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In America, a Pennsauken Township is a predominantly white city consumed by diversity, that outside observers aren't allowed to point out/notice was destroyed by diversity |
has a reverse of this concept, the Pennsauken
Township: loosely
described as any construction designed to showcase that the situation is really
worse than it actually is, though no one is allowed to point out why.
Imagine an 80 percent white city. The year is 1994. Right
next door is a city roughly 85 percent non-white; whose population consistently
commits criminal activity at an aggregate rate making it America’s most dangerous.
The Black Undertow hopes to pull this city back into its
realm, absorbing all of the assets of this white outpost in the process.
What does this city try and do?
Institute police checkpoints from cars leaving the 85
percent non-white city (exporting the crime in the process) and stop them
before they enter the 80 percent white city. [Pennsauken
Plans Camden Checkpoints, Philadelphia
Inquirer, 7-8-1994]:
Pennsauken's plan to post cops at border checkpoints next month, stopping every third or fourth car leaving Camden, has erupted in border skirmishing.
Pennsauken's public safety director says the checkpoint idea is to ''discourage, diminish and impede the flow of criminal activity into or through Pennsauken."
To the mayor of Camden, New Jersey's most downtrodden city, the Pennsauken police checkpoints are insulting, possibly illegal and probably foolish.
"Sure, we have a small percentage of irresponsible people," said Mayor Arnold Webster. "But most of our people are decent people. To make a blanket suggestion that ours is a community full of criminals and undesirable people is irresponsible and hurtful."
Starting Aug. 1, Pennsauken plans to station some of its 78 cops at borders with Camden, stopping every third or fourth car leaving the city. Motorists would have to submit to checks of their license, registration and insurance. Outstanding arrest warrants or plain-view fruits of crime would land them in instant trouble.
Cars could leave Pennsauken freely. Pedestrians could stroll across the border unimpeded, in either direction.
Webster said he fears Pennsauken's idea might spread to his six other suburban neighbors. "This could . . . be the worst case of racism you have ever seen," he said.
Pennsauken Township is America’s Potemkin village, though the
managerial elite in charge of the administration of equality aren’t trying to
hide the misery caused by diversity.
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The Black Undertow concept in action |
After all, that’s official policy of the U.S. Government. [Predominantly
White Town Proposes Checks Of Drivers From Urban Neighbor, AP, 7-7-1994]:
Police trying to reduce crime in this predominantly white suburb of Camden, New Jersey's poorest city, came under attack Thursday for a plan to make random stops of drivers coming from its urban neighbor.
''They should also check the people going into Camden from Pennsauken,'' said Roosevelt Nesmith, NAACP coordinator for southern New Jersey. ''Criminals travel both ways.''
Nesmith and others said the plan had a racist tinge and would be challenged as unconstitutional if the Pennsauken safety director, Steven Petrillo, goes ahead with it.
Petrillo said the idea was in response to years of car thefts, burglaries and robberies in neighborhoods bordering Camden, an impoverished city of 87,000 people on the Delaware River across from Philadelphia.
Petrillo initially proposed checkpoints at announced spots near the border, with every third or fourth car stopped.
''We want to get pro-active in terms of giving residents confidence in security and the safety of their streets and their homes,'' he said.
Following the criticism, however, Petrillo said the checkpoints likely would be scaled back to stops of drivers with motor vehicle violations, such as expired car registration or burned out license plate lights.
Petrillo hadn't decided when to put checkpoints into effect. He plans to organize meetings with residents.
''This is just an idea, a concept,'' he said. ''We are open to discussion.''
Mayor Geri P. Tabako did not immediately return a telephone call Thursday.
Camden is 56 percent black and 31 percent Hispanic, while Pennsauken, which has a population of about 35,000, is 80 percent white.
Pennsauken is not the first community to attempt to curb crime by protecting its borders. Despite charges of racism, Maplewood earlier this year installed five iron gates around a neighborhood that borders predominantly black Newark.
Edward Martone, executive director of the New Jersey Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, said the proposed stops in Pennsauken don't address a specific need, such as sobriety checkpoints for drunken driving.
''Whether you're pulling over every black person or every Chevrolet, it still means that you're stopping and looking into the cars of innocent people to find the guilty,'' he said. ''Police should not be stopping and searching people without probable cause.''
As you can imagine, the usual suspects protested the
checkpoints put up by the Pennsauken Township [Pennsauken's
Border Patrol Plan Draws Naacp Protest, Philadelphia Inquirer, 7-8-1994]
and would
eventually abandon them, along with the hopes of maintaining the
civilization whites created (and the private and commercial equity values in
real estate holdings).
By 2000, Pennsauken was down
to only 60.1 percent white, 24 percent black, and 14.3 percent Hispanic/Latino.
The Undertow followed.
By 2010, Pennsauken was down
to only 47.6 percent white, 26.8 percent black, and 26.9 percent
Hispanic/Latino. The Undertow consumed the Township, absorbing back into the
demographic nightmare that is Camden.
The Pennsauken Township was 91 percent in 1980, the post-apocalyptic
world of Camden miles away; a mere 30 years
later, that world had consumed Pennsauken
Township. [Town
plots the role of race in its future Pennsauken set a course to end white
flight, welcome racial minorities., Philadelphia Inquirer, 2-26-2010]:
When Angela Freeman moved to Pennsauken in the mid-1980s, she was among a wave of black teachers hired to reflect the township's changing racial demographics.
The idea was that African American educators could better relate to the small but growing number of black students at the high school. Freeman felt welcome enough, but she noticed that any discussion of race was conducted in code, with teachers and administrators avoiding words like black and white.
