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Why are Atlanta water rates the highest in the nation? Because of Black people |
'Skyrocketing water bills mystify, anger residents' was the headline of this story out of the city known as the Black Mecca of America.
Shouldn't that have been enough to give away the answer? In a city that has been completely run - politically - by Black people since Maynard Jackson took power in 1974, wouldn't you wager that one group of people aren't paying their water bills, deferring to those who actually pay their bills higher rates?
Though Atlanta is the city in America with the fastest growing white population, Black residents still comprise 54 percent of the city's inhabitants.
The City too busy to Hate has the highest water bills in America, and the reason is because a significant portion of the Black population (and businesses owned by Black people) simply don't pay their water bills.
Back in 2008, WSBTV did a report showing that the city of Atlanta owed $8 million and that $28 million of uncollected water bills were past due:
The City of Atlanta wants raise water rates by 15 percent. Customers who'll be paying more may be interested to know that thousands of water customers don't bother to pay at all, and many of them are government agencies, starting with the City of Atlanta itself.No problem.The city of Atlanta (full of accounting wizards whom Ernst & Young stated in a 2004 audit of the department had financial employees clearly unqualified for the job: any guess as to the race of the economic titans?) will just write these uncollected water bills off the balance sheet and find new ways to off-set these uncollected bills.
Channel 2's Richard Belcher sorted through the list of delinquent accounts.
The City of Atlanta is looking for ways to close a 9-figure budget shortfall.
Of course, the budget might be in even worse shape if city agencies actually had to pay their water bills.
The list is 158 pages long -- more than 8,000 customers -- a total of $28 million in unpaid bills.
Most are companies and individuals, but it is surprising how many of the big bills are for government agencies.
PDF: City of Atlanta Unpaid Water Bill List
There are at least 36 accounts listed as City of Atlanta with total unpaid bills of nearly $7.9 million.
But that doesn't include the separate account at the city court. The unpaid water bill there is nearly $173,000.
Other unpaid bills include Chastain Amphitheater at $98,000, Piedmont Park at nearly $88,000, or Fire Station #4 on Edgewood with $67,000 worth of water yet to be paid.
In fact, the list includes 29 separate agencies with the word fire in somewhere their names.
Total unpaid water bills for these firefighters more than $328,000.
The Fulton County Jail is deadbeat number two overall with a total unpaid water bill of more than $1.3 million.
There are at least four other Fulton County bills in the top 100. The unpaid total of those is $268,000.
If you think that’s bad, Grady Hospital has 31 separate water accounts showing unpaid bills of more than $4.5 million.
If this distresses you as you're paying your soon-to-be-higher Atlanta water bill, keep this in mind-- you're in the majority.
There really are more people who pay than don't pay. It's just that some who don't have been collecting your tax dollars and not paying their bills.
Funny: Baltimore (a city with a greater percentage of Black people than Atlanta) is having a similar crisis right now. The Baltimore Business Journal reports:
City Council President Bernard C. “Jack” Young on Monday called for a two-year moratorium on placing liens on properties because of unpaid water or sewer bills.
Young plans to introduce a formal resolution at Monday’s council meeting, he said, followed by an ordinance to enforce the moratorium by March 26.
The move comes in response to a recent city audit that revealed a dysfunctional system of charging businesses and residents for water and sewer usage. Baltimore, according to the audit, has over-charged 38,000 water and sewer customers by more than $4 million. The city so far has failed to correct the inaccurate bills, leaving many customers to either pay more than they could afford or choose not to pay their bills at all, Young said.
“I’ve encountered too many constituents on fixed incomes who routinely have to choose between feeding their families and buying needed medication or paying improperly estimated water bills, which, if left unpaid, have the danger of forcing them into homelessness,” Young said in a statement.No one wants to ask the question, so we will: could these Baltimore residents -odds that we are talking about almost exclusively Black residents are at 100 percent - afford the water rates were correct bills being supplied by the city?
You can't have a community if residents - and the city - decides it doesn't need to pay water bills, deferring higher costs for H20 onto those who actually pay their bills and are productive members of society.
But isn't it wrong to assume - without credible evidence - that it is the Black residents of both Atlanta and Baltimore that aren't paying their water bills? No.
It's not.
Because the one city that keeps on giving provides the answer. Yes, we are talking about Detroit where an estimated 40,000 Black people had their water turned off in the mid-2000s for failing to pay their bills. Extrapolating this out, it seems we can conclude that Stuff Black People Don't Like includes paying utility bills.
The citizens of Detroit - 89 percent Black - have no white residents to transfer the burden of paying a utility to in the form of higher rates for a service they can't provide themselves. Those Black people without water in Detroit suffer - even though the city has relatively low rates - because white people live in the prosperous suburbs they created in escaping the plague of the undertow.
Without a white scapegoat to fit the higher bill, the Detroit Water and Sewage Department (DWSD) has no alternative.
Atlanta and Baltimore do.
Such in life in Black-Run America (BRA). We could have been on Mars, but instead you have to pay for the never-ending sins of a past you had nothing to do with.
Even in something as trivial as utility bills, you can have the burden of those who held to no financial accountability by the state fall on your shoulders. If you are a white Atlanta resident, the next time you get your water bill (or you decide to add up what you have already paid), imagine where that money could be going, were we not living in BRA.
The Black Mecca of America... without a substantial - and growing - white population maintaining the business sector and keeping the city competitive, Atlanta would be nothing more than the Detroit below the Mason Dixon Line.
With Black people spreading out across Metro Atlanta to once exclusively white suburbs (counties), the greatest ecological crisis in America is becoming clear.
But...But...Obama is going to pay my Mortgage and fill my gas tank and pay my water bill...and sheet.
On the boat home, we will make sure there is pleanty of water.
Paul you are doing your part. If only people would wake up. The sins of our skin have been paid for over and over.
American blacks live the best lives of any of their racial brothers yet it is not enough. Our ancestors whom we never met whom were sold black slaves(very few of us but hey never let a fact get in the way of BRA)from other blacks bought much much more than they bargained for.
Until the end of time YT must pay for the sin of having once owned the black man. No blacks who still own blacks do not have to pay Arabs or others only YT must pay.
Sometimes I think that blacks get together and laugh about all the dumbass DWLs and the boon of White Guilt. Maybe Sharpton and Jackson, hell the whole CBC have a barbeque and just chuckle at how stupid YT is. Why get a job take care of your kids pay your own bills for food or utilities when it is so much easier to play the guilt game?
Blacks are like the grown kids the parents just can't get out of the house. They lay around on the couch all day eat all the food in the fridge and guilt mommy and daddy into taking care of their worthless asses for eternity. The parents know it is wrong but just can't bring themselves to throw junior out. Maybe because deep down inside they know all their enabling is their own fault?
Redneck fireman doused blacks with water in the 1950s but at least it was paid for.
Don't worry. Eventually blacks will pay us back with free fire... as in the L.A. Riots.
Well, to be fair, Obama promised to pay the mortgage and fuel. Maybe cellphone too....but I definitely don't recall water bills.
That's only because black people invented running water so there is no requirement to pay for it. Otherwise Obama would.
If you don't agree, you are racist.
Farrakhan has never paid a water bill in Chicago and cannot be bothered to pay his satelitte bill either but he always gets it fixed when it goes wrong and no payment is sought.
What a friend he has in his neighbor Barack Hussein Obama.
Strange how genetics govern them, and the same problems rise, even tho they are 10000 miles apart.
In south africa there is the same problem, 3.5million whites keep the country floating, over 50% of all electricity entering soweto, a black township, south west of johannesburg, over 50% of the electricity is not accounted for, they either don't pay their electricity bills or the make illegal connection to the power utility to steal electricity.
The electrical utility company is owed millions if not billions in unpaid bills, their solution to the problem, hike electricity bills, by 25% for the next 5years, therby doubeling electricity to the people that pay.They never thought that by doubeling electricity prices, more people won't pay, a vicious cycle is created untill the system collapses.
Water bills is the same, and council tax the same problem.
Blacks can take a functioning country and ruin it in 20yrs, as they did in zimbabwe and are doing now in south africa.
That's what they do.
That's why the white government of apartheid never had electicity infrustructure where blacks lived, cause they knew they wouldn't pay their bills and steal electricity.
How wise they were
Ex New Yorker here....Atlanta has become what I would call a NEGROPOLITAN city. To keep up with the modern advances of a NEGROPOLITAN city the government should issue WATER STAMPS. In the summer when it be gettin' hotter the brothas should also be given ICE CUBE STAMPS.
Former Marine Officer here. Sorry too change the subject, but do you think you will ever do an analysis on the upcoming movie 'Badass'? For those that don't know; it is an upcoming movie attempting to extrapolate on the 'Epic beard man' YouTube sensation. However the DWL powers that be are, not surprisingly, manipulating the narrative to fit there doctrine. The reality captured on YouTube showed a white 67 year old Vietnam vet beating the crap out of a young black gangbanger who attempted to assault him. In the movie it is a Hispanic vet beating up white skin heads who were assaulting a poor old black man. Absolutely disgusting....
I think they call this Africanization. When the White infrastructure is removed, the black undertow reverts to "Africa."
A survey of water supply and sanitation in Africa finds it falls far behind the rest of the world.
Here are the boring -- but insightful -- stats.
Access to water supply and sanitation in Africa was estimated in 2006 to be 64% and 38% respectively which compares unfavorably with corresponding world averages of 87% and 62%.
Only 20% of the irrigation potential and about 6% of the hydropower potential has been developed.
Water storage capacity is less than 50 m3/person compared to about 3,500 m3/person in Europe, and 6,000 m3/person in the USA.
Less than 5% of agricultural land is irrigated.
Africa has very little water storage capacity: only 200 cubic meters per capita compared with over 1,000 in most developing countries.
60 of Africa’s major rivers cross national borders; making international cooperation on water essential.
Existing spending on water supply and sanitation is not enough to meet the Millennium Development Goals: the funding gap is over USD 9 billion per year.
Just one more form of wealth redistribution. Realistically, is there anything that can be done about the things we all bitch about? I mean, whether it's the rage fueled rants at Stormfront or the so called 'voice of reason' on more moderate sites, all we're doing is sharing stories and points of view. There are lots of 'those who can see', but, who can act? And how? I don't claim to know the answers. I am an MD and actions of some types are career suicide, as i'm sure is the case for most of you. However, many folks I work with are like-minded, but, don't know where to focus their energies. Mass enlightenment is, obviously, a must, but, re-stating the obvious isn't accomplishing much. We all seem to stay up to date on the issues and, speaking for myself, use word-of-mouth means, when appropriate to spread the gospel. But, there must be a next step to see any return on investment of time and energy. Surely, some among us have workable, at least partial, solutions. No one grand idea is going to propel us into a nationwide whitopia. We didn't get here overnight, nor shall we be restored so easily. But I am sick of hearing the term 'tolerance' bastardised. Kids are led to believe tolerance means liking something. On the contrary, to tolerate is to put up with something you dislike. To say you are tolerant of blacks implies, by definition, that you don't like them, or, more likely, their behavior. I just know there is a solution. Otherwise, I fear, with the changes I have witnessed in half a century on this planet, our once great nation is doomed.
How the hell are these poor people expected to wash their Escalades? Those 24" rims aren't going to clean themselves. Do these inconsiderate white taxpayers expect these disenfranchised kings and queens to roll up to the welfare office in a dirty Benz?
Prepaid water. Sell water cards at the chicken shack and the check cashing place. Electronic meters that let you swipe a prepaid card. Problem solved. Who wants to help me setup a kickstarter project? Just as long as we can call it H2OSnap (Blackwater is sadly taken).
We've got the same problem with collective heating here in France. "They" don't pay their bills but the company isn't allow to cut their heating because it's against their human rights.
They don't pay their rents either because it's almost impossible to evict someone.
I don't think your modern day spear-thrower understands WHY water must be paid for. You turn the knob, the water comes out and it never stops. Simple!
This is all just a nefarious plot to make blacks drink more malt liquor and soda. Water be rayciss.
Wouldn't 'Nefarious' be a great name for a little black kid? LOLZ
"Deez hurr be mah keeds: Nefarious, Ja'Darious, Chlamydia, Numidia, Rayshawn, Tayshawn, Trayvon and Pharaoh Ramses Obama II."
Water bills in Birmingham are not bad until you get to the sewer portion. I am paying, literally, three times more for my water and sewer than I did in Nashville. And the place in Nashville was a house, not an apartment.
While I live in Shelby County and thus an unincorporated section of Birmingham, we still get to "help" with paying for the corruption that sent many public officials to jail. And yes: they are melanin-enhanced.
