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Blacks challenged to go three days without killing each other in 70 percent black Baltimore. |
You'll also know that in 1917, Baltimore was 88% white. Restrictive covenants and segregation kept city safe and prosperous from the very population now representing 70% of the city's population, with the white population below 25 percent.
Yes, Baltimore is a 70 percent black city. It was roughly 10 percent black in 1917. With black-fueled violence exploding across the city, it's important to remember the reality of homicide in Baltimore: Lynchings in USA over an 86-year time-span vs. Homicides in Baltimore over a 7-year time-span (91.5 percent Black-on-Black)
Again, in 1917, Baltimore was 88% white. Restrictive covenants and segregation kept city safe and prosperous from the very population now representing 70% of the city's population.
Well, black people are using that from August 4 to August 6 "nobody kill anybody." [Baltimore Citizens Urge "Nobody Kill Anybody" Ceasefire At The Start Of August, ZeroHedge.com, 7-11-17]:
Breaking story out of Baltimore City, Maryland, where a citizen ceasefire is being issued by the community for August 04, 2017 through august 06, 2017.
The ‘no violence for 72-hours’ or ‘nobody kill anybody’ campaign comes at a time where the city is spiraling out of control. According to WJZ, “Baltimore struggles with a record high murder rate, and those in power are desperate for solutions”.Odds this ends exactly as the "30 Day No Killing" challenge went in 65 percent black Memphis?
Aggressively high.
Do you understand what restrictive covenants were designed to protect in 88% white Baltimore yet?
Western civilization.
In the absence of whites in Baltimore, western civilization gave way to the type of community Africans in America could collectively create.
End result? The "Nobody kill Anybody" campaign of 2017.
"We have to start somewhere!!!"
Look, even they can somewhat admit how pathetic they all are. The thing is that violence and all the other social ills that come with negro numbers are not a bug- they're genetics working as intended.
And so what happens when a Dindu decides to not follow directions (a given either out of spite or just plain stupidity) and "keels" someone? What are you going to do? What "reward" is being offered for the opportunists to take in place of their desired behavior? Or is the hope that they will all not kill nobody out of "team spirit"? What is the carrot and stick in this case? I'm pretty sure like every other time it's a Hail Mary and we're not supposed to even ask.
Looks like they're confusing races again- I'm not sure many blacks read and will probably not even listen to your message if it doesn't have a beat behind it.
I wonder if the goal is for the thugs to realize how cool it is when no one gets keeled. Oh wait, blacks have zero empathy and don't care about other people. Do you think three days is really a realistic timeframe?
Wait a minute, I found a loophole:
What if someone doesn't KILL anybody but just HURTS them really really badly?
With all the thought, time and effort put into this campaign there is no way that I don't see this as being a complete success- a success meaning no dead people for three straight days.
Finally, I have at least three days to tour Baltimore. Booking my flight right after this comment. I'll let you know how it was, if (my mistake) when I get back.
Three days....no killens!!! It's a kumbaya type moment for all negroes in Baltimore to embrace the challenge. I think it's a great idea and what a fantastic opportunity for a promotion! "Three (whole) Days with Nobody kill anybody".
Wow! What a marvel and fantastic display of modern, 21st century behavior. But, hey, we're talking negroes here, okay? Not killing someone over taking the last chicken wing is considered a hallmark of manners for them. Hell, they'll kill you over taking one too many drags off the blunt they're passing around.
"Hey, LaJayveeyus, didju take the last shot of Koo-vass-eee-ay we had on thus heyah countuh? Beeyatch, get ready to die!"
If you are a negro male of, oh, I don't know, thirty years of age, and one of your many sprogs gets raped when she's thirteen, whacha goan do?
First off, you probably aren't aware of the fact that you have a biological daughter of thirteen. Secondly, if you did, you will likely cheer her on as she has a guaranteed welfare benefit for the next 18 years (when she'll be your age) and likely on her fourth or fifth guarenteed gubment check ....18 years....hmmmmm.....18 x 10 keeds....that will about guarantee no work until your diabetes disability check begins to arrive when you're in your early fifties.
Had enough, yt???? No??? Well, how about we import another million or so Africans into your first world civilization? Lord knows we don't have enough of low talent, low skilled, indigent people immigrating into this country over the past fifty years. Hell, let's bring in even more.
And the Republithugs keep thwarting Trump and his wall at every turn. This is a war, my friends. Whites need to get behind Trump and stop this BULLSH*T once and for all!
