[Student arrested after wearing gorilla mask to Black Lives Matter protest, USA Today, 9-29-16]:
An East Tennessee State University student was arrested Tuesday week after wearing a gorilla mask and carrying a rope during a Black Lives Matter protest on campus, according to local reports.
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A gorilla mask and bananas.. the true weapon of a terrorist in Black-Run America (BRA) that must IMMEDIATELY be arrested and punished |
Tristan Rettke was charged with civil rights intimidation following the incident, according to a Johnson City Police Department report, WCYB-TV reported.
Earlier this week as students protested recent police shootings, Rettke walked amongst the crowd wearing a gorilla mask and offering protesters bananas attached to a rope, the East Tennessean, the university’s newspaper, reported.
Grant Madison, a junior at the university, told USA TODAY he was talking with a friend when Rettke walked up behind him.
“He passed by me and handed me a banana,” he said. “I snatched it out of his hand. I knew what he was trying to say, but I wasn’t going to try to retaliate against him.”
Madison, who livestreamed the incident on Facebook, said the young man stood there and taunted protesters for 15-20 minutes.
“As younger black folks … we don’t always see the same overt displays of racism our parents may have experienced or our grandparents,” he said. “For me, it was the first time I’ve experienced something so blatantly disrespectful and racist.”
East Tennessee State University Public Safety officers eventually led Rettke, who was also carrying a burlap bag with a Confederate flag on it, away from the protesters, Madison said.
University President Brian Noland said he was “saddened” by the incident at a press conference Wednesday.
“We are exceptionally proud of the students who were peacefully participating in the event and the manner in which they exercised restraint, thoughtfulness and strength in the face of inappropriate and offensive behavior,” Noland said in a statement.
Madison said students gathered Tuesday night to talk about the incident on campus. He said that many of the students involved in the protest have forgiven Rettke.
“We hold no ill towards him,” he said. “I added him on Facebook, and want to speak with him about why he did it.”
Black-Run America (BRA) indeed.
In our current situation, any single "nail" that stands up will be quickly hammered down.
If there is anything at all to be learned from BLM (and black tactics in general) it is that you must do these things as a large group.
I must salute this kid though, because although what he did wasn't thought through very well, it gives another glimpse into the world of black privilege. This incident makes the hypocrisy crystal clear so more of us can see it. He could have probably gotten away with it if he just made a single pass and ran off- he would have made his point and not have his life ruined.
Take a lesson from all this and realize that you are much more effective taking the fight online where thousands and even millions can see it. Don't put yourself into a situation where you are going to be made an example of unless you have some specific plan and can afford to deal with the outcome that we have seen time and time again.
Ahahahaha! I love seeing these small signs of rebellion. It gives me hope.
- Brazos Valley
“We are exceptionally proud of the students who were peacefully participating in the event and the manner in which they exercised restraint, thoughtfulness and strength in the face of inappropriate and offensive behavior,” Noland said in a statement.
Translation: Just like everyone else we expected the black students to resort to violence and were shocked when they didn't. They deserve medals for not resorting to stereotype.
His name is "Grant Madison," how funny is that
Finally, a white guy with balls!
Female in FL
That punk with the sign saying, "blm/all lives don't", was more disturbing. To me, it spoke volume. And as much as I found his sign offensive, I'm not shocked by it. I see the double standard here. They can call us out for ANYTHING but WE are not allowed to do the same.The "do as I say, not as I do" mindset has always brought out the anger overload in me. Sometimes I feel to survive is not enough.
O/T PK, the podcasts have been great. I am looking forward to hearing more.
And thanks to ALL the commenters on here!!
So many angry voices in the media, on campuses and in the streets. A constant barrage of white guilt, accusations of white privilege and how we are evil, hateful and wrong. A hard rain of propaganda has been beating down on us for years now and seems to never end.
When you feel like breaking, or throwing your arms up and want to leave this rock, let beauty like this remind you of who you are: https://youtu.be/e4dT8FJ2GE0
And that piece of art was created in the 1200s...
When was the last time "they" created something so beautiful or moving?
You are the creators. You are artists. You are innovators. You are builders of civilizations. You are survivors. You are: scientists and holy men, soldiers and farmers, business leaders and teachers, builders of dreams and futurists.
You are some of the best this planet has to offer.
Your race has survived persecution, famines, wars, plagues, the dark ages and yes, even slavery.
These are dark times full of propaganda against and hate toward the white race, but we have endured and we will burst forth into the light once more.
Eyes forward, no apologies.
I haven't dressed up for Halloween since the early 80's! I just might be dressing up this year! And giving out a PC healthy snack to boot! I will say this about the kid in the gorilla getup. He's got the set of balls so sorely lacking in these sissy assed, white hipster kids today. Maybe, just maybe a few more to get the ball rolling and???..........I can dream can't I?
Civil Rights Intimidation. Love it. Works both ways. Let's get going peeps!
“He passed by me and handed me a banana,” he said. “I snatched it out of his hand. I knew what he was trying to say, but I wasn’t going to try to retaliate against him.”
A true turdflake. As offended as he was, he still couldn't resist snatching a free banana. They're not like us.
notice the fellows sign in the still picture..."black lives matter ...others don't"
I love it, this guy has a pair of balls that clank when he walks. It is good for the negroe to see that despite,Hollywood, TV and commercials that humans still associate the negroe with the great apes. This event also drives home to the smaller brained negroe that humans do not like them.
The normal thing for the Black Lives Matter people to do would have been to beat the guy in the gorilla mask into a coma. Because that guy had so much balls, maybe it threw them off balance! Dat be one crazy craka!
Maybe the free gift of bananas saved him by them thinking they got something free.
What the student did was free speech and requires no apology! If the blacks don't want to live in a free country, then they can move back to Africa. I would be willing to pay their passage back.
The precious democrat voter snowflakes probably had to retreat to a safe space with some fresh coloring books, brand new crayons, milk and cookies, playdoh, bean bag chairs.
Also available in the safe space were Barney videos and stuffed animals.
A kommissar from the esteemed institute of higher learning also came by to pat the indispensable vibrant democrat voter comrades on the head and arrange a group hug.
Forward! The Great Leap Forward to the vibrant Zimbabwe/Venezuela utopia comrades!
Yes we can!
How bout the balls on this guy? If we had just 1000 like him maybe things wouldn't be so fucked up.
And what about BLM and the Black Panthers and those calling for the murders of cops and white people not a thing said just the sounds of crickets and wearing gorilla masks and passing out flyers Now a Thought Crime. The police should be concerned with arresting BLM goons and Obama as well
Mob attacks on lone whites are ok.
Costumes and fruit are an outrage!!
Got that YT?
Ask yourself; whom am I not allowed to criticize?
That's who rules over you now.
BAAAA-LO-NEY!! PROPAGANDA STUNT!! HMMMM, let's see: mature; cool, calm & collected;
unfazed; poised; p.c. protestors; vs. the pathetically immature, grossly offensive,
flagrantly insulting, white devil. Oh, and of course, the Confederate flag shows
up: just like the propaganda stunt--er, uh, mass shooting--in Charleston.
