“ As for 'unusual,' punishment must be unusual or it serves no purpose.”
-- Starship Troopers
Without remorse.
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The face of criminality in Charlotte, North Carolina: black |
Without hesitation.
Without any media glorifying the "rights" of the criminals.
In every major city across the nation, the police know exactly who is committing the crime, dealing the drugs, and harboring the violent offenders. And occasionally, they are unleashed to do something about it. [Crackdown on drug trade in Charlotte neighborhood leads to indictments, arrests, Charlotte Observer, 1-27-16]:
A predawn raid Wednesday by more than 100 law enforcement officers led to the arrest of almost 20 people accused of turning the Belmont community into an “open-air drug market” that catered to the entire city.
In all, 28 defendants face state or federal charges stemming from the crack cocaine trade in the east Charlotte neighborhood, long plagued by poverty, joblessness and crime. A combined posse of FBI agents, state troopers and Charlotte-Mecklenburg police were still hunting six of the accused late Wednesday afternoon. Most of those in custody have extensive criminal histories, officials said.
A sweeping federal indictment charges 20 defendants with multiple counts of crack possession and conspiracy to sell. Each charge carries a maximum 20-year sentence and $1 million fine.
“To the law-abiding citizens who reside in these areas, we will continue to work ... to combat drug activity and violent crime,” said U.S. Attorney Jill Rose. “To those who engage in criminal activity, our message is clear: We will not sit on the sidelines while you continue to pollute our neighborhoods with drugs and crime.”Rose, with top FBI and Charlotte-Mecklenburg police leaders alongside, spoke during a press conference at a Central Avenue police station not far from where the early morning arrests were made.
The raid culminated an investigation triggered by a surge in violent crime in Belmont believed tied to drugs. CMPD Deputy Chief Doug Gallant said during one three-month stretch, his officers answered 31 calls for “shots fired.”
John Strong, head of FBI operations statewide, said the drug trade brought crime and violence to the majority of Belmont residents “who have chosen to live their lives peacefully.”
The neighborhood’s struggles have been chronic. According to the Quality of Life Explorer, a joint data effort by the city, county and UNC Charlotte’s Urban Institute, the majority black community north of Central Avenue has almost six times the rate of violent crime, half the rate of home ownership and a third the college degrees as the rest of Mecklenburg County.
Carl Taylor, 72, a longtime deacon at St. Paul Baptist Church in the heart of community, says prostitutes and drug traffickers operate openly on street corners and sidewalks. His church’s windows, he says, have been punctured by bullets.
Invited to attend the press conference by police, Taylor described the crackdown as “an important first step. But I haven’t heard a lot about what’s the next step.”
He motioned to where police had placed the mug shots of those arrested. Some of those men and women had long before become familiar presences around his church, Taylor said.
Unless the city, police and residents do more to confront the community’s problems, Taylor predicted Belmont’s street corners will be manned by new faces “before the sun goes down.”
“To poor folks,” he said, “selling drugs is the easiest job in the world.”Perhaps Carl Taylor, a longtime deacon at St. Paul Baptist Church, a more civil action should emerge to persuade "poor folks" from engaging in vice "before the sun goes down...."
Hang each and every one of the 28 defendants arrested in the Belmont community as a sign that criminality has consequences.
America might be irredeemable, but that doesn't mean the descendants of the founding stock of the United States of America are without options in restoring hope to a world gone mad.
WBTV 3 News, Weather, Sports, and Traffic for Charlotte, NC
You know darn well the marches, protests, sit-ins, Sharpton & the race-baiter speeches and rallys and the rest of the three ring circus are coming !
Hell, with this corrupt and racist administration, a DoJ investigation wouldn't surprise anyone here !
We all know the truth: Crime in the US = Blacks. Triple for violent or sex crimes.
The challenge is: what do we do about it when our government and the powers behind our current society won't admit it under penalty of death ?
Survive. Take care of your & out own. Be prepared in case we get lucky and the SHTF. That's the only option. If it happens, hit them and hit them hard - no mercy. Like one does to a roach or ant infestation. It's the White species' only hope.
Great! Another chance for people to whine about "profiling" and "disparate impact". Another oppurtunity to put the hand out for more gibs . . . job training and outreach and programs and . . .
This is more rearranging of the deck chairs on the Titanic. Too many people needing to be rescued and not enough lifeboats. If you're ina situation where 1600 people who don't know how to swim are going to be in the water, and there's only 24 life preservers, guess what? Mpst of those in the water ain't gonma make it.
The article didn't specify, but out of all those residents without college degrees, how many even made it through high school? Not too many jobs out there for people with no skills or without brains enough to learn one.
Quite a few posters have observed that the dindus are the liberals pets, and they are right, so far as that goes. The problem is, now that they've gotten used to being fed from the table, they want more. Once the last scraps are gone, then what? An out of control population will turn feral as the resources decline.
Anyone who got a first-aid merit badge understands the concept of triage. You have to allocate limited resources to obtain the maximum desired outcome. This country is hemorrhaging, and we're running out of bandages. Prep up!
Malcolm Ex-Lax
"I must preface this correction with a statement of disappointment. I never thought there could be anyone this dumb in the commentariat here.
Actually, "talented tenth" means 10% so "talented fifth" would be 5%.
Thank you, Mr. Innumerate. 1/5 is not 5%, it's 20% (5 * (1/5) = 1.0, 5 * 0.20 = 1.0). 5% is 1/20, 1/50 is 2%."
Thank you so much. However, if you couldn't comprehend that the original poster fully meant 5%, then perhaps you should hone your reading comprehension skills instead of playing grammar cop. Namecalling is a low I.Q. response, but you have every right to open your mouth and remove all doubt. BTW, congrats on finding your way around the parental controls.
Carl Taylor, a longtime deacon at St. Paul Baptist Church [said]...“To poor folks,” he said, “selling drugs is the easiest job in the world.”
Maybe, but someone needs to ask why is it that with all the "programs" from which blacks can benefit, nobody in the 'hood seems to be doing any of the following:
* studying hard so they can get a Bill Gates' Scholarship
* applying for any number of civil service jobs whose standards have been lowered for "diversity"
* working for a blacks-only government or corporate grant/contract
* taking advantage of five decades of war on poverty, enterprise zones, public housing and etc., to build legit businesses
* having Oprah invest in the inner city, perhaps a recording company for aspiring rappers
Of course we know the answer.
The streets went wrong.
Boat rides to Africa. Until then, we keep going in circles.
Oh, but Paul--didn't you get the (((Baby Boomer))) memo?
Drug dealing and use are a victimless crime!
Nothing to see here, move along!
Looks like someone didn't get the memo. The memo that says that all lowly common negroes are entitled to sell narcotics as their primary job. And if the police department goes rouge and makes some arrests then that police department will be labeled racist. And when that happens it opens the door for all kinds of civil lawsuits. How dare us GREATWHITES make them negroes do real work for a living. Insanity has opened its doors and America has walked through that Threshold!
Like Michigan Jim said. Leave it to beaver(2016)with better electronics. When you take those lowly common negroes out of America.
Absolutely, PK! Vigorously enforce the existing gun laws and start in the top thirty gun violence hotspots in America (aka n*ggerhoods). Cordon off the entire area; door to door searches. Off to long prison sentences offshore.
This could be the first article posted here that put "shots fired" in quotes before we did in the comments.
“To poor folks,” he said, “selling drugs is the easiest job in the world.”
See, it's YT's fault again. We just don't send them enough welfare money and move the jobs away from the black neighborhoods. These "poor folks" have no other choice but to engage in the criminal activity.
"...long plagued by poverty, joblessness and crime..."
Another one straight off the PC allowable phrase list.
Translation: "...long plagued by blacks..."
