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What tens of millions of people are seeing in the grocery store right now. |
From Wikipedia: People (originally called People Weekly) is a weekly American magazine of celebrity and human-interest stories, published by Time Inc. As of 2006, it has a circulation of 3.75 million and revenue expected to top $1.5 billion. It was named "Magazine of the Year" by Advertising Age in October 2005, for excellence in editorial, circulation and advertising. People ranked #6 on Advertising Age's annual "A-list" and #3 on Adweek's "Brand Blazers" list in October 2006.
Yesterday I drove through an upscale city made up of 90% African Americans. It was amazing in that the residents told me nobody locks their doors, the males are all employed and the community is always quick to help a neighbor in need. I saw young black men helping the handicapped with groceries and black teens assisting little old ladies across the street. The few whites there were indigent but the more wealthy blacks always had a spare $50 to help buy a meal and clothes for a job interview.
April fools muhfuggas!
They live........its funny cause its true.
Summer 2012: Its time to chimpout and chew bubblegum. All out of bubblegum.....
I saw that at the checkout stand over at the grocery store. I very seldom get angry anymore; I have learned to control that. But this bothered me greatly. When I got to the checker one I know a bit), she looked at me and said "Mr X, you look mad; you okay?" I replied I had just seen something that bothered me.
"If you mean the People cover, I know what you mean. Isn't that just sick?"
What exactly is it that black people want?
I mean, if whitey is destroyed, don't they understand that they will be in the same mess as their Detroit tribe bruthas?
Anyway, I have been wondering--exactly what ratio is the goal of those that push diversity and multiculturalism?
Her's another example of how diversity is working. This time it isn't colored on white, it is black on brown. Proof that this diversity idiocy is bad for all everyone. I doubt it will make news anywhere but where it happened and I wonder whether La Raza and the other Hispanic groups will chime in on this, for some reason--I doubt it:
The media once again uses its power and influence to set the national agenda -- even if they have to lie to do it.
NBC doctored the audio tape to make Zimmerman appear to be racially motivated...
MSNBC then does the same thing but in print...
Criminal charges should be applied to them if anyone gets hurt in any riot since they are using their power to motivate blacks to attack whites.
why did the martin family and their lawyers close down all of trayvon martin's facebook and twitter accounts after he attacked george zimmerman?
usually, when people are killed, their facebook pages stay up and all their friends and family leave tributes and touching goodbye messages.
also -- it is ridiculous how cnn is showing pictures of trayvon, age 14, on a pony.
is there any CCTV videotape from 7-11 showing trayvon martin buying the skittles and ice tea?
you know if george zimmerman had been the one coming from 7-11, all of the media experts would be analyzing that store-surveillance tape and seizing on anything to confirm that zimmerman was being a racist.
Wow. They decided to just cut the bullshit and use middle school pictures.
"Bullshit" int this usage means integrity and honesty.
Obviously People does not present it as a "news" story, but rather as an appeal to white liberal emotions, and to further a political agenda. One wonders whether the editors really know the truth, or if they are simply cynical opportunists?
Maybe they did not think it up themselves, but instead received "marching orders" from their bosses at Time-Warner. If so, what then is the real motive behind a mainstream media-wide sanctification of the No Limit Nigga?
These are the questions that must be asked. I think we probably already know, or at least suspect, the answers.
It warms the cockles of my heart to read that EBT people can use their cards to purchase necessary amenities. This article sickened me.
Anonymous (April 1, 2012 8:31 AM):
"What exactly is it that black people want?
I mean, if whitey is destroyed, don't they understand that they will be in the same mess as their Detroit tribe bruthas?"
Do you really expect them to think rationally and plan ahead?
"Anyway, I have been wondering--exactly what ratio is the goal of those that push diversity and multiculturalism?"
0 % Whites, 100 % Others.
Those who can be described as Jews (or at least non-Cristians), handicapped, females, and/or non-heterosexual may be included in "Others". Perhaps that even goes for voluntarily unemployed and hardcore criminals.
Anonymous (April 1, 2012 9:05 AM):
"Black people don't buy "People" magazine (they steal it LOL)"
Why do they steal it? Do they have the ability to read?
That is pathetic. Heaven forbid they show an actual CURRENT photo of lil' thuggy with his gold grill teefs and his tatz and flipping the bird.
Speaking of B.S.:
NBC to do ‘internal investigation’ on Zimmerman segment
Where's the faux black outrage for this?
14 Shot, 2 Dead During Wake Outside Florida Funeral Home
The comments on that last link are encouraging.
Where's the barf bag? When this country erupts into racial warfare, this shit-for-nothing magazine, along with the rest of the MSM, and particularly MSNBC... will have to be held accountable for fueling racial animosity.
"April fools muhfuggas!"
Damn you YT!!
You actually actually had me fooled there for a couple of seconds.
Greatest scare I've had these past few weeks.
At this point white men really ought to consider why they join up to fight wars to protect people who back home hate them. The college money isn't that great.
What exactly is it that black people want?
That has nothing to do with what is going on. The real problem is the hostile anti-white elite:
They've also been described as puritan progressive who loath the "wrong sort of whites" such as hillibilly southern whites and ethnic northern whites. Nothing disgusts the elite white more than lower class whites. The frightening thought that he or she could be like them fuels their hatred and vicious intolerance.
Posted by: Conquistador | March 30, 2012 at 03:32 PM
"The frightening thought that he or she could be like them fuels their hatred and vicious intolerance."
precisely. the worst battles are those between cousins, because "there but for the grace of god go i..."
the psychological closeness of the prole white is what sustains the SWPL's irrational hatred. the SWPL sees a bit of himself in the prole. this is not to excuse the anti-white bigotry of the elite whites, but it does help explain it.
the civil war is being played out again, this time with black, mestizos and media ink as weapons instead of guns and iron ships. that could change.
Posted by: CH | March 30, 2012 at 03:56 PM
Does 711 cam footage get saved?
Cause if it does and No Limit Nigga isn't there that night or he doesn't get to the counter he's obviously a shop lifter or he was casing houses for burglary or off selling weed.
So now the Orlando Sentinel has gone out and found voice experts who say the voice crying for help on the 911 tape was not Zimmerman's. http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2012-03-31/news/os-trayvon-martin-george-zimmerman-911-20120331_1_voice-identification-expert-reasonable-scientific-certainty
How long is it going to take the witness who said he saw and heard Zimmerman on the ground screaming to retract his testimony? This is the media's and the black establishment's game. Intimidate and frighten anyone who would back up Zimmerman's account. Same thing with ABC's release of grainy police film that supposedly shows no injuries on Zimmerman. The media is working in lock step with the Martin team. Zimmerman will be charged and indicted. He'll probably plead guilty to some charge that will have him spending a couple of years in jail. Before he goes to jail, or maybe while he's in jail he'll do media interviews on how racist he was and how he now regrets it and thinks the country needs to rid itself of racism against young black males like Trayvon. He'll tell how stand-your-ground and castle laws need to be revoked and how dangerous CC weapons laws are. He'll do this "confession" to survive and be accepted back into the good graces of society. The modern version of the Stalinist show trials (See the book "Darkness at Noon") of the 1930's, except we're not to the point where the transgressor is executed - yet.
We are on our way to living in a Stalinist America. The rule of law is dead. What is taking its place is a combination of Stalinist law and African law (rule by mobs and threat of violence). The African mobs will be used by the totalitarians in power against their political opponents. It's too bad George Orwell is not alive to write a version of 1984 specific to 21st century America, i.e., with blacks used by the "party" as a weapon.
Dan said...
Does 711 cam footage get saved?
Cause if it does and No Limit Nigga isn't there that night or he doesn't get to the counter he's obviously a shop lifter or he was casing houses for burglary or off selling weed.
Dan, excellent point! Show me the footage!
Her's another example of how diversity is working. This time it isn't colored on white, it is black on brown. Proof that this diversity idiocy is bad for all everyone. I doubt it will make news anywhere but where it happened and I wonder whether La Raza and the other Hispanic groups will chime in on this, for some reason--I doubt it:
From the article:
The video shows as many as 10 boys surrounding the victim and challenging him to a fight. The suspects then began hitting the teen while others watched.
We've recently seen a huge influx of blacks here in the Phoenix metro area, many of them Commiefornia refugees. These are the same ones who fled to inland desert towns like Palmdale after being driven out of L.A. by the Mexicans, and they are now fleeing even further west to the land of SB1070 as the Reconquista continues to ethnically cleanse them from the rest of Southern California.
Anyway, I can't wait for them to start pulling this shit here. You see, our gun laws are quite a bit different than what they're used to over in Commiefornia. We don't prohibit law-abiding citizens from carrying guns. They won't be gauranteed disarmed victims. It won't be long before they try to jump some guy who's packing heat and he kills a few of their worthless asses.
Take a look at your map, niggers. In the Southwestern U.S., you'll see a big white rock on the east side of the Colorado called Arizona and a big brown hard place on the west called California. It's really best for you to get the fuck out of the Southwest altogether and move someplace far away...like maybe Liberia. Then, you can finally be free of us white devils who oppress you so terribly.
Autopsy images?
Where are they?
NBC's editing of Zimmerman's 911 conversation was done with malice aforethought and is clearly actionable. He should sue NBC for the equivalent of his remaining lifetime earnings as both his employability and public safety have been permanently compromised by their actions.
Time Inc., which owns "People" is also culpable through using such an outdated photo of Ashtrayvon. Especially, when there are so many others available that are more recent. While potentially not actionable, Whites everywhere should recognize this stoking of racial tensions as media-based hatred of Whites and permanently boycott "People" magazine.
This sort of blatant misrepresentation needs to see such purveyors of falsehoods and anti-White bias go out of business. It is the only message that such media outlets will listen to. They need to be sent the same message that many print newspapers are receiving today.
Nothing else will suffice. It is critical to cut off the flow of cash to these Liberal rags.
You kid is on his 3rd suspension. Dealing, burglarizing, assault.
