Kentucky is perhaps the most beautiful state in the country.
An 8 percent black state.
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In 88 percent white/8 percent black Kentucky, the black population is committing almost all of the violent crime... |
Kentucky, though it is perhaps the most beautiful state in the country, has a black crime problem.
In 22 percent black Louisville and in 14 percent black Lexington. [More guns, younger victims: Lexington murders hit 15-year high,, January 3, 2017]
So what do you do when black people, a mere 8 percent of the population of state, are perpetrators of virtually all the violent crime in 88 percent white Kentucky?
Pretend black males are the great asset in Kentucky. [Program aims to help violence-impacted young black men in Kentucky’s 2 largest cities,, July 21, 2017]:
In an effort to curb violence in Kentucky's two largest cities, young African-American men already set back by community violence will be part of a pilot program designed to “create more pathways for success.”
The mayors of Louisville and Lexington announced on Thursday a $5 million grant over three years from the William R. Kenan, Jr., Charitable Trust. The award will be coordinated by Cities United and aimed at young men between the ages of 16 to 25 who have been impacted by community violence.
“There is an urgent need to create more pathways for success for young men of color in Louisville and Lexington,” said Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer. “There are particular challenges black Americans face as a result of the history of our country … a history of exclusion.”
Fischer chooses to look forward. “We can’t be responsible for our history, but we can be responsible for today and for the future.”
Twenty young men in each city will be chosen for fellowships each year, according to Cities United. They will include opportunities for education, jobs and careers, combined with leadership development and mentoring support and be provided with housing and a monetary stipend.
“Sometimes, all a young person needs is someone to provide a little help, a little re-direction and guidance,” said Lexington Mayor Jim Gray, who thanked the Trust and Cities United on the campus of Kentucky State University. ”Thanks to them, help is on the way.”
He called it a great day for both cities. “We can’t afford to lose the unlimited potential of our young black men,” Gray said. “We need their contributions to our economy, to our community and to families. That’s why the funding we’re announcing today is so important.”
Both Louisville and Lexington have seen a huge spike in homicides this year, many of which have young people as the perpetrator, victim, or both. This is the latest effort by officials to reduce that number.
The first fellowship class will begin in July, 2018. Between now and then, non-profit agencies in both cities will choose the participants in this pilot program, according to Cities United Executive Director Anthony Smith.
“The closest thing to it is a program underway in Richmond, California,” Smith said. “There has been a reduction in shootings and homicides over the last three years.”
Smith said the hope is to expand the Louisville and Lexington models to other cities across the country.Our founding fathers, and most white people in positions of power prior to World War II, considered the black population inhabiting the USA our greatest liability; since the end of WWII, the state (not to mention corporate America, Hollywood, and academia) has mandated - virtually at the point of the bayonet - we believe the black population in the USA is our greatest asset.
As you can see in Kentucky, an 88 percent white state - whose 8 percent black population is responsible for virtually all violent crime committed in the commonwealth - this state-mandated belief in black supremacy will literally kill western civilization.
We are forced to believe blacks are our greatest asset (burdened with a "history of exclusion"... because white people long ago realized the burden they represented that has somehow been retconned into unlimited, untapped potential), so lets completely abandon all other goals and aspirations, dedicating all our resources into uplifting a demographic responsible for dragging down the quality in Kentucky's two most important cities.
“There is an urgent need to create more pathways for success for young men of color in Louisville and Lexington,” said Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer."
Where are these pathways for success for white males? I guess we have to shoot more people to qualify.
We can’t afford to lose the unlimited potential of our young black men,” What?????? Unlimited potential of who?
This bullshit just gets better by the day. The magic Gravy Train is coming around the bend. Five million bucks spent on a bunch of useless brain dead slugs. Of course this will help the local economy. We all know how that will work out.
The locals will all be chipping in so they can teach the current future prison population how to "start acting white". Once these "future leaders" learn to pull their pants up everything will be looking good.
How did those two dip shits become mayor. What kind of drugs are these guys on. They both looked to me like a couple brainwashed zombies. How much longer can this kind of crap go on.
Mayors of Louisville and Lexington Unite to Try and Convince Blacks to Stop Killing Each Other
Twenty young men in each city will be chosen for fellowships each year, according to Cities United. They will include opportunities for education, jobs and careers, combined with leadership development and mentoring support and be provided with housing and a monetary stipend.
So, they are going to PAY ni**ers not to be ni**ers? Let me know how that works out. I'll hold my breath.....
He called it a great day for both cities. “We can’t afford to lose the unlimited potential of our young black men,” Gray said. “We need their contributions to our economy, to our community and to families.
They have contributed WHAT exactly so far that we can't do without?
Negro Fatigue is high with this article.
Stay alert stay alive.
Much like bedbugs and cockroaches, less is better than more but even 8% is alarming - they breed exponentially and FAST. Most people I know don't have their first child till they are in their 30s, but blacks that survive into their 30s are GRANDPARENTS. Most people I know don't have children until their are in their 30s, even if they had wanted children earlier, because they waited till they have a good home they can raise kids in. Not blacks, most of them use children as bargaining chips for white sympathy:
Detroit Woman Shoots at Her House in Facebook Rant While Holding Terrified Child
They might have a below average IQ, but they do possess low cunning in knowing what makes (white) people tick. Look how Andrea Sheppard keeps dragging her kids into the picture to garner sympathy even as she is all gansta with the gun, what a beast! I can't imagine being in the same city as such a creature.
It makes me so mad to know that by the time I will finally have precious children of my own, be it by natural-born children or stepchildren, I would have to guard them against the feral grandchildren of women my own age who have had horde with the aid of public money and thief. I'm also deeply worried for my friends, especially my white friends, especially the ones who no longer have a language of their own (something the negroes don't speak). There is no safe place for their children, NONE. Even back before my eyes were opened (by the Chicago kidnapping and torture event), I find it nefarious that the First Lady would advise children to inform on their parents's 'racist' behaviour. Let A Hundred Flowers Bloom.
Many of my white friends are extremely generous and trusting and since my eyes have been opened, I can't stop worrying about them, and I can't warn them, i know what human nature is like. They will just double down. I worry for the friends of my Aunts as well - when my family first came to Canada, they gave us the key to their cottage so we can experience cottage life, they've done that for my Aunt when she first arrived as well. How easily such trust can be abused. My parents were so distrustful they wouldn't let me have sleepovers when I was a child, but now that I'm grown, I have white friends who would invite me after only knowing me for a year even when they have children in their house. I like think it's because they do know ME, and that I'm from Hong Kong (a VERY civilized city), but the african wood carvings they collect have been worried they wold open their door to one of the 'refugees' flooding North. Homeless Shelters have called for surrounding houses to open their homes to THESE refugees, but what about the white kids camping under the bridge? It's MADNESS!