O/T but interesting:
Welfare stats according to:
Total number on welfare - 110,489,000
Percent of recipients who are black - 39.8%
Check my calculator's math but that's 43,974,622 yet Wiki shows a 2010 black pop of only 37,685,848. I must be missing something here which wouldn't be the first time.
This all comes back to survival.
Why does Western civilization have rules of conduct that invariably develop into legal systems? Because it increases the survival rate of its members, arguably benefiting criminal and good citizen alike (criminals are nominally protected from other criminals under the same aegis of justice).
When law and order is the rule rather than the exception, civilized people are generally free to go about their individual lives. Prosperity, commerce, art, culture, science, technology and human progress all flourish under this simple principle.
Civilized people are law abiding because it makes a better world, one that advances their group survival. It is now engrained in our very DNA by means of self-selection.
Dindus evolved solely to survive the innate, irrepressible savagery of other Dindus. That's why they will never (as a group) be able to embrace civilization or act like YT.
Wonder how long before the DOJ is turned loose on the FBI and the other agencies?
Oh, and it appears the N.O.I. is represented in this fine group of upstanding citizens.
If lawyers didn't give every swinging dick on the planet US constitutional rights, criminals like these could be taken out and shot. But then lawyers couldn't milk taxpayers for a living.
Thirty busted drug dealing nogs or thirty new Yoof Empowahment Centahs?
Lmao. They are a failed species.
Won't matter. As Taylor said, "I haven't heard about the next step". Since he, and the rest of his tribe won't take the next step, (of turning in any new dealers, murderers, etc) more will just pop up. When the current crop gets out early for good behavior, (only fucking their cellmates maybe) there will be even more. Execution is the only way to stem the numbers.
Ok all you suburbanites, look at those fifteen mug shots up there and pick out two or three to be moved onto your cul-de-sac by the AFFH.
Come on, you're not a racist are you? Think of all the culture!
I'm going with bottom left and bottom second from right because they look the dumbest and hopefully most likely to die in a cooking accident.
Plagued by poverty
Plagued by joblessness
Plagued by crime
Blah blah blah
But why?
Six times the rate of violent crime as the rest of the county? That's a great way to attract new business to relieve that plaguing poverty. I bet major commercial enterprises are just fighting tooth and nail to be the first ones to break ground north of Central Avenue! Jobs come from EMPLOYERS. And no employer is going anywhere near that mess until the risk analysis looks a bit more cheerful.
Also, only one third of the college degrees of the rest of the county? I wonder if that has any connection to the inexplicable plague of joblessness. Any negro in that neighborhood can begin college classes for literally $0 and ¢0 as soon as the next semester starts. They'll even kick a white kid off the rolls just to make room of they have to. Plague my ass. The blacks haven't got college degrees because they choose not to make the effort, minimal as it may be as blacks are all but guaranteed to graduate with honors.
I mean you heard the man heself say it from his own gigantic lips:
"Selling drugs is the easiest job.."
I'm yet to find pity for any of these animals.
Time to rally the animals and start demanding jussiss an ansuhs!
The thing I love most about the black community is their complete inability to wipe their own asses and THEN, complain about the manner in which their asses are being wiped by someone that has to do it for them. They are professionals at complaining only. They will never utter the words "thank you" or "how can we help?" in a situation like this. They won't notice that it wasn't EVIL YT on their street corners, selling drugs, shooting people, running prostitution, living like rabid dogs, etc. They will only notice that all the faces of crime in their city are black, realize that it doesn't look good on them that the white, civilized segment of society had to come into their shithole to clean up the trash for them. They have PRIDE! No white man is going to shine a light on the underlying reason for their pathetic lives because it does not fit their narrative. They have been given their nonsensical terms of "abject poverty" and "systemic racism" which sound important but, ultimately mean absolutely nothing. Nope, EVIL YT came to town with their statistics, investigations, laws and logical thinking that laid the blame for their problems right at their feet and they don't like it.
Boo fucking hoo for them.
Unless the city, police and residents do more to confront the community’s problems, Taylor predicted Belmont’s street corners will be manned by new faces “before the sun goes down.”
So wait now they want MORE policing? I can't keep up. Didn't we just yesterday hear a revrun say that they can't police thier way out of this problem? If the police went and really cleaned up the streets the negroes would be screaming brutality and despairate impact. If you back off a little bit (see Baltimore) the blacks wail on and on about raycisss and somebody gots to do something about this problem we keep causing. It never stops.
Black teen continually cuts holes in the bottom of a boat. 100 people on board, lives are at stake. You...
A.) Plug the hole.
Result: Raycisss! Muh opresshuns! Hands Up Don't Shoot!
B.) Don't plug the hole.
Result: Raycisss! Somebody gots to do sumthin! Eyboda poda hep!
C.) Spend trillions of taxpayer dollars over 60+ years and tolerate an unbelievable amount of social destruction attempting to get the black kid to behave like the other 99 people on the boat who aren't cutting holes in the bottom.
Result: BRA 2016, boat sinking rapidly.
D.) Smack the black kid on its muzzle and throw him overboard, save the life ring. Plug the hole right away and make a rule against future holes.
Result: Ghastly looks and screams from some of the passengers, muffled approval and slight nods from others, roaring applause from the rest. Regardless of thier initial reactions, after a few minutes everyone on board realizes how nice it is to be on a boat that isn't sinking anymore. Smells better too.
""I must preface this correction with a statement of disappointment. I never thought there could be anyone this dumb in the commentariat here.
Actually, "talented tenth" means 10% so "talented fifth" would be 5%.
Thank you, Mr. Innumerate. 1/5 is not 5%, it's 20% (5 * (1/5) = 1.0, 5 * 0.20 = 1.0). 5% is 1/20, 1/50 is 2%."
Thank you so much. However, if you couldn't comprehend that the original poster fully meant 5%, then perhaps you should hone your reading comprehension skills instead of playing grammar cop. Namecalling is a low I.Q. response, but you have every right to open your mouth and remove all doubt. BTW, congrats on finding your way around the parental controls."
Enough already, clearly a couple of posters were unable to read between the lines and were eager to impress with their mad math skills. Let's move on now.
Is it possible, just a little teensy bit, that all of these folks were just about to, maybe just a heartbeat away from, turning their lives around?
To poor folks,” he said, “selling drugs is the easiest job in the world.”
Wow. Really?!!
I wasn't born into wealth. In the past, when I wanted money I worked a paper route. Then, I cut yards. I finally waited tables before joining the Army. I put myself through college and now, grad school. Think about all that wasted effort. If only I knew the secret. Thanks, magic negro! Think of all that 'white privilege' I leveraged.
...God, I hate these creatures.
I would like to see numbers for hispanic and white too. 40 percent for black seems low, but again, not all the numbers are present
Poverty, joblessness and crime beez rayciss. Why else would sentient entities like these specifically target innocent negroids for "plaguing"?
"The neighborhood’s struggles have been chronic. According to the Quality of Life Explorer, a joint data effort by the city, county and UNC Charlotte’s Urban Institute, the majority black community north of Central Avenue has almost six times the rate of violent crime, half the rate of home ownership and a third the college degrees as the rest of Mecklenburg County. "
Well split my dick and call my Caitlin. Who would have ever thought the majority black part of town would be full of under-achievers? Of course the authors likely intend us to mistake causality here and interpret that when all the college degrees, wealth, law and order, and homes are being passed out "they" simply didn't get around to divvying up a fair share to blacks.
“To poor folks,” he said, “selling drugs is the easiest job in the world.”
F**K you N***R! I'm so sick of this meme and it's beginning to really boil my blood.
These "poor" blacks get free housing, free food, free utilities, free healthcare, free walking around money, free education, free sail foam, free public transportation. AND they get preference over anybody else in college admissions and public and private sector jobs.
