But the head of the executive branch of the United States government did just this when he said those angry over Darren Wilson escaping indictment (performing some legal Houdini act, aided by white supremacy in the eyes of those still clinging irrationally to the false Ferguson narrative of a cop executing the black equivalent of Andre the Giant's character in The Princess Bride) were merely engaging in, “an understandable reaction.”
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Who ordered the National Guard to stand down in Ferguson? The man who pointed out those upset and angry with the grand jury decision were engaging in "an understandable reaction..." |
"An understandable reaction..."
Perhaps President Obama found inspiration in the command of Michael Brown's stepfather encouraging the black mob in Ferguson to, "burn this bitch down!"
Telling some white Quisling (the Quisling as mentioned in Max Brooks novel World War Z, who pretends to be a zombie and ultimately gets eating alive by the horde they march with...) on MSNBC that, "This is St. Louis's race war," Missouri State Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadali warned those whites still believing character judgements are the best course of action in pursuing interracial relations.
When, in fact, Chappelle Nadali and her army have already judged you by the color of your skin: if it resembles Darren Wilson, then you are their enemy:
"We didn't have a race war like other cities throughout the U.S. This is our race war."Those other cities as to having a race war transpire go unmentioned, but judging by the condition of Newark, Baltimore, Detroit, and Birmingham (those locations where a one-sided war was waged on the whites who built the very civilization blacks could only envy and watch crumble away once they became in demographic control), St. Louis and Ferguson are headed to a similar in the hands of black political control.
Which brings up the primary question going unanswered as of yet: why was Ferguson allowed to burn last night?
We know firefighters were being shot at by those race warring blacks, in a hilarious reminder the events of American History X have a real-world basis for fact; thus the conflagration of black racial hate toward symbols of white capitalism (structural racism to the enlightened masses at MSNBC and CNN) in Ferguson went up in flames after being thoroughly looted.
But why-oh-why did the National Guard not intervene to provide much needed support to those outgunned police in Ferguson? The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports:
As ruins of about a dozen businesses here smoldered today, an "extremely frustrated" Mayor James Knowles III was asking what happened to onetime plans to shield vulnerable businesses with a protective line of Missouri National Guard members.
"The National Guard was not deployed in enough time to save all our businesses," he said in a press conference just after 2 p.m., calling the delay "deeply disturbing."
Earlier, in an interview, the mayor said: “What should have happened last night? They should have had National Guard troops protecting the hard targets in Ferguson and allowed law enforcement to pursue a very mobile crowd of looters and arsonists. That’s the problem. They (the police) could not secure the commercial districts.”
Knowles added, “I don’t believe we’ve seen the commitment from the state we hoped to get. And knowing that there’s so many people out there who committed a crime, who committed destruction, who aren’t going to be held accountable, because law enforcement was overwhelmed — it makes me concerned for the nights to come.”
St. Louis city officials said they requested 400 Guard troops, which were deployed by Police Chief Sam Dotson to protect government buildings and businesses. They delivered what a mayor's aide said was a good result.
Nixon's office has not responded to requests for comment today, but announced that he will hold a press conference with Guard leaders at 3 p.m. at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.
Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder, a Republican, said the governor, a Democrat, owes an explanation for an "inexplicable" decision to hold back on Guard help.
He said Knowles called him after being unable to reach Nixon. "How does the governor of Missouri not answer the calls, the pleas, of the mayor on the ground?" Kinder asked.
Earlier today, Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson raised the question of whether the Guard plan was changed to add to outside political pressure for him to resign.
"I can't say that for sure; there was a period of time that passed (between the formation of the original plan and pressure for his resignation)," Jackson said. "I can't speak to other people's motives."
He said he was assured weeks ago that Ferguson would get as many Guard soldiers as needed to secure the businesses, so officers could concentrate on police duties, like answering calls for service.
Then, he said, the plan was changed without explanation.
"I thought, 'Holy crap, are we going to have enough people to protect the businesses in our major corridors?' I was assured we'd have plenty of law enforcement to handle those tasks. And we got overwhelmed and overrun."Do we need to even venture a guess as to where the order for the National Guard to stand down came from, ensuring the black insurrectionists in Ferguson had an opportunity to light the flames of race war so many blacks in Missouri seem excited to see ignited?
Any guesses?
How about a three word hint...
"An understandable reaction..."
And now those white people remaining in Ferguson and metropolitan St. Louis know how Charlton Heston's character felt in The Omega Man: "Oh my God! It's almost dark. They'll be waking up soon."
And those waking up will be the army Chappelle Nadali hopes to usher in a race war to take not only Ferguson, but all of St. Louis in a similar manner to how Detroit and Birmingham fell.
1 – 200 of 223 Newer› Newest»In 1990,I updated the 1890's ditty,"All Coons Look Alike To Me".The last few lines were"
They're reverends,and they're lawyers.
But they're nothing but destroyers
Almost 25 years later,they remain the same.
BTW-We need to celebrate the upcoming 30th Anniversary of Bernie Goetz's attempt to give new meaning to the phrase,4 on the floor.
Texas here:
A little graph that illustrates what Paul has pointed out so many times:
Y'all have a SAFE night.
The most telling comment was from the African-American Gentleman of Color who barked, "We don't care about no facts, we mad."
The president (and would-be dictator) seems to share this sentiment.
Any doubts that this is now a Third World country?
I don't feel sorry for any white person who lives in a town 67% black. You knew this was coming. I hope that they were insured and that they've learned their lesson. Maybe the next few nights of violence will help it sink in so they never make this mistake again.
Now as for jay Nixon who called for a vigorous prosecution. I'd say its time for him to resign. That is all
Lord chaos
The fact that there was no indictment despite the enormous political pressure should tell you how overwhelming the evidence was In Wilsons favor.
Unfortunatley, you can't reason with a race of retards.
After years of codling these savages, how could It turn out any other way.
Did ya hear O'sharpton last night say not a single word about the police officer Darrin Wilson. As Fred G. Sanford would say "You big Dummy." And I say POTUS Your an embarrassment to this once proud country.
And what you get with the typical low I.Q. of the negro hoard is what we White Americans saw last night and probably for sometime yet to come.
The funniest comments came from our glorious president:
"This is a country based on the rule of law."
That's a laugh-riot!
He also said that law enforcement must treat all Americans equally. Too bad he and his regime do not believe that hiring, promotions, college admissions, etc etc should do the same.
Will be very interesting to see if the BRA DoJ will make something out of nothing. If the DoJ decides to trump up some bullshit charges against the official investigation that had a grand jury unanimously say nothing there... There should be outrage!!
I do not trust the Feds and I agree with others when they say this is not over. If there are trumped up charges, can us white Devils loot and riot???? If intelligent whites get together it will not be an unorganized cluster fuck last night!!
You see the DWLs and how stupid they are, but there are way more annoyed whites that have sense at the blacks showing their ass.
A first year law student "coulda did"!!!! LOLOLOL! a better job! Really now? You are an educated attorney? Chimpanzee!
Rexhymens here:
The reaction is an understandable reaction because negroes are violent, unable to control their emotions, and have a human child's equivalent ability to hear facts and logic that they disagree with emotionally and process that information successfully to allow them to understand and accept that they were wrong and should change their opinions and thoughts on the matter based on the newly presented evidence.
"He black, cop white, cop bad, RAYSISS!!! WE KILL RAYSISS OOK OOK EEK EEK!!!"
Even the most intelligent negroes are unable to accept the simple fact that Wilson was legally justified in shooting Brown. They start floundering mentally trying to change the topic to "he shoulda used a tazer" or "why he di'int shoot fo his legs!." Or "the cigar robbery was a smear tactic" or "why he di'int just fight like a MAN why he gotsta use he gun!?"
Seriously, those arguments have been all over radio, tv, and youtube today.
They are either willfully ignorant out of pride or they truly do simply lack the basic mental ability to comprehend information that conflicts with their beliefs.
It's literally no different from the trayvon shooting.
These situations assure me that the Emmet Till situation was all just bullshit media propaganda. The negro probably sexually assaulted the woman, not just whistle at her. When the media feeds into outright lies and misinformation to paint negroes as innocent angels and whites as evil demons it only assures us thinking people that everything they say on these topics is untrustworthy bullshit.
I don't see the FED doing any "snivel slights" law suit. Why?
Well, the evidence is SOOOO overwhelming in favor of Wilson that to have a trial will bring it our even more. Better to let it die and keep up the rage. If it goes to trial then all the evidence will be exposed and it will show that the Silver Back Buck was a psycho. This is one case the BRA should drop since further investigation will just be a load of crap.
It is also why the Niggerian-Brown family will not pursue it. They may make enough stink to get a few million in settlement but exposure of the evidence will make their charming little Silver Back Buck a total fool and ahole.
Now for any cops in that city. You really thing you're going to get your pension? This city will be broke in 10 years. It will be run by monkeys from the city hall. There will be no pension to pay you. Get out. Move out and find a White little town. YOU run for sherrif or city council and do all you can to repel the negro from moving in. Ferguson will be bankrupt in 10 years since already the tax base is decreased by all those burning stores. And they ARE NOT COMING BACK.
I guess those were just "undocumented shoppers" looting the stores?
Wow what a crazy (but expected) night. Y'all really got to listen to the police scanner, although sure many readers here already have. God Bless all those non-traitorous Whites in the area and everywhere else!
NC Guy
-And that comment last post by Rex was hilarious about the hipsters, there is a blog called die hipster you should check out!
Car plows through protesters during Ferguson rally in south Minneapolis:
Just saw a Sig Sauer P229, 40 caliber was used against the good boy. Nice weapon. Goes to show most handguns are only marginal in stopping power.
I picked up on the choice of words Obama used , i.e. "understandable reaction." I also thought he looked really pissed off too....too bad he didn't say what he really wanted to. I hope the next President used an executive order to strike Obama's name from all the records, the way the Pharaoh's used to.
I guess a man who rapes a woman is an "undocumented date"........
It's like his Teleprompter used the exact same words when Zimmerman was vindicated for shooting Trey-thug. It's quite apparent that this man is not qualified for holding such a position. How many people will die as a result of his nonsensical stance?
Remember this story from a week ago?
Where was the DHS during the riot? Clearly they have a large presence near St. Louis. When did Obama and Holder give the orders to let Ferguson burn?
Charton Heston, on the beach, before the Statue of Liberty.
We warned them. We told them that blacks hated us, and that it was suicidal to put them in control of our country.
They didn't listen. They blew it up. God damn them, they blew it all up.
One way or another, this will end in blood.
The most interesting or disturbing thing that Obama said was this:
"...but also who are interested in working with this administration and local and state officials to start tackling much-needed criminal justice reform."
You've heard about immigration "reform" and you're living with health insurance "reform", but have you ever heard of "criminal justice reform"? Negroes in power are talking about it. Obama's AG nominee, Loretta Lynch tells us:
"...Currently our country imprisons approximately 2.2 million people, disproportionately people of color. This situation is a drain on both precious resources and human capital. The Attorney General is committed to reform of this aspect of our criminal justice system."
Criminal justice "reform" is a clever code phrase meaning keeping negroes out of prison at any cost. In the same way health care "reform" meant paying for negro health care at any cost.
Negroes think about one thing only, when they are not thinking about raping, robbing and killing. That one thing is what is best for negroes.
This is why we prep. This is why we prepare.
A GLOBAL change is coming. Most assuredly ushered in by a "fundamental change" (tip-o-the hat to Emperor Obola) in America.
I turned three more people onto race realism today just by starting a conversation on Ferguson related memes on Facebook.
White people are bursting at the seams with negro fatigue. Give them the nudge they need to express outrage. Be an outlet to hear them vent. Sit back & enjoy what you helped create. They can't "un-swallow" the red pill of race reality once ingested.
Trial junkie here. For those who don't remember the 1960's, the riots of the time were a political disaster for the Johnson administration. LBJ is supposed to have said:
"After all I've done for those Negroes, look what they are doing to me."