This is also why health care is so expensive.
Black people simply don't pay for that which they feel entitled to, which is to say everything.
Semper Fi in Mississippi
Anon, I don't know what to do either. I can see, but how to act?
I have had thoughts of dropping off grid completely, moving to the sticks, burning wood for heat, growing my own food, digging a well, etc. Getting off the grid, because it is heavily burdened with the urban moochers. I homeschool, but still I am forced to pay for the ghetto public schools.
My black neighbors have over-full trash bins each week, while I try to recycle and reduce. Some weeks I don't even have enough trash to put out. My black neighbor's kids have the water hose on all summer and I don't let my kids waste one drop when they brush their teeth, and we flush with gray water from the water filter system. They drive their SUV, making 15 separate trips per day while I combine errands into one trip.
I know I will be rewarded in the end, but it is hard.
I am not so nice anymore. I am not as generous. I give to organizations that don't help them. I avoid them in public. I don't let them beg me for my money. I don't know what else to do.
I have thought of calling my local utilities and asking if they forgive unpaid bills for the poor minorities and then asking why in protest. I have thought of using up all the same free resources that they do to crash the system, but I have a sense of fairness that won't allow me to do so. I don't want to burden my fellow whites any further.
Living among poor blacks for most of my life, I have insight into their degeneracy and utter dependence on whites. Part of the "black culture" is learning how to get over. Getting over literally means stealing or getting something for free.
Watch "Precious" if you can, it is a true glimpse into the hustle of the black woman. They do the soft shuffle negro dance for the generous, soft-hearted white people and can easily get off the hook for everything. Whites are very willing to open their wallets for the sad, pitiful blacks. I say let's stop viewing them as objects of pity, and stop treating them like children.
They know how to get free cable, food, utilities, cars, gas cards, metro cards, baby formula, diapers, baby clothes and blankets, heating assistance, school tutoring, strollers and cribs, fans, housewares, furniture, summer camp, museum memberships, water assistance, and so much more. They can even get free trash bags, soap and toilet paper at a shelter. If it is not given willingly, they steal it and feel no remorse. They are parasites. The are not fit for liberty and have no shame.
I really hate this, but don't know what to do, except harden myself off from them emotionally.
The inability to comprehend any & all aspects of administration are quite simply not their fault.
It has been discovered that the short comings of "Microsoft Excel"(Enter Microsoft Copyright stuff here) are clearly to blame for the financial losses incured.
I have heard everything now.
“Privatization is a new kind of apartheid,” said Richard Makolos of South Africa’s Crisis Water Committee just outside Johannesburg. “Apartheid separated whites and Blacks. Privatization separates the rich from the poor.”
What a load of crap. Are they this stupid really?? Even voter id laws, credit card payments, and saggy pants laws are the new "Jim Crow" to blacks.
They are the eternal victims.
Funny, in Baltimore the excuse went something like: "Why should someone lose dey house over a water bill?" I heard some councilman shout on a radio blurb one day.
But to that I ask: "Why should someone who isn't responsible enough to pay a water bill own a house?"
Another problem with Baltimore is that the city itself is set up more like the cities of Virginia, in that it's a completely separate county-level entity. Most cities in America are basically a 4th tier government overlaying other (often several) entities. Most cities in the US are quasi-seperate from their counties. Furthermore many cities are able to "expand" to incorporate more geographical territory, not in MD or VA.
So what does that mean? It means they can't incorporate a new tax base for the city itself, aka the General Fund. It's why taxes in the city are literally double+ than in the counties and another reason Whites don't buy homes there. Why pay $5,000 in taxes when the same acreage and sq. footage when in the county it might only be $2,000? Could it also be because blacks are so transient (remember they don't "live" anywhere, they only "stay" somewhere) it's impossible to keep track of who owes what?
The electricity here is run be the state, but the WATER is run by...you guessed it, Baltimore City. If you're not on well water you're paying out the asz in MD-Baltimore area. Again, like the article said, we're all paying (and we know it down here) because the blacks sham out of their bills. Even if I cut back on showers and dish washer use this summer my bill would still go up.
Opening fire hydrants in the summer doesn't help either, and with the city closing half it's pools this summer (it's going to be a hot one!) they'll be doing more of that. The murder rate is going to go up because of it too. It's April and already 73 here, therefore it's ten °s higher downtown and the darkies are getting riled up and restless. Like I said, this summer is going to be a long hot one here just outside of groidville.
Water beez my civil right. (if found running in a river or creek, not a copper pipe)
But since blacks invented water, copper piping, water pumps sanitization and purification systems, they should get free running water for life.
After all, the entire country the whites enjoy today was built on the backs of Black slave labor …for free.
Seriously though! Be very afraid people. This is another ploy! First they want to scare us with statistics like this. They want to cause a stir within us to demand change, then they will give us just that. A privatization of water by the utmost corrupt world banks at the helm of an “International investors” committee.
This happened in south America where the poorest of poor people could not afford their water bills. No water for drinking, no water for cooking & certainly no water for washing. They target those communities furthest away from natural waterways first.
Once they bring the citizens to their knees they send out “Water Police” to smash any and all water receptacles. After all, the investors owned the rain water. So, it became illegal to capture & use rain water too.
This is coming to a community near you. If you think otherwise, Google the “privatization of the Great Lakes”. There are too many articles to even begin posting links.
This is a very scary topic & whether a minority has chosen to consume without payment (as is always the case) privatization will rear its ugly head. If that happens …?
F U Paul!! You cant charge people for no water. Water is free all around us but corporations trying to make a buck off black folk again. We r owed water.
"Could it also be because blacks are so transient (remember they don't "live" anywhere, they only "stay" somewhere) it's impossible to keep track of who owes what?"
I suddenly had a "ding" on this one. I was trying to remember why this sounded so familiar. Trayvon was "staying" at his birf'er's house and the baby daddy was "staying" as well. Why pay bills if you can just grab your hooptie, drive away and never think about dem racist watter bills again.
It's like they're genetically programmed to steal.
White response to the Africanization of black-dominated urban areas is "every man for himself."
But don't be fooled.
While white flight is not an orchestrated effort, it has the same benefits as White community standards are established elsewhere, leaving Atlanta to African community standards.
It's a vacuum.
At some point black leaders must come to the forefront and say, "It's not the bus. It's us."
SwissMiss here
I really like the prepaid water idea!
Why are the companies really not just turning off the water - I am sure that they would do it with me .... just saying.. oh that is right daz racisss
I am observing and get my eyes open more and more (actually am working on a small T-shirt line right now :) )and it disgusts me what I see. It is even more frustrating as I am just a legal resident which means they take my cash but that is as many rights as I have. I live across a section 8 nest which is in the middle of one of the most desirable places in Boston and I ask myself how they justify that.
It is disgusting how they steal and scam the system (which allows it because denying it would be raciss) and it makes my toes curl when I hear that a 20 year old scams the country of $600K annually and does not do anything - BECAUSE HE CAN!
I would shut off the unpaid utilities of those who do not pay. Government or not if you can't pay your bill, you must not want it that much.
@ W74:
"...If you're not on well water you're paying out the asz in MD-Baltimore area. Again, like the article said, we're all paying (and we know it down here) because the blacks sham out of their bills. Even if I cut back on showers and dish washer use this summer my bill would still go up... "
This explains how my bill out here in the DPR Kalifornia went from $66 to $84 AFTER I drained my pool. The county I live in includes Oakland, Richmond, and Berkeley.
An Awesome YouTube animation on economics.
This is exactly why "Obamanomics" ain't gonna work!
If this has been posted already, I apologize.
"At some point black leaders must come to the forefront and say, "It's not the bus. It's us."
LOL! Yes, and on that day the Flying Monkeys and Unicorns will all gambol and sing, and great trumpet blasts will blare, and all your dreams will come true!
No, at some point the entire welfare state cannibalizes itself and collapses, with riots, starvation and martial law.
Understand folkz, get through your heads-we spend fully double what we take in in taxes; at some point that friendly Chinaman, Mr. Hu, stops handing us new EBT cards.
Mr. Noda, you may remember, had an earthquake, high water problem, then lost a few nuclear reactors. See, he already cut up our credit card. "No more loans for you, round-eye!" He likely shouted.
Mr. Putin has been cutting up our credit cards for about 2 years now, and buying gold rather than US treasuries...
...see, this carnival will go on right until those green things in your wallet have more value for wiping your butt than exchanging them for goods and services.
But first, your 401ks will be stolen, and force converted into Patriot Bonds, which will be nothing but US Treasuries, IE you'll be forced at gunpoint to loan money to the government.
Pissed about paying for deadbeats water bills? You ain't seen nothin' yet.
When the US dollar fails, hold onto your hats as we will go from first world to 4th world in about 1 year - probably while losing a global war.
You can look forward to staring in your own reality-show-action-adventure; imagine you are Snake Plissken, and your movie will be called "Escape From .
Part of the water increased costs (which includes sewer charges) has been due to EPA mandates. My own city will likely be sued by the EPA at some point due to the fact that the sewers get overwhelmed during heavy rain storms.
Atlanta has been building a new overflow system by digging two very deep tunnels (which was mandated by the EPA):
Of course, the Atlanta system is over budget and behind schedule:
Atlanta has seen double-digit increase in water and wastewater because of continued work on the city’s sanitary sewer overflow prevention system. Atlanta is settling a 12-yeard-old EPA consent decree by upgrading its systems, and rates have once again been hiked to accommodate the ongoing project. Janet Ward, public relations manager for Atlanta’s Department of Watershed Management, said the city has received an extension until 2014 to finish the project. The rate hikes are due entirely to the consent decree. “It costs a lot to overhaul your whole sewer system,” Ward said.
But the people are the government. So they money owed on the water bills is just owed to themselves. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!
black phage: In south africa there is the same problem, 3.5million whites keep the country floating, over 50% of all electricity entering soweto, a black township, south west of johannesburg, over 50% of the electricity is not accounted for, they either don't pay their electricity bills or the make illegal connection to the power utility to steal electricity.
Why do SA whites keep propping it up? They are being targeted for elimination, yet the whites there (like whites everywhere) continue to deny reality even when it's right there in their faces. The mass-slaughter of whites - in slow-motion right now - will go ahead full throttle soon (when St. Mandela goes to his eternal reward). The faster the regime in SA collapses into total anarchy, the better. Instead, we have whites who behave like the parents of Amy Biehl - setting up a foundation to pay their daughter's murderers. Bishop Tutu smiles, not doubt.
I'm going to take a wild guess and presume that the race with an average IQ of 85 likely does not possess this allele.
I want to float a new idea here. So often I hear about how the black race is being looked down on because of a few "bad apples". To me, and in my life, I think this is inverted. We are expected to tolerate a whole barrel of festering rotting bilge because somewhere in it's nasty depths, there exists a few "good apples"(or so we are told). I have no desire to plumb the murky depths of black society any longer in search of these hidden gems! I say it's well past time to dump the freaking stinking barrel into the sewer.
Maybe I am a little harsh? Is anyone else tired of the egalitarian BS that asks us to risk the lives of our loved ones "bobbing" for these elusive "good apples"!
OT but putting here in case the source site goes dark again: http://www.vdare.com/posts/why-zimmerman-is-doomed-black-jurors
Why Zimmerman Is Doomed: Black Jurors
By Patrick Cleburne on April 16, 2012 at 2:11am
Anne Pressly and her killer, Black Jury beneficiary Curtis Vance
I see a number of commentaries on the Zimmerman case which presume that because the case, as Alan Dershowitz has said, is flimsy therefore he will be acquitted.
Dream on.
Consider the aftermath of the ghastly Anne Pressly rape/murder trial. Curtis Vance was indeed convicted but then faced another trial:
Kristin Edwards was raped by Vance a few months before his attack on Pressly…it was his rape of Edwards that led to his identification as Pressly's attacker. After finding the DNA match to the unsolved Edwards rape, police in Little Rock got a tip to investigate Vance from the detective in the small town (Marianna) where Edwards lived at the time of the rape…
Vance was identified as Edward's attacker by DNA match, the victim's direct testimony, and the accused's own confession. Yet...
After merely THREE HOURS of deliberation, the judge agreed to a mistrial, as 7 of the jurors refused to convict. Neither the prosecuting attorney nor the judge had any hope that the jury would agree on basic facts, or could be persuaded by reason. After a mere three hours, they just agreed to drop the trial.
The reason: the racist blacks on the jury. It has been confirmed that the composition of the jury was 7 blacks and 5 whites (http://www.fox16.com/news/local/story/Pressly-killer-rape-trial-ends-in-mistrial-jury/98WRVqFwF0G1p-pt7-7exQ.cspx).