According to heyjackass, they cannot make 13 HOURS without killing someone.
This is like a hardcore alcoholic thinking that if they can quit drinking for 3 days, it will kick off a lifetime of sobriety.
If I was betting Vegas odds, I would confidently bet the under, they couldn't go 36 hours without a murder there.
If I were the big boss man in charge of Baltimore I would not be filled with so much "wishful thinking". After all, three days is a very long time for these rabid savages to go without killing some one.
I would start my program with more realistic goals in mind. How about seeing if they can go "three hours" without killing anybody.
Even that may sound a little hard to manage. To play it safe I think the best bet is to try for a nice "thirty Minutes" with no blood shed.
But I thought they wanted room to destroy?
The police have their hands tied now where is the chocolate city utopia?
Due to the lebacy ov da turrible slabery mooncrickets should have immunity to do whatever they want all across America.
This should last about 72 seconds and I laughed a little bit when seeing that poster.
Even if it could be done they simply don't want to--- it goes against their very nature.
I make it 5cents on the dollar the negroes can't do it.
It's the guns. The NRA has been flooding the African-american community with cheap "satruday night specials" for decades. These are cheap revolvers, usually .38 caliber, that are given away by NRA employees from panel trucks that roam the streets of the African-american neighborhoods. Ta Nahesi Coates explains this in his best selling book, The Culture of Critique. He describes an event on a spring afternoon in 2015 where an NRA truck pulled up to an African-american middle school in Brooklyn and lured the kids over with promises of red Jordan basketball shoes. Instead of basketball shoes, these kids were given pistols and boxes of ammunition, with a promise that the truck will return later with the basketball shoes.
It's not hard to imagine what happened next. The kids began to play with the handguns, imitating the Italian mafia gangsters that they saw in the movies. Within a week, over 15 African-americans had been killed or injured. The NRA truck was never apprehended. This terrible story is repeated in African-american communities across the country almost every day.
"What if someone doesn't KILL anybody but just HURTS them really really badly?"
Which, from what you all say, will most likely be the case regardless of the intent.
Yo! What they really need is a catchy rap:
Yo! Stop buggin' and illin'
Y'all homeboys got ta stop da killin'
And sellin' crack an' pimpin' hoes
And lettin' yo pants hang down to yo toes
Work real hard and stay in school
An' don't git in trouble like no fool
We got ta work to make da killin' cease
Let's work everyday to increase da peace!
Word up! That's hype!
(You can tell I grew up in the 80's, right?)
From his Fortress of No Snitchetude high atop the Freddy Gray Empowerment Center his Mighty Ear for Equality detects a cry for help. Donning the Hoodie of Social Justice, he flies into action, alighting at a meeting of community activists. Yes, faster than a speeding sound bite, more powerful than a televised news conference, it's...it's...Dindu Nuffinz!
"Save us, oh Strange Visitor from another Hood," the frantic diversity grads and affirmative action hires implore, "for if Baltimore's shooting spree continues, we shall be out of jobs!"
"Fear not, oh noble grant recipients," Dindu calms the crowd, "for I shall save your bacon as well as hash. Declare a ceasefire which shall last unto three days. Such a fete of public relations will show your commitment to making yon streets go right."
"Brilliant, genius, vibrant!" reverberate many an otherwise unemployable throat.
Dindu poses for the fawning members of the press, but then a news intern pushes through the crowd, clearly someone who has yet to understand the higher powers at work here.
"Wait a minute," the intern interrupts, "wait a minute!"
A wide eyed hush descends over the crowd.
The intern interlocutes, "what happens if someone, you know, maybe a teen or a juvenile or even a youth, breaks the ceasefire. I mean, like, by shooting someone?"
Horrors! Could it be that matching state grants will be forever lost to the City on the Chesapeake?
"No problem," Dindu says as he juts his own Jaw of Enrichment, "print up posters for the ceasefire to read Nobody Kill Anybody."
"But, but, that's not even grammatical!" the intern insists.
"Ah, but that's the point. When the constabulary interview people after a shot rings out, the witnesses can truthfully declare nobody killed the victim. "
Wide eyed enlightenment spreads over the intern's countenance who intones: "You mean, if someone is shot, we can say that the killer...Dindu Nuffinz!"
"Correct, oh learner of the ropes. Now excuse me. I am off to rescue a mighty metropolitan transit system from the most villainous of stereotypes, those that are true."
Then he is gone, last seen speeding in the direction of the west coast while in Baltimore another community of organizers is saved from the infamy of the unemployment line...