It was always "the school is changing," Freeman said. "One day I said, 'What do you mean?' and there was silence. But I knew what they meant."
These days, the Camden County inner-ring suburb - where minorities, including significant numbers of Latinos and Asians, are now half of the population - is engaged in a public discussion about the role of race in its future.
The issue is how to stanch the outflow of the town's white residents while creating a welcoming environment for everyone.
Fifteen years ago, residents began an effort to try to stem the "white flight" that had afflicted many U.S. cities in the 1960s and '70s and was threatening Pennsauken. The strategy, as refined over the years: Market the town's diversity as an asset.
Tours led by the township for prospective residents emphasize Pennsauken's multiculturalism, and new-resident meetings encourage interaction across racial and class lines.
Some call Pennsauken's forthright approach a refreshing change from the suburban norm.
"The town has developed a reputation for openness," Freeman said. "People find it much more accepting. It's easier to move into a community and see yourself."
In 1980, white residents accounted for 91 percent of Pennsauken's population. By 2000, 60 percent of the town's 36,000 residents were white. In those 20 years, there had been a doubling of minority residents, drawn by the same relatively low property taxes and proximity to Philadelphia that had attracted families for decades.
In 1994, at the height of the white exodus - and the year the township elected its first black councilman - local residents Lynn Cummings and Harold Adams created the grassroots group Neighbors Empowering Pennsauken (NEP) to improve relations between established residents and the minority families moving in.
In 2001, the township created a commission on integration, phased out NEP, and committed public money to billboards and other efforts designed to market Pennsauken's diversity to white families looking for an alternative to more homogenous suburbs.
"People were asking why I, a black man, wanted more white people living here. It wasn't an easy sell," said Adams, 50, a real estate assessor. "We were coming at it from a practical standpoint."
According to studies, he said, the market value of homes tends to decline as more minorities move into a neighborhood. That translates into lower revenue from property taxes.
"When a town gets below 50 percent white, it makes it very difficult for the town to maintain services," Adams said.
That spiraling down is mostly the result of paranoia, says Nathaniel Norment Jr., chairman of the African American Studies department at Temple University.
"It's something that's created based on white people's fear of being close to black people," Norment said. "There's this myth we have that blacks' moving in will change the social environment."
Not everyone in Pennsauken has supported the focus on maintaining the community's white population.
"Some people of color had feelings that if whites wanted to leave and not live next to people of color, you should let them do as they want to do," said resident Darlene Hannah-Collins, 53, who is black.
But Pennsauken has received no shortage of publicity. Most recently, Adams, Cummings, and some of their neighbors were featured on the PBS documentary The New Metropolis, which looked at the issues of "first-ring" suburbs, those closest to urban centers, through the experiences of Pennsauken and two towns in southern Ohio.
The question hanging over the town is whether the steps it has taken have slowed the departure of the nonminority population.
According to a 2008 estimate by the U.S. Census Bureau, the township's white population has declined by 22 percent since 2000. The census conducted this year will be more definitive.
Eric Dobson, a planning consultant who has done work for the township and sits on the school board, said the preliminary census numbers indicated what he already knew.
On the computer screen in his office, he scrolled through mortgage data and property values, neighborhood by neighborhood, and saw a continuation of trends he first noticed in the 1990s.
"When you see the low property values, you can figure people of color are living there," Dobson said. "It's troubling when you have an overwhelming number of one particular race buying in a place. That's the sign of moving toward segregation."
At Pennsauken High School, white students now make up 17 percent of the enrollment. The disparity between the school's racial makeup and that of the town is partly a reflection of Pennsauken's white population being older.
But another reason is that many white families send their children to private school, say teachers and students.
"The school has this bad reputation, but it's not right," said Lorresiki Collado, a 17-year-old senior whose family is from the Dominican Republic. "We beat the Catholic schools up in the math competition, but some of the students here don't work, so our test scores are low."
Fifty-six percent of Pennsauken High students failed to meet basic proficiency standards in math last year and 34 percent failed to do so in English - 5 and 7 percentage points below the state averages. School officials attributed the scores to the influx of students who had not passed through Pennsauken's elementary and middle school programs.
For those involved in the integration effort, there is a consensus that however many white families have departed, more would have left had nothing been done.
Among them is Mayor Rick Taylor, the first black man elected to the township council.
"Any time a town changes complexion, there's always people that are going to say that it's going to hell in a handbasket. But we fought that. We had some Realtors running the old fear game, and we put them on notice," Taylor said.
"We might not be progressing as much as we need to, but we're not sinking. That's something."
“When a town gets
below 50 percent white, it makes it very difficult for the town to maintain
The lesson is simple: without whites, you don't have the basis for a city. When you have an abundance of whites, you have a demand by non-whites to have what whites have.
In Russia, a Potemkin
village was created to conceal an inadequate situation; in America, Pennsauken
Townships are created by state policy, with nature showcasing the inadequate
situation of egalitarian social planning wherever they spring up. The lesson is simple: without whites, you don't have the basis for a city. When you have an abundance of whites, you have a demand by non-whites to have what whites have.
Has there ever been a city, town or other locale where the reverse is true; a place dominated by Blacks, that is prosperous, clean and free of crime? A place where others, Whites, HIspanics, Asians etc would seek to relocate so as the enjoy the fruits of diversity? I'm just looking for a single example. Does it exist? Will it ever exist?
We here @ SBPDL do enjoy our acronyms and abbreviations.
Remember this one: W.O.W.
W.O.W. = War On Whites!.
Yet another Negro playing the Knockout Game and then posting the video on Facebook.
Just remember...W.O.W...coming to a Potemkin Village near you.
