For one American city, it represents an eternity.
Fifty years ago, Selma was booming.
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The intersection of forced equality and blackness... with the civilization white people built sacrificed to the Gods of wishful thinking |
Today, it's an 80 percent black city representing nothing less than a reminder those white cops on Edmund Pettus Bridge were the true heroes.
The only movie theater in town is operated by a non-profit organization (the aptly named All Things Are Possible), while the city regresses to the black mean.
It's a city where every stereotype of blackness came true.
And yet, even though the city of Selma owns and operates the historic St. James Hotel, only one weekend out of year do people even dare venture into the 80 percent black nightmare that is Selma: to celebrate the entire fictional 'liberation' of the city some 50 years ago when black people and their white enablers marched across a bridge. [Lingering woes at historic Selma hotel, Montgomery Advertiser, December 13, 2015]:
Dec. 12, 1997, was a cold, wet, dreary night, but nobody seemed to mind because they were being treated to a Hollywood-type re-grand opening of a hotel with positive credentials dating back to the first half of the 19th century.
Smiles abounded as local residents and invited guests from around Alabama walked slowly over a red carpet, shaking hands with Selma officials and basking in a special glow on a winter night they weren’t likely to forget.
One of the officials greeting the big crowd that night was Selma City Councilman Cecil Williamson, a minister and future lawyer who was floored by the opulence inside the St. James Hotel.
Built in 1837, it was one of the first major hotels in Alabama, a relatively new state admitted to the Union just 18 years before.
The St. James weathered the Civil War storm when Yankees galloped into town and burned most of it to the ground, but saved the hotel so that it could be used as a headquarters for occupation troops.
Decades later, the hotel fell into disrepair and was turned into a tire recapping business on Water Avenue, one of the oldest riverfront business districts in Alabama.
To the rescue came a group of local leaders including millionaire industrialist Larry Striplin, a local boy who made good, Elizabeth Driggers, director of Selma’s community development department and U.S. Sen. Richard Shelby who used his political clout to gain funding to help the hotel.
It all led to that glittering grand re-opening as 1997 drew to a close. Hopes for the future had never seemed brighter and that’s just what happened, for a few years.
Alas, such was not to be for an extended period. The St. James doesn’t look all that bad from the outside, but the interior tells another story and that’s where our sad story sits today.
“It’s a white elephant that needs to be closed,” Williamson said a few days ago. “It hasn’t broken even since it opened. No one will put $20,000 a month into a failing business. This is financial insanity.”
That pretty much sums up the situation today. The City of Selma doesn’t need to be in the hotel business, but it has owned the facility for much of its existence.
Detractors recite a litany of reasons for the sorry situation—ranging from poor management to lagging occupancy in a hotel with only 40 rooms. Many ideas have been proposed to turn things around but nothing seems to work.
The only sure thing is super support every March when America celebrates the annual Bridge Crossing Jubilee, an event that commemorates “Bloody Sunday” and the subsequent historic march from Selma to Montgomery in 1965.
Rooms at the St. James are reserved a year in advance. Larger Selma motels with many more rooms are also filled.
Managers come and go as expenses continue to obliterate the bottom line. According to a report at a recent meeting of the Selma City Council, the city has spent $187,000 more on the hotel than it’s received in revenue during past months.
During interviews, Williamson comes prepared with plenty of financial reports and statistical information to substantiate his belief the St. James appears to be operating on borrowed time.
Management resuscitators seem to come out of the woodwork with plans to save the St. James, but they’ve all fizzled. One guy sauntered into a council meeting a decade ago with a proposal to turn the hotel into a “Global Peace Center,” a place to mediate “global conflict.”
What a doozy that was! Selma doesn’t seem able to resolve local problems, let alone concern over the price of tea in China or actually finding honest officials directing the Olympics.
The latest idea to save the hotel comes from a Selma Ivy Leaguer who has a plan to buy the St. James for $1 in exchange for an investment of $1 million and possibly more over the next three years. It would be part of a more extensive plan he has put together.
The low point confronting the beleaguered facility occurred two years ago when Nancy Smith and Patty Sexton became unpaid volunteers in an effort to help cut costs and keep their hometown hotel open.
So, there they were, scrubbing toilets, making the beds and washing the sheets in a two-month example of what community volunteerism is all about.
“I’m glad Elizabeth doesn’t have to see what’s happened to the hotel,” said Williamson, referring to the late community development director. “She’d have a hard time looking at its deplorable condition.”
Stay tuned for the next development in the lingering disaster known as the St. James Hotel. At the moment, it looks more like an illustration for the St. James Infirmary and that’s certainly nothing to toot a horn over.
Every March, the eyes of the nation turn to Selma, Alabama and the usually empty St. James Hotel is full, because there still exists mileage out of the white guilt trip the Edmund Pettus Bridge represents.But for 51 other weeks, the city of Selma - that 80 percent black nightmare in Alabama - represents exactly why white people once dared stand in the way of what white liberals always claim is "progress."
The "deplorable condition" of the St. James Hotel is a reminder of what happens to the civilization white people built when a proliferation of black people happens all around it.
80 percent black Selma represents the ultimate white liberal yearly pilgrimage, where those pulling the levers of Black-Run America (BRA) can still trot out a few Civil Rights-era blacks and say, "thank god these people walked across the bridge to usher in a equality."