So they're going to find forty semi-competent blacks and throw racial preferences at them. How is this going to deter black criminals from continuing to be blights on civilized society? We always hear the hackneyed phrase "they're not all like that." Well the problem is that too many of them ARE like that. Unless scientists find a way to alter DNA, the black problem is intractable. And my days of giving a damn about the problems of the "black community" are long over. Stop propping them up and cucking for them. They're never grateful any way. They just shake their angry fists and demand more with their illogical emotional arguments. Let blacks fix their own problems.
Kentucky, an 8 percent black state.
I believe all state flags should be updated to show, in the upper right hand corner, the percent of negroes known to reside in that state. This is far more important than the state flower or the state bird. The updated flag could serve as an advertisement. For negroes looking to be around other negroes, a rare occurrence, the flag could attract negro migration. For non-negroes looking to move as far away as possible from negro mayhem and murder, the flag could be a terrific enticement to move.
We ought to have a state clock in each state capital. This would be a digital sign that would be updated with every negro murder, rape or beating. Kind of like that national debt clock we sometimes are shown. Negro murder, rape, mayhem and robbery are at levels previously unimaginable. And while PK does an incredible job of chronicling this, we need a more public display of the horror and terror of negro activity.
Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.
Alexis de Tocqueville
"Nobody is more inferior than those who insist on being equal." ~
Friedrich Nietzsche
“You will never get real freedom and recognition between black and white people in this country without destroying the country, without destroying the present political system, without destroying the present economic system, without rewriting the entire constitution. It will be a complete destruction of everything that America supposedly stands for.”
Malcolm X
Take the twenty young "men" from the city a few miles into the hills of Kentucky. At night. Alone. Drop them off.
Let them use their MoFoing skills on the locals, show those MoFos you ain't takin' dis shit no mo'. You ain't goin' to be disrespeckted, crackah.
They will never be seen again and won't be missed either.
OT I know but I couldn't help it: "Council Member Warsame: 'Not a Somali Issue, it's a Policing Issue' . . . "
Reader's Digest condensed version: Since the white, SJW woman was murdered by the Somali cop the white, female, SJW, diversity, AA police chief was forced to resign. A nog with a weird name has been appointed "acting" police chief, whatever that is. The white, feminist, SJW, liberal, bitch of a mayor is trying to hold on to her job in the face of loud calls for her to resign too.
Apparently there has been all kinds of anger directed at Somalis by the public (reading between the lines here) and the Somali city councilman is naturally defending his Somali brethren from any and all criticism including the murdering Somali cop. Understandable too. From the Somali point of view the murdering Somali cop did nothing wrong: She was white, female and disrespected him, she got what she deserved, the Somalis won't give an inch on this murder.
This is a big dilemma for the SJW liberals of course. The white, SJW woman was murdered by a cop therefore she is a sacred victim, a victim of typical police oppression and brutality requiring retaliation against the police. The cop who murdered her was also a living, diversity saint, three times too. He is an immigrant, a nog and a Moslem, a hat trick although points are lost for him being a policeman.
The dilemma for the SJW crowd is whom to blame and who gets the statue, the Somali or the SJW woman? The old "who, whom" problem. They are starting to eat each other, they cannot admit that Somalis, Moslems and all the wogs should be deported, they are the unfixable problem, that would be heresy in the religion of diversity.
NE Whitopia
"... most white people in positions of power prior to World War II, considered the black population inhabiting the USA our greatest liability ..."
Doubtful, because none of them come to mind as explicitly rejecting the doctrine of racial equality formally adopted in law at the end of the Civil War. To my knowledge there's never been even a bona fide attempt to repeal the 14th, 15th, and 16th Amendments, nor popular support for such an effort, not even during the heyday of the second Klan in the early part of the 20th century.
Further, if that's what white people in power thought, they kept their opinions very well concealed. Did they think the problem would fix itself? How so? And if that's what they thought, wasn't it pretty damned irresponsible of them not to seek a permanent solution?
I think the truth is that the American people, including its elites (and in some ways, especially its elites) have never had a scientific understanding of race. Their Christian presuppositions led them to reject Darwinism, which if applied rigorously could have been the antidote to their misconceptions. But people don't enjoy being told they are wrong, and evolutionary science contradicts their most cherished beliefs. We see even in this forum how tenaciously people can cling to an outmoded belief system, even when it's demonstrably wrong, useless, and absurd. American whites at large, their elites, and the culture they've collectively created is no different. The racial situation today only reflects their continuing confusion.
I was having a discussion with some fellow blacks today. West Africans to be exact. One kept droning on about how white dominance is coming to an end.
I couldn't help but notice that she doesn't have the same hatred for arabs.
Someone said on here that they want the white man's world without the white man around. That is definitely true. Ive been to Africa.
I asked her if she expected clean water when the white man is gone. She did acknowledge that her countrymen have not been able to even copy what the white man has done and provide clean water.
"Set back by community violence". Another way for streets to ring out?
That 8% population is half female, an unbelievable 4% of the population responsible for the majority of violent crime.
“There are particular challenges black Americans face as a result of the history of our country … a history of exclusion.”
Is there any expiration date on this get out of jail free card?
“Sometimes, all a young person needs is someone to provide a little help, a little re-direction and guidance,”
Yet most of the time what they need is a boat ride back to Africa or a short drop and a rope. I defy any of these parasites who sing this tune to invite a few to come live with them for a few months to 'turn their lives around'. Funny how it's never their own money where their mouth is but their virtue signaling is always someone else's burden.
“We can’t afford to lose the unlimited potential of our young black men,”
This has to be the funniest line posted here this year so far. I laughed so hard milk came out of my nose and I haven't drank milk since Friday. Even "Julie" wouldn't have posted a line like this for fear of the satire being too obvious.
“We need their contributions to our economy, to our community and to families."
Name three that aren't synonyms for crime or destruction. Sure, everybody's pipe dream is that these savages will get their shit together and become functional members of society, or at least stop being a net drain, but I defy anybody to show me any evidence this has ever happened or ever will apart from a few cherry picked exceptions which prove the rule.
One has to wonder are these people so isolated from blacks in their ivory towers that they really don't get it, or are they knowingly selling us down the river for personal gain? I'm not sure who is more dangerous, the quislings or the true believers. Both will need to join Sambo and Shlomo in Africa when the purge comes. (((They))) have been booted out of 100+ countries, we've done it before and we can do it again and we can make them take their pets with them.
"This is the latest effort by officials to reduce that number."