...saved thanks to the powers of Dindu Nuffinz!
(Cue heroic rap music full volume to cover up the sounds of shots ringing out)
Why three days? They should start in smaller increments; Three seconds, three minutes, and so on. The time until the next killing will be measured on a stopwatch, not a calendar.
I can envision a whole new betting line for the Vegas crowd.
It seems that all these "Stops Da Bilence" efforts should be deemed rayciss since they are only needed for the black communities. They should be stopped immediately lest the proud, noble, self-sufficient magic negro be stereotyped as a primitive predator. If "Stops Da Bilence" campaigns are necessary in black streets gone wrong, then every community should have them regardless of demographics or crime rates. It's only fair...it's who we are.
Don't they even realise that their poster says "Baltimore Cease FIFE" instead of "Baltimore Cease FIRE"? The gun is obviously in the wrong place. They should just give up now because they can't do anything right.
How can they not obey the dictates of their genetics? It is hard-wired in them to be sub-Saharan violent primitives. Low impulse control, low-IQ, poor future-time orientation, low threshold for violence etc... it's in the allele frequency differences in their genes. The differences don't just stop at skin color, skull shape, steatopygia, etc. Not just their wide monkey noses and fat ape lips.
They must be physically removed from White First-World societies- otherwise we are doomed to living while constantly under attack.
Make your choice America....
72 hours, huh?
Well, I guess its possible that no one would actually be "kilt"... Of course, that there will be many, many casualties from gunfire and stabbings goes without saying.
Stay alert, stay alive.
This really needs to be pushed in Baltimore. SBPDL should take up a collection, rent billboards, buy some air time. Get maybe a local "aspiring rapper" to put it to a beat...
(Bumpa bumpa bimpa, "Dont kill anyone" bumpa bumpa bumpa, "de white man say"
Bumpa bump "Do what you tole"
Bumpa bump "The white man way!"
(sponsored by YT).
If that doesn't increase the NAPAs shooting each other, I don't know what will,
Stay alert, stay armed
if I had someone face-to-face to bet with, I would put up $100 that it will not happen: there WILL be murder(s) in that 3 days.
First of all 3 days is a big stretch, it's also a weekend. In addition to that it's in August, I remember an article in the Baltimore Sun telling us that the murder rate goes up when the weather gets hot, that's right they blamed the weather for the astronomically high black murder rate. I work in Baltimore and see it on a daily basis. Here are my thoughts on it. We need to segregate ourselves from these people. I'm talking civil war American collapsing full break away. Think about the millions of crimes and murders that could be stopped against us with 2 separate societies. You could save your grandchildrens grandchildren today by fighting the next American civil war. Believe me I see these people everyday, it will never work. How much further from the truth can a society run before the lies of diversity and multiculturalism implode in on itself. If you don't want your grandchildren to become tax slaves to fuel a system that absolutely hates them start thinking in terms of secessionist ideologies. I don't see any other way.
20 generations here and they still can't wrap their purple gums around our language, wear clothing properly, or come anywhere close to living up to the standards of civilization achieved by even the stone age natives of this continent. They are no closer to assimilating than their ancestors were the day they stepped off the (((merchant))) ships with bones in their noses.
3 whole days is really aiming high for these savages though, their only hope is a combination of poor marksmanship, and fast response of life saving white man's medical treatment. Perhaps next year they can start with just shooting for a few hours between say 7am and noon, and work their way up.
I do hope we get a followup on this one. My bet is 20-25 shot and 5 dead that weekend barring an hurricane or other weather event that keeps the ferals inside.
@paintjob Theory quote purple gums and speak the same language. Wow I notice the color of people gums before A little surprised that you have. Well welcome to America on speaking different languages because in America has so many people from diversity groups.
The only thing I would like to say is welcome back Baltimore because I like read bloggers comments. On another note in 1917 white people 88% that live in the city, well that the way of life things change over 100 years in America
Wait a minute, I found a loophole:
What if someone doesn't KILL anybody but just HURTS them really really badly?
That would be a celebrated total success and would be touted on the news. Even if someone is put in a wheelchair for life.
They don't seem to get their own people. I expect liberals to be naive but these Black activists also hold this fantasy of Blacks being a people they can control as a group.
If you don't care about killing someone over shoes or an argument then you're not going to care about some emotional appeal from a community leader.
@anonymous I think you meant you never notice the color of the gums before. Just a little correction
This is like a hardcore alcoholic thinking that if they can quit drinking for 3 days, it will kick off a lifetime of sobriety.
