All lies. [Why Not A Movie About Jack Crenshaw?—The White Man Who Actually Did What HIDDEN FIGURES Credits To Black Women,, January 10, 2017]
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Katherine Johnson: the "black" woman who did 10th grade math and is now celebrated as the primary hero of Mercury and Apollo missions... if you weren't told Johnson was black, would you have assumed she was? |
Nothing more, nothing less.
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Admittedly, Katherine Johnson faced no discrimination at NASA (the script writers made all the racism she faced up): probably because people thought she was white... |
Sadly, lies sell today. But it's important to note who went and saw Hidden Figures opening weekend. [Hidden Figures cast celebrates as film hits No. 1: 'We will not be erased',, 1-9-17]:
Studio tracking indicated Hidden Figures‘ wide opening numbers were bolstered by women, as 64 percent of the film’s weekend audience were women. Around 56 percent of ticket buyers were over the age of 35, while 43 percent were caucasian, 37 percent were African-American, and 13 percent were Hispanic, with other races comprising the remaining 7 percent.Black women made Hidden Figures a momentary box office "hit"... hilarious. That any white people went to see this movie and didn't immediately cleanse their palate with a shot of HBO's From the Earth to the Moon documentary (showing the actual people responsible for the finest hour yet in human history) is a powerful lesson in just whose history is being erased in 2017 America.
The "black" woman (an obvious octoroon) who Hollywood wants us to believe is the only reason white men went into space.. all because she can do 10th grade arithmetic...
White people's history.
its hollywood, the BS comes standard
and the they ae just like us insanity is to be found elsewhere...warning: images can induce nausea...
How far the have to dig to find historical blacks to write about.Nasa has had soome other blacks working for them throughout the years. But they havent been celebrated, with good reason.
Like the groundbreaking blank engineers who worked on the shuttles Challenger and Columbia. By the way anyone know if any of those highly advanced black civilizations in Africa have put anything in orbit yet.
Mich Mike
Blacks complaining about lack of diversity on the city council.
Can someone please be 'edgy' and make the MLK Jr. movie with a White actor?
The Baron says
The Orwellian means with which the Hollywood propaganda machine falsifies our history never ceases to amaze. Does anyone doubt that when the Obama biopic is made, no doubt sanctifying the fool, it will feature images of screaming, out of control racist whites shouting epithets and throwing bananas at him during the Inauguration?
That black people, the majority of who don`t even graduate high school, did the math calculations for the moon landing is laughable. They could at least tell plausible lies.
Shouldn't be surprised I guess. They also claim they built and flew pyramids, of all things.
Truly mental children.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Robbery gone wrong in Syracuse and of course the usual suspooks for the first homicide of 2017.
Two African males (age 23, 19) and what appears to be a white female (17) conspired to rob two hispanic brothers (ages 19 and 17); subsequent update indicates it was over marijuana. Oldest of the bunch shoots and kills both of them. Only unusual thing here is the girl has an ebonicized name, the killer a relatively normal one. Sheahonni. Yeah she's a real honey all right.
Another Box Office failure like Red Tails, the B.S. story of the Tuskegee Airmen who single handedly won WWII. More P.C. BULLSHIT! Nomesayin?
Didn't see it. Not going to. I haven't been to the movies in close to a decade. I like the marvel comic book movies, but not enough to fund (((them)))woods rewriting of white history. I will say, though, it is easy to find black women who are good at math. 3 baby daddies + 1 sail foam [hud housing]x6 keeds + EBT = Mo Gibs!
I have not seen nor plan on seeing this waste ....but if someone could clue me in on whether or not will smith busted in midway through portraying John Glenn....?
I figured this was pure revisionist history that grossly over exaggerates these Black women's role in putting a man on the moon. Don't get me wrong, I believe in giving credit where credit is due and if three Black women had a major role in putting a man on the moon, I'd be all for the media spotlight for them. However, I'm not buying it. If these Black women had done this, they would have been all over the news and in all the history books in school many years ago in today's Black worshiping America. So why have we not heard anything about them? I'm sure these women were intelligent, I'm sure they did their jobs adequately but I don't believe for one second they played any major role in putting a man on the moon.
Sixth grade math-- 10th grade math is actually rather advanced in this day and age. And I agree, she couldn't be more than a quarter black by genetics.
Many of the celebrated Black cultural figures are really in large part white: the poet Langston Hughes is about half white, Bob Marley had a British white father, and the great jazz artist Sidney bechet, is said to have been of a Creole family, which refers to the large spectrum of mixed race people in New Orleans.
We wuz kangz n' sheit, gnome sane.
While I'm thrilled that this turd blew away the latest Star Wars agitprop, I'd propose that the success at the box office of such fiction is due to how desperately most folks want to believe PJT.
This is cognitive dissonance of a high order. People would rather hide their heads in the sand or build up fantasy worlds and pretend their real than admit the truth of black Africans and their incompatibility with civilization. The truth is very ugly; that black Africans are relics of pre-history and cannot assimilate into civilizations beyond stone age tribal barbarism, the truth is that we have 40 million of them or more and growing and collectively they are a colossal net drain. Yes, far easier to play make believe or hide in some gated community ivory tower and pretend that everything is alright and the next new program will catch blacks up to speed with the rest of us and make reality the same as a (((Hollywood))) movie.
The local am Morning radio show had a story on this movie, with an interview with the NASA "head historian". So the local NASA lab has a team of historians working there. In somber tones, the historian said the movie told two stories, one of the negros struggle for acceptance and the other of our battle with the now evil again Russians for control of space.
They didn't want to spoil the story, they said, but did say that it was completely accurate and truthful. This is propaganda of the highest order.
I have read the book. Putting aside what I think of negroes, it is plain BORING. A seemingly endless chain of racism, sexism occasionally interrupted by asides that happen to be space-related. Even McCarthyism makes an appearance. It is hard to see how this book could possibly inspire anyone to pursue a STEM career. I understand there is a young adult version that might have anticipated my question.
