Norfolk, Virginia.
A city plagued by villainous streets and dangerous communities. At least, that's what you'd be led to believe if you just read the report on violence in the Hampton Roads area. [Protesters march for safer streets and neighborhoods,, 1-16-16]
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Should black people shoot white people instead? That's the message all of these March Against Violence seem to be stating... |
Of course, the quality of life found on any street or community in America is nothing more than a reflection of who calls this street or community home.
Digging just a little bit further, we learn just who makes the streets and communities of Norfolk unsafe and exactly who protesters were out marching against. [Marchers in Norfolk protest gun violence in black community, Virginian Pilot, 1-16-16]:
John Evans was the only one who didn’t march Saturday, because a bullet is still inside his head.
So the 28-year-old Evans was pushed in a wheelchair down Church Street from Lafayette Park to the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial at East Brambleton Avenue. More than 170 marched in the third annual Forward Peace March Against Violence to try to stop black-on-black gun violenc ethey say is plaguing their community.
There were 35 homicides in Norfolk last year, and 32 of those killed were black, police data show. Twenty suspects, with an average age of 29, were arrested in connection with those homicides; all but two were black men.
A gun was used in nearly 90 percent of those homicides, police data show.
“We have to stop killing one another,” said community activist Michael Muhammad, who organized the march. “Don’t shoot your brother and sister.”
Evans was driving Muhammad’s BMW sedan down Princess Anne Road near Ballentine Boulevard on Aug. 10 when he was shot in the head, the bullet entering his right temple, severing his optic nerve and coming to rest near his left eye. Two black men, ages 25 and 50, have been charged.
Evans said he can walk, just not Saturday’s 1.8-mile route.He said he wanted to participate so other young, black men don’t have to go through what he has.
“I had to learn the hard way,” he said as he rolled down Church Street. “Gun violence solves nothing. It just puts you in a worse situation than before.”
Jolonda Brown and Denise Bryant know that all too well. Both are mothers to 21-year-old black men who were shot to death.
Brown’s son, Adam Harris, was with a friend on Sept. 4, 2009, when a 19-year-old tried to rob the friend. He ended up shooting Harris in the back of the head and will serve 42 years in prison.
Brown remembered her son as a jovial young man who loved his family, played football at Norview High School and was a talented wrestler. This was the first year she participated in the march.
“A lot of these young African American men are killing each other. I mean, where does it end?” Brown said. “Lives do matter, and I think these young men need to know they’re important.”
Muhammad noted that he timed the march to coincide with the holiday celebrating Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., who himself was a black man shot to death, albeit by a white racist.
Nearly 48 years later, black people are shooting and killing each other, he said.
Then , standing at the memorial, he said what’s become a sort of mantra and rallying cry: “We’ve got a lot of work to do!”Unless I'm wrong, The X-Files showed me it was the Smoking Man behind the murder of Martin Luther King, after he began agitating against U.S. involvement in Vietnam.
In all honesty,this report from the Virginian-Pilot is one of the few I've ever read that dares note the race of the individuals behind the violence in Norfolk.
Without a black population, would there be any gun violence in Norfolk?
Or would it just be axiomatic that the streets and neighborhoods - free of the violence black individuals help breed - be safe?
One thing is for sure: without a black population, real estate in Norfolk/Hampton Roads would be far more valuable than it is today.
Brown said. “Lives do matter, and I think these young men need to know they’re important.”
Brown has little real understanding of the English language.
Definition of IMPORTANT-
of great significance or value; likely to have a profound effect on success, survival, or well-being:
Words really are cheap when misused.
"Streets" aren't the problem. The people who live there are the problem.
The only reason marching was so effective for blacks in the 60's was because most blacks lived in the south, and most Whites had very little actual contact with them. They were overwhelmed with White guilt because they just didn't know better.
Fast forward 50 years and now Whites nationwide now know what Whites in the south knew back then.
The marching just annoys Whites now.
Without white people to artificially prop up civilization for blacks, they'd be cracking the marrow in each other's bones for food.
Too true. All the Black inventors, surgeons, and everything else that BRA elevates... they come from WHITE countries, where they are enabled by WHITE institutions and culture. Without Whites, they are nothing.
Since everything has been tried and we are now into our millionth gimmick with yet another march to 'End the Violence', why not an 'End the Violence Mission to Mars?' Only negroes need to apply for their one way tickets.
@ 535
People don't have to be products of thier communities, but communities are always products if thier people.
Poverty doesn't cause crime at anywhere near the frequency that crime causes poverty.
Zero blacks = utopia
All blacks = utter chaos
Where are we?
“We have to stop killing one another,” said community activist Michael Muhammad, who organized the march. “Don’t shoot your brother and sister.”
If he had stopped at five words, no one here would think a bad thought about Michael. I guess killing non-blacks isn't a problem for him, though.
OT, but something for race realists who think history matters:
Someone posted this link in an earlier thread:
This is an error-ridden OCR version of the PDF document, with numerous formatting problems as well. Do we have enough people here willing to fix these and offer the result back to It's 312 pages, so if we had 16 people willing to do 20 pages each we could fix it all.
the term is such an oxymoron... "gun violence" like the gun gets on its 2 legs and shoots people.
The day will be coming when the economy takes the final nose dive and the big government piggy bank becomes empty. What will these people do when there is no more magic money and EBT cards. When Buttisha can't get no more shrimp and lobster dinner what will she do. If Jamal and Pricktavius are shooting each other over drugs what will they do for that last bag of Doritos sitting on the shelf during the coming food riots. Will they still have marches to prevent people from killing each other over food or will they all be out on the streets fighting for what they can get. We all know the answer to that one. Malls and shopping centers will become killing fields.
What about Jose and Pedro who came from Mexico for a welfare check and the money runs out. No more freebies. How long will it be before the store shelves are empty from hungry looters. Will Jamal and Pedro shoot each other over a loaf of white bread and a can of beans during a food shortage. Will the Mexican and African street gangs kill each other as they loot super markets. YOU DAMN RIGHT THEY WILL.