If I was betting Vegas odds, I would confidently bet the under, they couldn't go 36 hours without a murder there.
And a summer weekend at that.
I would bet they don't make it 24 hours.
I think we should bet on the hour that it breaks. My bet is 7-8pm on Friday.
I remember an article in the Baltimore Sun telling us that the murder rate goes up when the weather gets hot, that's right they blamed the weather for the astronomically high black murder rate. I work in Baltimore and see it on a daily basis
But what if it gets really hot? Are they still active at night if it is 100?
I like the:
Nope, you just have to STOP shooting, raping, stealing cars, beating people, taking drugs.
You don't have to do ANYTHING.
Perhaps, you may want to "ACT WHITE" and all of the above will decrease.
Secondly, if you did, you will likely cheer her on as she has a guaranteed welfare benefit for the next 18 years (when she'll be your age) and likely on her fourth or fifth guarenteed gubment check ....18 years....hmmmmm.....18 x 10 keeds....that will about guarantee no work until your diabetes disability check begins to arrive when you're in your early fifties.
If the child has a disability then then the whole fambly gets a check via SSDI because they are now caretakers.
This is the other side of welfare that liberals don't want you to know about.
Liberals will talk about the cuts to TANF but won't mention the massive increases in SSDI or medicaid.
SSDI is the secret welfare. Unlike TANF the states don't have any control over it. It's a direct check from Uncle sugar and liberals do not want the gravy train to end. It is a covert redistribution system.
Swedish people leaving Sweden in droves
The effort to have three days with no killings is doomed from the start. All it takes is one incident of a negro being outraged over some minor incident or disrespected or otherwise negatively "excited" (and thus violent) for this whole effort to immediately go off the rails. In that regard, they're pretty much like the mental patients I used to work with who were suffering from various levels of mental retardation and psychosis- once one "went off," it would often result in others in the vicinity spazzing out and having violent episodes of their own. It would be immediate for some and with others, the influence would take time before it caused them to erupt but it was an absolute certainty that it was all going to happen. Thus, the general rule was to as quickly as possible isolate and contain the one flipping out before his/her behavior spread like a contagion. With negroes, there's no one to isolate and contain or to intervene-especially not the police as their presence only further agitates and incites negroes.
That being said, it's an absolute certainty that there are negroes in Baltimore who are primed and ready to go off because of some prior incident (or series of incidents) due to their being agitated by it. They don't even have to have been involved in the incident or have any connection to it- like the mental patients, the influence alone is enough. And, like the mental patients, their "agitation" will lead them to strike out at anyone in their vicinity for the tiniest reason or excuse or none at all. The common popular term for this is a "chimp out." Low IQ, emotionally volatile, easily agitated, and low impulse control.
Like I said, the effort is doomed to failure. Even if by some miracle they did make through the weekend, the stress and tension would be building and would erupt later and more than likely at a higher rate of violence.
I would like to humbly suggest a way to help the Baltimore negroes attain their goal. Can we modify the "Three Days Nobody kill Anybody" to a smaller, geographical area, say "Three Days Nobody Kill Nobody within five square miles of Baltimore Harbor"? Seriously, we are asking a bit much to include the entire city. We've been told before that they must have "space to destroy".
I've seen this work before in the city of New Orleans. Inside the French Quarter, the negro can go three days, hell, sometimes even four, where there are no killings (stabbings, maybe, but no killings). Outside of the Quarter is another matter entirely. I think this is an idea we can all get behind! C'mon negroes, you can do this!
72 hours without a murder in BodyMorgue. I would be more willing to bet that the cart riding fat-ass in front of me at Wal-Mart would avoid stopping at a fast food joint during that same time. That or the Kardashians would stay off social media during that time.
Not likely to happen as negroes suffer from Want of Forethought.
I wonder if the goal is for the thugs to realize how cool it is when no one gets keeled.
I have this image in my head of a George Carlin routine poking fun at the googles along the lines of "don't swim right after eating". "There's Lajavious. He wants to kill DaKwan real bad, but the 3-day cease-fire isn't up yet. So there he is, sweating bullets, straining not to go for his gat and do what he really wants to do before midnight. Twenty minutes is SUCH a long time."
You wish to start somewhere?
Here's a fine start. No more welfare, EBT cards, socialized medicine, government child support or protected status.
Wanna really level the playing field? Revoke the 'Equal Right Act' which had nothing to do with 'equal' rights but instead created a protected class. It also served to dumb-down our own race to black levels which can be seen in any government or civil service occupation.
