Bronze Age Greeks, and unlike his civilization one that survived. Whites have the dominant culture on the planet.
If negros were given full cites (just use the existing ones) and had them fully paid for the next 100 years they would blame whitey for keep all da gud universities and sheeit. And how come theirs be more upkept. How come no one cleans and paints up the houses in my neighborhood? Where is my service?
You could employ them as 1/2 of all university professors (would have to make grievance studies courses mandatory for graduation) and put them in 3/4 of every clerical position (whether actually needed or not) and they would STILL COMPLAIN. It's called cutting your losses. Back away and assess this unfolding situation and see the past through the new lens that has been opened for you. You realized you missed a lot of things because you were intentionally told not to look for them. It's kind of fun to spot the ironies, the inconsistencies, and the broad easy to spot patterns in things you learned and observed while growing up when looking back. Learning the facts on old cases and controversies can be interesting. Like how the focus was/is on Kitty Genovese's neighbors, and not her black male killer in that infamous case.
Avoid the groid is such good advice, you only have to hear about the pain and other people's inconveniences and horror stories. Don't have to see the daily wastes and costs associated with propping up this section of the citizenry with our tax dollars in a complex near you.
To Anon at 11:06 re Singapore. My husband traveled there several times. Laws are indeed strict to keep the city pleasant and clean for everyone. Add to your list that gum chewing is against the law! Blacks would never be able to understand why. Do any actually live there? I can't imagine them surviving. I'll have to ask my husband if he ever saw any.
Don't know if it is illegal for police, firemen, EMTs to strike in Baltimore. Slowdowns have been employed in other cities with great effect so hopefully every member of these groups do that. If everyone is doing it, they certainly can't reprimand or fire everyone. Also hard to prove. I would imagine that most of the 911 operators are black, therefore unbearably slow and stupid, so that would only help with a slowdown. Hope every single member of these unions takes slowness to the nth degree. Of course that will be easy and natural for any black members.
Too good not to be TRUE....Coming to a conquered City near you (after pilot program in Detoilette, MI) Introducing The WEAVE LOAN STORE :)
/H hypie out H\
Mr. Rational said ”. . . You'd think someone willing to say "racist" things would be more careful with his definitions, but there you are. Oh, "Anonymous". Explains all.”
It is almost humorous when people seem to think that using a made up name without a real link to the individual adds so much credibility to their comments. I could probably post this comment as Mr. Rational or Superman, but I'll just stick with my real name.
"So if a black person that works in Nashville wants....."
Watching the porchers take down every city they're situated in is incredible. Can't believe the Libs still think just throwing more money at these apes and turbocharging their breeding habits via gibsmedat is going to actually help anything. Truly, they're throwing gasoline on a campfire.
Negroes = Death.
OT, but illustrative of the complete lunacy of the liberal left...
Professor: If You Read To Your Kids, You’re ‘Unfairly Disadvantaging’ Others
“I don’t think parents reading their children bedtime stories should constantly have in their minds the way that they are unfairly disadvantaging other people’s children, but I think they should have that thought occasionally,” he said.
Complete insanity!
Easy. Go doctor, claim stomach cramps and diarrhoea. 48 hours off work for you.... Also the entire precict should eat a fried chicken dinner the night before the verdict....
Purchased from a Melanin enhanced supplier. This will prove that the cops are NOT racist and also why they all came down with food poisoning the next day.
The first 48 hours after the verdict with 80% of beat cops off sick. That would be an excellent TV show.
If the rioters are so bent on destroying their own neighborhoods and locally owned businesses, I wouldn't lift a finger to stop them; my life and well being is of more value to me that their own homes are to them. Just don't send me the bill for the damages or expect me to pay for the rebuilding; pay for it yourselves; you wrecked it, you pay for it.
