For a city to be so important in creating the new America (the events of Bloody Sunday on March 7, 1965 did directly lead to the passing of the Voting Rights Act), you'd think the now 80 percent black community of Selma would be the American equivalent of a Potemkin Village.
Instead, the current state of the 80 percent black city - one completely dominated by black-elected officials in all levels of government - provides unambiguous proof to why those white people back in 1965 dared keep blacks from voting.
You'd think the federal government would pump tens of millions of dollars into 80 percent black Selma, to present the illusion of prosperity, peace, and tranquility in a city so important in creating the prevailing narrative and unifying anti-white ideology celebrated by those soldiers of Black-Run America (BRA).
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It only took a decade for the Black political structure in 80 percent black Selma to do what Idiocracy claimed takes 500 years... |
But, the exact opposite has happened.
A once charming city has Regressed to the Black Mean with white people leaving the city of their creation to a most untrustworthy racial group to maintain... Detroit, East St. Louis, Memphis, Newark, and Birmingham being proof the declining quality of life in 80 percent black Selma is no anomaly.
Selma, a city on track to be 90 - 95 percent black by 2020, would be the perfect candidate to be America's Potemkin Village. Instead, it's just another example confirmation that the racists were right...: [With Selma in spotlight, its blight impossible to miss:Many people who live or work in Selma today say it’s not enough to be a symbol for the country. White flight, cash-strapped schools and the changing economy have left the city struggling., Seattle Times, 3-7-15]:
Swelling with pride at its place in history, Selma was in a frenzy as it prepared to host two presidents and tens of thousands of people to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the civil-rights movement’s bloody climax.
But in the spotlight, Selma’s blight is impossible to miss. More than 40 percent of Dallas County’s residents live below the poverty line, compared with the national average of 14.5 percent. Selma helped break down legal barriers, paving the way for the Voting Rights Act of 1965, but economic ones have been more stubborn.
Saturday’s visitors saw a sleepy downtown, with vacant, boarded-up buildings dotting the side streets.
U.S. Rep. John Lewis, an Atlanta Democrat and civil-rights leader who suffered a fractured skull leading the “Bloody Sunday” march, said last month: “Fifty years ago this place was the center of commerce, it was booming. You came here on a Friday afternoon or early evening on a Saturday, to shop from the rural areas or the small towns.”
U.S. Rep. Terri Sewell, Alabama’s first elected black congresswoman, is an ambassador of the city. She grew up in Selma, was the first black valedictorian at Selma High School, went to Princeton University and Harvard Law, became a lawyer, and was elected to the House in 2010 to a district that covers Selma.
“Selma is now,” said Sewell, a Democrat. “It is relevant for our fight for human rights and social justice around the world. What the people of Selma need are better opportunities. It’s not enough that the world come and walk across the bridge.”
To Perkins, it’s a moral issue.
“I’m convinced that the nation owes Selma,” he said.“If we consider Iraq as a Ground Zero in war theater, if this country can spend billions of dollars to rebuild a foreign nation after war,” he said, “why shouldn’t we spend a few million to rebuild a community after its Ground Zero experiences in this country?”The racists who opposed the creation of a black-power structure in Selma (remember: demography is destiny) were right: the city of Selma is no longer a 1st World city, but looks like one of those African cities a decade after white people have decolonized the area. ["Decayed, uninhabitable homes will be Obama’s first view of Selma," Washington Post, 3-7-2015]
“SELMA, Ala. — Their homes would almost certainly be among the first things that President Obama would see upon arriving in Selma.The 102 small brick structures had once served as base housing for pilots training at Selma’s long-ago shuttered Craig Air Force Base.Now the vast majority of the homes are uninhabitable, stripped clean by looters or charred by fire. The rest are residences of last resort for those who can barely afford the $175 a month rent. …Iasha Gadsden, 32, gazed out at the road that Obama would travel as he exited the old air base. What would the president think as he rolled past the post-apocalyptic landscape? The dozen or so homes that were still occupied had roofs that leaked when it rained, broken windows covered in cardboard, and in several instances, no working plumbing. …These days the development, which is owned by the son of a former Selma mayor, doesn’t get many visitors. Even the garbage collectors stopped coming, said residents. The school bus, however, still makes regular stops. Monique Randall, 10, and Montel, 12, clambered down the bus steps and headed for home. They hustled past one of their neighbors who stood waist-deep in an overflowing dumpster, searching for aluminum cans.A few yards away were the remains of a raccoon that another neighbor had carefully gutted and cooked for dinner.
Hunter Wallace keenly noted the grim irony of the Washington Post publishing the culinary highlight of raccoon as a delicacy in 80 percent black Selma:
On a recent episode of AMC’s hit television show The Walking Dead, Daryl Dixon gutted a raccoon and cooked it for dinner after reaching the Alexandria Safe Zone. This was in the context of a fictional zombie apocalypse.
Fifty years after the Voting Rights Act, the residents of Selma are eating raccoons while Obama gives speeches. They overwhelmingly voted for him, twice.When whites disappear, the world individual blacks collectively create equates to the type of horrors depicted in post-apocalyptic fiction...
Evidence civilization once flourished in Selma is found in the downtown area and the decaying residential houses, but there's little sign of a future for this soon-to-be entirely black city. Which is why Jesse Jackson has advocated the government stepping in and making it illegal for white-owned businesses to leave the city. [RUNDOWN CITIES? JUST DON'T ALLOW BUSINESSES TO LEAVE, Jesse Jackson suggests cure for what ails Selma, other urban areas, in 2015, 3-9-15]
Again: of all the cities in America collapsing under the enormous pressure of racial transformation, buckling beneath the burden of no longer being supported by the founding population (whites), shouldn't 80 percent black Selma be a city the federal government maintains as a Potemkin Village to maintain the illusion of "all races are equal?"
But that's not happening. Indeed, the exact opposite is taking place, with the deteriorating quality of life in 80 percent black Selma - a city boasting a black mayor, majority black city council, and black people leading all municipal entities - stretching the credulity of those claiming "race doesn't exist" in the process.
No story illustrates the lack of social capital, civic engagement, and the pride the primarily black citizens of Selma have for their city than a careful reading of this plea by the newspaper for them to pick up the piles of litter found on the streets of Selma... before the world's media came to celebrate Bloody Sunday turning 50... [City needs to clean up trash before March events, Selma Times Journal, 2-24-15]:
As the city prepares for one of the biggest events in its history — the 50th anniversary Bridge Crossing Jubilee — different community members are doing their part to help clean up the city.
Driving down many roads in Selma trash is visible by the roads and in some cases piles of trash line the road.
It’s a serious problem that people in the community need to address. We want the city to look its best when thousands of people come in March. There are so many attractive things about Selma, and we don’t want it to be overshadowed by the amount of trash lying around.
We should encourage our guests to help keep our city clean while they are here taking part in the many activities scheduled that week.
To help the cause, the city of Selma is asking for the community’s help with a city wide cleanup.
The cleanup started Monday and will run through Thursday.
The Public Works Department is adding two wards each day in addition to the wards that are regularly scheduled for trash pickup each day.
The city held a similar event in January and we are glad to see that they are continuing in their effort to make Selma as nice as it can be when the spotlight is shining down on the Queen City.
We are thankful that the city has held a program like the cleanup, and we hope that even after the Jubilee has come and gone, the community will continue to see the need for clean streets.Why don't the citizens of 80 percent black Selma just throw their trash in a trashcan, instead of littering? Again, shouldn't this most sacred of Civil Rights sites be the Potemkin Village of BRA?
No. The 80 percent black city of Selma is just confirmation of what those vile racists knew long ago who dared try and keep the conditions found in 2015 Selma from ever becoming the unpleasant reality they are today. [Many sacrificed their weekend to pick up trash, Selma Journal Times, 3-2-15]:
One of the busiest weeks in Selma history has arrived and with it comes the culmination of months and months of hard work from city leaders and everyday citizens. With the majority of the incoming jubilee crowd expected to arrive later in the week, there’s still work being completed, but it’s all winding down.
Saturday a big chunk of one of Selma and the surrounding area’s biggest problems was taken care of by those in the Adopt A Mile program, who picked up trash down U.S. Highway 80. Seemingly every mile on Highway 80 Saturday there were groups of volunteers, picking up trash to make sure visitors that drive through this weekend don’t have to look at roadways surrounded by garbage.
Among the volunteers were students from Wallace Community College Selma and members of Lillies of the Valley.
There seemed to be orange trash bags lined up everywhere, which shows just how much garbage there was on the road. With the hard part along that stretch of road complete, our hope is that motorists will refrain from tossing items out their windows and dirtying what can be a visually appealing stretch of highway.
If everyone makes the effort to pick up an item or two and refrains from littering, people will start talking less about trash on the roadway and will instead just notice Selma. That’s the end goal we should all have in mind.If you can't laugh at this, you'll never get the joke.
The quality of life found in 80 percent black Selma is an exclamation mark on the following sentence: The Racists Were Right!
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desart. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away
PK listening to all the Idiocracy wavs I found at a movie page while doing an images search for Selma.
Wonder if there is a free video app to combine the pics and sounds.
Now searching.
Oh Lawzy! We's gots to cleans up dis place so da worl' don't see dat we lives like pigs! If'n ebberbody pitch in, we can fool da worl'! Den, after ebberbody done gone, we's can jes' throws da trash ever'where lak usual.
C'mon, ya'll! We can puts up a front fo' a little while!
Texas here:
"U.S. Rep. John Lewis, an Atlanta Democrat and civil-rights leader who suffered a fractured skull leading the “Bloody Sunday” march, said last month: “Fifty years ago this place was the center of commerce, it was booming. You came here on a Friday afternoon or early evening on a Saturday, to shop from the rural areas or the small towns.”
He will never see the irony.
PK I saw that the teevee is showing the name, face, Jesuit HS he graduated from in Dallas and other info abou the dreadful dastardly diabolically evil waycist (gasp!) college student (super duper smart) in Oklahoma who sang a thoughtcrime song and was stupid enough to record it on his or his buddie's selfie phone.
Now another guy with the same name is getting death threats and other harrassment.