What happened to the last thousand efforts? If you owned a ketchup factory and hired someone to reduce the amount spilled during packaging and their last 100 attempts only resulted in more waste, at what point would you fire them or at least stop listening to their ideas to fix your problems. I'd say after enough failures which actually just make things worse, you would probably have enough evidence to file civil suit claiming deliberate sabotage. Yet the uplift blackie industry has no such penalty for failure, in fact it seems that the unspoken expectation is failure so that they can double down and demand more money for their next scheme which is sure to do the job if everyone just digs a little deeper and sacrifices a little more towards the noble cause of man creating the equality that God and nature did not. One of the oldest myths going is the tower of Babel, it is being replayed before our eyes.
What the American Founders really thought about race:
“We can’t afford to lose the unlimited potential of our young black men,” Gray said. “We need their contributions to our economy, to our community and to families. That’s why the funding we’re announcing today is so important.”
Do these people ever say this BS in front of a mirror to see how stupid it looks? Do they even have a reflection?
Well at least it's being funded by a private trust and not extorted YT dollars.
Funny. There used to be housing for teens who were on the "wrong path" and headed for a life of criminality. Such housing was called Reform School. For older "teens" who subsequently failed the lessons and got out and continued on their destructive path their housing was called prison.
"Twenty young men in each city will be chosen for fellowships each year." Well, that ought to put a dent in the hoodrat population! Once all the other up and coming hoodrats see the free housing and the monthly stipend, you can count on the negro community and their "rev'runs," "community activists" and other "leaders" to start screeching that the program needs to be vastly expanded to thousands per year. That's so all the "young men" who don't qualify for welfare and other freebies can get on the new gravy train and get dat free housing and dat money. Not doing so will be racism and "keepin' da brothers down." Why Jontel done got dat and Loquarius don't?!? Dat ain't fair!
"so, they're going to PAY ni**ers not to be ni**gers? Let me know how that works out. I'll hold my breath..." Exactly! Just like cities that pay ni**ers to attend school but they still wail and fail in droves. These programs are just putting a Band-Aid on a bullet wound and are just for show but as long as ni**ers are getting their gibsmedats they'll be all for it. It's also a perfect opportunity for SJW's, libtards and other mush brained fools to engage in moral preening and virtue signaling.
These mayors need to do the cuck strut- just go ahead and start strutting around like a chicken, scratching the ground with their feet and going, "Cuck! Cuck! Cuck!" What a freak show!
“There are particular challenges black Americans face as a result of the history of our country … a history of exclusion.”
Except, of course, the USA has had a policy of "inclusion" since the mid-20th century. Blacks have been welcomed into White neighborhoods, White schools, the White military, White businesses, White government agencies and White etcetera. And not just welcomed, but forcibly moved into these institutions (busing, section 8 housing, affirmative action and ad nauseam). The results of all this inclusion:
* Blacks have trashed White neighborhoods, schools, cities, etc.
* Blacks have failed to build schools, businesses, stable families and everything else needed to maintain modern civilization.
* Blacks have pulled the rug out from under the manned space program.
* Blacks have succeeded in unleashing waves of violence: flashmobs, gangbanging, rioting.
Fischer chooses to look forward.
Because if we look to the past we would see how programs like this one have failed and failed miserably.
“We can’t be responsible for our history, but we can be responsible for today and for the future.”
Because if we took responsibility for our history:
* We would have to look at black failure to live up to White standards, regardless of the number of programs, budgets, press conferences and White lives which have been dumped in their direction.
* We would have to look at how until the mid-20th century White Americans had a realistic appraisal of the racial differences between themselves and blacks.
* We would have to look at black crime rates, and the rest of their dysfunctions, and consider the genetic aspects of race.
“Sometimes, all a young person needs is someone to provide a little help, a little re-direction and guidance,”
Well, maybe if we are talking about someone with a median average-to-high IQ, impulse control and future time orientation then "a little guidance" makes sense. But we are not talking about kids who cut class or perhaps joyride in the neighbor's automobile. We are talking about a hardcore demographic marked by pathological violence and dysgenic breeding patterns.
We might also ask where "a little help" (or a "big" help) has ever changed the downward spiral of blacks in any country.
...who thanked the Trust and Cities United on the campus of Kentucky State University. ”Thanks to them, help is on the way.”
Well, certainly help is on the way for the people who will administer this program in the form of salaries and grants; and certainly help is on the way for politicos who thrive on photo ops and sound bites. As for the citizens of Louisville and Lexington, I'd recommend some duck-and-cover drills.
“We can’t afford to lose the unlimited potential of our young black men,” Gray said. “We need their contributions to our economy, to our community and to families.
Roll credits.
Cue laugh track.
I think the truth is that the American people, including its elites (and in some ways, especially its elites) have never had a scientific understanding of race. Their Christian presuppositions led them to reject Darwinism, which if applied rigorously could have been the antidote to their misconceptions. But people don't enjoy being told they are wrong, and evolutionary science contradicts their most cherished beliefs.
Then why was miscegenation practically unheard of before Darwin? The US only allowed European immigrants up until 1965. How is that evidence that Christianity is the problem? Why didn't pre-Darwin America accept Arab or African immigrants?
Whites did not believe in racial equality before or after the civil war. The Feds had to force integration much later because Whites (YES Christian Whites) did not want them in their neighborhoods or schools. California was a world leader in eugenics up until WWII.
There are plenty of polls that show Whites did not support miscegenation or integrated schools well up until the 1970s. The racial realist conservatives were booted from the mainstream movement in the 1980s. These are very recent changes that coincide with the cultural dominance of liberalism and not Christianity.
Blaming Christianity doesn't make sense and doesn't provide any solutions. Get rid of Christianity? Yea well Sweden has done that and they are worse off than us.
The real problem is paint theory. Once Whites learn the false and deceitful nature of paint theory their outlook changes regardless of religion. Evolution has over 50% acceptance by Whites in California and they have basically voted for open borders and more welfare. This because evolution in schools is taught dishonestly to promote paint theory and globalism. Whites are taught that they don't exist and "the science" has already proven it. Has nothing to do with Christianity and in fact the egalitarian skewed version of evolution is by far worse for the youth than any denomination.
I was having a discussion with some fellow blacks today. West Africans to be exact. One kept droning on about how white dominance is coming to an end.
I couldn't help but notice that she doesn't have the same hatred for arabs.
Education the world over is heavily influenced by self-loathing Western egalitarians and leaves out the Arab slave trade. The Arab world would have slavery today if Western nations did not put an end to it. US slaves were downright lucky compared to the ones going to Muslim countries.
There is also little mention of modern day slavery in Sudan.
Yet the uplift blackie industry has no such penalty for failure, in fact it seems that the unspoken expectation is failure so that they can double down and demand more money for their next scheme which is sure to do the job if everyone just digs a little deeper and sacrifices a little more towards the noble cause of man creating the equality that God and nature did not.