Racist Blacks and the Perversion of Justice - Curtis Vance rape case Friday, February 4, 2011 The Truth Shall Set You Free
Remember, this was not a politicized case and the accused had already been convicted of a similar crime.
Zimmerman can count on plenty of Blacks on his Jury - the Prosecution will make sure of that. Those few who might not simply vote their race would be taking their lives – and their loved ones’ lives - in their hands. The Whites would have to be extraordinary tough just to get a hung Jury. Those on the O.J. Simpson case were not.
Beyond this, of course, Nicholas Stix is quite right
It is virtually impossible for George Zimmerman to get a fair trial anywhere in the United States. Just as in the unconstitutional, federal double jeopardy trial of the four LAPD officers who beat Rodney King, the jurors will be intimidated into sacrificing Zimmerman to “the 13th juror” – the racist black mob, threatening to riot.
I agree with TTSSYF:
The refusal of blacks to convict other blacks, even heinous inhuman murderers like Vance, even in the face of overwhelming physical and eyewitness testimony, even combined with a previous confession, calls into question the ability of blacks to serve on juries.
Unfortunately for poor George Zimmerman, the reverse will work too.
Long answer follows. Bear with me.
Realistically, is there anything that can be done about the things we all bitch about?
For example, form a legal defense organization. This could bring lawsuits in support of whites who are the victims of affirmative action; or who had their jobs terminated because of their views on race; or whose First Amendment rights were attacked.
One thing that has made the left so strong is that leftists understand the value of organization. There needs to be race realist equivalents of the NAACP, ACLU, MALDEF, etc.
Would this take effort? Yes, you'd have to raise some money. And find suitable lawyers. Or learn the law yourself. And take the time to put together cases and go to court.
There's no free lunch here.
You can also look allying with groups that, while not explicitly race realist, de facto support white interests: the Tea Party, gun rights, anti-illegal immigration, etc. Join them. Contribute money. March with them in the streets.
There are other groups which are fighting against political correctness: Youth for Western Civilization. Foundation for Individual Rights in Education. Again, join up, send money, develop alliances.
The left has been doing all this for a couple centuries and have shown how it works. Learn from the enemy.
I mean, whether it's the rage fueled rants at Stormfront or the so called 'voice of reason' on more moderate sites, all we're doing is sharing stories and points of view.
It's important to "raise consciousness" (heaven help us!) and to develop a consensus on what the problem is--and the solutions. There is a place for both the extremists and the moderates--the former often make the latter look acceptable to the mainstream.
But you are right that too much energy is being dissipated in endless complaints, while no political action is taken in the real world.
The endless ranting often goes off on tangents of conspiracy theory and scapegoating. These are not substitutes for organization and political action.
... actions of some types are career suicide...
Is there a risk in being an activist? Yes. I've been involved in several political movements. And have seen acquaintances jailed on trumped up charges. Not to mention risking my own career.
There is no free lunch when it comes to politics. Members of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s were willing to go to jail for their beliefs. They took the risks, and were rewarded with de facto control of America's politics.
Everything great has come out of struggle.
The situation in America--in the Western world as a whole--is not going to get better. To use a point which PK has made: right now the USA could be colonizing the Solar System had the nation not been dragged down. Think about the future which is going to face your children's generation, and their children. Or even yourself. There is a risk no matter if you act or not. Look at what is happening to white people in South Africa, and before that in Rhodesia. Look at Detroit.
It goes back to having an organization which can defend your interests.
One of the trends I'm noticing is that municipalities are cutting back on water filtration to save money. I can see visible particulate matter in the water coming out of my sink, so I basically boil it now.
The 3rd worlders do the same thing, they will not pay for something like this, and yet they are going to keep America strong in the future.
I have to believe that Obama and his cohorts in BRA are desperately looking for a loose few extra hundred million dollars to keep Detroit alive at least past this next election cycle. They are in a hole so deep that the bonds without and government backing are probably next to worthless. I am sure blacks think this is a laughing matter now but when the lights and water really do get turned off there are going to be a lot of angry black people. I think that this time we will just have to let the fires burn themselves out.
Thank you californian. Any others?
Could Eric Holder be brought up on charges for ignoring the black panther bounty? If so, how could we start the process? The left seems to have a monopoly on using the legal system to forward its own interests. These actions, or lack thereof, by the DOJ need to be brought into the light much more than the animalistic behavior on display daily for anyone who pulls their face out of a tv set for a minute. If one never went outside to experience real life and got all their info from tv, radio or newspapers, you would be terrified to leave your house ..... because of evil caucasians! How many black or islamic criminals are portrayed on tv crime dramas, hollywood motion pictures or even national/world newscasts?
Perhaps boycotting companies that advertise on these shows. The ones who control the propaganda we and our children are exposed to, or are barraged with, only look at the bottom line. Squeezing your money out of you is all they are interested in and we need to find ways to hit them where it hurts.
Coming up with plans of action and participating, as californian says is going to be more effective than merely watching and talking. We are still the majority in this country, but, not for long. And I can assure you that if we don't begin to act, in some ways, now, it will be too late to effect some change for the better.
I know this site is called SBPDL and started as a joke, but something special has been started, even if by accident. From some of the posts I have read, I believe the intelligence exists in the ones who frequent this site to do something truly momentous, perhaps even historic. As californian said, it's a matter of organization.
Please, lets all use our energy, intelligence, foresight and individual skillsets to set in motion a movement which cannot be halted nor ignored.
Californian said: ''You can also look allying with groups that, while not explicitly race realist, de facto support white interests: the Tea Party''
The ''Tea Party'' either the official declared political party or the informal 'neocon' version championed by talk radio IS NOT about White interests.
I've seen them too often be hyper-defensive of claims of 'racism' due to the fear (yes FEAR) of the NAACP and the White House.
On another thread someone started to sing the praises of ''Tea Party'' favorite Alan West, it properly got shot down by Paul himself among others.
And look how the ''Tea Party'' absolutely were head over heels in love with Herman Cain up until he proved just how unfit he actually was.
Right down to making excuses for his ignorance of Libya, of his ''9-9-9 plan'' and his inability to keep it in his pants.
The ''Tea Party'' is a joke, and an unfunny one at that.
Back in 2008, WSBTV did a report showing that the city of Atlanta owed $8 million and that $28 million of uncollected water bills were past due
I realize that this is a totally unexpected question but; why don't they just shut off service to non-paying customers? That $28 million isn't all late fees.
Maybe give the fire stations and hospitals a break but its a profound conflict of interest that the City of Atlanta runs up these bills and then, simultaneously, refuses to allow collection of them.
Then again, it seems as though most Black politicians are entirely uncontaminated by any notion of conflict of interest.
Without a white scapegoat to fit the higher bill, the Detroit Water and Sewage Department (DWSD) has no alternative.
"Those Whites departed and took all of the water with them!"
Per the CNN video: Valentino Bates, president of the electronic water meter installing company, is Black. Why am I not surprised?
Anonymous: It has been discovered that the short comings of "Microsoft Excel"(Enter Microsoft Copyright stuff here) are clearly to blame for the financial losses incurred.
That is effing hilarious as Excel is widely regarded as Microsoft's one truly well-designed product. I think its a matter of EBCAK (Error Between Chair And Keyboard).
If the report by Mr. Rational of complete corruption of the criminal justice system is accurate (and the reports coming from Stix and others about the outcome of numerous black-on-white atrocities bears this out), we are well past the point of the system being reformable or fixable in any way, shape or form.
Californian's 'work within the system' recommendation is dead on arrival. The system itself is not reformable, but intrinsically corrupt. Anonymous' response to Californian pointed out some of the obvious things: the legal system (lawyers, courts, prosecutors, judges and even police) serve BRA. They most certainly do not serve some arcane idea of justice, and their purpose is to advance the agenda of BRA - just like their friends in "journalism" - which boils down to nothing less than full-bore genocide.
Time to start thinking outside the box, folks. The "Tea Party" route was attempted. They even produced a major party shift in the House of Representatives in 2010 - to what avail? Despite being caught practically red-handed in perjury, obstruction and other felonious activity with the utterly lawless "Fast and Furious" program, Eric 'My People" Holder remains untouched. The BATFE wasn't even defunded, and - worse - most of those brave stalwart Congressional Tea Partiers rubber-stamped the NDAA, which gives the John Doe known as Barack Hussein Obama full legal authority to detain or kill any US citizen, anywhere in the world, upon the mere accusation of "ter-r-r-r-r-rism", among other things. Completely failing to either cut spending or derail Obamacare, they raised the debt ceiling so the spending can continue on the fakery and charades designed to ensure the Mocha Messiah's re-erection.
We must stop supporting the system (by not watching or paying for mind-numbing crap like BRA "sports") and start thinking of ways to gum-up and otherwise throw monkey-wrenches into the machine. As with South Africa, the sooner it collapses under the weight of its own profligacy, incompetence and pure evil, the more of our people will have at least a chance at survival. We need strategies to financially ruin our enemies - the endless lists of foundations and institutions who fund BRA. We either realize this is a war for our very survival, or we'll end up like the DoDo.
One way to gum up the system is to kill two birds with one stone: start making lots of White babies and pretend you're all poor so you need Section 8 and EBT.
When the system collapses, YT has the smarts and social capital but the NAMs don't.
How do they make an illegal electrical connection without getting electrocuted? Who has ever seen a black electrician? That like all trades require a work ethic and degree of intelligence and is almost the exclusive domain of YT. Blacks perception of intellect is wordsmithing and even there are lacking.
Gentrify! Gentrify! Gentrify!
I said this long ago but California said it much better. Organize and Lawyer Up! It would be much harder to fire someone for being "racist", "Sexist", a "Homophobe" if there was a lawsuit at the end of it.
I know my father was a warden at a prison where 40% of the guards are black. Yet, to fire a black guard you had to have more than the usual evidence and lawyers on the ready for the inevitable Discrimination Lawsuit.
I agree that MOST people in the "Justice" system are for BRA but shine a light the roaches scatter. Even the MSM will have a hard time ignoring the rash of lawsuits and strong organizations for European Rights.
Youth for Western Civ. are a good organization to emulate. They do not specifically exclude blacks but are specifically for Western(read European) Culture and Civilization.
It is our best hope at the present.
OT, but I'm curious. Can someone tell me if any families who have had loved ones injured or killed by illegal aliens have filed any lawsuits against the DOJ for deliberately ignoring the laws which already exist that provide for deportation and using taxpayer dollars to file suit against states that attempt to enforce these same laws or enact their own state laws? I feel I can ask this question here because mestizos are part of the SBPDL.
I'm so tired of my tax dollars being used to further the agendas of groups whose interests are in direct conflict with mine. How can there exist an illegal alien lobby in our congress? And why would Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, etc. give a damn what some cartel of latin countries thinks about the laws the citizens of these states overwhelmingly support. Big suprise these countries aren't happy that we don't want their people to illegally invade our borders, drain our resources, ignore our laws, send whatever money they acquire back to their native land, assimilate themselves and their customs, allegiances and language into our school systems. All this with the support of Barry Soetoro and Eric Holder (traitors, both.)
We will be looked back upon as the stupidest nation in history for allowing, no, welcoming invading forces across our borders and freely giving away our heritage, resources, values, futures and language. Try to imagine such an embarrassing travesty occuring in Russia, Japan, China, Korea or any other nation that values its own individuality or survival. The Chinese do what is best for China and tell the rest of the world to kiss its yellow ass if they don't like it. That's why China will survive. National pride and structure. You think the Chinese government would put up with the crap we see on WSHH? Hell, no! Anyone exhibiting thuggish behavior would be shot. No charges, trial, appeals or other manipulation....shot! Why do you think the black population of China is zero? They don't put up with this BS. Gotta respect that aspect of their culture. In this country, whites whose ancestors built it, cannot be openly proud of their heritage without the label of racism. Mind you, any other group, including muslims, who openly call for our death, is free to scream at the top of their lungs how great their blooodline is and that the only thoughts we have are of holding down other races. The decision to act in this manner has been made for us, not by us. The rules of shame and guilt have been dictated to us by those who control the propagandist media to which most are addicted.
We must begin to ignore the namecalling and stick to what we know is right if we want our children to have a future. The race card has been played to death and no longer carries the stigma of days past. In fact, if having pride in, and a desire to see the survival of, your race makes you a racist, then so be it. It has a nicer ring than, say, race traitor, don't you think?
