Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby may have filed a gag order (to block witnesses, attorneys, and police from speaking publicly about the Freddie Gray convicted heroin dealer case) in wrong court; according to one unidentified Baltimore Police Officer, she may have "caused this incredible spike in crime"; but there's one thing Mosby can never, ever retract and it's the campaign letter she published on May 25, 2013... which still exists on (click on 'A Special Message from Marilyn Mosby):
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Yes, this is a letter Mosby wrote to Baltimore voters in May of 2013... |
May 25th, 2013
Dear Constituents of Baltimore City, Baltimore City has the potential to truly be "the greatest city in America," however, we cannot ignore that we are in a state of crisis.
When thugs and murderers control our neighborhoods from jail and our mothers, grandmothers and children are afraid to walk down the streets in their own communities for fear of being robbed, hurt, and or intimidated by gangs, we are failing in every sense of the word.
When police officers are doing all that they can to get community terrorists off the streets and into jail, I find it intolerable when the State's Attorney's Office is unable to obtain convictions to keep them there.
As a former prosecutor in Baltimore city, the most flagrant and recurrent problem that I encountered was convincing a jury to look past, what has become, a "culture of distrust" of the criminal justice system.
Baltimore is viewed by many as the home of witness intimidation, where the notorious "stop snitching" mentality began, yet and still the current State's Attorney, has made no attempts to address and/or change this culture of distrust.
Further exacerbating this distrust for many constituents, is the fact that up until now, the current State's Attorney has not been active nor has he been present in varying communities throughout Baltimore. Clearly, it's time for us to make a change.
Charged as an administrator of justice, the function of a State's Attorney is to seek to reform and improve the administration of the criminal justice system, which obviously isn't taking place.
Hence, I believe that with my successful trial experience as a prosecutor for 6 years, my passion for the pursuit of justice over convictions, and my unyielding love for my community, now is the time for me to stand up and remedy what is broken for so many communities throughout Baltimore: Trust. I will bring fresh ideas and positive solutions to improve the administration of the State's Attorney's Office in Baltimore City, and will offer voters a better choice: a leader Baltimore can trust.
Marilyn Mosby, Esq.Though these lines were written back in May of 2013, read Mosby's campaign words again:
When thugs and murderers control our neighborhoods from jail and our mothers, grandmothers and children are afraid to walk down the streets in their own communities for fear of being robbed, hurt, and or intimidated by gangs, we are failing in every sense of the word.Of course the black Baltimore mayor and many of the black Baltimore city council members would apologize for calling the black rioters/looters/arsonists "thugs," but Mosby's initial campaign announcement made it clear she was not afraid to target the very black people making the city unsafe.
Of course, she was quick to base her decision to indict six Baltimore Police Officers because she heard their cries of "No Justice, No Peace" over the police sirens and chaos as Baltimore burned, thereby siding with those black gangs who create the environment where black mothers, grandmothers, and children are afraid to walk down the streets...
But it's important to remember the letter she published which announced her candidacy. Promises of restoring law and order to a city regressing to the black mean, which accelerated exponentially once she sided with the black gangs and drug dealers (of which Freddie Gray was a convicted member of this unholy order)[West Baltimore’s Police Presence Drops, and Murders Soar,New York Times, June 12, 2015] :
From the steps of her New Bethlehem Baptist Church, the Rev. Lisa Weah looked down the block to the open-air drug market outside the bodega on the corner a few hundred feet away. The traffic there had been slowing until the chaos that followed the death of Freddie Gray on April 19, after he was injured in police custody.
Now it is back full-bore, and the police are often nowhere to be seen. “Without law enforcement, there is no order,” Pastor Weah said. “In truth, residents want a strong police force, but they also want accountability.”
She said that she sympathized with many officers who did their jobs well but were now just as hated as the abusive officers, and that she prayed the spate of killings would be the shock that finally caused change.
“This crisis was bound to happen because of the broken relationship between law enforcement and the people,” she said. “When something gets this infected, you have to break it down and start from new.”
At least 55 people, the highest pace since the early 1970s, have been killed in Baltimore since May 1, when the state’s attorney for the city, Marilyn J. Mosby, announced the criminal charges against the officers. Victims of shootings have included people involved in criminal activity and young children who were simply in the wrong place.Mosby handed the city of Baltimore over to the very people she promised to prosecute in her initial campaign letter in 2013.
Correctly, the police have stood down in the face of this shocking act of black solidarity by Mosby (who would rather call the black gangs and heroin dealers - like the late Freddie Gray - allies instead of the police), and the 65 percent black city of Baltimore is now in the hands of "thugs and murderers."
"Progress always wins," the female protagonist intones in Jurassic World, to which Chris Pratt's character replies, "Maybe progress should lose for once."
In 2015 Baltimore, progress has lost.
A city completely run by black elected or black appointed officials has exposed the true incompatibility of blackness to western civilization once and for all; courtesy of Marilyn Mosby's initial campaign letter to her would-be constituents, we see her tribal loyalty to blacks ultimately trumped her duty to defend the white man's law and order.
In NRx terms, we should indeed lose progress, not because it is a jump ahead, or backwards, but because it is an exit or escape from the present. Very important point for women.
I am not a lawyer, but, hopefully this bullsheet can be used against her in the case that's upcoming. Along with the material that proves she authorized the cops cracking down on the drug ridden corner. I hope this opens more eyes, move away from the dark side!
If and when those LEO's get off on these charges it's going to bring new meaning to a Shakespearian play. Maybe we call it, 'Wee's bee f#cking asselves now'.
I say let Rome burn! Like a friend from my church mentioned to me, 'anti-racism equals anti-white'. Remember that brothers and sisters!! Be ready! Nothing lasts forever, this too shall pass. Survive YT!!
"Maybe progress should loose for once."
I couldn't agree more, but I'd like to modify that quote slightly: "Maybe progress should loose once and for all!!!" That's better. Time we did some regressing of our own ladies and gentlemen? Let's collectively regress back to the euro - American mean.
After reading that letter, I, for one, am not surprised at her present behavior. It reminds me of this post 3 years ago:
Still one of my favorite posts. But as it's been demonstrated over and over again, black candidates are black first, then whatever nonsense party they belong to. They will betray you for race solidarity. As this post points out:
The archives here are quite extensive I might add.
Speaking of Jurassic World:
*Slight Spoilers ahead*
this movie has me a bit conflicted. It has some good and some bad.
There is a point of the movie where the line is spoken "Want to see something really cool?"
And the camera cuts instantly to the new Mercedes Benz in the movie. With that in mind...
I saw multiple examples of anti-white propaganda. All of the doofus characters were white males. They have an incompetent slob white male looking over a multimillion $ investment because that's what corporations do with their super secret projects. Then they have the most awkward looking white kid they could find to run the giant orb ride. Then they have the petting zoo and the close up of the White boy going "deeeeeerrrrrrppppp." Then when the Indian (dot , not feather) sees super secret dinosaur, he notices that it's White and to which the redhead replies it will be frightening to adults and children. And lets not forget the scrawny white kid who falls into the raptor pit. All the Bad guy InGen troops were white, in sheer contrast to the fact that every other institution was integrated.