Funny though: all I see in 2015 Selma, an 80 percent black nightmare, is the exact manifestation of why white people dared stand in the way of what white liberals deem is progress, for it represented the complete regression of the civilization white individuals collectively built.
There's nothing in Selma to celebrate. All that is left of the civilization white people built long ago in Selma is worth lamenting, a poignant reminder of the failure of forced integration.
It occurred to me that the election of Coleman Young in Detroit was the beginning of the Black Lives Matter (bowel) movement: the Blacks of Detroit elected a mayor who campaigned on putting the lives of Black armed robbers (who were being gunned down regularly by the STRESS unit) ahead of law and order. And then he did it, and Detroit was finished.
It always comes down to tribalism with the African.
It's so very depressing for me to have to drive into Chicongo's south and west sides (for my job, and I always go around 8:00 a.m. and am gone by 10:00 a.m.) and I see architecture that was built by White men 100 years ago. A lot of the old buildings have very ornate statues, and other artwork that clearly took very skilled hands. And now it's crumbling. Big piles of trash and litter blanket the entire neighborhood. I think about the families that used to live in those areas up until the 1960s and 70s. Working people, families that worked hard to work together to have a nice community and nice neighborhoods. And when the blacks moved in the Whites left and ever since then those entire neighborhoods have rapidly descended into what would be Third World conditions if there was not a White population surrounding them and funding them, feeding them, providing for them in every way. Early in the morning in those neighborhoods you can usually afford to briefly take a moment to admire that old architecture from back when White people living in those neighborhoods were actively building a successful society full of hard-working independent people with families. But today those huge areas of our once great city are just teeming with two legged poisonous roaches that are only interested in leeching all they can take. They only care about satisfying their immediate needs: intoxicating themselves, fulfilling the base sexual desires, gorging on fast food that We buy for them, sleeping half the day away and constantly looking to victimize anyone that might have anything that they might have a passing interest in.
Just look at what has happened to EVERY city that has a large negroe population. Then remember that it ONLY happened because of White guilt.
It HAS to stop, before EVERY city and town is a ghetto. ALL we have to do is shrug off White guilt, laugh at political correctness and refuse to continue to allow feral criminals with 80 IQs set the rules and the agenda. Just imagine how the police of the 1930's or 40's would have handled these BLM protests, and let's start demanding we return to some fucking SANITY in our society.
they need us we do NOT need them.
-Rex Hymens
Selma was a special place. This was the town where the proud African-americans said "enough" and broke the chains of slavery. Years later they captured the presidency of the U.S. and appointed two black attorney generals. They passed legislation that forced white people to pay for all their medical care. They opened the borders to their latin American communist allies. The white population slept or watched the TV football. Selma was the beginning of the end for white people.
"... plans ... but they've all fizzled ..."
" ... lingering disaster ..."
This sums up the decades-long attempt to fix negro.
Pretty much the same as having a hotel in the middle of a hog farm. Doesn't sound as though too many people want to witness all those civil rights and freedom and overcoming and stuff. It's really heartwarming to know the poor, downtrodden negroes overcame evil whitey and transformed Selma into a black paradise. Sort of like Haiti with buildings.
In the past it was thought that if whites were forced to give up their "privileged" advantages that blacks would simply take over and thrive once the "oppression" was removed. As we see here by example, 50 years ago blacks were poor, undereducated, and overly involved in crime. Today, blacks are still too poor to support their community, undereducated, and overly involved in crime.
The scientific method states that an outcome must be observable, repeatable, and meet the criteria for its methodology/type. For the last half-century, blacks have proven themselves to be incapable of managing a modern society without massive outside intervention. The results have been repeatedly shown globally over a widely varying range of conditions since at least the colonial era of the Haitian uprising that turned the richest colony in the Americas into a perpetual pit of hell from which their corrupt and violent governments have never been able to save them.
Blacks are simply are too selfish and violent to run anything beyond the simplest tribal group. No modern society has ever been successfully run by blacks and having observed the outcome of black governance globally for the last two hundred years, none ever will.
A proposal to "re-invigorate" African science includes the following gem:
"Like mist in the early morning sun, Africa’s lead in S&T enterprises at the dawn of civilisation has largely vaporised. Thousands of years ago the continent was home to breakthroughs in metallurgy, the science of architecture, the calendar, numeration and medical systems. The urgent question now is how to re-awaken the sleeping giant in the twenty-first century through contributions to high-impact S&T research."
Gorillas in the mist?
The proposal is a short and humerous read.
Humans Build; Negroes Destroy.
That's all you gotta remember. Preach it...
Of course if you leave out Egypt, the list of African technology breakthroughs declines to.....ZERO.
Please can someone post some current videos and images that depict the real Selma? I want to see some black achievements have a good laugh before Christmas.
Selma is just another great American city that has been infected by the Black Rot and is now in the painful process of decomposing while alive and then dying in agony. Government tax money is trying to act like a final dose of morphine to kill the pain, but the city is experiencing the spasms of death anyway. Well done Negroes, you really know how to keep a First World Civilization going, don't you?! Idiots.
ot: Baltimore has to rack up about another 15 or so murders to beat its all time record from '93. GO BALTIMORE! We know you can do it!! Keep blasting your fellow ground apes hard until New Year's Eve. You KNOW they dissed your new Nikes so they's gots to get chrome to da dome.