As long as the dialogue is pro-white and not anti-whatever, we won't sound as hateful as most anti-white groups (like liberals and the excecutive branch of our federal government.) The response of liberals to any statistics or facts not in line with their agenda is most often namecalling mixed with nonsensical political rhetoric. The facts are alligned with our views. Once we've thrown aside the smothering blanket of guilt that is cast upon us by our would be dictators, our true beliefs will be heard and embraced by the majority in our country. Only then will our government truly be of, for and by the people.
Anonymous (4/16, 2012 2:47 PM): How do they make an illegal electrical connection without getting electrocuted?
It happens.
I hope that this provides some sort of answer.
In the Philippines, they gang the electrical meters up high on an overhead panel and read them with a cherrypicker in order to prevent power pilfering.
While all of the preceding images are from Asia, after some diligent searching I found a few from Africa.
Californian is right.
Now. How many lawyers do we have here? I realise we all use pseudonyms here, but if indeed there ARE lawyers, a way needs to be found to join them up, if indeed they want to.
You may ask what D J can bring to the table, and the reply is not much. I am not a lawyer. I'm just an engineer in an esoteric field. I wish I could indeed do more.
MuayTyson: re a European rights organization.
Count me in.
Meanwhile, in Dallas Texas (South South South Detroit):
From the blog of the DWL weekly, "The Dallas Observer"
By the Numbers: Few Black Students Leave DISD College-Ready
Only three out of every 100 black students in Dallas Independent School District graduate ready for college. Among black students entering DISD high schools as freshmen, 28 percent don't graduate at all.
I see A LOT of comments asking, What can we do?? What can we do??
Here is the Answer: NOTHING! You can do NOTHING! Organize?? To what end?? AmRen can't even book a conference center at the Hyatt to organize and meet up. You people have to realize that we are fighting against almost ALL OF THE WEALTH AND POWER in this world. We are fighting against a system that is so entrenched that most of the people on earth would die without it. We are fighting against a system that owns and controls ALL of the multinational corporations and ALL of the corporate farms in the USA and Western World. They can stop the flow of food,water, and electricity tomorrow if they wanted. They could take the USA back to the Stone Age if they so desired. They own all of the National and Multi-National banks. They own the Military Industrial Complex. They have weapons that can atomize entire city blocks. They have technologies that are so far advanced that you cannot fathom their existence. They can blow up nuclear plants and irradiate the world and KEEP IT A SECRET! Sorry to be the bearer of bad news or whatever, but THIS is the Truth.
THE ONLY THING you can do is wait it out. The system WILL collapse. It is inevitable. Pretending like we are fighting against this machine is just another form of control. How many rashes have you ever cured by scratching them?? The best thing you can do is to keep your integrity and identity. Never forget who you are or where you came from. Never forget OUR history and OUR people. WE are the light in this very dark universe. WE are the ones that have been enslaved and kept down. What can you do to fight them?? Don't let them take your soul, don't let them take your identity.
It's all well and good to rag on blacks about not paying water bills but if we continue with our idiotic policy of open borders, a policy driven by racist DWL hatred of whites, water is going to be a BIG problem and expense for people in this country in the future.
Here is a good start. Whether or not you believe in what this guy says, you can get something from his writings. At least the "just say no" part.
Anonymous (4/16, 2012 5:18 PM): It's all well and good to rag on blacks about not paying water bills but if we continue with our idiotic policy of open borders, a policy driven by racist DWL hatred of whites, water is going to be a BIG problem and expense for people in this country in the future.
As I have noted before; if you think these wars over oil are something, just wait until the ones begin over water.
Ex New Yorker here.....I agree with So CAL Snowman.....You are dealing with a power that is bigger than you can imagine. They are control freaks and they rule through secrecy and FEAR. I have been studying them for years and they wear many different mask. Evil always appears as an angel of light. Be careful who you trust. Beware of strangers bearing gifts. Know who your friends are and trust only those who have proven themselves to be honest. In the end the truth will win this time around and EVIL WILL DESTROY IT SELF. Stay away from stupid people. They will get you killed or rat you out. If the shit does hit the fan always have a FULL TANK OF GAS and an escape plan. Have a stash of cash and an escape route. Make plans with friends in safe zones (no Blacks) in case you need a place to stay for awhile.
If blackie does start a war these people don't have any battle plans. The first thing they will think about is free television sets and tennis shoes. They cannot balance a checkbook or run a 7-11 store, so don't worry about them having any FIVE STAR GENERALS to lead them to victory. If there is a war it will only last for a month because after that the welfare checks might get cut off.
On cofcc.com I saw the tape UNEDITED INTERVIEW WITH THE BLACK PANTHERS (go check it out). These four guys were a bunch of clowns. I was amazed. Strutting around in their funny little uniforms acting like they got tanks and airplanes. How many Black Panthers are there. Five outlaw biker gangs could wipe them out in a week. Don't buy into the fear. Darkness feeds on darkness.
I've said it before and will say it again. Move out into a "black free zone" and sit back and ride out the storm.
For the "I can see" files:
Joplin, MO - 3% black
Tuscaloosa, AL - 54% black
Hi Paul, I just got my copy of "Escape From Detroit" in the mail today, and it looks great! Very well designed and put together.
On a lighter note:
Governer Nathan Deal, here in GA, just signed a bill that was passed by our Republican controlled legislature--that will require all welfare receipients to be drug tested.
So CAL: We all feel your pain and you are clearly very intelligent. But I personally don't believe "people" are in control. I think we, as a caucasion society, have been asleep and looked the other way and allowed much of what has happened today. (not neccessarily us, my parents generation would be responsible) Its time to stand up. Its time to push back. We are done tolerating.
Me, personally, I can't even begin to remember when I noticed. It was a long long long time ago. Some people don't even realize how bad it is where they live until they move out of it and then go back to visit. Its eye opening.
Blacks and liberals have been a boil on the butt of US humanity for many years now-- and its just ready to pop.
The time is near. The aftermath is going to be.....wonderful.
There are lots of 'those who can see', but, who can act? And how? I don't claim to know the answers. I am an MD and actions of some types are career suicide, as i'm sure is the case for most of you. However, many folks I work with are like-minded, but, don't know where to focus their energies.
You make good points, and verbalize the dilemma that we all face. What to do that isn't employment or social suicide?
This is all I can come up with, given the reality of your (and everyone's core) concerns:
Support the Republican (neoconservative?) party in the hope that there is an unspoken agenda and strategy that will eventually take care of this (and some other) problems for us. Hope that the party that is 98%(or so) white will ultimately plan for and act for the interests of its constituents and ethnic European society. I think that there is an agenda that supersedes the immediate interests of most of its constituents, but I realized that holding onto the hope that they haven't forgotten about who those constituents are, and that they will come through in the end by supporting our ultimate interests as part of their secondary agenda, is really the only thing that enables me to have a glimmer of optimism and hope. This is a recent rationalization for me, done out of necessity for lack of a better solution, a non-existent solution that I have thought hard about for a couple of years now.
I've rationalized that if the battle for the west is a true global struggle, likely against the fertility rates and future economic power of Latin America, Africa, and some of Asia, than a long term strategy may be in place which has led us to the purgatory / hell that we are currently in. 'Hoping' is not the best strategy for the psyche of the average person, but given the situation, I can only 'hope' that there is necessarily information being withheld for the sake of the larger strategy. This hope is the only viable solution that is available to ethnic Euro-USA citizens, other than relocation and holing up in some still white country or in a deeply rural area in the coldest parts of this country.
Perhaps they need the overt white separatists of the world to demonize and to draw the energy and negative attention, so that the ultimate strategy can be executed without drawing as much heat. Demonizing the largely lower-middle class manifestation of their possibly hidden strategy would be a plan worthy of global political intrigue. This is all a huge leap of faith; however, if someone has a better solution than hoping our white conservative leaders don't want to live in New Africa or Newer Mexico either, then let me know. Of course, we can all subtly lead people toward an awakening to hasten whatever political process might force our interests being made an immediate priority. Just do it in a way that is both work and community safe.
You can only do what you can do.
(a) We homeschool as well and belong to a homeschool co-op
(b) We left a high cost, very liberal are to a low cost, rural, conservative area of the state. Our property taxes are minimal, and the school board is funded by transfer taxes from the liberal area of the state. Hey, they want public schools, they can pay for them.
(c) I quit my "career" job to stay home fulltime with the children when my husband got orders to Iraq the first time. Now, we rely on his income for hard cash, but our quality of life has gone up since we barter/bargain for lots of things, including extracurriculars, organic meat, honey and produce, etc. You can be very creative.
(d) I don't support anything if I see a black face and/or they support black causes. No longer use Allstate insurance, drink Coke or Pepsi...you get the drift.
(e) In our old neighborhood in the liberal area, we privatized the community pool, and required an application and pre-pay for 1.5 times the estimated share of expenses. We had NO black families apply. It made the summers much more liveable for everyone. We paid for our own community teens to get their lifeguarding certificates, and hired them at the pool at above market rates based on community consensus. The excess fees were returned to pool members in the beginning of October. It was a system that continues to work very well, but high cost upfront is a key part of the success, as well as a detailed application.
We recently purchased an income property in Orange Park, FL for cash.
We then had to go into the city of Jacksonville to have the water and sewer turned on. Everyone at JEA was black.
It took longer to have the water bill set up than it did to close on the house. The woman at the wicket beside me had no less than 5 different identities on her person all of which she attempted to use to set up a "new" water account. The staff certainly behaved as if this were not unusual.
We then went next to the all-white electric co-op. In and out in 5 mins, tops.
A new pictureof trayvon
So much to address, so little time at the nonce. Suffice to say, I hope this finds you well.
Maybe it's just the particular mood I'm in right now, but for some reason, the comment above by that fine contributor So CAL struck me as the best comment on your burgeoning site to date, and you know I've read every word you've written and all the comments that have been made.
I actually got...misty, I guess, a little. Our friend So CAL has summed everything up in THREE paragraphs.
Your readers would do well to reflect upon So CAL's words.
Thanks again, Kersey, for all the heavy lifting. More later. Hopefully.
Who could say for sure?
I'm so tired of my tax dollars being used to further the agendas of groups whose interests are in direct conflict with mine.
Welcome to Liberal Democracy wherein, by definition, you need at least two opposed nations of people competing with one another for rights, privilege, and resources.
Liberal Democracy is the biggest joke and sham ever imposed on western man.
If you have one tribal group whose interests are aligned, you have a true nation, and a nation in which a democracy can only weaken through the introduction of a group who opposes them and lays claim to their resources through 'winning democratic elections'.
Instead of the crucial issue being just how hard this particular tribal leader will work for you in promoting and defending your nations interests, the issue is if the election is rigged, and second if the leader that you didn't elect will completely fuck you over, or railroad you just a little.
The sooner we collectively wake up from the sham of democracy, the better for our people. Otherwise, as soon as they can breed or import enough democrat blacks and Mexicans, your rights and interests will be permanently marginalized (yes, I know, even more)and your resources permanently and irreversibly usurped. Democracy is only a good deal when for the group that wins. When your group loses, an antagonistic alien nation is in charge of your rights and resources. Of course, when you are sharing land with an alien nation, a chance at winning in a democracy is better than no chance at all. However, it's still mostly a compromise to an extremely bad situation.
What a complete and utter sham. Leave the propaganda behind and analyze the outcome.
Rocky 10:29 - "Is anyone else tired of the egalitarian BS that asks us to risk the lives of our loved ones "bobbing" for these elusive "good apples"!"
Spot on. I often use the same metaphor; there may be some good apples in the rotten barrel, but they just aren't worth rooting through all the rotten ones. Throw the whole barrel out.
People keep saying, "They're not all the same! Allen West! Bill Cosby! Thomas Sowell!".
I call those people a KAGO cult. They "Know A Good One!" So what? Even the "good ones" will turn on you when the chips are down. They all hate you. They all breed true to the race. Their children look like Obama's children, and they act that way, too.
The entire Babuntu species is a pestilence. Cut them all loose.
And for those people advocating boycotts: do you think "they" care what brand of toothpaste you use? Boycott the one thing that will actually help. Boycott your TV. Free yourselves and your children from the mind worm.
My semi employed ex neighbor says theres now an 'Obama Phone' the govt will subsidize yr cellphone! gees.
"THE ONLY THING you can do is wait it out. The system WILL collapse. It is inevitable..."
Right-wingers of various stripes have been making this sad argument for over half a century now -- the 'system' will somehow collapse by itself any day now! Thus, they argue, we can just sit back in our basements, survivalist compounds, or wherever (how convenient for us), until magically we will inherit the Earth.
They are right on one point, all political orders eventually fall -- and this current obnoxious one will as well -- but not without being pushed. No revolution in history 'just happened' -- they were made by the hard work of very determined men.
If we really want things to change we need to work for it as well -- making blogs like this is a good start.