The question arises as to how majority black cities manage to stay afloat given the fact they are crumbling infrastructure wise and offer nothing more than grinding poverty and resentment. The easy answer is they survive by continuing to financially drain the whites who fled the cities. The draining is useful to build political power for the party that profits from black grievance. The relief is a few decades down the road but when it arrives it will be utter and complete.The Hispanic population will outstrip all others for the majority at that time. They are not culpable to any sense of responsibility for blacks. They never owned or condoned any slavery. Thus they will wield their political majority to benefit themselves, redirecting all the social programs away from blacks to their own. Taxes will be lowered, and if any type of conservative base is present amongst hispanics, conservative whites may be able to build coalitions to help stem the tide of liberalism. Hispanics will have to work in large numbers to support the nation as the baby boomers die off and liberal whites practice miscegenation. If the current kill rate of black on black crimes keep pace, along with generous abortion services being maintained, black dysfunction could finally see and end by and large. Perhaps they will have the fortitude to ship them all back to Africa, especially with a few more wise Latinas on the SCOTUS.
One thing you will read over and over again on any race-realist site is the classic complaint that no matter what we give blacks, they always still complain that they need "mo hep".
Now, many a worthwhile screed has been entered upon the Internet's electron-record lamenting the lack of responsibility, the seeming impossibility, of blacks ever shouldering their own burden. No matter what we do, up to and including electing a black POTUS, they still cry "slavery-racism-we need mo investment in the community".
Well, we have only been half-right, at best, about the root cause of this constant whining. We assign it to poor judgment, inability to fully utilize what they are given, lack of gumption, etc.
No, it's largely a hustle. Think about the consequences of the opposite behavior. "We received the federal bailout monies, and are doing much better now".
Or, "thanks to your generous investment in our community, prospects are looking up, and we're feeling better about the future".
"That be crazy talk, son". That kind of talk will get you nothing! They aren't going to ever thank us and say, "you know, I believe I shall soon stand on my own". That's not the way it works.
Jesse and Al wouldn't be "leaders" of their fellow blacks if they didn't stay on the money pitch 24/7. They have their hands out so often, I'm surprised they haven't atrophied into place there; if they weren't also doing so much "now-into-the-pocket-and-one-and-two" exercises they would have.
Friends, this constant whining isn't ever going to stop. The Universities are right now cranking out grievance parrots with maybe, every few years, a new phrase or two added to the repertoire. You will wait a long, long time to see them take responsibility. There's no payoff in it.
PK, cartoon-character Al Sharpton has a new gig, "Occupy the Corners". I hope we can anticipate a vivisection here?
Mr. Rational said...
You'd think someone willing to say "racist" things would be more careful with his definitions, but there you are. Oh, "Anonymous". Explains all.
So, Rational is your real name is it?
Reminds me of that story; Man phones up Siemens' head office and says "I'd like to speak to the Chairman, please".
Switchboard replies, "Ja, ve are all Chermans here. Vhich Cherman vould you like to speak to?"
Ve - sorry, we are all anonymous, here. He doesn't use a handle. No big deal. No need to get abusive.
Look, your point about the definition of atheism is strictly correct, but you could make the same point about defining liberalism. The fact is, both of those have acquired religious overtones.
If atheists would just exercise their prerogative of disbelieving religion and leave others alone to believe what they choose, nobody would care. But they actively proselytise, and that's OK, too. It's when they make utter arseholes of themselves, like this, that people lose patience with them.
This is just another assault on White civilization, using the same old playbook. The homosexuals also "just wanted the government out of their bedrooms". They pushed, and pushed, and now the perversions of their bedrooms are dictating to the government, and to the rest of us, what services we must provide to them, and even the meaning of our marriages.
I definitely think we've taken this tolerance and openness thing too far, and it's time to start pushing back. To quote Dorothy Sayers -
In the world it is called Tolerance, but in hell it is called Despair...the sin that believes in nothing, cares for nothing, seeks to know nothing, interferes with nothing, enjoys nothing, hates nothing, finds purpose in nothing, lives for nothing, and remains alive because there is nothing for which it will die.
I like how you added a video at the end to show how humans actually get things done. Why expect anyone else, like a pet, for instance, to clean up their foul messes and account for their aggressions?
Working together requires sacrifice, patience, understanding, empathy, follow-through, constructive criticism, and knowing how to work off one another's strengths. Working in teams can be spectacular in all fields of endeavor- but some groups of people can't even work together among themselves. All want to be chiefs instead of Indians while doing the absolute minimum necessary and at their leisure. Excuses and lip service don't build bridges. Being consistent and building trust is mandatory for acceptance and for things to happen unerringly on schedule. Being polite (even with someone with whom you may still be feuding) and following protocol is what keeps everything in place when human emotions and situations break down for some of us for whatever reason. Lying and deceit pretty much make you unreliable and untrustable and are a big root to what you refer to as "racism", i.e. accountability.