Blacks are extremely over represented in this movie in all positive roles. The board room, the scientists, the families at the park. Then for absolutely no reason there is a black sidekick who adds absolutely nothing to the story line but is there for the sake of being black, yellow eyes and all.. You don't see this black guy in the previews at all, at least the ones I've seen.
But, there was some awesome prowhite moments in this movie:
The hero declaring he's the alpha.
The Career white woman finding her life to be shallow and empty because she doesn't have children.
The white female falling for the Dominant White male.
The white kids declaring that the hero is a badass.
The final shot of the heroes walking off together after declaring that they, a white male and White woman, need to pair up for their survival.
That part was powerful to me.
Of course, there is the line that shares the title to this post. I smiled when I heard that.
The Baron
Once again we see the Orwellian nature of BRA.
The enemy goes from gangbangers to the cops, and no one blinks.
"We need the cops, but not the cop violence."
While you're at it, why not get a dog that only barks and doesn't bite.
Do these people ever stop to think why cops need the violence option in the first place?
Paul, I think you need to step back a bit here.
Her campaign for AG was hacked at some point, probably the same shady characters that hacked her personal Twitter account and did all that malicious favoriting.
Baltimore is what happens when a cargo cult ends up running a major American city. Don't worry about doing your jobs well, just as long as you look good, that is all that matters. Dress the part, go to the building, say the cliches (I'm looking at you, Mayor Hyphen) garner the respect and collect the paycheck. As long as you LOOK like you know what you are doing then it matters not if the city is slowly imploding all around you.
Scare out the whites. It's great for campaign season and I'm sure you'll find more money somewhere. There is always more money, you just need to complain er ask for it enough. I'm sure there is a 1.8 billion dollar program that would fix everything, and you may indeed be just one more march away from stopping all this violence that plagues your streets.
Keep your head up, whitey has this penchant for dreaming and hope. I'm sure you can exploit it and leave whitey with nothing to show for it after another 50 years of wasted time and resources.
Was doing a search and came upon this article about 20 years of fake black studies classes at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill- did you cover this case? It seemed you did some coverage of the school in 2012 but this one seems more recent, about a half a year ago:
I thought the classes were basically fake to begin with, but I guess going into a building a talking has some merit.
We must turn away from these savages, there is nothing more we can do for them.
No amount of money is going to change their DNA/behavior, killing is as natural to blacks as not killing is to everyone else, Moseby says as much.
Ex New Yorker here.....As I recall these people were dancing in the street when the six cops got shit kicked for doing their job. Now the people are bitching and moaning about the streets being dangerous. All these people are getting shot and killed and nobody is doing anything about it. Wow, I wonder who is doing all the killing. Afraid to go outside. Gee I wonder why. Bullets flying through the air. Another great unsolved mystery of the universe. I wonder where those bullets are coming from. Maybe the government can send in a few more billion dollars so those kids getting out of school will have "something to do" this Summer. Otherwise these little psychopath blood thirsty heathen scumbags will be butchering each other because they HAVE NOTHING TO DO. If they can keep these demented lowlifes busy the streets will be safe again. Dream on Sambo, dream on.
Killing is a game to these trash bag little fucks. That is all they know. Violence and blood letting is a tradition and the more abusive and savage the more enjoyable it becomes. These young sickos find pleasure and fun in harming others. More fun filled days coming soon this Summer. Gangs of soulless killers on a murderous rampage. Blood filled streets and crying welfare queens. This is all they know. DEATH IS WHAT THEY LIVE FOR.
The NYT video is extraordinarily powerful - the question that is not "axed" is the rationale and explanations behind the rise of the reported "unintended consequences".
Normally, anyone in senior management who makes a critical decision, such as charging 3 black and 3 white LEOs with murder/manslaughter/negligent disregard, has to consider the immediate consequences of that decision, as part of the critical decision-making process.
In fact, it is an essential component of senior decision-making. What are the consequences? Plan to future responses and possible side-effects. Most importantly, give yourself some "CYA" room to manoeuvre.
Clearly and unequivocally, Mosby did not seriously think through her political thought/action process. She obviously considered the political advantage of charging the LEOs at that time, without even contemplating the down-side (i.e. LEOs - black, white and brindle - being suddenly contemplating serious stir for doing their goddamn jobs).
A sad example of lack of future time orientation, and (I believe) of someone being promoted in accordance with the color of their skin as opposed to merit and ability.
Sadly, this situation will continue, until it suddenly doesn't.
Platinum EBT Cardholder:
Words have no meaning to them. This is why they have no trouble lying, they don't understand that YT words mean things. It's really not even lying if you think about it. Parroting YT words and sentiments in a relatively grammatically correct, low to no profanities content is a guaranteed pass to the front for the gibs muh dat. That is all
Man oh man how those campaign tables have turned. That Mosby resume should be posted on ever corner in Balti-more checks, MD. Held up with syringes on the four corners of the paper. Making the tough decisions like putting another colored in jail for the laws they have broken must be too tough for the black activist. She Mosby is the new poster child for why not to put a black community organizer in a position that will make her choose between her race and her city's laws.
OT, from Fox News -
"We know that the more inclusive the neighborhoods are, the more robust your economy, the better the schools are, the jobs."
A complete, Orwellian fabrication of all observable reality, contradicted by every objective measure. Take a gated neighborhood with $400k homes, import Shitavious and dey keedz to "stay" there, with taxpayers subsidizing the entire operation, covering the difference in rent of $2800 they can't actually afford and voila! Everyone is touched in a positive way by glorious diversity, and the sun shines.
Of course, if you read SBPDL, you were aware of affirmatively further fair housing a year ago, not that objective has any effect other than to be deemed RAYCISS!
You forgot to emphasize her calling her criminal allies terrorists. I would love to see her written directives to the police and her staff after she took office. I would also guess that her office and the Baltimore public safety administration used grant writers for federal weed and seed money, anti gang money, anti weapons money, drug enforcement money.
The importance of her written directives to police and staff is that if she continued her rhetoric from her campaign letter, SHE fostered/supported the policing tactics she now condemns.
All of those grants require meticulous statistical reporting in terms of man hours, arrests, search warrants served, contraband seized, neighborhood crime reduction statistics tied back to the grant programs, etc. on a quarterly and annual basis to keep funds rolling in.
They probably also benefitted from a federally funded program that sends aspiring police officers to college to obtain their degree as well as their police academy certification. Upon graduation, these officers carry a guaranteed payout to a hiring department, the fed will pay 50% of the officers salary for 3 yrs.
So , in my estimation, based upon her rhetoric and application for and receipt of funds (which are provided based upon officer productivity), mosby is going to not only be a solid witness for the defense, but also a person to be named in a civil suit.
Watching blacks attempt to live as white Americans (Mosby law and order letter) is like watching children playing a dystopian version of house). Many of their actions are familiar but they're done with no real understanding. And if their killing records are only approaching the 1970s levels, what's the problem? Let's see if we can't set some all-time records, homies.
