PK Note: The clip below from Braveheart needs to become a video meme. Instead of Wallace's murdered wife walking through the crowd, it needs to be Trump. Instead of Wallace yelling "freedom," he needs to yell, "TRUMP." The faces of enemy need to be Rubio, Bill Kristol, etc.
There's no going back, folks.
It's started.
The signs are all around us.
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"Trump": The most powerful, offensive statement one can make in defense of their heritage |
White high school students in Iowa chanted "Trump" at a rival, majority non-white (heavily children of illegal aliens) school, and the news of this incident means exactly one thing: just as in Braveheart, William Wallace fought for freedom for his people (famously refusing to submit to the English crown and yelling "freedom"), the very name of Donald Trump is now a rallying cry for something once implicit, but increasingly becoming explicit.
[Students meet to discuss 'Trump' chants made during game, KCCI Des Moines, 2-25-16]:
Student leaders from Dallas Center-Grimes Schools met with students from Perry Thursday to discuss “Trump” chants made during a Monday night basketball game.
Dallas Center-Grimes student body co-president Austin Kloewer was in the stands Monday night.
“There’s that feeling inside that this is wrong, but at the same time you don’t think of the big context, the feelings of the other side,” said Kloewer.
Sonya Harwood, a senior at Dallas Center-Grimes, said she was not proud of her school’s public image after seeing KCCI’s story Tuesday.
“I knew as soon as we saw it, we had to fix this,” said Harwood. “This was wrong.”
Harwood, along with other student leaders, organized a meeting with athletic leaders from Perry High School Thursday morning.
“They didn’t want to make excuses. Our kids did not want to go to Perry today and defend themselves,” said Scott Blum, dean of students at Dallas Center-Grimes. “They wanted to say ‘we were wrong and we’re going to get better because of it.’’
Harwood said her composition teacher threw out the day's lesson plan, opting instead to discuss the incident.
“How we can come together as a community and support one another and love each other no matter what our skin color is – that’s the important part and that’s what really needs to be learned here,” said Harwood.
DCG students reportedly used a derogatory basketball chant during Monday night's basketball game against Perry.
Students at Perry said the opposing student section tapped into the presidential candidate Donald Trump's controversial stance on immigration to intimidate the Perry High School team. Dallas Center-Grimes students appeared to chant "Trump" repeatedly in the second half of the game.
Nearly half of the student population at Perry High School are minorities, many Hispanic.
Dallas Center-Grimes school officials said they ended the chant quickly and addressed the issue.
Students and staff members at Dallas Center Grimes attended Perry High School's district championship basketball game Thursday to show their support.So now the very word "Trump" is deemed a derogatory chant by the media and public school officials?
"Mercy," they want us to yell, rolling over, accepting amnesty for illegal immigrants and for our dispossession to be complete.
Fat, feckless "conservatives" entirely wedded to the system of Black-Run America (if you don't rock the boat too much, you can pretend to be opposition and have a job as a pundit) start their #NeverTrump Twitter campaign.
And yet, throughout the nation, the very name of "Trump" is now synonymous with freedom.
Freedom from the tyranny of the other.
Freedom from the submerging of America into a colony of the 3rd world.
"Trump" is now the embodiment of the most precious freedom imaginable: freedom of association, which literally means the freedom to discriminate.
There's no going back, folks.
It's started.
The signs are all around us.
The earth will literally shake the moment white people explicitly state what they implicitly know to be true: with one word, the chains fall off.
As as these invisible chains fall to the world, tiny tremors are felt.
These 'colorblind" clowns are going find out the hard way. The invaders sure don't think like that.
Great post. The media pundits don't know whether to shit or go blind. They are in full panic mode and beginning to push the brokered convention narrative. If Trump sweeps Super Tuesday it's done. I think he'll sweep The South, but they'll find a way to Fuck him over in the end, afterall Picking a President is a big decision, too big for voters to decide. Get those marshmallows ready.
One of my best friends from the old days in New York is still alive. We call each other at least every week or two. He is a "race realist" and is hip to all the other bullshit going on in this country. We always talk about what we call numbers. How many people are fed up with the bullshit. How many believe in the lie and how many are starting to see through the con job.
Trump shows us the numbers. Thousands show up for his rallies. I am amazed at the crowds this guy gets where ever he goes. Career criminals like Hillary and Billary get a few hundred dummies to show up if their lucky. We all know who the money lords want in Washington. Ever since I read the "VOTE SCAM" book by the Collier Brothers I've known all the elections are rigged. is a great book if you want to see how things work.
I know the system does not like outsiders they can't buy or blackmail. If Trump is not the CONTROLLED OPPOSITION then the rigged and corrupt political machine will shut him out like they did years ago with Pat Buchanan. Trump and Paul Craig Roberts would make the perfect ticket.
I am still amazed at white people who talk about "loving" people who HATE THEIR GUTS. Just read about more shoot outs in the towns along the Mexican border. Bang. Bang. Ride 'em cowboy.
Wow. The indoctrination is nauseating. In Iowa of all places. It's freaking everywhere. Talk about a deadly virus.
The Mick
Let's hope that most of them turn 18 before Nov.8th.Those 6 Electoral Votes could be crucial to the outcome.
These people are sick in the head. They hate us for being white.
On topic: dramatic spike in NYC slashing attacks -
It's the newest trend, an escalated new version of the knockout game.
I guarantee that dindu schools have chanted Obama..Obama..Obama hundreds if not thousands of times over the last 7+ years. I wonder if anyone was ever ashamed, or called out in front of their peers. We all know the answer.
Trump took 48% of Hispanics in the Nevada GOP Caucus, against two white guys - Cruz and Rubio - who are "Hispanics of convenience."
A legal, taxpaying, Hispanic bricklayer in Nevada was less interested in his wife's cousin getting a "path to citizenship" than he was in allowing in people destroying his livelihood by working for half-price and destroying his livlihood.
That will be repeated in Texas next week, regardless of what the polls say.
Blood isn't thicker than your kid's future.
Yes it has begun.
And yet Beyonce can throw her black fist in the air on National TV praising the Black Panthers all in the face of whites and whites have to apologize. I'm willing to bet no hispanics have apologized for their racist celebrations at many high schools where whites were denied to wear American flag shirts cause it would offend the Mexicans.
And how timely is this, in my city today, one known for Disneyland, apparently the KKK had a rally and were attacked for just being exercising right to free speech by hundred protesters with 2x4's. Anaheim is 57% Hispanic and about 24% white. The anti-white witnesses and commenters are disgusting with their liberal racist hate speech.
Brian Levin, director of Cal State San Bernardino's Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism, said he was standing near the KKK members when several protesters attacked them with two-by-fours and other weapons.
Several of the Klan members jumped in the SUV and sped off, leaving three others to “fend for themselves,” Levin said.
Levin had been trying to interview the KKK ringleader, whom he identified as William Quigg, an Anaheim resident.
They see themselves as a “Klan without robes” and model themselves after David Duke, the Louisiana-based former grand wizard of the Klan, Levin said.
