Previously on SBPDL: 89-year-old White World War II veteran suffocates to death while Black nurses laugh at him
Here's your shot. [IU Health investigates after controversial tweet traced to nurse, Indianapolis Star, 11-25-17]:
Indiana University Health is investigating a controversial tweet allegedly sent by a nurse who works for the organization.
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Black nurse tweets our her hatred of white males, basically endorses killing young white babies |
The tweet, from an account named Night Nurse that has been linked to an employee named Taiyesha Baker, said: "Every white woman raises a detriment to society when they raise a son. Someone with the HIGHEST propensity to be a terrorist, rapist, racist, killer, and domestic violence all star. Historically every son you had should be sacrificed to the wolves Bitch"
IU Health spokesman Jason Fechner confirmed that Baker worked for the health system when the tweet was posted. He said human resources is investigating and will take appropriate action based on what it finds. He did not elaborate on the protocol for the investigation.
“IU Health is aware of several troubling posts on social media which appear to be from a recently hired IU Health employee," Fechner said in a statement. "Our HR department continues to investigate the situation and the authenticity of the posts. During the investigation, that employee (who does not work at Riley Hospital for Children) will have no access to patient care.”
A nurse at the center of an investigation into a number of controversial social media posts was not allowed access to patient care on Saturday and was no longer employed on Sunday afternoon, according to a spokesperson for the health care system.
Officials at IU Health confirmed Saturday that they were aware of what they called “several troubling social media posts” made by Taiyesha Baker, who they say was recently hired and who did not work at Riley Hospital for Children.
On Sunday afternoon, they provided an update, saying, “A recently hired IU Health employee tied to troubling posts on social media this weekend is no longer an employee of IU Health.”Notice how in the second story, detailing Taiyesha Baker being fired from her job as a nurse, the mainstream media report sanitizes her anti-white bigotry (the cause of her firing) completely by leaving out the motive for her dismissal.
The main question few dare ask: how wide spread is the hatred Taiyesha Baker feels for white males and white babies in the black community?
There is an incredible degree of Leftist thought on "social media" which eventually comes around to bite the arse of the original poster.
Written (or publicised) thoughts have consequences, and the Left do not appreciate the dynamics as yet. Just think the NFL and Colin Kaepernick - this arsehole is going to cost the (((owners))) billions of dollars in lost revenue.
The Left are entirely emotive, and will lash out without thinking. Conservatives, on the other hand, will apply some measure of future time orientation, so as to make a calculated assessment of the possible future outcomes of a possibly intemperent outburst.
This is double-plus good!
If she had used the qualifier "white" before son it would make sense. As it stands she is attacking every single mulatto and light-skinned black male. Do you think white men bed down and mate with black women in any large capacity?
Whenever you see a mixed race/mulatto child, you KNOW that his/her single mom is a white woman. Barack Obama himself is the result of a mixed race pairing where the white female does ALL of the work and gets NONE of the credit.
I would agree with her statement on one angle:
Every white woman raises a detriment to society when they raise a black son.
In 2013, a media firestorm erupted over a white Michigan man requesting only white nurses for his newborn. There is nothing wrong with a request like that. However, several black nurses sued because the medical facility acceded to the father's demands. The matter was settled out of court. That poor father is now exonerated with the nurse's tweet. I'm sure other "nurses" feel that way. Based on my personal experiences, blacks rarely have our best interests at heart. Patients should have every right to demand who will treat them.
When my father fell and hit his head due to Parkinson's, he originally said he doesn't need painkillers. As the time dragged on, my father's pain was increasing and he was begging for help. The Indian ER Doctor who did the initial examination got very cocky when I requested some medicine to alleviate my father's pain. He said dismissively "that is not what he told me earlier." During another visit, another south Asian Doctor showed me a CAT scan of my father's lungs and pointed out he has advanced lung cancer. He said it "looks bad." A subsequent biopsy proved him wrong. If I had a choice, I wouldn't want to be treated by anyone other than a native white male doctor.
Here's an article relating to black nurses and all the pain and suffering that they can cause. Who in their right mind would put our most vulnerable family members in the care of a demographic famous for its lack of empathy and concern for others?
The racist tweets and dindu-babble-speak make it hard enough to take already. But what about their actual competency? Lighter skinned people fight very competitively for the coveted spots in these nursing programs, all while paying all or most of it out of pocket.
Blacks are great about keeping the bar of acceptable behavior so low that they are constantly guaranteed handouts since they are at the bottom. Not applying yourself, thinking ahead, or attempting to grow in any way whatsoever can have that effect. They are permanent victims, and you know how victims act? Entitled and selfish.