The variety of magic-negro propaganda is amazing: the media; the press; movies;
TV shows; K-12 schools; colleges and universities; music & music videos; books;
clergy; the federal, state, and local governments; advertising (e.g. 9-29-16 at
12:57 AM); magic negroes themselves, such as "Doctor" Ben Carson, the former
Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery [pff, yeah right] at THE John Hopkins Hospital,
the Williams "sisters" (i.e. tennis); and the blind, brainwashed, indoctrinated,
magic-negro-worshipping sheeple spreading their shallow, stupid, emotional,
irrational, dishonest, pseudo-tolerant, pseudo-intellectual cult.
Good grief, even here at SBPDL, the Thought Police regularly try to worm their way
into this blog: with various sneaky, cunning, conniving comments. Reading the
input at SBPDL is a Where's-Waldo-type game--trying to spot the sneaky devils.
I know why he did it- because the blax are monkeys!
Good on that young bloke. I was alerted to these flyers, having subscribed to a radishmag comments feed:
Give that man a medal.
Love how the nigs talk all tough on the video, saying "Yo, mang, dis what boi LUCKY ah don't kick hiz ass!", but then run to the cops they claim to hate so much like the little bitches that they are.
Separation from these creatures can't come soon enough.
Notice the sign the buck is holding in the first picture. "Black Lives matter, All Lives don't" So...which lives don't? Let me guess, mine?
If the kid in the Gorilla mask had a sign that said "All lives matter, black lives don't"... they`d have carried him out on a stretcher.
And look at that sign. There`s no way that jig wrote that. No way. And I doubt he can read it. Guarantee it was a white female student that made it.
Useful idiots.
Stay alert, stay alive.
California Police Shooting Protests Turn Violent, 2 Arrests Made
Protests of a police shooting in El Cajon, California turned violent late Thursday night, with groups of people throwing bottles and other objects at police and smashing car windows.
A group of between 50 and 75 protesters occupied an intersection on Thursday night, police said. Some of the protesters stopped passing vehicles and smashed car windows.
"At one point, an assault took place between the protesters and a motorcyclist who was knocked off of his motorcycle," the El Cajon Police Department said in a statement.
More (presumably white) people are attacked for the crime of driving down the street. Is anyone really surprised at this point?
Eventually passive resistance will lead to more active forms of resistance.
Oh, they beat up and robbed a photographer as well. He was filming two bantus fighting when they noticed him and became instant friends as they realized that there was a white person that they could beat and steal from. $15,000 of equipment stolen by morons that probably can't even use it.
Well,this Indianapolis Star reporter says that black lives want white allies. It's the least we can do!
“When white people smile at me these mornings, I don’t know if that’s a quiet way of saying ‘I acknowledge what happened last night,’” she wrote. “I can’t tell what people are trying to say with their eyes; I want them to say it out loud.”
The black who said this, Malina Simone Jeffers, is an Affirmative Action poverty-pimping race hustler in Indianapolis, who gets paid in non-profit grants (white people money) and (((foundation))) dollars. She craves white attention, care, and feeding. Fuck her.
These blacks are going to drain our life savings if we let them.
You can't please these whiny cunts. So let's top trying.
Man Of The Year!
May millions more of our awake young White men carry on in this manner.
Indianapolis: Malina Simone @MalinaSimone said:
"Poverty cuts equally across racial lines. But it compounds on top of oppression for black people."
boo fucking hoo, bitch.
This comes under his GOD GIVEN First Amendment RIGHT to protest Black Lies! (Don't Matter)
If they can riot, loot and burn; then he can put on a chimp suit and mock the morons who make up the Black Lies!
Cue Charlton Heston as the white man dogpiled by 10 ferals in yesterday's story "Take your stinking paws off of me you damned dirty apes!".
Again, Charlton Heston on his hands and knees in the ruins of any of our once proud cities "You maniacs, you blew it all up! God damn you all to hell!"
Enter Dr. Zaius and the ape high council working feverishly to suppress knowledge that humans and not apes had built the great civilizations of old; eerily reminiscent of negroes gaining power and destroying monuments and renaming landmarks that dare suggest that humans actually created the civilizations who's last remains the negroes still infest.
Even more interesting is that again we see the "crime" from which the "thin blue line" protects civilization isn't open insurrection and lawlessness by blacks but the crime of whites noticing. They are not our allies! Every time you see a cop on the side of the road with a radar gun or writing a ticket for some soccer mom for not wearing a seatbelt just think about that part of your city/county/state which you could not walk through after dark without being killed, raped, robbed, then thrown into a stew pot. Mind you this isn't to disparage the wide eyed idealists who get into that line of work for some altruistic reasons (I've known a couple in life that are decent folks), but reality being what it is, the "thin blue line" is currently not protecting us from black terrorists but protecting black Africans from mobs of pissed of whites with pitchforks and torches from taking out the trash.
Lastly, let's see if this kid starts falling over himself apologizing or stands his ground. IMO this is the sort of person around whom we should rally. I predict that the charges will be quietly dropped or reduced to handing out fruit without a vendors license or something trivial, but the takeaway is the national headline which essentially reads "if you hurt a negroe's feelings you will be put in jail". The gorilla fighters (misspelling intentional) of BRA and the uniformed soldiers all serve the same masters, make no mistake. .
The execution of the 6 year-old autistic boy by 2 Louisiana black cops has been released:
Paul might have covered it, but it turns out one of the cops had a thing for the white guy's white fiance and wanted him out of the picture. The instances that BLM bring up don't even come close to this one. It's chilling, watch at your own risk.
Civil rights intimidation ? So black lives matter isn't meant to intimidate white people? Gimme a fuckin break. It's ok for them to walk around in "I can't breathe" and black girls rock shirts. Besides,I thought blacks love free shit.
It is confusing that marauding blacks destroying property and killing white people are called “teens” or “youths,” whereas Rittke is described as a “man” in many news accounts. He is 18 years of age. Apparently offending blacks is such an egregious crime that it has already been decided that Rittke must be tried and executed as an adult.
We need to find a way to help him financially or otherwise if he needs the help. We could send angry emails to the university protesting his suspension for merely exercising his first amendment rights in a peaceful manner. There should be something that we can do to help. Perhaps his lawyer would have some suggestions.
So if a white kid can be arrested for "civil rights intimidation" for wearing a gorilla mask and having bananas at a BLM protest, can all of those white people in Charlotte that were trapped inside their cars on the blocked highway because of the BLM rioters file "civil rights intimidation" complaints of their own with the police?
Was he arrested or taken into protective custody? Is he just a dumbass or suicidal?
Or maybe he thinks white people have the same rights as the damned afreakans have in this country?
This is an occupied nation. Occupied by a federal government straight out of Africa. South Africa.
Police Departments, cities, courts, county, state and federal government's infested by third world minds intent on creating another black third world country.
That kid has some balls on him. OT: A great piece on the new African History Museum in DC, made me chuckle.
Well, as Charlton Heston put it in a certain movie which also featured gorilla masks:
It's a mad house! A mad house!
There is an irony lost on most of the public that the negro who taped and live streamed this video (in 2016) is named Grant Madison .... when it was Madison Grant in 1916, exactly 100 years ago, who penned The Passing of the Great Race detailing why the United States required a eugenics program to maintain a healthy nation.
