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America 2014 |
Seasons Greetings.
There's an image of downtown Ferguson, with teargas smoke covering the "Seasons Greetings" sign (pictured above).
This is America in 2014.
God Bless Darren Wilson, a man who has inadvertently shown us the true face of black America (with apologies to Bill Cosby... the inculcation of Fictional Black Images via Hollywood evaporates when people watch the black reaction to the grand jury's decision in St. Louis County).
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The perfect Thanksgiving/Christmas/Kwanzaa card for the White House to send out to the American people... |
What a disorganized looting and rioting mess! If they had the tactical know who, skill and intelligence of YT it would be much different! The prosecutor succinctly laid it out in a professional fashion and was still asked stupid ass questions by the liberal and black idiots. God bless you Wilson! The prosecutor told just how much a POS Brown really was.
watching the TV, looks like at least a Cat. 4. want to see what tomorrow will hold.
St. Swisher's mammy said something to the effect of "we must learns some lessons from this" before breaking into the usual histrionics.
Yes. Yes you should. Teach your little black bastard chillins to quit being gangbanging criminal assholes.
Wallace Schoolhouse:
The sign should read "We are a great FARCE".
Thanks and cheers not only due to the hero, Officer Darren Wilson...
But also to one of our own, Mr. Paul Kersey. I am truly obliged, sir.
Yes, I know the "content of their (collective) character." More clearly than ever now. Thanks for your continuing education program, doggs.
It doesn't get any more "in your face" than this. The only question now is how long the negroes will continue this temper tantrum. The lib media is already fawning all over the place calling the protestors "disappointed" as they continue looting.
Here we go boys, stay vigilant.
Umm, with all apologies to Paul Kersey, I think currently Bill Cosby is showing us the true gave off black America!
This could be better. I hope they're just getting warmed up. Here's a good video of a DAL (arab liberal) who was livestreaming the "peaceful protests) getting his phone jacked by an oppressed urban youth.
His reaction on twitter is that a police plant took it from him. He can never win with these people.
The silver lining to all this rioting and destruction is that more YTs are getting negro fatigue. Like usual, blacks are their own worst enemies.
Category four.
Megan Kelly just devastated this ditsoon with logic.
"a man who has inadvertently shown us the true black face of America (with apologies to Bill Cosby)"
You don't owe Bill Cosby an apology, or a Roofie Pudding Pop, or anything else.
You have to love the delusional BS coming from the mouths of these animals - "It should have gone straight to trial" and "Mike Brown was murdered" - you know damn well if the cop were Black and Mike Brown White, they'd be ooking and eeking about THAT and yelling "racism" ! What they want is an end to laws being applied to Blacks. Period. I just hope any number of DWLs wake up after seeing the TNB.
Good God.
With one hour the following stories (incidences) have occurred. (St. Louis, Ferguson Police Feed):
Officers reporting heavy automatic gunfire in area of W. Florissant and Canfield.
At least one man has been shot. At least three others, two of which are media, have been attacked.
“Black male shooting at passing cars”
A cameraman for FoxNews was attacked.
Over a dozen instances of multiple gunshots.
Shots fired with a rifle from a car.
The entire intersection of W. Florissant and Canfield is being described as “everything on fire.”
An Auto/Tire shop is being destroyed.
Red’s BBQ has been set on fire by armed men.
O’Reily Auto Parts fully engulfed in fire.
The fire department has retreated from the Walgreen’s fire due to shots fired.
Little Caesars Pizza has been set on fire.
A storage building is on fire from Molotov cocktails.
Sams Meat Market has been set on fire.
Rioters are blocking I-270.
Walgreen’s is now on fire.
Gunshots aimed directly at the Ferguson police department.
Men spotted brandishing guns near police station.
One man spotted brandishing an AR-15.
Fires started.
Police car set on fire.
At least two police cars have been smashed up by mobs.
The Ferguson Market & Liquor has been looted.
A Boost Mobile cell phone store has been looted.
A BP Gas station has been looted.
A Walgreen’s store has been looted.
A Family Dollar store has been looted.
A Dollar General store has been looted.
A Toys R US store has been looted.
Barbershop robbed/looted by two men.
A white journalist has been bashed with a brick in Ferguson.
Another victim was seen being attacked by a mob.
Rioters are blocking traffic and climbing on cars in Ferguson.
Rioters are hurling bottles as police.
Gunshots have also been reported in neighboring Clayton and Florissant.
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
Here I go again, dreaming of machine guns.
Yeah I think this qualifies as a Cat V Chimpout. There will nothing left after all this. Where yA gonna eat Ferguson? Where you gonna get a phone, liquor, yo hair did, gas, car repairs???? May they get what they want and want what they get! Idiots!
With apologies to Warren Zevon -
"Send lawyers, guns and money...
The shit has hit the fan"
This is Obamanator's dream come true--and he wants the guns, too!
NOVEMBER 22, 2014
By Mike King & Sugar the Cat
Brown's "peace-loving" and T-shirt selling parents are cashing-in on the death of their thug son as they agitate with Marxist front groups such as A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism)
It is important to note that the new Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, is also a Black Obongo crony! You see folks, the coming game is rigged. Obongo's gang controls BOTH the Homeland Security army and the Black / Communist militants. IF events go off as planned, the latter will empower the former to disarm Whites while waging a sham-fight against the Reds & Panthers.
Today is November 22, 2014. The verdict on Officer Darren Wilson is due anyday now. Remember America, Whatever mayhem and chaos should occur in the coming days, weeks, and months, know that puppet-boy Obongo and the criminal gang that controls him, planned it that way.
Crawl line on the CNN coverage said:
President Obama: "Communities of color aren't just making these problems up."
What an ass. Wasn't Brown the first "person of color" in Ferguson history to be killed by a cop? So yeah, I'd call "Stop Killing Us" protest signs and "Stop Killing Our Kids" protest signs "making problems up."
Whoa... the woman CNN standup reporter on Florissant Rd just got hit in the head with a rock, on air.
- Man in Florida
Sounds like Ferguson is in total cat5 chimpout mode. May god have Mercy on the few humans remaining in Ferguson you are in our thoughts.
It is absolutely amazing everyone predicted full on chimp out. Everyone up to The President of th United States knew ot was coming. I am not understanding why ot was allowed to happen. Yes the 1st Ammendment is protected but not the destruction chaos and violence are not. Maybe a complete and utter show of force should have been shown by humans up front you have 10,000 men we have 100,000 national guard here first sign of violence we stop it hard fast and immediately.
Oh the irony, the first store looted was the beauty supply. Them sheboons loaded up on free extensions. Then they burned it. Now how dey gonna get day hair did?
@ Wallace Schoolhouse...
- Man in Florida
The emerging witness testimony is devastating to the Michael Brown cause. Multiple witnesses confirmed Brown never had his hands up, they said BOTH Brown and his little buddy Johnson attacked Wilson, and they said Brown did indeed stop running away, turned around and charged Wilson, which is when Wilson opened fire.
So these are white witnesses, right? Nope. BLACK. All of them.
- Man in Florida
Can't we just agree that "multiculturalism" is a farce?
Southern Pride! Southern Identity! Southern
Independence! PRO-"Redneck".
Go White people!