It's rather amusing with the internet to see how all these cities are trying the same thing and yet continuing to fail. The national news (even Fox) would never point this out.
A major problem with Blacks is that their noxious ghetto culture brings out the worst in Mexicans.
Mexicans do better under White rural culture where hard work is valued. In liberal areas like California you get a ghetto culture where spineless Whites tolerate anything.
I'd much rather live in Mexico than Southern California. The Mexicans of Mexico don't believe in the liberal fantasy of equality. However in California they are raised to believe that YT owes them because of the annexation. They aren't told how the US had captured all of Mexico but decided to be nice and set the border at the rio grande. Mexico had only been an independent country for 20 years.
What happened to the last thousand efforts? ... the uplift blackie industry has no such penalty for failure, in fact it seems that the unspoken expectation is failure so that they can double down and demand more money for their next scheme which is sure to do the job if everyone just digs a little deeper and sacrifices a little more towards the noble cause of man creating the equality that God and nature did not. One of the oldest myths going is the tower of Babel, it is being replayed before our eyes.
The Uplift the Black industry has been working full force since at least the Civil War. Yet it has failed and failed miserably. This is one reason why egalitarians have to pretend that every day is the day after Brown vs Board of Education, that de jure segregation has just ended, and that a new era is dawning. It's like the "reset" in The Matrix. DWLs literally reset their own minds to the belief that they are just now embarking on that mission to uplift. The failure of decades of civil rights and other programs goes right down the memory hole. A year from now, when shots ring out in Lexington and Louisville, the same characters will be marching on stage to announce new programs and repeat the slogans.
Take that Red Pill, YT, take that Red Pill.
"... they cannot admit that Somalis, Moslems and all the wogs should be deported, they are the unfixable problem, that would be heresy in the religion of diversity."
You must mean a heresy to the religion of Lutheran Christianity. After all, Lutherans are the ones responsible for importing tens of thousands of them into Minnesota. If you are expecting them to admit they were wrong, you'll be waiting a long time.
It will all work out. Just trust in God!
The blacks have not been excluded from anything; that would bankrupt a company to refuse blacks anything. However, blacks are usually the biggest theft risk of all groups; not counting how stores are now routinely sacked by Negroes arguing within the store.
Throwing money at the problem will not help. I notice no real substantial numbers came out of the California study. Crime will go up and down one or two percent naturally; look at the crime in St. Louis: It goes up and down but the percentage attributed to blacks remains high (over 90%). Do they think St. Louis hasn't tried throwing money at the problem?
The hard fact is that blacks will never make it in our society. The worst decision ever was when the white community was forced to admit the Shelley's and allow blacks in their midst. After that came the flood of blacks! Mainly trying to get away from each other and get in a safe white neighborhood to commit their crimes.
Remember the black coach from East St. Louis moved to Ferguson to escape his brothers in East St. Louis. White people are law abiding; Negro people are not!
Isn't that Shelley house some kind of national historical place now, but it look like shit? That house is the icon for black America.
Can we get a few Sociology, Black Studies, Psychology students in this idiot State to follow this entire project, from start to finish? (And it will FINISH once the White Man's money runs out....after the big bucks take their cut for new cars and bling...)
I want to see "progress" reports. Something that Pat Boyle would most likely understand. Something that we can access while this money is flushed down the black hole.
$5 Million, over 3 years, and 20 Sambos a year? I assume that means 60 Bucks? Right. They will spend $5 Million? That means each useless niggerian will cost us WHITE MEN $83,333. My math may be wrong, but you get the idea.......but this $83,333 will never "get" to the stupid bucks. It will be skimmed off by the Reverends, etc. The bucks will be lucky if $10,000 is spent on them.
Also, this line:
“We can’t afford to lose the unlimited potential of our young black men,"
Be careful. One needs to read what this phrase is really saying. Ask, what "potential" that (((they))) can't afford to lose? The Unlimited Potential to raise rape, kill, breed and bring down the White World. That is what they mean by that phrase. We, the Whites, think unlimited potential means creating something, doing something, inventing something. To our (((enemies))) it means the destruction of America and Europe and the extermination of the White Race.
Remember KY is the reason we have turkey necked Uniparty globalist rat Mitch McConnell.
The republicant wing of the Uniparty is so smart they think there will be no political repercussions for failing to repeal Castrocare after promising to do so for 8 years.
If they move all of those confederate statues out of their two main cities a chocolate utopia will commence.
Everyone will hold hands and sing kumbaya while riding off into a rainbow sunset with cameras filming it all for the next Benetton ad.
Forward! The Great Leap Forward.
“The closest thing to it is a program underway in Richmond, California,” Smith said. “There has been a reduction in shootings and homicides over the last three years.”
Once upon a time in America there was a program which reduced black perpetrated shootings from Richmond (California) to Richmond (Virginia). It was called (the envelope, please) segregation.
There are some other states with such a high percentage of whitey crackas?
I can mock KY all I want, half the family comes from there.
After WWII Grampaw moved from a coal mine near West Virginia to a northern city so he could enjoy his white privilege of working for a big three automaker for the next 30 years.
He called it a great day for both cities. “We can’t afford to lose the unlimited potential of our young black men,” Gray said. “We need their contributions to our economy, to our community and to families. That’s why the funding we’re announcing today is so important.”
You've got to be talking about the U of K basketball team, right?
Where do people ever get the idea that politicians are nothing more than whores, willing to lie anytime it suits their needs?
The money quote from the link Californian gives (
"Since early colonial times, and until just a few decades ago, virtually all Whites believed race was a fundamental aspect of individual and group identity. They believed people of different races had different temperaments and abilities, and built markedly different societies."
Unfortunately, they also believed, and apparently still do believe, that human behavior is infinitely reformable; that people can fundamentally change. Put another way, this is the blank slate theory first articulated by seventeenth century Christian theologian John Locke, a man whose views were very influential among the Founding Fathers. We know they believed this because they were Christians, and what becomes of the "salvific power of Christ" if people are unable to change their behavior? If people can't reform, if they are "irredeemable" (and remember, Christ is supposedly the great Redeemer), it doesn't exist. Taking race seriously, in a scientific, not a Biblical-folkloric way, requires denying this power.
Do these people ever say this BS in front of a mirror to see how stupid it looks? Do they even have a reflection?
The first rule of Dunning-Kruger Club is that you don't know you're a member of Dunning-Kruger Club.
Why try and convince them? Just let them keep going on the way they are!
An 88 percent white state.
Kentucky is perhaps the most beautiful state in the country.
An 8 percent black state.