Isn't selling drugs an easy job for poor white folks? How come we (by and large) don't take that as our first choice when times get tough? I see real "poor" people who hunt and fish for food; out in the country we forage for food that grows wild, plant a garden, and raise livestock. "Poor" white people collect scrap metal for cash, and gather pallets to burn for heat (saving the nails after they've burned to sell for scrap metal). "Poor" white people cut and split firewood to sell at a profit, they find or MAKE opportunities. None of which pay as well as selling cocaine, yet we chose to take the hard-way-round for some reason?
Robbing banks pays even better than selling dope and in a lot less hours "worked" but you don't see many of us doing that either because it's illegal and mostly because it is wrong. It infuriates me that nobody calls these congenital criminals on comments like this. Always the world owes them a free and easy ride and it's accepted as gospel.
"Taylor described the crackdown as “an important first step. But I haven’t heard a lot about what’s the next step.” "
The next step, and the only one that will really solve the problem of black dysfunction is complete removal of each and every one of them from our midst by any means necessary. They must be either put in camps, reservations, or returned to their native homeland if we are to ever restore civilization.
The War on Drugs, which Nixon created back in the early '70s, was designed to do two things: Thwart the hippie upstarts protesting the Vietnam War and control the population via police tactics. The money running was always there, jacking up the prices of heroin, cocaine, and later crack. I believe the government saw it as a win-win.
Let's be honest. I grew up with the Baby Boomers, and there were plenty of white kids who did and still do drugs. They frequently travel to the hood to obtain them. That being said, about 90% of the white druggies eventually found their way to the straight and narrow path. With negroes, I'd venture to say that the exact opposite was true - propably more like 80% of blacks continued to use drugs while a 10-20% of them actually got their shiite together, got AA degrees, and nice, cushy gubmint jobs. I've long said that the negroes who didn't take advantage of AA would be constant losers in any society unfortunate enough to house them. Nothing's changed, it only gets worse.
The continued inability to take responsibility or even admit that there is a problem in the negro "culture" is further evidence that they will NEVER get their shiite together and will only drag themselves and the rest of civilization down with them. Our "leaders" seem to be okay with this, as active coddling of the negroes, wiping, powdering, and diapering their ample a**ses even in the face of a crippled economy goes on and on.
To put it bluntly and somewhat crudely, negroes are about as relevant to a 2016 world as a Victrola needle. Obsolete farm equipment is a most apt description. Wanna see a negro run faster than a gazelle? Chase after him with a hand full of job applications. The good revrun said it best: "Dealing drugs is the easiest way to get money." Out of the mouths of babes, my friends.....
Those snouts and their soulless dead eyes - shivers down my spine; like a casting call for a zombie movie. I just can't believe people let them live near their families and even support their breeding programs with their tax money. Utter insanity. Historians will look back on the negro era in America and shake their heads in disbelief. Pure insanity.
Genetic differences affect their behavior and IQ. That combo is repellant to non-negroids and they want to get away from them - a natural reaction (like a gazelle running from a lion). This behavior is then given the name "racism' and Humans simply trying to survive are shamed for their completely natural reaction! Unbelievable!
Imagine if you smacked your dogs face every time it licked its lips when shown a juicy steak? It would eventually rip your hand off. I think that's what non-negroes are eventually going to do when pushed too far. And that time is any day now.
Idea: let's take the necessary measures to turn some of our already-lost cities into Dindu holding areas.
Cancel AFFH; allow welfare only in the cities and not the countryside; cut public transport outside the city; etc etc. Have stricter laws for crime outside the city etc. Nogs will naturally be coerced into congregating in the cities and we can essentially keep them locked in there.
Kinda like Escape From NY. Do it gradually with laws and policies. Get into office and get creative at a local level. Keep your area nog free and it will spread and join with others. Push back.
Other ideas?
Gnome Sane said ”""I must preface this correction with a statement of disappointment. I never thought there could be anyone this dumb in the commentariat here.
Actually, "talented tenth" means 10% so "talented fifth" would be 5%.
Thank you, Mr. Innumerate. 1/5 is not 5%, it's 20% (5 * (1/5) = 1.0, 5 * 0.20 = 1.0). 5% is 1/20, 1/50 is 2%."
Thank you so much. However, if you couldn't comprehend that the original poster fully meant 5%, then perhaps you should hone your reading comprehension skills instead of playing grammar cop. Namecalling is a low I.Q. response, but you have every right to open your mouth and remove all doubt. BTW, congrats on finding your way around the parental controls."
Enough already, clearly a couple of posters were unable to read between the lines and were eager to impress with their mad math skills. Let's move on now.”
Gnome Sane is certainly right about the wisdom of refraining from making unnecessarily harsh comments when one feels the need to correct an error in someone's comment. I'm sure that my comments contain many grammatical errors and errors in punctuation that make more skilled writers cringe. If I mangle a sentence to the point that it is confusing, I welcome constructive comments that will assist with providing clarity.
I would consider the math error that we have been discussing to be minor in the context of the comment itself. It is clear that the writer feels that negroids are even dumber than we thought, but the erroneous reference to ratios suggests a possible misunderstanding of the significance of the term talented tenth. A friendly and helpful explanation would have been preferable to the more critical explanation that was offered.
There are a lot of very bright contributors on this blog, but none of them is an expert in everything. What might be obvious to a mathematician might not be obvious to a wordsmith. Lets keep this a friendly place.
“To those who engage in criminal activity, our message is clear: We will not sit on the sidelines while you continue to pollute our neighborhoods with drugs, crime, bastard children, weave and nail shops, loud Ebonical baby-talk, STDs, crap music, unsafe public transportation, theft, home-invasion, armed robbery, rape, lower property values..."
I can see why they just stated crime and left it at that. It is incredibly difficult to name all of the different ways negroes kill civilization. You wouldn't think that a group of people known for their laziness could destroy so much.
Steve Smith said ”To poor folks,” he said, “selling drugs is the easiest job in the world.”
Wow. Really?!!
I wasn't born into wealth. In the past, when I wanted money I worked a paper route. Then, I cut yards. I finally waited tables before joining the Army. I put myself through college and now, grad school. Think about all that wasted effort. If only I knew the secret. Thanks, magic negro! Think of all that 'white privilege' I leveraged.
...God, I hate these creatures.
I would like to clarify what might be a misunderstanding. The blacks aren't making the argument that they have to sell drugs because they cannot do anything else. Their statement makes it clear that they sell drugs because it is the easiest job in the world. They are just lazy.
They don't necessarily disagree with Steve Smith that they could do something harder, but they just don't want to. They wonder how people like Steve are dumb enough to deliver newspapers, mow lawns, join the Army, and pay for education. All of their basic needs are provided for by magic (taxpayer), and they can sell drugs for the extra things they want. They are not like us.
To live long enough to see the lies of the DWLs be laid bare for all to see...to actually see blacks reconcile themselves to admitting they are their own worst enemies and then DO something about it....to see law enforcement unschackled and able to perform the duties they were created to perform without political correctness hamstringing them....if I live long enough to see this with my own eyes, I shall cry tears of joy.
Yep. You're forgetting about the illegal aliens and refugees that identify as black. You know...the ones that aren't supposed to be receiving any benefits at all.
Still a disproportionately high number of black people on the welfare rolls. Who'd have thunk it?
All welfare stats are going to be skewed because they don't include:
1. State and city welfare. Liberal states and cities often have their own entitlement programs that aren't tracked nationally.
2. SSI fraud. This is reported by the Feds as disability but the system is rife with fraud and used like welfare.
Be wary of liberal deciet regarding welfare statistics. A common tactic is reporting a decrease in welfare spending by only looking at TANF and excluding Medicaid and SNAP. Medicaid has always been the biggest cost but dishonest liberal journalists will conveniently forget to mention it in their articles.
