That's how Nelson Mandela hagiographer Richard Stengel describes the recently deceased first black president of South Africa.
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Black South Africa gained their freedom, but we can't talk about what happened after this momentous occasion... |
If he's correct, why not just all drink the Jim Jones-stirred Kool-Aid and go off and live on the tail of the Hale-Bopp Comet?
The last pure hero, dead? Why on earth is life worth living anymore?
Consider that since his election into office, the South African military (you know, that militant wing of black state power in South Africa, assigned with defending state interests) has completely collapsed under the precarious weight of racial realities.
Submarines don't work, the entire fleet in dry docks.
The SA Navy is crippled by a lack of qualified personnel:
The South African Navy is being crippled by a lack of qualified personnel, which means that only half its frigates and one of its three submarines can be manned at any one time.
The source added that the Navy was trying so hard to meet its empowerment quotas that black personnel were being put in most top positions even though the majority are insufficiently trained.
Some of the South African National Defence Force’s other problems that were identified included a sense of entitlement and self-enrichment amongst members, bloated personnel costs and the SANDF being forced to take orders from a political party rather than the government.
Extreme affirmative action has gutted the South African Air Force, with political pressure from the democratically elected black government to find more black pilots to fly European built aircraft:
The South African Air Force (SAAF) has a morale problem. The government has been trying to integrate previously all white institutions. This has been most difficult in areas that require lots of technical training and education. Like pilots. The government has set a racial goal for SAAF pilots, and wants them to be 75 percent black and 25 percent white. Currently, it is 19 percent black and 81 percent white. The morale problem arose when, recently, three top rated graduates of pilot training school, who would normally go on to fly fighters, were told that, because they were white, they would instead fly helicopters or transports. Three, less qualified black pilots would go on to fly fighters. When commanders noted the morale problem, and public outcry, they declared that it was no longer the policy to send the best pilots to fighters, but to spread the best pilots around to all flying communities.It's entire fleet of 18 Agusta A109 helicopters were grounded, due to lack of funds.
But Nelson Mandela persisted, bringing black-empowered democracy to a nation founded and maintained by whites! He's the last true hero on planet earth, though the nation his earthly body just left is virtually incapable of fighting a war.
But blacks run the whole show in South Africa! Who cares about petty little details that don't include rehashing why Apartheid was wrong and how those evil white South Africans deserve mass genocide, right? [Richard Stengel: ‘We’ve kind of made [Mandela] into a Santa Claus. He wasn’t', Daily Caller, 12-6-13]:
He was a pragmatic politician,” he told “Morning Joe” co-hosts Willie Geist and Mika Brzezinski. “He wasn’t a visionary necessarily, he wasn’t a philosopher, he wasn’t a saint. But he never deviated from [seeking democracy for black South Africans]. But anything that would get him there, he embraced, including violence.”
“He created the violent wing of the ANC,” he continued. “And people don’t realize that and don’t remember that. We’ve kind of made him into a Santa Claus. He wasn’t. He was a revolutionary.”
And hey, South African-style black empowerment is coming to America's military, where Nelson Mandela's shadow is never hard to find. [Minority officer accessions continue to rise, Military Times, 11-26-13]:
The group of officer candidates recruited during fiscal 2013 was the most diverse in the Corps’ history, Marine Corps Recruiting Command announced last week.
Nearly a quarter of the new officer candidates were minorities, up almost 9 percentage points from fiscal 2010, when 15.2 percent of officer candidates were non-white.
The pool in fiscal 2013 included 78 black candidates, 141 Hispanics and 121 Americans of other minority backgrounds. They made up more than 24 percent of the 1,400 candidates recruited during the past fiscal year.
Lt. Col. Chester McMillon, head of MCRC’s officer programs, said boosting the diversity of the officer pool in 2013 continued an upward trend, according to a Marine Corps news release.
“We’ve nearly doubled the diversity of officer accessions over the past five years,” he said. “The Marine Corps will benefit from a diverse force for the simple fact that any organization is more successful when they have the best folks from all segments of society.”
Creating a more diverse force has been one of Gen. James Amos’ priorities as commandant. In March, he called on the Corps to take a fresh approach to diversity, which included recruiting and retaining minority and female officers, plus better leadership and mentoring to help them develop.Laugh if you will at the state of the South African military, unburdened by the demand of high qualifications and actual merit behind promotions; understand the United States Military is roughly 25 years away from fully embracing Nelson Mandela's shadow. [Pentagon training manual: white males have unfair advantages, Fox News, 10-31-13]
We even have black Air Force generals blaming 'racism' on the lack of black pilots, and Navy SEALs diversity outreach a greater strategic initiative/goal than recruiting qualified candidates.
Mandela was a terrorist, who ushered in a world where being white is a true liability; but his true legacy is showing, for those who actual care to look, that black empowerment through democracy is a greater catastrophe than an atom/nuclear bomb strike.
South Africa's dying cities and collapsing military show us this, just as Detroit 2013 shows us this.
So Stengel is correct in a weird way, with Mandela being the "last pure hero on the planet," for the ideology known as Black-Run America (BRA); but once his shadow passes, the opportunity for new heroes - who must pick up the pieces of a civilization ravaged by his hand - will emerge.
Detroit is what you get when BRA turns a whole formerly white city over to black people.
South Africa is what you get when BRW (Black Run World) turns a whole formerly white country over to black people.
First of all, allow me to express my grief at the passing of the world’s greatest human, Nelson Mandela. That said, I feel I must address the vicious, ad hominem attacks I have been subjected to recently!
