Establishing a new and powerful migration pattern, black families fled their Cleveland neighborhoods in large numbers last decade. They transformed some inner-ring suburbs and brought new diversity to wealthier, outer suburbs.
"They're moving out because of crime and because of the schools," said Councilman Zack Reed, whose Ward 2 on Cleveland's southeast side lost 26 percent of its population. "Those are the two fundamental reasons that people leave."One of those areas profiled in the 2011 story from the Cleveland Plain-Dealer is Euclid, a city now majority black courtesy of black families fleeing the ruins of black Cleveland in search of another area black will inevitably ruin.
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Why do black "stop the violence" party's always end in violence? |
Which brings us to our tale of obvious blackness. [Teen killed at anti-violence gathering Sunday; 2 others also shot in Euclid,, July 18, 2016]
One person was shot to death during a “Stop the Violence Beach Party” at Sims Park Beach in Euclid Sunday.
According to a release from Euclid Police Department, there were 200 to 300 people at the party, which was held in the area of 23131 Lakeshore Blvd.
Police say a crowd had gathered on the beach, and at shortly after 8 p.m. unknown suspects fired shots and then fled on foot.
Although the intended target is unknown, a 19-year-old Euclid man was shot in the head and killed.
A 12-year-old boy was shot in the back and was hospitalized. His condition is not known.
Later in the evening at shortly after 9 p.m., an 18-year-old Euclid man was walking in the 24000 Lakeshore Boulevard when an unknown suspect fired multiple times at him from across the street, hitting the victim in the shoulder. The teen was hospitalized, and his condition is unknown.
No other injuries were reported in either incident, and no arrests have been made.
Police are investigating the possibility that the two incidents are related.No blacks, know peace.
Know blacks, no peace.
Eight words, eight syllables that tell the story of America perfectly.
Sounds like a revenge killing by police. Better get the DOJ out to investigate and call Andrews AFB to get AF-1 fueled up.
Just goes to show, without blacks, and the forced influx of Muslims;this would be the most modern, productive, progressive, civilisation on the planet. Population would be under control, easing the burden on resources, and environment. Manufacturing would ensure secure jobs for everyone, producing the most advanced products imaginable at a reasonable price. Cities would be safe, modern, and clean. No high crime areas, run down ghettos full of violent criminals would be a thing of the past.Degenerate, antievolutionary culture would have no market.Neither would cheap foreign made products produced overseas to profit no one but multinationals. Globalization will only result in more terrorism, as much as the idiot in chief likes to insist that it will be the cure for all our ills. Has he been right about any damn thing yet? Unemployment at record high numbers. Crumbling infrastructure. Politicians who are a waste of oxygen on both sides of the aisle. Secret trade deals, secret security deals with atomic weapon ambitious Muslim sword rattlers, secret deals with Clinton foundation influence peddling, it seems like everyone in a position of authority in this country is hell bent on destroying it on every front.
This needs to be passed along...
Hacked Messages of #BlackLivesMatter Leader Reveal Obama Admin’s Plan for ‘Summer of Chaos’ and Martial Law.
[This post originally appeared at Fellowship of the Minds on July 5. The information imparted takes on added significance in the wake of the widely-reported targeting of Dallas police officers on July 7 by black assailant Micah Xavier Johnson, who “‘said he was upset about the recent police shootings'” and ‘”at white people,'” according to Dallas Police Chief David Brown. ‘”He said he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.'” -Ed.]
U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch is coordinating with Democratic activists to so disrupt the upcoming Republican and Democratic National Conventions that martial law will be declared.
That’s the stunning discovery revealed in a series of direct messages between three activists.
Establishing a new and powerful migration pattern, black families fled their Cleveland neighborhoods in large numbers last decade. They transformed some inner-ring suburbs and brought new diversity to wealthier, outer suburbs.
Blacks also ruined the "inner ring" suburbs of Atlanta in the late 80s/early 90s, and enriched the outer ring suburbs with vibrant diversity as well, thanks in part to Oprah and her big flapping gums. Around that time, she had an episode filmed on location in Forsyth County, an outer-ring suburban county north of Atlanta, because Forsyth was one of the last remaining counties to actively shut-out blacks. Her audience members, mostly made up of Forsyth residents, stood up and defended their right to freely associate and choose their act that would ruin lives and careers if they tried it today. Still, thanks to her big mouth, Forsyth took a bunch of heat for being a "Jim Crow" holdout and eventually began changing. It's still majority white, mostly because it's still too far out for the negroes to travel. But the negroes effectively ruined inner-ring counties like Clayton, Henry, Douglas, Cobb, and DeKalb (which Oprah famously endorsed as the "best county for middle class blacks to live"). And just like Euclid in the article, DeKalb is also one of the best places to be randomly shot while walking down the street, which is sad...I lived and went to school there for almost a decade. This is another reason we left GA for good.