I just can't muster up any sympathy. even in that " heartbreaking" video, they would say, oh we need the cops, but we don't need police violence, so in other words, they want the police presence, but they will still show up by the dozens with their cell phone cameras, just looking for something they can sue and win the ghetto lottery with, or reason to loot.they got what they wanted. shut up and live with it.
Stay the course Baltimore Police Department! Stay strong; you're doing the right thing.
Until Mosby and the Mayor resign in disgrace (after admitting negroes suck and have destroyed the city), do not patrol the n*gga areas; let them destroy each other.
They hate you there; save your lives an careers. Slow down, no rushing to save a bleeding orc. You are allowing a higher power - Nature - to take its rightful course.
Hubby and I used to stay at Baltimore's Inner Harbor at least 3 times a year, even flying there after we moved from Northern Virginia. We won't be going back until the crime rate improves...which may be never. These "leaders" with their misguided policies will sacrifice their own people to get back at Whitey. Looks like it won't be boding well for any of them.
I am trying to think of some black politician campaign slogans: "too many black men are in jail, the police are too heavy handed with them".
"Every baby daddy should be out of jail".
"Police are irresponsible, heroine dealers are heroes."
"Black men are not scary".
"Was it really a crime? Did you really need to call 911 on that black person?"
None of these really feel like vote-getters.
She signed her letter, "Marilyn Mosby, Esq.?"
Does she even know what in the hell "Esq." means? It's short for "esquire," which mesns she's been knighted by the Queen of England.
If Obama, Holder and Mosby are the best colored people have to offer, then China, Russia et al. have only to sit back and allow BRA to collapse under its own weight.
Do these people ever stop and think...period? I think that's a big part of their problem
Aside from the fact that city is descending into chaos, this liberal brainwashed cultural marxist feels the need to write this...
"When thugs and murderers control our neighborhoods from jail and our mothers, grandmothers and children are afraid to walk down the streets in their own communities for fear of being robbed, hurt, and or intimidated by gangs, we are failing in every sense of the word."
Its not just men causing this chaos. Maybe she should look under gender on her birth certificate for starters.
- Canis lupus
I'd love to see Trey Gowdy go rogue and just become an outspoken warrior against BRA. One of the few who has the moxie to stand up to the groids and shut their BS down.
Mr Gowdy, your people await your leadership on this matter. You'll get a lot of flak, but stay strong and know your position will be rewarded with a nation's support.
The time is now...
Groids: The Ultimate Weapon Of Mass Destruction.
Were they invented in a weapons lab in Russia? What they've done to the USA is beyond the wildest wet dream of the most psychotic enemy weapons designer!
The idea that Blacks need a break from policing; that Blacks aren't scary is very typical of Black thinking. Someone commented recently about the behavior of Black toddlers being out of control as well. This is well known and accepted by Blacks.
I was a teacher for a few years and Black parents dismiss any comments about behavior and suggest you can't do your job or, you guessed it, you have your own racism to deal with. We're talking very young Blacks slapping, hitting and spitting on other kids with a big dumb grin on their face. They have no conception of right or wrong behavior. They are just "playin" and the parents angrily press the point that their child has the right to "express themselves".
It's all perspective. A White person will express disappointment at a missed promotion by drinking or being irritable for a few days. A Black person will react to a perceived slight (real or imagined) by bashing your head in and doing 20 years for the pleasure of having done it.
Don't be "nice", be on guard. Your Black fellow citizens are dumb as doorknobs, highly lewd and sexual and angry with anyone who doesn't sate all their needs immediately.
This is why order, laws, policing and any social boundaries are highly offensive to Blacks. Blacks want to have sex with your women, but you can take care of the kids. They want all your money, but you can go to work and earn it. They want to own the streets, but you better pay taxes to fix everything and keep it up.
Once you understand how they think, you'll avoid them at all costs. If you have to move, bail as soon as you can. Living in an area with no Blacks is so much better than you can imagine. You'll find you don't even think about Blacks unless you see them chimping on TV in some wasteland of a liberal city somewhere.
Let's face it, her "campaign letter" wasn't for her potential black constituents. Do you think they read in general, nevermind campaign paraphernalia? It was written for the white media in Baltimore to show she was an acceptable candidate, and who would then go on to inform the public that she was the black candidate for the hivemind to vote for.
"In NRx terms, we should indeed lose progress, not because it is a jump ahead, or backwards, but because it is an exit or escape from the present. Very important point for women."
What the hell are you talking about?
Mosby's rushing through with the charging of the 6 cops was the "white collar" equivalent of young Tyreke shooting up a fried chicken restaurant at 2 AM because someone spilled a soda on his new sneakers.
Parroting YT words and sentiments in a relatively grammatically correct, low to no profanities content is a guaranteed pass to the front for the gibs muh dat.
This is why democratic government cannot survive universal enfranchisement. Idiots get political power without understanding that what they think they want has devastating consequences.
Nope. Time and time again blacks prove that they aren't capable of analytical thinking. Their iqs are simply too low, and their levels of narcissism are too high.
AG Mosby, is burning the candle at both ends, and at the same time. Thats very hard to do. Gots to be down with the bros, I bees on your side. Yet look like she belongs in her advanced position.
Keep up the show Marilyn, people will forget the disaster you have caused, just give it time.
@Platinum EBT Card Holder:
"Words have no meaning to them. This is why they have no trouble lying"
Another great "in a nutshell" description of black people. These lies are probably 99% of the reason a white girl has ever dropped her pants for them.
Every day it becomes more evident, there is absolutely no reasoning with this subhuman race.
If you stop and really think about it, I mean seriously think about it, the money spent by our government to try and help these people is staggering.
How much will we spend this year? How much has been spent already?
Can you imagine a 1.8 billion dollar government grant for curing cancer?
How about a 1.8 billion dollar grant to improve our schools and teachers salaries?
Would these grants even be necessary or would we already be living in a land our forefathers had envisioned if not for the negro? A land with little crime, strong boarders, clean cities, a more robust economy and many,many other benefits of living negro free.
There is no way to tally up all the money we have given the negro. I hope one day we as a nation wake up and realize this experiment has failed.
Trey would get a lot of flack but his district has such a small percentage of nogs and DWL's it wouldn't matter. If he would do it he'd be the best leader we've had in a long long time.
This she Mosby is incompetence defined, I guess that's just par for the course. Any AA nog is about as useful as well a nog. With all of these little gems coming to light this farce of a trial is going to be interesting. I bet the police officers will have the best real lawyers money can buy and making Mosby look dumb won't take any effort at all, she's doing a good job on her on. When this trial and the bongo party afterwards is over how much of the city will be standing?
Good for the Baltimore PD, stay away from their hoods and let them do what Africans do. Carcass removal is much easier and better than ape wrangling.
What's the difference between a conservative area with low negro infestation and a libtarded area with high negro infestation?
In Libtardimore, Maryland, a negro heroin dealer dies in police custody, the city administration stands by the negroes and the negroes go nuts, riot, loot and burn. And the MSM goes nuts too.