The other dishonest tactic is to report "average time enrolled in welfare" without taking into account multiple enrollments. So if I am on welfare for 4 years, spend 2 years off, and then re-enroll for another 4 years a liberal journalist would report "average enrollment is only 4 years".
Head start should also be considered welfare. It's really just pre-school and meals for people on the dole.
Their next step would have to be evolutionary and I'm afraid they may have reached their apex.
How about plagued by biology.
We can only hope since turning ones life around seems to be a precursor to exiting this world.
Check my calculator's math but that's 43,974,622 yet Wiki shows a 2010 black pop of only 37,685,848. I must be missing something here
Possibly all Spanish-culture Black and mixed are counted as Black. That would include a lot of Puerto Ricans and some Central Americans like Hondurans.
Is it possible, just a little teensy bit, that all of these folks were just about to, maybe just a heartbeat away from, turning their lives around?
Great insight! They're good when their heartbeat... stops.
I think we can all remember the article where the city of Chattanooga, TN printed a full page of photos of criminal negroes and the subsequent uproar that ensued over how racist that was. It will be the same in this case. For negroes, telling any truth about them and revealing how messed up their communities are is just an attempt to "make them look bad." As I keep saying, with negroes, Image is Everything, Substance is Nothing. Revealing what they truly are is "disrespecting" them and you ain't got no right to do dat. It enrages them to be outed and shown up-thus, making them "look bad" will always result in a chimpout. The only question is how bad the chimpout will be.
The second stage is always to play the victim and blame others for the conditions that have been revealed. It wouldn't be that way if not for you, you evil whitey- you caused it! You to blame! This always segues into trying to claim that other communities are just as bad and other people do it too except nobody targets those communities- just the poor, downtrodden, picked on black community.
The third stage is to go for the gibs and ask for or demand more programs and funding to "make a difference." They have no intention of changing anything but must present an illusion of "trying" in order to make themselves look good. The important thing is to get dat green while putting lipstick on the pig. It's nothing but negro image damage control. Essentially, everything is all your fault, you caused it all but the noble negroes are fighting against all the damage you've caused and all the problems you've created in their communities and you need to make amends and help them undo all the damage you've done. If you don't give up the money, put the programs in place and so on, that just proves your racist motivation is to keep the black community down. Never mind that none of the money or programs ever makes one damn bit of difference- you ain't supposed to notice dat!
The interesting thing is that all three stages can and often do erupt simultaneously.
If you are guilty of the crime of noticing this pattern and the hustle involved in it and dare speak about it, you a racist! Immediately, steps one through three will be repeated like clockwork.
Welcome to Negro Groundhog Day where everything is on repeat mode and never changes except for the worse.
C'mon folks, the poster that thought 1/5 was less than 1/10 is probably a child. People of all ages are posting here.
I like reading about and hearing about the negroes going to NU, hopefully some will graduate. So negroes keep up the good work! By the way,I have some stocks in Correction Corporation of America(CCA), it's a growing company.
One poster suggested sending all the groids to Liberia, no keep them here, they do not realize when they commit a crime and convicted they lose their 13th amendment rights. The Thirteenth Amendment (Amendment XIII) to the United States Constitution abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. So the negroe can be enslaved! Many are working in prisons for pennies a day, only down side to that, they are taking jobs away from people who are looking for work. These detainees are working in call centers in prison and making widgets. Now here's the shocker, some of the credit card companies are using the prison call centers.
I would suggest the negress who are receiving welfare benefits, should be put to work. During such things as cleaning up their neighborhoods, baby sitting other negress kids who are cleaning the streets. Make them work for their benefits.
Wow i bet the Chief of police will have to resign over this, he may even get arrested and charged with Hate Crimes.
There is a bugaboo that is addressed by no one which is military spending.
I respect the military and everything but I have been to Navy bases and witnessed people being paid to lift weights and play basketball. I'm sure someone will argue that they were probably off-shore and were on a boat for part of the year. That may be true but we could be paying them to do something other than sports. I also don't see why we have so many destroyers patrolling the seas when our enemies are desert based and rely on terrorism.
Half the US budget goes to the military. Anything Federal is going to have a lot of make-work jobs buried in the budget. Maybe someone with military experience could clue us in to where those jobs might be located.
I'm not a Libertarian but I'm not completely immune to the libertarian argument about drugs. Why do we care? We would save a lot of money and trouble if we just let it slide. If someone chooses to become addicted to some opiate or habituated on some form of cocaine - who really cares?
The best answer to that question is probably available in the history of Britain and China in the Opium Wars. We like to think of England as one of the civilized and modern nations on earth. But their actions in the nineteenth century opium wars were nearly as despicable as anything the Nazis did.
In the late eighteenth century England sent a diplomatic mission to China under Lord McCartney. It blew up when McCartney refused to kow-tow (kneel) to the Emperor. Both sides went away mad. Then the British burned down the Summer Palace - a huge conglomerate of buildings and gardens.
Britain had a balance of payments problem with China. Britain bought Chinese silk and Tea but China didn't buy anything of consequence from foreigners. So Britain decided to hook the Chinese population on dope so as to guarantee a steady supply customers. They forced China to take in opium with their gun boats. They went to war twice to ensure that the Chinese people were smoking their opium.
Why was China against opium smoking? Simply because it destroyed the lives of the people. Opium smokers didn't work and didn't eat. Their lives revolved around their opium pipe. China with a population of dopers had no army and no industrial work force. It was chemical conquest.
Fifty years ago Aldous Huxley wrote his science fiction novel "Brave New World". This was in a sense a companion piece to Orwell's "1984". In Huxley's dystopian vision of the future the government has created a drug called Soma. The public is controlled by its addiction to this 'designer drug' Soma.
So why not just let the black people, who are the principal consumers of illegal drugs, just take all the drugs they want, There would be many advantages. The government could tax the drugs. There would be no drug gangs. There would be much less street violence.
But America would lose the economic value of black peoples' labor just as the mandarins worried about losing the value of the labor of the Chinese peasants. But some would argue that that might not be so bad. Public welfare, food stamps and housing assistance are already addictive measures that keep blacks from being an economic benefit.
Difficult question.
Master, why are negroes the way they are?
Ah, Grasshopper, the negro is like water- it will always seek the easiest route to the lowest level possible.
But Master, so does sewage!
Yes, grasshopper- and that is why sewage and water must always be kept separate or all becomes polluted.
But master, the sewage always wants to become one with the water.
Yes, grasshopper, and that is where the wise man says, "Hell NO!"
Complete the ditty:
And daddy won't you take me back to Mecklinburg County
Down by the Green River where Paradise lay
Well, I'm sorry my son, but you're too late in asking,
I've been saying for years that we need to take a page from Singapore's book when it comes to dealing with crime & criminals. Steep fines for littering, canings for more serious crimes, and execute drug dealers and traffickers. I would imagine that would cull the herd pretty quickly, and send a strong message to those who think dealing drugs is a viable career choice.
Taylor described the crackdown as “an important first step. But I haven’t heard a lot about what’s the next step."
So what's the deal? I thought that the church leaders were supposed to be pillars of the community. Do they really need YT to come and hold their hand as they confront the problems in THEIR community---problems that they have historically ignored and/or enabled? Or do they feel content to simply blame all of it on lack of government funding? "The poor" doesn't know any other way. "Give a man a fish/Teach a man to fish" isn't applicable here. If that isn't a white flag, I don't know what is.
Just say it, already: "We cannot accomplish what so many others have before us in this great nation. We just aren't equipped to support ourselves and our children in the way that is expected and required of those living in a free-market economy. We do not possess skills that are of any value in the marketplace other than performing the most menial of tasks that do not pay enough to provide the scarcest of livings."