This black undertow is pushing whites further and further out, and is the main contributor to the hellacious traffic problem in the ATL. If whites could live in safe communities close to their jobs, they wouldn't have to drive over an hour from the northernmost exurbs (and through the urban jungle) just to get to work. I'm guessing Cleveland is the same way. Perhaps Brian in Ohio can confirm.
The end is closer than we think, folks. Buy extra ammo, keep your loved ones near, and get right with your Maker.
~Powder Hound
I do hope things get worse, far worse.
Only when the upper middle class, living in their master planned communities feel the pain, will they shed their delusions.
I do hope it occurs in my lifetime, so I can see something resembling progress one godamn time in my life. Preferably while I'm still able and my eyesight is good.
"Police are investigating the possibility that the two incidents are related."
Perhaps they're somehow related to why Cleveland is such a sewer that even the blacks don't want to live there anymore? Perhaps they're related to low IQ, poor impulse control and low repeat allele MAOA gene? Could there be some relation to the number of sub-humans in a population and the frequency of violent crime?
I think that almost everybody notices this giant black African elephant in the room. This collective insanity of pretending it isn't here or if we ignore it it will go away is as unsustainable as a first world civilization containing blacks.
Euclid used to be a very nice suburb of Cleveland that whites fled to in order to get away from our domestic terrorist dindu's, but as we all know how it goes, the parasite needs to eat, and in order to do so they must follow the whites wherever they go. This is why the documentary "Spanish Lake" hit so close to home for me.
The same way it happened in St. Louis is the same exact way it happened in Cleveland and it's surrounding suburbs. There are around 50 suburbs that exist within the Cleveland 441 zip code. Out of those 50, it is easy to say that around 35 of them suburbs are now majority black.
The cancer is spreading far and wide. It used to only be the inner ring suburbs that were connected to the city limits of Cleveland itself where the majority of them spread to, but once them cities were consumed by this parasitic cancer, it was off to the outer suburbs that the cancer spread to. I've seen it all take place right before my very own eyes. There isn't a place within the 441 zip code that is safe to call home. The n*ggers are everywhere. They've basically consumed the whole city now. There is only a handful of suburbs left in the city of Cleveland that hasn't succumbed to this death spreading cancer. The only thing that keeps them cities from being consumed is that they are the more wealthy cities where the property values remain high enough where 1. they've managed to fight off "suction ape" moving into the city, and 2. even the gub'ment employed make work AA appointed n*ggers can't afford to move into because of how high the property values remain. Of course the property values remain high in these few suburbs because of how high the % of whites still live there. When the whites do decide to sell, they make sure to sell to other whites, just to do what they need to do to protect the property values and the city itself from the dindu tribe. This is real life here in Cleveland.
Check out the population stats of the city of Solon, Ohio, an outer suburb of Cleveland. A city that was built by white people fleeing the city of Cleveland to get away from the Dindu tribe, is now in the process of succumbing to the black cancer. It won't be soon before long before this once prosperous city is nothing more than just another black filled ghetto. It's downright depressing to see these once beautiful majority white cities falling to the wayside of the black cancer. This just goes to show me that no city is immune from the black cancer, it's all just a matter of time.... The only difference between Cleveland and Chicago are the names of the cities. The rest is all the same. Black cancer moves in, whites move out, in droves. RIP Solon, Ohio. Just another once beautiful American city that isn't American anymore, it's African. It's been hit with the black curse, the black cancer. Solon, along with Euclid, will never again be the city it once used to be... Just proving yet once again how these vile monsters are nothing like us. Their inferiority is a cancer that kills any and every city they invade. Like a cicada, hollowing out any real life that once existed in these now cancer ridden cities. It's quite disgusting to witness it take place right before your very own eyes, especially when there isn't a thing you can do about it yourself. I despise these savage monsters more than anything else combined in life itself...
Thanks for covering the story PK, much appreciated indeed.
And it doesn't stop there, either, because where there's Africans, there's violence.
So we bring to you.....
In other related Cleveland news:
CLEVELAND - Cleveland police are investigating after a number of overnight shootings left 1 person dead and 12 injured.
The first shooting happened at around 8:40 p.m. on Phillips Avenue, where a 24-year-old man was shot in the back and taken to the hospital.
Shortly after that, at East 117th and Sellers, two women were the victims of multiple gunshot wounds. One of them died from her injuries. The other woman was shot in the back and legs. Witnesses say that this was a drive-by shooting.