Look no farther if you're trying to figure out the problem with modern-day police officers. Can't figure out why they're such wimpish crybabies? Can't figure out why they are afraid of their own shadows? Can't reason why they shoot everything at the drop of a hat? It's because they lowered the standards to 'stupid' levels to allow blacks entry and promotion.
Implement a "Three Strikes to Your Birth Place" policy. After three felony convictions, the subject is stripped of his American citizenship and returned to his country of origin. A simple DNA test will provide enough data to make that decision. He may choose not to return to his/her birthplace but like the song says..."you don't have to go home but you can't stay here". I hear France is accepting applications...
I think it's time to admit that the social experiment has failed and to move on. The cost is enormous and will crush us. Also, the entrepreneurial spirit of America is being crippled by it. It's hard to fly like an eagle when you're held down in a pen of turkeys.
Jim in Jersey
Anonymous said
"The only thing I would like to say is welcome back Baltimore because I like read bloggers comments. On another note in 1917 white people 88% that live in the city, well that the way of life things change over 100 years in America "
Someone run that down to the lab and have it decoded for me!
Jim in Jersey
“Baltimore struggles with a record high murder rate, and those in power are desperate for solutions”.
Solutions (African Solutions)
1) Change the name of the City. Obviously B-A-L-T-M-O-R-E is the reason, duh.
2) Stop keeping "records". (That is so White.) No recording, no records, no problem.
3) Put MORE Negroes in Power, since "those in power" are confused.
4) Be "desperate" for MO Money, Honey!!! Doncha' need more MONEY?
5) Solutions? Dat be Rayciss !! ..... Dat be aktin WHITE !!! ........Wo dont want no stinkin' solution........Weez want da monay !!!
The solutions are (Now, these are White Eurocentric Ideals)
1) Arrest any and all using a gun in any and all crimes. 25 years mandatory
2) ANY felon caught with a gun...25 years mandatory
3) ANYONE selling drugs........25 years mandatory (if with a gun,...50 years mandatory)
In a few hours, Da WORD will get out on the streeeets and even the most STUPID negro will perhaps get the hint. THose that are SOOOOOO stupid that they keep using a gun? Well, they need to be put away, in a cage, just like a stupid Ape.
Rather than this dying nation spending TRILLIONS of dollars creating Refugees in the Middle East, we need to take those TRILLIIONS and build what ever number of Maximun Security Prisons to house the millions of negro males that will, naturally, be arrested.
If we don't do this, there will be NO reduction in these killings (not that we really give a shit)
Considering the negro kill percentage is so bad, these bucks can still enjoy their robbery, car jacking, rapes, etc. Just as long as dey don't kill nobody. What a deal.
Also, why just 3 days? Why not, well, 4? Or why not "don't kill anybody" for the rest of your life, Sambo?
Now, what happens if some "teen" goes off, on his own, and kills somebody? Does that make it Open Season again? Deal off?
Can a negro male make up for lost time? Suppose he keeels nobody for 72 hours. Does that mean he can kill additional bucks after that? If some other negro disses him, during the 72 hours, or steal his blow, etc, can he get his just revenge during hour 73?
WE stupid Whites think the negro feels/thinks like we do. WE ARE SO FUCKING STUPID.
AND, and White person who thinks this 3 day reloading time is going to work, is SO FUCKING STUPID as well. Maybe we can let ISIS know about this great idea !
So, let me get this straight.
When it gets hotter, the negro kills more?
OK, so now we can blame Global Warming !!!
You gotta wonder at the mindset of the people who made this call for a ceasefire such that "Nobody Kill Anybody." Is this some kind of bizarre farce? Is it the byproduct of a low IQ mind trying to grapple with unpleasant reality? Is it the last gasp of a once proud civilization about to be submerged by barbarian hordes? Or is it just another day in Black Run America?
Well, perhaps it is all of this.
That is the thing about BRA. It is so far removed from the standards of White Civilization that it can be difficult to place its antics. Can you imagine any White city having to call for a ceasefire? Or issuing such poorly worded posters?
Compare this with the Baltimore of 100 years ago. And then ponder how Africans have enriched America. You not only have to put up with their violence, but also the comic opera that becomes public life.
My advice?
If you are in Baltimore during those three days of ceasefire: stay alert, stay alive.
Anon @ 8:08 AM
Your description of a "chimp out" in a Mental Ward can be used backwards to explain the mental/genetic state of the negro.