I have seen my name invoked in many unflattering ways on this site. I must say that as a successful, published in-my-field PhD, I refuse to take personal offense. I do, however, take umbrage on behalf of the subjects of my scholarship, the noble African American, who is routinely and unfairly maligned by Mr. Kersey and his commenters.
So, you want me to list an African-American “invention” that is obviously provincial so you can all scoff at it and feel superior? Well, let me introduce one that is of interest to both male and female white people: the Appletini.
How so!? Allow me to explain. It was African American women who first broke down the barriers of white male control in America. When slave holding plantation owners were exposed to traditional African American dance, they couldn’t believe what they saw. The pure, unadulterated sexual energy exhibited by the female African dancers smashed the barriers of fusty, Victorian sexual mores. The lustful sons of Southern planters then expected the same from their own cold and indifferent “arctic princesses.”
Fast forward 200 years and we can see that the open sexuality of African Americans resulted in both the sexual and political liberation and equalization of white females. Hence the reason they are now able to walk into what was once an exclusively male domain, (a bar) and order what is unmistakably a female drink, the Appletini.
So, ladies, the next time you stick the key in your 3-series BMW and careen down to the bar to meet your white-privileged, shiksa sisters and cruise for single (or apparently single) guys, please remember the historical sacrifices of your black female predecessors. The same goes for you blonde, blue-eyed fraternity brothers. The next time you go “cougar hunting” for Courtney Cox lookalikes, just remember that your “happy hunting ground” wouldn’t even exist if it were not for African Americans.
Dr. Donald Moshe Epstein
National Institute for Historic Geographical Research
Well said as always. Thank you. Nelson Mandella was a black revolutionary who embraced violence. Racial violence. "Kill the Boer" was one of the ANC's rally songs. I would love to see Boers immigrate to our less populated, whiter states. To off set the militant black Muslim Somalis that our government seems to want to bless us with.
I would welcome some Boer diversity. We need all the help we can get.
Son of Delbert
Here is a very good page on Mandela's real record:
Some fine thoughts from a South African on his passing.
also for those that want to see some graphic pictures to upset you here ya go:
They've been running on fumes since the handover of power, based on the capabilities of the white population and the structure of what they handed off. It'll all grind to a halt and decay once the white population dwindles away, either quickly or slowly. Reversion to the mean is the concept to keep in mind, in this case a reversion to the African mean which as everyone knows is very low. Perhaps they'll do a Rwanda on the whites when they realize they're not getting magically rich, as their cargo-cult thinking leads them to believe. It's back to the future, 2000 BC is where they'll go.
1981 and 1982 I and my blonde white First-wife, lived in Johannesburg.
It was wonderful. It was clean. It was amazing. We would go out for diner and WALK in Hilbrow and never had a problem.
We would walk in parks. No problem. We would go have coffee and play chess at this cafe (second floor) all Sunday morning. No problem.
Today, I would be KILLED in these vary same locations and my X would be raped and beaten.
South Africa is now a hell hole and the Kaffirs are suffering MORE under NigerRule.
They deserve it.
The appletini eh?? Ha thats a good one, you crack me up Doc!
here's something to chew on. our #1 ally is Great Briton right? or at least they say! Well when probably the most powerful WHITE woman of all time died Margret Thatcher our Head NGR In Charge(HNIC) didn't even lower the Flag to 1/2 mast! not even for one fucking day! well the HNIC communist buddy dies and not only his country isn't a top 5 ALLY but the HNIC told his peeps to fly Old Glory at 1/2 mast for 10 f-ing days!
Now it's reported that the HNIC and his not so better half are going over towards his home country Kenya(moochelle's words not mine) for the "man who changed the world's"(again not my words) funeral.
I don't think the HNIC sent a secretary(the kind behind the desk & answers the white house phone) let alone the Secretary of State John Ferry! to Ms. Thatcher's funeral this Greatwhites again tells us what we already know! The HNIC HATES ALL WHITE PEOPLE! except when they shine his shoes for him! That Son of a Bitch!
Thank you, sir, for an antidote to the hagiographical "news" coverage of Mandela. Just ridiculous. How many of these writers would care to drive around South Africa today without bodyguards? Or live in a house there without security (fences, dogs, etc.)? That REALITY is so far from what is portrayed that it is very disturbing.
City Resident,
You said "It's back to the future, 2000 BC is where they'll go."
Look at Africans who are untouched by civilization. Does that look like the sites you've seen from 2000 BC Asia or Europe?
We're talking about Africans. So in a sense it's back to today, but by today I mean it's back to about 200,000 BC in non-afro years or more.
They have a long, long way to fall without outsider help. Their only hope, as disgusting as this is to write, is to capture white women to get their genes. But there aren't enough whites there to overcome nig-dna so even that won't help.
Anyway, may your soul burn in hell Mandella, or worse, may you be born a vile hateful and ungrateful nigger again and again and again.
And of course the liberal response to South Africa turning into the rape/robbery/murder capital of the world under black rule is the standard - "they've been oppressed and denied education for generations so OF COURSE they are going to struggle, just give them TIME" - as if the africans are one day going to reverse their spiral into total chaos and anarchy.
This world is beyond sick. South Africa is the perfect example of the mental sickness that pervades the Western World. Here we have a country that has been transformed from a first world, global producer, to a third world african kleptocracy and this is viewed as a GOOD thing. The global media presents anarchy and chaos to a world audience as a sign of progress, while demonizing and condemning the orderly and civilized past. It's sickening that peace and prosperity are seen as evil and backward and anarchy and violence are seen as progressive and democratic. Under Apartheid Whites could safely walk the streets of South Africa at night. Under the ANC, Whites are lucky not to be attacked in broad daylight. They say progression, but what they really mean is regression. Slavery is Freedom. War is Peace.