Seccession? Dare one say it? I like the Idea of turning every fuxxated area into something akin to a Bogside in Northern Ireland. Just as the Proddy's had to fence off the Taigs I think sensible whites ought to fence off black America. It'll happen one way or another anyway.
The Ghetto is an open air prison. Might as well build walls around them and make sure they are disarmed when exiting their lairs.
They really don't want whites, they just want their money. Billboards can't cover for reality; people don't just up and move for no real reason considering the bother and expense involved. Responsible parents don't want to send their children into majority black schools where at the very least they won't learn anything and possibly get assaulted, bullied, robbed or raped while there. They just can't take that chance with their children. Let the starry-eyed dreamers seeking diversity move in and spend their money there. They'll stay until the first couple of rapes or murders take place and they'll run for it too.
after reading the posted articles heres what i take away from it. 1. whitey is bad. 2. its whiteys fault.
Love the U.S. Census Bureau graphic - "NOTE: Hispanics may be counted as any race".
Usually, when a crime is committed it's as "White".
If it's a college application, "Hispanic" is perfectly acceptable and even preferred.
What are we going to do? I moved myself to a relatively distant suburb of Detroit. (Exactly how much time do we want to spend commuting? How much gas? How much depreciation on our cars?) All I did was buy myself some time. I haven't run as much as other Whites I know(people I sneered at). There seems to be no escape. It doesn't matter where you go, they are there. Why am I not allowed the same freedom of association as a citizen of some obscure province of China? Why is it, that no matter where I go in the United(for now) States of America, I can't escape the so called "minorities". First of all, could we just stop calling every single non-white a "minority"; how on earth does that make sense anymore? The ONLY racial minority in the world is WHITE PEOPLE. Why on earth would or should, White people be concerned about all the OVERWHELMING so called racial "minorities". We Whites only make up approximately 10% of the worlds population. And, TPTB want us to be concerned about so called MINORITIES! If TPTB want a global economy, then they need to knock off on the non-white population of the world as being "minority". In fact, the so called "minority population" is well on its way to becoming majority population EVERYWHERE. You know, we White people described our ignorance as the "Dark Ages". If we don't do something, we will in fact enter a new dark age, except in this case, it is literal.
I always chalked up that the reason most whites could not speak about or even comprehend the reality of negroes was because of the cultural Marxist indoctrination we have all been brainwashed with since birth in schools, the media, by politicians, and in churches.
Some of us never fell for any of it. Not even early on, not at all.
It always made me wonder why, why was this so.
Many of us who didn't fall for the PC slop weren't special in any way really, except that we never succumbed to the lies being peddled in front of us all around.
So if intelligence isn't necessarily what keeps one from falling victim to the PC machine
What could it be.
Whites have not always been this suicidally wimpy.
So what on earth could the cause of this new cultural phenomena be?
I know it sounds far fetched but consider this:
Crime is skyrocketing around the U as the twin cities continue to "diversify". I'm a student, a veteran, never had so much as a brush with the law, yet I if I get caught with a (legal in MN) weapon, i get kicked out. Hope i don't get raped at the bus stop tomorrow! Doh!
Maximum Whiteness occurred in 1970. After 1973 the White abortion skyrocketed. Blacks were rewarded for producing their retarded spawn. We committed suicide in the name of choice and womens' liberation. We need to get back to God in order to lift the curse of Deuteronomy chapter 28
"People were asking why I, a black man, wanted more white people living here. It wasn't an easy sell," said Adams, 50, a real estate assessor. "We were coming at it from a practical standpoint."
People were asking me why I, as a scorpion, wanted more frogs living here. People were asking me why I, as a tick, wanted more dogs living here. People were asking me why I, as a tapeworm, wanted more people living here.
Dan's got it right: We need gated cities, not just gated communities. And they are inevitable. It's another tax on the white man: the vast expense of building walls (or policing town borders) where it was previously unneeded, to repel the vandals and barbarians.
no public schools, no public police, and definitely no public welfare. Did you know it is not mandatory to accept anyone at the emergency room? only if a hospital takes Medicare, Medicaid, or other government funds.
take the Federal (or State) dollar, do the Fed Man's bidding.
run everything through private churches, men required to patrol on foot, each night and day in the community, armed. Pay NOTHING for cops or firemen who need to be diversity hires.
you'll find that life can be much cheaper when you do so. find small cities ruined by blacks. Buy property there, and prepare to take over. And when you DO take over, for God's sake turn money into children, not new cars built by diversity-aping car makers, or second houses at the Jersey Shore, or fancy fashions. be Amish, except with guns and electricity.
Cut off the flow of funds, and make it possible to live as whites in communities without excluding blacks via economic segregation, as done in Manhattan. No other way out without war, and I don't think the BRA masters will take kindly to overtly cutting out their shock troops.
An army of savage, low i.q. ghetto thugs bent on plunder and destruction - "a small percentage of irresponsible people."
Reality is what WE say it is. You know what 2+2 is, right? '4', you say? It's off to Room 101 for you ...
I love it when white people say places are "changing," when what they really mean is ... blacks.
Now excuse me while I go clean up the mess in my front yard. You see, this dog keeps coming by and "changing" all over my grass.
...white families looking for an alternative to more homogenous suburbs.
That's hilarious.
As is well known (see 'White Flight'), white families go to great pains, and use all of their resources, to avoid 'non-homogenous' areas.
In Orwellian America, newspapers are now free to publish the most blatant misrepresentations and falsehoods.
Maplewood earlier this year installed five iron gates around a neighborhood that borders predominantly black Newark.
Reminds me of the scene in the movie "Children of Men" where we see the British Horse Guards on parade entertaining the super rich. The rest of London looks like modern day Detroit.
