To deliberately destroy social capital?
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Dead by diversity: a white immigrant killed by a Somali diversity hire in the Minneapolis Police Department... |
To ask the question is to know the answer. [Somali immigrant cop Mohamed Noor, who shot Justine Damond, was 'highly celebrated' by Minneapolis mayor in 2015, Fox News, 7-18-17]:
The Somali-born Minnesota police officer alleged to have shot and killed an unarmed Australian woman on Saturday had been lauded by Minneapolis’ mayor and feted by the local community when he joined the force in 2015.
“I want to take a moment to recognize Officer Mohamed Noor, the newest Somali officer in the Minneapolis Police Department,” Mayor Betsy Hodges wrote in a Facebook post when Noor began serving the city. “Officer Noor has been assigned to the 5th Precinct, where his arrival has been highly celebrated, particularly by the Somali community in and around Karmel Mall.”
In fact, The Washington Post reported that community threw a party for Noor – the first Somali-American officer to serve in the precinct. Minneapolis is home to one of the nation's largest Somali communities.
“He came to the United States at a young age and is thankful to have had so many opportunities,” Thomas Plunkett, Noor’s attorney, said Monday. “…For him, being a police officer is a calling.”Unarmed Australian white woman, Fox News. Fixed it for you.
When I saw Blackhawk Down in theaters, my immediate reaction was, "we should have absolute nothing to do with that nation and do everything possible to keep Somalians from coming to the USA."
Those in control of not just our foreign policy but migration/immigration/resettlement policy decided they wanted to encourage 1.2 percent of the entire population of Somalia to come to America...
Remember when Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton blasted white Minnesota citizens who were worried about massive immigration/demographic change in the state (largely due to Somali resettlement)?
Here's what he said: “Our economy cannot expand based on white, B+, Minnesota-born citizens. We don’t have enough."
Justine Damond, the 40-year-old white woman from Australia, called police to report a suspected rape. The last thing this immigrant (not just some "B+, Minnesota-born citizen") would see on earth was a Somali police officer pointing a gun at her.
Why are there Somalians in America again?
to help ruin USA and White people.
The UN helps.
Why are there Somalians in America again?
I'm gonna try to answer this, just one.more.time......The extermination of the Anglo Saxon, white, European male.
Please let me know if any of you need some flash cards to keep this in mind. I have quite a few from my teaching days.
Oh, and to cut some of you off at the chase who wish to ask (cry, wail) "Why???"
It's because you're the founders of Western civilization. You must be destroyed so that it will be destroyed. The white women cannot help you. They're too distracted by who the next guest on "The View" will be. There are also some seals in the Arctic that need their attention. And then there's the latest Disney movie to be released....also....Kim Kardashian and what she is wearing to the next awards show.
Robert Ruark in his book, Horn of the Hunter, said that Harry Selby the professional hunter who was their hunting guide and had several men of different African nationalities working for him. However, he told them he would never hire a Somali as they were untrustworthy.
That orc cop should be on a plane from Tampa...
Their pets will turn against the leftists. That is why you hear about "universal wage" from Silicon valley rats.
They can hear the pitchforks sharpening and the torches lighting up.
Gov. Dayton, traitor to his people: "Our economy cannot expand based on white, B+, Minnesota-born citizens. We don't have enough."
What good's an economy, when you're dead? And if you're not dead, having to rub elbows with dirtshit Smellians every day, you'll wish you were.
Btw, an "expanding economy" is going to turn Texas from White/Red to Brown/Blue in a few years. We should start electing politicians who promise to dim (or snuff) the flames of our economies, to deter moths and mosquitos from buzzing towards us.
Comrade P.K. a few eggs will have to be broken on the way to the Zimbabwe utopia.
South Africa will be the model to destroy America and Europe.
Sorry a revolution won't be happening at the ballot box. Trump was put in so he can be the face of the collapse when (((Yellen))) pulls the plug on the economy.
Remember the order out of chaos mantra of the inbred globalist rats.
Somalians cannot even adjust to properly using Western hygiene standards, let alone live by Western laws. And Minnesota gives a low IQ Somali (probably 73 if he is lucky) a badge and a gun to enforce Western laws? Poor Justine Ruszczyk was trying to help a woman suspected of being raped and is immediately murdered by diversity's finest Somali named Mohammed. Somalis despise and hate white and black and Asian Americans, they don't follow Western law (rather the perverted Sharia) and Somali health workers don't follow basic western hygienic methods such as vaccinations, hand sanitizer, hand washing, nor the proper use of toilet paper after defecation. I am not kidding! Meningitis runs rampant and infection rates in Minnesota hospitals (with Somali workers) is through the roof!
"Why are there Somalians in America again? "
Because the American Empire extends worldwide, with soldiers deployed in over 150 countries. These soldiers guard American business interests, protecting and stabilizing supply chains and markets, and our presence in their countries leads very naturally to their presence in ours.
Also, because America's founding vision of itself, first expressed by Christian Pilgrim John Winthrop, and repeated by several American presidents, is as a "City on a Hill", an example to the world of the sort of raceless equality imagined to exist in Heaven.
In short, because of the pursuit of money, power, and religious delusion; the same three obsessions that have always dominated American policy, both foreign and domestic.
When will the great white nationalist Donald Jesus Trump comment on this cold blooded murder?
White woman out in sleepwear with no hijab and no male relative around.
Honor killing?
Culture Incompetence will be the defense if it ever reaches that level.
Look up Cultural Incompetence in your favorite search engine if you haven't heard of it.
WWW is saying she was a rabid anti-gun person, isn't that ironic.
Also the affirmative action cop has several complaints against him, mostly from women.
Enjoy Amerikwa while you can. The Happening? It's coming before the year is over.
In ten years there'll be ten times as many of these creatures here. Many will be deputized to terrorize white citizens, ala 'The Turner Diaries.' They'll just have a ball, walking around enforcing Sharia law (no dogs, no alcohol, no pork, etc.), asking for bribes, abducting and raping your female family members at will and so on.
You laugh now, but it's coming. The New World Order will not be stopped. At least not by the likes of Trump and the Alt-Lite.
About 82% of Somalia's population of 12 million is ignorant, broke and hungry. What difference does spreading a few hundred thousand of them to First World countries around the globe make?
They and other Africans destroy and burden the societies they infest, without making any real dent in the plight of the Africans. The solution - if there is one - is going to be on the ground in the homeland, not here or in europe.
Affirmative Action in Action!!
Is there any proof, in the absence of the police body cams and dashboard video, that Ms. Damond did not scream the N-word at this police officer? This kind of verbal racism is so often the cause of violent reactions from African-americans. Officer Noor was a highly decorated member of the Minneapolis police department. Why would he fire at this women unless provoked?
Somali-African-americans are an important group now throughout the country. Their contributions to our way of life, our liberty and all we hold dear, are truly significant. We must resist the urge to demonize this community simply because one white women was shot. It is a well known fact that Australians hate African-americans. It is not hard to believe that once Ms. Damond approached the police cruiser and saw Officer Noor, that she began to scream "nigger" or some other insult. Aside from the racial insult, Australians have a very annoying accent. It's normally very hard to understand what they are saying. Faced with that verbal assault, it was entirely appropriate for the officer to use deadly force on the Australian.
It's all unfortunate. But until we all learn to show respect to people of color, this kind of tragedy will be repeated.
John McCain is in the hospital, I hear.
I pray he gets a Somali surgeon when he's on the operating table.
Were we not having trouble with Somolian Pirates not to long ago and i do remember how the u russians captured some pirates sunk their ship and cast them adrift Hey were realy need to end this stuff we had under Obama the Worst
The same reason the southern floodgate stays open....Votes. Notice there is no flood of white people coming in from Canada. No white South African genocide refugees.