He attends Oklahoma State and had nothing to do with it.
Monday Night Rehabilitation for this racist scum right now!
I bet people in the south laugh their ass off and say we tried to tell you.
This just in from Yoda:
“Told you we did, listen you did not, now screwed we all will be.”
This brings back a memory from my Detroit experience.
It was Super Bowl XL downtown and people were coming from all around the world. To gussy up the city decided to hang curtains in all the old, empty buildings and hung lights behind the curtains to make them appear inhabited.
I found it so strange at the time, but I'd just moved there and more was yet to come.
For example two things I read in the daily paper while living there.
#1 A dog found running through a neighborhood in Detroit with a human arm (or foot, can't remember) in its mouth.
#2 A lovely family busted for barbequing their child in the back yard... I kid you not.
This sort of stuff was not covered in all the Better Homes and Gardens magazines my Mother had around the house growing up.
All anyone needs to do is live in close proximity to large groups of blacks to see, hear, and sometimes “experience" the truth firsthand.
Its as shocking, unexpected and life changing as puberty.
“I’m convinced that the nation owes Selma,” he said.“If we consider Iraq as a Ground Zero in war theater, if this country can spend billions of dollars to rebuild a foreign nation after war,” he said, “why shouldn’t we spend a few million to rebuild a community after its Ground Zero experiences in this country?”
Translator version:
Gibsmedat crackas.
P.S. Ground Zero denotes a nuclear blast going off.
“I’m convinced that the nation owes Selma,” he said.
Gimme Gimme Gimme!
The national anthem of BRA.
“If we consider Iraq as a Ground Zero in war theater, if this country can spend billions of dollars to rebuild a foreign nation after war,” he said, “why shouldn’t we spend a few million to rebuild a community after its Ground Zero experiences in this country?”
Except that Selma was a prosperous community when white people ran the show. If Selma has been devastated since, we have to ask, "Who is responsible?" Could it be the blacks who took over Selma? Could it be the blacks who are the majority demographic of Selma? Could it be the blacks who have been unable to take advantage of every program and wealth transfer which YT has forked over since 1965?
It says something about blacks that they can compare a city they control to a war ravaged country like Iraq. They inadvertently let the truth out the bag -- that black majority rule has the same impact on civilization as a decade or two of war.
Maybe this is not a fair comparison. The citizens of Dresden, Hiroshima and Baghdad have rebuilt their cities.
Sarcasm is my default setting and I had to get my jabs in while going past the teevee that was showing all the info on the OK college student who used his collge booksmarts to record a "racist" song.
I said to family...they should kill that racist cracker on live teevee for blasphemy against the noble magic negro race.
You should have seen the stupid fucking looks on their faces.
Ahahah...Learn to love the bomb.
It is very humorous to see the fate of modern Selma. Keeping the streets garbage free is beyond the ability of a black-run city, much less promoting and sustaining a thriving infrastructure. It really can't be any clearer that wherever the American black goes, he brings Africa with him and devastates the community.
How a modern civilized and technological society made the decisions to subsidize and protect the worst elements among us will be a question future historians will endlessly debate (probably in Russian).
Is cleanliness a white thing? Uh, sorry. I guess that is a pretty dumb question.
I propose a few name changes like the "Coretta Scott King" bridge, leading into "Kingston". I doubt anyone would confuse it with the tourist trap in Jamaica. I don't know who "Selma" was, but I'm damned sure going to find out. I doubt "she" would still want her name attached to this trash heap. Why "Coretta"? Dat po' womuns dun puts up wif a LOT bein' marred (sic) to the other You-Know-Whom, MLK, dang it!
.....P-Town Correspondent
Selma. It's got electrolytes.
I just barely posted in the previous article what would have been better posted in this article. PK you are one prolific writer!
This article hit on a few important points for me that stood out immediately. First of all, the white people of Selma knew exactly what would happen if the Negroids - or however we refer to that mudsill group - voted in mass! This is a casebook example of why blacks should be forbidden from voting.
Representative John Lewis said that Selma was a vibrant city when he got his head bashed in during the 1960’s Selma March. Whatever happened to the booming business in Selma Mr. Lewis? Could it be that whites create businesses, but blacks tear them down? NAH!
Rep. Sewell says that Selma is important to the fight for human rights and social justice around the world. REALLY! Why is it important Ms. Sewell? What does Selma have to do with anything except SELMA? If it were so important, shouldn’t the current denizens take a bit more responsibility for keeping it up…or do you want YT to do that for you too? Oh…I have an idea…let’s force white companies to locate in Selma, and then tax their asses off until they go bankrupt until another white company comes in to take their place (clean, rinse, and start over.)
I save the most dumbass quote for last because it is the best (then I have to stop for the evening…ha ha!)
To Perkins it is a moral issue, “I’m convinced the nation owes Selma,” he said. “If we consider Iraq as ground zero in a war theater; if this nation can spend billions of dollars to rebuild a foreign nation after war,” he said, “why shouldn’t we spend a few million to rebuild a community after its ground zero experiences in this country?”
Please excuse me one minute to compose myself!
Here is my solution and I agree to repay by debt to Selma by relocating each NEGRO to the Congo. JEZUZ H. CHRIST we have this guy and the guy who thinks Guam is going to tip over into the Pacific!
Cheers Al
Yeah, that's right, Jesse. You'd love it if "da evil white man's business" could be forced into staying in any black cesspool, even at the risk of going bankrupt. Most businesses are white, right? Meanwhile, the lazy people in Selma can't even pick up their own trash without a major celebration shaming them into doing it. I myself have been looking for a small, inexpensive house to buy, and I've looked in different neighboring suburbs of Charleston, S.C. Because it's "against the law" for a realtor to steer somebody away from a dangerous neighborhood or to tell a client that an area is a slum, I check out neighborhoods myself before I ask my realtor to set up an appointment to enter the property. Every time I spot a house that looks promising in the ads, I do a preliminary drive-through and sure enough, so far most of the neighborhoods where the cheaper homes are located have trash and idle negroes hanging around not working. You can tell from the areas (one by a lake) where some of the houses are, that they used to all be in a nice neighborhood. I wouldn't be a minority white living in an area like that if the house were GIVEN to me. I'll keeping checking out demographics of areas (% according to race) and keep looking.
They don't want Selma to appear prosperous. They want it to look disheveled to show that there is so much more to do, they need more money, and White Privilege and White Racism is keeping a brother down.
more destructive than a hydrogen bomb...
now compare that too our rallies Beck, etc.. and compare the two.
Great groid inventor LaMont Sanford invented the traschan in Compton CA in 1974 but some whitey cracka done stole it and now trashcans are a white capitalist pig construct meant to keep the noble negroid down.
Now the trash is free at last!
Have any SBPDLers advertised at all (besides face to face, ala Philidalphia Mike) in written form? I always figured that when people see the letters SBPDL and no description they often want to figure out what the acronym means for future reference. Or at least intellectually curious people do (most non-blacks). Anyway, maybe someone could design an official looking stencil that could be used with whatever medium you desire to print it in prominent places for people to read. Since it would be small and boring looking, it wouldn't draw attention to itself the way looks a meh "thinkers" do with their graffiti- so it would stay around longer, be much less of an eyesore, and help open a few eyes. That is if they haven't done the internet searches and found this site by themselves already. When people see some of the stuff Paul and some of you guys write, they may get angry but they really can't argue with some of it. It's like defending Mike Brown. Anyone wanna buy an " I am Michael Brown" t-shirt?
I have often stumbled on this site post eye-opening, and it is because the more you guys write, the more pertinent as well as relevant information gets out to people. Lots of people would never post here out of fears for their lively-hood, but those that do are read by far far more than it would appear at first thought. Keep plugging away and showing the truth, even if these truths are unpleasant to us all. The conversation is being had, and it is finally not on their terms. Keep it up SBPDLers, we are reading and we are finally listening.
-Trigger Lover
Pathetic. One word. Says it for me.
They sure made a show this weekend though. In Detroit , you can see junk fiberglass boats loaded with trash. Minus the I/O & any other metal of course. Sits there for months, even years! The negroes will only move when they really really have to.
Been to many parades, marches,and events.
The difference is, YT uses the trash barrels.
Why? Cuz we Raysis!
Listened to PK with AR, very articulate. Thank you for what you're doing sir!
Detroit Refugee
@ Anon Trigger,
I save epic comments and have a selection of classics hidden on the HDD. (shared machine)
Texas here:
They also planted flowers:
Jesse Jackson ”advocated the government stepping in and making it illegal for white-owned businesses to leave the city.
Large corporations might tolerate this insane governmental action because it might be more economical than fighting the government. However, if the government attempts to prohibit small businesses, partnerships or corporations from relocating by threat of prosecution, it will very likely be a trigger that brings down BRA. The only action that I foresee is a subsidy at taxpayer expense to encourage businesses to remain.
Flower bell,
Right you are. Kwame ran that image campaign. Hung up white plastic sheets in the unoccupied bldgs, then back lit to appear in use.
He relocated all the homeless black bums. I remember the big push to improve Detroits " image". Pathetic.
Detroit Refugee
Picking up trash on the highways and bi-ways and putting it into orange plastic garbage bags. It's one of the things blacks do best.
If the local natives of Selma don't know what a garbage can is then the city must be infested with rats. The way you feed the local rodent population is by throwing your garbage on the ground.
Years ago I saw on CSPAN what Washington looked like during one of those "million man march" or some other kind of PITY POT gathering. The grounds was filled with trash. The Washington Parks Dept. uses those see through metal mesh garbage cans and they sat there almost empty. A was a total mess. Another sign of being a racist is someone that uses a garbage can.
@ 5:17 Anon
I use the NYTimes demographic map of the US to scout before I travel or make hotel reservations. The map gives all the demographic intel a SBPDL could need down to the US Census tract level.
Search under "NY Times 2010 demographic map"
Set the map to display info by % of negroes
Zoom in to the state/area of interest
You can also search by hispanics, change in population, poverty etc.
Oh the delicious irony of using the oh so liberal NYT in a way they never would have imagined!