I am tired of running. I have had to leave 2 homes because of the influx of blacks that then, in record time destroyed the property values in those areas.
The blacks cry that whitey has treated them so bad, so many lynchings, so many hardships.
Well, if their behavior back then was anything close to what it is now I understand perfectly why they were forced to live on "the other side of town".
It's not racism, it's survival of the YT race.
I'm sure Colorectal Fartbag will have something to say about this ...
"Dearest Mr. Kersey, my good friend and cohort, please explain to me ... ooga booga booga ... whites do it too ... whites do it too ... whites do it too ..."
"Anonymous said...
Has there ever been a city, town or other locale where the reverse is true; a place dominated by Blacks, that is prosperous, clean and free of crime? A place where others, Whites, HIspanics, Asians etc would seek to relocate so as the enjoy the fruits of diversity? I'm just looking for a single example. Does it exist? Will it ever exist?"
Remember Gigi, the oracle of Camden: "For the negro, freedom is Amagedon."
8MM Well the Left coast passes another crimethink piece of legislation.
Hey ikantunderstand. Your name is wrong. You get it. You're wide awake. I love the article. Checkpoints and cop border guards. In 1994. Ahead of the curve and doomed to fail. We can't move away from them. I live in the Midwest. For now, in a predominantly white cookie cutter development. Getting dark though. I watch cute little black, brown and mocha colored mixed kids riding their little bikes. Wonder what they will be like in 10 years? The game is fixed. If you play along know that.
Welcome to awareness. Try to wake up others.
Son of Delbert
Camden downtrodden? No comrade Crapden and Detoilet are the crown jewels of BRA for all the world to see. China went to the moon the other day? We went to the EBT line and got some free stuff during their rover landing.
(Semi-OT, but topical and ironic) The "Cryptoquote" puzzle of last Friday was this:
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."—Martin Luther King Jr.
Here we have a concrete example of the general conscientious stupidity about race and crime: barring the entry of criminals to your town is "racist" because most of the criminals are non-White, and we have the sincere ignorance (or disingenuity) of the facts of crime statistics.
The real irony is that, if MLK's words were applied from the get-go, there never would have been any Civil Rights Acts, Brown vs. Board of Education would have been decided for the board in lower courts and denied cert, and our cities would still be intact because Shelley vs. Kraemer would have been tossed out of court before trial.
Blacks are great city builders.
They've transformed welfare from a safety net into endless financial tent cities where sluts and punks can lives of leisure just lazing around, watching the magic negro box, smoking weed, and creating mischief.
In my young midsized Florida city, our vibrant population is about 13%. They're heavily represented in mugshots and disproportionately so at bus stops. The morning rush hour is a different picture. As the cars stream into the eastern sun what I see is a river of Whiteness. Hard working White people with an ever-growing and increasingly hostile monkey on their back.
OT: The Mall at Short Hills, which is in a suburb of Newark, New Jersey, just had a fatal shooting related to yet another of many carjackings at said mall. Two black male suspects, two white victims, one stolen 2012 Range Rover.
"...but she noticed that any discussion of race was conducted in code, with teachers and administrators avoiding words like black and white.
It was always "the school is changing," Freeman said. "One day I said, 'What do you mean?' and there was silence. But I knew what they meant.""
If her colleagues had openly discussed race, she would have been offended by their frankness. Knowing this, her colleagues tried to be discreet, and she was STILL offended!
Why bother trying if no matter what you say, you're an evil racist?
From the article: Police trying to reduce crime in this predominantly white suburb of Camden, New Jersey's poorest city, came under attack Thursday for a plan to make random stops of drivers coming from its urban neighbor.
Following the criticism, however, Petrillo said the checkpoints likely would be scaled back to stops of drivers with motor vehicle violations, such as expired car registration or burned out license plate lights.
YES! on that last paragraph. I am from a township in Montgomery County, PA that has a major road passing through it and goes down (12-15 miles) into Philly. The township police patrol that highway and stop people (all races) for speeding, defective lighting, expired stickers, etc.. They aren't real jerks with the citations, but it will get you pulled over. Of course, with negros, you don't just have the issue that got you pulled over. Once pulled over, there will be issues with licenses, registration, vehicle inspection, stolen car, outstanding warrants, DUI, drugs/weapons, and all of the other usual monkeyshines.
As I've said here before, simply enforce the law across the board and it keeps the negros (and other low-lifes) at bay, without the accusations of "scriminations". Word gets around back at their nesting areas as to which places to avoid. Conversely... if your local municipality can't be bothered with this and slacks off, then expect to see a rise in the Black Plague. Pennsauken NJ understands this.
>>"The question hanging over the town is whether the steps it has taken have slowed the departure of the nonminority population."
Here's the thing. For the most part, the vast majority of stories that comment on flight from urban centers originate from New York and/or other large cities. Therefore there is an inherent bias, particularly coming from NY, that suburbs in and of themselves are evil, inherently bad, and less artistic, bohemian, etc etc.
Bottom line: Diversity in NY is the rule of the day, an article of faith. Since for the most part, crime has been down in NY for a couple decades, NY doesn't view the city as a bad thing. Since most of the national movers and shakers on public opinion tend to live in cities (mostly NY) they will only view those wanting to escape the problems that hinder most urban centers as something weird and strange at best. At worst, they view such flighters from cities as anti-diversity and hence people who can't be trusted in the new world order.
There is a reason why they can seemingly afford to think this way. For the time being, New York itself has more than enough whites to keep the city functioning. Add to that the fact that urban hipsters don't take kindly to suburbs in general, and you can see why view such people desperately trying to escape from the undertow (with all its social problems and ills) as repugnant.