They hate us because they know they'll never be us. I don't hate black people, I just don't want to be around them if I can avoid it but I honestly believe that an ever growing majority of black people hate the very concept of the white man. Perhaps it stems from the fact that white men are not attracted to black women yet "their men" actively seek out white women. Black people suffer from an inferiority complex when measuring themselves against white people and get upset that whites don't use black people as a measuring stick
I can tell you as a first responder in a Southern city that it is VERY widespread. My friends and acquaintances who are in similar Professional fields (Nursing, Medic, Police and Fire) echo those sentiments. The amount of resources wasted on dindus (who NEVER pay for those services) is ENORMOUS.
Affirmative Action hires have only weakened said professional occupations. The list of "unqualified- but hired anyway" firefighters, police, nurses etc. is endless. Those of us in the profession can spot them a mile away.
Meanwhile in clown world, "segregation" is considered among the most wicked institutions in history. It seems like common sense. Blacks hate whites and claim they're "held back". So give them the opportunity to prove it. I'm sure all of you will endure the safer, more prosperous, and more pleasant white societies that will result in the absence of this incompatible population.
Permission to Maintain their Ethnic, Cultural and National identities:
This talk about “oppressed minorities” ignores the real disenfranchisement of the White majority, and denies us our right to survive in a world of our own
LIE: Diversity™ is our strength.
TRUTH: Diversity™ is our Misery.
As we saw with the WWII veteran just recently losing his life to a negro woman, their hatred runs deep. This should bother all white people who trust their care to blacks. This is precisely why we need to separate the races. There is no love or trust between us now. What this woman said is a widespread hatred of white men. This was caused by the anti-white media constantly demonizing our people and our race.
This will not go away as I know you are very much aware, Mr. Kersey. It is here to stay, and people understand the ugly face of black hate now. The media can put lipstick on a pig (TV depicting blacks as caring, gallant, and genteel), but everyone generally knows the truth by now unless they live under a rock at the bottom of the Atlantic.
YouTube, Twitter, and all the other left leaning media cannot hide the king without clothes as all can see he is nude.
The general hate these people feel for whites is seething under their skin. The reason they rape white women, kill innocent white people, and rob us of our possessions is they resent our people and our success.
They see us as something they will never be: a civilized people who can rule nations. Inventors and builders of cities! Forever until the end of time they are a cursed race that brings desolation anywhere they go.
The Swedes welcomed ravaged Africans with open arms and how were they repaid: their women were raped, men were murdered, and they filled the Swedish streets with crime. Whereas Sweden used to be the safest place on earth, it is now a din of black thieves and rapists.
The big question is how long delusional whites continue this charade? Blacks and Muslims are not a benefit to our culture or civilization. They need to go!
This story doesn't surprise me in the least. I spent seven years working with mental patients and the black staff were hostile towards whites with just a few exceptions and were constantly making accusations against white staff in order to try and get them fired so they could transform the workplace into a solid black one. Most were hostile, abusive and neglectful towards the patients as well and were also thieves who would steal whenever the opportunity arose. It was also "popular" for them to start screaming racism any time they didn't get their way or were held to account for non-performance of their duties or any other transgressions. Most were as stupid as the day is long and could only read at about a 3rd or 4th grade level. The only descriptive terms that fit are lazy, belligerent, hostile, stupid, uneducated, corrupt and vile.
Knowing blacks the way I do, I wouldn't leave a sick dog in their care.
Little wonder black males turn out as they do.
Compounding their biological limitations, they're raised by the high testosterone, low empathy females.
Ma Ingalls she ain't.
Given her tweets, I would have immediately investigated any infant deaths at the hospital where she worked. If they did that investigation and found anything that would put her employer on the hook for compensation, so I'm sure no investigation was done.
I'm no mind reader, but after all the crap coming out during Obama's 2 terms & @ 1 yr of Trump, it's safe to say many black women feel this way. The rest would just go along.
Not a day goes by anymore without some black on white attack. Check the web daily, in one of the "usual cities", you'll find a story. What you won't find is honesty from the MSM.
Quality Nursing is a primarily White endeavour. Some Indians can be exceptional, but not many, and many Asians become quite proficient at copying what everyone else does. I know one very Black Aboriginal girl who is terrific and can actually operate at complex management level, but she's the exception.
I've only ever met one Jewish Nurse, and all she wanted to do was get to Israel. Nursing requires dirty hands on occasion.
OT: Disney Corp. strikes again with YET ANOTHER revisionist movie. Pairing up with "The Okra" (Oprah Winfrey) media group, they have bastardized another children's book called A Wrinkle in Time....and created a 13 year old female negro physics genius as the protagonist. The "father" of the girl is played by the very Caucasian Chris Pine, so the element of miscegenation is obviously promoted. The book published in 1962 was clearly written by, for, and about White people, not african jungle bunnys.
So Disney hires a negro female director (Ava DuVernay, director of the movie Selma) who stated she wanted to make a film “with a cast that looked like you, looked like the real world." In other words, revisionist history to try and make blacks feel better about themselves. And we all know how blacks are such huge fans of the sci-fi/fantasy genre...(/sarc)
Boycott this trash. Quit buying and supporting the evil that is Disney.
