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The City Council of 56 percent black Flint (7 of 9 members are black) |
In 56 percent black Flint, Michigan, the decision was made to support the latter. Hence, the Flint Water Crisis. [NAACP: Replace Flint pipes or face 'mass disobedience', Detroit Free Press, 2-15-16]:
The NAACP will invite "disruptive civil disobedience" here if Gov. Rick Snyder in the next 30 days doesn't present a plan with a deadline to replace the city's water pipes, the organization's national leader said Monday.
"The NAACP, having seen the generosity of Americans from one end of this country to the other sending water bottles to Flint, are going to call on the people in 30 days to send bodies and conscience to Flint," engaging in a mass demonstration, said Cornell Brooks, national president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People while speaking at Christ Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church.
Snyder's office later issued a statement that the project to replace lead lines "is proceeding with great urgency," and part of $28 million approved last month will go toward utilities, as well as a possible $25 million requested last week for removing lead pipelines.
Pay up or face our wrath!![]() |
The Flint Charter Review Commission (six of nine members are black) |
Replacing outdated water pipes and improving existing infrastructure is one of the vital components of maintaining civilization, a task the leaders of majority black Flint failed to do.
Just who might these city leaders be in 2015?
Well, seven of the nine of the Flint City Council are black and six of the nine members of the Flint Charter Review Commission are black (tasked with performing a complete review of the City of Flint’s Charter and making recommendations on changes or possible revisions that would meet the City’s needs now and into the future).
The city also has a black mayor now, only a few years removed from being under emergency management by the state of Michigan.
You can have civilization or you can have a black population.
There is no middle ground.
Inevitably, one of the two wins and the other loses.
They wanted black elected officials and thats what they got
So they wouldnt pay for water service in the past so the infrastructure suffered, not its FUBAR and they demand someone else fixes it for them? It's not about rights, its not about racism, or anything else other than the fact they that want it for free. Sad people
OT: From one of your tweets: "If Donald Trump asks Jeb Bush why Building 7 collapsed on 9/11, I swear to God the universe will explode."
So it looks like 9/11 Truth is pretty much accepted amongst the alt-Right now. It's about freakin' time!
I must thank you for NOT posting any pictures of Flint's current mayor, Karen Weaver. It's as if the "fine" citizens of Flint decided to elect a mayor who wears a scary Halloween mask every day of the year.
But isn't Snyder the one who's head we should be calling for?
Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder explained on Fox how it all started: “The way this really happened is the community made a decision, the city and the county all wanted to switch away from Detroit’s water system back in 2013 and there was a 7-1 city council vote to say let’s move to this new water authority,” he said.
"Why did Flint need to switch its water supply from Detroit to the Flint River?" is the question everybody should be asking.
Of course the answer is financial mismanagement, and a lot of it can be traced to Woodrow Stanley, a the city's former black mayor who was recalled in 2002 for such mismanagement. But don't feel sorry for Mr. Stanley, as he found himself a job in the state house of representatives representing the 34th district and is still able to live off of the taxpayer.
Why was an emergency manager required, basically since the turn of the century? What do black city council members actually do (besides collect a paycheck and blame entrenched, systematic racism for all of the town's woes)?
"Replacing outdated water pipes and improving existing infrastructure is one of the vital components of maintaining civilization, a task the leaders of majority black Flint failed to do."
Maybe all the black welfare assholes in Flint should be required to furnish labor to replace the pipes, etc. under threat of having their EBT cards and food stamps cancelled. Maybe a hungry n*gger would be a working n*gger -- like it used to be -- like it SHOULD be now.
These mental midgets are promising violence if Whitey doesn't maintain their water supply and give it to them for free or next to free. Next they will want multi flavored and scented water. Bath in vanilla. And the kitchen will have raspberry while the toilets are violet scented. Think i'm kidding? Ask them. Their grasp of reality is in that realm. And if they are denied these delusions they will become violent. Obama has given them the green light to "dream big cause whitey's paying. He will have Loretta Lynch up their finding all kinds of violations.
Dammit why cant he join the Lincoln, Kennedy club?
My church is sending missionaries to Flint to dig a well.
A while back I saw an article online about how Africans in Congo were dealing with a drought. Some entrepreneurs among them set up water selling businesses, transporting H2O from rivers to inland villages in scavenged plastic containers. Other African entrepreneurs would add chlorine to the water. Somehow, the system worked, somehow people got water, somehow total disaster was avoided. And that's in Congo, folks, a country ravaged by war and a median 70-ish IQ demographic. Yet Africans in Africa are more functional than Africans in America who can not get the waterworks up and running even when located in the vicinity of a couple major lakes--not to mention having access to all of YT's scientific and engineering heritage.
Instead, all the Flint Big Men/Women can do is throw tantrums and threaten violence unless YT hands over the water which was presumably "stolen" from blacks. Well, it's black "history" month. Perhaps Africans in America believe that if they perform the same magic rituals ala MLK -- call them the Civil Rites -- that water will roll down like a mighty stream...
You do not get it.
You reaaaaaaally do not get it.
White people have used water to oppress beautiful African Americans for centuries. Let's not forget that slave ships would throw beautiful blacks into the waters of the Mississippi, where the sharks would eat them. And later during segregation, millions of blacks like Emmett Till were lynched by being thrown into rivers and drowned. And who can forget how Bull Connor and the Birmingham Water Department used water hoses to attack peaceful black protesters who were trying to walk across the Edmund Pettus Bridge just for the right to drink from de-segregated fountains in Little Rock.
I know this is all true because this is what my campus Beautiful Black History Month told us. So there, Mister and Misses White Water Supremacist!
I. M. Klewless, MFA
Cultural Relativism And Peace Studies
Oh c'mon now, be fair. Let's not leave out Darnel
Earley, the city of Flint emergency water management appointee. Guess what the line saying race on his affirmative action applications says? After this snafu he was made emergency manager of the public schools, and well, anybody with more than a broadcast knowledge of the news knows how that's going. Last I heard he had a mouthpiece lawyer fighting his summons to Washington D.C. to testify at a congressional hearing. What, I dindu nuffin, it was like that when I got here. The city council did it, I had nuffin to do wit it. Yeah, $250,000+ a year for that.
Of course the political appointed female E.P.A. representative has already quit. Looks like the only reasonable person to blame has to be a white republican in the capitol. If you think that's incompetence on a frightening scale, consider the geniuses they have at the water works. Who knows how many times they've screwed that up, and didn't get caught. That's where the flouride injectors, and chlorination take place. If they have a few of the old white guys there who understand the mechanics, and the chemistry, they might be o.k. Hilary had to rush her flabby cellulite ass up there to condemn the Republican governor, and just gush her love for the negro race. She said something to the effect that if it had been an affluent suburb it would have been fixed by sundown. Well, duh yeah, white professionals would know their jobs. Apparently Darnell Earley, and Susan Hedman( the E.P.A. official who quit) lack the scientific knowledge to understand the affect of water p.h. on the solubility of heavy metals. Hell, any farm boy, or gardener knows that. So this is what we bought paying for their education. I want my money back Washington!
O.k., tying up the loose ends. NAACP is calling for nation wide protests until the water system in Flint is fixed. That pretty much means harrasing white people who had nothing to do with it. E.P.A. admits that it knew of the problem, but did nothing to notify the public , blames local, and state officials. City council, black, and Darnell Earley, black, take no responsibility for this fiasco. Somehow, someway, it has to be the white mans fault. The whole shitstorm started because the black population thought they should get their water for free. So many people quit paying their water bills the water department didn't have funds to operate, leading to higher bills to everyone else, to the point Flint decided to drink river water. In Africa they still can't master the concept of water wells. Do gooder relief organisations(white people) go down there and drill wells for them, leading to more refugees for the rest of the world. Kanye West thinks it's wrong to build schools in Africa, when the money could be spent on him. Yeezus, Kanye, get your own damn Porsche out of your own damn garage! If he really is broke, watch Kim Kardiasian drop him like a good habit!