You go through the trouble of moving him away from his Niggas.
You then let him out after dark 3 days into the suspension.
Bravo Baby Daddy. Bravo. The Parental Darwin Award.
NORTH MIAMI (CBSMiami) – Fourteen people have been shot and two are dead in what may be one of the worst mass shootings in South Florida history.
The article shows a photo of one of the funeral shoot-em-up victims, a black girl. Notice there is no mention of the perpetrator's race. But...there is this line:
Investigators believe that a white vehicle may be involved, according to Miami-Dade Police.
Ah, I see! A white vehicle. No doubt this makes this a white-on-black shooting. One more example of racism in America.
Seriously, is the reason that they mentioned the color of the car simply because it was the only way to have a "white" tie in?
It's funny, in a macabre sort of way.
@Anonymous 9:25 am
"is there any CCTV videotape from 7-11 showing trayvon martin buying the skittles and ice tea?'
I have heard this mentioned also and have given it thought. It would help to see this footage, if there is any, to paint a full picture of events prior and following the shooting. But, it's nowhere to be seen, and has not been mentioned in any MSM press.
With so many video cameras around in this day age, surely Martin was captured on video SOMEWHERE before he got shot, right?
I work in an area that has a 99% black population. I see it everyday in my retail store. They always are wanting more for free. I have come to the point where I just straight out tell them your welcome for my government assistants. When they come into my store they are always wanting more discounts or get mad at our clerks for charging them tax on an item. They can't grasp the concept that you have to pay taxes. Blacks are like marionettes with no puppeteer.
Zenster said...on April Fools, 2012 11:31 AM
NBC's editing of Zimmerman's 911 conversation was done with malice aforethought and is clearly actionable. He should sue NBC for the equivalent of his remaining lifetime earnings as both his employability and public safety have been permanently compromised by their actions.
Time Inc., which owns "People" is also culpable through using such an outdated photo of Ashtrayvon.
EXACTAMUNDO! Excellent post, Zenster. Zimmerman is going to have to live like a 'Wanted Man' for the rest of his life for DEFENDING himself and these a-holes from the Commie Pinko media helped pile-on the obfuscation to ignite this racial crap sammich.
Bwahahaha @ "Ashtrayvon".
I've never forked over $5+ for a PEOPLE magazine and I don't ever intend to, but those who've been wasting their money on this garbage should stop.
1. You'd be better off financially and 2. You'd send a message that you're not interested in the filth they promote.
Anyway, I have been wondering--exactly what ratio is the goal of those that push diversity and multiculturalism?
DWLs have a delusion about a UN cocktail party in which all the peoples of the earth are equally represented, and everyone chatters politely on PC approved topics and revels in the vibrancy.
Third worlders see diversity and multicultism as one more example of Western weakness, and exploit it to move in and take over. Look at countries such as Zimbabwe or post-apartheid South Africa, where blacks routinely attack whites with criminal violence which borders on mass terrorism. The de facto objective is to drive out whites as they represent "the other" who can not be tolerated.
Does driving out whites lead to the collapse of post-colonial economies as well as their civil order? It does. I don't have to repeat the dreary record of post-colonial Africa here. The leaders of African liberation movements have the history of the last several decades to draw from. They know very well that getting rid of whites leads to economic collapse, massacre, mass starvation, and despotism. But they do not care because their objective is, as revolutionary theory puts it, the "seizure of power." i.e., the revolutionary leaders want themselves in the driver's seat.
True, the majority of people under their rule will be worse off. But not the revolutionary leaders who will gain fancy offices, Mercedes Benzs, contracts with transnational corporations to loot national resources, Swiss bank accounts, and the fawning adulation of DWLs all over the first world.
It's this last point which is critical. DWLs provide the revolutionary leaders with the ideological cover, as well as the lobbying which provides respectability. The same DWLs who would have cut their own throats politically before talking with Ian Smith were rolling out the red carpet for a Bob Mugabe. He knew how to sling the rhetoric about "liberation" and "anti-racism" and all the other cliches which warm a DWL heart. In return, DWLs handed over functioning white run Rhodesia to a marxist terrorist.
The same process has applied globally for the last half century. And now is taking place within the Western world itself.
I have brought up points like this to DWLs, and their response is something along the lines of, "Yes, there are 'problems' in post-colonial Africa, but these are the results (wait for it!) of the lingering effects of colonialism-apartheid, and besides the world as a whole is moving towards democracy just look at the elections they just held in the Congo, and anyway there is the most charming Somali restaurant which opened up down the street from my university..."
DWLs live in a delusional world. The dilemma is, they are running the Western world these decadent days, and dragging us all down with them.
White lace-ups. A white T-Shirt. White jeans. Gays? The popemobile?
In other news, people are starting to get it. Over 400 comments here, mostly people who've woken up.
Sample of typical comments: 1.Caiden
Of course, the media only gives the race when it’s a white guy. In the case of Zimmerman they still get it wrong!
Have they figured out which white person (or “white Hispanic”) to blame?
Are we going to blame Whitey for this also? just like in the Zimmerman case even though Zimmerman is NOT WHITE..
4. John
Wake me up when Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakan, or Al Sharpton say it’s important. They are the master race baiters, they know when it’s important and when it’s not.
5. dave
African americans shooting each other? I am sure that sharpton etal. are on their way to condemn this senseless act of racism!
6. (one of the better ones) Devilpup
All I can say is Africa in America. These people can’t even bury one of their own without going crazy. Yet they wonder why everyone gives them the eye?
The list goes on like this for about 400 comments, most of which look like they're from unique posters.
At lot of thee are calling out the hypocrisy of the race baiters, the media, making comments about Obama's "my son" speech, tying it into our politicians, and black criminality in general.
I really do think the national dialogue is changing in this country...for the better.
If this gets to the point where Zimmerman is convicted and sent to prison they may as well take him out back and shoot him right after sentencing.
He’s the son of a judge.
The Black population of any prison he’s sent to will be waiting for him.
People Magazine
July 04, 1988
The Scandal Behind the Tawana Brawley Rape Case. What Happened to this 16-Year-Old Girl is a Mystery.
What exactly is it that black people want? I mean, if whitey is destroyed, don't they understand that they will be in the same mess as their Detroit tribe bruthas?
What do blacks want? That’s easy, the same thing a locust swarm wants: more. And this realization leads me to something I’ve wanted to say openly to all rapacious insects for quite some time…You’re no better than a bunch of fucking ni*gers.
What exactly is it that black people want? I mean, if whitey is destroyed, don't they understand that they will be in the same mess as their Detroit tribe bruthas?
What do blacks want? That’s easy, the same thing a locust swarm wants: more. And this realization leads me to something I’ve wanted to say openly to all rapacious insects for quite some time…You’re no better than a bunch of fucking ni*gers.
Great Posts.
To understand a bit about how you are lied to, and why, by the progressive enemies of the people - watch this video.
It is long, but very worthwhile.
Incidentally, the interviewer is G. Edward Griffin - yeah, the same guy who wrote The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve; you read and watch enough you can understand the malice and evil being purposely perpetrated against America, and working middle class whites.
A week ago in DeKalb County, GA another unarmed black male teen is shot by a 20-something wanna-be cop. It barely made the news. He was approaching the shooter "aggressively". The shooter is not being charged for the teen's death. of course the mom is heartbroken that her son is dead, but where is the news media? the outrage? Um, everyone is black.
The only tragedy is that at 17 Treyvon was already a drug dealing, burglar with little ambition to do right. If not Zimmerman it would have been someone else. His future was either prison or an early death.
Does driving out whites lead to the collapse of post-colonial economies as well as their civil order? It does. I don't have to repeat the dreary record of post-colonial Africa here. The leaders of African liberation movements have the history of the last several decades to draw from. They know very well that getting rid of whites leads to economic collapse, massacre, mass starvation, and despotism. But they do not care because their objective is, as revolutionary theory puts it, the "seizure of power." i.e., the revolutionary leaders want themselves in the driver's seat.
Getting rid of whitey is not actually leading to the total economic collapse, mass starvation, etc. of the former African colonies. The white-oligarch-controlled regimes - so-called "liberal democracies" - of Europe and America send lots of food aid, development aid, etc. to prop-up various big men and kleptocracts such as Mugabe (whose 's Zimbabwe fiefdom, the former breadbasket of Africa, is now on food aid) and the ANC regime in South Africa. There's also vast corporate support of the various kleptocracies plus the endless agit-prop of DWL idiots like Bono (who supports the genocide of Boers in RSA). In other words, the various African kleptocrats continue to rule over their corrupt, squalid fiefdoms because they are well-funded with money taken via taxation of white proles and zeks in the so-called "liberal democracies". Remove this, and it would actually collapse into total anarchy. Groids, Muslims and Mexicans are basically proxy storm-troopers for the ruling elite. Destroy the ruling elite and the groids will descend into anarchy very quickly. Yes, they're bloodthirsty lawless savages. Remove the vast infrastructure which enables and supports them and they'll largely destroy themselves.
If you’re interested in Al Sharpton’s greatest hits, google:
1989 “Central Park Jogger”
1991 Yankel Rosenbaum
1995 Freddy’s Fashion Mart
"With so many video cameras around in this day age, surely Martin was captured on video SOMEWHERE before he got shot, right?"
It's probably safe to presume that if there was a surveillance video featuring "Obama's boy" in the 7-11, it showed him shoplifting the Skittles. Therefore, it must be destroyed according to MSM policy.
Anonymous (4/1, 2012 11:16 AM): He'll probably plead guilty to some charge that will have him spending a couple of years in jail. Before he goes to jail, or maybe while he's in jail he'll do media interviews on how racist he was and how he now regrets it and thinks the country needs to rid itself of racism against young black males like Trayvon. He'll tell how stand-your-ground and castle laws need to be revoked and how dangerous CC weapons laws are. He'll do this "confession" to survive and be accepted back into the good graces of society.
Welcome to "1984".