Not just water/sewage bills.
Medical/dental bills. Most insurance companies require a nominal co-payment, or bill for residual charges after the fact.
Blacks do not pay up.
Demanding payment at the time of service is out of the question for blacks.
In my area, few mainstream doctors or dentists accept uninsured black patients for this reason.
If they do, there is realization that this will result in a 'write-off' loss.
Gratefully, in this notoriously wacky town, we have beau-coups bleeding hearts [and free clinics] willing to take on the task.
Medicaid patients receive treatment without having to pay a single penny....for any treatment, inpatient or outpatient.
Upon inpatient admission, some of us insured, are asked to pony up a thousand or so up front. To add injury to insult, we are asked to 'stop at the business office,' upon discharge. Whereupon, one is presented with a bill itemizing charges the insurance company has denied.
How do blacks maintain billing upkeep on the expensive I phones? They all seem to have them.
The monthly charges can be ruinous.
"I actually got...misty, I guess, a little. Our friend So CAL has summed everything up in THREE paragraphs.
Your readers would do well to reflect upon So CAL's words."
No need to reflect much on it, his beliefs can be summarized in two words: Do Nothing. There are already enough people sitting on their ass doing nothing. What we need is people like PK who are standing up and spreading the word.
Keep up the good work PK.
"How do blacks maintain billing upkeep on the expensive I phones? They all seem to have them"
They don't pay the bill or they have the money because we COVER ALL OF THEIR EXPENSES WITH WELFARE! If someone paid my bills, I would have tons of extra money to throw around. They have to choose between getting high, that new outfit, or the phone bill. Ever watched Judge Judy and all of the blacks suing over cell phone bills? Know how many blacks have a credit score of 55 and unpaid bills in collections? Almost all.
Its not just iPhones. Rent To Own, Rims for Rent, weaves-on-layaway, buy-here-pay-here, - they have way too much money and way too much shit.
We have a new "Prestige Imports" car lot near my neighborhood.
Sign says "Everyone Approved!" and "Buy Here Pay Here!" They sell Mercedes, Lexus, large SUVs, and other used luxury cars. On a Saturday, you will see groups of blacks milling around the lot. How do they afford it? $3,000 down, 24% interest loan, they default after 6 months, car lot repos the car and they sell it again, and again, and again.
The dumb blacks get a sweet ride for 6 months acting rich, and then it is back to zero again. They can't figure it all out. Dummies. If we stopped paying for their food, rent, heat, daycare, and water, they wouldn't be able to afford all of this extravagance on our dime.
There is a huge industry which services poor blacks. It all only rewards them for their bad behavior and ignorance, and requires the rest of us to cover for the loss.
@So Cal,
I feel your pain, buddy! I have argued about the futility of armed resistance on another comment thread here. Also the futility of secession.
I would like to add to that the futility of thinking that the Republican Party will help white people. Vote for it to get Obama out of power, yes. Vote for it to piss off liberals. Vote for it, for the "lulz" as the kids day.
But don't vote for it to make any real, positive changes.
I don't agree with So Cal that the system will collapse due to its own inherent contradictions. That's Marxist talk. I think it will have to be given a good, hard push.
What that consists of....I don't know, but a good beginning is to stop feeding the BEAST with your own hard-earned dollars.
Don't buy their junk food. Don't watch their junk TV shows. Don't foul up your own mind with their their crappy movies. OK, I do watch the occasional movie, but the first two are OFF MY MENU for years, and for ever.
Can you imagine what would happen to MacDonald's if, for one day, all whites boycotted it? Get my point.
As for living off the grid, home-schooling, etc., I'm all for it. I don't think that the vast majority of good white people are ready for such a drastic change.
-Continued -
A few thoughts occurred to me after I clicked, somewhat in the vein of Derb's "The Talk." I'll make it brief.
I suspect that the vast majority of the folks here treat black people decently and give them a fair shake in their daily lives.
Don't do that. Act nicely, be polite, don't make a scene, but always be very suspicious of black people, even the "nice ones." Put up an imaginary fence between you and them, because they are just not to be trusted.
If you can afford it, move away from an integrated neighborhood. Look what happened to Bob and Nancy Strait. The thug who raped and murdered Mrs. Strait lived 4 houses down. Integrated neighborhoods are dangerous.
Ignore blacks whenever possible, including in service situations. Give your business to the white (or Hispanic or Asian) customer service rep. When you have to deal with one of them, put a wall between you and them. Make it clear that you do not kiss their a$$, and that you are not a good white kowtowing liberal. Do not smile or be friendly. Be icy polite.
They know what that means. It means you are a white person who can't be f**ked with.
Amazing how few intelligent people factor this into their thought process on welfare and govt assistance programs. Its as if they have come to terms with their tax dollars being thrown away but then you bring something like this up and you can see it click, the water bill, the cable bill, electricity your bill isn't going up because its getting harder to pump water your bill is going up because there is a whole segment of the population that is not expected to pay for anything. Its a bad day when you put it all together and realize that not only your quality of life is being sacrificed but the quality of community and country is also suffering. I love this site I use it to spark intelligent debate and let people see what's really at stake. I recently told someone we would be living on mars by now if it wasn't for all the parasites (thought expressed on this site) and at first he was tickled by the comical nature of it until he realized the implications. What are we missing out on due to this anchor around our throats.
I don't know how it plays out in other cities but in mine, blacks get energy vouchers from the electric company based on their "poverty." They then use only one light bulb and carry it with them from room to room at night to cut down the electric bill. At the end of the month, they can CASH IN the unused portion of the allowance for free money.
I wonder if this goes on elsewhere?
So Cal, forgive me but I disagree. In my lifetime I was always told that there "always be" the Soviet Union, that it was a monolithic threat, that all the small nations of the world would join and overwhelm the West. Yet when we finally got a President willing to cross swords with them, they folded Permanently. The Soviet Union died when its people simply could no longer bring themselves to believe the lies any more. Negroids are on the same trajectory.
Egalitarians are already on the run on every level. Their screeching denial of biology and genetics gets hollower every year. Every book like the "Bell Curve", every blog like SBPDL, every example like Detroit; the cry that negroids are "just like us" (or even equal) becomes impossible to believe. Further, our enemies KNOW the truth already, they simply seek to prevent Whites from waking up.
Egalitarian structures are creaking and are closer every day to breaking. A few 1992 riot examples in American cities will open more eyes than ever, but even better, lead people to SEE. There will come a day, shortly, where the lies are simply unsustainable.
Police handcuffed a six-year-old girl after she threw a tantrum at school and could not be controlled by teachers or police.
The drastic action came after Salecia Johnson from Milledgeville, Georgia began throwing furniture in the classroom and tearing items off the walls.
The girl was crying in the principal's office when police arrived and she resisted when an officer tried to calm her, a police report said.
Read more: Is Desiree secretly a 6 year old girl from Georgia?
Undertow brought me out to exurbs where I face a nasty commute, but enjoy country life, for now. Handwriting on the wall re: fees for septic water etc. Idiot gov O'Malley's proposal for a "flush tax" didn't make it but they'll continue as with another proposed tax allegedly to preserve the Chesapeake Bay. I am all for conservation but gov't programs would benefit workers more tha the fish.
Unrelated, am sad seeing the Space Shuttle's piggyback ride into history, as I see the overall decline of the Nation reflected. Newscasters saying that there will be resumed NASA activity in 2030, moon landing etc. I have 2030 in my memory as the date the Country goes majority minority, so we'll see about that. When I think NASA, I think white guys with pocket protectors, not "African Americans" , as was just mentioned by the newsreader nitwit recounting some Shuttle history. The first thing she mentioned was "that we witnessed the first AA in space" BS. DC local TV station, typical.
Anon @April 16, 2012 10:08 PM
Hi Disarray! Aren't you banned?
Anonymous: Support the Republican (neoconservative?) party in the hope that there is an unspoken agenda and strategy that will eventually take care of this (and some other) problems for us. Hope that the party that is 98%(or so) white will ultimately plan for and act for the interests of its constituents and ethnic European society. I think that there is an agenda that supersedes the immediate interests of most of its constituents, but I realized that holding onto the hope that they haven't forgotten about who those constituents are, and that they will come through in the end by supporting our ultimate interests as part of their secondary agenda, is really the only thing that enables me to have a glimmer of optimism and hope. This is a recent rationalization for me, done out of necessity for lack of a better solution, a non-existent solution that I have thought hard about for a couple of years now.
This is an actual example of insanity defined. Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Look at the happy results of the 2010 "successful" elections: Obamacare continues to be implemented, Federal spending continues to increase, BRA judges are rubber-stamped, lawless agencies like the BATFE continue to be funded, totalitarian laws are passed giving the BRA regime legal authority to kill anyone they designate as a "terror threat" (which would be every person posting here, in case you are unaware) without any due process whatsoever. Meanwhile, trillions continue to be spent to Make the Ummah safe for feminism and sodomy over in the strategic poppyfields of Pashtoonistan.
What has six decades of voting for Repukes done for whites? It's expanded the scope and power of BRA nationwide. I find it astounding that anyone with even a minimal awareness of recent history would believe anything said by a Repuke politician at all. As I stated yesterday, it's way past time to start thinking outside the box. The R-jerseys and the D-jerseys are actually the same team. They have differing roles. The D-jerseys are the vanguard - pushing towards the shiny equalitarian utopia, while the R-jerseys are the "conservative" squad - there to conserve the advances made by their D-jersey counterparts.
Anon at 10:26 PM said "Liberal democracy is the biggest joke and sham ever imposed on Western man".
Democracy can only work within a group, not between groups. For example, should all the people of Japan and China take part in an election to determine if Japan should be occupied by China? Expecting a people to vote on their continued existence, and accept the result if it goes against them, is not a prescription for peace.
Another Anon: Ex New Yorker here.....I agree with So CAL Snowman.....You are dealing with a power that is bigger than you can imagine. They are control freaks and they rule through secrecy and FEAR. I have been studying them for years and they wear many different mask. Evil always appears as an angel of light. Be careful who you trust. Beware of strangers bearing gifts. Know who your friends are and trust only those who have proven themselves to be honest. In the end the truth will win this time around and EVIL WILL DESTROY IT SELF. Stay away from stupid people. They will get you killed or rat you out.
If the shit does hit the fan always have a FULL TANK OF GAS and an escape plan. Have a stash of cash and an escape route. Make plans with friends in safe zones (no Blacks) in case you need a place to stay for awhile. If blackie does start a war these people don't have any battle plans. The first thing they will think about is free television sets and tennis shoes. They cannot balance a checkbook or run a 7-11 store, so don't worry about them having any FIVE STAR GENERALS to lead them to victory.
If there is a war it will only last for a month because after that the welfare checks might get cut off. On cofcc.com I saw the tape UNEDITED INTERVIEW WITH THE BLACK PANTHERS (go check it out). These four guys were a bunch of clowns. I was amazed. Strutting around in their funny little uniforms acting like they got tanks and airplanes. How many Black Panthers are there. Five outlaw biker gangs could wipe them out in a week. Don't buy into the fear. Darkness feeds on darkness. I've said it before and will say it again. Move out into a "black free zone" and sit back and ride out the storm.
You make some good points but you're also falling into a classic error of underestimating the enemy. White it is true that there will be no World-Star Hip-Hop generals, you're forgetting that BRA does not exist because of the brilliant strategic planning and nearly unlimited resources of blacks. Blacks do not even provide the majority of funding for groups like the NAACP (which didn't even have a black president until 1960 or so).
The majority of police and military will obey the kill whitey orders of their paymasters willingly, just as they did at Waco, Texas in April of 1993. Yes, blacks will be a disorganized, dangerous rabble of looters who would collapse at the prospect of any serious armed resistance. The standing orders of military and police will be to disarm those capable of offering such resistance. Stop deluding yourselves about the prospect of police and military not carrying out the orders of BRA. In the wake of Katrina, the largely white OK National Guard unit obeyed the Ebonics-speaking Pohleece Chlef of New Orleans, Eddie Compass, to disarm middle-class white homeowners - leaving them to the tender mercies of feral roving gangs of Obama's chilllens. If the regime in Sodom-on-Potomac has sufficient money and control when the collapse takes place, the military and police under their command will not be subject to the same PC rules of engagement they are saddled with in Trashcanistan.
Anon at 8:53 PM, Apr 16, said "Support the Republican Party in the hope there is an unspoken agenda..."
It seems like a forlorn hope, driven more by despair than reason, but you may be right. There are always conspiracies afoot, it's the nature of Man. That's why Joe Stalin killed so many Communists in the 1930s. He knew his Reds, and he wanted no rivals.