Scot Irish
Ex New Yorker here....Hey 10mm AUTO thank you for the details. I don't have a TV set so all my info comes from the net. I guess this shit is just getting started. I've seen the results of only two riots up close. NY 1977 black out riot and the October-fest riot in Virginia Beach.
I wonder what those piss ant anti-gun liberals will be thinking when this shit comes knocking on their front door. Maybe they can explain how they love black people while the teens are raping their daughters. All this shit somehow still seems unreal.
Listening to the Ferguson mayor whine about how disappointed he is about his town being burned down. Here's a thought, kill a few of them and stop it. This is domestic terrorism, kill them.
"The silver lining to all this rioting and destruction is that more YTs are getting negro fatigue."
Too bad blacks control the federal government, the most powerful institution in the world. This chaos and destruction has their blessing. It is just a taste of what they intend for all of us.
I really hope that a goodly number of the DWLs who put Obama in office are seeing this and thinking, "Shit! I made a really big mistake." But I'm probably being far too optimistic.
Blacks are now the privileged class,
Well, at least the book stores will be untouched
The protesters in downtown Chicago appeared to be mostly college aged whites. Apparently they have not been mugged yet. They were probably raised in white suburbs, without Section 8 housing. They have no clue what it is like to live and work with blacks. Wait until they have a black boss! Most likely they are guided by left wing liberal professors.
Carolina Cicero:
Watching all this madness, I am reminded of Rod Serling's "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street", where once panic and raw emotion take over, logic go bye-bye.
Says a great deal about the black person's "character": A whining, bitter, malevolent _child_, allowing primal emotions override thought.
And all this is gonna backfire, as now, millions across this nation see the black animal for what it really is....a pest!
Kudos to the grand jury for following due process. Another congrat to the rioters and their supporters: No better a showing of what blacks are really all about!
Token Liberal here posting this without comment:
Astonishing. CNN has a show featuring two Brits - a white woman and an feminine-looking black male - suggesting that it is silly that an armed cop could be in fear of an unarmed assailant. They said repeatedly that Brown was shot 135 feet away from Wilson. Nevermind that according to the Grand Jury report, Brown dropped dead 8 feet from Wilson at the end of his charge. It envisions Hemmingway's description of killing a man-eating lion a second before it was on him. Insanity!
The Brown cousin was also on Fox, suggesting that Wilson used bad judgement pursuing Brown and that he should have waited for backup.... Guess he got the idea from the family of the Indianapolis cop killer: "If he had just stayed in his car, he wouldn't have got killed." Isn't it fascinating that they feel they should have an equal say in the rules of engagement while engaged in a felony?
This is what was expected out of the black race that freeloads in the country formerly known as America. Can't wait to hear the excuses from the Marxist media in the upcoming days.
Thanksgiving 2014! This is what the black race does to show thanks in Barry Soetoro's run America.
Democrats and liberals this is all your mess you idiots. Or should I just call you morons! And where was that CHUMP high yellow nigg-nogg E."Dick" Holder tonight?
Mr. attorney general my ass.
Fellow REAL NON-TRAITOR GREATWHITES, watch out for the new and improved version of the "knock-out game." Keep your families close and protect them from the negro hoard.
Great picture! I was watching this live on CNN and could not overlook the irony of the "Seasons Greetings" banner...these people are insane. One of the negroes was even carrying a small child--who would bring a child to such a dangerous event? And who were these few whites who decided to come out there as well--didn't they know the extreme danger of this setting? White America--time to move out of the country to somewhere not Black-Run.
Why are so many who post puzzled as to why and how these blacks riot and loot? They are allowed to because the Democrat Party needs their votes. They are allowed to because such behavior serves the disinformation "narrative." Think of the movie Ben Hur, "We keep you alive to serve this ship." That is why they are allowed to riot and loot. They are too stupid to see they are not free from the slavery of selling their vote for so little. They think their vote should be a get out of jail free card for all their criminal behavior. Sometimes it is, but only when their vote is required. No wonder blacks think the laws should not apply to them.
Bill Cosby and Dr. Huxtable are two different negroes. You know that, don't you? Bill Cosby has been raping white women for years.
This is as black as black gets. Let them destroy their own town, then when they whine and bitch about not having drug stores, grocery stores, and other trappings of civilization, point their chimpout out to them...
...over and over.
Everything happened exactly as predicted.
Listening to the Obama speech.
He just said that Holder is going to make sure "their ranks are representative of the communities they serve." That means GET RID OF WHITES!
So WHITES are the problem? Really?
He wants to train the PD to treat people fairly. So he says the PD is not being fair and we need criminal justice reform across America.
These are the lessons! What about lowering crime?
Then he says there are problems that Communities of color are just making up. So again, YT is the problem!
He NEVER gives sympathy for Wilson. He indicts him by saying complaint is justified.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Token Liberal here posting this without comment:
November 25, 2014 at 1:07 AM
Interesting picture, but whatever caption is assigned to it gives it meaning. It could be, "Don't loot this one! It's owned by a brother!"
Or, in addition to the cameraman, there could have been six or seven men with AR-15's and shotguns leveled at them off-camera. "Okay! Okay! We leavin'! Don't shoot!"
Or is the truth somewhere in between?
@ nordic
CNN and MSNBC are blatantly avoiding mentioning that several black witnesses backed up Wilson's account. CNN is flat out lying right now, saying the testimony came down to the several pro-Brown witnesses accounts vs just Wilson's account.
(The story spun by the pro-Brown "witnesses" crumbled.)
- Man in Florida
I think we all knew that this riot was going to happen, either way the jury went. Its all part of the negro make up.
More nights of this type of rioting is coming. Look out white areas Clayton and other towns can expect the same type of behavour, this is far from over white America
sign should state "We're a Great Species", quite different than homo sapiens....but Great, nonetheless ???
/H hypie out H\
When they began running shortly after the clarifying announcement I thought a Catagory 6 was imminent, a 4 held it's demonic grip during the night. Savages that love the lies, Disciples of the Brownstain.
When the prosecutor answered the patronizing reporter who axted the races of the witnesses, it was priceless. All schwoogies, all schwoogies.
The world according to the deprived minority, rules?
Cosby will become the new Gary Condit.
Reality is this chimp out has thus far only destroyed their on hood and businesses. If this is prolonged and they run out of things to destroy in their cesspool, they will move into the white neighborhoods and businesses. That will be a big mistake. The Rev Sharpton is coming today so I fully expect this to escalate significantly. The only good to come from this will be the spreading negro fatigue that is catching on like wildfire. There is also a rumor the NAPA's will protest black friday sales through a boycott er make that a blackcott so a side benefit is we may have a pleasant shopping experience.
In the spirit of the Holidays I have started writing a song called The Ferguson Kwansaa Song
On the first day of Kwansaa my homie looted for me... 1 flat screen tv. On the second day of The Chimpout my homie looted for me 2 slightly burnt wigs.
(Feel free to add your own verses)
Beyond fatigued.
- North Floridian.
bernicegreenbaum said, "The lib media is already fawning all over the place calling the protestors "disappointed" as they continue looting."
Well, of course they're disappointed. As Mr. Kersey reported in yesterday's excellent column, those evil white racists have been moving all the good stuff out of reach. :)
The Split Screen Presidency & Sons.
The Brits come from a culture where killing cops is rare.
There is a gentlemen's agreement on kill killing. Generally crooks don't want Old Bill collaring them.
It's changing now that blacks are commoner in the UK.