I like how they blurred out the black nurse's face on the Wish story but there is an unrelated white profile pic clearly visible.
It is very widespread. They hate YT, could not be clearer.
Female in FL
"Taiyesha Baker"
I believe Taiyesha is actually the Swahili word for "fuck you, whitey", or it might be simply "kill whitey". I'm a bit rusty, but trust me any of these Scrabble gone wrong names amount to one or the other of those translations. Each and every time. Along with color coding them, this is another one of nature's ways of marking dangerous animals.
" longer an employee of IU Health.”
Interesting choice of words. Did they terminate her or did she simply stop showing up after her first paycheck? Frankly I'd more suspect just the negro inability to handle responsibility before anybody daring to fire a negress just because she hates whitey.
"how wide spread is the hatred Taiyesha Baker feels for white males and white babies in the black community?"
I wouldn't take it too personal. They hate what they fear and they fear that which they don't understand.... which is practically everything. It's not like these creatures have a lot of affection even for each other. These are the same monsters who invented the "ghetto lobster" scalding, burning, or boiling their own young.
Black people suffer from an inferiority complex when measuring themselves against white people
That happens when people are inferior.
and get upset that whites don't use black people as a measuring stick
Success at indiscriminate breeding and spreading of STDs, looting and the sport of African Tree Hockey ought to be our society's figure of merit. /sarc
Those of us in the profession can spot them a mile away.
The color-coding makes that a lot simpler.
This was caused by (((the anti-white media))) constantly demonizing our people and our race.
The only descriptive terms that fit are lazy, belligerent, hostile, stupid, uneducated, corrupt and vile.
"A beast they wrought in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a n1663r." — H. P. Lovecraft
Studies have shown that the areas where blacks are most disliked correspond to areas with "greater diversity". In other words, the more people of other races are exposed to blacks, the more they dislike them. Go figure.
This article has many of her other tweets.
Let's see how far the Leftist Supremacist Media goes with this? Coverage for 2 hours? 2 and 1/2 hours and then back to Trump-Hating? In fact, let's see how they link this to Trump...
Nurses need to be smart; I think she should be fired just for being so bad at math. Who has the highest propensity to do all that stuff? Well, it's a mixture of blacks, muslims, and probably Hispanics. Or maybe she's unclear on the word propensity. Blacks commit about half the murders, but they're only 13% of the population. Maybe she thinks they have equal propensity with "everyone else", who collectively commit a bit less than half of the murders, even though they represent 87% of the population.
I'm afraid I'm going off topic again. This black nurse is so stupid I hesitate to reply to her except to note that most black slogans and arguments are oxymorons. Two of the most famous are "Black is Beautiful" and "Black Lives Matter".
I thought I might note a few more less known facts about slavery today.
It is often surprising to moderns to learn that American black slavery was much different from classical Greek and Roman slavery. For example if you were a Roman pater familias and you wanted to educate your kids - you would just buy a teacher - often a Greek who had sold himself into slavery so as to get that kind of position. Selling yourself into slavery was quite common in the ancient world. Some positions like those in finance were only open to slaves so ambitious young men who were good with numbers would sell themselves into slavery. Many of the richest men in Rome were freedmen who became millionaires this way.
Other men tried to be slaves but were blocked because the government didn't want more slaves. This was also true of manumission. The government had to hold down the number of free men who became slaves and then were freed and therefore became clients of their former master. This was a way for talented men to become business owners and clients of politically powerful aristocrats.
When I saw the movie "Gladiator" I wondered why if the hero Maximus (Russell Crowe) didn't want to be a gladiator he just didn't quit. The Antonines didn't require any slave to be a gladiator (or female slaves to be prostitutes) if they didn't choose to. In fact their problem was just the opposite. Young men of good families kept selling themselves into slavery so as to qualify to become a gladiator. The really glamorous job was charioteer but being a gladiator was also very popular. Gladiators got to kill other men and they were considered sexy. Marcus Aurelius for example had an unfaithful wife so he bought a gladiator, killed him, and had his wife take a bath in his blood. This was suppose to take the woman's mind off sex. Aurelius was also not quite like Richard Harris in the film.
Gladiators were slaves and were beaten and branded but the job was still very attractive to many men. The Roman life expectancy at this time was only 23. Life wasn't worth as much.
The point is that the only slavery that most people are familiar with today is the black slavery of the modern world. There were some American black slaves who had craft jobs but the vast majority were the kind of simple agricultural workers that were the lowest form of slaves in the ancient world. So the stigma of slavery that is claimed to be the cause for black failure makes no historical sense. A personal history of servitude does not lower your IQ. A Roman who bought a Greek philosopher as a tutor did not think he was thereby smarter than his slave. Indeed if he thought he were, he would probably just get another. We think blacks are stupid because they are stupid - not because they were slaves two centuries ago.
"What this woman said is a widespread hatred of white men. This was caused by the anti-white media constantly demonizing our people and our race."