Essentially, all of the meaningful battles were fought in the beginning of LAST century.
So let's examine this book, 100 years later? Was Grant proven correct or incorrect?
What are the conditions of the cities? The schools? The hospitals? Are we a society full of robust and high IQ persons?
The truth be told is that there was a fight at the top of academia in the first part of the 20th century ---- Jewish intellectuals versus Anglo intellectuals. The Jews cooperated and promoted each other with tribal singularity, the Anglos acted independently.
Jews were able to dominate intellectual fields working to successfully place their people in media, at the heads of universities, in finance, and one by one replace the elite of the Anglosphere with their own.
The world we live in today is a reflection of that intellectual displacement at the highest levels.
Civil Rights Intimidation? Who exactly did Tristan intimidate? Where was his 10-1 beating? Where was his brick through a window? Who did he rape and light on fire?
Oh, I forgot, doing anything to remind blacks of their genetic limitations or criminal tendencies is intimidating, since racism. (And in this case, blatant obvious racism, not like these "yoofs" of 12-45 yrs of age see today. You know the kind of racism they see, being passed through school /college without being able to read, EBT, HUD, free sail foams, hiring preferences and being able to shirk work by claiming "racism" ... fatigue set in early today.
Larry the Cable Guy: "I don't care who you are, that there's funny!" :) :)
a hardfelt Roman salute to this very brave young man. The consequences he faces for his "guerrilla theater" against the alinskite social fascists are going to be huge & horrendous.
He set a terrific example for all of us oppressed people
Support the Traditionalist Workers Party for our salvation & reinvigoration
Harambe was only trying to give these "teens" nutritional gifts that they wouldnt find in their food desert ghettos! No ebt card required!
Bananas are rayciss!
Pay close attention to this statement from Madison, a junior at the university:
“As younger black folks … we don’t always see the same overt displays of racism our parents may have experienced or our grandparents,” [ right from the horse’s mouth, young negroes “don’t” experience much racism!]
He said. “For me, it was the first time I’ve experienced something so blatantly disrespectful and racist.”[ he’s a junior at the university, this is his “first time” he experienced something racist!]
And that sign, “black lives matter, all lives don’t?” I’m supposed to support something like that from a negro who’s first experience with any real racism, didn’t accrue until his junior year in college?
Especially when he was protesting black discrimination he himself hadn’t felt until then!
I remember many years back a dindu was executed in an electric chair and a radio station played "Shock the Monkey". Much ado about nothing.
Kid should take a lesson from blacks. If there were a few hundred gorillas there wouldn't have been any arrests. Act alone, and you are easy pickings for an arrest.
I took a close look at the sign held by the orc on the left. He is apparently an eloquent high functioning maftician orc because the sign contains the “not equal” symbol between Black Lives Matter and All Lives Don't. His sign suggests: Black Lives Matter doesn't mean that All Lives Don't matter. He graciously leaves open the possibility that lives other than black might matter – he just doesn't know of any.
He should have worn an Al Sharpton mask and handed out pieces of fried chicken.
If black people were like gorillas there would be a lot fewer problems. But humans are not closely related to gorillas, or orangutans or bonobos. Humans are descended from the line that included the deadly chimpanzee. Male gorillas (silverbacks) are immensely strong but are peaceable vegetarians who live in family groups and seldom fight. Chimps on the other hand are murderous, violent apes who beat the females before mating. They form gangs that ambush chimps who are alone and kill them. They capture the babies of other chimps and eat them
Long after humans split off from the chimp line bonobos - the non-violent forest apes on the other side of Congo river - also split off. The point is that most of the great apes are placid and peaceful, but humans come from the violent line of chimpanzees. Humans came into being as a remarkably nasty creature.
Humans have been growing more peaceful throughout their evolution. Violence has decreased continuously among Europeans and East Asians for centuries. But violence remains high among the African descended.
So I think this guy is being unfair to gorillas. They are not as dangerous and violent as people of the African race.
Last year, a guy handed out the "good" candy to the white kids. The niglets that were transported to his neighborhood were given dum dum lollipops which are awful.
Female in FL
Black America in a microcosm: They may have been "horribly offended", but that didn't stop them from taking the free bananas the kid was offering them.
Trust me on this one, that negress would know EXACTLY what I thought of her.
Female in FL
“As younger black folks … we don’t always see the same overt displays of racism our parents may have experienced or our grandparents,” he said. “For me, it was the first time I’ve experienced something so blatantly disrespectful and racist.”
So what are you protesting, Dindu?
How much did Soros pay this "Grant Madison" to stand in the gorilla costume?
If the BLM mob didn't know that this kid was going to show up wearing what he was wearing and carrying the (laughably) blatant triggers of bananas, a noose, and the Confederate flag, there's no way a few of them, if not all of them, wouldn't have savagely beaten him.
This was all staged to reiterate how "peaceful" the BLM "protests" are. They're hoping they run this video on an endless loop to drown out any future stories of black mob violence and destruction. Here you have black college students showing the stoicism that black actors portray in every TV commercial we see.
Is America an occupied country?
Yes, it's occupied by white people who, despite the evidence of their own eyes, still support John Locke's view of mankind. It's a view derived from Christianity, as expressed in the Declaration of Independence. This view imagines that all men are created by God as equally blank slates, just waiting to be written on by their environment. This God has supposedly given them all equal rights as well; race and sex or any other physical circumstance are insignificant and don't limit those rights. As always, anyone not buying into this fantasy will be denounced as un-American, and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
One day, these fantasists are finally going to get the government they deserve, and it won't be pretty. It will make all previous genocidal regimes look tame by comparison.
I, too, salute the Hrambe impersonator. HOWEVER, while "reading" is fundamental, knowing a few "math notations" is also helpful. The poster actually reads, "Black Lives Matter (Does NOT Equal) Other Lives Don't". Yeah, it took me awhile, too, so I can't fault those of you who missed the intended meaning. That said, FUPP ALL dem NYGARZ! Ditty blekk bastids!!
....P-Town Correspondent
They gave us all this White Guilt, we may as well go out and do something to earn it.
He must be one of those Deplorables, of which HilLIARy Clinton speaks.
She sure is proud of her monkeys.
Typical negro ... "I'm a STRONG black man. I flash my STUFF 'cause I'm the MAN! I thump my chest and WHOOP! 'cause I RUN this b*tch!" The he sees a banana and cries about racial intimidation.
Typical negro ... drives aggressively, predator dreadlocks, terrible attitudes. Then he wonders why non-typical negro people avoid them, assuming it's racism.
Until we laugh at them and slap them down for their bullshit, they're never going to be house broken.
The Engineer
Does anyone know if that guy is single?! My hero!!
OT....For years there have been stories about dead people voting in elections. Since this is now an excepted practice approved by both parties I think some kind of federal regulations should apply. Hundreds of Congressmen, Senators and even Presidents have won elections thanks to votes from large numbers of dead people.
The government should open a new agency to create a new set of guidelines for voting dead people. The Department of Dead Voters (DDV) should handle any claims of fraud.