I can't even tell what exactly John Glenn wanted "the girl" to confirm before his flight. And this is one of the signature moments of the story. By contrast, Charles Murray's "Apollo" provides lucid explanations of spaceflight technology.
There are several factual errors regarding dates of events that should have been easy to find/fact check. They don't change the meaning but they do call into question what else that might be more significant but harder to verify that is wrong.
I've noted this before in a previous comment, but there are several sections lauding the role of (((them))) in the special rights movement. There is even a passage that appears to exonerate one of (((them)) who was accused of espionage. It turns out that the subject was identified in the VENONA decrypts as forwarding secrets to the (((Rosenbergs))) who he denied knowing. The book simply says he was convicted of perjury, which is strictly correct but very misleading. Of couse, if you want your book published, favorably reviewed and a possible film deal, none of this hurts.
The book has received very favorable ratings on Amazon. The negative ratings echo my complaint about it's tediousness. I have a hard time accepting the number of favorable ratings. Have they actually read the book? Just going along with the "correct" opinion? Or is there an orchestrated "push" taking place? I would not discount the latter, given the feedback comments to the unfavorable reviews which invariably say, "It's a history book, of course it's not going to read like a novel".
Come on now. This was "based on a true story." The other space movie, "The Martian" was also based on a true story. Mars is, afterall, a real planet, right?
OK, now that we have seen how Africans-in-America, via superior mastery of mathematics, saved the US space program...does this mean that Africans-in-America are going to start studying math, actually graduate and then get jobs in the STEM field? Does this mean that Africans-in-America are going to start supporting the manned space program instead of demanding that taxpayer moneys are going to be dumped into more welfare state and more civil rites programs?
Truth is, no matter how many movies Hollywood makes, none of it will change the reality of low median African IQ and the dysgenic policies which make that a dominant trait. If someone wants to really make a movie about a 20th century hero, how about Lothrop Stoddard or Bull Conner, White Americans who made a stand against the rising tide of color?
As a female Civil Engineer for over 10 years, I find this type of hype frustrating. People watching the movie will sense that the role of a female mathematicians working in a male dominated field has been exaggerated Hollywood style. We don't need to exaggerate and hype up the role of women in STEM. There are few of us in the world because most women do not have the personality and mathematical intelligence to do advanced Science and Engineering. And that is okay.
It's quite laughable really. I'm sure there are many more movies in the works that will do the same. I can't wait for a movie to come out about ww2 where a negro potato peeler in the rear with the gear is given credit for finding a way for Patton to defeat the German forces he faced. That, of course, could be followed by a movie about an African villager from Liberia whose talent at carving tribal wooden masks was really responsible for Mt. Rushmore as he was the behind the scenes genius who "teached ever'body how to dun do it."
Not to be outdone, animal rights activists will produce a movie showing how a couple of hyper-intelligent beavers (nicknamed Bob & Betty) were really the inspiration behind the building of Hoover Dam and built the model for the damn out of sticks and mud. Every time the architects and engineers got something wrong, Bob & Betty would begin furiously slapping their flat tails on the ground and squeaking in outrage thus causing a work stoppage until everything was done right with one stupid white engineer even being bitten for incompetence.
Hooray for Hollywood!
Thankfully the mint is coming out with this coin now.
Possibly to coincide with the greatness of the Africans among us.
Typical Hollywood trash. Just like blacks are always shown as being brave in combat, and of course they are just so wise. Just another reason to keep boycotting Hollywood and the rest of the mass media. When deluded liberals try to talk to me about how wonderful blacks are, I always ask them where are their Nobel Prize winners in science, or to name one truly functional African country or black run city in this nation. Usually, they are speechless
The only reason they could even comprehend basic math was down to the fact that the sows in question are mixed race. Significant quantities of white DNA tend to do that to colored folks. Alex from N. England
You're generous with that "octaroon" tag (mighty white of ya). From the earlier photos, she looks like a sixteentharoon, or maybe a thirtysecondaroon. Maybe even a sixtyfourtharoon.
I've mentioned here before that my dad was at the Space Center for 40+ years. From Gemini through Apollo and the Shuttle.
I asked him about 'hidden figures'. He confirmed what we already know. This is total B.S.
He was completely incredulous when I told him about this 'movie'.
She has had the best of both worlds; most of her life she "passed", now she takes advantage of the "one drop rule".
Well, you do know that the Tuskegee blacks won the air war in WW2?? They also won the Civil War in "GLORY" amazing.
In other revised History, black women conquered the Old West and settled the Great Plains. They also built the Railroads, invented the Automobile, Telephone and Television.
I was done with marvel movies when they made Nick Fury black.
I have not been to the theatre in 13 years...nothing but garbage and lack of intelligent Storytelling...several weeks ago on TCM they had for the first time on their Network 1967 Fantastic know what not one afro in it and I wonder why...yeah you have to suspend some scientific belief however still an interesting concept of miniaturizing a crew and a sub and place them in the human body supposably James Cameron has been thinking about doing a reboot or reimage of the movie but its in developmental hell...I would hate to think of the reboot reimage of course in the reimage they would claim that the African Egyptian had this technology 10000 years ago...and that it's an African scientist that knows the secret to maintain miniaturization...I guess what Will Smith would be the captain of the vessel James Earl Jones The Scientist or maybe Morgan Freeman...I bet you a dollar that's how it would go down hopefully it will never be reimaged or rebooted...and may I also add look at the George Pals 1951 when the Worlds Collide could you imagine them remaking that now again I cringe at the thought...
I would love to hear what the Russians would have to say about the "magic negro" possessing the R&D, math, engineering brain power to accomplish what NASA did in just a decade!!
Off topic:The Chicago police department is under fire again from the DOJ and Chicago politicians. While the torture of the disabled white youth by 4 blacks hllas disappeared from the news.
I'd like to point out how dubious the box office numbers for this movie are.
First off, based on the months of heavy marketing in this movie, Hollywood and the Left wanted and NEEDED it to be a "number 1 hit". And now it is, in name.
