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"Because We Live Here." |
Now, check out "Because We Live Here" Episode One.
This website will serve to educate the general public on Black people and the Stuff That Black People Don't Like. Black people have many interesting eccentricities, which include disliking a litany of everyday events, places, household objects and other aspects of their everyday life. Black people are an interesting subject matter and this website will chronicle the many problems in life that agitate this group of people. To suggest material, please contact sbpdl1@gmail.com
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"Because We Live Here." |
You are off to a great start with the podcast, Paul.
The Baron says:
I'll repeat this comment as it desperately needs said. I just watched the 'Birth of a Nation' trailer, which came on network television in the middle of a Saturday in my house. It is nothing less than a declaration of war against white America. Normally the dindu and their handlers prefer playing the victim subtly in a forum like that. Not here. This is an outright call to come into the streets and kill the sons of Charlemagne Hardraada and Washington. I have never seen a more brazen call to arms. Shocking, really, and I am not a man who shocks easily. The trumpets are sounding, ladies and gentlemen. And it appears the enemy may attempt to seize initiative. This will fly off the handle, at which point the only concern must be to win. No other consideration need pondering. We must win or face our destruction. Those of you sitting on the fence need to get off of it now. Those of you who brag that you abandoned the cities your grandfathers built and now live in isolation somewhere above the snow line, you people need to find your balls and get back in the fight. There is no other choice. We. Must. Win.
Excellent analysis, PK. Heinlein has always been one of my favorite authors, and the theme of personal responsibility was always the cornerstone of his outlook. Even something as permissive and anarchaic as Stranger in a Strange Land carries this message. Valentine Michael Smith's creed of "Thou art God" isn't about rejecting society's standards; it is about holding yourself to your own, personal higher standard. A morally evolved and enlightened person fears the wrath of their conscience above any penalty that could be imposed by the church or the state. Regardless of which standards are chosen to be followed, those standards must be cultivated by a system of reward or punishment.
It's no accident that the civil rights movement arrived at the same time as Dr. Benjamin Spock's ideas on child rearing were taking hold. Bad behavior went unpunished, which only produced more of the same. Now the only possible corrective measures will be of the harshest variety, but the cost will be high.
Excellent first podcast. (I suggest you increase the recording volume.)
Some very young children bite other children. My son did this. I told him "That hurts, do not bite". After a short time he did it again. I took his little arm and bit him, hard enough to cause tears. "It hurts, doesn't it? Don't bite". He never did it again. Nowadays I'm sure I would be accused of child abuse. Spare the rod, spoil the child.
Gorilla Boy says:
“I’m going to be withdrawing from school,” and “I also want to say to everyone thanks for being my friend and letting me into your group, and I’m sorry if I betrayed everyone’s friendship.”
There's something amiss here.
Time for a quick breakdown:
An alarming pattern: roving groups of armed teenagers, working around the clock and across Baltimore, brazenly targeting victims for cash, cellphones and other belongings.
(anti-social behavior, kids roaming the streets and other people's property constantly looking for things to steal and people to rob as a source of revenue for "other stuff")
They say the attacks are helping to drive the highest rate of robberies the city has seen in years.
(This is Baltimore that we are talking about, a violent black cesspool now experiencing the Ferguson Effect and for obvious and logical reasons so this is no small feat here)
"When we arrest one group of juveniles, we have another group that pops right up."
(stop and frisk, *cough* "is a suspect" *cough cough*)
"We're always trying to figure out the answer, what the magic bullet will be to solve violence, particularly youth violence."
(don't worry, even if you were literally given trillions upon trillions of dollars and couldn't solve the problem it wouldn't be the first time)
"Ericka Alston-Buck, who heads Kids Safe Zone in West Baltimore, said youth crime — even when it appears brazen or careless — is often an expression of the teens' own vulnerability. Kids can be compelled toward crime, she said, either as a means of social or physical survival in impoverished neighborhoods, or as an emotional release after suffering trauma in their dysfunctional family lives."
(black vulnerable bodies being oppressed so it all adds up and make sense and is not their fault as they have been excused of any agency. The soft bigotry of low expectations.)
"We've got all these lost kids," she said.
(Yes, can their "parent" please get off their oversized meatloaf looking @ss, waddle over and retrieve your "lost" children? Nice try, but none of us want them either. Nice job parenting, you're really a great person for all that you leave us with.)
"The spike in robberies is being led by carjackings, up 44 percent, and "miscellaneous" robberies — at schools, Metro stations and other semi-public locations — which are up 64 percent. Residential robberies are up 7 percent; street robberies are up 16 percent. Commercial robberies are down."
(The good news is that commercial robberies are DOWN!!! Now everyone that I know hates carjacking. That is up nearly 50%, but for some reason we shouldn't be alarmed or talking about it. I would generally assume that violent robberies are bad for black lives when the victim is black, and I'm going by the metric that blacks in general are literally worth their weight in gold. That's A LOT of lost value and future potential!)
While police are arresting more youths, Burrus said, younger teens are ready to take their place. And when juveniles are arrested for serious robberies, she said, they are being processed quickly through the juvenile judicial system and landing back on the streets to commit the same crimes again — at times with court-ordered monitoring devices strapped to their ankles.
(catch and release, burned and smelly hot potato)
Police say groups of juveniles and others were intentionally causing fender-benders to rob the unsuspecting drivers of the vehicles they hit.
And police say they have seen a citywide increase in callers luring for-hire sedan and illegal hack drivers to a location, where they are approached by a female and then robbed by two males.
"Now what we're seeing is a lot less drugs — a lot less drugs, it's shocking — and we're seeing a lot more robberies," he said.
(Drug use is down!)