At around 1:20 a.m. Saturday, at East 30th and Superior, a man was the victim of multiple gunshot wounds.
About 40 minutes later, five people were shot outside The Agora, at 54th and Euclid Avenue. Police say that there were multiple shooters at this scene, as bullet casings from three different guns were found. They also tell Fox 8 that all the victims and witnesses at this shooting were being uncooperative. Detectives are continuing their investigation Saturday.
At 3 a.m., a man was shot at East 64th and St. Clair. He was taken to the hospital.
And shortly before 4 a.m., at East 55th and Payne, 2 men and one woman were the victims of gunshots as well.
According to a release from Euclid Police Department, there were 200 to 300 people at the party, which was held in the area of 23131 Lakeshore Blvd. . . Although the intended target is unknown, a 19-year-old Euclid man was shot in the head and killed.
The incident is probably called a murdercide. It is true that the shooter probably committed felony murder when it killed the Euclid groid while attempting to kill a different groid, but anyone who dies while deliberately attending a gathering of 300 blacks on a beach without a heavy police presence has committed suicide. Perhaps the shooter can use the suicide as its defense because the suicide was in progress before a shot rang out.
The guns and the gun lobby will get the blame as always when it comes to this Obama will issue a few executive Orders confiscating all privatly owned guns and send in the BATFE or the UN Blue Helmets to do his biding just like the Galactic Empire used its Imperial Storm Troopers
"They transformed some inner-ring suburbs and brought new diversity to wealthier, outer suburbs."
Notice the article doesn't state what they transformed the inner ring suburbs into. I'm sure the homeowners in the wealthier suburbs loved their new diverse property values.
One person was shot to death during a “Stop the Violence Beach Party”
Why don't they hold "Start the violence" rallies? Given black contrariness, such rallies might end without any shots ringing out!
Would such shootings have happened had Euclid been a Sundown Town?
Just askin...
Officer shot in 'vicious' attack on Milwaukee's south side, suspect dead | Local News - WISN Home
Germany axe attack: Assault on train in Wurzburg injures HK family - BBC News
It's always horrifying to see previously safe neighborhoods turned into negro cesspits of violence along with all their other dysfunctions. Neighborhoods that used to be high end areas become the worst zip codes in America thanks to negroes.
They really should be forced to permanently stay in the areas they've ruined and not be allowed to migrate out to ruin other areas. The entire pattern is so well and thoroughly documented that it's disgusting that it's allowed to continue. Equally disgusting are the libtards that make excuses for them and feel sorry for them.
As is, negroes can run from one area to another but the one thing they can never run from is their own primitive selves and their dysfunctional and destructive nature's.
Segregation was the answer. It still is.
They're almost as predictable as they are pathetic. So this "teen" would still be alive today if he had been ANYWHERE ELSE but at a black anti-violence gathering. Is the whole point of Black Lives Murder that blacks don't have the capacity to care about each other, so once again whites have to step up to the plate?
And once again, we have blacks migrating because they are incapable of building anything themselves and are constantly on the lookout for things to commandeer and destroy. They must be really grateful for all the work whites do building so as to leave them with more targets to infest and destroy.
But of course, black lives matter, even though I'm sure no one saw nut'in.
Every day these subhuman become even bigger parodies of themselves, and they are the only ones who don't seem to get the joke. I guess when you're the joke it makes it that much harder to understand.
Black lives don't matter. Black lives murder.
Seeing a negro family moving onto your block should be met with the same emotion as seeing blood in your stool.
If blacks had any English comprehension skills the saying "Everywhere I go, there I am." Would explain their problem (and ours).
Nothing like a piece rally to get all the people that got something coming to them and use your piece to give it to them.
See, it's a sad lack of reading skills. I propose the government give me umpty million dollars to publish a study and purpose a high dollar solution.
Meanwhile, we just had a black sow lauded in the Kansas City Star for having her 3rd set of twins in 2 years. Thankfully one didn't make it so she only has 5 kids 2 and under. Keep those tax dollars coming YT!
Strange, usually a head shot is ineffective with negroes.
Scot Irish
Blacks can't even get together in a pair without posturing like Apes. What chance would a large group of them have to behave? Nomesayin?
Negroes moving to the suburbs to escape crime is as futile as trying to run away from your shadow.
And the police responded to this why??
Seriously. If blacks honestly feel that they are treaded so badly by police, why do they still call them?! STOP CALLING!!
The black community need to be de-policed. Officer`s, there`s nothing worth saving in the black community. It`s not worth your life.
Stay alert, stay alive.