And, before I forget, Mr. Rational, stfu! Because f*#k you, that's why.
You vote blacks in, this is the kind of lazy ineptitude that you "receive".
I can only assume that for many of the lurkers here- part of why you voted for Barack Hussein Obama Jr. was to show that you were not racist and that you were all for giving a "black" man a chance to show that he could do a great job too.
And how did he do on race-relations? That will be (and should be) his true legacy.
His consensus from behind approach has (predictably) gotten nothing done, save repel the Republicans and "other extremists" from chipping away at BRA and other PC institutions for another four years. That is what you end up with when you have no vision and are always playing defense. And to top it off I can't believe that Repubs can't accept the fact that they have a winner on their hands and won't stop trying to substitute in their usual sht (Bush III).
I want to see someone at the helm who can lead and who isn't just some reactionary shill who goes along with the established program. That person happens to be (!!!) a white male named Donald Trump.
I see all this hubbub in the news about candidates desperately needing to appeal to black voters, how it could be what makes the difference.
Or how about this thought-
Maybe since blacks don't see another black person running they might not make the effort to even vote this time around. They have shown strict allegiance to racial identity politics and have "done their duty" for black people by bothering to vote for their man the last two elections. Don't they get a break this election? Obama got in already, what's the point anyway?
With all the pandering to BLM and black people in general, it would be hilarious/humiliating if blacks stayed home this election day, because Clinton wouldn't be able to say a thing about it.
There is plenty of blame to go around, it wasn't just one person who caused the Flint water crisis. But to hear it from Clinton and Sanders you would think it was all the doing of Republican governor Snyder, and that he probably did it intentionally because they were black (mostly).
Thank you Paul. The council members have escaped scrutiny so far and they are just as responsible for this as anyone else is. The next step is to show how a near-useless demographic can't support fat government pensions and other benefits and adjust your ledgers accordingly. Flint's financial books must read like a decade-long avalanche in slow motion.
But maybe we can spin it in a way to show that blacks were being targeted, that it was purely racial.
I hate to break it to you, but blacks in general are not "targeted". Most people run away (white flight) from blacks rather than have anything to do with them.
There was no one able to pay for Flint's continued existence so city council members had to have a baby sitter imposed on them from above so the city would stop hemorrhaging money. Anyway you slice it, they wouldn't of been in the position of attempting to save a couple million on water if their black leaders hadn't led them further and further into the ditch.
It has to be dealt with, their lives are worth any cost, so of course money will come from somewhere and we will figure out who will pay for it later.
Notice they don't blame Obama or his bulldogs, the E.P.A. (Environmental Protection Agency) The EPA is especially to blame because it was formed for this very reason, and to prevent things like this from happening. Instead, Obama and the EPA are more worried about climate change. The latest involves the military action. People are being poisoned from drinking water...yet Obama wants the military to ask themselves before engaging any enemies, "Is this going to hurt some trees which might lead to an increase in carbon dioxide?"
The water from the Flint River would have been fine if it had been simply treated properly; the previous source also had to be treated properly. What happened was that the town is so utterly fuxated by n*gger dysfunction that they screwed up something as basic as analyzing and tailoring their treatment system for the new water source. Classic n&gger failure.
And now they drink lead.
Well, the murder rate is so high there that they were going to get lead in their bodies anyway; why not start them early so they get used to it?
Since all the old houses have lead pipes, it will be determined that building new houses is the best solution. Or...a massive relocation of the negroes to nicer, whiter areas fo' free, of course. The poor, downtrodden nogs are devoid of economic opportunities so transplanted them to more fertile hunting grounds will help them become more equal. Poor whites need not apply because racism-slabery-white-priblij.
The proud, black pyramid builders are truly a worthless breed.
Isn't it beyond time for Mass Civil Disobedience to face Mass Bullets?
This would be a great opportunity to begin building Obamaville, an upscale (cawz a nigga need da bestiss), all-black, shining city on the hill. Homes will be solid concrete with stainless steel everything; doors, windows, toilets, sinks, etc. Bullet-proof glass will reduce drive-by mishaps. No grass, just concrete painted green or whatever color they want. It will be built on sloping terrain so the power-washer truck can roll down the skreets flushing the filth downhill into the decontamination facility every day. Businesses will be totally automated/robotic and re-supplied from underground tunnels and behind the scenes much like Disney World. Whites will not be allowed into Obamaville so as to insure a racism-free society.
O/T: It's an older Fred Reed article but a good read:
"So what?"
How do you like them apples?
April 20, 2014
Incompetence on full display but nothing is ever their fault.
Paul, Bethune Cookman, a Daytona Beach "University," is insisting the college is a safe place despite 13 "students" being shot in the past year. The Public Safety Department issued a statement, complete with bad spelling, expressing their condolences.
Sorry, PK, but the proud, noble, can't-do-one-goddamn-thing-for-himself negro is never to blame for anything. All of the black man's woes always leads back to slabery and/or the white debbil. The black city manager is to blame here but somehow the white governor was dragged into it as they were looking for a YT to blame, as usual.
It's interesting that Lefties are all about evolution, survival of the fittest and natural selection except where the negro is concerned.
The obvious solution is to place taxes on federal benefits to make certain that city finances are taken care of, and impose fees and work requirements on parolees (enforced with government day-labor jobs if they don't get regular jobs) to both shore up the fisc and keep the miscreants out of trouble.
Let BLM whine about that!
What's the date for the black civil disobedience event? I need to stock up on popcorn. Oh wait, it's everyday, nevermind.
I like how the NAACP is rallying the troops across the country to help fund this project in order to help the disadvantaged of Flint. What's that, you say? They aren't trying to help out at all, but are actually threatening the state if something isn't done soon? Oh, I never would have guessed.
The unspoken message behind this whole Flint mess is what's been harped on here year after year: Blacks are not now, not then, nor ever will be in a position to run anything without the safety net of whitey. And by force.
I blame the 3 white people because it couldn't be the darker ones fault - it's never their fault. It's the turrble legacy ob da slabery that made them make poor choices for their water supply. Somebody get a rope and go threaten the governor - he's white and a Republican!
Seriously, if any white people in government had any backbone (most likely desperate to stay at the money trough), they'd tell the agitators to look in the mirror for the blame and go pound sand. Flint's water is exactly what you get when you let black grifters run things. Most white political crooks supply a decent product but take a huge cut on the backside. Blacks don't have a clue how to supply a decent hamburger joint, much less a city's water supply.
When you do worse than Detroit, you've achieved Africa. Let's flood Flint with Somalis to put the icing on that sh*t cake.
Did they lock the comments?
NAACP. Well, they got the CP right Colored People (as long as the color is black). NAA = National African Army.
And this terrorist group will attack anywhere negro incompetence is spotlighted.
On another note, they're also highlighting their lack of forward thinking. A city with a compromised water system, what do they want to do? Send more people there and put more stress on the system.
Or...do they see water bottles being sent to Flint as some kind of welfare so the FSA must get it's share?
Regardless of their thinking, they're not sending engineers, heavy equipment operators or ditch diggers, they're going to send people to bitch!
From last thread:
If drugs were legalized, the incomes in negro neighborhoods would plummet only to be replaced by some other form of criminality to make up for the shortfall. It's really a no win situation with negroes and any expectation that they'd decide to pursue legal and less lucrative means of gaining an income would be pretty farfetched. The rates of other crimes being committed would soar into the stratosphere. That too would be blamed on "the man."
There would also be more of them on drugs. More heroin/meth zombies, more car accidents, more overdoses, and more chaos.
Mexican heroin is already pretty cheap in any city. Handing it out for free is not going to solve our problems.
Drug legalization avoids the real issue which is race. Utah has very low drug use so how are the laws the problem?
