A city whose demographics scream "America's non-white future."
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A 95 percent non-white city? Well, it used to be an American city... is that nice enough? |
The city Rolling Stone magazine writer Matt Taibbi said is, "everything about America that doesn't work."
A city where parent(s) hoping to volunteer at the public schools of their children were required to pay a $75 fee to cover the costs of a background check.
Talk about social capital.
Remember, the city is 95 percent non-white (48 percent black and 47 percent Hispanic/Latino).
American Exceptionalism, once again on display.[Only 3 Students Scored College-Ready in Camden, NJ, ABC.com, 12-18-13]:
The new school superintendent in Camden, N.J., says it was a "kick-in-the-stomach moment" when he learned that only three district high school students who took the SAT in the 2011-12 school year scored as college-ready.
Paymon Rouhanifard on Tuesday told the school board and the community what he learned on a "listening tour" after he was named to the post in August.
He told the city's Board of Education that low college readiness shows the district must do better.
The Philadelphia Inquirer reports (http://bit.ly/19cp4f3) the superintendent also says he also heard about safety problems in the district. He says one action he's taking immediately is waiving the $75 background check fee for parents who want to volunteer in the schools.
The state of New Jersey took over this city's school system (as they did Newark some 20 years ago), earlier this year, though no one dare address why a $75 fee must be administered to conduct a background check for parents desiring to volunteer at their child's school.[State to seize control of Camden public schools this month, NJ.com, 6-5-2013]:
In June, the state assumed control of the schools in the poverty-stricken city of 80,000.
Camden is the state's lowest performing school district where fewer than one in five students pass state tests of math and language arts proficiency. Only half of Camden's high school students graduate, and adults in the city hold fewer high school diplomas than half a dozen other cities, including nearby Philadelphia, Education Commissioner Christopher Cerf said.
State board member Ronald Butcher said he endorsed [Gov. Chris] Christie's plan for Camden with a heavy heart.
"The facts and the data are what they are and we needed to do something, but I would have hoped desperately that we could have come up with a different decision," Butcher said. "I'm hoping that we're able to produce much more viable results than we've seen in the three other districts under state control."One of America's most liberal periodicals, The Nation, warns us that the entire country could so resemble Camden. [City of Ruins: Camden, New Jersey, stands as a warning of what huge pockets of America could turn into., 11-22-2010]
Not once does the The Nation mention the "City of Ruins" is composed of the exact demographics it has long championed will ensure the degradation of evil white America; in fact, the 95 percent non-white demographic is the reason why Camden is no longer an American city.
And sorry NBC, poverty and violence didn't bring Camden to its knees; a 95 percent non-white population dropped the city to the ground with a one-two racial combination of hope and change. [America's 'invincible' city brought to its knees by poverty, violence, NBC, 3-7-2013]:
Inscribed on the walls of City Hall are the words of Walt Whitman, the great American poet who spent his final years in this city: “In a dream I saw a city invincible.”
But the decades since have not been kind to Camden. Today it is the poorest in the nation.
Directly in the shadow of the glittering skyline of Philadelphia, Camden has long suffered the indignities that poverty breeds. A drive through the streets of the 9-square mile city reveals a moonscape of crumbling infrastructure and abandoned homes, nearly 4,000 in all.
The “walls” of Camden hold in a population that is 48 percent black and 47 percent Hispanic.
The city is trying to revitalize. Old buildings along the waterfront have been turned into luxury condos. Cooper Hospital and Rutgers University have created stability on handfuls of blocks. And recently Cooper opened a medical school. Still, the main industry remains the drug trade and it’s been so bad for so many years that the city’s tragedies often seem to go unnoticed.
Recently, a former citizen of the city paid for a billboard near the Camden exit off I-676 that read, “Say something nice about Camden.”Say something nice about Camden? Well, it used to be an American city, but it's now the type of city The Nation, MSNBC, Paul Ryan, John McCain, the GOP, the DNC, and free market champions have long hoped would arise... it's a 95 percent non-white, where open borders ensured that the white population could successfully take flight for a city that still can be considered 'American'.