The fakery of the Michael Brown -Trayvon Martin inspired movement is chilling. Marlin Newburn expounded on this; he recalled the marches during the Vietnam War were involved with the truth. The marchers were early serious abouth the loss and ruination of American lives, not to mention the slaughter of the Vietnamese. No matter how you felt, you knew you were discussing Reality.This is not the case with Black Lives Matter. The central problem is that BLM is based on fiction. This would be an essentially ridiculous situation, bar one vexing problem. That problem is this: in the twentieth century Europe was nearly destroyed due to the Artful Dodger getting into the Mercedes Benz seated next to Paul Von Hindenburg in 1933. He knew in his bones how to deceive, and he had no end of ruse, deception and distortion to draw on. Consider the Horst Wessel myth, the Stab in the Back movement, and Kristallnacht ( kind of reminds you of flash mobs,doesn't it?)
So I put it to you. Are you a little nervous about Big Lies? Do you feel the USA is being softened up by a continuous barrage of misleading information to the point that we can say "yeah, we really are oppressors" ? Let's cough up a few hundred billion for reparations, which is the ultimate Goal.
Equality as a goal has been abandoned by the Progressives because it is apparent to any thinking person that people are not equal in ability, and the Chinese are breathing down our necks and they know just how mythical Equality is. They are colonizing Africa, you know.
The Progressives are running out of time; they are in a race with the ability of the country to fund their program. If the very-unsympathetic-to-their-cause Russian Chinese bloc gets the upper hand and makes it permanent the gravy train will run out of trackage. Then, we'll just be a great big Mexico-South Africa mishmash with gigantic levels of unemployment and little influence with Asia, who won't be fooled.
Once again,
Soooo blacks kill, rob, and rape whites DAILY and you have to read conservative news web sites to find out about it..but someone says the word nigger and its national news for a week!?!?!?
What fucking twisted twilight zone NIGHTMARE are we living in!?!? I mean fuck! Folks this shit will drive you insane. It makes me so furious i could run through walls!!
Sarcasm over. I just cant fucking stand this world anymore....
OT – Apparently there is a new Oklahoma University video of the SAE Fraternity house mom using the awful n-word back in 2013. Seriously, does BRA believe that there are a lot of people in the US who have not said the word nigger. Under the PC rules of BRA the frat guys are in more trouble for disliking blacks than they would have been for planning a bank robbery. Is it just me, or does expelling everyone associated with the utterance of the words, permanently closing down the fraternity, and exploring civil rights charges against the evildoers seem extreme? Why can't the blacks just boycott SAE?
"Great groid inventor LaMont Sanford invented the trash can..."
But the whiteys "excised" this invention from the black community and "commodified" it.
I just love stupid American academic talk.
When they say that 80% of Selma is Black I wonder about the other 20% that live there. Regardless of what race they are you should have no business being in a Nuclear wasteland so unless you are physically disabled or poor beyond belief, if you stay there I don’t feel bad for you. You have to know when to abandon ship. But on a side note, I saw yesterday that we are not alone my friends!! I witnessed first hand the lamestream media cover up a story within hours!!! After awakening and seeing all the comments on SBPDL I watched it unfold…..
There “was” a story trending on Yahoo (key word here “was”) about a Womens college basketball game between two teams of complete She-boons. Southern and TSU, both teams were playing for the Southwestern Athletic Conference CHAMPIONSHIP, both teams of girls were in college and both teams were all Black negresses playing against each other in the South. Literally a scene out of Nigeria.
Well, the score was 51-49 and Alexus Johnson (I did not misspell Alexus) and Diamonisha Sophus (yes her stupid parents named her Diamonisha) started punching each other and then the benches cleared and the stupid Sheboons did what came naturally to them. They all started punching each other and a full brawl broke out onto the court from both teams of Black ho’s.
Now here is the wonderful part. The story appears around 5:00pm and it shows on the headline that a brawl breaks out between two female college schools and it shows a Black female head coach on the cover picture. You click the article and it names all the assailants, never mentions their skin color and guess what? JUST GUESS??????? This is the first college basketball game where NO VIDEO EVIDENCE IS SHOWN!!! No one had a camera and the video is not being released.
To make matters worse, the court is cleared off and both teams are awarded “co-champions” of the league. No need for repercussions, the TNB is not only frowned upon it is CELEBRATED!!! Get in a brawl, get kicked out, no suspensions, win a trophy. Wow………
So naturally I go to the comments section and within half an hour 635 comments are on there and I shit you not, 400+ of them were Realists!!! You guys, we have others out there that are not stupid and not bowing down to the horseshit liberal agenda. All the comments you saw were:
“Let me guess this is somehow the White mans fault right”?
“Just Blacks acting normal”
“Bunch of nappy headed Ho’s fighting”
“Where is Jesse and Al Sharpton?”
“How come they’re not releasing the video of Blacks fighting” (This was said 100 times)
“If these were two white teams we would hear about this on every station”
“Why aren’t they naming the race of the fighters is it because they’re BLACK”
On and on people were seeing through the bullshit media and I was so happy to see the posts. I read almost every one in detail because I was so glad they weren’t being censored out. That is until 10:00pm. I later after dinner decided to go back and look at the same section to read the comments which were probably in the thousands now and MAGICALLY, the article disappeared!!! I had to scroll all over the place to find a tidbid of it and they revamped it. Now there is no Black female coach on the picture, the headline reads “brawl erupts during womens basketball game” dumbing down the readers, the names of the girls have been pulled out of the article, THE ENTIRE THING WAS REDONE in a matter of hours because people saw right through it. I can’t believe how hard the media works on behalf of the Negros, I knew it was bad but yesterday I saw it firsthand.
There has to be an agenda but I'm not exactly sure why they are pandering to the Blacks these days like this.…
If you want to see trash on the side of the road come to metro Detroit. You can't drive down a single highway, expressway or side street without seeing litter and garbage everywhere you look. It is so mesmerizing at times that concentrating on driving becomes almost impossible. From cups to couches there's nothing you won't see. It does no good to call anyone to complain. No one cares. This might possibly be the filthiest part of the United States. Good luck're looking more third world in so many ways. Can't the 'folks' on government assistance clean the roads???
Ex New Yorker here.....I posted this story a few years ago when I first found this sight and will retell it again for the new comers.
On the Lower East Side (and other neighborhoods) the POOR AND OPPRESSED would throw their garbage out the windows into next door vacant lots. Finally the garbage would pile up so high that the people on the bottom first and second floors could no longer see out their windows. The city would then come in and haul the shit away or spread it out over the lot until the windows were cleared.
One night I was sitting on the front stoops of a building on 12th street between Avenue B and C. I had just smoked a joint and was feeling nice and mellow. Across the street from me were three vacant lots that were stacked with about 2 or 3 feet of garbage.
As I stared at this pile of trash I noticed that it was moving. Like ripples on a lake when you throw in a rock. My first thought was "Man that was some good smoke". After a few minutes it all hit me. What I was seeing were the rats that were moving around underneath and tunneling their way through this massive heap of rubbish. It gave me the creeps.
Oh...The thrill and joy of living in the big city. It was an adventure. I stopped having nightmares more than ten years ago.
“I’m convinced that the nation owes Selma"
Nuff said
This just in from Yoda: “Told you we did, listen you did not, now screwed we all will be.”
It is not very well known, but Yoda was actually a closet race realist:
"There is no 'try;' there is only Force gone wrong."
"When 50 years of BRA you reach, look as trashed, your city will not, hmmm?"
"Lost a city, Selma has. How embarrassing. How embarrassing."
Advice heard by white tourists in the New Orelans Superdome after Katrina: "Around the survivors a perimeter create."
"Not 'civil rights', YT. The shroud of the undertow has fallen. Begun, this BRA has."
Free the trash, Free the trash. Thank God all might we Freed the trash.
"Evidence civilization once flourished in Selma is found in the downtown area and the decaying residential houses, but there's little sign of a future for this soon-to-be entirely black city. Which is why Jesse Jackson has advocated the government stepping in and making it illegal for white-owned businesses to leave the city. [RUNDOWN CITIES? JUST DON'T ALLOW BUSINESSES TO LEAVE, Jesse Jackson suggests cure for what ails Selma, other urban areas, in 2015, 3-9-15]"
As silly as this sounds, this is how communist societies go. They get a target (People with education, eyeglasses in Cambodia for example) and they just run with it. The Government will tell you which stores can leave and which can open. If you have a negro "friend" on the city council, you will find things easier. If you want to move, you have to apply to move to the next town. If they already have a plumber then that is too bad, maybe next year Whitey.
We must break out of the Political Correctness sound box. Soumeone needs to say to Jessi "Shut up Negro, you couldn't build a business if you tried. Don't you Dare tell a White Man where, how or Why about his business."
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
'Jesse Jackson ”advocated the government stepping in and making it illegal for white-owned businesses to leave the city.'
Lord have mercy.The City of Selma governed by the black plague just spent its entire annual budget cleaning their cesspool. Now how will they manage for the rest of the year..? just a few more years it just wont matter. The negro is so damn predictable in cases like this. NC Realist
Charlotte Realist here:
We need a before and after pic. Any place, any street. That would shut this "Selma is Mecca" nonsense down. Find it! Post it!
Ricky In Cali said...
This is the first college basketball game where NO VIDEO EVIDENCE IS SHOWN!!! No one had a camera and the video is not being released.
As they say in the ghetto, woop there it is.
Ricky In Cali said...
....Now here is the wonderful part. The story appears around 5:00pm and it shows on the headline that a brawl breaks out between two female college schools and it shows a Black female head coach on the cover picture. You click the article and it names all the assailants, never mentions their skin color and guess what? JUST GUESS??????? This is the first college basketball game where NO VIDEO EVIDENCE IS SHOWN!!! No one had a camera and the video is not being released.
March 10, 2015 at 7:03 PM
That may not be a conspiracy. Fact is, hardly anyone outside of the players' famblies watches women's sports of any kind. Except maybe tennis. But that's only if the players are hot.
Ricki in Cali.....thanks for your post I was able to find a a FOREIGN news site. lmao. Enjoy it while its still available NC Realist
"Can't the 'folks' on government assistance clean the roads???"
No, dat be slabery.
Anonymous said...
