Imagine living as a white minority in 65 percent black Memphis, a city where white taxpayers subsidize the enormous healthcare bill of black violence. Oh... did we mention Memphis is only 31 percent white?
It's not hard if you try.
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Susan Grissom was found murdered in her home in a white oasis of 65 percent black Memphis (Harbor Town is nearly 70 percent white). She was murdered by a black career criminal |
Now, imagine living in a 70 percent white part of Memphis, an elite community and enviable zip code with a beautiful view of the skyline.
It's called Harbor Town, and it's an exclusive white enclave in a sea of Africans in America.
Imagine a white woman in her home in Harbor Town, only miles from where blacks have turned large portions of Memphis real estate into some of the most shockingly violent places in America.
Now, imagine a black male with a "history of burglary of a building, burglary of a motor vehicle, theft and vandalism" breaks into her home and murders her.
You'd have a situation where the white minority of Memphis, fleeing to an exclusive island whose population is nearly 3/4th's white, lives in a state of siege and persecution not unlike the white minority in South Africa. [Suspect arrested in Mud Island Murder,, 11-12-17]:
Memphis police have arrested a man for the murder of a woman on Mud Island.
Kurtrell Williams was arrested in connection with the murder of Susan Grissom, who was found dead in her Harbor Town home on Island Drive on the night of Tuesday, Nov. 7.
Police obtained surveillance footage and a photo of a man using Grissom's credit card and shared it with the public Friday.
A flood of Crime Stopper tips lead to police positively identifying Williams as the suspect.
Police located Williams Friday night at a home on Brighton Road and arrested him without incident.Her name is Susan Grissom. She lived in an "aggressively white" area of Memphis where petty crime is unthinkable and a murder something you only see blacks committing on the nightly news. [Neighbors of murdered Harbor Town woman concerned about safety downtown, WMCA Action News Memphis, 11-9-17]:
Concerned residents met Thursday night to discuss safety concerns at the Downtown Memphis Commission’s monthly safety meeting following the homicide of Susan Grissom.
Grissom was found killed at her Harbor Town home Tuesday night.
Memphis Police Colonel Gloria Bullock spoke at Thursday’s meeting.
"I can assure you that we will find out the person/ persons responsible, as we always do," Col. Bullock said.
In the audience, listening with purpose, were friends and people who knew Grissom as a kind-spirited person and devoted mother.
“I was devastated because Susan was just a beautiful person,” said Dawn Inman.
Inman said she came to the meeting looking for insight into the search for Grissom's killer and what city leaders are doing to ensure safety downtown.
"It takes a horrifying event for resources to be allocated?” Inman said. “I don't think that is the right approach.”
Col. Bullock said downtown is one of the safest areas in the city and Police Director Mike Rallings has authorized extra patrols downtown and on Mud Island.
Councilman Berlin Boyd said he pushed for the extra patrols as a way to help residents feel safe.
"After I see that there is a homicide, I send an email requesting that we could get more patrol in that area," Boyd said.
Grissom graduated from Briarcrest in 1979. Her husband, daughter, and brother-in-law all also graduated from Briarcrest.
Grissom was a representative for optometric devices. She worked to connect optometrists in the Mid-South with contact lenses for their patients.Memphis is a 31 percent white city.
Memphis is also a 65 percent black city, one of the most dangerous places in America.
White people sought refuge in Harbor Town, where the amenities of safe streets and rising property values were just a byproduct of their whiteness, just as violent streets and blighted property is a byproduct of blackness found all throughout Memphis.
Susan Grissom is now dead.
A daughter will never speak to her mother again.
A husband will never speak to his wife again.
And a career black criminal who is responsible for all of this will, more than likely, enter a plea deal to see his prison time reduced.
After all, the criminal justice system is inherently racist and the new Jim Crow, right?
But, it goes without saying, when Jim Crow protected a white majority population in Memphis, did home invasions by a black male such as the one you are reading about here, occur?
WMC Action News 5 - Memphis, Tennessee
Good to know that even with all his previous run ins with the law he was still able to move among us. This happens all the time. Records as long as your arm and still out shucking and jiving. Blacks always complain about disproportionate numbers of their own in prison. Should have been one more sitting in a cell. Can’t imagine the horror of seeing him in her home. We are their prey.
As one commenter title used to say! Segregation nation! NOW!
I believe one of the redeeming features of Jim Crow was swift action to any anti-white activity. If negroes think they can get by with the crime, they will do it. As you said, he will enter a plea deal and get out in about 10 to 20 years. On his release he will do like all other negroes did before him and kill again.
For white people who live near large negro centers, they must wonder about their safety and the safety of their children.
This is my own opinion, but a liberal parent who deliberately sends their child to a black school should be charged with child endangerment. Would I have my child play on the nest of an asp? There is tons of evidence available now that clearly outlines the dangerous aspects of living among negroes.