Someone explain to me why exactly it is anyone but the city's duty to replace the pipes, (and pay for it)? This has been going for years, and now somehow the white governor is to blame?
53 million up for grabs.....1 year from now the reports will begin of it being spent on SUVs, pizza and shiny suits.
Whatever negroes touch they f*ck up. It's really not even their fault. It's the way nature hard wired them. So you really can't blame them. When you are mentally incapable of thinking 25-30 minutes ahead in future time orientation, immediate gratification becomes front and center in your minds.
This explains negro crime quiet well. Many of us whites marvel over incidents where a negro will hold up a child's lemonade stand at gun point, taking her $12.50, and then physically fighting with a cop who chases them down. We whites wonder, why does the negro fight the cop? The cop will call for back up, he'll have police dogs bite your a@@, he'll tase you, and probably make you kiss the pavement with your bubble lips. Yet the negro screams, carries on, and fights, oblivious to the cop's warning that this will only make things worse.
But lack of future time orientation is a real thing. And truth is, most negroes don't have it. Michael Brown did not have it. Freddy Grey had it to a limited extent, thinking that he could toss himself around the paddy wagon and claim abuse by the cops, only Freddy tried a wee bit too hard and ended up offing himself in the process.
What has that all to do with the situation in Flint? Well, I'll tell you the truth. I've worked with many negroes who were put in charge of things, only to see those things quickly fall to ruin within a year or less. The negro supervisors in charge I've worked with are for the most part easily distracted by shiney things and they are smitten with the idea of cutting corners. If they can think of a way to skim some money off of something like water purification systems, drawing water from less pure lakes or reservoirs, they will do it.
See, it's only been the kind tutelege of the white man who has kept us from ruin by the hands of the black man these past 60 years. But now things have changed. The negro has gained the upper hand. His sheer numbers have pushed YT out, so without YT to supervise, we have what amounts to a group of junior high school afletes running municipalities and water works. All they're able to do is scratch their hayads and cry, "Weez ben scriminated gainst! YT took his magic juju wid him wen he lef the water woks tuh us!" And then you have no go cities, cities that were once towering examples of the expertise and dedication to quality, refinement, education, and the arts.
Think Detroit always looked like it does now? How about Selma, Birmingham, Newark, etc.? A scant 50 years ago, these cities were still thriving, albeit the writing was already on the wall due to the increasing eeking and ooking of the growing negro populace.
It's only getting worse now that Obama, Holder, and now Lynch have created get-out-of-jail free cards for all murdering, thieving, raping negroes. If you think things are fun NOW, just wait until Bernie or Hillary gets into office. You will see negro ass kissing the likes of which you've never imagined. The cops will be the ones taken away in cuffs, while the negro points and says, "That him! That the ebil white cop what told me not to rob and rape her!"
In the next eight years you will see the devastation and ruin brought about by the negro hitting this country like a tidal gale force wind, obliterating the last vestiges of European white civilization. I have my doubts even Donald Trump can save us from this fate, but we have to hold out for some hope.
Straigt outta Compton will not be just a movie but a way of life for America and Europe if the tolerance and glorification of the negro and his "culture" continue. That's one thing I think we can all agree upon.
Michigan is such a joke. Cities like Flint, Detroit, and,Benton Harbor that have large black populations are destroying the rest of the state. If the water department of Detroit wasn't so poorly run and managed this incident in Flint would not have happened. Trying to save a few bucks by poisoning your constituents is never a good idea. The blacks have run roughshod over many Michigan cities for many years. This is the result! The bankruptcy of majority black cities has trickled down to the entire state. Redistribution of wealth is alive and well in the state of Michigan. Hey, all you southern states, are you sure you don't want them back? So stupid, and so difficult to watch. A state surrounded by fresh water, and still can't figure out how to get it from point A to point B. The state campaign, "Pure Michigan ", REALLY?
You guys should check out the comments section of the original Detroit Free Press article that PK linked to. There are a LOT of racially conscious folks posting on there. I don't know if it is some of us or not, but it is good to see people with their eyes open.
Seven out of nine member are black, so that works out to 77% not 56%.
Africans are so proud to be Africans
Africans are so proud of African Heritage
In all African nations in Africa, there is little running water.
Flint, without running water, is African Heritage.
Clean running water is a White thang'
(Know where I am going with this?.................)
Wait till we see the million empty water bottles dotting the roadways of Michigan. I can't see these savage idiots disposing of the plastic bottles in a civilized manner. Michigan has a ten cent deposit on all soda cans and bottles. Even with this, you won't find a dirtier, littered state in the entire country. Maybe the NAACP can clean up the mess. Yeah, right.
The Free Press article PK linked has fantastic comments. 95% realist. Theyre almost as graphic as we are here but with full names attached!
It isn't turning yet, but it will be turning soon.
Like we needed any additional proof that without Whitey, civilization will last until the oil needs changing.
But these examples are good for anyone who is miraculously still on the fence about this.
And they would be entertaining, were the stakes were not so high for the rest of us.
You vote blacks in, this is the kind of lazy ineptitude that you "receive".
Which is one more reason that under segregation, the South did much to disenfranchise black voters. And why some Northern states did everything in their power to keep blacks out. And, for that matter, why there was apartheid. You let blacks have any political power, and they wreck civilization. This was well understood a century ago, and if you read the arguments for not gibing the blacks the vote, you'd see how it has all played out since then.
Something to think about during Black History Month...
My church is sending missionaries to Flint to dig a well.
And perhaps one solution to the Flint Follies. Rather than dispatching missionaries off to Africa, churches could send them to formerly American cities currently occupied by Africans.
Or perhaps churches could import "water refugees" from Flint, Detroit, Selma, and etc., into their own towns. Show Africans in America such startling concepts as "turning on the tap" and "paying the water bill."
It's interesting that Lefties are all about evolution, survival of the fittest and natural selection except where the negro is concerned.
They're only for evolution as a means of undermining Christianity.
Ask a "secular humanist" how egalitarian assumptions about race make sense from an evolutionary point of view and they'll go berserk.
It's the main reason I can't stand reading science blogs. Bolshevik creationism and Western egalitarianism are deeply entwined with anything related to science but few can see this. Liberals will mock creationists and then ban a thread on racial genetics in the name of True Science. Departments like Sociology are completely political and most "secular humanists" have not figured this out. The influence of the Frankfurt school is well documented and your typical Sociology 101 book will quote Marx as a major influence.
I actually saw this comment in a thread on race:
I'm not aware of any Sociology studies that have linked race and behavior.
This is like saying I'm not aware of any Catholic studies that discredit papal authority.
The vast majority of liberals and secular Whites actually believe that race is only superficial and this was concluded long ago by hard working unbiased scientists. I once wondered if they were faking it until spending time around them in college. The majority are not only true believers but would support sanctions against anyone that questions True Science. In their minds only stupid "haters" would question established science. But ask them a simple question about how BiDil works if race is only superficial and watch their arrogance drip away.
Straight outta Compton will not be just a movie but a way of life for America and Europe if the tolerance and glorification of the negro and his "culture" continue.
Here's one more thing I find interesting about BRA. I might understand white liberals glorifying, say, the Japanese who in a few brief decades (late 19th/early 20th century) built an industrialized state. Or Hindus who have a considerable architectural and philosophical tradition. Or even Meso-Americans who constructed some mighty fine pyramids and established some science.
But blacks?
What exactly have blacks ever done to build a civilization? We see little evidence of this in Africa south of the Sahara. We all know how the black republic of Haiti turned out. And as for America, just about every black run city has gone into a Mad Max self-destruction cycle.
What exactly have blacks accomplished to make them worthy of such white liberal adulation and emotional investment? It's a fitting commentary that white liberals themselves do not move into black majority polities (other than a few gentrifying hipsters and masochistic NGO workers). However deluded they might be, they still want (ahem) "better schools" for their children. And, presumably, pure water coming out of the faucet.