After all, from where Yglesias and Tiabbi et al live, the city's pretty nice so why would anyone want to ever leave it? Should the wrong sort take over their own personal piece of paradise it's not even clear that they would directly attribute the source of the problems to the wrong sort. And who would attempt to enlighten them on the basic facts of life regarding crime and total breakdown of social services?
Tis a puzzlement and we haz pickle, we does.
Found this gem in the classifieds:
ECONOMIC SERVICE WORKER – 3867456 - This announcement is for the position of Economic Service Worker. Jobs may be available in Greenbrier, Monroe, and Pocahontas counties. You must have a 4 year college degree or equivalent paid experience in the field of interviewing and application processing. This position is a high volume, multi-tasking position that will allow you to use your skills in computer systems, dealing with people on a professional level, and knowledge of multiple government assistant programs that provide families the assistance they need for financial and health stability. This is completed through programs like Medicaid, SNAP (Food Stamps), TANF cash benefits (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), heating supplements, school clothing assistance and so many more. If you are organized, non-judgmental and have a desire to assist people, especially the financially vulnerable, we can provide all the training you will need to make a real difference in the lives of West Virginians. This along with a stable benefits package can lead to a long career in state government. 11.41/hr.
Off topic... from Drudge, but his linked story didn't have a picture. Here is another one with pic:
High School negro suspended for "hugging" teacher.
In this case, "hugging" means "cheeks and lips made contact with the back of her [teacher's] neck and cheek". I must pause now to shudder violently.
Negro and his mammy are crying "dat's boolsheet". Negro has been warned before about this. Mammy says she was never told about this behavior in the past. Because, like, in high school, you have to be warned numerous times and formal notice provided to your mammy that coming up behind your teacher and nuzzling her neck is not appropriate. Thank God they had an ape-cam that caught this, otherwise it would have been a total "he din doo nuffins".
The article mentions that the negro has been suspended before, but not for this, as if that matters. Or when deciding to suspend the negro for a year, are you supposed to separate past suspensions into categories and ignore those that aren't related to the current monkeyshine at issue?
Anyone know the race of the teacher?
Anonymous said...Has there ever been a city, town or other locale where the reverse is true; a place dominated by Blacks, that is prosperous, clean and free of crime? A place where others, Whites, Hispanics, Asians etc would seek to relocate so as the enjoy the fruits of diversity? I'm just looking for a single example. Does it exist? Will it ever exist?
This is a question which has been raised many times on this website. And it has never been answered by any of the blacks/DWLs/trolls who frequent this board.
Heck, you'd think they would be able to name someplace in the world run by blacks which was up to white standards of civic order, culture and economic advancement. Even if they had to make up a place!
There is an underlying issue here. It's not about reality, but the delusion in which BRA lives. They want to believe that race-is-just-a-construct(tm). Anything that would intrude into that delusion can not be allowed.
As for any blacks/DWLs/trolls who might be reading this, can you name a place dominated by Blacks that is prosperous, clean and free of crime?
Remember Gigi, the oracle of Camden: "For the negro, freedom is Amagedon."
Someone should give Gigi a blog. I am sure his comments would enlighten many a DWL who has drunk the kool-ade of BRA.
OT: KKK vs. The Crips vs. Memphis City Council
h/t murderbymedia
Hey negros- we just don't want to live around you. Period. Why is that so hard to understand?
"It's something that's created based on white people's fear of being close to black people," Norment said. "There's this myth we have that blacks' moving in will change the social environment."
LOL. See, reality is a myth.
Props to anyone who can find a description of the WANTED, AT-LARGE SUSPECTS in that fatal NJ car-jacking.
N.J. officials offer reward for tips in Short Hills mall fatal shooting
The assailants stole Dustin Friedland's silver 2012 Range Rover. The vehicle was recovered Monday morning in Newark,...
Prosecutors have not released a detailed description of the suspects.
Newark says Merry Christmas.
I wonder how they knew to look in Newark?
"As for any blacks/DWLs/trolls who might be reading this, can you name a place dominated by Blacks that is prosperous, clean and free of crime?"
Well, HOW BOUT THESE, Mr Anonymous SmartyPants: Mogadishu, Kinshasa, Lagos, Brassaville, Pretoria ......:)
And for all the other Smarty Pants in re: Detoilet, MI
Was reading a back issue of TIME ("we don't lie") magazine with Detoilet on cover.
No one mention of homo-africanus, it's other unfortunate circumstances that flushed Detoilet into Lake Michigan. Lots & lots of other unfortunate circumstances. If Detoilet wasn't a NA version of Mogadishu chock full of homo africanus it would have went belly up many a year ago. If Detoilet can be saved it'd be homo africanus who saves.
So some of you mean people should think about that. It was all in TIME mag even !
Hypie Out...
The reason JIM CROW was so important is because black people teach their children to torment whites. It is entertainment for them.
They are obsessed with whites and getting attention from whites. Parent/Child. They think is fun to watch white people squirm and run from them. Blacks have the mentality of children.
They DARE you to look at them sideways in the Target line when they shout "Shut the fuck up" at a toddler. They DARE you to pass judgment when they talk loudly on the their phone in the movie theater. Or when you cross the street when approached by a group of black males.
They DARE the white neighbor to call 911 when they are causing a disturbance.
They love making white people squirm. And white people are scared to death of black rage. I don't see that changing, only getting worse.
OT (but about that NJ shooting again)
Here's another story:
Police blocking Hoboken building entrance where carjacked man, wife lived
Already noted in the comments there: they publish the address of the victims, even a foto of the building door buzzer with his name on it, but still no description of the very dangerous, at-large suspects.