In a sane world, there would be a $7500 application fee just for proper genetic testing to verify you could produce healthy children with your spouse; in our world, we have an immigration policy and a welfare system (not to mention a culture that excuses all black dysfunction as a lingering symptom of white racism) that actively is working to turn all of American into Camden, a 95 percent non-white wasteland.
American Exceptionalism, thy name is Camden.
As an American, former Northeasterner, and arrived at racial realism theast few years, as much as I find your information needed, it hurts that I grew up in that tri-state area and it is now gone. Gone to a dream I knew was but won't come back. It saddened me that we, the last 3 or 4 generations let this happen there.
Where I am now is majority white and I hope the other around me are aware of what we could lose by looking at these former American places.
As sad as it is don't stop reporting the current events that may save pockets of us down the road.
God Bless Western Civilization.
New motto for the city across the river -
"Camden: Making Philadelphia Look Good"
I may have missed your point, but I don't believe this is a racial thing. Most Catholic (arch)dioceses, for example, have established background checks for many/most/all volunteers who work with children under their "Safe Environment" program. I would not be surprised if lily-white school districts, scout groups, etc., check everyone out as well.
Another epic example of FAIL! By the way, SBPDL lands on Warrior's list of top 10 websites for 2013! This is the second year in a row, your site has made the top 1o. Here's the link,
I am so sick of the "poverty" excuse. My family was always in the low-income bracket but that long ago and far away if folks didn't have something they didn't rob somebody or hold up a store or deal drugs or WHINE to the media or government to get the ca$h "the easy way." They got creative with what they DID have and worked on something, anything.
Hey, Camden/Detroit/Chicago/wherever: skip-the-junkfood/beer/cigs/crack & buy some veggie seeds and a hoe and start "community gardens."
Go to the library and READ A BOOK on the subject. If you can't read so good maybe just watch it on YouTube.
"though no one dare address why a $75 fee must be administered to conduct a background check for parents desiring to volunteer at their child's school."
Shouldn't every school do background checks, to keep out child molesters? (Not for teachers though. They are all heroes who can do no wrong.)
The wall of political correctness must be breached. It's constantly being reinforced with lies, and we're not even making a dent in it. How many people read this site? A couple thousand?
A black "artist" in Sacramento has "lynched" two white men to "bring to light social injustices and the issue of inequality". Really? Lynching? Again?
The black mind is a broken record.
Slight correction:
"Camden: Making Killadelphia Look Good."
I took a walk using Google Street View through Camden today. I took a walk through hell. The once proud city created by humans is now a groid sewer.
It is impossible for spooks to retain any semblance of civilization. They are devoid human qualities.
I volunteer. It's challenging, at times, but it's worth it. A young man I tutor, Ja'VonTaurius, he's fourteen years old. When I first started working with him, he didn't know the alphabet; he pulled a knife on me when I said hello the first time. Now, two years later, he can spell his name and read simple words like 'cat' and 'mom'. And he hasn't had a run-in with the law in over a month, either, all because of caring persons like me. It's SO rewarding; it's SO enriching. I couldn't imagine a better way to spend five hours a day than tutoring Ja'VonTaurius.
Just think: there are MILLIONS of Ja'Vontauriuses out there. We OWE them. Our slave-dealing ancestors kept them from learning, and we must atone for our collective sins. It's time to pull up our bootstraps, grab a soy latte and dive in! It's worth it!
-A Compassionate Oregonian
The people we are forced to support with our tax dollars, the very people who are entrusted with protecting the American people's interests are responsible for this.
Say something nice about crapden? It is the crown jewel of Amerikwa, the Kwanstain, BRA.
$75 dolla, sheeit I fixn' to getta' $50 bump, Olde English 40oz. and some choreboy (pipe screen) wit dat scrilla (money) homey.
Just remember: what can't last forever,won't
There must be some way we can nudge the ook into greater black on black crime. They kill their own constantly for as little as 10 dollars or a red t-shirt. If we can ramp up the "raid neighboring village ook click" urges then perhaps the population will begin to decline. All we need is a few rappers (negro royalty) to show them that tyrone next door is getting mo' benefits than he is. Ohhhh snap! You cant let this nigga get mo' than you! Fix dat nigga! Guns blaze and the base animal instincts be all satisfied n shit. Please help come up with some ideas, silly or not, they may lead to something very useful.