When you see large groups of them congregated around a convenience store, or any store for that matter, the manager should worry. Young negroes scoff at the law and are only emboldened by a complicit liberal media that disseminates and encourages the false narrative that blacks are the ones being attacked.
So...PK, it is not only blacks who are guilty, but also the media who does not report the facts and are in fact enablers are black criminality.
This story is only one sad one in a list of thousands! Do you remember a few years back when a person posted the names of all the whites killed by blacks on "your" blog? Somehow he got a copy from some blog that actually wrote down their names and when they were killed. It was so long that it boggles the mind. Yet...where is the list of blacks being killed by whites? Long story short which you already know: they can't give such a list because the white on black crimes are so small compared to black on white it is nonexistent.
Keep up the good fight, Paul!
I sincerely hope her husband doesn't develop a davy blackburn syndrome.
It boggles the mind when you realize how many peoples lives these creatures have ruined over the years. Thousands and thousands of people butchered for no reason other than being "in the wrong place at the wrong time". Just another "robbery gone wrong". Imagine all the little children having to deal with one or both of their parents being slaughtered in an undeclared race war. It gets worst by the day. An unending bloodbath in America. Whole cities have turned into killing fields. Working class people living in fear of vicious savages let loose to roam the streets of major cities. Unsafe schools and shopping malls. Houses with iron bars on the windows and security systems. Housewives buying guns and learning to shoot at target ranges. A race war that we are forbidden to talk about.
Huge sections of cities where it was once safe to live have now been turned into ghettos filled crime, drugs, gangs and death. Ghettos where even cops don't want to go into at night.
Meanwhile the controlled media blathers on about racism and oppression. Black community "leaders" and pencil neck geek "politicians" are paraded before the public so they can whine and complain about "white privilege" and how all the poor suffering black people are being held down by evil whitey. Crime and over crowded prisons are caused by racism. Multi-million dollar black movie stars living in 30 million dollar mansions bitching and moaning about being oppressed. It never fucking ends.
The white man is the cause of all their problems. Meanwhile blackie is blowing the holy shit out of each other in cities like Chicago and Baltimore. These savages spend their life looking for someone to blame for their failures. These ghettos suck up billions of dollars in taxes taken from the working class white population. One massive money funnel with never any signs of improvement. It gets worst by the day.
As white people bury their dead it becomes a five minute story on the local news. When a cop shoots some black career criminal the story makes the national news for a month while they show a picture of the guy when he was ten years old.
While all this shit is going on the ruling class is moving in hoards of third world garbage from Africa and the Middle East. Christian Charity groups are sponsoring this bullshit. Why would anyone want to move people into their town who's holy books teach them to kill infidels. I think a lot of people living in America have gone completely insane.
I showed this to a white female last night. She said, "pretty woman, what a tragic loss/damn shame". It's when I explained; who, what, why, and where that a light turned on.
"Now, imagine living in a 70 percent white part of Memphis"
I cannot. Every winter I visit family in Florida; a 7% black county in a 12% black state and it seems like Mogadishu by comparison to my normal life here in whiteopia.
I am constantly on edge, heightened awareness at all times like a prey animal in the savannahs of Africa. Head on a swivel, my right hand never leaving my pocket in which I carry my trusty .357 magnum. Windows rolled up, doors always locked, being wary before even daring to stop at a red light in certain areas, planning ahead to keep a full gas tank so as not to be out in the open after dark (or even in broad daylight in some places).
And that's at 7 and change percent in the county. I spent a couple years actually living in that fetid jungle and if I'd have known then half of what I know now I'd have never been able to sleep at night. I did learn an awful lot about the reality of race there and luckily without any serious loss or personal injury... for that I am fortunate.
If you live anywhere near black Africans you could be the next feature piece here. One is a novelty, two is a ghetto, and if you're within 200 miles of a place where police ignore open black lawlessness you're too close and in constant peril. If you can see Africans openly selling drugs on public streets that means police have completely lost control of maintaining any civilized order; they exist only to shake down revenue from whites and protect local African tribes from the righteous retribution of their white victims.
We have lost so much already but the majority of this country's land mass is still largely free of this black menace. Come out to the country, live among your own kind, feel the peace of being able to leave your house unlocked or leaving your car running when you duck into the grocery store or bank.
If you still live in a negro infested area and are not actively working towards moving, why are you even reading this blog? Do you not believe what PK has been showing us for the last 7 years?
Since they won't say anything about the "youths", and since they don't claim for them to be WHITE, then we know they are negroes doing what negroes do..........:
This is all getting so tiresome and predicable. How can ANY White person not be on our side? How can anybody, with any White genetics, keep buying this equality crap?
Can a Liberal-Leftist Supremacists PLEASE tell my how they can remain so stupid?
How long will it take? That's a question we should consider. How long until blacks are decent civilized people?