Look at all these demonic White politicians gushing over a communist piece of shit with blood stained hands. They say he brought "freedom" to South Africa. Do the Whites living behind razor wire fences and armed security look very "free" to you? The only "freedom" unleashed by Mandela and the ANC was the freedom to rape,rob, and murder whomever you see.
"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
This article should have been titled:
"Why whites are guaranteed to win the coming race war"
Seriously, can they operate anything more complex than a AK47?
He had a special fondness for old tires and gasoline.
Meanwhile a White husband and father is murdered by members of the tribe in Indianapolis. He apparently was responding to a Craig's List ad to by a used iPad. White brothers and sisters please use common sense when purchasing items off of Craig's List. This man was evidently a military man so he should have known better.
RIP Sgt. 1st Class James Vester
Now is the time, now that people are focused on Mandela's passing to post links like the one anon posted above on CNN and other news sites or blogs canonizing Mandela. The world has no idea what has happened to Whites in SA.
Get the word out people. Quit bitching here and get the word out!
To those who would blame colonization on Africa's woes I respond with a resounding NOPE! You see my grade school teacher had this massive collection of old National Geographic magazines filled with pictures of African natives. These were ca. 1900 volumes. The reason they never rose above loin cloths and huts then is the reason they are the way they are now.
The American flag is at half staff until Monday for this communist
Shalom, Dr. Epstein, my broyim from another moyim! (Forgive my spelling. Must get this posted before sundown.)
Don't forget the Negro invention that white Europeans absolutely cannot live without: Toilet Paper.
No, not the bastardized Double-Quilted, Perfumed, Triple-Ply Charmin that graces the priveleged bumholes of these decadent Westerners, but the Mother of All Toilet Paper -- The Tree. The population of Hominus Negrus, on the whole continent of Africa, was flatlined at 14,000 until the advent of whom we lovingly call "Jesus Washington Carver", in 25,000 B.C.S.D. (Before Chanukkah Sales Discounts). It was this Original Black Jesus who recognized that his Beautiful People were dying much too young, due to the unhygienic practice of wiping their asses with their bare hands, and then wiping the dung into their nappy hair to attract flies, or even licking it off to extract undigested vitamins (in addition to the vaunted Secret Recipe, Col. Sanders also stole the catchphrase "Finger Lickin' Good" from the Negro Race). Jesus Carver realized that His People needed a hands-free device (a Poo-Toof, if you will) to remove the feces in a sanitary manner.
He experimented tirelessly, crossbreeding countless type of grasses and shrubs, until finally, the girthy-masted Tree was borne. He trekked across the Mother Continent, planting trees and showing the Noble Savages how to wipe their buttholes on the tree trunk. This tradition was passed down the generations through interpretive dance, which today is called "Twerking". Freed at last from the bonds of pathogenic disease, African became a pool, brimming and swimming with many new lifeforms; the Negroid population exploded geometrically, spawning even the inferior Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Mexican races. And when the dominant, alpha, sexy Negroids learned how to grow smaller trees to use as spears, they used their cunning war-making abilities to run those honkeys, chinks and beaners off their continent.
So, yes, while the Appletini was a modern Negro breakthrough, we must Never Forget (wink!) that without the mind of that great Negro savior, the world would never have known the existence of trees, paper, toilet paper, or even the usurpers of toilet paper -- white people.
I assume we're still meeting for bagels and kosher koffee at the usual place and time, with our wives, Hadassa and Hadassah.
Yours in Moses,
Dr. Moischel Vanderheeb, D.D.S.
I have to take umbrage with the good Dr. Epstein.
BTW, what exactly does that PhD stand for anyway? Piled High and Deep? Post Hole Digger?
Dr., you state that you are published "in your field". Just what field would that be? African American Arrested Development and Oppression studies?
Where did you get your degree Epstein? Inquiring minds would like to know.
I'm posting the direct link from anon so that folks here can click through directly.
These images are very disturbing.
Here's your South African Communist Brutality.
Post this far and wide white people!
There is so much I can say...
I'll comment based on my own experience, both in South Africa and as a rightist political activist way back when, trying to rally support for the white South Africans back here in the USA.
The central organizational failure of white-ruled South Africa was a lack of an effective agitprop apparatus. There needed to be a mass effort to mobilize people in the white world behind South Africa and against sanctions. There were some uncoordinated efforts run by various conservative groups. And a few things done by the SA government. But they were outspent by the pro-communist/anti-apartheid side by a wide margin.
You have to ask, if the SA government had took just a fraction of the moneys it poured into the armored vehicles fighting up in Angola and instead spent it on media, student fronts and street protests, would they have lost the political battle?
Of course, SA whites lacked the resources and connections for the kind of global agitprop effort that the ANC and its communist backers could muster. You also have to look at the useful idiots in Western liberal media/academia who went into raptures over St. Nelson Mandela, Inc. And let us not leave out GOP defectors who jumped on the sanctions bandwagon.
The agitprop struggle was decisive in the post-World War II era. Winning the political war trumped winning the military battles. Look at the French failure in Algeria, the Portuguese in their African colonies, or the US in Vietnam. Plenty of money for big tanks and shiny jet fighters, not enough for student groups, posters, newspapers and TV.
This trend remains today.
If race realism or the true right wants to triumph, it is going to have to fight and win on the agitprop front.