Erie PA
A glaring example of Black failure. Stop throwing money at the problem. Since Camden is a food desert, let starvation take its course.
Gotta trash the straight, christian/moral white man
Blacks and Mexicans don't book-learn successfully, they just don't. It has to be hard to wake up every morning and go into a place where you can't succeed which is what blacks do every day they go to school or office work. When the stress of all those incomprehensible books gets to them they do what they're good at which is physical violence/sex. Things might improve if hard labor jobs were brought back and the free money stopped. Schooling beyond the basic 3 R's is wasted white money and enrages them. I think my ideas are actually far kinder to blacks than all the DWL nonsense trying to make them like whites. I resent anyone trying to make me act against my nature so I'm sure they do to. My act of Christian charity this Christmas season is to not give a dime to support the current madness. The sooner it collapses, the sooner things can maybe get better.
"In a sane world, there would be a $7500 application fee just for proper genetic testing to verify you could produce healthy children with your spouse; in our world, we have an immigration policy and a welfare system (not to mention a culture that excuses all black dysfunction as a lingering symptom of white racism) that actively is working to turn all of American into Camden, a 95 percent non-white wasteland."
OT: Now the perverts and malcontents are going after homeschooling, which is a WHITE MOVEMENT. Is there any end to their hatred for what is right and good? This is a direct attack on white Conservative parents.
I see some of the comments here and my parents were the working poor ,middle class poor.....and the saddest thing I had ever seen was my father , who was living with me because he was dying...he had lewy body dementia,heart disease but lived till he was 81...and I wasn't about to let him be put in a home where these welfare to work blacks could beat on him....anyway he was crying and he said that he couldn't believe what has been happening , he died in 2001,.When he grew up nobody gave them anything, there were no government handouts ,no oil assistance,no foodstamps.Nothing...If him and his brothers were cold their mother would tell them get another blanket or sleep together to stay warm...and if they needed things they were told to find a job or join the military...hell the European immigrants ,including his mother and father...came here and were told to learn English ,shorten their name so as to be easier to pronounce and find a job and contribute...or go back.And they did find jobs and then joined and served..Most of family served since WW1....my grandfather,my fathers father,was in France on the Maginot line in WW1...my father served in ww2 and his brother,my brother was in Vietnam...father and brother were in the navy,grandfather served in the army...my cousins ,uncles...My father and family served fought defended ,all for nothing...for nothing...they never asked or complained about having nothing ,they worked and fought for it.....I am so disgusted I can't even think straight anymore..anyway MERRY CHRISTMAS....MIKE
The presence of White people cause blacks to kill each other.
The absence of White people cause blacks to kill each other.
The presence of apartments cause black slums
The presence of guns cause drive by shootings.
The presence of drugs and alcohol causes black pathology
The presence of mattresses, sheets, couches, grass lots causes unwanted black teenage pregnancy.
The presence of free education causes black drop-out from school.
The presence of White teachers causes school vandalism
The absence of White teachers causes school vandalism.
One would think, that with all the damage being done to black people by the White Race, there would rise up an educated black leader who would convince the black race to have NOTHING TO DO WITH the evil White race. Perhaps a leader like the Jewish Moses who demanded his people be freed and be allowed to leave and get away from the Anti-Semitic Egyptians.
Where is the black leader who has the guts to lead his people OUT of bondage and away from abuse and demand their OWN NATION, such as the Jews did when they left the abuse under the Egyptians.
Someday, a black man will be able to say something like: "Free at last, free at last, thank GOD almighty that we can build our own nation away from the Blue Eyed Devil"
I have a question for all of you. First off, I love this site and growing up in a major city my whole life, this blog certainly resonates with me. If in the 1960's, the government discouraged the illiterates and criminals from having kids, but greatly rewarded the intelligent, harmless ones, do you think things would be much different today?
Sadly, because of the government, we've had a reverse eugenics program for the last 50 years or so. Decent blacks are no different to decent people of other races when it comes to fertility. It seems that for every kid a waker Williams type has, Shitavious has 4.