They are just trying to flee themselves and their own behavior, that won't work, same as this. ... If you have a loaded cat litter box in one room in your house and move it to a different room, guess what? It still stinks no matter where you move it.
"No blacks, know peace.
Know blacks, no peace.
Eight words, eight syllables that tell the story of America perfectly."
I have an even simpler credo with four less letters:
No blacks, no blacks
No blacks, no blacks
Sure it's redundant, but it's easier to remember.
Shot in the back. They just busted one near where I am who had shot somebody in the back. No honor whatsoever among these creatures. Although as I say that I feel like I'm stating the obvious.
Wherever they go, chaos follows. You can set your watch by it. It's funny that the dysfunction that they are all fleeing somehow...seems to find them wherever they land? It's like the "skreets" and the "bilence" rent U-Haul trucks and follow these poor folks out to the suburbs. It's so sad how that happens.
When Trump gets elected, he should put all unemployed blacks to work building the wall with Mexico. If he could do that, think of the drop in crime nationwide that could be achieved. It might also give those blacks a sense of purpose, and maybe (a BIG maybe for sure) even a feeling of accomplishment and pride. Putting blacks to work and ending illegal immigration-killing two birds with one wall!
TRUMP 2016
There has been very little reporting of this in the Cleveland media. What is being reported over and over is that Melania Trumps' speech sounded like Michelle O's speech. The complete vice the media puts on stories like this is just so depressing. The truth is suppressed.
Euclid was a wonderful suburb fifty years ago, now it is another city on it's way to ruin. I know of a young couple that bought a home about 15 years ago in Euclid for $100k. They sold it three years ago for $23k and felt lucky to get out. Their credit is ruined.
Reading the paper or watching the news ,I'm always reminded of what a big racist I am by the media. Funny thing is , I never was until I started working with blax,reading the newspaper and watching the news.
Well, it is encouraging that blacks can be killed by head shots. After Joshua Bush, unfazed by the 9mm slug still in his head, I wasn't really sure. It's a pity that the story doesn't mention the type of firearm or ammunition used. This is something we need to know.
"They're moving out because of crime and because of the schools"
what's the point when they take the crime and bad schools with them? that would be like me moving from my house because of the allergens, and then planting ragweed when I got to the new house.
"I have always observed that wherever you find the Negro, everything is going down around him, and wherever you find the white man, you see everything around him improving."
Robert E. Lee
You can't have diversity without negative equity.
Yes powder hound cleveland is the same way.
Ohio born
Please tell me you are kidding? Those unemployed do not want to work! The ones that do work will continue to game the system. Claiming dependents on their tax return and any other scam they can get away with. The ones that don't work will continue holding their hand out and suck of the freebies they have never contributed to in the first place.
And if we're REALLY lucky we could dump them on the other side of the wall post-completion!
"They're moving out because of crime and because of the schools"
LMFBO!!!! And WHO ,pray tell,could these people be.Could it be the Amish.Or maybe Native Americans. Hmmmmm,I wonder.WHO could it be.Could it be White People marauding thru the neighborhoods. It could be.Like gremlins just appearing and disappearing before sunrise.I mean from what I see and hear in media,television and commercials all I see are white burglars and criminals.That must be it.It can't be the PEOPLE that live there.It can't be the people that make up a certain demographic that make a majority in these neighborhoods.There is just no way.It's not possible.
Blue Eyes Matter,
I'll also point out that without the black population (and to a lesser extent the Hispanic population) in this country so weighing the numbers down, the US would also rank at the top of the charts in terms of smarts. The Left, when it comes to "reforming" education into the propaganda, always cites how the US "trails 90 countries" when it comes to math, as if the country's children are all performing at a sub-par level rather, than the majority well above average and a unspoken segment far, far below average. If 80% of a class averages 88% and 20% are scores 10%, then the classroom average is a C-.
Sure seems to be a change from the days of Frankie Avalon & Annette Funicello. Hey! Since Hollywood is obsessed with remakes, they can do some modern beach party pictures! Beach Blanket Ammo, anyone?
Globalization will only result in more terrorism, as much as the idiot in chief likes to insist that it will be the cure for all our ills. Has he been right about any damn thing yet? Unemployment at record high numbers
Unemployment numbers are junk and have been for decades because they don't measure under-employment. There are also all kinds of exemptions that help lower the rate. For example if you can't work because of bad weather you are considered employed. So a logger that was unable to work because of heavy snow was actually employed during that time even though he made $0.
A lot of employers have switched to 30 hour "part time" positions to avoid having to pay benefits. That is the biggest problem with the current rate.
Some people don't seem to get that infrastructure (like streets) don't turn people into drug dealers and murderers.