Obama, by contrast, embraces rioters. He and his MSM allies think the demographic change over the last 45-50 years make this advantageous to him.
"Just saw a Sig Sauer P229, 40 caliber was used against the good boy. Nice weapon. Goes to show most handguns are only marginal in stopping power. "
Especially if they misfire. According to Wilson his gun misfired three times.
"Criminal justice "reform" is a clever code phrase meaning keeping negroes out of prison at any cost. In the same way health care "reform" meant paying for negro health care at any cost."
Actually, it probably also means they want to put more whites in prison. Prisons are a growth industry, and LEOs get really excited when they have the chance to arrest a white man for a violent crime. It balances out their statistics so they don't appear racist.
Yeah, this is really getting old. Some folks to believe that this is the beginning of real racial unrest. Perhaps it is time to really consider breaking up the country before it breaks up in ways that we could not imagine 50 years ago.
Remember people everywhere, Ferguson was looted and burnt because Obama wanted it that way. He commanded his liberal democrat morons to stand down and let the Negros loot and burn the town. Shouldn't he be forced to explain why he wanted the town to burn? I have a feeling that the few that were arrested will have the charges dismissed against them. What Obama has done is tell every Black American that White cops can be ignored. And if they tazer or pepper spray them, it's grounds to riot and loot.
Both Holder and Obama have gone full throttle trying to ignite this thing. They've succeeded. Add to the mix Sharpnot and Benjamin Crump, who has got to be one of the worst spoken attorneys I've ever seen. I saw him during a newscast today saying something like "What they done". I'm like, "WTF? Is this how an attorney talks in BRA? Really?"
It will be quite an education watching this shit storm take hold. Holder and Obama have the negroes worked up into a red hot frothy lather and nothing will calm them down. If you see a smile on Dear Leaders face this Christmas season, it's not because he's found strength and comfort in our Lord and Savior. No, he's playing this latest little drama up for all it's worth. Every mistake he and Holder made during the St. Trayvon fiasco has been catalogued, studied, and rectified, to ensure maximum amount of collateral damage to YT. Wear your slickers, Great Whites. There is a Category 5 Negro Shit Storm coming our way. Dodge the flinging poo from all directions.
A first year law student "coulda did"!!!! LOLOLOL! a better job! Really now? You are an educated attorney? Chimpanzee
Thanks, Anonymous! That's the quote I was thinking of! Priceless! You can't make this shit up! Gee, do you think anyone else heard that besides you and me???
"When, in fact, Chappelle Nadali and her army have already judged you by the color of your skin: if it resembles Darren Wilson, then you are their enemy:"
There is in fact "her army," and it showed its White-hating power in Ferguson, the New Black Panther Party--Obamanator's "sons."
Posted on August 18, 2014 by Paul Joseph Watson
"Black Panther Leader Malik Shabazz was recorded leading a group of protesters in a chant aimed at Darren Wilson, the officer that shot 18-year-old Michael Brown. “What do we want?” asks Shabazz, to which the crowd responds, “Darren Wilson.” “How do we want him?” asks Shabazz. While some in the crowd respond with “indicted,” others are heard to chant, “dead!”"
"Members of the New Black Panthers have been caught working undercover for the federal government in the past, with the most recent example being Richard Aoki, who was outed as an FBI informant in 2012.
Even more intriguing is the involvement of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, which has inserted itself into the investigation of Brown’s death at the behest of Attorney General Eric Holder.
The Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division has proven sympathetic to the New Black Panthers in the past. In 2010, a whistleblower who worked with the Civil Rights Division blasted the DOJ for dismissing its case against the New Black Panther Party after members of the group intimidated voters outside a Philadelphia polling location during the 2008 presidential election.
The New Black Panther party is not a successor to the original Black Panther Party. Members of the original organization have repeatedly distanced themselves from the new group and have insisted it is “illegitimate.”
New Black Panther radicals have been joined in Missouri by Revolution Club Chicago, a Communist group that calls for a global revolution in order to bring down capitalism. Respondents to the group’s Facebook page aren’t buying the rhetoric, accusing the organization of being, “Communist agitators seeking to incite a race war in Ferguson.”"
As for all the burned businesses, they may have been Black owned, but leased. Who are the real property owners, and how will they benefit from getting all those old buildings razed? No protection by the National Guard was allowed .
As he was blabbing his pseudo intellectualisms, the split screen shot showed chimpouts of Catagory 3-5 levels welling up, wiggers and coloreds began sprinting down main streets towards intended burning grounds, Obama droned on in the ither side if the tv, We are a nation of LAWS, these riots make good entertainment on tv........ Yeah okay, Sir, you are the president and we respect your relevant authority, but that screenshot totally made you look more dumberer by the second. Please resign the presidency, and let the big people run stuff.
Retard lawyer guy said This legal process needs to be indicted. Uhhh yeah, huh? Social retards, generations of welfare ignorant gibs just blabbing whatever rolls out of their delusional mind. Where's my Steyr?
At shift change, the second shift would come rolling out like brown diareah and I'd yell "You MANIACS, YOU MANIACS" My partner would freak out thinking they knew what I was referring to, they had no clue, they just laughed at dat crazy Whiteboy.
Soon the UN will be given the keys to the shop, enjoy.
Philadelphia Mike here.
Today was a beautiful, beautiful day. The animated expressions on the faces of fellow whites as they rambled on about the violent lazy sub-intelligent negroes was priceless...absolutely priceless. It was there, all out in the open. People were saying what was really on their minds.
Our people ARE waking up. They are becoming less timid to express their true feelings about negro blight...negro crime...negro violence...negro laziness...negro attitude.
The reign of PC is starting to crumble.
And...there's such a great sense of satisfaction knowing that so many of our people really are, once and for all, starting to wake up. Sure, there are still millions of Euro Whites who remain dazed in an oblivious stupor...but with each new day some of them are starting to become enlightened with the truth.
Keep it up, negro folk. Keep up with your acts of irrational lunacy. Keep up your whining and lack of self discipline. Keep up your predictable violent reactions to anything which displeases or offends you. It just makes my job of awakening my people a whole lot easier.
And remember, fellow Whites, we really ARE the torch bearers of civilization. And be sure to remind everyone of that.
So, Be vocal. Be bold. Be fearless.
Do it for your children...for their future. Do it for our people...for the future of civilization. It's your OBLIGATION to do so.
Philadelphia Mike
Maybe the reference to chimpanzees is too flattering to describe the violent primates that are the scourge of this nation.
And I quote:
"This chimpanzee-baboon difference illustrates what some primatologists call the “cognitive watershed”: the idea that, as a pattern, our closest living relatives, the great apes (chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, and orangutans), are more highly skilled at problem solving and complex thinking than are the monkeys (baboons, macaques, howler monkeys, squirrel monkeys, and their relatives)."
Well, if a group of primates is poor at problem solving and complex thinking, I think describing them as chimps is inappropriate.
To anonymous,
Yeah, "howler monkeys" or "baboons" might make more sense.
Wisdom never becomes outdated or obsolete.
A tale from Aesop's Fables.
The Wolf and the Lamb
A WOLF, meeting with a Lamb astray from the fold, resolved not to lay violent hands on him, but to find some plea to justify to the Lamb the Wolf’s right to eat him. He thus addressed him: “Sirrah, last year you grossly insulted me.” “Indeed,” bleated the Lamb in a mournful tone of voice, “I was not then born.” Then said the Wolf, “You feed in my pasture.” “No, good sir,” replied the Lamb, “I have not yet tasted grass.” Again said the Wolf, “You drink of my well.” “No,” exclaimed the Lamb, “I never yet drank water, for as yet my mother’s milk is both food and drink to me.” Upon which the Wolf seized him and ate him up, saying, “Well! I won’t remain supperless, even though you refute every one of my imputations.”
The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny.
Great writing. "An understandable reaction ..." from the top truly sums up much.
While an (innocent) officer of the law who protected his own life was some place huddled in hiding every day out of fear of retaliation for Saving his Own life over that of a criminal who was trying to end the officer's life (or maim him for life) ~ and the criminal happened to be black.
Forget that criminal didn't have a weapon; he used his body and aggression as a weapon, and not only refused to obey the officer's requests/instructions, but attacked him.
The media said little to nothing about the officer, his fear, his injuries, his family, the loss of his ability to work and live there or anywhere ~ nothing. The media, nor anyone from the top, said anything about all citizens are expected to obey the law and the officers who enforce the law or there are consequences for their actions.
As long as others (particularly those in power) coddle these infantile, animalistic, whites owe me something, I hate whites feelings, violent behaviors, and let them run loose to lay in streets and highways (Ridiculous!) lest they think the police are targeting them as blacks and not letting them speak their mind cause they're black(for God's sake who couldn't hear anyone of them speaking their ... ahem... mind?), we will never hear the end of it with them.
Nothing could or ever does make them happy ~ danged if you do, danged if you don't.
One news show guest said the officer should have just let him go ~ he only stole cigars. OK, let's say we change the law to if you steal less than $500, or destroy less than $9,999, you go free. Someone pays for that theft ~ and I think we all know who that is.
Everyone of those who did damage should be arrested, and if any are on welfare or food stamps or any other government subsidy, that should be stopped immediately.
Ferguson people whose businesses were destroyed should take the insurance money and leave that state ~ and that mess the blacks made for them and those in power who let their hands be tied to live with it... forever ~ burned and torn to the ground ~ like every dang place they ever move to eventually becomes.
Mike, I respect your opinion that it is my OBLIGATION to do so. Not so much.
I feel obliged to participate productively in a community that sustains me and that I help sustain... But. It's a tacit agreement more than an obligation.
It's in my (our) DNA to do so. Perhaps I am biologically obligated, then. I'll grant you that.
What I am saying to you is that it is not so much what I see as an obligation to participate productively and well, it is my PLEASURE!
Mighty white of me, huh?
To our dusky naybaas... it's not acting white, you dim bulb dummy darkies, it's called acting successful! It's called acting CIVILIZED... which if you were not such a bunch of jive-ass jerk-off jiggaboos you would understand is where CIVIL rights COME from.
Thank God a few blacks get it. Gosh, they must be SOOO embarrassed right now. I feel their pain. And wish them well. Ignore the Uncle Tom crap and just be the good ones. Somebody has to.
So much for Cosby. Yeesh.
Amd what will happen after the mayor's forced resignation? The same thing that happened when they replaced the Chief with Willy Williams on the LAPD. put someone with BLACK skin in the position to placate the uneducated, violent, racist masses..
There will soon be a black mayor, black chief, black police force, black social services dept, black coreections center dept, all paid for by a disappearing tax base (fleeing white folks) until Ferguson is a burnt out, racist shell, full of murder, narcotics, prostitution, rape, etc.. until it is dead and bankrupt.. DETROILET..
Posted on August 18, 2014 by Paul Joseph Watson"
I'd be very wary about anything coming out of him or Alex Jones. They are long time bullshit artists, rumor mongers, and sensationalists.
This is no more nor no less than negroes doing what they do. This is what they did in 1620BC, it's what they did when we started using them as farm equipment in 1620, and 1620 years from now that'll still behave this way if left to their own devices.
This is hard-coded into their DNA and it's ONLY an ever present threat of reprisal from YT that ever keeps them in check for even a minute.
Did u guys see the car hit the protesters in Minneapolis?? It was awesome.. but it made me think, WHY are the protesters bothering, blocking, and attacking white drivers?? are they protesting white drivers??? What the hell did people driving down the road in Minneapolis do to deserve that? sounds like "justice"!!!
I heard that too! Live! I blew expensive Stone Coffee Milk Stout my nose!
"According to Wilson his gun misfired three times". -Anonymous
I watched the interview with George Stephanopoulos. Wilson said his weapon did not fire one time, the first & only time when Brown was attempting to take it from Wilson.
Wilson said Brown had his hand on the top of the gun, (the slide) and Brown was trying to get his finger in the trigger guard.