Jemal Cole, a 42-year-old computer programmer who lives in the Chinquapin Park neighborhood of North Baltimore, said he knows the pattern well. The father of two has been robbed twice in the last year.
(only twice, sounds quite vibrant!)
This is the story that doesn't stop giving. It's almost like a connect the dots that leads to the conclusion that blacks in the Baltimore area are violent sociopaths that rob each other and everyone blind without losing even a minute of sleep! Lost in the pursuit of other people's stuff is more like it. So lacking in empathy but devoid of any foresight to notice.
Blacks are the "gift" that keeps taking.
Thank you for spreading the word!
I love the recent audio additions, so much more ground can be covered with this approach. It only works with someone who knows their material and presents it clearly and you have always had that down. I've been inspired by you and many others here who have reached their wit's end and have abandoned fear and gone on the offensive. It's like a monster has been unleashed in many of you, but unlike black rage it is controlled, directed, and done in the pursuit of freedom for the rest of us. The stronger people are standing up and the rest of us are finding it incredibly easy (and liberating) to follow in their wake. It's reaching a fever pitch now, can you feel it?
Good Podcast PK! I used headphones on my computer and the sound was very clear.
I have to agree with the Baron, but white people need to unite as a whole. I simply can't understand the logic of some white people. Just like the news stations will not name blacks as the thugs, or just as Obama will not say Islamic Terrorists, many whites still stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the problem: Negroes. I say a lot of that is fear. We have been conditioned to accept Negroes as something they are not. They are not smart, but mostly dumb. Many have mental problems growing up without direction from a father. The streets are their learning ground. The thing to realize is that they will never fit with our society. We need to separate from them and stop supporting their breeding low IQ children. I view them as a different species.
Ultimately they will by necessity need to be culled from mankind. We have limited resources on this earth and it is either us or them. A small group could remain in Africa, but they were never meant to breed to this point. Europeans have done mankind a disservice interceding on the part of Africans. I see China taking over the African continent and exterminating the Negroes. Africa is a paradise without Negroes! How can any people look at the wealth Africa holds and be stopped by a subspecies with a general IQ around 70. Negroes are poor workers and modernized machinery has supplanted their usefulness. Russia or China could easily destroy the Negroes using a scorched earth policy and make the land their land. The first thing that SMART people will realize is that the continent is there for the taking.
If our white people don't act soon, we will soon be outnumbered by them and it will be double hard to combat Negroes and other races and ethnic groups such as the Middle Eastern Muslims. Negroes will never fit in...they just don't have the intelligence to live in a modern world. They don't understand our laws! Ultimately white people will have to work as a united group to rid the cancer of our civilization. It won't be pretty, but has to be done to ensure the continuance of our race.
A tribute to St. Louis...before the manifestations of negro infestation began to destroy it.
Philadelphia Mike
If you enjoyed Rosemary Clooney singing about St. Louis...give Peggy King a try.
Philadelphia Mike
No white deserves to suffer like that, but the victim does look like a furry n.l.Hopefully, this experience will have awoken him. Being no stranger to ni88er nature, I know that as soon as you see a gaggle of googles, you flee. Racial awareness is the key.
Those of you who brag that you abandoned the cities your grandfathers built and now live in isolation somewhere above the snow line, you people need to find your balls and get back in the fight. There is no other choice. We. Must. Win.
Baron...although I completely share your sentiment about being in the fight, I feel that our brothers out in the boondocks bear just as much of an important role in preserving our civilization as those of us who remain on the front lines.
We must be everywhere...cities, towns, farmland, and the wide open spaces. Each man and woman knows their own particular strengths...their own capabilities...and their own personal capacity to contribute to keeping the flames of civilization burning.
All of us...in our own ways...are the torch bearers of civilization.
Philadelphia Mike
PK, I heard your interview on Red Ice Radio.
One of the best parts was where you showed that the Civil Rites Movement was essentially a war against White American Civilization. And yes, the real monuments to BRA are in the ruins of cities such as Selma as well as the death of the US manned space program.
Thank you for a great podcast.
Philadelphia Mike
Liberals these days talking about the black race, emphasizing their special needs vis-a-vis the other races in America. Yet for decades these same liberals have been preaching that the idea of race is nothing more than the reeking effluvia of bigoted white minds. Does the current lib-speak now acknowledge that there are definite races in this world? Following this stunning admission will liberals now admit there are differences between these races in terms of mental/physical acuity and ability?
So come on into the bar Libs, and walk us all through the latest twist. Cut through this Gordian Knot of nonsense and show us the light. As Ricky Ricardo would say, "Lucy 'splain!"
This out to be fun ...
In response to Californian, liberals teach about MLK and his Poor People's campaign as if he was the second coming of Jesus. They say he was working on his next big project which was to be an "economic bill of rights" (Communism) so the most worthless among us could still act like complete @ssholes and still expect to be fed and taken care of.
It is embarrassing that I used to believe that it was a good thing when they were dismantling our future so that the rest of us could feel like they fit in fine. Lately I've learned that my grandparents on both sides were avid racists, or at least when it came to blacks. The Baby Boomer generation and on has taught us to selectively unlearn these truths that were known before though ample evidence of TNB whenever blacks were involved in anything in any large number. It's like an irrefutable law- all held constant, if number of black people is greater than n, things will start to be broken and private property will start to go missing. Schools will become day care attention centers where kids who's useless parent have failed them can be made to feel all nice and comfy. White teachers and administrators will do it all for you so you can do whatever it is you do with all your ample time not being a mother.