If a person was a staunch party loyalist and only voted Republican while alive it should be against the law for her to vote for a Democrat while dead. What would Aunt Millie's family think if they found out that she voted for Hillary. The DDV could prevent this kind of fraud. If a person had not voted for the last 30 years when they were alive they should be forced to wait 30 years before voting while dead. If a young person had died before the legal voting age the law should be enforced once they are dead. Say they died at age 15. It should be at least another 6 or 7 years before they can vote. With the DDV enforcing these and other laws we will become a stronger and better nation.
Don't get me wrong. I am not one of these kooks who thing dead people should not be allowed to vote. After all, this is a free country. My feelings are that there is already to much corruption taking place with the voters who are alive. This corruption should not be tolerated for voters who are dead.
This white woman who wanted to help nonwhites learns some hard truths about race:
Sound familiar? Many of us have a story like this one, but we've kept quiet. We need to share our stories.
When I worked with Affirmative Action blacks in the corporate software industry, they physically segregated themselves from whites, shucked and jived all day talking in groups, made personal phone calls, went out to lunch together for 2 hours, came in late, left early, stole company property, complained about not enough vacation time. They were DUMB, unprofessional, and pissed off good customers with their stupidity. They all had MASSIVE personal problems, and the women were all single mothers.
One guy used his corporate AmEx card to buy clothing, trips, and personal items and did not pay the bill. lmao
They were all six hired at one time, so imagine the adjustment we had to go through.
Whites always had to clean up their shitty work but never got the credit. One black woman, La Tarsha, was running a personal nutritionals biz using her work phone to call clients all day and arrange appointments. She also sold wigs to black women. She did not hide it, and the managers did nothing about it. Most days she disappeared by 4pm.
I got sick of working with these monkeys, and so I quit.
It's only going to get worse. Eventually there will be plenty of good job openings, but the work environment will be so hostile to whites that we will stay away.
I have to admit now, I see the truth. I believe them now when they say “He ain’t did nuffins!” I thoroughly agree 100% because:
He ain’t did nuffins since he was born except leave misery. He ain’t did nuffin’s he was supposed to. He ain’t did school, learn to read and write or learn proper English. He ain’t did any kind of legitimate work, become productive or responsible. He ain’t did a lawful life or commit to family obligations. He ain’t did any help with community issues and continues to be nothing more than a huge ball of “wants” and “needs” ( we call it, the undertow) He ain’t did nuffins for his race and never dids nuffins for his future. He flat out, ain’t did nuffins right!
And it’s all YT’s fault! Ask him, he’ll tell you and he has an entire government, judicial system with hundreds of support organizations backing him up. All ready to get right in your face and say,………. Wait for it, …………….HE AIN’T DID NUFFIN!
If you include the mathematical symbol contained in the young colored boy's poster, it reads "Black Lives Matter does not equal All Lives Don't." Not exactly articulate, but it will pass with these carbon-based life forms. OK, so what's wrong here?
1. The apostrophe appears in the word "don't." Even most white kids would get that wrong these days, our education system being what it is.
2. There is no way this boy knows what the "maff" symbol for "does not equal" is.
3. The sentiment betrayed by the poster is complete and utter bullshit.
4. Our Magical Negro is smiling and posing for the camera with our hero.
5. Grant Madison was not interviewed for this story from his ICU suite in a Johnson City hospital.
6. I refuse to view this video, but I will go out on a long limb and guess that all "protesters" interviewed spoke in grammatically sound, standard North American English.
So yes, my final conclusion is that this is blatant piece of ((shameless propaganda)).
Black ages scale: 1-13 = Child
13-24 = Teen/youths
24-56 = Older Teen
I spent some time at a farmers market this weekend, and they had a booth where you could use your EBT/SNAP card to buy fresh produce from any of the vendors. I spent around 2-3 hours there and saw zero nogs buying anything. Why waste $5 buying fresh apples, when you can buy pizza, wings, and cheetos at 7-11?
I have stated before on here and other sites that I would rather live next door to a troop of mountain gorillas then a family of hoodrats. At least with gorillas I know what to expect.
I, too, am bothered by this "scene". Too perfect. Too scripted. Too obvious.
Dixie Flag
Come on, this is a photo-shoot and I wish there could be some follow-up on WHO this kid is, what happens to him, etc. Can all you young people do a computer search on him and report back?
Something is very wrong.
"He passed by me and handed me a banana," he said. "I snatched it out of his hand."
Gibs me dat!
@ The Umpire,
I don't recall anyone making you the arbiter of SBPDL comments.
Make your own blog if you don't like it here.
Maybe your cousin Elmer will stop by if you slip him $10 and you can have two page hits then.
There is talk of a "Black Moon" this weekend.
This is racist and the moon should have to pay reparations.
Rastus Banjolip
Bwahaha! Yet another small act of defiance:
After reporting racial slurs to police black University of Missouri students called white frat comrades crackas and rednecks:
Yeah theres zero chance this was legit.
Staged 100%.
@ J.J. 10:42,
Poll shows Hillary voters think America is too white:
Discount Double Check:
Hillary has register to vote and win a chance to meet rapper/drug dealer contest:
@ Anon 10:08,
The Whore of Babylon aka Hilly Billy will deliver that government.
Thank you for the reminder! Before us were our amazing ancestors, who made it possible for us to carry our heads high. These people who weren't coddled and cared for by the sympathies of others. They and we wouldn't have it any other way. Remember this when you look in the mirror.
PK, can you, or somebody you know, follow up on this guy and see what happens to him? What his real name is? Does he leave the country? Where did he come from?
Something is not right.
He should have worn an Al Sharpton mask and handed out pieces of fried chicken.
Nah, there probably would have been a fight over the last one and he would have been charged with inciting to riot.
Until we laugh at them and slap them down for their bullshit, they're never going to be house broken.
I think it's going to take more than that. Albert Schweizer became an expert on this issue, and his conclusion was that trying for equality was a deadly mistake. Slapping googles down for their bullshit assumes they can be trained or shamed into stopping it. I don't think they can; China is a very conformist culture but it still has race riots among its African traders.
If I understand the old-school approach in the South, the googles were cowed into submission and slapped down whenever they showed signs of getting "uppity". That also appears to be the structure of the strong-man governments of Africa: the guy on top cows the rest.
The problem stems from the assumption that googles are the same species as Europeans and can be treated the same. That assumption is verifiably false.
I agree with the person above who said this is a staged event. Smells like pure bullshit.
Most young white kids today are pure cucked pussies.
Although most ppl find them tasty, a banana is a fruit BPDL
These had to be a bunch of yuppy blacks and their SJW "besties." No doubt about it. The costume, bananas, noose and a sack with the rebel flag?? In the hood this stunt would guarantee everyone within a six block area would be unloading their magazines, ventilation guaranteed from head to toe. Perhaps these were all whites and a few in black face, yeah that's it.
Love the mask and bananas but since he didn't get beaten I'm unsure whether he just stunned the blacks too much or there was collusion between him and the blacks.
But I do know that I've segregated my Halloween candy for several years now and last year we had a noticeable downturn in black and Mexican illegals outsiders. My neighbors must have been doing the same thing too for it to have such an effect. I loved our white Halloween, just like it used to be. Dum dums are a fabulous idea - I'll have a bag of those this year, just in case.