Of course, it was released after the holiday weekends, a traditionally slow time for movies. Star Wars had been in the theaters for almost a month. There were no new releases of any significance. These facts alone would give any new release on this given week a chance to take the top spot.
Meanwhile, how many busloads of kids (black and otherwise) were dragged by their schools to the movie theater the week after their winter break? I'd argue that the busloads of schoolkids taken to see this movie in its first week in the hopes of boosting it to a "#1 hit" (as was done with another PG-rated "black worship film", "The Butler") was the primary reason for getting the top spot.
GoodWhites and actual paying black moviegoers aren't enough, for the most part, to make "black movies" pan out as anything other than box office bombs. But if the movie is supposed to be "educational" and is more or less "inoffensive", boy do the schools across the country schedule field trips to see it. I'm sure national teacher groups like the NEA urged schools to take their students to see this in its first week to earn that coveted #1 slot.
Typical, sounds like that area was mostly white and was over-run. Now THEY want to have the rules (which have probably ALWAYS been the same) changed because, in their minds, they are being discriminated against. As usual, YT laws need to be changed/dumbed-down because they can't adhere to them without complaining. Ridiculous
I remember reading a story somewhere in which a black man was somehow given credit for Washington being able to cross the Delaware during the Revolutionary War. I don't recall the details as I dismissed the entire pile of rubbish as just another attempt to exalt the negroes and make them feel good about themselves.
It wouldn't surprise me in the least if a movie was made about the Revolutionary War and British General Cornwallis was depicted as a fool who would have won the war for Britain if only he'd listened to all the sage advice from a super intelligent and all knowing negro. The final scene would be the negro explaining everything to other negroes and saying "da war could have been "wonned" if only dat white fool woulda listened!" Cut to a fat negress saying, "I KNOW dat's right!"
In any case, take heart. One day this era will end and the cinema of this time period will rightfully be viewed as pure trash and propaganda worthy only of scorn and ridicule.
Enough of this fantasy bs. Let's get back to reality, e.g. black people's love of fire.
This story was reported locally, but no "identity" given. I finally tracked it down, and as expected, a 40 year old "teen" was involved - a black with a long rap sheet, so familiar to police that they recognized his car at the scene of the burglary.
Confronted by an officer and police dog, the groid threw flammable liquid and started a fire. The officer is okay, but the dog was seriously burned. The groid was shot, but regrettably only wounded.
Such stories are the real backbone of black society, not the pastel imagery of lies propagated by white enablers.
Anonymous said...
I would love to hear what the Russians would have to say about the "magic negro" possessing the R&D, math, engineering brain power to accomplish what NASA did in just a decade!!
January 13, 2017 at 9:18 AM
There were damn sure NO negroes working on the Russian space program. Maybe that's why we have to hitch rides with them now? We let a few blacks do some basic math and it fucked up our whole program. Sounds about right.
Stay alert, stay alive.
(((Hollywood))) is 98% marxist,99% pro "LGBT", "POC", anti-Ethnic (White) Civilization and people, anti-heterosexual, anti-family, anti-nationalist, anti-European, etc. and has been subtly, but steadily promoting the genocide of and cultural obliteration of Ethnic Europeans (White people) for the past 75 years - at least - to the point, where today, most are totally brainwashed with the marxist ideology (the core of which is 100% anti-White, 100% pro-destruction of any and all Ethnic-Europeans' and our culture/civilization)
Why any Ethnic European (White) person spends even one penny on (((Hollywood))) "entertainment" and or gives ANY even slightly positive attention to this West-coast HQ of domestic-enemy propaganda, is 100% baffling
(((Hollywood))) is the Domestic Enemy "entertainment" wing of the marxists - Stop Funding the enemy.
Liberals cannot stand how White modern history is.
Just imagine what they would do if the internet didn't exist.
Liberals sure do love their magic negroes.
An octaroon assistant is now a Black woman that did ALL the math for the re-entry.
The war against nature continues. Liberals will not stop until they have Brazil 2.0 along with daily programs about how Whites only conspired to get where they are.
The Baron says
Now that I think about it, how much longer do think it will be until Alexander Hamilton is suddenly declared to have been black? Changing history no longer requires scouring books and burning them. Now all it requires is a little patience and a delete key.
Well, you do know that the Tuskegee blacks won the air war in WW2?? They also won the Civil War in "GLORY" amazing.
Well in Glory at least they don't change the true ending which is that Fort Wagner was never taken. But that movie was made in 1989.
If that movie was made today they would have taken the fort and saved weak White soldiers trapped inside. The fort would have been commanded by an evil sociopath with a deep southern accent. He probably also would have been a rapist.
Liberals have stepped up the propaganda as many of their equality plans have clearly failed and more Whites are losing faith. They are obsessed with indoctrinating Whites. Now with their loss of the White House I have no doubt they will be churning out even more sludge. They see Whites as problem #1.
Then there's this from The Irish Savant -
Cray Supercomputer
“Who” my old buddy Mick asked me, ‘invented the super computer?’ ‘Seymour Cray of course’ I answered smugly. After all, I'm paid to know such things. But then again, so is Mick. And he’s also known for taking the piss. ‘Well, not according to the BBC, or CNN, or Time magazine.’ He replied with a smile, adding ‘it was Philip Emeagwali.’
Shouldn't be surprised I guess. They also claim they built and flew pyramids, of all things.
We built pyramids before Donald Trump even knew what architecture was...We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it
- Rev. Al Sharpton
Off-topic, but just type "kidnapping" into a search engine and look to the results in the news section.
As one might expect, most involve black assailant(s), and some of these involve whites who mix with other races. The MINORITY of these crimes (usually involving violence of physical or sexual assault answer the ensuing murder) are actually committed by WHITE PEOPLE. Hey, white people! You can consider yourselves a minority in regards to the levels of crime we commit. You already knew this, but what the heck!
Perhaps "home invasion" would be a good search term to do weekly.