In 1979, there was a nice section of Houston called Fondren Southwest. It had nice houses, but had been overbuilt with garden apartments to accommodate young people escaping the Rust Belt for jobs.
In the early 1980s, the energy boom went bust. The apartment owners went Section 8 and a lovely area became a ghetto almost overnight.
I stopped at a Denny's-style 24-hour coffee shop in the neighborhood at about 4:30 PM one day and was told by the cop working an extra job that the place would close in 30 minutes.
He said they started closing before dark, because the drug dealers would take over the booths and do business right at the tables.
It got so bad that within a few years, the owners of these 15-year-old, multi-million dollar apartment complexes abandoned them, further destroying home values.
Eventually, the homeowners associations sued them, and made them raze the empty ones and pay the homeowners something for the destroyed property values.
Their are still two walled communities in this neighborhood with multi-million dollar houses surrounded by ghetto trash and pawn shops and liquor stores. It looks like something you'd see in Brazil.
This fiasco was an accident brought on by an economic crash. Now they want to do it everywhere on purpose.
"They're moving out because of crime and because of the schools," said Councilman Zack Reed, whose Ward 2 on Cleveland's southeast side lost 26 percent of its population. "Those are the two fundamental reasons that people leave."
"They're moving out because of the blacks," said Councilman Zack Reed, whose Ward 2 on Cleveland's southeast side lost 26 percent of its population. "That is the fundamental reason that people leave."
The cultural vibrancy negroes bring to neighborhoods is legendary. Negroes make once expensive housing become really affordable in just five to ten years. So in a way, the negro is to be lauded for making housing more affordable in the suburbs. Negroes have already done wonders to the value of some inner city neighborhoods.
The fact that nobody wants to go out at night in these newly enriched, vibrant neighborhoods is a bit of a drawback, though, as is the fact that the remaining stores become either vacant and boarded up or quick marts.
If you have ever struggled in school over the hard coursework, you can now feel a bit smarter about attending classes. Again, thanks to the negro, you don´t have to be smart to be a ¨genius¨.
More negroes, more diversity, more crime, more filth, more violence, less prosperity, less safety. What, exactly, is there not to like, white man?
And if you are really good, work hard, and pay your taxes, Hillary Clinton will bring in even more Muslims to collect their ¨fair share¨ of your ¨White Privilege¨.
This was never about saving the white man, or the black man, for that matter. It is about arranging the social order in this country so that the productive few systematically die off (the low white birth rate) in favor of the high birth rate, non-productive, negro. Once YT is gone or reduced so far in numbers that he can no longer afford to support the negro, where the negro´s poke chop gwine come from?
What, negro? You didn´t think about that? How, EXACTLY, do you expect your handlers are going to treat you when the Golden Goose is dead? See, negroes, future time orientation (thinking about outcomes that result from your actions) really is kind of important. See, that is why it is important to pay attention in skoo. It isn´t just YT being all mean and sheeit. The future may look bad for our progeny, but for yours is just sucks. We´ll die out in a few generations. You folk are going to get a real up close and personal tour of Hell for however long this planet lasts. Just say´n.
Anonymous Plaga Negra said...
You can't have diversity without negative equity
They sort of go together, like love and marriage, don´t they?
Off topic but after hearing that the candidates were running neck and neck for weeks, now The New York Times and Huffington Post are attempting to convince everyone that Hillary has a 75% chance of winning.
In other words: "It's already decided, don't even look to the facts, just believe us, get depressed, and don't bother to vote."
The fact that they are shoving this in our faces at this moment as if it is legitimate main-stream news show that they are getting desperate. Don't fall for it. We are almost there, TPTB are pulling out all the stops to disenfranchise us and to tell us that Hillary is inevitable.
That fact that Hillary is neck and neck with Trump right now actually spells disaster for her. Double down people, these people are about as believable as Diamond Reynolds and her after the fact live stream.
"Obama will issue a few executive Orders confiscating all privatly owned guns"
No he won't. Short of a complete societal collapse and inviting in the Chinese army to "restore order", followed by a new constitution/government the American people will not be disarmed. The level of chaos required to get Americans to go along with a "no more guns" would be far greater than negroes could accomplish. In fact, in such a Mad Max scenario, virtually no blacks would not survive beyond week 2, not past day 2 in northern climes if it happend in the winter months.
"Hacked Messages of #BlackLivesMatter Leader Reveal Obama Admin’s Plan for ‘Summer of Chaos’ and Martial Law.
Every 4 years it's this same meme "martial law, (insert president's name here) isn't going to just up and leave".
It's bullshit. There is no provision in the Constitution allowing suspension of ANYTHING besides Habeas Corpus, and it is clearly written when and how a new president is elected and when the old president must vacate.