Sooooo, a couple of 'vaunted experts' have surmised that the screams for help weren't coming from Zimmerman:
Trayvon Martin case 911 call: Screams not George Zimmerman's, 2 experts say
Watching that lengthy video of Lefty drivel made me want to PUKE.
C'mon! Dollars to donuts, most people sound completely different when they are cornered, in fear, being beaten on and have a broken nose! These 'experts' need to go the way of the dodo bird along with MSNBC and their cabal of mental midgets.
I swore to myself I wasn't going to get angry today. Eff it! >:(
George Zimmerman doesn't stand a chance--either to receive a fair trial or to survive prison when convicted.
It is sickening to see lives sacrificed on the altar of black militantism.
"Cause if it does and No Limit Nigga isn't there that night or he doesn't get to the counter he's obviously a shop lifter ...."
Apparently there is no mention of Skittles in the police report. That's just something his dad told the media.
Californian: Look at countries such as Zimbabwe or post-apartheid South Africa, where blacks routinely attack whites with criminal violence which borders on mass terrorism.
While your description is not inaccurate, let's all call this for what it really is; GENOCIDE
Just like with Muslims, only resources and opportunity prohibit Blacks from slaughtering Whites on the sort of scale they have wet dreams about.
Think about it, if sub-Saharan Africa had all the nuclear weapons and America did not, would I even be typing this comment?
African Blacks would scour America with thermonuclear plasma and give not a fig for Afro-Americans in the same way that Iran would annihilate Israel without a backward glance for the "Palestinians".
The deaths of blacks only matter if those deaths are at the hands of someone who is not black.
Over the St. Patrick's day weekend, 40 blacks were killed in one major city--by other blacks.
That's a massacre!
But Sharpton and Jackson say nothing.
Black lives mean nothing to them.
The ability to cry racism in a crowded theatre is all they care about because that's how they make their money and fame.
I saw this cover yesterday when my husband and I stopped for water for our back country camping trip. The state park we went to is maybe a 100 miles from Atlanta, but not a single black was there. A big contrast to stone mountain park, which I don't recommend anybody camp there, lest you don't mind rap music blasting all night. If you live in Georgia, make the extra drive to tallulah falls. The main campground is clean and relaxing. If you don't mind the long hike, check out the farthest backcountry campsite.
I mentioned a few threads down that I don't think blacks dig REI stores. We stopped at one in kennesaw, a white flight suburb of Atlanta, and not a single black was in the store. The place was clean and quiet, and the employees really took pride in their jobs. Excellant customer service!
@Simon Jester,
We've been thinking of moving to Arizona, but you've put me off with this: "We've recently seen a huge influx of blacks here in the Phoenix metro area,"
Should I be concerned?
I want to move AWAY from blacks, not towards them.
Why skittles? Answer: "taste the rainbow!"
Phoenix has quite a few blacks infesting it and along with the blacks you get a heaping dose of TNB.
Of course it is too bad the kid is dead. Any time someone ostensibly unarmed is shot, even when supposedly by someone acting in self defense, a reasonable person will have questions. Especially when there appears to be no eyewitness to the complete encounter -- it's easy to see how that could beget what is essentially legalized murder. So the matter has to be thoroughly investigated. Right now there is no reason to believe this is not happening.
As expected black racial demagogues have made the most of it. Jumping to all kinds of unjustified conclusions. Nothing else was to be expected of them -- some are just scum, e.g. Sharpton.
Obama's behavior has been about as unpresidential as it is possible to be. How any serious-minded person could consider voting for him is beyond me (except for Blacks of course -- I understand their motivations perfectly well).
The media has really embarrassed itself. Unfortunately, it seems not enough people see it that way -- e.g. if you believe the polls about how many people believe Zimmerman ought to be arrested.
Pure unadulterated filth. We need to wake up and we need to wake up fast.
Great comments by everyone as usual. I hear that a group is donating $10,000 to GZ defense fund. I now hope he has pitbull-shark lawyers with lasers on their heads. If it were me I would be suing every last po-dunk paper magazine and website I could. The MSM is trying to manipulate this more than any other case in the history of the U.S. no way now to get a fair trail and his life is ruined. Jail time for GZ equals instant death and there is no quality of life unless he moves far, far away.
I understand that security cameras self-erase after a week. Why keep a permanent archive of everyone who ever set foot in your store over the last five years? So, by delaying the publicity on this case, any recording of No Limit Nigga's doings at the skittles and tea store has disappeared in the normal course of events.
I suppose that Zimmerman could live without fear of Black revenge if he moved to one of the parts of SoCal where the Hispanics have evicted the Negroes.
Of all the vile rags, People is near the top of the list.
Queers, Feminists and minorities. It's all they do.
Semper Fi in Mississippi.
OT, the heavily tatted, twentysomething girls behind the counter in OC's premier butcher shop this past Friday were chatting about how awesome the movie "the Help" was. That's just the way women are. They are hard left, and those without daily exposure to the chaotic, violent, and dysfunctional Black underclass have no clue, and fit everything into a media narrative shaped by Alpha Male or Not?
Its one thing to deal with "America's Son" Trayvon Martin as a bystander who only sees Blacks on TV and imagines Oprah as her "Black Best Friend." It is another, and far smaller one, to be "the wrong sort of White person" who must deal with that chaotic violent dysfunction of folks like Martin every day.
Well, well, well, looky what we have here folks:
Trayvon Martin case exposes worst in media
Fresh off the Yah!poo presses.
The truth will OUT.
Paul, check out the picture on the top of http://www.wagist.com/
It's the one with St. Trayvon flippin two birdies at the camera.
You are good with photoshop. Why don't you try to replace the picture of the sweet little kid on the PEOPLE cover with the newer version?
This isn't a good time or place for blacks to be throwing down a challenge, to advocate hunting down George. Last time I checked, Hispanics, especially Mexicans, have been dealing with "violencia" for an awfully long time. Blood in the streets could follow, I'm afraid.
I just saw the country music awards show tonight. How disgusting! They played/performed John Lenons Imagine. Country Music is screwed! Itz time to run for the hills. The world as we knew it has changed. A major paradigm change! Itz not good!
Now all of a sudden I'm noticing in my neighborhood some white people wearing hoodies! WTF?
Trial junkie here. It looks like the MSM is going to go with this story right through November and beyond. They figure this will energize Obama's base and demoralize those who would vote for the GOP ticket. White people, and not just the DWLs, are always willing to bow their heads in guilt.
A few random thoughts:
Africa......Cui Bono? Large resource companies. Whites would want leases, transparency and auditing. Blacks? Well, give the warlord-pimp a small blackmail of shiny trinkets and he won't know you're ripping him off.
Perhaps the pressure point is companies like De Beers and the metal miners. Perhaps the DWLs can be unleashed on these folks? If they're incorporated, they are evil right?
Also, what could a bucket of sand poured into the presses that turn out the birdcage liners like people? How hard would it really be to get into one of these places? Esp. if a flash mob was organized in the vicinity....
Just sayin'.
Are you thinking before you write (i would say HELL to the NO)(good do NO WRONG WHITE IS PURE)LOL YOU MEANT YOUR KID AND HOW WOULD YOU KNOW WHAT HE WAS DOING in his everyday life((((((((NO))))))) AND HE WAS OUT OF SCHOOLFOR!!!!!!!!!10days idiot i would say his is a okay FATHER he had him at his home so he wouldn't enjoy his suspenion and what you mean BABY DADDY what?????you saying only blacks only have BABY DADDY SURLY NOT YOU DO WATCH 16and pregnance or what i call white 16 gonna tell everybody we getting married but you JUST MY BABY DADDY don't wanna make WHITES look bad but i wanna go on TV and show it Your a IDIOT JUST LIKE YOUR STATEMENT THINK BEFORE YOU WRITE OR OPEN YOUR PIE HOLE AZZHOLE
Paul, I found this at Unamused site...yikes:
Reinstate Stephanie Eisner!
She was fired from the University of Texas student newspaper for her cartoon mocking the biased media coverage of the Zimmerman/Martin affair!!!!!!!
theres a link to a petition at
unamusement park.com
What ever you read it couldn't help but read it being that all you good old folks on this website think about US BLACKS 24/7 LOL WE'RE BLESS
There seems to be a problem with that link. Care to paraphrase?
And i hope they rip him a New Azz before Killing him and his father being a judge will not play apart in it whatsoever people who kill kids just get killed if they don't put him in 24hour lock down he better pray they do LOL
I'LL be waiting for the BREAKING NEWS
I just emailed them-and don't think I believe they'll care...
My wife subscribes to your "magazine". I saw the latest cover re Trayvon Martin on the kitchen table after a 12 hour day at work.
We will be cancelling our subscription tomorrow, as well as any other periodicals you or your company are affiliated with. The cover pic of the ghetto thug is at least 4 years old. Why not show him with his gold teeth, giving the finger with both hands?? Did you publish some of his tweets??
Where is the story on the 49 people shot over St Patricks day in Chicago alone? Or the story of the white kid set on fire by the 2 black kids in Kansas City?? Or the rape and murder of the white 85 year old woman and the beating/shooting in the face of her husband of 67 years by another young black boy?? Or any other of the dozens of black on white crime that take place every day in America??
Your mag has always been a rag. Now it is a race baiting rag. You'll get no more of our money. Keep pissing off white folks and hispanics. Perhaps the "clientele" you are pandering to can sustain your business. Good luck with that.
It's TRAYVON IDIOT HOW YOU KNOW WHAT TOMORROW HELD FOR HIM SO YOU GOD NOW OR DID HE HIRED YOU TO PLAN TRAYVON LIFE ((((((((NO)))))))))he didn't you don't even know what tomorrow hold for you white people judge people all the time the BIBLE SAY JUDGE NOT AZZHOLE
Sandra Fluke must be fuming.
What exactly is it that black people want?
Simply put, they Want It All. They'll take the moon, the stars, and all the gold in Spain, and if they do not get these things then that is prima facie evidence of a grave injustice.