In my conservative area, a groid goes into a store, pulls a gun on the female clerk and starts marching her behind the counter. Her friend (who's sitting outside the store in his car) sees what's happening, gets his gun, goes inside and shoots the negro dead on the spot. The police say no charges will be filed. The local MSM doens't go nuts defending the dead fool and the apes dare not riot and show their asses because no one will put up with it.
Vive la differance!
OT; My husband and I, northerners, LOVE Trey Gowdy. It is a real joy to hear a White man speak the truth and pull no punches. Wish he would run for POTUS.
Marilyn Mossback is a self-serving lier. As noted by many, that's what negroes do - lie. And though they do it all the time, they never get any better at it because their brain power is so very limited. The very first time I heard her speak it was OBVIOUS how truly limited she is. It was painful to watch her (the mayor too). Try watching Carly Fiorina speak. Whether you like her or not, she is obviously extremely intelligent. White people who aren't wearing blinders can readily see the difference between these two women.
Including Negroes always means lowering standards. Even if they weren't violent, malicious retards, they would still hold us back. Imagine our cities without them. Imagine our schools. Imagine our civil society. Imagine our colony on the Moon and our outpost on Mars. We will go so far without them. This is the 21st Century. The negro has no place in it
Nick A. Pinny said:
Not unlike the overwhelming majority of nigrahs, Mosby reminds one of the vicious, unrepentant, evil little bastard of kid who savagely kills his parents and then implores the court for mercy on the basis that he/she is now an orphan.
Mentally retarded Nogs like Mosby and all the rest of them in that shithole of a city she runs, are now paying the price their Alinskyite puppeteers deliberately exacted - but who themselves have the money and resources to escape. Not a single one of these black, childlike street urchins have the requisite gray matter to put two and two together with respect to how they're being manipulated and used as cannon fodder in a social revolution being led by white liberals who hate them far more than any racist Ku Klux Klan member ever could.
John Wayne Gacy once said, "The only thing they can get me for is running a funeral parlor without a license." Gacy was way ahead of his time, and clearly must have had a lot of black blood in his genes, because effectively that is precisely how predominately black cities are now being run. Think of it as a grand "Jury Nullification" party with "Blacks Only" on the courtroom entrance.
To Anon at 7:50 am. Your story makes me so happy.
'"We know that the more inclusive the neighborhoods are, the more robust your economy, the better the schools are, the jobs."'
change one word to EXCLUSIVE and bingo.
Oh the rainbow of inclusive vibrancy, Trayvon can ya feel it?
OT, but a sobering account of what public educators deal with while trying to educate these low IQ idiots.
Anon said:
"Let's face it, her "campaign letter" wasn't for her potential black constituents. Do you think they read in general, nevermind campaign paraphernalia? It was written for the white media in Baltimore to show she was an acceptable candidate, and who would then go on to inform the public that she was the black candidate for the hivemind to vote for."
Correct. Actually, it's a bit naïve to try and play "gotcha" with any politician. They always make the same noises. White pols do this as a matter of course. Politicians Lie. It's how they get elected.
Now, here's the difference in black rule and White rule: The White pols (99% of whom are LIARS) still have an inherent respect for law and order. They may suppress it for pandering purposes (De Blasio) or they may emphasize it for electoral advantage (Nixon).
The White pols also understand economic cause and effect. So, while lining their own pockets, they will also tend to pursue policies that allow the general public to work hard and get ahead. These crooked White politicians are essentially a cost of doing business in the USA, and have been tolerated as such for decades.
Now let's look at black "rule". They too will make noise about violence, but it's seldom in support of enforcing the law. Most often, it is a plea or demand for GOV monies. GOV (our) monies received will disappear into the black hole of the "community".
Let's look at black graft. Like White politicians, a black official's goal is power and self-enrichment. But they have less finesse about it, and their policies often chill private enterprise. The "projects" that they use to scoop money from, are the kind of projects that add to the tax burden and stimulate little to no future investment. Things like "youth centers" actually create a deleterious effect as opposed to a beneficial one.
So, we can safely ignore Mosby's ritualized chants about "new ideas" and remedial measures. In the same way, her orders to enforce law at the drug corner where Freddie was run down should properly be seen as symbolic measures, something she could site in some future report. She and the Police know the corner will continue to function in the community as a market-place for drugs. There is no serious intent to eliminate the drug trade, people! You run a symbolic, timed-out effort. It's like writing more speeding tickets- it isn't going to stop speeding, just show you "tried" to do something about it. It becomes part of a report and the official record.
Conclusion: White and black politicians are all thieving liars; White politician's lies are largely harmonious with the common weal, essentially skimming off the interest on an investment; blacks are destructive of the common weal and deplete the capital of social and economic investment itself.
Nick A. Pinny - I LOVE your name. I'm thinking of Morch Ponkey for me.
To NORDIC CAUCASOID - Posting that letter on every street corner in Baltimore was my first thought; as well as every convenience store, liquor store, pawn shop, basketball court, weave salon and blood-buying location. I just love your imaginative and stylish idea to post them with syringes. You have the soul of an urban artist.
Dolezal: She still say she a sista:
"I hope that that can drive at the core of definitions of race, ethnicity, culture, self-determination, personal agency and, ultimately, empowerment," she said..."
Keep chanting, "girl"!
A black couldn't lead a "1 'man' marching band".
Spot on!!! I concur and you have them figured out to a Tee! Since they are a protected class you best believe that your best option is to avoid at all costs. You cannot win in a legal sense. Anything you do will be viewed as racism and you will lose. The option you have and it's the only one is avoid their asses like the Black Plague of death. This is not America anymore as we once knew it. The 50s are gone and my grandfather used to say that black man will be your boss one day. He also knew that tensions would run high. The more YT wake ups the better we all will be!
Attorneys use Esq behind their name. Nothing surprising about that.. What is surprising as that idiot passed the bar!!! Wonder how many times she had to take it??? Maybe Mosby will give Dozedal a job now????
LOVE THIS SITE! TYPING CAPS for a reason. WHEN YOU RESPOND TO A POST USE THE REPLY RIGHT UNDER IT. Makes it easier to follow the original thread instead of using name and time tag.
The baron yeah it wasn't a bad movie I did like Chris Pratt since I saw him in GOTG. spoiler alert, tons of people got eaten in that movie.
To Anon - Re Dolezal saying:
"I hope that that can drive at the core of definitions of race, ethnicity, culture, self-determination, personal agency and, ultimately, empowerment,"
I have no idea what that string of words means. Because it means absolutely nothing. She may be White, but this is typical negro jibberish.
Anon at 9:17 - I don't know how to do what you are suggesting. I'm on an iPad. The only option I see is to post in "Leave your comment" section.
OT, but in honor of Ramadan beginning tomorrow at sundown, I'd like to share a touching remembrance of RACIAL & RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE.
Back in the 90's, at a Fortune 500 manufacturing company where I worked, a department secretary went on vacation for a week. Temp hired - a large, young black woman with black shawl draping head. In accordance with her devout Muslim beliefs, she was fasting from sunup to sundown in observance of Ramadan. Therefore, she was VERY tired, dizzy and weak. So, she dozed at her desk all day and did no work. Another temp was hired to actually do the work. Both were paid. There now, isn't that a beautiful story? I think Julie will appreciate this tale.