This juvenile nonsense is absurd on its face and also reinforces the idea of a "buck stops here" president. The last president with any real power was George HW who comes from a very old and well connected Templar family (there's some fascinating genealogy on him out there) and he only stuck around for 4 years. The purpose of the "president" and all these other stuffed shirts isn't to wield power but to distract attention from and insulate those who wield the real power.
KNOCK IT OFF you f***ing lemmings! Quit falling for the same old bullshit rumor mongering from the same old bullshit salesmen.
Ya know I've always found those early 60's Beach Party / Gidget movies with Annette Funicello, Frankie Avalon, Sally Field etc sterile and boring! Gotta hand iit to BRM / BLM. They really know how to make things interesting!
Diversity is a debt and liability. No wonder liberals buy, sell and trade it on the markets in the form of section 8 funded housing projects.
A thread or two ago I mentioned how whites have always ruled America, but not in their own racial self-interest. Instead, they are trying to become the "shining city on a hill", a raceless dream of Christian origin, into which they have been futilely trying to transform themselves since 1630. Those who have been paying attention to the Republican National Convention may have noticed that this motif was invoked yet again by a geriatric Rudy Giuliani in his supposedly electrifying speech before the assembled crowd of zombies. I quote, in relevant part:
What happened to there's no black America, there's no white America, there's just America! (thundering applause, particularly from whites) ... There is no more time for us left to revive our great country. No more time to repeat our mistakes of the past.
Washington needs a complete turnaround and Donald Trump is the agent of change and he will be the leader of the change we need.
He will make America, like the president I worked for Ronald Reagan, once again be the shining City on the Hill. ...
This is the white dream, but most blacks aren't buying it. Even if they could, they don't want to "act white", which is what accepting the dream would entail.
Kansas city, another officer shot by a group of "teens" in a car. Fighting for his life. I pessimistically thought to myself before opening my web browser "O.K., how many cops were shot today?". Why does it feel like this has Dindu written all over it?
Oh, and here's another one that fell off the radar because it happened right on the heels of the Dallas massacre:
"Flamion was critically wounded a day after five cops were gunned down in a Dallas sniper attack and remains in intensive care at a nearby hospital.
Although Flamion depends on a ventilator, he is alert and able to recognize friends and family members, police said.
He was shot in the neck from behind during a traffic stop with a speeding driver."
Do an experiment today and go to Google News and put in "shooting" into the search field. The Dindu demographic won't let you down, at least in this regard.
Hasn't it occurred to these fools yet that all of the peace gatherings and speeches do absolutely no good?
It must just be part of the negro nature to be vocally demonstrative and emotional, without actually internalizing the rhetoric, because, on a dime they are capable of behaving as though they have heard and learned nothing.
They seem to love to give speeches, with the listeners nodding and verbally approving of every emotionally-packed word.
Sometimes I feel the speaker could recite Mary Had A Little Lamb, and the nodding and verbal "amens" and "I'm wif ya's" would continue uninterrupted.
If the so-called million-man march accomplished nothing (except a giant looks at muh), what good did they think an anti-violence beach party would do?
I believe the answer was demonstrated without words needed.
I read that story too and I'll never forget it. It was DISGUSTING! She told the reporter (and this is no joke) "Mmmmm, I Iove babies." The story also quotes her as not planning on having anymore for at least 10 years. A litter of niglets. You CANNOT make this shit up. Well... maybe in a horror story.
Fatigued in Ohio
Once any city or town turns over 15% negro, time for whites to flee, just don't say where you are moving to, they will just follow and whine about being oppressed.
The only way to stop the violence is to eliminate the Roots cause:
"Darker pigmented people average higher levels of aggression."
I like what you've done there!
Maybe he was playing Pokémon Go:
PK, please do something with the above link, I can't wait to see your take and the comments that will follow.
I'm guessing Cleveland is the same way. Perhaps Brian in Ohio can confirm.
~Powder Hound
July 18, 2016 at 9:46 PM
I actually live North of Cincinnati. Right between Cinci and Dayton, and yes, same story here.
I have watched every bit of pristine Ohio farmland along the I75 corridor be slowly paved over with subdivisions and shopping malls as whites moved further and further away from the city. Its depressing as hell to see my once Mayberry-esque town finally being built up.
We`re 30 miles from Cincinnati. When I tell people where I live, if they`re from around here they say something like "Man, there used to be nothing out there.", and I say " was awesome."
But I don't blame them for wanting to live out here. Our streets are safe and clean. There`s no bus route or section 8. It`s great.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Someone please make sure that some of this criminal, low I.Q. diversity is put around President Obamas new digs. If we have to experience this social engineering so should he. No ill will Mr. President but what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Weekend body count from Chicago......8 dead.....55 shot.