Ok, as I have said to many times on this site, this crap will only get worst. Case in point, the near city Detroit burbs. Harper Woods 46 % dark.
The Grosse points, if you have heard of this burb, getting dark in the lower end areas. The schools, getting darker every day. The Grosse Pointe burbs had one of ghe best school systems in the country. Right had.
Sooner I hope then later whites must have a WHITE ONLY HOMELAND. For the sake of our children.
I left the metro Detroit area 26 years ago and moved to beautiful Traverse City Mi. and never looked backed
Hi, it's not the first time i read such an article about a kind of "new apartheid"..SBPDL should be interesting to show all the cities who do like this.
From France, this week end, i have met a cousin from BRetagne, where there is no arabs and no blacks. I said it that where we live we are cool too because we are only whites...He told me that blacks and arabs are bad because whites put them in guettos..I answer him, i have lived in guetto why dont i burn cars and agress people? Why pakis or asians are not as blacks? Why in USA blacks are bad as in rio or soweto? He puts end to the dialog.
I hate him more than arabs because it's because of him that my children will have to take arms against islamization of France...in 20 years he will say "you were true, sorry"..poor white guy, go to hell. He votes for Holland...
eah saidProps to anyone who can find a description of the WANTED, AT-LARGE SUSPECTS in that fatal NJ car-jacking.
Can't help you as of now, but related to this tragedy and the other NJ carjackings... I wonder when the great Republican hope Gov. Chris Christie is going to press for:
1) Reinstatement of the death penalty.
2) Shall-issue concealed carry permits, with reciprocity with neighboring states.
I left the metro Detroit area 26 years ago and moved to beautiful Traverse City Mi. and never looked backed
Traverse City has a NAPA infestation. I have seen them walking up South Airport west of Cass, and on Barlow a bit north of GFS. On nmi Craig's List Rant and Rave, there are people who just cannot praise the (Black) singer Betty Ponder highly enough.
TC is rainbow-diversity libtard heaven, full racial suicide in progress.
Anonymous December 16, 2013 at 11:53 AM said: They think is fun to watch white people squirm and run from them.
No offense, but this is more defeatism. If white people "squirm and run", then ultimately that is the white peoples' fault. Either the white people involved are cowards, or they are dumb enough to be in a negro infested area.
Anonymous December 16, 2013 at 11:53 AM said: And white people are scared to death of black rage.
"Black rage"? Is that where negros trash their own nesting areas because they wouldn't dare do it anywhere else?
To the regular contributors:
I notice a lot of pessimism, even defeatism in comments. This is my take on where we stand: While we have barely scratched the surface and have a long way to go we nevertheless have come a long way. This site according to Quantcast metrics has nearly fifty thousand daily readers per month. Quantcast usually conflicts my Wordpress reader count by under double or triple so Paul has perhaps 100K readers a month.
When I started sounding alarms nearly ten years ago I seemed to be alone as Liberal loonies controlled the internet issuing constant threats. When I first picked up Paul he was doing his sports series thing saying the inexpressible about Negro antics.
Today the reverse is true, we have a really uncontested presence on the net as the Liberals are afraid to challenge us less they get stomped flat. Rather than Liberalism sweeping the country De Blasio is going to be in such deep doo doo with his policies in NYC soon that he'll wish he'd never been born.
He is going to demonstrate to the country how pitiful Liberalism can be. His administration will be the greatest opportunity we'll ever see.
Discontent in the country is running much more deeply than comments here would indicate. There are many many many professionals and otherwise who are constrained from speaking out who are very apprehensive. It remains to be seen what they will do. Find them and cultivate them.
More importantly the post-Baby Boom generations have realized that they have been had, betrayed by the Liberal boomer mutants, cheated out of their inheritance. Their discount is not merely political but visceral. They are arming for battle. They have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Find them and join them.
The future is not as bleak as it may appear from the comments. Either you have will to win or you don't.
Just hearing or reading the word "democracy" makes me cringe.
Just why are blacks who have been born, raised, schooled, live, and work, here in the US just as bad as those in Rio, or Soweta, or Nigeria or anywhere in Africa?
My ancestors came here from England, the southern part, Somerset, leaving from Plymouth,England about 400 years or more ago. There are plenty of my family descendants still living there. I feel my life would not have been much different if I myself still lived there through my ancestors and maybe even better if they had never came here to America, but basically my life would have probably been much the same. How about the blacks, muslims, or hispanics? If you were not here but where your ancestors came from what would your life be like?
I know what the point is when people compare blacks to children, but I want to point out-there is nothing childlike about blacks, not from the day they are born. As a DWL teacher who did a stint in the ghetto said (I'm not sure if he really learned the lesson or not) in an essay which can be found on the internet, the elementary-grade age black children he tried to teach had no air of innocence such as white children have, even at a young age. They are sexually and physically premature compared to white children, as that is their evolved survival strategy-breed early and often, quantity over quality. It's also why they have no conception of the value of life, even of their own kind. One life is no more valuable than another.
This concept is also evident in their way of gunning down their victims-spray and pray, rather than taking measures to get only the person they want to kill. It doesn't matter to them. When even the phrase "talented tenth" is being much too generous, and even that purported tenth has never produced anything on the level of an Isaac Newton or a Jacque Cousteau, what difference does it make?
Also, I want to point out one of the many instances of how they and their DWL supporters live in a virtual reality which they create on the fly as needed, and nevermind the contradictions. Because this one is one which really stays with me-the way whites are supposedly the cause of all their trouble, but they will fight red tooth and claw to be near their "oppressors".