I wish there was a pill that would make me forget I was in the Marine Corps
Hey General Jimmy screw you!
Today in history: The 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery, was ratified on Dec. 6, 1865 ...
that was our first fucking mistake. The second mistake was giving them the vote. The third mistake was not selling them all back to their African tribal leaders or shipping them out when Liberia was established.
I agree this is the time to clarify to whites, what will happen to you if you allow yourselves to become a numerical minority among a sea of sullen halfwits.
It also shows the white what is in store for them once the blacks saddle us with all the work and all the blame while they skim all the cash as Bongo bongo kleptocrats.
What in hell is an "Appletini"? And do not denigrate the BMW3 (excellent car ... though heresaround regarded as the stereotypical mark of a Turkish prole - the rear-wheel drive makes them feel maler ;b).
-If I remember right, Saint Nelson was convicted of murdering two (white) policemen. Not too many years earlier, in Saint Britain he would have been summarily hanged for that (automatic death penalty for commission of or accessory to any crime where an officer was killed).
For roughly a century, the University of the Witwatersrand was way the best in Africa. Quite a few of our people taught there. Now Jo´burg is officially more dangerous than Kigali. Yes, CENTURION, it is a sad spectacle.
So: Rest in piss, Mandela.
Anonymous December 6, 2013 at 4:00 PM said: Seriously, can they operate anything more complex than a AK47?
"Operate" in its most basic sense... spray airballs from the hip for 3 whole seconds, the time it takes to empty a 30-round magazine while in full-auto. That's assuming that the negro's poor maintenance of the weapon hasn't overwhelmed even the AK's legendary tolerance for such things.
@ Jassi
During a recent trip to NYC, I visited the Metro Museum. In the first room were Greek artifacts from 3500 BC. In the next room was art from New Britian,and Papua New Guinea -- from the 1960s. Blacks have practically not evolved, especially if you believe in a young Earth.
One can only hope that he suffered enormously before he died.
The American flag is at half staff until Monday for this communist
The American Flag is worth less than the bbq-stained napkin you just threw out. I remember them lowering it when Payne Stewart died as well, and he hit golf balls for a living. I think the flag should be at half-staff forever, since minor celebrities die every day.
Excellent comment by Californian, especially this:
You have to ask, if the SA government had took just a fraction of the moneys it poured into the armored vehicles fighting up in Angola and instead spent it on media, student fronts and street protests, would they have lost the political battle?
Conservatism seems to come with several blind spots built-in. One is the savvy use of media, as Californian noted. While they steadily gain in number, comments supporting the actual intent of the Founders are still outnumbered by those using GOP talking points. I try not to wince whenever I read the phrase "low information voter," because I know that's Hannity talking.
But there's another blind spot which will prevent conservatives from maximizing their media savvy once they gain it: worship of law and "fair play." A student must be prepared to follow up his protest with a riot. A message is only forceful if you can back it with force. Perhaps the first thing to teach conservatives is that their supposedly precious Founders were all traitors under British law.
And speaking of British law, let's remember that armed revolt against the BE is yet another thing Americans and Afrikaners hold in common. Save the Boers!
Every time some obit goes on air on this terrorist, I turn off the radio.
The Cathedral has brainwashed Milenials into believing this fairy tale-- just like w/MLK a genration before. Sit and listen to a tale of Magical Negroes!
What a legacy-- he got some Boer pussies to betray their people and turn a beautiful nation into a shithole.
I see our distinguished and pier-reviewed colleague Dr. Epstein of the NIHGR has blessed us with a mention of the invaluable contributions of African-American wymyn to the advances in sexual mores, which is certainly true. After all, would the Kardashians be exercising the enormous positive influence upon the sexual desires of young white females were it not for those unsung heroic twerks of those strong African wymyn of yore back in the plantation days? Surely not!
At any rate, Dr. Epstein forgot to mention the equally valuable contribution of African-American males, with their insatiable sex-drives, in searching for a cure for deadly venereal diseases such as AIDS. This lost African science, which involves the initiation of toddlers and even infants into the free and loving African sexual culture, is still practiced in the Rainbow-nation of Mandelaland and elsewhere in the Great Mother of all Continents. In recent years, leading free-thinking whites of the conservative movement, epitomized by fellows like John Boehner and Miss Lindsay Graham, have themselves adopted this most effective method of staving off the dreaded clap. The leading explorer in this area was of course the great football figure Jerry Sandusky, in whose honor the new GOP Mascot will be named.
Dissident said...
I have to take umbrage with the good Dr. Epstein.
BTW, what exactly does that PhD stand for anyway? Piled High and Deep?
It stands for "Piled Higher and Deeper" actually. It makes no difference as the goyim will only be too happy to pick up the nuggets from the steaming pile and stuff them into their pockets because IT'S PURE GOLD!!! It even says so in the New York Times, the Washington Post, NPR and all the stations on TV - so you know it JUST HAS TO BE THE GOSPEL TRUTH!!
That's a typo, right?
Shouldn't it be a "Z" and not an "H"?
Anyone gonna bring an old Michelin and a jerry can of gasoline to the big send-off?
Are you listening, Winnie?
"This comment has been removed by the author."
Must have been ugly...
Meh. War is obsolete, anyway.
"Well when probably the most powerful WHITE woman of all time died Margret Thatcher our Head NGR In Charge(HNIC) didn't even lower the Flag to 1/2 mast! "
Thatcher was never a head of state. The head of state of Great Britain is Her Majesty the Queen. Thatcher was merely a politician.