And Baltimore cops - stop patrolling the orc areas; let them reach their all time record. Don't interfere with their achievements. That would be racist! Let them do what they do best - create carnage and mayhem. Countdown is on...!
There is no such thing as a "Successful Major Black Owned Enterprise" anywhere on the Planet. There may be a few posers here and there, but only because of Uncle Cracker or the People Behind The Curtain's money (Oprah, TV, Sports). If the money is withdrawn, chaos ensues. Try to prove me wrong! I dare you, and don't tell me about some successful BBQ stand or Wig Store somewhere.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of my SBPDL Friends!
At what point do we stop celebrating Selma? I didn't know there was a celebration there every year. So I reckon I've already stopped.
As far as saving the hotel used by northern aggressors, let Oprah save it, let any rich negro, except Obama, save it. (Obama would use white tax dollars to save it.)
Let 80% black Selma save it. In 1997 when it was "saved" it wasn't saved, it was made a diamond in a goats ass and they can't figure out why no one wants to stay there.
Almost every broken mirror in town would tell a normal human being why no one wants to stay there. There's no cages in that zoo.
All big cities suffer "white flight", it's not white flight, it's self preservation.
What I don't understand is if we were meant to live in some multicultural multiracial utopia why was "NATURE" so set on separating us geographically ?
Of course the "equality" of communism IS to lower the standard of living for EVERYBODY down to the level somewhere between a family of wetbacks and the nogs in Selma. Every day we are closer to the culmination of this "Great Work". Liberty, Fraternity, and Equality!
"Humans Build; Negroes Destroy. That's all you gotta remember. Preach it..."
Truer words have never been spoken..
The lefties have got to be near a racial epiphany?. I mean, my gods, how long can they possibly hold this insane delusion?.
Everything, & I mean EVERYTHING the negro touches turns to complete shyte!. How can they possibly not see this?!. Wherever you have the negro, you have Haiti.. Congo.. Rwanda.. Somalia. Africa, a continent with riches beyond the dreams of avarice. The negro has turned it into a complete nightmare. A place of filth, squalor, ignorance & depravity. If the negro was gone & it was populated by Euro-humans, it would be a paradise on earth.. The lefties HAVE to know this?!..
Think about it. What other race has been given the lift up that the American negro has?. Guaranteed racial quotas. Affirmative action. Section 8. Lowered standards across the board. Guaranteed contracts. On & on it goes & they have failed miserably. Some will say "well, it's the legacy of slavery & Jim Crow"?.. Then how come the same patterns of behavior are found among African negro immigrants in Britain & France?, they are not the descendants of slaves yet the SAME depraved dysfunction is seen with them as it does the American variety..
Yet they still believe.. "just a little more money. Just one more program, & THIS TIME, it will work"?!. Disregard the TRILLIONS that has already been spent & the countless programs trying to lift them up.. All in vain
Madness stalks the land..
Rex Hymens wrote Just look at what has happened to EVERY city that has a large negroe population. Then remember that it ONLY happened because of White guilt.
It HAS to stop, before EVERY city and town is a ghetto. ALL we have to do is shrug off White guilt, laugh at political correctness and refuse to continue to allow feral criminals with 80 IQs set the rules and the agenda. Just imagine how the police of the 1930's or 40's would have handled these BLM protests, and let's start demanding we return to some fucking SANITY in our society.
NYC had a large Negro population. Still does; about 25% of the city, over 2 million people. Neighborhoods like West Harlem, Clinton Hill, Fort Greene, and even Bed-Stuy are either majority white again, or trending that way. The difference is that nYC was run for 24 years (even Dinkins was harsh towards blacks, harsher than the current Sandinista mayor) by mayors who used policies that did not pretend that blacks aren't more violent and more likely to commit gun crime.
The chief beneficiaries of this have been the blacks, who are less likely to be killed here than their fellow blacks in places like Chicago. Strict enforcement of laws against criminal behavior gradually changed the population, and I don't think it will return to the 2200 murders of 1990.
The Jim Crow laws had largely the same effect. Black children in 1960 were more likely to be raised in 2-parent families than white children are today. I suppose that the laws would eventually have been repealed as unneeded, after several generations of pressure against the most violent and irresponsible members of the black population. I have to believe that if black dysfunction in the 1960s reflected that seen in th 1990s that there would have been no civil rights movement.
An urban environment is a relatively new evolutionary development. Europeans, Middle Easterners, and East Asians have had thousands of years of selective pressure to remove from the breeding population those who could not get with the program. Looks like we will need to start over with blacks, but the behavior of them in the 1950s suggests it's not hopeless with the right conditions. Those conditions definitely do NOT include bad criminology creating bad law, and subsidizing the behavior of the worst-behaved blacks (and inviting in hordes of immigrants to undercut the economic underpinnings of black men who DO want to work to support their families).
I'll post this one as anonymous, a story somewhat relevant to yesterdays comment about race traitor women.
I've been a member of AA fellowship (and on the bright) for a little over 20 years now; long story short, I act like a negro when I drink. Anyway, I was with a friend visiting an NA meeting and there was a coal burner celebrating a year clean.