Two African males (age 23, 19) and what appears to be a white female (17) conspired to rob two hispanic brothers (ages 19 and 17); subsequent update indicates it was over marijuana. Oldest of the bunch shoots and kills both of them. Only unusual thing here is the girl has an ebonicized name, the killer a relatively normal one. Sheahonni. Yeah she's a real honey all right.
This happens all the time and is the basis of many First 48 episodes. They go to rob someone for drugs or money and then needlessly shoot the guy. In many cases bringing a gun was not even needed.
Conservatives need to get over the belief that Blacks should all have full gun rights. The men who crafted the second amendment did not think they should be citizens. They clearly can't control themselves enough to have guns. Half the time they can't even explain why they killed the guy.
File it under the "Magic Negro" genre of film classics. From Poitier and Bellafonte in the 60's to Will Smith guiding Damon through a golf tourney and saving the planet from space aliens with the help of a swarthy Chosenite. Stupid Whitey can't get 'er done without the strength of diversity to show him the way, dontcha know.
I remember in the 60's when they started injecting darkies into westerns. Dad just laughed his ass of and said "I didn't know there were nigger cowboys!". I watch a lot of films from the 40's and 50's on TCM which are the best. When you get into the 60's, diversity starts seeping in and the stories become less plausible. Foreign films from that era seem to be better overall if you don't mind subtitles. The Japanese made some excellent films during that time.
" By the way anyone know if any of those highly advanced black civilizations in Africa have put anything in orbit yet."
Does the national debt count?
Holy shit... the US mint is releasing a new gold coin in april... featuring a negro as lady liberty. We are in deep trouble when negroes are being sold (no pun intended) as the gold standard. Yikes.
I'm sure we'll find that the real brains behind Sputnik belonged to an African tranny or a Mestizo homosexual. Those Russians had nothing to do with it. Get started on that script now, (((Hollywood)))!
I watched The Martian recently, and Hollywood informed me it takes a hip, young black man to bail out those boring, wimpy, ineffectual white men. Damned white, hetero, cisgendered men are good for nothing (other than creating virtually everything that comprises the modern world).
You can be 5% Black and you will still be co-adopted for the People's Ministry of African History and Excellence.
God this society is so dumb.
You're generous with that "octaroon" tag (mighty white of ya). From the earlier photos, she looks like a sixteentharoon, or maybe a thirtysecondaroon. Maybe even a sixtyfourtharoon.
I've noticed that the media uses b&w pictures of her and they probably adjust the contrast a bit. The color pictures show how much they are stretching this.
The tv show I talked about yesterday- called "Taking the stage", whose tagline was "our stories" and OUR songs", was in honor of the "first African American museum in America. " Like we have discussed on this forum before, the black community was NEVER about EQUAL rights for EVERYBODY. Just MO" EXTRA rights for only their community. The Asian Americans, Native Americans, etc., now have every right to stand up and say, "Where is OUR freaking museum??" I hope that they do.
The show, as you can guess, had very few white artists, an agenda of white guilt and gibs us mo" mo' mo', and the last part was celebrating the African American "artists" who invented hip hop and rap. I would like to slap those "artists" myself, for fostering such a plague on the rest of us, that some people actually consider "music". The Tuskegee Airmen were honored as well. I remember someone on here pointing out that they flew only missions that were considered easy and safe, and were not trusted to fly the real fighter planes. Can someone repost that, please?? I know some of you call for the turning off of tv- and I support that, I watch very little, but part of the problem of whites not awakening is that we don't much read their magazines or watch "their" tv shows and specials, so they can basically say anything about whites that they want, because we are not watching and paying attention. "Their" magazines are especially full of hate and lies about whites. Have a stiff drink and try to read one eye opener indeed.
One they are fully getting away with....
L in Atl hell
Just happened to look it up on IMDB, 7.9 rating? Seriously?
The Political cesspool did a good review about this nonsense the other week. Good to listen to.
in 4 out of 5 movies today the smartest guy in the room is a black guy, the hero, the genius, the voice of reason, etc.. I haven't watched an NFL game in three years; the NFL has been ruined for me; now a large segment of the cinema. I started (staying at a friend's house on the road) to watch a series of American horror stories.. and in the first minute a black guy is victim of the knockout game by a gang of white college frat boy types (a gang-initiation deal etc.).. I turned it off right away. it's like, the *opposite* of reality.. is now reality..
Anonymous said ”How far the have to dig to find historical blacks to write about.Nasa has had soome other blacks working for them throughout the years. But they havent been celebrated, with good reason. . . “
They have to go back far enough that individuals who would have personal knowledge of the so-called accomplishments are dead. I have not seen an interview of anyone who can actually confirm the amazing accomplishments of the black human computers. Only after John Glenn's death are we hearing of his admiration for them. A year ago I had never heard of any amazing black NASA mathematician, but then one suddenly appeared. Now we seem to be up to at least three.
I have substantial experience working as an Engineer, and I have never met a black with outstanding math skills. There are probably a few out there, but I have never seen one. The affirmative action hires merely pretend that they understand math while some white person actually does the heavy lifting.
ANYTIME that you get a large group of groids "working" on say a project, at a work site, they will always fight each other call each other names, disrupt the general cohesion of the work place.Ask any contractor who he would rather work with: Mexicans or blacks??
"Two African males (age 23, 19) and what appears to be a white female (17)..."
If she looks white to you, it's time to get your prescription changed.
Speaking of Blacks and Hidden Figures...That story about the White Mentally Handicapped guy and his four sleepover / barber buddies sure fell off the radar pretty quickly huh?
7 White People Are Bad, Black People Are the Greatest Days!
"The Old Negro Space Program" video is more historically correct than "Hidden Figures".
The commemorative coin featuring a negress as lady liberty is an abomination but there's only going to be 100,000 minted. It will be a massive fail. Some other commemorative coins that were produced in the 100,000 range in the past pretty much sold only half of that figure or less. I expect this one will fair far worse. I went to a coin collector site and 60% of the comments on the coin were (shall we say) less than complimentary.
in 4 out of 5 movies today the smartest guy in the room is a black guy, the hero, the genius, the voice of reason, etc.