I've also wondered why we would bring in Somalis, are we creating refugees there? Isn't that the rationale for the Syrian "refugee" movement?
I read a story of "refugees" that were re-settled in Detroit, IIRC. They had first-world conveniences in their free home but did their laundry on the driveway with a rock. They used the stove for cooking...except they built a fire on top of the stove. I've never heard anyone tout the benefits of importing more poverty which, according to our overseers, causes crime. By their own logic, they are intentionally importing more crime that we aren't supposed to notice. No prob, though, as long as they vote Democrat.
Africans have been brought to Australia as so-called refugees, and have formed gangs and are wreaking havoc in the suburbs with home invasions and car-jackings. The human population, disarmed as we were by a now obvious false-flag in Tasmania, are defenseless, and for most naive Australians this is an entirely new phenomenon that they can't understand.
Our media is full of tertiary educated concerned, plump-ish women with short hair and large attention-grabbing glasses who feel we aren't doing enough by way of funding and programs for people of colour who struggle to assimilate and only want a better life.
Like you, its all our fault.
The irony here is that the SJW victim was outspoken about the idea that only police should be allowed guns. If there's any justice in her last agonizing seconds of life she realized that Australia isn't safe because of lack of guns in the hands of citizens but largely a lack of black Africans. Good riddance I say, we have enough traitors here without importing more.
“Our economy cannot expand based on white"
Which is probably true. White Europeans have a tendency for thrift, savings, and self sufficiency. You can't expand (((the economy))) (ie. socialist government in this case) with a stable first world population.
How big of a police department would MSP need is they had no Africans? How big of a fire department? How big of a public works department to clean litter, graffiti, and fix other infrastructure destroyed by African parasites? How many programs to stop the violence or reach out to the underserved? How will your school budget grow if your first world population doesn't breed like rodents and actually meet standards with the budget you already have?
Consider even the real estate market. You can't push boom and bust cycles in neighborhoods without unruly third worlders with which to block-bust; sending the plague in to destroy, fuels prices in the "nice" areas which are in turn infected with black cancer out to the point where ground zero of the infection is stripped so bare that even the black locusts abandon it then you can gouge the prices again as it "gentrifies" and you complete the cycle.
A year or so back someone posted that we white Europeans were being farmed like bees with (((someone))) skimming off the surplus honey we create. I'd liken it more to pearl farming where a little speck of sand it put in to irritate the creature around which it works to protect itself by building something of value. Escape Africans and escape this cycle!
Make no mistake black Africans are high maintenance pets; cleaning up their messes and caring for them is big business. They're absolutely helpless and are the perfect socialist voting block. If it's any consolation they really are not long for this world. If our side or another Euro-centric comes out on top we won't keep them around, Chinese won't keep them around, and you can bet if we get full on Bolshevik communism they definitely have no use for a mule that kicks or an ox that won't pull. Another bonus of communist revolution is that almost all the useful idiot subversives and true believers get a bullet to the back of the head too. Communists have no room for troublemakers and rabble rousers in their utopias.
The Bush family needs to burn in hell for the destruction they have caused this nation.
That being said, this state is loaded with PC libraries. This Justine woman was a big anti gunner. They always learn the hard way.
Female in FL
Is this a "Po-lice cars gone wrong" story? Shots "rang out"? WTF was anyone thinking bringing somalis here in the first place? Oh well, at least NHI, since the Aussie was an SJW of the first order.
Meme warriors have already struck saying I'm the police now with the movie photo.
Better question....why are they employed as police officers?
Of course the DWL commenters on the WaPo story claim this is a classic case of "police brutality" as opposed to its polar opposite --
virtue-signaling hiring of moron-IQ Somalis by the Minneapolis popo HQ that goes beyond affirmative action into dis-affirmative destruction of taxpaying, law-abiding citizens.
Lower the standards for becoming a police officer and this is what you get.
This is exactly what I've been harping about for awhile now.
When I was younger, I took the test for state and local police. It wasn't difficult as I recall but it tended to 'weed out' those who could not think critically. The physical test 'weeded out' the remainder who didn't belong.
When a cop got out of his car, you knew you were addressing a law enforcement officer. There was even a *Gulp* height requirement!
There was no law that said you couldn't be black, hispanic or a woman...there were just these things called 'standards' the departments would not back down on.
Standards for the police have gone the way of the dodo and the job has spiraled down to what we have today. The guys who signed on when I took the test are coming up for retirement in a few years. Behind them stands a motley crew of misfits who would have had no chance becoming a cop 40 years ago.
These new cops are afraid of their own shadow and over-paid to boot. I know of a detective on north jersey who pulled in over $180K last year. That a cop. I knew of the chief in the last town I was in who, between his town salary and his side work as chief of security for a local synagogue, was pulling in a quarter of a million each year.
So the lure of the job is obvious. Loads of taxpayer money and no accountability. Quite an attractive position for those affirmative action types with no appreciable skills.
I feel sorry for the good cops out there because they all will get painted with the same brush but maybe that was the plan all along. Distrust of the police is at an all-time high. Here's a woman who thought enough to call the police assuming help would come. Instead, a frightened Somali immigrant with a gun shows up and mows her down in a hail of bullets. Good work.
The police are not your friends. Keep your hands on the wheel and give them no reason to feel 'uneasy'. They consider you a criminal. They consider you an enemy. Even after they know you're not. Offer no information beyond what is asked. Provide the proper documents and accept your ticket without statement.
This is not a 'black' problem anymore. Yes, black are likely shot more often because they are involved in the majority of the crime. But black or white, a scared cop will end your life without blinking an eye and never be prosecuted for it.
This guy will walk. Maybe he will lose his job but I doubt even that will happen. The police must remain infallible. Once they acknowledge the many chinks in their armor, then they lose the last part of any credibility they have.
End affirmative action now. Repeal the equal rights amendment. Restore the standards for policemen. Bring some standards to any job that is paid for with taxpayer money. Stop the social experiment. It has failed.
Jim in Jersey
Why are there Somalians in America? Because George Soros wants their peanut skull, Allah loving muslim behinds to be there, that's why.
I almost never comment unless I can find something different to add to the conversation.
I find it hard to believe with all the driverless cars, automated factories and smart gadgets that people still accept the notion we need continued population growth to build and expand an economy.
The factory of the future will have only two employees. One guy who presses the "start button" every morning and a guard dog the prevents the man from touching anything else.
but yet... we insist on importing trouble and angst. You would think some one is profiting from all the misery. Crazy thinking, right?
There's THOUSANDS of them in Columbus and Franklin county Ohio.
Mr Turner
So first (((they))) told us that we had to stop having kids because of overpopulation and the environment, then they told us that they HAVE to import 3rd worlders because we didn't have enough kids.
So this guy was sitting in a squad car and fired ACROSS his partner out an open window at a non-existant threat.
If I would have been his partner and he did that to me I would have pulled him out of that squad car and beaten him to within an inch of his life -- but that's just me.
What a dumbass.
Non American here. What I noticed here in Toronto Somalians like to exclusively kill whites. Other blacks mostly like to kill each other. They killed one our boys during a robery. And they all got off. No snitching on each other.
"Also, because America's founding vision of itself,"
Again notice the problem isn't black Africans or Islam it's white Christians and the founding principals of our republic.
So if those are a problem, what are we to do? Destroy both of course. Your future looks bleak, Hiram. Either the traditional population wakes up and puts an end to your kind's scheming, or your kind wins and being a subversive that they no longer need you'll get a bullet to the back of your head as a reward. Look to the French and Russian revolutions to see how the Atheist revolutions pan out for the producing citizens and conspirators alike.