One night I was sitting on the front stoops of a building on 12th street between Avenue B and C.
The stoop. You are indeed an authentic New Yorker, Ex or otherwise.
"I don't know who "Selma" was.."
Marge and Patty's sister obviously.
O/T: Cornelius PD now says masked man was behind robbery
I see the pic of the full head/neck mask and see the guy has gloves on in the bank surveillance photo and think to myself... I bet that was actually a nog dressing up as YT.
Sure enough, I was right, big picture at the bottom of the page. This one is apparently somewhat smart, but still can't overcome genetics.
Did you ever notice that blacks just throw GIANT bags full of garbage, clothes and furniture right out back of there dwellings! Even when that project/ghetto has weekly trash pick-up.
In this ghetto I travel past you can see the line of trash from the black man's supermarket A.K.A. the convenience store all he way back to their hood. Trash barrels all along the route, yet the cans are empty. The TERM "Lazy Negroes" cannot be stated enough!
We do but we mourn at the same time. We're not stupid, we just know and always have known that they aren't like YT and can't be treated as such. But that time has passed and today we all should be wondering how do you fix the problem.
SC Native
If they got all the trash out if Selma less than 20% of the population would be left. I bet the inanimate trash is mounding up again.
SC Native
Al here…I have to get ready to go to work, but before I go I thought about Selma last night and pondered the problem.
From this article, I understand the orcs want “white people” to go down to Selma with diapers, baby food, and baby bottles and spoon feed these lesser intelligent orc brothers and sisters until they can function properly as adults.
We are going to have to teach these apes how to wipe their asses, dress (by pulling their pants up over their asses), get along with others, and pick up after themselves.
Before this stupid bridge march, blacks had good jobs opening doors for cars at hotels and picking cotton and so forth out in the fields. I admit that black labor has mostly been supplanted by farming equipment. We have to find something for these people to do. They can still dig holes and fill in pot holes (with supervision); they can be taught to pick up trash.
This would be hilarious if it were not serious! I want to laugh, but I have to cry! If I were a white in Selma I would move because of shame! You try to feed these people and they throw their dish on the floor in a tantrum. You try to give them baby food, or a bottle, and they try to bite the hand that feeds them. We are literally going to have to go to Selma with burping cloths and diapers for ADULTS. We have to raise them like our own babies; to teach them ENGLISH and how to get along with others in a civilized world. God help us all!
Apparently it's white history month.
Better get cracking people! Our collective histories are pretty extensive, as our ancestors wrote them down in various languages that are still very alive today. More if you include White-Hispanics. And why not throw in biracial people (don't want to use that dreaded word, mulatto!) since they are evidently half white as well:
Interesting difference in facial features.
Curious, how many non-blacks use Section 8 and AFFH?
Anyone know percentages for comparison to the hordes of needy playful gibbons?
The lads have an excellent lawsuit ahead of them now, they hopefully will make more money than the victims of Penn State's victims.
In the big D, blacks picking up trash on the roads and highway get a neat orange jumpsuit to wear. I call it Wayne County Orange!
Detroit Refugee
Article touting Ghana for repatriation of African diaspora.
Perhaps an opportune time for crowdfunding!
So whose face is going to go on the twenty dollar bill?
Rachel Jeantel? Chrystal Mangum? Tawanna Brawley?
as to the 20 percent white people left in Selma, many of them probably are too old and /or poor to move. my parents were in the same situation in Chattanooga when their neighborhood went. they just had to stay, frightened and locked up in their house. it's probably the same for the few whites left in ferguson. people should send money to help those victims get out rather than handing it to the thugs that are causing the problem to begin with
I will stop using the word nigger, when niggers stop calling each other nigger.
I knew a nig years ago that called anyone that messed up a nigger. Its rampant in the nig community, mammas call their kids nigger.
Its only rasist when YT uses the word...
"...Among the volunteers were students from Wallace Community College Selma and members of Lillies of the Valley..."
Lily of the valley is a toxic plant.
Just sayin'...
If you're going to live like a pig 364 days a year, why go to the effort of cleaning up for one day. Oops, just remembered: "Hoodwink, Flim-flam and Bamboozle"!
Sad thing is the Iraqis appreciate the influx of cash more than the natives
If they have "nothing" and no money to buy "nothing", where the hell is all the trash coming from?
Oh wait, YT
I once had a local tell me trash is like when a dog pees on the grass, to show ownership. If they toss stiff in da streets it cause they owns em
Speaking of "regressing to the black mean", note this on-air mugging in South Africa:
I searched around the internet for photos of the Selma cleanup to see who had done the work. I found a TV report with all blacks out picking up trash, one agonizingly slow piece at a time. But I suspected whites must have been involved or Selma would have never been tidied up and I was right. I found photos of white teens picking up blacks' trash. Sigh! I only hope those kids later reflect on reality when all that trash is back deeper than ever by next week.
Then I started thinking about Jesse Jackson wanting to force white businesses to stay and all the speeches that can be summed up with the word "Gimme!" Why wouldn't Jesse want black businesses to locate in Selma instead of white businesses being forced to stay? Why doesn't Jesse open a Rainbow Coalition office in Selma? Why doesn't Oprah relocate Harpo Studios to Selma? Why doesn't Kanye West move to Selma? Why, oh why, don't multi-millionaire blacks do something to help their own people? Lord knows white money hasn't helped the Negro - maybe it's because we don't understand the culture. I say it's time for black millionaires to raise up their poor bruthas and sistas. Can you imagine what Selma could look like if 0bama, Holder, Sharpton, Jackson, Kanye, Oprah, Beyonce, et al would give to the cause?
LOL, "League of the South" put up a billboard of Nathan Bedford Forest just outside Selma for all the visitors to see.
Anyone here like the term "Goblins"? I mean, like, they're always gobblin' shit up 'n' stuff, amirite? Apparently, according to Wicked-pedos, Selma means "high seat" or "throne".,_Alabama
Hey, ain't "throne" one o' them things that some o' you Yankees call a "terlit"? Hey??
.....P-Town Correspondent
I wonder how many white people were out there cleaning up and how many blacks were watching it, even though "Aybah poda hep."
Because they're blacks. Going where they're not wanted is what they do. DWL's should think about that for awhile.
Jesse Jackson ”advocated the government stepping in and making it illegal for white-owned businesses to leave the city.
Is the government going to require they make a profit as well? Jesse you really didn't think this idea through.
Jesse has millions from corporate shakedowns so let's see him put his money where his mouth is. Buy the JCP and show us how well a department store can do in a majority black area.
About 25 percent goes to whites nationwide. So let's say 2 percent of whites. I have been to white and black projects. You needn't fear your safety in white ones. About half the whites fell on hard times--Darren Wilson or a widow with kids--the other half are mental or drug addicts or disabled. Still, no trash on the ground.
Realist in MA
I don't owe them anything! They can kiss my honky white ass!
The Progressives are running out of time; they are in a race with the ability of the country to fund their program.
I think that is actually a big part of their push to bring in illegals.
Their deepest fear is a DNA study from Russia or China that buries their lies for good. If they can make Whites a minority voting bloc then they can still maintain control. But that will only be if Whites are still willing to play nice at that point. History shows that Whites will only play nice for so long.
How about that great society hopey changey, race brawl in NY state with bats, brass knuckles:
Apparently it's white history month.
I'm White and I wouldn't support a White history month. To me that is like sun is hot day. Kind of redundant.
I just heard that in response to an unsympathetic court the protesters at the Mall of America will indeed be fined for the damages they inflicted on private property. The local media reported that the protesters are calling all sympathizers to their cause to boycott the Mall.
I suspect the store owners and the owners of the Mall itself are wildly cheering at the prospect.
Constitution? Rule of Law? Boring old white guy crap in the Hopetopia:
LOL this is why some of you need to stop being so pessimistic.
The liberal media and Fox news have been turning off comments in articles about race.
Nothing says confidence in your position like forbidding all feedback. Both liberals and colorblind conservatives would lock down the internet if they could. Open discussion of race just doesn't work well for either group. They want us to read about Selma or Ben Carter and not question anything they write. SBBDL would be banned overnight.
I wonder how many white people were out there cleaning up and how many blacks were watching it, even though "Aybah poda hep."
I remember reading about a lib who organized a volunteer paint crew to fix up some buildings in Detroit. He said it was a bit awkward that everyone who showed up was White.
God what a dumbass. Did he really think that Blacks would line up to work for free? Because that's how they view it. You're not getting some exercise and having fun with friends instead of watching TV. You're working for free which makes you a suckah. I've read that food banks have the same problem. Blacks show up for the food but don't stay to volunteer.
Blacks don't see the value in volunteering. Both libs and conservatives take it for granted that Whites will show up and volunteer for charities. They don't get that Black males would rather stand on a street corner than paint a building or plant some trees. If they cared then they would do something about it. They don't care. It's really that simple. Organizing a church group and doing free yard work is a White thing. Both libs and cons have no idea as to how much work is performed in modern society by White volunteers.
Canadian Eskimos again.
Exactly! If anyone doesn't believe the msm isn't complicit in this madness, look no further than the murders of Jessica Chambers, Christopher Newman and Channon Christian.
Anonymous said ”I just heard that in response to an unsympathetic court the protesters at the Mall of America will indeed be fined for the damages they inflicted on private property. The local media reported that the protesters are calling all sympathizers to their cause to boycott the Mall.
I suspect the store owners and the owners of the Mall itself are wildly cheering at the prospect.”
The absurdity of a plan to terrorize businesses with threats of a black boycott should be clear to anyone who understands the Visible Black Hand of Economics.
Why doesn't Oprah relocate Harpo Studios to Selma?
If Oprah believes that white people do not treat her like an equal human being, she can live in a black majority rule city (Selma, Detroit, Port au Prince, Kinshasha). Since critical race theory tells the zeks that only white people can be "racist," no problem, right? She can then be as equal as she wants.
Of course, we know why Oprah, Jesse, and et alia do not move to black majority rule cities. They can see the crime and the dysfunction created by their majority demographic. So they "endure" all the terrors of white civilization (like low crime rates, high end shops, and running water).