Levin said he was standing next to Quigg when a crowd of protesters swarmed the Klan members. Levin said he pushed the Klan leader away as the violence continued and a protester was stabbed.
Levin said he asked Quigg, “How do you feel that a Jewish guy just saved your life?”
“Thank you,” the Klan leader replied, according to Levin.
Fuck illegals. Fuck those suffering from media induced white guilt. Fuck you if you don't like what I'm saying. It's time to take the garbage out before the kitchen stinks permanently.
Many African-americans are telling me that Trump will reinstate slavery. Why would he do that? I mean what could the "slaves" possibly do for us? Would they build robots? Write software? Test software? Provide medical care?
Seriously, if they were slaves, what could they possibly do? Well other than news broadcasts. I'm convinced that 50% of negroes are TV news readers. Every time I meet a negro, I ask them "what channel are you on?".
Good thing they didn't,chant Washington or Jefferson because then they would have really been up shits creek.oh, no thoses guys actually owned slaves and set in place a political system that lead to the betterment of the whole world. Fuck these soft ass people always begging for someone to let them apologize.Virtue signalling assholes.
These 'colorblind" clowns are going find out the hard way. The invaders sure don't think like that.
The thing they refuse to acknowledge is that race is not a matter of color-of-skin(tm) but genetics (plus whatever metaphysical qualities about which one might postulate).
Of course, the invaders do see race as being more than a matter of skin color. This is so with the third worlders flooding into the USA, Europe, and so forth. Their mass migrations are colonization in the most basic sense of the word.
In Los Angeles, Hispanic gangs war against blacks based on race. Perhaps all these granola crunching cat ladies can wag their fingers at MS-13 and tell them that race is not a matter of color-of-skin(tm)....and then see how long it is before "shots ring out!"
Just watch the film trumbo and wouldn't you know when he goes to prison he meets an angry black man who killed a white man for robbing him. Fuck Hollywood. They wedge a bigger into every Goddamn movie.
I wish I could be as optimistic as you PK. While this minor act of rebellion is certainly refreshing to see, I fear the Trump phenomenon is too little, too late. Those of us "of a certain age" still remember "forced busing", affirmative action, and other long-ago outrages against the white working class. The time for rebellion was then. But it didn't happen, much to my surprise. I'm was just as guilty as my fellow whites, who just sat there, watching the passing parade.
An armed uprising like the "Troubles" in Northern Ireland should have began in those days. Or at least some sort of tax revolt or civil disobedience. But nothing happened. I wouldn't pin too many hopes on Donald Trump. One must remember that historically, the enemies of the white race have always managed to stay one step ahead and to distract and divert white anger.
Sorry to seem pessimistic, but as a white nationalist who's been active in our so-called "movement" for about twenty years, I've pretty much given up on the average white lemming. I honestly don't know WHAT it will take to wake him up.
Yes, "Trump!" as the ultimate action word to repel the illegals and criminals; a new magic chant. Love it!
We need to organize; we need concrete goals and a path to get there.
One has to decide - is it all Negroes back to Africa, or is it separate homelands within the USA borders? One must choose the ultimate desired outcome and then work backwards to determine strategy and action.
What does the majority here want? What does PK actually want?
I'm a 'back-on'the'boat' kinda gal myself. ;)
These "colorblind" clowns don't have full-time jobs with a shitload of taxes withheld, and spend their days marinating in the linguistic droppings of teachers with a direct, vested interest in making sure that Blacks remain dumb and Hispanics remain non-fluent in English, so they can collect a fatter paycheck for teaching "learning-disabled" "students."
The first vote I ever cast was for Walter Mondale. I still cringe thinking about it. Cut these kids some slack. They know nothing of the world.
"racism" is a BS PC hustle that destroys a majority population.
It's vacuous slander.
It's state sanctioned character defamation.
in DC
I was talking with a friend last night, we're both too young to really remember the "Junior Johnson" South but we're old enough to remember the last vestiges of it. I remember this old juke joint me and my buddies would go to, $5 ice cold pitchers of beer, we were 16, 17, 18, no worries, pinball machines, working class and professional white men drinking beer in a converted shotgun shack, no women, no blacks, that kind of South. It's good for men to have a place like that to go.
You could buy miniature Confederate flags easily and there was a particular image I remember of an old Confederate pot bellied soldier in his gray uniform with revolvers in each hand, the tagline was something along the lines of "Hell no it aint over", something like that.
We are on the cuspice of change, anyone can see that. We are approaching the Mother of Inflection Points. Things won't continue as is, they will only get demonstrably worse in all facets or they will end and we can set up making things right again. The recent remarks by Vincente Fox and the Chinese official regarding Trump suggest they are very fearful of the latter. They're acting like a pimp dealing with one of their whore's start talking about going to college. It's time for America to stop being a whore, to stop being the bitch for the world. It's an exciting time to live and Trump is the catalyst.
Off topic but related.... just watch the film kings of Egypt. Really well acted by the white actors whi got the part on merit. There were no black slaves and guess who the most intelligent god of Egypt was played by????? You guessed it, a negroe. Who was also terrible actor.
Remember.... negroes have been leading the way in intelligence for thousands of years!!! Nobel prize ceremonies for science have been dominated by negroe geniuses for years..... come on Nobel judges, let whitey have a go
I'm not an Alex Jones Fan per se, but I do like Roger Stone and was sent this story by a friend and it fits with this subject.
I'm looking forward to the destruction of the current Republican Party, if they keep Trump from his fair nomination. The establishment looks like they would rather have Hillary as President, thinking they can control her through Republican majorities in the House and Senate. I can't imagine the voter rage if Romney is pushed at the 11th hour.
We are living in interesting times.
The great wailing and gnashing of teeth from the left when Trump takes the White House will be music to my ears. I hope these smug "educators" cry a river of tears when they have to hang Trumps picture in their schools.
The fact that High School kids did this, unscripted, pulls back the curtain on what the left is trying to hide.
And maybe, just maybe, we can stop apologizing for every god damn thing in this country.
I hope this time next year, we`re shouting FREEDOM! But I fear we`ll be shouting WOLVERINES!
Its gonna be a hell of a ride, folks. Keep your powder dry.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Two illegals in a landscaping truck weren't paying attention and nearly broadsided me in a hardware store parking lot yesterday.
I stared them down and said "Maricon mojados. Viva la Trump."
It's coming. And they better be leaving.
Off topic but to make you smile...
Another riot over shoes.
Oh i LOVE it that White people, ESPECIALLY young White people are beginning to cast off White guilt and stand together in unity!
And chastising them for it will only strengthen their reslove, and tell them they are RIGHT!
When negroes talk about slavery now, it means having to get a job, pay taxes, and work for a living.
They're afraid Trump will create the jobs they always whine about not having.
Then when they refuse to work, what will happen?
One has to decide - is it all Negroes back to Africa, or is it separate homelands within the USA borders?
Africa. They can just walk over any land border, and some may even be able to swim rivers.