Will keep it short, as I'm batting 0 for 2 on this site in attempted posts, so I'm not wasting time with high investment comments until I get on base. For reasons totally unrelated to that cop-killing white-hating race-baiting piece of shit Mandrill-ella, I was on the State Department website last night, reading travel advisories & country profiles. Here's what's great: the profile for South Africa (, which, I suspect due to pressure from Oblackah, Ho-Ho-Holder, & a couple affirmative action honorary ambassador Jacquinettas & Supah Special Envoy Fo' Dice Dontaviouses, does not have a travel advisory/ warning. Read it though, & you realize SA has become Hell on Earth. On the other hand, Columbia- yes, Pablo Escobar-homeland Columbia, has a full-up Travel Warning (, even though it is clear the nation is 1000 times safer than Mandrill-a's tribal jungle paradise. Just an observation.
Silent Running said...But there's another blind spot which will prevent conservatives from maximizing their media savvy once they gain it: worship of law and "fair play." A student must be prepared to follow up his protest with a riot. A message is only forceful if you can back it with force. Perhaps the first thing to teach conservatives is that their supposedly precious Founders were all traitors under British law.
Perhaps I misunderstand you, but I find it offensive to put this country's founders in the same grouping as protesting (and potentially riotous) students. The founders were mature, accomplished men pondering weighty issues and the creation of a world power. Their work and deeds are part of history, studied worldwide to this day and well into the future, no doubt. As you mention, they had much to lose.
I think the conservatives' preference for the rule of law and "fair play" is going to be diminished going forward. If your adversary plays dirty, then unfortunately you often have to play on his terms IF you are committed to winning.
And speaking of British law, let's remember that armed revolt against the BE is yet another thing Americans and Afrikaners hold in common. Save the Boers!
why the hell do morons like you want to take on your white brothers (and most probably ancestors) at every step?
those godamn brits eh?!?
I caught a bit of the 'hero-worship' on CNBC, where the talking heads LERF'd over Mandela,
calling him 'a Washington, Lincoln, Ghandi, and MLK all roled into one.' I half-expected to hear '...and Jesus Christ too.'
LERF = Liberal Eye-Roll-Faint (the mention of support for Liberal Touchstones, such as Socialized
Medicine, High Taxes, Free Abortion on Demand, Gay Marriage, etc., will cause a Liberal's eyes to roll into the back of their head, and then they will faint from euphoria).
I don't quite know why I found that surprising, since Big Finance tends to be the tool of whomever is in office at the time. Oh well, I guess anyone's crimes can be white washed if given enough media attention.
Anyway, it was tough explaining to my father (not a very political person, mind you, and prone to
irrational demands for immediate gratification) that Mandela was NOT quite the saint he has been made out to be.
He could not understand why someone would look at the matter critically and conclude something other than what the media presented.
Fortunately, I have no idea what the TV media, cable and network are doing with this Mandela worship. I'm sure I'd put a half dozen .45s through the screen if I did, moving to rifle cartridges in time.
I have heard a little bit of conservative talk radio since his death. If I didn't know better, Mandela was God. The callers are worse than the hosts.
There's a term for what we see here. Even Wikipedia has an entry for it. For a moment, I thought I might have originated it, but I'm not that creative. Autogenocide. Although the Wiki piece needs some additional substance, it's there. Sometime following the second world war, huge numbers of white people became autogenocidal.
All the media I've heard recently, prattled on and on about the beautiful, wonderful rights of the majority, as in the majority black South Africa. I don't know much about the history of the area, but what I do know is that when the Dutch and British settlers found themselves in South Africa, they did not then conquer an established black society. The place was empty, with various tribes of nomad negroes wandering around slaughtering, enslaving and muh dicking one another. No state, no society, no rules, no cities, no agriculture, no commerce. Or to put it in modern terms, they found something like Detroit.
After hundreds of years, these erstwhile settlers established an actual society, or what we often refer to as a civilization. That arrangement, which included food, work and order, drew in enormous numbers of wandering negroes from throughout the African continent. Those negroes were violent, lazy and stupid and the European settlers of South Africa saw the need to keep them at a distance. Thus grew something called apartheid, an arrangement, not designed to kill the negroes, but to insure the survival of the European whites.
But the majority must rule. It's the basic tenet of some sick Christian ethic. And rule the majority will. Back to the USA for a moment, just keep these borders open and the majority will rule magnificently.
It amazes me the number of supposedly smart people who fall for this BS about Mandela. Even the radio guys I prefer to listen to, without fail, praised this clown. He served one term, then moved on, one said. Pretty much it was straight on critical of Obama for comparing himself to Mandela, because Obama always injects himself into every situation, but no one could note both are socialist bastards.
The founders were mature, accomplished men pondering weighty issues and the creation of a world power.
They also had quite a bit of blood on their hands before their struggle was over, not to mention being tried in absentia and very often on the run from a state they used to consider their own. They didn't have any illusions as to their own fate if they lost. The mindset that could set such events in motion should be internalized. Anyway, I hope you're right.
why the hell do morons like you want to take on your white brothers (and most probably ancestors) at every step?
I guess that's one way to interpret pointing out a shared (and now distant) heritage. Perhaps IQ's have dropped sharply while I was away?
I have not had a chance to read this whole article and I knew yesterday this was coming! Thanks in advance SBPDL for all the ammo I need for the entire holiday season for my reasoning in every fact based argument about the undertow. Virtually every problem in the WORLD can be traced to blackness and I am sure you will give me the rational, cogent argument I will need to silence all critics, especially The DWLs in my family! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANKYOU!!!