I'm leaning toward agreement with those here who see this as a contrived propaganda event.
What an adorable young man. Cute, courageous and a great sense of humor. I could just kiss that darling boy. I want to adopt him. 🐒🍌
P.S. I hope no one finds me racially insensitive, but this incident brings to mind the beloved old Chiquita Banana jingle. Cha, cha, cha!
I wonder why negroes can have "space to destroy" yet a lone, nonviolent White boy can't have space to express himself. What's all the fuss about? Other than the overalls, he blended in with that crowd.
The Baron says
I know this is supposed to be serious subject matter, but I just laughed my ass off through that whole article
Anonymous said...
I took a close look at the sign held by the orc on the left. He is apparently an eloquent high functioning maftician orc because the sign contains the “not equal” symbol between Black Lives Matter and All Lives Don't. His sign suggests: Black Lives Matter doesn't mean that All Lives Don't matter. He graciously leaves open the possibility that lives other than black might matter – he just doesn't know of any.
September 30, 2016 at 9:24 AM
No fucking way he made that sign.
Stay alert, stay alive.
O/T: EpiCentre security guard accused of looting EpiCentre business during protests
Dindu of course, this made me laugh out loud.
Paintjob (5:03 AM): "Every time you see a cop on the side of the road with a radar
gun or writing a ticket for a soccer mom [...]."
Yeah, but the thing is, whinny blacks--and the white liberals who adore them--love
to point at statistics (with regard to police encounters) and say, "AH HA, the
cops are disproportionately stopping, frisking, arresting and harassing minorities,
SO THERE! Guilt-trip time for the biased, racist cops, and a guilt trip for SOCIETY
(i.e., whitey) too!" Just look at Lester Holt during the debate, trying to make
young dindus in New York look like poor, innocent victims, even though they've
been dying on the streets a lot less than during more liberal times.
So this begs a question: To what extent are cops hunting for speeding soccer moms
because the police are under pressure--at least to a token extent--to even out
the numbers? Think about it: irrational, self-pity-filled blacks, the media and
the press belly ache about disproportionate police encounters, and the A.C.L.U.
threatens to sue. Predictably, the mayor gives in and twists the police chief's
arm, and down the chain of command goes the p.c. pressure.
I agree with another commenter that this whole thing was staged.
MadisonBananaSnatcher said “We hold no ill towards him,” he said. “I added him on Facebook, and want to speak with him about why he did it.”
Oh boy, dialogue. I wonder how this will work out. When Madison says he wants to speak to Rettke it actually means that Madison wants to emphasize that blacks are victims by publicly hosing a captivated Rettke with a monologue explaining why he is a deplorable white privileged racist. For an actual dialogue to occur Madison would have to listen and understand that Rettke feels the way he does because blacks remind the rest of the world of gorillas, that blacks contribute to society at a level comparable to gorillas, and that white people are sick and tired of supporting them, listening to them bellyache, and looking at them. I just don't see many points for compromise.
He wore a mask available at any costume store and gave away free bananas. Civil Rights intimidation? Is that even a law on the books? Seems like a first year law student would have no trouble with this one.
Anonymous Detroit Refugee said...
"Ask yourself; whom am I not allowed to criticize?
That's who rules over you now."
It's always the Eskimos.
Anonymous said...
“When white people smile at me these mornings, I don’t know if that’s a quiet way of saying ‘I acknowledge what happened last night,’” she wrote. “I can’t tell what people are trying to say with their eyes; I want them to say it out loud.”
September 30, 2016 at 4:30 AM
What we are saying after these events, (police shootings of black criminals) by smiling is, "1 down, several million to go!"
East Tennessee State university
@etsu (twitter)
East Tennessee State University
Division of Student Affairs
Post Office Box 70725
Johnson City, TN USA 37614-0710
Email: studentaffairs@etsu.edu
Telephone: (423) 439-4210
Fax: (423) 439-6454
The Division of Student Affairs Offices includes "student conduct"
With respect- I would kindly suggest using more punctuation in your comments. Some of them have been unintelligible due to no commas, periods, and the run-on sentences. Thank you
“For me, it was the first time I’ve experienced something so blatantly disrespectful and racist.” Wait a minute---I thought you clowns were victims of racism every day!
P.K., have you entertained the idea of writing an article here and there for Amren? I noticed that not only do they have an easy format for contacting them, but that anyone can make submissions as long as they follow the AR Writer's Guide. I'll eventually give it a shot but it looks like it's tailored more for the professional and detail-oriented.
Of course there are those such as Gwoobus, Californian, Paintjob, Pat etc. who probably could submit some pretty good work.
As a p.s. I know Gwoobus gets a lot of applause, but I have to hand it to him for giving us all the perfect answer for when anyone ever again asks why Jews are hated. I'm going to post it again because it is just so perfectly explained like nowhere you will find anywhere else on the internet:
"The truth be told is that there was a fight at the top of academia in the first part of the 20th century ---- Jewish intellectuals versus Anglo intellectuals. The Jews cooperated and promoted each other with tribal singularity, the Anglos acted independently.
Jews were able to dominate intellectual fields working to successfully place their people in media, at the heads of universities, in finance, and one by one replace the elite of the Anglosphere with their own.
The world we live in today is a reflection of that intellectual displacement at the highest levels."
We cannot win by being colorblind independents while every other race functions as a tribe.
It seems that civil rights law has become the modern equivalent of anti-blasphemy law where blacks themselves are the deities that must be protected. The goal of protecting them from discrimination by the government has been supplanted by the goal of protecting them from being offended by any white person. This new goal is becoming more difficult to achieve as it becomes apparent that blacks are perpetually offended by anything whites do.
What in the heck does the poster mean "Black Lives Matter does not equal All Lives Don't"?
I know some stupid white Womyn's Studies girl who cheated to pass Algebra wrote that for the guy holding it because I'll eat his shorts if he could explain what his sign meant. Good Lord I'm sick of these people.
My college-age kid is very politically incorrect and goes to a college far enough out in the countryside that he's in the majority. After freshman year, except for the football players, there are nearly no blacks in class and I pray it stays that way. Nothing like higher math to whiten up a classroom (with a dose of Asian).
All you beta White males pay attention, someone's Viking roots are showing.
Great job Tristan Rettke. I will be sending your Attorney some scratch.
"If the BLM mob didn't know that this kid was going to show up wearing what he was wearing and carrying the (laughably) blatant triggers of bananas, a noose, and the Confederate flag, there's no way a few of them, if not all of them, wouldn't have savagely beaten him."
A very plausible theory really. This is certainly the age of deception so as likely as not ANYTHING we see from the (((media))) is just more staged agitprop.
"Christianity, as expressed in the Declaration of Independence"
Again "Anonymous" comes along to pin the blame YT and blame Christianity. Of course the truth is that the "all men created equal" was only an indictment of the "divine right of kings" and the status quo of the day (monarchy). The fact that black Africans were no more than livestock for a couple centuries and then kept in their place as inferiors with Jim Crow and segregation for some time after that indicates that the majority Christian population was only very recently duped into thinking that those animals are humans, have souls, or have any value to God or anybody else whatsoever. If our framers intended for negroes to be considered human they'd have probably mentioned that.