Anybody care to guess how long until the bitching about no jobs or businesses being in the hood and "food deserts"? Bonus points if they do it while standing in front of burned out and looted stores.
Effeminate beta male Moby says Officer Wilson chased Saint Swisher down then murdered him.
Sheboon rapper says she has a burning hatred for "straight white men."
Indian store owner speechless after his place was ransacked. Looks like the same place that Ol' Saint Swisher robbed.
More twitter babble
To paraphrase Rahm Emanuel: "Never let a chimpout go to waste"
Use this incident to win some people over.
Well, I'm not surprised by the violent aftermath. Did you expect anything different?
Did you folks see the pictures of Darren Wilson on Drudge? Total carnage, just like you bozos predicted. Crushed facial bones and ripped open flesh. Chilling. What hurt him the most, however, was all of you cop-lovers swinging on his nuts.
I love it when that "content of character" spills out all over the place. God forbid the negro gets judged by the color of their skin. That just wouldn't be right.
{N.Ga} I owe black people nothing!
In other news Chimpout.com had 12 new members sign up in the initial 12 hours of "protest". Assuming there's a backlog for mods to approve new members there's likely even more on deck.
Now that's just one race realist forum and I expect only 1 of 10 new converts is actually ready to sign up to a *gasp* "racist" web forum.
At the end of the day TNB will create more converts to our cause than any amount of statistics or well reasoned argument that we or PK could ever produce.
Africans gone feral are pretty much the best advertising we have here. It'll be painful, but it is necessary.
I maintain that this is no mistake, the mid to long game will involve a permanent solution to the negro problem once they've outlived their usefulness. As someone mentioned in a previous thread, the owners of the farm have no use for mules that won't pull. At some point they will be eliminated.
These atrocities will continue, and when it comes time for a draconian solution virtually nobody will protest doing what's needed.
When black people start loving their children more than they hate white people will they ever have a chance to "overcome."
I was watching some of the coverage on MSNBC but had to turn it off. A lesbian looking male reporter was giving on-air excuses for the chaos and destruction. I imagined him getting hit by a bullet and then as he lay dying telling us that it isn't their fault.
Our media is one of the biggest problems. They view Blacks as children that need to be coddled and protected.
"Anonymous said...
Carolina Cicero:
Watching all this madness, I am reminded of Rod Serling's "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street", where once panic and raw emotion take over, logic go bye-bye."
That little telepaly was from the early sixties and - as was so much of "The Twilight Zone" - was liberal propaganda. Hollywood invited us all to believe that white, small-town, middle-class America was rotten underneath - that every group of plain-old normal folks was an irrational mob just waiting to happen. Would Serling ever have shown black people acting that way?
Whats been happening with Cosby's reputation and campus gang rape scandals make me wonder if the floodgates might open on Martin Luther King, Jr. How do you maintain "war on women" propaganda but celebrate a brutal womanizer.
As I watched the riot and looting last night, I was thinking this makes perfect sense. All manner of crime is being committed in their effort to show unity with the ex-criminal, Mike Brown.
I was switching between channels trying to keep up with the Ferguson riots when I switched to MSNBC. I couldn't watch or listen to some white, blonde anchorwoman for more than a couple minutes. She made me want to puke! Maybe someone else has the stomach to repeat the "news" she was reporting, I don't.
>>>>“You have to understand the mentality of some of these young guys,” he said, describing those who flocked to the scene in the immediate aftermath of the shooting. “They have nothing to do. If they can latch onto something, they embellish it because they want something to do.”<<<<
As far as I know the juvenile record of Michael Brown has still not been released. I have a persistent suspicion that Brown had a relevant record of some sort.
Brown seems to have had some kind of hair trigger personality. He attacked an armed cop twice. That's not normal. Normal people don't charge a man with a gun.
I think Brown may have been a diagnosed schizophrenic. If not he should have had a record of violence in public school.
I don't think the story is over.
Pat Boyle
LOL @ youtube comment "Fergadishu" must read this blog
Oh, good. So a white government agent can shoot a black man, with minimal facial damage to himself, and get off without having to pay for a lawyer at a trial. Meanwhile, Zimmermann can have a broken nose, a bloody scalp, serious injuries, but still has to pay to defend himself at trial. Ask yourself: if Wilson were a homeowner, would he be indicted today?
If you think those government agents will hesitate to shoot white people who stand up to its force, as Randy Weaver how his wife is.
You have a duty: NEVER try to get out of jury duty. Especially not grand jury duty. Do not vote to indict people (even black people) who appear to be defending their lives and property. Do not vote to convict people who acted reasonably in self-defense. This is the one unrestricted power remaining to you in the USA. Use it.
The grand jury made the correct call. 3 blacks also voted not to indict. Good for them.
>>>Thomas Perry, 30, was equally bitter. “I support my people who are out there doing it,” he said. “For years they’ve been taking from us. We don’t care.”<<<
The Lieutenant Governor (Republican) of Missouri was on Fox News wondering why Nixon the Democratic Governor who had mobilized the National Guard weeks ago suddenly released them the day of the planned riot.
He implies that had they just been stationed around Ferguson as everyone expected, they would have kept any buildings from being burned.
He more or less suggested that Obama and Holder put pressure on Nixon to pull the Guard so as to assure that there was a bigger riot.
Pat Boyle
As Ferguson burns, I can`t help thinking that, if you have a cuckoo (Obama) in the nest (White House), it`s going to do it`s best to destroy the indigenous inhabitants (YT). This must surely have been evident to the voters on the last two elections. The groids are going to vote for their messiah, and the whites will be overtaken by apathy and not bother to turn out. Ferguson, Detroit and all black run cities should be an example of what happens when voter apathy strikes. Obama`s next move will be severe gun control to neuter any white backlash. Don`t sit back and let it happen, as it has over here in the UK. We`ve got the government we deserve through voter apathy. On another thought, where the hell are all those poor ignorant angry black savages going to shop on their EBT cards now ? Looks like something else they`ll have a whine about until the area gets rebuilt again, at YT`s expense. Then they can burn it down the next time they can`t get their own way.
There are 10 lessons that can be derived from the entire Ferguson fiasco:
1.) I am the Negro, the lord thy god and thou shall have no other gods before me.
2.) Thou shall not make any graven truth about thy god.
3.) Thou shalt never use the name nigger in vain.
4.) Remember to keep holy Martin Luther King's birthday, black history month and all days shall be dedicated to thy god.
5.) Honor thy father and mother out of Africa, the Negro.
6.) Thou shalt never ever kill a Negro, even a charging lowland ape Negro.
7.) Thou shalt never adulterate defile or diminish the Negro in any way whatsoever.
8.) Thou shalt never ever deny the Negro god anything by denying what is rightfully his.
9.) Thou shalt never bear truthful witness to the Negro god who shall reign supreme against all truth.
10.) Thou shalt never covet what is thou's and rightfully belongs to the Negro god.
Oh, and just one more. Thou shall always carry more than 15 rounds to put down the charging lowland ape.
This is as black as black gets. Let them destroy their own town, then when they whine and bitch about not having drug stores, grocery stores, and other trappings of civilization, point their chimpout out to them...
Except when Ferguson becomes unlivable the government will give its inmates Section 8 vouchers to come do the same thing in your town.