Learn to recognize pilpul and Cultural Marxism/Critical Theory. Learn to spot our enemies when they use these Talmudic techniques.
I also meant to add, the ONLY economic growth that helps the working stiff is GDP per capita, GDP growth for its own sake serves only the ruling class and impoverishes everybody else (the pie gets slightly bigger but everyone gets a smaller slice). If people understood how the house of cards which is (((fractional reserve lending))) works they would understand why it is that "the economy must grow" has been the battle cry of (((economists))) and (((Fed chairmen))) for decades now.
There's an article which I highly recommend, especially if you are of an activist bent. It's at:
It's rather long, and you may have to read a bit before you get to the critical points. The author goes into why the Left has been so successful and how the Right can organize to come out ahead. It also lets you put today's Leftist violence in context.
Some examples:
* Radicalism can come from anywhere. The Weathermen [a 1960s Leftist front] weren’t oppressed, or poor, or anything like that. They were hard leftists. That’s it.
* Sustained political activism is dependent on the willing cooperation of admirers and accomplices. The Left has these. The Right does not. [examples: mainstream media, university administrations]
* The Left has both shock troops (rioters in the streets) and institutions (such as the National Lawyer's Guild). The former provide the muscle, the latter provide the legal and agitprop support.
* The Left knows how to work the system. Many leftist groups have been funded by wealthy patrons and even taxpayer funded programs.
* One potential edge for today's Right is that it is distributed, that is, composed of networks as opposed to the Left's tendency towards over-centralization. This puts the Right into a position to exploit network technologies and social media – consider the success of the Alt Right's Pepe the Frog meme.
We have seen the Alt Right confront the Left in the streets of Berkeley, and there is a major action coming up at Charlottesville, VA to United the Right.
The Alt Right is building the shock troops, and is creating the networks. Let's see the lessons of the past learned and take it from there.
Stay tuned...
To Formerly Miss Greenbaum
I assume you are a woman and so am I. I am seeing more and more women waking up and using their common sense and realizing that policies that would bring 1.2% of the population of a poor undeveloped African nation that is constantly Killing anyone and everyone that can bring them some $$ by pirating, kidnapping, etc. are flawed at best and deadly at worst. However, most if not all of these women are over a certain age. Younger white women are indeed easily distracted by the current vapid pop culture. They need someone to point out how dangerous their disinterest and in many cases support for these refuge policies is. Instead, they are dismissed by most on the right as air headed fools. (Which they are) and useful tools. Why should they change their minds? Why should they not support the left in politics and cultural matters? It's disturbing and down right sickening that our daughters are destroying the future for their children. If we can't reach them, no one can. Talk to an air head today!! Reason with a dumb blonde! Help a useful tool bimbo! Our country is no longer a patriarchy. It's a matriarchal society. No society led by women has ever survived.
That was an upscale neighborhood Justine lived in, upscale riff-raff and limousine liberals. She was a SJW complete with a black "fiance". Dollar to donuts she was a big advocate of more somalians coming to the state (getting good state jobs like being a cop), along with increased gun control.
"Hoist on her own petard" is a very apt phrase here.
Oh, Dallas is getting a new chief of police. Black female from detriot.
We stopped hearing stories about Somali pirates once the Russians got involved. Supposedly any pirates they came across were either killed to had their engines disabled, then set adrift without water.
I read that same story, they had to be shown how to use a toilet, and all the women in the family were pregnant at the same time, the 17 year old daughter, and her disabled mother. Plus they had 4 niglets, but no father in the picture. Can anyone give me any logical explanation of what these people will contribute to society, other than sucking from the govt teat and voting democrat.
Don't blame Obama for this shit. He only accelerated it slightly. It started in the 70s and picked up steam in the 80s as Reagan and the corporations flooded the labor market to depress wages and percolate new consumers. And on into the Clinton and Bush administrations (both), Republicans and Democrats, who each had their own reasons to hate the white middle class. And then the over-reach during the Obama years when the progressives became overtly anti-white and the townfolk in white utopia started to notice there were foreign coons showing up and shitting in the aisles of their grocery stores.
But what do you expect? 1.2 million legal immigrants and at least 100,000 neolithic savage refugees swarming in every year, plus who knows how many illegals? Congratulations! The 1980 American population is on track to be eclipsed and the population doubled by 2035!
Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. But those who do know history are also doomed to repeat it. Only with an excruciating sense of awareness.
My town here in New Jersey has been swamped with foreigners since the mid-seventies. And being from an ethnic family, I was fully aware of the implications of the disastrous immigration law of 1965. Even so, it's worse than I expected. Like, maybe the immigrant and refugee intake could have been reasonably moderated to, say, a quarter million a year. But no, the google cyborgs are linking arms with the left-wing maniac revolutionaries and they smell blood. Leave it up to them and they'll double and triple the immigration flow.
This is our last chance to shut it down. Otherwise, we'll have a billion jigs here by the end of the century.
Somalia is winding down, according to the UN. We just have a couple hundred thousand more coming for family reunification.
But get ready for the South Sudanese. There's a civil war, famine and pandemic going on there. They make the buck-toothed skinny Somalis seem like LA hipsters. They're bigger, blacker and even more primitive.
Oh...and there's some shit starting up around the Congo again.
OT alert,
The glorious people's republik of Nevada has granted parole for feetsball "hero" Orenthal James Simpson.
At least no glorious chocolate city utopias in Amerikwa will be burned to the ground due to this ruling.
Equality über alles.
PS-I still want to make a shirt with a battered Nicol Simpson on the front and a caption saying once you go black you never go back but there is probably no place that would make such a thoughtcrime shirt.
Compare and contrast: The treatment by media and assorted spokespersons of Officer Noor with the treatment given to Officer Darren Wilson. Should be interesting.
This is why colonies will be built on other planets/moons/asteroids, as soon as the technology is available. People will flee a chaotic earth to live their lives as they want, surrounded only by those they want to be with.
Why is he a "Somali-American" while she is an "Australian"?
"So first (((they))) told us that we had to stop having kids because of overpopulation and the environment, then they told us that they HAVE to import 3rd worlders because we didn't have enough kids. "
Absolutely accurate.
The thing is, ((( they ))) can't make mountains of shekels unless things grow via the exponential function of a fixed rate of increase.
The numbers game of ((( their Central Banking Casino ))) depends on that phony baloney expansion.
So more people and more consumption and more economic activity is needed for that.
But we are ((( their ))) genetic competitors (and superiors).
So ((( they ))) tapped into one of our most genetically conserved/honed traits: the ability to forecast future trends based on current behaviors/observations, and modify our behaviors to create a better future outcome.
True, an exploding human population leads to biological doom/chaos/suffering.
But we have been the only population besides the Chinese to face this and act on it. As we have done for 150,000 years in the Winter Countries of the North and highlands of Europe.
You'll note that ((( they ))) targeted a K-reproduction-strategy population for ((( their ))) attacks. Not an r-reproduction-strategy population, like Muslims or Africans. No, those populations are great as bioweapons against us and the more the better.
So ((( they ))) get it all in one package: removal through attrition of ((( their ))) only significant competitors, replacement of us with more idiots to sell crap to, and a place at the top of the degenerate pyramid of ((( their ))) creation and where ((( they ))) feel most at home themselves.
I know so many bitter white cat ladies whose nasty woman politics derives solely from having been so deeply wounded by this horrific genocidal drive from the 20th century. No white man would wife them up, some tried to raise kids alone, etc.,
But ((( they ))) stepped right in the breach--oh no, white sister, you are strong, you are invincible, you are woman! You don't need a white man, white husband, white children, white home! You're a REBEL, a revolutionary, a walking talking pussy hat!