We have all read the stories about how all the government agencies are buying up weapons and tons of ammo. What do they know that we don't know. Who do they plan on using that ammo on. Are they planning on shooting cowboys or farmers out West. Will it be for some old lady sitting at home with no more Social Security check. Maybe they might be getting ready for coast to coast riots with the streets filled with mobs of raging "teens" looting, robbing and stealing food. If two hundred of these rampaging animals will terrorize a mall just for fun what would they do IF THEY WERE HUNGRY. The black populated cities will turn into a horror show where mobs and gangs will rule.
Everybody in the government knows what blacks are capable of because all these riots in the past like Watts, Detroit, Newark, Omaha, etc. The Hurricane Katrina and Sandy riots are perfect examples of total chaos. If there were a nation wide economic collapse or other emergency the animals would tear this country apart. And when the food runs out they will be eating each other.
Not discharging a loaded revolver into someone who is bothering you or disrespecting you is something that requires a huge degree of future time orientation and discipline. Those are in short supply in the negro brain. As I watched the footage, I marveled at the "looks uh muh" youth, having a grand ole time wid dare homies, being seen and all that sheeat.
The constant marching and screaming is getting tiresome. I imagine we'll have another series of negro shenanigans this Spring, when the weather gets warmer and they venture out more and more for their paid for housing, courtesy of YT. What noble negro youth will be sacrificed on the altar this new year? Another aspiring rapper? Which city will they burn down next? Is there a youth empowerment center in your city? If not, why not? Obama and the feds want to know, dammit!
I bet the majority of the people at these marches (well the black ones, at least) only get involved when it starts to effect them personally.
This reminds me of the great German philosopher Immanuel Kant speaking of duty. To paraphrase, it is "doing the right thing because it's the right thing, not because it benefits you personally. Would love to see a teacher attempt to teach blacks of any age this concept.
To explain:
According to Kant, it’s common sense that you should always do your duty. Moreover, common sense tells you to do the right thing just because it’s the right thing and not for some other reason. Morality is a matter of having the right attitude, or acting for the right reason. It’s your motive that is important.
To explain this idea, Kant imagines a shopkeeper who does not overcharge his customers only because he fears that word of his dishonesty will spread and he’ll lose money. Sure, the prudent shopkeeper does the right thing, so to speak. But he does it for the wrong reason. There’s nothing morally worthy about his action. His honesty is mere prudence, mere selfishness. Kant’s conclusion is that morality consists in doing the right thing for the right reason, or, as he argues, morality is acting from the motive of duty.
Kant imagines a second person, who is naturally sweet and kind and loving. She always does the right thing—but she does it because being good brings her pleasure. Kant thinks this person is not really moral; her actions deserve “praise and encouragement,” but not “esteem.” In a way, they’re just like the actions of the prudent shopkeeper, since they aim at personal pleasure. That’s not morality but habit, argues Kant.. Morality is doing the right thing just because you know it’s the right thing.
Thinking of this type unfortunately requires having concern for people other than yourself and for society at large. And yet black people are still stuck on figuring out why it is bad to shoot one another.
And as Paul notes in his article, there is no mention of not shooting non-blacks, just please don't shoot black people. Let them keep at their vicious, sadistic, and selfish cycle until even the most deluded can no longer take it.
The Cigarette Smoking Man killed JFK and RFK too! HaHa!
Wow! Some of the negroids might have an inkling (sounds like an infant negro, huh?) that it's them - not the guns - doing the killing. As the cliche goes, the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. But I'm guessing all those other steps needed to solve the problem (self restraint, earning an honest living, solving disputes in a civilized manner - in short, overcoming the warrior gene and acting like a Homo sapiens) are going to be too difficult for the savage Bantu and the killings will continue.
Disarming the people is only going to create more crime victims and Chicago as well as NYC are perfect examples
Meanwhile in Denver:
"“We are still looking for the vehicle that actually fired the shotgun blast. It is a red in color Jeep Wrangler with a black roof,” said Campbell."
I'm not sure if my Jeep is defective or if I just didn't get the right options package, but I drive around with my shotgun often and the Jeep has never fired it. Possibly my shotgun isn't working properly or not the right brand to be compatible with the Jeep?
This is truly baffling to me.
Oh well. Happy holiday guys and gals!
John Evans story doesn't make much sense. Negroes shot him while he was driving his gay lover's moving car down the street?
Sounds like a _____________gone wrong.
Mr. Rational said:
"Too true. All the Black inventors, surgeons, and everything else that BRA elevates... they come from WHITE countries, where they are enabled by WHITE institutions and culture. Without Whites, they are nothing."
January 17, 2016 at 6:03 PM
Spot on
It always amazes me, those idiots who boast of black success in America, what little success there is..
They will talk of black music, jazz say.. Without any thought that all of the instruments are the creation of whites. The musical scales system?, ditto & a great deal of that "black music" was written by whites!.. The only system largely their own is rap & it's vile, atonal, degenerate filth..
They talk of those that excelled in leadership or science or medicene or invention like G.W. Carver (peanut butter is a RECIPE, not an invention!). Someone like M.L. King, Frederick Douglass or Ben Carson or Neil de deGrasse Tyson. No one denies the top 1% of blacks has some capabilities. But few will acknowledge that they are the product of the European lexicon, the university. They excelled because Euro institutions ALLOWED them to excell as Mr. Rational wisely stated. That-those very few, would never have attained would they did without institutions-systems put in place, invented BY Euros..
They hate YT. But they LOVE his money. His inventions. His technology. His WOMEN!. Gods I do wonder how wonderful things would be had we actually followed Lincolns plan to resettle them in Africa..