Not true, that's not the cause. I know this from experience.
I believe Taiyesha is actually the Swahili word for "fuck you, whitey", or it might be simply "kill whitey". I'm a bit rusty, but trust me any of these Scrabble gone wrong names amount to one or the other of those translations.
"Scrabble gone wrong names" ... I like that!
You also have to ask if these 'hood names represent a deeper mindset which leads to the black inability to fit into White civilization.
Meanwhile in clown world, "segregation" is considered among the most wicked institutions in history. It seems like common sense. Blacks hate whites and claim they're "held back". So give them the opportunity to prove it. I'm sure all of you will endure the safer, more prosperous, and more pleasant white societies that will result in the absence of this incompatible population.
They were already given the prefect opportunity which was Haiti.
The ultimate nature vs nurture test has already happened on the island of Hispaniola.
The African side is the poorest and dirtiest country in North America while the Dominican Republic has similar economics to the rest of Latin America.
Our problem is that Western leaders refuse to look at the results. What's truly crazy is that the Southerners made the same point before the civil war. Egalitarians had no explanation for Haiti just as they don't today. It's just that island of Negroes that we're supposed to pretend is just the result of bad luck. Even more irritating is that egalitarians and liberals seem to have no interest in fixing Haiti. They're so concerned with the Negro people and yet seem to prioritize American Black criminals like Freddie Gray over starving Haitians. My guess is that on a subconscious level they realize that Haiti undermines their central argument of Africans being "held back" by Whites. It's an embarrassment to them.
They pick these absurd names for two reasons: to say 'screw you' to mainstream white society; to draw attention to themselves. I've long seen their mentality as that of overgrown adolescents.
Scrabble gone wrong names! Ha, ha! Vowels rang out!
"What this woman said is a widespread hatred of white men. This was caused by the anti-white media constantly demonizing our people and our race."
"Not true, that's not the cause. I know this from experience."
So what is the cause, based on your experience?
"This black nurse is so stupid I hesitate to reply to her except to note that most black slogans and arguments are oxymorons".
Their arguments are oxymorons because they are onyx-morons. Ha, ha!
In response to anon at 8:49, I was the one who blamed the liberal media's drum of anti-white sentiment. It has been my experience from watching news programs that whites are never depicted in a good light when discussion of negroes is discussed. I believe that this woman's idea of white men being terrorists is based on the media's demonizing of whites. When blacks commit mass murder, they never emphasize the race of the person, but say the person was obviously mentally ill. On the other hand, the media immediately looks to see if white men who commit mass murder were part of the KKK, or Nazi's, or the alt-right. In other words, they continue the negative narrative of white men.
White men are shown as idiots on television. I am watching the Game of Thrones on TV now and can tell you all blacks are shown as noble. I watch the Walking Dead as well and blacks are shown as leaders, being brave, and a noble people. My feelings of this is: oh really!
This is wrong because we have all seen what blacks do in apocalyptic situations like Hurricane Katrina and the LA Riots. Blacks become violent and rob, rape, murder, and commit atrocities against humanity. Even when good blacks are rescued by white people who owe these blacks nothing, the media calls their having been there (the New Orleans Superdome) racism as if we created the situation they were in.
Inside the superdome there was word of how negatively whites were treated by blacks. Had not whites stuck together, they would have surely been harmed by these black people who hate them not only for their skin color, but are resentful of everything they own. The liberal media constantly reminds us of how bad blacks have it while showing how good whites have it. This is not the truth as many whites are just as poverty stricken as blacks, but don't have the NAACP, Affirmative Action, and 24/7 365 good news coverage like blacks do. Even when blacks do something bad, code words such as teens are used to deflect that the malcontents were black.
It may be that your experience with the media is that it is fair, but I think the liberal media has only exasperated an already bad situation. I understand that the media is not the only cause as these ill feelings have always existed on a lower level than today, but I put much of the animosity between the races on the shoulders of the leftist media.
I watched an old "Nova" broadcast last night about the Martian rovers. Most of the action took place at JPL in Pasadena in the early 2000's. I saw no blacks in the facility at all. So what happened? We all know that there were all those NASA black women in the sixties that enabled us to get to the moon. But forty years later all the blacks were gone? Did they go back to Africa?
OK...for those of you who do not think the media plays its part in spreading falsehoods about white people in general, read this article from the Drudge Report and tell me it didn't deliberately seek out groups it thought were indicative of white racism to further their agenda.
The problem with this piece is that the liberal readership was upset that people in these white groups were shown being logical and kind. They called this normalizing the KKK and Nazis. They wanted them only shown in the most hateful way possible. With this kind of reaction, we will see the papers revert back to the old way of showing KKK members and Nazis very negatively (along with all white groups). The thing the article didn't mention is that neither of these groups have any real membership and have not committed any crimes for years. They are no longer a threat to anyone. However, blacks and black groups are a threat to whites on a daily basis as can be seen by reading the blog you read here. I read about black atrocities everyday of the week; many on SBPDL.