TV is the worst, especially crime dramas. It amazes me that Whites will watch that crap. I had no idea that NYC had so many White rapists until TV told me so.
I agree. If you watch METV, you can clearly see the Negri infestation. Columbo, Rockford Files, Green Acres, etc. Leave it to Beaver had one sheboon, a maid in the kitchen.
Female in FL
There has been a recent fad of right white liberals watching historical European shows such as Downton Abbey, Call of the Midwife, etc. I never really understood the trend but think about it- all of these shows are of times way before black diversity had swamped our societies and shows- these liberals love how their shows specifically call for no blacks in general or at all. Take a gander at a lot of the shows they watch and you will know exactly what I'm talking about. I yearn for those times as well.
This BS is un-freaking-believable.
I had to laugh-the other day at some cuck award show, two white dumbassess, including an imbecile Dubya daughter got this Hidden Figures crap mixed up with that half white colored boy August Wilson BS movie Fences--and called the "Yes NASA, no NASA" movie "Hidden Fences" LOL.
As other posters have said, there is one thing they can do--two niqqers-one 14 years old, murdered a 64 year old store clerk in Wilmington, Delaware (AKA "Killmington"). They made off with a total of $20.00.
You're generous with that "octaroon" tag (mighty white of ya). From the earlier photos, she looks like a sixteentharoon, or maybe a thirtysecondaroon. Maybe even a sixtyfourtharoon.
Yeah just like Charles Drew.
I haven't seen the movie and given the bad reviews of the book I probably won't read it either. I won't go out to a movie theater and buy a ticket to see it and I won't pay to see it on Amazon cable, but I may watch it if it is free on Netflix. That will probably be in a couple months. So I really shouldn't comment until then.
But everyone will have forgotten it by then. So here goes.
I took a lot of math in college and grad school. I won some mathematical fellowships which helped pay for my upkeep as a grad student. I had a full academic scholarship but I had to TA as a calculus teacher. I got my first job after grad school as a management consultant on the basis of my math background. Then I taught statistics as a second job for five years.
So while I've never been a good enough mathematician to go to MIT or Caltech - I know a thing or two and I've seen a thing or two.
In all that time I never run across very many blacks or women in classes I took or taught. The premise of this movie is preposterous. Anyone who has worked in any area with higher math knows that there are almost no women or blacks in the field. It's not impossible of course but for example I've dated more women than anyone I know and I prefer tall women, but I've never met a woman taller than I am (6'4"). There are women taller than me of course. I see them on TV playing beach volleyball every chance I can. But I've never met one. They are rare.
When I was a management consultant we had a consultant whom I was told was good at math. I don't know. I had only one really good female student in all of many statistics sections I taught. Girls just are not very good in math. Women have been novelists in America, in Europe and in the Orient, but until last year no woman had ever earned a Fields Metal.
So I will watch this movie when it gets to free cable, but I am unlikely to believe any of it.
BTW I grew up in Virginia but I can't remember anyone being rude to a negro to their face as is always shown in these kind of movies. I have heard lots of vile racists call a black man a 'boy' or a ni**er but only in the movies - never real people in real life. Plenty of my friends and relatives used such language but not in front of them. As I remember everyone was too polite to use racial epithets. I never heard Wop, or Kike either. I often heard men called faggots or queers - very often - but I simply don't remember all these racial slurs except in the movies. Maybe if I had lived further south it would have been different. When I have picked up illegal aliens to clean my yard they seem to be willing to call blacks all sorts of names, but not my white neighbors.
In fact the only place where I consistently hear real racial epithets is in "La Forza del Destino" Verdi's great opera where the baritone calls the tenor a mulatto.
Well the new Lady Liberty coin is now a black woman, so the destruction of white culture is ramping up. Google the new lady liberty.. i can't bring myself to link to nytimes
Rachel Dolezal is as dark or darker than the Johnson woman and she gets all kinds of grief for saying she's black.
I looked for awhile on the internet but can find nothing that would say just how much black Katherine Johnson has in her woodpile so I assume it's not very much. You couldn't pay me to read the book or see the movie.
Know your enemy
I saw Hidden Figures with my entire class in Cultural Relativism And Peace Studies. It was a beautiful, inspiring, progressive movie about a beautiful African-American woman who wanted to be a Mercury astronautperson, but NASA did not allow her to be an astronautperson simply because of the color of her skin. She struggled and overcame the prejudice of Jim Crow era Cape Canaveral to compute the numbers which white supremacists took credit for when they flew John Glenn to the Moon.
But there is more to her heroic story. As you know, the Mercury program was designed to take food out of the mouths of beautiful African-American children. Fortunately, this beautiful African-American saved the day, once again, by working for NASA much as her ancestors had to work in Florida cotton fields to create the wealth that financed the American Revolution.
The African-American contribution to the "space program" needs to be recognized by America by paying reparations to the thousands of beautiful black African-American women mathematicians who toiled in NASA's cotton fields.
And what does this so-called "NASA" stand for, anyway? No Africans in Space Allowed?
I know this is all true because I was told it was so by my class in Cultural Relativism And Peace Studies.
I. M. Klewless, MFA
Cultural Relativism and Peace Studies
4:41pm- "There has been a recent fad of right white liberals watching historical European shows such as Downton Abbey, etc. I never really understood the trend but think about it- all of these shows are of times way before black diversity had swamped our societies and shows"
They still try to squeeze one in, here and there. One such show, about the first British department store in 18-hundred-whatever, focuses on the pretty, young salesgirls. Well in one episode, they bring in a photographer, to teach the girls photography or how to sell cameras or I-forget-what, but the real story was how the expert photographer was a coal-black dindu who - hand to God - had a face exactly like one of the Easter Island statues, and how the hottest chick in the store was consumed with firey lust for this creature. [CLICK]
Downton Abbey was no peach either. They may not have had blacks, but they were shoving gays down the audiences throat, and hard. This show takes place around WWI, when every young British woman's life ambition was to get married and have lots of kids. If she wasn't engaged at 16, married at 20, or still childless at 25, she'd be on suicide watch in a mental ward because she considered herself a total failure. So when the their co-worker, a healthy young good-looking man with a good job (butler or junior butler) turns out to be a butt-pirate, for all the girls to puff out their chests and stand up for his right to let his freak fag fly, is just a little hard to swallow. Girls back then would despise a "man" like that, as it shrinks their mating pool that much more.