Beaches gone wrong!
Some time ago, I posted a comment about Cleveland area's black problem. Cleveland basically is divided between the east side (primarily black) and the west side (originally white, but becoming more and more non-white). I live in the western suburbs, and even here more and more blacks are seen walking around the bus routes during the day especially in the shopping areas. I remember some Cleveland neighborhoods that used to be great when I was younger, even on the east side, but are now full of dindus. Many inner suburbs like Lakewood are changing for the worst, especially eastern Lakewood, bordering Cleveland. Berea is another suburb full of them, as is Fairview Park particularly near the apartment areas. Like my grandfather proposed before he died is that the government should put them on reservations so that they can eliminate each other.
Disgusted in Cleveland Suburbia
Funny thing is, we used to do that in a way. Some of the more infamous projects like Cabrini Green and the Robert Taylor homes were like a reservation. The only problem was YT provided service (police, fire & EMS) instead of letting nature take its course.
For a while, the biggerer and betterer idea was to spread these Section 8 enclaves out. Instead of having one or two centralized ghetto complexes, the idea was to have a couple dozen micro ghettoes spread all over the city. Austin, Texas went with this. There are still some of the
older style projects that take up several square blocks, but there are also these little pockets of decay and dysfunction scattered throughout the city.
It's like seeing someone that has a movie star smile at first glance. But if you tell them a good joke and they let loose with a belly laugh and their mouth opens a little too wide, you can see the fillings that have fallen out and the teeth that are rotting in their head.
Which brings us to AFFH. That little plan is about spreading a layer of decay everywhere. Happy Halloween! You get to eat ALL the candy you want! The catch is that the feds are going to criminalize all your toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss, so once the process takes hold, there will be no stopping it.
"Sure seems to be a change from the days of Frankie Avalon & Annette Funicello. Hey! Since Hollywood is obsessed with remakes, they can do some modern beach party pictures! Beach Blanket Ammo, anyone?"
With Anette, backed up by the Beach Dindus on turntables (real instruments are hard) performing a rap version of "The Monkey's Uncle".
(original worth googling).
"Once YT is gone or reduced so far in numbers that he can no longer afford to support the negro, where the negro´s poke chop gwine come from? "
right on the money with that. I've often wondered what the dindus would do if they actually got their wish and disposed of all the white people. Do they really think the Hispanics and Orientals are going to suddenly develop some kind of guilt over their "plight" and just keep doling out the gibsmedats?once we go, they will follow very shortly behind.
O.K., the Pokemon Go thing was gold. Pokemon Go is about as mainstream and popular as anything at the moment- if people have to choose between Pokemon Go and black people, well...
Like the authors of the article, I think we should discuss it and put it in people's faces so EVERYONE can be bugged, interrupted, and bothered by black people for just trying to enjoy their lives. If black people are miserable, then EVERYONE should be miserable, don't you understand? No justice, no peace!
Paul, BLM have provided you with a great opportunity here, people will be Googling Pokemon Go and Racist and your site, like in many other cases, will come up. People are so sick of this garbage at the moment, continue to be the voice that talks bluntly about the topic. Young adults, as well as kids are playing this game. Let them know blacks are trying to shit all over their party as well.
If black lives really mattered. This stop the violence beach day would have had a record turn out instead off three or four hundred.
Next year they should have a door prize drawing for a section 8 voucher. They would get three to four thousand to come.
Again if only black lives mattered.
The city on a hill thing is a new England Yankee fantasy.
OT, but even with all the madness that goes on in the world, I can't believe this one...
a negro dishwasher who worked at Yale University smashed a historic stained glass window in a 150 year old building because it offended him. The window depicted a black man and woman carrying bales of cotton in a field. The negro thought the window was racist and that he shouldn't have to look at it, and therefore acting on negro logic, smashed the window.
End of story? No. Yale is refusing to press charges and is welcoming the negro back to work. They are renaming the building for some other negro, and the negro dishwasher will undoubtedly be hailed as a progressive hero and will be honored at some campus function. The school is also in the process of removing any other stained glass windows that might offend anybody.
Anonymous PB said...
"Sure seems to be a change from the days of Frankie Avalon & Annette Funicello. Hey! Since Hollywood is obsessed with remakes, they can do some modern beach party pictures! Beach Blanket Ammo, anyone?"
With Anette, backed up by the Beach Dindus on turntables (real instruments are hard) performing a rap version of "The Monkey's Uncle".
And doing the "The Swim" instead of actually swimming!
Anonymous said...