Wilson attempted to fire & since the slide was pressed slightly to the rear, the gun was out of battery & would not fire.
This is why you do not press a semi-auto pistol INTO anything before attempting to fire. Better still, observe the 21 foot rule.
Anonymous and Anonymous said ”"Just saw a Sig Sauer P229, 40 caliber was used against the good boy. Nice weapon. Goes to show most handguns are only marginal in stopping power. "
Especially if they misfire. According to Wilson his gun misfired three times.”
I don't claim to be a pistol expert, but it is possible that Wilson's problem was not a misfire in the sense that the pistol didn't work properly. I could be wrong, but it sounds possible that because of the extremely close quarters of the scuffle in Wilson's vehicle that he might have had the muzzle of the pistol pressed against Brown which could have pushed the slide slightly out of battery rendering the pistol temporarily inoperable. At some point the slide probably went back into battery and the pistol could and did fire with the next pull of the trigger. Semi-auto pistols have a disconnecter in the trigger mechanism to keep the weapon from firing unless the slide is safely in battery (all the way forward). When you are in a belly to belly struggle while armed with most semi-auto pistols you need to remember not shove the pistol's slide into the other guy before you pull the trigger. Revolvers don't have this problem.
Anon notes:
Obama's AG nominee, Loretta Lynch tells us:
"...Currently our country imprisons approximately 2.2 million people, disproportionately people of color. This situation is a drain on both precious resources and human capital. The Attorney General is committed to reform of this aspect of our criminal justice system."
Criminal justice "reform" is a clever code phrase meaning keeping negroes out of prison at any cost. In the same way health care "reform" meant paying for negro health care at any cost.
Yes, I do think you're correct, Anon. Let's see, the Repukes - the alleged "opposition" party - could put Ms. Lynch out in the cold come January. They supposedly will control both houses of congress and could (theoretically) stop D'Won Mocha Messiah, Jeh Johnson, the DOJ and all the rest in their tracks by simply cutting their funding or even abolishing their departments. What do you think the chances are that there will be any resistance whatsoever to any of it? In light of the twin surrender speeches given by both Weepin' Johnny and the Kentucky Undertaker, I'd say the odds are around "zero", if not actually "less than zero". This is just the beginning.
The strange thing is that Darren Wilson - obviously - still doesn't get it. He's going to be interviewed by the Ministry of Truth, which tells us that he actually thinks they're something besides the Marxist propaganda machine they are. Still bitterly clinging to those Disney fairy-tales like there being a "rule of law" or that facts matter to the Social Justice Warriors and their darkie divisions of orcs. Are whites waking up yet? Good question. The folks who don the uniforms and badges of the Banana Empire still deny reality every day they go to work. They obviously didn't get the memo announced by Sam Donaldson from the central committee yet: It's our country now! They haven't yet come to grips with the ugly truth that the folks who Donaldson speaks for are not their own people, but another. Better wake up, YT, for the time draws short.
Yeah, I was reading a similar thread in reference to the Sig used in the shooting. The slide was out of battery it sounds. You press the slide back ever so little it comes out of battery.
Is it all kabuki theater so the second bolshevik revolution keeps on rolling?
Was the appearance of Chicago Jesus on the telescreen the green light to riot?
Will Eric the Red file civil rights charges?
Stay tuned...same banana republik time, same banana republik channel.
Stopped by to visit a dear old auntie to see if she needed a ride to Thanksgiving and she made the comment the blacks would like the whole country handed to them.
This was a surprise to me as she voted for the black Lenin and used to think all darkies are poor downtrodden dears.
Thanks Fergustan looters you are doing my negro fatigue work for me.
Check out this video guys. He basically says everything we think and say on here daily. Im sure the black community hates him.
Jonathan Gentry Ferguson Missouri: http://youtu.be/B092acMImJE
Trapped in Canuckistan.
Hey guy's and gal's! I've been lurking for about a year. Never had anything to add b/c anything I had to say would be covered by you guys. Regardless just wanted to make my presence known. It has been refreshing to have a place like this to come to. Great site PK and want you to know that slowly but surely with your ( and some of the great commentators here) help I have been making significant gains in deprogramming friends and family. Of course the continuing monkeyshines by the 13% doesn't hurt either.
Peace and Respect to all. Happy American Thanksgiving. Keep safe everyone.
For any who continue to bitterly cling to the Disney fairy-tales about the Banana Empire, its genocidal looting scheme known as BRA and the alleged "opposition" to be found amongst "conservatives", "Christians", "Tea-Party Patriots", etc., etc. etc. (and I refer to the "good" folks here as the rest are quite beyond redemption), you really need to read this, as she pretty much has the essential facts laid out, and prepare accordingly.
Damn good writing Rex. You're plus others are the main reason I read thus blog.
I'd love to share a beer with you some day.
It's already a long, violent slog to put dark skin in prison. My city allows 7 felonies before serious jail time (gots to give a brutha a chance to turn his life around and around). The first people hurt if our minorities start getting even more felonies without jail time will be the DWL hipsters who think they can get cheap housing and be superior living in a "diverse" neighborhood.
I urge everyone to not give to charity this holiday season unless you're 100% positive it's going to deserving whites (no wigger or coal burners). The ghetto is so used to YT bringing tons of food, clothes and toys to them every Christmas that it would be a joyful noise to hear their laments on the news when the bounty dries up.
I also saw a post of Facebook urging blacks to not shop Black Friday. It'll never happen but it would be such a gift to whites everywhere. I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, how about you?
never let a good crisis go to waste:
Wallace Schoolhouse:
A simple question to ponder as some of you watch the network/cable news apologists/pundits ooking about Fergudishu in the coming days:
In what manner would they be pontificating if the Tea Party, the NRA, or ANY OTHER pseudo-conservative, predominantly white group had acted in similar zoo fashion? I think we all know the kind of babble that would be screeched.
YT needs an organized, professional movement to VOICE OUR FURY and ADVOCATE for OUR OWN INTERESTS (like the reinstatement of Freedom of Association) or we will continue losing this "coontry" like a prisoner losing his mind by Chinese water torture...
Drip. Drip. Dr..
Welcome and keep up the good work.
Slimes publishes address of Wilson's home:
I am starting to absolutely hate all my friends. They all excuse this stuff because the black man is oppressed. I am blocking their Facebook posts because they literally make me sick. I even have 2 friends, 2 white girls! , who actually went and marched with the "protestors " they are protesting THEMSELVES , ugh!!!
Dissension in the ranks of the rats:
I see where Monday Night Football took a beating in the ratings last night.Goodell probably called Obama to tell him to start his next race riot on a Tuesday-after sweeps month.
Affletes bee awl smart n' sheeit:
I live here, the good news about this is that he and his wife moved out of that house a few months ago, after our local news scum reported the address. NYT is still scum, however, how awful it must be to live on that street.
"WHY are the protesters bothering, blocking, and attacking white drivers?? are they protesting white drivers??? What the hell did people driving down the road in Minneapolis do to deserve that? sounds like "justice"!!!"
Whites have made such perfect societies for so long that the people are now getting restless. We don't have dire needs, so we address others' needs instead.
In my opinion, when whites actually face resistance and blacks openly and violently turn on their protectors a few times, those same whites who were "down fo da struggle" will be down to attack negroes who get out of line.
None of this is permanent.
I must admit, I am a little disappointed so far at the severity of the chimp outs. I was looking forward to seeing what the supposed Black Panther "Tactical Teams" are made of.
Anyway, another easily manufactured 'civil rights' controvery for the banana republik.
Ex New Yorker here.....PK..Please stop using these scrambled letters. I CAN'T READ THEM. I only have a lap top. The numbers are much better. I don't even know if this will go through.
@Anonymous @November 25, 2014 at 8:40 PM
I dont think Paul has any control over it. However if you game the system enough, from my experience reCAPTCHA will give you numbers instead of words.
See this on how to game it:
Also keep in mind Google is basically making you their slave when you enter the correct information. With the word CAPTCHAs, you are OCRing books for them, and when you are doing numbers you are OCRing addresses for Google Maps. TWMNBN are always looking for ways to make the goyim work for free.
Heard today there was a hang-up with the new attorney General nominee, and Lynch withdrew herself from consideration.
Which means somebody found something in her past that won't sail past Congress, I suppose. I wonder what, it must be pretty damning.
"I watched the interview with George Stephanopoulos. Wilson said his weapon did not fire one time, the first & only time when Brown was attempting to take it from Wilson."
I didn't see the interview, just read Wilson's testimony. In grand jury testimony Wilson said the gun failed to fire 3 times. Quote: "Pull, click, click, went off, click, went off". (page 226). Whether this was due to a malfunction, operator error, or the slide being out of position, I don't know, and at this point probably can't be known. You'd think that Wilson would have enough proficiency with his weapon to know not to shove it into the target, but maybe not. He offers no theory as to why it failed to fire.
The grand jury transcript is available here:
Wilson's testimony begins on page 196.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I am starting to absolutely hate all my friends. They all excuse this stuff because the black man is oppressed. I am blocking their Facebook posts because they literally make me sick. I even have 2 friends, 2 white girls! , who actually went and marched with the "protestors " they are protesting THEMSELVES , ugh!!!
November 25, 2014 at 8:19 PM
Dude! You took the Red Pill! I know the feeling you are having, facing parents and friends, but you will always see the world more accuractly. Chinese do what Chinese do because they are Chinese. Mexicans do what they do because of the limitations of being Mexican. Negros...are.
You will never be fooled again.
Here is an idea, Leave it all alone. Every destroyed vehicle, every burnt out business, every piece of trash. Just leave it. Don't clean it up. Let the people who did this enjoy the fruits of their labor. Let them live in a the soiled litter box they created. No local businesses in the neighborhood - too bad. No convenient gas stations -too bad, No access to public transportation because the streets are blocked - too bad. No electricity or water because the lines were wrecked - too bad.
Eventually it becomes Haiti.
Or they could go with St. Mogadishu.
Fuck You,Pay Me.
X-Detroiter living in Raleigh
Anonymous said...
"I am starting to absolutely hate all my friends. They all excuse this stuff because the black man is oppressed. I am blocking their Facebook posts because they literally make me sick. I even have 2 friends, 2 white girls! , who actually went and marched with the "protestors " they are protesting THEMSELVES , ugh!!!"
I have un-friended many people on FB due to discussions related to Obama, Holder, the racist administration and the Trayvon Martin case. There was only one left for me to shitcan for thier delusional rants regarding the Ferguson debacle. I consider them all acquaintances.
My friends are race-realists who realize this country is disabled by the current multicultural diversity insanity and the system will not hold up much longer with so many Black parasites feeding off of it. And who also realize this illegal alien amnesty may be the straw that broke the camel's back.
I say you're better off without those people. If the SHTF, you only want people you know will stay the course and have your back, not some White guilt, hipster, delusional brainwashed idiots.
there is no way that blacks will not cost this country everything and turn it into a third world hell. The amount of money to support them on welfare or in prison is obscene. they also multiply like rats or roaches, literally..
You are paying for latisha and her 7 babies to get fat, and you are paying for her two or three "baby daddies" to be housed in NU.
Either way, you are paying for blacks to exist around you, until nothing is left and people will literally go to war for food and shelter..
Obama droned on in the ither side if the tv, We are a nation of LAWS,
Funny that the teleprompter-reader-in-chief would say we are a "nation of laws" when his speech on immigrations proclaims just the opposite. But it's all part of the anarcho-tyranny: let third worlders violate US immigration law, stir up the black underclass to run amok in the streets, but then hold law abiding citizens accountable under gun laws.
By the way, I recommend that white people boycott the Christmas shopping season. There is no reason to feed the corporations that benefit from BRA and buy politicos in the Dems and GOP. White people need to realize we are no longer living in "normal" times. It is an era of revolution. If you have to buy anything for the holidays, stock up on ammunition.
