Zip code 38114 is found in Memphis, Tennessee. The residents of this zip code are almost 97% black.
Why is this important?
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Two Kroger grocery stores in Memphis, one located in a 98% black community (zip code 38109), will be closing because of high rates of "theft" |
Because Kroger is set to close two stores located within these respective zip codes that have lost a combined $4 million + in the past three years. [Kroger to close 2 Memphis grocery stores that have lost millions since 2014, Memphis Commercial-Appeal, 1-3-18]:
Two Kroger grocery stores in the core of Memphis will close next month because they are losing money, the company announced Wednesday.
The Kroger at 1977 South Third in the Southgate shopping center will close after losing $2,090,020 since 2014, according to a company news release.
The Kroger at 2269 Lamar, near Airways, will close after losing $2,677,665 since 2014, the release states.
Well, why might these two Kroger locations in almost all-black communities of Memphis have lost nearly $5 million over three years? Isn't the answer obvious? Because they are located in almost all-black areas, meaning heavy theft. You can't keep the contents of an entire grocery store behind bulletproof glass (Plexiglass®)...[Councilwoman claims Kroger blamed losses on theft,, 1-5-18]:
Memphis City Councilwoman Jamita Swearengen is claiming Kroger pointed to theft as a reason for closing one of its stores.
At a news conference Friday afternoon, Swearengen recounted a phone call said she had with a Kroger representative on Tuesday.
She said the representative cited millions of dollars in losses over a three-year period at the Lamar Avenue Kroger as the reason for closing it.
"I then asked, 'What was the contributing factor?' She shared, 'Mostly theft,'" Swearengen said. "I was in disbelief because this is the community that I live in and this is the Kroger where I shop."
A Kroger representative denied Swearengen's recollection of the phone call, saying "theft" was never cited as a reason for losses at the store.
"I told her I did not want to speculate as I am sure it is a number of things, but we cannot speculate," Kroger spokeswoman Teresa Dickerson emailed to WREG.
"It's hard to believe that theft is the problem," said Kroger shopper Jacob Mickens.
WREG checked MPD's crime database and found 12 instances of theft or shoplifting in the past 90 days at the Lamar Avenue store.
There were no thefts recorded at the South Third Street store.
Councilman Edmund Ford Jr. said he also got a call from Kroger Tuesday but said they never mentioned theft.
"That was not articulated to me. Only the word 'loss' was articulated to me," said Ford.
'Loss' is a word many Kroger shoppers say they can identify with as they process news of the two pending closures.
"My family been shopping at Kroger over 55 years," said Mickens, who shops at the Lamar Avenue location.
With the two stores gone, many worry their neighbors will have to walk for miles in order to find fresh food.
"For those people who aren't fortunate, I don't know where the heck they gonna go for groceries," said Kroger shopper Sara Lewis.At the end of the day, publicly traded companies must answer to balance sheets, income statements and shareholders.
The Visible Black Hand of Economics is a foolproof concept, capable to withstand any peer review and providing irrefutable evidence to how and why communities flourish or flounder in the United States of America.
The blacker a community in the USA, the less likely social capital will flourish.
In laymen terms: a food desert is what occurs when you regress to the black mean.
Most likely cause - employee theft - “shrinkage”. Black areas have predominantly black employees, so these stores have multiple reasons for poor performance, but only one root cause.
We give them EBT cards and still they steal.
For shame.
Where I live in California there are no commercial grocery stores in the “bad” parts of town. These people steal anything not nailed down.
Nope, the black people are upset because they can't steal anymore food. I don't blame Krogers at all, they cannot give food away, or let it be stolen. I would have closed the store way before it lost that much money, or after the first two months, i would have posted a sign outside, keep stealing and the store will close. But unfortunately, the blacks in Mississippi have been given everything since the civil war ended in Mississippi.Their state is already the worst in Education and welfare benefits. They are drowning in debt because they have chased all the white working class out of Mississippi. I was just in Memphis before Christmas. The inner city is dirty and desolate, with homeless and transients walking the street. The costs are astronomical in the downtown area. And just so happened, the following Tuesday in the middle of the night, they took another confederate monument down. I hope they starve to death.
After years of stealing, i would have already closed the store. Let's face the facts, Blacks in Mississippi have been freeloading off the government since the civil war. Before you open your mouth, do your research. The state is at the bottom of education, one highest in welfare benefits, calls for black cities only by local mayors. Why should anyone in their right mind care? Not to mention the midnight taking down of another confederate monument in Memphis. Yes, i am white. You can call me anything you want, but the fact is i am right, you are wrong. They have chased the white working class out of the state. I hope they all starve to death.
dem obese sows gonna starve!!!
who gonna feed ma keeds??!!
Let them ride "public transportation" in search of food for all I care. They dominate that anyways via overall nasty behavior.
"Public schools were closed in Baltimore on Friday, but it wasn't a snow day. The schools have been dealing with flooding and heating issues blamed on decades of neglect and mismanagement. "
off topic, but anybody surprised by this?
"WREG checked MPD's crime database and found 12 instances of theft or shoplifting in the past 90 days at the Lamar Avenue store. "
this doesn't particularly surprise me. after many cases of nothing being done about it, the owners probably just give up on reporting it. Also, you don't always catch the thief. you just notice empty chips bags strewn around the shelves or that your inventory does not match with the right numbers. you also probably get a lot of theft from the employees themselves, as they are probably black, and they sure as hell are not going to report it.
blacks really do not have any future time orientation, do they? this happens over and over again and they are still always surprised when the grocery store closes. a white 4 year old could figure out that pattern.
Can't we just call a spade a spade rather than continuing to tap dance around this?
We have zero common sense in this country.
Female in FL
The only way to keep a majority black community functioning is to kid proof the hell out of the place- make it impossible for them to hurt themselves or others. And then accept the fact they will not be productive enough to sustain themselves which means the rest of the nation will have to cover the costs to maintain it. We are covering the costs for a bunch of big babies that will never outgrow daycare.
The one store that didn’t report any theft I’m sure they just let the thief’s walk right out, I’d even be willing to say everyone walks out without paying, a true gibsmedat store!
Exact same story as Detoilet, exact same reasons.
I remember reading an article several years ago about a shoplifting incident at a Kroger here on the north side of Indianapolis. A black couple walked out of a Kroger with an entire beef loin valued over $70. They then proceeded to another Kroger store where they tried to return the beef for cash. The manager was skeptical and delayed long enough for the police to take over.
Our local Kroger's now have online shopping and you can select your items online, pay for them, and they will bring them out to your car. That may well be the only solution for stores located in areas of vibrant diversity, they will no longer allow shoppers inside and they will have to pay prior to the food leaving the store. Perhaps the people delivering the food will need to be armed...
Kroger on Jewella in Shreveport La., closed years ago due to the same thing. Manager was spending so much time in court that the store closed.
"Isn't the answer obvious? Because they are located in almost all-black areas, meaning heavy theft. You can't keep the contents of an entire grocery store behind bulletproof glass "
Yes you can. You totally can. Back in the old days, the local grocer had a counter behind which he kept all the goods and served the customers.
I'm doing work inside Calumet on Jewella. That area is a ghost town of empty buildings, shady stores, and trash everywhere.
Back in the OLD days we didn't have all these shiftless Negros running around.They were kept behind the "segregation" glass and it was better for all.