I want to know the scoop on the drug stores and methadone clinics that were systematically raided by the Black Gorilla drug lords and co. I wouldn't be surprised if it went right on down to the mayor and someone close to her gets indicted/resigns for something related to all this. Enough doses to keep Baltimore high for a year? 65%-black Baltimore for A YEAR!?! Holy crap that must be a lot of dope.
Probably feel better about the whole thing because they feel that they done earned it through hard work and planning and striking at the right time. Not like that 1.8 billion etc. that has been lavished on the city that bleeds. They had to trick someone and do something dangerous. That has to carry some respectability and validity, right? Know what I'm sayin'?
The focus is currently on the mis-charged officers, and hopefully getting prominent people to call for Mosby to immediately recuse herself from this case (if not resign entirely) in the MSM. Until more people start dissecting her words and actions and holding her accountable to a reasonable standard I figure she can keep getting away with things like overtly lying about hacked twitter accounts.
And seriously Trump, anybody who is reading this, get some realism out there. Just because you cannot become elected doesn't mean you can't bring up very interesting subjects for voters to react to and get the other candidates talking about it. Race. Santorum hinted about it when talking about predatory males. Did the world end for him? Don't think so. People are fed up and they will 'react' to these dogwhistles because they are just reality checks, not some made up KKK myth.
Cross to the other side of the street, lock your doors in their presence, and for God's sake, proclaim, "Yes, I am a racist" to any who might assail you verbally. One more punch to the gut of BRA, courtesy of you.
"Californian said...
Thing is, the civil rights struggle was not about "equality." Free your mind from liberal ideological delusions. The civil rights movement was a seizure of power. Bull Conner and the Alabama cops who made their stand at the Edmund Pettus Bridge way back were holding the line for white civilization against black chaos. And we are seeing this struggle going on today as Baltimore is staked out for Africa in America.
White people must fight for power.
June 4, 2015 at 6:53 PM"
Can't do it. Ain't got no "liberal ideological delusions". Sorry.
How much did could a dindu do if a dindu dindu nuffins?
"Medic Bear said...
I want any DWL or lefty to explain to me how any homo species - or anything resembling a human being - could and would do something like this.
June 4, 2015 at 8:57 PM"
Or, for that matter, any animals except negroes...
I think that the defense gets the autopsy report regardless. She's of course full of crap about not trying it in the press, because she's the one who had a press conference to say, "No justice, no peace." (Translation: we're lynching the Baltimore Six). She just doesn't want to let others present evidence in the court of public opinion.
I couldn't care less about public opinion; in fact, I'd love to see the BGI pull the wool over the eyes of the public, YET AGAIN, only to be gobsmacked when the jury rules correctly. However, the reason I'd like to see the report released is that the power of crowdsourcing might help find whatever of her crimes she's hidden in this report. The Conservative Treehouse will sniff out the truth, given the evidence.
She's just so blatantly biased she makes Angela Corey look like King Solomon.
A propos the story referred to above (
This story sounds just as bad, if not even worse:
Please make posts on these two stories, Paul Kersey.
"Plaga Negra said...
Liberalism is not just a mental disorder, it's outright treason to everything set forth by Nature. I will have no pity for the DWLs when their pets turn on them. I wonder how liberals, many of them being atheists, can possibly come to the conclusions they hold so dearly. As an atheist, I can't help but come to the conclusions of race-realism based on all the evidence available. There is simply no persuading me that the race that never even figured out the wheel without outside help is equal to the race that landed on the moon and sent a probe beyond the reaches of our solar system.
June 4, 2015 at 6:42 PM"
As an atheist? What's that supposed to mean? Do you think it's different for those who are NOT atheists?
Julie said...
Regarding that picture of the teens up on the police car. I recommend the following for context:
You beat me to it, Julie. I also had a pair of pictures similar to those, and wanted to post them to a photo sharing site to link them here. For some reason they disappeared into the ether. But I did find this one, searching with the tag "baboons":
Warning: ugly.
Which segues neatly into Medic Bear's comment...