It's always Blacks, Arabs and .00000002% Mentally Ill Whites that give guns a bad rap. In the hands of 99.9% of Whites a gun is a useful tool with a purpose. I believe that your average White is well aware of that fact now and that is why Bloomberg and his gun grabbing ilk can't get any traction. Our Government under Obama is so corrupt that most of the mass shootings that have taken place are suspect in their origins. The YKH who pull Obama's strings will do and say anything to further their agenda. It's a Propaganda War now with the Jackboots on YT's throat.
Ironic how most white people in America celebrate a black man by not going to work.
So.....MLK's daughter was just on Fox News, and was asked why she thinks there is rampant racism in the justice system. (Too Many Negroes in Jail) Her response was that the corruption in the prison system makes it racist. No one challenged that non answer, instead they went on to kiss MLK ass.
Until someone steps up to the plate, this shit will continue.
Another MLK holiday. What a joke. We have no holiday for Thomas Jefferson. No holiday for George Washington. Thomas Edison? No. Henry Ford? Nope. George Patton? Sorry. Any other of hundreds of great whites that built this country. Absolutely not. And its only a matter of time before someone demands a brown holiday.
All that stupid marching, posters, signs, media coverage, blah, blah, blah. It shows the hand of the 60s communists that were behind the original nonsense that's ruined every city in the country. Most of the violence would be fixed with appropriate jail sentences carried out swiftly. Get some smart detectives that can gather and analyze evidence without the need for snitching. Get prosecutors who'll prosecute and judges who'll sentence on the first felony.
Just saw a comment on Facebook about "white flight" ruining someone's childhood neighborhood. So I commented that what ruined the neighborhood was the actions of the people that the whites fled. The new owners could have moved into their homes bought at fire sale prices and kept the neighborhood nice but they didn't. Whites don't flee skin pigment, they flee danger. That the two are so closely correlated isn't whites' fault but it's whites problem for sure.
100 and 11 years later, same stuff, different year
Re: the post-Reconstruction South, historian A.B. Hart wrote in 1910:
'Not so genial is the usual relation of Negro with Negro; both in town and city there is an amount of crude and savage violence of which the outside world knows little, and in which women freely engage. ... Practically every negro man carries a revolver and many of them bear knives or razors; hence, once engaged in a fracas, nobody knows what will happen. ... There is constant negro violence against the Whites, and they occasionally engage in pitched battles with white gangs.'
What about all the tremendous achievements of nogs that we should celebrate today in memory of the great plagiarist/philanderer/misogynist/thief MLK? We must remember the flying pyramids invented by ancient nogs communicating with the mother ship, the automobile, transistor, penicillin, microscope, steam engine, gunpowder etc., all invented by magnificent nogs but then stolen by evil YT. No wonder they're angry all the time, they spend all that effort to make the world a better place then YT takes all the credit. I know this is all true because I saw it on TV.
Finally the nogs are getting a little credit though. Look at all the nog doctors, scientists, pilots, engineers, millionaires and wise men trying to patiently tutor YT on the TV. On MLK day I get choked up thinking about what MLK would say to the BLM types and their Eskimo handlers if he were alive; "Burn this Bitch down".
John Evans was not shot in the head. What kind of caliber hand gun was it. The article says that he was shot in the right temple? That must have been from a long ways off. It was a fluke. If he was shot in the temple at close range, or if he was selected for robbery, he would have been dead. Evans was shot in the right temple but his friend didn't get shot? Really, does that sound plausible. I think what Evans needs to do is to start telling the truth. I have handled to many guns to known a lie when I hear it. Evans did not get shot in the right temple and live. Even a 22 would have killed him. If he was shot in the head, then it must have been by a pellet gun. Ask him, and you will find out that he wasn't shot by a bullet.
Gibs muh dat. Datz will make everthing gud in da hood. I aint wurk'n nowhere fkn YT beez owin me muhfuga. Taint bout you nigga...tis bout breathin aint worth 2 cents ta me. Nothing ruins the holiday spirit so close to the first of the year than the upcoming mlk bullshit. Their ignorant vigils marches prayer meetings etc happen every single day....and has proven absolutely nothing. You niggas STILL be killin each other after all that....BECAUSE you don't have the mentality to change. Liars thieves murderers and backstabbers... there's NOTHING you can do...BUT kill each other. The only problem just can't do it quick enough.
Starting to get the feeling that the so-called "knockout game", "Polar bear hunts" and "Get Whitey Nights" are, in actuality, basic training for obama's soon to be formed "Department Of Homeland Control"!
Norfolk VA has a lot of blacks. I live in Hampton Roads had the misfortune of an uninsured negro hiring my parked vehicle and fleeing the scene. This isn't uncommon either as others I know experienced it to.
Norfolk has its nice areas like Ghent and Larchmont. There is a lot of old architecture and history there. It is such a shame what this area could be without the huge black population. Not Two blocks from the nice downtown is a huge housing project full of dindus.
The transistor was co-discovered in 1956 by William Shockley for which he received the Nobel Prize...back when it actually meant something. Unfortunately Shockley was soon to be demonized as a racist for simply anticipating "The Bell Curve" and stating the obvious!
"many of them bear knives or razors"
Reminds me of the first time I heard a black radio talk show host praise something noting it was "sharp as a Harlem razor on Saturday night"!
It's Marty King Day folks; His Holiness; the Angelic Prophet; the Oh Wise One; The Great Sage; The Grand King Among Mere Mortals; The One Whose Name Be Bequeathed Upon Many Numerous Boulevards Too Great In Number To Count On Two Hands.. Hey.. YT.. "The Dream"..? didn't work out.. nice idea.. didn’t come true. Ok?.. Too bad, so sad.. very sorry.. Please try and deal.. and move on.. It's 2016.. Can we grow up pretty soon? Please?.. Thank you..
The message isn't resonating? Or is the message garbage?
The messages I saw in the video were signs, chants and of course news commentary.
Let's start with the signs.