Wanted to agree about the wretched excuse commonly made about poverty. It's not valid. There were a number of years as a kid where my family was poor. We wore "hand me downs." Never went hungry. My parents missed meals. Went without beer and cigarettes. My siblings and I missed no meals. See how that works? A MARRIED couple. Mother and father. SACRIFICING for their children. No welfare. No EBT. Air Jordan shoes, bling, and custom rims were not the priority.
Poverty is not the issue. "It's a Black Thing. You wouldn't understand." That was actually a motto in high school. Some blacks only club came up with it and put it on t-shirts. I still don't understand. Well aware of the glaring differences though.
Truly it's a high western civilization thing. A WHITE thing. They cannot understand. Nor will they ever.
Son of Delbert
What ever happened to Kwanzaa? It seemed like up to a few years ago, it was almost impossible to NOT hear about it this time of the year. Elementary schools even forced their students into Kwanzaa events. Lately....nothing.
This might be a good topic for PK. The "founder" of Kwanzaa (Maulana Karenga) has an interesting background including various felonies.
well, we took this country from the savage indians (mainly savage, some not so savage - lots of variability) so we can someday take it back from the current infestation of savages (mainly savage - a few not so savage - lots of variability:)
Okay guys, imagine Loquisha and Dantrell have just been told they need to pay a $75 fee prior to be becoming volunteers. Imagine the anger, the head bobbing, the scowling, the jamming of fingers in faces, it writes itself: "Semma-fah dollas?? Wah come ah gotsta pay semma-fah dollas fo' dis shit?? Ah finna be heppin' niggas an' you gotsta be axin ME fo' munny?? Wut dah fuck wrong witchoo?? You poda pay ME mutha-fucka. Ain' no way ah gonna flip you no semma fah dollas fo NUTHIN', unnastan?!"
Sacremento State University has two white figures in trees as being lynched showing ignorant people like Oprah Winfrey that the majority of those lynched where white criminals.
"What ever happened to Kwanzaa? It seemed like up to a few years ago, it was almost impossible to NOT hear about it this time of the year. Elementary schools even forced their students into Kwanzaa events. Lately....nothing."
No-No, don't worry, its still there. I just went to my daughters Christmas performance last night, virtually 100% white shining faces from grade to grade, (only four) in the whole school. But still a disproportionate amount of monotonously repetitive Kwanza songs.
The $75 background check fee was unquestionably a veiled attempt to suppress the participation of persons of color in the lives of their children. The white power structure understands that oppressed classes must be patronized with a type of passive-aggression control lest those oppressed be pushed too far and offer resistance.
Nice try, whitey.
Mfume Kunte M'Bowow, PhD.
Chief, African Cultural Studies Collective
"It's a black thing. You wouldn't understand."
I've always found it funny how blacks always presume to know and understand everything about other races but assume no one can understand or know anything about them.
If you said, "It's a white thing. you wouldn't understand," they'd scream that you were being racist and calling them stupid, clueless and incapable. They'd also deny that you were right.
It's part of their mind game and hustle~ the "all knowing Negro who knows everything and who must be listened to."
It's also why no dialogue on race or any of the pathologies of the negro is possible on any significant level since you must agree with their "perspective" since they know everything and are always right and everyone else is wrong.
I wish they'd all just shut up and go away. It's a race realist thing. They wouldn't understand.
Kwanzaa songs?!
What are they about?
I have a question for all of you. ... If in the 1960's, the government discouraged the illiterates and criminals from having kids, but greatly rewarded the intelligent, harmless ones, do you think things would be much different today?
Sadly, because of the government, we've had a reverse eugenics program for the last 50 years or so.
Lothrop Stoddard and others a century ago warned what would happen if the underclass went into uncontrolled breeding while the higher-IQ sector limited its numbers.
He argued that the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was, essentially, a war of the underclass against the cognitive elite, exploited by power hungry communists to cement their own power. Hence, the Red Terror. Which, when you think about it, is what is going on in the USA under BRA, albeit in slow motion.
You can get Stoddard's books online. Amazing how much wisdom they had back then.