Discoveries today take teams of people, not just curious and skilled white people acting alone. Whites do still have the Edison's, da Vinci's, and Mozarts- it's inevitable with the number of us alive today. White men have been told to step aside and it has left a vacuum where innovation used to reign supreme. Whites still can do that- if blackie, lezzie and gang can get the hell out of the way and out of sight. Let us leave and get things done without this black member in every group and belittlement of white contribution as some sort of perverted goal. Negroes cannot follow us to Mars if we don't help them.
I am one of those people who BRAG about living in isolation above the snow line and should get some balls and get back in the fight. I am a veteran of the 50 year race war. I spent 24 hours a day living the horror of it all. I've been covered in fucking blood up to my elbows and none of it was mine. While most of you were in diapers I was splitting heads on the street. I've seen more stuff than you can possibly imagine. Shit so damn gruesome that I still won't write about it. One long horror show. There were many times I became the animal I was fighting against. My attitude was better him than me. I didn't give a rats ass what I did to stay alive. The angel that watched over me was called HATE. When I finally turned fifty we parted ways. He made a good companion for many years.
I read on this site people saying "bring it on". I've already done that and believe me it is not much fun. I remember smelling the smoke as Newark burned. Once it starts the "teens" plan on burning you out. It will be one long nightmare. If I were still in New York I would probably be one of those senior citizens being shit kicked in the streets. I just turned 74.
I was never a coward. I fought back every time. Now I live in a safe zone and feel I have finally earned the right to live in peace. Twenty years of blood and guts gave me twenty years of nightmares. Thank you very much, but I think a race war is not anything I'm interested in taking part in. I've already been on the front line and what I saw and did was tame compared to what's coming. If the Mau Mau does get this far I'll do what I have to. The nearest jungle is still hundreds of miles away and that's just how I like it.
When all the hippies went to the Woodstock concert I was the only freak that stayed behind. Even my girlfriend and her brother went. That was when I realized I was surrounded by street apes. It then dawned on me how bad it really was. I was glad when the hippies returned because it kind of evened out the jungle population.
I count my blessings every night that I no longer live around the savages.
Howsabout posting your podcast as an mp3 somewhere we can download it? I don't want to enable javascript, which soundcloud requires.
Anonymous said
........Ultimately white people will have to work as a united group to rid the cancer of our civilization. It won't be pretty, but has to be done to ensure the continuance of our race.
At this point in time it has to be done just to protect our property, lives, children's and grandchildren's lives and futures. I don't know what it's going to take for people to wake up. I predicted a year ago that this revisionist "Birth of a Nation" remake was awfully well timed with Butterscotch leaving office.
Those of you who brag that you abandoned the cities your grandfathers built and now live in isolation somewhere above the snow line, you people need to find your balls and get back in the fight. There is no other choice. We. Must. Win.
Find your balls? You want the remaining Whites with rational thinking skills to move back into cities where they will be surrounded by dopey libs and angry Blacks? There is no winnable fight with that strategy. No progress will be made. You will just get hit in the back of the head with a brick and the local news will write a story on how it's such a shame that those poor youf are oppressed and all.
The only way to win is through information war. Racial equality is a lie and exposing that lie is the only possible way to solve this problem without economic collapse and civil war. Once the majority of Whites stop believing the great lie then everything will fall into place.
I'll repeat this comment as it desperately needs said. I just watched the 'Birth of a Nation' trailer, which came on network television in the middle of a Saturday in my house. It is nothing less than a declaration of war against white America.
It's compensation just like the monkey costume arrest.
Egalitarians and the establishment are absolutely terrified. They are losing the argument and they can't control the debate like they used to.
If are modern egalitarians were confident in their beliefs then they wouldn't spend so much time trying to convince everyone that evil Whites are holding back Blacks. If you truly believe that race doesn't exist then why fret about it? Shouldn't it only be a matter of time before some genius liberal cracks the achievement gap and creates THE PERFECT GOVERNMENT PROGRAM that finally makes everyone equal? Isn't that inevitable? Why are egalitarians so stressed these days?
"Those of you who brag that you abandoned the cities your grandfathers built and now live in isolation somewhere above the snow line, you people need to find your balls and get back in the fight."
I wouldn't live in a city if there wasn't a nog on our continent. I'm physically uncomfortable if the temperature rises above about 80 degrees so I certainly wouldn't live any farther south. I could write a laundry list of the quality of life things I enjoy about living in the country lack of vibrancy is only one of them. You keep us posted on how the negroes behave after watching this (((movie))) we'll be up here growing the food to give you energy and harvesting the timber with which to rebuild your homes when you've sorted them out.
What many don't seem to grasp is that it does not take action to rid ourselves of black Africans, only the inaction of ceasing to feed them and provide for them. Without our constant charity their numbers will dwindle to very manageable levels in a jiffy.
A better question is why do you people in the cities stick around to keep feeding and providing for those animals? Do you really believe it is time for me to grab my rifles and come down and re-enact the battle of Rourke's Drift in Baltimore? It's highly probable that the same police who ignore the "teens" plying their nefarious trade would not hesitate to throw the book at me for having an "unlicensed" firearm.
"“I’m going to be withdrawing from school,” and “I also want to say to everyone thanks for being my friend and letting me into your group,"
100% staged confirmed.
On topic. I've read every Heinlein book and short story and have enjoyed them all. A lot of them, in retrospect are just him building a soap box out of a story to preach his social commentary and philosophy, some of which I agree with, some of which I don't.
It's been some time and I can't even remember which book it was, but there was one where USA was occupied by Chinese IIRC and the punchline was creating some ray gun that only killed yellow men. I highly suspect if race specific viruses and diseases do not already exist there's some laboratory 20 miles under a mountain somewhere where scientists are feverishly working on such things. This may be our best hope for a future without the sub Saharan.
Good work on the first podcast. It sounded pretty decent for a first attempt at a solo radio show. I'm sure with some practice they will become really amazing.