Oh and Gwoobus Harmon knocked it out of the park today. There's other groups that also infiltrate and promote exclusively their own members. They have also been up to their necks involved in the Bolshevik revolution and pretty much every other communist/collectivist/atavistic revolution in the past few hundred years. They operate under different names, but their oaths, symbols, rituals, and "great work" which they pursue has been the same. You'll find that those subversives have been involved with most of the societal poisoning of the west for centuries. In fact we even had a political party (briefly) that was specifically against them in the days before the civil war.
It's not like the Hungarians or the Lutherans have a stereotype about being nation-wreckers, you have to wonder if the groups that lament these "prejudices" haven't actually earned their reputations?
Yeah, the slave owning Christians who didn't provide for negros to vote or hold office saw them as equal. You are so full of shit. Why don't you take a name so we can address you instead of your cowardly"anonymous" moniker?
This comes under his GOD GIVEN First Amendment RIGHT to protest Black Lies! (Don't Matter)
Exactly. I'm guessing that the charges will be quietly dropped later on, as I don't see any way they can be made to stick. The point of this arrest is to intimidate any whites who might be planning on doing the same thing, not to actually prosecute. And it is of note that the same cops who do little about feral negro criminality are hauling this kid away for far more innocuous behavior. It's clear that the cops in this country exist to protect blacks from whites and not the other way around. The irony of blacks protesting against and killing cops is simply mind boggling. Such ingratitude they show to their protectors!
I live just seven miles from Johnson City. Except for those who attend ETSU, this area is mostly hardcore conservative. There are some blacks that live in this area, and they mostly stay in their own areas. We have a few public housing areas, but not many. And while you may see the occasional child or children from an inter-racial relationship, it's not as bad as other places I've been to like Nashville.
This is a city nearby called Erwin. I've heard rumors of blacks being chased out of town with fear of personal injury; even in this modern day and age. There is a little restaurant heading towards the North Carolina border called the Whiteway Grill. I've never eaten there; but I was told to be careful expressing opinions. I'm assuming that if you walked in there with a "Obama for president" t-shirt, you'll be thrown out and your car on fire.
My opinion on ETSU is this: Colleges always state that they have a right to free speech; unless that speech is not politically correct. Then that person should be arrested, called racist, bigot, homophobe, xenophobe, and given enough character assassination that their lives, careers, and futures are permanently destroyed.
I am delighted and I sincerely hope that any and all negroes hearing about this are offended. Words cannot express my dislike of the negroe subhuman.
You have to love Tristan!
It's a view derived from Christianity, as expressed in the Declaration of Independence. This view imagines that all men are created by God as equally blank slates
Please stop repeating this nonsense.
It's a liberal revisionist view that the line "all men are created equal" is related to racial equality. The reference is actually to a belief in legal equality of White men from birth. Jefferson did not believe in blank slate and that is very clear from his writings. Here is a quote from him:
The amalgation of whites with blacks produces a degredation to which no lover of his country, no lover of excellence in the human character, can innocently consent
Jefferson on the importance of sending freed slaves to Africa:
If something is not done, and done soon, we shall be the murderers of our own children
The way Jefferson in taught in schools is a giant lie. Liberals have co-adopted him as the founding father of American egalitarianism.
Jews were able to dominate intellectual fields working to successfully place their people in media, at the heads of universities, in finance, and one by one replace the elite of the Anglosphere with their own.
The world we live in today is a reflection of that intellectual displacement at the highest levels.
There was the Frankfurt school and its influence on the social sciences. I don't dispute that.
What I do dispute is the theory that everything has been a Jewish conspiracy or effort.
The problem with this theory is that there have been too many Anglos like LBJ that opened the floodgates of hell.
Lincoln, LBJ, Wilson, JFK, FDR..... these men all did colossal damage against Whites and yet they weren't Jewish. All these men viewed themselves as either morally superior or able to fix the racial conflict.
It seems to me that Whites like these men get big heads and think they can fix nature. They get insulted by the obvious inequalities of the world.
This was paid programming, destined to explode in the minds of whites as something to be ashamed of. Haha, the perfect teeth, boonie cap, and restraint? Classic paid programming as it is 100% unnatural in a protest/riot environment. -Blotto Motto
BLM: Banana Lives Matter!
What is truly gratifying for us who are racially awake and aware and ready to take action to save our race is that we have all the proof now in front of us supporting our side. The "Civil Rights" movement has had over half a century to prove its point... and it failed. Back in the 60's there was still the possibility that people could point at our anti-nog policies and say Hey, that's why the orcs behave like animals and can't get ahead.
But now that's over; the proof supports OUR side. No more need to try just one more program, have one more "conversation". We now have the PROOF that n*ggers are genetically different and that is why the vast majority can't live at our First World level of civilization. And the ones that do, need our Human support structure to keep up that illusion.
So, Truth is on our side...be bold now and go out and take your country back; make it great again. Dump the orcs and the muds; they are dragging us down to their Third World level. All the proof is there for you to see. Where you have Africans, you have Africa (and that ain't a good thing!).
Anyone here know much about the Nick Hillary case?
White woman was dating black guy and living with him and others, including her young son. The only reason I know about it is an article where his fat sow daughter goes on an on about the racism that she knew was present that allowed her brother to be put on trial for murder. Apparently her brother being accused of murder was way more unjust than the white woman having her son murdered by someone after living with and around the black guy and his kin.
This is why I hate them with a passion. No one should be made to live around them.
"Long after humans split off from the chimp line bonobos - the non-violent forest apes on the other side of Congo river - also split off. The point is that most of the great apes are placid and peaceful, but humans come from the violent line of chimpanzees. Humans came into being as a remarkably nasty creature."
No, wrong. Genetically, humans are not related or split off from chimps. Humans have very similar DNA to many creatures on earth, but evolution from monkeys is not a proven fact, only a theory. Now, there are convincing arguments that Africans are very closely related to simians and could be related, but genetically all humans are too distinct despite similarities to be considered simply smarter monkeys.
A little off topic, but I noticed Californian has recently touched upon the Reconstruction and Jim Crow periods in the south, as well as integration's aftermath.
Unfortunately I haven't been able to find ANY history on the subject that hasn't been thoroughly "blackwashed" to the point that it is non-dimensional and completely one-sided. What you describe and how our ancestors chose to deal with it made sense from what they had experienced up to that point in their dealings with blacks- lynching of course were much much rarer than black on black violence is today and they were done when people knew that their family members had been assaulted and victimized by the negro in some manner.
Whites just didn't feel safe around them as we still don't today and for good reason. They warned of property values, crime, miscegenation, schools, violence and degeneracy- why can I not find any of those warnings in their words? I know blacks have always been a problem for civilization and communities. Where can I find more accounts of blacks forcing everyone's hand?