"White silence is violence"
Wtf does that mean? So its my fault that Jamala shot Lil Nappy on purpose over respek? Thats funny cause I've never even been to Norfolk. Or am I supposed to break the silence and denounce black violence publicly? If I go on FB and make a status calling for a the negroes to stop killing each other over tennis shoes I'll be labeled a (shudders) racist! Ok so if I'm minding myself and my own then I'm somehow culpable in the violence that keeps "just happening", but if I do pipe up and put a name to the problem everyone is so desperate to solve that's even worse. The message here seems muddled and unproductive. That sign has no intelligible meaning, its just looks at muh.
"More jobs = less crime"
Jobs again huh? Like at say a shopping mall store or a financial office or some sort of private business? Where did all of those things go? Surely they used to exist in Norfolk... Where did all the white people work when they were still there? Jobs don't just fall down from heaven randomly in certain areas you know. Jobs come from EMPLOYERS! And the employers had to flee the hood just like everyone else after the Africans showed up and began recreating Africa.
What are the job markets in Nigeria like these days?
Want to know why?
Even Walmart, long a mecca of negro commerce, has decided profitability in negro towns simply isn't possible in the long term. To attract businesses you need to be better customers, the cause and effect is so simple. The sign should say "Our ongoing black criminality = reluctance of potential employers to invest in the community" Simple enough, might as well be rocket science to a chimpanzee.
"Black Lives Matter"*
*citation needed.
Oh and the chanting. Did I catch a "hands up don't shoot" in there?
How is that even remotely relevant to this situitation? Are they suggesting that everyone should put thier hands up so that DeShitty and Lil Violent won't accidentally kill any bystanders when they do thier drive by shooting? Or are they trying to invoke some sort of voodoo magic spell where they all put thier hands up and chant to end the inexplicable killings? I don't get it.
Then you get the confused, bumbling white news anchors who "just can't figure out why it keeps happening". It's almost as if there isn't a common denominator amongst every single one of these shootings. 35 homicides was it? How many black on black? How man non black suspects? How many goot boys who dindu nuffins? It's like talking to a wall. And it isnt " just happening". I hate that phrase. It's being done on purpose! Every single shooting was an intentional act committed by a person for a specific (albiet usually bad) reason. The violence isn't just occurring out of nowhere like the weather. Blacks are shooting other blacks on purpose. DeVonte pointed a loaded gun at Lil Rape and pulled the trigger. To suggest that it "just keeps happening (to them)" is utterly ridiculous and to add that they "can't figure out why" is just infuriating.
Imagine a world without blacks.
". Evans did not get shot in the right temple and live. Even a 22 would have killed him."
Terry, sorry to disagree with you, but I have seen many men hit in the head and live with several caliber rounds. One was hit 3 times in the head with a .22LR 9 shot Italian revolver at CLOSE range. A .22 can be, and has been, a devastating round, but no hit can guarantee a kill, only raise the odds. No offense meant sir.
Another MLK holiday. What a joke. We have no holiday for Thomas Jefferson. No holiday for George Washington. Thomas Edison? No. Henry Ford? Nope. George Patton? Sorry. Any other of hundreds of great whites that built this country. Absolutely not. And its only a matter of time before someone demands a brown holiday.
It's the MLK worship that creeps me out. Whites are expected to worship him like a god.
Oh and you're not supposed to mention the undisputed plagiarism or infidelity. That spoils the holiday for liberals. Whoops.
The transistor was co-discovered in 1956 by William Shockley for which he received the Nobel Prize...back when it actually meant something. Unfortunately Shockley was soon to be demonized as a racist for simply anticipating "The Bell Curve" and stating the obvious!
His entire family abandoned him thanks the media witch hunt. He may have invented the transistor which allowed the computer revolution but he made politically incorrect comments about race which means he should be burned at the stake.
Shockley was actually concerned that the Black community was degenerating because of welfare and that liberal policies meant to help Blacks would actually have the reverse effect because they didn't take genetics into account. Liberals today still can't wrap their heads around the idea of someone being concerned for the Black community and accepting racial differences. You're either an evil ignorant raysiss or one of the good Whites.
Well I have to say that progress is being made.
White people are at least getting sick of the liberal man-god being shoved down their throats.
Even a discussion at Huffpo today had multiple people bringing up his plagiarism.
Get your false god out of our faces. Even Jackie Kennedy (a liberal) thought he was a disgusting pig.
Even though Hoover has been completely demonized by Hollywood he was right to monitor King. It's not disputed that King had connections to the Soviet Union.
If liberals are so intent on pushing their man-god then they should have no problem explaining why his FBI file is sealed until 2027. What is there to hide?
310 ---MLK WORSHIP--It's the MLK worship that creeps me out. Whites are expected to worship him like a god.
------ Its part of the BIGGER plan of indoctrination. Get Yt and young Yts to 'feel' inferior.
It bothers me that this christian minister and not elected official has sooo many public places named for him.
ALSO ITS IMP. TO NOTE THAT IN 1970, MLK worship did not exist, not to the way it does now.
Man-god....lmao...good one. For the life of me...I cannot understand why Lyndon Baynes Johnson isn't the lord and saviour of the black community. That white liberal mf'r gave them everything in 64..and you never hear them barely say his name. Oh wait.....he's........ wait for it.........WHITE!!!!!!!. I can already see the dismayed fence sitters looking stupidly at each How bout it bout a LBJ/MLK day celebration..? I'll even paint his face black.
I agree. I know of an account where an officer shot a man in his patrol car attempting to steal his shotgun after already shooting the cop with his pistol. The cop fired within 5 yards with a 9mm into the suspects head. The bullet entered the skin but not the skull. The bullet followed the skull around and exited the rear of his scalp. However, the impact did knock him over and the next round entered his ass and went all the way to his heart killing him. Pretty crazy.
"Evans said he can walk, just not Saturday’s 1.8-mile route.He said he wanted to participate so other young, black men don’t have to go through what he has. "
LOL. Groids. Dumb as a box of rocks. His getting pushed down this march will have exactly the same impact on "other young, black men" as it will on the price of tea in China.