We are not the only people who can see, there are highly placed people who have more accurate information and a much clearer picture than we do. No doubt some of them are ambitious, and would be willing to jump to the head of the line, if they thought they could keep their place. How many commenters here and elsewhere have written of an Obama coup to ensure his perpetuation in power? And how many generals would love that excuse to remove him and all his minions? One comment above mentions all the fantastical weapons the government has. Who wields those weapons? Does anyone doubt that there are captains of missile subs who dream of targeting not Moscow or Beijing, but Washington D.C. or New York City?
We do what we can, but we are really just small fry. Our real task is to chip away where we can, to be ready for the future, and to encourage other to get that way.
Working within the system is one tactic within a much larger strategy. Look at the way the left has organized. They have their legal "fronts" such as the National Lawyers' Guild, the ACLU, etc. But they also struggle on other fronts, such as protest and civil disobedience. All these work together to leverage their power.
These cyber days, the Internet has become another front on which to organize. Look at how race realists have gotten out the "word" on the Trayvon Martin case. In the past, Zimmerman might have been railroaded without a second thought. But today, there are enough people who are aware of the other side of this story, thanks to the work of a small number of Internet activists.
Look at the bigger picture, of how Information Warfare has become a major factor in the modern world. If nothing else, the decline of the mainstream (and largely liberal) print media is due to the Internet.
In my lifetime I was always told that there "always be" the Soviet Union, that it was a monolithic threat, that all the small nations of the world would join and overwhelm the West.
Yep. And the Soviet Union had far more total control of the media, security apparatus, economy, etc., than does the multicult in the Western world today. But in the end, it came crashing down. Another point to consider: back during the communist era, the Soviet Union was supporting third world national liberation movements which were attacking white rule in South Africa, Rhodesia and the Portuguese empire. The Soviets were, de facto, one of the leading anti-white forces in the world. Today, Russia is one of the strongest pro-white countries in the world.
Things can change, but activists have to make them change.
The Soviet Union died when its people simply could no longer bring themselves to believe the lies any more.
This is so. It's a point which was made to me when I lived (briefly) in Eastern Europe following the Fall of the Berlin Wall. It's a matter of telling the truth enough times.
One example: race realists can hammer home several points which are scientifically or statistically verifiable:
* The different median IQs of each race.
* The violent crime stats of each race.
* The illegitimacy rates of each race.
And then connect this to the outcomes; that is, the reason that blacks are behind in America is not due to any "legacy of slavery-segregation-racism" but to their own actions. Better, present the facts and let people draw their own conclusions.
It's a truism of PR, advertising and propaganda that if you repeat a statement enough times, it becomes generally accepted. The multicult has gotten away with the Big Lie for decades.
Time to tell the Big Truth!
I once heard someone put this into perspective.
Regardless what the goods are, if it is food, water, gasoline, skittles or Iced Tea, once the black man has his hands on the goods, it's no longer a matter of "How would you like to pay for it?", it becomes, "I got it now, whatcha gonna do bout it"
Thus, leaving the store clerk to decide if they wish to risk life or limb (literally) at minimum wage, to confront the savage, violent beast that is the Afro-American, …for payment for the goods.
They simply take the goods and run. It’s not in the least surprising, the world record 100 yard dash is held by a Jamaican! I need not wonder what his training program was called. “Skittles & Scoot”?
It boils down to the Afro-American culture of “Entitlement” where "possession" is 9/10th of the law. They think we are idiots to allow them to even touch the goods before they pay & that we deserve to get ripped off for being that stupid.
I digress, The city SHOULD turn off the non-paying persons water. If the flow of water is shut down to enough homes in a given area, setup a "Secure " Emergency water shack every few blocks where blacks can bring all manner of plastic jug & fill them for pennies. Then they have to carry those heavy water jugs back home on their heads. Just like their brothers & sisters do in the home country. If they want it for free (or just pennies) make them bloody well work for it!
Don't do that. Act nicely, be polite, don't make a scene, but always be very suspicious of black people, even the "nice ones." Put up an imaginary fence between you and them, because they are just not to be trusted.
Great advice. Unfortunately, it holds true for many, many non-black people as well in this particular society. Other mixed race and minority individuals have been brainwashed into thinking that the all white people enjoy some type of white privilege, and will try to screw you over while smiling to your face. Often, this behavior is institutionalized in their culture, even amongst themselves. So, do no business with non-whites, unless it is airtight in terms of you being able to protect your interests.
Additionally, many whites have taken on a mercenary mindset as a reaction against the integrated, broken-community environment that they survive in. No person is to be trusted until they have proven themselves extensively, and even then, be careful.
If you can afford it, move away from an integrated neighborhood. Look what happened to Bob and Nancy Strait. The thug who raped and murdered Mrs. Strait lived 4 houses down. Integrated neighborhoods are dangerous.
This is survival 101 for all whites. Living in a non-integrated neighborhood is a must for your psychological health; your physical safety; the psychological, educational, and cultural benefit of your children; and your minimizing of your participation in the financial support of minorities; as well minimizing your unspoken approval of their culture and integration in general.
Ignore blacks whenever possible, including in service situations. Give your business to the white (or Hispanic or Asian) customer service rep. When you have to deal with one of them, put a wall between you and them. Make it clear that you do not kiss their a$$, and that you are not a good white kowtowing liberal. Do not smile or be friendly. Be icy polite....They know what that means. It means you are a white person who can't be f**ked with.
Agreed. In a practical sense, especially in any time frame under many more hundreds-of-years, integration is a pipe dream. However, you can stall or even stop this lab experiment that is doomed-to-fail by not participating in it, ideally with the withdrawal of all interaction, but the withdrawal of your mind and community social approval and support when you have to interact.
Blacks no how to spot weakness, they test for it, and they look for weak people (liberalized whites) to exploit in terms of crime, financial exploitation ("I need two dollars to cross the bridge"), and the myriad of other ways in which they look to gain from your loss.
There's nothing I love more than communicating, with icy responses or icy politeness, that I'm a brick wall when it comes to fucking with me in any way whatsoever. In urban areas, blacks will very often try to warm up white people with polite charm and behavior in the beginning, especially in cold approaches on the street. This type of adaptive behavior (to mimic the personality that your victim best responds to) is extremely well developed in people with personality disorders (sociopaths, narcissists, etc.), disorders that black people most often have some version of due to both their immediate community environment as well as their extremely narcissistic and nihilistic culture at large. Therefore, all "nice" black people are not to be trusted. I don't even trust the ones that I know fairly well, because I know, intimately, the culture at large. I don't trust the cultural values, and so my trust in the people, always, is extremely limited.
It's hilarious to witness their drop in emotional state when they realize that I was just mimicking their false politeness and friendliness, and that I, in no way whatsoever, and vulnerable to further intimacy or empathy for them or their needs. In my very large urban area, I am quite sure that this behavior has saved me from being a victim on countless occasions (it also retains my dignity), but learning how to interact with blacks, and how to avoid their tricks, was hard earned over many, many years of interaction. Now, I can mostly communicate who I am through a street-smart stare, as I've grown into a large guy, but women and children aren't so lucky.
My advice to people who are less physically significant, is to answer any random attempt at interaction with you, on the street, with either a quick but firm "NO THANKS" as you don't break stride, or an even more firm "Why are you talking to me?" as you keep walking. Both of those phrases will keep blacks out of your face unless they intend to physically attack you no matter what.
Yep. And the Soviet Union had far more total control of the media, security apparatus, economy, etc., than does the multicult in the Western world today. But in the end, it came crashing down.
Did it come "crashing down", or was it removed to make way for the far more significant soviet EU? The EU could not have come to fruition with the USSR in place, and the EU is a soviet union with far more political power and political significance. I have an extremely hard time believing that the western world was so relieved at the dissolution of the soviet union, only to structure the EU, and its Marxist cultural policies, immediately after.
Bogolyubski: The D-jerseys are the vanguard - pushing towards the shiny equalitarian utopia, while the R-jerseys are the "conservative" squad - there to conserve the advances made by their D-jersey counterparts.
Too right. Since neither party seeks to halt government growth, each will tend to maintain ("conserve") any gains made by the other.
What's more, our government is no longer bipartisan. We are in a one-party system of the almighty dollar. Our hopes would be more wisely placed in a Constitutional third party.
One of the ad banners on the site are poisoned with malware. I got a warning from malwarebytes as soon as I hit the home page.
Californian: … back during the communist era, the Soviet Union was supporting third world national liberation movements which were attacking white rule in South Africa, Rhodesia and the Portuguese empire. The Soviets were, de facto, one of the leading anti-white forces in the world. Today, Russia is one of the strongest pro-white countries in the world.
I beg to differ. Russia's military is larded with Muslims. Dissenting journalists are being murdered. Russia has got (still largely White) Europe by the short and curlies over natural gas supplies. All this, even as Russia declines precipitously in its replacement rate of births, as in what births there are that don't involve FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome). Rates of alcoholism and suicide remain some of the world's highest per capita and the Russian oligarchy makes our good-old-boy network look like a bunch of pikers.
Call that "pro-white" if you wish, but whatever White Russian culture there is that remains continues to teeter on a demographic knife edge.
@anon 11:58 AM
How would you advise we carry ourselves when in public around black? Body language wise. How a
bout if you feel you're being watched by them?
What are some of their buttering up methods?
Is there a photo online that demonstrates the "street-smart stare"?
Democracy can only work within a group, not between groups.
Exactly my point. More precisely, that democracy between two groups is unworkable. If this is accepted, then we can conclude that co-existence between two politically opposed groups, under the guise of the same 'nation', is unworkable. One group will always be oppressed by the other group.
The only issue with democracy within a group, however, is that it allows alien groups to gain a political foothold in society, at the direct political and financial expense of the majority, under the guise of democratic freedom.
Same with taxes. About half of all Blacks simply pay no attention to Fed or State income tax forms, preparation, or filing.
Yet if a white person failed to file income taxes for 1 yr, what do you think would happen.
Why can'ts dey pay dey wata bills? Cuz dey needs da munny to pay 'fo deese!
Discard said...
Anon at 8:53 PM, Apr 16, said "Support the Republican Party in the hope there is an unspoken agenda..."
It seems like a forlorn hope, driven more by despair than reason, but you may be right.
It is admittedly forlorn hope, driven mostly by despair.
However, it's not entirely without reason.
In my original post from which you quoted, you'll notice that there was a "cont'd..." at the end.
Well, the second half didn't make it to the board. No matter, as I don't have any animosity toward Paul for anything that he wants to censor, as he has his reasons and it's his blog. Most gets through, some doesn't. Maybe it just got overlooked, or perhaps there was another reason for it's failure to make the cut. It doesn't matter, and it's okay.
Anyway, I alluded to the fact that it is possible to research republican policy, legislative, and funding sources through contrarian (leftist) research sources such as sourcewatch.com.
It is impossible for whites to have overt racial motivations in mainstream politics, but it is possible to have a covert racial agenda implemented through policy, and researching both the history of recent big name republican politicians such as Bush Jr. and Guliani, and the writings and philosophical foundations of the recently (2 decades or so) most influential conservative think-tanks, may offer a glimmer of hope. What you want to hear won't ever be overtly stated, but perhaps you can envision where certain policies may lead us in the future. However, these policy decisions will also be detrimental to most poor whites, as a matter of collateral damage, unfortunately. It truly is the poorest whites who have no-one representing them in this world, and who suffer the largest of human rights violations (complete lack of political voice) in this country.
Anonymous @ 10:08
Thank you for the kind words my friend. One never knows if his words fall on deaf ears, if he is being taken seriously or not. My intention is not to fill our hearts with despair but rather to help our collective understanding in the darkest of days.
I hate to be proven right so very often about this issue, but those readers who still think that Republicans or "conservatives" are your allies need to read this acticle. Here we have an organization who has worked over the years to establish the natural right of self-defense - enshrined in 'stand-your-ground' and 'castle-doctrine' laws - who suddenly turns on a dime and will now work for the repeal and destruction of such laws. Republicans and Democrats, Marxists and "conservatives" - all working together to advance a shiny totalitarian BRA. I had no idea that black people had such financial control over the whole country, but there you go.....