Once any city or town turns over 15% negro, time for whites to flee, just don't say where you are moving to, they will just follow and whine about being oppressed.
Unfortunately if you work and pay income tax they'll find you! Just ask the hard working people of Westchester County NY! Although there was SOME good news for them today:
Obama has brought no hope and no change he is the divider in chief
This sums up the last 8 years nicely:
Obama has brought no hope and no change he is the divider in chief
Funny thing is, Obama really did have an opportunity to reduce the racial divides in America (barring genetic factors). Instead, he has chosen to wage a race war against White America, from Section 8 housing to the BLM insurrection.
Oh well, at least he does a pretty good job of reading the Oval Office teleprompter...
"Sure seems to be a change from the days of Frankie Avalon & Annette Funicello. Hey! Since Hollywood is obsessed with remakes, they can do some modern beach party pictures! Beach Blanket Ammo, anyone?"
I can see it now: Frankie is a DWL trying to win the heart of BLM (Blacks Layback Malibu) activist Annette. They meet on a beach where the sands are going wrong. There's a rival surf gang of Neo-Nazi-KKK-Skinhead-Punks who control all the good waves, leaving blacks with just the gnarly tubes. Meantime, the lifeguards are beating down any BLM member who style with their hands in the air.
Suddenly, a pipeline rings out! Sharks, whose ancestors were trained by slaveship masters, attack BLM and our hero is wiped out. But not to fear, Annette rips into the slot, routs the Surf Nazis, and rescues Frankie. The movie ends with BLM organizing a Beach Party whose candidate for president is special guest star, Hillary Clinton.
Cowabunga, comrades!
I'm originally from Cleveland myself-born and raised in the city itself (West Side)Left home to go into the service nearly 40 yrs ago. Have been back to visit over the years of course.
The couple of other Cleveland posters on this thread have told you all the straight scoop. I was surprised myself when I read that even the suburb of Solon is darkening-years ago that was primarily farm country/small town USA-no groids. Other places mentioned-Fairview Park, Lakewood-were once all white. 40 years ago, unless it was a delivery guy dropping off something, or a utility worker, you never saw a groid around there. I'd have been less surprised seeing a Martian back then than to see a groid. And guess what? those places were beautiful.
Now most of the west side is AFU-it's where than 200 pound a/hole pointed his replica gun at people and got his dumb ass shot-also where that Puerto Rican scumbag kidnapped those girls.
Cleveland was once a prototype Silicon Valley of industry 50-100 years ago. In 1920 it was 2-3 % groid. By 1960 26% Now? Between blackimals and "Latinos" they've got to be 70% +
Guess why it's fallen in the toilet? Same as a bunch of other cities.
I miss living in Wayne County there in Ohio; it's right on the edge of Amish country, and has the only relatively-clean city I've ever visited, Wooster.
Unfortunately, the area is also a hop and a skip away from Akron, Cleveland, or Canton, all of which are filled with vibrant cultural diversity.
I've often seen the ~13% number thrown around, but I don't think that this is necessarily accurate. Thinking like one of them, I can't help but think that they might see a census as some "cracker honky bullshit", but not having the intelligence to realize that they can get mo' gibs fo' dey neighborhood if they accurately represent their population.
It sure as hell feels like their population is higher than 13%; it seems to be closer to 20%.
I live in Strongsville, I'm waiting for AFFH to hit and destroy this place. I'm retired, so I don't want to move now. Right now , comparing Strongsville to the darkie suburbs, it's amazing how well whites do when left alone. The place is very prosperous for now. Go to East Cleveland and compare.
Cleveland State has an urban studies program that is constantly dreaming up reasons for urban decay. They think of everything except the truth, that it is negros that cause urban decay. It's so frustrating, the lack of truth and deception and lying.
I keep reading this, looking for my old lost compassion.
All I can do is laugh.
Stop the violence beach party. In Ohio.
I guess this also is white people's fault somehow.
The so called " gun problem" we have in the US, is actually a " blacks with guns" problem. When a black has a gun, he can't just discreetly have it for protection. Instead, he uses it for armed robbery at convenience stores, hold-ups, car jackings, killing innocent people he broke in on, killing people after he's robbed or raped them, and of course , killing other blacks . That's the "gun problem". White gun owners typically take responsibility , and use reason when forced to use a gun. I worry that blacks will be the cause of the us all having obstacles obtaining a firearm , until they're banned ( of course we'll still have them), but it'll be a pain in the a$$ to obtain one, or ammo. Blacks don't have the sense, reason, or IQ to be owning guns, or to be armed among the general population, because they think they're gangsters. If they didn't have access to guns at all, we'd all be a lot safer.
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