Whenever you have to deal with a full-grown black (or Hispanic, to a lesser extent), there's an excellent chance that you are not dealing with an adult.
This has probably already been talked about at length, but I find the reaction of La Raza and other racialist Hispanic groups re: Zimmerman fascinating. I think Zimmerman's father is at the center of the problem. Robert Zimmerman is Caucasian, and defending the son on racial grounds leads them to something they absolutely do not want to confront about themselves: every Mestizo is a halfbreed, and most are part white. By throwing Zimmerman under the bus, they can go on pretending that they're "brown" to the core.
Yet rite he death when he get to jail black prisoners watch news theyll be waiting for i HOPE
I don't consider this death a tragedy. In the long run, Zimmerman likely saved more lives than just his own.
I wouldn't wipe my rear with this publication regardless of who is on the cover.
Zenster: Think about it, if sub-Saharan Africa had all the nuclear weapons and America did not, would I even be typing this comment?
I've spent some time in Barbados and (more to the point) around some African-born blacks in the US. I don't think Africans would nuke America.
They'd be too busy nuking each other with Arabs mixed in. Maybe they'd nuke London and some French cities as well. These days I suspect they'd also want to teach the Chinese a lesson or two. But America would be low down the list.
You guys are right. Why no 7/11 video? Could it be he was out casing houses and Zimmerman caught him in the act?
Yes, it's supremely stupid to rob houses near a house you're visiting, but I know it happens for a fact.
Why haven't we heard from Zimmerman's parents? Is his dad really a judge? Are they part of a protected class? Why aren't latinos showing up for this?
Thank god the internet will get answers to these questions sooner than later.
Not that it will matter. The rioting will go on as scheduled. The only question is when?!?
We stopped at one in kennesaw, a white flight suburb of Atlanta, and not a single black was in the store. The place was clean and quiet, and the employees really took pride in their jobs. Excellant customer service!
Kennesaw is one of those towns where everyone is legally required to own a gun, in case anyone doesn't know. I don't think it's a coincidence that everyone is so polite there.
We've been thinking of moving to Arizona, but you've put me off with this: "We've recently seen a huge influx of blacks here in the Phoenix metro area,"
Should I be concerned?
It's really hard for me to say. I'm a starving student who lives in section 8 housing myself (I'm disabled) and don't really get around much (don't have a car). Maybe there are still big swaths of whitopia here that I never see because I just don't move in those circles. But I can tell you that there has been a palpable increase in the number of blacks here and it's getting harder to avoid them. My parents live in a cookie-cutter HOA subdivision out in the Town of Maricopa. That place used to be a pretty thoroughgoing whitopia (it's not far from where Bristol Palin bought her house) but now I see blacks, browns and coalburners there all the time. (The blacks are much more of a concern than the browns, of course. A white neighborhood can still be quite livable with 10% Mexicans, but 10% blacks will totally ruin it.)
If you do decide to move here, check out Gilbert. That's one of the nations premeir whitopias (or at least was.) Last time I heard, it was very white and very conservative. Kind of like OC east.
I tried to understand the negrobabble of anonymous, then realized it was like trying to translate the barking of dumb dogs.
Alex Jones says this is being promoted to start a race war, fwiw.
All the hoopla surrounding this otherwise minor event (not to downplay a loss of human life), brings something to mind.
Try to imagine just how devoid America's Black community must be of actual heroes when a two-bit wannabe gangsta thug, replete with grill, tatts and tossing gang signs is lionized in this manner. Even calling him a martyr belittles the few genuine ones that Blacks actually have from the Covil Rights era.
People have already linked to Ashtrayvon's Twitter history and it is essentially a catalog of uncouth and immature catcalling of the sort that his parents should be making a public apology for.
Clearly, parental supervision was at a bare minimum for this punk. From all indications, they were required to give their prior permission before Ashtrayvon could obtain multiple tattoos. Is that something that they are particularly proud of? If they were not involved, did they not upbraid this little ruffian for circumventing their role as decision-makers?
There are so many things that simply do not add up in this case including some aspects of Zimmerman's involvement. Readers at Occidental Dissent pose some exceptionally nettlesome questions:
Liberty: I am glad that someone else noticed this aberration – no replay of the surveillance video from the 7-11 where he allegedly bought Skittles and Iced tea, no interview with the clerk who was probably the “last person to see him alive”. Why no shoe leather expended?
The other question I asked was why was Travyon cooling in the morgue for DAYS not hours before his parents were found? Why were they not looking for him?
Same-same for the girlfriend on the phone – who allegedly heard the scuffle. The phone goes dead, and she doesn’t raise any alarms, try and find out what happened?
While it was not "DAYS" before Ashtrayvon's was searched out by one of his parents, it was still an extended period of time. This suggests that either his father (or stepmother), was just as happy with him being out of the house or that they were well aware of his criminal inclinations and understood he would be out for many hours late at night for such nefarious purposes.
Finally, well beyond any issue of culpability or guilt and innocence on Zimmerman's part, the mass media has intentionally and egregiously distorted nearly every last damn thing about this case. It has done so with unconscionable irresponsibility and a carelessness with regard to journalistic integrity that has just as often shown itself to be actionable.
Above all else, this is what should be taken away from this incident. The mass media has forfeited all credibility and any right to survive in the American marketplace with their blatant stoking of anti-White racial tensions. It's time to start hitting them very hard in the pocketbook for this treason.
Social engineers thrive on White racism. However, there seems to be a shortage of White racists; particularly the violent kind that make headlines.
Liberals are put in a pickle.
They have little choice than to manufacture White racism at every opportunity.
For the person wanting to move away from blacks. West Kansas,North and West Nebraska, South Dakota, all of Colorado North of Denver, all of Wyoming except Cheyenne. After Katrina they moved in a bunch of blacks and within a month the jails were full. I have a friend who works in the city jail. The only blacks I see are a few footballers in a college town about an hour away. I have traveled this whole area and it is all white. Fort Collins is maybe one per cent black and that includes students, but after school they move on. No gangs to join. Rapid City has no blacks, just Indians.The Mexicans have not taken over this area yet. These areas are filled with farmers and cowboys and most are armed. A lot of hunters with rifles and scopes.Very little crime. A lot of small towns with only a sheriff. Nobody lives in fear.You'll see a few blacks up by Mount Rushmore in the summer, but they are just tourist.This area has no really big cities, no sky scrapers, no traffic jams and no slums. You never see blacks living in the mountains. All white people. Sometimes the Winter can be a little rough, but so what. Cheap houses. Where I am at a nice little place might go for about 35 to 50 thousand. My property tax last year was $150.00. No state tax in Wyoming or North Dakota. You see a lot of pick-up trucks. No low-riders or pimp mobiles. Come out this way in the Summer and drive around. Check it out. you will see only white faces and friendly people. Avoid Denver, New Mexico and Texas.
Over at Occidental Dissent, Liberty also points out one other glaring discrepancy.
Walking TWO MILES, in the rain, just for iced tea and skittles?
This punk comes across just like so many other shiftless thugs of his sort and it is difficult to imagine him walking that far for just a snack without having some other ulterior motive.
IF you LIKE capslock SO MUCH THEN try PUSHING IT TWICE. Otherwise YOU JUST SOUND like a half retarded MORPH-APE.
cApS LOCK: UnLEASH the FURRY!11!eleven!
Anonymous (4/1, 2012 8:04 PM): I wouldn't wipe my rear with this publication regardless of who is on the cover.
Not even if they put Asstrayvon and Obama on it? Oh, the humanity!
Those illiterate black troll posts hurt my eyes. It doesn't help that they're all in caps, either. Well played. Very impressive trolling for a negro dimwit.
What is it about the period that black commenters hate so much? "I don't use punctuation cuz it keep a brother down My(((WORDS))) BE Poetry that can't be constrained by white gramma foo"
They can't even develop a coherent thought let alone a sentence. I'd be happy to debate that genius if IT was capable of human communication.
Europeasant: Country western music is owned by Hollywood. Literally. They'd all record "Treyvon is My Brother" if their managers told them to.
Heave you guys noticed the marked decline in available ammo online?
.308 is damn near sold out everywhere!
We all know blacks don't shoot anything but 9mm, .40 and 7.62x39... and awfully bad at that.
Love the "Reply" comments from the illiterate Tampon Martin supporter. TNB personified.
Semper Fi in Mississippi.
Lots of TNB personified in the "Reply" comments.
Anon - April 1, 2012 6:59 PM
Anon - April 1, 2012 7:22 PM
Anon - April 1, 2012 7:40 PM
Anon - April 1, 2012 7:54 PM
The idiotic, nonsensical, barely literate comments by our dear black friends, that Paul has every so nicely chosen to allow to be posted in this comment section, have made my day.
Stupidity is HILARIOUS.
How do these people survive in daily life? I mean...how do they figure out how to use door handles?
Surely such low intellects hamper efforts to perform everyday simple tasks.
Seriously - how do these people function??? I am not joking when I say it must actually be DIFFICULT.
If your not you need to ALOT OF THEM GO GET HELP YOUR STATEMENT SUCK YOUR A IDIOT BLACKS DON'T NEED TO STEAL THE PEOPLE MAGAZINE WE READ THEM IN THE CHECKOUT LINE AZZHOLE AND THAT'S NOT STEALING LAST I CHECK WOW LOVE THIS WEBSITE BLACKS STAY ON YOU ALL MINE 24/7 & that's GGGGGGGGGGGREAT cause we don't be thinking about whites like that well go and get it of your chest it'll keep you from killing yourself you whites suicide rates are the highest of any other race LOL HARD
You're an excellent example of why knowledgeable and intelligent whites have no use for blacks. The average black is ignorant, stupid, crime prone and vicious.
It's called probability and it's math. Which explains why you don't understand it. Go back to Africa. Although it's beyond your intelligence I do want to point out that when you're telling people not to judge you really shouldn't be passing judgments yourself.