So many black pathologies at play here to count.
To summarize, the stores have closed because, in a nutshell, they have lost millions of dollars due to unsold merchandise which has disappeared off the shelves. The first person to talk to the "councilwoman" mistakenly (but truthfully) told her the reason for the closures was theft.
Of course, the "councilwoman" started hooting and hollering that there were very few calls made to the police about these supposed millions of dollars in theft--so the claim MUST be false. After all, she shops there all the time and she didn't steal anything...and neither did the one black shopper they interviewed for the piece. Kroger is engaging in Jim Crow! Funny they claim police statistics are made up when they point out the incongruous amount of black crime, but claim they are the end-all, be-all in cases like this where they misrepresent the situation.
Of course, the subsequent Kroger representatives more correctly referred as the reasons for closure as "loss". The reason there were so few calls to the police was because the theft was so rampant and so frequent that they couldn't be burdening the police with a phone call every minute for a woman who has checked out with her EBT has her kid go and pick up a pack of toilet paper as they are walking out or the guy casually strolling out with five bottles of soda. Plus, the employees, who would be the ones to call the cops, were stealing hand over fist themselves and wouldn't want to dry up the well. Hence, the merchandise was "lost".
Kroger is closing one in the Linden neighborhood in Columbus as well. The reason was not given but Linden went ghetto too. Where was this black sow cooncil woman when this happened ?
Feels like the world is turning into “the walking dead” and we just can’t seem to escape or contain these wretched creatures.
ile I'm sure shoplifting is a contributing cause, it's probably just as likely that these stores aren't profitable because the paying customers load up on low-margin products like flamin hot cheetos and generic soda.
Wonder how the Whole Foods store in the heart of Detroit is doing. Stealing high end food has to be a whole lot better than 7-11 food. Probably won’t release the numbers even if we asked. Blacks have become one giant tax write off for many a business.
They are given EBT cards to basically pay for their food. But they blow it all in the first week on skittles, grape drank and koolaid pickles they starve the rest of the month. So they steal without remorse. So the stores close and the Negro ends up in our end of town. And the get butt hurt when they are arrested for theft because they got away with it back in the hood. It's time to learn Negro. Or fade away. The world is tired of you.
Wonder how the Whole Foods store in the heart of Detroit is doing.
If they aren't stocking anything that appeals to Blacks but are catering to the hipster crowd, they might be doing okay. No cigarettes, no cheap alcohol and no junk food might leave the NAPAs with nothing of interest to steal.
Time will tell, won't it? Be interesting to see how this plays out.
“The company did make some upgrades to the stores, especially the one on S. Third. The upgrades had included cosmetic improvements and better produce coolers, she said.”
Metal detectors and anti-theft sensors would have been more appropriate.
Absolutely not surprised, the surprising part is Baltimore schools are ranked #2 in the country in student spending and these are the results.
And now they want more gibs.
These days a big cart full of groceries sets you back about $150. Assuming these Kroegers were open 7 days a week, that's about 20 full carts of food lost every day, to lose a million plus every year. Call it 200 or more plastic grocery bags worth. Doesn't matter if it's shoplifting, grazing, or shrinkage; it's all theft, all the same. It was obviously rampant.
Many stores don't prosecute. It isn't worth it in terms of time and expense. And the perp will only get a little fine and be back tomorrow, only this time he'll be pissed off at the "dis" of being caught, and perhaps armed. Not worth the risk.
No, Kroeger's corporate doesn't use the words theft or stealing. They call it loss, just like every other retailer. But it's the same thing, and that councilman is either a moron or a sly hair splitter.
When I worked in the grocery stores as a young man we used to catch shoplifters all the time. Even back in those days it was not worth it to prosecute.
Why the heck did it take them three years to pull the plug?
I'll state the obvious: in BRA, even something as basic as running a grocery store enters the realm of difficult-to-impossible. Crime, mismanagement, the general dysfunction means that the basic processes of the market (both free and grocery) eventually break down. And the most disturbing thing is that people can not state the obvious truth about the race of the perpetrators.
One lives in a world wherein once thriving cities see their streets go bad, their crimes go wrong, their utilities shut down, and their grocery stores disappear for reasons which are so esoteric that they can not be named. Let us note that the disintegration of civil life is what a century ago the Lothtrop Stoddards of the world projected would happen with the rising tide of color. You ain't gonna reclaim Memphis, folks, as long as it is dominated by the current demographic.
Well, it could be worse. Krogers could have put up bulletproof glass in their stores and "insulted" the community. Can't have that happen.
Feeling that "enrichment," YT?
WREG checked MPD's crime database and found 12 instances of theft or shoplifting in the past 90 days at the Lamar Avenue store
Oh geez another MSM journalist on the case. Can you guys not bother to spend 10 minutes with an expert? Arrests aren't a measurement of theft. A lot of these stores won't engage shoplifters once they get out the door. In a 98% Black area the police are going to be busy with serious crimes so calling them over shoplifting is probably a hassle.
There is also employee theft which can be very difficult to catch, even with cameras.
Store theft isn't simply putting a ham down your pants. It also includes certain types of scams that involve the checker and a friend posing as a customer.
Grocery stores can only tolerate so much theft. They are for the most part honor systems. You can't pay a dozen guys in a room to watch everyone. The profit margin is too thin.
"For those people who aren't fortunate, I don't know where the heck they gonna go for groceries"
In the White areas, aka Food Oasis.
With the two stores gone, many worry their neighbors will have to walk for miles in order to steal fresh food.
Swing low, sweet chariot, comin for to take me shoppin... Anyway, I'd wager they weren't getting much fresh food; mostly processed junk.
Oh my God, how did I know exactly what the video was going to be before I clicked it ? Sad but hilarious that they always have a magical solution for black criminality. "Dey just need to hire some agencies" to stop theft.
Perhaps the plexiglass-deprived food vendors of Killadelphia can fill this void in Memfuss.
They are given EBT cards to basically pay for their food. But they blow it all in the first week on skittles, grape drank and koolaid pickles they starve the rest of the month.
The EBT rush causes problems for grocers and especially for the traditional mom and pop stores.
They are basically expected to keep a huge stock at the beginning of the month even if they have limited shelf space. If they overestimate demand then a bunch of food goes to waste.
This is finally changing in some states as it has only taken decades for Democrats to figure out how stupid this system actually is.
There is also bipartisan talk of letting the states ban candy and soda from EBT. This has been blocked in the past by an alliance of moron liberals and Agri-whore Republicans. But now they are looking at letting states decide since some liberal cities are starting to question if subsidizing diabetes via EBT Coke and Cheetos isn't such a good idea.
What about the employees ? I'm sure they had some "fringe benefits" too. Because of course they deserve to take sheet from the evil white coporations.
black people are upset because they can't steal more food.
/ you deserve a 1000 dollar prize. thanks.
"Our local Kroger's now have on line shopping and you can select your items, pay for them, and they will bring them out to your car. That may well be the only solution for stores located in areas of vibrant diversity, they will no longer allow shoppers inside the store...."