First of all, her pet buck was actually with her which was unusual. When he spoke, he seemed good natured enough and based on his command of the English language might be qualified to push a broom or shine shoes. As he spoke I wondered what it must be like shacking up with someone with whom a conversation is on par with a conversation you would have with a toddler, and, of course wondering what would cause someone to invite that situation into their life.
As her story unfolded there were no surprises. Daddy took off when she was 4, was constantly strung out on drugs, drunk, and/or in jail. Mom constantly strung out on drugs. Molested as a child (of course). Later moving on to using drugs and selling drugs herself. Shacking up with drug dealers (likely black), in and out of jail, then homeless. I'm guessing she was probably a cutter too, but she didn't say and I couldn't even bear to look at her with her little eggplant sprog and burnt-match black buck.
A tragic tale, but typical to the sort of life recited by coal burners. No dad (or extremely abusive or otherwise f*cked up dad), and molested as a child are the common themes. Basically with abuse and abandonment issues self harm goes hand in hand. Once cutting or eating disorders doesn't do the trick, they move on to hard drugs and/or pig drinking, then when that's not enough "I hate myself" they start being used as a punching bag for negroes.
The moral of the story is, if you have daughters, be a proper father. Get your shit together, love them, and teach them right from wrong and you won't have to inherit a grandchild with an orange brillo head. By my estimation 99.9% of coalburnery could be avoided by an intact family and proper parenting.... I'm betting that the social engineers who are constantly trying to undermine the nuclear family know this.
Everything, & I mean EVERYTHING the negro touches turns to complete shyte!. How can they possibly not see this?!. Wherever you have the negro, you have Haiti.. Congo.. Rwanda.. Somalia. Africa, a continent with riches beyond the dreams of avarice.
Haiti at one time was the sugar supplier of Europe. After the revolution Blacks started overpopulating and burning everything in sight for fuel. Today the Haitian side of the island is hell on earth while the Dominican Republican side is like every other Hispanic country. Liberals believe this has nothing to do with genetics.
The Blacks of Haiti are not mixed like ours and have an even lower intelligence mean. I once watched some Christian missionary video where they talked to typical Haitians. Good Lord the liberal delusion of fixing that country with foreign aid is a horrible joke. They are mentally children and liberals think they are just dark Europeans with suppressed genes.
In regards to what that lovely city of Selma now looks like, for all you Whites now in small to medium sized towns in the Midwest; here is a fine glimpse into your future.
Okebukola? You just CAN'T make this shit up, can you?
"TRUTH is stranger than reality!".......Poe-Me-Wun YuBubi 2000 A.D.
Not that is comes as news to any of you race realists in here, but not unlike South Africa and the "end" of apartheid, Selma is a perfect metaphor for what would happen if a bunch of enormously wealthy DWL useful idiots (controlled by clever Marxist puppeteers) felt sorry for the horrible conditions the monkeys and chimps and gorillas were living under in Africa and decided to "better" their lives.
As we all know, they would round them all up on some giant island or something and start by willfully ignoring that they are subhuman, barely sentient beasts. They would then dress them in human clothes and condition their palettes to things other than bananas and shit such as Colt 45, Jim Beam, meth, crack, heroin and assorted other "intellect-enhancing" substances.
Once they mastered these "new" tastes, they would let them play with firearms and teach them all to sign their names with a big X, after which they would be released en masse into white civilized communities to take over the mundane tasks of running great cities, building bridges and roads, keeping law and order, and figuring out simple things like how to build huge dams and nuclear reactors. After all, whitey does it - how hard can it be, right?
Typically, in about two years when the total existing infrastructure is destroyed and/or looted, and all the white people who built it and maintained it are gone for fear of being planted in the ground by some subhuman beast with an IQ of about 45, tops, and PRESTO - we have Selma.
Nick A. Pinny
As others have said and know, until we cast-off the "White guilt" mental illness and recognize Blacks for who and what they are, we will continue to have "Selmas" in every state. Blacks are incapable of civilization. Period.
They are genetically, biologically and physiologically incapable. 'May as well try to teach generations of cats how to drive.
There are days I am so demoralized I find it hard to get out of bed. But then I get angry. Angry that subhuman animals are allowed and able to destroy our society, culture and civilization. And I get up and do the "White thing" - go to work, work hard and try to do the right thing whenever possible. WHITE BEHAVIOR. That Blacks can not and will not EVER emulate.
Blacks need to go. Somehow. All of them. Globally.
So we're celebrating the freedom of blacks to spread their low IQ mentality, inherently violent nature, and lowest attainment of Dr. Maslow's hierarchy over a self-sustaining and mostly successful Euro-culture? In hindsight wasn't that a huge mistake? When did raising up lower life forms and their culture (such that it is)above our own become logical or in line with self-preservation? Liberal-lemmings, while a bit trite, is also quite accurate.
I'm not better than they, I just want to live apart and away from them. Far, far, away.
Blacks are simply are too selfish and violent to run anything beyond the simplest tribal group. No modern society has ever been successfully run by blacks and having observed the outcome of black governance globally for the last two hundred years, none ever will.