Re: Post Dispatch Story
South St. Louis used to be entirely White and if you were from the Metro area called them Hoosiers as a semi-pejorative term. They were the Factory and Brewery Workers of the city, but the manufacturing went to shit and the Budweiser Brewery automated to cut staff.
North St. Louis Welfare Blacks, HUD, Section 8 and an NGO called the International Society who bring in Refugees (Bosnians, Muds, Muzzies etc.) are pushing out the Hoosiers and destroying what used to be a decent area for Poor Whites. My Aunt lived on Virginia Ave. and visiting as a kid, I can remember everyone out on their front porches socializing with neighbors and a Tavern on practically every corner.
20 years ago any Black who crossed Gravois Park would have risked a severe beating from the Lacquer Heads sniffing solvents in the park. How times have changed. Nomesayin?
My awakening to the civil rights scam came very recently when the government tried to claim transsexuals could choose the bathroom they want. Let me explain. The government forced businesses to except men into the woman's restroom in 2016 the same way they forced society to except blacks and all their criminality in the 1960s. Regardless of what they think me and you know that men should not be in the woman's restroom right. No matter how many rapes and crimes occur. Separate bathrooms is kind of like segregation in a way. Regardless of your views on it society was safer and generally better in terms of crime, quality of life and social cohesion. Just think about it. Compare the transsexual civil rights fight of 2016 to the 1960s. Where will it end. Are we headed for full blown communism. -Tim in occupied Chicongo
Adventures in Pizza Delivery!
Yahoo had an article up but I can't find it now that was better, as it showed a picture of one of the wide nosed female perps. Their excuse was something along the lines of "we don't care, we be hungry".
Do any of you guys know any white girls who call up pizza with the intent to assault the pizza delivery driver for a free meal? Can you even picture white females acting this way? I can't because they don't, it's strictly a Bantu thing.
Oh and while looking for this story I stumbled across this one:
Yes, groids ruin EVERYTHING including something as awesome as pizza.
Great podcast PK - I hope this becomes a regular installment.
I believe audio is the best format for these ideas, hence the popularity of many alt-right radio shows and podcasts. Writing and reading are very involved for both writer and listener. For the amount of time it takes for a writer to compose a 2,000 word essay, and a reader to read it - it could be covered in 3 minutes of speech. There is just so much more economy and efficiency in it.
There is also some evidence that processing spoken word stimulates more brain activity in the receiving party and that human receptors are more keen in an engaged conversation, which talk radio "fools" the listener to believe he/she is having. Video actually has the opposite effect as the listener has a competition for his attention between images and audio, so of the three - reading, listening, watching - listening has the most bang for the buck by far!
Plus people can easily share audio files, making it a very rapidly spreading format. As much time as people spend in their vehicles these days, over 1/3 of people listen to at least one podcast a week. This could catch on and spread even faster than the growth rate of SBPDL.COM
Thanks for everything you do.
In response to the civil rights LGTBQYXFUKU bathroom "issue" mentioned earlier,
I have no idea how any man with one or more daughters would be able to feel at ease with the no holds barred bathroom policy that is going on across our country. Lifting more weights or stocking up on ammo won't help you when it's your daughter at the mercy of lesbos and now male perverts peering in on her- remember how happy you were when your daughter ended up being more beautiful then you had ever imagined she'd be? These freaks, voyeurs and opportunists sure are too. I know I label harshly but if I had a daughter my life would be on the line for her. Losing a child or having her emotionally damaged for life (because some sicko can't help himself and has been given the green light in favor of "freedom") means Dads and Moms must take extra steps, no excuses necessary.
Guide and discipline your children. They will appreciate it later, especially the money and effort you spend to send them to a safe (white) school with high standards, expectations and no tolerance for cultural enrichment or PC indoctrination. I'm sure several white women/men can get together and use their higher education and internet access to spur learning and inspiration in their children without a classroom full of diversity and white shaming.
Following the flow is how we got here and why Hillary is the shoe in unless we all contribute to stopping her corporate juggernaut. All acts of resistance make a difference and make it easier on the rest of us, even if it is just putting on a gorilla mask and handing out snacks to the locals.
Your daughter deserves to live a full and happy uninterrupted life. Stop turning them into sluts who feel that they can appease diversity for the rest of us by sleeping with them. The time for being nice to everybody is over, even all whites. Have expectations of whites and act as the situation demands, but for God's sake, avoid blacks when possible and when not BE ON YOUR GUARD.
If they can't get close they can't rob, assault, or generally enrich you in anyway. Just like avoiding the tube, you will be amazed at what you're NOT missing.
I can't stand cities either. Besides being groid and diversity magnets, they bring out the worst and seem to diminish the best. I'm sure Ex New Yorker has a slough of stories to illustrate my point.
You think that with all the extra people around that even white cities in the Pacific Northwest like Seattle and Portland would be swimming in beauties, talent, and good cheer. What you leave out of your rosy predictions is that every loser, every lowlife, and any person who is not desired or wanted but deep down desires to be can go there and force people to be around them. You can detract from people's lives in every way imaginable and everyone would still be forced to sit with you on public transit or wait for you while you polluted the air with your rants and your physical stench. It is convenient to have everything located in a single area like N.Y. or S.F., but then comes all these obnoxious people and you are STUCK spending time with them as you all have to wait for the same things in the same places to get around town etc. I see ten times more unique ugly people then I do an increase in pleasant looking ones since I've kept count. I just don't see what is the upside of exposing yourself to the undesirable. That's not freedom.
If you can live safely out in the country but not too far from major airports and civilization then why not. Amazon and other internet services have made city living obsolete, particularly for those wanting to raise a family in peace.