To get started, offer convicted felons (especially those doing long terms) immediate freedom and a stipend if they surrender their citizenship and go to Liberia. Then impose work requirements on able-bodied welfare recipients, but eliminate that if they de-naturalize and expatriate too. Ship over pre-fab housing made from shipping containers; if you figure 2 40-foot containers is roughly equal to a shotgun shack, you can put housing for 10,000 on a single Panamax boat. Maybe have teams of DWL do-gooders keeping their Potemkin villages all nice and neat. Meanwhile you require long-term contraception for straight EBT; those not on it get a monthly delivery of essentials, no cash.
No babies in the ghetto, ghetto thugs and families moving out... it's a solution.
The first vote I ever cast was for Walter Mondale.
Damn, this blog's Boomer contingent is bigger than I thought.
I stumbled upon this website a couple of weeks ago. So refreshing and reassuring to read the words of other "realists." TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!
@ Eddie in St. Louis (February 28, 2016 at 6:21 AM)
Just a little FYI for Eddie:
ConservativeTreeHouse website banned me because I provided a list of Jewish control across the board in America - noting 61% Jewish, 39% Non Jew. I was labeled "anti-Semitic", scolded, and mocked - without saying a single word of hate or anything derogatory...I simply put up the numbers of control with a list of CEO's movers-shakers, international policy leaders, top financial dogs, those who head-up all media, etc.
I'm sure none of them there would consider PK's site a worthy source of information as well. Best mind your P's & Q's if you comment there.
You really expect people in Ohio to yell "WOLVERINES??"
an oldie but a goody. A video of Whites banding together spontaneously.
The context is that a old White man had shot two attacking criminal illegals as they were going to take him out literally with their hands full of booty. Old White man responds with one shotgun round each. Criminal negro illegals suddenly smell sulfur on their way out of their mortal coil.
Black Panthers freak. Announce that they are going to "march and disrupt" the entire neighborhood. The White neighborhood finds that they can't flee like they normally would. Back to the wall and having the numbers, they grow a pair.
Must it always be this way? Must Whites be forced to confront the enemy with their back to the wall before they merely bare their teeth? negros are dangerous and stupid, yet we coddle them like teenagers no matter how much blood of our kin is spilled.
One day we are going to have to take the lightning in our own hands.
White Homeland! Northwest Front!
"An incident with possibly implied anti-illegal alien undercurrents happened. Round the kids up IMMEDIATELY for a white guilt session!"-USA Schools
Plano East was having a basketball game against Plano West. Plano West was pretty well off and had beaten Plano East very badly in a previous game. Plano West began a chant of the score. Plano East responded with a chant of HIV HIV HIV HIV in response. Plano West stopped chanting the score. Plano East stopped chanting HIV.
Eddie in St.L: "The establishment looks like they would rather have Hillary as President, thinking they can control her through Republican majorities in the House and Senate."
The same way they've controlled Obonob? It's just a game to them, and they're pissed that Trump is pulling down the Wizard's curtain. Whether he wins or loses, the G-O-P as we knew it is D-U-N.
OT: Attempted robbery on Indiana University campus. Bloomington used to be a bastion of white-liberal academics and townies. A few years the black hordes started moving in and incidents like this started popping up. A few years ago a man was robbed of his bucket of KFC by another zombie.
That's insane that it has come to the point where chanting the name "Trump" is taboo. How dare they chastise the students or end their chant. Since when are they not allowed to say TRUMP? this is turning into 1984.
OT: Look at who is causing trouble in Salt Lake City - 1.89% of the city's population. Bwaahaahaaa - I can just hear the lib apologists now - but white people do it too. Oh yeah, prove it.
Anonymous said...
You really expect people in Ohio to yell "WOLVERINES??"
February 28, 2016 at 7:45 AM
Ha, good one. But BUCKEYES! just doesn't have the same ring to it... for an insurgency.
Stay alert, stay alive.
I stumbled upon this website a couple of weeks ago. So refreshing and reassuring to read the words of other "realists." TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!
Welcome aboard!
"ConservativeTreeHouse website banned me"
Take that as a badge of honor. They and AMREN blocked me ages ago for mentioning certain "fraternal" organizations.
I repeat, if we're not even allowed to mention who actually is responsible for BRA we can never hope to really solve our problems.
One has to decide - is it all Negroes back to Africa, or is it separate homelands within the USA borders?
Africa. They can just walk over any land border, and some may even be able to swim rivers.
There's got to be strict geographical separation. Blacks would otherwise mass migrate into white territories. There'd also have to be an active border defense. Like in shoot-to-kill against invaders. If invaders do not want to die, then they can stay in their own homelands.
Another thing: there could be no assistance to blacks in their own lands. Do not send them food. Do not send them medical aid. Do not dig wells for them. Especially, do not teach them English or any other European language. Let nature take its course, and within a generation or two, their numbers will be whittled down to something manageable.
Also, I'd would recommend opening up America to white immigrants/refugees worldwide. Make this country a base for white global activism.
What a sane Country would do:
"To get started, offer convicted felons (especially those doing long terms) immediate freedom and a stipend if they surrender their citizenship and go to Liberia. Then impose work requirements on able-bodied welfare recipients, but eliminate that if they de-naturalize and expatriate too. Ship over pre-fab housing made from shipping containers; if you figure 2 40-foot containers is roughly equal to a shotgun shack, you can put housing for 10,000 on a single Panamax boat. Maybe have teams of DWL do-gooders keeping their Potemkin villages all nice and neat. Meanwhile you require long-term contraception for straight EBT; those not on it get a monthly delivery of essentials, no cash."
What we do:
Fly in more negros from all over Africa, especially dark and ignorant Somalians and Congo's Child Soldiers, almost all Muslim, by the tens of thousands. We allow ETB cards to be bought and sold, so they become like another form of currency, like real drugs or Food Stamps. We increase welfare for negros who have more babies. We pay the mother, because the male is either out of town, incarcerated or dead. Working for the ETB card is literally not discussed. We start programs like Section 8 and AFFH to destroy the power of White neighborhoods. There is no resettlement program and to speak of one is racist. On and on.
On topic: dramatic spike in NYC slashing attacks -
It's a little too early to give a definitive analysis here, but let's speculate: this is an escalation in black violence, moving up from Polar Bear Punching and Knockout King into Rwanda style slash-and-burn tactics. Blacks see that YT is weak, they smell blood and close in with more lethal force. And if/when YT backs down again, the mayhem will go up a level.
Again, look at the history of the Civil Rites Movement: peaceful protest turns into civil disobedience turns into Long Hot Summer riots. The "law & order" backlash of the 1970s and '80s kept the situation in check for a couple of decades. YT seemed to be striking back, with SWAT teams kicking in doors and the prison-industrial complex expanding. At this point, Blacks reverted to urban guerrilla warfare: drivebys and such. But for the last two terms, it is YT who is backing down while the establishment is pushing the worship of Africans in America. "Word" in the 'hood is that it's time to get out the pangas and hit the other tribe.