What a lot of people don't realize is that Black cities like Detroit and Baltimore drain state and federal social programs. They don't exist as islands of Black incompetence. What you see is the best they can do with billions in subsidies.
I believe that many White Democrats in places like Detroit know this which is why they want to bring in Mexicans, Asians and Muslims. The cynical, racial realist and traitorous Democrats in these areas want to dilute Blacks instead of admitting that they have been wrong about race and genetics. Admitting that they were wrong is also an admittance that practically all Democrat Presidents since about 1900 were either morons or liars. Not that Republicans are much better but they at least don't expect me to fork over more money for these failed third world reservations.
And anyone who has been to a mini-Congo knows that the dilution plan isn't working. NAMs not only stick to their own but seek intelligent mates. Mexicans joke that marrying an Anglo is just as good as a college degree. The Mexican laborers in the cities that actually grew up in Mexico do not buy into paint theory and think Anglos are crazy for putting up with Africans.
In my experience the most deluded liberals are in the slightly above average intelligence range. They can pass a college course but are not smart enough to see the faults of the ideas being presented. The early abolitionists were similar in that they possessed few deep thinkers. They couldn't see the possible ramifications of releasing Africans into a European society. They were middle class meddlers that lacked common sense and could be manipulated by brighter minds into ignoring the obvious. We see this today where middle class liberal Whites have less sense on race than the average Mexican dishwasher.
Michael Jackson as a District Attorney speaking his illiterate, incompetent and barely understandable English, is a perfect negro face for the town.
The DTE gang members are very well armed. The gangmember with the SKS rifle and the 40 round aftermarket magazine (which he is using as a handgun) plus the displaying of Smith Wesson, Ruger, Browning and Glock autos is a very far cry from even 30 years ago when negros were into cheap, pot metal .25 automatics and razors.
The White DTF officer displays extreme stress symtoms, the kind you see in guys who have had several tours in the Sandbox. The pressured, measured speech, the roving eyes and the high tension is all part of that. Frankly, the entire scene looks like a war zone in Iraqi.
Now I see why those brave men stood on the bridge. We can't keep running forever.
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
And Merry Christmas to all, including Paul, Mrs Paul and Baby Paul.
The moral of the story is, if you have daughters, be a proper father. Get your shit together, love them, and teach them right from wrong and you won't have to inherit a grandchild with an orange brillo head. By my estimation 99.9% of coalburnery
I think you make a great point but there would still be the cases that are the result of a White woman that simply lacked White male suitors.
In liberal areas especially the White males are raised to be effeminate self-loathing chumps and don't have the guts to talk to women. This increases the number of White women that aren't hit on in high school and so they marry the first guy that talks to them.
American culture is an absolute mess. Both the schools and media are constantly trying to indoctrinate young Whites and many of them have dopey liberal parents as well. If we can get out of this mess it is going to be a long and difficult road. Very few seem able to wrap their brains around it all. Anyone who reads this blog is most likely gifted when it comes to processing information.
I wonder if asking black people to empathize with other people always fails because, well, because they lack any kind of empathy?
Here is another example of the BLM types that we are dealing with:
Would it be too much trouble to not be an @sshole for at least a single day? These "people" ruin EVERYTHING.
"Yet they still believe.. "just a little more money. Just one more program, & THIS TIME, it will work"?!. Disregard the TRILLIONS that has already been spent & the countless programs trying to lift them up.. All in vain."
The standard response is "If we can save just one po', "underprivileged" black chile din iss werf it." At this rate, the entire wealth of the world will never be enough.
I wonder if Robocop is just around the corner for Hellholes like majority black Selma and Detroit. This line from the wiki on the movie seemed almost prophetic:
"In a dystopian near-future, Detroit, which is near bankruptcy and overrun with crime, gives Omni Consumer Products (OCP) control of its struggling police force. The company plans to replace the poor, run-down sections of Old Detroit with the high-end "Delta City," but must first address the city's high crime rate."
The only thing is, I never saw Robocop deal with children throwing chunks of concrete at him while he is ordered to stand down.
If Selma was a hospital patient, they would switch off the machine. The Selma turd was freshly squeezed out in 1965 and now it's so dried out a fly wouldn't land on it. What did they expect would happen when whitey left????
Please could Trump/Cruz win a landslide and make America great again. This basically entails cutting off all the welfare and locking up black criminals forever. The black population will fall to 5 million in 20 years.
Financial Insanity -
This should be the tag line for everything YT has spent for the last fifty years trying to domesticate the negro. It's time to publicly admit the effort has failed. Repatriation to "da mudderlan" is the only recourse left before all out RAWECAR.
A very Merry Christmas / God Jul to all my Folk.
Please read about the homeless veteran who was beaten to death in Philadelphia by three Congoid females. One of the females ' brood had lied about having been hit by Barnes.
The violence exhibited reminds one of Rwanda tribal spats.
Replace St. James Hotel with negro, and Selma, Ala. with America and the story would be spot on with the exception of the financial figures.
All DWL`s and SJW`s should have to stay in the St. James for a week with daily walking tours of the city of Selma.
Stay alert, stay alive.