No disrespect intended, and I do understand your point. But 8 percent black is like having "a little cancer". In ten years time it will be 16%. In fifteen years, 30%. In less than two decades we're looking at about 30% negro. Remember, they breed like rats. It's like having a "few" termites in your house.
Anonymous said...
Well at least it's being funded by a private trust and not extorted YT dollars.
I no longer give to charities or religious organizations in the off chance that some of my hard earned dollars will end up in negro paws.
Over the weekend, I noticed all the programs and commercials talking about "helping" kids going back to school with backpacks, notebooks, etc. This is on top of providing free lunch all summer. If other people are paying for the kids supplies for back to school, and the school is feeding them breakfast and lunch, then what exactly is the PARENT(S) providing?? Why are there always demands for mo mo mo help, but not a soul steps up and demands that the actual parents work harder, be more responsible with money, etc. and provide and do more for their own child. It is almost like the parents don't exist.
Meanwhile, a black actor is complaining about the "lack of diversity" (otherwise known as not enough black) in Game of Thrones.
He says - "I ain't paying money to always see only one type of person on screen". Um, Mr. Boyega, how many whites were in Selma?? 12 years a slave?? And I won't pay money to see 1 type of person on screen in particular...And you can't make me....
When will some intelligent person step up and start ensuring that a movie has 14% blacks and ONLY that amount, EVEN if the movie is about Selma, Detroit, etc. If they want to crunch numbers, that can be done....
Also, a bar south of Atlanta called, what else, Hoops, was shut down after it was raided following a party given for a "rapper" just out of prison. Apparently, you could smell marijuana from the parking lot. The owner is claiming it is a racist raid because she, and 90 % of her clientele, are black. Law enforcement did the right thing- did hot back down, apologize, kowtow, just said plain and simple that they will continue to arrest people who break the law.
L in Atl hell
I can't wait to watch this one tank.
Paintjob Theory said...
“There are particular challenges black Americans face as a result of the history of our country … a history of exclusion.”
Is there any expiration date on this get out of jail free card?
Short answer: NO!
“Sometimes, all a young person needs is someone to provide a little help, a little re-direction and guidance,”
What you're not getting is that all whites have the Original Sin of "Duh Turbul, Turbul, legsee ob duh Slay-bar-ee. The sin must not ever be forgiven - there's no cash in that.
“We can’t afford to lose the unlimited potential of our young black men,”
This has to be the funniest line posted here this year so far. I laughed so hard milk came out of my nose and I haven't drank milk since Friday. Even "Julie" wouldn't have posted a line like this for fear of the satire being too obvious.
You're being unfair and haven't thought this statement out completely. The unlimited potential of young black men is the ability to procreate like rats and f*ck things up beyond all recognition. That potential, for the negro, truly is unlimited.
“We need their contributions to our economy, to our community and to families."
Name three that aren't synonyms for crime or destruction. Sure, everybody's pipe dream is that these savages will get their shit together and become functional members of society, or at least stop being a net drain, but I defy anybody to show me any evidence this has ever happened or ever will apart from a few cherry picked exceptions which prove the rule.
I'll give you three:
The Welfare State
The Modern Industrial Prison Complex
The "Educational System"
Oh wait, you said ones that AREN'T synonyms for crime or destruction. Never mind...
One has to wonder are these people so isolated from blacks in their ivory towers that they really don't get it, or are they knowingly selling us down the river for personal gain? I'm not sure who is more dangerous, the quislings or the true believers. Both will need to join Sambo and Shlomo in Africa when the purge comes. (((They))) have been booted out of 100+ countries, we've done it before and we can do it again and we can make them take their pets with them.
"This is the latest effort by officials to reduce that number."
Again, you need to broaden your scope. Think of these efforts as something akin to GM, Ford, Chrysler, coming out with their new models every year. Now, I want you to picture as a beginning, a two-toned, 1956 Ford Fairlane. Consider that to be one of these "efforts". And think of each subsequent year model as the latest version. If you're thinking this will never end, then.....WINNER CHICKEN DINNER!!! There's no money in touting last year's model again.
What happened to the last thousand efforts? ......Yet the uplift blackie industry has no such penalty for failure, in fact it seems that the unspoken expectation is failure so that they can double down and demand more money for their next scheme which is sure to do the job if everyone just digs a little deeper and sacrifices a little more towards the noble cause of man creating the equality that God and nature did not. One of the oldest myths going is the tower of Babel, it is being replayed before our eyes.
If you'll allow me to speculate on this one, I think with negroes it's a little of both. Deep inside, they know they're pretty stupid. But the constant harping about being "oppress-ud" is alluring. Plus, they're incredibly lazy.
It's like saying that I'm an alcoholic but it's not my fault because there is a 24/7 liquor store a block from my apartment building.
I think we tend to give the negro more credit for intelligence and introspection than he really deserves.
Even when they can be assured that all of the donations will go towards people who look just like them they expect whitey to pick up the tab. It is amazing how they can have grant after initiative after pilot program and always have it all magically paid for, no questions asked.
"No progress whatsoever?"
Who cares, you're black and no one can ever criticize you or holds you to account, remember?
Why are we doing this all again? Blackie can never seem to add up so it is our job to take the blame and "fix" the "unfixable"? If we can't stop the black paw from constantly looting our treasury at least we can shine a light on it. While I am always for exposing blacks as the deadbeat anchors on society that they are, I do think focusing on violence (as P.K. has been doing) is a good starter point because most people can agree that violence (against people) is a very bad thing. It isn't hard to identify and it has physical consequences that can be observed- unlike "micro-aggressions", et al.
White liberal women HATE violence- they think that if women controlled the world that there would be no more wars, etc. etc. Black men bring all kinds of violence- gun violence, sexual violence, sucker-punch violence, armed-robbery violence just to name but a few.
People are beginning to notice that blacks are violent no matter where they are- be it Chicago, Toronto, Guangzhou, or Haiti. The history doesn't matter, the demographic does. Let it get into everyone's heads that blacks are violent- the patterns repeat themselves daily.
I believe it was either Saturday Morning or Friday Morning, last week, and I happened to hear an interview on, of all things, NPR. (Sorry, I was radio slumming) and the "woman" was one of the group who started that Don't Kill Anybody, or whatever, idea, I believe for 3 days in Baltimore.
Of course, the radio host would never ask any real questions, and the "woman" was too stupid to answer any real questions (Ebonics Negropotomus). BUT, what got me was when she said, to the effect: "Even is somebody kills somebody during this 3 days, we will still consider it a success".
Of course, she had the obligatory stupid comment, in effect: "This isn't just about the community, this is about the entire City. We must all come together"............some bullshit like that.
See how they want to make THEIR PROBLEM our problem? Sorry sister, it ain't my problem and I don't give a rat's ass about your community. You don't. Why should I?