When I took genetics as an undergraduate much of what I taught - the latest scientific facts - was wrong. I was taught for example the so called "Central Dogma" - the idea that the sequence always went from DNA to RNA to some protein. If that were true there would be no AIDS. We had to unlearn what we thought we knew before we could start to learn something closer to the truth.
Back then everyone saw the human genome as more or less fixed. The debate between nature and nurture was simple. If it could be changed it was environmental, if was a fixed characteristic it was genetic. But Cochran and Harpending told us that genetic change wasn't just unchanging - it's changing was accelerating. When I was an undergraduate it was widely held that there had been no genetic changes to humanity in recorded history. But that again was something we knew, but which wasn't true.
For example I read Vegitius years ago. He classified all the peoples in the known world according to their intelligence. He didn't mention the Chinese of course because they were largely unknown then. So were blacks. We see in movies blacks all over the place in ancient Rome - but that's a screenwriters fabrication. Vegetius concluded that the Greeks were the smartest people on Earth. A reasonable conclusion at the time, but he does not mention the Jews.
The Romans were well acquainted with Jews - they had fought several wars with them. The Coliseum for example was largely built by Jewish prisoners of war. The Romans seem to have worked them to death because all the Jews brought back as slaves died and did not contribute to Rome population mix. The Jews seemed to have been no more intelligent than any other Mediterranean group.
Today the Ashkenazi Jews (European Jews) have the highest IQs of any group in the world. They evolved during the Middle Ages. Their IQs are - like all IQs - mostly from genetic differences but their genetics have changed.
Vegitius was nearly two thousand years ago so it took a thousand years or more for the Jews to become smart. The Ashkenazi Jews are about one standard deviation above the European IQ mean, just as blacks in America are about one SD below the white mean. So ceteris paribus it should take a thousand years for blacks to catch up with whites in the brain department. Of course the more pure unalloyed blacks in Africa who have IQ's around 70 or lower would take much longer.
I think I'll write some other estimates of the prospects for blacks.
I drove through Memphis twice during a very brief two year stint of living in North Carolina. Once on my way in and once happily leaving for this very reason, among a few others.
I stopped both times in outer Memphis to get gas. You could just feel the danger in the air.
You'd be absolutely insane to live there.
"This story is only one sad one in a list of thousands! Do you remember a few years back when a person posted the names of all the whites killed by blacks on "your" blog? Somehow he got a copy from some blog that actually wrote down their names and when they were killed. It was so long that it boggles the mind. Yet...where is the list of blacks being killed by whites? Long story short which you already know: they can't give such a list because the white on black crimes are so small compared to black on white it is nonexistent."
I posted that list on a few occasions. The blog where they were compiled has since been taken down or deativated by the owner sometime around 2014-2015. It's a shame. It was an ENORMOUS list. I still have bits and pieces of it on my old laptop. I cannot remember the blog name but perhaps someone else here will.
@Pat Boyle. You should sell out and get the hell out of California. It'd be a shame to lose you to an earthquake or have to write you off when the next Civil War kicks off. As you know, you are deep in enemy territory. Come to TN, you'd like it.
The Jews paid for their selective breeding for prestige and intelligence with all the genetic disorders they are vulnerable to.
But evolve they did. Ancient Israel is not known for any technological innovations but rather it’s superstitious, bloodthirsty religion.
" he will enter a plea deal and get out in about 10 to 20 years."
Sorry! but in truth, he will probably hit the streets again in 5-7 years. Time in prison is just family reunion time for blacks and of course, continued training in their crime craft.
Vegitius was nearly two thousand years ago so it took a thousand years or more for the Jews to become smart. The Ashkenazi Jews are about one standard deviation above the European IQ mean, just as blacks in America are about one SD below the white mean. So ceteris paribus it should take a thousand years for blacks to catch up with whites in the brain department. Of course the more pure unalloyed blacks in Africa who have IQ's around 70 or lower would take much longer.
European Jews are basically mixed race (this has been established through DNA) and were under selective pressure for intelligence due to their exclusion from usury laws. Jewishness is maternal which means they can marry intelligent members of a foreign population and still claim them to be Jewish.
There is no reason to believe that American Blacks are under selective pressure for intelligence. If anything Shockley was correct in his prediction that welfare for Blacks was dysgenic by encouraging the most irresponsible to have the largest families. The Flynn increases for Blacks are flawed as they do not take into account the fact that mulattoes are a larger percentage of Blacks than they were 50 years ago.
But beyond all this there are major flaws in trying to boil everything in society down to iq which is a crude measure of intelligence. The main problem is that intelligence isn't a measurement of civility. You could breed a group of humans that have high intelligence but with low empathy, foresight and self-control. They would be far more destructive than a group of White adults with down's syndrome.
The false serenity brought about by residing in a nearly all-white community shouldn't be confused with security.