I extend congratulations to officer Wilson for disposing of a piece of subhuman garbage and enduring the subsequent shitstorm. Think of the many, many future victims of Saint Swisher who have now been spared due to that well-earned bullet in the forehead.
Same story for Saint Skittles. A tip o' the cap to Z-man.
The real question is: what can white activists learn from the Ferguson Fracas?
Whites need to get organized.
Whites need to co-opt friendly media.
Whites need to take it to the streets.
Most critically: whites need to think racially.
Thank you PK and all the commenters here for awaking me this past year or so. I see everything so much clearer now!
The civil/race war has just begun folks..stay strong.
ME TOO!! I couldnt take it anymore! !!
Youre absolutely right!
We have to see the Ferguson Fracas for what it is: a battle in the war to establish BRA (or really, to consolidate BRA's hold). It has to be seen in light of battles such as the Edmund Pettus Bridge and the 1967 Detroit "Uprising."
The Ferguson Scorecard (bad):
* BRA showed it could put thousands of people into the streets.
* BRA showed its hand as much of the media and government sided with the berserkers in the streets.
* BRA will use Ferguson as an excuse to further corrupt the system (e.g., hire more officers who are from the "community).
The Ferguson Scorecard (good):
* The grand jury system worked. Similar to a jury finding Zimmerman not guilty. The system is not entirely corrupt.
* Many of the individuals and institutions who were calling for a legal lynching of Wilson have been discredited.
* Race realists used the Internet to provide information and maintain solidarity.
The question is, how can race realists build on this battle?
Hopefully this will be the turning point America desperately needs. Unfortunately, innocent whites will be killed by these feral creatures before we get to that point!
Well said! This will set them back a hundred years once the dust settles. They're their own worst enemy!
"Whites need to get organized.
Whites need to co-opt friendly media.
Whites need to take it to the streets.
Most critically: whites need to think racially."
This is beautiful!! You are ABSOLUTELY correct...We need to STOP being afraid to be VOCAL (they will call us "racists" no matter what) and we NEED TO STICK TOGETHER...Time for YT to put his collective foot down and say ENOUGH, I am NOT supporting these parasites anymore!!
After watching these feral creatures tear the city apart, I'm guessing that millions of white Americans will be quite vigilant from now on.
Ex-Brooklynite said, "The grand jury made the correct call. 3 blacks also voted not to indict. Good for them."
Got a source for that? In Missouri, a grand jury decision requires only nine votes. I suspect that the nine white grand jurors voted not to indict after due consideration and the three black grand jurors voted to indict regardless of the law and the facts. I expect a news story to that effect any minute now.
Blacks don't control shit, they're merely pawns in this game and they're usefulness is waning.
Token Liberal here:
How do you argue with people who believe so deeply in the "paint job" theory that they are willing to rationalize TNB no matter how egregious?
Hell, I've even seen people argue that Wilson started it by telling Brown to get out of the street!
There is so much wailing and gnashing of teeth among my liberal friends and relatives today, and I am supplying them with facts about the case but not really hitting the core issues.
What are some approaches for getting people to see without coming off as a total racist?
(Because being a racist is worse than being a pedophile.)
`Next comes the "Wrongful death" charges and of course, the ever popular "civil rights violations" against Officer Wilson, his life is finished and his family will also suffer badly. I would like all white police officers to quit now or suffer the same fate.
RexHymens here:
I have been so absolutely happy since the Verdict was announced!
It makes me hopeful that white America is FINALLY getting fed up with white guilt and political correctness. We had Trayvon/Zimmermn now Wilson/Brown- and in both cases the negroes eeked and ooked and tried their usual threats and intimidation and demands and they didn't get their way.
And their Category 4 Chimpout and general niggotry was on full display for all the World to see.
The gentle, playful, intelligent, human-like negroes the media parades for us in every movie and tv show are fictional characters much like vampires, and ghosts. The REAL negroes were proud to represent their species last night in Ferguson.
Hopefully soon, the negroes will have ruined enough cities and towns to finally reach the end of our tolerance for these savages and ALL of the white guilt will be spent.
What was really annoying to me was seeing all of the white hipster liberal college age white-guilty pussies marching and fucking CRYING in the streets here in Chicongo.
Funny, I drive through the Chicongo ghettos on the souf and wes saahds every day for my job, and you NEVER see any of these bearded hipster fag douchebags hanging out with their precious and loved negroes in their neighborhoods, they all stay in their trendy upscale northside havens of clove cigarets, retro typewriters, gourmet coffee shops, thick eyeglasses, ipads, and children's cartoon t-shirts.
Why don't these spoiled entitled white-guilty self-hating queers hang out in Englewood?
These fucking clueless snobby uppity haughty smug liberal sissy nerdy queers make me want to PUKE!
"He more or less suggested that Obama and Holder put pressure on Nixon to pull the Guard so as to assure that there was a bigger riot."
Understatement!! It's much worse than that!
Political destroyers will let this happen to any urban area being under attack by rampaging Blacks organized and led by the Obamanator's New Black Panther army and Alinsky Communists.
Democrats are Shocked, Shocked – Nixon, Dooley and Slay Watched It Burn – While The Mayor Begged For Help…
Posted on November 25, 2014 by sundance
"Despite the prior claims by Democrat Governor Nixon, Democrat Chief Executive Dooley and Democrat Saint Louis Mayor Slay, the surrounding towns of Ferguson and Dellwood erupted in flames. Arson and looting were widespread and destructive. Apparently the “unified command” was neither “unified” nor in “command”.
Democrat Mayor James Knowles says he was begging for help. His pleas were unanswered.
In the meantime the “protest leadership” were complaining for the past week that the National Guard was called up for duty. Now those same voices are screaming mad that the National Guard was not activated and protecting their local businesses as they were looted and burned."
If Wilson has any smarts at all he will use some of the money that has been raised for he and his family to buy a new identity and then leave MO for parts unknown.
A ghetto thug apologist calling informed Americans "bozo's". Thanks for the laugh. Let guess? Each letter on your prison tats represent a romantic encounter with a thug like Michael Brown? Must be tough holding in your feces these days!
You should listen to the moron reporters over at Infowars. Apparently, it's the cops presence that causes all the rioting and looting. Funny how they removed themselves from the "peaceful" protestors once the shit hit the fan. They're no different than the msm they so desperately hate. Bunch of frauds!
Every single aspect of this farce is perfectly explained by the DNA differences that lead to lower average IQss, poor impulse control, poor future time orientation, lower threshold for committing violence, etc etc. All is explained by the genome. Look nowhere else.
There is something about the Seasons Greetings sign in Ferguson that reminds me of the “Welcome to Hell” sign outside of the town in the movie High Plains Drifter.
"Government Agents" do shoot white people, it's just that when white people protest, they don't their $&@% town down. Just recently, a young white kid named Dillon Taylor was unarmed and shot dead by a black cop in Utah. People peacefully protested in front of the local precinct. Did the msm media, Al, Jesse, Bama and Holder make any statements about overhauling Police SOP's for one dead white kid? Their silence was deafening. This is exactly why sites like SBPDL exist.
I maintain that this is no mistake, the mid to long game will involve a permanent solution to the negro problem once they've outlived their usefulness. As someone mentioned in a previous thread, the owners of the farm have no use for mules that won't pull. At some point they will be eliminated.
These are grim words.
But there is much truth in them.