Rexhymens said: These situations assure me that the Emmet Till situation was all just bullshit media propaganda. The negro probably sexually assaulted the woman
According to the PBS documentary he grabbed her forcefully and chased her around the store she was working in all while bragging about all the white women he fucked in Chicago. 60 years ago just as today they are nothing but savages. He would have definitely "muh diked" her if he hadn't been dragged out by his cousins. The whole "whistled at the white lady" narrative was cooked up by the lib northeast press.
all ready for the federally funded biliion dollar rebuild of Ferguson? Law suits against big chains that dont rebuild? Food desert quotes just around the corner folks
Negroes hate you, and you've put them in control of your country?!
What in GOD'S name were you thinking? Down, down you go...
After writing about three posts that never got posted I'm guessing I got banned or perhaps simply ignored. So, carry on my friends. My presence is not wanted here so I shall go elsewhere. Keep up the good fight.
Timeless, thank you for that
It should be obvious to even the most obtuse person that the media is NOT to be trusted. Repeating my cardinal rule: Assume what you hear from the Federal government or it's media shills is false until proven otherwise.
Describing Brown as "an unarmed teenager" is equivalent to describing Stalin as a Russian civil servant. Yet they all do it despite the release of the GJ testimony.
How the National Guard restored order in Ferguson, MO.
Step one: Gin up animus before an election.
Tray was killed on Feb 26th 2012. Mikey B. was killed August 9th 2014.
Step two: Use a theme for cover.
2012 gun control
2014 police brutality
step three: Send in the clowns.
Que Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Jackson, Coates, M.H. Perry, Touré, & Maria Chappelle-Nadal (a US Senator) The MSM will follow suit.
step 4: Milk the "tragedy" for all it's worth.
If one has an anti-White narrative to push, push it.
step 5: End with a trial/crescendo. Brown's was augmented by social media fueled riots post verdict being reported as protests as opposed to the guerilla style knockout fad.
STEP 6: Drip, drip, drip this general narrative until the blacks realize a Steve Biko moment that can be parlayed into a Soweto uprising.
* Repeat every 2 years starting months before an election.
I don't think they've been banned, I think the server ate your reply, it happens.
Obama in this instance reminds me of the mulatto history of Haiti.
And we all know how that went for the whites.
Apparently, mulattos have a tendency to rile up the blacks with forethought.
Jealously is a strong motivator. Even in someone who has been spoiled all his life.
Looking at the multitude of pictures in the UK press, about the rioting in Ferguson, one thing struck me more than anything else. It wasn`t the rioting, feral black scum, because you expect feral black scum to riot when they don`t get their own way, it`s just typical black scum behaviour and is to be expected. No, it was the amount of white faces who were supporting the screaming black hordes. Apart from those in masks, they all looked like bearded hippy types, and the men looked just the same. These appear to be the massed ranks of DWL`s, who are far more dangerous than the negros, simply because they are reasonably literate and put over the case for their pets being treated as humans, and worst of all, are listened to. Funny enough, over here, in the nigger riots, all the rioters saw were white faces to attack, regardless of whether the same whites were supporting them or not.
Even more vomit inducing was the most obnoxious Brit to ever draw a breath, Piers Morgan, who wrote an article supporting the Browns and trying to ridicule Darren`s statement. For Morgan being an excuse for a Brit I can only apologise to the US, but just wish you had kept him in the US, where hopefully, someone would have shot him.
Right, lets try & enter this again, as bernicegreenbaum seems to have complained, her comment got lost:
The one thing I think in terms of who was responsible for the delay in deploying the National Guard, I'm not sure what to think, but whomever's decision it may be consider the positive consequences for a moment:
National Guard is deployed. "Protestors" hear verdict & while are upset, are deterred by large numbers of mem in military uniforms & assault weapons & head home arm dejected, but peacefully.
National Guard doesn't arrive as or in the number promised. Local police can only protect area around Police station & in the immediate area where "protesters" are gathering. As a consequence, unboarded businesses, cars & business storage units/warehouses with potentially combustible materials are left unguarded & are targeted for looting & burning.
Now, consider this: If you're sitting on the fence on this issue or the issue of race-realism, which scenario would linger in your mind & how would it affect your opinion? #2 would've obviously swung some people who were on the fence before, to joining the ranks of those who can see, just like all of us.
If scenario#1 happened, all this could be forgotten in a few months, but it definitely won't now.
So, picture it now...9th August 2024, the 10th aniversary of Michael Brown's death, Ferguson, MO is now a 86% African-American majority town, crime is highest in Missouri, businesses have deserted the city, urban blight is visible everywhere & approximately 1/3 of the population has left, a "Insert MSM traitor news network" TV reporter is there doing a feature & asks a local "What has happened to Ferguson since that fateful day?"
We don't need to bore ourselves thinking up some bulls**t answer as we already know, but 10 years from now, you know who else won't?
Those same people who saw the looting/burning happening on 24th November...10 years before.
On another note & this is to all the UK readers here: There is going to be an anti-racism protest outside the U.S Embassy in London, the London Black Reverends association will be in attendance as well...surprise! surprise!
I know that there are others on this blog who disagree with me, but it is my opinion that the officers who faced the black mob deserve kudos. Because the DA's announcement that there was no true bill came before the end of his discussion of the grand jury proceeding the dim witted mob didn't immediately realize that Wilson had not been indicted. This gave officers a brief moment to prepare for the impending onslaught.
When the camera panned out and I could see the phalanx of a couple of dozen white officers on the left side of the screen and a black horde of hundreds if not thousands filling the right side of the screen I thought we were all getting ready to watch a live modern version of Thermopylae. The officers had plastic shields, probably a baton, a sidearm, and tear gas, but I would be willing to bet that there were far more weapons in the crowd that they opposed. Only a fool would call those officers cowards. This is one of those admirable things that white people do. It is very unlikely that we will ever see a group of two dozen blacks facing down an angry mob of thousands of whites.
Of course, the blacks scattered into the dark like the cockroaches they are and burned the city. There were not enough officers to guard every building and to protect the firemen.
Ferguson didn't burn because of the inaction of the officers who were present, it burned because of the feckless top administration of Missouri and the United States. The chickenchit Governor of Missouri failed to back up local police with his available National Guard, and it is very likely that he was influenced by our worthless Prez. My suspicion that black privilege includes absolute immunity from all property crimes has been confirmed. I hope someone follows up with a report on how many people actually go to prison for the burning of Ferguson.
I concur with every word you said, particularly about Piers Morgan, I can't stand him, he's no Brit to me.
As for the DWL's in the riots, they were probably there in the Seattle WTO 1999 riots, as well as any other place they could stir up trouble.
How many other Brits are here?
Anonymous said ”. . . You'd think that Wilson would have enough proficiency with his weapon to know not to shove it into the target, but maybe not. He offers no theory as to why it failed to fire.”
Everyone should take a class on close quarters combat self defense utilizing role players for bad guys. A weekend class would triple your chances of surviving an encounter, and it would become clear to you why Wilson had the problem with his pistol misfiring. It is extremely difficult to do anything beyond blocking strikes, kicks, gouges, and stabs when you are being attacked. It is easy to find yourself, even if you are a professional, in a situation where you cannot even find an opportunity to draw a pistol from its holster - much less maintain clearance with the target and accurately place shots.
Good post!! Most officers qualify twice a year and I would be very surprised if Wilson were any different. Not sure of MO course of fire, but I would bet it was bland and just punching holes in paper. Probably not very tactical. But you raise good points reacting while some big ass linebacker is all over your ass. Even if a small and wiry person on you it would be difficult clearing leather and getting good accurate shots off.
I love hearing the dumb shit about,"he should have used pepper spray.. He should have used his baton... He shoul have shot his leg." All stupid and ignorant statements.
The main mistake Wilson committed was making contact in the seated position. Wearing a gunbelt And being seat belted in makes it hard to get access to your weapons while NOT under stress!! Also those is idiots making stupid statements do not the law and force continium policies.
Once Wilson decided to make contact while in the truck he made the situation harder on himself. He did the best he could. Maybe he should have created distance and exited. People ignorant of the 21ft rule as well. While Wilson had his Sig drawn, he simply could not of re-holstered and went for a lesser force weapon. Brown would have been on him again and possibly went for the weapon again.
Sometimes we all have post that never make it on this site.
Please dont leave, I enjoy reading your post, keep on keeping on...
Officer Wilson's pistol did not misfire. Sig's don't misfire very often. I carried a Sig 228/M11 an almost identical pistol in 9mm for years.
While it is possible that his pistol was out of battery by contact, it's much more probable that the gentle giant just grabbed the hammer if the weapon had not been fired or if fired inserted a finger between the hammer and slide. This won't happen with striker fired weapons such as a Glock or S&W. The other likely scenario is that if the weapon was fired, officer Wilson did not release the trigger far enough to allow it to reset. Both of these are problems with hammer fired TDA pistols, the category of which the superb Sig P229 belongs.
Vehicle defense is its own tactical problem. Mark my word the pistolero gurus will be discussing this item in the near future.
Underneath the Starry Flag
Civilize 'em with a Krag ...
They have already started! I have owned many high quality firearms. Sig has a fine reputation, but I have never fired or owned one. I have owned and carried HK to Glocks. Have a lot of experience with many small arms. I have carried and own Glocks for probably almost 20 years... Currently own 2 Glocks and carry one for a paycheck.
But back to my point, I am by no means a Glock fanboy. Although I like them and trust them with my life. As I would the Sig. I do think think the scuffle with swisher was the cause of the misfire. It was possible for a thumb to get in between the hammer and the firing pin... But I still feel the slide was out of battery. If Wilson could have bumped it forward it would have returned to battery.
But I like your points though.
Bernice said: "After writing about three posts that never got posted I'm guessing I got banned or perhaps simply ignored. So, carry on my friends. My presence is not wanted here so I shall go elsewhere. Keep up the good fight. "
I wouldn't take it personal. I've posted stuff here that doesn't make it past the censors anywhere else on the web, and have had a few pretty innocuous ones never show up. My guess is that PK is just one guy with a life besides approving blog comments and likely misses a few.
And to those that don't like the capcha if you're signed into a google account you can still tick anonymous in the radio buttons and you won't have the capcha challenge while remaining anonymous.
from your comment:
"It is very unlikely that we will ever see a group of two dozen blacks facing down an angry mob of thousands of whites."
That Sir is the stuff of dreams.
One of our readers tells us that the weapon Officer Wilson used was a Sig Sauer P229, in .40 S&W. He then makes remarks about the 'stopping power' of common pistols.
I have this pistol myself - some remarks.
There are two types of handguns - revolvers and automatic pistols. In general the most powerful cartridges are only available in revolvers. For example the .44 and the .357 Magnum cartridges are only available in revolvers. Auto pistols can't used those cartridges because they are rimmed. But revolvers are typically only 'six-shooters' while something like a Glock might hold fifteen or more. Almost all police departments used to issue revolvers in the .38 'Police Special' cartridge but have now almost all gone over to auto pistols. Police have traded power for capacity.
If Wilson had had a .44 Magnum a good center mass shot would have ended the duel quickly. But if he had had a good center mass hit with his .40 S&W it would have also been over at once.
I think I heard that Wilson fired 22 shots. If he had had a revolver that's an awful lot of reloads. The problem from Wilson's point of view was that he just 'winged' Brown so many times. He finally put him down with a shot into Brown's head. It hardly mattered then what the bullet was.
The Sig Sauer is one of only two pistols that survived the US Government trials. The other was the Berretta 94 which was issued in 9 mm. to thousands of officers nationwide and also to Mel Gibson in 'Lethal Weapon'. These two pistols are very similar they are both high quality expensive DA/SA hammer fired pistols. The Sig costs more so it is only used by specialty groups like the Navy Seals. In practice it is just like the Beretta.