Gangbanging, shots ringing out, rap "music," streets gone wrong, failing schools, race hustling politicos, endless calls to violence, collapsing infrastructure--these all mark black "civilization."
So what is the fascination with Africans in America?
Anyone have any ideas?
The funny thing about BiDil is that the establishment media has probably written around 100 articles implying that it would work just fine on anyone but it is either a marketing ploy or was only tested on Blacks. Here is one from Scientific American:
Notice that they didn't get an opinion from a medical expert on why this might only be effective for Africans, nor do they ask the manufacturer for a countering opinion.
It's not controversial that Africans have a different response to ACE inhibitors:
But the establishment media went into full damage control over Bidil. This shows you how obsessed they are with controlling the narrative on race. They are terrified of White people finding out that there are genetic differences beyond skin color.
This is why I laugh when people quote Scientific American. It's no different than quoting The Atlantic or Huffpo.
"Hey, all you southern states, are you sure you don't want them back?"
Ya'll freed 'em....enjoy.
I like how the NAACP is rallying the troops across the country to help fund this project in order to help the disadvantaged of Flint. What's that, you say? They aren't trying to help out at all, but are actually threatening the state if something isn't done soon? Oh, I never would have guessed.
Africans in America are feeling their oats. YT backed down when Ferguson and Baltimore were pillaged. YT backed down when BLM took it to the campuses. YT now runs around in circles to bring water to the tribal overlords of Flint. Just as YT has given Africans in America everything they have demanded whenever they have thrown a tantrum.
Law of the jungle, folks, law of the jungle.
And thanks to BRA, coming to a 'hood near you.
The unspoken message behind this whole Flint mess is what's been harped on here year after year: Blacks are not now, not then, nor ever will be in a position to run anything without the safety net of whitey. And by force.
And perhaps DWLs could have claimed some ignorance of this reality half a century ago when blacks were legally discriminated against. But we've had that half century of social experimentation with black run America, and how is that working? Blacks can not even keep the water running, for crying out loud.
So they do what any other group of savages would do--use force to get their way. Give us water, YT, or we will start breaking the law ("civil disobedience"). Of course, there will be enough DWLs and Cuckservatives to start carrying water for BRA.
One wonders what the next demand will be...
(Footnote: Did I use the term "savages" above? Perhaps this is not fair. Real savages would at least understand how to go down to the river and draw water for themselves.)
2 of those city council members have filed for bankruptcy and one is a convicted murderer.
Straight outta Compton will not be just a movie but a way of life for America and Europe if the tolerance and glorification of the negro and his "culture" continue.
The celebration of ghetto superstars by mainstream Whites shows the failure of applying White standards to Blacks. If Blacks had adopted White standards after the 60s then there never would have been a celebration of music made by drug dealers and pimps. White guilt over Black failure lowered the bar to where convicted felons are celebrated in popular culture. They're viewed as underdogs fighting "the system" without countering views like how the Black leaders of Compton actually hated how their city became synonymous with gangster rap.
Whites have also adopted absurd double standards by lowering the bar. If a White conservative looking public figure talked about how he once slapped women around and sold them for sex he would he vilified. But if a Black person does it in a song he will get a glowing NY Times review.
Most liberals are incapable of even conceiving that these double standards exist. They hold Blacks as not responsible for their actions or standards while at the same time denouncing anyone who would not treat them equally. It's like having a parent yell at you for holding their child to adult standards and also for making assumptions that he is a child. It astonishes me to how liberals are so clueless to this patronizing and contradictory attitude.
"What exactly have blacks accomplished to make them worthy of such white liberal adulation and emotional investment? It's a fitting commentary that white liberals themselves do not move into black majority polities (other than a few gentrifying hipsters and masochistic NGO workers). However deluded they might be, they still want (ahem) "better schools" for their children. And, presumably, pure water coming out of the faucet."
Shame on you to make such racist comments and during black history month too! Aren't you aware that not only did the nogs build the pyramids but they flew them around about three feet off the ground for several miles. They also had microwave transmitters (analog only though) to communicate with the mother ship orbiting several hundred miles up in space. Let's not forget the steam engine, telegraph, telephone, airplane vacuum tube, transistor and everything else they invented, we would be fucked, fucked indeed without the beneficent negro I tell you!
I believe they also invented water, lead and pipes and taught the ancient Romans how to build aqueducts after they were through flying pyramids around. All this nog juju was stolen by ebil YT, that's how water be rayciss now, pipes be rayciss and Flint be rayciss. De terrubil, terribul legacy ob de slabery stikes again.
I know all this is true because I saw it on the History Channel and I see the nog scientists, engineers, doctors et al. on TV all the time helping poor YT out. TV, another nog invention never lies, never.
non-DWL from NE
BHO likes the M-203
Much has been said about negro intellectual-behavior deficiencies that hamstring their abilities to adapt to the modern world (lack of future time orientation, lack of reasoning skills, high aggression & testosterone) but where they seem to be the most lacking is grasping the concept of "cause & effect"..
Most Negros truly believe that is "white racism" that keeps them down & NOT their own behavior or deficiencies?.
They don't seem to have the ability to understand that whites loathe the kind of dysfunction & criminality that is so indicative of the negro, EVERYWHERE!.. In turn, what that does is drives whites & therefore businesses away from the area. If you lose your most productive demographic you in turn lose your tax base. You lose your tax base you in turn lose your ability to finance & maintain all public entities (infrastructure-I.E. water-sewage-roads, police, fire, parks.. Etc.).. Cause & effect..
They think it's racist whites keep them incarcerated in high numbers & rig tests at schools to "keep them down". They lack the ability to reason that an extensive criminal record defacto renders you UNEMPLOYABLE & far more likely to spend time-more time in prison. The great majority of white felons will set themselves straight after their terms so as not to go back to such a place. I have a sister who works in the federal prison system. The thing so many would find so striking is the fact that most-if not all black felons have extensive criminal records, (most whites at her prison are on their 1st time offences) therefore more likely to be in prison & have longer sentences & curtail ANY future employment oppurtunities.. Cause & effect..
Their inability to reason & conceive of abstract thoughts-scenarios means they are woefully out of place in our modern-scientific-technological world. Therefore, high rates of failure in schools. The need for "dumbed down" curriculum. The need for countless social programs to artificially lift them up because they themselves are incapable, through their own intellectual shortcomings to do so on their own.. Cause & effect..
Trump is the only one that's not already a damned politician. Someone that understands profit/deficit is desperately needed. Not another spend spend spend politician.
How insightful.
PK asks: "Can we FINALLY blame Black People for the Water Crisis in 56 percent black Flint, Michigan?
Short Answer; NO. They can never be blamed for anything.
One word comes to mind: HAITI.
It's a fitting commentary that white liberals themselves do not move into black majority polities (other than a few gentrifying hipsters and masochistic NGO workers).
Don't forget the homosexual journalist that buys a street level condo with an indoor garage and no yard and then writes about how Whites are raysis for wanting to raise a family in the burbs.
The groid cannot lead. The groid cannot make correct decisions. The groid cannot anticipate. It is not surprising that this tragedy has impacted the city of Flint. The groid was not created to be in positions of pow3er and responsibility. It is too stupid and too lazy to be effective. Sadly, the city of Flint has been under the control of these]incompetent ni##ers for too long and is beyond saving. Time to turn off the lights
Now American Heroes are being targeted by orcs. A white Marine was eating in a McDonalds when a bunch of orcs yelled at him asking what he thought of #OrcLivesMatter. He ignored them, then when he walked out he was knocked out and robbed.
(Yeah, I'm black. But I hate orcs just as much as the next rational guy.)
Give a White man a lake and a pipe and he will produce "running water"
Give the negro "running water" and he will end up with a crack pipe and lake of sewage.
No one here can tell you. We don't think like blacks. Maybe, but doubtful, you might find someone that's had a lobotomy and their I.Q. has dropped into the crapper, maybe they can explain it to you, maybe.