Anonymous 5:26 said "No need to reflect much on it, his beliefs can be summarized in two words: Do Nothing"
You would do well to heed my words and you totally MISSED THE POINT. My beliefs ARE NOT "DO NOTHING." My belief is that there IS NOTHING WE CAN DO TO STOP THIS (I would be the first one marching in the street with my guns if I thought differently). So spreading "awareness" is your big idea of "doing something"?? Yeah let me show you something bud, THESE are the ALexa Rank Stats for SBPDL.com. SBPDL.com (not trying to be a dick here) is ranked the 6,535,813 most viewed site on the web (among 30 million web domains). Even if we could get all 300 million + americans to simultaneously view this web page, then what? Raising awareness is only for those who think that there is a problem. Besides how are we supposed to raise awareness with NO electricity and NO internet. You think my beliefs are "DO NOTHING" because you have not a clue as to the scope and magnitude of our evil oppressors. Or maybe you think DO SOMETHING means marching on the streets with your .45 ACP with Hollow point rounds (to take down the man!) Yeah good luck shooting down a Predator Drone with that......
"My semi employed ex neighbor says theres now an 'Obama Phone' the govt will subsidize yr cellphone! gees."
yes, there is. You're getting free minutes, how much - depends on how much you're getting in Food Stamps. Basically it's not enough for daily chatting, just for emergency phone calls but they manage to get themselves 2-3 phones per person. How beats me.
So Cal,
Don't use sbpdl.com for Alexa rankings. Use the full URL.
Try this link:
Number 72,000 (roughly) in US. It's been as high as 30,000 - more than 3,500 people visit this site on a daily basis, with about 2,000 - 2,500 uniques
Original Jay - said "Don't buy their junk food. Don't watch their junk TV shows. Don't foul up your own mind with their their crappy movies. OK, I do watch the occasional movie, but the first two are OFF MY MENU for years, and for ever.
Can you imagine what would happen to MacDonald's if, for one day, all whites boycotted it? Get my point."
Look these are all GREAT ideas that have been spouted ad nauseam here and on other sites. But try extrapolating those ideas to ALL of the US! NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.
@10MM Auto - The comparisons to the Soviet Union are null and void. The Soviet Union was under the same control as the Powers that control and shape our destiny today. You were told that there would always be a Soviet Union. You were NEVER told that the Soviet Union AND the Western World were part of a great Hegelian Dialectic. Also, what I am talking about here goes much farther than simply waking people up to the facts about BRA. BRA is but a small symptom of an overall cancer that is rotting the core of humanity. BRA is a drop in the bucket compared to the larger picture......
Finally, How is my belief in an inevitable collapse Marxist nonsense? 48% of ALL Americans Do NOT pay federal or state taxes. The US government spends way more money than it could ever hope to collect via taxation. The Japanese already cut up our credit card. The Russians are busy buying gold with the Chinese and soon Uncle HU is going to tell the USA, "Hi This is Peggy, No more Credit for You!" What happens when the dollar is no longer tied to the price of oil?? How much longer can we afford to carry 100 Million people on Federal and State Welfare??
Sorry About that PK, I stand corrected. BUT the point remains. An insignificant number of people see this site (and others) to raise Critical Awareness.
Unfortunately, SoCalSnowman is right.
I'm reading a book by Henry Ford, and things were this way in his time, as well.
He also thought people were 'waking up' then, as many do now.
The internet changed the whole game, and we have a very small window still open to get the word out.
Congress will, sooner than later, turn the internet from the wild west into cable TV: regulated, fined, costly, censored.
Getting the word out to others is the way. Nothing can be accomplished head on, BRA is too strong. we have to out flank them.
If 'the system' collapses, what will come from the ashes will be something without even the minimal protections of the constitution we still have. Be careful what you wish for.
Ambitious people will be waiting for just such an opportunity.
Anonymous said...
My advice to people who are less physically significant, is to answer any random attempt at interaction with you, on the street, with either a quick but firm "NO THANKS" as you don't break stride, or an even more firm "Why are you talking to me?" as you keep walking. Both of those phrases will keep blacks out of your face unless they intend to physically attack you no matter what.
This is very good advice for anyone, but I would add that physical strength is not as ultimately important as it use to be in the modern era. I use to have a line of work that brought me into direct contact with some of the most digusting and hateful creatures in DC. The repeat offender, criminalized filth, of the mean streets of DC. I had to leave this profession for my own sanity and well-being. I did however witness on many occasions rather large muscled negroids being brought to their knees in short order with a couple shots of LEO grade pepper spray. The trick is, it is all about being situationally aware. These little women had heightened awareness because we understood we were dealing with the most dangerous element there is so they were quick to use judicious and liberal amounts of "correction". On the streets, this is the X factor. What is the person's intent? If you feel you are threatened simply put a little physical distance between yourself and the potential perf and state quite clearly how you feel. If they move forward, well, do your thing. I saw 6 foot plus masses of corded muscle and violent aggression go down in a heap because when you cannot see or breath, and your skin feels like its peeling off, it is hard to fight. Your Mileage May Vary depending on the target.
"Living in a non-integrated neighborhood is a must for your psychological health; ... and your minimizing of your participation in the financial support of minorities; ...."
Good advice but not always doable. You can live in a 100% white community but your public school districts will be zoned the way that you'll have 30% of black students in your elementary school. Yes, you can put your child in private school, but you still will be paying your property taxes. So you'll pay double: for your child in private school and for the kids in public.
Okay, Paul, I'm curious.
From the Alexa web site:
SBPDL "is also popular in Nigeria, where it is ranked #2,626."
How in hell to explain that?
Tax-payers pay for shiftless black people's food and housing, so why not pay for their water too? And while we're at it, why not a paid vacation away from the projects... say to...Hawaii for a couple of weeks a year? After all, everyone deserves a vacation, right??
MT said:
Sometimes I think that blacks get together and laugh about all the dumbass DWLs and the boon of White Guilt. Maybe Sharpton and Jackson, hell the whole CBC have a barbeque and just chuckle at how stupid YT is."
Tom Wolfe is our friend. Read his book "Radical Chic And The Mau Mauing Of The Flak Catchers". Then give used copies to DWLs. Thats the kind of thing I love to do. Also note when he wrote the book--a long time ago. But it directly addresses the black man's hustle and cowardly response by whites.
Minneapolis and St. Paul had to re-pipe their cities in the late 80's and 90's to comply with the clean water act. It was proper--the lawsuit which sought to avoid it is what was stupid. But that law suit delayed the day of reckoning and I was able to cash in on it as a sewer and water contractor. All that being said, our bills went up, but not that much. Actual construction of a whole new and entirely separate storm sewer system was paid for by federal grants and direct fees on property owners via footage.
People I know at the water department tell me they have had to have cops on hand when they go to shut off the water in certain neighborhoods for years. Thats because they get shot at. Other ploys are to fill the shut-off (called "curb cock") valve standpipe with concrete. Which then makes them liable for digging it up and repairing it--so it can be shut off. Thats not cheap here--all water services are at least 8ft. deep.
How brainless people can be?
they did it in Detroit, they did it in Ohio, they're doing it in Bronx and they WILL do it again as soon as you'll promise them FREE money.
Except for an occasional glance at the Weather Channel, I haven't watched television for at least a year.
I've got my own fast food boycott going.
Granted, that's just little old me, but that's how these things get started.
In the meantime, we can have fun. Didn't someone wise once say that living well was the best revenge?
We can train up the next generation.
We can teach ourselves and each other about our own history, culture and heritage and be proud.
And that's part of why I call myself Survivor.
Ni123 said...
Basically it's not enough for daily chatting, just for emergency phone calls but they manage to get themselves 2-3 phones per person. How beats me.
Because they sign up for different companies under the program and these companies do not communicate. So, they can sign up for company A and get a phone, then do the same with company B and neither company knows. It seems there is no agency keeping track either.
socalshoman quote "the comparisons to the Soviet Union are null and void. The Soviet Union was under the same control as the Powers that control and shape our destiny today. You were told that there would always be a Soviet Union. You were NEVER told that the Soviet Union AND the Western World were part of a great Hegelian Dialectic"
wow. You really get it, SCS. The battle for real freedom was lost long before any of us were born.
Not to be too dramatic, but the bars of our prison our becoming visible, with the suspension of our right to travel abroad if we owe the IRS.
The first step was suspending our right to travel abroad without a passport.
Next, restricting interstate travel? increasing the violations that will suspend your passport? Your right to vote? to have a job? the sky is the limit, the control freaks run the country.
we can only do our best.
If the gubmint collapses and excrement hits the oscillator, the real criminals will have long since fled justice.
"Democracy can only work within a group, not between groups."
The whole point of democracy is giving the power of government to the people. There are a lot of people living in the US. I don't know how one could expect them all to agree on everything. That's why they're allowed to voice their different opinions. The system tries to compromise and bring about an acceptable public decision. Sometimes it works great and sometimes it doesn't at all. I don't see it not working as a bad thing. It just allows more time for discussion to find a better solution.
When laws are passed by a slim majority, you luckily have the freedom to vote again in the next election. You also have the freedom to protest the decision and change people's minds in the meantime. We also have safeguards in our democratic system, our courts, if perhaps a minority of the population feels whatever law is unjust and can't convince the majority to change it.
Blah blah blah.
Also to the anonymous calling democracy a sham,
If you don't want decisions being made by the majority of the population, who then should be making them? What is your solution?
"Because they sign up for different companies under the program:
yeap, seems right. This is how it works. Thanks.
Great, but you didnt put enough apostrophes in random places in the name.
On yahoo and my local news there is a story of a 6 yr old black girl in milledgeville, ga, who went beserk in the principal's office. She tore down shelves and threw furniture. The cops were called, and she was put in handcuffs and charged with destruction of property. Her mother says the girl has "mood swings" and "just had a bad day." Of course, some of the public is outraged a 6 yr old was put in handcuffs. What else were they supposed to do? Let her tear up everything, and possibly kill somebody by hurling an object? The mother of the girl could not be reached during the incident. and she's already justifying the kid's behavior, implying a white kid wouldnt have been cuffed, and no doubt will sue the school and police dept. Gosh, they sure start young with BBB, dont they?
Now, I'm going to ask a touchy question.
I'm fairly new to your country (7 years this coming June) and in certain areas I'm still in "orientation" stage. Martin/Zimmerman's case shook me up pretty good. I was oblivious before just like so many others.
But. I've put together my own little statistics today. Let's say in some mostly white county (87% white, 13.6% black) some program in some non-profit entity is providing services for mentally unstable population. Services include among others housing and financial assistance (utility bills, rent, etc paid for clients). Demographic breakdown for this program is as follows: about 70% white, 30% black.
So here is my question. Why while speaking about "paying their bills" you're are singling out only blacks? I mean there are plenty of "less fortunate" whites whose bills are paid by tax payers as well.
To my understanding it is because blacks overall are more violent, more promiscuous, and numbers of them receiving all kinds of state and federally funded assistance are unproportionally big relating to the 13% of their total population.
Am I right or am I not?
Thank you.
Moar lulz from our old friends at WSHH!
Sing it with me! Skool daze, skool daze...
You're wrong. Blacks see tax time as a pay day. hell, they'll be up at h&r block ASAP for the the 'rapid refund' rip-off. EIC, and a $1000 per kid. but, yeah, they wouldn't file otherwise.
Only one solution if you work in Atlanta. Commute from Gatlinburg Tennessee.
"To my understanding it is because blacks overall are more violent, more promiscuous, and numbers of them receiving all kinds of state and federally funded assistance are unproportionally big relating to the 13% of their total population."
Does this realy need addressing? I think you just answered your own question.
But if you need a definitive answer then: YES, an emphatic YES!
Ni123: There are, of course, Whites who are poor and receive subsidies, but they are a small fraction of our population, and we can carry that burden. We can also, without accusations of "racism", kick them in the ass and tell them to get a job. They are a manageable problem. Blacks, on the other hand, have a murder rate 11 times that of Whites, and excel in every other social pathology, including welfare dependency. They are the anvil that we can no longer carry. After 40 years of giveaways and preferences, not only have they not come up to civilized standards, they haven't even narrowed the gap. In many respects, they are worse. We are drowning. It's time to dump the load.
Anon at 5:03 PM, Apr 17: The reason that democracy can only work within a group is that there are sometimes irreconcilable differences on matters of survival between different groups. Shall the language used in the schools and all government business be German or Polish? There's no way either group can agree to give up their language and culture. That is why there are two countries, Germany and Poland. For over a century, much of Poland lived under German rule, until the treaty of Versailles restored sovereignty to the Poles. Both peoples are better off for having a border.
In this country, Whites are expected to support a parasitic underclass and a parasitic overclass. There's no compromise between those who say, "I want to care for my self and my family by working" and those who say, "I want free stuff". When those who want free stuff grow numerous enough,they will, by democratic means, force the producers to hand everything over.
What compromise can there be between those who want to establish a Hispanic culture in the Southwest, and those who wish to keep an American culture? Especially when the Hispanics expect the Americans to provide and maintain the infrastructure that they are incapable of creating themselves? Put that squarely on the ballot, and see if you don't get civil strife.