It's the sign of an unthinking parasite. They must always be near the host (whites) whom they kill even as they feed off of us. Only parasites kill the very thing which enables their survival. They serve absolutely no purpose except to survive to create the next generation of parasites. When they finally kill the current host, they must find another one or die.
If they had any consciousness, they would realise that once whites are extinct, the remaining candidates for host will not be so willing. The parasites will be in danger of also becoming extinct, because other races do not have racial guilt towards them. They are trying to groom Asians to take our place, but that only works on a few in majority-white nations. Mestizo-type Hispanics, it works on not at all. Yes, some hitch their cars to the black snivel-rights train, but for their own purposes-for "La Raza".
None of this helps whites any, but it does give me great satisfaction to know that when or if we become extinct, blacks will be of value only inasmuch as they serve some real purpose to those remaining, and that would only be as mules. And the remaining races produce plenty of mules of their own, so blacks will be between a rock and a hard place. I wonder how that will work out.
Melanie said... I know what the point is when people compare blacks to children, but I want to point out-there is nothing childlike about blacks, not from the day they are born. ...
This was one reason that segregation was instituted in the USA. Because there are inherent differences among the races. This should not be a shocking thing, after all blacks did develop in a different environment from whites. So you have racial differences in IQ, test scores, playground behavior, graduation rates, and being able to sit still in a classroom. Liberals refuse to acknowledge these differences. We have seen the results in the trashing of too many schools by the experiment in integration.
When even the phrase "talented tenth" is being much too generous, and even that purported tenth has never produced anything on the level of an Isaac Newton or a Jacque Cousteau, what difference does it make?
The best they can come up with on the entire continent of Africa is a convicted communist terrorist--aka Nelson Mandela.
Because this one is one which really stays with me-the way whites are supposedly the cause of all their trouble, but they will fight red tooth and claw to be near their "oppressors".
A critical point, and one which race realists need to continue pushing.
If they had any consciousness, they would realise that once whites are extinct, the remaining candidates for host will not be so willing.
Look at a Haiti, a Zimbabwe or a Detroit. Blacks drive out whites. Then wonder why they are living in ruins.
For blacks, often it is about power. They (or their leaders) would rather rule the rubble than cede any power or credit to YT. Let's note that until the white man came along, most sub-Saharan Africans lacked anything we might recognize as civilization (literary arts, cities, roads, industry, aqueducts). The brief interlude of a few centuries of white rule was not enough, apparently, to change the basic pattern.
In the long run, blacks just might accept life in a global Detroit as a sort of natural habitat. And for entertainment, they can sit around the rubbish fires and rage against YT.
None of this helps whites any, but it does give me great satisfaction to know that when or if we become extinct, blacks will be of value only inasmuch as they serve some real purpose to those remaining, and that would only be as mules.
Blacks might ask themselves, where other than in white ruled countries do they get such a free run of the place? Blacks are clearly at the bottom of the racial hierarchy in Latin America (even in Cuba!). They are not thought much of in the Islamic world or East Asia. China is moving into Africa. It should be interesting to see how this plays out.
R.E. Prindle said...
... This is my take on where we stand: While we have barely scratched the surface and have a long way to go we nevertheless have come a long way.
There is a growing network of race realist websites. This needs to be turned into political action, but that's the next stage.
Today the reverse is true, we have a really uncontested presence on the net as the Liberals are afraid to challenge us less they get stomped flat.
I am seeing more intelligent race realist comments appearing throughout the Internet. And why are they intelligent? Because they can back up their claims with statistics and evidence from Detroit to Zimbabwe.
The fact that a number of DWL websites have had to shut down comments owing to "racism" is an indicator that race realism is having an impact.
Discontent in the country is running much more deeply than comments here would indicate. There are many many many professionals and otherwise who are constrained from speaking out who are very apprehensive. It remains to be seen what they will do. Find them and cultivate them.
Race realism has the truth on its side.
Race realism can turn this into a struggle of free speech against censorship. This provides the moral high ground.
They are arming for battle. They have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Find them and join them.
We see various nationalist movements on the rise in Europe. They are further ahead than here in the USA. It would be worthwhile to network with them and form alliances.
Anonymous said...
They are not thought much of in the Islamic world or East Asia. China is moving into Africa. It should be interesting to see how this plays out.
I think we already have a couple of clues as to that. China is the country which had no compunction in running over their own people with tanks in Tienamen Square, for the whole world to see. They didn't care, I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't even enter their leaders' minds to consider the ramifications.
They are making inroads into the resources of Africa, the same resources which white colonists conceded back to Africa as we left or were driven out. Considering the state of China's own lack of environmental concern and "human rights" in their own country towards their own kind, I seriously doubt they will stretch themselves to any greater degree to be concerned with those of Africa.
Only white elites who make use of the mask of "progressivism" for their own purposes, are concerned with the appearance of those concepts. The sub-elites are true believers, until they either rise to the elite, or drop into the prole class, which is now the case and gaining momentum (as seen in the shrinking middle class). The proles are their unwitting tool.
Conservatism is also a mask of elites, one which is becoming less and less useful to them, as we see in their blatant abandonment of true conservatism. Politicians who ran as "conservatives" are openly scolding, mocking, castigating, scorning, and throwing under the bus, those who truly believed in conserving the best of the past.
It really leaves us with rather a conundrum. As whites, as a race which has reached the known heights of civilisation in the history of mankind, is it enough to merely survive as a small minority under any circumstances, especially the loss of freedom and self-determination? Or, having developed that higher consciousness (though we are rapidly losing it through degradation of our race thanks to cultural influence leading to miscegenation), is it better to go out, on our feet? Or to remain as a minority, live on our knees, as will be the case if we are subjugated through outbreeding (in both senses of the word), in the hopes that our progeny can pick up the torch through their genetic inheritance?