There are three common pistol cartridges: the 9 mm Parabellum (the Luger round); the .45 used in the 1911 Colt Automatic; and the .40 S&W. The US Army used the 1911 Colt 45 until recently. They then adopted the 9mm Luger round in the Beretta. One advantage is pistol capacity. The 9mm round is smaller. With a double stack design you can get twice as many cartridges as the single stack 1911s with the fat .45 rounds.
But the .45 is bigger and more powerful. It was originally introduced for just this reason. After the famous 1986 Miami shootout the authorities experimented with bigger rounds. They created the 10 mm auto round. However it was too powerful for female officers or smaller men. So the 10 mm was cut down to the .40 round by Smith and Wesson. The 9mm is a small but fast round while the .45 is a big slow round. The .40 is an attempt to be the best of both. It's fast and reasonably large.
Wilson didn't need a bigger gun he needed better shot placement.
Pat Boyle
You're right. My brother had been showing me for some time now how prejudice against whites many commercials are. I couldn't see it even when he showed me. But now i see. I started showing my spouse, too, and that resistance was slowly ebbing away, but the riots being next door sealed the deal. Eyes open. Plus this site helped SO MUCH, to know these thoughts and realizations are not mine and mine alone but actually verified.
Yes, i need to find like minded people who live out here. Should be a lot easier now, it's not just my eyes that are upended.
Anonymous said...
Yeah, "howler monkeys" or "baboons" might make more sense.
Yes, this is why I call them Babuntus. A combination of Bantu (their word for people) and ubuntu (their word for spirit of humanity)*.
Note that the African 'u' is always pronounced as in Zulu. A few years ago, there was a short-lived TV cartoon series called "The Goode Family", about a progressive American family who adopted an African baby whom they named Ubuntu (only, to their dismay, he turned out to be a White South African baby). They pronounced it "you-bun-too". Not correct; it's "ooboontoo".
Similarly, Babuntu. Like "baboon-too".
* Both misnomers, of course, but you have to adjust your perspective. From their point of view, they are human.
Anonymous said...
Also keep in mind Google is basically making you their slave when you enter the correct information. With the word CAPTCHAs, you are OCRing books for them
How would that work? Surely, they would have to OCR all those words themselves in order to test your response? You're not giving them anything they haven't already got.
chiefTexas here:
use the Nazis instead of Zombies to be taken more seriously.
Just a suggestion. Solid post
Shot placement is the Key word Boyle! Center mass to the heart would do the trick as well as a round to the CNS. Under duress you shoot what you can or what is available. I like to say what the perp gives you. I have no problems with any of the calibers you mentioned as I have used them and still do. My point was the one shot stop theory. There have been documented cases about the one shot stop from various calibers.
I still hold to a handgun is marginal. The 44 magnum you mentioned is not in that classification I speak of since it is usually meant for hunting instead of self defense. Unless using a 44 special round. The 357 magnum is another fine choice and I believe the Coonan arms produced and still do a 1911 style weapon utilizing the 357 magnum.
If swisher would have been in hit in the upper torso with 00 buck from a shotgun he would have dropped like a bag of potatoes.
Accuracy more important than caliber... Any day! I concur!
Apparently, Holder DID "rent-a-mob" for Fergadishu:
Gang Leader Admits Holder Paid Them To Start Riots
chiefTexas, I don't think the Nazi analogy is as relevant as the Zombie analogy in this day and age. The popularity of zombies in White culture - in my opinion - is not because zombies make a scary/fun supernatural story, but because zombies represent the millions of black/brown ravenous, vicious, rabid, single-minded hordes who have a shared, all-consuming goal: to devour, destroy, and displace living (i.e., White) flesh. Whether Whites sense this consciously or subconsciously, the popularity of zombies is tapping into our fears and anxiety of being eliminated, whether as individuals or as a culture.
In this regard, "zombie" quislings, i.e., DWLs, are protesting/siding with the dark hordes (their racial and cultural enemy) so that when Helter Skelter arrives, they feel doing so will spare them from being slaughtered. Luckily, like Max Brooks' suggests, they'll be eaten first. Fine with me!
I, for one, take "zombies" very seriously, though I'm sure I'm reading too much into it.
The officer shot a great many .40 caliber slugs at that 300 pound, six foot eight brute and it barely stopped him. With negroes getting larger all the time due to food stamps and excellent medical care, a new defensive round is needed.
The .50 cal BMG round might be required. This will entail the development of new pistols designed to comfortably fire the round and hold the required 20 rounds needed to reliably drop a charging negro. This will be quite a technological undertaking, but we did put a man on the moon. We can certainly build a sidearm capable of controlling an angry negro.
LOL! Pastor blames YT for looters burning down his church:
(Don't worry pastor your tax exempt status is still good and you can keep your Escalade you got from the collection plate offerings.)
"A handgun should only be used to fight your way back to your rifle, which you shouldn't have dropped in the first place." - Attributed to Col. Jeff Cooper
The Rodney Koon riots were the race realism awaking for my generation and it looks like Fergustan will the awaking for this generation.
A professor out of Tennessee claims this is the sharpton/jackson wing of the marxicrat party letting the carpetbagger shillary or squaw you-didnt-build-that warren know they still have some clout with dim bulb dummy darkies who cling to democrats like barnacles.
I'm looking for the link to the professor now.
Worthless birdcage lining Washington Compost claims the Fergustan riot was a staged event courtesy of Marxist media maggots:
As I posted above I agree!! Jeff Cooper knew his shit too! Was a strong proponent of the 1911 and was instrumental in the 10mm. Handgun is marginal and the long gun wins!!!
Drudge has red highlighted link DEVELOPING about the AP has a story coming where witnesses lied about Brown... Big surprise there. The link was not yet taking you there. But this is going to make DWLs and blacks real same foolish that have been showing their asses.
White-hating Blacks are always in denial when confronted with the truth that they are the most and worst criminals, like Obamanation/Holder.
Apparently, Holder DID "rent-a-mob" for Fergadishu:
Gang Leader Admits Holder Paid Them To Start Riots
"Evidence has been uncovered showing Eric Holder contributed funds to Ferguson’s gang population as incentive to loot and spread civil unrest in the area. These angry, government-sponsored terrorists have systematically infiltrated peaceful protests with the intention of escalating the situation and inciting riots.
A local gang leader came forward last week after being arrested during a night of mass-looting. The unnamed criminal is using his information to bargain for a reduced sentence.
Allegedly, Holder’s goal behind pouring proverbial gasoline on an already volatile situation is to test militarized police response in a martial law scenario. It is also suspected that the riots have been started as the latest in diversions from the diabolical duo of Obama and Holder. This isn’t the first time they have created a media bait-and-switch to cover up any of their numerous crimes and blunders. "
I myself am six feet four and weigh more that 300 pounds. But I have never behaved like Mike Brown. Why?
I'm not crazy.
I keep predicting that Mike Brown had a psychiatric record or something similar. Normal people don't attack armed police.
It's time to open his juvenile record.
Pat Boyle
Correct Terms:
Chimpacrat (can be used for a negro Democrat)
Boyle I like your posts man!! Something is quite off about the saint for sure... I would bet pennies to thousands of bucks that the grand jury knew his past. He was no fucking saint! Of course the libs and supporters of Swisher know that knowing all the facts in reference to him surely would destroy any credible facts about it. I hope it does come out! Waiting on AP story developing about all the liars for Brown.
To all the commenters here who have had comments not printed by PK, don't take it personally. PK is probably a one man band here and don't forget, recently married. Personally, many thanks to PK and all the commenters here, this is one of the few sites on the internet where truth is reported and wide open commenting is allowed. People like us AKA real Americans, Britons, S. Africans et al. had no uncensored news or comments until the internet.
Those of you who are old enough think back to the reporting from the Vietnam war and how TV and print was viciously pro-communist/ant-American during the last half of the war. The communists left out the most important part of that story, that the U.S. government policy under President Johnson was to allow the communists to bring in as much war materiel as they could through N. Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia and transport it hundreds of miles, unmolested until it arrived in S, Vietnam to kill GIs.
When Nixon ended that policy in May of 1972 by blockading N. Vietnam and balls out bombing he was crucified in the press. Nixon's actions forced the N. Vietnamese to agree to the Jan. 1973 peace treaty signed in Paris and release U.S. prisoners held in N. Vietnam. The communist press in the U.S. portrayed the N. Vietnamese just as they have been portraying the nogs/Mexicans, helpless, peaceful victims of U.S. government/white oppression.
The communists were only successful until 1972 because there was no internet, no SBPDL, no PK and no uncensored comments. Not everything can always be printed but many thanks again to PK and all the commenters here fighting the good fight for the truth, you know it's working because of the visceral hatred the communists on TV have for us. Never give up.
non-DWL from NE.
Hello, it's the french man from paris. When I came on this blog 2 years ago i wanted to know why in USA there are not anymore riots like these of Detroit or LA althought there are riots in France. You learnt me that things dont go better for African American, they still shot, rob, rape...and it conforms me in what I live here with Blacks. Now is there a real chance for this riot to spread across USA and become a civil war?
Ex New Yorker here.....As some of you may know my Michael Brown memorial tee shirt collection gets bigger by the day. Some shirts are still hard to find. The shirt I'm looking for now is a white shirt with black lettering that reads "I LOOTED FERGUSON AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS LOUSY TEE SHIRT".
Does anybody know when Micheal Brown's mother will be starting a non-profit MICHEAL BROWN SCHOLARSHIP FUND so she can raise money to help stop the pain and suffering of all the poor and oppressed welfare and crack babies who are living in misery and horror in the crime infested ghettos because "the man" be holding them down and they be killing each other because they can't be getting a good education so they can turn their life around and not get pregnant and stop selling dope and being in street gangs and get good jobs and fight back at all the racist and evil white men who cause black people to suffer and live a life of failure and agony because the cops be shooting and killing our children and making them martyrs in the long and hard struggle for justice and liberty so our voices can be heard and we can have the right to lives of freedom and safety in the country we built with the sweat of our brow and sheet.
Ex New Yorker here.....Report from the Free Zone. I have been amazed lately about what a lot of people are saying. These are not race realist. Just your average type that watch the TV news shows. THEY ARE TIRED AND FED UP with the non-stop barrage of all these community leaders in their fancy new suits blathering on all night and day about RACISM. Most people I know can't even afford clothes like that. This Fercuson circus is starting to wear thin. On and on about black oppression and equality. Nearly everyone I have talked to has said the same thing. Fuck these welfare leeches. Nobody cares. Enough already. Maybe the bubble they have been living in is starting to spring a leak.
There are already complaints.
Seems the local McDonald's was burnt to the ground and the hood rats have no food.
Amazing. The monkeys burn down the businesses in their own area and then complain that there are no businesses in their own area. Only an ape could "think" like that.
Well, rest assured, there will be some stores opening soon as soon as the "undocumented" Mexicans get their new papers and can start working for cash for the subs.
I wonder how many negroes lost their jobs when these stores burnt down? (Assuming they were even working). There was a blackass preacher complaining that Whites weren't providing jobs for the sambos (as if they really want one) and now these very same sambos burn down what business there was. Clever little simians.
But the intent of these protests was to loot. Justice means nothing to these simians. Just looting and stealing and screeching and jumping. Gee. Looks like a National Geographic documentary about Zulu wars. I wonder why.
Gotta love this country.
Great point New Yorker! Those 1k+ priced suits are far from my reach. I do hope that whites are starting to wake up. The fatigue grows!
Anon with great wisdom wrote,
They have already started! I have owned many high quality firearms. Sig has a fine reputation, but I have never fired or owned one. I have owned and carried HK to Glocks. Have a lot of experience with many small arms. I have carried and own Glocks for probably almost 20 years... Currently own 2 Glocks and carry one for a paycheck.
But back to my point, I am by no means a Glock fanboy. Although I like them and trust them with my life. As I would the Sig. I do think think the scuffle with swisher was the cause of the misfire. It was possible for a thumb to get in between the hammer and the firing pin... But I still feel the slide was out of battery. If Wilson could have bumped it forward it would have returned to battery.