Democracy requires that most of the population share certain assumptions. A near balance between producers and parasites means that those necessary assumptions are not shared.
Historically, democracy has been a fleeting thing. Benign despotism has been the best system for most people in most places. We'll be lucky to have that in 20 years.
Blacks don't like to pay ANY bills. They can't sustain a household.
Young black couple moves in to next door rental last Oct. Unmarried, 4 small kids. Not very generous with personal information, just says "hi" occasionally. They have a large SUV and a BMW. Flury of shopping trips to Target and Walmart to furnish things, stock fridge, RTO and big screen shows up. Kids playing ball in yard, fun fun fun. Cable TV guy hooks up cable, weekend party with the friends over, everything set. Prosperous Christmas, lots of toy boxes and trash put out. Then shit starts to fall apart, little by little. I predicted it.
Now, cable shut off, friend with ladder comes to hook it up again illegally. Gas man comes knocking, no one home. Leaves pink slip.Yard not mowed in weeks, trash bags thrown in garage, no trash put out. Weeds growing high. SUV docked in driveway not running, no money for repairs. Hustling to make it work with only one car. Driver door on BMV stuck, sunroof stuck open, taped on plastic. Hearing more frequent domestic disputes, a couple of the kids disappear. No kids playing outside anymore.
Blacks are very inconsistent. It all looks normal at first, but don't be fooled. I assume they are running from bill collectors and it is time to move again once the new bills are due. They just can't seem to keep things running. I am betting they will ditch on their lease and move in the middle of the night like most do.
Dissident said...
"Does this realy need addressing? I think you just answered your own question.
But if you need a definitive answer then: YES, an emphatic YES!"
Thank you. I just wanted to be sure. You see, my knowledge on the subject literally is about 2 weeks old.
Discard said...
"There are, of course, Whites who are poor and receive subsidies, but they are a small fraction of our population, and we can carry that burden."
Thank you.
Anon: "They just can't seem to keep things running. I am betting they will ditch on their lease and move in the middle of the night like most do."
They might. Or not. They can stop paying until their landlord files for eviction. Then the poor dears with evictions court orders go to DSS and DSS pays their rent. This can go over and over, for months.
the funny thing: landlord cannot kick them out. They have kids.
same with electric. I've seen electric bills thousands dollars behind. Nobody cuts their power off.
Wow...if I lived next door to someone as nosy and stalkerish as you, why would I be "generous" (ludicrous!) with my PeRSONAL info? You sound deranged...
If landlord is lucky they decide to dump the lease. Next thing landlord is facing is costly repairs of the premises because what they leave behind is despicable.
Once building manager came to check on one of subsidized houses. Found it vacated, opened the door, entered and instantly jumped out. The stench was so strong he vomited in the bushes. Those people left refrigerator full and off for 2 weeks in summer. The whole house was infested with roaches. Living room's carpet was literally crawling - maggots. I don't know what they kept there, probably trash bags. Little girl's pink comb was on the floor, and roaches were crawling all over it.
Two boxes packed with porn DVDs were found in one of the bedroom.
Anon at 4:04 PM, Apr 18: It is only prudent, given the social defects that so many Blacks have, to pay close attention to them. You did notice that Anon at 1:21 PM had his suspicions confirmed by events? If you are a property owner, you notice things that may threaten your investment, simply as a matter of survival. The old lady with the unkempt yard is not a problem, since the tall weeds that harbor rodents are not signs of an approaching wave of octogenarian vandals. OTOH, a Black, any Black, bears watching as the possible vanguard of neighborhood Negrification. Too many towns have been destroyed by Blacks for any homeowner to feel complacent about them.
Californian: … back during the communist era, the Soviet Union was supporting third world national liberation movements which were attacking white rule in South Africa, Rhodesia and the Portuguese empire. The Soviets were, de facto, one of the leading anti-white forces in the world. Today, Russia is one of the strongest pro-white countries in the world.
I beg to differ. Russia's military is larded with Muslims. Dissenting journalists are being murdered. Russia has got (still largely White) Europe by the short and curlies over natural gas supplies. All this, even as Russia declines precipitously in its replacement rate of births, as in what births there are that don't involve FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome). Rates of alcoholism and suicide remain some of the world's highest per capita and the Russian oligarchy makes our good-old-boy network look like a bunch of pikers.
Call that "pro-white" if you wish, but whatever White Russian culture there is that remains continues to teeter on a demographic knife edge.
I agree with the demographic knife edge part, but that fact doesn't discount Russia's pro-white sociopolitical climate. First, Russia has a long history of Muslims in the country, and it is near impossible for any country in the world to keep Muslims out altogether. Not even Israel can do as much, and almost all Muslims in Russia are white. It would likely be better if the entire country were Orthodox Christian, but in a country that large it is unrealistic.
Russia is a country that is not only recovering from almost a century of communism, but is also a country, likely due to its resistance to liberalism and multiculturalism, which will never receive co-operation or partnership from the rest of the western world outside of its ability to gain as much from military/geopolitical or natural resource leverage.
Russia has to rebuild its social from scratch, but even after a century of communism the population is conservative enough to be, arguably, the most naturally resistant to the multicult in the white world. That's something, and its not likely to change soon.
Just because the population is floundering, due to its history, its low birthrate, and alcohol/drugs, doesn't mean that we should discount them or not support them. After what they dealt with, and given how far they have come, as whites, they deserve our moral support more than any other white population in the world. From a social conservatism POV, they certainly have the most potential to resist the liberalization of the west.
If you don't want decisions being made by the majority of the population, who then should be making them? What is your solution?
Respectfully, your missing the big picture as to why democracy is flawed. Read the responses that attempt to clarify.
Briefly, I'll attempt to illustrate by taking a different tact.
There shouldn't be a "majority". That is because when you have a "majority", you necessarily have a "minority". The minority is the problem, as that minority can be so politically different from the majority, that they essentially operate as a separate nation culturally, financially, politically, etc, to the point where their interests are only fulfilled when those of the other group are suppressed.
That is what we have in this country.
If a democracy doesn't start with this sociopolitical dynamic, it best leaves the politics of the country open to it evolving to this point. That is what has happened in this country.
Groups with antithetical political, cultural, and economic interests should be different nations, complete with separate borders. Every individual group of politically aligned people, most often aligned through tribal relation and culture, should be granted the right of auto-determination, free of the influence of groups whose interests will suppress those of the group, as a basic human right.
Democracy leads to the suppression of one politically aligned group of people for the benefit of another. All people deserve a leader that has their best interests at heart, as a group, and their best interests only. This is why integration is fatally flawed, and actually only leads to the reduction of political power for all people, not the gain of it.
In terms of the majorities interests winning out, if you are willing to accept the suppression of the interests of the losing group (I'm not), that is also a flawed justification for democracy, as modern media and electoral politics has proven that the majority can very easily be fooled into voting against their interests, and for the interests of the minority. Hence, a minority can easily rule over a majority in a democracy. Just because people are uneducated, naive, or susceptible to propaganda doesn't justify their rights and interests being usurped for the benefit of a minority, or anyone else. Hence, the system must be set up so that people cannot vote against their self-interests or against the interests of their extended family/tribe.
@anon 11:58 AM
How would you advise we carry ourselves when in public around black? Body language wise. How a
bout if you feel you're being watched by them?
What are some of their buttering up methods?
Head up, shoulders back. Looking directly at them is useful for a certain purpose, but eye contact is also a signal for some (usually the non-violent beggars or hustlers) to engage you. So, size up who you are looking at first. If the only danger seems to be that they might ask you for money, then avoid the eye contact or lengthy stare. Just ignore, but keep them in your periphery for an unexpected engagement or danger. If you get the willies (your sixth sense can DEFINITELY save you-it has me), then be sure to look right at them to let you know that you are aware of them and their possible intentions.
The eye contact is primarily used to stare down the ones who may have more physical or violent ends in mind. It doesn't have to be long, but just enough to show that you aren't afraid to look right at them. The key is to not jerk your head away quickly, like someone who is scared or intimidated, but rather let is slowly turn from the stare. Don't make eye contact when up close, as that can be a 'challenge' signal (just like in the jungle) but is better for when you are approaching from a distance to signal that you are aware of them and street smart about their possible intentions, and show that you aren't afraid. The most violent won't care what you do if they are determined, but the main idea is to keep an air of confidence and to show self-awareness and situational awareness. Criminals want someone who isn't situationally aware or street smart. They want easy targets.
Most importantly, work on your voice strength and tone. Should someone engage you uninvited, you want a strong voice that communicates that you have no chink in the armor for further conversation. Make it snappy and assertive. "NO THANKS". "WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO ME??"
As I said before, if someone wants to make you a victim than they will, and you likely won't see it coming, but these tips can help make you seem like less of a good idea to target or to bother.
When I'm walking in the city, especially on a deserted sidewalk in an iffy area, I constantly stay aware of who, if anyone, is walking behind me on the sidewalk. Glance behind yourself somewhat regularly. This isn't behaving scared, but street smart. If you get robbed, the person will most likely approach from behind, and will less likely do so if they know that you know that they are back there. Also, they will likely keep their distance until the last second, and they sometimes work in teams (one behind you and one in front) and so someone slowly walking a block behind you can be a threat. Stay aware of them, as well as people doing supposed innocuous things in front of you.
I've lived in one of the largest half black cities my entire life, have been robbed at gunpoint twice, and grew up in a rougher area... so my advice is well earned and valid, although I'm sure some others can add to it.
"To my understanding it is because blacks overall are more violent, more promiscuous, and numbers of them receiving all kinds of state and federally funded assistance are unproportionally big relating to the 13% of their total population.
Am I right or am I not?"
There are several issues, but Thugish-Alpha behavior on the part of welfare recipients is probably the biggest one.
"The reality captured on YouTube showed a white 67 year old Vietnam vet beating the crap out of a young black gangbanger who attempted to assault him."
No, it showed a violent mental patient racially abusing and then beating up a 40 year-old man.
Epic Beard Man is not a good guy. He's a nut, and a repeat offender.
As long as we're talking about Stuff Black People Can't Do (like paying their own bills), here's one more thing a Black world would never see happen:
What are some of their buttering up methods?
Any type of random conversation, likely friendly in tone. Joke telling is common here. Just realize that these people don't engage strangers for no gain. It can even be used as a distraction as a team-mate steals something or approaches you from behind. They are looking to extract something, and will often change tone abruptly when they realize that you aren't susceptible to their advances.
"No, it showed a violent mental patient racially abusing and then beating up a 40 year-old man".
Sorry to you,Paul M. I saw a 40 year old drunk black man with a blackitude trying to intimidate an old white man who wasn't having any part of it. He talked smack, got some of it back, then got physical and paid the price. Too bad for him.
I don't care if Epic Beard Man is a good guy or not, the black fellow got what was coming to him. If he's a repeat offender in not bowing down to the big-mouth black, then good for him. I wish more people would do the same.
"Ignore blacks whenever possible, including in service situations. Give your business to the white (or Hispanic or Asian) customer service rep."
I bought a new automobile last year. When I went to the Buick agency (my short-list included the Enclave), I found it had changed hands, and had become a system house. Lots of run-around, but what finally got me to walk out was being introduced to someone selected to play the part of "finance manager". His being black was an initial warning. Then his mannerisms sealed the deal. I have met blacks who are well-mannered and courteous; I have met those for whom it is an act. His was the latter.
I finally bought a car (different make) at an agency where there is a black salesman I walked right past. He was their token. The rest of the agency is white except for the lot boys and go-fers.
"And while we're at it, why not a paid vacation away from the projects... say to...Hawaii for a couple of weeks a year?"
No. Send them to Martha's Vineyard, the Hamptons, or Hyannis Port. Let the DWLs and the politicians see and experience the diversity they so eagerly ram down the throats of the common man.
Discard: In this country, Whites are expected to support a parasitic underclass and a parasitic overclass.
Not just parasitic. With the phenomenal productivity of Whites, we might be able to survive that. The parasitic classes have also become predatory.
This is a huge paradigm shift and it represents an intolerable political, financial and physical burden to try and defend oneself against this double threat.
None of this even examines the obscene synergy that has arisen as the predatory overclass begins to use Blacks and minorities as shock troops in their effort to install world government based upon corporate political hegemony.
D J: ["And while we're at it, why not a paid vacation away from the projects... say to...Hawaii for a couple of weeks a year?"]
No. Send them to Martha's Vineyard, the Hamptons, or Hyannis Port. Let the DWLs and the politicians see and experience the diversity they so eagerly ram down the throats of the common man.
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