Check this out:
"Big cities just naturally have lots of gun violence and murder, right? Well, not necessarily. The cities of Chicago and Toronto are the same size. Chicago has about 450 murders a year. Toronto: about 60.
In his series, Under the gun: Murder in Chicago and Toronto, WBEZ’s criminal and legal affairs reporter Robert Wildeboer asks: Why?"
Yes, Why? What fundamental difference is there between Chicago and Toronto (8% black) that might explain the difference? Unfortunately all the focus of the series is on guns -- not the people who are using the guns to commit murder.
Jay said...
Paul, check out the picture on the top of http://www.wagist.com/
It's the one with St. Trayvon flippin two birdies at the camera.
You are good with photoshop. Why don't you try to replace the picture of the sweet little kid on the PEOPLE cover with the newer version?
Yes but call Saint Skittles (who had no skittles on him did the po po steal tehm?) by his tweeter name NO_LIMIT_NIGGA.
@Eustace Mullins
The guy who was caught with stolen women's jewelry had no skittles on him when he was shot. Perhaps his reason for leaving the house was the one you outlined?
Above all else, this is what should be taken away from this incident. The mass media has forfeited all credibility and any right to survive in the American marketplace with their blatant stoking of anti-White racial tensions. It's time to start hitting them very hard in the pocketbook for this treason.
Amen, brother. With the awesome new power of lateral communications provided by the internet, it's only a matter of time before the sponsor boycotts start, and they will be well-organized and effective. I'm actually surprised they haven't started yet.
We will eventually bring these lying bastards to their knees. They will pay dearly.
Look at all the semi-literate trolls on this thread.
I wonder if someone linked to this site somewhere to bring these morons out of the woodwork.
Google didn't find any links to this page save itself, but the spiders crawl slowly.
I suspect the reason there is no copy of the surveillance tape at whatever 7/11 Trayvon went to is that this case didn't become a major issue until weeks after it happened. The tape would have probably been erased in that time as the natural course of things. I don't know how long they keep them now - it's not like they use VHS anymore (do they?) but I'm sure they don't keep stuff forever.
This whole case is a mess and I don't think anyone is going to come out of it looking good but it's the behavour of the press and the race-baiters that I find most disgusting. If Zimmerman gets off and there's a riot, any damage or deaths should be laid at the feet of Sharpton, Jackson an their allies in the press.
@Simon Jester (and others):
Like it or not, media boycotts generally don't work. I've never bought a copy of People and even when I'm stuck in a waiting room I can usually find something else lying around to read.
Look at Limbaugh, do you think being dumped by all those advertisers had an effect? Not really, someone is going to buy those spots.
But the clearest example was the Disney boycott of several years ago over ''gay days'' it had no effect on any aspect of Disney's business.
A few years after it began the Christian group that had promoted it quietly dropped it.
My guess? Those ''morally outraged'' folks were not going to quit watching ABC or (especially) ESPN.
''They Live'' indeed.
La Raza doesn't support Zimmerman because hispanic men hate mestizos with white fathers.
If George's dad had been hispanic, and his last name had been Zimmermanos, they would support him.
It'd be the same thing is Obama's dad had been white and his mom was black. Black males would hate his guts.
To prove my point, next time you see a black guy talk about Bob Marley, mention that his dad is white.
He will go nuts.
Like it or not, media boycotts generally don't work.
Yes they do. Complaining to advertisers has been a powerful weapon in the leftists' arsenal. We need to start using the same weapon.
Look at Limbaugh, do you think being dumped by all those advertisers had an effect?
Absolutely it did. He was forced to go on air and apologize, wasn't he?
In the meantime, this happened in Sanford. Let's just see how much outrage the media will whip up over this.
I won't be holding my breath.
"This punk comes across just like so many other shiftless thugs of his sort and it is difficult to imagine him walking that far for just a snack without having some other ulterior motive."
I lived in a mixed race neighborhood so I'm familiar with how blacks operate. Because so many blacks are too feckless to own insured vehicles in running condition, they walk a lot. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that some black is walking a mile or more just for snacks. Of course, that doesn't mean that he won't get into or make trouble going to or from the store, just that he didn't set out looking for it.
You can't ascribe white thought processes to blacks. Whites think in terms of cost/benefit ratios, future time orientation, etc., even if they aren't bright enough to know what those concepts mean. Blacks simply don't do that. If the only way they can get snacks that they want--and remember, everything they want, they want right now!-- is to walk in the rain to get them, they will. Plus, they either travel in packs or nowadays have their cell phones glued to their ears so it's not as though they're on some solitary trek. (My observation is that almost all black avoid solitude.) Apparently, Trayvon chatted on the phone to and from the store so it really wasn't much different from talking on the phone while pacing his apartment.
Even after years of first-hand observation, I still have trouble believing what my eyes showed me on a daily, even hourly basis (and this was bakc when I was a liberal). Whites intelligent enough to mull over the situation in which we find ourselves will find it extremely difficult to understand black motivation and behavior because they almost invariably underestimate how unintelligent the vast majority of blacks are.
Quite seriously, I think the reason I got along so well with the blacks I met--better than most white people--was the same reason I got along so well with the white children I babysat. The sae techniques worked equally well with both groups. The same dumbing down of my vocabulary to explain things, the same patience, the same refusal to be baited or buffaloed, the same anticipation of trouble so as to avert it--all these things worked as well with black adults as they did with white children.
A good way to predict how most blacks will behave in any situation is to imagine a troublesome, unintelligent child or even a mildly retarded person in the same situation.
@ Lex32, who said: "Of all the vile rags, People is near the top of the list....aimed at minorities..."
No surprise there, Lex, since People is written on a 4th grade reading level.
ABC's digitally enhanced security footage of George Zimmerman shows... "gashes and welts" on the back of his head. http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2012-04-02/news/os-trayvon-martin-enhanced-video-040212_1_reporter-matt-gutman-abc-news-neighborhood-watch-volunteer-zimmerman
I just want to know one thing: Why do black people always go for the head? When a deranged boyfriend throws acid on his girlfriend's face, any criminologist knows it's because he resents her beauty and wants to ruin it (possibly she's been cheating; maybe just in his putrid imagination). When I repeatedly hear of black people kicking non-blacks in the head when they're down on the ground, I can only conclude that black people resent something in that head... something in that head has been driving them mad with resentment... what could it be? Hm...
George Zimmerman is full blooded Peruvian. Robert Zimmerman adopted him when Robert married George's mother.
Hispanic is a culture not a race. Hispanics hate each other. Cubans don't like Pueuto Ricans, Mexicans don't like Hondurans etc. La Raza is a Mexican group and Zimmerman is not Mexican.
What disgusts me is about all of the parks, streets, schools, buildings, and probably a Naval ship or two and government offices that will be named after Saint Travyon Martin.
Treyvon's baby momma done be on de TV right now. Says info. is leaking out, so she expects GZ to be arrested soon.
Lies. She’s just using the old MSM trick called “projecting momentum”. Political pundits do it all the time.
Basically, you just say what you want to happen as though it really is happening, as though it’s the only right thing that could happen, and say it with Moral Authority because you “care for people” or “represent those who suffer injustice”.
Then, if the thing you said was happening or was supposed to happen doesn’t happen, you can play the “outrage card” and demand immediate action by making threats of calling “all dems Whiteys deys be raciss up ‘en heeah.”
It’s all a formula, a scam, a shakedown. Thanks to the Internet, Whites are catching on, and we are fed up. (That’s why the free speech on the Internet is doomed- they
"just can have afford" such an accessible platform for hate where Whiteys might see read something that wakes them up.)
Diversity is a vile hate crime against God’s kingdom plan for our White privilege and violates White Humanity’s ordained destiny. Anti-Racist is codeword for Anti-White.
Haven't checked out CNN, but reading yahoo news there are alot of race realists. I've made some comments and am getting more thumbs up then down. While I realize this sounds trivial, to me it shows there are alot of people out there who know what's going on.
Can't really say we're the majority yet, but I'm guessing there are ALOT of people im FL getting read for SHTF with Sharpton and Jackson's goon squads there.
While I know it won't convince the hardline liberals, I would say use newsites to make comments (n word will get you banned of course) and giving 'likes' to people who can see. This let's others know they are not alone. It's not alot, but it is something. Every movement starts with small steps.
"La Raza doesn't support Zimmerman because hispanic men hate mestizos with white fathers. "
That is plausible, but I think it has more to do with them being largely mexican, and him being a Peruvian American.
Ashtray could have been the first human to walk on the surface of Mars.I guess we will never know now.So in his honour,why not rename Detroit to Traytown.
@Simon Jester,
Wow, I can't imagine living in AZ w/out a car. I've been there a lot so I know it but not as a resident or a native. Your perceptions are definitely affected by it. I can assure you that most of Phoenix is still a Whitopia. Try to take a trip to Scottsdale or Paradise Valley. The only black who lives in the latter 'hood is Mohammad Ali!! :)
Regarding Hispanics, the fact is that AZ is heavily Hispanic and Indian, and they've never bothered me in fact, I like them. I like their culture fine, just as long as El Gringo runs the place - and that is the way they like it too. I have no problems with Mexicans. Mexicans do not ruin a nice neighborhood.
But your words about blacks do give me pause. I was somewhat aware of this beforehand having read City Data, that the percentage of blacks in Phoenix has risen dramatically in the last few years. Even if it goes from 2% to only 5%, that's a huge increase, and before you know it, you've got the whole ball of African wax dragging the culture down, and creating a culture of thugs, gangstas, and perpetual complaining. No thank you.
Phoenix is off my list.
Your grammar and sentence structure are awful. But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, since the average black IQ is 85.
Maybe the reason for the high rate of white suicide is because blacks make life so miserable.
Like all the other rags at the checkout stand, People is aimed at liberal, mindless (I repeat myself) White women. They are a lost cause. Even the OJ Simpson saga did not bring them to their senses.
One would think SOME hispanic group would speak up. But I had Mexican neighbors once and they told me how the different hispanic groups hated each other. If I recall most hated Puerto Ricans because they are born with duel citizenship.