Pat, we watched the History Channel show regarding the American car business. Really interesting, no AA employees. Detroit was vibrant. Very sad to see it today.
Female in FL
Surgeon General's Warnng: Attempting to pronounce Africanized names may lead to
Irritable Vowel Syndrome,
You know, I really can not get too worked up by what this black woman said. Why? Because it is hardly any different from the party line pushed by academia, the media, corporate "diversity" offices, BLM, and much of the government. To sum up:
YT = Evil
So this black woman repeats what she has been told all her life and suddenly the world falls on her head. OK, she got fired, but the reality is that academia, the media, etc., etc., tomorrow will be still be beating this drum. Essentially, this black woman is being thrown to the wolves while the anti-White leviathan continues on its course.
Race realists need to use incidents like this one to wake up White people to the greater threat that is Black Run America. When BRA has been "fired" then Whites can be secure.
Until then:
Stay alert
Stay armed
Stay alive
"You also have to ask if these 'hood names represent a deeper mindset which leads to the black inability to fit into White civilization."
The inability is self evident. These names represent a refusal.
“I am watching the Game of Thrones on TV now and can tell you all blacks are shown as noble. I watch the Walking Dead as well and blacks are shown as leaders, being brave, and a noble people.“
This is known in the trade as “product placement”.
@D-FENS @ 12:29
And such placement will continue as long as the majority of the population insists on taking their psychological cues from fictionalized content instead of direct observations of the world and critical thinking.
Like with Amazon's series "Black America" such depictions of Blacks are fake.
Idealizations that Blacks have constructed to not only gratify themselves but pitched so that everyone else (or as many as possible) accept as being truth.
The underlying motif with the Left (besides all the logical fallacies) seems to be creating an acceptable fantasy for themselves and then demanding everyone else take part. Gender Identity is an perfect example. A subgroup of the population that wishes to pretend they are something else with the expectation that others pretend with them.
It's a bit like sending the whole world to therapy just so you feel better.
There is also the notion that "Blacks would have high-technology if not for interference from Whites". Such a notion only appeals to ignorance.
There is considerable circumstantial and direct evidence, however, to suggest that they would not have had technology (high or otherwise) from both observation of certain regions of the world today (with all-Black populations) and indirectly from literature of the period we wish to examine.
However, such examinations are almost never made since Liberals (on behalf of Blacks) have performed some impressive slight-of-hand to refocus the lens of the viewing public's mind to accept television as truth.
After all, it's one thing to accept that the nightly news may be correct, but to get people to believe what they see about Blacks in fiction as truth? That's relatively impressive and demonstrates how little people actually think for themselves.
On the topic of blacks hating whites, here's a current story with the same theme, this time involving an Amtrak employee who raped a 68-year-old woman on a train:
But the victim's attorney alleges Amtrak had records of Pinner's employee misconduct from 2000, specifically incidents of hostility against white women, when he told a female co-worker, "You're the typical garden variety type, and that's a typical Anglo-Saxon trait," and on the same day told another, "I have no trouble strangling a white woman."
This angel was also selling porn to others while on the job.
Take a look at his ugly mug and you'll see that he didn't get his job based on his good looks.
The train departed from DC where Amtrak's Mid Atlantic Division has its headquarters. That portion of Amtrak is so overwhelmingly black that it's known as "Blacktrak." If you go to Union Station in DC you'll be lucky to encounter any white employees.
It's quite clear from reading her tweets on that she's a typical low IQ hoodrat with a victim mentality and a chip on her shoulder the size of Manhattan. I have no doubt whatsoever that whatever qualifications she has are the result of extremely dumbed down classes and severe grading on a curve so that she could "pass." No different than the "qualifications" of negro police and firefighters who scream racism because they couldn't pass the tests and were given extremely dumbed down tests so they could "qualify." In other words, a typical affirmative action moron given a position that she's neither worthy of nor deserving of. A hundred to one odds that the white staff at the hospital are celebrating her departure and are deliriously happy about it!
I told many stories about my experiences with such black morons in healthcare when I used to post as anonymous. However, to illustrate the level of stupidity to be expected, I'll recount one of them. We had to regularly take classes and recertify on many subjects. In the course of the classes, it was always expected that staff would have to read passages from the training manuals. That was always an excruciating experience as the blacks could only read at a third grade level and would constantly stutter and stumble over the most common of words and constantly stop and ask, "whut dat word be?" and "whut dat word mean?" It was clear that they didn't understand the passages they were attempting to read. Their reading and comprehension skills were so bad that in the time it took them to read one paragraph, a white person could read an entire page. This often caused the training classes to go into overtime and the whites would be extremely frustrated by that as they had things to do and didn't want to be trapped in a room full of moronic blacks. So, the white staff began saying, "I'll read it!" any time a black staff was selected to read a passage. It was really a matter of self defense so we wouldn't be trapped nor have to listen to their pathetic attempts at reading.