Data on education systems from the precolonial Dark Continent is limited, but it is a safe bet that there was no formal structured opportunity for children to learn. After all, they had no writing, agriculture, boat building, animal husbandry, science, math, or engineering so organized educational efforts were a waste of time and provided no survival benefit. Most likely what passed for ‘education’ was self-taught…’fire is hot and to get burned will hurt….therefore, don’t touch it with your body’. Higher education probably consisted of…’look at this papaya, Bongo, it is soft and red and therefore ready to eat’. Graduate education was characterized by basic awareness lessons like ‘if you get caught screwing THAT 12 year old, the HNIC will tune your naked ass up….so make a wise choice and don’t screw her even if the wooden plates in her lips turn you on’.
Anyway, the point is that structured education is as foreign to the Negro as tuxedos are to cockroaches. Consequently, making a chimp sit in a classroom not only is unnatural but also clearly unproductive other than for entertainment. I would submit that the $75 actually represents an annual pass to the zoo, and is a pretty good deal considering what Disney’s Wild Kingdom costs. Moreover, how many times have you watched the primates at the zoo do anything but scratch their heads, balls and asses, pick bugs off each other and eat rotten fruit provided by someone else? Same thing the nigs do in public school, right? The only difference is that there isn’t a school bell ringing every 45 minutes at the zoo.
Once again, Hollywood and Washington DC did not read the memos. White goals, thresholds and expectations represent Western culture and are inherently evil. Ergo, organized education should be elective for the simians. Hollywood also declares that black culture is rich, desirable and limitless and since blacks don’t ‘fit’ naturally in any structured venue that requires discipline (like school) either said structured venue is evil or unnecessary. From the black perspective school represents a shopping opportunity. What can they steal, who can they screw, and who will pay the most for their horribly cut weed?
While the Duck Dynasty guy is fired for making less than obsequious comments about the Lavender mafia who form the Repuke leadership, Tim Wise (TWMNBN) has no problem referring to Christ as a symbol of white supremacy and genocide. Part of the problem is the huge number of whites who still operate under the normalcy bias that those who now own and control the country believe in 'fair play', that by patiently 'working within the system' they can turn things around. We passed that point at least two decades ago. Yes, they will be coming after the home-schoolers, just as they are now arresting them in the EUSSR. It's only a matter of time. Reality is extremely ugly and the sooner whites wake up to it, the more of them will be able to implement strategies to survive what's coming.
Read the article 'World of Witchcraft' over @ Taki's. Holy shit - Africa is coming here. Not watered-down Africa ('my ancestor's was slaves...'), but REAL Africa - withcraft, cannibalism, the works.
I can fix the Camden schools with one simple reform: require all teachers to pass the GED.
I thought that "race was just a construct," now we are told: "It's a black thing. You wouldn't understand."
I've always found it funny how blacks always presume to know and understand everything about other races but assume no one can understand or know anything about them.
Well the movies and television show plenty of images of wise black doctors, police officers, scientists, household help, and even death row inmates who dispense wisdom to fawning YT. And let's not forget the party faithful tuning in to the wisdom of Oprah of Cable, and bowing down before a MLK or Mandela.
Sing it bruthus and sistuhs!
"And he hasn't had a run-in with the law in over a month, either, all because of caring persons like me. It's SO rewarding; it's SO enriching. I couldn't imagine a better way to spend five hours a day than tutoring Ja'VonTaurius".
I was reminded of this sentiment watching the news over Thanksgiving. The local food bank prepared special packages organized as meals for the inner city churrun' who missed several days of school during Thanksgiving break because they were not going to be eating in the school cafeteria for a few days.
This wasn't just extra food, it was organized and divided so that they got a full meal. The implication is that their presumably adult parents are not expected to have the requisite mental capacity or diligence to assemble a balanced meal for their own keeds' over the long weekend.
The assignment of an Ivy league graduate to act as a live-in mentor and life coach may the next logical progression per Steve Sailer's warning, and is the subtext of "Waiting for Superman."
to hell with background tests
give them an IQ test
see if they're smarter than a 5th grader
A Compassionate Oregonian said -
Our slave-dealing ancestors kept them from learning, and we must atone for our collective sins.
You go right ahead and atone for your sins if you like but please leave me and all other white people out of this. You have a bad case of 'white guilt'. You are indulging your personal need for martyrdom and worst of all you are simply factually wrong.
I'm writing a script for another little movie today. The subject is slavery and education under slavery. You can wait for me to post it about this time next week or you can just trust me. You are a victim of propaganda. I'm sorry to have to tell you but you are a fool.