P. S. I really admired the black temp's fortitude and work ethic. She could have sat at home sleeping, but instead she came to work each day, slept and got paid. Only in America!
"We know that the more inclusive the neighborhoods are, the more robust your economy, the better the schools are, the jobs."
According to Goldberg... Never mind the NOBODY will ask him to give one example, nor can he.
More anti-white destruction of civilization by the usual suspects.
I noticed in the video that YT has failed this vibrant African community by not cleaning up all the trash that is in the lots and street. Where are all the White church people cleaning up after the Africans and don't forget to wash their nasty feet.? My granddaughter got home from Vacation Bible School Monday afternoon and she had a zip lock bag with instructions to fill it up for Hatian children. I guess I don't have to share my feelings about helping those hopeless creatures. You know those Africans that slaughtered all the French people on the island so they could have their own slice of heaven here on earth. How did that work out? About on par with every other Hell Hole that Africans are in charge of. We could spend the rest of our live filling up goodie bags, digging wells, building homes for ungrateful slugs. Life is way too short to waste time on that lost cause.
Another @anon 9:17
When on my PC I am not given the option to reply to posts, but on my Ipod I am. I do a lot of reading on my Ipod for convenience, but I can type 100 times faster using a real size keyboard and screen. If you note the time of the post it is easy to find things here.
On another note, it looks like Baltimore is turning its rec centers into "tech centers":;_ylt=AwrXnCUdWoBVC3wAnyfQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByYnR1Zmd1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--
Many of the more promising jobs that do exist, Coy said, are out of reach for many -- a study done by the Economic Alliance of Greater Baltimore found that there were 20,800 vacant jobs in technology. Those are jobs with an average salary of $85,000, and 36% of which don't require a college degree.
For Baltimore, a city where certain neighborhoods have seen up to 20% unemployment, there's a woeful gap.
"These [jobs] in the tech community are not being connected to those populations that have the highest unemployment. The question is: Why is that, and how do you bridge that gap?" Coy said.
Incompetence and a lack of a desire to learn or better themselves in any way, perhaps?
Just put all these blacks in rooms with computers and watch the magic happen. I wonder why this hasn't been thought of before? We all know self-discipline and hard work are hallmarks of the negro population. Self-starters, every last one of them.
"We know that the more inclusive the neighborhoods are, the more robust your economy, the better the schools are, the jobs."
The only inclusive neighborhoods that answer this description are those that are inclusive of blue, green, hazel, and brown-eyed White people. Take the "inclusion" much beyond that and you run right aground.
My granddaughter got home from Vacation Bible School Monday afternoon and she had a zip lock bag with instructions to fill it up for Hatian children.
Why not do the same for white people who are being ethnically cleansed in South Africa-Zimbabwe? There should be some sort of fund to support them.
"I was a teacher for a few years and Black parents dismiss any comments about behavior and suggest you can't do your job or, you guessed it, you have your own racism to deal with."
I, personally, have known good teachers who got burned out and quit teaching for that very reason.
I also know a lady who raised three boys, each of which had 3 boys, the youngest grandson being by her son's 2nd, black wife. guess which is the only grandchild to be a problem, even though they ended up dumping him off on the grandmother when he was very young?
Anonymous said...
OT, but in honor of Ramadan beginning tomorrow at sundown, I'd like to share a touching remembrance of RACIAL & RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE.
Back in the 90's, at a Fortune 500 manufacturing company where I worked, a department secretary went on vacation for a week. Temp hired - a large, young black woman with black shawl draping head. In accordance with her devout Muslim beliefs, she was fasting from sunup to sundown in observance of Ramadan. Therefore, she was VERY tired, dizzy and weak. So, she dozed at her desk all day and did no work. Another temp was hired to actually do the work. Both were paid. There now, isn't that a beautiful story? I think Julie will appreciate this tale.
P. S. I really admired the black temp's fortitude and work ethic. She could have sat at home sleeping, but instead she came to work each day....
Our country has a tremendous reservoir of talent throughout our African-american communities. Despite the obstacles put in front of black folk, they still manage to succeed with such wonderful results. Today we watch as millions of aliens flow into the country. The Republicans applaud this lawlessness, because they want to use these people in their factories and mines and pay them almost nothing. We should be looking to our black youth for this energy and enthusiasm. If you have ever worked with African-americans, black African-americans in particular, you know that they are simply the hardest working people on earth.
You will always see the black folk arrive early for work, skip breaks and provide so much innovation during the work day. They are so cheerful and positive that it lifts the spirits of everyone around them. I was in one of the fast food places the other day and the staff were all completely black. They were singing and dancing about as they filled orders. There was the thump thump of hip-hop that filled the restaurant and I soon found myself tapping my foot to the beat.
There are many jobs in the high tech area and in medicine that are open but are not recruiting black African-americans. Most black folk are natural coders and can create wonderful websites and machine instructions. Many would make fine doctors with just a minimum of training. But these jobs are closed off to the black community. The only jobs that have been opened for black folk seem to be on TV news shows and they do a wonderful job there.
"My granddaughter got home from Vacation Bible School Monday afternoon and she had a zip lock bag with instructions to fill it up for Hatian children."
And Christianity fails us yet again.
Many blacks say the main reason these 'thugs' behave like this, is because lack of jobs and opportunities. From what I saw in those 'unrests' (code word for looting, arson and riots) in Ferguson and Baltimore is that most of those morons looked so flat out stupid they would have to take their (looted Air Jordans) shoes off and pull their pants down another 3 inches to be able to count to 21. Not really big demand for that in the job market, unless you count the 'NBA' and Govt. made up nothing feel good jobs.
Sometimes I really wonder if the black man's ideal woman is a white woman who could just barely pass for black.
The current focus on the female race pimp at the Spokane NAACP is actually a good thing for realism. Black women have always held animosity towards bi-racial black women because they are seen as (and are) more desirable than pure negro. The hair, the sometimes reduced nose, behaviors and attitudes that are much less masculine and hostile- and this doesn't even function in their slightly increased cranial capacity.
Are Melissa Hariss Sperry and Brittany "Sowess" Cooper equally black?
The first would say yes, the latter no. When there are no whites in the picture, the lowest on the totem pole is now the half-breed. I would like to hear more national dialog on the distinction of what makes one person "authentically black" vs. someone who isn't. The "white privileges" that these half-breeds have growing up under the care of loving and doting white mothers give them stark advantages when compared to their darker "sista's" and "brotha's". This isn't fair, this privilege needs to be waved in mulatto faces for years to come, to uncover and avenge this injustice.
If someone is not fully black, does their life not fully matter? I am now demanding answers...
I would partially disagree with the assertion that "progress has lost."
For at least a year I have been calling for police to stop policing blacks.
You've seen my question in this forum...."If blacks do not want to be policed, why do we insist on policing them?"
Many writers and commentators far wiser than I have written knowledgeably about well-established precedents in answer to this question.
Many large cities in this country have different areas, boroughs, districts, etc in which city laws and statutes are interpreted and enforced differently based on the cultures, customs, and local desires of the inhabitants of those different areas.