The dilemma is that the Oprahs of the world show no appreciation for white people creating the civil conditions. Instead, they start making demands about being "respected" without understanding that respect has to be earned via civil behavior.
And so the downward spiral continues...
A fitting biblical passage from the book of Matthew :
"You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?"
"So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit."
"A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit."
"Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will know them by their fruits."
Can we say that the verdict is in regarding the kinds of "fruits" that blacks create?
There is a reason that sub-Saharan Africa never developed complex and integrated civilization such as what has been seen by every other race of people on every populated land mass. Everywhere you look, regardless of location, era of history, or how much money is thrown at and programs are crafted to address it, concentrated populations of blacks create problems, chaos, violence, and disorder. The cumulative actions of the individuals become the very obstacle to their own collective prosperity.
The transition of Selma to its modern day state is a reflection of this. The transition of Ferguson in under two decades to a section 8 horror show is a reflection of this. The transition of Detroit to ruins is a reflection of this. Oakland? Baltimore? Newark? Chicago? Memphis?
It continues to repeat, and will forever. It will also bring down any institution and society that does not distance itself from this population.
Fantastic job PK of showing Selma to be a perfect working laboratory of black rule, with its symbolic significance as the birth place of modern Black Run Government.
You are a truly gifted and insightful blogger!
“I’m convinced that the nation owes Selma,” It always comes down to gibs. You don't need gibs to keep a city clean...unless you're them. And even then...
I hope the libs and cons that supported the sanctions are proud of their grand social experiment called the rainbow nation. (Racist) South Africa brought us open heart surgery and the new South Africa brought us a live TV mugging.
I know there is many anti-randian individuals here. I think that is because they have never actually read her works or they misinterpreted them or how she never mentions any racial aspects disallowing that when she wrote these books race wasn't an issue nor a foreseeable one. Not all lessons involve compare and contrast of Negroes to civilization Regardless,
In "Atlas Shrugged" the government steps in and forces businesses to stay were they are. This happens when the government gets desperate to keep their schemes going as everything is about to collapse.
Selma is already collapsed.
So why he is suggesting it?
Mainly because he can say it without any political repercussions.
If it picks up steam, then the law makers will step in and say "Well, the public demands it!" and enforce a new brand of tyranny upon us.
This is more than just about White Flight. Companies are already fleeing states like California and New York Because of liberal anti-white policies. If you can stop white people from moving their businesses from a black city, then you can stop
White people from moving their businesses anywhere.
"So we shall see" said the blind man in the few weeks if the Talking heads on t.v. take this and run with it. If they do, It may become an executive order before too long
I'm a little baffled about this "White Privilege" concept that is floating around now.
My family for generations back have worked like farm animals to make better lives for each other. How can your life be a privilege if you earned it?
Now on the other hand, blacks living free of responsibility in a civilization built by Caucasians?... That's privilege!
You'd think the federal government would pump tens of millions of dollars into 80 percent black Selma
Between welfare, the government jobs needed to administer it, other make-work government jobs, state and federal tax grants they probably already spend many millions there.
These kinds of articles point out the hypocrisy/fallacy- take your choice-of liberal PC thinking.
"Race doesn't exist-but the black community is chronically underserved and remain the victims of endemic White privilege. Um, except race, ha ha, doesn't actually exist. Got that? Good, now get back out there and help black people some more...and end White Privilege! Look at these figures on blacks living in poverty!".
"Let's change the IQ tests to help blacks score higher...and let's also dumb down the tests to get them through public school (still doesn't seem to work, but that's no reason to stop trying".
"We will do all these things for black people, while adamantly maintaining, sir, that race simply does not exist. It's all a social construct, mere smoke and mirrors, as pseudo-scientific as Phrenology, and as outmoded as Colonialism".
"So- I did mention that there is no such thing as race, correct? Fine, and, er, I need to legally force you to hire more blacks".
And arrest and incarcerate fewer of them, please. Goodness me, look at the overrepresentation among prison populations. Shame, sir, shame on your racist legal system. Especially indefensible, I'm sure you will agree, in the face of the fact that modern Science itself says 'there is no such thing as race!'".
(End of day): "...damn, these illusory social constructs sure are stubborn things! But tomorrow is another day!"
Selma is about as laughable as a 20-year prison sentence is to a nog. They understand nothing, but they feared the whip. The collective wisdom of those ray cuss whites.
I'll never forget a trip to LA in college. My wife was pregnant. In a CVS parking lot, I watched a nog throw a dirty diaper on the ground and all the wipes on the ground. No shame or pause. He was probably the only nog in his hood that ever spent an hour with his own child and thinks he deserves a medal. Realist in MA
Anonymous said...
"...This is more than just about White Flight. Companies are already fleeing states like California and New York Because of liberal anti-white policies. If you can stop white people from moving their businesses from a black city, then you can stop
White people from moving their businesses anywhere.
"So we shall see" said the blind man in the few weeks if the Talking heads on t.v. take this and run with it. If they do, It may become an executive order before too long.
March 11, 2015 at 10:00 AM"
"Driver's licenses" will become the new "internal passports." At least for Whites. For all others, it will be a combined driver's license and EBT card.
You are learning. Welcome to a larger world.
Don't think the coward repubs have the guts to change much though...
As for the trash, It most likely is already piling up again as I type. And by next fall the streets will once again look like a war zone. I trully think that they never even consider placing trash in a can. Look in their homes and yards. Their streets. Living in a clean environment is as foreign to them as marriage or keeping a job. It must really bother them to know that if the negro race suddenly left earth, nothing bad would happen. Life wouldn't be inconvenienced in the slightest. If Whites were removed suddenly, the Negro race would not last 20 years
Any other genetically based reasons blacks can't peacefully assimilate with non-blacks?
Lower IQ, low impulse control, poor future time orientation, lower threshold for violence.
Am I missing anything? Or is it simply that unholy nexus of allele frequency based genome issues that is the bedrock of negro dysfunction?
Genome Man
"more trouble ...than they would have been for planning a bank robbery"
A black kid in Berkeley one bragged to me about how he'd once robbed a bank in Brooklyn. He said, "but I got off cuz my Mom's a big professor."
"I know there is many anti-randian individuals here. I think that is because they have never actually read her works or they misinterpreted them or how she never mentions any racial aspects disallowing that when she wrote these books race wasn't an issue nor a foreseeable one."
Probably any anti-Rand sentiment here has more to do with her virulent anti-racism than ignorance. She's among those who affirm that race doesn't exist, and vehemently opposes whites organizing along racial lines. As the quote bleow makes clear, she's also committed to anti-determinism (i.e., free will), and so must also be anti-scientific as concerns human behavior, and anti-evolution. These beliefs she shares in common with Christianity, which goes a long way to explaining her popularity. Professional liars and demagogues everywhere know very well that you don't become popular by telling people they are wrong, but by supporting them in their folly, the more egregious the better.
Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man’s genetic lineage—the notion that a man’s intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry. Which means, in practice, that a man is to be judged, not by his own character and actions, but by the characters and actions of a collective of ancestors.
Racism claims that the content of a man’s mind (not his cognitive apparatus, but its content) is inherited; that a man’s convictions, values and character are determined before he is born, by physical factors beyond his control. This is the caveman’s version of the doctrine of innate ideas—or of inherited knowledge—which has been thoroughly refuted by philosophy and science. Racism is a doctrine of, by and for brutes. It is a barnyard or stock-farm version of collectivism, appropriate to a mentality that differentiates between various breeds of animals, but not between animals and men.
Like every form of determinism, racism invalidates the specific attribute which distinguishes man from all other living species: his rational faculty. Racism negates two aspects of man’s life: reason and choice, or mind and morality, replacing them with chemical predestination.
-- Ayn Rand, The Virtue of Selfishness
There are 1500 Newspapers, 1100 Magazine's, 9000 radio, 1500 TV, and 2400 publishers - ALL owned by SIX corporations:
- GE owns Comcast, NBC, Universal Pictures, & Focus features
- Newscorp owns Fox, Wall Street Journal, & New York Post
- Disney owns ABC, ESPN, Pixar, Miramax, & Marvel studios
- Viacom owns MTV, Nick Jr, SET, CMT, & Paramount Pics
- Time Warner owns CNN, HBO, Time Warner Bros
- CBS owns Showtime, Smithsonian,, Jeopardy, and 60 Minutes
ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, National Security Adviser.
CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama's Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.
ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former Whitehouse Press Secretary Jay Carney
ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama's Deputy Press Secretary
ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama's Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood
CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton's Deputy Secretary Tom Nides.
And now you know why it is no surprise the media usually goes very easy on Obama's many errors.
OT but I just had to share -
Man tries to avoid arrest by rolling in dog feces
Care to play guess the race? Well, they don't have a mug shot in the article, but here are some clues: His name is Maurice Franklin, he was jumping in and out of traffic, and he thought that rolling in dog shit would keep him from getting arrested.
Of course, if you want a real clue (and a good laugh), do a Google image search for "Maurice Franklin arrest". Hard to say which one he might be, but if he's white you have to scroll down three or four screens to find him.
Lucius Vorenus
Citizen of the Great Northwest
Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man’s genetic lineage—
The basic problem I have with Ayn Rand on race is that she directs her tirades only against whites. I would challenge Objectivists to march on down to the offices of the NAACP, or a university black studies department, or to Jesse Jackson, and start lecturing about the evils of racial collectivism. Of course, blacks believe in collectivism insofar as it gets them the goods and services which can be extorted out of YT.
For example, blacks believe that whites collectively owe blacks for slavery-segregation from an era long gone by. And blacks believe that their genetic lineage gives them a claim for affirmative action. And blacks routinely support collectivist government programs such as the welfare state. And blacks act collectively to initiate force via flashmobs and pillaging towns in riots.
Again, I have to ask, has any Objectivist ever made Ayn Rand's arguments to any black organization and gotten anywhere? Would Randians even conceive of such a thing? It strikes me that Objectivists are falling into the trap of running after the dominant meme of "We're not racists!" But it's a double standard insofar as whites these days have no organization to speak of. The result is that whites are further politically disarmed when it comes to dealing with black collectivism, whether welfare transfers or flashmob thuggery.