The thing that keeps on coming back with places like Selma (or Detroilet) is how those who own and operate BRA (these owners are not negroes, for those with less than 100 IQs) never actually allow them to revert fully to the African mean. Instead, they periodically come up with additional scams to borrow counterfeit money for some kind of "redevelopment program" of similar bullshit and stick YT taxpayer with the interest payments. YT never seems to catch on to this. Until the day comes (if it indeed ever comes - it certainly never did in South Africa, where YT is rapidly going the way of the Dodo) when YT stops the payments, places like Selma and Detroilet (and the other ruins too numerous to mention) will continue to limp along as these kind of zombie cities.
So, like Detroilet, Selma will remain a Zombie-Potemkin Village until one of two things takes place:
1. BRA's owner-operators achieve their goal of white extermination, leaving no suckers to pay the interest on the bills;
2. Enough of YT will awaken and overthrow the genocidal regimes who rule over them. This of course would require courage and sacrifice, something which the whites of old had in abundance but which seems in very short supply these days.
I'm black. I've been reading this blog for a year or so. So much of what you guys and gals say is so true. I'm a landlord in a majority black city. There is a stark difference between my black and white tenants. I'm also a software developer. That alone, set me on the path to being a race realist. I know why there aren't many blacks in software.
I have a good white friend. A couple actually. All are better software developers than me. Just naturally better. I have to really practice what seemingly comes natural to them. If I had no skill, I can imagine that would really bother me. And that is what I think is the root of the problem with blacks many just can't compete at all. No skills of value to the private sector.
I often ask paint theory blacks, how does racism prevent a young black from creating Facebook or google.
From my time as a landlord, I just do not think many blacks understand the way the world works. Many truly think that littering creates jobs.
Sorry for rambling. I've been wanting to rant about the behavior of my black tenants for 15 years. I have more stories. Next time, I'll post from my laptop.
If there is anyone that can slow this tide, it will be a real estate guy. Someone who loves this country. Someone whose fortune is tied to the safety and security of this country.
Go Trump! Make the blacks abide by law and order again!
The moral of the story is, if you have daughters, be a proper father. Get your shit together, love them, and teach them right from wrong and you won't have to inherit a grandchild with an orange brillo head. By my estimation 99.9% of coalburnery could be avoided by an intact family and proper parenting.... I'm betting that the social engineers who are constantly trying to undermine the nuclear family know this.
Very good points.
"When will we stop celebrating Selma?"
Present company excluded, the answer is never. Why? The whole "They're the same as us!" propaganda has become a new false religion. Its worshippers prostrate themselves before the basest of idolatry, the golden Dindu calf.
You can test this proposition easily: Is it something invented recently for profit or propaganda, like Kwanzaa? False religion. Is it based on faith and belief that runs contrary to all hard evidence and actual facts, like the idea that Dindus can someday match the likes of Plato, Aristotle, da Vinci, Galileo, Newton, Watt, and Edison? False religion. If you point out its falsehoods, or simply state you are a non-believer, are you relentlessly attacked as an evil heretic by its most zealous adherents? False religion.
On a long enough timeline, the Dindu's time will someday come to an end. (Fact: All forms of life face evolutionary pressures, whether from the environment or other organisms - no race or species is eternal.) Regardless of how and when that happens, there will probably still be some damn fool descended from YT who worships the memory of the Negro and mourns his passing. A crudely painted icon showing MLK crucified before a burning Selma will probably hang on the wall of his futuristic jail cell.
Until then, keep your powder dry.
An urban environment is a relatively new evolutionary development. Europeans, Middle Easterners, and East Asians have had thousands of years of selective pressure to remove from the breeding population those who could not get with the program. Looks like we will need to start over with blacks, but the behavior of them in the 1950s suggests it's not hopeless with the right conditions.
Yes well both conservatives and liberals in the 60s agreed that evolution somehow doesn't apply to human populations. It was an alliance against nature and history.
I get that Christian conservatives have issues with evolution but liberals are worse because they have been fooled by people like Gould who preach a secular egalitarianism that only pretends to be on the side of science. When liberals call themselves 'the reality based community' I just shudder. Everything they have done that is related to race shows a disconnect with reality.
We might as well have a theocracy instead of this fake secularism that dominates politics. Very few today can see how liberalism is not secular. Either Christians view it as secular and evil for rejecting Christianity or liberals view themselves as secular and superior for not being religiously based. The idea of liberalism not actually being secular is inconceivable to practically everyone.
Liberals have been indoctrinated into a bizarre and contradictory belief which is that they are the fighters for free thought and yet they need to suppress anyone that dare question their explanations of race.
It's the Holy Science of Racial Equality. This is the double-think that Orwell warned about. Authoritarian egalitarians change language and laws so contradictory ideas become normal.
In other Western countries like the UK the socialists have passed speech laws that basically forbid talking about race in way that might hurt someone's feelings. Leftists would throw us all in jail if they could for simply posting here. If liberals and socialists had their way they really would recreate 1984 but without even realizing it. That's the crazy part of it all. They would send us to indoctrination camps for not following The Holy Science and then give themselves Free Speech awards. The level of which they have been manipulated by higher level thinkers is completely unbeknownst to them.
"Humans Build; Negroes Destroy. That's all you gotta remember. Preach it..."
Previously posted as Whites create, Asians imitate, Blacks Devastate.