A flyer went around my job, advising people buying/donating cases of bottled water to take a black magic marker to the UPC code.
That's right, put an X over the bar code.
Seems the Negroes are returning the "free water" for cash!
I doubt anyone here will find that surprising.
A SJW I have the misfortune to work w/, made a big push for money and/or water,
I managed to avoid "helping" for this reason & that. Then the flyer surfaced, put that in his face & told him I'm not risking my hard earned dollars going to a drug addict!
With a whipped attitude & somber voice he agreed. Guy isn't happy w/ his victims of YT racism.
I'm watching the Oil prices. I am fascinated with this since I get a "small" check every year from some oil wells owned by ancestors 100 years ago (about $1,000 per year).
No matter what the A-rabs say or the KGB Putin says, they just can't get it to stay up. It keeps sliding back down under $30 which is the kiss of death for these Turd World nations that need to "tax" us White people at $100 a barrel. You see, The fat Saudis need $80 a barrel to pay for all there junk. The Ruski need about $50, the Fine Bernie Sanders Venezualians need about $100 to pay for all their free stuff. Free? Yeah, right. Mexico is in the same mess.
The problem is the world is loaded with oil. Far more than they are telling you. Remember that BP Horizon well that "blew" out in the Gulf of Mexico? Well, I live in Florida and they eventually capped this thing. It was pouring out hundreds of thousands of barrels. Just massive amounts. It's been capped. Why?
Large off-shore oil fields in Brazil. Capped.
Basically, too many places are finding too much oil and the oil "people" can't stop it. They are doomed since for the last 40 years (1972 till now) they could cheat us with high prices but modern technology can now reach any oil deposit, anywhere, anytime (Artic and soon Antartica). We aren't even talking about what is off the coast of Cuba.
Russia needs a huge violent war in Syria/Iran/Iraq/Saudi to destroy their oil output to jack up Russian prices. They need to save their skin.
The South knew what they were.
Most Negros truly believe that is "white racism" that keeps them down & NOT their own behavior or deficiencies?.
It's interesting that they believe this unless they are wealthy.
Why aren't Oprah and Jay Z investing in Black areas? Why is it up to White people to fix these areas?
I saw a wealthy Black basketball player on CNN talking about how Baltimore needs jobs. So WTF is stopping you? Show us how White people are raysiss fools for not wanting to invest in Baltimore.
"Hey, all you southern states, are you sure you don't want them back?"
Ya'll freed 'em....enjoy.
Reminds me of another comment I once saw:
You see the Yankee knew better than us Southerners.
No matter what the A-rabs say or the KGB Putin says, they just can't get it to stay up. It keeps sliding back down under $30 which is the kiss of death for these Turd World nations that need to "tax" us White people at $100 a barrel.
It also needs to stay at $80-$100/bbl to pay for drilling in the Bakken. Those companies have spent $70/bbl to get product that now sells for $30. Many companies hedged their sales in the futures market so they're receiving quite a bit more, but as those contracts expire they'll be selling at prices which barely cover their operating expenses, let alone the loans they need to pay back. Most of the oil patch is looking at bankruptcy, and the banks at insolvency.
It's not just oil. Production of shale gas has begun its collapse too. The implosion of Chesapeake Energy was rumored for quite a while, and now it's here. Enjoy the cheap everything while it lasts, folks. It'll be gone before you know it.
There are two upsides to the imminent return of $4.00 gasoline and $1.00/therm natural gas:
1. Black criminals won't be able to afford to travel as far to steal.
2. Blacks will move to warmer climates because they can't stand to turn thermostats down.
"The state campaign, "Pure Michigan ", REALLY?"
I could be mistaken but the "Pure Michigan" add campaign only applies to the
Upper Peninsula?
These poor suffering people of color cannot fix the problem with the water coming into the city. I wonder what will happen when the sewer system crashes. Once the sewer starts to back up who will they blame. Remember a few years ago the stories about the welfare leeches that moved from Illinois to Michigan because the checks were bigger. And what city did they move to.
"without Whitey, civilization will last until the oil needs changing."
and that, in a nutshell, is the heart of the matter. the blacks have gotten so violent and arrogant here lately, that virtually ALL of the whites have moved out of their cities, and they needed to maintain at least a 20% white population just to keep things running. You might can keep an office full of aa hires and 2 or 3 white secretaries( always paid less than their black co-workers, of course) running, but take away those 3 and everybody is just wandered around looking for something to steal and waiting for leprechauns or something to come do it for them.
I just read about 200 comments on that link and didn't make a dent. Longer commen t thread than we have here. Not a single black defender. 100% realists, calling for a lynching, using our favorite slurs, questioning genetics, calling out the black leaders, and all with real names on a public forum!
The pendulum swings back soon. Not just yet, but the top of the arc is close indeed.
at anon 11:27
A lot of welfare whores did move up to Flint from Chicago because of the bigger checks plus tons of Section 8 properties. Flint has a cheaper cost of living than Chicago. It's also connected to Chicago by Amtrak's Blue Water train.
Sorry Paul this time you got it wrong. Indeed the Flint city Council is mostly black and indeed it approve using the Flint River as a temporary water source while they waited for the new water facility in Genesee county to be built on Lake Huron.
Remember the Council has no power. The State appointed administrator makes all such decision now because the city is in receivership. So the picture in the paper last year of the entire Council lifting up their water glasses and saluting the decision to use Flint river water is embarrassing, but it was not relevant. The Council has been cut out of the decision making loop. The Council was trying to garner some credit. But it hasn't worked out that way because the water turned out to be poisoned.
The true villain of the piece in Darnell Earley - state appointed administrator. In general having a higher level government agency appoint a white man to replace a local black political body is a good idea. But this time they appointed a black administrator presumably for political reasons. It hasn't worked out well.
Earley is a professional city administrator. He has a Master's in Public Administration. Most MPAs go into the great yawning maw of the federal bureaucracies. They serve in some faceless giant federal or state agency. The MPA is the standard professional degree of career bureaucrats. Most of the upper ranks of the big agencies are manned by people with an MPA.
If you look at a table of IQ by profession two things are clear. Teaching degrees don't attract the best minds and the dumbest professionals are those with an MPA. So it is not a surprise that Earley appears to have been a total fool.
But Earley is black and being black is a huge advantage if the white governor is looking for someone to run a black city. Blacks are generally stupid and so are MPAs. Earley was a double dipper. Ben Carson is unusual. Most surgeons are not black because patients get off the table when a black surgeon comes in. Similarly Jewish lawyers are preferred to black lawyers when your life is at state.
But black communities are heartened when the governor appoints a black temporary administrator. Flint had had four emergency administrators in six years. They finally got the tall impressive looking Darnell Early - and he poisoned them.
Luke said ”Now American Heroes are being targeted by orcs. A white Marine was eating in a McDonalds when a bunch of orcs yelled at him asking what he thought of #OrcLivesMatter. He ignored them, then when he walked out he was knocked out and robbed.
(Yeah, I'm black. But I hate orcs just as much as the next rational guy.)”
It isn't a surprise that a group of blacks would do this to a single unarmed white man because we see it quite often. What makes this incident stand out is the apparent apathy of everyone involved. The orcs spent time harassing the marine while he was trying to eat a hamburger, and then they ambushed him when he stepped outside. There is no indication that anyone in the McDonalds bothered to call police or assist their customer in any way. The only person who helped was a cab driver who was willing to take the beaten, robbed and dazed marine elsewhere. I remember when the picture in the article first appeared on the internet.
I had already decided to avoid McDonalds unless there is no convenient alternative, but now I'll eat at a McDonalds only if there is no other way to survive. If I see one catching on fire, I'll stand back and watch it burn, but I'm sure that my cell phone battery will be too weak for me to call 911.
Over at takiMag someone wrote that 'my 3 year olds first homework assignment ever was to research a great Black man.'