The new school superintendent in Camden, N.J., says it was a "kick-in-the-stomach moment" when he learned that only three district high school students who took the SAT in the 2011-12 school year scored as college-ready.
LOL. Motherfucking LOL. We weren't just making shit up when we said that they weren't as smart as us. Anybody else think the name Paymon Rouhanifard sounds like a "Game Of Thrones" character?
Bogo, I thought the expression was "velvet mafia." Ironically, the velvet mafia acts much as the mafia-mafia does: shakedowns and extortion.
It get's better and better.... Looks like the Duck Dynasty guy is now in the shit-can for stating that things weren't all darkness and unending gloom before the shining of Doktor Keeehng's holy light. ... and they'll take you're YT Santa Claus too!
How long before the grovel. Maybe we should set up a betting pool. (Pay no attention to that cephalopod behind the curtain!)
As far as I can tell there are only two policies that can reduce and/or control violence between races. Those are : segregation and genocide.
Maybe I'm wrong, if so someone please point out a historical precedent.
The Romans, the Ottomans, the Hapsburgs and the Soviets all had empires made up of diverse peoples. They all ruled with a heavy hand. Two of them (at least) carried out very effective genocides. All of them kept their internal belligerents separated.
America today is attempting to manage a collection of diverse people with 'nicely, nicely' policies yet we also insist that they all mix together in schools, prisons, and neighborhoods. Obviously it isn't working.
American's don't want to solve our internal race problems with genocide the way the Romans dealt with The Carthaginians after the Third Punic War or the Jews after the Second Jewish War. They don't want to deal with The Ukrainians or the Chechnyans the way the Soviets did either. But we are running out of time.
America is the longest lasting nation continuously under the same government in the world. The Founding Fathers would be amazed. America's political continuity is unprecedented. But it won't last forever - or is unlikely too.
There are a couple destabilizing events that could change things. First of all there is nuclear war. Barrack Obama seems to favor nuclear proliferation to Muslim countries. Autonomous drones are now cheap and easy to produce. And of course Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) doesn't deter suicide bombers.
There is also a considerable risk of global economic meltdown. Our currency is now less stable than that of the pre-Nazi Weimar Republic. No one knows the long term effects of 'quantitative easing'. It seems to be just a tricky way of printing money and every nation that has tried that has come a cropper financially.
Other disasters are possible but these two will serve as illustrations. What happens if the current US government falls?
I think there is an excellent chance for some kind of race war. When we throw out the Constitution, who knows what will happen? Aggrieved groups will want change.
Therefore I support massive racial segregation now. Not so much because of present conditions but more just to be safe. We are in a precarious position today as a nation. We can only afford our crazy quilt of racial policies because we are so prosperous and stable. It is imprudent to assume that that will always be the case.
I have absolutely no doubt if things get dodgy in America, white people will do fine and blacks won't. So be compassionate toward the black man - separate blacks out now.
Camden is everything about America that doesn't work? I thought Obama was everything about America that doesn't work. Same difference, I guess.
>>"LOL. Motherfucking LOL. We weren't just making shit up when we said that they weren't as smart as us. Anybody else think the name Paymon Rouhanifard sounds like a "Game Of Thrones" character?"
Well let's think positive. Maybe the 2012-13 HS students SAT college ready increased to 5.
That's a good point about the name. Usually they're named exotic names since they have no idea who their fathers are but this is just...what was the baby momma high on crack when she thought that one up?
That doesn't sound African or even Nation of Islam type of name. What is that anyway?
>>"Anonymous said...
I thought that "race was just a construct," now we are told: "It's a black thing. You wouldn't understand." "
That's right, we wouldn't understand. We DONT understand how the fucking hell a race that has had over a half century of affirmative action, desegregation, set asides, quotas, and all the help possible for attaining better education, better housing, an overall better life and STILL they can NOT fucking FIGURE IT OUT!
No, we wouldn't understand that kind of fucking incompetence. Yet some ethnics come over here from Asia and THEIR CULTURE DOES NOT HAVE A WESTERN STYLE ALPHABET and within a generation or two are doing quite well on English reading, Math, and Science test scores and are on their way to college!!! WITHOUT any major affirmative action programs to spoon feed them the answers!