Was Mandela a !Kung bushman or pygmy? He doesn't look like a normal Bantu. It's ironic, because Bantus are what's destroying S. Africa.
Negroes don't get irony, though. Oh well.
wow white people are well strange to say the least the only reason white people are more qualified than blacks is lets c the fact that decades black people couldn't really study things like maths and science the u.s was formed after an armed struggle so please don't act like there is something unique about what the anc did anc was formed in 1912 when did they start an armed struggle?democracy is just a word when people are starving and white people where placed in the best places in while you move a majority into dusty places but u can c exactly what was like before '94 just look at israel white people like living by themselves but remember your ancestors made the world to be like this they came and settled among the blacks and sent other black people to europe the thought was we will control this 'monkeys' forever didn't go so well so now its save the boer from what exactly i'm not going to apologise for what the anc did my only regret is they didn't do enough what mugabe did is wrong but tell me if white people can see that why don't they c white people stealing land as wrong start reading do some research cos what you research is amazingly stupid for the 'superior' being you seem to think white people are
Never let people forget that Mandela was a child murdering commie terrorist. That son of a bitch is rotting in hell and finally getting the justice he so richly deserved.
The MK was the organisation Mandela founded and helped lead for years. Mandela was responsible for taking the ANC into a violent direction.
I just posted the Boer genocide link over at The Intersection of Madness and Reality.
Post it far and wide people. Now is the time to spread the truth and take control of the narrative. As Californian said we need to become masters of agitprop ourselves, but our is backed by truth.
Mr. Clean
The founders were mature, accomplished men pondering weighty issues and the creation of a world power. Their work and deeds are part of history, studied worldwide to this day and well into the future, no doubt.
Some of them were, others were self-interested thugs and criminals.
As for everyone, much of what you think you know is wrong.
"(Samuel) Adams became Boston’s political boss, running the city in an early Tammany style. Even before town meetings took place, Adams and his cronies would pre-select candidates at Adams’s private smoke-filled “Boston Caucus” room; votes were often bought at the price of a few tavern drinks, and his thugs ensured control of town meetings at Boston’s Faneuil Hall.
By 1768, under Adams’s tutelage, Boston had become a bedlam of mob rule and violence. Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and justice were perishing."
"In response to colonial protests, Parliament caved in—again. They removed duties on all goods except one—tea, via the Tea Act of 1773. The tea duty was nominal—three pennies on a pound. (It would be interesting to measure this against the 6.25% sales tax Massachusetts currently levies on its citizens.) Furthermore, the tea, which was surplus tea of the East India Company, was offered to colonists at half the price Englishmen paid for it.
In fact, the tea was so cheap that it was underselling the Dutch tea John Hancock’s ships were smuggling in. In the Boston Tea Party of December 1773, of course, the Sons of Liberty, after being customarily liquored up, hurled hundreds of chests of English tea into Boston Harbor. From Hancock’s perspective, this was largely cutthroat business tactics: to maximize your profits, destroy your competitor’s merchandise. Although I have friends in today’s “Tea Party” movement, I regret that its name is fashioned after an act of vandalism. This is our inheritance from Sam Adams, who, by semantics, transformed criminal deeds into patriotic ones."
I love the Donald Epstein, Ph.D, N.I.H.G.R pieces. Leave off that last, and every one is a near-perfect Poe. You could troll leftie boards with them all day, explaining to the progressives why they deserve concussions, robberies, rapes, maimings and their own deaths... and just laugh as their principles force them to agree!
PS: those of you who read "National Institute for Geographical Historical Research" and didn't twig to the satire... your Internet license has been revoked. Turn off your computer, go to the library and borrow "Go Dog Go" or something else at your mental speed.
The History of the Boers, another chapter in the never ending assault on the finest of the Adamic stock.
BTW, on the Genocide Museum web site:
The idiots who created it
(a) put it all in Flash;
(b) have an obnoxious soundtrack;
Do not send them traffic, except from Lie-bural websites. Lie-burals are the only ones who deserve such trainwrecks.
Mandele was just another commie terrorist. His primary achievement was getting thrown in prison; one of the few things Blacks are good at.
It's all moot though. If you are White, Mandela was the enemy.
I am tired of all the knee grows on TV, movie billboards etc..
just not 'into the brainwash'....
Meanwhile, adulation and praise, but no criticism, for Mandela goes on unabated. I can’t listen to it anymore. It seems he was Jesus, St Francis, Abraham Lincoln, Solomon and Ghandi all rolled up in one. Nobody like him has ever walked the earth.
Re, Jay
'Or to put it in modern terms, they found something like Detroit.'
NO, detroit is fed by YTs taxes and gov [obama] printing more paper $.
17 trillion in debt and growing.
Rhodesia is already that
I'm a masochist. However, instead of having a dominatrix dig her heels into my chest, I listen to Herman Cain's radio show. Yesterday, he praised ad nauseam this thug and his American brother from another mother, MLK.
He claimed Mandela was possibly, "the greatest leader the world has EVER known," and that he was "a great humanitarian." I spit my coffee out, inhaled part of it in my nose, and farted simultaneously.
Even funnier were all the conservatives lavishing the egalitarian avatar with slavish praise. Idiots.
"I ain't gonna play Sun City!" HAHAHAHAH!!!
Silent Running said... They also had quite a bit of blood on their hands before their struggle was over, not to mention being tried in absentia and very often on the run from a state they used to consider their own. They didn't have any illusions as to their own fate if they lost.
Compare that to, say, participants in the "Occupy" movement.
Chuck Hammer said...Some of them were, others were self-interested thugs and criminals.