I try the best I can to "minister" to these women. To try to get them to point their internalized and projected anger TO THE CORRECT TARGET. It's very hard. Hard to get them to break the habit of bashing white men. After all, they have genuine grievances in that area, just as white men have genuine grievances against them.
But all of that was mercantilized and commodified by ((( you know who ))).
The sooner we can define, recognize, and affirm the White Genocide Wounding, the sooner we can set about healing it...and punishing those who caused it!
Californian -
That link made me feel like Neo just after he woke up to reality. One of the best things I've ever read on the internet, and some of the comments were almost as insightful as the article. Bookmarked and downloaded!
Now that OJ will soon be a free man he can restart his showbiz career. Maybe he can have a talk show on CNN where he can talk about how black people have been "railroaded" by the justice system.
His best move would be for him to have a part on some weekly sit-com where he plays "the funny neighbor living next door". If all that fails maybe he can run for a Senate seat. Run Juice Run. OJ be OK.
The Creature From Jekyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin is the best book I've ever read about the privately owned, privately chartered central bank known as the Federal Reserve.
"So first (((they))) told us that we had to stop having kids because of overpopulation and the environment, then they told us that they HAVE to import 3rd worlders because we didn't have enough kids. "
I bring this up constantly when engaged in discussions with the comatose. I also point out how we used to be reminded that Americans are 5% of the world's population but use 25% of the natural resources. Given that these "immigrants" are supposed to be a great "resource", aren't we depriving their home countries of valuable resources? Doesn't their "carbon footprint" increase by a factor of 10 when coming to the US?
I can never get a lucid response.
The flooding into the USA, Europe, Australia, of culturally and racially inferior hordes of Africans, such as the deranged Somalian Moslem "cop", Middle-Easterners, and of those from south-of-the-border USA, is a major part of a War By Way Of Deception, being waged against all Ethnic-Europeans - around the world (including the 4.5 million Ethnic-Europeans, right now being openly threatened with genocide, in South Africa, a nation they created out of nothing).
Another major part of this War By Way of Deception being waged against all Ethnic-Europeans is the information/propaganda war. This aspect has been used, for preceding decades, and is still used today, in similar way to what bombing and artillery are used for in a standard war - to soften up the enemy before the main ground forces invade and occupy territory. It has been used to convince many people that what is happening is "good" for our Ethnic-European cultures; the "migrants", illegal-immigrants, "refugees", who are the invasion ground forces (the culturally and racially inferior hordes) of this war, are needed and "must be welcomed into our lands."
Unfortunately, this propaganda war has also turned many Ethnic-Europeans into useful idiots, who side with and do the bidding of those who have planned, declared and are conducting this war.
As this War By Deception is being waged in very slow-motion unconventional ways, most do not yet recognize this as a war, but it is indeed, and we Ethnic-Europeans around the world are the enemy targets.
Columbus is the next largest saturation site for Somalians after the Twin Cities. There are so many of them that Huntington Bank, one of the largest in the state, caters to them by offering Somalian in addition to spanish and English on their ATM machines statewide.
The Ohio State terrorist that stabbed people and ran others over with his car was one of them.
Anonymous said:
If we can't reach them, no one can. Talk to an air head today!! Reason with a dumb blonde! Help a useful tool bimbo!
Ever heard of Ann Coulter? She's about the biggest proponent of common sense out there and virtually no women I know care about her opinions. That should tell you a lot.
Now, regarding "younger" women, just how young are we gonna go? A woman I work with in her late 40's will not even hear any argument about borders and immigration laws. We're all one big family. The young women I work with (20's and 30's) are more caught up with gender equality, LGBQT rites, then immigration.
Women in their 50's and 60's seem to have their heads mostly on straight over these issues. They'll at least LISTEN to you (most of them - not all). One friend of my who turns 60 this year said to me just prior to last year's election, "Ya know, I'm thinking of voting for Trump!"
Not trying to bag on the young women out there who are self described "libs" (I was once fairly delusional about race myself in my youth - hence my pseudonym). But none of what we are seeing right now was so in-your-face when I was young. Now it's so blatantly obvious. I don't mind having these broads have a different opinion than mine - that's their right. But mostly I'm seeing the "put fingers in ears, say 'na nanny boo boo, I can't hear you!' type of response. Seriously, the only way some of these broads are gonna get racially aware is when LaJayveeyus crashes a boulder against their skull....and even then....
I remember years ago,, maybe eight to ten, I saw a photo of a Somali woman walking across a street in Lewiston Maine. She was dressed in full Somali fashion. So disturbing and rather ' in your face'. I kept thinking of how as a teenager I read the book Peyton Place. A small New England town, in my teenage mind, sounded pretty perfect. This photo, of the Somali woman, put that perfect picture right out of my head. This experiment in social maneuvering will not end well.
Somalis in Minneapolis Shocked and Saddened by Police Shooting
The above is the title of the newest New York Times piece, unsurprisingly. If I wanted to expose you to a bunch of advertising and garbage I would provide the link. They also have a current story where one of their Affirmative Action writers goes on a screed about white women not noticing him and moving out of his way:
"Walking courteously doesn’t take much, just soupçons of spatial awareness, foresight and empathy. In seven years of living and walking here, I’ve found that most people walk courteously — but that white women, at least when I’m in their path, do not.
Sometimes they’re buried in their phones. Other times, they’re in pairs and groups, and in conversation. But often, they’re looking ahead, through me, if not quite at me. When white women are in my path, they almost always continue straight, forcing me to one side without changing their course. This happens several times a day; and a couple of times a week, white women force me off the sidewalk completely. In these instances, when I’m standing in the street or in the dirt as a white woman strides past, broad-shouldered and blissful, I turn furious."
"Walking courteously doesn’t take much, just soupçons of spatial awareness, foresight and empathy. In seven years of living and walking here, I’ve found that most people walk courteously — but that white women, at least when I’m in their path, do not."
Replace White with Black and then it would be accurate. Also, if this affirmative action writer is Black, I've never seen a Black that would quietly step aside, he'd be yelling and screaming if someone failed to move for his almighty self.
"Seriously, the only way some of these broads are gonna get racially aware is when LaJayveeyus crashes a boulder against their skull....and even then...."
It's not just plenty of women that aren't racially aware, there are plenty of men too who aren't racially aware. Actually, below the surface, these men and women know the score about race but won't dare admit, they certainly know to avoid a Black neighborhood don't they?
"That was an upscale neighborhood Justine lived in, upscale riff-raff and limousine liberals. She was a SJW complete with a black "fiance". "
Her fiancé was White.
"It's disturbing and down right sickening that our daughters are destroying the future for their children. If we can't reach them, no one can. Talk to an air head today!! Reason with a dumb blonde! Help a useful tool bimbo! Our country is no longer a patriarchy. It's a matriarchal society. No society led by women has ever survived."
Societies led by women certainly have survived same as men. I've got news for you, it's not young women that are destroying the future for their children, they're not the ones that have instituted these race replacement policies, it's White men who've destroyed the future for kids. White men caused slavery, White male politicians created and signed the 1965 Immigration Act and White male politicians allowed millions of illegal aliens and their White male business counterparts were all for it because of the cheap labor. Many young women along with a lot of young men may have been brainwashed by the media and society to accept this but they didn't cause it.
"I know so many bitter white cat ladies whose nasty woman politics derives solely from having been so deeply wounded by this horrific genocidal drive from the 20th century. No white man would wife them up, some tried to raise kids alone"
I know so many bitter White men whose nasty men politics derive from having no White woman to husband them up, seriously this false nonsense is funny. Marital status has nothing to do with one's political beliefs, if one wants to get married one can and if a woman or a man is not married, they likely don't want to be married. Also, if a woman or man is bitter, they usually have a legitimate reason due to being treated poorly.