Still, there are elements of Objectivism which are useful. Her opposition to "altruism" would be an ideological position for race realists to take when opposing AA and the rest of the race hustles. And the vision of the Men of the Mind as heroic figures is, in the end, a vision of white people (just read her character descriptions).
But Rand was writing at a time when white people stilled ruled in America and Europa and southern Africa. She still has considerable popularity if not influence, but how long will that last in a black-run world?
In response to calls for AA celebrities to finance reconstruction in Selma, I'm reminded of Oprah Winfrey's comments years ago after she'd become successful. She stated that at some point she realized that no matter how often she gave someone 500 bucks for the light bill or put someone on a bus for home again, that she wasn't actually helping change anything. Realizing that pouring her money down the typical "help me" drain did nothing to alleviate the problem, Ms. Winfrey then attempted to help schoolchildren in Chicago and elsewhere (Black children) get supplies and clothes for school--only to rebuffed by spoiled brats and families that she said demanded things like new Jordans and fancy shirts instead of winter coats and new books. Winfrey abandoned her efforts in America and went to South Africa, where she used her funds to give really poor kids an education that they were happy to receive. This should tell us everything we need to know.
I know there are probably many in the reading audience who has some experience using statistics. I do have a college degree, but it is not in a science. In college (about 30 years ago), I took business calculus and what is known as social statistics. I am currently studying both subjects again on my own time and without a teacher, but instead of calculus I am studying differential equations. I guess this is my point: has anyone done a study to link (definitively) black density in a population as a predictor of crime, property value, and economic activity?
It would seem that one could use the linear regression formula to predict how much decline a city would face depending on its black density. I think PK may have used the magical number of about 30 to 35% of the population when citing where severe crippling of the economy occurs. If there is such a book that shows these links, pray tell me the name of the book!
I did read the Bell Curve, and it did support the case that one’s IQ is a major factor in income, crime, etc. However, I never saw a linear equation associated with this data. I would think the correlation coefficient would have to be very high in this case (black density to crime/property value/economic activity.) I would be so bold as to say the correlation coefficient would be close to one in that case.
OK…with the data from the cities, I could figure this out myself and I am not even a statistician. Getting the accurate data would be the bump in the road!
OK OK…if there is already a study done that shows this information, where is the information to be found? I firmly believe that wherever a black population clusters, bad things follow. Intuitively I know this for a fact, but I would like to see numbers.
Thanks, Al
'The Jedi are relentless..' Sidious. So is the white man. We are the Jedi. Enough of us have moved, spent enough money supporting insanity. We are ready. The black is not relentless. They posess the will of a 5 year old white. Realist in MA
No northwest front. My forefathers fought savages and built this place from ME to FL, Washington to CA, & EVERYTHING in between. I love the whole place. American Front. Don't run. Our blood was spilled.
Realist in MA
There is an awakening:
"White parents storm school board after teen beaten by black mob"
I am neither pro-Rand nor anti-Rand in that she can believe anything she wants. However, she makes some bold anti-race statements without anything to back them up! Who she might call racists are in some cases Nobel Prize winning scientists such as Francis Crick. Many scientists have shown there are verifiable cognitive differences between the races of men. Also, there are notable brain size differences between the races along with differences in the amount of gray matter within each racial group. Ms. Rand sounds like a liberal nut job! She is the type of person I would like to see live in a place like Detroit or Selma, and then get back to me in a year (if she is not featured in New Nation News before that! HA HA).
"The basic problem I have with Ayn Rand on race is that she directs her tirades only against whites."
Not really. A close reading will show that she doesn't use the word "whites", and that's because she doesn't even believe that whites, as a biological group, really exist. She believes only in the raceless individual.
This point of view flows naturally from her dualism, very familiar to Christians, which also conceives of man as something different from his body. In place of the Christian idea of a man's soul or spirit, she enshrines "the rational faculty". For both Christians and Rand then, the body is only an impediment to understanding what man "really" is, and so race is also irrelevant. They think what's really important about man isn't even a part of physical reality, and certainly isn't determined by it. This lets them fall into the error of thinking that man has free will, the other source of a raceless worldview. If you believe man has free will, then you must also believe that all individuals are equal in potential, since they are all equally unconstrained by causality. The idea of biological race also becomes incoherent, as race can determine nothing regarding the will or "soul". If you believe man has free will, then it follows that negroes can change their behavior any time they want to; indeed, that there aren't even any such groups as races.
Free will and the idea that man is something other than his body exist as cultural presuppositions, in the West directly a heritage of Christianity, but actually descending from even older sources in ancient Greek philosophy. It's fundamentally at odds with a scientific worldview, which accepts that man is just another kind of animal, and that the theory of evolution is true. This materialistic, scientific understanding of man is gradually overcoming Christian dualism, but it remains to be seen whether this will be of any use in saving the white race. So far, it's availed little.
"Brawl erupts"... those pesky brawls, always spontaneously popping up with no rhyme or reason, and especially with no identifiable causative agent.
How much can a pile of crap on your floor bother you, when your ancestors and cousins live(d) in a mud and stick hut?
Great story. That reminded me of something I saw on the Internets earlier: There is a large luxury apartment complex in South Africa that was taken over by squatters after Apartheid ended. It is formed like a giant donut. The squatters in the apartments facing into the "hole" of the donut have been throwing their garbage into the "hole" for years. Originally, the bottom of the hole was at ground level. At last report, the pile of trash in the hole has risen to cover the fifth floor.
Much simpler, cheaper, more cost effective.
Even tigers and wolves raised by humans since infancy are generally docile and easy to handle as adults, and affectionate toward those who raised them.
This is why you need to get out into the boonies and buy some property while still in your earning years. Even if you're poor later on, you'll still be safe.
They would simply ignore any such study, just as they completely ignore the work that has been done on the topic here.
These people are not playing with a full deck, and it's by choice. It does not matter to them, at all, that their beliefs are lies and fantasies.
You'd give your right arm for a sun is hot day after living in Antarctica for a few years. Whites may be closer to experiencing a racial nuclear winter than you think.
Just another day in the 'hood
If she was smart enough to reject the gibsmedat trap, why does the white man continue to fund it to the tune of billions a year?
Ayn Rand really?
Good grief.
Her idea of a "perfect man" was actually a psychopath, but only if you believe in that sort of thing.
A weird fuck none the same.
I read her stuff in high school and college. It sounded great back then. I know about her now.
Scot Irish
I have numerous times come across the meme in the last few years that "the most accurate predictor of crime in a neighborhood is the percentage of blacks and hispanics in the neighborhood." I believe this comes from a recent study, and isn't just anectodal.
Unfortunately, I have no idea which study this may be, or the statistical methodology behind it. You might try googling combinations of those terms, maybe something like "most accurate predictor" +crime +neighborhood
Hope this helps.
Let me just add that McDonalds' sales have been down for the past year.MickyD's has always sort of catered to negroes because they were big customers but if these incidents keep occurring no white person will even go into the place in the city and they'll really lose money.
You know what bugs me about this story (among other things)? I used to live out in Alabama. There were billboards with the slogan: "Alabama the Beautiful." We looked down on other states who were not up to our standards. And so here we have Selma, an Alabama town, getting trashed, literally.
Can't those people read the signs?
Anonymous said...
Any other genetically based reasons blacks can't peacefully assimilate with non-blacks?
Lower IQ, low impulse control, poor future time orientation, lower threshold for violence.
Am I missing anything? Or is it simply that unholy nexus of allele frequency based genome issues that is the bedrock of negro dysfunction?
Genome Man
March 11, 2015 at 11:59 AM
Anonymous hoody said...
"more trouble ...than they would have been for planning a bank robbery"
A black kid in Berkeley one bragged to me about how he'd once robbed a bank in Brooklyn. He said, "but I got off cuz my Mom's a big professor."
March 11, 2015 at 12:05 PM
Oh, yeah - and they're all congenital compulsive liars and thieves.
I believe we are all equal to the extent none of us had any choice as to our parentage, or to put it another way, had any choice as to the time and place of our birth. We are all creatures of randomness.
However that original condition should not have any bearing on how we feel toward others, or ourselves, if we behave immorally. Since we are all determined by genetics' influence we are to that extent not guilty but that cannot mean everything have to adopt a supine attitude towards others. Far from it. Perhaps an argument on eugenics in the mainstream media is long overdue.
Anonymous said...
Even tigers and wolves raised by humans since infancy are generally docile and easy to handle as adults, and affectionate toward those who raised them.
No, that's not true. Wild animals may be tame in infancy, but generally develop a fear reflex when they mature, which makes them dangerous. Differs by species, of course, but in general, don't mess with wild animals. Not even those cute, cuddly bears.
white privilege is basically black's version of original sin. they look around and see they get free housing, free daycare, free everything just about and free scholarships to college if they can just spell their own names. that being said, it is hard to claim you are doomed to a life of unemployment, drug addiction, crime and promiscuity just because of a sales clerk watching you a little closely. so.... white privilege! even if we do nothing to you at all, we are guilty of racism just because we exist
Anonymous said
If you believe man has free will, then you must also believe that all individuals are equal in potential, since they are all equally unconstrained by causality.
And if you believe that, then you also have to believe a belief in free will also entails a belief that all individuals are equally tall. Do the data support that conclusion?
"Not really. A close reading will show that she (Ayn Rand) doesn't use the word "whites", and that's because she doesn't even believe that whites, as a biological group, really exist. She believes only in the raceless individual."
Ayn Rand is the nom de plume of Ana Rosenbaum. Hers is the party line of TWMNBN.
I get hammered for making too much of TWMNBN. When I was a more doctrinaire libertarian, I was much influenced by her writing but I was never an Objectivist.
I am still trying to find a compatible reconciliation between libertarianism and race realism.
"The Progressives are running out of time; they are in a race with the ability of the country to fund their program.
I think that is actually a big part of their push to bring in illegals. "
What White "progressives" do NOT understand is that non-Whites are NOT liberal like they think, non-Whites are "racialist". Non-Whites support big government and a welfare state so long as the money is being extracted from YT and given to THEIR group. If a welfare state and bigger government meant that money was taken from non-Whites and given to Whites, they'd be all for limited government.