This is the way it works in Africa.
This is the way it works for Africans in America.
Must it always be this way? Must Whites be forced to confront the enemy with their back to the wall before they merely bare their teeth?
Well, look at the Alamo. Or Bunker Hill. Or Rorke's Drift. Or even Custer's Last Stand.
White people tend to glorify epic stands against overwhelming odds. Perhaps whites must be pushed to the wall before they take up arms. But when that time comes, white people can be expected to show no mercy and fight through to the end.
Think long term.
Get armed, get prepped, get politically active.
Long time reader here and I love it. I got tired of the whole fiasco in traygone and stumbled upon this.
As a person of Hispanic descent (think Mr. C or R candidates) I fully support the idea of Trump winning. There is a reason why there is a caste system in the rest of the world outside of the "western" nations. Anywhere you go when you deal with dark brown to black you will have problems. It's no surprise that White to Olive (at least for our race) is easier to get along with and talk about problems afflicting other nations for example.
Unfortunately we also deal with libtards like other races. Thankfully you can usually spot them for both genders. Obviously there are female outliers but lets not kid ourselves. There's a reason why that Hispanic girl in Miami nearly got killed by that black guy roommate as well as why women make up the Democratic fan base.
From the outside looking in, in regards to here, I don't support illegals because usually they are of the darker variety who end up not much better than thugs in inner cities. Think LA gang types or MS13 and you're pretty dead on. I've yet to find Spaniards who waste time doing that. The legal ones are hard workers though but again there is a pattern.
On a side note, someone near my area must read SBPDL because the local outdoor mall plays strictly country music. Mind you this is a sector with a sizable Hispanic/White pop. and money in regards to surrounding area. No complains whatsoever from the majority who are there to spend money/eat. Not surprisingly there are no thugs to be seen in the area.
I'm curious to see how things turn out with Trump. Trump ain't a chump.
Any time that whites use their freedom of speech to express their feelings/point of view or defend themselves, non whites and libtards have a severe reaction and want to protest that and demand or expect apologies and admissions of guilt and "wrongness."
Whites expressing their feelings/opinions/beliefs must be shouted down and demonized as racists who need to be "educated" and become more "understanding" and "sensitive."
On the other hand, if non whites express their feelings, opinions and beliefs, everyone is supposed to accept that, say nothing and remain silent. It can be mobs of illegal aliens marching in the streets, criticizing the hell out of America and demanding rights, privileges and gibsmedats while telling America and Americans "fuck you!" or even Black Panthers ranting and raving that blacks need to kill white people and kill their babies as well. Whatever they say, they insist that it's a matter of freedom of speech and they have a right to say it and express themselves and not be physically attacked for it. Even arguing with them is considered wrong and they react with hostility.
It's clear that these people don't believe in freedom of speech except for themselves and want to make it a one way street. They can say anything they want but whites must be shut up, shut down and punished in some way or even physically attacked for daring to have the nerve to expect freedom of speech to apply to themselves. Negro radicals can speak at colleges but if a white race realist wants to give a speech, it gets protested by minorities and libtards and the right to speak denied in many cases because it's "divisive and disruptive." It's all about controlling the narrative and only allowing their voices to be heard.
Let libtards and minorities have their way and "unpopular speech" will be criminalized as it is in England and penalties put in place for anyone daring to speak and say something libtards and minorities don't like. That effort is well under way here in America and can be seen in the number of websites (even news sites) that heavily censor "unpopular speech." Even years ago when there were chat rooms (for example) blacks could use whatever racist terms for whites that they wanted to but if a white responded in like kind, they'd get banned immediately.
If anyone thinks there isn't a war going on and hasn't noticed it, they're either cataclysmically stupid or willfully blind to it.
Once again a great post by PK, here's my two cent. My neighbors are Hispanic, Mexicans and they self identify as White. Like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio who are White Hispanics of Cuban descend. They both are saying we need to control the borders and fix the immigration problem. I am an immigrant as well and English is my fourth Language. So I know first hand about the immigration problem.
I like Trump because he speaks his mind and he is quick on his feet, plus he was the first to bring up the problem with the Southern border. Now he's endorsed by Chris Christie, who I believe wants to be the Vice President. If Trump wins this super Tuesday, he will be on his way to the nomination. I hope he's able to do at least half the things he saying, he would be as great as Ron Reagan. Trump is having a profound affect in this election season, I hope many here would vote for him!
Not all Blacks are dangerous and stupid, some of us have the same values as most of the human population. We want the same thing as most of you, less government and less taxes. We know that a segment of our population is dangerous and they are predators, who are seeking to rob,kill,rape and murder. These are the ones who need the most help, because the things many of you have commented on your post, the low IQ and genetics. This problem need to be address! Here in Chicago, we have over 100 murders so far, we're only two months into the new year. We are on our way to over 600 murders this year if this trend continue. Some of you say, send us to Liberia, but I say the very ones who are committing the crimes, will not be able to point to Liberia on a map. Believe me I do not want to go back to North Africa, I came to America for it's opportunities and I succeeded in accomplishing my goals. This is the greatest country in the world. When I hear my fellow Blacks crying racism and lack of opportunity, it's like we're in two different worlds.
Willie from Naperville
Sounds like The Donald is dancing around the edge of racial consciousness:
Donald Trump refuses to disavow support from former KKK grand wizard David Duke, then does
"Donald Trump is refusing to condemn comments made by former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke, who told listeners of his radio show that voting against the Republican frontrunner would be the equivalent of 'treason to your heritage.'
"'Just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke,' Trump told Jake Tapper on CNN’s 'State of the Union' Sunday. 'I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. So, I don’t know — did he endorse me, or what’s going on? You know, I know nothing about David Duke, I know nothing about white supremacists. And so when you’re asking me a question I’m supposed to be talking about people I know nothing about.'
"The Anti-Defamation League (YKW) had called on the real estate mogul to disavow the support from Duke and other white supremacist groups. But Trump refused to repudiate them."
A bit off topic.
Sorry to rain on the Trump parade, the GOP convention will be brokered and Trump will NOT be the nominee. The diehard Repubs will vote for whomever is chosen and the rest of us will sit out the election giving the Sea Hag the Presidency."Our Country" was given a slow acting, lethal dose of PC in the 60's and it is now on it's deathbed.
2017 will be the start of "open season" on Whites...and I mean that LITERALLY.
Trump isn't the outlier here. Clinton is.
The news in this mornings headlines is that Hillary Clinton has won in a landslide. What it doesn't tell us is the racial composition of that landslide. Heretofore Clinton who had been touted and groomed as the presumptive Democrat candidate, had not done well in the primaries. She had been losing to the very improbable Bernie Sanders.
But now she has regained the lead. But only because she is so popular with blacks. She doesn't seem to be able to get whites or Hispanics to vote for her, but the negroes are wildly enthusiastic for her candidacy. This was not the result that the pundits foresaw just last year.