Kid u not.
These poor suffering people of color cannot fix the problem with the water coming into the city. I wonder what will happen when the sewer system crashes.
I dont wonder. Black shit happens.
Don't forget that around 50% of Detroit residents are 3 months or more behind on their water bills. They block the city trucks who turn off the water for non payment, and pay people to illegally turn their water back on after it has been shut off by the city. The residents got the UN to declare that water is a "human right", to justify their non payment. So my point is, do we owe people anything for lead in water that they refuse to pay for anyway?
The retreating snow will show everyone, that Negroes truly care about the environment.
Dey back yards will be spotless!
No piles of garbage bags, no random bottles lying about.
No moldy piles of PitBull poop!!
This would be a great opportunity to begin building Obamaville, an upscale (cawz a nigga need da bestiss), all-black, shining city on the hill. Homes will be solid concrete with stainless steel everything; doors, windows, toilets, sinks, etc. Bullet-proof glass will reduce drive-by mishaps. No grass, just concrete painted green or whatever color they want. It will be built on sloping terrain so the power-washer truck can roll down the skreets flushing the filth downhill into the decontamination facility every day. Businesses will be totally automated/robotic and re-supplied from underground tunnels and behind the scenes much like Disney World. Whites will not be allowed into Obamaville so as to insure a racism-free society.
A lot of those design concepts for the "Obamaville" shining city on the hill sounds just like what I would expect to find inside of a federal supermax pentitentiary, aka knee grow university.
"the NAACP seeing the generosity of Americans from one end of the country to the other sending bottles of water to Flint..." Yeah, WHITE Americans.
Blacks don't tip. Blacks don't volunteer. And they damn sure don't DONATE!
White people did that. Once again throwing money at a problem caused by TNB.
I was gonna send water, but I thought ammunition would be wiser purchase.
Stay alert, stay alive.
It looks like Hillary Clinton is going to use the Flint water disaster as a political issue in the upcoming election. Her angle is that Governor Snyder is a Republican and that Earley was trying to save money - an evil Republican goal.
Snyder is indeed a Republican and Flint indeed was in money trouble. But Earley is a Democrat and this isn't a difficult fact to unearth, so she may back off of this little political ploy. The decision that led to poisoning the public water supply was made by a Democrat.
Flint was recently a white city but like Detroit it quickly changed to majority black when the auto industry moved out. The blacks remaining in Detroit and Flint tend to be the poorest people with the least options. People who have choices, choose to move out. One thing the remaining blacks can choose it whether to pay their taxes and municipal bills. Last year there were a series of news stories about Detroit residents failing to pay their water bills. The water department cut off their water and the blacks appealed to the UN. LOL.
Flint had gotten its water from the Detroit water department. The Detroit water department didn't want Flint's business anymore and squeezed them and threatened them to get them to change. Flint's emergency administrator approved using water from the Flint river for two years until the new water uptake plant was finished on Lake Huron. Apparently Earley made this decision without consulting any water experts.
The water in the Flint river is kind of dirty. There is a good deal of rust and soil in it. So the water can come out of the user's faucet looking brown. You can hardly blame the water consumers for being upset by brown water. But actually the iron and dirt in the water was harmless. The real problem was the ph of the water.
Almost all the municipal water lines in America and everywhere else were originally made of lead. The word plumbing means lead in Latin. But in America we started replacing our lead connector water lines in the late fifties as we recognized the dangers of lead. Here in Oakland the water distribution pipes were all lead free since the sixties. But many eastern US cities still have lead pipes.
Most of the time and in most places your lead distribution pipes make little difference. Europe has used lead pipes for over two thousand years with little trouble. There is only a problem when the pH goes down. With normal alkaline public water the lead pipe forms a film inside the pipe which keeps the water from contacting the metallic lead. Every person in every water department everywhere knows this basic fact. That inner coating keeps the water safe. This is not secret knowledge.
But if you put acidic water through that same pipe it will dissolve the protective coating and allow the water to contact the metallic lead. That's when adults get heart problems and children grow stupid. Allowing lead into the public drinking water is just about the worst thing an administrator can do.
The federal government apparently is now going to pay for removing all the lead connector pipes in Flint. There more to it than just that. Last year I had to replace my water heater. All the plumbing was done with plastic pipes or if they made a new metal connection it was made with lead-free solder. I expect in the near future that The City of Oakland will require me to change all the lead pipes I have inside my house. But even then I won't be through. Your water faucets are probably solid brass but brass faucets have a small amount of lead in them to fill micro-cracks. They will have to be replaced too. Getting a totally lead free environment will be a long expensive process.
But we have to do it - right?
Maybe not. We should probably just evacuate Flint and most of Detroit. We should shrink those cities down to what the current taxpayers can support. The open empty areas could be sold as farmland. Just keep the 'teens' out and it should be fine for cows.
They would fuck it up requiring more time, manpower, and redistributed tax dollars.
Here in the west(California)they cut back on the water to the framers and ranchers to save some dumb 3 inch fish(Delta Smelt)and confiscate land or property over some stupid lizard or rodent
Remember the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline? THAT was supposed to make us energy independent 40 years ago. The North Slope area by Prudhoe Bay has been surveyed. There are two fields there that could supply us at our current demamd levels for the next two centuries. "Peak Oil" has been, is now, and always will be a PR campaign to justify price gouging and the perception of "scarcity."
Someone above wondered about the banks being in bed with the oil companies. Surprised? J.P. Morgan Chase was the merger of two companies produced by two of the great 19th-Century Robber Barons. The financier J.P. Morgan personally interceded during the panic of 1907 to get liquidity back into the market . . . and helped make the case for establishing the Federal Reserve.
The "Chase" of J.P. Morgan-Chase is the old Chase Manhattan bank, founded by John D. Rockefeller of Standard Oil infamy. Anybody remember the big coverage a few years back with the MicroSoft anti-trust suit brought by the feds? More smoke and mirrors, kids. Classic misdirection. See, the FRONT pages of the papers were loaded up with all the rulings by Judge Thomas Pennfield Jackson, and all the arguments and appeals by counsel on both sides. That's what we were supposed to notice.
While all this was happening on page 1, with sidebars and opinion pieces and whatnot, the REAL story was a tiny little scrap at the bottom of page 23. The bit about how the SEC approved the merger of Exxon and Mobil. Golly gee and holy fist fuck, Batman! Exxon and Mobil merging . . . two of the "orphans" created by the breakup of the Standard Oil empire. Standard Oil, which was the whole reason for passing the Sherman Anti-Trust Act in the first place.
How about the "breakup" of AT&T in 1984? Look how how much they ccurrently control of the telecommunications market. The game is rigged. 95% of ALL the media outlets in this country are owned by 6 companies. There are only a handful of big players in the banking industry. Oil companies? Look up the "Seven Sisters." The deeper you dig, the more bodies you'll find, in some cases literally.
Malcolm Ex-Lax
I love how they've turned this into a race thing as if 99% of the population is black. Nice to see that libtards like Michael Moore don't give a flying **** about the FORTY SIX PERCENT white population who is also being poisoned. Apparently, lead poisoning hurts black people's feelings more, or something.
On another note, I like to post uplifting stories when I find them. Here is this week's: A young negro accidentally shot and killed another negro. Please read story for details, then hold your sides as you die with laughter. I know I did. :)
Water gone wrong, pipes gone wrong, Flint gone wrong. Racism strikes again!
WTF are they going to do when the wheels come off BRA later this year if they can't even keep clean water flowing when the grid is up, there is all sorts of YT technical help, SJWs are falling all over themselves to help and BHO is giving them more of YT's money?
Observation: The ghetto types are only bold in their own hoods, they don't like to travel far especially at night into wooded areas or even suburbs. When BRA breaks down they will be stuck where they are such as beautiful Flint, Baltimore, Detroit etc. free to "Burn this Bitch Down". YT will not be available for repairs/maintenance, he will be tending to his own problems so at least the nogs will finally be free of evil YT. Travel for everyone will be difficult if there are fuel shortages or other problems and woe to he who is unprepared.