I'm sure. But I was thinking of Franklin, Washington, (John) Adams, Madison, Jefferson, Hamilton. And they weren't as pure as the wind-driven snow, either.
Chuck Hammer said...As for everyone, much of what you think you know is wrong.
No doubt.
Jfc, you can't recognize satire?
I saw this on Drudge, and wondered if it was even true. If I remember correctly, John Paul II had a pretty big send-off. I think Reagan's funeral might have also been a big deal.
Stealing land? You moron, there was nobody there when the whites landed. Why don't blacks teach each other math? Whites fking INVENTED math
Herman Cain's radio show...claimed Mandela was possibly, "the greatest leader the world has EVER known," and that he was "a great humanitarian."
What exactly did Mandela do to make himself any kind of a "leader?" I can understand such a claim about Mugabe, who at least led an insurgent organization. But Mandela? He mostly sat in jail and had some rock videos made about him.
DWLs + Conservatism, Inc., have some kind of messiah-worship complex going on with Mandela. They've built up Mandela in what passes for their minds as some kind of supernatural being who will lead us all into the promised land of ekwality, sing it bruthus and sistuhs!
It's all one more symptom of the decadence of the Western world (or at least its so-called leaders). For whatever perverse reason, whites lack the will-to-power to fight for their existence. So they pump up an enemy leader (which is what Mandela was) as some kind of savior who will transcend racial conflict. This way, they can believe there is no threat from the third world with its terrorism, its endemic poverty, and its hatred for the first world.
And by "third world" I include the internal demographics which have wrecked Detroit and many more cities.
I am tired of all the knee grows [blacks] on TV, movie billboards etc.
Kill your television.
As long as your television is plugged in, you are paying the enemy to pump propaganda into your home.
I confirm, same disgusting political & media love fest for Mandela here in France. Excuse me while I puke.
He was a great (black) leader, guys. Handed the reins of a wealthy African society from the whites who were abandoning it, he did NOT engage in retributive justice using the power he had sought for so long. He did NOT use the machinery of state to immediately denude the countryside and wealthen his cronies. He did NOT use the army to kill off all the whites who had him in their power for so many years. (He also did NOT create institutional structures to prevent this from happening in the future.)
Of course, all those things are simple good government for a society that wants to survive long-term, like Singapore, or former European societies. The fact that what's normal for Eurasians is extraordinary for Africans: praise Mandela, and have your laugh at that fact.
@ Jay Santos December 7, 2013 at 9:41 AM
Kill your television.
Amen to this. I don't understand why this is such a difficult thing for people to do-at least, people who are aware enough to already know that everything which comes from teevee is either propaganda or brain cell-murdering, mindless drivel. Everything we occupy our minds with doesn't have to be Goethe all the time, but at least be master of the drivel you relax with, don't open your mind to and in the process support, the enemy.
To the subject at hand-now Mandela is getting a taste of what real "apartheid" is-the unbridgeable gulf between Heaven and Hell for all eternity-that's eternity, as in the entire futurity of time, or timelessness-and I know which side he's on-it's hotter than anything he ever experienced on Earth, hotter than anything his mortal body could have survived, and that eternity will be spent in the company of such kindred souls as Stalin, Paul Pot, and lesser-known humans who died unrepentant in their original sin.
To any white South Africans who read these comments-this is one American who is ashamed, heartily ashamed, of the leading role my country played in your present predicament, and wouldn't dare to crow. At least you were boycotted and blackmailed into it. We are rushing pell-mell into the cannibal's pot, at our own behest. We sowed the wind, we are reaping the whirlwind, and still most of my countrymen think it's just a gentle spring breeze. They don't seem to see the Cat 5 hurricane headed our way.
Mr. Clean
I'm sure. But I was thinking of Franklin, Washington, (John) Adams, Madison, Jefferson, Hamilton. And they weren't as pure as the wind-driven snow, either.
They weren't. But I admire them greatly just as you do.
Now, how the mighty have fallen. Listen to this communist piece of shit in his Chairman Mao suit: I bagged Thomas Jefferson.
Silent Running said...
I guess that's one way to interpret pointing out a shared (and now distant) heritage. Perhaps IQ's have dropped sharply while I was away?
I'm not sure they were ever up there. There seems to be two things here that you cannot assume and I've seen it time and again.
It isn't all readers/posters but more than other places.
1)Satire/sarcasm-- Lost on many. Dr. Donald Epstein has to be "explained" and that in and of itself is a bit scary.
2) Historical context- I totally groked your meaning which was that -at the time in history- it was good to throw of the British Empire. Today they are in the same existential crisis all Western nations who've imported their doom is in.
@Jay in DC-
I could tell from the start that the good DR was attempting satire. I suppose the problem is that things have gotten so crazy in this country, that satire/parody is almost impossible to do anymore. There are now just too many people who really are that loony. You have to have an "instinct" for when someone is outrageously crossing the line in an attempt at satire. But somehow I got it the first time. The repeated comments toeing the party line were the dead give-away.
But I don't doubt (though I've never met them personally, in my somewhat sheltered life, at least to my knowledge), that there are people out there who are truly that loony and/or suicidal (or in the DR's case, that would be genocidal). I read plenty of their comments at various sites, and they seem perfectly sincere in their insanity. So I know they exist. It does rather boggle the mind of this average housewife, but my wide (though scattered) reading allowed me to be familiar with the memes, and the good DR hits them all rather too well and too outrageously straighforwardly, so it must be satire.