They can't do their fair share, yet they want more programs, more freebies, more tax dollars thrown their way from a base that they do not even contribute to. It would be interesting to see two separate nations and economies and the disparities between them after 60 years and the story that scenario would likely tell. Instead they live off of those that flourish...the very ones that they hate so much for holding them down.
Mr. Taylor hasn't "heard about the next step" because he's still listening for the "CHA-CHING" of the free-money express. I have a feeling that he won't like the next step. Think first Tuesday in November. TRUMP 2016.
“To poor folks,” he said, “selling drugs is the easiest job in the world.”
Another admission that black lives don't matter. The probability that the profession of “selling drugs” in the hood will result in the death or great bodily harm of the seller isn't even a factor. The likelihood of getting killed doesn't matter because black lives don't matter.
Probably some negress loading the statistics. Fuck checkin' da Math, dat be Whitey's job!
"I would like to see numbers for hispanic and white too. 40 percent for black seems low, but again, not all the numbers are present"
More numbers at the link provided above.
"Cancel AFFH; allow welfare only in the cities and not the countryside; cut public transport outside the city; etc etc. Have stricter laws for crime outside the city etc. Nogs will naturally be coerced into congregating in the cities and we can essentially keep them locked in there."
Could a municipality pass laws prohibiting Sec 8 housing?
"But America would lose the economic value of black peoples' labor "
Oh NO! Anything but that. "My business would be ruined without all my negro employees" (said nobody ever).
Is this satire, Pat? Care to take a stab at quantifying the collective "value" of negro labor? Once you add up all the "rising star" janitors and subtract the affirmative action hacks that throttle productivity, steal, sue and destroy through incompetence, what really is their net value?
I defy you to make a case for the value of the negro in our society.
Black lives don't matter to black trigger fingers.
Make the punishment for crime in America a few years years working on government organic cotton farms. I think the idea of spending years in a Southern field picking cotton might dissuade some of our young colored orcs from jacking that whip, or raping that White girl. Laboring orcs will be visible on a 24/7 video feed online so there friends in the hood can laugh at them.
And it's ORGANIC COTTON! Libs will be thrilled!
"The War on Drugs, which Nixon created back in the early '70s, was designed to do two things...."
...And give the CIA a ready source of funds free of Congressional oversight.
PaintJob Theory: "Isn't selling drugs an easy job for poor white folks? How come we don't take that as our first choice when times get tough?"
It's a lousy job for Whites, because our people don't offer a great market to sell in. If you went door-to-door selling drugs in a White neighborhood, you'd have a lot of unsold inventory, to say the least. As for the black hoods, you'd have to re-stock every hour. The blacktivist in the article admitted as much.
If you're White, you're better off selling cookies or lemonade or labor.
Give a negro a fish he eats for a day, teach a negro to fish he sells the gear for something shiny to hang around its neck and expects you to keep providing it with fish.
"It was chemical conquest."
Good post Pat. This can also be seen in the flooding of Russia with cheap heroin from American-controlled Afghanistan.
The more things change....
And daddy won't you take me back to Mecklinburg County
Down by the Green River where Paradise lay
Well, I'm sorry my son, but you're too late in asking,
I can't do it and won't try. My grandfather was relocated due to the construction of a dam ( not the one Mr. Prine's original ) and "Paradise" is one of the few songs that will have me a little choked up if I hear it.
In a sane and rationally run country,John Prine would have long since been declared a National Treasure.
Instead,he gets very little airplay ( none of the twentysomethings I work with have ever even heard of the man ),and we're treated to slops like The Kardashians and suchlike trash. Anyone ever wonder why that's the case?
Not difficult at all. Even though drug addicts might not think of MUCH else besides the pipe, they still have to eat. And if some 'boon offers them sex in exchange for drugs, they'll still procreate. Who pays for the food ' n' youngins'? We do. So how does this benefit us?
Now, if you are saying that the government will supply a limited number of drugs in exchange for sterilization and a renunciation of bennies, you might get somewhere. But good luck getting that to fly past some ACLU do-gooder.
For blacks, taking the easy way is the only way. They don't even have to think about it. It`s as natural as breathing.
Couldn't graduate High School? There`s always dealing.
And drug dealers aren't looked upon with scorn as they are in the white community. Pariahs to be shunned. White people will call the cops on drug dealers in their neighborhood in a heartbeat...Not blacks.
Its like they look at dealers as sort of a Robin Hood type figure. Like as long as they think he`s sticking it to YT, were cool. The old "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" deal.
Like they cant make the connection between the open air drug markets and all the killing and violence?
Whatever. I could care less about what the black man does to his brothers. They do seem to enjoy killing and brutalizing each other. Have at it. But I grow exceedingly tired of seeing TNB allowed to run unchecked through white society.
"One day...a rains gonna come. A real rain..."
Stay alert, stay alive.
White Privilege huh? Here’s some white privilege to consider. During World War II my father, a MSGT in the US Army; was assigned to a heavy field artillery battery during the ‘Battle of the Bulge in the Ardennes Forest, Belgium”. When US defensive perimeter lines collapsed, he had the white privilege of slugging it out “Hand to Hand” with the Germans with a 45 caliber pistol and trench knife for defense. Oh! And during the Korean conflict he once again had the white privilege of freezing his ass off and running out of ammo at the Battle of Ch'ongch'on River. Years later I had the white privilege of fighting the VA for compensation for the disabilities my father suffered from combat. Wow, once again more white privilege. I can also never forget the white privilege my uncle received, all during the WWII, as the ‘Guest’ of the Japanese, after his capture on Corregidor in the Philippians. As a slave laborer he, along with many others, was starved, severally beaten and tortured throughout their capture. He barely survived that ordeal on Bataan where many many others did not! By the way, Bataan prisoners of WWII received ZERO (0) reparation from the Japanese for their ordeal. However, the US Justice Department did manage to give away $1.6 billion of taxpayer money for reparations to ethnic Japanese interned in American camps during World War II. History just overflows with white privilege. White privilege has historically paid the ultimate price for freedom that this country has enjoyed.
To enlighten you Blacks out there, the majority of hard working US citizens who actually pay taxes and actually get up every morning and go to work in an effort to take care of their families are the white privileged. The white privileged are also the ones who provide you with all those gibsmedats you so (rightfully enjoy). I have been a tax preparer and have seen, first hand, how you Blacks game the system, grabbing all those government tax credits just for sitting on their lazy asses. Yet the black thugs among you want the additional freedom to disrupt society and basically run amuck, looting, killing, raping and anything else you can think of to chimp out on.
You Blacks out there please tell me again how poorly you have been mistreated by the white privileged. Better yet, why don’t you just sit down and Shut the F@#% up! I, for one, am extremely tired of listening to you BS!
Poison the drugs. Heroin,crack etc. etc. Make it so powerful that one try, one puff of the crack pipe and you fall down and die. Have any of you seen videos of druggies on this drug called "flakka"? I don't know whats in it; but it turns the user into a real life zombie. Intercept large shipments of drugs, poison them and leave a van load of them on mlk boulevard.
throw in a few dozen handguns for good measure. Let the good times-and the county coroner roll!
Anonymous at 5:41 am who posted about the off balance welfare statistics for blacks- thanks for bringing it to our attention- and I hope some statistics person out there will research further- very interesting....
L in Atl hell
What might be obvious to a mathematician might not be obvious to a wordsmith.
The soft bigotry of low expectations: believing that wordsmiths should be given leeway for failing elementary-school arithmetic.
the poster that thought 1/5 was less than 1/10 is probably a child.
Elementary school children should know this cold past, oh, 4th grade.
Could a municipality pass laws prohibiting Sec 8 housing?