Ok, I did a little homework since I asked some of you to a minute ago, when I used the search term "sterotypes" I found much of what I was looking for. See if these aren't unfair descriptions of our self-hating friends:
"The brute caricature portrays black men as innately savage, animalistic, destructive, and criminal -- deserving punishment, maybe death. This brute is a fiend, a sociopath, an anti-social menace. Black brutes are depicted as hideous, terrifying predators who target helpless victims, especially white women. Charles H. Smith (1893), writing in the 1890s, claimed, "A bad negro is the most horrible creature upon the earth, the most brutal and merciless"(p. 181). Clifton R. Breckinridge (1900), a contemporary of Smith's, said of the black race, "when it produces a brute, he is the worst and most insatiate brute that exists in human form" (p. 174). George T. Winston (1901), another "Negrophobic" writer, claimed:
When a knock is heard at the door [a White woman] shudders with nameless horror. The black brute is lurking in the dark, a monstrous beast, crazed with lust. His ferocity is almost demoniacal. A mad bull or tiger could scarcely be more brutal. A whole community is frenzied with horror, with the blind and furious rage for vengeance.(pp. 108-109)"
"During the Radical Reconstruction period (1867-1877), many white writers argued that without slavery -- which supposedly suppressed their animalistic tendencies -- blacks were reverting to criminal savagery. The belief that the newly-emancipated blacks were a "black peril" continued into the early 1900s. Writers like the novelist Thomas Nelson Page (1904) lamented that the slavery-era "good old darkies" had been replaced by the "new issue" (blacks born after slavery) whom he described as "lazy, thriftless, intemperate, insolent, dishonest, and without the most rudimentary elements of morality" (pp. 80, 163)."
Wow, all the sterotypes haven't really changed much except for blatant TNB in black areas.
Hey P.K. you know any more about this guy/story?
Intervened for a woman who was being harassed by a mob.
Can't find it in the news anywhere.
This shit scares me.
Maybe some have noticed the calming effect that bananas have on Negroes! Jane Goodall studied Negroes during the 1960s and learned a lot about their culture and lifestyle. Here is a picture of Jane with her favorite Negro named Peanuts.
Jane was known to wear gorilla masks to help lower the tension of the Negroes and make them think she was one of them. If we look closely at the picture of the shines in this case, they actually think the white guy wearing a gorilla mask is a Negro.
The thing we can learn from this is that bananas lower the Negro level of aggression and forces Negroes to concentrate on the banana. Whites should carry gorilla suits and bananas with them in case they are ever stuck in a riot with aggressive shines.
Make sure the windows are up, doors locked, crank up Sweet Home Alabama and hammer down!
A big ole Kenworth or Peterbuilt would put the fear of God into the jungle bunnies.
On second thought, don't worry about the doors and windows, unless you're concerned about splatter.
Now that's the "graphic" video I'd like to see on the evening news!
Put me on that truck drivers jury. NOT Guilty!!!
“As younger black folks … we don’t always see the same overt displays of racism our parents may have experienced or our grandparents,”
But I thought they were victims of constant overt displays of racism and micro-aggressions each and every day of their lives. Why I've heard that the average black person can barely step out the door without being subject to taunts of n!gger, coon, spook, etc. from roving bands of priviledged white males.
Have I been misinformed?
Endangered White Male
"How much did Soros pay this "Grant Madison" to stand in the gorilla costume?
If the BLM mob didn't know that this kid was going to show up wearing what he was wearing and carrying the (laughably) blatant triggers of bananas, a noose, and the Confederate flag, there's no way a few of them, if not all of them, wouldn't have savagely beaten him.
This was all staged to reiterate how "peaceful" the BLM "protests" are. They're hoping they run this video on an endless loop to drown out any future stories of black mob violence and destruction. Here you have black college students showing the stoicism that black actors portray in every TV commercial we see."
I agree - the same baboons attacking white folk elsewhere leave him unmolested - doesn't meet the smell test
Anonymous said...
Was he arrested or taken into protective custody? Is he just a dumbass or suicidal?
Or maybe he thinks white people have the same rights as the damned afreakans have in this country?
This is an occupied nation. Occupied by a federal government straight out of Africa. South Africa.
Police Departments, cities, courts, county, state and federal government's infested by third world minds intent on creating another black third world country.
September 30, 2016 at 6:56 AM
This whole thing stinks of psy-op. You have this white guy in a gorilla mask among all those dindus and they don't attack him? Really? You have the cooniversity prezdint "praising" the shitskins for not behaving just like feral negros.
This looks like a set-up to reinforce the Narrative: whites are irredeemably wayciss and determined to keep on "oppressing" these poor, pitiful negros, BLM is a "peaceful" protest movement. It seems awfully "convenient", the timing: just as most whites are recognizing these BLM hominids for the violent, semi-sapient simians they truly are. After so many attacks led by these "peaceful protestors" against innocent bystanders simply for being white.
"This is an occupied nation. Occupied by a federal government straight out of Africa". Yes, it is an (((occupied))) government, but Africa has nothing to do with it.
"Police Departments, cities, courts, county, state and federal government's infested by (((minds))) intent on creating another black third world country".
There: fixed it for you
OT...More shocking news. Now that the lame brain media has declared war on "Pepe" the cartoon frog this latest shocking headline is making the rounds. Anderson Cooper has just interviewed the retired cartoon star Elmer Fudd. Mr. Fudd mentioned his support for Donald Trump. "I think Donald Twump will make Amerwica gweat again."
So it has been decided that Mr. Fudd is now a goose stepping Nazi bigot and racist.
I keep Hershey candies on hand for Halloween when White trick or treaters show up, and the negroe chilluns get little wrapped toothbrushes i get from my dentist friend.
Anonymous said...
I agree with another commenter that this whole thing was staged.
September 30, 2016 at 3:29 PM
A possible "False Flag"? Something to soften BLM`s image, in that he was allowed to walk away unscathed while the blacks appeared to take the high road?
Perhaps. It was stupid and childish, so it definitely follows a negros thought process. I mean, a gorilla mask and bananas? What the fuck is that?
If he had really wanted them to chimp out, he would have worn a Make America Great Again hat and shouted Trump! Trump! Trump!
Stay alert, stay alive.
Anonymous (9-30-16 at 12:11 PM): "Maybe your cousin Elmer [...]."
MY COUSIN ELMER?!! Uh, isn't that exactly the sort of stereotype we would
expect to see at an ANTI-WHITE blog? Hmmmm, did the Thought Police just
have an indiscreet, little slip?
The Baron says:
Still laughing at this kids hijinks. Someone send him a bottle of Laguvulin 16 on me.
On a serious note, I just saw the 'Birth of a Nation' commercial on television. It was a blatant in your face call for the Africans to rise up and fight the sons of Charlemagne and Hardraada and Washington. It took my breath away with its brazenness, no easy task if you knew my personal history.
The trumpets are sounding, ladies and gentlemen. It's no longer a question of if, and why needs to be stricken from the tongues of anyone in the fence immediately. The only thing that can be accepted, no matter the cost, is that we must win. No other considerations. We. Must. Win.
Anonymous at 7:03 AM suggests that some of the commenters here (including me) submit articles to American Renaissance.
Good idea.
You can get a longer message published in AmRen than SBPDL. And of course AmRen probably has a larger readership, but otherwise I'm happy with SBPDL for short to medium length remarks. The main problem with SBPDL is that it moves so fast. This little remark will be gone in a few hours because Paul will write a new posting and few will look back.