A black majority country can not be viable. This has been demonstrated globally. Haiti to Zimbabwe. We see the same in mini-black countries such as Detroit.
It's not just the rioting and crime. It's black inability to maintain white civilization. Or any civilization.
Even a black minority country will be not viable. We can see the results in the USA with a mere 13% blacks.
Let's put it on the table. What is the "solution?"
Look at history. White Americans resettled the Indians on reservations. Granted, resettlement involved human rights violations. But it did end the threat of Indian raids and did open up the country to white people building the greatest civilization ever.
Could we do the same with blacks? A massive resettlement program? If not to Africa, then to several US states which would then become an independent black country--with "undocumented" blacks who cross back over into whitopia being shot on trespass! (While we are at it, let's dump all the DWL into such a black majority country and let them feed off each other--perhaps literally.)
Lest you think a massive resettlement program is neither feasible nor moral, consider this: tens of millions of white Americans have been forced to move from their homes because of the black tide. White Americans have been forced to rebuild their cities in the suburbs because of the black tide. Millions of white people have also been forced to move from Algeria, Zimbabwe, South Africa and now European cities because of the black tide.
So why is not feasible for black people to be relocated?
Blacks routinely use the worst sort of terror against white people. We know the catalog of black-on-white horrors in Congo, Uganda, South Africa, Kansas City, Detroit, and now playing out in Ferguson. The endless mindless violence which is used to drive white people out of cities and countries.
Fair is fair. I'd venture to say that on the moral scale, a policy of resettlement of blacks is more humane than a campaign of mass torture-murder of white people.
Small numbers of white people have dominated large numbers of blacks when whites show the will to power. Whites in Rhodesia and South Africa controlled large black populations until betrayed from abroad. Of course, a long run solution is not in dominating blacks but physically separating them entirely from whites. Preferably, each race gets its own homeland.
It would not take much to resolve the black issue. It's just a matter of white people showing some resolution. Let's hope even more white people are now waking up.
Well said! The onus will be on the US taxpayer to rebuild this shithole or move their ghetto hive to a peaceful white community. This entire event looks like it might be the final straw that breaks the camels back with regards to how America will no longer be hoodwinked by this feral race.
@Token liberal
The real answer in my opinion, is strength. Lose your fear of the 'racist hammer'. To cite an example, when I find myself confronted by the types you mention, I often respond thus. I lay the facts on them and then say "call me what you like but try to refute the evidence before you".
It really works and having used this tactic for years, I have grown to enjoy the way they squirm as they run out of options to bolster their little house of bullsh\t they have built over their heads.
Bemused stare
The lawyer for the Brown family is on the Sean Hannity Show right now...basically its going something like this: "Blah blah blah....rayyyycism...blah blah blah....Cibil rights violation....blah blah blah...the black cummunty"....and Im not saying blah blah blah cuz what he is saying is bullshit...Its just that I cant understand ebonics very well....
I wish that were true however, this will only bring on to more violence on white people that won't make the msm headlines.
The only good looter is a dead looter
It's frightening to think that fools like you exist, who consider Police to be nazi storm-troopers & the tattooed ghetto negro a victim of society rather than a living embodiment of their own stupid choices that makes the environment they live in a sample of the third world, which of course...is never their fault.
Here's something for you to mull over: Yes, I expected the bruises on Darren Wilson's face to be larger, but, they weren't, it happens though & never forget, he clearly did feel threatened & there were witnesses to prove it, whatever the apparent severity of (or lack of) the visible injuries.
If it was you...or any of us, we most probably would've done the same thing if we could keep hold of the gun, simply because there was no choice. Violence can be the last resort of the imbecile, not the first resort of the professional & as Wilson stated in his testimony, it was the first time he'd fired his gun.
Think about that (if you can).
Talk radio is going ballistic.Michael Savage is at the top of his game.Unfortunately,he wants to stop the coming(?) Civil War.
Those white hipsters won't be so apologetic when a few feral creatures beat them beyond recognition. I sincerely hope they'll learn their lesson the hard way!
You should listen to the moron reporters over at Infowars.
No, we should not. Alex Jones is only interested in being the Rush Limbaugh of the tinfoil hat crowd.
There's no two ways about the fact that the police have been turned into an occupying army, on the whole, in order to circumvent posse comitatus. However, anyone who would even THINK about blaming this situation on police militarization outs themselves as a propagandist, not to be heeded in the slightest.
The problem is hate. The negro hates the white man, hates the asian, hates the arab, hate all other races..
But most of all he hates himself the most..
Damn the negro..
I turned off the chimpageddon after a few minutes due to boredom.
Who knows what O'Reilly auto parts, the beauty parlor supply shop, McDonalds, Ferguson Meat and Liquors, had to do with it all.
Since Fergustan is majority black those businesses are probably minority owned.
Maybe the "great force" knows what local businesses had to do with the situation. (sarc)
Too many cops? Racist.
Not enough cops? Racist.
That race card has to be the most bent corner and creased one in the deck. It is used up.
Keep using it darkies as everyone is watching and negro fatigue is growing.
How and when are we supposed to start feeling the "vibrant enrichment" from these crazed low-IQ racists? Also noted some of those "soaked in false white-guilt" young white liberal brainwashees in the crowd, also lying down with "chalk lines" drawn around their dumbasses in protest.
All these people are mad because a white male, and a police officer no less, dared to defend himself.
Remember in BRA if a white person doesn't allow a black to beat/rob/rape/sucker punch/murder them then they are seen as a rabid racist.
Blacks say nothing about the huge black on black murder figures but if a white tries to defend themselves from a blacks' attack or heaven forbid, do their job as Mr. Wilson did, blacks become even more rabid than usual.
The moronic and VERY liberal reporters were trying to grill the prosecutor and for some reason they all ignored the facts: Mr. Wilson was attacked and beaten by a giant semi-retarded thug whom had just strong-armed a convenience store. Not exactly my definition of "gentle" by any means!
It's a mad mad world.
You've probably all seen the race-pimp Al Not-so-Sharpton talking rubbish & suggesting the "Michael Brown law", where all Police wear cameras.
First of all, in the naming of this so-called "Michael Brown's law", is Brown's death being compared in statue to the tragically named "Megan's law"? All I can say to that is "F**k you Sharpton you sleazy race hustler piece of s**t! How dare you make such a comparison!! "
To the point though: Al Sharpton & his ilk should be careful what they wish for. Consider this...if Darren Wilson was wearing a camera & the same event occurred, there would hardly even be a story here as the facts would be conclusive & all the well-behaved righteous negros would have nothing to say. The other point would be that a cop's daily interaction with negros would be caught on camera (you'd assume there'd be audio pickup too) & the world would see it in all it's glory just what us race-realists know to be true anyway.
You could argue that cops would have to behave better, but they in particular are under the liberal soft-tyranny of political-correctness anyway, so I don't think it'd affect them all that much, although they'd need to watch what they say when they're in private in the squad cars.
I think after a few years, Sharpton, Jackson...Holder, would all be saying that the cameras are putting "people of colour" in a negative light & would demand some kind of change.
Wallace Schoolhouse:
Re: Token Liberal
You cannot convince many devout liberals of the facts regarding most negroes' utter lack of the kind of personal constitution that betters society. They must "convince" themselves either through visceral experience and/or earnest investigation.
I personally went through the latter process as a discerning 24 yr. old after years of indoctrination therapy in college. Some will Never Be Convinced.