I have no great love or hate for Mandela. I agree w/ ex-Brooklynite that he could have been an Idi Amin, but was not. He was an ardent Communist, but at least he was over there, not here. And Apartheid would have ended even without Mandela...he just sped up the process.
What I do hate is the cult of Mandela that is sure to grow. It's the narrative that media liberals can only dream man oppressed & prisoned by racist white rulers. He is released, white rule is ended and that same imprisoned black man becomes president. He's also got the moniker...Mandela, which is imbued with a Christ-like reverence, which CAN NOT be argued, lest you are the scum of the earth. And that smile...white guilt liberals love smiling black men of all ages, but especially formerly oppressed older ones with a reverential cult status.
Expect to see a Nelson Mandela Blvd coming soon to a neighborhood near you.
Two of the ANC’s biggest donors, in the 1990s, were Colonel Muammar Gaddafi of Libya and President Suharto of Indonesia .
Not only did Mandela refrain from criticising their lamentable human rights records but he interceded diplomatically on their behalf, and awarded them South Africa ‘s highest honour.
Suharto was awarded a state visit, a 21-gun salute, and The Order of Good Hope
Ex-Brooklynite said...
He was a great (black) leader, guys. Handed the reins of a wealthy African society from the whites who were abandoning it, he did NOT engage in retributive justice using the power he had sought for so long. He did NOT use the machinery of state to immediately denude the countryside and wealthen his cronies. He did NOT use the army to kill off all the whites who had him in their power for so many years. (He also did NOT create institutional structures to prevent this from happening in the future.)
Of course, all those things are simple good government for a society that wants to survive long-term, like Singapore, or former European societies. The fact that what's normal for Eurasians is extraordinary for Africans: praise Mandela, and have your laugh at that fact
its a 'compared to what' scenario!
Anonymous said...
Two of the ANC’s biggest donors, in the 1990s, were Colonel Muammar Gaddafi of Libya and President Suharto of Indonesia .
But which institution boasted that it gave more money to the ANC than anybody else?
The Church of England.
Anonymous said...
Was Mandela a !Kung bushman or pygmy?
He was a Xhosa, a Bantu tribe - the most southerly, and the one first encountered by the European colonists. As the Bantu moved southward into South Africa, they exterminated the bushmen and took their women, so they are a hybrid. Their cultural influence remains in the Xhosa language. That 'X' in Xhosa is a click sound, like the '!' in !Kung.
yeah ryt said
... do some research cos what you research is amazingly stupid for the 'superior' being you seem to think white people are
That's satire, too, right? Poe's Law* is so confusing. But this one hits all the notes, lacking
- complete words
- capital letters
- punctuation
- sentences
- paragraphs
- a coherent thought
while simultaneously calling us stupid!
I'm going with satire.
* The General Case of Poe's Law is "It is impossible to tell for certain the difference between genuine stupidity and a parody of stupidity."
Excuse me, I just threw up in my mouth. :-(
Why God, why? Why do the Good always die young?
Youi think that article is bad, some cretin in the Day Telegraph compared the Commie ex-terrorist to Jesus. I'm not religious, but WTAF! Liberals really are mentally ill.
Now, how the mighty have fallen. Listen to this communist piece of shit in his Chairman Mao suit: I bagged Thomas Jefferson.
That video is great and exposes what Black people think about White people. This is another video that should be shared far and wide to show people the true nature of the tribe. Why people even entertain the ramblings of those with low IQ is beyond me.
Great commentary. I promoted this blog entry with my Twitter account (Nationalism Today) and included it in a list, I compiled, of similar articles from around the web (most published in the last few hours since his death) that strip-away the heroic narrative built-up around Mandela and reveal him for who he truly was:
Really? Even though black men had the right to vote before any woman?.
There were generations of white brothels, protitution and the like before slavery and in the north prior to the great migration.
the starkest contrast between public and private healthcare in South Africa is to be found not in the colour of its patients but in the facilities it offers.
Run-down buildings, missing medication and widespread corruption characterise the public health system, and not a day passes without a story about broken equipment leading to deaths or facilities closing because they cannot afford to pay their creditors.
The private healthcare system, by contrast, features world-class hospitals, the most advanced equipment and, before they emigrate, the best doctors - for most will work where they can earn the best salary and, in South Africa, that is in private healthcare. The result is that the quality of private care is much better than that offered in the public healthcare system.
AvoryGirl, it was not always thus. South Africa had an excellent public health system. The world's first heart transplant was done in a South African public hospital (the operation was successful, but the patient died). Baragwanath Hospital in Soweto, a public hospital for blacks, was the largest hospital in the southern hemisphere, and offered free first-world-class medical services. The system included free clinics in rural areas. All, or nearly all, gone now.
Most recently-qualified doctors worked for a few years, at least, in public hospitals, and many of them, even today, still work there in addition to their private practices.
The difference is twofold. First, in the administration. Even in the old days, the hospitals were cleaned by black cleaners, but the kind of slackness that is typical today would never have been tolerated. Nor would the theft and corruption of today.
Second, of course, is the catastrophic collapse in academic standards in order to pass affirmative-action black doctors. I need say nothing more about that.
This....this is a joke right? This Epstein character is just that. A character....right? My disbelief is of such a magnitude I had to comment.
And as a female I would just like to say that I prefer a nice ale over a fag drink like an "Appletini".
Yes, Arctic Princess, Dr. Epstein of the National Institute for Historical Geographic Research (NIHGR) is satire. Blatant satire.
How hoppy do you like your ale? I lean toward IPAs (which may be strange since the conditions outside are arctic rather than Indian but WTF).
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