Sadly, not as such (though a city can keep low-income development out by e.g. having too small a sewage plant to support new development). Cities which accept HUD money even have to re-zone territory to allow housing cheap enough for freeloading orcs to be shipped there.
Section 8 housing has to meet certain specifications. I'm not sure if city water and sewer are required, but if they are all you need to do is stay rural and none of your housing will be eligible for the vouchers.
There is often discussion regarding the dispute between those who believe that black lives matter and those who believe that black lives don't matter. I don't dispute that their lives matter in the sense that they affect society because they undoubtedly have a devastating effect just as a giant meteor strike would have a devastating effect.
What I'm looking for is any tangible example where a large group of blacks have had a positive effect on anything other than siphon wealth from society to themselves. Most of the examples we hear from SJWs are abstract such as stating that diversity is good because it just has to be good. I'm looking for specific and tangible examples and not occasional anomalies such as a single black man finding a large number of things to do with a peanut.
I'm not interested in hearing the argument that slavery is such an example because that wasn't something that blacks voluntarily offered to improve society. From the standpoint of whites in the United States slavery was a business model gone wrong. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but the long term result has been a net negative. I'm looking for any tangible example of how the importation of blacks could have a net positive effect on a modern society.
Any ideas?
Pat Boyle mentions the Opium Wars and China's opium problem. Mao put an end to that little problem almost overnight. He simply said all opium addicts would be put to death. POOF! Problem solved. The vast majority simply quit the habit. The tenacity of opioid addiction and the difficulty of quitting has long been overstated.
Let them sell drugs in the negro community. Just arrest ANY White person driving into the "community" buying drugs.
Let the negro take care of the negro problem
I knew how easy it was to sell drugs, and the money was good, except I didn't want to deal with the possibility of going to jail. So instead I worked shitty construction jobs as a laborer, moving stacks of drywall, 2×4's, and bags of cement, showing up on time every morning, to getting into framing walls, foundations, and roofing, to choosing to get into the electrical trades and make that my single occupation. 12 years later I am making an exceptional living for myself doing what I enjoy. I worked my way up to where I am now, not because of my "white privilege", but because I took an interest in something that I had an aptitude for, and saw as a way to provide a good living if I was willing to put in the work.
Is it just me, or is everyone pictured at least over the age of 30? Are all the younger bucks the small time peddlers like Freddie Gray? Why the discrepancy?
As an interesting side note, doing a search for "Blacks ruined Charlotte" brought up this past entry as the first result:
Paintjob Theory said..
I defy you to make a case for the value of the negro in our society.
Cant be done.
Any honest accounting would come to the same conclusion again and again.
To make the negro seem viable, You`d have to cook the books.
Stay alert, stay alive.
"O/T but interesting:
Welfare stats according to:
Total number on welfare - 110,489,000
Percent of recipients who are black - 39.8%
Check my calculator's math but that's 43,974,622 yet Wiki shows a 2010 black pop of only 37,685,848. I must be missing something here which wouldn't be the first time."
110 Million seems awfully high given our population is on the order of 300 million. The economy is much worse than our government/media master admit but I don't think 1/3 are on welfare.
The paradox may be in how welfare is defined. On the other hand, perhaps many negroes are double dipping.
To answer anon at 3:22, the most tangible answers you will ever get will be something along the lines of "entertainment/entertainers". There are few famous blacks that I can think of (particularly in today's world) that do not fall into this sphere. All the famous blacks are athletes/musicians/rappers/hosts/media/etc. etc.
What are sports good for? Purely entertainment if you aren't playing them yourself.
But black "art" is always very "emotional" in nature. Very spontaneous, not very planned, has a certain "feel" to it. I prefer things that take planning and thoughtful consideration- if you are going to create something to last, don't be lazy about it. I can always tell when a black song comes on by the obnoxious beat and if the female singer has to show off her entire vocal range at top volume on EVERY SINGLE FKING SONG. And the bluesy sht doesn't ever seem to get old to them- for an example of this just listen to one of them sing the tar-mangled banner.
They like attention and can run with a ball and yell really loud. That is their main contribution- that and making everyone else smell better by comparison.
Anonymous said...What I'm looking for is any tangible example where a large group of blacks have had a positive effect on anything other than siphon wealth from society to themselves.
A black success story...
If such a thing existed, I think we`d be reminded of it constantly. It would be the SJW`s go to answer. "Sure it will, just look at..."
I don't think the black has ever existed independently from whites in anything other than a failed state or something similar to the stone age. But I`d love to hear historical evidence to the contrary.
Stay alert, stay alive.
WW3, that is the kind of approach those concerned really need to be thinking about. Take Bait Car. I love watching the clips. Seeing someone dig their own grave through their own repulsive and amoral actions brings a sort of satisfaction. I firmly believe that if you implemented such a plan on a massive scale in any black-ruined area you could get rid of more than half the problem people in a matter of days. They just can't help being thieves who don't care about the fate of people whom they fleece.
Can you imagine how sublime it would be to get rid of all the people who would consider going through someone's unlocked car? What kind of moron would eat a stranger's potentially laced uneaten KFC meal that was sitting unattended on a park bench? Find more ways in which we can help them hang themselves and demonstrate the true content of their character. I heard about thief detector powder a few years back, seemed like another awesome approach.
We know how they will act if given the opportunity. If you feel like assisting them in becoming the biggest living sterotype in human history I'm all for it.
"What I'm looking for is any tangible example where a large group of blacks have had a positive effect on anything other than siphon wealth from society to themselves. Most of the examples we hear from SJWs are abstract such as stating that diversity is good because it just has to be good. I'm looking for specific and tangible examples and not occasional anomalies such as a single black man finding a large number of things to do with a peanut."
Correction Corporations Of America- CXW on the nasdaq exchange. The investors in this company have made a fortune thanks to negroes. They build prisons. I own 157 shares of their stock.
-Rex Hymens
This from Amren:
"A striking 82 percent of black households with children receive welfare–double the white rate. Hispanic families are not far behind blacks."
Good read.
"Could a municipality pass laws prohibiting Sec 8 housing?"
No. Requiring people to pay for their own housing be racist.
Could a municipality pass laws prohibiting Sec 8 housing?
I know of a city that tried to limit them by making it hard to build apartments.
Last I read the Feds caught on to it.
But nothing is stopping a city from having things like strict building standards for dense housing. Want to build an apartment complex? That's fine, it just needs to meet our strict environmental standards and we require sidewalks and disabled access for all entrances. Basically send the slumlords to the next county over.
Another way to do it is to pass a lot of anti-smoking and anti-noise ordinances for high density zones. The worst of them will go somewhere else. Enforce no parties, smoking, dogs, noise, etc. This is what the mixed income properties do. There are cities that require condo developers to offer a minimum number of low income units. So to minimize issues these developers set strict rules for anyone renting. It seems to work.
I know a lot of White people don't think that Black shootings affect them but the other side of it is that Black violence sends Section 8 renters out to the burbs. A lot of lower end homes were picked up by banks and speculators during the crash. These companies will rent to Section 8 and not give a damn about what happens to the neighborhood. I suspect they use them somehow for taxes. Maybe they are hoping to get the building condemned to write it off for insurance. I don't know but in my area there were nightmare stories of some conglomerate buying up houses and then renting them out to anyone.
It's a lousy job for Whites, because our people don't offer a great market to sell in.
The major difference is that Whites don't want heroin dealers in their neighborhoods and will call the cops.
White people will do things like setup their own video surveillance of a neighbor that has a lot of late night traffic. Old White ladies will write down license plates. Drug dealers in White areas don't last very long.
If you watch drug documentaries you will see that the White dealers are basically delivery drivers. They buy their stuff from Blacks or Hispanics in the city and then deliver in the burbs. Pretty much all of them drove shitty cars which tells me they aren't making that much money or more likely are addicted as well.