We have had a President who blatantly favored the cause of black people for the past seven years. Now we have a candidate of one of the major parties who wishes to continue that practice. Hillary Clinton wants to be the leader of the black people. She expects the white people to go along passively. That might be or it might be the beginning of fundamental change.
In the late eighteenth century this nation tried an experiment. It had always been the case before that similar people organized around their similarities. So people of the same races, the same religion and the same language formed nations. France was probably the first country in Europe to unify. England had big internal splits over religion. Germany and Italy were a patchwork of tiny polities.
The Founding Fathers took a broader view. They made a nation out of all religions - at least all the religions of which they were aware. They included mostly Protestants but also Catholics and a spattering of Jews. They did not include Muslims or Buddhists. They were almost all former Englishmen so unifying was relatively easy. They revolted for the Rights of Englishmen.
No one then would have considered extending the franchise automatically to all blacks. Blacks were recognized almost universally as a people of a lower order. Many were against slavery but most didn't think Africans as a whole would make good American citizens. Many of the early Americans harbored schemes to send them back to Africa. There were no similar proposals to send the Amish back to Germany. Indians and blacks were seen as people who could not be assimilated.
We fought a terrible civil war over the conundrum of what to do with the blacks. The winning idea seems to have been - treat them like everyone else. But of course they weren't like everyone else.
My people the Irish were considered too drunken, too violent and too lazy at one point. The Italians were at one time considered a race of criminals. The Chinese were seen as sub-human also. Yet after a little bit of assimilation and Italians and Irish have academic accomplishments equal to the nativist English and the East Asians have more.
But blacks in America have not advanced. Koreans in America have higher incomes that almost any other group. I can remember when Korea was poorer that almost any of the sub-Saharan black nations. They have no resources and they had had no industry. Europeans poured resources into Africa but that infrastructure crumbled when the Europeans withdrew.
In America blacks are relatively poor but would be poorer yet if they were not supported by welfare state programs. In America now we have a system where whites and Asians produce wealth and income and transfer it to the blacks. Now we seem to be electing politicians who predominantly serve the interests of the parasitic black population. This is unlikely to be a permanent solution.
Clinton is the leader of the blacks just as Obama was. This can be changed but it entails abandoning the American constitution to do so. Many readers of this blog are not ready for that change. America as the land of opportunity is dying simply because the world's population is now too large. The American experiment in universal equality has also foundered on harsh realities. I regret this but I can't ignore it.
... These are the ones who need the most help, because the things many of you have commented on your post, the low IQ and genetics. This problem need to be address...
They need help?!? I'm sorry Mr. Willie from Naperville, but if there's one thing we've learned from 50 years of failed programs, it's that HELP DOESN'T WORK!!! they don't want help. They want to continue to steal and terrorize.
No, Willie, the only thing that will work now is either segregation or eradication. There it is.
OT: Salt Lake City, Utah is a major city where dindus make up less than 2% of the population there. But there was just a major chimp out that occurred in SLC last night. The police had to shoot some teenage male dindu that was attacking a middle age white male with a broomstick somewhere in the downtown area near the homeless shelter. Then there were so many dindus chimping out that over 100 cops had to respond to the scene.
I've been saying for years hildebeast will be the one the money lords put into office, Jeb will be the throw away candidate, just for show, to make it look like an election. Hillary saying Bill was her secret weapon didn't mean he would persuade people to vote for her, it meant a system of bribes and extortion assured the electoral votes were already alloted to her before this grotesque farce began. Now she just loves her some black people. There's a match made in hell, I mean wtf, she's used to abusive relationships, might as well get in bed with them. The thing about the Clinton's is; they have no sense of fair play, any strategy that gets them what they want, they consider a legitimate win, something they've earned, and worth of celebration. Just watch as Hildebeast reacts with joy when a "victory" she already knew the outcome of is announced. I wouldn't want to be stuck in a lifeboat with them, and that's what this country has become, a life boat. We need a real captain at the helm, not this pretentious, preposterous, poser.
The Republican party had 8 years to do something about obamacare. After eight years of talk and play fighting, they finally feign an attack, and are predictably shut down by veto. Notice how they shut up after they were given a pass on this program, in a secret white, oops, rainbow house , meeting during a holiday? Yep, even Rand Paul signed off on it after he didn't have to participate. The whole noxious deal is a freaking tax on the working poor, to fund medical care for welfare blacks. The rest is a giveaway to the insurance companies. You can't afford the deductible to use it. Got $2800 of disposable income to visit a doctor? Plus copay? Doesn't matter if you're a welfare mom with six kids from six fathers, you're covered. If you're an immigrant, you're covered, no problem. Thank you, come again.
The "Cadillac tax" on people who already have good insurance was due to kick in in 2016, but was moved ahead to 2018, after the election was over. Now why, do you suppose, they would have done that? Such an obviously fine plan would have been sure to please voters wouldn't it. Working, professional voters, who vote Democrat? Bwa ha ha ha ha!
Willie from Naperville said ”. . . These are the ones who need the most help, because the things many of you have commented on your post, the low IQ and genetics. This problem need to be address! Here in Chicago, we have over 100 murders so far, we're only two months into the new year. . . “
Willie, It is time to give up on helping blacks because that effort has failed in the U.S. for more than 200 years. Please point to any place at any time on earth where helping blacks has transformed them into good neighbors. If blacks cannot function in a modern world, they should be allowed to go the way of the dinosaur. If you have discovered a way to fix stupidity arising from genetic design, now is the time to share it. Please share your ideas with us.
Are you thinking about "race"?
It's thinking about you.
"Take that as a badge of honor. They and AMREN blocked me ages ago for mentioning certain "fraternal" organizations."
PK is wary of them too. Many posts mentioning YKW are not put up here as well. Its really a "third rail" issue, and dangerous territory for those who operate these sites. It also proves that the real power doesn't really reside with Blacks. They only get granted so much but there are limits. You get none, of course.
"... These are the ones who need the most help, because the things many of you have commented on your post, the low IQ and genetics. This problem need to be address..."
Sorry Willie. These are problems you can't buy solutions to. They used to be dealt with or averted by something called "parenting" via the instillation of something called "character" (which you seem to have incidently). Governments all over can only pour so much of other people's money down an abyss before the IOUs run out for an ever diminishing return.
oh how quickly these lemmings are all to willing to run right off the cliff to their own demise becuase their heads have been filled with lies from the leftists scumballs adminastreitors
So a great, tame act of civil disobedience would be to say "Trump, Trump, Trump" quietly when you're passing someone that it would really bother. Maybe scrawl Trump on a bathroom stall, especially in a safe but "diverse" area. Thank goodness some kids in Iowa had enough sense and guts to needle the opposing team right where it hurt them. Some kids see right through the indoctrination and are tired of it.
A lot of SLC dindus were imported from Somalia by bleeding heart church programs similar to what's going on in Minneapolis. The best solution for this problem is to STOP BRINGING THEM HERE BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOTHING TO OFFER OR CONTRIBUTE TO THE BETTERMENT OF THE COMMUNITY OR THE COUNTRY.