Well surprise me a news paper acualy admiting that blacks are commiting the most crimes yet i bet their still a supporter of gun control like most of the liberal news media is
I'm currently reading a book on Africa. It is a sympathetic look at African independence. It is called 'The Fate of Africa' by Martin Meredith. I'm not sure I will be able to finish it. I'm only though about two hundred and fifty pages of this seven hundred page history of African independence.
As soon as the whites pulled out Africa had a series of colorful despots. For example there were Idi Amin and Jean-Bedel Bokassa. Both of these national rulers were cannibals. They ate their political opponents. They fed their opposition to crocodiles also. The African pattern of independence was stereotyped - one party rule, Marxism, Islam, and corruption.
At the end of the colonial period most African nations were prosperous and their economies were growing. After a few years of native rule all their economies were wrecked and the people starved. Most of the African dictators blamed their troubles on whites. The only African nation that seemed to prosper was Cote d'Ivory - that kept close ties with France and for a while allowed the French to run their economy.
Blacks do not seem to be capable of self government.
Reading this history of black rule some ideas for solutions occur to me. First of all blacks must be subject to a completely different set of rules and laws. The obvious first step is to disarm all blacks. The Second Amendment should only apply to the advanced races - basically European descendants and East Asians. Blacks who are caught with a gun should be arrested and imprisoned. The government should issue firearms to whites and Asians. This is modeled on Swiss gun policy. It would result in very low gun violence.
Blacks must no longer be allowed to vote. We must also sharply curtail all forms of public welfare including food and housing assistance. This would of course result in much more black poverty. But so what?
The Chinese instituted a series of national tests based on Confucian ideas in the Sung Dynasty. We should do something similar. At around the age of 16 all Americans should take a series of standardized tests. Those who failed would have reduced civil liberties.
The borders should be closed now for all immigrants. Africa is a failed continent. All those people will want to come to America or Europe. They will be highly motivated. A simple wall will not be sufficient. The Statue of Liberty and the poem ' The New Colossus' were from an era when there were far fewer people. There were less than two billion people on earth when the poem was written. Today there are more than seven billion. It is now an obsolete sentiment.
My ancestors came from Ireland when the door could still be open. That day is now past. Donald Trump is only partly right. We need to stop all immigration permanently. If there are war refugees in the future we will no longer be able to take them in. Sorry.
Keep a copy of these proposals. In a few years they will seem moderate.
I am now in the doctor waiting room and the TV is tuned to the local mlk parade. So I took my seat with my back to the TV so I didn't have to see that crap.
Remember folks, it was our Great Conservative Ronald Reagan who signed the Black Monday holiday into law.
It bothers me that this christian minister and not elected official has sooo many public places named for him.
From what I have read he shouldn't be called Christian.
He was a Communist sympathizer that only put on the cloth of church as a cover.
His infidelity goes well beyond a few indiscretions.
When you are signing up for orgies you are not clergy. You are a fraud.
Its not ironic, its appropriate.
“We have to stop killing one another,” said community activist Michael Muhammad, who organized the march. “Don’t shoot your brother and sister.”
Does it ever occur to these people that the reason for segregation was because of the behavior of blacks themselves? That when you have to have marches to tell people to stop killing each other, things are beyond the civilized pale.
... why not an 'End the Violence Mission to Mars?' Only negroes need to apply for their one way tickets.
Within a year, headlines would read:
* Blacks victims of raygun violence on Mars!
* Mars: Olympus Mons gone wrong!
* Sandstorms in Valles Marineris disparately impact blacks!
* Blacks march to protest H.G. Wells!
If liberals are so intent on pushing their man-god then they should have no problem explaining why his FBI file is sealed until 2027. What is there to hide?
Might make an interesting movie: a band of fearless hackers penetrate the FBI's files and reveal all the dirt on MLK. Then comes the backlash as blacks riot over the revelations. Finally, one of the heroic hackers makes a speech that the truth be told. Set it against a background of Detroit, Gary, Birmingham, South Central.
For the life of me...I cannot understand why Lyndon Baynes Johnson isn't the lord and saviour of the black community.
Blacks can not give YT credit for anything. In their mythology, it was black labor which built America; it was black leaders who built the Civil Rights movement; it is today blacks who lead America to the promised land of "justice"."
One reason that LBJ does not get credit is because he got the USA involved in the Vietnam War. To the left, fighting against communism is anathema. So LBJ ends up an unperson.
Another prez who has gone done the Memory Hole is Eisenhower. He had the army enforced de-segregation at bayonet point in the South. But again, Ike was white, so he too becomes an unperson.
HA! PK mentioned the episode of The X-files where the Cigarette Smoking Man played by William B. Davis was revealed to have assassinated MLK and JFK --- I've been binge-watching every episode of the X-Files on NetFlix for the past few weeks and that was the episode (from season four) that I just watched last night!
I know a good writer should always be aware of his audience, but PK's getting eerie now!
I'm currently reading a book on Africa. It is a sympathetic look at African independence. It is called 'The Fate of Africa' by Martin Meredith.
Excellent book.
While the tone of the book appears sympathetic to Africans, the substance is a litany of the horrors of black majority rule.
At the end of the colonial period most African nations were prosperous and their economies were growing. After a few years of native rule all their economies were wrecked and the people starved.
Which is one reason that Ian Smith initiated the Rhodesian Unilateral Declaration of Independence, and South Africa had apartheid. They could see the reality of black majority rule on the continent while whites elsewhere were mired in ideological delusions about one-man-one-vote.
Most of the African dictators blamed their troubles on whites.
"Blame YT" is the name of the game for blacks. True in Africa, true in the USA.
"Blame YT" works because most white people do not have the intestinal fortitude to tell blacks the truth: their troubles are the result of their own low IQ, lack of impulse control, worship of demagogic kleptocrats and general inability to preserve the civilization which white people handed over to them.
True in Africa, true in the USA.
Blacks do not seem to be capable of self government.