Some old song and dance that the negro does today, rather than the slap-stick song and dance back on the Plantation. Same old shit. "Gibs me money for dancing the new dance, Whitey?"
There is now a new level of ignorance. You don't even need a scale to measure it. Remember these three letters-- DWL. The negro has actually taught the disingenuous white liberal that they can be just like us. No you don't need a scale but you can rest assured that the DWL is the most ignorant ass on this entire planet. They have eclipsed the negro itself. THE LIBERAL IS TRULY YOUR WORST ENEMY.
I think the truth is that the American people, including its elites (and in some ways, especially its elites) have never had a scientific understanding of race. Their Christian presuppositions led them to reject Darwinism, which if applied rigorously could have been the antidote to their misconceptions.
I went to college and my elite Anthropology and Sociology professors told me that race doesn't exist because of evolution and anyone who says otherwise is ignorant. In fact they told me that both race and gender are social constructs created by ignorant and barbaric right-wing White Christians.
These same professors mocked Christian beliefs while never touching Islam. The worst one was openly atheist and told me that African culture was superior because it required less effort.
So is that a Christian rejection of Darwinism?
Detroit Woman Shoots at Her House in Facebook Rant While Holding Terrified Child
They might have a below average IQ, but they do possess low cunning in knowing what makes (white) people tick. Look how Andrea Sheppard keeps dragging her kids into the picture to garner sympathy even as she is all gansta with the gun, what a beast! I
Who the hell shoots a handgun while holding a child??? Rhetorical question of course.
So I guess she bought a $1000 house and thought it was a piece of crap. Then she shot it? Ok another new low.
Anon. at 2:24 PM had a good post-including the annual"back to school" grift that goes on for these morons.
A few years ago, I was in a large Northeastern city in August. On the local news one evening, they had some BS story about how "de koh-moon-ity"--various "non-profits" and local companies being shaken down-who no doubt pass the costs to consumers-were providing notebooks, backpacks, pencils, etc to inner-city "youfs".
They interviewed a parent--of all things-a father-some colored boy who looked to be about late 20s or so, maybe 30. He was actually quite personable sounding, going on and on how he appreciated this gibsmedat shakedown.
He was wearing one of those gaudy "FUBU" shirts (quite expensive--and ugly) and a big old gold chain and earrings.
I wondered why he wan't at work in the middle of the day--and secondly, if he could afford his bling and expensive clothes, why didn't he make with some cash to buy his little spunk monkeys some notebooks and pens instead of having YT provide it.
Anonymous at 4:05 PM said:
"So I guess she bought a $1000 house and thought it was a piece of crap. Then she shot it? Ok another new low."
Well you are at least partly right. I couldn't make out most of her eeeking and oooking but I could understand something about her house was going to be demolished. So she saved up dough from her burger flipping and gibs money, and bought a delapited dump for $1000 on the condition that she repairs it to human level habitability. Of course conditions be raysis and sheeit, so she surely breached the agreement. A new low? Only a documented new low. You know things worse than this happen all the time, just not captured on video.
Great White North
Mike Pence keynote speaker for $250 a plate Indianapolis Ten Point Coalition luncheon. Stupid perverted white cucks will pay this fee because they worship the black man. He is their god of redemption.
Gibs. Muh. DATS!
"Tickets for the luncheon start at $250. Four tickets come with the $25,000 "Platinum VIP" package that includes a private meeting with Pence." Some of the money will be used to pay fat black welfare sheboons $8 per hour to hug the black gang-bangers and march up and down the streets in yellow patrol vests.
"Why didn't pre-Darwin America accept Arab or African immigrants? "
Because there weren't any. It wasn't as though there were regularly scheduled passenger ship crossings or airline flights in the 19th century.
“We need their contributions to our compost heaps."
This because evolution in schools is taught dishonestly to promote paint theory and globalism. Whites are taught that they don't exist and "the science" has already proven it. Has nothing to do with Christianity and in fact the egalitarian skewed version of evolution is by far worse for the youth than any denomination.
I'm just going to link this comment with an excerpt of "Culture of Critique" (link to the chapter is in the original):
And as everywhere, the darkest tribes are generally the dumbest. Australia has spent billions just as Kansas City has, and also has nothing to show for it:
Lutherans are the ones responsible for importing tens of thousands of them into Minnesota.
Ah, the Hasbarat comes out. He puts everything on Lutherans, nothing on Catholic Relief Services and especially no mention of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society... and the role of (((Emmanuel Celler))) in turning it into an instrument of American genocide.
You've got to be talking about the U of K basketball team, right?
I spent a little time in Louisville a few years ago. The level of negro worship was disgusting. Further, this was during the first black mob assaults in the downtown. CogDis city!
"Then why was miscegenation practically unheard of before Darwin?"
20% white ancestry is the negro average now, and most of that mixing happened during slavery.
"The US only allowed European immigrants up until 1965."
Also false.
If you read the Immigration Act of 1924, it allows for UNLIMITED immigration from Mexico, Haiti, Cuba, and South and Central America. In short, just about anywhere in the Western hemisphere. Also, many non-whites, especially mestizos, became US citizens when the territories in which they resided became states. They weren't disqualified. The whole process of admitting territories with non-white citizens into the Union amounted to a mass naturalization, irrespective of race.
Beyond this, even from the earliest days there were free negroes who were citizens of the various states, who then became US citizens when the Constitution was adopted. Significantly, there has never been a racial test for citizenship in America, only for naturalization, and even that was abolished immediately after the Civil War.
"Why didn't pre-Darwin America accept Arab or African immigrants? "
Pre-Darwin America accepted plenty of African immigrants. They called them slaves. Upon being freed, some of them became citizens of various states and of the US once the Union was formed; and not too much later all negroes were made US citizens and the males were given the vote by white Christian men.
"How is that evidence that Christianity is the problem? "
How can any fair examination of the evidence explain that last crazy action any other way?
""Why didn't pre-Darwin America accept Arab or African immigrants?"
Because there weren't any. It wasn't as though there were regularly scheduled passenger ship crossings or airline flights in the 19th century."
Even if there were regular crossings and they were accepted, not very few would get on board. There were no gibs back then. Every single one would have to make their own way here, and help themselves once they got here. While a few Arabs have the wherewithal to lift themselves up with their own bootstraps, most sub-Saharan Africans do not. Even still, though you see some Arabs making something of themselves here today, they do so with the knowledge it's a no lose proposition. If their ventures fail, there's always the gibs safety net or just go back home. And don't forget even if they do make it, they still scheme and siphon from the infidels teat, just for some extra side money.