Apparently in NYC, laws that are strictly enforced in, say, Soho, are not enforced at all in, say, TriBeCa.
The people who live in these areas like it that way.
Same thing here.
Blacks do not want to be policed. They have made it damn near impossible for police to function in black areas.
Fair enough. No problem.
Negroes say "no justice no peace".
I say " Justice is no police".
The unwillingness of police to enforce the law in Negro areas is most definitely progress.
Please don't invoke all those po' hard working law-abiding blacks who obey the law and just want to go to work, pay taxes, and raise their chillun da bes' dey can.
They ALL vote for Obongo, black mayors, governors, police chiefs, DA's, school superintendents, and congressmen, and they ALL believe that white racism is the sole cause for negro dysfunction, and they are ALL getting exactly what they deserve, good and fucking hard.
Zero sympathy. Let them continue to de-evolve and destroy each other. Good riddance.
Julie - I agree that there is a vast reservoir of black-African-American talent that contributes to our quality of life daily, whether it be their irresistibly toe-tapping hip hop music or their cheerful and helpful nature. I experienced this several times a year when my dad was still alive takng him to the V,A. Hospital in East Orange, NJ. It was a veritable ocean of black-AAs. Besides their pleasant expressions, courteous behavior and attentive service and care, my dad and I particularly appreciated that a visit that should have taken 1-1/2 hours at most always took 3-4 hours. It was very relaxing not to rush and to simply accommodate ourselves to their leisurely equatorial pace. Their complete lack of urgency, or even simple awarenes of time, was refreshing and allowed us to stop and smell the roses along the way. And I was always so grateful when my car was still intact when we finally left.
If I hear "white privilege" one more time I'm gonna snap!
Julie you are kidding right? That sounds like some magical black world like the examples shown on tv or movies.
Well, as usual the negro is a wordy beast, but I think you can ignore most of the flim flam that spans across multiple paragraphs into one:
"When thugs and murderers control our neighborhoods from jail and our mothers, grandmothers and children are afraid to walk down the streets in their own communities for fear of being robbed, hurt, and or intimidated by gangs, we are failing in every sense of the word."
This above quote should be under her image in everyone's new avatar. So when you fail to stand up to gangs you are failing in every sense of the word. Think you're being a bit hard on yourself, Mosby the esquire? I didn't think so either.
-Trigger Lover
Nick A. Pinny said:
One of the main problems in hiring blacks, in ANY capacity and at any level of "presumed" educational or vocational competence, is that you also have to hire a "complementary" Caucasian or Asian to actually do their assigned work in their respective job descriptions. This is an actual, real life fact. Trust me on this.
Corporate personnel managers and their respective boards of directors all know this as well as they know their own right hands but dare not say a thing about it, no matter what the cost or waste of resources, human or otherwise. And the most galling part of all this is that to a man every single one of these knuckle-dragging, affirmative action hires all think they're "performing" better than their white counterparts and spend most of their time at "work" asking for raises in between their jive-ass, adolescent gimmee behavior.
I now despise just about everyone in positions of political power, at ALL levels of government. We simply cannot recover from what the Alinskyites and multi-billionaire internationalists have done to America in the last 50 years, and when it all comes down around our ears you had all better know exactly what the 2nd amendment means and exactly why it exists.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure." Thomas Jefferson
Anonymous said...
"My granddaughter got home from Vacation Bible School Monday afternoon and she had a zip lock bag with instructions to fill it up for Haitian children."
And Christianity fails us yet again.
June 16, 2015 at 11:33 AM
not Christianity! its liberalism, I would wish fellow Whites would stop bashing it. I don't even like what its become, like the other poster said. why not help fellow Whites in S.A.
"There was the thump thump of hip-hop that filled the restaurant and I soon found myself tapping my foot to the beat."
Sorry but I haven't laughed that much since Rex Hymens shared his casino adventure. If you were my daughter Julie, I would offer you as the highest of honors to the nearest negro male with a pulse and a sense of adventure.
My granddaughter got home from Vacation Bible School Monday afternoon and she had a zip lock bag with instructions to fill it up for Hatian children.
take her outta 'school;' and teach her 'charity begins at home' and 'kin altruism'.
"When thugs and murderers control our neighborhoods from jail and our mothers, grandmothers and children are afraid to walk down the streets in their own communities for fear of being robbed, hurt, and or intimidated by gangs, we are failing in every sense of the word."
Poor limited Marilyn. Words are not her strong point.
The word "jail" should read "prison".
The word "hurt" should be replaced with "knifed, shot, beaten, murdered and raped", and "family members and neighbors" should follow "gangs".
"Great-grandmothers" should be added to the list of those afraid since most black girls have their first child before age 15.
There, much better.
"My granddaughter got home from Vacation Bible School Monday afternoon and she had a zip lock bag with instructions to fill it up for Haitian children."
That's because there are NO White people, NO White children in need in the ENTIRE USA. Also, it's just so much more rewarding to send our dollars to foreigners. I could throw up.
The Orientals and the Mestizos revere fair skin. One of the standards of beauty for their women is light and flawless skin. They hold it in high regard. A beautiful white skinned Korean or Chinese woman with perfect skin, bright intelligent eyes and deep red lips...on par with the beauty of our own women.
Interesting, though...for decades our White women have been indoctrinated with the concept that a deep dark tan will enhance their beauty and sex appeal.
To me, their is nothing less attractive than an overly tanned white woman...even a mild to moderately tanned white woman holds no attraction to me. A fair skinned blonde haired-blue eyed beauty...or a snow white skinned beauty with dark glimmering hair and sparkling brown eyes...these are standards of beauty that a tanned leather-skinned White woman cannot compete with.
(Wake up, women!)
Being fair skinned, I never purposely stay in the sun just to darken my skin. Why would I? I'm proud of who I am...White and European.
Philadelphia Mike
Culture of distrust? Isn't culture of distrust completely synonymous with black culture? You think that they can 'trust' their neighbors to not rob them blind the second the opportunity strikes?
If anything, the police are a million times more dependable than any of their community "neighbors" are. Could you imagine losing a loved one in a city that had regressed to the black mean? Good luck ever finding out who killed your loved one, even if there were over a dozen witnesses. About the only thing that your neighbors could be trusted with would be not doing the right thing. Keep people from owning up to their crimes and avoid punishment so that they can do it over and over to other victims.
We need to do the opposite of giving them space to destroy. We need to corral them into a few metropolitan areas where they can dish out pain on their lifeless concrete surroundings and on each other. A zero sum game where nothing is created, everything must be stolen or taken from its rightful owner in order to get ahead.
When you don't have the capacity to envision great things you cannot create, and you lack the means and foresight to restore what needs replenishing and what needs rethinking. White people do this because it is fun and comes natural to them. White people don't need to be bribed to do work or to create great things. We don't need to be convinced that being nice to each other is a good thing. Our trust and openness makes for great collaborative possibilities, as long as said collaborators do not try to lie, undermine, and steal from us at every turn.
We are just great without them, they are hopeless without us. That is their (and unfortunately our) dilemma.