So a Mexican may just shrug, like a liberal will shrug over that 13 year old white boy two black thugs set on fire.
Wow, way to post a 5+ year-old picture that makes him look completely innocent. I'm so sick and tired of this garbage.
Here is the 'digitally enhanced' video of Zimmerman being led in to Sanford PD for questioning.
Before this I saw a still from the raw video that was quite grainy and somewhat blurry. IMHO there was no way to tell due to the lighting, angle and poor quality if there were any injuries ('undeterminable' =/= 'true' or 'untrue') and considering that 'digital enhancement' can make it look like Spidey is swinging through the streets of NYC by his webs I'm not going to say if this 'new' video is meaningful or not (although he does appear to have head injuries in this one).
If Zimmerman sought treatment for his injuries there will be paperwork even if he paid cash out of pocket, and that hasn't appeared yet.
"I just want to know one thing: Why do black people always go for the head?"
Negros are essentially predators, using a single 'signature" sucker punch to attack their victims. Negros are also 95+% right handed, another difference biologically between humans (Homo Sapien, Sapien and negroids (Homo Africanus).
See the predatory stare here and blow here:
Or a real hammer here:
or notice the left eye damage here:
These injuries are all consistent with a high right cross to the eye. If you make a study of the injuries by negroid mob attacks you will see a disproportionate number of them contain left eye socket crushing, jaw broken on left side, or striking on the temple of the victims left side.
I think the idea is to down your prey with the least amount of effort and as little possibility that the prey will be able to fight back as possible. The target the central nervous system so that they can rob or continue to beat and you can't defend yourself. If that fails they then go for the two piston arm pumping blows for the midsection and when you fall, the foot stomp.
"Californian said...
NORTH MIAMI (CBS Miami) – Fourteen people have been shot and two are dead in what may be one of the worst mass shootings in South Florida history."
I live about 30 minutes from that spot, and never heard of the shooting on the local news. 14 shot and all we hear around here is the Trayvon crap. I cant turn the channel quick enough so I dont have to listen to this crap anymore. And turning the channel doesn't mean I didn't hear it, they just dont report it.
Zenster, @ "Ashtrayvon", need to trademark that before their family does.
Bogolyubski, help me out here, what are white proles and zeks ?
Baldowl: LOL! Pure genius!
Finally, some truth in media!
I doubt Zimmerman will be charged but if he is he'll get off.
There will be a mountain of exculpatory evidence, including forensic and from witnesses, that we haven't heard.
The last high profile case that received this sort of attention went in the falsely accused's favour; Strauss Kahn.
Momus said...
''I doubt Zimmerman will be charged but if he is he'll get off.''
Not necessarily, assuming GZ is arrested and brought to trial the verdict will depend on where the trial is held. If it's held in Seminole Co. (Sanford) or Orange Co. (Orlando) it's quite likely he'll get an ''OJ jury'' and be screwed.
His best odds will be in Gainesville, Titusville, Tallahasse, Ft. Myers or Tampa.
As we saw with Casey Anthony the chance of the trial being moved out the area is poor.
In Florida, particularly Miami, the racial hierarchy is as follows: The White Cubans dominate! The next in line are White Non-Hispanics, but they should be fluent in Spanish. The next group are White Latin Americans, like the influx of Venezuelans who came in to America since Hugo Chavez took over the country. The next group are non-Spanish-speaking Whites who are at a severe disadvantage due to their lack of Spanish proficiency. (I suspect, though the Hispanics like to keep them around for breeding stock to maintain or upgrade their own White phenotype). The next group are the Puerto Ricans. The Cubans and the White Latin Americans tend to look down on them because there is a suspicion of black blood, but they look down on the Mexicans and South Americans with less White phenotype, because they are in the country legally while the others are not. Then, of course, the Mexicans who are resented and envied, because they are the group our treacherous politicians pander to the most. After that are the Central and South American Hispanics and the more Indios or Negro blood they have, the more they are looked down on. Then the Afro-Caribbeans from British areas like Bermuda and the West Indies, because they seem to be the classiest of the black races, then the Haitians, although the big question is why are we importing Haitians when we already have a violent black underclass in Florida? The bottom of the totem pole seem to be American blacks. No one seems to like them, especially blacks from overseas who look totally bemused and bewildered anytime some idiotic White liberal appears to take ANY complaint from an aggrieved black snivel rights group seriously
Another negro assault last night downtown Saint Louis. No mention of the race of the attackers or victims, but from the comments it looks like the victims were white. I noticed too, a person mentions that a white kid was beat up by the groid in a nearby Illinois town.
Black People... #Winning
I guess he did not use MARTA or the DART to get there.
Believe me you will recognize him!
If Obama had a sun.It would be a black hole sun.
Zenster said: in the same way that Iran would annihilate Israel without a backward glance for the "Palestinians".
We could only hope to be that lucky....
Bogolyubski, help me out here, what are white proles and zeks ?
Zek=political prisoners bound for Siberia.
Obama, all dressed up for a night on the town.
Check this out:
"Big cities just naturally have lots of gun violence and murder, right? Well, not necessarily. The cities of Chicago and Toronto are the same size. Chicago has about 450 murders a year. Toronto: about 60.
In his series, Under the gun: Murder in Chicago and Toronto, WBEZ’s criminal and legal affairs reporter Robert Wildeboer asks: Why?"
Yes, Why? What fundamental difference is there between Chicago and Toronto (8% black) that might explain the difference? Unfortunately all the focus of the series is on guns -- not the people who are using the guns to commit murder.
April 2, 2012 3:18 AM
FWIW, I grew up in Toronto. In the 60's crime, and in particular gun related crime, was almost unheard of. Of course Toronto was majority WASP.
Then in the 1970's we were subjected to "diversity" by the WASP hating, far left french speaking Catholic Liberal PM Pierre Elliot Trudeau. The goal was to make WASPS a minority in their own country.
Most of the media in Toronto refuses to release the race of victims or perps. The Toronto PD has a policy of not releasing race. There is only one TV station that has the courage to post mug shots with the news coverage.
But Torontonians know, as soon as they mention an intersection -- BINGO.
Jane and Finch.
Morningside and Sheppard.
All Black ghettos.
And all gun violence emanates from those few neighbors.
I haven't been in a supermarket lineup to see this issue of People magazine. But if I do, I will simply do what I did whenever I was faced with the mug of Michelle Obama on innumerable magazine covers just after their occupation of the WH --- turn it around so the cover no longer faces the public.
What is remarkable to me in the middle of this dustup is the awakening that whites are fed up with being told that only Blacks and their Progressive handlers get to frame the discourse about race and privilege. People are speaking up and pushing back.
'A good way to predict how most blacks will behave in any situation is to imagine a troublesome, unintelligent child or even a mildly retarded person in the same situation.' and.........
-Bi Polar
-Drug crazee [had a run in with one saturday] [on drugs or in rehab, term is 'dry drunk'..still acts like a drunk]
-white hater
-purse snatcher [grab n run, now its groups= flash rob mob
Recent information has come to light that Martin was identified the following day. The news article I read in the beginning stated it had been three days before he was identified. So I stand correct. But my assertion still remains - one of our children missed curfew and didn't answer their phone. We were filling out the paperwork with the PD cruiser parked in our driveway when the young man returned with our daughter.
Another anomaly about the Trayvon case is the lack of interest from the legacy media regarding the Toxicology screen the ME completed. Normally in these high profile cases, the press is screaming for the tox results. "Where are the results? When will the results be back?" they bleat endlessly.
But in the Trayvon case, no calls for WHEN WE WILL SEE THE TOXICOLOGY REPORT. Absolute silence. We do see deflection FROM the ME's toxicology report into outrageous that allegedly Zimmerman wasn't drug/ETOH tested (not true). So, silence and deflection from the question.
That pretty much tells me all I need to know about the tox report.
Transgressing, 'projecting momentum '
I call it the 'Noam Chompsky effect'
Or I am the smartest guy in the world, how dare you disagree.
"I haven't been in a supermarket lineup to see this issue of People magazine. But if I do, I will simply do what I did whenever I was faced with the mug of Michelle Obama on innumerable magazine covers just after their occupation of the WH --- turn it around so the cover no longer faces the public."
I had the same motive but a different tactic. I'd pick up a magazine that had a white person on the cover and put it in front of the magazine with Michelle on the cover.
By the way, I call their current living quarters, "The Formerly White House".
Sorry, I meant, I stand corrected.
My understanding of the length of time Trayvon was missing was based on false information put out in the beginning of this whole debacle.
Paul, thanks for publishing the "views" of those who have opposing views..
Sooner we wake up and do something to solve this problem for once and all, the better..
"What is it about the period that black commenters hate so much?"
Anon, there are tech forums I frequent where more than a few commenters make this black writer's output seem like Shakespeare. These are White, American, native English speaking students at our colleges, and they write like three-year olds. The adults aren't much better, and are increasingly using language that is hard to distinguish from ghetto talk.
"You will recall the incident of the beating of the black homeless man Sherman Ware on December 4, 2010 by the son of a Sanford police officer. The beating sparked an outrage in the community but there were very few that stepped up to do anything about it. I would presume the inaction was because of the fact that he was homeless not because he was black. Do you know the individual that stepped up when no one else in the black community would? Do you know who spent tireless hours putting flyers on the cars of persons parked in the churches of the black community? Do you know who waited for the church]goers to get out of church so that he could hand them fliers in an attempt to organize the black community against this horrible miscarriage of justice? Do you know who helped organize the City Hall meeting on January 8th, 2011 at Sanford City Hall?? That person was GEORGE ZIMMERMAN. Ironic isn’t it?
If this is true George Zimmerman just got hit harder by the race realism train than any living individual.
White disabled middles school child assaulted by blacks in restroon.
Fucking apes.
Terrorists' mantra used to be, "Kill one, scare a thousand," and now it's "Killl one, a thousand protest on the taxpayers' dime."