Another thing that White progressives do NOT get is that you can't have a European style "welfare state and society", which is what they want, without a European majority. Latin American countries have a lot of socialism but it's different. Latin American socialist countries, a lot of them anyways, have large amounts of poverty, dysfunctional politics, massive corruption, crime and are not liberal in areas that Europeans are ie. for gay rights, equality for races etc. This is totally unlike European socialist countries. If they continue to let large numbers of illegals in, we'll become socialist, but Latin American socialist, not Europeans ones, which is a whole different ballgame.
Anonymous said...
has anyone done a study to link (definitively) black density in a population as a predictor of crime, property value, and economic activity?
Ron Unz - Race and Crime in America:
The unspoken statistical reality of urban crime over the last quarter century.
" reminded of Oprah Winfrey's comments years ago after she'd become successful. She stated that at some point she realized that no matter how often she gave someone 500 bucks for the light bill or put someone on a bus for home again, that she wasn't actually helping change anything. Realizing that pouring her money down the typical "help me" drain did nothing to alleviate the problem, Ms. Winfrey then attempted to help schoolchildren in Chicago and elsewhere (Black children) get supplies and clothes for school--only to rebuffed by spoiled brats and families that she said demanded things like new Jordans and fancy shirts instead of winter coats and new books"
So....oprah got a tiny little taste of how white america feels, huh?
Sometimes i think she must be smart enough to see the plain Truth as we do, then i remember that she made a billion dollars sucking up to white suburban moms, not actually achieving anything. She had a tv show. Big deal.
Not really. A close reading will show that she doesn't use the word "whites", and that's because she doesn't even believe that whites, as a biological group, really exist. She believes only in the raceless individual.
Sorry but Ayn Rand won't survive the internet anymore than race denial. That's because we can read about the real Ayn Rand and not the one that has been Whitewashed by the Libertarian Party.
You tell me which of these are false:
1. Ayn Rand admired child killer William Hickman
2. Ayn Rand opposed White collective action
3. Ayn Rand was a heavy meth user
4. Ayn Rand opposed borders
Answer: All are true.
Anonymous said...
Great story. That reminded me of something I saw on the Internets earlier: There is a large luxury apartment complex in South Africa that was taken over by squatters after Apartheid ended.
Ponte City, Johannesburg.
Centurion, your old home, sweet home. There's a whole photo spread there.
I'm neither a lawyer nor politician, and I'm most certainly not a Negro.....
So how would federal or state governments both prevent a business from moving and also force it to stay open?
This is the failure of BRA's end game.
Negroes must have access to White civilization and tax dollars.
Whites will use any and every means at their disposal to not live and work around Negroes.
These facts are immutable.
Jesse, Barry, Eric, Al, Michelle and every Negro candlelight vigil and 10-point "stop the violence/take back the streets" initiative in the world can't change them.
Negroes always lose.
It's amazing how polarizing of a figure Ayn Rand was. The Fountain Head and Atlas shrugged are still good books imo.
AnalogMan said ”Anonymous said...
Great story. That reminded me of something I saw on the Internets earlier: There is a large luxury apartment complex in South Africa that was taken over by squatters after Apartheid ended.
Ponte City, Johannesburg.
Centurion, your old home, sweet home. There's a whole photo spread there.”
The visible black hand of economics appears to function as well in Johannasburg as it does in Detriot. Perhaps it works so reliably because the only necessary component is black people.
Anonymous said ”. . . So how would federal or state governments both prevent a business from moving and also force it to stay open? . . .”
I don't believe that we have reached the point where BRA can force private entities to operate at a loss, but BRA could persuade businesses to remain with sufficient subsidies.
Another possibility would be for the government to actually run businesses on its own. These businesses could hire highly paid incompetent blacks who could never be fired, and they could operate at an enormous loss indefinitely. As government operated businesses they would probably receive the protection of the Department of Homeland Security and other benefits not available to private businesses. It would be very similar to the way most of our government bureaucracy functions at the present.
Why do the Blacks have Black History Month, MLK Day, Juneteenth, Kwanza, and I know I left something out.
No other ethnic group has any recognition like the Blacks. The Native Americans suffered more than Blacks, yet there is no recognition for them. It is disturbing that Blacks get such special treatment in every way imaginable.
The information about Oprah Winfrey helping American Blacks is very telling. And yet more money is thrown at the Blacks, and yet........nothing changes, or improves.
Ayn Ran was a race denier because her entire philosophy is problematic if intelligence differences and other traits like self-control are largely immutable. If a group of workers from Haiti are not nearly as useful as a group of workers from Canada because of genetics then your theory that only great individuals matter falls apart. Opening your border to Haiti or the third world becomes an incredibly stupid idea if you can't mold them into equally capable citizens.
Libertarianism is just as heavily steeped in race denial as Progressivism because it has to be. If Ayn Rand were alive today she would be in a forum trying to explain away Bidil or intelligence tests. Libertarianism requires race denial.
Look I bet most here have gone through the Libertarian stage just as many of us have gone through a liberal stage. It just doesn't work with the reality of race. It's nothing to be ashamed of.
I am still trying to find a compatible reconciliation between libertarianism and race realism.
Why? I don't think need Whites need Ayn Rand or any "ism" that tries to oversimplify society
Why should anyone read her books? Because she criticizes socialism? So what, she wasn't the first to do that nor the best by a longshot. She is a race denier in the same vein as Diamond or Wise in that I highly doubt they actually believe it in private. Her books should be thrown in the garbage less another impressionable high schooler comes across them and believes she has all the answers. Anyone who has studied racial differences in detail can see her books are a scam. I don't believe for one second that she thought her race-accepting pals were barnyard animals.
Long Island Guido said...
Sarcasm over. I just cant fucking stand this world anymore....
Hang in there, Long Island Guido.
It's not the whole world that has gone crazy...there are plenty of other nations on this planet that have maintained a civilized society.
I believe we are all equal to the extent none of us had any choice as to our parentage, or to put it another way, had any choice as to the time and place of our birth.
Sure but what does that mean for public policy? These philosophical definitions of equality don't solve our problems and seem like an avoidance of the harsh reality of biological inequality. You can talk about equality of birth or "everyone has blood" but that doesn't change the fact that blacks are destroying cities or that our government is broke and yet continues to subsidize the destruction.
Six foot two and eyes of blue, ladies.
Scot Irish
'I am still trying to find a compatible reconciliation between libertarianism and race realism.'
1. Blacks
2. Freedom
3. Civilization
Histroy has proven that a society can have two of the three but never all three at the same time. We have to choose which two we want.
Freedom is literally like a loaded gun. Only responsible adults can handle it safely. Irresponsible man-children with guns is only going to cause chaos.
If you believe man has free will, then you must also believe that all individuals are equal in potential, since they are all equally unconstrained by causality.
And if you believe that, then you also have to believe a belief in free will also entails a belief that all individuals are equally tall. Do the data support that conclusion?
Non sequitur, unless tallness is a matter of will. Also, you seem to be missing the point. If the will is a property of the "soul" and not the body, then like the soul, the will is raceless.
If you believe man has free will, then you must also believe that all individuals are equal in potential, since they are all equally unconstrained by causality. The idea of biological race also becomes incoherent, as race can determine nothing regarding the will or "soul".
Rand also held that there is a bright line between humans and animals, which has been disproven by the language-using gorillas and chimpanzees. This goes with Rand's notion that traits are all-or-nothing (something is A or it is not-A), rather than lying on a continuum. It is a fundamental error of epistemology, taking as axiomatic a notion that should have been subject to empirical test... which it would have failed. And if you've read Rand, you know how ironic that is.
Again, I have to ask, has any Objectivist ever made Ayn Rand's arguments to any black organization and gotten anywhere? Would Randians even conceive of such a thing?
No and I don't see them lining up to tell Israel to open its borders or to drop their DNA testing of immigrants because race doesn't exist.
Libertarianism is a dead end just like Progressivism. It will be around a long time but will be ultimately doomed by its flawed assumptions. How much destruction will be caused until that point is the question.
They don't want to grow up
They're a Toys "B" Us kid... ♪
With walls made of cow dung, and the remnants of years of meals on the floor.
"Winfrey abandoned her efforts in America and went to South Africa, where she used her funds to give really poor kids an education that they were happy to receive."
Ah right!
Like the williams grotesques are "ladies", for the purposes of tennis watching halfwits.
I love the smell of anthropomorphism in the morning!
It smells like.....
Oprah Winfrey South African school of Rape & Infanticide
I'm more speciesist than racist.
Separate species. All Moths.
Separate species. All Hominids.
The negro isn't, never was, and never can be Human.
No more than an Ostrich can live as a Penguin.
The obvious difference being, Ostrich's and Penguins are endearing,in contrast to kunta kinte's vile collective character. Provoking a revulsion in any and all Humans unfortunate enough to find themselves in proximity.
Tommy Atkins
I've read of numerous cases where people made loving pets of tigers, wolves, bobcats, raccoons, ravens, and other predators. Of course you never trust them completely. That would be foolish.
Success rates are lower with other groups, especially primates.
I wouldn't mess with wild animals. These animals are, by definition, not wild.
Bears are weird. I've always found them vaguely repulsive, wild or otherwise.
Sadly, recent findings in neurology indicate that the idea of free will is probably an illusion. We are largely governed by our unconscious mind.
OT. I'm reading "Escape From Detroit", and reading people talk about successful sports teams bringing hope to third world ABRA cities blows my mind. It's NFL trading season apparently, because guys at work are talking about "who we got" or "who left our team", but at the end of the day, I don't care which nigger with a ball can run faster than the other nigger with a ball. Poor blacks truly admire these ball carriers though, which is strange because most of these athletes can barely read. And at the end of the day, only 1% of the niglets who aspire to the great position of being an illiterate ball carrier will make it, then they will likely go bankrupt living a morally depraved lifestyle, then rely on lawsuits to afford them food and lodging. Niglets will dream their Niglet dreams, but I'll never understand the working class and upper middle class whites that watch it. Let alone those that play "fantasy" football. Daydreaming of the fastest illiterate African with a ball. Stop watching black sports.