That wasn't the worst of it though. The blacks were so stupid that eventually the tests had to be made "open book" so they could look up the answers to the questions on the test. Even so, the whites didn't need for it to be "open book" and would quickly finish the test and leave. Upon leaving, one could look back into the room and see all the blacks still sitting there as even looking up the answers was a struggle for them. Let it also be noted that this wasn't because of having attended poor and under funded schools- they attended and "graduated" from the same high schools as many of the local white employees had.
In a meritocracy, such blacks would be relegated to the job of "bedpan commando" and I'm sure they'd manage to screw that up somehow too.
Taiyesha Baker, said: "Every white woman raises a detriment to society when they raise a son. Someone with the HIGHEST propensity to be a terrorist, rapist, racist, killer, and domestic violence all star. Historically every son you had should be sacrificed to the wolves Bitch"
Still, you hate to see one negress get fired just for writing what every other negro in the hospital was thinking.
I see that the nurse is light skinned which doesn't surprise me.
Some of the most unhinged and deluded statements I have seen were from mulattoes.
They remind of typical White liberals. Too much education for their intelligence level.
Basically smarter than your average ditch digger but not smart enough to see how much of modern education is egalitarian deceit.
They get a masters in Sociology or Wakanda studies and think they have it all figured out. Get rid of the Whites and we'll have utopia. Just like Haiti.
Taiyesha Bakers attitude is the rule rather than the exception among blacks in the medical field. She was just the first one stupid enough to rant on social media about it and it was easy to figure out where she worked. If anyone did some real sleuth work, they would find many, many more Taiyesha`s.
God help you if you end up in a care facility staffed by Africans.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Off topic: Remember the 5 black churches that were recently vandalized and all the libtards were howling about hate crimes, the KKK etc? A black man has been arrested who was caught on camera vandalizing the churches. As we expected.
Mr. Kersey, for your consideration.
Another Chelsea Beller...
OTR (Over-the-Rhine) is a ghetto neighborhood in Cinci that hipsters have been trying to gentrify for years. Its has trendy bars and shops, but the drug dealers own the streets at night. The bar Ellie Richardson works at is owned by Nick Lachey, of boy band and reality tv fame.
Apparently as she was leaving work on Thanksgiving, Ellie was nearly run over by a van. After exchanging words with the driver, an "African American man in his 20`s", she was shot in the face.
Some people just have to do things the hard way...
You could literally copy and paste the comments for Chelsea Bellers story onto this one.
Stay alert, stay alive.
I am a retired nurse. I witnessed a black nurses' aide abusing an elderly patient who could not talk. This aide did not know I saw her do this from 20 feet away. I had to testify against her in court. I think this happens more times than we think. Especially with patients who are non-verbal, children, the elderly.
As a 25 year Medic I agree 100%. These dindus were I work have learned to tell the 911 operator they have chest pain or difficulty breathing simply to get a ambulance faster, when their real problem is CONSIDERABLY less life threatening. They use and abuse the system in ways unimaginable 20 years ago.
I recently learned from a black co-worker that black churches are where they learn how to "work the system"
As usual. I saw the video, governor is an idiot.
Female in FL
Brian, my husband and I promised to NEVER be put in a position such as that poor vet.
Female in FL
I recently learned from a black co-worker that black churches are where they learn how to "work the system"
This has been going on a long time.
Black churches are allowed to break the rules when it comes to politics. The Feds just look the other way.
No one (including Republicans) is going to drag a Black minister into court.
You can even find articles by Blacks on how Black churches are political centers.
Anonymous at 5:10 pm. This “working the system”, has been going on in Detroit for close to 50 years. Blacks in the ghetto have always called for an ambulance for a “free” ride to the hospital. These rides were unnecessary but if they called for a taxi they had to pay upfront. The ambulance was charged to Medicaid ( the taxpayer) so no charge to the Medicaid recipient. Scamming America and taxpayers to the tune of 20 trillion dollars.
There is considerable circumstantial and direct evidence, however, to suggest that they would not have had technology (high or otherwise) from both observation of certain regions of the world today (with all-Black populations) and indirectly from literature of the period we wish to examine.
However, such examinations are almost never made since Liberals (on behalf of Blacks) have performed some impressive slight-of-hand to refocus the lens of the viewing public's mind to accept television as truth.
Yes according to liberal theory and their holy True Science priests (Gould, Diamond, Boas) the areas with the least interaction from Whites should be the most technologically advanced.
Africans in America and South Africa should have the worst lives because of the oppression and racism. Liberia should be the most advanced African nation with the highest standard of living.
""What this woman said is a widespread hatred of white men. This was caused by the anti-white media constantly demonizing our people and our race."
"Not true, that's not the cause. I know this from experience."
So what is the cause, based on your experience?"
I'm not sure how to word it conclusively just yet, but I know for a fact it is not the above. Whatever that ultimate cause is, it's something which is very deep seated and it is not something they just get from the media, from the parents or from anyone else.