I want any DWL or lefty to explain to me how any homo species - or anything resembling a human being - could and would do something like this.
Absolutely amazing in it's heinous evil.
They ARE NOT human. They ARE NOT the same as us.
I wonder why dens have problem with laws requiring voters to show I DS.
The reason they give is that many of their voters don't have IDs.
Now isn't that a little bit racist?
Why don't they have IDs?
Then they give you the sob story about the ninety year old woman who had to ride a bus two hours to sit in the license bureau for three to get her ID so she can vote. Give me a break!
Do they realize how ludicrous it to sane people in other countries. No wonder everyone wants to come hear.
FSR said...
Family Beat Teen Until Miscarriage, Put Baby On BBQ Grill
A minor point mentioned in the article:
The girl told authorities that it wasn’t until 2013, when she was approximately eight months pregnant, when the family realized she was expecting. Given the girl was underage and allegedly assaulted by a relative, the family feared Child Protective Services (CPS) would be called.
Eight months pregnant, and nobody suspected. What does that tell you?
I'd guess she was pretty big to start. I once knew a fat girl who was actually in labour, and the doctor was still ascribing her symptoms to her eating (or not eating, can't remember exactly) iodised salt.
So, a grossly fat little black girl, and a family member found her irresistible. Sounds about right.
Anonymous said...
I wonder why dens have problem with laws requiring voters to show I DS.
The short answer is that voter fraud works in their favour.
Back in South Africa, the government issues an ID to everybody. You have to apply for it. It's the law. Without it you can't vote, open a bank account, get a driver's license, rent a home, buy a cell phone... nothing.
I know Americans are paranoid about government-issued IDs - but quite comfortable with government-issued SSNs, driver's licenses and such things that serve the same purpose. It's odd, but there it is.
What I don't understand is this: You let anybody register as a voter, and you let anybody purporting to be a registered voter vote. And then, he can do the same, multiple times, in multiple names and multiple states. This is worse than insane, it's stupid.
Here's a little trick they use in Africa: When someone turns up at a polling station to vote, you make a mark with an indelible marker on his thumbnail. He may vote fraudulently, but he can only do it once.
I lived in Singapore for 16 years when I was young. There were blacks there, but very VERY few, and none were Singaporean citizens. One family was American, another individual was a scholarship boarding student at my school from Kenya.
Most expats in Singapore were executive-level management, scientists, physicians, embassy employees, or other professions that don't lend themselves to incompetence. No room for Affirmative Action hires, and no external pressure to pretend that they needed "diversity".
While Singapore has laws that seem appallingly restrictive to Western sensibilities, it is a very safe and clean place to live. Beats out any other country in the region by a huge margin.
Perplexed Woman in NJ:
I replied to your comment on an earlier thread. I think you may find some enlightenment on The Irish Savant's blog. He has gone from a position of complete ignorance to awareness on that question, and has several articles describing both that process and his conclusions.
Perplexed Woman in NJ:
Further to my reply to your question on a previous thread, the acknowledged expert on the subject is Prof Kevin MacDonald. His book on the subject The Culture of Critique, can be downloaded free from at the link.
You can also read his articles and watch videos at his blog, The Occidental Observer.
Good luck.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ex New Yorker here....I am not sure if it was Socrates or Confucius that said something related to what is happening in Baltimore. "If you don't want bird shit on your car, don't park it under a tree."
Ha! Thanks for making me laugh. I wonder what kind of cars Socrates and Confucius drove?
...offer nothing more than grinding poverty and resentment
You're leaving out rape, robbery, and general violence.
Maybe you meant to to that. If so, I'm sorry for bringing it to everyone's attention.
On the subject of voter id I never understood it even when I knew the prescribed line was to be up in arms against it. Was the license itself expensive? Discrimination at the 97% black DMV? Could they not afford proper wallets and so this was one of those unintended microaggressions that pushes them further and further down the dark road of white oppression? Was one considered privileged to own a wallet or purse? Is a wallet chain a racist offense, intended to degrade someone who has talked so much, marched so many times over the years to get to where they be at?