So why not just let the black people, who are the principal consumers of illegal drugs, just take all the drugs they want, There would be many advantages. The government could tax the drugs. There would be no drug gangs. There would be much less street violence.
The main problem with this argument is that it assumes Black violence is merely the result of the drug war. However if you take a closer look you will see that Blacks shoot each other for stupid reasons. I do not believe for one second that their murder rate would drop if you started handing out free drugs. You're going to have more Black drug users, more Black parties, more conflicts.
And even if the drugs are free the junkies are not going to start working to pay for everything else. Then there are the drugs that make people go crazy like PCP and bath salts. God knows what would be created if the government allowed Pharm companies to create new drugs.
Watch the First 48 and you will see that this is not a drug problem. Blacks will shoot each other in situations where violence is completely unnecessary from an economic point of view.
Singapore has the answer. Shoot the drug dealers.
Anon said
What I'm looking for is any tangible example where a large group of blacks have had a positive effect on anything ...
Lots of luck with that. Reminds me of the time Stephen Hawking came to Africa looking for the black Einstein. He went home empty-handed, too.
There is no such example. There are innumerable counter-examples. They don't count.
By the time civilization fell in South Africa, we had the example of literally every other country in Africa. But, no, this time it will be different ...
Damn, I miss South Africa. I miss my farm. I miss my dogs.
People here often ask, why do South Africans stay there? I found this thread on a well-known White Nationalist site that has a South African forum. I won't link to it in this comment, because links are iffy on this site; it may or may not pass moderation.
10 Reasons why I stay in South Africa
1) Firstly, while I don't have a lot of family, the little I do have, reside here, in South Africa, and I'm not leaving them behind... and all my friends are here.
2) I believe the rest of the world will be as bad as South Africa in terms of crime and black on White murders in just a few years, in fact it's already started.
3) We have proportionately less libtards here.
I think most left, or changed, I'm not sure, even those who are libtards have some level of racial awareness.
In fact, I cannot remember when last I have heard some such nonsense as "we all bleed red" come out of somebodies mouth here.
If I open my mouth around other Whites, I get agreement probably more than half the time, an thus far the worst I got was silence and a funny look.
I've read threads on SF about people's parents, brothers and sisters disowning them because they are "racist".
Seriously WTF?
Never heard of that in this country, never! Though I can tell you some people would be disowned if they brought home a date of a different race.
He wrote that in 2009. It's looking downright prophetic, today. It's a long thread, with many contributions. Anybody here with an interest in SA, search for that headline and read the rest.
Anon 5:07 said
We know how they will act if given the opportunity. If you feel like assisting them in becoming the biggest living sterotype in human history I'm all for it.
Sounded good, right up until that word, "living".
Keep looking, but don't hold your breath. Nowhere, throughout history, has a large group of blacks done anything worthwhile. And nowhere has putting a group of blacks into any civilization done anything positive for it.
Brian in Ohio said ”. . . To make the negro seem viable, You`d have to cook the books. “
I almost suggested another alternative which would be legalizing slavery, but after some thought I realize that the overhead of theft, damage, and slave maintenance would far exceed minimum wage.
OT – On the Fox presidential debate Rand Paul just went on a mini rant about the disparate impact that our justice system has on blacks. There are only 60 bucks for every 100 sheeboons because so many black men are in prison. He says that he will fix it if he becomes prez. The applause was disappointingly loud.
I live in Westchester County, NY, which lost a HUD lawsuit. We now look forward to having 12 mandated - MANDATED! - units of low-income housing on a half-acre parcel in the middle of our town center. That strong-arming is coming to a city/small town near you.
Need anymore proof that we are in this alone?.....Just watched Mr. Trump bring up two negroes on stage. Now I have no one to vote for. Disappointing.
-JSF- in Minneapolis
Anonymous said ”. . . White people will do things like setup their own video surveillance of a neighbor that has a lot of late night traffic. Old White ladies will write down license plates. Drug dealers in White areas don't last very long. . .”
Hmm. Who would have thought that there would be a link between snitching on criminals and a reduction in crime.
I used to say i want drugs legalized but honestly, now that I know the drug laws help the cops lock negroes in jail i support the drug laws.
I had a big rambling post, I deleted it! We aren't going to vote our way out of this shit!
Ohio born
One of my favorite John Prine songs is "There's a Hole in Daddy's Arm (Where All the Money Goes)". I find it to be one of the funniest song titles about a horrible topic (heroin addiction).
Geo Group is another private prison corporation that owns/manages/maintains 75,000+ prisons and detention centers around the world. They also landed the contract with the Dept of Immigration to hold all the detainees awaiting deportation back to Mexico, South & Central America.
This is how the drug dealers worked in New York in the 60's. First there was THE CONNECTION. He was an addict or user that bought his shit by the ounce. He would take half of the stuff for himself and then sell the other half. What they resold was not cut. This way he paid for his own habit by selling just enough to get his money back. HE WAS NOT A DEALER. He made house calls to the few druggies he knew and trusted. That is how he supported his own habit. Most were not really bad people and they were very picky of who they dealt with. Very few ever got busted by the cops because they were very careful.
Then you had THE DEALERS. They were fucking assholes. If you had one living in your building it was none stop foot traffic both night and day. They also were strung out addicts and stone cold greedy bastards who only cared about making money. What they sold was cut so bad a person was lucky to get high on the garbage. If they were dealing smack they became very violent and thought they were big ass tough guys. They didn't last long because some other "big ass tough guy" would usually kick in their door and kill them for their stash. Also some of the informants would set them up for a bust and then they ended up selling dope for the cops. This was still mostly done inside apartment buildings. Then the next phase of drug dealers came along.
The STREET DEALER. These were total animals. They would take over whole parts of the Lower East Side. People were afraid to go out at night. Some areas formed block parties and chased them further downtown. South of Delancy became a hell hole filled with fucking junkies fighting over street corners.
The rich Fifth Avenue fags used Central Park for cruising at night during the 60's. The jigs were mugging and robbing them along with the wealthy tourist that stayed in the fancy hotels along Central Park South. It took years for the cops to clean up the park and the jigs moved into Time Square. Then the cops worked overtime to get the garbage out of that area. So the trash finally moved into my neck of the woods. We now were on our own because no cops showed up to chase them away. Each year it got worse.
Living in the FREE ZONE is nice. It's been weeks since I've seen a black person.
Anonymous Anonymous said... Pat Boyle mentions the Opium Wars and China's opium problem. Mao put an end to that little problem almost overnight. He simply said all opium addicts would be put to death. POOF! Problem solved. ---
Mao and his minions killed hundreds of millions. If thats 'solving a problem.'
Mao even had almost all dogs killed.
Killing---30 million anti maoists
30 million in 'great leap backwards' [failed collective farms and starvation]
countless 100s? of millions of babies killed.
the gender numbers are way imbalanced. too many little princes and too few gals.
310---WTF?? too few breeders?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
OT – On the Fox presidential debate Rand Paul just went on a mini rant about the disparate impact that our justice system has on blacks. There are only 60 bucks for every 100 sheeboons because so many black men are in prison. He says that he will fix it if he becomes prez. The applause was disappointingly loud.
I think the claim that they are only 12%-13% is possibly a lie. Many on this site believe their percentage of the population to be much higher. I'm undecided, but would it surprise me if we were being lied to about that? Haha
AnalogMan: "Reminds me of the time Stephen Hawking came to Africa looking for the black Einstein. He went home empty-handed, too."
They stole his wheelchair??? They truly have no shame.
Here's what black drug dealers are capable
of. 2 of them went into an all nude club, picked out the white girl they wanted, and asked her to " get a room". She thought she was going to sniff a little bugger sugar , drink Hennessy, & most likely screw.