Anonymous said ”Gorilla Boy says:
“I’m going to be withdrawing from school,” and “I also want to say to everyone thanks for being my friend and letting me into your group, and I’m sorry if I betrayed everyone’s friendship.”
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/09/30/student-who-wore-gorilla-mask-to-black-lives-matter-rally-says-he-s-leaving-school.htm l
There's something amiss here.
Not necessarily. It appears that he is apologizing to his friends that he embarrassed and has probably put in a difficult position because of their association with him. The DOJ is probably looking into the activities of all of his friends. I didn't see where he has apologized to the blm or blacks in general.
He is probably withdrawing from school because he has received or expects to receiv an offer that he can't refuse which is to apologize, grovel, and be publicly humiliated by blm to be un-suspended. I've never seen anything about this incident that appeared staged. He was either lucky or wisely selected a group of turdflake college orcs that didn't immediately attack as the more common street orcs would have done.
I think that the government will have to convince him that he is going to prison before he will submit. Forcing him out of college isn't sufficient. The realist is strong in this one.
torturing babies. 3 years. White babies?
I am thinking about starting a GoFundMe page to raise money for Tristan Rettke's (gorilla mask guy) legal defense. Does anybody have any suggestions or pros and cons.
wallacethewalrus said ”I am thinking about starting a GoFundMe page to raise money for Tristan Rettke's (gorilla mask guy) legal defense. Does anybody have any suggestions or pros and cons.”
I think that it is a great idea. We need to support people like Rettke for having the courage to resist. One problem that I foresee is that GoFundMe may, under pressure from the PC police or on their own accord, not permit a fund raiser for Rettke because of the egregious nature of his crime. We might need a trusted independent broker to accept contributions from anonymous donors then apply the funds to Rettke's legal defense. I would send cash today if it was to someone trustworthy.
Off topic, my husband and I are watching the Ryder Cup. The contrast between this and the negro felon league is amazing to watch.
Female in FL
As far as Mr. Rettke goes, it might be better just to have a private account that can't be taken down due to complaints- give a link where to donate.
I'd leave it to a realist lawyer to tackle but I assume you would contest the charges of civil liberties intimidation garbage. Just some vague term to put whitey in his place. Use the c word for liberal women and of course the ultimate is insulting the prophet with Muslims. All excuses to make words actually hurt so that you are justified in seeking retribution. But whitey needs to just let everything roll that comes his way and watch while diversity fks everything up with their lack of imagination, compassion or foresight. The waste of time to prove a liberal egalitarian point that has already been proven faulty is what is the real issue in my eyes.
Maybe the next step is to voluntarily segregate with a few generally known segregated areas and others would stay and promote non-stop diversity. Just to illustrate a point as if Detroit, Chicago, Newark, Baltimore, Ferguson, Atlanta, Minneapolis aren't thorough enough examples.
You can spell it out in easier and easier terms but it just doesn't seem to get through since the truth is so painful. Five foot tall meek basketball players with bad eyesight can't be yelled or coached into a super star so why do we try the same thing with blacks intellectually? To keep up the myth that we are all equal and interchangeable when everyone knows the truth? Until blacks are able to be told that their sh@t stinks and that they can improve things or STFU we will keep going through this. We have affirmative action slot stealers at Ivy league colleges who have nothing better to do than extort the university and its students in the name of stifling decent and free speech. Places like Yale are being told when to jump and how high by people who are too surly and undependable to be even cleaning the bathrooms in the residence halls.
This is what happens when not enough people have the balls to keep crybully terrorist types in check and you endorse diversity blindly and with open arms and keep former expectations.
Seeing Hillary fail after all the strings that she has had pulled would be sublime. Calling Trump supporters deplorables and Bernie supporters misinformed basement-dwellers probably won't help her with her millenial problem.
Enough people have talked about Tristan that he is already an American folk hero and legend. For some people that would already be worth it. If he gets the charges dropped or not, at least it will be another barometer of where whites stand. Even though popular support has surged under racial realism the keys to the torture equipment have not changed hands and PC doctrine has been doubled down on even in mainstream outlets. It's all a bluff. Realists need to take a page from the Donald playbook and stand strong and don't acknowledge their accusatory bullsh@t. While diversity is busy complaining the rest of us need to be busy actually doing things and working towards their inevitable downfall.
Where you see lies spread the truth, even if silent acts of protest are necessary.
I checked out the trailer that you were talking about. Half of it was blacks armed with swords, axes, and blunt objects in large groups getting ready to fight white people. An inspiring song telling them "we will rise" plays in the background. The only reason I am mentioning all this is theaters should be avoided in black areas when this is being played. It's like they stole everything from Braveheart so that that they could make Blackheart, the white women and children killer.
The first comment on the video asked why there are no movies of blacks before they were slaves. A good question that we all know the answer to.
Fantasy Felony League stats, brought to you by
Last Week’s Totals (9/25 – 10/1)
Total shootings: 95
Shot & Wounded: 83
Shkt & Killed: 12
Total Homicides: 12
Final September Totals
Total Shootings: 364
Shot & Wounded: 302
Shot & Killed: 62
Total Homicides: 65
Year to Date
Total shootings: 3295
Shot & Wounded: 2783
Shot & Killed: 512
Total Homicides: 569
The Weekend’s Stupidity
Score as of 9:00AM Sunday: 3 killed, 37 wounded
2015 final weekend tally: 3 killed, 13 wounded
2014 final weekend tally: 3 killed, 32 wounded
Current Chicago Shot Clock:
A shooting happens every: 2:01
A homicide happens every: 11:35
wallacethewalrus said...
I am thinking about starting a GoFundMe page to raise money for Tristan Rettke's (gorilla mask guy) legal defense. Does anybody have any suggestions or pros and cons.