A mere 150 years ago, most sub-Saharan blacks were living in essentially Neolithic cultures (there were a few relatively advanced kingdoms along the southern fringe of the Sahara, and in Ethiopia). Other civilizations understood that the "natives" were not capable of self rule, and especially not capable of being integrated into white civilization. So there was a paternalistic colonialism, and in SA you had apartheid.
Well, all that is gone, and we have seen the result throughout Africa. DWLs expected to see independent black countries blossom forth as exemplars of democracy, progress and universal brotherhood. Instead, Africa ended up as a series of running fiascoes. Just as Liberia, Haiti and other independent black countries had gone down the tubes once YT handed over power to Africans.
I highly recommend reading "The Fate of Africa." Compare how Africans bring down civilization in Africa. And then compare it to the situation in the USA.
Spot on observation, I agree that there will be chaos the day the EBT system goes down, and often think that if a terrorist group really wanted to hurt America, all they would need to do is take the EBT system offline for about a week, and we would see riots like never before.
These blacks are supposedly economically poor, but that Evans person who was shot in the head was driving a BMW. Not surprising.
Where I live, and where more and more blacks are moving in, is economically depressed. Yet those on all forms of government assistance drive brand new Mercedes-Benz vehicles and BMW and loaded huge new pick up trucks. Parts for foreign vehicles are not cheap, and American vehicles parts costs are not much better.
I work and can barely afford cars in the three to four thousand dollar range, junkers. I make too much for assistance but not enough to make ends meet. Whites in Appalachia have it worse than any black anywhere in this country.
Interesting that hundreds of blacks and the professional race baiters come out to riot when a White cop justifiably kills a black thug, but when some blacks want to bring attention to the real issues in the black community , no one shows up. White enablers need to wake up to this hypocrisy and lies by blacks.
Whites in South Africa are being treated worse than blacks were by the Whites and no one is helping these poor Whites. The Whites can't get jobs, are living in the dumps, can't get money because the government takes away any aid sent to Whites.... it is appalling and no European government is doing a damn thing, just turning a blind eye. I played the billion dollar powerbakl, praying to win a few million so I could help the Whites in South Africa. I did not win anything but will keep playing.
I go on black blogs to read the nonsense of blacks built and invented everything and all the blacks talk about how wonderful Africa is. I wish they would just go to Africa already and stay.
White Minority
My wife and I were going to see a couple of movies and shop and support our local economy. However, with the mlk whitey event, we decided to postpone our trip.
Of course people have told me mlk was a great man. Yeah, he was great. Great at chasing women, lying, cheating, plagiarism, and bullshyt.
Do what I am doing and enjoy the day off.
I remember a guy who worked at the same shop as me, on payday he would always start complaining to anyone who would listen about the child support they took out of his check. He showed me hi stub where they took $200 out of his check. I showed him the total amount of my check and told him that it didn't matter how much the net amount was it was always the amount I spent on my family.
Well surprise me a news paper acualy admiting that blacks are commiting the most crimes yet i bet their still a supporter of gun control like most of the liberal news media is
Well it is at least an inch of progress. Liberals are slowly being dragged into the full reality of "gun crime" even if kicking and screaming.
For years the liberal media has been depicting "gun violence" as something that happens everywhere. I honestly think the internet is making it hard for them to maintain that point of view. In the comments sections these liberal writers are looking like deluded fools.
The Brookings report made the obvious (to us) even more clear and the liberals can't accuse them of being raysiss since they advocate against inequality.
March for safer streets? If they're going to march, shouldn't they march for safer neighbors?
We are a gullible people, because we have less gray matter than other people. We are convince that if we keep marching something magic will happen, our young males will feel shame and stop killing each other, not. We need strong policing in our neighborhoods, such as stop and frisk. There should be policies, such as police sweep of known gang members to remove illegal weapons. There should be a social worker assigned to all welfare mothers to visit homes to keep a close eye on their children. Curfew should be enforce! A peace officer should be more proactive by visiting all our males over the age of 12 to make sure they're not committing crimes. We cried foul when these policies were enforced in the past, but it work. Our people should realize we need to go back to these policies, if we want stop the black on black killing, especially if really believe black lives matter. If we go back to these old and proven methods we will see a reduction on black on black killing as well black on white crimes.. Today it just hard to convince other blacks about this because we have become so sensitive, we cry racism way to often. We are our own worse enemy. I know many would prefer we just return to Africa, but that's not going to happen. So we must come up with policies that take in account our IQ and genetics. MLK had a dream, but it's a nightmare today! I hope PK will allow me to post my comments, there are very smart people here and I would like to read their ideas and comments.
Anonymous said...
Ironic how most white people in America celebrate a black man by not going to work.
January 18, 2016 at 3:46 AM
I, on the other hand, put my white privilege on display for all to see by going to work when it was 6 degrees with a -5 wind chill this morning.
The upside to it being this cold is it keeps most negros indoors. And why not, when some white fool is paying your gas and electric. Crank that thermostat up!
Stay alert, stay alive.
If the protesters want to march for safer streets..............get off the streets.
PK, I love you dude, and I read the article and I looked at the video, etc. etc. etc.
But, can anybody tell me why this guy was just shot in the head in a car?
Come on. These negro men shoot each other for a reason. Now, we White men know the reason is idiotic, but these negroes don't even talk about WHY. Sambo shoots DeScrotum in da heyd and nobody asks why DeScrotum got a cap? Why wasn't Sambo and DeScotum not turning their lives around? What are they doing "on dem steeets" during the day and not working?
These people make me sick. F them all.
I had to travel on business today, so I get to take the holiday off as a floater. Now I get a flexible vacation day when I want it AND give Mike King the bird!
Take any victories you can, no matter how small.
(From the article)
“I had to learn the hard way,” he said as he rolled down Church Street. “Gun violence solves nothing. It just puts you in a worse situation than before.”
It actually took being shot in the head to figure that out? Why exactly is this worthless lump still breathing? In order to pay for the costs associated with his surgery and recovery costs, why hasn't he been sold to Proctor & Gamble as a lab rat? This is the best they could find to interview? Amazing... even when it is put outright in front of them, even when they admit the problem is themselves, they still manage to blame the streets, guns, and anything except their own inferiority.