I dont know how either show ended, because even for free, the price was too high to watch.
I find the timing of this movie pretty wild considering John Glenns' recent passing. Not sure if this movie pertains to the Mercury Atlas 6 flight Glen flew. Maybe he would refute these supposed facts. I'll never know, I'll never watch it.
I think the most inadvertently honest scene in the whole "Glory" movie was the one where the black "troops" are first given guns. Of course, they proceed to run around like chimps, whooping it up and shooting at each other like it was a huge game.
150 years later, nothing's changed.
I thought VDARE put up some good arguments against this movie. Come on...a black lady saving the day with some math! Give me a break!
This is another "Akeelah and the Bee" story which is supposed to be a feel good story for blacks and those who worship them. I'll watch it when it comes out on Netflix. In Akeelah, a little black girl beats all the white, Indian, and Asian kids in spelling - which would be very hard to do INDEED.
I work for the government and know for a fact that 99% of the blacks could not do the math necessary for NASA (however...I don't work for NASA and I am not a scientist). The math NASA does is far superior to anything the vast majority of blacks would even try. Pat said, let's start out with calculus!
What is the derivative of f(x) = 2X + 5. Integrate the same problem between 0 and 1 and rotate it on the X axis. As Pat could tell you, anyone who has taken calculus could answer those questions. However, If I were to give a random sample of those questions to a negro crowd, what percentage could answer it? I posit very, very few!
In my 25 years working for a certain government agency, I only knew of ONE math major who was black. However, I currently work with a PhD math major who is white.
Here is the only thing about math majors, Pat, they are VERY eccentric. They are so damned weird they can't function on a normal level. Also, the reason most inventions are made by whites is because white men have an edge when it comes to geniuses. White brains are FAR beyond most Asian brains...with the exception of Michio Kaku who I think is brilliant.
Back to the story! I want to see this film to see what the hell the problem was that needed a black woman to figure it out. Somebody said it was 10th grade math. OK...what does that mean? Did she use the orbit of an ellipse? OK...the orbit would seem to be important. Any white man with a bit of math could answer those type questions!
This is just an attempt to magnify the black race; it is not based on any kind of reality.
Anon @ 12:08 pm, your comment was most prescient:
"Just imagine what they would do if the internet didn't exist."
This is precisely what the liberals are attempting to achieve - through the "Fake News" meme, the Facebook purges - you name it! Every single "ALT-RIGHT" posted thought is being slowly but surely expunged by the (((owners))) of the internets.
We need to be prepared for a long, hard battle. It is the battle for the survival of civilised society.
Nothing about your background or education surprises me. If anything, I'd have guessed you had an advanced degree in AE, metallurgy, or some other science I know nothing about.
I'll tell you this, though: in South Philly where I grew up in an Italian family, racial slurs were the norm. My grandfather, an Italian immigrant, often told jokes about "John the Wop" that I never understood.
Another mystery was the fact that the majority of uncles that were his generation (my great-uncles, I guess) only had 9 fingers. It seems they were all unlucky victims of separate freak trolley accidents.
What can i say? At eight years old, we never questioned it.
At any rate, that generation had thicker skin, and enjoyed a good ethnic joke even at their own expense. The very first Italian word I ever learned, however, was "moulinyan". It was no joke to my uncles, either. Had I been seen dating (or even so much as being friendly to) a negro, I would've been yanked home by my hair and given a stern lecture on staying away from the "moolies".
If after that, the ignorant black continued to pursue a friendship with me, chances were good that he, too, would be an unfortunate victim of the South Philly Runaway Trolley, and he'd be lucky if all he lost was a finger.
Sorry Pk, I just refuse to bring myself to watch "grimace" on the big screen. I dislike the food, so why would want to "it" on the screen?
Negroes eat these kind of movies up because it stokes their egos and makes them feel good about themselves. It's the same with all their black invention myths where they claim they invented everything and it was stolen from them by the white man. Oh well. If your race had nothing to show for itself since the dawn of time except mud huts, you'd be desperate to believe anything that denied the reality.
Now that this preposterous movie has been made, get ready to hear negroes of all ages ooking and eeking about how dey done made da moon shot work. Yeah, it'll be tiresome but you have to expect it. They haven't the intelligence or honesty to face the truth as it's too psychologically devastating. If it weren't for their myths and lies, they'd have nothing.
The premise of the movie strikes me as being probably completely false. These women were called "computers" - meaning they performed calculations on a spread-sheet using mechanical calculators. This was a common way of solving differential equations during the 40s and 50s, and - apparently - up through the early 1960s. These women probablly did not derive the equations to be solved, they just performed the numerical calculations required to solve them.
The main women in the story, Katherine Johnson, had a bachelors degree in math. She was probably reasonably proficient in college-level math, however no mathematician would refer to her as a "mathematician". And she certainly wasn't a "physicist", as she is sometimes referred to. If you look up her name on NTRS, you'll find about a half dozen NASA technial reports that she co-authored. On none of them was she a primary author. That means that she did some work on them (perhaps even a lot work), but probably did not originate the work or lead it.
She was one of tens of thousands of technical workers in the US Space Program. In no way was she a vital or seminal figure, or perhaps even that important at all. The work she did could have been done by any number of other people, and had she not done it, somebody else would have.
LOL.Your comment bought back "fond" memories when I was in construction. Trying to get Negroes to do anything in construction is only good for raising your blood pressure. The there's their charming ooking and screeching about "racism"
And don't forget: your power tools always grow legs and leave the job site when Negroes are around.
"I find the timing of this movie pretty wild considering John Glenns' recent passing. Not sure if this movie pertains to the Mercury Atlas 6 flight Glen flew. Maybe he would refute these supposed facts. I'll never know, I'll never watch it."