October 2, 2016 at 8:31 AM
It was staged, don't send him a fucking dime. Nothing but a photo op to soften BLM`s image.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Because of money problems I have not been able to keep up with my Martyr Memorial tee shirt collection. There have been too many martyrs being shot lately and keeping up with buying all the tee shirts has caused a financial strain. Also I am running out of room.
I have applied for a twenty million dollar grant to build the Negro Martyr Memorial Tee Shirt Museum. I explained that the museum would be centrally located so it could be visited by tourist on their way to Yellowstone National Park and Mount Rushmore. The bikers on the way to Sturgis would also stop in for a visit. My request was denied. I called up and talked to an "old hippie dude" and he explained that the government is now only issuing grant money to Mexicans and Muslims. He was kind enough to give me a phone number at the Clinton Foundation.
So I called the Clinton Foundation last week and explained my need for funding. I lightly hinted that I could make a donation to the foundation if someone could help me by "pulling strings " in Washington.
They transferred my call to a nice lady in the International Donation Department. After explaining my situation we discussed how much I could donate. When I mentioned that all I could scrap up was $18.50 she hung up on me.
So here I sit flat broke with a house filled with memorial tee shirts. My next move is to see if I can get my own "reality" television show.
Off topic, but regarding the New Jersey train accident, I smell Dindu`s.
They don't know what happened, the signals and the tracks were all working as they should, it just came into the station too fast...Uh huh...
And now its revealed they`ve had a bunch of safety violations in the last year, to include drug use by employee`s and disregarding safety checks.
I`ll be amazed if an AA hire negro wasn't behind this accident.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Anonymous said ”. . . Maybe the next step is to voluntarily segregate with a few generally known segregated areas and others would stay and promote non-stop diversity. Just to illustrate a point as if Detroit, Chicago, Newark, Baltimore, Ferguson, Atlanta, Minneapolis aren't thorough enough examples. . .”
As wonderful as voluntary segregation would be, it is impossible. The Detroits, Chicagos and other cities would always be crapholes, and the crap within could not be contained. It would be like saying let the cockroaches self-segregate into the walls and the rats self-segregate into the basement so the rest of us can happily live in the rest of the dwelling. Segregation will highlight the differences in black society and white society. Any whites living near the border of a financially independent segregated black society would be living in a constant state of attack.
So long as blacks can reach whites there will not be peace. Calm can be maintained only through the threat of violence. We need to return to nature's solution which was to separate blacks and whites with an ocean or thousands of miles of hostile terrain. There is no solution where everyone walks away as friends.
Meanwhile...in Cuba:
Liberals these days talking about the black race, emphasizing their special needs vis-a-vis the other races in America. Yet for decades these same liberals have been preaching that the idea of race is nothing more than the reeking effluvia of bigoted white minds. Does the current lib-speak now acknowledge that there are definite races in this world? Following this stunning admission will liberals now admit there are differences between these races in terms of mental/physical acuity and ability?
This is one of the central contradictions of today's liberalism: on one hand liberals claim that race-is-just-a-construct(tm) and nothing more than the color-of-skin(tm). At the same time they act as if race is so deep that actions taken centuries ago (slavery, segregation) influence African-in-American behavior today: thus their higher rates of crime, poverty, family destruction, streets gone wrong and pillaging cities across the Homeland.
The USA has had several generations of War on Poverty, Civil Rites, Integrated Schools, Urban Renewal and Equal Opportunity. If, as liberals claim, people are just a product of their environment then Africans-in-America ought to be performing at the same levels as Whites. Of course, they do not but the one factor which would explain this -- genetics -- is not even on the table of the national dialog.
The contradictions are endless.
Two centuries ago, Africans-in-America worked in Southern cotton fields. Today, African-in-American claim "reparations" on that basis. But if race-is-just-a-construct(tm) then what relationships do today's Africans-in-American have with those of two centuries ago other than the color-of-their-skin(tm)?" On that basis, should Africans-in-American pay reparations to Whites for the destruction of cities such as Detroit and Selma? But in liberal ideology, this only works one way, always to the detriment of YT.
Liberalism has the obvious experiment of post-colonial Africa. The liberal formulae of black-majority-rule and one-man-one-vote did not lead to progress and equality as promised. Instead, we see the usual running debacle below the Sahara: Big Man dictatorial rule, economic collapse, famines, non-stop massacres and the general hustling of NGOs. Black Africans act remarkably the same, whether in Congo or Haiti or Selma or your refugee camp in Calais and points east.
Q: Why?
A: Genetics.
Of course, liberals have all sorts of verbal systems to untie the ideological knots. They invent ("construct") concepts such as "institutional racism" and "micro-aggressions." Anything other than admitting that their delusions are wrong. And the more they cook the ideological books, the more liberalism detaches itself from reality. But liberals would rather see entire cities laid waste rather than admit they are wrong.
This is one reason that race realism, White nationalism and the Alt Right are on the rise. They are willing to tell the truth about race.
John has a long mustache.
Wolverines are here FOREVER.
The first comment on the video asked why there are no movies of blacks before they were slaves. A good question that we all know the answer to.
There was a 1936 movie Anthony Adverse which has the titular protagonist dealing with African chiefs who deal in slaves. It's a not particularly flattering picture of Africa, though realistic for the era.
Your point is well made, though. Any movie about Africa is going to have to show the reality that blacks were not quite up to the snuff of other civilizations.
But I thought we were going to have a glorious and equal post racial utopia once we elected a half breed genetic misfire mongrel rat P.O.S.
Chonky the Honky
Five foot tall meek basketball players with bad eyesight can't be yelled or coached into a super star so why do we try the same thing with blacks intellectually?