IF, when one chimps out, they all chimp out, THEN that means they are all mental patients!
It would explain why one negro, alone, can be managed, and can mange himself, but, if you add more negroes to the mix, then spontaneous chimp-outs occur. They are all mental patients !
That stupid White Mom, with the two daughters that pissed in their pants, at the County Fair, experienced this first hand. Once ONE negress "lost it", they all did !.
They are mental patients.
How can we short this stock that negroes are putting into a 72 hour no murder fantasy?
One thing is for sure. The average asshole white liberal thinks it can happen. The liberal is your WORST enemy.
Can a negro male make up for lost time? Suppose he keeels nobody for 72 hours. Does that mean he can kill additional bucks after that?
This is a good question.
If a negro male holds off on a killing for 72 hours is that considered progress?
Baltimore city officials will make their 3-day thingy work if they have to keep a corpse on life support for 3 days - no hospital plug pulling until August 7th. Or maybe that's too much effort and they'll just quietly fail like usual. What I do know is it's all YT's fault and YT needs to gibs more dat.
I remember growing up in an all-white town and having "Stop Being So Peaceful and Crime Free" rallies. Our cop/barber would get bored and beg for a murder once in awhile. Those rallies didn't work, either. They never do.
Baltimore is no longer Baltimore & why is that? Because demographics is destiny! This diversity, going backwards push is destroying this country and the rest of the 1st world. Personally sickened by what has happened to my childhood neighborhood. Shock & disgust is what i experienced upon coming back to NYC after an absence of almost 15 yrs...in only 15 yrs time my old neighborhood, a place called Woodside in the borough of Queens, has completely morphed over to a mystery meat world when it used to be home to one of the biggest Irish/Scots/ & East European communities in NYC. Its densely crammed with all sorts of miss-mashed mud folks, Its like looking out upon a very turbid, dirty sea of full of brown/yellow/black skinned parasites turning toxic an area that was once sparkling clear running waters. The whole area place is filthier due to densely packed people living in homes meant to house 4 or 6 but now has twice or three times that amount and no one speaks a common language. You have to ask a person to speak in English! This is insanity in the making...we will become Brazil then Haiti or Liberia in short order if this country doesn't clamp down on the 'dirty' greed riddled politics that are allowing this 3rd world trash to take over. Its not constructive to health or nature to mash up communities in this way - and for whites, to allow it is suicidal.
All it takes is one incident of a negro being outraged over some minor incident or disrespected or otherwise negatively "excited" (and thus violent) for this whole effort to immediately go off the rails.
Thus my speculation about the possible pro-social use of beta blockers in such populations.
it's an absolute certainty that there are negroes in Baltimore who are primed and ready to go off because of some prior incident (or series of incidents) due to their being agitated by it. They don't even have to have been involved in the incident or have any connection to it
Seriously. Here's a video showing a 'hood melee with what appears to be the victim being stabbed/slashed in the neck despite being some distance from any action (he died). Someone was "excited" and had a knife.
They are mental patients.
Wrong twice over. Being a mental patient means they're being treated for a mental illness. Not only are they not being treated (obviously), they do not have an illness. This behavior is normal for them; it can perhaps be suppressed with drugs or strong coercion, but it cannot be "fixed".
The African must be returned to Africa.
Seventy two hours seems impossible, but a negros grasp should exceed his reach.
Non American here. Someone was shot already. They should have went for 3 seconds.
A Minnesota man who shot and killed a suspected burglar was sentenced Tuesday to 90 days in jail by a judge who said the homeowner opened fire "out of fear and maybe some stupidity."
David Allen Pettersen, 65, of Madelia was sentenced in Watonwan District Court after pleading guilty earlier to dangerous discharge of a firearm. He originally was charged with manslaughter.
Pettersen also received a one-year prison sentence, which was stayed, two years' probation and 100 hours of community service, the Mankato Free Press (http://bit.ly/2sNfScd ) reported.
Pettersen fatally shot 19-year-old Nicolas Embertson of Madelia on Jan. 28 when he fired at a vehicle that was fleeing from his home. Two others in the car have been sentenced on burglary counts. One of the others said they had intended to burglarize Pettersen's home.
"I take no satisfaction from his death and I will carry that awful responsibility with me for the rest of my life," Pettersen said in court. He buried his face in his hands after reading his statement.
Embertson's mother, Tracy McCabe, said in a statement that Pettersen "consciously took the law into his own hands." She described her life since her son's death as "endless sadness and lifelong hell."