I think the great majority of young liberals who come around to race realism are those with a capacity for and a proclivity towards playing "Devil's advocate" with themselves and who also enjoy the mental exercise of trying to defend the "indefensible", simply for the exercise itself.
Sadly, most will ardently insist on living in the darkness with the in-group, than come out and be shunned in the light...
The Whites there "protesting" remind me of the partying idiots welcoming the Aliens in "independence Day"
All these people are mad because a white male, and a police officer no less, dared to defend himself.
That nicely sums up the Ferguson Fracas.
The Threat is Real UK said ”. . . You could argue that cops would have to behave better, but they in particular are under the liberal soft-tyranny of political-correctness anyway, so I don't think it'd affect them all that much, although they'd need to watch what they say when they're in private in the squad cars.
I think after a few years, Sharpton, Jackson...Holder, would all be saying that the cameras are putting "people of colour" in a negative light & would demand some kind of change. “
Cameras probably would backfire on blacks. Police behavior probably wouldn't change much. They already deal with the likelihood that someone is recording any given encounter on their sail foam so snippets of it can later be played out of context. A drawback is that once cameras become required, the absence of camera footage through camera failure, dead batteries, or an officer forgetting to turn it back on after taking a dump would probably be characterized as a conspiracy by the cops to hide the truth. The average juror now expects finger prints and DNA samples to be taken at every single crime scene, and the absence of this evidence is often characterized as sloppy and suspicious.
It is possible that specific buildings and areas were targeted for burning in Ferguson so as to benefit the property owners. Get rid of the old in order to build all new with insurance and sympathetic government funding. There is always an underlying agenda in political chicanery. It has been reported that in each of the 83 protest cities, specific targets for potential destruction have been selected and mapped out. See something, say something--so DHS here it is.
Wrong. Use this incident to slaughter rioters by the tens of thousands.
"Yes, I expected the bruises on Darren Wilson's face to be larger, but, they weren't, it happens though & never forget, he clearly did feel threatened & there were witnesses to prove it, whatever the apparent severity of (or lack of) the visible injuries."
Yes, the lack of visible injuries was strange, after the build up it received here. I wonder who started the rumor of broken face bones? Ferguson PD?
Also interesting was the grand jury testimony of Wilson, which can be found online. It turns out that Wilson is 6'4", 210 lbs., according to his own testimony. So he was comparable in height to the silverback, if not weight.
Another interesting bit was Wilson's testimony that Brown's right hand was under his (i.e., Brown's) shirt as he was running at Wilson, at his waistband, implying that he might have a gun concealed there. I have to wonder why would anyone charge a cop with their right hand tucked in their waistband unless they DID have a gun or other weapon? It's a damned unnatural way to run. Curiously, nobody followed up on this. The only other explanation I can think of is that Brown was wounded in that hand and right forearm and was "protecting" it by sticking it under his shirt.
PB said...
The Whites there "protesting" remind me of the partying idiots welcoming the Aliens in "independence Day"
And I believe we have a winner.
One of the most iconic pictures I've ever seen....
Feral blacks in a no holds barred chimpout rampaging through the center of a failed, post apocalyptic Negro shithole, clouds of tear gas billowing through the streets, all taking place (ridiculously, ironically, and hilariously) under a Season's Greeting banner.
An A-list Hollywood director with an unlimited budget could not have staged it better.
Why would the forces of civilization take steps to prevent rioting and arson here? Let it burn. Let the blacks indulge their fundamental natures and video every second of it, then show those videos on TV around the clock. Let every person in America see, unfiltered and unedited, the true reality of angry, ignorant urban blacks.
For the thousandth time....black cops for black people!!
Until the negro learns to take responsibility for his anti-social behavior, events as we see in Ferguson will continue. Since this is obviously never going to happen, we will inevitably become first a police state (what we have now but on steroids) and a return to (mandatory) segregation. My problem is that I want the latter but not the former. You can't have one without the other.
On another note:
That Al Shapnot is one stupid, mother f*cking ugly n*gger. He's gotten his ugly puss back in MSM. I think I may be sick.
Mother of the year has spoken.... Sybrina Fulton... Treyvon Martin's mom! Treyvon Martin Foundation... sure it is a 501c3 that is getting your tax dollars to pay for a BMW and 6 figure salaries for the BOD's. I'm waiting for Liberty City and Miami Gardens to go up in flames. Been there done that.... saw it back in the 80's. It's definitely a Cat5 that hasn't hit yet! Chimpacaine! Such useless time and aggravation.
You can't fix stupid! I don't care how many degrees we pay for... ignorance is ignorance!
Didn't realize was that tall.. Is that verified as truth? If I am that tall I am going to be a monster!! If true, that would match and over take Saint Swisher, I concede that without doubts. But if Wilson is 210 Lbs that is light for his height and he gives up almost 100 lbs on Saint. That is a huge weight difference. The prosecutor also stated that Brown's homeboy was in on the attack action per witness statements.
Now when does 2 on 1 ever become fair when the main two characters are in similar height only and big disparity in weight??? Never!! Dorian the liar was lucky he did not get shot. He should be thinking God or somebody his ass is not pushing up dirt him damn self.
The use of deadly force is easy to know and realize for anyone with half a brain. I have to tell my bosses twice a month when can I deploy deadly force. If you carry a firearm the legal way you know the law.
I have no sympathy for Brown or his family! His parents should be thinking, " damn... We did not do so well with Saint Swisher."
The true victim is the officer who was placed in such a shitty position by virtue of his job.
Round 2 tonight for Ferguson?
Al Sharptongue has been audited by the IRS and fined!501c3's need to be shut down! They are killing our neighborhoods by administering HUD section 8 housing and yet..... pay in exuberant salary on my tax dollars!
Was just reading on policeone.com about why this was justified as a good shooting. It stated Wilson was several inches shorter. So I am not buying Wilson was 6ft4. Wilson was a little ass guy compared to the now dead Swisher.
>>>What hurt him the most, however, was all of you cop-lovers swinging on his nuts.
Just wow.
What's wrong with you, man? Get one too many traffic tickets and now you hate cops? Get popped with an MiP as a kid and just can't let it go? Or are you a surly teenager that is still going through the "it's 'cool' to hate authority figures" stage? I rather hope it's the latter as in that case there is hope you will eventually grow out of that kind of thinking.
Wake up. The cops are not the enemy.
Very well stated! Unfortunately, it will take a lifetime to achieve such a goal which IMHO, is the only real solution other than genocide which will inevitably happen when these feral animals go too far. They don't realize how outnumbered they are with regards to white, law abiding, responsible gun owners in this country that are going through a severe case of negro fatigue. It's going to get a lot worse than better, I'm afraid.
Indeed! AJ's true colors as a ghetto thug apologist has been exposed!
Bemused stare is right.
Lose the fear of being called a racist.
Most liberals/race pimps/black apologists expect me to drop to my knees and grovel when they hurl the "racist" label at me. When I say , "I'm a race realist, and I go where that takes me.", they are stymied. They don't have another argument. They usually lapse into a frustrated silence.
Of course, it doesn't hurt that I am very well informed and well armed with facts about massive black dysfunction. Far more informed than my diversity -craving opponents.
Arm yourself with facts and state your opinions and observations not only boldly, not only unapologetically, but repeatedly.