One of the incidents recounted pertained to some concern Glenn had prior to the flight. The details of the concern are very vague, but apparently required manual confirmation of the orbital trajectories calculated by the IBM 7090 computer. This is peculiar since there had been two unmanned Mercury Atlas orbital test flights flying the same profile as Glenn which were successfully orbited and de-orbited. Further, no mention by Glenn or anyone else of this incident even in the days of PC where even the negro janitor that cleans the toilets in mission control is credited for a vital part of the lunar landing. I would imagine that a manual calculation would also have to be manually checked by an independent reviewer. Why doesn't this person come forward and corroborate the story?
That black people, the majority of who don`t even graduate high school, did the math calculations for the moon landing is laughable. They could at least tell plausible lies.
They can't tell what's plausible and what's not. They have next to no knowledge and cannot think straight about the few things they do know. This is why TNB is typical; it flows from the inability to understand cause and effect.
I would love to hear what the Russians would have to say about the "magic negro" possessing the R&D, math, engineering brain power to accomplish what NASA did in just a decade!!
The Russians got theirs the same place we did: Robert H. Goddard, improved and expanded upon by German rocket scientists headed by Werner von Braun.
Maybe that's why we have to hitch rides with them now?
The Senate seniority system, committee chairmanships and the love of Wisconsin for dairy subsidies has a lot more to do with that than Affirmative Blaction. The Space Shuttle's design was screwed up by the Pentagon over-specifying and Proxmire under-funding, and there weren't any darkies in the management ranks when those decisions were made.
Just imagine what they would do if the internet didn't exist.
It wasn't that long ago that it didn't exist, and what was printed in books was gospel.
"The Old Negro Space Program" video is more historically correct than "Hidden Figures".
Theaters showing "Hidden Figures" should show that as the short before the main feature. Get people into the proper mood. There should also be a coda before the credits which mentions that these "saviors of the space program" were not mentioned in the memoirs of any of the Mercury astronauts.
Well said
It's truly turning into a Planet of the Apes episode
This movie, like so much in the world of the groid, is a twisting of limited facts and moments in history, a history that does not contain notable contributions of this inferior race. This race is known for appropriating much of what it claims to be its culture and social history. This movie, like "Hamilton" before it, is a lame attempt to bestow legitimacy and significance to an otherwise pitiful and pathetic group.
Pat Boyle:
To piggy-back on your status, I was a TA in Chemistry. I actually liked it since, for better or worse, I could "understand" those who didn't get it and was able to re-word the course work for them.
I have always thought the class material moved too fast for the average students. Sure, us 10% Whites who instinctively "got it" the first time, had no problem, but in college the vast majority of students have to take a class they don't really "get".
I was able to know what they didn't get. Thus, I enjoyed re-phrasing or re-writing what the Prof had said, and getting most, if not all of my TA class to understand.
It was one of the few things I really enjoyed back in Chemistry.
Nope....she's not black. She's a White woman with a trace of black genetics.
I am so sick of our liberal puppet masters.
To Fled the Undertow,
My family (extended and large) still live in South Philly. We are holding together tight and strong.
Philadelphia Mike
Are you kidding me? Sheahonni is white? You clearly lack the pattern-recognition skills that Google image software has attained as of two years ago when they labeled multiple pictures of blacks as "ape."
Shiahonni is at best an octaroon, but more likely a quadroon. The lack of sun in Syracuse- a very northern city in the very northern state of New York, is likely responsible for her light complexion and decreased melanization.
General Ripper
Malcolm Xcrement (the black separatist who was killed by (((them))) once he realized that blacks and whites should live apart, not the fabulous poster whose SBPDL work I greatly admire) was 1/2-1/4 white. He mentions getting disciplined much more harshly as a child because his sub-primate relatives could see the visible white genetics in him (he didn't phrase it as eloquently as I just did).
General Ripper
Someone mentioned watching westerns on the TMC channel. Just finished watching John Wayne starring in the "Searchers" probably one of his greatest! I believe there was a black in it who played a minor role in it, he appears to be a mulatto, not 100% sure. The point is the film was about the settling of the Am. West with the hardships of the desert, Indians raiding settlers homes, white men, white women surviving raising families.Just watching it you could imagine your ancestors settling these desolate lands without the need of diversity and you know who, blacks.
According to all the MSM reports I read, all blue-eyed people share a small pool of common ancestors that originated in Northern Europe.No sub-Saharan African can have blue eyes unless a goodly amount of that European genome has found its way into the mix.
lol. this blog is the biggest piece of white washed trash ive ever seen! and thats saying something. why am i not surprised that a majority of the posts are from "anonymous" sources? albeit it, KKK hoods? a bunch of middle aged white men angry that their white washed agenda is being cast into the light. fear as usual. its no small wonder that actual white americans, educated white americans have nothing to do with you poor ignorant whites, especially white males.
i believe you're called "white trash" for a reason. they dont want you. you make them look bad. now you silly white crackers are calling yourself the "alt-right". what a joke! same ignorant racist rants repackaged to look like something else! and you ignorant white inbreds have the audacity to talk about liberal hollywood movie agenda? wtf do you think you're doing right NOW?
you dumb motherfuckers cant handle the truth. btw, i hate liberals too, im what you call objective. something you ass sniffing white inbred backwoods hillbilly motherfuckers cant comprehend.
you're so tough, through a keyboard while being anonymous... LMAO.
is that why my posts keep getting deleted? you white society social rejects cant handle the TRUTH.
btw, moderator if you delete my posts again, i will hack you. "...just sayin'..." that's how black people talk, RIGHT????