It turns out (and libs will never talk about this readily) that Janqavious and Shitreesha have a lot of outstanding warrants, fines, unpaid bills, and other unpleasant business that other people consider mandatory responsibilities for being an upstanding and honest citizen. I heard they were registering more people to vote in Freddy "I sell heroin but call me Pepper" Gray's district to flood the jury pool with delinquents, not because they were worried about getting the male Mosby elected over that cesspool again. Even if there is any truth to this, I take comfort in the fact that a lot of them will not answer their mail, pay their bills, or go through the proper and regular process to participate and will be ineffective at best when pushed to act in concert with any other party. But if the female Mosby can set the tone with "as young people this is our time" and "I heard your cries of no justice, no peace", you know they will continue to blatantly choose a bias in favor of blacks, even if said blacks are some of the deadliest and most destructive forces in their communities. How did she pass the bar exam? Was it administered by the Crips or the Bloods, or the local Black Gorilla Gang?
But that's all water under the bridge, right? Don't you think Rawlings-Jefferson-Jemima-Blake looks gud and sheeit? Man oh man, oh Lawdy oh my. And she sure says a lot. Speaks her mind. Rising star within the Democratic party, if I ever seen one. So leadershiplike.
H.G.Well's "It's "The Island of Dr. Moreau" is truly a classic novel. In it, our mad scientist turns wild, jungle animals into men called manimals (and one pretty hot panther woman). The best movie version, by far, was titled "The Island Of Lost Souls" (1932) in which Charles Laughton utters the most memorable line: "The natives are restless tonight!" I, like many, was repeating that line for decades without being aware of it's origin.
Did you get a look at the family member ? Horrifying.
Well not exactly. If you are a black person you may do all these things and burn the bitch down before you go back to wherever you "stay". Whites will pick up the bill in the morning while you sleep off another temper tantrum.
It's when they make utter arseholes of themselves, like this, that people lose patience with them.
Sorry AM, but issues regarding private religious displays on the public right-of-way are always pertinent. Roadside memorials are likely a traffic hazard anyway (distracting drivers) and should be banned outright.
Know something I've never seen? I've never seen a collection to put a guard rail or crushable barrier up in lieu of a set of crosses on a roadside hazard. Shouldn't protecting the public be more important than sticking replicas of torture devices in front of everyone's face?
What you're ignoring in your feigned offense over this matter is that "atheists" are on all sides of the major issues, and blaming "atheists" for anything related to liberalism when Objectivists (to name one philosophy) are a major fraction of atheists and very anti-left is simply ridiculous. There are religious leftists and atheist leftists, and they are all problems. It's the leftism, stupid.
"I wonder why dems have problem with laws requiring voters to show ID"
They know that blacks are unable to get and maintain an ID card.
They cannot manage to go to the building, bring the required paperwork, wait in line, pay a few dollars, receive the ID, take it home, keep it safe, bring it with them on election day, present it, and then vote.
They just can't do it. For the exact same reason my 4 yr old son would be unable to do it. Lack of the required cognitive ability.
Probably graduated from some all black college in which all courses and exams had to be de-gentrified in order for someone with a grade 4 reading level could aquire. This is typical of Firefighters, EMT and Law Enforcement exams for negroes. Thank god they haven't forced the airline industry to do the same!
"The black leaders [of Baltimore] are invested in dysfunction, because dysfunction and the fog of war (in this case, civil unrest) allows them to perpetuate their rule."
It's not just this, it's that they don't pay for anything, they're completely supported by whites. The welfare checks will keep coming, so will white tax dollars from the Feds and state. If black Baltimore was an island that had to live on what it makes its leaders would take a dimmer view of arsonists and looters.
In the end, there will be war,and we will still owe black people nothing!
"Anonymous think about it said...
OT, but illustrative of the complete lunacy of the liberal left...
Professor: If You Read To Your Kids, You’re ‘Unfairly Disadvantaging’ Others
“I don’t think parents reading their children bedtime stories should constantly have in their minds the way that they are unfairly disadvantaging other people’s children, but I think they should have that thought occasionally,” he said.
Complete insanity!
June 5, 2015 at 3:18 PM"
Just when you thought you had heard it all...
"According to a professor at the University of Warwick in England". From England - I guessed it was from the USA!
What about other situations?
If you are married to the child's other biological parent...
You are unfairly disadvantaging other people’s children.
If you feed your child nutritious food...