Get thee ready YT for BRA to fail, it's inevitable.
non-DWL from NE
BHO likes his M-1 Garand
OT but still relevant. I have a clip of Something Black People Don't Like. Hint: paying their bills.
I wouldn't bet $10 the guy ever pays anything.
Luke said ”. . . (Yeah, I'm black. But I hate orcs just as much as the next rational guy.)”
It is unfortunate that you are black Luke. Almost any race realist will look at you and realize that even if you are an IKAGO that you have normal orc family members, and that one would not have to look beyond one degree of relative consanguinity to find a lot of typical orc behavior and criminality in your family tree. Even if a race realist concluded that you are at the apex of black social development, it will never be considered safe to have you for a neighbor because of your inescapable connection to typical members of your race.
Rather than be depressed about your situation you should communicate with like minded blacks and do something to change the direction your race is headed. Your race is not judged by the color of its skin, it is judged by the collective content of its character. Skin color simply makes it easy to identify the members of a race that comprises 13% of the population but commits over half of all crime. I'm not a statistician, but I suspect that the correlation between members of the race with black skin and rampant criminal behavior is almost perfect. This will have to change and blacks will have to develop a spirit of cooperation before the black race can peacefully coexist with any other race.
I am a licensed water operator in a white controlled city. Leaving aside the media reporting, which is nearly all inaccurate, this is a common and simple problem and is easily avoided by feeding a perfectly safe common chemical to prevent leaching lead from the old service lines. Every city of any age deals with this every day. Corruption and stupidity makes simple things hard. Black rule makes simple things impossible.
The Baron says:
Not to jump off topic here, but since I live in the Baltimore metropolitan area, the Flint story is as unsurprising and uninteresting as it gets.
We now have the inflammatory premiere of 'Roots' slated for the upcoming months, the pending collapse of the Freddie Gray case and now, the death of Antonin Scalia. It seems unrelated until you realize that the only card the lame duck administration has to play is their most trusted. In order force a candidate through, does anyone doubt the name put forth for review will be an extreme leftist black, perhaps even Lynch herself? This will give the administration the opportunity to use it's weapon of choice, shrieking "racism" to incite its base, already whipped into a frenzy by Levar Burton and Alex Haley. The collision course is set. It's gonna be hot summer.
That comment alone has made it all worth while to me. Well played...well played. (Pun intended)
In Black Housing here in the Gateway City, PVC fresh water pipes as well as Gray Water pipes are becoming the norm because they are worthless as scrap. Not immune to vandalism, but no scrap value. If the Flint Water System is to be rebuilt on YT's dime, put it all in plastic for the A**hole Babies.
P.S. The church digging a well comment was a hoot!
Don't believe for a second it has anything to do with a fish or lizard. California, the liberal socialist state par excellence, now controls the most abundant substance on planet Earth, and is free to weaponize its usage against its citizens. Anyone who tells you they want to "save the environment" is either a liar or a misguided stooge. It's about control.
The Baron
This will have to change and blacks will have to develop a spirit of cooperation before the black race can peacefully coexist with any other race.
Hilarious thanks for the laugh.
This will all be commonplace in each and every major city in the US as we hand over the wheel of this country to a blind, ignorant, lazy, thieving, demanding black. What did we expect?
They probably think that water comes from the same magical place that their welfare checks come from.
Detroit supplies a large part of the lower half of the liwer peninsula's water. Detroit water is the best drinking water in the world, no bs. Quality water has a price, a price that the Flint stones just felt like not paying and rebelled. They wanted their OWN water fubu!!! Instead of following the plan laid out by Lansing, the negros ran ahead and tapped the Flint River, they weren't waiting on no tap from Lake Huron, hale no muhfuggas we's tappin' da Fleeint Ribbas. The idiots never put the neutralizing compounds in the water treatment plant either, causing lead pipes to leach lead into the negrofied water mayhem. ALL due to negros.
..and yet look how far they have come. At this rate, they will have this country destroyed in the next 20 years or so.
Mine isn't
My favorite of the day...thank you
Remember, it's the Talented Tenth. That means for every groid that can mimic human behavior and apparently assimilate, there are NINE OTHER ORCS that come with it dragging us into the gutter!
Gotta separate, or we die...
"Maybe all the black welfare assholes in Flint should be required to furnish labor to replace the pipes, etc. under threat of having their EBT cards and food stamps cancelled"
You're missing a point here.
The nation's infrastructure is at least a trillion dollars in arrears on things that whites used to do and pay for without being asked to.
Now where do you think all that money will end up when the time finally comes to do the needed work? Local contractors?
Or giant pork-based companies the likes of Halliburton or bin Laden or whatever the Chinese equivalent is (like the ones building the SF Bay Bridge).
EBT is welfare for Big Ag and Big Pharma. They are all using blacks as weapons against the white taxpayer. Believe me, the cost of all this is on pages with numbers in spreadsheets on big computers in tall office buildings. They're just waiting for the call to submit proposals and get trillions in MORE TAXES.
No, the campaign is for the whole state.
Outside of fuxated areas like Flint, Pontiac, Benton Harlem, and of course Detroit, most of the Great Lake State is clean and quite pleasant.
Not sure where the comments about trash comes from. Only in the hood, but some truths are universal.
"It seems unrelated until you realize that the only card the lame duck administration has to play is their most trusted."
I think that particular card is about to be declined due to non-payment. Gonna take a double metric shit-ton of excellent references and timely payment history to re-establish BRA's credit rating. They can fill out an application around the time James Tiberius Kirk graduates from Star Fleet Academy.
Malcolm Ex-Lax
This sums up things nicely:
See, it's only been the kind tutelege of the white man who has kept us from ruin by the hands of the black man these past 60 years. But now things have changed. The negro has gained the upper hand. His sheer numbers have pushed YT out, so without YT to supervise, we have what amounts to a group of junior high school afletes running municipalities and water works. All they're able to do is scratch their hayads and cry, "Weez ben scriminated gainst! YT took his magic juju wid him wen he lef the water woks tuh us!" And then you have no go cities, cities that were once towering examples of the expertise and dedication to quality, refinement, education, and the arts.
The liberal assumption is that black dysfunction is the product of "discrimination" or "bad zip codes" or other environmental factors. Remove the bad environment, and blacks will thus rise up to the level of the white.
In theory.
In reality, left to their own devices blacks have demonstrated an ability to maintain white civilization. This has been the case in the Caribbean and sub-Saharan Africa. Here in the Homeland, as long as blacks were a minority, any dysfunctions they caused could be kept contained or at least damage controlled by YT.
But now blacks are getting a little too numerous. And gaining control of too many cities. Damage control is being overwhelmed. Let's add to this the expected wave of AA "engineers" who will be turned out by the colleges under government diktat. And the general havok wrought by black gangbanging, flashmobbing and general rioting on facilities.
It would be interesting to do a comparative study of Haiti, black-majority-rule South Africa, and Flint, MI to determine if there are similar patterns in black inability to keep basic infrastructure running (water, electricity, roads). We might also look at the New Orleans dikes and flood control systems, pre-Katrina.
Consider how hydraulic technology has been part of human civilization for thousands of years--except in Africa. Is there something inherent in blacks which make it impossible for them to maintain hydraulic systems, even when YT hands them over on a silver platter?
I had a young relative who spent a summer break digging water wells in Africa.
At a family gathering, while he beamed at this selfless act of accomplishment, I axed: "couldn't one white engineer go there, instruct the locals in that particular village where to dig, and allow you, an American Studies major who has no expertise in such technology, to spend your summer trying to get laid?"
He didn't answer. He just went and stood next to his mom, who gave me a whithering look.
Acidic water in the pipes? Naturally occuring? Uh . . . no. There is, however a very common additive to our domestic water supply since the post World War 2 era.