Regarding that DA in the video, how can someone supposedly educated in the law and pass his state's bar exam talk so incoherently? I was expecting subtitles like on The First 48, where blacks cannot be understood no matter how much they try.
OT, looks like another racially motivated attempted murder in downtown Toronto. This after a dindu stabbed a 39 year old cancer researcher to death in the same block, just a week a go. Just look at the comments section of this story and witness how fed up Canadians are fed up with these scumbags. Almost 90% of the murders in GTA are done by blacks.
Anon735 wrote: By my estimation 99.9% of coalburnery could be avoided by an intact family and proper parenting.... I'm betting that the social engineers who are constantly trying to undermine the nuclear family know this. Absolutely true.
I could say the same about black families. A father in the home is critical to properly formed young people. White illegitimacy rates now exceed the black rates that Moynihan called a disaster. 70% black illegitimacy goes beyond disaster to Ragnarok.
Find out who profits from destroying first black families and then white families, and target that group. Nothing else will save us.
To anonymous at 0735. Thanks for your insights. I grew up without a father due to his premature death from cancer, but even having one strong, realistic parent probably helped in keeping us kids from getting mixed up in interracial relationships. Another point is look at all of the garbage the media peddles about how Negroes are just like us, and it's perfectly acceptable, even preferable to date pavement apes over white men. I'm sure that garbage from television also has an impact on young, highly impressionable girls with self esteem issues. I don't know what the solution is, but somehow we must do a better job of informing girls that dating Negroes leads to nothing but misery, abuse, and possibly death
I used to live in Alabama. There were signs saying "Welcome to Alabama the Beautiful." And Selma is what blacks do to the great state they occupy? It was easier for Southerners to recover from Sherman's march through Georgia than from BRA.
It would be worthwhile to use every media available to record the devastation wrought on Selma (and Birmingham and Gary and Detroit and London and Johannesburg and etc.) such that future generations--when sanity is restored on race--can be instructed as to the reality of race.
@Anonymous December 24, 2015 7:35
In general, girls that have good relationships with their fathers turn out to be better human beings. Two parents is ideal, but I would argue that girls from single father households turn out better.
OK, I watched the video with the DA. Questions:
* Back during segregation, were there street gangs infiltrating into the high and even grade schools?
* Back during segregation, did gangs use media to publicize their drugs and guns?
*Back during segregation, did gangbangers terrorize entire neighborhoods with shootings?
* Back during segregation, did police need tactical gear to keep crime under control?
The DA informs us that today, after law enforcement cracks down, Selma will become a "quiet place." But wasn't it quiet before all those "civil rights" agitators marched into the town way back when?
One might ask, "What has happened over the last several decades such that Selma is now a third world war zone?"
I know they're all the same but this is still something to look at.
Case in point I was just stopped in at my local smoothie vendor and an Obama clone was working in the back, away from the customers .The white and Asian workers spent half an hour correcting mistakes the groid made to people's orders. Wrong this, wrong that, and so on. I normally never use this place and since they hire groids I won't be back.
Agree 100% Mr.Rational.
What we need nation wide is a new STRESS. For those who don't know, it stands for; Stop The Robberies Enjoy Safe Streets. They were plain clothed decoy units. What pissed off the blacks & their enablers was the fact STRESS kept catching black thugs & criminals. And that's a bad thing,why?
"I normally never use this place and since they hire groids I won't be back."
Sir, it can now be very dangerous in America circa 2015 and onwards to eat in ANY place where sullen, insolent and overtly racist nigrahs cook and or serve food destined for largely Caucasian consumption. When I say racist, I mean of the gratuitously virulent, black activist variety such as Obama and Holder routinely display.
If one persists in such a manifestly risky practice (can you say "fast food shitholes and short-order diners), I would estimate that they would likely consume, say, something on the order of 1/2 gallon of spit, half a pound of boogers and maybe a gallon of urine a year.
This, of course, does not take into account haphazard and/or deliberate exposure to various types of food poisoning, feces-borne coli-form bacteria being amongst the most toxic and sometimes deadly form. Have a nice Christmas, ladies and gentlemen. Oh, and carry your lunch next year! You'll save a ton of money and won't unknowingly ingest all kinds of bodily secretions from other not so friendly folks.
Nick A. Pinny
Never heard of street view on google maps?
Hey, Black Lives Matter, why don't "you people" pick up a few thousand brooms, dust pans, and bags and clean up your filthy cities, towns, and burbs. You obviously have nothing better to do than March up and down city streets all day. Do something constructive while you're making asses of yourselves. There must be thousands of hot Cheetos bags that dot our country's streets, not to mention empty Newport packs, and malt liquor cans. Blacks are always so good at making areas look worse, lets try something a little different for a change. I truly am dreaming of a white Christmas. Merry Christmas to all readers and commenters of sbpdl.
I recently red pilled an old girlfriend of mine. She claims to be a liberal. We knew each other back in Alabama where we grew up and now we live in another city on the east coast. It's amazing how much these egalitarian retards get it once you crack through their shells and are alone with them. Her grandmother is from Selma. She was there when the march took place. She told me that her grandmother said blacks were having sex with each other in the street during this historic event.