The two newest headlines at SBPDL goes to show that while you may live separate from the criminal element, you are not immune to their actions. This woman, murdered in her own home, and the young man returning from his honeymoon, murdered in from of his wife.... What level of horror are we willing to allow our existence to be dragged to before acting?
What we must learn from these vultures that prey on civilized society is that when dealing with them, we must be an act as uncivilized as they do. We must NOT HESITATE in the slightest when confronted. If you are in proximity of a large body of sub-creatures, you must always be prepared for a confrontation. There is no cavalry coming and you will not be saved or spared but for your own hand.
The young man, as prepared as he was, still fell to their surge. Armed and returning fire is not a guarantee of survival although it is certainly better than being slaughtered like sheep in the street. I won't speak ill of the young man as I have not read the details of the assault. He had the forethought to go armed in public even though his surroundings said he could let down his guard. Smart. He succeeded with putting a bullet in one of his attackers which means he was engaged during the assault. Sadly, the odds were not in his favor. Possibly more than one gun firing at him? Possibly shielding his new wife? Possibly blind-sided by the fourth attacker? Can't say at this point.
Once again, my admonition is DO-NOT-HESITATE. You see four blacks approaching you in an all-white neighborhood? You draw your pistol and have it at the ready. You can always put it away if you don't need it. Our attackers teach us how fast escalation occurs. We need to learn it. In less than a heartbeat, they moved from armed robbery to felony murder. In the case of they young lady, from burglary to felony murder. They have no difficulty crossing that line and neither can we.
God help us all.
Jim in Jersey
I lived in Florida back when I was in the first and second grade (early 60's) in a little town called Niceville in Okaloosa County. Currently, the county population is 79.58% white, 9.24% black and 7.82% Hispanic.
Even with just such a small percentage of blacks, this is what you get:
Even such a low percentage of blacks can make an area dangerous. Think of Knoxville, TN where the black population is somewhere around 10% and where the Knoxville Horror torture murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom took place. Or Wichita, Kansas where the Carr brothers committed a home invasion and subsequently killed several people execution style.
Memphis (a few days ago) had 6 shootings in just a matter of a few hours. You know the demographic responsible. In any case, keep in mind that the police department in Memphis posted signs a few years ago warning travelers to enter the city at their own risk as the police could not guarantee protection. How any white person could live in such a place is beyond comprehension.
Memphis is 60% Black but look at this group of concerned citizens:
This murder is a tragedy but I really don't understand why there are still Whites in Memphis.
Let the city go entirely Black so it can collapse like Detroit. Not to save it but as another reminder to liberals that they are idiots.
But evolve they did. Ancient Israel is not known for any technological innovations but rather it’s superstitious, bloodthirsty religion.
I wouldn't use the word evolve. They don't have a special intelligence mutation. They bred with intelligent Europeans after being kicked out by the Romans and later returned to the holy land with buckets of money.
Israel might as well be a Russian outpost. Their DNA is far more Eastern European than they like to admit. This is because a lot of Jewish Russians emigrated there during the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Interestingly if you are a Jew by DNA you can get citizenship even if you are an atheist. Liberals and the MSM still speak of Israel and Judaism as if it is all a religion. It's actually the only religion that makes it extremely difficult for an outsider to join.
A lot of Whites in Memphis think they can live adjacent to the ghetto black without getting pulled down into the Undertow. They are wrong.
You see four blacks approaching you in an all-white neighborhood? You draw your pistol and have it at the ready. You can always put it away if you don't need it. Our attackers teach us how fast escalation occurs. We need to learn it. In less than a heartbeat, they moved from armed robbery to felony murder.
It is difficult in those situations since Blacks can draw first. Unless you hit their head or spine they can still return fire when shot.
So if you pull in an armed robbery you have to return fire while avoiding theirs. In close range with multiple assailants this is extremely difficult.
In a war zone you can at least engage the enemy when you spot him. With Black criminals you have to wait to see if they are going to engage you which means keeping your distance. Well this is impossible in an area filled with Blacks.
Whites that have common sense and want to raise a family or protect a wife simply need to leave these areas. We simply can't do much when the majority of Whites are still holding out for solutions based on fiction. I'm fully supportive of concealed carry but it should only be a last resort.
Vegetius concluded that the Greeks were the smartest people on Earth. A reasonable conclusion at the time, but he does not mention the Jews.
That was before the Greeks became mostly Turk, and IIUC before Ashkenazim even existed. The Ashkenazim are patrilineally Semitic and matrilineally north Italian.
The Romans seem to have worked them to death because all the Jews brought back as slaves died and did not contribute to Rome population mix.
Slaves in general did not tend to have surviving children, a few categories like Greek pedagogues and other skilled people probably excepted.
You see four blacks approaching you in an all-white neighborhood? You draw your pistol and have it at the ready.
IIUC this is very bad advice. If you draw your weapon, you have to be in circumstances which merit its IMMEDIATE use or YOU are the criminal (felonious assault). Hand on the gun is fine.