"But ((( they ))) stepped right in the breach--oh no, white sister, you are strong, you are invincible, you are woman! You don't need a white man, white husband, white children, white home! You're a REBEL, a revolutionary, a walking talking pussy hat!"
Not true, White women more than White men want marriage, commitment and kids.
"I try the best I can to "minister" to these women. To try to get them to point their internalized and projected anger TO THE CORRECT TARGET. It's very hard. Hard to get them to break the habit of bashing white men. After all, they have genuine grievances in that area, just as white men have genuine grievances against them. "
Really? You seem to be doing a good job of bashing White women and plenty of White men do too so it's hypocritical to accuse women of White man bashing. Truth is both sexes criticize the other but women don't bash men as higher rates then the reverse however a man or woman that treats others poorly deserves to be criticized.
A week or so ago I mentioned that Kaiser Permanente (the hospital and medical center) maintains a public presence that has a black face. All of the top administrative officers are negroes. If you want to give the hospital an award they will send a darkie over to pick it up.
But a week ago I had an operation and wanted to thank the surgeon. His name was Chang, but I couldn't remember his first name. I looked it up on their website but to may surprise there were eight pages (not eight names - eight pages of names) of Doctor Chang's. My regular doctor is Korean and named Kim. There are many, many doctor Kim's too.
The medical center is run by Orientals but pretends it is a black organization. What do you make of that?
OT, but it just goes to show...
They ain't like us! The decedent was named, "Jamel Dunn". Tattooed face, disabled and uses a cane, he got too close to the water and apparently his fellow teens even warned him not to go further. He did and they mocked him as he screamed in fear as he realized even his skin color couldn't help him when only "teens" could be his salvation.
Allow me to take this apart, piece by piece.........
Anonymous said...
"It's disturbing and down right sickening that our daughters are destroying the future for their children. If we can't reach them, no one can. Talk to an air head today!! Reason with a dumb blonde! Help a useful tool bimbo! Our country is no longer a patriarchy. It's a matriarchal society. No society led by women has ever survived."
Societies led by women certainly have survived same as men.
*****All of them were set up as male hierarchy countries. The (white) women INHERITED their positions (set up by w*h*i*t*e males) and wisely catered the laws and rights to succession into their own positions of power.
I've got news for you, it's not young women that are destroying the future for their children, they're not the ones that have instituted these race replacement policies, it's White men who've destroyed the future for kids. White men caused slavery, White male politicians created and signed the 1965 Immigration Act and White male politicians allowed millions of illegal aliens and their White male business counterparts were all for it because of the cheap labor.
Substitute "Jew" and I'm on board. Otherwise, I'm not interested.
Many young women along with a lot of young men may have been brainwashed by the media and society to accept this but they didn't cause it.
No one here implied that they did. We have all been brainwashed by it. I admitted it of myself in my last post. Are you trying to derail here, or does something we've been discussing for oh, I don't know, YEARS now, that doesn't ring true for you?
Jes axin!
@julie I always love to read your comments it's the best thing I ever see
Marital status has nothing to do with one's political beliefs, if one wants to get married one can and if a woman or a man is not married, they likely don't want to be married.
Absolutely inaccurate, and the last presidential election was a case in point.
epigone sailer marriage gap
"This is what the world will look like when it ends."
- Paul Theroux, Last Train to Zona Verde (Read the review).
So said travel writer Paul Theroux' local guide, as they stood on a hillside looking down at a slum in Luanda, Angola. Shortly before he abandoned his journey from Cape Town to Timbuktu as just too dangerous, and downright depressing.
Is he right?
Even some respectable people are starting to say openly that race is a biological reality, not a social construct, and that it has implications for behaviour. We are not all the same, after all.
But those respectable people are strangely reluctant to take the next logical step, and admit that we are not only different, but incompatible. We can not live under the same government, as Jefferson said in the missing last half of the sentence partially engraved on his memorial. But that is what is being forced on White people everywhere. There are only three possible ways this can go from here.
1. The humane way is to separate. But this is defined by the Masters of the Universe as a "crime against humanity". Even if it were politically and physically feasible, this would be only a temporary stop-gap. You know our respective failings - envy on their part, promiscuous Christian charity on ours - would be eternally chipping away at that separation, and would eventually overwhelm it. Now, or later, the only permanent outcomes boil down to the remaining two.
2. The second is the outcome that the opponents of separation really want, namely blending. Since the attributes of the White race would be lost in such a blending, it's obvious that that would mean the end of human progress. A new, permanent Dark Age. The end of the world as foreseen in Theroux' guide's apocalyptic vision.
3. The third possible outcome is the one that Darwin predicted. In Chapter 6 of his book, The Descent of Man, he argued that the civilized races would exterminate the savage races (African and Australian aborigine), as well as the higher apes, thereby widening the gap between humans and animals. Of course, it could go the other way, too. But either way, a war of extermination is the logical end of this road.
Those are the options I see; and I fear we'll take the easy way, by doing nothing. Even separation, which would require a miracle, would just kick the can down the road. Doing nothing amounts to a choice of option two.
"This is what the world will look like when it ends".
Anything else would be unthinkable...**
Have I missed something? Please point out the errors in my reasoning.
** (But remember my two "Axioms of History":
** 1. The unthinkable happens. Routinely.
** 2. It can turn on a dime.)
We stopped hearing stories about Somali pirates once the Russians got involved. Supposedly any pirates they came across were either killed to had their engines disabled, then set adrift without water.
Engines disabled?
I guess you could call it that.
They let their Navy use them as target practice. Those engines are at the bottom of the sea.
The third possible outcome is the one that Darwin predicted. In Chapter 6 of his book, The Descent of Man, he argued that the civilized races would exterminate the savage races (African and Australian aborigine), as well as the higher apes, thereby widening the gap between humans and animals. Of course, it could go the other way, too. But either way, a war of extermination is the logical end of this road.
That's unpossible lies.
I learned in college that "the science" has proven that race doesn't exist and that evolution just so happens to support egalitarian politics.
Darwin was a progressive egalitarian that was oppressed by White Christians.
Shocked I tell you.
Maybe I missed something here.
Why aren't the whites rioting in the streets and closing down the freeways?
The US has criminal operations in Somalia to train Somalis to be aggressive. Likely the Somali cop was brought into this country to be subversive here. As such, he will be protected by other LEOs when committing a criminal assignment. Subversives have more access to protection than law-abiding citizens.
No, her boyfriend was a white man, your ignorance is showing, get it right!!!!
Anonymous said...
@julie I always love to read your comments it's the best thing I ever see
Thank you. Like you, I support black bodies and love PK's work to help all African-americans. If we work together, we can help the African-american community. We all have to help overcome the awful legacy of slavery.
"This is what the world will look like when it ends."
- Paul Theroux, Last Train to Zona Verde
I highly recommend reading this book. Theroux provides a gripping picture of what the world looks like when it is dominated by blacks, whether in Angola or Detroit.
The options do come down to separation, blending and a war of extermination. A fourth option, some kind of multiracial society, would not work. Even if Whites imposed segregation, population pressures would make it unfeasible -- look at South Africa.
(AnalogMan's comment, by the way, deserves more discussion.)
** (But remember my two "Axioms of History":
** 1. The unthinkable happens. Routinely.
** 2. It can turn on a dime.)
Consider how Trump came out of nowhere and swept to the presidency (for better or worse). Now consider how many more Trumps there are out there, waiting for the moment to go into action. It ain't over yet!