"We hired (forced) you because you are black, we are firing you because you are worthless"....Quick get Al, Jesse and the ACLU.
Anonymous said...
Julie - I agree that there is a vast reservoir of black-African-American talent that contributes to our quality of life daily...
.... It was very relaxing not to rush and to simply accommodate ourselves to their leisurely equatorial pace. Their complete lack of urgency, or even simple awarenes of time, was refreshing and allowed us to stop and smell the roses along the way. And I was always so grateful when my car was still intact when we finally left.
I am happy to see there are others here that share my appreciation of the Afro-american lifestyle. So many people are rushing back and forth in a frenzy to be productive. Africans have an innate understanding of how pointless that is. Slow down, stop paying attention to details. Look at the big picture and you will find yourself swaying to the gentle drum beat of the jungle. With just a little effort you can be Rachel Dolezar. A bit more effort and you could become Rachel Jeantel.
Nick A. Pinny said:
I must say that I am frankly astonished at the intellectual firepower in here. I truly mean it. And to think that we're all hillbillies and racists straight out of the movie, "Deliverance!"
I dare say, just about anyone regularly posting on PK's blog could make utter fools of just about any Ivy League "Liberal Arts" pinhead professor debating just about any subject you care to name. The Irony Meter would bust the glass and head out into space at Mach 20!
As for PK himself, I can't say enough about his critical thinking skills, wide field of knowledge and extraordinary writing abilities.
"My granddaughter got home from Vacation Bible School Monday afternoon and she had a zip lock bag with instructions to fill it up for Hatian children."
I can tell you what I'd put in it. Seriously though, time to start shopping around for a new church. Yours has been infiltrated and coopted by the Crystal Methodists.
I am now a part of a "culture of distrust".
I no longer trust our government or the EU government. I don't trust our politicians or our media.
I firmly believe without any wavering or doubts that there's an international agenda to undermine White European ethnicity.
The blacks aren't the only ones who are mistrusting these days. They have their own reasons for mistrust and we have ours.
Something's been amiss for quite a while now...brewing for decades.
Some artwork based on current events :
Philadelphia Mike, here.
I never quite got to the point that I was making.
I somehow think that something as small as indoctrinating our women into believing that a tan (i.e. dark skin) is more desirable and beautiful than white fair skin was just one more calculated move to tear at our European identity...ripping it apart,fiber by fiber.
Mosby is a lying hypocrite!
Every day is becoming more and more unbelievable.
I really wish I had the finances to move from this country. This country is going to collapse. A democracy never lasts for more than three hundred years and we are witnessing the beginning of the end.
Of all the Christian denominations, Catholicism always struck me as a more caring and inclusive group. Since all could be said to be a bunch of man-made stories anyway, why not choose the oldest one? One big theme of Jesus was his caring for the poor and the downtrodden. He didn't advocate endless welfare.
The problem is that while the caring and love and peacefulness appeal to my white sensitivities, it leaves me incredibly vulnerable to those who would choose to abuse my trust, faith, and resources. You now have both written and unwritten spiritual laws forbidding you from squaring off with your merciless adversary on equal terms. Take it to the extreme and you have Muslims killing people over drawings. It is hard to say where moral guidance ends and superstitious obsessive-compulsive ritual-like behavior begins in many of these religions, and why people are so convinced that devoting most of their waking hours to God will help God in any way. When people force themselves into strict moral codes of thought and behavior they leave themselves completely open to otherwise completely predictable and counter-able attacks.
Without blacks and other predators religion can actually be a boon to society, as that is where whites and other non-blacks can direct their resources for charity and helping their fellow man. The church has an organizational structure to help those truly deserving better than most outlets. It is the obsessive-compulsive let's make God the center of our every action and thought types that make me nervous. I don't like the thought of someone's cognitive dissonance leading them to try to direct my personal behavior. I've been told that the prophet even gave instructions on the number of stones followers were supposed to use when wiping their @sses.
Right now all of the Christian groups in the U.S. are not equipped with the resources and protocols to deal effectively with the undertow. Aside from the ones that sheltered rioters in Ferguson and Baltimore, that is. Most white people don't mind giving back their labor to pay for something that they are in need of- it is only fair, and who would want to steal from a church, anyway? Blacks. That's who, it's all part of the shake down shuck n' jive shuffle also known in the black communtee as 'the hustle'.
Maybe they could design a questionnaire that tricks people into being honest about their background and needs. "Please refrain from talking and just fill out the questionnaire", I would say, holding back a grin and a laugh in response to their baffled expression. Ways to show that they are full of it, dishonest, and are just trying to shake down an unwitting mark of their money and resources. They would cry racist, but I would remind them of who is potentially giving to who, and why anyone would care if they took their gibsmedat business elsewhere. You mean I don't have to smell you or hear your heavy panting anymore? And I can't give you any more free sh@t? Anything, anything but THAT!
"Dear Constituents of Baltimore City, Baltimore City has the potential to truly be "the greatest city in America"
Even the literate coonstituents must have crumpled the letter and tossed it, after reading that first sentence.
"When thugs and murderers control our neighborhoods"
Excuse me, but did you just call them the T-word? You might as well just call them niggers. Or so I am told.
Mel: "My granddaughter got home from Vacation Bible School Monday afternoon and she had a zip lock bag with instructions to fill it up for Hatian children."
It's too late now, but you could have enclosed a piece of paper, with a couple of paragraphs on why Haiti is a synonym for Hades today: because the slaves rebelled and murdered their masters. That is clearly unbiblical behavior, regardless what some DWL abolitionist might tell you. They turned the wealthiest country in the history of the world into Hell; and until they seek forgiveness from the French, they can f*cking rot in it.
"No soap for you."
--The Soap Nazi
Just bought "Bell Curve City" and spreading the word! Was in San Francisco over the weekend and they are preparing for "Pride Week" celebrations. It struck me Stonewall riots sparked the gay rights movement. San Francisco heavily into "gay rights" San Francisco very, very liberal San Francisco almost entirely white and Asian. Riots in cities about "civil rights" third world shit holes! The entire "color blind conservative" narrative is for fools!
Cab driver who lived in San Francisco for 50 years said there were only
8,500 blacks left in the city and the ghetto was almost non existent! I said "You say that like that is a bad thing." Cab driver said "It is if your black!" Ha Ha Ha Ha!
To make matters worse for the black woman in a white woman's body, she completely plagiarized a 150-year old painting. As one Twatter noted:
"Rachel Dolezal's painting The Shape of Our Kind is a near duplicate of J.M.W. Turner's 1840 The Slave Ship."
Just for a laugh maybe they should go back and read all of her personal essays and academic assignments to see how hard it was for her to grow up a poor poor black girl.
I gotta comment her on her BRA-speak, she is incredibly fluent in spewing out useless buzzwords that when strung together sound half-coherent but really aren't at all. She's incredibly talented for a black woman...
Nick A. Pinny said:
What would happen if every Caucasion in the country claimed he was black or part black? I mean, what could they do? How could they possibly handle the utter social and legal chaos?