Anon @ 10:10AM, I think 'the media' are garbage and I agree with you about it. You stated, however, that what the black nurse said is hatred caused by anti-white media. My observation is that such hate is not caused by the media. There is a deeper root to it. I assure you from first hand experience that blacks would have that intense hate either way, with the media or without it. That incredibly intense hate runs very very deep in them.
I also think "Stay alert" is very good advice.
“I am watching the Game of Thrones on TV now and can tell you all blacks are shown as noble. I watch the Walking Dead as well and blacks are shown as leaders, being brave, and a noble people.“
Why, in 2017, are you still watching TV?
On the news page containing the story about the shooting of the young woman in a gentrifying area of Cincinnati (Over The Rhine),if one scrolls down the page there's another story about a double murder and suicide. A white woman who was married to a negro is dead along with her mother (shot to death) and the black husband. The police won't say who the shooter was.
Considering the stats on violence against women in these kinds of inter-racial entanglements, I'll give you one guess as to who the shooter is most likely to be. As they say, burn coal and pay the toll.
There were no comments on the story but it's equally predictable that if there were, they'd all be about "gun violence" and the need for gun control while utterly ignoring the gigantopithecus Africanus in the room.
I know a few fire fighters and the "test" to pass has become a personality test vs a knowledge test in order to be more "inclusive"
We might have to investigate deaths of patients on her shifts as possible premeditated murder, especially after the Laughing Nurses Who Let A WW2 Vet Die incident.
That is indeed the question. There's much evidence to suggest that it's extremely widespread. If the SHTF they would have to be dealt with "on sight". No Walking Dead love stories.
A hundred to one odds that the white staff at the hospital are celebrating her departure and are deliriously happy about it!
100:1 odds that the administrators (who hired the monkey in the first place) would immediately fire anyone obviously celebrating her departure, because "racism" (and because it reflects so badly on them).
Their reading and comprehension skills were so bad that in the time it took them to read one paragraph, a white person could read an entire page.
General reading ability seems to be bad these days. Case in point: I read a news article linked from somewhere yesterday. At the top it said "10 minute read". I thought this was interesting, so I read it end-to-end and timed myself. 3 minutes 14 seconds.
This may be why podcasts and videos of robots reading news articles are so popular; there's a very large American demographic which can absorb info faster through their ears than their eyeballs. Isn't that pathetic?
Why do you waste your time and money on tv? I got rid of it years ago. I wouldn't pay for any of it. I have (soon to be four) white children and they know better than to even ask for anything Disney, let alone to watch any of it. And I tell them why. It's not like it isn't true. They are anti white and I won't support anti whites. I have zero interest in watching anything at all, let alone the commercials and programs which all make no secret of how much they hate whites. Why would any aware white person want to fund their own dispossession and eventual extermination?
I experienced this in a training class for a new job a few years ago except it hispanics instead of blacks because I live about an hour north of the border.
Me and another white guy from Arkansas whom leftists would call a "southern hillbilly" because of his accent were both highly proficient readers. We were 2 whites in a class of 8, only one of the hispanics could read reasonably well.
I watched an old "Nova" broadcast last night about the Martian rovers. Most of the action took place at JPL in Pasadena in the early 2000's. I saw no blacks in the facility at all. So what happened? We all know that there were all those NASA black women in the sixties that enabled us to get to the moon. But forty years later all the blacks were gone? Did they go back to Africa?
The next generation will hear about the blacks involved with the rovers when all the people who really ran the program are dead and buried.
Anonymous said...
Why do you waste your time and money on tv? I got rid of it years ago. I wouldn't pay for any of it. I have (soon to be four) white children and they know better than to even ask for anything Disney, let alone to watch any of it.
People here are tired of me beating this drum. I endorse everything you say, with this qualification:
The Disney fare made by Disney when Walt Disney ran it, is excellent for children. Compare the lessons taught in his first (world first) full-length animated movie, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, with the later The little Mermaid made by the (((new owners))). Snow White, a princess who works selflessly to serve her benefactors, as against the spoilt, disobedient brat who turns her back on her own father and people to marry an alien.
Check the Disney nature movies (Gee, I'd almost forgotten them). Family movies like The Parent Trap.
Stick to the stuff Walt made, up to the 1960s, but don't pay a cent to the money-grubbing, civilization-wrecking, children-corrupting (((new owners))).
I just had a quick look at YouTube to see what might be available there. Unfortunately Snow White is blocked, but I was surprised to see Song of the South there, since I believe Disney has been trying to suppress that one for years, because Slavery. Download it while you can.
Many black psychos brag about their crimes before and after on facebook, even during with facebook lives. Still, some manage to stay silent (or stay silent where there are human ears), and are never caught when they dropped the white senior or shook the white baby to death. Too many blacks have a hateful fixation on white people that is psychotic. People here who dislike or even hate blacks, only wants separation, but blacks that hate white people don't want to leave white people alone, they seek out white places and white people to fuxate.