You see four blacks approaching you in an all-white neighborhood? You draw your pistol and have it at the ready...
Jim in Jersey
Unless you live in Jersey, where future governor Murphy aspires to turn our state into "the California of the East Coast", complete with more mispending, disarmament, and third-world invaders than you can shake a stick at.
With any luck, my family will have escaped across the river to PA before his horrendous plans gather much momentum.
I was in line yesterday at the grocery store and there were 2 older black ladies in front of me talking about someone they knew, presumably a family member, going to prison. The one lady 1 asked "How much time he got?"
"Three years" ~ lady 2
"Oh that ain't nuthin'" ~ lady 1
"I know, I'm so happy for him" ~ lady 2
This is the mentality that we are dealing with, a population that doesn't think being locked in prison for 3 years is bad, and only adds to their street cred, to where even their own grandmothers are happy with them getting such a light sentence. It was almost like they were proud of that accomplishment, like how people talk about their grandkids accepting a good job offer or making partner at the firm.
Even with just such a small percentage of blacks, this is what you get:
This is why White people are not going to give up their guns.
Liberals need to get their American Congo experiment under control before demanding that White people give up their AR-15s.
In some areas an AR-15 is a requirement because of Black gangs. Biden claimed that a pump action shotgun is enough but that is only true for a White society. For Black gangs you need something that has precision at multiple ranges and can be reloaded quickly.
But I'm fine with gun laws that target Blacks. I don't support the NRA because they really want Blacks to be able to buy ARs and AKs at their local corner store. The NRA is clearly managed by "colorblind" conservatives that don't want to face the reality of race or work in the best interest of Whites. The founding fathers NEVER intended the second amendment to apply to Blacks so your are insulting the founders of this country by pretending they were racial egalitarians.
OT: One step closer to the edge of the cliff and nobody is even trying to apply the brakes.
She lived on "Mud Island?"
How appropriate.
Reading SBPDL for the last few weeks, since it is Baaack, has made me happy....seeing the old "names" again.......
I don't think you have to worry about anyone in our lifetime topping Davey Blackburn, Indianapolis' own ultimate religious "kill my wife, please!" cuck.
In the Press Herald comments section the militant SJW communists are extremely strident. They are extremely aggressive in their various attacks on their fellow whites and their wish to inundate whites with refugees et. al.
Last year in Helena, Montana they had large protests in which they called all of those opposed to resettling Somali refugees in Helena racists.
So I put it to you. Where are the places for us to go that are infested with neither SJWs nor hostile races and foreigners?
Sick n' Tired said...
I was in line yesterday at the grocery store and there were 2 older black ladies in front of me talking about someone they knew, presumably a family member, going to prison. The one lady 1 asked "How much time he got?"
"Three years" ~ lady 2
"Oh that ain't nuthin'" ~ lady 1
"I know, I'm so happy for him" ~ lady 2
This would make a great Saturday Night Live skit. And, it's good to see SBPDL up and running again, and see the great comments. I REALLY missed it while it was gone.
The readership made some telling points.
D-FENS said...
The Jews paid for their selective breeding for prestige and intelligence with all the genetic disorders they are vulnerable to.
True. Jews do suffer from a series of sphingolipid diseases. (literally Sphinx fat diseases.) Some of these are very serious and there are a lot of them, including Tay-Sachs and Gaucher's. The relevant fact for our purposes here is that those most afflicted seem to the those most intelligent. Many of these genetic diseases promote the proliferation of dendrites in the brains of the victims. So you can literally see why Jews are so smart under a microscope. But it is a harsh trade-off. Most of these Jewish hereditary disease are incurable and lead to an early and bad death.
Anonymous at 9:40 AM said...
I wouldn't use the word evolve. They don't have a special intelligence mutation.
Yes they do, but as D-FENS said - the price is high.
It took the Jews a millennium to evolve their IQ-sphingolipid heterosis. Blacks have a similar heterosis mechanism (sickle cell) around malaria immunity. Blacks get higher IQs from interbreeding with whites, not from any evolutionary mechanism.
Mr. Rational said...
Slaves in general did not tend to have surviving children, a few categories like Greek pedagogues and other skilled people probably excepted.
Actually many slaves prospered under the Roman system of slavery. Not those who were in the latifundae or the mines of course, but normal domestic slaves. Romans bought slaves and manumitted many of them. A freed slave was still a client of his former master who then became his patron. If the patron bought a business for the client he would share in the profits. The authorities had to regulate manumission. Too many slaves were being freed. For many, slavery was the social escalator up. A sizable proportion of the richest men in Rome were former freedmen.
Most of what Americans have been told about slavery in Rome and in America is wrong.
To those commenting on my statements of earlier... what you're saying is true. Taking a pistol out of its holster is called 'brandishing' and likely to have you brought up on charges.