I feel badly for the whites in Selma and Ferguson, but I understand why even those that could hesitate to leave.I wouldn't want to leave my home either. It's where I raised my kids; where I met, married, loved, and buried my wife. Fortunately I chose a place in large part for it's racial makeup both past and future. There's less than .5% Negroes here, and with nothing around to attract them, no public transportation, no low skilled jobs etc., it's liable to stay Negroid-free for quite some time. Sure I had to drive 1.25 hours to work each way for almost 30 years, but it was worth it.
I have driven the hallowed road from Montgomery to Selma. I have driven over the venerated Pettus Bridge. Pick up all the trash you want...won't help disguise the crap hole that is modern day Selma. You can't discard laziness. You can't throw away zero work ethic. The only good thing about Selma is when I see it in my rear view mirror.
I've been reading the comments for weeks and it's frustrating not understanding the "lingo." Will someone please translate this for me: "Aybah poda hep"
I know it's ebonics but for the life of me I can't figure out what it says or means.
Just a suggestion, but perhaps a permanent page with translations for newbies is in order?
Love the site BTW
Why should anyone read her books? Because she criticizes socialism?
Because she lays out the blueprint for the construction of a philosophy (Objectivism) in detail that's not hard to understand. She got a fair amount wrong, but finding and understanding those errors is worthwhile education in itself.
That said, Rand should only be read by people who are anti-dogma and have a high ability to follow abstractions. Taking Rand literally is just another variety of fundamentalism.
I am still trying to find a compatible reconciliation between libertarianism and race realism.
Let's look at the real world. Are black-run societies libertarian? In Africa, most black majority rule countries are one-party states, or failed states (which can not protect liberties).
Libertarian theory calls for government to arbitrate legal disputes via an honest court system. In much of Africa (and the Caribbean), black governments are hideously corrupt.
Objectivists denounce race as "barnyard collectivism." Yet many African countries routinely practice ethnic atrocities.
Has black majority rule in Zimbabwe or South Africa led to a respect for property rights? No, because we see their governments seizing property of white people.
Black rule = end of liberty.
What about here in the USA? Does black dominance of a polity create more liberty? No, because black dominance leads to censorship (speech codes), conscription (busing), higher taxes (welfare state), paramilitary policing (to keep a lid on black crime), more big government (to run the "equal opportunities" bureaucracy), state mandated indoctrination ("diversity"), and the destruction of local autonomy (the state and federal government must bail out the Detroits). And oh yes, infringement on property rights because of "open housing" policies. We might also note that blacks use force to get their way via civil disobedience, riots and flashmobs.
A mere 13% blacks will cause a society to go into big government mode. Think about that. A mere 13% of the populace is sufficient to turn a free country into a welfare-police state. Then look at black majority polities, from Haiti to Detroit to Uganda. About as anti-libertarian as you can get. Even the relatively small number of blacks in European countries is enough to cause them to expand the power of the state to deal with the violence and dysfunction.
Black minority = end to liberty.
It just may be that there is a racial component to a free society. It just may take a higher order of men/women to create liberty. Certainly the Found Fathers of the USA believed in what they termed a natural aristocracy to preserve freedom. One of the reasons for segregation was that white leaders realized that you needed a disciplined populace to maintain freedom. White people can discipline themselves; blacks need discipline from outside.
Ayn Rand could make much of the Men of the Mind as opposed to the parasite class. These may seem to be harsh terms, but where do we see the Men (and Women) of the Mind? Mainly in polities with high-IQ/future time oriented (etc) demographics. Where do we see the masses waving their begging bowls at the TV cameras? Mainly in Africa, Detroit and Haiti. Race realists point out the genetic component of all this. The genetics translate into the culture which leads to the politics.
It just may be that liberty is not a universal principle for mankind. It just may be that it is directly related to the racial composition of a polity. If so, the current struggle is not simply between whites and blacks, but also freedom and tyranny.
And yet more money is thrown at the Blacks, and yet........nothing changes, or improves.
Let's look at this objectively. Where have blacks been "uplifted" to the point where they could function in white society?
Under colonialism or under black majority rule?
Under US occupation in Haiti 1915-34, or left to their own devices since?
Under segregation or under the current civil rights/welfare state regime?
What about Europa? Are European countries made more free by importing large numbers of Africans? We have seen the massive upsurge in crime and rioting engendered by relatively small numbers of Africans in London and many more cities. And the expansion of the welfare bureaucracy to keep the African demographic alive. It appears that a general lockdown is required.
This gets back to the point made about about blacks-freedom-civilization. Objectively speaking, it appears a country can have only two of the three.
If this assessment is wrong, then perhaps someone can point out where.
"Ayn Ran was a race denier because her entire philosophy is problematic if intelligence differences and other traits like self-control are largely immutable. If a group of workers from Haiti are not nearly as useful as a group of workers from Canada because of genetics then your theory that only great individuals matter falls apart. Opening your border to Haiti or the third world becomes an incredibly stupid idea if you can't mold them into equally capable citizens."
Exactly. Beautiful summation.
Moreover, in her hatred of the Christian Church, she discards all moralizing aspects of religion, leaving the establishment of moral standards to "rationality". In the "rationality" of the pervert, all things are possible, and believe me, the ranks of Industrialists are filled perverts. After all, they are human.
Sure I had to drive 1.25 hours to work each way for almost 30 years, but it was worth it.
March 12, 2015 at 5:57 AM"
1.25 x 2 x 250 (work days) x 30 = 18,750 hours on the road or 781.25 days or 2.14....years.
The title of your commentary starts out with (why), we all know the why. The real question is how, how do we get rid of the problem? We should have picked the cotton ourselves.
That video about the basketball brawl... keep watching until the last few seconds (around 1:41)... the mascot comes out onto the court and starts dancing to take everybody's mind off the fight! LMAO!!
Anon said
Just a suggestion, but perhaps a permanent page with translations for newbies is in order?
We have one of those.
We should have picked the cotton ourselves.
A large part of the problem is that the Whites sent over to pick the cotton (and the tobacco, and everything else) simply died.
Anonymous said...
If you believe man has free will, then you must also believe that all individuals are equal in potential, since they are all equally unconstrained by causality.
And if you believe that, then you also have to believe a belief in free will also entails a belief that all individuals are equally tall. Do the data support that conclusion?
Non sequitur, unless tallness is a matter of will. Also, you seem to be missing the point. If the will is a property of the "soul" and not the body, then like the soul, the will is raceless.
March 11, 2015 at 9:25 PM
Well that's the whole point, isn't it? Of course, tallness is not a matter of will. But no more so is "potential". I no more have to accept your assertion than you have to accept mine. It is, as you say, a non sequitur.
You really should get a name, as I'm sure you could contribute to the discussion. But this free will thing is a dead end, since, as I've said before, there's nothing practical we can do about it, one way or another. Whether or not we have free will, we are obliged to live as if we have, and make the best decisions we can.
It seems as if you are simply using sophistry to attack religion in general, which is ironic, since by your own argument all religions, and the people who hold them, are inevitable consequences of the big bang. Why do you keep trying to change what has to be? Do you think you (and I) actually have free will?
I've kinda figured it out.
White America's relationship with the African negro is summed up by looking at Vegas entertainers' Siegfried and Roy's relationship with their trained Siberian tigers: fun to watch and entertaining for awhile, but it's just a matter of time until they BITE YOUR FUCKING FACE OFF !!!!!!
Enough already. Africans shouldn't be in America. They have their own continent with dozens of black countries; let them live there free from the awful White racism in the USA.
Remember, any successful black has a high degree of White DNA in them; remind them of that.
Success rates are lower with other groups, especially primates.
There is a real nasty side to chimps that is kept from the public. In the wild they are cannibalistic and extremely brutal.
My friend knew someone who worked at a zoo who quit because of the chimps. He said they were always trying to escape and always looked at you like a meal.
Anon at 7:52, "Aybah poda hep" is how Ebonic Americans say "Everybody's supposed to help" meaning Whites are supposed to give their money and often their lives when blacks need or demand it.
Make the looters and rioters clean up the mess they made it after all
"Of course, tallness is not a matter of will."
But some things are.
"But this free will thing is a dead end, since, as I've said before, there's nothing practical we can do about it, one way or another. Whether or not we have free will, we are obliged to live as if we have, and make the best decisions we can."
Understanding the hidden roots of the egalitarian misconception is important. You can bet your raceless, immortal, free-will- having soul on it!
You are confusing JUDEO Christianity with real or traditional Christianity. I'd enlighten you on the difference but it won't make it past the censors. Suffice it to say that in traditional Christianity race or blood is everything.
The stoop. You are indeed an authentic New Yorker, Ex or otherwise
lol stoop is an old Dutch word for step.There are still a lot of Dutch words around. Kil means river;bowerie=farm;Konijn Eiland=rabbit island etc
Some people will even say dis or dat for this or that
Anonymous said...
"Of course, tallness is not a matter of will."
But some things are.
OK, now I'm really confused. I thought this whole thing started with your contention that there is no such thing as free will?
Genome man? Can you give us any insight in the recent discovery of the large brain gene, and if, indeed it is missing in Africans? I would think it is based on it only comes from our admixture of Neanderthal and Devisonian heritage, and no utterance of this blasphemy in the the press or journals.
I wonder if the KKK would like to adopt-a-highway in Selma? The aggravation value to the locals would be well worth it.
I nearly spit out my coffee when I read this! Thanks for the giggle!!
When my fiance and I moved into our house a few years ago, it seemed like a really nice, clean neighborhood. I looked at it both times in the daytime and it wasn't until after we signed the lease and began to move our stuff in that it was pretty 'dark' around this area. Thankfully we moved into an area with some class but my fiance said next time, we're not signing any leases until we drive through at night lol
These people are so dumb that they don't know that this is wrong. Until the world faces the reality that these people are not capable of living in a civilized society, nothing will ever change. Pretending that these people are the same as whites is disastrous for blacks as well as whites. They cannot be expected to do what they're not capable of doing. They will never be successful regardless of how much money is thrown at the problems. They are DUMB. That's why Selma looks like it does. These people are not civilizable. It's obvious all over the world where blacks are a majority.
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