You are unfairly disadvantaging other people’s children.
If you do not sell your child...
You are unfairly disadvantaging other people’s children.
In case you refrain from sexually molesting your child...
You are unfairly disadvantaging other people’s children.
If you do not physically assault and harm your child...
You are unfairly disadvantaging other people’s children.
If so happens that you abstain from murdering your child...
You are unfairly disadvantaging other people’s children.
If you instill your child with sound moral values...
You are unfairly disadvantaging other people’s children.
In case you make sure your child receives a good education...
You are unfairly disadvantaging other people’s children.
If yoy move away from a bad neighbourhood...
You are unfairly disadvantaging other people’s children.
Oh my God. It gets WORSE than I thought was the worst. After I wrote the above, I read the story. It actually says:
"But Swift also added that some other things parents do to give their kids the best education possible — like sending them to “an elite private school” — “cannot be justified” in this way."
I like that African voting solution. Another is to have ballots mailed to the registered addresses of the voters and then require the voters to bring those ballots to the polling place. Would require some forward-planning as you'd have to keep the ballot in a safe place until Election Day, but nothing a 90+ IQ person can't swing. Simple, fair, and no Fedgov ID Papers required.
Incidentally, I told earlier of a girl I knew who was in labour and nobody, not even the doctor, suspected that she was pregnant. Some of you will no doubt be thinking, typical third-world doctors.
No, this was back in the sixties, when South African universities still had high standards. Just a few years before Dr Christiaan Barnard performed the world's first heart transplant in Cape Town (the operation was a success, but the patient died).
We shouldn't be too hard on the poor doctor. Anybody can make a mistake.
Here's a report of a trial in which a woman, who was born in Auschwitz, is testifying that Dr Mengele performed sterilization experiments on her mother in her seventh month of pregnancy, without ever realising that she was already pregnant. This woman, who is now 70 years old, is the only known surviving witness to that incident. She was present in utero, and so is qualified to give evidence. Hearsay evidence, as we all know, is inadmissible.
When the day of reckoning arrives, these are the people who need to face trial first:
1. The media
2. The lawyers and judges
3. The politicians.
Let it be done impartially, without regard to race, ethnicity, religion, "gender" (sic*), or sexual orientation. Still, I won't be surprised if a lot of the condemned, by pure cohencidence, resemble the photo in that article.
* Of course, people don't have gender. People have sex, male or female, and you don't get to choose yours. Words have gender - masculine, feminine, neuter or common. Not the same thing.
Anon June 4,2025 5:10 pm is right that the groids are joining ISIS. But the groid families are accusing the government of making up lies about the groids terrorist involvement. This is going to cause a lot more problems. Especially with the racist against all but blacks Justice Dept. Obozo put into place.
Anonymous said...
City council member Carl Stokes of "Why don't you just call them niggers" fame is...
The reporter should have said "Ok ,those niggers that are looting and burning....."
Analogman said....Here's a little trick they use in Africa: When someone turns up at a polling station to vote, you make a mark with an indelible marker on his thumbnail. He may vote fraudulently, but he can only do it once.
Anonymous says A better trick would to be to insert RFID chips into each negroe primate so that their criminal history and ID could be read wherever a negroe primate should go.
Re Whiskey at 12:46.
China was the dominant country on the planet for millennia; the British Jewish financial operatives who ran the East India Company's opium empire were responsible for its "take down", and the consequent anti-Western sentiments which run very deep even today. Don't fool yourself into thinking the Chinese are not going to dominate Asia - and thus 2/3 of the world, again. That the USA has a toehold on Asia is entirely due to the manic excesses of the Theodore Roosevelt era. The Chinese have thousands of years of historical domination. Your comparison of Mycenaen Greece to the Middle Kingdom is ludicrous. Where, might I ask, is Greece today vs. China?
The USA had better count on its known assets, the chief of which is the patriotic sentiments of white Americans, before it starts to venture off into a "pivot towards Asia". I sense a debacle in the making for this country in its relations with Asian nationalism. The Chinese have the hegemonic instincts necessary to maintain an empire. I don't know what the USA has to compare with that.