Realize, I'm saying the world has changed and not in our favor. The people in question will not turn you in for 'brandishing'...I'm not saying walk the street with a pistol dangling from your hand or point it at anyone who may be a threat to you. Out of the holster, tucked behind your leg or under your coat. Coat pocket carry is great in fall/winter.
Be smart because it's better than being dead.
And I'll leave waiting around for the police to your discretion!
As for my home state? Yes, it's a leftist, liberal shithole complete with corrupt politicians and more black-controlled areas than any other state (my assessment). Newark, Camden, Patterson, Passaic, Trenton... deathtraps, each and every one. And a government that refuses to allow its citizens to legally defend themselves. It would be nice if people could just 'change their lives' like in a Tony Robbins infomercial! In real life there's work, family and responsibility that hold you in place. You simply learn to adapt.
I expected nothing from Governor Christie and was not disappointed. I've lived through Florio, Corzine and the rest of the 'do as I say, not as I do' crowd. No one gave up their guns to Florio's ban and no one ever will. We're beyond the insanity of government rules of engagement that favor the enemy. We're on our own and we accept that.
JIM in Jersey
It took the Jews a millennium to evolve their IQ-sphingolipid heterosis.
This is a misunderstanding of Tay-Sachs.
Tay-Sachs is not a byproduct of an exclusive Jewish mutation for intelligence. French-Canadians and French-Cajuns also have high rates of Tay-Sachs. It's simply a mutation that mostly exists in European Jewry. It also exists in sheep.
Jews were under selective pressure for intelligence which is part of evolution but not a mutation.
Their high IQ comes from interbreeding with urban high IQ Europeans.
The exact same effect could be had by taking a population and only breeding them with White accountants or lawyers, while rewarding the smartest offspring with the most resources. This subpopulation would have much faster intelligence gains than the population at large.
This happened to some degree with European royalty but they were also under pressure for other traits (strength, loyalty, etc).
"Not to save it but as another reminder to liberals that they are idiots."
Unfortunately, no liberal will ever admit to being an idiot.
What did we do to derserve such hatred and brutality? The answer is simple: because we exist. Once again, a kindred folk, who looks like one of my relatives, is sent 6 feet under. For the thousands like her, our nation - the white nation, that is - cries out for revenge. For millions who tossed of the yolk of the NFL, please spend more of your time constructively. We have to become organized. There is no liberation army on the horizon; we have to liberate ourselves from this dark nightmare.
Living next to blacks is like living next to an open prison.
Chuck E Cheeses is at it again. Check out the guy's name--Adidas. His first name is after a shoe.
If you do you will be "set up" by informants and government stooges. Look around where you live and work. Be honest with yourself. Who do you really trust. Where I live there are FOUR PEOPLE that I can trust. THAT'S IT.
Over the long years I trusted very few people. Even some of those I did trust I later regretted. This now is no longer the country it used to be. There are many people that would sell you out in a heartbeat.
You must be very careful about who you think are your friends. I will go into this subject in more detail later.
A 65% black city. Jesus...
I cant imagine living there, let alone living there and pretending everything is alright.
I`d have to be behind barred windows, razor wire and guard dogs just to sleep. And anytime I left the house, on alert like I was riding in a patrol through Fallujah. Basically a self imposed prison. Who the fuck wants to live like that?
At this point, anyone who still believes that "diversity is our strength" crap needs their head examined.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Ex New Yorker, - you're spot on. TRUST NO ONE. Just like Deep Throat used to tell Scully all the time on the X-Files.
Miles Mathis said it quite well. If you're not being invited to a club that means you're one of the 1,200 people 120 million people are spying on!
I'm sorry to say that most whites around me are either too stupid to live (You can't fix stupid), negrophiles, mudsharks, church cucks who worship Israel and their pet darkies (these are people whom have never traveled outside of their zip code) and those who are afraid to say anything, in case they lose their $8 a job.
So what you have is the 2%. That's it.
Most of the patriot and militia community are compromised. Many in the white nationalist movement are either spooks or Ex-CIA.
SBPDL and a few other sites that are up are about the only blogs I read and comment on.
Anonymous said ”. . . we have to become organized.”
Ex New Yorker responded ”if you do you will be "set up" by informants and government stooges. Look around where you live and work. Be honest with yourself. Who do you really trust. Where I live there are FOUR PEOPLE that I can trust. THAT'S IT. “
Then we must devise strategies for reaching goals that minimize the required circle of trust. I suspect that this problem has been dealt with many times over the course of history. A recent example of this kind of strategy was the “It’s okay to be white” effort to spread posters around the country. It was planned in plain sight on the Internet and executed by numerous bold individuals, yet it wasn’t necessary for anyone to know anyone. Being organized doesn’t necessarily require a roster of members and personal meetings.
”. . . we have to become organized.”