That's a workable idea in civilized areas but it wouldn't work in negro infested ones. One of the first things that would happen is negroes would start accusing the store of not giving them everything they ordered and that items "were missing from the bags when they got home." Numerous complaints and screeching would fill the air but it would just be another way for them to steal as they demanded free "replacements." Subsequently, the stores would have to have employees audit the bags along with the groid and have them sign off that they did get everything to prevent that behavior. Even then, during the audit the negroes would then claim they didn't want a particular item-they wanted another brand etc- and as soon as the employee went back into the store to exchange it, they'd hide other items from the bag under their car seats and claim they were never there. The store would have to have TWO employees present at all times- one to go get the "new" item and one to stand by the car to stop things being taken and hidden. Thus, the audit would have to take place in the store to prevent all that and only after they signed off and paid would they be allowed to carry their bags out to their cars. Even then, they'd find other things to complain and screech about and would accuse the store of trying to give them items close to their expiration date and that the store only stocked the "old stuff in dat store for black folks" or that the packs of "chiggun" they got were mislabeled as to weight and the store was just ripping off da customer etc.
Of course, all this is a moot point as the very first thing to happen should such a system be put in place is that negroes would start raising absolute hell about why they can't go into stores in their areas but white people can go into stores in white areas. Even if the stores presented irrefutable proof with video that negroes were stealing the stores blind and the stores couldn't make a profit, they'd still screech that it was racism, discrimination and bigotry and an "insult to da black community." Cue the marches and protests against "injustice" with community organizers, "rev'runs" and other loud mouthed primitives ooking in the streets.
I have also heard that stores in negro habitats cannot rely on local labor and have to hire from outside areas. After a while it becomes difficult to recruit from outside one the supply of desperate/naive people is exhausted.
In France, these areas of Memfuss would be classified as “Sensitive Urban Zones”.
Perhaps the Korean and Chinese shopkeepers being ran out of Philadelphia due to the plexiglass laws can relocate to Memphis and reopen their stores there. Perhaps their negro fatigue is running at the red line and they can take the opportunity to stick it to DaSchlong and Shitnequa. Would sure be hard for the pavement apes to steal shit that is behind bulletproof glass and handed over only once the shopkeeper has been paid. The chimpouts would rival those seen on Hard Core Pawn.
To summarize, the stores have closed because, in a nutshell, they have lost millions of dollars due to unsold merchandise which has disappeared off the shelves. The first person to talk to the "councilwoman" mistakenly (but truthfully) told her the reason for the closures was theft.
Hopefully that employee doesn't lose her job for telling the truth. But knowing that in this situation the highest level executives will be involved I'd say her odds are not good.
All these companies are terrified of CNN showing up with cameras as the locals protest outside and scream DEYZ RASCISS.
But what we need is a CEO that has some balls and invites CNN to look at the books. Trying to assuage Blacks or liberals on an emotional level never works. They view that as weakness and will only make demands. Present the facts and let the public decide. CNN will pack up their cameras if it makes their beloved Black children look bad.
What bothers me (when I catch myself caring) is that it isn't just the "shoppers" who are robbing the places blind- it's the employees themselves as well. If you need a single word to sum up black people it would be "untrustworthy".
Runners up include violent, rude, loud, smelly, cantankerous, uncooperative, lazy, shiftless, selfish, tribal, surly, and opportunistic.
Why the heck did it take them three years to pull the plug?
Same thing happened to Wal-mart in DC.
I've seen rural Walmarts in the middle of nowhere. The fact that they don't want to open another store in densely populated DC speaks volumes.
If Kroger admits theft and shrinkage, they might be called racist. Everything is done to avoid the racist title being attached to one's name or company. The bottom line is whether the company is making money or not; obviously that is not the case. The piece mentioned only a few cases of shoplifting, but not the cases of shrinkage (missing items assessed during inventory).
Most shoplifting goes undetected!
Companies move for financial reasons. A Wal-Mart in Welch, WV was closed for financial reason: it was not performing well. This is in an area that is 95% white. Black people can't get past the idea that not all things have to do with race.
Other things the Kroger in Memphis might be considering is the crime rates in that area. Who wants to be located in a war zone?
Thanks for the information, PK, it seems the left is out to destroy your message of truth.
Here's a small report from Youngstown, Ohio from October last year:
ACTION, a Youngstown faith-based organization, is demanding city officials and other community leaders take action to bring full-service grocery stores to the city and enact legislation to protect residents from predator land-contract purveyors.
Speakers at ACTION’s annual public meeting Sunday at Mount Zion Baptist Church in Youngstown called on whichever mayoral candidate is elected to within two months present a plan of action to bring a grocery store to areas of the city which are designated “food deserts” because their residents live a mile or more from a full-service grocery store.
Minister Ted Brown said about 17,500 of Youngstown’s some 65,000 residents live in food deserts, which he said is product of structural racism.
“Big box stores won’t build in the inner city because of ‘white flight’ to the suburbs leaving blacks and other people without the means to move,” said Rev. Brown.
Isn't it great how the consequences like food deserts are all white people's fault too? It's interesting how blacks, no matter how horrible they perform, are never ever asked to lift so much as a finger in changing their situation.
"Food deserts" are one of the excuses used for the Ghetto Negro Relocation Program. Once they've bled their own areas dry and destroyed their schools and neighborhoods, the government builds new apartments and relocates them out to the burbs.
I've recently been noticing our suburban grocery and drugstore having to put locks on a few items. It seems to have started right around the time those brand new LIHTC apartments opened for leasing right around the corner. I suppose it's only a matter of time until I won't be able to buy razors or Tide without assistance from an associate. The cost of diversifying my white area.
I was buddies with the Sheriffs Deputy we had about 12 years ago. Before working here he ran the security cameras at a large Target store. He told me he got so good that he could spot shoplifters the minute they came through the front door. He would follow them around with the cameras which were hidden inside those big plastic bubbles you see in the ceiling. They always carried big purses and wore big coats, even in the Summer. The shoplifters were always blacks or Mexicans, and every now and then a doper white guy.
What amazed him was the same stupid fuckers would come back again a week later. It was only after catching them for the fourth or fifth time that they would finally call the police.
One of my best friends worked for years at JOB CORP. He told me how blacks had no concept of earning money to buy stuff. They truly believed that if you saw something you wanted they just took it. It didn't matter what you had to do to get what you wanted. Burglary, robbery, shoplifting, etc. To them everything around them was free pickings. They saw nothing wrong with stealing anything they could get their hands on.
A couple years ago J. C. Penny's closed 52 stores because of shoplifting and employee theft. These big department stores were called "anchor stores" at the malls. They were the draw that brought in the shoppers. After closing the rest of the mall would soon shut down.
What I like about blacks is how they will crap in their own front yard and then complain about how the place smells like shit and somebody needs to come and clean it up. They are an amazing species. From a certain perspective they can be very entertaining.
"Dat not right....Now we gots to walk a couple miles to find a some place to steal from".
If they end up in other neighborhoods "shopping" CC is a must. Not so much for their shenanigans inside but they could try a variety of things in the parking lot. And if they approach one step, pull it out and aim.
A dollar store a friend worked at had constant theft which was committed mostly by blacks. The store was swiftly approaching a loss of close to 100K (retail value) in the first year it was open and a video monitoring system had to be installed. The main attractant seemed to be the black "beauty" products aisle and the clerks said that they wished that aisle could be eliminated altogether since it was attracting hoodrats. Of course, many other things were constantly being stolen throughout the store as well.