From the story about the Air Jordan chimpout:
"About 200 shoppers turned up but there were no reports of fights, shots or arrests, Calumet Police said."
Let's say there were a bluegrass festival where 10,000 whites show up, is it newsworthy that it didn't turn into mayhem, violence, and bloodshed, or that shots didn't "ring out"? Yet with blacks if 200 of them gather and it is only a category 1 chimpout (ooking and eeking and minor property damage) this is considered some kind of achievement. What a pathetic species.
Not all Blacks are dangerous and stupid, some of us have the same values as most of the human population
Super. When you're all back in Africa you can perhaps set up a committee to figure out who the good ones and bad ones are and sort them out among your own kind.
These are the ones who need the most help,
Err buh poda hep. The "help" your kind needs is 150,000 years of evolution. We can't fix it and neither can you, even with the remote chance that you're the fabled "good one" everyone always says they know we cannot afford the gamble of you breeding and polluting our future with offspring that will inevitably tend towards the mean and land in the fat part of the negro bellcurve. It's really a shame, but all the "bad ones" really ruined it for the other .001%
One has to decide - is it all Negroes back to Africa, or is it separate homelands within the USA borders?
What I really want to do with them? ........... what I'll settle for is back to Africa, though IMO that's nowhere near far enough, risks future generations taking in pets AND also completely wastes the valuable natural resources of that continent.
If we fail, I'm sure China has a plan that isn't nearly as humane.
We know that a segment of our population is dangerous and they are predators, who are seeking to rob,kill,rape and murder. These are the ones who need the most help
We've tried helping them. They cannot be educated, nor persuaded. They can barely be trained by use of punishment and reward. This is why we are now talking about total isolation from them.
the low IQ and genetics. This problem need to be address! [sic]
Europeans addressed the problem of low-IQ, violent people with capital punishment and borderline starvation for the less-extreme cases. This slashed the frequency of alleles for low IQ and violence in the gene pool. To do the same in the Black population in any sort of reasonable time frame, you'd probably have to restrict breeding to the top 10% for several generations.
Needless to say, the welfare queens and thugs in your ghettos aren't going to do that. They've been breeding the worst for, oh, 60 years now.
I say the very ones who are committing the crimes, will not be able to point to Liberia on a map.
The ones who live there probably can't either. As long as the ships can get there, the program will work just fine.
Believe me I do not want to go back to North Africa
I don't see why I should care what you want. Your presence injures me. Your insistence that "they need help" is the essence of parasitism. Begone.
Gotta get me some Trump gear and go walk thru da hood!!
ot: great article here about Killadelphia and its decline. Amazing insight into what the nignogs do to an American city via their different dna and the behaviors it creates. That coupled with Dem politics and gibs programs and a city goes down hard.
Trump, I just have one question, one wish, can we make America WHITE again ???
Ahhh c'mon PK , "America is despicable" was funny, don't tell me you didn't chuckle at that one!
Willie from N**erville:
We want the same thing as most of you, less government and less taxes.
How about that, Rand Paul actually hooked one. Good for him.
We know that a segment of our population is dangerous and they are predators, who are seeking to rob,kill,rape and murder. These are the ones who need the most help, because the things many of you have commented on your post, the low IQ and genetics. This problem need to be address!
So help them. They're your people, not ours.
Some of you say, send us to Liberia, but I say the very ones who are committing the crimes, will not be able to point to Liberia on a map.
That's ok. Our ships have GPS.
Believe me I do not want to go back to North Africa, I came to America for it's opportunities
Believe me, we do not care what you want. Especially after admitting you only came here to take what you could, to drink from our Fountain of JuJu.
This is the greatest country in the world.
It used to be; but it will never be again, unless we rid it of non-great, non-American parasites.
Willie from Naperville:
Youre heart is in the right place. Unfortunately youre an exception to the rule..i wish that wasnt the case but it is what it is.
People living in America still believe they actually live in a "country". They believe this because they read it in a book somewhere or "saw it on television" and that means it must be true. They live in a corporation that is run by a bunch of well paid CEOs (aka...Senate...Congress...President..etc). Back when I was younger it was a National Corporation with boundaries (aka...borders). We now live in an International Corporation with no borders. The CEOs work for bosses across the sea known as the ruling class. There are only a few hundred of these people and they decide how the rest of us will live our lives.
They have secret "picnics" once or twice a year. At those picnics they decide what country they will bomb next and what leaders are "voted" into office. This ruling class of families are the ones who decide the next "president" of the world wide corporation know as America.
They call themselves "blue bloods" and they rule by an old law known as "the right of kings". This right of kings of course was given to them by "the Gods". It you want to know what the "Gods" you pray to are like, just look at who rules over you. Had a nice dinner with the Queen or the President lately.
They own the oil, the money, religion, media, military, education, health care, politicians and the courts. They own it all, including the earth itself. So what. What they own I wouldn't want. They take great pride in the owning of men's souls. They don't own mine. Do they own yours. If they make you an offer what would your price be. Would you sell your soul. Once you sell your soul it takes a very long long time to get it back. Don't believe me. Just ask any politician.
"Trump, I just have one question, one wish, can we make America WHITE again ???"
Good luck. On Friday he disavowed David Duke; and tweeted it on Sunday in case anyone missed it. No explanation given for Why. I haven't heard David Duke say anything crazy or extreme, but even the most popular politician - who thinks he could shoot people on 5th Avenue without losing votes - is afraid to be remotely, tangentially associated with his name.
He could have simply said "I'm running for President. If people want to support me and vote for me, I won't stop them." This is straight out of the GOPe playbook - disavowing evangelicals, because "where else can they go?"
A book has come out that accuses former Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair of opening he floodgates for asylum seekers but to not discuss it.
Blair's Immigration Minister Barbara Roche said, "Asylum seekers should be allowed to stay in Britain. Removal takes too long and it’s emotional.”
Doing a little checking on the background of Ms. Roche, it turns out she is YKW. Big surprise there, right? Wasn't a former Irish Immigration Minister also YKW? Letting the $aturday people have such a position is insane.
I remember reading that it was Labour policy to increase immigration for the purpose of creating an electorate which would favor them.
Jeff Sessions just endorsed Trump. This is huge. This gives him respectability, and gravitas. Just what he needed, just in time for Super Tuesday.
Here you Mr. Kersey. Not my best work, but to the point.
As we speak the Republican establishment is starting to screw Trump. Go to the conservative treehouse. com ( and read what the Republican machine did to an outsider candidate, and they admitted it! And they admit they are going to do the same to Trump. People will believe it because there are those that believe the main stream media and will not do research.
I saw photos of protestors at the Oscars protesting the lack of Black nominees. Disgusting that there were White people disparaging Whites. Traitor liberal facists!
@ 2 minute Alpha -
Really like your analogy of the U.S. being the wore for the world.
I'm hoping so badly for Trump to win. Not because I like him or anything.
I hoping that he will win and the left will not accept his victory and it would lead to Barry's minions to declare war on YT. This would be awesome because I have so much ammo and know so many gun owners here in Southern California.