AnalogMan: "Here's a report of a trial in which a woman, who was born in Auschwitz, is testifying that Dr Mengele performed sterilization experiments on her mother in her seventh month of pregnancy, without ever realising that she was already pregnant. This woman, who is now 70 years old, is the only known surviving witness to that incident. She was present in utero, and so is qualified to give evidence. Hearsay evidence, as we all know, is inadmissible."
What do you mean, hearsay? She was, as you admit, present during the encounter. I'll bet she even looked Herr Doktor square in the eye, shook his hand, then went back into the womb to complete her gestation.
Mr. Rational (replying to AnalogMan): "There are religious leftists and atheist leftists, and they are all problems. It's the leftism, stupid."
I think you just confirmed his point, about atheists being arseholes. Not that we hate you for it. It's just T.A.B.
Mr Rataional said
What you're ignoring in your feigned offense over this matter is that "atheists" are on all sides of the major issues, and blaming "atheists" for anything related to liberalism when Objectivists (to name one philosophy) are a major fraction of atheists and very anti-left is simply ridiculous. There are religious leftists and atheist leftists, and they are all problems. It's the leftism, stupid.
Please read my comment again. I distinctly said that nobody cares what atheists believe, and nobody even objects to their proselytizing for their beliefs. It's only when they try to prevent others from exercising their religions in a way that harms nobody that people lose patience with them. Nobody is criticizing atheists for being atheists. We only object to them acting like arseholes. NAAALT? I'm not talking about all atheists. That was precisely the point of the sentence you quoted.
You can't possibly be seriously suggesting that you object to crosses because they're "replicas of instruments of torture". That would simply be disingenuous. I don't believe it for a moment. Come on, tough it out. If mere Christians can take it, so can you.
Distractions? Are you kidding? Have you seen the billboards? Sure, they're not on public land, but I've never heard of them causing accidents, even though they're specifically designed to distract. There are traffic signs and informational signs on the roads. Anybody who can't handle the information overload shouldn't be on the road.
Look, we're talking about memorials on public land to people who died on that land in public service. Crosses have traditionally been used as grave markers for centuries. It's just a mark of respect, and hope for a resurrection. You don't believe in a resurrection? Then how could it possibly harm you?
I'm well aware that the Supreme Court ruled that the crosses violate the Constitution. The court is wrong. They've been wrong before. I'm not a lawyer, praise the Lord, but I can read. The Constitution reads
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
That's all. Congress has made no such law. There is no constitutional issue.
You are aware, are you not, that several States had established churches at the time of the ratification of the Constitution, and for many years after? They could do that, because they were not Congress. They were free and sovereign States.
You say "blaming 'atheists' for anything related to liberalism ... is simply ridiculous."
I don't follow your reasoning. I don't believe I did that. This issue concerns a lawsuit brought by American Atheists Inc. What has this to do with liberalism?
You say there are atheists on the left and on the right. Quite so. And there are arseholes on the left and on the right. Just as with TWMNBN. But also like them, the organized atheists have a knack for being on the anti-civilizational (i.e. leftist) side of any issue they get involved in.
Anonymous said:
I think you just confirmed his point, about atheists being arseholes.
It's OK, anon, no offense taken. I think Mr Rational was just paraphrasing a popular political slogan.
By the way, I think this quote from the article I linked in my original post perfectly illustrates the real issue (emphasis mine):
The New Jersey-based American Atheists filed suit in 2005, arguing that the crosses symbolize Christianity and break state and federal laws against roadside memorials.
"They know very well that the cross is a Christian symbol," said Dave Silverman, spokesman for the group. "They are breaking the law by putting up memorials for fallen heroes."
The atheists support putting up memorials for fallen heroes, but oppose using a religious symbol to do so, Silverman said.
The crosses are not there to make a religious statement, but to serve as a memorial to the fallen officers, Pierson said.
"We were just trying to honor someone who gave their lives for the public good," Pierson said.
So... the usual suspects. And they support breaking the law, but they're suing for the incidental detail of the form of the memorials.
It's a tough call; maybe we need to promote the lawyers in that hierarchy of defendants I posted earlier.
Anonymous said...
I'll bet she even looked Herr Doktor square in the eye, shook his hand, then went back into the womb to complete her gestation.
Yeah, I didn't want to push my luck too far. I'm amazed that my comment made it through moderation. Thanks, PK, I appreciate it.