The manager caught one black guy trying to leave the store with numerous shoplifted items and asked him, "What's that under your shirt?" The black guy claimed it was his back brace and when the manager asked him to show the brace, the black guy took off running for the exit with packages dropping out everywhere from under his shirt. He chased him into the parking lot where two sows were waiting. They saw what was going on and asked what was happening. When told he was in the store stealing, they got mad and one screeched, "You know I got drugs in da car!" and they drove off before the police could arrive. The negro male got mad at the manager and screamed, "You done cost me muh ride!" and ran off down the street.
The manager finally quit after the store was robbed at gunpoint by a negro. At another dollar store closer to the hood, a negro manager actually shot a negro robber who was holding the store and customers up at gunpoint. The robber ran out of the store after being shot and his dead body was found in the woods behind the store. I always hoped it was the same negro who'd robbed the other store. In any case, the manager was fired for having a gun on site and for killing the robber who, of course, had a long rap sheet and was a "good boy."
From his perch high atop a fortified convenience store above the vibrant Memphis inner city, his Ear of Equality detects a cry of distress. Quickly donning the Hoodie of Social Justice, he flies into action. Faster than a shot ringing out! More powerful than a transparent anti-bullet barrier! Up, up in the''s...Dindu Nuffinz!
Alighting in the Memphis City Council Chamber, Dindu faces the distraught representatives of the black community.
"Save us, oh Hero of the 'Hood," implores one Council member, "from the terrible Desert of Food which even now threatens to engulf our fair city."
"Yes," cries another, "for our constituents are being deprived of their healthy and balanced meals!"
"No problemo," Dindu uses his Vision of Redistribution, "just claim that the Evil Mastermind, Disparate Impact, is behind the stores closing, then demand a government-corporate grant to keep open the flow of groceries."
A sigh of relief emerges from the assembled Council Members whose re-elections are now all but guaranteed. But alas for the Representatives of the Community, a new threat emerges!
"Wait a minute, wait a minute!"
Jaws drop faster than bodies at an anti-violence vigil as the interlocutor pushes her way forward, an elderly woman with a Badge of Corporation identifying her as the representative of a national food chain.
Waving a copy of the FBI's Uniform Crime Report, she continues, "Why don't we just tell the truth, that the reason for the stores closing is theft. And then maybe we can do something realistic to keep groceries in the city."
All eyes desperately turn to Dindu, who invokes his Voice of Hustle.
"Simple," the Crusader of Chill declares, "just claim the stores are closing owing to 'loss' and keep the grants running."
Pausing only to consign the elderly woman to a permanent place in the unemployment line, the Memphis City Council breaks out into applause as Dindu flies off into a sun setting over the Metropolis of the Mississippi.
But wherever the Dread Food Desert threatens, wherever criminality might be attributed to the black community, the cry shall go up:
Dindu Nuffinz!
Giant Eagle on Dublin-Granville Rd on the edge of Columbus,OH just East of Worthington, "one of Ohio's best communities", closed last year for the same reasons that stores in BLAK areas close.
Off topic but related:
Worthington, and Westerville schools take in BLAK hood rats, with predictable negative consequences, including mid-afternoon burglaries after da keeds get out of skoo, before working White tax payers get home.
The two municipalities have spectacularly high Real Estate taxes, the bulk of which...2/3...go to pay for the schools.
When the Gubbamints are questioned as to WHY the hood rats ?; the reply is "Columbus pays us to take them."
Questions then regarding why the continued high allocation of taxes to the schools are generally met with blah blah and more blah blah.
The Toxic Black Mold continues to spread, with the craven assistance of Gubbamint scum, as usual.
As we all know BAR CODES are on everything in the stores. These are used to track sales and inventory. If 100 items are bar coded as incoming merchandise and only 75 items are recorded as being sold then somewhere 25 pieces of "stuff" are missing. This missing merchandise can not be blamed on the Mafia, the C.I.A. or space aliens.
Even the small grocery store in town has everything bar coded that goes in or out. Their only loss is from spoilage, such as bananas turning brown or the last two avocados turning to mush.
Since it has been proven over the years that space aliens are not sneaking into stores and stealing "stuff" then the question remains as to who or what is responsible for the deadly deed of missing "stuff". Is it possible that all this missing "stuff" might be carried home by the people living in the immediate neighborhood. Of course anyone who may think such a thing is a racist.
She is told that theft is the main problem, because its true, then the Company chickens out and denies saying it. That sums up today's America in a nutshell. You know the truth but dare not speak it out loud because Public Relations are all-important. Truth is lost inside some nebulous "bigger picture".
What do they fear will arise from telling the truth? Losing their Black customers?
"In any case, the manager was fired for having a gun on site and for killing the robber"
The outcome would have been much worse if the manager were white.
Why the heck did it take them three years to pull the plug?
Figuring out when the fiscal losses outweighed the bad PR from "food deserts" and "rayciss".
the most disturbing thing is that people can not state the obvious truth about the race of the perpetrators.
Now who was it who said "silence = death"? We must not be silent about this any longer.
We do have to be clever. If IOTBW triggered the left so hard, think what a poster campaign of Black crime statistics could do. Especially if each poster had a QR code on it linking to the data page, which also had a link to the PDF for more posters.
That's a workable idea in civilized areas but it wouldn't work in negro infested ones. One of the first things that would happen is negroes would start accusing the store of not giving them everything they ordered and that items "were missing from the bags when they got home."
And of course, Amazon has the solution to all of this. The mostly-automated warehouse will give rise to the mostly-automated grocery store. It'll work like this:
1. Nog comes to an ordering station on the outside of the building. The nog inserts its EBT card to confirm the available balance, and then is allowed to order by selecting from icons and pictures like fruit and vegetable PLU selectors you have on U-scan machines.
2. The nog completes its order and is given a ticket with an order number and a bar or QR code on it. The nog then goes to another part of the store where the armored checkouts are. Above each checkout is a numeric display with the number of the order being checked out there. The nog waits until its number comes up.
3. Meanwhile, human pickers or robots run around inside the store, picking up items on the list and putting them on self-driving carts which take the completed order to the checkout station.
4. When the cart arrives at a checkout, the order number goes up on the outside display. The nog scans its ticket to unlock the vestibule on the far side of bullet-proof glass from the checkout station. The order is scanned, bagged and run through a rotating platform or the like. If the nog gets exercised, the checkout staff can simply abandon the station until the nog goes away; the nog cannot enter any of the other stations so can't cause trouble. If the checkout is robotic, there's not even anyone to threaten. Everything is on video.
5. If the nog protests that something was wrong with the order and they lied, the nog's EBT card is put on a list of banned cards and they're no longer welcome at ANY of the chain's stores ever again. Word will get around fast that TNB is punished, not rewarded.
Something like this is coming to grocery stores anyway. It'll just come to the ghetto first.
These always make my day. Too bad that the Marvel/Fox/Disney combine wouldn't attempt a big-screen adaptation. I can almost hear the "sampled beat" / hip-hop version of John Williams' Superman theme playing during the title sequence. Then, the camera zooms in for a close-up of the doomed planet Crapton . . .
It's not so surprising actually, that Blacks would cry foul.