Notice its name.
the poem ' The New Colossus' --is a scam. the poetess was a commie.
He was a Communist sympathizer that only put on the cloth of church as a cover.
Yes, but I am acknowledging the public perception - mythology.
Its negro worship.
Anonymous said...
Spot on observation, I agree that there will be chaos the day the EBT system goes down, and often think that if a terrorist group really wanted to hurt America, all they would need to do is take the EBT system offline for about a week, and we would see riots like never before.
January 18, 2016 at 11:12 AM
If the cards failed to work on the first of the month, you would see a Category 5 chimp out in every major black population center in the county. Imagine Hurricane Katrina hitting 100 cities at once.
Stay alert, stay alive.
310. another book on africa is 'White Woman Witch Doctor'---
'A mere 150 years ago, most sub-Saharan blacks were living in essentially Neolithic cultures (there were a few relatively advanced kingdoms along the southern fringe of the Sahara, and in Ethiopia).'
come on. they are still hunting albinos and practicing cannibalism in Africa.
Mr Robot attack on EBT, game over
To the Black person wanting more law enforcement and societal controls on blacks:
I wish I had something positive to say to you. You yourself pretty articulately and succinctly laid out the reasons that will never happen. Blacks have learned to be helpless.
Why do Blacks always screech "RAYCISS!!!"? Because it works. Every time they do, a Jacob Zuma style "Big Mon" or TWMNBN politician shakes down the guilty whites for more largesse to be pumped into the hood.
This will obviously continue until there is no more largesse to be had. I do not know when that day will come, but when it does, you're on your own.
In the interim, all I can suggest for you to do is what we do: try to self segregate away from other blacks. Try to inoculate your family from as many black pathologies as you can and hope your children don't regress-to-the-mean too badly in terms of intellect.
Just don't get too butthurt when a rash of houses in the neighborhood you just moved into go up for sale. After all, you spelled out the reasons for white flight in your original post.
Good luck and remember, none of us on this site were born this way. Your people made us this way.
Nothing ruins the holiday spirit so close to the first of the year than the upcoming mlk bullshit.
Be quiet. They might get the idea to move it to a "better" time of year like mid-summer. Or sandwich it between Thanksgiving and New Year's. Possibly even worse, between Christmas and New Year's. To give him "duh attenchin hims deserbs.
So Hillary Clinton, while pandering to Blacks, to much applause, today said:
"One out of three African American men may well end up going to prison. That's the statistic," she said. "I want people here to think what we would be doing if it was one out of three white men."
Hey you Self Hating White, Racist Bitch!, We would be Praising Our Justice System!!
Never mind the Negro, Passive white people the world over are killing western culture.
There is a glimmer of hope in the EU though, as White warriors are rising up against the Machine.
Isn't it Ironic though that the MSM virtually ignored the rapes and crime perpetrated by African Muslim "refugees" for the past years. Now that people are finally defending themselves, it becomes word wide news about how the native Europeans are racists.
The new world order is on the horizon....
"White silence is violence"
Wtf does that mean? So its my fault that Jamala shot Lil Nappy on purpose over respek?
You would be really entertained by the commenters at Field Negro.
I took my seat with my back to the TV so I didn't have to see that crap.
What you need is one of those TV-B-Gone gadgets, to shut the damn thing off.
"Blame YT" is the name of the game for blacks. True in Africa, true in the USA.
Nothing is more true than this. Blacks are blaming Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder for the vote of the Flint city council (almost all Black) to use contaminated water from the Flint river instead of buying clean water from the Detroit water outfit. No lie.
the poetess was a commie.
The poetess was an Amish Eskimo. If you know what I mean.
If the cards failed to work on the first of the month, you would see a Category 5 chimp out in every major black population center in the county.
Like I tell you, this would be easy to bring about. Find the data centers that Chase runs EBT out of. Backhoe their fiber-optic lines just before midnight. If you're really clever you'll carefully uncover the lines in a bunch of places beforehand and place timed thermite charges to break the lines again after breaks were repaired somewhere else. You could keep the system down for DAYS.
Church Street in Norfolk is the ghetto. They have an ugly obliesk to MLK on church St right across from the housing projects.
Silly question here.
Has there ever been a comprehensive breakdown of crime statistics of white people only? Obviously whites commit virtually no crime compared to non-whites, but to see it actually quantified would probably provide a sobering statistic that even the PC-BRA press can't hold back.
The only thing that will stop blacks from engaging in killing and all their other social pathologies is the application (from outside) of raw, naked, uncompromising force. Left to their own devices and without any severe constraints and punishments placed upon them they will always revert to the law of the jungle and destroy any environment they infest. If left to their own devices, they'll complain about the results of their own behaviors and the condition of their communities and blame others. If held to account and prevented from acting like savages, they'll complain about the restrictions and how they're being "kept down."
No "conversation" with blacks about what can be done to stop their BS will ever result in any substantial, practical results- just more requests for other people's money, more "programs," more "gibsmedat" and more whining, bitching, complaining and blaming others. It is a conversation and effort doomed to failure from the outset.
The conversation is over. When and if the majority wake up to this fact, hell will be unleashed upon the blacks of this country and I can think of no more deserving group to experience that fate. You've earned spades.
If you're in the Navy, the last place you want to get stationed is in Norfolk. During my time I was fortunate enough to get stationed in Japan and made friends with a few guys but I never got a straight answer as to why Norfolk is such a terrible place to get stationed until I came across a fellow realist.
While we were standing watch late at night he told me that it's because the place is full of dindus. The service sucks at all fast food joints, dindus sitting around at corners looking to mug sailors, trash in the streets, terribly loud dindu neighbors. He once told me a story of black service members allowing their fellow tribesmen to stay in their free housing, the jobless dindus raise all kinds of hell leeching off of the black sailors that work for a living.