I truly wish that other races had not transported sub-Saharan Africans out into the rest of the world and had viewed them as a non-evolved species of human slated by mother nature for eventual extinction- much like the Neanderthal and other previous hominids. They should have been left isolated and contained since they're not an evolved species that can actually fit in to modern human societies or contribute and function at the level of more evolved humans since they lack the intelligence. Their numbers today (lacking interference by other races) would be minimal and their negative impact negligible. It's not nice to fool with Mother Nature- there can be and are (as is seen in the case of the negro)quite horrible consequences. It's no different than introducing a non-native species into an ecosystem where it does not belong and in which it becomes a pest, a parasite or predator.
Even in Africa today where there is no interference by other races, the negro is seen to live in squalor in primitive mud or stick huts- no running water, no electricity~ nothing of consequence and nothing but the most primitive of stone age hunter gatherers type existence which is what time and nature evolved them to be. That is their niche and removing them from it is a disservice to all mankind and to them as well since they can never measure up, fit in or belong elsewhere. Anyone of any sex or race who mates with such creatures only pollutes and destroys the genetic inheritance of their ancestors and degrades their genetic lineage. Not even those involved in animal husbandry will allow their most valued stock to breed with inferior stock as they will eventually wind up with a flock or herd of substandard quality. Interbreeding with negroes was once considered a criminal act as well as highly immoral due to the understanding that it was in fact a degradation of the racial stock of non negroes. Such interbreeding may be of benefit to negroes but it is absolutely of no benefit for the fools who do so.
Rant over. Merry Christmas to one and all!
"Then how come the same patterns of behavior are found among African negro immigrants in Britain & France?, they are not the descendants of slaves yet the SAME depraved dysfunction is seen with them as it does the American variety.. "
of course, they blame whitey there by crying " colonialism", ignoring the fact that 2 of the most prosperous countries in the world today, the U.S and Australia, used to be colonies.
Bring it on! Give us a good excuse!
"Black dystopia."
Nice tautology.
Hmm, Christmas Eve and I was just thinking about how many of these potential genius Nigrahs busy "turning their lives around" are temporarily away from their studies busting in car windows in parking lots. You know, like grudgingly stealing Christmas gifts to pay for their tuition at medical school on their way to becoming some of the world's great neurosurgeons and particle physicists? Jus axin!
Regarding the blm idiots disrupting travel to the Mpls/ St Paul airport, as some astute observers have commented, most of the protestors were white. These are the dopey sons and daughters of affluence , the same breed as the professional hippies from the sixties and seventies. They be out there, out-negroing the negros. You can't throw a rock in the twin cities, or the suburbs without hitting one of these spaced out Hipsters. Probably bounce off his/her red, yellow, and green stocking cap.It will be a different tune if someone blocks traffic when they're trying to get to the airport to go on their trip to some tropical paradise for spring break.
The low iq affirmative action organisers of the travesty also thought blocking traffic to the state fair would be a good idea. They actually thought people would stop and join their protest. Wrong. Say dere Lightning, you be barking up the wrong tree dere, you wants to go to da Renaissance Fair to finds de gullible whites. Finds lots of coal burners dere too. While on the subject, ever notice the white boys protesting for the blacks never go after the black women? Hmmmmm.
Shoot out between rival black teens at Charlotte mall today. Armed teen shot and killed by police. Get ready for protests. Din hab to kills him! Oh, yeah, the teens fired many shots into the crowded mall. But of course, their relatives say they good boys, they din hab no gun, it ain't like dem.
Lakeshia Holloway practically faded from coverage, as predicted by readers of this blog. Her black attorney says she's not guilty just because she's on trial. Uses terms like "reportedly drove into crowd", plans to plead not guilty. Media says she's distraught, pineing for her child! What about the three children having a funeral for mom for Christmas? None of the media wants to touch that with a ten foot pole. Will they cover the funeral? Will Obama give the victimns millions of your tax dollars, like he did for the black victimns of a mentality ill white teen shooter? Comments by this sheboon show it was a racially motivated attack, will she be charged with a hate crime? So many questions, all have a simple two letter answer.
Obama is trying to change his image for his last days in office, playing up his until recently nonexistent " Christian faith", deporting central American illegals, addressing Muslim terrorism. Of course, critical observers will recognise it for what it is, an attempt to rebrand the demoncratic party, so it's more appealing to the populist vote. A vote that is increasingly disgusted with all things liberal, especially all things Clinton. We knew the Republican Establishment was trying to copy Trumps style, but the liberals? C'mon, it's like the white boys wearing the African beanies, and dancing at reggae events. Speaking of which, does Bill know he can legally inhale in Like watching a train wreck isn't it.
Western whites, I'm sorry to say, will never wake up. The Slavs and the chinks are basically the only hope for civilization as we know it.
" It's no different than introducing a non-native species into an ecosystem where it does not belong and in which it becomes a pest, a parasite or predator."
great insight there. never really thought of it that way, but now that you've said it, it's obvious. will be using that line in future. thanks.
Love the site and blogs. So many here saying what I've been saying for years.
Lots of once great (or at least decent) Southern cities have transformed into dumps. White flight and no urban opportunity is what the Dems will say.
Macon, GA is the 1st one that comes to mind (I live close). Black mayor Jack Ellis destroyed that city. Definitely not a town you want to be in after dark.
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