Just think about how cool it would be to know your children now had a "chance" in the world and could get some do nothing AA gubmint job knocking down maybe 80 grand a year. Or maybe get elected mayor of some black city raking in 150 grand plus half a million in graft and kickbacks and then going home to a beautiful, quiet white suburb whilt the shit hole city burns! IOW, just like the Al Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons do!
I guess we can dream, eh?
* Hey Festus, those photos were real knee-slappers! We could all wear black afro wigs and demand some of these gubmint goodies and high-paying, no work, gubmint jobs!
I live in a predominately white suburban city in Ohio. Yesterday, during the late afternoon hours, a major flash storm hit our area and we lost power for about 5 hours. Some of my neighbors set up grills in front of their houses and started an impromptu block party distributing free hot dogs and soda.Some set up sprinklers for the kids to cool off since it was pretty warm and humid.
Imagine the same storm scenario but only in a Baltimore black neighborhood. Opportunistic stealing, fighting and general anti-social aggressive behavior would most likely occur. Does anyone doubt this? When given lemons, whites make lemonade while the negro allows the lemon to rot.
To Philadelphia Mike - I love your comments about White women tanning. I did it when I was young and stupid, but being pale and half Irish, I stopped torturing myself after college. I grew to detest the dirty, unnatural, leathery look of a tan. I haven't "sunned" in years and like the look of my pale skin. By the pool I'm in the shade; at the shore I'm under an umbrella. I have female friends and relatives who pursue a tan thinking it makes them look younger. It so doesn't. Thank you for a man's opinion. Young women (men too) should heed your advice.
To Anon at 5:32 - you do realize that behaving in such a pleasant and civilized manner during a power failure in a nice White town is tantamount to a micro-aggression? i hope the local papers don't get wind of this.
Anonymous said...
To make matters worse for the black woman in a white woman's body, she completely plagiarized a 150-year old painting. As one Twatter noted:
"Rachel Dolezal's painting The Shape of Our Kind is a near duplicate of J.M.W. Turner's 1840 The Slave Ship."
Just for a laugh maybe they should go back and read all of her personal essays and academic assignments to see how hard it was for her to grow up a poor poor black girl.
I gotta comment her on her BRA-speak, she is incredibly fluent in spewing out useless buzzwords that when strung together sound half-coherent but really aren't at all. She's incredibly talented for a black woman...
I agree with your observation. Dolezar is incredibly glib. She's really talented at bullshit and she knows it. She remains quite poised in view of how moronic she looks. She is going to be rehabilitated by the media and she'll be back in some capacity. I guarantee it.
What are best ways to spread the word about this site??
America is literally DYING for sites like this!! It's utterly infested!
Anon at 6:33. The best way to get the word out about PK's work is for black people to continue acting like retarded gang banging shit heads. I found this site after Saint Swisher (the college bound gentle giant Mike Brown) dindonuffin and got killed by the rayciss po-lice. Then the president told everyone that they were all "understandably mad", all while tear gassed nogs flipped cop cars. So I started go ogling things like
"Why are black people criminals"
"Why are black people violent"
"Why do black people vote democrat"
"What causes white flight"
"Section 8"
And SBPDL pops up. So more people will find their way here. The "Race Realist" and the Spoob alike.
In response to anon at 6:33 (informing people of sbpdl's existence)-
My new method is thus:
"We have no tolerance for people like you on these boards, why don't you go to a closeminded site like sbpdl where you would fit in perfectly! Racist!"
Nick A. Pinny said:
The above poster said, "I agree with your observation. Dolezar is incredibly glib. She's really talented at bullshit and she knows it. She remains quite poised in view of how moronic she looks. She is going to be rehabilitated by the media and she'll be back in some capacity. I guarantee it."
Um, you vastly understate it sir/madam. This psychotic broad in blackface with her meat grinder hair and talking like a jive-ass nog on coke is definitely "presidentential timber" in today's Third World Shithole called America. Hell, after Obama the "low information" voters in this country feeding at the public trough could be talked into electing OJ Simpson to POTUS. No one, not even the reincarnation of Idi Amin, could be worse than Obama or the Hildebeast.
Learn how to spell. "Loose" has a completely different meaning than "lose". You fucking inbreds do this on every forum and defeat the entire superiority argument by sounding just as ignorant as those you are writing about. Get a fucking dictionary Cletus. Not all of us are reading at your 1st grade level. Step it up.
"You will always see the black folk arrive early for work, skip breaks and provide so much innovation during the work day. They are so cheerful and positive that it lifts the spirits of everyone around them."
As usual, our sweet Julie describes black people and their work ethic to a T.
Regarding an attorney using "Esq." following her signature...
I looked it up. No attorney should ever use it about himself. Not in signing a letter. Not on a business card. Never. Mosby should know this. What a self-aggrandizing idiot.
Anonymous said...
Culture of distrust? Isn't culture of distrust completely synonymous with black culture? You think that they can 'trust' their neighbors to not rob them blind the second the opportunity strikes?
We all know they steal from us. They steal anything that isn't nailed down. If it's nailed down, they steal it, and the nails. But I once worked with a man who gave me an insight into relations within the coonmunity.
He had been a medic in the army. When he was stationed in South West Africa (now Namibia) they used to give free medical services to the local tribes. One day he was consulted by a couple with a sick child. He examined the child, and advised the parents that the boy needed to go to hospital. They said they couldn't do it.
He told them, if the boy doesn't go to the hospital, he will die. They said, then he must die.
He couldn't understand their attitude, and questioned them further.
The problem turned out to be that same culture of distrust. The father had to watch their few goats, and the mother had to stay home with the boy. If she had to take him to the hospital, there would be nobody to watch their home. Their neighbours would steal all their possessions.
Bearing in mind that these were small groups of nomadic Bushmen, where everybody knew everybody, and they were probably all related, and they probably owned next to nothing anyway, it blew my mind that they lived that way. Like animals.
My soon to be ex sister in law looks like beef jerky. Sun damage sponsored by Jack Links brand. Eeesh. Just turned 50 looks 64. Me 48 looks 29.
Soup. No soup for you!!
Hope you have prepped. Gas , survival food, keep your powder dry. Share with neighborhood. Sign at front with a shotgun she'll taped to it. God bless.
Snap them into a white priviledge Dafuq?. Tell the you just bought a great but rusty white privilege trailer.
btw Philly Mike. I too don't like tan over natural pale women. I prefer White all the way.
"Baltimore City"? Sorta like "Dee-troit City"? Gotta put the look-at-me into your pronouncification, eh Marilyn?
I'm pretty sure the name of the city is just Baltimore.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Learn how to spell. "Loose" has a completely different meaning than "lose". You fucking inbreds do this on every forum and defeat the entire superiority argument by sounding just as ignorant as those you are writing about. Get a fucking dictionary Cletus. Not all of us are reading at your 1st grade level. Step it up.
June 16, 2015 at 7:25 PM
When you say inbreds, do you mean inbred as the negroe slaves were inbred to get better field negroes?
Crystal Methodists!!!! Coffee blowing out the nose hilarious! Thank You, anon, for my new favorite label, Crystal Methodist!
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