Plus it gets cold in many places, and you would have to stoke your own fire with coal or wood. Something most Europeans had been doing for eons. Fug dat sheeit muddafugga!
Great White North
"The failure of decades of civil rights and other programs goes right down the memory hole."
Wrong. If only it all just went down the memory hole. While sure some of it does, the failings that cannot be stuffed down the hole are affixed the stamp of EVIL WHITE RACISM. The system only works with a healthy dose of continuous white blame.
Great White North
Officer Tensing just dodged a bullet:
CINCINNATI — A judge in Cincinnati on Monday dismissed the charges against a white police officer who fatally shot an unarmed black motorist (not unarmed then) during a traffic stop, after a county prosecutor declined to pursue a third murder trial in the case.
Hamilton County Judge Leslie Ghiz declined to acquit former University of Cincinnati officer Ray Tensing in the shooting of Sam DuBose, but she dismissed the murder and voluntary manslaughter charges in a way that blocks retrial on those counts.
"It's sort of a note of finality, which is what we were looking for, although we still have the potential for a federal civil rights investigation," defense attorney Stewart Mathews said afterward.
Two juries couldn't reach unanimous agreement on the state charges, leading to mistrials.
The family now hopes federal authorities reviewing the case will determine that DuBose's civil rights were violated and will prosecute Tensing.
"We want them to give Sam some kind of justice," Allen said. (Blacks and their cherished vengeance again, shocking...)
U.S. Attorney Benjamin Glassman said authorities will review evidence from the state court trials to assess whether there are possible federal civil rights offenses that might warrant prosecution.
Mathews said Monday that he hadn't been contacted by federal authorities.
The university reached a $5.3 million settlement with DuBose's family, including free undergraduate tuition for his 13 children.
The guy was driving drunk with an open container in the car which wasn't his, no license because it was either suspended or not on him (he told the officer that he has one, "go look it up" as if he's the one giving orders. I found it interesting that the cop does say "Where do you stay at?" in the video when questioning Dubose- he knows he "stays" (aka leeches off of) one of his baby mama's in the area, probably the one who owned the car without proper plates that he used to attempt to drive his way out of a traffic stop.
Are black bucks physically better than white boys (of the same age) at anything other than fighting? I've had the misfortune of working with black bucks one summer when I was younger, and I've seen them 'at work' more recently on different occasional - they sit as much as possible. During my summer job between the school year, I was on my feet when I was working, it was only four to six hours between official breaks after all, and the nature of our job meant there was nothing to do but wait after our part of the work was done - cutting vegetables that had to be used up before we cut more. We had chairs I only sat on during breaks, because you can't cut well when you are sitting down, it's really uncomfortable and kinda unsafe. Have you ever seen your mother sitting down to cook dinner? It is my preference to finish my work standing, then I can sit back and snack, watch the festivities.
The bucks on the other hand, had no distinction between play and work, the ones 'working' sat down, and when the boss wasn't watching, they got up and play basketball! It was so stereotypical it was extremely shocking to my then SJW-self, who had to keep making excuses for those 'boys'. Around six of them produced one third the work I did by my lonesome.
I can't run, but I can hike from sun up to sun down. There are a lot of black splinters, but they don't really go camping do they? Is black endurance less than whites and asians? IS black strength only good in short bursts suitable for fights? This would make them good hunters, robbers, and raiders against their neighbours, but they don't have the endurance to be builders.
I've seen one sitting at the back of the store on a milk crate, slowly stocking, always looking around. I've seen one sitting down while scraping bricks, there was one hispanic next to him who was crouching and scraping a brick they were taking out of the sidewalk, and one young white man who was standing across from them doing the same.
So again, it is a huge mystery to me why negros were ever imported into North America to do WORK!
I had an old boss you used to say "Your problems are not my problem. When your problems start becoming my problem, then we have a problem."
All we hear about from the black community is about their problems, no jobs, streets gone wrong, food deserts, all problems that they have brought on themselves.
Sweden is using clowns to help mudslimes assimilate.
Maybe in Amerikwa clowns could be used to helps mooncrickets assimilate.
Bring back Homey the Clown from In Living Color and we'll have us some of that precious glorious equality in no time.
No that wasn't from the Onion or one of those pages that looks like a U.S. news agency but has a .co or some other country at the end of the URL about the clowns in Sweden:
//There is an urgent need to create more pathways for success for young men of color in Louisville and Lexington,” said Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer. “There are particular challenges black Americans face as a result of the history of our country … a history of exclusion.” //
*cough*Chinese Exclusion Act *cough*
Blacks live in a Bizarro World.
//“We can’t afford to lose the unlimited potential of our young black men,” Gray said. “We need their contributions to our economy, to our community and to families. That’s why the funding we’re announcing today is so important.”//
Correction, we can't afford to lose the unlimited potential of WHITE people, we need their contribution to the sciences and arts, their trustworthiness in food productions and childcare, and their QUICK out of the box thinking in emergencies. If white people were to disappear tomorrow, the civilized world can go on, but it would be a much dimmer place, there would be less charity, less social investment, and less trust. The Asians and the Arabs will hopefully avert war by sticking to their own spheres after corralling the blacks Back To Africa, at which point the Arabs would be ruled by religion and the Asians would be ruled by Guanxi.
We are long past the days of Renaissance, the ancient days when the world was new and there were out-of-the-box PIONEERS who made discoveries from scratch. Everything newer now is built upon the old - and that is what the detail-orientated orientals EXCEL at. But we still need white shakers and movers in emergencies. The oriental approach to seeing things won't be fast enough it there was a sudden crisis:
"Westerners tend to be analytical and pay more attention to the key, or focal, objects in a scene—for example, concentrating on the woman in the "Mona Lisa," as opposed to the rocks and sky behind her.
East Asians, by contrast, tend to look at the whole picture and rely on contextual information when making decisions and judgments about what they see,"
Above also explains the terrible driving... There isn't time to be contemplative of the context when someone suddenly runs into your lane. Or when a ship (like the Sewol) starts sinking and there is only a 30 minute window to GTFO. (...and even knowing how Sewol ended, my strongest desire would be to stay put and avoid a stampede if the captain told me to - surely there can't be that many BAD captains too incompetent to ensure help's timely arrival?)
The first responder on the scene of a crisis is almost always going to be white, like in the Boston Bombing, this will be true even if there is only ONE white person on site, as frequently reported by Shanghaiist.
"Ah, the Hasbarat comes out. He puts everything on Lutherans, nothing on Catholic Relief Services and especially no mention of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society... and the role of (((Emmanuel Celler))) in turning it into an instrument of American genocide."