How is that possible if our genetic footprint is also bred out of existance, with only traces remaining, like that of the Neanderthals?
Is mere survival the only point, or, considering our history as a race, does the quality of that survival as a race matter?
It's a question upon which we've never reached consensus in the individual sense, and haven't really pondered as a race. Of course, it's now to all intents and purposes a thoughtcrime for whites to think of themselves with any racial cohesion.
I think Pat would be a good person to answer some of this, if he's so inclined. He seems to have knowledge of the pragmatic points in this area.
A very good point is being raised by Anonymous in the quote below.
Here is what I would like to see explored: why do some people -- such as those who post on SBPDL -- refuse to drink the kool-ade of political correctness?
Perhaps PK could open this up as a new article and discussion...
Anonymous said... "I always chalked up that the reason most whites could not speak about or even comprehend the reality of negroes was because of the cultural Marxist indoctrination we have all been brainwashed with since birth in schools, the media, by politicians, and in churches.
Some of us never fell for any of it. Not even early on, not at all.
It always made me wonder why, why was this so.
Many of us who didn't fall for the PC slop weren't special in any way really, except that we never succumbed to the lies being peddled in front of us all around.
So if intelligence isn't necessarily what keeps one from falling victim to the PC machine
What could it be.
Whites have not always been this suicidally wimpy.
So what on earth could the cause of this new cultural phenomena be?"
Maplewood earlier this year installed five iron gates around a neighborhood that borders predominantly black Newark
I used to work nearby in Irvington (another hell hole that Mr. Kersey should investigate) - Anyway, those gates are very much real as you can see here:
There's still plenty of streets from Irvington that go directly into Maplewood that are not gated, so consequently that portion of Maplewood has worsened in the past couple decades...
Brilliant points, Melanie. That really cuts to the heart of everything. I hate to sound defeatist, but with superficial political division so deeply entrenched, it seems that most whites are mentally preparing to simply choke down their "sandwich."
If whites are such horrible racists, then why do the blacks always follow us from place to place, mall to mall, city to city?
Case in point -- I host monthly networking parties (and get wildly drunk parties) in my own private co-op apartment.
These are racist gatherings -- I specifically remind everyone who RSVPs that blacks are not invited, and wouldn't let one deluded girl thru the door when she showed up with two blacks to (case my apartment and murder me later) show me how unreasonable and racist I was being.
I have had blacks pounding on my door and threatening to file federal civil rights charges against me because they don't understand the concept of private property.
If someone had a party and specified that whites were not wanted or welcome, I hardly think any white people would be clamoring to get in.
What the heck is wrong with these dysfunctional people?
have fun minneapolis: their somali citizens have a higher rate of low-IQ autism - minne$otans get to pay:(
Anon @ 10:55- I wish you lived near me. I would love to be invited to your networking events. It's surprisingly hard to find like-minded people here, and it's worse than living in Liberal New England. Go figure.
Anonymous December 17, 2013 at 10:55 AM said: I have had blacks pounding on my door and threatening to file federal civil rights charges against me because they don't understand the concept of private property.
Why wouldn't they? If you had a restaurant or club, you couldn't exclude them, even though it is private property (answer: it is, among other things, commercial activity).
"I've had blacks pounding on my door and threatening to file civil rights charges against me because they don't understand the concept of private property."
So? TEACH THEM! Call the cops and have their asses hauled off for trespassing, creating a disturbance and for whatever else you can get them for!
Thanks to the civil rights movement, blacks think they have a right to be included in everything and that they can obnoxiously push their way even into private homes.
I've even read stories about blacks chimping out because some white kid had a birthday party, invited school friends and a black parent threw a fit because Dontavious (who wasn't a friend) didn't get invited.
This was one reason that segregation was instituted in the USA. Because there are inherent differences among the races.
I think segregation is wrong. It was a ticking time bomb that blew up in white America's face. De Jure segregation was not needed in the early 60s; blacks were relatively well-behaved, and had improved on almost every metric of social well-being. They even had an illegitimacy rate near 20%.
The problem was, Federal Civil Rights legislation forced on the south didn't just REMOVE segregation, it ENFORCED integration and destroyed freedom of association. The excellent comment from Anonymous makes this point explicitly:
These are racist gatherings -- I specifically remind everyone who RSVPs that blacks are not invited, and wouldn't let one deluded girl thru the door when she showed up with two blacks to (case my apartment and murder me later) show me how unreasonable and racist I was being.
I have had blacks pounding on my door and threatening to file federal civil rights charges against me because they don't understand the concept of private property.
We will not as a society pass segregation laws so long as there is a Federal Government. But we CAN get freedom of association and an extension of private property outward. I have suggested before that religion is one mechanism; it cannot be explicitly racial, but it could be a group formed by, say, Poles and open only to descendants of the founders, with NO proselytizing. (Hint: I just described Jews.) Excommunication for whatever reason the (male-only!) church leaders decide.
Here is what I would like to see explored: why do some people -- such as those who post on SBPDL -- refuse to drink the kool-ade of political correctness?
The firmest reactionary voices I know were raised in ethnic neighborhoods with explicit religious education, whether Lutheran, Catholic, or Jewish. (Orthodox, not Reform.) I think this is essential: BRA is the physical embodiment of the religion of progressivism, and these reactionaries (recall: Roissy is of Germanic extract and was raised a Catholic) have a different religion and physical church; note how beautiful older Protestant and Catholic churches are, and you'll understand WHY they're unable to drink the Kool-ade of ugliness, anomie, and despair that is BRA.
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