What they gave her was pure crack cocaine,
it killed her instantly. Instead of taking the fall and dial 911, they both banged her (DNA evidence helped convict), then bounced.
I followed the story in Downriver's Heritage Newspaper, because at the time we were living in Wyandotte as was the young woman. She was 17 yrs old.
One of the creeps was a high school basketball coach at a diverse school, that info really shook people up. His partner was the actual dope man, well known to police.
There both in prison now, but should've had dates with rope.
Another Negroe dope story from Mi., was the heroin/fentanyl epidemic . An entrepreneur was cutting his garbage with that stuff, and white suburbanites were dying like crazy.
He's locked up now as well.
It's wonderful living without a Groid in sight! I do, unfortunately work with
hundreds of them.
"There is a bugaboo that is addressed by no one which is military spending.
"Half the US budget goes to the military."
BULLSHIT. Libtard fucking bullshit at that.
> As I keep saying, with negroes, Image is Everything, Substance is Nothing.
And where do you think that negroes got this idea from?
You think they came up with it on their own?
Or maybe they had help from the people whose representation in the advertising, PR, marketing, news, and entertainment industry is about 30-50 times their representation in the population?
Put more black women in prison?
I live in Charlotte. The chief of police is a black, he is chief of police only because he is black, he replaced a black who for many reasons was a complete embarrassment and retained his job only because he is a black.
If it's the area I'm thinking of, it's adjacent to Plaza Midwood, both old money Charlotte and the hipster area of Charlotte. It's about 2 miles from where I live. Nobody will complain because this area is slated for development for the young urban professionals. They're cleaning it out to get ready for the condos to build.
We aren't completely off the rails around here, most of us have a live and live attitude and the black community leaders act up occasional but never get too much traction. Eventually we'll have more of a problem with the muslims than the blacks.
"Snitching" is another word of which blacks have destroyed the original meaning. It used to mean telling the police about the criminal activities of another in order to save ones self from criminal prosecution. But blacks expanded the definition to eliminate the "in order to save ones self from criminal prosecution" portion of the definition, so that it now applies to anyone who talks to the police. This has contributed mightily to the destruction of their own communities and is highly unlikely to change anytime in the near future.
OT – On the Fox presidential debate Rand Paul just went on a mini rant about the disparate impact that our justice system has on blacks. There are only 60 bucks for every 100 sheeboons because so many black men are in prison. He says that he will fix it if he becomes prez. The applause was disappointingly loud.
Does anyone ever stop to think about the disparate impact that blacks have on the justice system?
From AnonymousJanuary 28, 2016 at 9:57 AM:
"Negro Groundog Day"
I tip my hat to you. Brilliant line.
Re the opium addiction problem in China and beyond:
Theoedore Dalrymple believes that almost everything people know about opiate addiction is wrong. Most flawed of all is the notion that addicts are in touch with profound mysteries of which non-addicts are ignorant. Dalrymple shows that doctors, psychologists and social workers, all of them uncritically accepting addicts' descriptions of addiction, have employed literary myths (drugs are creative and intense) in constructing an equal and opposite myth of quasi-treatment. Using evidence from literature and pharmacology and drawing on examples from his own clinical experience, Dalrymple shows that addiction is not a disease, but a response to personal and existential problems. He argues that withdrawal from opiates is not a serious medical condition but a relatively trivial experience, and says that criminality causes addiction far more often than addiction causes criminality.
...from a book review of "Romancing Opiates" by Theodore Dalrymple MD ( a pseudonym for Anthony Daniels, MD, a British psychiatrist....
The DT's are actually much more serious than the phenomenon of "getting sick".
Stupid Negro.
Stupid Police.
Stupid White Man
The solution is easy. If a negro sells drugs to another negro, no crime. no arrest.
The police should look away and stand down, BUT if any White person enters the hood,they need to be followed and/or arrested. Get the word out to the White dealers and White users that the hood is a no-go zone for any White person and that it is a "kill zone" for the negro.
Let the negro kill the negro for us. It is so simple.
A couple commenters mentioned that Mao simply killed opium smokers and thus ended their problem. Very amusing.
However I was much more interested in the ideas that spring from 'Brave New World' and the government issued drug Soma. This may be an important issue in the next few years.
Soma is also an alternate name for Miltown - an early and widely popular tranquilizer. That's not what I mean. I mean a designer drug that is issued by the government to the populace as a means of population control. In the novel (written in the thirties) it has a number of qualities similar to an opiate. Presumably nowadays we could create something that had a 'rush', a long period of lethargy, and no hangover.
Is this the solution to the negro problem?
A modern Soma would be an updated form of opium smoking. It would 'knock out' its user population for most of the day. The users would just loll about and spend most of their time being dreamy-dopey.
People on this hypothesized Soma would not shoot each other because they'd be too sleepy. They wouldn't engage in turf wars because the government would provide it free, There would be no smuggling over the borders because it would be a domestically produced product.
Such a drug would be very appealing and therefore dangerous to the weak willed people in the population. There would be a strong incentive to just drop out and take this drug. Not all black people would succumb to Soma's allure but many (most?) would.
Maybe we've been going about this all wrong? maybe we shouldn't have a 'War on Drugs' but rather a 'War in Favor of Drugs'? Such a scheme would take the profit out of drug trading. It would eliminate the risks of street drugs. You would be assured of purity by government labs. You would know that it caused no lasting bad effects. You would of course be a total fool to ever take such a drug but as long as we have drug using fools - why not protect them from themselves with a high quality designer drug?
I'm not sure I really believe any of this - but I'm thinking about it.
> As I keep saying, with negroes, Image is Everything, Substance is Nothing.
And where do you think that negroes got this idea from?
You think they came up with it on their own?
Yes, they did. Go read Negroes in Negroland, and study the later phenomena like cargo cults. The inability to distinguish image from substance comes straight from Africa.
Or maybe they had help
That's just exploiting a pre-existing flaw.
I'll buy the rope Kersey!
Pat Boyle:
It's called Beer. Ha
Drugs are still bad stuff i still oppose legalizing pot
Gnome Sane said...
""I must preface this correction with a statement of disappointment. I never thought there could be anyone this dumb in the commentariat here.
Actually, "talented tenth" means 10% so "talented fifth" would be 5%.
Thank you, Mr. Innumerate. 1/5 is not 5%, it's 20% (5 * (1/5) = 1.0, 5 * 0.20 = 1.0). 5% is 1/20, 1/50 is 2%."
Thank you so much. However, if you couldn't comprehend that the original poster fully meant 5%, then perhaps you should hone your reading comprehension skills instead of playing grammar cop. Namecalling is a low I.Q. response, but you have every right to open your mouth and remove all doubt. BTW, congrats on finding your way around the parental controls."
Enough already, clearly a couple of posters were unable to read between the lines and were eager to impress with their mad math skills. Let's move on now.
January 28, 2016 at 7:09 AM
What makes you or anyone think that just because our math was correct, and we did not publicly acknowledge that we actually knew what the intended statement was referring to, that now somehow WE are in the wrong? We got it, we also corrected it. Now what???
I don't see why instead of putting soldiers overseas they don't put them in these ghetto neighborhoods. Label gang members terrorists and make it legal to execute terrorists on site.
If these goons don't want to get arrested they shouldnt be dealing in these bad drugs
“To poor folks,” he said, “selling drugs is the easiest job in the world.” When you play the victim mentality to the nth degree you can justify anything. I am so fed up with giving coons evry last penny of my taxes and still coming up with an ingrateful subspecies.
Do you think they would lighten the white man's burden by aspiring to legitimate work and learning SOME useful skills? They could not care less.
The day of the EBT collapse and the rope cannot come soon enough.
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