I'm a race realist, and I go where that takes me.
Great phrase. I made it up but it is yours to use whenever you see fit.
Attack the narrative!!
Expression tossed around:
"Sets race relations back 60 years."
Not for me, never left.
Controlling something involves responsibility, blacks and responsibility are like oil and water. It's like if a black became president, eventually he would realize "Man dis responsibility beez a heavy responsibility" then would just piss away the presidency. They want all this power, when it's presented to them, they turn to jello, or pudding pops.
I stand corrected! I saw reliable report that Wilson was tall drink of water. He was described as doughy.. Which says he was not in great shape. Still way lighter than Buck.
There's a chart going around facebook now (saw it on Unbiased America) which lists the worst race riots in US history, or something to that effect.
Of the 14 riots it lists, nine of them are not only black riots but they're all post civil-rights act riots, meaning since 1964.
What does that tell you?
Token Liberal here:
I'm seeing black people and white liberals arguing for autonomous regions.
Sometimes you just have to say what you think. People are still entitled to their opinion. Stand up and say what you think. You may be surprised at how many (white) people agree with you but they're afraid of offending someone (African) else in the room.
Think of it this way; why are only black people allowed to say what they think out loud? Sometimes you just got to be a man and sometimes its not always easy.
Oh, that is so funny!!!!!!
I wish I had said that one! Lop
I saw that. Hannity was raking that dumb assed African lawyer over the coals. He could not, would not debate Hannity on any topic.
I am not a fan of any newscaster as I always wonder what they're not reporting. However, my opinion of Mr. Hannity did go up a few points today.
""It would not take much to resolve the black issue. It's just a matter of white people showing some resolution. Let's hope even more white people are now waking up.
November 25, 2014 at 1:23 PM""
Mr. Moreland,
Agreed. That is why the Northwest Front exists. We hope to be the crystallization of the White Homeland. This current paradigm can not continue and the World must change. Just as the time of the Cowboys faded and the time of the roaring Twenties rose, this time we are living in will change. We can steer it, but it must become a dream for more than a few.
Moving negros to where there are many of them and they can live their own lives is one step. It is also likely that the Mexican will recapture their past land as Whites srink. However, in a new White Homeland where their are few negros (Pacific Northwest) and enough land and resources to grow a strong people. It moves the fewest negros and open opportunities for us to adopt a Constitution which allows maximum freedom. DWL will never want to live there, anymore than they would want to live with the Amish, we simply think differently. They would be shunned and even Liberals have to eat.
Without the drain of TWMNBN, Marxism, Middle East Wars, trying to police the World and the clusterfuck of minorities; Whites should do ok. We are scientists, inventors, explorers and pioneers and already we are looking at the solar system as our future.
It is a bright future, worthy of our Race. Join Us.
I would only accept if their relocation was back to the Congo.
Darren Wilson just sold out his freedom by being a fool. He has been played either willingly or ignorantly. He has thrown away genuine support of those who believed in him to get his 15 minutes of MSM exposure that now mocks his alleged integrity. Sad!!
Big Mistake – Officer Darren Wilson Gives Interview To Obama Administration – Via ABC’s George Stephanopoulos…
Posted on November 25, 2014 by sundance
Darren Wilson today, just like George Zimmerman in 2012, doesn’t understand this is not a legal case – it’s a political case using the legal system….
The Mike Brown shooting, and the entire construct of the manipulations around it, does not have anything to do with a police officer or Mike Brown. This is a political chess game where people like George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown or Darren Wilson are pawns to be maneuvered.
When you encounter political chess, the only safe escape is not to play the game.
Is there were cameras and recorders on every cop and the recording revealed the events to have transpired exactly as Darren Wilson reported, they would still chimp out! They have already said he should have waited for back up. I seriously heard one day today that he should have driven away when he saw that mike brown was angry.
Like other commenters have noted here, they don't accept our laws and don't believe we have a right to defend ourselves.
Second place thread winner
"I stand corrected! I saw reliable report that Wilson was tall drink of water. He was described as doughy.. Which says he was not in great shape. Still way lighter than Buck."
Wilson's lighter than Brown, for sure, but heavier than 210, I suspect. I'm half a foot shorter than Wilson, and I weigh almost 200, and I'm not fat. For me 210 would be believable at 6'4" only if Wilson were very skinny, and he's not. I'd guess he goes at least 230.
You have to remember that police are professional witnesses and are in court all the time. They are experts in shading the facts to obtain a conviction. Here, he has a distinct motive to make himself look as small and helpless as possible. Elsewhere in the testimony, he even says he's like a five-year-old trying to fight Hulk Hogan (page 212).
It's also very interesting that at one point, he admits that Brown had his hands up (page 225). I don't know if that was ever followed up by anyone at the grand jury proceedings. I remember it being mentioned as a significant point of contention in the media though, whether Brown had raised his hands in attempting to surrender or not.
Just watched the series "Jericho" again and was able to pay attention (last saw it in the mountains of Afghanistan) What a totally, TOTALLY plausible scenario it presents. I am willing to bet that like the movie "Three Days of the Condor" that it surprised someone that had that exact thing in mind as the Condor movie and the series got shut down lest it awaken ideas in the populace.
Anonymous said...
Well said! The onus will be on the US taxpayer to rebuild this shithole or move their ghetto hive to a peaceful white community. This entire event looks like it might be the final straw that breaks the camels back with regards to how America will no longer be hoodwinked by this feral race.
November 25, 2014 at 1:24 PM
Taxation without representaion, clear & simple.
Big Mistake – Officer Darren Wilson Gives Interview To Obama Administration – Via ABC’s George Stephanopoulos…
Posted on November 25, 2014 by sundance
Darren Wilson today, just like George Zimmerman in 2012, doesn’t understand this is not a legal case – it’s a political case using the legal system….
This case is one big battle in a campaign of political warfare. It involves agitprop, guerrilla theater, and urban insurrection. Any interview has to be seen as a political combat action.
"Wilson's lighter than Brown, for sure, but heavier than 210, I suspect. I'm half a foot shorter than Wilson, and I weigh almost 200, and I'm not fat. For me 210 would be believable at 6'4" only if Wilson were very skinny, and he's not. I'd guess he goes at least 230."
Now go to youtube and watch the McBride vs. Tyson fight to see what a 6'4" 300 pounder (Roughly Kevin's weight at the time) will do to someone even Mike Tyson's size and ability.
As has been said over and over again, if you're being charged by someone with 100 pounds and half a foot height on you and you have a gun it's about 3 seconds away from being their gun if you don't put them down.
I happen to be reading 'Late Victorian Holocausts' it is about El Nino famines in the nineteenth century.
In 1876 the Chinese rioted because the monsoon failed. This is in contrast to the black riots of this week. First of all the participants were not the hyper criminal blacks but the well behaved Chinese.
The Ferguson riots appear to be rational in that they were about a specific incident - the failure to indict - and they were in response to the actions of a well defined set of people. On the other hand in 1876 the Chinese were not protesting any particular human action at all. A particularly warm El Nino had kept the monsoon from appearing.
The point is - riots are not rational. The blacks who looted and burned acted as if they had a purpose, but riots are not rational events directed toward a specific end. They are just eruptions of rage.
So the sensible thing to do is to ignore what the blacks have to say and concentrate on conditions.