Because liberals refuse to drop their belief in magic brain theory.
You see evolution caused all these superficial and medical differences but brain function ended up 100% the same, even though there are undisputed differences in brain shape.
Amusingly liberals make fun of creationists for refusing to face the facts of evolution. But if you ask a liberal how it is possible for the brain to defy evolution and natural selection they will go into an emotional tirade. I would advise against doing this on a personal level with a liberal. It terrifies them at a subconscious level to realize they might not be much different than the creationists that they make fun of. You are really threatening their ego by making this point. They walk around thinking of themselves of superior beings and masters of knowledge. Questioning magic brain theory shakes them to the core.
The problem for liberals is that dropping magic brain theory will be the end of liberalism as we know it. They can't just admit to White people that brain differences do in fact exist and White people are not actually responsible for all inequality. Liberalism would collapse as it depends on White people believing they are holding back Blacks.
El Cajon, video from a black perspective. Look at how these self-described revolutionaries slowly convince themselves to get pissed off and start intimidating people. It's amazing so many of them seemed to have scheduled time off from work to be part of this historic event. Will they put parts of the cars that were destroyed in the African American Museum of Greatness in D.C. or will it be the actual rocks thrown by protesters at cops standing down?
"If, as liberals claim, people are just a product of their environment then Africans-in-America ought to be performing at the same levels as Whites. Of course, they do not but the one factor which would explain this -- genetics -- is not even on the table of the national dialog."
Of course, it's not even "on the table" in discussions of within-race differences in behavior. The myth persists that with enough study, anyone can be an Einstein or a Hawking. This sort of thing relates to worldview and transcends political divisions like liberalism and conservatism -- a false duality which is itself only an illusion, since America is a country founded on the principles of classical liberalism, which incorporate the Lockean/Christian worldview of man as a blank slate. What you are calling modern liberalism is only classical liberalism taken to its logical conclusion. If environment counts for everything, then it follows necessarily that genetics count for nothing.
Anonymous said
Meanwhile...in Cuba:
Funny, but wasn't that the reason we cut ties with Cuba in the first place? Boy oh boy Butterscotch and his backers have really set the wheels in motion for the TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA! I hope one day in the very near future I'm watching his (and his minions and backers') trial and eventual hanging for treason on a deplorable alt right tv broadcast........
A few quotes that apply to the situation in America today.....
"When the politics of lying becomes normal, paranoia and alienation become the 'normality' of the day. The government, as the principal liar, was more deluded than everyone else, since its reality-map became a classic disinformation system."....Robert Anton Wilson from "Cosmic Trigger".
"Tyrone...You are not the father". Maury Povich....March, 1998
"Jamal.....You are not the father". Maury Povich.....September 2009
"Dat baby don't look like me." DeAndre T. Johnson (aka...gun boy).....April 2012
"Pricktavious.....You are not the father". Maury Povich....August 2016
"DeShawn......You are not the father". Maury Povich...Last week.
As wonderful as voluntary segregation would be, it is impossible. The Detroits, Chicagos and other cities would always be crapholes, and the crap within could not be contained.
That depends what we do with what spills out, doesn't it?
So long as blacks can reach whites there will not be peace. Calm can be maintained only through the threat of violence.
I suggest we begin a program of re-colonization with all the Africans in prison, followed by those who break probation or who are chronic offenders. That would cut our prison population by at least half overnight and make it far less violent. We wouldn't have to threaten anything because they wouldn't be allowed to get on airplanes. A program of attrition by encouraging re-colonization or sterilization for all but the most assimilated would do the rest.
That would be the ideal. What we'll actually get will come during a massive social upheaval where tempers have snapped and all goodwill is exhausted, and will not be anything so nice.
Meanwhile...in Cuba:
Cuba has its own African problem. The regime will find that Africans can't be trained to even watch gauges conscientiously, and perhaps join the recolonization program. Their excess might be welcome in Angola.
Nuclear power reactors of the VVER type are useless for making weapons materials, and "dirty bombs" are much scarier than they are actually dangerous. This is no threat to us.
if you ask a liberal how it is possible for the brain to defy evolution and natural selection they will go into an emotional tirade. I would advise against doing this on a personal level with a liberal. It terrifies them at a subconscious level to realize they might not be much different than the creationists that they make fun of. You are really threatening their ego by making this point. They walk around thinking of themselves of superior beings and masters of knowledge. Questioning magic brain theory shakes them to the core.
This is why you NEED to do it. Leftards MUST be humiliated to shake them out of their complacency, and humiliation by their own cognitive dissonance is the best way to do it.
The problem for liberals is that dropping magic brain theory will be the end of liberalism as we know it.
Has to be done, and the sooner the better.
Heads up if you are in St. Louis area:
Regarding the nuclear reactors, if they melt down due to affirmative action type hires Cuba is what 90 miles away from Florida.
Also Russia is making moves all over South America because they smell a weak rat Quisling traitor P.O.S. in the District of Cesspool.
The real commies will eat the Amerikwa wannabe commies for breakfast and shit them out by lunch.
Radio Free America Announcer: It's 11:59 on Radio Free America; this is Uncle Sam, with music, and the truth until dawn. Right now I've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone: "the chair is against the wall, the chair is against the wall", "john has a long mustache, john has a long mustache". It's twelve o'clock, American, another day closer to victory. And for all of you out there, on, or behind the line, this is your song.
[the Battle Hymn of the Republic begins to play]
Some folks also realize it's easier to have something to hold onto when busses and subways will never come to those areas, or counties, or perhaps even that state... why on earth would somebody want to stay in the midst of monkeyshines when there is no need to do this. I am looking into getting out of my urban "comfort zone" to go rural. I started doing a garden this year, hope to expand it next year. I want to have the skills which could be useful for my future and out people's future while also getting away from the crap.