I recommend reading Networks and Netwars by John Arquilla & David Ronfeldt. It's the "bible" for using the Internet to organize dissident movements. The methods it describes are effective. And there are numerous other works on information operations which are useful.
A woman showed up in town a few years ago. She would hang out in the bar asking questions about Fema Camps and militia groups. She said she worked for the Forest Dept and told people she use to raise horses in Kentucky. A cowboy told me she didn't know shit about horses. Maybe she read a book somewhere, but that was it.
She pointed me out to a couple cowboy one night and asked them to introduce us. I shook her hand and then said goodbye. My old radar from the streets went on full blast.
I go into the bar one day and as I pass by her she mentioned the name of the editor of one of the newspapers I subscribe to. I just played dumb. How the fuck does this woman know what papers I read.
Later in the corner cafe she comes up to me and starts talking about 911 and chem-trails. I said all I know is what I saw on TV. I am really good at playing dumb.
I stayed away from her. She finally left about a year later. One day I ran into her in a town 70 miles South of here. I guess she is still looking for Fema Camps. I don't trust anybody.
SBPDL did a story on the home invasion--somewhere in the south--the woman ran with her child, begging for help.
the yard looked unlit. what was that family's name?
did the dad die?
remember that one? 1-4 yrs back.
Mr. Rational: "The Ashkenazis are patrilineally Semitic and matrilineally north Italian."
It's vice versa -- Roman soldiers conquered and knocked up the Hebrew women.
She was an Eloi, slain and feasted upon by a Morlock.
When the sun sets, the negroes come out to hunt.
You are their prey.....
It wasn't just crack. A large article in the mid-80s in the free DC weekly, the City Paper, revealed that Barry was corrupt in every way possible. Even I was surprised. He kept his local chimps loyal by putting so many on the city payroll, and every time trouble came up he blamed it on "Duh White Man be after him, uh huh." Of course, the local dinduz fell for it completely.
When you realize that he was a criminal in a city full of criminals, this statue idiocy makes sense.
Mr. Rational: "The Ashkenazis are patrilineally Semitic and matrilineally north Italian."
It's vice versa -- Roman soldiers conquered and knocked up the Hebrew women.
This is entirely possible since DNA tests have traced Ashkenazi Jews to four women. The Khazar theory has been mocked by liberals and Jews as being "far-right nonsense" and yet thanks to DNA tests it appears closer to reality than liberal explanations of Jewishness only being environmental, with Jewish dominance of European/American Communist leadership as merely incidental, and certainly not to be spoken. But then most liberals are morons and can't be bothered to think outside what they are told (race doesn't exist, all inequality is caused by evil Whites).
The theory of the European Jews being an insular race of Semites never made sense because they have always shared traits with the native population. Or are we supposed to believe that Swedish Jews evolved their own blonde hair?
But the liberal explanation of Jewish achievements being "education/religion" is by far the worst since it that should put secular Jews at a disadvantage over Sephardic, which we know in reality isn't the case.
Anonymous at 4:51 PM thinks I misunderstand Tay-Sachs. I'd like to get off this topic but I think I need to answer some of his objections.
First of all I don't have a genetics laboratory in my house. I have no advanced degrees in genetics or biology. I try not to interject my own opinions in scientific matters because I'm not a scientist.
What I wrote about Tay-Sachs and the other sphingolipid diseases is all available on Wikipedia and other similar sources. Most of what I wrote is from the work of Gregory Cochran and the late Henry Harpending. Their work is mildly controversial but it is also main stream. Unless I misquoted them by mistake, if you don't like what I wrote - blame them not me.
BTW today Paul Kersey like almost all bloggers is online trying to raise money to keep his blog afloat. But Cochran doesn't do that. How? He has a patron who supports him. Paul will sooner or later also find a money-pockets but even so patrons like to see that others support their clients. Send what you can afford to Paul.
Back to the Jews.
Anonymous writes Tay-Sachs is not a byproduct of an exclusive Jewish mutation for intelligence. French-Canadians and French-Cajuns also have high rates of Tay-Sachs. It's simply a mutation that mostly exists in European Jewry.
This is a non-sequitur. I simplified the argument. The only one of the Ashkenazi diseases that has actually been shown to increase IQ is Torsional Dystonia. But sphingolipid diseases cause a proliferating of neural dendrites and this is believed to be the mechanism that leads to higher IQs.
But you probably don't want to be a Jew yourself. Some experts think as many as one third of all Ashkenazi Jews has one of these terrible diseases. The famous Russian Jew Sidney Riley (the real life model for James Bond) famously said "Everyone hates the Jews but everyone loves the Irish - I choose to be Irish."
Personally I'm OK. I took my 23andme genetic printout to my doctor. He just laughed. It was huge but really hadn't much in it of value. People look for a dreaded clue to their impending doom from their genetic report - like having the marker for Huntington's Chorea. But if you make it to adulthood you probably don't have anything terribly wrong with you, or you already know all about it if you do.