It seems there is a slow push to remove all defenses that Whites (and many other ethnic groups) have against Blacks. (eg: removal of bullet-proof glass)
For those not aware there is currently a bill moving through Congress (HR 1486) which would allow any non-profit to obtain grant funds to bolster its physical and electronic defenses against perceived, potential terrorist attacks.
Such a move was done in 2005 and was ridiculed by the DHS as being wasteful and redundant, since local government could pay such grants.
Seeing as how all the supporters of the bill are democrats and over half of those are Blacks you can kind of guess what organizations are going to get close attention with this money.
All they need to do now is put one of their own in the position of Secretary of DHS and they can funnel an extra 30 million every four years into whatever group of theirs they want to fund.
Good times, I suppose.
Food deserts "because their residents live a mile or more from a full service grocery store."
So what is what I'd say. The closest full service grocery store to my house is easily 2 and a half or more miles away. Gak! I live in a food desert! Who knew? Other big box stores are equally distant. Many are much further away. Of course, if my vehicle breaks down, there's a bus line right down at the main street a block away. If the busses are out of service, a neighbor can and would take me to the store.
All this pretended helplessness by blacks is ridiculous and just more of their "playing the innocent deprived victim" bullsh*t as a response to having shoplifted the stores they did have into oblivion.
I'm eagerly awaiting the day when someone in charge tells it like it is, exposes their bullsh*t, holds them accountable for it, calls them out on it and tells them to STFU. That plus including warnings that if they riot, they'll be put down with extreme force.
Of course, negro coddlers and the NAACP would want to file lawsuits and they'd all be screeching racism but how could that stand up to the facts when presented in court? That'd be like forcing people to allow negro burglars access to their houses by leaving the doors unlocked at all times despite the fact that numerous burglaries were taking place committed by hoodrats. It would be ridiculous and absolutely unreasonable in the extreme to demand that. It's equally ridiculous for anyone to demand stores remain open in hoodrat areas until they're bankrupted due to the constant levels of theft.
Our "leaders" are yellow bellied spineless cowards who are cucked to the point of madness despite how they may want to present themselves to get votes. Their inaction is proof of their cowardice.
They have to steal and beg - demand money from people- because when they get their SNAP food stamps they trade them for overpriced sneakers, drugs, guns. You name it, then they HAVE to shoplift. The world owes them everything.... according to them.
Went to the ghetto supermarket yesterday because it was too cold to go further away. The woman with the WIC vouchers of course got all the wrong things, left her shopping cart full and went back to substitute the items. Another savage left his full shopping basket in a check out line to go get more items. Where do they think they are? The Deep Country?
I was pretty nervous since this store is across from a NYCHA housing project, full of convicted felons.
I used to work in a retail store when I got out of high school. I used to be a cashier and sell beer to all my underaged friends at the time, so I know the scams that must have been taking place at these stores in the hood. Scan a can of corn, put the steaks in the bag, slide items over the scanner but avoid the barcode, and so on. Figure for each cashier they have 10+ people in their families they do that for, once a week, it adds up, factor in the demographics of the area and even the ones who aren't in on it with the cashier are still robbing the place blind. I would safely bet that the majority of $$ the store did make came from EBT cards anyway.
Locks and security sensors on any product that costs more than $1 as well.
RE: Youngstown, OH, mentioned by another poster, I passed through there a number of years ago and I stopped off at LTE (Larry's Truck & Electric) located in nearby McDonald, OH. LTE is sells secondhand diesel locomotives to short lines, industrial railways, etc. Unfortunately scrap thieves like to sneak onto the property, cut copper wiring out of the locomotives, and sell the scrap for drug money. Even the cops admit that busting them does little good because all they'll get is a fine and soon they'll be back for more. LTE, however, found a different way of dealing with the thieves: beat the stuffings out of them and send them on their way to tell their friends what will happen to them if they come to LTE to steal.
For the Black Plague, it's the only vaccine that works.
I recall a business magazine that wrote about Youngstown not too many years ago. It has no hotels downtown, no airport, really nothing to recommend it. Some entrepreneurs were trying to train locals in computer applications but there was no way that was going to lead to a renaissance of the city. Of course, no one wanted to admit what the real problem was.
A couple years ago I saw a video on the internet that made my day. Two white guys had let a kitty litter box fill up with shit and piss. Then they dumped these stinking kitty litter boxes into card board boxes and wrapped them with Christmas wrappings. They put the Christmas wrapped boxes in the trunk of one car and drove to the local mall. In the second car they put the video camera on the dash board pointing towards the car trunk with the wrapped up kitty litter boxes.
When they saw three members of the Droopy Drawer Dindu Tribe heading their way they popped open the trunk with their electric door key. When the Dindus saw the brightly wrapped "Christmas gifts" they grabbed them and ran. As I recall there were three boxes.
The best part was the two white guys were laughing so hard the car was shaking. It was a great video clip.
Any retail job I've worked with black employees all feel that they are entitled to steal shit. It doesn't matter if it's a big corporate chain store, or some small mom & pop that employs 10 people. Blacks think anyone that has more than them is rich, so they can afford to lose some merchandise. All the successful small business owners I know usually live within their means, and have a small profit margin, which is usually used to reinvest in the business and pay their employees. Once that margin starts getting smaller, the belt tightens and layoffs start, or in the case of this story, the business closes or moves elsewhere. Leaving people without jobs, and the community without services/resources.
But I would never expect blacks to understand how that works.
You are entirely correct in your comment, but you actually skipped over the first step which is being forced to provide them with free tablets/laptops, and free internet/wifi so they can order the groceries in the first place. Because you know that will be the first thing they start screeching about.
"I ain't gots no computah, how I posed to order food fo my keeds" ~ Some welfare sow with 3" finger nails, a styled red weave, driving a Chrysler 300 with $4k worth of rims.
Sadly, Memphis is gone. A dear friend, a huge Elvis fan, enjoyed a yearly trip to Memphis. Visiting Graceland, buying Elvis stuff, eating at Elvis themed restaurants and catching some music and shows.
She hasn't been for years after being assaulted and scared for her life.
It's a scenario that's been played for decades in our once great cities. Frankly I don't know how whites even live in cities, it's a crap shoot. You're tempting fate every day.
I saw that story on Yahoo the other day and also read the comments, which for the most part sound like most of the comments on here. While most of the articles on Yahoo are poorly reported, left leaning, and extremely biased, the comments are usually very race realist and logic based. Plus they are one of the few major news sites to even still allow comments these days.
Know your enemy.
Netflix: Reggie Yates Outside Man
South Africa: The White Slums
An episode on why white people deserve it. Affirmative action in Africa ! Blacks take over and will destroy whites, the government, and ultimately each other.
Somebody needs to illustrate these into a comic book, along with the I.M Klewless ones, they are brilliant.
But Atlanta won't have that problem! They have even more vibrancy! Oh, how will they ever stand it? The new mayor is trumpeting "Black Girl Magic," even going so far as to send an email to ALL staff and teachers in the Atlanta Public School system. She had the nerve to put it in writing, but she knows she can get away with it.
On this week's edition of "The Georgia Gang," a weekly news program, the two black liberal commentators acknowledged the mayor's statement but of course it wasn't racist! Then they talk about everyone "coming together." Same old rhetoric, same old lies. Oh, how I wish the two white conservative commentators had called them out on that. It was a golden opportunity and they wouldn't grab it. Too bad. They only went so far as to say they thought her acceptance speech to be frivolous and light, and not focused on the big issues. Atlanta is screwed. Not that it wasn't before.