Strongly agree with prior poster about the necessity of shutting down the Third World and especially African immigration. But good luck with it as we've had 50 plus years of it and it's accelerating. No one seemed to notice all these years. Middle America needed refugees shitting in the streets before they paid attention. 200 million people and zero population growth in 1980 and 330 million now. And, as we all know, the Democrats hate the white working class as much as the Republicans hate the white working class. At least they agree on something. And Trump will save us. A great move last week in extending the emergency visas for 50,000 Haitians...again. Guess Trump didn't want to get yelled at.
And diversity is what makes America great, right? No, actually it was the labor shortage that lasted from 1775 to 1975. That, and some great real estate.
I wonder what Edgar Allen Poe would think?
Nobody on this site would take that bet because we all know better. Crime is like roulette, always bet black.
Even if they do somehow miraculously go 3 days without killing each other, they'll make up for it on day 4 or 5.
Jim in Jersey had some interesting points I'd like to discuss:
Implement a "Three Strikes to Your Birth Place" policy. After three felony convictions, the subject is stripped of his American citizenship and returned to his country of origin. A simple DNA test will provide enough data to make that decision. He may choose not to return to his/her birthplace but like the song says..."you don't have to go home but you can't stay here". I hear France is accepting applications...
Well, Jim, I think it's clear you don't believe that we can send them back to Africa. If you were born here, then you are an American.....HOWEVER.....
Your second point that "France is accepting applications.." is interesting. France, Sweden, Germany, UK, etc. .....they all LOVE Africans....cannot get enough of them. Perhaps Trump can work out a deal that these European countries who have chosen suicide will take (for a monetary amount) our rejected, felonious negroes. The carrot for the negro is: First world country, white womens, lots of freebies without the onus of a job( hell, we could throw in a package that would include the negroe's whole fambly!) ...oh, and did I forget to mention...white womens???
Next pearl from Jim:
"The only thing I would like to say is welcome back Baltimore because I like read bloggers comments. On another note in 1917 white people 88% that live in the city, well that the way of life things change over 100 years in America "
Someone run that down to the lab and have it decoded for me!
Thanks, Jim! Reading that was a WTF moment for me as well. At my age, sometimes I think it's ME who has the reading comprehension skill problem. .....Please, folks, think before you blog. 99% of Paul's posters are excellent....the other 1%....meh....
Anonymous said:
That stupid White Mom, with the two daughters that pissed in their pants, at the County Fair, experienced this first hand. Once ONE negress "lost it", they all did !.
They are mental patients.
In all seriousness, I think you're being a tad unfair. The white couple in question was from South Dakota or some other white utopia. She and her husband probably never even thought much about negroes, let alone developed a justified fear and loathing of them. The only negroes they probably ever saw were the Cosbys, and lord knows Bill Cosby is a perfect example of modern negro male responsibility and behavior.
But your point is well taken. They do FEED off of each other. I picked up that pattern almost fifty years ago when I had the misfortune of being around them in public school. My biggest mistake back in those days was trying to figure out a rationale behind their behavior. Years later it finally hit me....THERE IS NONE! When you're trying to ascertain the intelligence of your average negro on the street, fix your eyes upon a nearby telephone pole. Question yourself as to the intelligence that exists in that particular telephone pole.... then subtract about fifty IQ points and you have.... drum roll please.......THE NEGRO.
What a pathetic useless race. If and this is a BIG if.....If negroes ever had a true moment of clarity, they would turn the gun on themselves once realizing how utterly worthless they are in this country. Cut them loose, sink or swim, get them out of my pockets, get them out of my country!
In the glorious people's republik of New Hampshire, African immigrant released from domestic violence charges filed by a pregnant woman due to "cultural incompetency":
tip of the hat to Boon Mattery
Even worse (as the article states), Baltimore sees more murders than New York City even though NYC is almost 14 times larger.
A poster to urge blacks not to commit homicide? These people are a joke.
Don't see anything wrong with the negroes congregating in the cities; keeps them out of everyone else's hair. Cities offer zoos, of sorts.
"In a few hours, Da WORD will get out on the streeeets and even the most STUPID negro will perhaps get the hint. "
Back in mother Africa they will take criminals and put a tire around them douse them with gasoline, hand them a lighter and then torture them until they set themselves on fire. If the inhuman tortures they inflict upon each other in absence of whites doesn't dissuade negro criminality what possible punishment in the civilized world would do? Severing limbs and torturing to death at best only serves to reduce recidivism.