Make my day.
the gov't can tell u whom to rent property to, whom u have to business w/, whom you're forced to go to school w/ & now whom to associate w/ otherwise they'll come down on your like the hand of god. TOTAL BS
Long time lurker here.
**First, to Willie--you sound like a nice guy, & my heart GENUINELY goes out to you. Your genes are not YOUR fault.
However, I also know that it is precisely MY Scandinavian, white, FEMALE (we're emotional too) DNA that leaves me, and other altruistic whites like myself RIPE for exploitation/ predation, so unfortunately, I feel I must defer to others wiser, & more familiar with historical patterns than I. And, you see, it wouldn't be just YOU. But kudos for being different, & for reading here. I imagine that must be tough......but see? There I go again! Friggin' broads!!
**Whoever posted the link to, the "Black History 1" article, THANK YOU!! It is FANTASTIC! So is the "Black History 2".
GREAT ammo! I'm trying to memorize much of it.
** Re. The Conservative Treehouse.......their head blogger, & MANY of their commenters, are hardcore Christians. Plus, lately they have been SO 24/7 on working to get Trump elected that they basically cannot AFFORD to get an, um......."Anti-Amish" reputation. Not w/ so many potential squealers, & with SO MUCH traffic coming to their site now (but they've always been very pro-Israel). Mark Levin ALREADY called them anti-semitic, which was STUPID.
Their main writer, "Sundance" still manages to do OUTSTANDING work assessing the corrupt patterns of the GOPe. He's almost PSYCHIC. I definitely wouldn't take it off my reading list!
**Re. Trump/Duke.....Trump's a real estate man. He knows the score.
He also has two VERY funny & popular black supporters, "Diamond & Silk", and seems to be doing well w/ minorities in SPITE of his supposedly "hurtful" (largely misquoted) prior remarks. Why piss them off? It's limiting. WE are supposed to be the mature, non-sulky, comprehending ones who won't pout over certain political choices (within reason).
So, JMO, but I wouldn't worry too much about the "disavowing Duke" thing. Trump is a VERY smart, calculating man--but he ain't MAGIC! Let's help him try to win first, no? (If that's even POSSIBLE. Know we have varying opinions here!).
**LOVE THIS SITE! The intelligence/ knowledge of the posters here blows me away. Maybe people should also pass along those Radish Mag articles, if you're passing along this GEM site of Paul's?
Cheers, from "Whyna Hoew-Lott". Thx agn!
"What we do:
Fly in more negros from all over Africa, especially dark and ignorant Somalians and Congo's Child Soldiers, almost all Muslim, by the tens of thousands. We allow ETB cards to be bought and sold, so they become like another form of currency, like real drugs or Food Stamps. We increase welfare for negros who have more babies. We pay the mother, because the male is either out of town, incarcerated or dead. Working for the ETB card is literally not discussed. We start programs like Section 8 and AFFH to destroy the power of White neighborhoods. There is no resettlement program and to speak of one is racist. On and on."
Please, please don't use the word "we". I have never had anything to do with those decisions and neither has PK or any of the commenters here. Those decisions were made by a hostile ((elite)) governing oligarchy who have controlled the news and publishing businesses, Hollywood, sports and advertising and most importantly, finance, finance, finance for a very long time. Follow the money and you will see who controls everything such as the scumbag politicians controlled through money and the power of the media to set the narrative, pro or con for any person or issue.
It looks like the long governance by this hostile ((elite)) is going to be shattered by Trump because he knows his own mind, has his own money and the monopolistic control of propaganda in BRA has been broken through advances in technology. This narrative has been carefully controlled for decades with the false tale of the "civil rights struggle" used to hammer the South first then the rest of the country giving us the mess we have now. This hostile ((elite)) has always been small in number and violently opposed to the vast majority of YT but has prevailed through control of money and the narrative making their opponents out to be the worst kinds of people while their minorities have been portrayed falsely as living saints and geniuses while disparaging the very real accomplishments of YT who built civilization.
BRA is fundamentally weak as it relies on lies and creating anarchy against YT to expand its power and piling up debt to the moon to fund itself. BRA has simply reached its limit; we have peak negro, peak BHO, peak debt and peak white guilt. Let it collapse and save what is worth saving which isn't BRA.
non-DWL from NE
ROFL. Nota bene: the kids who are going over to the mestizo-controlled school to grovel are not the ones who were chanting "Trump." The ones who were chanting "Trump" are almost certainly unapologetic. And thank God for that. The regressive left pushed and kept pushing and people everywhere are finally calling bullshit on the whole thing en masse. Luckily they are cowards and weaklings and almost none of them own guns so if this becomes a civil war, they will lose easily.
1776 blues mentioned Beyonces performance at the Superbowl, glorifying Black Panthers and disrespecting law enforcement. Any white person with a shred of pride and respect for themselves should have gotten up and walked out of the stadium during that performance. If football is so important, they could have come back when the game restarted. Yet, just like at last nights Oscars, the white people just sat there like stones and watched. The elite in the Oscars audience just sat there grinning and laughing while white people and their achievements were disrespected and criticized. There should have been a mass exodus. Hollywood and movies are an entity meant to entertain and sometimes inform- but the bottom line is that people have to be willing to pay to watch the end product. You can't FORCE people to go to a movie just because some PC crowd deemed it watchable. You can't Affirmitive Action movies and acting. Chris Rock even suggested that there be a black category within the Oscars.
Blogger European_American said...
"racism" is a BS PC hustle that destroys a majority population.
It's vacuous slander.
It's state sanctioned character defamation."
I am just waiting for the day when someone being accused of being a "rayciss" sues the accuser for slander. I would then hope that a whole waterfall of lawsuits commence. Is there a legal definition of the word racist- or is it left purposely open to give them more space to accuse white people?? I am hoping the day will come, that when a white person is accused of being a racist, they then reply, So?? Or, And? Or, even better, PROVE IT!! Isn't the burden of proof on the ACCUSER to prove the accusation?? I am no lawyer, so I hope someone that is will reply.
Blacks do NOT want whites to be "colorblind". They want us to notice their race the second we see them, so that they can commence with the accusing, demanding gibs, special rights and privleges, etc, and anything else extra that they think that they are entitled to because of their color. If we refused to notice, and treated them EXACTLY like we do everyone else, there would be massive outrage. They don't want TRUE equality.
L in Atl hell
Anonymous Brian in Ohio said...
The fact that High School kids did this, unscripted, pulls back the curtain on what the left is trying to hide.
And maybe, just maybe, we can stop apologizing for every god damn thing in this country.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Oh i LOVE it that White people, ESPECIALLY young White people are beginning to cast off White guilt and stand together in unity!
And chastising them for it will only strengthen their reslove, and tell them they are RIGHT!
February 28, 2016 at 6:49 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
When negroes talk about slavery now, it means having to get a job, pay taxes, and work for a living.
They're afraid Trump will create the jobs they always whine about not having.
Then when they refuse to work, what will happen?