In Metro St. Louis, even the Aldi Stores have to have a constant Armed Guard at the front.
"They are given EBT cards to basically pay for their food. But they blow it all in the first week on skittles, grape drank and koolaid pickles they starve the rest of the month."
no, they use it mostly on sodas which they then sell for one or two dollars a can outside entertainment venues and then use the money for drugs or whatever.
Ghetto stores have ghetto employee`s. For that much loss, it had to be going out the back door as fast as it was going out the front. Management probably saw that the situation was hopeless and quit giving a fuck.
I know a guy who worked in a Dollar General for a time. He said the theft was outrageous, with the usual suspects to blame. Said he caught one sow stealing a pack of gum of all things, when he confronted her about it, she started ooking and eeking then spit on him. Police were called and were there within like a minute, then she starts faking a heart attack so they have to take her to the hospital rather than jail. He quit right after that. No amount of money is worth having to deal with black customers.
Hardee`s are starting to reappear in the Cincinnati area. The very first one was done well before Christmas. And there it sits. All shiny and new with lights gleaming.... aaaand its not open. Seems they cant find enough people who can pass both a drug AND background check. how fucking sad is that?!
Black communities get the retail stores they deserve. None.
Having a Pakistani hand them malt liquor and junk food from behind plexiglass on the first of the month is too good in my opinion.
Stay alert, stay alive.
I'm repeating what others have said, but there appears to be no functioning entity that the nogs will not totally fuckup.
Having a Pakistani hand them malt liquor and junk food from behind plexiglass on the first of the month is too good in my opinion.
And the Pakis are only there because the Feds force them in the area through green card requirements.
Arabs are the last people on earth to pity Blacks. They would have kept the slave trade going if not for YT. They only work the EBT industry because the Feds give them little choice.
Blacks think anyone that has more than them is rich, so they can afford to lose some merchandise. All the successful small business owners I know usually live within their means, and have a small profit margin, which is usually used to reinvest in the business and pay their employees.
They seem to think Asian mini mart owners are robbing the community.
Most of the Asian store owners I have seen drive beat up mini-trucks from the 90s.
It's for the most part a lousy business unless you can sell a lot of hot food or are the only nearby store for a lot of beer/cig sales. A friend of mine had a dad that went into the business and then quickly switched to being a bartender.
Know your enemy.
Netflix: Reggie Yates Outside Man
S1:Ep.2 South Africa: Knife Crime ER
90% of the victims suffer from stab wounds. These are from machetes, axes, knives, screwdrivers, and anything they can find to inflict harm apon each other.
The overwhelming excuse for all this black violence, was a new one for me, alcohol ! I've heard them all, but alcohol? The host, Reggie Yates, a "British" black man walks around as the apparent moral compass as he wades through all the black dysfunction and violence. As rival African gangs start fighting in a bridge, Reggie and his crew have to retreat to the van. All the while, Reggie is laughing. He too can't deny what he truly is and his genetic disposition pulls him into the excitement of the moment.
Figure for each cashier they have 10+ people in their families they do that for, once a week, it adds up, factor in the demographics of the area and even the ones who aren't in on it with the cashier are still robbing the place blind
Don't give them any ideas.
But yes it is probably a cashier scam. In a negro area there is the no-snitch code so the security has no idea who to watch.
If there is a dirty manager it's even worse because they can do return scams.
I know a guy who worked in a Dollar General for a time. He said the theft was outrageous, with the usual suspects to blame. Said he caught one sow stealing a pack of gum of all things, when he confronted her about it, she started ooking and eeking then spit on him.
I hate those damn dollar stores.
Nothing says welcome Section 8rs like a Dollar General.
Cheap Chinese food bought with EBT. And I'm not talking about ramen. They sell cookies and crackers made in China. I have a cheap relative that will occasionally shop there. They might as well call it China Mart.
The fact that negroes will rob them just boggles the mind. Did they not see the sign about everything being a dollar? How much can there possibly be in the till?
Still waiting for one of these councils to open a grocery store with tax money.
Show us how it's done.
If theft isn't a problem then this should be a huge opportunity.
As I've mentioned before, there was a grocery store in da hood in my town that was closed down by the city. Apparently, the staff were using the store to deal drugs, theft was through the roof, and there'd been fights, muggings, shootings and sexual assaults in the parking lot and so on. It is/was just another store/business among many that were closed by the city over the years as a public nuisance due to all the crime committed by negroes.
A large hotel near the interstate highway not too far from da hood and the aforementioned grocery store was closed and torn down due to "drugs and prostitution." No need to play "guess the race" of those engaging in the "cultural activities" at the hotel. Not too far away from the hotel is the city zoo and a large park. The city built restrooms in the park and a security guard told me that it caused them nothing but trouble as all the black whores were taking their "customers" into the restrooms for sex and using the bathrooms to take the well known "whore's bath" in the sinks. The security guards had to start making hourly checks on the restrooms to chase away the black hookers and their customers. A family friendly park was being ruined by negroes. Of course, this must be the white man's fault for making the black whores live in a hotel desert.
At one point, the city managed to chase all the whores away from the area but they just migrated to another location which was on the edge of an all white historical district. That created a firestorm of complaints and the city once again had to come in and start chasing the whores away before they could ruin the area. There was a significant uptick in crime in the area with stores being held up at gunpoint or staff being threatened with knives along with all the attendant shoplifting and black beggars constantly harassing and "axin' fo' a dolla" from regular store patrons. Cultural enrichment, dontcha know.
There's a ton of truth in the saying, "If it's black, it's whack" i.e. trashy, sleazy, screwed up, dirty, criminal, disgusting and destructive of civilization.
More good news. I just read on the GATEWAY PUNDIT site that in Portland they are building a 29 million dollar luxury condo for lower income families. The building will be eleven stories high and will be in the center of an up scale neighborhood. The best part is it will be made out of wood instead of steel and cement. What could possibly go wrong.
Reminds me of a quote attributed many years ago to the owner of the Marshall Field department store in Chicago. At the time, there were 2 main newspapers in Chicago - the Tribune and the Sun Times. The Sun Times was favored by blacks. The sun Times advertising dept boss called on Marshall Fields boss, and asked him ‘why don’t you advertise in the Sun Times?’ Answer ‘Because sir, your readers are our shoplifters.”
Many blacks themselves are Racial Realists themselves = they never want to be around other blacks and always demand die-versify bc they instinctively know the savage nature of their brethren.
I was born in Washington DC but after I got out of the Army I went West. So I was in California when the nationwide Martin Luther King Riots broke out in 1968. But I came back to Washington for graduate school shortly thereafter.
As a grad student in City Planning our whole class was tasked by the city government with devising a plan to help heal the city. What was the big problem - lack of grocery stores.
The black rioters had burned out all neighborhood grocery stores. The politicians liked to speak of the plight of black mothers who lived in that moonscape of destruction. Where, they asked, would a young mother go for the baby's milk?
We heard testimony from the so called black leaders. They were a patronizing and ignorant bunch. They demanded a giant re-building program because as they said " the federal government owned all the vacant property, so it didn't cost anything." Such was the level of analysis by the local black leaders.