Why should my taxes even go to people I wouldn't have as neighbors? Why should I live somewhere in more likely to see, hear and smell people I would rather not? Moving to a decent place with low population density, dependable water, rich in game and... PEOPLE OF MY OWN KIND AND CULTURE seems perfectly reasonable. While I might never fit in with the neighbors is rather do that than know I would never want to fit in with my neighbors.
The angel that watched over me was called HATE.
Wow, Ex-New Yorker....beautifully said....and so very true.
Philadelphia Mike
What many don't seem to grasp is that it does not take action to rid ourselves of black Africans, only the inaction of ceasing to feed them and provide for them.
Well said.
"When the politics of lying becomes normal, paranoia and alienation become the 'normality' of the day. The government, as the principal liar, was more deluded than everyone else, since its reality-map became a classic disinformation system."....Robert Anton Wilson from "Cosmic Trigger".
Robert Anton Wilson is usually known for the Illuminatus trilogy, but his Cosmic Trigger series has some interesting observations, especially on the nature of conspiracy, government and what is perceived of as reality.
The problem for liberals is that dropping magic brain theory will be the end of liberalism as we know it. They can't just admit to White people that brain differences do in fact exist and White people are not actually responsible for all inequality. Liberalism would collapse as it depends on White people believing they are holding back Blacks.
Gets back to the ideological struggle. Ultimately, the way to defeat liberalism is to discredit the the concept of inherent human equality. Once that occurs, all else follows.
i.e., 2 + 2 must = 4.
I think it is time to start discussing systemic repatriation to Africa. Billions have been given to the negro savage and nothing has changed. Education programs have been initiated, housing projects have been built, and still, the negro has not assimilated in to American culture.
Savage apes have no place in Western culture and the tide needs to change, a more aggressive stance towards monkey people needs to begin. Upon being found guilty for any crime, the negro and its immediate family should be immediately escorted from their residence, handcuffed and shackled, and brought to a holding facility to await repatriation. Prisoners will be transported to ports where gutted out oil tankers will provide them passage to the west coast of Africa. What happens after their arrival in Africa is no longer our concern.
Two positives about my proposed program:
1) It will serve as a deterrent for negro criminal behavior (in all reality, negro behavior is criminal behavior).
2) The obvious - the number of blacks in the United States will drastically decrease and crime will also abate.
Meanwhile...in Cuba:
Cuba has its own African problem.
I met someone who escaped via a bribe on Marialeto boat 1980s [USA shoulda bombed Cuba over that but Raygun did nothing].
He said Cuba is very 'black-mixed race' and the Whites dislike the colored.
Do you mean the Mariel boat lift that occurred from April to Oct 31, 1980? Jimmy Carter was president during that period of time.
Female in FL
Keep pumping! We're getting a pulse!
Hope is out there!
Looking through the downloaded movies spindle for Red Dawn.
What a classic.
Patrick Swayze is a champion and Jennifer Grey is so hot in that one!
That scene where the Hind gunships finds them I cannot lie I had something in my eye.
"I met someone who escaped via a bribe on Marialeto boat 1980s [USA shoulda bombed Cuba over that but Raygun did nothing]."
Reagan wasn't President at that time of Mariel boatlift (April to October 1980). Study harder.
This is why you NEED to do it. Leftards MUST be humiliated to shake them out of their complacency, and humiliation by their own cognitive dissonance is the best way to do it.
I agree but it should be done anonymously.
Liberals can turn very nasty if you threaten their ego. If you have a libtard at work then just leave some links on their desk. Always make them think you are on their side or neutral.
Only one game? I want to hear about this at every game since I don't watch the negro felon league anymore.
Female in FL
Great podcast PK. Will be buying Heinlein's books ASAP. The used copies of practically anything are under a dollar online.
Want more listeners to the podcast? Make it a habit to recognize one SBPDL commenter from a day or two before and tie it into your podcast. Seeing as how we Whites are ignored & passed over in the workplace while supporting negroes, a little recognition might be nice.
Can you set your account at Soundcloud to offer the option to download?
Return them to their homeland repeal Civil Rights end our nations membership in the Useless Nations and end all imagration from these certian nations that aid and harbor terrorists
"Blackheart", I love it!
I've used Download Helper to pull MP3's off of Soundcloud, but not recently so I don't know if it still works.
Sometime last year activists in Jamaica suggested that the British Government should pay reparations to the black people of that island to compensate them for the crime of slavery. This despite the fact that the very last victim of slavery on Jamaica must have died about a hundred years ago and slavery was not a crime until the British Government outlawed it and freed the slaves in 1833.
Some may think this unreasonable, I however think it is not only a perfectly sound idea, but that it does not go nearly far enough. Not only do they deserve compensation but we should undo the harm caused to them by returning them to their homes in Africa. We can easily afford to do this as without Blacks Jamaica would be an earthly paradise with property prices so stellar as to easily cover the entire operation whatever the cost. In addition if we extend the principle that people alive today who may or may not be the descendants of people who in the past engaged in activities which we now consider to be wrong are liable, then we should be entitled to demand a refund from the current governments of the countries they came from.
Not only do they deserve compensation but we should undo the harm caused to them by returning them to their homes in Africa. We can easily afford to do this as without Blacks Jamaica would be an earthly paradise with property prices so stellar as to easily cover the entire operation whatever the cost.
As I wrote before, the Carribean is too nice a place to waste on googles.
we should be entitled to demand a refund from the current governments of the countries they came from.
That's a brilliant idea! We give the re-colonized googles bonds from the governments of the tribes and territories they came from, and wash our hands of the matter.
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