Fluoride. A rather nasty and toxic industrial byproduct added to the water for the stated purpose of preventing cavities. Of course, the Nazis used sodium fluoride for the extended summer camps during that little hiccup in Europe we had to fix.
But back to acidic water. The most commonly used form of fluoride introduced into water for consumption is an extremely nasty item known as hydroflourosilicic acid. Basically waste acid from the silicon wafer etching process. (Hydrofluoric acid with silica particulate) There are all kinds of accidents that have occured involving spills. Hydrofluorosilicic acid is so corrosive it will eat concrete. How is something like this in the water PREVENTING tooth decay?
Actually, it doesn't. Not like we were told. In trace amounts (about .1ppm) naturally occuring environmental fluoride can be beneficial. Some spring waters in Colorado early last century were reputed to be good, because local residents had good teeth.
But even the naturally occuring fluoride can have counterintuitive results. Just part of the American psyche, that if a little is good, then a lot must be even better. Wrong. Fluoride chemically binds to calcium in the body, and it has a cumulative effect, leading to a condition called fluorosis. Dental fluorosis is characterized by brownish, mottled looking discolorations and increased fragility of the enamel.
Of course, there are other calcium structures in the body easily damaged by fluoride - bones. Kind of funny how osteoperosis was virtually unheard of until about 30 years ago. Not completely unknown, but still comparatively rare. Bones lose mass and become susceptible to fractures and breaks with the onset of middle age. Hmmmmm . . . A lot of the first wave baby boomers hit middle age about 30 years ago, and quite a few of them had been drinking fluoridated water since the late '40's.
Any chemical hazard can be researched by typing in the chemical name and adding MSDS to the search term. MSDS is short for
Material Safety Data Sheet. Pull up the MSDS for hydrofluoric acid. Some of the emergency medical recommendations remind me of the extreme (and usually futile efforts) from the days of the Manhattan Project.
Sorry for the long rant. But don't take my word for it. Thanks to the power of google-fu, grasshopper, here is "Fluoride Fiasco", by Gary Null, PhD.
Malcolm Ex-Lax
In our Electoral College system, a minority voting block can swing a state.
However, so few people vote, those who don't vote allow assholes to be elected.
If Whites turned out as a block the way minorities do, they could sweep elections.
That's why they are terrified of Trump. If he can turn out people who have never voted, he can win.
They never voted before, but if they suddenly see a real "hope and change" movement like Obama enjoyed, they can change the world.
I heard a middle-eastern immigrant call into a national right-wing radio show one day where they were discussing the Baltimore riots.
This fellow said: "I'm a taxpayer. I'd pay more taxes if we could just admit that they were irredeemable and just pay them a stipend. It would be cheaper than paying billions in federal funds for useless school programs and studies to figure out why they are low-IQ losers. Let's just pay them to do nothing and move on."
THe host, who was napping on the 7-second-delay button, stammered: "Uh, uh, that's just wrong, Mohammed from Cleveland, but we're up against a hard break and here's a word from Mattress Giant...."
Ironically, if the government did just that, but called it "Reparations" instead of a "retard allowance" as Mohammed did, Hillary, Jeb, Bernie, Marco, Jesse, and Barack would all be on board.
from your article----The City Council of 56 percent black Flint (7 of 9 members are black)
No, As a percent, I think its about 77%, not 56%.
"Awake said...
They probably think that water comes from the same magical place that their welfare checks come from."
February 16, 2016 at 5:32 PM
They know exactly where their water comes from, the faucet. Their electricity comes out of the plug in the wall and the gas comes out of the stove.
See, real simple.
A couple posters had a problem with PK's math: "The City Council of 56 percent black Flint (7 of 9 members are black)", saying it's 77% not 56%. You guys misread that sentence. The city is 56% black, but the city council is 7 of 9 (77%).
The math is fine.
Black inability to maintain basic infrastructure? Unsurprising.
After all, how many DWLs does it take to dig a well (a fancy hole in the round) for Africans?
--MANY, it would seem!
To anybody with self-respect, having a bunch of SJW uni students digging yet another hole would feel deeply humiliating. Alas: honour, dignity, .., the entire moral and temperamental makeup of negroids seems foreign.
This may tie in with the sense of entitlement, just as African tribal conflict parallels afroamerican gang ware fare. Different variations on a theme-- the theme of utter laziness and low-hanging fruit.
"ALL the media outlets in this country are owned by 6 companies."
Virtually every fortune 500 or other publicly traded company is primarily owned by the same 8 or 10 banks... who are largely owned by each other. When a select group can create "credit" from nothing and call it "money" it is perfectly predictable that before long they will accumulate all the real wealth that they can.
MSN Money or Hoovers websites are great research tools to "follow the money" and see who controls these organizations. Many of us have spent countless hours digging around these sources, using our power of pattern recognition, and come up to the same conclusions.
Jimi Hendrix played out of tune all the time. That being said, most rock players are out of tune all the time! I like what Eric Clapton said in 1976. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dg9IZyx_-Os
Gary Null, Ph.D. (Hahaha, a mail order Ph.D.) nearly killed himself taking his own silly vitamin D concotion. I know it's the manufacturer's fault, right? Maybe, maybe not.
You're 0 for 2 Malcolm Ex-Lax.
Tarczan here.
This is progress. Blacks used to be only accused of driving down property values, increasing crime, and ruining the schools. Now they do all that plus destroy the water system.
europeasant said...
"The state campaign, "Pure Michigan ", REALLY?"
I could be mistaken but the "Pure Michigan" add campaign only applies to the
Upper Peninsula?
I believe this was meant to be an inside joke.
Yes, lots of guitar players are out of tune. Instead of the "standard" tuning of
E, B, G, D, A and E,they tune down a half step to Eb, Bb, Gb, Db, Ab and Eb. It makes it a little easier on the fingertips when bending the strings.
As far as Hendrix goes, between the drugs and the massive fuzz tone and titanic volume, it would be tough to tune by ear.
Even without the the above problems, there was a mechanical issue. The locking Sperzel tuning pegs weren't around until the mid to late '70's, and the Floyd Rose locking tremolo followed a couple years after that.
I'll do some digging around about the Vitamin D story. Hadn't heard about that one.
Malcolm Ex-Lax
I toured the world with a one hit wonder band. I've said it before, you haven't lived until the Solid Gold dancers writhe to your song! Most guitar players are out of tune because they don't know how. I understand tuning down and whammy bars, but "rock" players are mainly good for small interval three note patterns and pentatonic stuff. There never was , nor never will be, a "rock" guitar player anywhere near Joe Pass, Lenny Breau or Chet Atkins. They never had mechanical issues.
Gary Null is a joke.
The gerrymandered system is what makes or breaks an election. Crooked from the start but disguised as making things even, but they knew what they were doing. Crooked to the end, oh and in-between too.
Mich Mike
Flint is not a city. A city is populated with civilized people, capable of generating enough wealth to maintain and build new infrastructure. Flint, like all majority black territories, is a negro habitat. Not unlike the Detroit Zoo, Flint is populated with animals that need humans to provide them with food, water, shelter, medical care, and property maintenance. A negro habitat tries to provide negroes with their native jungle-like environment. Females in Africa raise their young without the father. Shelter is easily made from sticks, mud, and leaves, food grows on trees, and clothing is optional. African males spend their days impregnating and stealing food from the females and each other.
Huge corporations moved out of flint. The people of flint are from all walks of life, more black people but not all black. Flint has many low income people. A broke city looking to squeeze money from resident's after manufacturing businesses moved.
Politics, police, courts, appointed, elected city official's are to blame for this mess. Tickets, fines, taxes? What did they spend the money on? How much went back to the city? Not enough! Now I won't drive through a broke city looking to legally rob citizens for cash. Starting to happen more and more. Flint isn't the last broke city, many more to come.
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