I decided that City Planning could do nothing in an atmosphere of such stupidity. I decided to quit Planning. I turned in my Master Plan for a rebuilt Washington - but it was a blank sheet of paper (a very big blank sheet of paper). I titled it "Benign Neglect" after the famous racial prescription by Moynihan. I was pretty sure with the blacks being so recalcitrant nothing would ever be done.
So now all these years later - how did I do? I just looked it up inn Wikipedia. The area was rebuilt and presumably they build some more grocery stores. That renewal began in 1999. So those black babies would have had to have waited thirty one years to get their milk.
Destroy a Kroger's Grocery store and it will be replaced but it might take a little while - say thirty years.
Since I'm referencing classic movies today, can I nominate a candidate to be a store owner in da hood? I think the priest from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom would be a good choice.
I have laughed out loud at so many of the comments today. Seems like everyone upped their game on this subject. Sometimes the black subject matter is like shooting fish in a barrel.
Know your enemy.
Affirmative Action for entertainment.
"KweliTV is Netflix for black people, by black people, starring black people"
What could possibly go wrong?
NFPA Documentary available on youtube:
Whatever they're smoking up in Portland, it must be some real good shit.
Sadly, Memphis is gone. A dear friend, a huge Elvis fan, enjoyed a yearly trip to Memphis. Visiting Graceland, buying Elvis stuff, eating at Elvis themed restaurants and catching some music and shows.
This is what gets me: how iconic American cities like Memphis are devastated by BRA. Whatever made them once great or memorable, whatever placed them in the parade of Americana, is gone, perhaps forever.
St Louis, once Gateway to the West? Turning into an African war zone. Baltimore, inspiration for the Star Spangled Banner? Now a city that glorifies African thugs. Philadelphia, home of American liberty? A lunatic asylum which bans safety measures in convenience stores. Detroit, once center of industry and culture? Etc.
It's not just the crime and poverty which Africans-in-America create, it's the destruction of culture. Tearing down CSA statues is the tip of the iceberg. We have also see museums, music, schools, street names, a city's very heritage recast in an African mold. And the only thing worse than Africans-in-America (who are perhaps acting out of genetic programing) are those DWLs who enable them.
Whites need to stay armed, but the struggle must also extend to the cultural front. This it the point that Pat Buchanan, Sam Francis and the older generation of paleo-cons made. Let us see if the rising generation of the Alt Right will take up the banner here. Then perhaps Memphis will be restored to a city that Elvis would recognize.
Come on, Chatanoogal! This doesn't surprise snyone. ;) The bLacks of Baltimore can't keep up maintsinance. It's just like South Africa...
Who keeps the lights on, and can you keep them all on when people are too afraid to enter a locale.
I was once in a Florida supermarket standing in a 15 items or less checkout line. When the cashier questioned a black womans large order, the woman put the excess items on the floor of the market. No one (including me) said a word, but the exasperated expressions, said a ton. A mindset unto themselves.
Had they lost less than 5 million in 3 years they likely would've had a much harder time getting out of any crap they'd catch for anything less.
Here's another classic Dindu story I read on the internet. Maybe it was on this site.
A guy has an old beat to shit lawnmower that was way beyond being repaired. He puts it by the curb with his garbage cans but the city garbage truck doesn't take it away. He drives with his buddy to the city dump but they tell him he needs some kind of dumping permit. They take it back home. He leaves the lawnmower sitting in the front yard between the house and sidewalk. He and his buddy go inside and have a beer.
They are looking out the picture window and about ten minutes later they see a car drive by with two black guys. The car stops. It backs up and the two Dindus get out and open the car trunk. They run up on the lawn. They grab the mower and throw it into the trunk and drive away.
If you are in the right frame of mind blacks are good for some real laughs.
I wonder what store these fine Kroger employees work at?
The blacks in the video are offended. I'm not sure what they are really offended by.
Love the comments. I thought the Netflix series was a joke, no it's not.
Thanks for the laughs.
Have not seen it mentioned but TNB here seems to include parking in disabled spots. It is like the assholes feel entitled to the parking spot closest to the door at drug and grocery stores.
And who is going to confront them about it anyway? I have even seen them park a large pickup diagonally across two disabled spots. That should get them two $500 fines but there never seems to be a cop around.
Another variation is to park in a disabled spot and leave the driver or the passenger in the car while the other goes into the store. They seem to think this is ok because someone is in the car.
The other day there was a car parked in an adjacent disabled spot. The rap noise was too loud even considering my car and the other cars windows were all closed. The negro in the passenger seat was literally bouncing up and down with its head jerking back and forth.
I don't know if anyone here remembers this incident from a few years ago, but it was in a Memphis Kroger's parking lot that approximately 150 "teens" flash mobbed and stomped a white employee nearly to death --- slamming gigantic pumpkins down onto his head repeatedly after he had lost consciousness, cackling the entire time.
A few months later, another "teen" gathering went berserk at a gas station right next door to that Kroger's. The kicker? ... in spite of those two incidents, that's not even one of the stores being closed.
Any dumbass politician that wants to ban high capacity magazines should be forced to watch clips like either one of those attacks.
Why don't negro communities have "Diversity", if it is so good?
We are Whites tortured with it, but the negro isn't?
A good example of disparity exists in retail establishments in urban areas for good reason. . . .the "vibrant (ghetto) culture" is responsible for the disparities...of course, naming "the elephant in the room" will subject one to accusations of (gasp!) "racism"--I DON'T CARE.
Compare hardware stores in urban areas and suburban / rural areas.
The suburban / rural hardware store has everything out in the open. Customers are free to pick and choose, examine the merchandise, take it to the cashier and purchase their products. Help is readily available.
The urban hardware store has everything behind bullet-resistant barriers. One cannot even purchase a twenty-five cent plumbing fitting without having to ask for it. The employees are safely sequestered behind these barriers and may be unwilling to venture beyond them. Quite often, a security guard is posted at the door to “inspect” purchases and act as a deterrent to “shoplifting”.
On a personal note, my local (rural) hardware store experienced a power outage. The proprietor of the store gave incoming customers flashlights so that they could shop while power was being restored. Try doing that in an urban hardware store. Both flashlights and merchandise would be picked clean . . .
The EBT cards are swapped for cash at half their original values and then promptly traded for drugs.
Anyone who has worked around blacks knows how slow and incompetent, and outright lazy they are. Putting aside the issue of theft, it takes an intense amount of effort just to unload the trucks and keep the shelves full. Grocery margins aren't all that great to begin with. Now imagine that you have to employ three to four times the people, just to keep the store somewhat operational. Your labor costs are through the roof.
Also, I would wager that the store had quite a few amount of lawsuits (and hence higher insurance premiums) in terms of slip and falls, broken tooth lawsuits, and food allergy/poisoning cases. Law suit shakedowns are big business in these areas as well.
Reclaim Memphis? No...even with some of the gentrification and reinvestment businesses going up around town its just a matter of time before it sinks back into the black sea that is Memphis. Always been that way as long as I've lived here, strange's like there really are islands or pockets of decent surrounded on all sides, scattered across the city like dice thrown on a table all waiting to be swallowed bit by tiny bit. If you want a funny and accurate representation of this look up the judgemental map of memphis
I work down the street from this whole foods. They hired (2) fulk time ARMED security guards for the store. At a grocery store!!
I shit you not. Nice store but for how long?