But I like your points though.
I think part of Wilson's dilemma was that he may have likely turned off his vehicle and probably remained strapped in for too long. Money also says he was using at least a level 2 or 3 retention holster. With him being in the sitting position he was behind the 8 ball from the beginning. I'm not a big fan of a magazine disconnect, but if he would had a S&W, he could have disabled the weapon, then used a backup or better yet the car against him. It's just a matter of time till Massad Ayoob, Clint Smith, Chuck Taylor et all give their assessment. Rest assured that the Darren Wilson scenario will be well taught and be a part of IDPA matches in the very near future. `
Wilson fired 12 shots with 10 outside the vehicle. He connected on at least 5 of those which under the circumstances wasn't half bad. He also had 2 CNS shots out of those 5. He was pulling to the left so my guess is that he was probably pushing the trigger, then corrected when he got close. His training kicked in with failure to stop drills and he connected on the two head shops.
Personally I've switched back to 9mm using +P or +P+ ammo. It approaches 357 Sig ballistsics and you can shoot much quicker than with a 40 or 45. With the better ammo I think you'll see the new trend to high capacity striker fired pistols in 9mm.
In conversations/discussions with several people prior to the Grand Jury issuing its verdict, I warned everyone of exactly what would happen and how it would play out chapter by chapter. The riots, the ooking and eeking that the Grand Jury was corrupt etc~ everything~ including how our mealy mouthed so called president would say nothing of value but claim there was a just reason for all the chimping out. After all, it's the niggery thing to do.
The response from a few people (after all I predicted coming true came true) was, "Damn! How did you know?!" I told them, "Because I know niggers and how they think, act and behave and can always count on them to prove my point for me." One person had said that I was stereotyping blacks and it was "racist." I subsequently asked them, "So, was what I said inaccurate or was it realistic? Is that racism or Realism?" Their head snapped back as if they'd been slapped up side the head with a two by four and their eyes widened in comprehension.
SO, a heartfelt thank you to all the niggers out there (including Prez Obunghole)~ you're waking up more people to the truth of the shitty things you are by virtue of your ignorant, idiotic, savage, mentally deficient behavior than I could ever hope to do in a month of Sunday's.
Keep on Chimpin', assholes!
The viralsurvival.com link is a satirical article. At the bottom of the article on that webpage, in fact, the word (SATIRE) is explicitly written to spell out for credulous readers that the article is not real. If we want to continue waking people up to the reality of BRA and its destructive, Fergadishu-like impact on Western civilization and our European-American way of life, we cannot follow entertaining but misleading articles like the viralsurvival article linked in 2 separate posts. It makes us look as bad as the liberals who took seriously the satirical Sarah Palin article on immigration from The Daily Currant.
I had a comments section exchange with a few blacks after the Great Ferguson Chimpogeddon.
Some paraphrased comments:
1) "It was a small riot. They can rebuild".
2) "Blacks riot because whites taught them to riot via the NY Draft Riots" (surprised a jig even knew about that).
3) "Whites commit 70 percent of all crimes" (while ignoring relative percentages of the population and violent versus nonviolent crimes.
In summary:
1) Blacks are stupid
2) Blacks are violent
3) Blacks have no understanding of how our system of government works outside of whatever mechanisms are in place to give them handouts or special privileges
Sigs are extremely reliable. In my opinion there the best of the best. True misfires with high quality ammunition are very rare and it usually turns out to be a problem with that particular round.
My nephew sent me a picture today with the following captions:
"An act performed in urban communities to honor a recently killed person that nobody knew but you tell people he was like a son."
"Proper etiquette dictates the underwear be fully visible at all times."
Took me a while to stop laughing.
Scot Irish
Thank you thank you thank you. I was once a young white female. Drank the kool aid until I had first hand experience. White's must fight back. I am not afraid. And I am mouthy. FU you stupid negroes.We feed you, house you put up with your bull. No more. I will fight back. An American female who once drank the Koolaid. You go guys.
Yep!! 9mm gets a bad rap, but 9mm +P+ scores very high in regards to one shot stops. I agree with you on switching to it with zero problems. Less recoil and follow up shots are more on target.
Not to mention the +p+ 9mm round has a lot of muzzle energy.
I have a 9mm with +p+ in shtf bag! I have a Glock 30s for the home. Glock 22 Gen 4 at home and at work.
But really the best gun and caliber to have is the one you really need when it goes down.
As far as Wilson's shooting... He survived and therefore his shots counted when they needed to. You are correct about his duty holster and akready being behind the 8 ball. Some of the holsters you have to twist and pull up. Other you have to twist and pull forward. Hard to do when a linebacker is on you and you are seated.
Anonymous said...
"Negroes hate you, and you've put them in control of your country?!
What in GOD'S name were you thinking? Down, down you go..."
Well, to be honest it was not me or most of the people that post here that instituted BRA. I guess you are not aware of DWLs. They worship at the altar of the negro.
Right up to the minute or seconds they are being murdered. Then again, maybe not.
Maybe it is time for it all to collapse. It's really hard to think about that scenario, yet I know from the ashes we can begin again. I have faith in all sorts of White People!
Scot Irish
November 26, 2014 at 2:37 AM
Don't fight the negroid genome!
Deport it!
I was thinking similar thoughts as I saw the fast food establishments burning. Those jack asses burned down a lot of the fast food establishments. I mean fucking brilliant! You cannot make this shit up. Why rebuild Ferg now?? On the map as a shithole. White build and blacks destroy! Blacks response to that: "we built the pyramids." Always love hearing that!
Every since America was built up, when did blacks help in the building?????? They sure do want the freebies! Maybe finally the citzens will help rebuild their shitty... Shitty not city.
MB's mom just said "axe".
It's so funny.
Scot Irish
VIII Legion said...
I must admit, I am a little disappointed so far at the severity of the chimp outs. I was looking forward to seeing what the supposed Black Panther "Tactical Teams" are made of.
That pathetic riot was what the Black Panther "Tactical Teams" are made of. If whites aren't directing it it's just low level destruction in their own nests. The Black Pampers need to be changed and thrown out as often and for the same reason as the regular Pampers.
White Clevelander
Anonymous said...
Ex New Yorker here.....
Does anybody know when Micheal Brown's mother will be starting a non-profit MICHEAL BROWN SCHOLARSHIP FUND so she can raise money to help stop the pain and suffering of all the poor and oppressed welfare and crack babies who are living in misery and horror in the crime infested ghettos because "the man" be holding them down and they be killing each other because they can't be getting a good education so they can turn their life around and not get pregnant and stop selling dope and being in street gangs and get good jobs and fight back at all the racist and evil white men who cause black people to suffer and live a life of failure and agony because the cops be shooting and killing our children and making them martyrs in the long and hard struggle for justice and liberty so our voices can be heard and we can have the right to lives of freedom and safety in the country we built with the sweat of our brow and sheet.
Uh, no. ROFL!
Why not make an exploding 9mm? Put a little nitro in the bullet? Some liquid mercury?
Don't they use "Black Talon"s? I have a few boxes of those before they went off the market and they are nice evil looking babies.
by Rudyard Kipling
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddenly bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
No quotations...Sorry.
We all need to remember this!
Scot Irish
"This destiny does not tire, nor can it be broken, and its mantle of
strength descends upon those in its service." - Francis Parker Yockey,
I feel sorry (in a way) for any White person who owns any property withing this city.
Your investment is dead.
Who is going to buy any commercial property within drive-by distance of the nigernests? You will FOREVER be an arson or looting target since that city is history.
Maybe some stupid asian or arab might buy your building to put in a plexi-glass 7-11 look-alike, but let them take the hit. Whites are too valuable to do business in a nigernest.
This advice stands for any area of (former) America that is withing 15 years of going Kenyan. Most commercial fixed loans are for 15 years so why would you buy and finance an investment when within 15 years it will be worth far less, if not nothing, than when you started? The advance of BRA and the negro population (along with the mehicans, a-rabs, haitians, etc,) means that THERE IS NO INVESTMENTS LEFT in America. As the White population decreases, the value of everything nailed down must decrease.
Have extra money? There is ONLY one thing to buy. Gold and Silver coin. Don't even pay off your home. Re-finance the dump and when the "final riot" happens, leave the home for the bankers, etc. Same with credit cards, etc. We have 10 years, max, and all of these "assets" will be worth less in proportion to the negro population.
The old way is gone. The idea of America is gone and even if we establish a White Homeland it will only mean every single property outside this Homeland will be worth......nothing. So, don't own any of it.
Put everything into precious metals since they will ALWAYS be worth production costs, etc. The last thing you want to own in America is anything American. It is over.
Dont know if its been posted here yet. Vice lord gang member. Says it all
Here is a record of Browns: Michael
Brown’s ADULT criminal record: Description: Burglary – 1st Degree {
Felony B RSMo: 569.160 } Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 1401000 OCN: AJ006207
Arresting Agency: ST ANN PD Description: Armed Criminal Action { Felony Unclassified
RSMo: 571.015 } Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 3101000 OCN: AJ006207 Arresting
Agency: ST ANN PD Description: Assault 1st Degree –Serious Physical
Injury { Felony A RSMo:565.050 } Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 1301100 OCN:
AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST ANN PD Description: Armed Criminal Action {
Felony Unclassified RSMo: 571.015 } Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 3101000 OCN:
AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST ANN PD Also a member of the Vice Lords
gang, 6’3″ and nearly 300 lbs. What else would be found if his juvie
record was unsealed ? How about this? Brown has a second degree murder
charge on his juvenile arrest record.
I've found the comments by those who are familiar with various modern pistols very interesting. I own a Baretta 9mm, but it is older one. (model 1951)
Anyway, I would have thought that officer Wilson, suspecting that the 300 lb baboon walking down the middle of the street was the one who had just robbed the convenience store, would have had his pistol out and ordered Swisher to lay face down in the street while he called for backup instead of just asking swisher to get out of the middle of the street.
Maybe I've been watching too much cop TV.
Welcome Cindy. This blog is a true awakening.
7/18- Jimmie Norman, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/18- Terry Taylor, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/17- Cindy Raygoza, white female murdered by black male. No national news.
7/11- Luis Aguilar, 91 year old hispanic male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/10- Brittany Simpson, white female murdered by black male. No national news.
7/6- Sarah Goode, white female murdered by black male. No national news.
7/6- Jeffrey Westerfield, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/5- Perry Renn, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/3- Laurey Kennedy, white female still in coma from beating by black male. No national news
7/3 Eric Mollet, white male murdered by black male. No national news.
7/2 Rupert Anderson, white male mu...rdered by black male. No national news.
7/2 Jennifer Kingeter, white female murdered by black male. No national news.
6/30 Jim Brennan, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/29 Paul Shephard, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/27 Shirley Barone, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/27 Penelope Spencer, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/27 Inga Evans, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/26 Jake Rameau, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/25 Gina Burger, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/24 Nathan Dasher, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/22 Jonathan Price, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/20 John Whitmore, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/18 John Yingling,white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/17 Allyn Reeves, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/15 Michael Beaver, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/11 Angela Cook, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/11 Nathan Hall, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/7 Harry Briggs, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/5 Laura Bachman, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/2 Robert Mohler, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.
6/1 William Headley, white male, murdered by black male. No national news
See my comment below with his criminal record. He was a VICE LORD gang member.
dey be needin' 2 build some Pyramids with drive-thru windows thar in Fergudishu.
Dey prolly had drive-thru windows in the original Eeee-gip-shun Pyramids they architected builded but some YT stole'm & brought them to USA. Dat thiefs name b b'n ronald mcDonald & eberbudy knowz dat.
Now u unnerstand why Fergustanian's Golden Horde burnz dem McDonalds Golden Arches down? Cuz dat ronald mcdonald a great big Stealer that b y
/H hypie out H\
Evidence released by McCulloch
The below documents are evidence the grand jury considered that was released by St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch.