Even WITH affirmative action, they STILL cannot figure it out! In some ways, it has made no discernible difference in their lives! It has not enabled them to perform better in the classroom and these government programs have been around for over half a century!!!
Don't you think by now we'd have evidence and proof that these programs were WORKING? And we have is proof of just the opposite. It's NOT working.
All this spoon feeding these apes the answers and they STILL cannot figure out the answers and help themselves to live a productive life in society!
>>"I've always found it funny how blacks always presume to know and understand everything about other races but assume no one can understand or know anything about them."
Exactly. WHAT do they know about others? That other races "ain't like us"?
Oh, we KNOW EXACTLY about them. They've been here long enough to have kept it all real. Their actions and the results (e.g. in education, crime, out of wedlock, etc) are quite apparent to all.
>>"Anonymous said...
I thought that "race was just a construct," now we are told: "It's a black thing. You wouldn't understand." "
That's right, we wouldn't understand. We DONT understand how the fucking hell a race that has had over a half century of affirmative action, desegregation, set asides, quotas, and all the help possible for attaining better education, better housing, an overall better life and STILL they can NOT fucking FIGURE IT OUT!
No, we wouldn't understand that kind of fucking incompetence. Yet some ethnics come over here from Asia and THEIR CULTURE DOES NOT HAVE A WESTERN STYLE ALPHABET and within a generation or two are doing quite well on English reading, Math, and Science test scores and are on their way to college!!! WITHOUT any major affirmative action programs to spoon feed them the answers!
Even WITH affirmative action, they STILL cannot figure it out! In some ways, it has made no discernible difference in their lives! It has not enabled them to perform better in the classroom and these government programs have been around for over half a century!!!
Don't you think by now we'd have evidence and proof that these programs were WORKING? And we have is proof of just the opposite. It's NOT working.
All this spoon feeding these apes the answers and they STILL cannot figure out the answers and help themselves to live a productive life in society!
>>"I've always found it funny how blacks always presume to know and understand everything about other races but assume no one can understand or know anything about them."
Exactly. WHAT do they know about others? That other races "ain't like us"?
Oh, we KNOW EXACTLY about them. They've been here long enough to have kept it all real. Their actions and the results (e.g. in education, crime, out of wedlock, etc) are quite apparent to all.
Anon at 9:53
Google Santeria. Voodoo has been here for quite a while. Very big on the East Coast and New York with tentacles throughout the US.
Pat — take your satire detector into the shop. The meter should have pegged on that "Compassionate Oregonian" post, and I bet the needle never twitched.
Wait until Ja'VonTaurius rips your clothes off, rapes you, then slits your throat. This has happened twice now in the past year with two white female teachers who showed an interest in two teen-aged black males. Do keep in mind they grow up much faster than white kids and are experimenting with sex by age five.
That's what trade schooos are for. We will always need construction skills. Most blacks would be better off learning how to read and write and then spend the rest of their school years learning a useful trade. By the time they graduate they would have years of hands-on experience.
The white kids are needed back in the public schools. Black kids can't learn in an environment without them. They also make good punching bags for the little black urchins.
"I took a walk using Google Street View through Camden today. I took a walk through hell."
I just did too, because you suggested it. I love the checkerboard pattern of the grubby inner suburbs, which I guess is house demolition. So Detroit. And Mogadishu.
What happened to all our "white privilege" we've heard so much about? Many of us have had similarly impoverished backgrounds as you have described. I never knew I had any "privilege."
I grew up poor in a family of 10 siblings (one adopted). We never took a cent of government assistance-my dad would have had us all out picking soybeans first. We picked our own produce that we grew as it was. A soda was a treat for which me and my sisters earned our nickels, put them in a pot, and split the soda between us.
Some of my siblngs put themselves through college, on academic scholarships and hard work.
Some joined the military, some married and became homemakers and mothers. (well, we all married and had families, every one of us).
None of us have more than a traffic ticket in our history. It never entered our heads that because some people are rich (including other branches of the family, growing up), that we were entitled to it. We learned that you decide your priorities and make your choices accordingly, but it's all on you, no one else.