Ashtrayvon Martian sounds like a great comic book character.
I think using the words "the White House" is very racist. This can not go on any longer. It is time that Al Crapton and Jesse Jackoff have a big demonstration in Washington.
@lex32 - apparently no charges are being filed. Disgusting. Yet another white on black attack here in the midlands. (That's central SC for the rest of you folks) So we have the beatings in Five Points, the attack on the soccer player, and now this. I am so very glad that we are moving out of state in a few months.
' far left french speaking Catholic Liberal PM Pierre Elliot Trudeau. The goal was to make WASPS a minority in their own country'
did he love Mao?
oh the French [even in Canada, DNA]
There's just too many good comments to keep up with!
anon-thanks for the breakdown of racial heirarchy in miami!
semper fi-I bought my reloading supplies for the next year or two for pistol, and I'm already decently stocked on rifle, but, you know, it's never enough! :)
socal-if only Iran had nukes! actually, though, they never said they'd wipe israel off the map. that was a politically convenient mistranslation
Kylie-Thanks for the info on black behavior! thank god I no longer live in the 'hood, but come think of it when I did, they sure drove Chevro-legs quite a bit! I hated it cuz they were in the street and impossible to see at night! dummies
transgressing diversity-great analysis! it's amazing how pro-zimmerman the 'net is. Arizona just passed an internet hate speech law. If it sticks, that's it for everybody sooner than later. They'll never allow this much freedom again.
90404-bi polar nails it! I hate talking to them, because I never know if I'm going to say something they'll misunderstand and attack me! Just like stupid people in general. I want to be as far away as possible.
"If this is true George Zimmerman just got hit harder by the race realism train than any living individual."
well put sir! Ashtrayvon didn't ask for his racial resume before striking Z. Nothing he'd done would have excepted him from violence.
Let me repeat that.
They don't care if you're buying goods to give to blacks, here's a shopping cart on your head and brain damage.
They don't care if you're helping them by sheltering Katrina victims, they'll steal everything they can.
They'll gladly take our stuff, sex our women, accept our charity, but they'll always hate us.
We'll never get a hood pass, no matter what you do.
Zimmerman found that out the hard way.
I think more and more people are figuring it out.
Lol i know right & im still standing by my words as should you
I plan on going to Africa always wanted to see the MOTHER LAND & would love to see where you come from being that your people came over on a ship as well im not judging you at all I'm stating facts you get called on your judging you get upset and say GO BACK TO AFRICA LOL can't go back to a place I've never been you need to stop with the go back to Africa mess it's OLD
Oh im sorry(((NOT))))my grammar is just fine for this website im not here to impress you only to see if could get in your head being that you sit behind a computer and cry blacks this blacks that JUST CHECKING TO SEE & make sure your still MISERABLE being that you let your hate consume you you know you really couldn't let blacks have that much power over you it's SAD 24/7 TRUE BUT SAD
i wonder if trevon's parents were married? can't get that extra money if mom and dad are actually married. right? they work every system going. pigs! i lost kin in the civil war like alot of whites have. i wonder who's going to give us money? let em cry guy's cause that's how we can counter that B.S.
why dosen't people mag. put this gang-banger's ultra sound video on the next issue? sickens me! the worst is white liberal swines are in on this self destruction. never mind the animals(dogs&cats) spay and neuter the liberals!!!!
Its sad you think the only reason to write in an intelligible manner is to impress somebody.
I plan on going to Africa always wanted to see the MOTHER LAND
You'll never be able to travel on your McDonald's paycheck.
So, y'all know how some people talk about the "two Americas," and some people say we should have red America and blue America, let the Republicans live in one part, and the Democrats in another. How much do y'all wanna bet that if we also agreed to do a white America and a black America, all those white-guilt democrats would drop the blacks in a second, and come over to white country... yep, no doubt about it.
Oh im sorry(((NOT))))my grammar is just fine for this website im not here to impress you only to see if could get in your head being that you sit behind a computer and cry blacks this blacks that JUST CHECKING TO SEE & make sure your still MISERABLE being that you let your hate consume you you know you really couldn't let blacks have that much power over you it's SAD 24/7 TRUE BUT SAD
Light a candle,burn an offering,or whatever the prescribed ritual might be to whatever gods you worship.
And ask-politely,sincerely,and with all your heart and soul-
That our hate really does consume us. That it eats us from the inside and leaves nothing but a pale shell.
That it reduces us to a puddle on the ground,or that we get consumed to the point where a slight breeze blows us out of sight,never to be seen again,since there isn't enough left to stand in a wind.
Pray for that. And do it now,while there's time to do it well. Because if our hate ever moves us to act,there are going to be a lot of other prayers flying in every direction imaginable,and the ones that you send might get lost in all that traffic.
"What exactly is it that black people want?
I mean, if whitey is destroyed, don't they understand that they will be in the same mess as their Detroit tribe bruthas?"
If black people could think more than one step ahead, they wouldn't be black people, would they?
Black people--like the DWL's that support them--are victims of "magical thinking". In their world, all the things which white people invent and sustain will magically still continue when we're all gone.
Then there's reality, where we see a world without whitey and the consequences in places like Haiti, which has been almost completely submerged in Black Undertow for over two centuries (and yet still somehow all their problems get blamed on the French colonists...)
Paul--Could you please ship in a better class of troll? This one's boring.
Can somebody inform us about the real story here: why Peter left Jennie?
You people all are a bunch of racist crackers. You generalize black people with these stereotypes of being uneducated, lazy, ignorant thugs and prostitutes.
It's no secret that blacks contribute to a majority of the crime rates pertaining to a major metropolitan area such as Detroit or Kansas City. The fact still stands that the black community is and will always be disenfranchised by the 'white man's system of prejudice, racism and hatred. I think it's understood by our history books, the civil rights movement, slavery (now that was just plain mean), Jim Crow and it's more evolved relative, James Crow Esquire. I mean, hell, look how your ancestors treated the Mexicans in their own territory now known as Texas, you sent Asian immigrants back across the Pacific, and I don't even want to talk about how you did the Native Indigenous People of what we call 'America', if I was Tonto I'd be killing you peckerwoods by the thousands. You call yourselves 'Christians', you know the funny thing is so did the Klan. There's a movie starring John Travolta named 'White Man's Burden', a movie in a reversed world where white men had the burden of murders, high disease rates, poverty, homelessness, joblessness. Imagine for one day if things were reversed where white people where the minority and the underbelly of American society. You crackers would fare no better, if not worse than us.
One thing about my people is that we are strong, we are conditioned to face adversity. If your economic system fell dead tomorrow, you whiteys could only take refuge in your guns. I understand my heritage and roots, white people do not want us to have guns in the first place, but there's nothing YOU can do to take my gun. I am the white man's nightmare; I'm educated, I'm well-taveled and cultured, I'm handsome, most importantly I'm legally armed and militarilly trained, and I have my crosshairs pointed at you, waiting for the day you crackers decide to overthrow the country in white nationalism after Obama gets re-elected.
Oh,and another thing; it's not my intentions to utilize an over-saturated stereotype (yes, we can spell, you little pompous white pricks, no pun intended), but I'm also well endowed. No wonder your ancestors were out at night lynching and castrating black folk at night, they entertained themselves in activities to placate their insecurities and inadequacies.
Silly Anonymous Negro or Negro Impersonator at 9:43 AM, Apr 6: Of course we're a bunch of racists. We don't want your kind around. Your people can't even maintain a city once it's been given to them, let alone build one themselves. You excel in all forms of failure. Where is this strength that you write of? If the economy collapsed, how would your people fare without continued government handouts? Without the EBT card, your people would starve, just as your Brothers in Africa would starve without all the free food that Whites give them. Where are the skilled Black workers who would keep the lights on and get food to the market? Negroes are merely slaves on the leftist plantation, useful as a weapon against Whites, but otherwise useless.
As for stereotypes, they are merely a shorthand for reality. You, for example, a supposedly educated man, brag about your dick size like a 15 year old boy, and imagine that we are envious. You are a walking confirmation of the "Muh dick" theory of Black mental processing. After all, what comes out of a big Black dick? Lots of dumb Black seed. Lots of bastards. Lots of venereal disease. What's to envy?
I am the white man's nightmare; I'm educated...
...But you don't know how to use a semicolon properly.
most importantly I'm legally armed and militarilly [sic] trained
If that's true then you're not at all typical. Here's a more realistic assessment of the martial prowess of the average black man:
TL;DR version of this: "Muh dik"
If you think you can make something of a country full of Africans, Liberia awaits you. If you stay here, it shows either that you do not have the courage of your convictions, or you don't actually believe what you say and you insist on living in the congenial milieu that only Whitey can create. Either way, you're a coward AND a fraud.
Anon at 9:43 AM:
Use all the fancy and redundant phrases you want (Native Indigenous?), that doesn't change the fact that your people commit the most crime, and that "history of oppression" bullshit doesn't seem to affect Jews, Asians, or Hispanics nearly as much as your "Strong" people.
By the way, I'm Chinese, so fuck off.
Anonymous April 6 @ 9:43AM
Baldowl, you've outdone yourself! That's a riot! Or was it you, Zenster?
That last paragraph says it all. It all shrinks down (word choice intentional) to "muh dick".
You people all are a bunch of racist crackers. You generalize black people with these stereotypes of being uneducated, lazy, ignorant thugs and prostitutes.
There's no reason not to make generalizations about groups. Yes, exceptions exists, but not noticing patterns, especially in areas like violent crime, is stupid and tantamount to playing Russian Roulette.
The fact still stands that the black community is and will always be disenfranchised by the 'white man's system of prejudice, racism and hatred.
Blacks are not disenfranchised, literally or figuratively, and have not been for decades.
I think it's understood by our history books, the civil rights movement, slavery (now that was just plain mean), Jim Crow and it's more evolved relative, James Crow Esquire.
Maybe you should read some different history books. A lot of accusations against whites are either exaggerated or entirely fabricated.