I work down the street from this whole foods. They hired (2) full time armed security guards. Only in Detroit. Nice store but for how long?
Perhaps BLM or Jesse Jackson or some other Negro entrepreneur can open a Black Grocery Sto. A place where Colt 45, ripple, watermelon, grape kool-aid, crack, weed and other proven community enhancements are always available.
Friend, you are making a logical argument but with an assumption that undermines the logic.
For years I worked part-time for a contract inventory service and for even more years full-time as a software developer (when I started it was called “computer programming”). One of the most difficult things about writing software for an interactive application, besides making the thing do what it is supposed to do, is trying to imagine all of the different ways some minimum wage dummy could get things all screwed up and have the code in place to catch it and prevent whatever errors or damage that would be the result. After a while in this business you realize that, no matter what, you just can’t make anything 100% dummy-proof. Here’s an example: Someone goes to the checkout with 12 cans of cat food, 4 different varieties, 3 each, all the same price and Tamponisha takes one can and waves it past the scanner 12 times. At that point the physical inventory and the electronic inventory begin the journies in opposite directions. And if you be one of Tamponish’s friends maybe she scans only one or two times. This is not just lost revenue but now any automatic restocking application is working with invalid data. Remember GIGO? Garbage in / Garbage (or Gospel) out. There has to be a minimum amount of intelligence and integrity for things to work right. It can’t all be done by the machines and the software. Also, just because you ordered 12 cases of 12 cans of beans it doesn’t automatically mean that 144 cans wind up on your shelf. In the inventory business just before I retired they were assigning full-time auditors, not store employees, at grocery stores to count the merchandise as it came off the trucks. And these auditors are not popular with the store people. Is it any wonder why?
re: Anonymous said... January 7, 2018 at 3:41 PM
More good news. I just read on the GATEWAY PUNDIT site that in Portland they are building a 29 million dollar luxury condo for lower income families. The building will be eleven stories high and will be in the center of an up scale neighborhood. The best part is it will be made out of wood instead of steel and cement. What could possibly go wrong.
Well, I read that being in the 'concrete jungle' drives disadvantage youfs to violence, so let's build more wooden high rises for beautiful black people! White people don't deserve to live in desirable areas surrounded by wet lands, so let's move all the white people OUT, replace all white staff with black fire fighter, black inspectors, black hospitals, and house them all at in wooden high rises cut off from racist white people by wetlands and rivers. Once all racist white people have been removed and black wooden wakanda has been made, the taxpayers should be made to fund a celebration of their black community by contributing to buy them some Chinese fireworks, like Kongming Lanterns.
That reminds of an old saying: they’re so stupid they could fuck up an anvil.
Anonymous said...
Have not seen it mentioned but TNB here seems to include parking in disabled spots. It is like the assholes feel entitled to the parking spot closest to the door at drug and grocery stores.
I honestly cant remember the last time I saw a negro, who appeared to be older than 40 or so, driving WITHOUT a handicap parking placard.
Just another of their many, many scams.
I`m quite sure a perfectly able bodied dindu feels like they have really gotten one over on "the man" when they get one.
Such are the ways of pieces of shit.
Stay alert, stay alive.
In ATL-area Walmart stores, the "greeters" actually perform 2 jobs: they greet you when you arrive, and they check your bags against your receipt when you leave.
My guess is that Walmart does something similar in Salt Lake City. However, in wealthy Park City where we live (30 minutes away and at a higher elevation), the Walmart does no such thing. It's interesting to watch crappy cars dumping out loads of negroes at the Walmart entrance right before Christmas, because Park City doesn't have enough actual negro residents to fill a single car, let alone half a dozen like I've seen since we moved here.
Instead, I'm sure the negroes find a brutha with wheels to drive them up from SLC for the express purpose of shoplifting at a Walmart which doesn't enforce loss prevention the way their other stores (in negro areas) do.
OT, but I'm much less supportive of having police in school after I realise that some of them will be dindus:
White female teacher protest raise of Superintendent at meeting over Superintendent's contract, she was told to leave, and she leaves, but on her way out the black male police tackled her and handcuff her - never miss an opportunity to touch white women!
Not to mention always DRIVING THE WRONG DAMN WAY DOWN THE LANES OF PARKING AND REFUSING TO MOVE OVER! Every time I encounter a person driving in through a clearly marked exit it's a Dindu. Usually they cruise up to the curb in front of the liquor store, even if the parking is plentiful on the lot. Need to mail a letter? Get out of your car and walk around to the mail box because a black man is parked in front of the box, and is too lazy to walk twenty feet to get his bottle of vodka.
That dimwitted black community activists believe a neighborhood grocery store is a right is hilarious yet typical. Those locations have been such awful hellholes for decades that full service grocery stores would still being there is a shock. The black leaders are also too stupid to realize that the stores are so inundated with shoplifting and too concerned with bad press that they don't even bother calling the police anymore. The majority of the losses are likely a combination of too few quality customers and employee theft.
I live in Nashville. Six years ago the Kroger on Dickerson Road was shut down because it is a black community and that store had lost over a $1,000,000. in one years time because of black theft. Furthermore, the black cashiers weren't even scanning the groceries. They moved the products to Gallatin Road in Inglewood, a mixed raced community.
Everywhere black go they murder, rape, assault and destroy the very stores where they shop. No wonder there is a food desert wherever they live.
I also know that the town, York, Alabama, is a black village. They have no grocery store because of theft.
"Instead, I'm sure the negroes find a brutha with wheels to drive them up from SLC for the express purpose of shoplifting at a Walmart which doesn't enforce loss prevention the way their other stores (in negro areas) do."
I'll bet they've tried, and it cost more from some kind of legal incident (Shaniqua be dissed?) that they decided the risk wasn't worth it.
The Caucasian population is most responsible for welfare fraud. Fix your facts before spewing stereotypes.
To the idiot who said ...
"The Caucasian population is most responsible for welfare fraud. Fix your facts before spewing stereotypes."...
Me: No you ignorant mud duck fix "your" facts and learn what "per capita" means because when it all boils down to everything it's you blacks, I say "you blacks" because only an ignorant black person who does these things or a loser white liberal who defends douchebag behavior like blacks do would say something so stupid. But to top it off that's not even true it was debunked 2 years ago it was just a rumor and a black catch phrase of sorts that ignorant blacks started trying to blame someone else like they always do for the problems they cause to make someone else look guilty or bad but we all know who it is "EVERY RACE" knows who it is even blacks know ... "it's blacks" they've created nothing and destroyed everything!
I remember reading an article several years ago about a shoplifting incident at a Kroger here on the north side of Indianapolis. A black couple walked out of a Kroger with an entire beef loin valued over $70. They then proceeded to another Kroger store where they tried to return the beef for cash. The manager was skeptical and delayed long enough for the police to take over.
Our local Kroger's now have online shopping and you can select your items online, pay for them, and they will bring them out to your car. That may well be the only solution for stores located in areas of vibrant diversity, they will no longer allow shoppers inside and they will have to pay prior to the food leaving the store.
That is fantastic idea to solve the problem of food deserts. Unless they complain that it's racist! Offer milk, bread, eggs,fresh produce abd basic mest products. Basically healthy products. And bulletproof glass with iron grate doors, security cameras everywhere and zero tolerance for employees who steal.
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