"The prosecutor also stated that it was mainly African-American witnesses that said Brown continued to charge Officer Wilson forcing him to keep firing."
First Pro-Truth Witness Murdered? Or, Just Trying To Get To Dorian? DeAndre Joshua, 20, found dead yards from scene of Michael Brown’s death..
Posted on November 25, 2014 by sundance
DeAndre Joshua, 20, fits the social profile of an eye-witness who gave a police/FBI statement and testified before the Grand Jury in the Mike Brown shooting case. He was an employed black male, with no history of drug use or illicit behavior. He was also a friend of Dorian Johnson who is currently under protection.
"Several of the eye-witnesses, who gave honest testimony to the Grand Jury, were, according to their own statements, warned immediately after the shooting to keep their mouths shut. All of the eye-witnesses were African American. If you read the reports the sense of fear about speaking the truth is overwhelming.
Many, if not all, of the witness statements outlined in police reports, FBI reports, and later in Grand Jury testimony -who testified to the factual events as outlined by officer Wilson, and whose testimony fit the physical and forensic evidence- were threatened by the local Canfield Greens community.
(Via Daily Mail) A man has died during the Ferguson riots just yards from where Michael Brown was shot dead. Residents on Canfield Drive said that DeAndre Joshua, 20, was shot whilst in his car though police at the scene refused to confirm any details.
DeAndre’s grandmother Renita Towns said that ‘somebody killed him’ during the carnage."
The gun advice here is priceless. I would only make a humble request (yeah, that is really, really hard for me to do....) to the experts that they keep it to a level the new readers can understand. We want everybody to get the most out of this blog since this is the MOST valuable blog on the net.
I would make the suggestion to the new converts: ANY gun is better than no gun but take the advice of the "30" rule. Don't get within 30 feet of a negro.
To this I would add, don't be anywhere near 2 or more sambos. One is unbearable to me, but 2 or more is ALWAYS a threat to you and civilization.
Don't drive through any nigernest. Don't exit any freeway in America with a "MLK, BLVD" road. NEVER. I really want to thank the "community" for marking these roads so that we White People can avoid Zimbabwe Blvd.
Don't drive through any American city, Drive around.
Make all your drive trips through small towns. That just gave me an idea. We need a map of small towns and their White population % so that when one takes a road trip they can only go through these human towns. I guess driving through our urban centers must be like my drive trips through the Kruger National Park and the Cape Town reserve back when I lived in South Africa. One keeps the windows up, doors looked and not tease the baboons. Who would have thought......
I can see an explosion of apps giving racial advice.
The future is arriving and it will arrive faster and faster. Change always accelerates and it goes exponential near it's climax. We ain't see nothing yet. As more and more Whites turn their backs to the silver-backs, they will pout and scream and throw shit even more. They don't like to be ignored.
It is just a matter of time before another fine, up-standing "future" astronaut negro gets his due justice from a White Man and this Zimmerman-Ferguson farce will start again. These events will come more often and this will only demonstrate the approaching end.
Hang in there White Men. P.S.: I just love that Kipling poem. I want a huge poster of it. Hey, PK, why not sell one?
If Wilson had had a .44 Magnum a good center mass shot would have ended the duel quickly.
Or he would have missed and ran out of ammo.
It simply isn't practical for cops to carry .44 magnums. Most would have problems with the recoil and the reload is a problem in a shootout.
But the .45 is bigger and more powerful. It was originally introduced for just this reason. After the famous 1986 Miami shootout the authorities experimented with bigger rounds. They created the 10 mm auto round. However it was too powerful for female officers or smaller men. So the 10 mm was cut down to the .40 round by Smith and Wesson. The 9mm is a small but fast round while the .45 is a big slow round. The .40 is an attempt to be the best of both. It's fast and reasonably large.
That's true but the FBI is going back to 9mm because of ammo changes. Modern ammo today is far more advanced than it was in the 80s and too many people miss with a .40 or .45, especially follow-up shots in a high stress situation. Wound channels for 9/40/45 are all very similar if modern polytipped ammo is used.
In war there are guys that are hit with 223 or 308 and keep fighting until they bleed out. It's rare but then so is a guy taking multiple hits of 40 caliber and continuing to charge. I would bet that if his gun didn't misfire then Brown would have gone down sooner. Seems like a bad luck situation.
Does anybody know when Micheal Brown's mother will be starting a non-profit MICHEAL BROWN SCHOLARSHIP FUND so she can raise money
I'd like to donate to a fund that buys a new car for the guy that drove through the crowd of protestors. It's about damn time someone did that.
A host on Radio Free USSA stated that Al Sharpscoon says he hasn't owed any back taxes since January 2009.
I'm looking around but can't find anything on the net.
These Marxist rats think everyone is as stupid as their darkie pawns and welfare pets but they are sadly mistaken.
The teevee was showing Cornel West teling Al Sharpscoon to get off the stage and step away from the camera.
Dissension in the ranks is the best thing that could happen with these fellow travelers.
@ Hypie
Da Hamburglar be gafflin' them YT crackas sammiches YO!
Shanaynay just got a fiddy piece of Mcnuggets wit her EBT card!
Awww yea we bee eatin' good tonights for Ganksthieving.
Personally I've switched back to 9mm using +P or +P+ ammo. It approaches 357 Sig ballistsics and you can shoot much quicker than with a 40 or 45. With the better ammo I think you'll see the new trend to high capacity striker fired pistols in 9mm.
I would consider shooting 40 if I carried a full frame in a holster. But I don't think it is a good round for smaller handguns. The muzzle snap doesn't let you shoot as fast and you don't get as much ammo.
There is definitely is a trend back to 9mm. I've shot a 1911 and would feel much safer with a glock 9mm. It's far easier to do a Mozambique Drill with one and will take the 45 at 50 yards. Using 9mm also cuts down the range bill.
NEGRO FATIGUE : I don't know about you folks but I have had it. You cannot even discuss this stuff in an intelligent rational manner. Blacks are in denial. The facts are there and they still defend the gentle giant . I really think that we cannot coexist peacefully in the same community or country for that matter. How do you reason with people who cannot , or I should say capable of admitting that they are wrong in discerning behaviors that are unethical in law abiding societies ? Can someone please answer this? Thank you.
The officer shot a great many .40 caliber slugs at that 300 pound, six foot eight brute and it barely stopped him. With negroes getting larger all the time due to food stamps and excellent medical care, a new defensive round is needed.
A lot of these areas should be treated like war zones where the handgun is only used as a backup weapon. Give these guys a hot 'n ready mp5 in the vehicle and see how many Browns charge them.
Of course the powers that be would never allow that.
To Whom it may concern,
I don't know if this post will make it but I'll give it a shot. Sorry if I came across in a pissy mood earlier. I think seeing negros destroy sh*t and then complain about it being gone really irks me. I want to continue to post here so I'll try to keep my inner bitch muted a bit better.
By the same token, I'm getting a strong feeling of negro fatigue out there. Should be some interesting conversation around the Thanksgiving dinner tables this year. Please continue to share one and all.
He also says this chimpout is an "understandable reaction". No! This is not an understandable reaction. This is the reaction of a five year old that can't have a cookie right before supper.
This is the understandable reaction of an adolescent race living in a "nation of laws" and they don't like it! Mike Browns parents were going to make a statement. I'll bet no where in that statement is an apology for raising a thieving, dope smoking gang banger with no respect for any authority.
Mike Brown was a thief. He attacked a law enforcement officer with the intent to kill or cause great bodily harm. In a "nation of laws" Mike Brown received justice that day in August.
African preachers, in America, would better serve their congregations if they focused on Romans 13-4.
Not to drift off topic or be a comment whore but, the US embassy London UK, is under attack by Brownstain Disciples
I really don't know. I was a borderline DWL for many years and now I've got to say this has got me stumped. Lots of bloggers here believe there will be some way we can just send the negroes back. That, in my opinion, is just not going to happen. It's a fantasy. White Homeland? I don't know. Maybe. Just remember, as pleasant as it will be to live without the negro (it will), whites can be real azzholes too, as those of us who were born prior to 1965 well know. Give some a little too much power and you've got yourself another Hitler - no thanks, I'll pass on that one. I really miss pre 1965 and know I'll never get that back. That makes me almost as sick as watching the negroes destroy yet another city. The only other thing I can think that might work, hopefully, is voluntary segregation in all establishments. It's only a dream, but that's how Brother Martin's got started. :)
OT again, but I know some of you were interested in gentle Giant 2 the darkening that is going on here in Cleveland. They released the tape and some of the dispatches it appears that ol 12 year old Tamir was thought to be 20 when the cops came up on him. Interestingly enough the rookie cop was white so this should blow up in the usual fashion.
White Clevelander
Hahahahahahahaha! That's some funny shit!
Where can I donate my mint condition used Bill Clinton under drawers, fo da cause?
Maybe they can get those pyramid builders a, well, neve mind.
In other news the Ferguson unemployment office was broken into. No jobs were taken.
To the Brown family, I wish you closure.
To the Wilson family, peace.
To the protestors, jobs.
(Seen on facebook.)
A Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
Don't waste it by spending all day watching gazillionaire, giant, ghetto negroes running around with a ball, punctuated by commercials featuring stupid and weak white men. And boycott the BRA "news."
Like I was talking about in reference to this I have a Glock 30s in 45acp. I just bought a while ago and only did so because I have so many rounds I reloaded. So it made sense. The 9mm I do have I really like and it shoots very smooth.
With the right 9mm round I would trust it as well as my 40s&w and 45acps.
Maybe you will see more of an upswing with the parabellum. Not that is fallen out, but 40 seems to be more popular with agencies. I have been with several and we use and used the 40.
Don't feel bad about "censored" posts. You have NO idea of the posts that I write that never see day light. Sometimes I THANK the "hall monitor" for stopping my more outrageous posts since I can really go over the edge. It's a talent.
So, don't stop. We need you. We need all of you. We are the White Men who will survive and rebuild. We count and since WE ARE WHITE we must continue.
Yes, it is pathetic and fascinating that the negro will destroy his own nest and then bitch that no Mexican will come and rebuild it for him. Really sick, but when you are dealing with a stunted hominid you get what you get.
The world IS the way it is. No wishing, faith, belief, praying, crying, taxing, etc will change THAT WHICH IS. I didn't make this existence and I have NO power to change it. So I will deal with it AS IT IS.
White is better. White is superior. The negro may live as my inferior and obey or they can leave and have their own "community". But, I am sick of them and shall begin my own "civil disobedience".
Example: My line of work (yeah, I really have a real job) requires me to "place orders" through the day. When ever I get a negro tone I hang up. BUT, lately, I have said snotty things like "I'll call back when I can speak to somebody from my community". Now, the negro knows what that means. To hell with them. They want war? I'll give them my social war over the phone.
Fuck Them.
SO, Sambo, I will never, ever be polite to your stinking race since I am RIGHT and you are Inferior.
Fred almost gets it right:
It's genetic, not intelligence. Still worth sharing.
Kipling must have been talking about the pagan Saxons. The God of Christians is love, and the Christian isn't allowed to hate anyone. Said Jesus, "Love your enemies; do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you." After becoming Christians, the Saxons got their asses handed to them by the Normans in 1066.
Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
- John 4:8
Question: If God is love, then who is hate but Satan?
Speaking of Thanksgiving...... Happy thanksgiving to PK and all my white brethren. Be safe and enjoy the family time!!
I have a theory on why the black community is so upset with Michael Brown being killed. He lived in an area with lot's of gang activity. It has been shown he participated in the culture. The police officer took out their greatest prospect. Think about it. He was a big guy, well liked and even managed to graduate high school. To the people he was a star destined to start in middle management and possibly become the O.G. Ferguson's own Suge Knight. This wasn't about racism or heavy handed police. Michael Brown was their future in criminal conduct.
On the topic of firearms and stopping power I do know that most police pistols have a very long trigger pull. They are usually that way to prevent the gun from discharging if dropped. Perhaps this explains the accuracy problems Wilson encountered.