Brown and Brown's case are non sequitors. The real issue is whether the conditions which made blacks unhappy will continue in the future or whether they will become happy and contented.
The answer, alas, is no. Blacks will continue to be dissatisfied. Which means they will continue to riot.
What are they mad about? They are mad about being black. That is to say they see that they are inferior to the whites and Asians around them. They can do nothing about it and their fantastic explanations for why they are such failures are growing thin.
The economy no longer has many jobs for poorly skilled blacks. They are beached - unemployed and increasingly unemployable.
The Indians and Chinese who died by the millions in the late nineteenth century droughts, eventually got their rain. But it didn't rain because of their mass protests. Similarly these violent protests in Ferguson will do nothing for blacks - and there will be no healing rain descend from the skies either.
Blacks are doomed.
Pat Boyle
"As has been said over and over again, if you're being charged by someone with 100 pounds and half a foot height on you and you have a gun it's about 3 seconds away from being their gun if you don't put them down. "
Let's get our facts straight. Brown was only an inch taller than Wilson, and less then 100 lbs. heavier. How much less is an open question. 79 lbs. if you want to believe that Wilson, at 6'4", is only 210.
Overall though, I agree with your reasoning, but I have to admit I chuckled when I read it on page 216 in the grand jury testimony, where Wilson expresses essentially the same point. There's a double standard that applies to police in the society of authority-worshipers the USA has become. If a civilian gets punched in the face and then shoots his attacker dead he'll likely be arrested and be damned lucky to get off without prison time. All the power of the state will be brought against such a man in order to put him away. Policemen just like Wilson may even lie in court, and suppress evidence in an attempt to get a conviction. If he can't make bail or is denied bail, the civilian may even have to spend months in jail awaiting his case to be adjudicated. On the other hand, if he has any money, he may be able to get out of jail while the case is pending, but attorney fees will probably bankrupt him.
A policeman in the same situation is a completely different story. He gets a pass on shooting somebody without much trouble. He even gets a paid vacation while the case is being investigated (Wilson is on "paid administrative leave"). The district attorney will make every effort to try to help him get off. Even in the extremely unlikely event it goes to a trial, the state will pay all his expenses.
The moral of the story is that as a civilian, even though it's true that in a fist fight, if your opponent gets you down, he can probably kill you in the next move, shooting your opponent dead won't easily be considered a reasonable response.
Did you notice the handiwork of the make-up department of CNN? Legal commentators Mark Geragos and Jeffrey Toobin are white. But for this gig CNN adjusted their flesh tones. Geragos appeared with a sufficiently "swarthy" complexion so as to have us question whether his ancestors were more likely from Nigeria than Armenia. When Toobin opined about the Jon Benet Ramsey case, he had salt-and-pepper hair and wire-rimmed glasses. But for the Fergusion affair his hair was dyed jet black to match his black framed glasses. His flesh tones were not darkened enough to make him a professor of African-American Studies, but dark enough that he would not get elected to the governing board of the Milky Way Country Club.
And then there is poor Anderson Cooper, who is white enough to be the offspring of Col. Sanders. About all CNN can do is to reference him as "Our Resident Albino." Larry King never "went native" with his guests.
Fyi re why he was running with his hand on his waistband : i live here i see it all the time. Their pants hang down so low, they would trip when they run if they don't hold their pants up. Skinny ones hold their pants at the crotch, bigger ones font have the arm length to go over their belly, so they yank the pants up by the waist and charge forward head down keepng hand on pants so the pants don't fall and trip them while they charge.
Agreed. That is why the Northwest Front exists. We hope to be the crystallization of the White Homeland.
Sorry but I'm not on board with that idea.
I don't think Southerners should have to head North just because a small group of bitter Marxists have duped most Whites into believing the great lie.
The great lie of equality isn't an exaggeration or distortion. It's a flat out lie. Any rational person that looks at all the evidence cannot reach any other position. This is why cultural Marxism is very much opposed to Western rationalism. For them rationalism must be controlled and selective.
In a SHTF type situation a hundred hillbilly Whites with hunting rifles would wipe out an area like Ferguson. Heck even a dozen would send the majority running.
What am I getting at? I'd rather see the Southern situation sort itself out. Most Whites in the South are not like the ones on TV. They're a lot smarter and are deeply skeptical of Northern ideas on race. What they lack is leadership and plan to deal the situation.
Red Wing & Carhartt outlets as well.
"The moral of the story is that as a civilian, even though it's true that in a fist fight, if your opponent gets you down, he can probably kill you in the next move, shooting your opponent dead won't easily be considered a reasonable response.
November 26, 2014 at 12:43 PM"
Completely ridiculous and a strawman argument.
It has been long established that a man that attacks a policeman has become an outlaw and is a danger to all. While two men agree to engage in a fist fight can damage one another, police are restrained from simply shooting civilians for no reason, hence the billy club, the Monadock 24 baton, the Tazer and the cuffs, chemical Mace, Etc.
Further, a man who resists a policeman can not be killed for merely resisting. In this case, Swisher did not merely resist, but made a gun grab which at that instant put him in danger of his life. Wilson fired only when Swisher was trying to turn the gun into his body and stopped firing once Swisher disengaged to assess his injuries. When Swisher attacked AGAIN, Wilson again fired, ending the conflict.
Further, it has long been recognized that the civilian can shoot when facing a pack or gang or a large disparity of force. In the last year I have read numerous stories of little old ladies shooting large unarmed negros with Grampa's WWI 45 auto and they were never charged. Zimmerman was charged only after The Synagog decided they wanted a story.
Bernie Goetz fired and finished 4 attackers and was convicted of only carrying against New York's "Sullivan" Law, not for the shooting itself.
The disparity of force between the two parties and the legal situation between the two parties has far more to do with the outcome than a simple, "He is a cop so he can kill and get away with it." That is why their is legal review of every shooting, often by a civilian board. Has it been abused in the past? Of course, though less than some believe.
"Further, a man who resists a policeman can not be killed for merely resisting."
Pretty naive, as are the rest of your remarks.
In the news just recently are a couple of cases in which cops shot people holding air guns. No doubt they will claim they shouted "drop the gun", but who can really say? The other side of the story is conveniently silent and dead. Then there are the cases where police serving no-knock warrants kick in doors in the middle of the night and kill people. A groggy resident looks like he's reaching for something and gets blown away. That's okay though, 'cuz Officer Doughnut thought he could be in danger. The dead man was "resisting". I could go on, but why bother? Those who worship police are only cured when they eventually get a jackboot in their own face.
And what is this BS? "While two men agree to engage in a fist fight can damage one another ..."
Sounds like you're the type of chairbound fantasist who hasn't ever been in a fight, at least since elementary school. Either that, or you get your idea of fighting from movies, as do most people these days. In any case, it's clear you don't know that grown men who know what they're doing can easily cause crippling or fatal injuries to each other using only their bare hands. No "agreement to engage in a fist fight" is required. Only a complete nitwit would think so.
Bernie Goetz, and the more recent example of George Zimmerman, prove my point, not yours. Though eventually acquitted of the most serious charges, Goetz served 8 months in jail and paid thousands of dollars in fines and attorney fees. He was bankrupted. George Zimmerman was in and out of jail, sometimes held without bail, and only escaped being lynched by the system by the skin of his teeth.
Pat Boyle.... great analogy on the "rain" that won't come!
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