Saw the poster on a bus shelter. Propaganda timed for release on Greatest Americans Day. ie MLK day weekend and the fall of the house of Obuma. All to reinforce the affirmative action do nothing mammy mafia civil servants. The movie is one long lie. Black women in federal and government jobs, do the following - make a big breakfast in the break room on the clock, talk on the phone to their aunt, godmother, church, credit agency, son's probation officer, son's lawyer, son's arresting officer, children of other sons, children of cousins. Read the newspaper, read magazines, read supermarket circulars. They make smoothies at break time in the break room using complicated machinery that they keep in the office. Use the office copier to run off so many copies of church related material or anything that is keeping the flame of racism alive that the entire department runs out of paper but no says anything. Occasionally they have to get up and scream at the lone white woman working in the department to make sure she knows that you're her supervisor.
Then they order a large lunch and don't tip the delivery person. After lunch, more phone calls to relatives down south about her son's most recent arrest, a call to her podiatrist and doctor to get more prescription Oxycontin. then there's the black bible study group. After this exhausting day, go scream at the white woman who has not gotten up from her desk all day. Then they go around to collect money for someone's funeral, retirement, bunion operation, promotion. Sometimes it's for union events which she never turns into the union.
wow, with all of this on her calendar when does the mammy mafia have time to do real work?
Told someone that I want to live where there's a majority of white people. they get upset and say "don't say that".
Had someone call me to find out if I was available for work, he says, they might want women of color only . I said tell them I'm worth three woman of color and I do have color. told someone else and their response was "that's racist". Only hiring black women is not racist?
Angry Negro sounds angry. Kek.
All to reinforce the affirmative action do nothing mammy mafia civil servants.
Which brings up a point: if black females bring all sorts of skills -- including "courage" -- to civil service jobs (see the posters for "Hidden Figures") why then is the federal bureaucracy so inefficient? Why do we see nothing taking off, especially manned space flight? What innovations have black females brought to the running of government? How exactly is the US government more efficient with "integration" than it was back, say, in the 1940s or 1950s?
Consider how during those terrible, terrible days of segregation, the federal government could build trans-national highways, pull the nation out of the Great Depression, win world wars, and even put Americans on the Moon.
Question: what did the government have back then which it lacks today?
Answer: white people.
So . . . there are a couple of space themed movies duking it out at the box office. One of these movies features a planet-destroying super-weapon, a badly burned multiple amputee in a walking iron lung, space fighters performing airplane like maneuvers in a planetary atmosphere, hand held laser weapons and some sort of half-assed hocus-pocus called "the Force".
The other movie has no connection with earthly reality . . .
Thanks for the laugh Colossus Idiot!
Consider how during those terrible, terrible days of segregation, the federal government could build trans-national highways, pull the nation out of the Great Depression, win world wars, and even put Americans on the Moon.
Question: what did the government have back then which it lacks today?
Answer: white people.
I'm surprised as shit no one has posted this yet:
What a joke... I wonder if black people watching the film said, "I don't get it... When is the black woman gonna come on?"
You can bet that because of the exponential breeding of blacks that 100 years from now all the history books will say that blacks invented everything and that blacks were the obes that went to the moon... And they'll wonder why the "black" people in the past were so smart...
I was waiting for the women in this movie to do something interesting and it never happened. It turned out to be a propaganda for just black people I guess. All the main star did was just re-check everyone else's work, mostly with a calculator. I was thinking maybe in the end she will find a mistake they made and be a hero, but no. Black people will never end racism until they quit bringing up the past.
Actually, a shocking number of blacks think we faked the moon landings and the whole think was a gov't hoax. Anyone else heard of this?
Of course this is movie 90% fake and I'm blackish.But black people made pyramid s in Egypt and Africa and every African student I met spoke 4 languages and was brilliant at math and science so stop being so racist and entitled to everything and lighten up your white you got it easy. 99% of the movies are about whites that's not boring too u.
Also people talk about the bathroom scene and how it meant so much, well it was made up and not true. Kevin Costner, Jim Parson, and Kirsten Dunst's characters were not real people, apparently since there were no real issues of racism faced by these women they had to make up some white characters and make them assholes (Parson & Dunst), Katherine was NOT hired directly into NASA's space program that was a lie, they claim this movie was based on a book yet that book came out after the movie and it's actually loosely based on the 50+ page book proposal, Taraji's character (the real person) even called the movie on it's bullshit including the scene where Katherine is mistaken for a janitor and asked to empty the trash, that was completely made up and never happen. How this movie (which could've been a TV movie in my opinion) is up for Oscars shows how irrelevant that stupid award is in the first place. By the way, do these black actors not feel the awards weren't really earned, or at least cheapened, by the bitching and moaning and hashtagging the last Oscars? Then this year there are movies like this up for awards? Coincidence?
"You might get the indication in the movie that these were the only people doing those jobs, when in reality we know they worked in teams, and those teams had other teams," author Margot Shetterly explained. "There were sections, branches, divisions, and they all went up to a director. There were so many people required to make this happen. ... But I understand you can't make a movie with 300 characters. It is simply not possible."
This stuff just simply will never end, they cannot find any REAL accomplishments by blacks so they just make them up. Like how blacks praise MLK and Malcolm X, you ever hear a black person praise Abe Lincoln? Ever? Ever even mention him as being a hero for them? Nope these moron SJW liberals think these blacks want to be friends with them, THEY DO NOT WANT TO BE YOUR FIREND. they want to step on you as you die on their way over top of you and your family, it makes me sick.
Thank god we have a such a smart special snowflake like yourself to represent for women.... get over yourself! Anyone can learn math, most people just don't care for it.
I am a female computer scientist with a masters degree. Guess I'm a super rare, super smart, special snowflake too!
I hope you don't have daughters that you brainwash with your misogynistic bullshit.
"female computer scientist with a master's degree" -> so you're a code monkey programmer with a master's in comp-sci, not impressed snowflake. Her original point stands: there are less women than men at the right tail of the bell curve (average IQ for Engineers is 120) with the requisite combination of personality, mathematical aptitude, and spatial reasoning ability to become Engineers (which you are not, Comp-Sci, regardless of your job title). The op that you called snowflake may have engineer daughters because genetics, duh. Knowing that women on average are less likely to be engineers is not the same thing as discouraging a particular individual who may have the Right Stuff, to pursue it. Incidentally, I am an Electrical Engineer with over 20 years experience
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