I have an idea for an essay on "The Middle Passage" that doesn't really fit here at SBPDL because Paul never addresses these issues and I try to keep to those topics he first addresses. Maybe AmRen is the right place for that. Or maybe American Thinker?
There are a lot of historical inaccuracies about slavery that don't quite fit here. There are genetic and biological issues too. So now that I have finally gotten my kitchen sink to work again - maybe I should consider branching out. Most of my commenting is to posts on YouTube and Breitbart. I have recently gotten involved in a long thread about IQ testing. There is always someone who wants to dispute the reality of IQ.
So I'll try my hand at writing an AmRen article.
I just got another 'prepper' kind of package from Amazon. It's an LED solar lamp. I already had another solar lamp for indoors but this one looks better. The issue is what do you do when the hurricane or earthquake knocks out your electricity? No TV and no Internet. It could be pretty boring.
You could get a Honda generator and turn all the lights on again, but there is a problem with that approach. When the power goes out the negroes will be only a couple hours behind. That happened in Katrina.
So while you want to be prepared you don't want to look too prepared. You don't want to advertise that your house is the one house on the block that is ready. You want your house to be dark like all your neighbor's houses. But you want good light to read by in an inner room.
That's my theory. If you have another approach tell me.
My priority list is:
"Yes, it is an (((occupied))) government, but Africa has nothing to do with it."
No-one ever said that a war had to be fought with guns. Victory is marked by the power to impose your will on another population. You can do that with a newspaper.
"We cannot win by being colorblind independents while every other race functions as a tribe."
But the truth is, whites were acting in this way long before they let the Jews into America; which of course, they never would have done if they had the least bit of racial sense in the first place. There's nothing surprising about this. Two thousand years of practicing an anti-racist religion has definitely had an effect.
"A very plausible theory really. This is certainly the age of deception so as likely as not ANYTHING we see from the (((media))) is just more staged agitprop."
And (((crass))). Typically old-Hollywood (((tasteless))) and childish. Reminds me a bit of Homer Simpson turning up at Apu's wedding as the Ganesh the elephant god.
To what extent are cops hunting for speeding soccer moms because the police are under pressure--at least to a token extent--to even out the numbers?
It's the financial numbers. Traffic fines from White soccer moms feed the coffers, dindus are pure costs.
The comments on this site are hilarious- better than the onion. How could they not be? The gorilla man may, and this stretching things, be memorializing the gorilla slain by the zoo cops for antagonizing a hysterical negro mom. Perhaps from that part of the political spectrum is where our gorilla comes from. Anti animal cruelty protestors tend to be courageous and extravagant.
As others have said, this was a false flag, a setup. No way a white guy un a gorilla mask is going to taunt negros and hand out banana republics for fifteen minutes without violence. A staged event.
Hey come on, he was feeding the homeless. I thought it was hilarious. I"m sorry he got in trouble.
anon :
What I do dispute is the theory that everything has been a Jewish conspiracy or effort.
The problem with this theory is that there have been too many Anglos like LBJ that opened the floodgates of hell.
I never said that this was something uniquely Jewish. I was merely stating that the vision of the world we are dealing with NOW is that of the Jewish intellectuals of the early 1900's successfully displacing the Anglo intellectuals, 100 years ago. Of course there have been white fellow travelers, but they are not the overwhelming originators of those ideas, the promoters of those ideas, or the funders of those ideas.
We should have listened to people like Madison Grant, Henry Goddard, Harry Laughlin, Charles Warren, Charles Davenport, David Starr Jordan, Prescott Hall, etc... all classical Anglo elite who understood very well the consequences of allowing the continent to become less Anglo.
Instead what occurred was their research and scientific theories were made unpopular, not discredited, in academia by Jews working in tandem with one another. Funding for further research was removed from Anglos and funneled towards Jews in the field of anthropology instead. The idea of revisiting these concepts now is unthinkable since an orthodoxy was established where such ideas are "dangerous."
Think of humanity as a jumbo jet. In reality, it is the 2 people in the cockpit, not all of the people in the cabin, who determine the direction of everyone on the vessel. The shifts in everyone's destiny, human history in essence when it changes course, are between elites struggling with each other for the levers. It is one of the reasons there is so much fear over a Trump presidency ... it would mean that there is competition for control.
The elite of this country were universally Anglos throughout the majority of the 18th, 19th, and the beginning of the 20th century. That is no longer true, this era (early to mid 20th century) is when they were displaced in a coordinated top down coup that blindsided them. They just merely were kicked down to second rung power, but it was the average white American who has paid the full price of having a foreign elite with alien values in control of their society.
The Anglo establishment would have NEVER posited that "all the races are equal" and pushed for social changes to codify that idea. Yet that is the effective raison d'etre of our society.
Since it did not originate from Anglos, where do you think it came from? When is the timeline that such a transition occurred? When did this begin being the overwhelming message sent through mass media? Did that correspond with a simultaneous change in the ownership of media? Who were the new owners?
These ideas are not Anglo in origin....
Meanwhile blacks burn down a city and drag whites from their vehicles in order to beat them and the cops don't bat an eye.
I bet that he couldn't resist eating it.
Not merely Occupied. We are totally Conquered & Vanquished. About to be swept into the dustbin of history. Fact of the matter is the country was founded by MLK & freed after a 50 year armed guerrilla & propaganda struggle. The USA has been replaced by an neo-Africa state & our capital is Mogadishu DC
Would somebody tell me what "dum dum lollypops" are? I might buy a bunch for de chillenss for this upcoming Halloween.
You can buy them at Walmart by the bagful. They are always on the Halloween clearance shelf because nobody likes them. They are really names dum dums.
Female in FL
"It's a liberal revisionist view that the line "all men are created equal" is related to racial equality. "
If equality of rights was only supposed to apply to white men, what you need to do is ask yourself why the line wasn't written as "all white men are created equal". It's clear that Jefferson considered negroes to be men, not animals, and so they are included in the statement. That his views were contradictory and hypocritical on the point is also very clear. This contradiction and hypocrisy wasn't uniquely Jefferson's problem though. It dragged the whole country into civil war a few decades later.
"The Anglo establishment would have NEVER posited that "all the races are equal" and pushed for social changes to codify that idea. "
Yet that is exactly what it did in the Civil War and its aftermath. The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments are the political expression of the Anglo belief in racial equality.
To the repetitive "Anonymous":
First of all "All Men are created equal" actually meant "NO MAN IS BORN KING"...that was the point of the statement, get it now ?
Second, the Anglo establishment certainly maintained racial segregation in most of the US after the Civil War (does "Jim Crow", "Separate but equal" and "anti-miscegenation" laws ring a bell ?) and imposed successive racial quotas on non-White immigration for over a century, until a certain "Tribe" took care of it all by funding the so-called "civil rights movement" starting with Brown v. Board of Education in 1954, and on and on.
The real names and origins are all well documented thanks to cyberspace and the narrative is quickly falling apart with the Millenials just the last few years. You can't neither hide it or deny it anymore.
The gig is up and censorship is your only way out now...
The very existence of BLM and other black groups is the definition of civil rights intimidation. All blacks do is intimidate, threaten, posture, pose, assault, kill, and celebrate the same.
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