You call yourselves 'Christians
Some of us, probably. I'm an atheist, myself. Either way, it doesn't matter.
you know the funny thing is so did the Klan.
So did Mother Teresa - but what's your point?. Like I said, I'm not a Christian, but even if I still considered myself a believer, I would be amused, rather than insulted, at your clumsy attempt at shaming.
Imagine for one day if things were reversed where white people where the minority and the underbelly of American society
Dude, poor whites exist. But I'm still much safer in the average trailer park than the average ghetto.
If your economic system fell dead tomorrow, you whiteys could only take refuge in your guns.
Rubbish. I know plenty of farmers, and I have a garden myself. I would survive (and I've never owned a gun.)
No wonder your ancestors were out at night lynching and castrating black folk at night, they entertained themselves in activities to placate their insecurities and inadequacies.
See, this is an example of the lies and distortions the civil rights movement feeds a gullible public.
Lynchings were rare. Even in the 19th century, they never amounted to more than 300 victims annually. And by the 1930s, lynching was virtually nonexistent (less than 10 victims a year.)
slavery (now that was just plain mean) and this african tradition was introduced to Virginia by a black man.
Some of learn during black History Month.
Okay, here's mylittle disclaimer; I would guestimate about 50 percent of the white population to be racist. How would I know? Because I have white friends and family members who I converse with and interact with socially on a day-to-day basis. Does all people on non-black heritage have reservations about blacks? Yes, including myself. We all have a certain degree or magnitude of racial variance, the scale ranges from 'casual stereotype', to 'clutch your purse at night' all the way to 'redneck cracker who hates everything black,including paved roads, so they drive on rural dirt roads'. You know, the kind that rides around town with a flying confederate flag afixed to a flag pole in the bed of a pickup truck, or the bedroom community subarbanite who hoists the American flag in their front yards to symbolize their 'tea-party patriotism'. You guys here are on the same end of the spectrum.
I won't go into a historical or geo-political tirade with you people, nor will I back up my claims with empirical data, although data shows that 65% of conservatives do not believe in data, science or let alone education. Do you want to know what some of my white friends think about people like you? They think you are a disgrace to their race, they think you are primitive, uneducated,self-loathing,fearful, they think you hide behind your religion, everything you people think about blacks in general is how they feel about you. You characterize black people as ignorant and lazy, dependingon government subsidies? Your local trailer park right off of the freeway is full of white folk who follows that same mold. Ignorance is ignorance, no matter what color, but you people are the epitome. My 'advanced' white friends do not care about color. People are different, ecclectic, comprised of unique characteristics. I don't hate white people by the further stretch of the imagination, but I hate racist crackers like you people, even the so-called eggroll who fixed his dicksucker to say 'he don't want us here'.
Let me tell you something; (BTW I can use a semicolon however the hell that it apeases me);;;;;;;Despite what you see on the news, or what you hear from others, there are millions out here just like me who are educated, strong, proud, cultured, passionate and patriotic. We are a growing trend of licensed gun owners, shooting at the target range, taking place in our political processes and also organizing through grassroots foundations, despite of rednecks in congress drying up funds. My kids are well educated, properly spoken and dressed well,but most importantly they see what's going on in America.
Face it, 55% of America felt that Obama should be the president, you are in the bottom pool of the other 45%. Change is indeed taking place, so you crackers better adapt or euthanize yourselves. We as black people are here, so deal with it. I will unload a full clip at you sheet wearers before I concede to go back to Jim Crow.
And to you cracker who is posthumously disrespecting Trayvon's name, ask yourself about the moral compass that you utilize to navigate through a life filled with hate.
I hereby reassign your political and social ideologies from conservatives to Klanservative.
An educated negro
I have to apologize the the Silly Anonymous Negro for suggesting that he might be a Negro Impersonator. I don't know that a White anti-racist could play the Silly Negro so well as you do.
Maybe you're right that half of the Whites in this country are consciously racist. I certainly hope so. Those who actively assert their non-racism are, at best, unconsciously racist. You see, silly Negroes like yourself are merely valued objects to White leftists, status symbols that demonstrate their superiority to other Whites. Behind your back, your "advanced" White friends are rolling their eyes at your poor imitation of educated speech. That you don't recognize your own ineptitude only adds to their hilarity. "...even the so-called eggroll who fixed his dicksucker to say 'he don't want us here'." That kind of gibberish much really crack them up at parties.
Discard: Country western music is owned by Hollywood. Literally. They'd all record "[Ash]Trayvon is My Brother" if their managers told them to.
Thank you for that unpleasant but much-needed dose of truth. American media, in general, will bed down with the highest bidder. End of story.
Jim Crow and other forms of distinctive segregation do so just fine. It is only PCMC (Politically Correct Multi-Culturalism) that prevents any such thing.
Anonymous (4/2, 2012 6:45 PM): These are White, American, native English speaking students at our colleges, and they write like three-year olds. The adults aren't much better, and are increasingly using language that is hard to distinguish from ghetto talk.
Please do your best to make sure that these race traitors are complained about in their respective workplaces and shouted down in whatever public forums that they attend. These are the self-loathing and self-hating Whites that need to be dispensed with.
D J: Or was it you, Zenster?
Nope. That penile reference is one of the few last places I have yet to go in describing TNB. Fear not, the time will probably come (so to speak), as there is, what seems to be, little alternative when addressing Black misbehavior. Perish the effing thought!
You wish I was white. I may come off as a racist anti-white black man, but the difference between me and you is that I assess people individually by their character, and after just a few minutes of perusing through some of the comments on this board tells me plenty. Just remember, if you hate black people then you hate yourselves because you people were created and evolved from the African. Yes, Jesus was a Hebrew Israelite, indigenous to the middle eastern region, and not a redneck. I'm perplexed as to why conservatives side with Israel so much, you hate Jews, you hate Muslims, you hate Natives and Hispanics, you hate everybody. Just a cursed forum of hateful people.
Religiously speaking, many of you people use religion to justify your evil works, such as the Klan lynching negroes and then setting a cross on fire to insinuate that Jesus is alive and that they served Him in works by ridding the world of negroes. Seriously, that's really self-serving if you ask me. And to the gentleman who tried to correct me with some statistics of lynching, one lynching alone based on color is unjustified. The fact remains that there were countless lynchings and murders that went unreported, so who the fuck is going to record murder in their jurisdictional statistics? Your racist ancestors used black babies and young children as alligator bait just to sell some good ole boy some damn cowboy boots, police murders and cover-ups, murders of slaves, whippings, castrations, raping our women, separating our families, denying our rights to gun ownership even as freedmen, any devicive tactic they can think of to permeate 'white supremacy', and then got the audacity to go to church on Sunday, pay tithes and walk around like respected pillars of the community.
The spirit of the Klan lives on vicariously through you people today. Many of you are on this trash forum disrespecting people of color who you don't even know, spreading hatred, so what's the difference between doing this and wearing a sheet over your heads at night? Many of you are probably amongst us within the community as business owners, maybe some local politicians, law enforcement definately, and active duty military personnel. You people are cowards, read my words, you people are cowards. Hiding behind some chickenshit screen name; what would you do if the truth were revealed about you people within the community? Remember, racism and chauvinism are bad for business, just ask your buddy Rush Limbaugh as that morbidly obese peckerwood lost over 200 national and local sponsors. His career as a radio hatemonger is over, along with his hunting buddy Glenn Beck. We will boycott your shit and hurt you peckerwoods where it really hurts, in your racist wallets.
The rest of you, such as law enforcement are just the bottomfeeders. You can choke on a big black dick, screw you and your unlawful searches and seizures. I've studies law, as well as political science, math and science and business, so I am aware fully of my rights, and I spend time organizing and educating my breathren about their rights as citizens. I have the knowledge and wherewithal to differentiate between reasonable doubt, probable cause and reasonable proof. You peckerwoods can search my vehicle and the only thing you'll find besides my pistol and conceal-and-carry permit is a big box of 'Fuck the Police T-shirts in the back. I might even be brazen enough to ask if you would like to buy one. I have no disdain about the law, I know many good white cops on the force as well as blacks, but it's the hillbillies who thrive from backwater sundown towns who come into our community and declare it as a police state.
It would be easy for me to tell you all to go to Hell, but I'm not the Almighty nor am I appointed to the bench, I hope you change your wicked ways. But let me tell you rednecks something; the days of enduring the shit-eating grins of bigoted politicians, police and people like you are severely numbered. I will take your Gadsen Flag, find the biggest pile of dogshit to trudge my steeltoe boots in and track shit all over that flag while saying 'Tread on This!' You can put that in your methpipe and smoke it hillbillies. And good day to you all.
BTW, you can just refer to my screenname as 'Black and Proud.'
The soi-disant "educated negro" proves that his respect for the law and the rules of good conduct come a distant second to racial loyalty. Trayvon Martin was a thief, a drug dealer and a general thug; the last of these is what got him killed. If noting this is called "disrespecting his name" and worthy of opprobrium (and worse?) from Blacks, all it does is prove that Jim Crow is the smallest measure which can possibly stop the plague of Black-on-White crime.
Black and Proud (of muh big dik): I do judge Negroes individually, and you are a dumb Negro, who imagines himself to be educated. I don't doubt that, among your Black friends, you're looked up to as brilliant, and among your White "friends" you are a valued social accessory. Be grateful to us here, who freely give you an accurate assessment of your true abilities.
I think anytime the murder of a human being occurs and it is known who the killer is, regardless of the circumstances-- That person should be arrested. I don't think its asking too much to investigate, ask questions, get all the details and proper documentation. I couldn't figure out why there were people who thought he shouldn't even be arrested and questioned. He should have been telling his story to anyone who would listen if he was such a victim. He has a very good chance of getting off on this once it goes to court because of Florida law. This is what the judicial system is for. And this is the reason why some Blacks were so happy to see OJ simpson get away with murder. I don't think it makes sense to fuel the idea that racism is the cause of failure.
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