"Marital status has nothing to do with one's political beliefs ... ." This is one of the most remarkably moronic statements ever made by an SBPDL commenter. Single white women, of any age, were the sole outlier among white demographic groups in the last three elections, voting, unlike every other white demographic group, overwhelmingly for TheCunt and TheGayMulatto.
In the 2016 election, just 36.5% of single white women under the age of 35 voted for Trump, while, in that same age group, 54.9% of married white men, 58% of single white men, and 59.9% of married white women voted for Trump. In case you're as mathematically challenged as you are politically/demographically, the above numbers mean that married white women under the age of 35 voted for Trump at the rate of 64.1% more than single white women of that same age group. Marital status clearly mattered.
In that same election, just 37.8% of single white women between the ages of 35 and 65 voted for Trump, while, in that same age group, 55.0% of single white men, 62% of married white women, and 63.5% of married white men voted for Trump. That means that married white women between the ages of 35 and 65 voted for Trump at the rate of 64.0% more than single women of that same age group. Again, marital status clearly mattered.
The disparities between the voting patterns for single white women and married white women were even larger in favor of the TheGayMullato in the 2008 and 2012 election, but I will not site those numbers here in detail because this comment is already too long. Suffice it to say that marital status clearly matters and your statement to the contrary is simply demonstrably wrong. You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts. Regarding your opinion -- wake up.
"cite" not "site" in the last paragraph of the preceding comment.
"You know our respective failings - envy on their part, promiscuous Christian charity on ours - would be eternally chipping away at that separation, and would eventually overwhelm it."
Correct. In this connection, I note that the policeman in question, Mohamed Noor, was almost certainly brought into America by Lutheran Christians, who have imported tens of thousands of them into Minnesota.
"Have I missed something?"
Nope, not a thing.
In Chapter 6 of the cited work Darwin doesn't exactly argue his opinion that "the savage races" will be exterminated though, he merely states it. He adduces no evidence, and cites no facts; here he appears to believe that evolution moves towards some particular goal or state of perfection, which is surprising, given that he also wrote that "It is absurd to talk of one animal being higher than another". Too, he was no doubt aware that many of the oldest, most successful forms of life are very primitive and "low" on the phylogenetic "hierarchy". He admitted his thinking wasn't clear on this and he wasn't always consistent.
It's entirely possible that the negro is more fit, in evolutionary terms, than the white man, and will survive the latter's demise.
I'm a nurse. I will not be hired by Kaiser if I don't speak a second language, preferably Spanish or one of the Asian languages.
So it doesn't surprise me. I'm shocked it surprises you.
Pat Boyle said... The medical center is run by Orientals but pretends it is a black organization. What do you make of that?
Asians are smart. They know that in America, if you put a black face in front of a company or organization, the govt will make it rain money.
Stay alert, stay alive.
"The medical center is run by Orientals but pretends it is a black organization. What do you make of that?"
Good political PR. Ever notice that mullattoes almost always identify as black? Why would they do that if White Privilege was real?
Somalis are in Lewiston, Maine, an old New England mill town that was %100 white and working class. Most of the population there were of course not wealthy or well educated therefore they had no political power. The white people were and are law abiding, non-violent, socially conservative, patriotic and Catholic/Protestant. They are despised by the ruling class of this country and are the epitome of what needs to be destroyed i.e. "deplorables" according to our betters.
The geniuses in the ruling class used the useful idiots of Catholic/Lutheran and other "charities" to bring these animals to Lewiston where they promptly went on welfare, roamed around all day in colorful bed sheets, popped out niglets and complained about discrimination. Their patrons hundreds of miles away kept the courts busy with profitable lawsuits while heaping abuse on the "racist" white people of Lewiston.
The Somalis are %100 dependent upon the government's welfare system for their daily bread. They are not even remotely self sufficient, thrifty, industrious, modest or otherwise virtuous. They are also not very good in winter where the temperature can be 10 deg. F. for days in a row and there can be a foot of snow or more on the ground. They tend to hibernate during the winter at least more than the warmer months.
Compare and contrast with typical real Americans in Maine. Most people hunt and fish, camping/hiking is huge (the Appalachian Mountain Trail terminates in Maine), there is a big sailing/outdoors aspect to life as well as being prepared for bad contingencies. In Maine as in the rest of rural New England everyone owns firearms.
When the wheels come off BRA which they surely will the arrogant, demanding, viscous, filthy Moslem Somalis will be on their own, the government will surely fail them. They will then need the constant assistance of the white people of Maine just to survive, the same people they openly despise now. The heavily armed white people in Maine, normally reserved but actually very helpful and generous will defend themselves against the absent government's pets if necessary and the Somalis know this.
The Somalis are in for a rude awakening when BRA fails, they have made enemies of the very people they will need whom they have also badly underestimated. Their sponsors will be nowhere to be found, the Somalis will be on their own without any useful skills or preps, just anger and attitude. Those aren't very useful when there is a foot of snow on the ground. the electricity has failed and the temperature is 10 deg. F. outside and falling fast inside.
They should have stayed in the shithole of Somalia.
NE Whitopia
"When white women are in my path, they almost always continue straight, forcing me to one side without changing their course. This happens several times a day; and a couple of times a week, white women force me off the sidewalk completely. "
what a crock! it's just the opposite. When my children were little, I still lived in a mixed neighborhood and sometimes we would take the kids out for a stroll in the neighborhood. Those black bucks would not scoot over on the sidewalk even if you had to run the strollers off the sidewalk into the mud. they would have pushed you and the kids out of their way, rather.
Muslim advocacy organizations in Europe & US. Here is a partial list.
London-based Institute for Jewish Policy Research
The Jewish Council for Racial Equality UK
Board of British Jews
Office of the Chief Rabbi
United Synagogue
West London Synagogue of British Jews.
Liberal Judaism & Masorti Judaism UK
Movement for Reform Judaism UK
Board of Deputies of British Jews
Central Jewish Organization of the Netherlands
Hungarian Jewish communities Jewish community of Milan
European Jewish Association lobby
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
Central Council of Jews in Germany
Association of Jewish Family and Children’s Agencies
Habonim Dror North America
Jewish Council for Public Affairs
Jewish Labor Committee
The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights
The American Jewish Committee (AJC)
The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith
The National Council of Jewish Women
The Union for Reform Judaism
The Workmen’s Circle
The Rabbinical Assembly
Jewish World Watch
Jewish World Congress
American Jewish Congress
World Jewish Congress
Central Jewish Organization of the Netherlands
Mazsihisz umbrella group of Hungarian Jewish communities
Jewish community of Milan
European Jewish Association lobby
In France the organizations LICRA (Ligue internationale contre le racisme et l’antisemitisme) and CRIF(Conseil Représentatif des Institutions Juives de France)
Israeli organizations even "rescue" Muslims off the coast of Europe and physically transport them to European soil
The future is owned by those who show up for it. If white liberals fail to reproduce, or abort their children, they will disappear as a species. This is what is destroying Europe. Those who are reproducing are third world Muslum savages, and the decisions by Germany and Sweden to import a million more is suicidal.
In the USA, the facy that we INCREASED importing Muslims after Muslims murdered 3000 of us is madness, especially Somalis, who are particularly ignorant and backward. It was a purposeful attempt by the Obama administration to dilute the white Christian vote.