These Marxist rats think everyone is as stupid as their darkie pawns and welfare pets but they are sadly mistaken.
The teevee was showing Cornel West teling Al Sharpscoon to get off the stage and step away from the camera.
Dissension in the ranks is the best thing that could happen with these fellow travelers.
Infighting is always happening with these groups. Marxism tells them "the pie is ours" so there will always be subgroups fighting for their slice. The media just keeps most of it out of the public eye. Just put White college Marxists and Blacks in a room to see this in action. Marxism relies on information control to exist.
One a semi-related note Blacks will go on weird tangents when given an open mic and have a hard time keeping the debate rational. Debates and public forums involving Blacks are not normally shown to YT. But thanks to Affirmative Action this one made the news:
P.S. the Google captcha is terrible.
Commenting on guns, a handgun is a must have 2nd weapon for negro unrest. It should be under your coat in a scabbard holster, strongside (no, I will not argue with those who like the "Vice" rig).
Caliber is what you like as long as you practice. 9mm is light for nogs, 45 has a long history of stopping primates, but few in the magazine. Pat is right that the revolver was always favored from 1935 on as capable of running with high pressure loads. Autos have a window of pressure curve they like; too much and they break or jam, too little and they short stroke and jam. The revolver could care less. The 357 magnum was always the perfect dose of "Nig-Be-Gone". When the police force went over to auto's in the wake of 1992 riots (See: http://stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.com/2012/06/escalation-police-weapon-evolution-as.html ) for a discussion of police weapons vs the rise of the negro.
The ill fated .41 Magnum was supposed to be the "perfect" police revolver (for large, violent, cigar stealing negros) but could not be taught to "average and Affirmative Action" (female) officers.
The 10mm (developed by Col. Cooper and Dornas and Dixon for the Bren Ten pistol was comparable to a 41 magnum in an auto pistol. The current EAA Witness Limited, Glock 20, Glock 29, the Dan Wesson and others now make superb 10mm's, my recommendation for a weapon caliber.
As to a long arm, forget big rifles. They work great, but you will never be shooting DEFENSIVELY at 350 meters, let alone 600.
Look at the pictures of Furguson. Then in your mind decide between a full battle rifle (comforting but unnecessary) and a Thompson in 45 ACP which uses ammo that matches to your handgun or an UZI which uses ammo that matches to your handgun. Subguns have their place, and ugly close quarters urban warfare is where their "sweet spot" is. Sure, have the .308 for Country hunting, have the .223 for small game, have the shotgun for birds, nothing better.
But when down and dirty a high capacity subgun is best. More shots and quicker shot to shot than a shotgun, can be maneuvered in a car if necessary, can be fired by a woman, child or man, can be easily silenced (and the same silencer used for your pistol), ammo is lighter and a thousand and one other little things (See: http://10mmautocombat.wordpress.com/ ).
Pat is also right that shot placement is critical, if you miss, well it doesn't matter much, now, does it?
anonymous said: Mexicans do what they do because of the limitations of being Mexican.
Well, anonymous. I completely disagree with your statement. And the name of this blog is SBDL. Not SMPDL.
Anyone see the list of women that Bill Cosby has NOT drugged and raped? It's a short list, so it would be easy to misplace.
Hey, hey hey!
Apparently the two panthers, Brandon and Olajuwon, who attempted to purchase explosives for use in the Ferguson protest were planning to blow up the Gateway Arch and kill the DA and Chief of police. They were only able to purchase one pipe bomb from an undercover agent. They planned to purchase more but were delayed. The reason for the delay was that they had to wait until one of their girlfriends’ Electronic Benefit Transfer card had more money. Da brothas be ventin new uses fo EBT eberday so quit sayin dat dey kant vent stuff.
These boneheads just called the tune for their last dance. Let it be a war dance or a jigaboo, it matters not. No one cares about the excuses anymore. No more tolerance, or handouts will come from this.
This system is bankrupt, financially and morally. It might survive one, but not both. Whites don't want to play anymore, and did you know the average black bantustani has almost enough food for the rest of the day?
Gee what happens if the food delivery comes two weeks late?
To Anonymous who provided us with a list of our White brothers and sisters whose lives were brutally taken by negroes: Thank you for posting. Any objection if I incorporate those names into my "In Memoriam" List? I will, of course, research and verify the names first.
Philadelphia Mike
The Red Brigades of Hussein the Rat and Marxist media maggots are having fun and laughing now.
When YT gets a turn it won't be so fun for the vermin.
They that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind.
-Big YT the Neck Cracka-
I don't know about you folks but I have had it. You cannot even discuss this stuff in an intelligent rational manner. Blacks are in denial.
Blacks and Marxists will always be in denial. Nature simply isn't on their side.
We can only reach Whites that have been indoctrinated and wouldn't normally side with Marxists when given all relevant information.
And I really don't care that Blacks are in denial. What are they supposed to do? Admit that Blacks destroy White cities? Investigate genetic differences? Why would they do that when reality says that type of honesty won't work in their best interest?
Blacks will at least defend each other which can't be said for Whites. We have Whites bending over backwards to deny reality and sell out their neighbors. Whites come with their own problems and one of which is the deluded and destructive egalitarian. And in all honesty the more I read about history the more I understand how that element needs to be kept in check through force. I honestly never thought I would reach that conclusion but Whites seem to have these crazed egalitarians that can't be dealt with rationally. I truly wish I didn't believe that was the case.
Am I the only one who is wondering precisely why the clown Dorian Johnson has not been arrested for (1) Perjury under oath (2) Assault on a police officer (3) Strong arm theft (3) Some fucking sort of aiding and/or abetting the FALLEN saint and lastly, the coupe de grace (4) Manslaughter and/or second degree murder or some other in the commission of a fucking crime? Why not?
I'm really growing tired of Yahoo, CNN and MSNBC (usual suspects) providing a platform for the Brown family! I wished they would go away. I Read the fire engine red headed whore mom state Wilson's statement sounded "crazy" on yahoo. It didn't sound crazy to me it sounded very much like it probably occurred! Then watched one of the bullshit round table bitches state that his interview with George Stepanopolis Wilson seemed "stiff and prickly" and his interview seemed overly staged blah fucking blah! Who says that our special group of people don't control the media?
Welcome aboard "trapped in canuckistan".
Greetings from Commifornia!
I know most "Christians" are now another religion we call Judeos, (in reference to their fondness to being referred as judeo Christianity, but there is a stronghold of at least 50,000 of us in what they label as Christian identity who still hold to traditional old fashion Christianity and who know who are enemies are. So, please show a modicum of respect for us and not lump all "Christians" together.
Does anybody know when Micheal Brown's mother will be starting a non-profit MICHEAL BROWN SCHOLARSHIP FUND so she can raise money?
I am sure the money will go to aspiring scholars, aspiring rappers and aspiring brain surgeons like you see on the telescreen!
I'm sure you Brits hear much about gun violence here for to him proliferation. In fact there are over 90 million registered gun owners here and nearly all the gun violence is with negros and to a lest extent Hispanics. When Hispanics are separated out of statistic counts (feds recognize them as white for perpetrators but separate the them out as victims, no really!) Then whites account for only about 8% of the homicides.
Bernice... PK blocks about 50% of my posts and most are innocuous. Maybe he doesn't like my screen name?; lol
Keep posting
I agree accuracy first, but has Wilson winged him with a .45, I think that would've taken all the fight out of big ol' mine brown.
I guess now they've burned their neighborhood they'll have to invade another predominantly white neighborhood, just looking for a better way of life, you know.
Those whites were betrayed by the federal government. Please show them some sympathy.
Saw a headline about Furguson neighbors coming out to clean up the damage.
Clicked on the link.
Greeted with a photo of a white grandma and 3 little white kids sweeping up glass.
YT builds, darkie follows, YT runs away, darkie destroys, YT comes and cleans up and rebuilds.
Carolina Cicero:
I do believe, according to my late father, the 1911 .45ACP was developed to have the kind of knockdown KE required for stopping large opponents.
We may well see a slew of those shortly....
The New Black Panthers...
aka The Brown Pampers.
Happy Thanksgiving! I am going to numb myself to the ignorance and defecation on America right now. Time to enjoy the day and be "thankful" for what I do have. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
Did you all see this article? Obama used Ferguson to say he wants to get rid of white police:
The article looks at the horrible implications.
Token Liberal here:
Writer-teacher slain in Oakland park where he loved to hike
The surprising thing about this article is that it describes the suspects, and wouldn't you know, they were Canadian!
US embassy London UK, is under attack by Brownstain Disciples
Really? Good. Let's open some more eyes, darkies. If you're going to allow your behavior to overwhelmingly inform the prevailing stereotype(s), then let it be the kind of over-the-top behavior that really hits home.
Let the whole world understand the Kaffir-Chimpson scale of chimpouts. Maybe we should start giving them names, just like hurricanes. Chimpout Latrina, Chimpout Shitavious, Chimpout Monquise, Chimpout LaFaecia, etc. Hey Brits, I have a new jacked-up stupid negrified name for you... Yakunsha. You could spell it with a 'J', too...
All joking aside, they may be dumb but they can be 'retard strong'. Practice situational awareness, the 30 foot rule, and avoid the groid!
Anon wrote,
I would consider shooting 40 if I carried a full frame in a holster. But I don't think it is a good round for smaller handguns. The muzzle snap doesn't let you shoot as fast and you don't get as much ammo.
There is definitely is a trend back to 9mm. I've shot a 1911 and would feel much safer with a glock 9mm. It's far easier to do a Mozambique Drill with one and will take the 45 at 50 yards. Using 9mm also cuts down the range bill.
Rob Pincus and some of the new crop of trainers are pushing the striker fired 9mm pistol as the self defense weapon for most people/situations. He also brings up the cost/practice issues. BTW for those of you who don't know the Mozambique Drill is a double tap to the center of mass followed by a CNS shot in quick succession. For single attackers I agree with this concept. I simplifies threat assessment and reaction thereoff. Additionally Pincus and others are saying to throw out the one shot stop stuff out the door. Ammo makers will collect some good data on their product, put it out there and charge accordingly.
I'll also agree with you about the 1911. It's really obsolescent despite its legendary status. It will also never be as reliable as a Sig, Glock or H&K no matter if you're buying high end. Plus you really have to match the load you're shooting with recoil spring strength and replace that spring every so often.
Great Post, thank you!
So, lots of folks here are into the use of firearms for sports, self and home defense, etc. That's good. I'll not get into the specifics of any particular piece because I am a novice compared to many here. Thanks for all the info so I can learn more.
It seems that there is a press on to create a way to disarm us. I do not like that. I think we need to counter that more cleverly. If all the surveillance is needed to thwart terrorism, which a riot surely is, then why not use what we have? Let the darkies play bang bang in their hood. Stop snitching? Ok, we stop patrolling. You can't win with them, anyway.
I'm all for the nation of laws thing, but let's use our technologies to catch criminals so we can prosecute them. Then we use our voices to demand real punishment to prevent repeat offenses. The DWL's can continue getting hurt by their pets until they learn that feral creatures tend to bite and are not easily domesticated once allowed to go feral.
OBAMA PHONES: Somebody call up the NSA and ask for a map of where they all were that night. Duh!
Maybe, just maybe, the organizers got half of the protesters to leave them at home, but I doubt it. Track phone presence at the fire sites, then grab the users (I almost said owners, but that would be 'us') for questioning. Since they got the phone free they should have no expectation of privacy since private, paid-for phones don't have it.
What is long and hard on a black?
Third grade.
Lets get technologically focused and catch them being stupid. They'll never see it coming.
The only answer in the future is total and complete segregation.
Sending 33 million, plus the illegals is not possible. It sounds nice, but it would be impossible to implement.
To those that say, a white only homeland are correct.
At this time many white people are still in a deep haze on the brain. But the time is coming, this Ferguson antic is all part of the awakening, process.
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