Sad that I had to get my buddy alone, on watch a 3am, with no one around to fully understand why no sailor wanted to get stationed in Norfolk.
I forgot this fellow realist's name, God bless him, wherever he is.
Bernie Sanders is a communist? color me surprised.
Brian in Ohio,
Ditto. Same here in Minnesota, but it was -7 with -22 wind chill. I also like the fact that the blacks are indoors on cold days, and cold nights. Especially nights. In the summer they'll be out creeping down the alleys, looking for open garages, unlocked cars, anything of value in yards, or solitary white people to attack and rob. It's a great feeling knowing I can go outside in the solitude and be safe and comfortable. Plus, they're not out in the yard of their rented houses burning yard waste in fire pits, drinking, hollering, and being a nuisance. For some reason, when they come up here they think they're on a wilderness vacation. Fire pit smoldering all night, going to the store to buy snacks and pop with EBT cards, getting cash from ATM to buy alcohol, and cigarettes, plus little cigars to fill with pot.
You won't encounter them out ice fishing, ice skating, skiing, snowmobiling, or any of the other activities we like to do in the winter. Being of northern European descent, it makes it clear to me the difference between the races. I actually like cold weather, I joke I was bred for it. Anyway, yeah, a lot of us up here have adapted to cold climates, that's what made us the dominate hominids on this planet. As long as there's ice and snow we will thrive over Homo Africanis. We're cool.
@ annonymous ... here ya go:
great stats for both black n white violent crimes.
So delightful to know we aren't alone in boycotting Black Monday just as we boycott Black Friday.
The Second Amendment should only apply to the advanced races - basically European descendants and East Asians. Blacks who are caught with a gun should be arrested and imprisoned.
Richmond Virginia did something like this only it was 5 years mandatory prison for having an illegal gun because legal guns be Kriptonite to blacks.
It got less like Washington DC and more like anywhere in Maine. Go figure.
These creatures were also referred to as "men". It's real convenient how they can refer to these critters as "men" or "boys" depending on circumstances and the need to drum up sympathy.
"Ironic how most white people in America celebrate a black man by not going to work."
Look at the bright side. It's one way YT can share the joy of blackness....even if it's only a smidgen!
North Florida Native said...
If you're in the Navy, the last place you want to get stationed is in Norfolk.
I was at Camp Lejeune, but had to go to Norfolk as advanced party before a deployment. Made the mistake of getting on a city bus. An old negro, who had obviously just smoked crack, stepped on and couldn't pay. He was speaking jibberish and began fighting with the negro bus driver....and that was the first stop.
Stay alert, stay alive.
You won't encounter them out ice fishing, ice skating, skiing, snowmobiling, or any of the other activities we like to do in the winter. Being of northern European descent, it makes it clear to me the difference between the races. I actually like cold weather, I joke I was bred for it. Anyway, yeah, a lot of us up here have adapted to cold climates, that's what made us the dominate hominids on this planet. As long as there's ice and snow we will thrive over Homo Africanis. We're cool.
Same observations here. I'm from South Central Texas ( "Rita Ballou" country ),and grew up in hot weather,but I used to travel a lot for work,and it always astonished me just how fast I acclimated to cold weather.
And when I was stationed in the Federal Republic of Germany,it took me quite a while to finally realize that the brothers really weren't faking it. Anything under 40 degrees on the Fahrenheit scale,and it was pretty pointless to even try to get any sort of work out of them. They just kind of stood there and shivered,and were literally non-responsive to any kind of order,question,conversational remark,or what have you.
Temperatures that would have the white guys in a long sleeved shirt and an insulated vest,with maybe a beanie hat or a hooded sweatshirt,would have the brothers piling on everything they owned and bitching because there wasn't more. They were universally miserable,and plain didn't acclimate to any sort of low temps.
I have this idea that if The Revolution ever really comes,the only thing that us Blue Eyed Devils really need to do is to club up anyplace where winter can be on the brutal side (which is just about any place north of the Dallas-Fort Worth area ),seal the border,and wait. Vigilance would be needed during the warmer times of the year,but winter would be a safe time,and sooner or later-most likely sooner-natural selection would do most of the job for us.
The entire black race and their culture is actually based in submissiveness and co-dependency created solely by the black race!
Africans have been enslaving Africans for more than 5500 years, and in turn what these African Tribal Leaders accomplished by enslaving their own for so long is what we see happening now. The further away whites get the closer they need to be to whites, because history shows us that they can't accomplish anything if left to their own growth. In 1950's America we saw whites begin to distance themselves from everything black, not because of racism, but simply because whites were intelligent to understand that forced integration was the beginning of the end. It was then that Blacks demanded to be a part of the white community, and in turn they were given money right out of white pockets, wallets, purses, bank accounts, etc, etc....
Now fast forward to now, whites are again distancing themselves from blacks, and what do we see?? A demand to be a part of the white community. This isn't by accident, it is a thought process created by African Tribal Leaders thousands upon thousands of years ago, and unquestionably still taking place in many parts of Africa today. Black culture = Co-Dependency. Hell, the vast majority of black slaves never wanted freedom because they knew they could not accomplish anything without being forced to do so, as their mental capabilities do not include understanding, rationality or even intelligence!
They kill each other not because lack of jobs, but simply because they aren't being coddled by those they know are far more evolved mentally than they ever will be.
Ask yourself this question.....
Have you ever heard stories of blacks killing blacks during the time of slavery?? And why do these stories not exist?? It is because they were not allowed to create their own demise, and slave owners, both white and black knew they were nothing more farm equipment, and what farmer would ever intentionally destroy his own tractor or combine?? They actually do the opposite, which is keep the equipment working by taking care of it, washing it, tuning it up, and so on and so forth.
The only way blacks will be happy is if they are all eating off the white gravy train. It doesn't take a genius to see that, but it does take at least an inkling of intelligence to understand it.
I have so much love for all of you, and wish all the greatest of lives!!
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