Pat, I love reading your posts. I predict this doctors group is funded by an overseas organization. I also predict the majority of its operations are done overseas and its administrative executives are foreign. Their expeditionary agents sought funding but something was amiss in their loan requests, ie shady foreign organization. Next logical step is to get blacks involved in order to secure loan(s) as a minority whatever. You can imagine the arm twisting that was involved but this establishes legitimacy in the eyes of taxation and politically correct law enforcement. As repayment for their participation in the loan legitimacy scam, it is agreed to place top tier executives in lucrative do-nothing jobs. They all receive hefty salaries for having their pictures on a website next to their fluffed up (often fictitious) vitae and this serves as a beacon to other "non-profit" NGOs/501c's donate funds to them as a means to further disseminate tainted/illegal currency (drugs, sex worker, gambling, etc). It's essentially a big neon light saying "we are open for bidniss, if you gnome sain". Big time money in these trades and asians are in the thick of it. Even asians know that black are a means to an end and willing to be useful idiots for a few bucks. Sure they have actual doctors who provide actual treatment but it's all an act to keep the money churning.
"White men caused slavery, White male politicians created and signed the 1965 Immigration Act and White male politicians allowed millions of illegal aliens and their White male business counterparts were all for it because of the cheap labor. "
All true, and to it I would add that the only power white women have is the power white men have allowed them to have. Just as with the negro, white Christian men gave them the vote, and made them their political and social equals. The problem has never been women that are too strong, but men that are too weak.
"Not true, White women more than White men want marriage, commitment and kids."
What an utter lie. What they need is White Sharia, however the (((Liberal))) feminist programming is strong in you.
It is the same with women who want men to defend them when assaulted in the street, and then are shock and appalled that the men give ineffective responses. So you want a hero? Why do you expect such?
After years of spitting on men who held the door for you, for championing “Equal Rights”, on making clowns of men who held Victorian and in your mind “oppressive” viewpoints, now you want the opposite! You want a Knight in Shining Armor after raising boys to be more effeminate and less aggressive. You want a Man who will be willing to die for your life or Honor, yet you spit on those who carry a gun as “Neanderthals” and “Right Wing bigots” and “Gun Nuts”. You want a Sir Galahad when any such display of behavior that is masculine have been put down as evil, reactionary and insensitive, even lost their jobs to gender complaints. You want the Gentleman to appear to defend his Lady when she is slighted even unto death, yet you act and dress like a whore, complete with tattoos and various STD’s.
You want a Man on a White Horse, yet you cavort with negros, lesbians and the lowest of the low to be edgy and "popular". You want a Prince Charming when the chips are down, but vilify him, reject him and divorce him when you feel its time, breaking his heart and speaking against him to his children, corrupting his ability to inspire or even Command. You dabble with lesbianism, as though it were a trifling, dimissing the humiliation it bring to the man and punishing and shaming his children.
Boys want to be a warrior and Sir Galahad and a Gentleman, it is in our blood through a million savage years of defending the home, the hearth, and woman. Men are willing to accept death if they are but Honored a little after their passing, but to be so they must TRAINED to be that way by growing up in marriages and with women who are worthy of the Sacrifice, worthy of Honor, worthy of Loyalty, worthy of paying the Ultimate price if necessary. To make such men requires women to be placed on the Pedestal by men, so to teach their own children to do the same. It requires women to hold their husbands with Honor and themselves to that standard and to honor their men in word, thought and deed so that those sons grow up with those values inculcated into their being. Such men are Made. They don't just appear. This is the great stupidity Women have made. By holding themselves equal, when they should be superior, they degrade themselves. Why should any man risk death for any such woman, They say: "Let her dig herself out of that rape attempt or robbery attempt or knife fight. Why should I care if she does not?".
Feminism destroys those values and patterns of Western Chivalry, built up over a 1000 years, replacing them with the Marxist image of the unit of person-hood, where unisex man or woman is a replaceable unit, where Courtesy, Honor, Dignity, Loyalty, Chasity, Innocence, Fidelity, indeed even Chivalry are considered outdated and "repressive" concepts.
Feminists made the world of now with effeminate sheep, but what they desire are Men.
Most important thing is for "immigrants" to vote democrat. Nothing else matters. Vote democrat, receive free stuff.
They're ALWAYS there. ALWAYS
Mr Turner
Bleeding heart liberals see the destruction of traditional America as an arsonist sees a building going up in flames... beautiful.
There can be no reasoning with them. There is no sanity in their decisions. "Why are there Somalians in America"? - To watch it burn.
10 mm AUTO
Applause. BRILLIANT essay about the new modern Vapid revolting "womyn".
So many white male losers here bashing white women, reminds me of the Chinese male losers bashing Chinese women, except, in my case, I can easily dismiss my people's male losers as the gender ratio is in my favour. It will be harder for a white woman to pick the knights out from the dunces, but she must - a woman can and usually almost does change, but /a man is who he is by the time he is sixteen/, if a man were to disrespect you like that, drop him, don't waste your time.
The worst mistake a woman can ever make is to marry /WRONG/. It is rare that a woman, or even a man, can find their one true love and live happily ever after, but at the very least, who you marry must at minimum be: sensible, respectful, and respectable. What kind of children will he give you? Will he be able and WILLING to support with you those children even after love fades? Men who disrespect women, as the anon July 20, 2017 at 10:11 AM, will never change, don't waste your time trying to change them, don't waste your time arguing.
Just keep looking for the good ones, "sensible, respectful, and respectable", enlist the help of your relatives, especially if your relative have the kinda marriage you want. Keep improving yourself in the meanwhile, savings, earning ability, housekeeping skills, and social fluency. By social fluency I don't mean being social butterflies, I mean, do you understand people enough to avoid unnecessary conflicts and prevent yourself from being taken advantage of? Are you the trusted peacemaker among your peer and clan or are you the 'drama queen'? Are you clever like Margaery Tyrell or foolish like Cersei Lannister?
"As Guisma and Khatir sat outside, their father, Abdoulaye, got riled up by his brother telling him how bad a wife Mariam was, how he should just be done with her. At least that’s what the family heard later.
Whatever was said, Abdoulaye stumbled over from his brother’s hut, tenderly gave the two kids some candy, headed into their family’s home and stabbed their pregnant mother in her back."
Charming, and tender.
10mm AUTO said... what he said.
Damn, that was good.
I live in the minneapolis area. Have had numerous encounters with the Somalis. They are stupid, wierd, unacculturated, smelly ( they bathe rarely ) and really really don't like whites. They take offense at any objection we may have about them. They use khat, a powerful herbal stimulant, habitually - which makes them high strung and inattentive.
They will fight you fiercely if you pull at a female's headwear. Numerous fights occur at public schools when this happens.
They enjoy being borderline psycho. It is a tribal attitude; their job is to keep whitey off guard. Only the women work at regular hourly labor. The men enjoy scam labor like driving gypsy cabs. Welfare fraud is a way of life.
As a result of the Catholic Lutheran immigration scam I won't contribute to them.
They are not like American blacks. They are not emotionally expressive. It is hard to get a read on them. One thing is sure : they are tribal. They are not very bright. The women dress in 9th century attire. The men have a sense of entitled superiority which is easily offended by whites, especially women. One way for a white woman to get killed is to act like she is in charge of the Somali male. Somali women don't dare to do so.
The men enjoy being creepy. They like to wear hoodies drawn up over their heads. In public they act withdrawn and enigmatic, unlike American blacks' tendency to be expressive and verbal. There is a lot of friction between African Amercans and Somalis.
Murder is very much part of Somali ethnic life. I had an interesting conversation with an elderly Somali male who explained how often murder in Somalia is a " payback " event for a previous murder. Grievances are kept for a long time.
Enough with the woman-bashing.
From the article A Town Turned Mean: What happened to downtown Minneapolis? http://www.citypages.com/news/a-town-turned-mean-what-happened-to-downtown-minneapolis/431137653 by Cory Zurowski:
"The problem wasn’t necessarily crime in the technical sense. It was more of a belligerence, a creeping sense of depravity.