I've used up all my space, so I will have to deal with the prospects for improving blacks through genetic manipulations, tomorrow.
Repeat after me:
"Did this sort of homicide occur when Memphis-St Louis-Birmingham-Little Rock-etc., were segregated?"
"A father in Florida is being credited with thwarting an attempted kidnapping of his 17-year-old daughter, firing shots as four teen suspects tried to break into his garage, police said.
An investigation revealed that the teens believed the father to be wealthy and had hatched a plot to rob his house and kidnap his daughter, according to the sheriff’s office."
The four teens? Keilon, Tyree, etc...
The only one of the Ashkenazi diseases that has actually been shown to increase IQ is Torsional Dystonia.
There is a correlation of about 10 iq points which means it could simply exist in intelligent families. You could draw a similar correlation to cystic fibrosis.
But sphingolipid diseases cause a proliferating of neural dendrites and this is believed to be the mechanism that leads to higher IQs.
And yet high IQs cans exist without these diseases so why are you certain of the cause? In fact Torsional Dystonia has strong physical symptoms. If your theory is correct then we should see engineers and world leaders limping around. What about the Greeks? How did Plato get his intelligence? Did he have a Jewish mutation?
This entire line of thinking comes from the false assumption that Ashkenazi Jews are directly descended from Israel and didn't intermarry with Europeans. It's false and even before DNA testing it didn't make sense given that Swedish Jews looked more like Swedes than their Sephardic cousins.
You seem to believe that Ashkenazi Jews developed special intelligence genes but there is no reason to believe this given that DNA has shown that they are half European.
But you probably don't want to be a Jew yourself.
I don't know how Jewish I am and don't really care. The secular Jewish identity is weird and half based in myth. In the US it is mostly a sub-White identity. My Great Great Grandma was Jewish so I'm a minority too. Give me a break.
"Researchers Explore The Effects Of Section 8 Grants In Houston"
Researchers find increase in crime where Section 8ers move to.
@ D is for depressing @ 6:49 pm. Researchers, is that another name for people who watch the evening news? Maybe it’s the people who read the daily newspaper. What a bunch of idiots! Where does one sign up to be a researcher? Elm street elementary?
How apt. I'm sitting here reading the comments, with music playing in the background (in self-defense, to drown out my Chinese neighbour, who "sings". Believe me, a Chinese soprano is in the same league as a barking dog or a biker playing "hot pipes competition"**). Anyway, I finally get irritated at the crap playing on my computer, and check the playlist. The track playing is called "Memphis".
** That's where they rev their engines all night long, to make the exhaust pipes red hot, and sit and look at the pretty pipes glowing in the dark. Seriously.
A return to the sunsets of the 1950s is required.
On the subject of Jewish evolution and intelligence, a couple of points.
Pat seems to discount the Khazarian hypothesis, namely that Ashkenazi Jews are mostly not descended from the Old Testament Jews, but from an Asiatic tribe that converted to Judaism in the seventh century. I have seen reports of DNA studies that support this theory. I know Dr Kevin MacDonald doesn't support it, but he has a vested interest in showing a direct evolutionary development from the ancient Jews to today's.
We also need to differentiate between evolution and mutation. Mutations are one agent of evolution, but not the only one. Evolution means only a change in the distribution of SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) in a population. It's not necessary to introduce new SNPs to achieve that. So Jews could evolve a higher group IQ by selective breeding, introducing foreign DNA (hence blonde Swedish Jews, e.g.), etc. Predicting how long it would take to breed the black Einstein (which Stephen Hawking came to Africa to seek a few years ago - unsuccessfully, alas) is hopeless. Especially if you're relying on mutation; mutations are by their nature random, and more often deleterious than advantageous.
Personally, I don't believe it can be done in a few millennia. They are more likely to go extinct, first. If there is a God.
It may have been Charleston thug life blog.
When the tide rises so high that it even threatens the upper class, political action will swift and sure.
"But I'm fine with gun laws that target Blacks. I don't support the NRA because they really want Blacks to be able to buy ARs and AKs at their local corner store. The NRA is clearly managed by "colorblind" conservatives that don't want to face the reality of race or work in the best interest of Whites. The founding fathers NEVER intended the second amendment to apply to Blacks so your are insulting the founders of this country by pretending they were racial egalitarians."
EXACTLY!!! The NRA colorblind cuckservatives are so pathetic - they may even be more dangerous for us (in some ways) than the out-and-proud Left. The NRA is full of Christian Zionists, patriotards, selfish boomers, and thoroughly racially brainwashed ex-military guys of the Dakota Meyer variety who would surely just love to physically attack 'anti-Semites' and 'racists'.
Florida is gone.
3rd world level ghettos ridden with drug dealing thugs and murders. Including a rash of cop killings.
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