Anonymous Mr. Rational said...
One has to decide - is it all Negroes back to Africa, or is it separate homelands within the USA borders?
Africa. They can just walk over any land border, and some may even be able to swim rivers.
To get started, offer convicted felons (especially those doing long terms) immediate freedom and a stipend if they surrender their citizenship and go to Liberia. Then impose work requirements on able-bodied welfare recipients, but eliminate that if they de-naturalize and expatriate too. Ship over pre-fab housing made from shipping containers; if you figure 2 40-foot containers is roughly equal to a shotgun shack, you can put housing for 10,000 on a single Panamax boat. Maybe have teams of DWL do-gooders keeping their Potemkin villages all nice and neat. Meanwhile you require long-term contraception for straight EBT; those not on it get a monthly delivery of essentials, no cash.
No babies in the ghetto, ghetto thugs and families moving out... it's a solution.
The first vote I ever cast was for Walter Mondale.
Damn, this blog's Boomer contingent is bigger than I thought.
Sorry- all of the above comments really made my day-and I have to make more comments- I am sick to death of white people who just accept all of this BS and say and do nothing. In the grocery and retail stores, I see all the time a black person run their buggy into a white womans buggy- and the WHITE woman apologizes. Or a gang of black children running wild in a store stampedes over a white womans feet- and the WHITE woman apologizes- the blacks seldom do. I am waiting for the day when sheepish white people wake up and realize that they have the same rights as everyone else. I've heard different figures, but the accepted percentages seem to be that only about 3-5 % of white people had slaves. That means that about 95 % of us are not only NOT responsible, but are SICK of hearing about it. And the other 5 %- are NOT responsible for what people did 150 years ago. Sorry, the fatigue is getting to me.
L in Atl hell
Sorry- got to add this- one of my retired friends cannot marry the man she loves or her social security benefits and Medicaid/care will be reduced. Yet like anonymous above says-
What we do:
Fly in more negros from all over Africa, especially dark and ignorant Somalians and Congo's Child Soldiers, almost all Muslim, by the tens of thousands. We allow ETB cards to be bought and sold, so they become like another form of currency, like real drugs or Food Stamps. We increase welfare for negros who have more babies. We pay the mother, because the male is either out of town, incarcerated or dead. Working for the ETB card is literally not discussed. We start programs like Section 8 and AFFH to destroy the power of White neighborhoods. There is no resettlement program and to speak of one is racist. On and on."
The government REWARDS immoral behavior like the behavior above, and meanwhile, decent and moral folk are PREVENTED from doing the right thing, like marrying, by the government. WTH??
L in Atl hell
I'm sick of hearing that Trump's immigration policy is "controversial". ENFORCING our immigration laws as Trump advocates is NOT controversial. Mexico has some of the strictest immigration laws in the world. I want the same strict immigration enforcement for America that Mexico and every non-White country has for its' country.
What a sad statement.. Yet it is my own experience as well.
Back to Africa is the only acceptable long term solution.
The establishment is fully aware. They know what they are doing. These imports drive up crime, and Whites flee. Now poor and broke, these imports need to live. Here comes Daddy government to the rescue. Now they are democrat voters forever. See how easy it is.
Dont for a second believe these pos pols. They know exactly what they are doing. These aren't stupid people.
That's one of the things that scares me about Trump. He has said over and over that it's incompetence. It's stupidity.
No its corruption. It's evil genius. It's genocide. It's WAR !
The Mick
I believe this would be an example of "real talk" as the natives call it. I agree fully with you.
-Baltimore Watcher
All I can add to this conversation is that there is a race problem in the USA and it's coming from the Black community, also from the Hispanic community to a lessor extent.
Here's what's up ... If Black people do not stop hating and attacking white people, white people will eventually renew their hatred of black people and will start attacking back ....
There are many more white people than black people and white people shoot straighter than black people.
So ... break the cycle, stop the hate and the violence. Only then will we have a chance at creating a harmonious state where we can all concentrate on attacking our corrupt governments who love that we are in perpetual conflict.
What do I think the odds are of black people stopping the whining and bitching and self-pity .... ?
Anonymous said... (February 28, 2016 at 1:08 PM)
A lot of SLC dindus were imported from Somalia by bleeding heart church programs similar to what's going on in Minneapolis. The best solution for this problem is to STOP BRINGING THEM HERE BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOTHING TO OFFER OR CONTRIBUTE TO THE BETTERMENT OF THE COMMUNITY OR THE COUNTRY.
= = = = = = = = =
Check out Refugee Resettlement Watch. A trove of information on what's going on. You won't like it a bit, I promise you.
The "religious-named" groups get MILLIONS of dollars to "help resettle refugees" here in the USA. I'm not sure that all these groups are in fact associated with the denominations in their official names, but ... whoever they are, they are truly betraying their fellow Americans (for MUCH-MUCH-MORE than the proverbial thirty pieces of silver that Judas got).
--- but be sure to take your blood-pressure meds first.
Anonymous at 10:14 am- Whites expressing their feelings/opinions/beliefs must be shouted down and demonized as racists who need to be "educated" and become more "understanding" and "sensitive."
You betcha- excellent point. Most blacks that I hear talking among themselves use the "n" word repeatedly, every other word black this or white that, yet every utterance coming from a white mouth is scrutinized and examined. Free speech applies to everybody.
And if a white person is accused of being a "rayciss', the phrase- what compelling evidence do you have to PROVE such a serious charge"? should be immediately said. Saying the n word is not a crime-yet- but careers, homes, relationships can all go down the drain if a white person dare says the word. But to my knowledge there is not even a legal definition of racist. And the accuser has to meet NO standards when they accuse someone else of it. This is seriously upside down and needs to be addressed by intelligent and rational minds.
L in Atl hell
"maybe have teams of DWL do-gooders keeping their...villages all nice and neat..."
That shouldn't be hard to do. There are no end of white people salivating to sacrifice time and money and risk their own lives and everybody else's to uplift the noble black man. Personally knew a sweet older woman who went on a mission trip to Africa. When asked what the missionaries were doing she proudly responded that they were monitoring the Africans' proper use of toilet facilities. Yes, they traveled to Africa to make sure these people knew how to use an outhouse. There is absolutely no help for white people like this woman. Her daughter is attending a black church. She admits it isn't "safe", but my word, the virtue-signalling. That trumps all. Predictably the old lady now has a "bi-racial" illegitimate grandchild. Yep, Granny taught her kids well. She can't bring herself to say she has a mulatto or black grand-child. It's bi-racial. A rose by any other name. This woman and her kin have cut themselves off from their own people. She is sweet but hopelessly naive about racial realities, ever excusing black dysfunction. This type of person is by far our people's deadliest enemy. She never really got the point of the story where Esau sells his birthright. Once that's done there is no going back and no place of repentance though one might seek it with many tears.
I take slight issue with Willie from napperville's comment "some blacks express the the same values as most other humans." If most other humans espoused the values of white europids, most of the world would not be the shit hole that it is.
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