People shouting, dropping F-bombs for all to hear. Groups running up and down sidewalks, steamrolling whomever and getting into confrontations. Men urinating on the front doors of businesses, day and night.
One morning last year, a female employee was walking on the avenue when she was sucker-punched by a stranger. Just because.
'It just makes you wonder why someone can’t be civil,' he says. 'Unfortunately, there seems to be a population of people who come from wherever, who come down there and somehow think it’s okay to be jerks to people.'
“You ask, ‘Can you please not litter?’ And they act like you’ve imposed upon their right to litter.”
Whether the metastasis of boorish behavior stems from a kind of burgeoning, arrogant criminality or vice versa, it matters nil.
'It’s become a level of menace that we have many people reporting they’re having a different kind of downtown experience than ever before... which cannot be accepted,' says the Downtown Council’s Cramer.
An unemployed disabled veteran says 'This city changes as it gets closer to nighttime. The dealers and the users come out. Crack, pot, mostly. I’ve been robbed four times on either Hennepin or Nicollet. They take whatever money I have.... They threaten to beat me up or pull a knife.'"
From the very blunt article 17 Years Of Watching Downtown Minneapolis Go From Vibrant To Shaky To Frightful: http://www.citypages.com/news/17-years-of-watching-downtown-minneapolis-go-from-vibrant-to-shaky-to-frightful/431539623 by Carter Averbeck -
"But in recent years, all that had been idealistic has changed.
In the span of 17 years, I’ve watched the city go from vibrant to shaky to frightful. No longer do I enjoy watching revelers along 1st Avenue, nor entertain the notion of going out for dinner downtown if I’m to arrive home after nightfall.
It’s not for a lack of interest, but for what I now see: an audacious mix of angst, boredom, victim and predator roaming the streets. Downtown has morphed into something more disturbing and despondent than anything in recent history.
When giant retailers such as Macy’s or Neiman Marcus close up shop, it isn’t because they missed the mark on fashion; it’s more of the notion that downtown now eschews people more than it embraces. It is an epic fail before it is even 'substantially' complete (as the banners around the area woefully remind us of).
Peavey Plaza is but a shell of its former glory. The famously iconic fountains haven’t operated for years and stand dry as a bone, aging away in disgrace. No one really sits there to relax anymore. It is essentially a relic, an abandonment that needn’t have happened if [insert bleeding heart] the powers that be cared about it and what it provided for the community.
Hard to say if it’s the shortsightedness of the city council, the mayor and building owners alike contributing to the downfall. I’m willing to bet its a combination of all, favoring finances over community. Egotism over generosity.
What has replaced it is a mixture of gangs, troubled youth and panhandlers that move along the corridors with frequency no matter day or night.
In the past several years, the quality of my home life has changed. I have now become accustomed to breakout fights happening during the day along Hennepin, where troubled youth challenge each other regularly.
A particular hot spot seems to be the sidewalk in front of the Public Library. I can only make street-smart, educated guesses as to why.
Gun shots that ring out two to three times a week from competing gangs at 2 a.m.- 3 a.m., intent on offing each other, have become the norm. Years ago, I would have jumped out of my sleep at such sudden noise. Now it’s routine, as is my call to 911.
I filmed dead gang members being rolled into ambulances after a round of 15 gun shots went off on my block in 2016. The metal door in the lobby of my building still displays the bullet indentations.
I’ve watched fights break out and knifings happen in the middle of Hennepin Avenue at 10 p.m. on a Friday night, stopping traffic. With no police in sight, cars just drove around the melee to get by.
One would think I live in a war zone, and that notion wouldn’t be wrong. The police now have become reactive instead of proactive. Political restrictions placed on them by a higher level of city government render their abilities almost futile, since a crime has to happen before they can act.
Even Target Field and US Bank Stadium, arenas built to attract crowds, can’t retain visitors after an event. Downtown is just too scary after dark, so people leave.
It’s sad to see a city go to waste when the potential is so high. It makes me want to move to somewhere safe, somewhere where I don’t have to hear sirens all night or meth heads hacking up old memories in the back alley. Or gunshots.
I fell in love with a beautiful city. I want it back."
This will strike a chord with anyone who has ever grown up in a big city
//Anonymous said...
"As Guisma and Khatir sat outside, their father, Abdoulaye, got riled up by his brother telling him how bad a wife Mariam was, how he should just be done with her. At least that’s what the family heard later.
Whatever was said, Abdoulaye stumbled over from his brother’s hut, tenderly gave the two kids some candy, headed into their family’s home and stabbed their pregnant mother in her back."
Charming, and tender.
July 22, 2017 at 4:03 PM//
Yikes, I looked up the article that came from, and Trump needs to stop this NOW, and he owns it to his neighbor Canada to remove these foul imports from the continent instead of leaving to run North. There needs not be a wall between Canada and US - on September 11, 2001, it was Canadian airports that accepted American airplanes. Canada has always provided back-up - so US needs to remain the gatekeeper and undo all the crimes of Obongo.
Promised land? For Sudan family, Detroit is like another planet
If you must accept refugees, they must be sterilized. A refugee is by definition someone not imported for any benefit of the host country but allowed in as an act of mercy.
"Only a month before, the Yacoub family — mom and four boys and two girls — languished in a tent city in the eastern deserts of Chad after fleeing the ethnic cleansing of their tiny village in neighboring Sudan." SIX children from a family of no quality, two sows to produce another dozen of them, four bucks to prey on white women.
"She was a few months pregnant, and her husband hadn’t gotten permission to join them yet. Another mouth to feed soon." Charity should begin at home. When China donates to Africa, it is only in exchange for good will AND mining rights, so it does benefit the Chinese people. What benefit is there for Americans to bring in Africans at home and give them all that Americans don't even get? American is in self-destruct mode, not only are you ruining your people, your lands, you are also ruining your BRAND.
A brand has worth, a country of origin is a brand, a city of origin is a brand. A good name has worth in pure money, business connections, and smooth sailing. Since the hey days of the 80s most of Hong Kong's manufacturing jobs have moved to Mainland - except for food, even though Hong Kong is a concrete island, Mainlanders will spend extra money to buy food and medicine made in or distributed in Hong Kong. American is a beloved brand as well, for now, American beef, American business degrees. But when you don't protect your brand it loses value, and I can't believe you dilute it with negroes who aren't even giving you any money!
Posted by C504 July 23, 2017 at 3:40 PM -
This will strike a chord with anyone who has ever grown up in a big city.
That describes my last visit to Milwaukee in the 1990's, when I was feeling nostalgic and wanted to visit my old neighborhood from the '70's.
It could also describe my last visit to Orlando in the mid '90's, and the changes since I had graduated high school and moved away in 1984.
It most definitely applies to my last 2 visits to the Chicago area for my parent's funerals 8 years ago, where places I used to be moderately comfortable were tripping all my alarms.
After my mom's funeral in November, I met some friends for dinner out by Oakbrook, about a stone's throw from the Yorktown Mall. This was an old haunt of ours, where we used to meet up to catch a movie after work on Friday night or maybe just goof around like the cast of Friends - we may not have had movie star looks like those bozos, but at least we had jobs. As soon as the check was paid and we said our goodbyes, I was in the car and gone. I didn't feel like stopping until I was a couple hours over the state line. (They say Missouri loves company.)
In short, we are 21st-Century refugees in the land our fore-fathers conquered, because of the treasonous, globalist cock-sucker politicians that have been selling us down the river for the last 70 years. My sole ambition is to live long enough to piss on the graves of the Clintons, the Bushes and the Obamas. May their first night in Hell last 10,000 years.
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