I love how they went from a challenge for 30 days without a shooting to 3 days! Stuff Black People Love: Lowering Expectations.
Ever seen Ally McBeal? I was never a regular watcher but I remember channel flipping back before I quit TV, there was a segment where another woman made Ally made Ally mad, and she had a imaginary moment where she bit off the other woman's nose or something, but in the real world, OF COURSE she didn't do that. I'm sure that me and many other women, and men as well, have moments where we indulged in violent THOUGHTS. I frequently imagine myself pushing a walk-and-texter down the stairs during rush hour - I think about it, I shrug it off, I move on.
Too many negroes are incapable of thinking.
My grandparents moved to Woodside from Ireland in the 60s, when it was pretty much all Irish living there. They raised their family in one of those brick attatched rowhouses that are everywhere around there. You are right that the area is completely unrecognizable from the time they lived there, and even when I would visit. It started with Puerto Ricans moving into the apartment buildings in the area around 95' then steadily went down hill from there. Most of the Irish either moved down to FL or died off. I went thru there last summer and it was mostly muslim women, blacks, and mixed mystery meats as you say. I remember going to the Italian festival there every summer as a kid, I wonder if they even still have it any more?
I saw this story. I'm GLAD the POS shithead is dead, HOWEVER, this guy did some dumb (and illegal) shit when he chased them out to their car and shot at them. He would've been OK if he had done it as they were breaking in but not this way. He's lucky with the sentence he received. Especially owing to him being white and the offenders being, well, you guessed it!!!
AR in Illinois
Wait a minute. The sign say "Nobody Kill Anybody fo' 72 hours" then y'all say three days... Whachu want? 72 hours or three days? Make up yo muthaf*ckin' mines.... We SOOOO cunfrused.....
If this group has the power to stop murders in Baltimore for 72 hours, why limit it to 72 hours? Why not 96 hours? 168 hours? Infinity hours?
Truth is they don't have that power, and they know it. This is all a publicity stunt.
Is there a way to donate to the NRA so that your money will be earmarked for this inner city enrichment program?
"Start by", they are always restarting, reset button, do overs, but never exerting themselves to maintain, they can't. Apartheid Americana Now
I doubt the dindus can even read and understand the message. But, we wuz kangs and sheeet
White people made safe civilizations where our children and women can live and flourish. Negroes destroy anything they touch and everywhere they camp. The democrats and socialists used the United States as a great social experiment and forced negroes and whites to intermingle starting at the educational level. Negroes cannot get along with each other much less a superior race. They found out quickly that they did not have the 'smarts' to keep up with whites in the school settings so the began blaming everything but their own stupidity. The only thing they could do is sports and their athleticism there is overrated. Once negroes were really exposed to the white world they knew they (negroes) were most definitely the biggest losers in the gene pool. They always had a sneak suspicion that they were very close to monkeys but now they knew it. This made them sullen and angry and looking for reasons that they were inferior. They claimed racism caused everything and 'whitey' was the reason. THis forced integration also showed to white the viciousness and hate of negroes towards them. They also saw how inferior the negroes are. Before all of this integration both sides went to their own schools and had their own neighborhoods and mass contact with each other was limited which made everyone happy and ignorant of black shortcomings. It is so bad that now some negroes in colleges demand places of their own on campus. They now want apartheid because they cannot function in white society because they are too stupid. The whole country knows that most negroes who made anything of themselves could not do it except for the help of affirmative action (which is unconstitutional and unfair to whites). Jewish interests helped the negroes form voting fronts and this along with cowards in government pushed negroes to the forefront so they could cry and moan all the time and leftist papers picked up their complaints. Now negroes are mainly at war with whites and most whites do not know it. There is NO living with this black race living around you. They are parasites, criminals, and war-mongers. Now the next big push is race mixing in a big way. That is why television and especially television advertisers all show white women with a black husband in their commercials. Sit down in front of your television with a writing pad. Watch television as usual and watch the commercial carefully. Take note of the commercials that show a white woman with a black man and you will see there are tons of them. Sometime the negro is just on for a second but that is long enough to make an imprint on the subconscious brain. Make an effort never to buy that product again. This is a social experiment started in the 60's to weaken America and to see if it could be done. The left and the demos are ruining our whole world and they must be stopped. The negro responds to power and nothing else and it is time we exert some just as they do. Save yourself, your children, and the country. Stand up and fight.
We can always rewrite songs:
Like "Three days in the Hole" to "Three days in the Hood"
Or, rename bands:
"Three Dog Night" can become "Three Negro Nights"
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