The strange thing is, Dr Mengele is not the defendant in that trial, it's just some poor slob who happened to be in the same camp at the time, and whom the witness doesn't even claim to have ever met. I don't understand what she's doing in that trial, and it looks suspiciously like a miscarriage of justice in progress. But they wouldn't do that, would they? The lawyers, the courts?
I think you just confirmed his point, about atheists being arseholes.
I think someone just confirmed the stereotype of the habitually aggrieved being tone-deaf to memes, e.g. Clinton's "it's the economy, stupid" campaign slogan.
But that was 1992, and nobody should ever be expected to know such ancient history... right? </sarc>
Watch any video on the web about Liberia and you'll quickly see what happens when blacks run the show. Really, it's that simple.
re: It's the economy, stupid.
Thanks for your concern about my cultural awareness, but I did recognize the slogan. My opinion on it has not changed since 1992: That calling someone "stupid" will not make him consider the merits of your argument, because he will be too busy thinking of what consequences await if he should punch you in the mouth. And since you are demonstrably not trying to win a debate, you (or Slick Willy) are only calling him "stupid" because you are an arsehole. Bonus points, though, for using the tactics of a liberal asshole to prove the other man's point.
It's only when they try to prevent others from exercising their religions in a way that harms nobody that people lose patience with them.
If you don't view taking over public property for religious displays as a form of harm, you must not view the same denial of public space to White people by Black intimidation and violence to be a problem either.
Or your argument is just special pleading.
Have you seen the billboards? Sure, they're not on public land, but I've never heard of them causing accidents
There is strong evidence that video billboards do indeed cause hazardous levels of inattention to the road, yes.
Anybody who can't handle the information overload shouldn't be on the road.
Anyone who can't keep a vehicle in their traffic lane shouldn't be on the road either, but we install guard rails anyway.
Crosses have traditionally been used as grave markers for centuries.
And people can have the symbol of their choice for their grave marker. That's what a cemetary is for. It's not what a public right-of-way is for.
You don't believe in a resurrection? Then how could it possibly harm you?
It hurts me when the symbols of a religion I don't believe in get favored treatment. The alternatives to favoritism are all, or none. No symbols on the roadside is the only position consistent with public safety.
the organized atheists have a knack for being on the anti-civilizational (i.e. leftist) side of any issue they get involved in.
Compared to fundamentalist Christians who want to remove biology, cosmology, and basic earth science from the public-school curriculum because it contradicts their dogma? WTF, man?
Mr Rational -
And people can have the symbol of their choice for their grave marker. That's what a cemetary (sic) is for. It's not what a public right-of-way is for.
Was the right-of-way obstructed? Is that your objection, or merely the fact that it's a public space? Do you object to all memorials in public spaces, or only crosses in public spaces? Oh, wait, you say
It hurts me when the symbols of a religion I don't believe in get favored treatment. The alternatives to favoritism are all, or none.
So, basically your arguments boil down to "It hurts me".
You poor thingy.
This is called a dog-in-the-manger attitude. And yes, in my book, that qualifies as acting like an arsehole. If you can't please everybody, including the Grinch, then nobody must be pleased. It makes for very sterile public culture. Frankly, it's ugly. Get a life.
Was the right-of-way obstructed? Is that your objection, or merely the fact that it's a public space?
It's part of the public right-of-way, and it's supposed to be clear of physical AND VISUAL obstructions.
basically your arguments boil down to "It hurts me".
The whole point of the memorial is to command attention. That diversion of attention from the road can cause a driver to miss something significant, perhaps causing an accident that hurts or kills someone. For that reason alone, such memorials are properly forbidden; the symbology just adds insult to injury.
This is called a dog-in-the-manger attitude.
No argument is weaker than a completely inapposite analogy. The roadside is not designated for memorials; in this case it is specifically designated NOT for memorials. You'd defend the cow putting hay in the dog's designated bed.
I think I'm going to do something to increase public safety, and remove any roadside memorials I see. Enough is enough.
Most who call themselves atheists are usually YKW.
None of the Objectivists I've known were YKW. YMMV.
Wow...your last sentence just shook me to the core. You're absolutely right. They absolutely want us to hate them so they can justify their unsubstantiated and irrational hatred of us. Touché, friend.
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