Ah, the conspiracy nut comes out. No mention of the white Congress which approved the Hart-Celler Act by a large margin, white Senator and co-sponsor Philip Hart, white senator Ted Kennedy, or the white President LBJ who signed it into law. Mr. Rational (?), when you lack even a pretense of impartiality, how do you expect to be taken seriously by anyone except your fellow nuts?
As for the religious lunatics responsible for importing Somalis into Minnesota, I don't care at all if you want to include other flavors of Christianity or mention its Jewish roots. To whites, it's all been poisonous fruit of the same poisonous tree.
I'm a native Kentuckian - from the southeastern section, what we used to refer to as coal country. Even in these times, there are almost entirely (if not completely) white towns in the eastern part of the Commonwealth, places where people really can leave their doors unlocked even while they sleep. However, when you get to Lexington or ESPECIALLY Louisville (and I've lived in both), you are essentially in any other large city, although the horse farms and racing industry attract wealthy, i.e. white, people.
I'm just going to link this comment with an excerpt of "Culture of Critique" (link to the chapter is in the original):
Our blame-the-Christians friend seems woefully unaware of how much evolution is used to push globalism and race denial. He seems to have missed college or was raped by a priest and can't get over it.
You could lose your career by holding a lecture on evolutionary brain differences, even if no one can provide contrary evidence. That is the reality of our great Academic secular institutions. Total domination by rabid egalitarians that will destroy your career and family name if you question "the science" with unwanted facts. Just look at what they did to Shockley and Watson.
That is "the science" for you. What people think of as "the science" of human evolution and race is the writings of a handful of egalitarians:
All Anglo-Saxon Christians. /s
The Tower of Babel had nothing to do with negros.
"That is "the science" for you. What people think of as "the science" of human evolution and race is the writings of a handful of egalitarians:"
So, because it's widely abused or misunderstood, the answer is to reject evolutionary science? I don't agree.
Lots of people don't understand the theory and its implications, including those on the so-called right who think of themselves as Christians and yet accept some parts of evolutionary theory when it's convenient for them.
Refute lies with truth, bad arguments with good ones, and bad science with good. That's how it's done.
There is far more African slave trading today than surround the height of the slave trade to America.
On the subject of arts produced by white people.
My music taste includes retro canto pop (Tat Ming Pair), Kpop (Troublemaker), and Jrock (Asian Kung-Fu Generation), but if if I'm to be exiled to a desert island and I could only take three songs with me, all of them would be composed and performed by white people. I'm not going to give up any of my FAVOURITE songs, the ones that reaches my soul, the ones I could listen to now and again, for the sake of 'inclusivity' or heritage pride, it is what it is.
My desert island or moment of death playlist, in order of importance:
Roxy Music - More Than This (1982)
The Kinks - Come Dancing (1983)
【Wedding music of Romantic Classical Piano05】Chopin:Nocturne Op.9-2
- the piano notes in this song just makes my heart tingles, and light
Growing up, I have heard many times that 'white people can't dance' and that blacks are better than whites at music - such things have always been 'background noise' to me, but now that I Could See, I find it incredible that blacks and other people can be so openly racist against whites, as well as being BLATANT LIARS. There are some blacks who are good at music, but blacks are not better than whites at music, overwhelming, the list of memorable songs and artists are WHITE. The songs that last are by white people. Twerking isn't dancing, it's a baboon mating call. Zero skills are involved in two people grinding against each other on the dance floor, unlike say, Waltz or The Charleston. I'm so sad that Waltz and The Charleston have gone out of vogue, I would have loved it if there was waltzing at my highschool prom instead of that lame thing where we put each other's hand on shoulders and hip and just SWAY to the music. I understand why they wouldn't have let us throw each other around for the Charleston though, they don't even let kids climb rope anymore (so blame the lawyers when zombies eat our kids). White people invented waltzing, a beautiful dance / act of courting between a man and a woman - nobody else has that. Chinese dancing is a performance by a sole dancer or a group. White people can have a woman and a man dance together because there is a long white tradition of men and women interacting in a platonic context even if they aren't blood, and a white woman can flirt with a white man and still say no (AND not be Disgraced). This created a lot of beautiful stuff. It makes me mad that black dyfunction, the inability to look but muh dik, as well as murderous Sharia Creep, is RUINING it.
Nobody else has partner dancing, it's another Thing That Whites Gave The World:
I wonder if Television contributes to BRA, how we went from the sensiblity of segregation to Affirmative Furthering Fair Housing (Section Ape Bombing EVERY INCH OF EARTH). Televsion is make-believe, but unlike animation or theatre of wooden horses, TV Dramas look like Documentaries. We know the stories and characters are fictional, but we accept that elements of what we see to be true - leading to noted Worst Aid scenarios where people learning First Aid have to learn to keep their arms straight during CPR and not do what they have seen on TV.
YT is supposed to straighten this up for the negroe, give dem jobs, bakkaball, etc. I'm listening to talk radio and one of those public service ads comes on. "Do you know that more black people are waiting for organ transplants than any other group?". So the nogs don't give a shit to help their own, and we're supposed to donate more organs so negroes won't suffer?
"He seems to have missed college or was raped by a priest and can't get over it. "
Sure, just like your desperate defense of Christianity indicates you were raped by a priest and really enjoyed it.
(Not that there's anything wrong with that!)
"I'm listening to talk radio and one of those public service ads comes on. "Do you know that more black people are waiting for organ transplants than any other group?". So the nogs don't give a shit to help their own, and we're supposed to donate more organs so negroes won't suffer?"
It's not well known outside of medical circles, but transplants have a better chance of success when the donor and the recipient are of the same race. Better tissue type compatibility that way. Race matters!
Homey the clown? Another example of TV not matching up to reality. Inner-city yutes probably have more in common with Stephen King's Pennywise than with Homey.
No mention of the white Congress which approved the Hart-Celler Act by a large margin, white Senator and co-sponsor Philip Hart, white senator Ted Kennedy, or the white President LBJ who signed it into law.
You mean, the same LBJ who famously bragged "I'll have the niggers voting Democrat for 200 years"?
LBJ, Teddy Kennedy and all the rest were all too ready to sell out their people for whatever (((Celler))) was offering. We were promised the act would not alter the ethnic composition of America. They lied, none more so than (((Celler))) who'd been agitating for it for literally 40 years... and whose tribe praises itself for taking the long view of things.
Wait,what? They can't be responsible for their history? Nothing is going to change until they are responsible for their history. Theirs is a history of "exclusion" as they put it for one reason; no civilised person wants to be around their subhuman behavior. There's a few million more wasted dollars down the equality hole never to be seen again.
Thortons at redding and tates creek in Lex is a no go zone essentially on weekend nights. Negros all over the place. Surprised there hasn't been a chimpout riot yet. Doesn't help that Lex is a VERY LIBERAL town
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