In light of all the remarks about lower IQ, low impulse control, etc. (none of which are untrue, BTW), I have to wonder who the real stupid ones are:
Shitavious and his homies are not only survivin' in the great glittering squid-empire, but thriving like cockroaches. The same goes for Mexicans, Asians, A-rabs, etc. The squids and their nomenklatura are gleefully stamping their jackboots (often the Palmetto-Lavender shade favored by the Incitatus from South Carolina) into YT's face all over what was once known as Christendom.
YT himself is another story. His birthrate has plummeted, his wymyn have been bewitched and all he can do is to sit in front of the endless series of niggaball games, borrowing fake money from squids to buy shit-sandwiches and quaff gallons of Rev. Jimbo's Grape Drank. It would appear the Crystal Meth of Religions only works its deadly magic upon YT, who just can't put enough fast enough into his crack-pipe. YT needs an intervention. Of course that's why we continue on here at SBPDL, hoping that eyes will open, scales fall away, etc.
somebody once told me that the smell of out-line chalk fills the air in Camden. and the term "alley biscuit" was coined when the spooks threw rocks at passing cars.
So I wonder how many of them actually pass the background check.
Why is everyone laughing?
One other item term used repeatedly here on SBPDL is the "Black Undertow."
How about a good definition of exactly what you mean when you use it.
Southern Indiana
"Hey, what the hell is is this?! You said you weren't selling to *those* people!"
"I'm getting out of here...back to the thirties, when it was safe--and white!"
Anon said: "Kwanzaa songs?! What are they about?"
I don't know, but they seem to rhyme, and the bongo drums put you in kind of a trance. It's so relaxing, you don't mind waking up to find your wallet missing.
But Bogolyubski, what self-respecting white person would want to live in that world?
Bogol: "How long before the grovel. Maybe we should set up a betting pool."
I've never seen the show, but maybe you should start a second pool, for "When does the rest of his family join the boycott". They are the #1 show on cable, and they need A&E??? All they have to do is say the magic 'F' word (which the ostracized patriarch didn't even do), and they're free.
The squid cuts off its own big nose, to spite its face. Good-riddance, nose.
"America is the longest lasting nation continuously under the same government in the world. The Founding Fathers would be amazed. America's political continuity is unprecedented. But it won't last forever"
The Founding Fathers wouldn't recognize anything they see today as resembling what they started. The first attempt broke apart within four score and seven years.
If they could see us today, they would ask to be cremated, so they could stop rolling over in their graves.
But Bogolyubski, what self-respecting white person would want to live in that world?
A self-respecting white person would not want to live there, but apparently most whites can't get enough of the place. When the 'communion' of their shiny new Crystal-Meth religion consists of eating shit-sandwiches from D'Ormerde & Schiessgeld's deli washed down with Rev. Jimbo's grape drank, the result is inevitable.
As someone above mentioned, the DD folks might well be big enough that they could even start their own cable network and cut the usual suspects out of the equation altogether. It would be a brilliant move on their part.
Patrice Stanton said...
Hey, Camden/Detroit/Chicago/wherever: ... buy some veggie seeds and a hoe and start "community gardens."
Prime example of a Category error. You're making the mistake of confusing these "coonmunities" with actual communities of civilized humans. They are not like us. Even if they had a White overseer with a whip to motivate them to do gardening work, the crops would all disappear one night just before they're ready to be picked.
If [America's Founding Fathers] could see us today, they would ask to be cremated, so they could stop rolling over in their graves.
Good one!
I worked as a contractor at the co-gen plant in Camden in the late '90's. we were on the top deck welding superheater piping from the boiler unit to the turbine. we regularly saw the prostitutes and their johns across the street. when it got dark, the security went home and we were locked in with Camden police officers and cars. didn't take long to hear the bullets whizzing by. we kept down and finished as quickly as possible. glad we made it out alive. we hit the interstate as fast as those trucks would go and never went back.
To: A Compassionate Oregonian, the US has for over 50 years provided EVERYTHING for blacks, spending over a trillion $$ on social engineering programs that haven't worked. Blacks are just as dumb as they've ever been. Asking whites to volunteer their time to help blacks is totally ridiculous. We've already sacrificed everything for this sub-human race that REFUSES to help itself. All they do is whine, complain, & blame whitey for everything. We've had enough!
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