Negroid buck Precious Chigbue try to take a white baby from a Lynn laundrymat with the intention of slitting the toddler's throat:
- check out the Dead Eyes.
re: Analogman November 28, 2017 at 4:51 PM
The original Little Mermaid was a Christian tale by Hans Christian Anderson a young mermaid who is willing to give up living a long life as a mermaid in order to become souled, like a human. When the human prince doesn't love her, she was given the choice to avert her fate of becoming bubbles by killing him - she chose not to commit a murder even to escape what she has long dreaded. There was no moral choice to be made in Disney's Little Mermaid (1989), or Aladdin (1992) - both of these are empty wish fulfillment fantasies.
If you read Walt Disney's own Biographical history, he specifically stated he didn't want (((them))) (and he used the word whose name we may not mention) to get control of his company.
He knew what they would do........and they are doing it.
"Too many blacks have a hateful fixation on white people that is psychotic."
I would say ALL of them have it to one degree or to the next. Each one of them makes a choice about that 'fixation', but I say they ALL have it inside. Some of them fight it and hold it back, refusing to respond to it (for a while or for life), but those are exceptions. Most of them fuel it, and most of those blacks who seem to be "neutral" or even "accepting" of whites are outright hypocrites about it, make no mistake. They boil badly inside, even if outside they display a "cool smile" for whites. It's not easy to see those true colors, but the eyes can reveal it all. A black who's honest about it can confirm it, if you can find one. I think that white South Africans can verify what I say through their own experience.
I have confirmed it from blacks themselves and from what I have seen myself for a very very very long time. They would rarely admit it to whites or to non-whites; not even to most of those light-skinned browns among them, but if you can somehow overhear them while they speak about it among themselves, in the privacy of their own groups, then you can hear the truth of it for yourself exactly like I have. It's a real eye opener and a very frightening truth. Besides, the results speak for themselves, don't they.
I say we shouldn't hate blacks except despising the evils that they do. I think we should just stay away from them like staying away from some things in nature. Personally I say that those whites and "whites" (ahem) who push what I call the "black agenda" on everybody else are the real enemy, the ultimate traitor within; including of course those white women who seem to love being around blacks, and the foolish men who gave them positions of power to begin with.
I can barely understand her tweet. I've never been very proficient at deciphering Ebonics. Universal translator anyone?
Has she been re-hired yet? She will be.
I actually orchestrated the take-down of this nurse.
I obviously can't say what my connections are, but I have multiple connections at her employer and in other interested places. When I was alerted to this and several other tweets I DM'd a popular race realist friend on twitter. I am close enough to the situation that I couldn't do what needed to be done, even anonymously. It would be too obvious who I am. My contacts in a position to take action against her are not openly race realist. But it didn't matter if they are pilled or not. She was so far over the line that she was causing any reasonable person to fear for patient safety.
I prepared a tweet that included "@" the exact right people in their official capacities. I had previously contacted each of them and they were expecting it. I let my friend with the popular race realist twitter account know that he had to retweet her tweets from a particular account that had compiled and retweeted her worst tweets (I didn't have anything to do with that. It was perfect, though.). He had to use the exact language with the exact accounts included that I DM'd him. My friends were standing by waiting for the retweet to hit. When it did, they all had exactly what they needed to move on an immediate suspension in their respective organizations. I actually have contacts at local media there, too, but they weren't part of this. I knew it would pop in the normal course of the local news cycle. It all worked better than I expected.
My race realist twitter buddy was pleased at how his tweet kicked off a pre-planned chain reaction that may have saved someone's life. I'm thankful for him. And my friends. I did not expect the story to go national. Daily Caller, Drudge & others picked up the story. Not to mention Paul & SBPDL. It hit a nerve across America.
I expect Ms. Baker will have her nursing license revoked. She will never work as a nurse again. I could tell you how I know, but you wouldn't believe it and it's a bit complicated, anyway.
These tweets probably would've probably reached her employer eventually. But the coordinated take-down was beautiful.
Look for an opportunity to fight back. You might save someone's life.
Job well done, Rebel. We can hope her license is revoked post haste. But our job is not done until we can prevent these dangerous orcs from getting INTO nursing school.
Very well done, Rebel.
Appreciate it. This one fell in my lap. Unbelievable that it was squarely in my wheelhouse.
Anon at 5:47:
That's a conversation that will be a part of a larger question someday. As many here know, they simply cannot be allowed to move freely among us. They are not the same. Allowing them to provide healthcare (or their negro version of it) to vulnerable populations makes as much sense as a physician advising a patient to take up smoking.
I don't know if I'll live to see the day when sanity returns to Western Civilization and we are all allowed to speak openly & freely and associate with whomever we please. But, when that day comes, they will only be allowed to "nurse" their own.
Oops. That part of my comment was directed at Mr. Rational, about allowing them into nursing schools in the first place.
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